TIIE MORNING OREGONIAN, SATURDAY, 'APRIL 22, 1911 19 NO SURPLUS OF HAY Supplies Will Be Used Up Be fore New Crop Comes. MARKET IS VERY FIRM Slock of Timothy la the Hand of Kastrrn Oregon and aWrn Washington Farmers I Small. Cotrrnmrnt Order. Th. hav mtikM la v-rr firm Willi evi- tnrfu-atloai IhAt all th SUPDllsa sow lft in tha Northwest will be need up or tha tlrtia th. Is ow. stocks of timo thy la th hands of farmers la Eastern Or.soo an1 rastera Washls:ton ara small. Borne Montana har baa beea brought on I ma market, but It arms In rmd. and ansattWartorr. It la llk.ty th Government will befnre Ions- b la th mark for Ita Forma surely for shipment to th rhlllB- iibm. and If th euetomary amount booaht. It will add to th bullish position r. f th nupkrt. Poset Smail and Spokane b-iyere hare miili heater nurcbases of alfalfa in taano and th. mirktl la Orm thr. California rrop piupeta are, not as food as arlir la th aeasoa. Th local wheat market was firm y tertlas without chans In price. There waa a fair d.tnaad and offerlnits wr Inade itn.o Th nana rrslns w.r Una and unchaneed. Wklr forwls-n what shipments wr re ported by th Merchants Esrhsnre as fol lows: Thti w ir ijit wk. Ijt rr. Tnilla anon.-) i.im.ino I!on Arr-ntlna 2.T:.i.tM 3.4" ."o luitnlK 1 IHOiW 4-Ml.itl Local receipts. In ears, were reported br tb Merchants Kxrhanaje as followi fhat Farley nur Oats Her dates, packace. l"aj par pound; ft, bulk, whit or black, by sack. 7trc; , $Lt VH-. IS-Ua. tic; SS-la. 1.I5: l-ls, tie: Smyrnaa. lsc. SALMON Colombia River. 1-p.aind talis. fl.1 per dozen: J-pound tails. f!.t3; 1 pound flats. 3-40; Alaska pia. 1-pound Ulls. "ll.Ii. COFFEI: Roasted, la drama, 110140 per pound. ' NUTS Walnuts. KSklle per pound: Rraill nuts. 144) lie; Bltarta. ISO: almonds. litflAc: prinj, lc: cocoaauts. 945(t$l per doaea; cheatauta. IJHru psr pejatl; hickory But, spite pr pound. HO.VEI-Choice. IJ.IS par ease; strained. He per pound. SALT tlraoulated. 11$ per too: balf-g-round. la. l II per ton: 90s. f psr too. HKAN3 timall white. 4 He: lartre whits. 4 Sc. Lima. e; pink. tie; red Meaicat.. lUd bayou, sc. HICK No. 1 J pn. 4c: chf!r trades, t; 4.3S: Southern head. &tjv; im port .l Imperial. c; Imported extra X 1, T:ic. 8t uAR Dry sranulaled. fruit and berry. IS 40: yellow D. it.Is: powdered. .&. Terms oa remittances within IS days, de duct He per pound; If later than. 15 da)S and within days, deduct Ho per pound. Maple sugar. 14 w lie per pound. lrvllaa. HAMS I to ! pounds. lfjlte: II to It pounds. liVjlVc. 14 to la pounds. lStctyl4Se; skinned, lie; picnics. Iliac; come roil. UHe. SMUKTD MKATS Heer toncuea. i;c; dr!-4 M( sets, none: outsldes. none; :n- shi'S. ?c; knuckles. IOC. DACON Kancy. 5c: standard. 14c: cbilce. 33e; bnsllnh. 1T-. IKT SALT I'URKD Krsular short clears. dry salt. 11c; smoked. 14ic; backs. Ucht. sit. 11 Vjc: smoked, lsc: backs. Heavy. ss:t. 13c: smoked. lVc; exports, salt. 14c; smoked. ISc. LARD Kettle rendered. tierces. IH40: tubs, i:tc. standard, pure, uerres. 11 c; tuba llVtc; choice, tierces, lle; tuba, lv,c: sttortealnc. tierces. c: tubs, ic IN EXPORTS Larger Clearances Stimulate the Wheat Market. PRICES HALF CENT HIGHIR, Start In the ClUcago Pit Is Weak on Bearish Crop and Weather News, but Shipping Figures Turn the Tide. 600 40O 3(X 100 soo 100 44 K) tn i'oo 206 166 1 Hon, n ool. Mldea. Kte. HOTS 11 crop. Itilsc; 20 crop. sjltc: contracts. 17c. MOHAIR Tholes, KSJTtiC per pound delivered. Portland. WOOL Eastern Oregon, nominal, 1 1 tf 1 4o per pound, arcordinc to shrlnksgs; alley. 14tf lie per pound. I'KI.T Dry. c: salted, country pelts. wcvSl per pound; lamb pelts Zkc IlinrTH Salted hide, iue per pound alted calf, lie; salted kip. Trtr: sslted stags, ISc: green hides, la less; dry hides. 17c: dry calf. 17n11c: dry stags. IIOUC CASCARA BAKK I'sr pound, ic Menc!ay .... Tuedae .... Tdn.'lay . Thuraday ... vnday Tear aeo ... Hra. to date . Tear ago ... 7? 1 !" IT ,1nan . asM 11 4 1 3.1 T T 1T II 17 10 aoa lOtil XI 3 15 1 IO Oils. LINSEEP OIL I'ura raw. la barrels. tlvll no. l-d. In barrels. S1.04: raw. In cajtee. II 07: belled. In rases, 11. OS.. Tl'RPEN 1 INfcT i"aes, pc; wood barrels. SHc: Iron barrels. sc; 10-cas lots. 9.",c. GASOI.INK Motor gasoline. Iron barrels, lHc: cases. Sd gasoline. Iron bar rels. ?c: rase 3". H C. "AL, Oll-Ordinary teat, eases. ISSlSo bulk. In tanks, use: high teat. Miic. lOC.tt MARKET II riB.M hars Reactlosi La Um East From th R ceat btassp. Th local egg market baa gained In flrra- n-as la th psst two daa Twenty cents was th general quotation on candled stock yeterdsy. but th coming week will prob ably se so advance and during the re mainder of th season price will gradually re. Receipts ar diminishing dally and .foKoers bow find little dlfflcalty In cleaning up. In th astra marketa th slump waa brought to a sudden stop and .prices bar reacted sharply. Storage pack was quoted It the East yesterday 14 cents higher than Saturday. Tetaluma eggs ar offered laid down her at T3 cent. The poultry market weakens steadily an-!-r larger arrivals, which Is an Indication thst the heavy laying season Is coming to a clo. liens wer quoted on tb street a 19 cents snd dragged at that. In country dressed meats th weskest tea t'ire ws veal. In view of th heavy re- ctpta. buyers would not offer over 11 1, cent fr fancy. Pork and lambs wer steady. Thr wss an eaav undertone In the but ter market In eonseouenc of th lrg of - f-rlns. of outside creamery. Oheei redy. rJuliyEBS BEAR MARKET FINK IDAHO STKKRS AUK TAKEX AT $.0. KTRAHnRRRir.H I ROM I LOMX TODAT. Aawtber KhlpsBewl to aag Fvwaa laaLlassi. Tosaal t rwas tiaeiila. Th arst Fiona strawberriea will be In the market today. There will he another shlr'n.nt of !.ou!alsna berrtea Monday. seat week th supply of this fruit should b srepi. Tb last shipment of Leulslsaa berries was entirely cleaned up yesterday. Eight cars ef bananas arrived (luring tha day in good condition. Orangea wer firm and lemons steady. A fine car ef FWrlda tomatoes was received 0-1 th street. Choice sold at 13 a crate aad fancy at --3. Price oa the Best car will b S4t cents higher. California peaa ar becoming mora plentiful and ar lower, at ! 1-S rents a pound. A car of mixed vegetables arrived yesterdsy morning. BfOH.lI TOO HMitf L5 OBTAioX. Mr. Ray say U Cewts I Fitrem Vara. Nt Bayer fee Leeal Mill. In speaking ef th mohair pool sat at Seta. A. J. Ray. of this city, said that all of. b .a mformatloa from th Cast la ta tb effect that u cents la aa extreme prtc for Oregosi Balr. Mr. Ray further stated that his firm I not ths year representing tb local mohair milt. Aaeta.r Advaac hs Petal eee. Tb potato market bas taken another Jump, several cars having been bought la th cotrr try at J3. Jobbing quotations oa tb street war raised la moat quarter to csa. a car of Idaba potatoes waa unloaded. Th last car of ooinna left la farmers' Basra la Oregon waa sold this week. Shippers Were Holding Ont for $7. 25 Sheep and Lambs Mte at Sleadr Prices. . Th 11 cars of Idsho steers that hav been on th market for th past thre dss were sold yesterdsy at !.. Th shippers Wer holding out for a IT. 25 price. but th packers refused to corns up. and being well supplied with beef material had things their own wsy. A losil of good to choic steers went at t-2. and a fe cows brought $3.&s. Ther was a fairly good offering of mut ton stork and tha market wss quit stesdy. si bunches of wethers sold at It and 14.71 and a few yearlings brought j. A mall lot of Spring iambs sold at f, against the previous prlc of 15.73. Receipts yesterdsv were 13 csttl. 1:4 sheep and ? hogs. T:i shippers were F. It. Decker. Sllverton. 1 car of cattle, calves and sheep, and J. C Dsvls, Shedds. 1 car of sheep. The dsy's sales were aa follows: Weight. Prte. steers l:l - M steers 1-M 4 0 7 steers 1:11 4 0 14 steers 17 4 -t COWS .............li: lit !1 yearling wethers IIS i n II Spring lambs si s ua lit wethers 77 4 2 wethera 75 4.SS 174 wethers 17 4.75 113 wethers 17 4.75 Prices current oa the various ctssses of stock at th Portland Union Stockyards rer as follows: Prim grain-fed steers ......... 14.75 t It 0 Chelcs steers ......... a .our a so Good to ebole steers o.iy - Fair to good stcsrs. .. 9 Cemmua steers 4.7 tVus Prluts cows t;ood to chotr cow ....... Fair to good cows. ...... I oor cows v'holc belfers Chotc bulis Good to enole bulls I'botc Ugnl calvea t'eood to choice light calvea. F'alr to medium ligbt calvea Choice heavy calve . 4o .o4) ..... . W 4y a.9 ..... 4-7iJ i w ..... 4 W 4M 4.oOJ 0.75 ..... 4-T.ui l 00 ..... li'.tf 4.75 ..... .Sow a 73 ..... b.Vuy 8 id .... T.3oo S 00 tiUtf loo Baak Clesurtssra, Bank clearings of th Northwestern cities yesterdsy wer aa follow: Clearing. Prtlaad . ............!.4o.'4 K'alll. ............... 1.7 IV 124 Tscoma .............. 7 6 1 ! spjksn ao.5 Palanr, t 74 I.'.I.IM 1I.4M .jevi rORTT-A-XD MAKalFT. tSraaa. FVaar. FesdC Kte. WBKAT Track prices: Blueatem. It0c; club. 11914c; red Russian, lie; Valley. So; 4 fold. ia4c Ft A RLE T Choice feed. t:7 30; per ton. MlLLsTLFFS Bran. I:llli:i per ton: middlings. 141; shorts, :5.t; roiled barlsy. :isj. LOIR Pa tenia. $4 aj per barrel; iniKaw. e-e; npma e iv; valley. X4.SS; graaam. 44 5o; whol wheat. $4 70. COHV Whole, lit; cracked. per too. OATd No. 1 villa. l:t;.lo psr ton. HAY Timothy. Eastern ttregoo. Ma. -1 tJl.io light mixed. IIUCD; heavy mixed. II7.0 l.JO; alfalfa. tl4i15; clo ver, llaivoixio; grata bay. (Il.30tfl4.50. Seaetables aad rraltav A7K TSQETABLBS Carrots sv q tI per bsadred. parsntpa, We OH: turalpa, SO ll: becta PtKtH. IKopi. AL FHUlTS Orange, narela. t-50 0 2.73 per box; Florida grapefruit, i; Ca-kfornis grapefruit. 13 ay 3.30. bananas. b S per lb., tiiaeappiea. 0c per lb.; lemons, tTjfi:;; tanserine. $1.73 per box. rKt.-iH FKL1 r-r-btrawbemra. Louislsns. per rrate, spplea, fsncy. $3-o)3L; choice. $lyl.5: commoa. Toctrtl Per box. VsviEtAbU Asparagua. 11.75WX75 per crate: eaooace. n.:;yiii per hundred: cauliflower. i.3(iL7. per doa; celery. Cali fornia. It per crats; cucumbers, 3 1. : i per doses: ecsp.ant. 150 la.; garlic ltl3e per lettuce. Jee per dose; bolhous lettuce. $1-55 if 1.50 per box; pes. IvtilSSo per P-'Und. peppers, ; per lb.: tsdlshes. ut per duxea. rhubarb. $19 1.23 par box; sprouts. Ox-; tomstoes, u i J-i. POTATOES Oregoa. jobUg prlc. (it3 491.3a jrr bandrvd. OMU.sS Jobbing prices: Oregon, $3 1$ par hundred; Australian. $4 per hundred. Dairy sad Cawatry Prodac. POVLTRT Hens. lc; broUsrs. 30c; tur key, ducks. SOc; gee.. dressed tureevs, chOA.e. E'io.S Oregon ranch, candled, toe par do : cae count, is per dose.-i. CHEEKIS F-aU creaax. twlsa, 33a per la,i Tessa America, lsc V1AL Fancy. S3 ta 133 pooada. 10v II Hs per pound. BCTTTB tlty creamery extra, t aad J powad pruta. la boxea. ae per paind; lees tsart sos lots, cartons aad delivery eztra. FORK Fancy. loles per poaad. Si lie-VO LiaBs lis per poaad. Ciarsrlsa. Drteel Frnils, Etc PRISD rnriTt Apple. UtyltHs pr fesst; carraata, liktsi apricots. 1 i lie; Fslr to medium neavy calvea.... 4 ijii ct.OO Cholc stags S.-U tj 4.50 t;ood to cbolcs stags 4.eUCS s.vo Fslr t medium stags.......... .ovy AttO Uoss Choice hogs '.ones T.I3 Good to cliotc bogs. ............ t3u( e73 Chotc beiy a75t 7. 00 Good to ebole heavy. 4(XJ 6 50 Common ........... a.tH) Stock bogs t.JOJ 7.73 bheep Gram-fed wethers, henry 4.309 S00 Cho.ce young wethers, grain-fed. s.ovnt 3,-3 yid wethers 4a 4.50 Good to cbatc shorn wstbers... 4 35t 4.50 Cbolcs swea. grain-fed 4.&oy 4 11 Fair t medium ewes............ 3 i5i 4 00 ttood to choice shorn owes...... 3.73is 4.00 Cbolc wool lamba grslo-ted. . . . .oof ft.7 Good to cbolc wool lajube, grala fed ..... o -ity 0.00 Choice shorn lambs, grain-fed.. kV3 ft.40 Good to cbolcs shorn lambs, grsia red - o vove B.Z3 Fsir to good lambs, grain fed.... 4-73 u t -5 Culls - &o r &-o The following quotstlons represent prises en this msrket for tba different classes of horves: lirsfters. extra heavy. Ilo0t500; drafters. J4O0 to 17O0 lb.. !5f!50: draft ers. l.'OO to 1400 rb . (luotyzo: chunks. ImjOIOo; pluss. 1 10X40: driving horsva, 73 ana up; saouts norses. iuj ana sp. C hkrag Uvwetavk Market. CJItAOO. Aotil 21. Cattle Receipts es- tlmsted at 1im; market, steadv and strong. rleevcs. 5.T5tJ.M: Texss steers, l.(ll 8 BO; Western steers. $-i 5 0 5.75: atockers and feeders, $4v5.70; com v snd heifers. i.'Stl5.75: calves. $I.T3t.30. 11 os. Receipts estimated st IS OOO; mar ket, steady anil strone. Ligttt. I5.u5th.o: mixed $3-byA30; heavy. $.V7O0V2O; rough. t3.704j3.PO: good to choice heavy. livov'Ju; pigs. $3.pota-e3: bulk ot sales, ti.lus.-0. Mjeep Receipts sstimsted at TOOO: mar ket, steady to a shsde higher. Native. 1.14 .?; Western. 3il3r4 70; yesrlings. $4.3t 0-S.1: lamps, nsuva, st.ovif ..o; western. 34.730O..5. Metal Marketa, NEtV TORE. April 11. Standard copper firm. Spo. April, star. Just and July. 11. 70 8 11-sc London, strong. 54. F'utures. 154 12a Id. Custom-house returns show ex ports so far this month of 32.754 tons, and It Is said that exports for ths psst week have beea aa heavy as for the entir month of April last yesr. Locsl dealers reported a Arm but unchanged market. Lake. 13.17 HO 135c; electrolytic. 1X.11 u 1M7 c and casting. 11.17 taVl-c -Tin steady. Spot and April. 4; 15 045c; May. 41 ISty 41 4.V-: June. 4164041.75c, and July. 40.75 ty41.:5c bales. 35 tons June port of New York). 41.75c London, steady. Spot H4 174 Cd: future. 1111 15a. Lead dull. 4 444.5'c New Tork: 4.71 4.30c Ea.t St. Louts. London. fl3 14 Id. Spelter easy. 1 4595.35c New Tork: i-JS 4j5-3!Se East St. Louis. London. III. Antlniony. dull. Cooksoa's. Itjs.sac Iron Cleveland warrants. 4ts 7vtd. Leeal Iron wss quiet. No. 1 foundry Northern. 13.50tr ll?3: No. J. 13.t5ll; No. I Poulh srn and No 1 Southern soft, $15.140 14. CHICAGO, April ;e. Export clearances ar greater In volume than a year ago and with casb business here showing some little lranro cement, wheat closed firm today at a net advane of U 4 e to He. Latest arlces left com Ve to lc higher than last night, oats off ttc. and provisions 34y3So Incressed cost. Ths stsrt In the whest pit ass weak. I jHHAAlnrln. .nhlH and t ll C desl weatLer snd crop conditions this side of th Atlantic F'orecaet of heavy world's shipments gave , prices a further shove in a downward movement. News which was lesst In fsvor of ths bulls, however, csme from Russia and told of a bright outlook there. But when word arrived that ex port clearance for the week had reached nearly Ivd.soO bushels In excess of the to tal this Urns lst year the market hardened and pit traders turned to th bull sid. Closing IWrures wer about th best of th sesson. Msy ranged from Mo to HSC with last sales 0 Vso up, at 01 ow,c Th feature In corn wss good buying on th part of provision Interests. High and low limits for Msy were 81c and 60 fee Ift'ac with the wind-up c net higher, at lo'vbllo. Cash grades showed a Arm tone No. 3 yellow finished 51f31c Th oats market served chiefly to re flect the feeling In th corn and wheat crowds. May varied between 31 He and 37c closing at 31 a a net loss of Setrfcc Timid shorts put up the price of hog products. At the last gong pork was up .fee; lard, and ribs, SVxtjl to UVic The leading futurea ranged aa followa: WHEAT. Open. High. I ." .90V .K7 a .. .S -7V CORN. .SOH .51 .51 S .51 .12 OATS. .11 .33 .31'. '.ll'i .31V, .11 MESS PORK. 15. SO 15.55 15.10 14. 0 1 1.811 H 14.15 LARD. 7 S 7 T 7.15 1. 04 7.10 SHORT RIBS. 1.171, 1.67', I27S II OO 1.02 7.2 , 7.2 e 7.15 7.4S Caah quotations wer as followa Rye No. !. 12c Barley Feed or mixing. 7O0IOO cholca malting. I1.03O1.1J. Flaxseed No. 1 Southwestern, $3.47; JVO. Northwestern. 17.40. Timothy seed 112. Clover 115. Mess pork per bsrrel. $!I4TII.2S. I-trd Pr 100 pounds. $7.15. Short ribs Sides (loose). I7.42H tTI.'S. Sides Short, clear (boxed), $8.12 Vs tfs.75. Crsin ststlstlcs: Total clearance of wheat and flour were equal to 194. 000 bushels. Exports for th week, as shown by Bradstreet a. were equs to 1.770.000 bushels. Primary receipts were 312.000 bushels, compared with 210, 100 bushels th corrsspondlng day a year sgo. K.ttmated receipts for tomorrow Whest. 13 csrs: com. 11 cars; oats, 113 bogs, i 1.000 head. iteceipts. Shipments. May.. Juiv. . Sept. . Msy. . July.. Sept. . May.. July.. Sept.. Msy.. July. . May.. July.. May.. July.. Sept. Low. .. .171, .S0!4 '.1 Vi .31'., .31 a 31 W Close. $ .nH Js .I71 .51 .Bit; .21 .31 .31 Ts 15.50 14.30 S.87H 7.7 H ITV4 $.00 7.$:i fair to Bait Ohio . . . Bethlehem Steel . Brook K Tran.. Canadian Pao .. Central Leather. do preferred. . Central of N J. . Ches a Ohio ... Chicago 4c Alton . Chi Gt West .. . do prsferred. . . Chicago N W . C, M St Paul. C. C. C St L. . . Col Fuel St Iron . Col ft southern. . Consol Gss ... Corn Products H Del tc Hudson. . . D R Grande- . do preferred.. . Distillers' occur . Krla do 1st pf .... do 2d pf Geuerikl Elec . tit North pf ... C.t North Ore .. Illinois Central. . Interbor Met .. do preferred.. Inter Harvester. Inter Marina pf . lot Paper lnt Pump Iowa Central . K C Southern.. . do pref'-rred. , . Laclede Gas lxuls a Nash .. Minn A St I. . . . M. S 1 A 8 S M Mo. Ksn A Tex. do preferred.. Mo Pacific Nat Biscuit . . . r.'atlonal Lead.. Mcx N By pf .. N Y Central . . . N Y. Ont Wet Norfolk Wea. North Am Northern Pac . . Pacific Mall ... Pennsylvanis ... People's Gas . .. P. C C St I. Pittsburg foal.. I'res-ed S Car.. Ry Steel Spring. Reading Republic Steel .. do prererrea. Rock Island Co. l.nOO do nref erred.. 800 StL&SF3pf St L Southwest do preferred.. ...... Sloss-ShcRleld Southern Pec .. l.flOO Southern Uy .. 4'Mj do preferred.. ...... Tenn copper Texas A Par . . Tol. St L Wea 00 prererrea. Union Psclllo . do preferred. V s Realty .. I- 8 Rubber .. U S Steel do preferred. Utah Copper too 101 10314 77 2244 27 08 300 79 77 22 2tl 08 '78 800 118 118 ZOO 142 20 4U ir.i 1-4 60 "is vi iia' 21 40 V ir,i" 124 00 "is" iie 2O0 18 10 lOO 100 'iiMt soo ' i'.ioo 3K0 2O0 "7r6 jno 71 Ml 300 91K- suo ioo 100 28.6i'6 4K 102 144 ;i2 4K.' 133 .-.is ior.K 40 lmli, 7,. 122 i'24 10t 1(12 144 i:':ri' ' ai "4K 133 .'I 4(1 1(1.1 - 7(1 121 i'it ll4 20 20 81 - 31 1M 81 28 &U 114 2 400 20 2(lrt 14. SW 2O0 '"inn 29. SOO 2(HI 100 Vs-Caro Chem IS.IOO 47 174 93 "40 74 lin'i 41 B.1 1 3S 1M St 27 69 lin 26 2!i "4e 174 !3 "40' ' 74 11! 41 - r.sS id 3 103 S2 7rt 224 2f. 8 275 7 80 20 43 142 118 49 2M CI 141 13 106 29 9 .14 28 4(i :i isi-. 124 1.1(1 17 RO 110 13 WH 18 10 S2 dri 1(12 14.1 21 '1.1-1 31 07 4S 131 51 34 ltr 40 1(1.1 7I 121 2.1 124 104 04 . " 20 .11 .12 151 .11 P4 28 R!l . 81 3d tin . .HI ii.i4 -1 Kl 35 25 18 4(1 174 92 71 sn 74 119 41 r.s 15 3B 43 04 72 . 4 170 BUTTER A CENT LOWER EGGS ADVANCE TO 24 CEXTS AT SEATTLE. Wabash 1 do nref erred.. 100 Western Md ... Westing Elec Western TJnron.. 400 72 (2 Wheel A L E I .1.1.1. v-oll.v 1 700 17l'i 170 Total sales for tne aay, i,n BONDS. NEW TORK, April 21. Cloainr quota- ulTref. re.101N. T. C. gn 8. 8S do coupon ...11Ino. pacific 3a... ,0 U 8. 3a reg.' JlVNo. Pacific 4a... 99 do coupon ...Kl!rnlon Pacific 4S.10I U. anew 4s reg.H4!Wls. Central 4a. 92 do coupon ...115 (Japanese 4s .. 86 B D. A R. G. 4S... 93 B Stacks at Boston. BOSTON, April 21. Closing quotatlon-3l Alloues 5:A iion Amalg. Copper.. 61Navada Con . . . A. z. L. sm.. 21 Nlplslne Mines.. Arlxona Com, .. 12North Hutte Atlantic 4 North Lake Butte Coalition. lrt Old Dominion... Cal. Arlxona. 48!Osceola Flour, barrels Whest. bushels Corn, bushels . Oats, bu.hels . Kye. bu.hels . Barley, bushels ... It 5'K ... u.ooe ...104.:eo ...152.400 ... J. OO0 ... 14.004 Grain at Kan Frawetaea. FRANCISCO. April 21.- 8.400 $.000 1.600 210.3O0 7.400 II. OHO -Wheat SAN Stesdy. Bsrley Easy. Spot quotations: Wheat Shipping. II 47 tf 1.50 par cental. Her ley Feed. 1. 45 0 1.47 per cental brewing. $1.50 1. r5 per centaL Oat. Red. I1.3..W 1.47 per cental: black, $1 30 t L3 per centaL Cell board sales: Wheat No trading. Barley December. $1.30 per cental: May, IL&O per cental. Grain Markets f tb Northwest. TACOMA. April 51. Wheat Bluealem. nominal, st hMtrVOe; fortyfold. 87c: club, t7c: red Russian. R4c Pstent flours ad vanced 20 cents a barrel. Receipts, wheat cars, nay cars. SEATTLE. April 21. Mllltns- onot.tlon.- Pluestem, 97c: fortyfold. 8',c; club, s.ic; nfe. h,1c; red Russian, bile. Kxport wheat: Blueatem. Mc: fortrfold. S3c: club. 82c: nfe. K2c: red Ruaalan, hoc Teslerdsy csr re ceipts, wheat 10 cars, corn 1 car, barley 2 cars. aa. ay 16 cars. oete. 2 cars. Knropraa Grata Markets. I1NDON. April 21. Csrsoes. a firmer feeling. Walla Walla for shipment at vd. ringii.n country mars. is. arm; French coun. try maraeta. quiet. LIVERPOOI April 21. Wheat. Mar. 01 nd: July. Os vd; October, 6 . oud. weather, cloudy. Minneapolis Wheat Mark. MINNEAPOLIS. April 21. Wheat- May. 0tlo; July. Mc: September. 90c Cash: No. 1 bard. Sl.ootat Kn Knrtk.ni vc0$l; No. t Northern, 93?0Sc; No. i wneat. vjote,c TENSION IS RELIEVED MISSOURI PACIFIC'S COXDITIOX MATERIALITY STRENGTHENED Dried Fruit at New Tarfc. NEW TORK. April 2L Evaporated ap ple inset iv. nominal. Spot, fancy, lie; choice. 11 c: prime. 11c Prunee quiet and firm. Quotations range from te I Jo for California up to 3-4s. aad Utilise for Oregons from lo to 10a. Peacbee Ana with a better expert demand for aew crop shlpmenta Cbolc. T 49 7 Hex extra boio. 7 !: Xaaey. . Stock Iarket Generally Heavy, but Net Losses on tlie Day Are Slight. NEW TORK. ApHl 21 The tension of the last few dsys In WslI street waa re lieved today with the passage of the so- called Missouri Paclflo affair from the place of predominant Interest which it had occupied much of the week. The street seems to have arrived at the conclusion that the Oould Interests has msd deflnlt and favorabl financial ar rangements and that the Rockefeller ln- uence In the Gould properties as a whole, ss been materially strengthened. The stock market generally . waa heavy nd reports as to the outlook for the steel nd Iron trad were eepeclalry depressing. In spit of th heavy undertone, net losses on the dsy were slight, largely because short covering prevented any extensive re cessions. The bond market was steady. Total sales, par value.. 11.504.000. Catted States bonds were unchanged on call. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. Closing. Allls Cha! pf .. Amsl Copper .. Am Arrtcult . .. Am Beet Sugsr. American Can M Am Csr Fdy. Am Cotton Oil Am Hd A Lt pf Am Ice Securl.. Am Linseed . . Am Locomotive. Am Smel A Rf do preferred .. Am Steel Fdy .. Am Sugsr Rcf.. Am Tel A Tel.. Am Tobacco pf Am Woolen .... eurondl M Co r-bison do preferred.. AU Coast aUa.. Ss'cs. 2.100 8. 7oO 2.200 .lot I POO 400 7.100 High. 05 .42 9 01 61 Ix)w. M HI14 64 42 .9 61 60 ., '8(it "io' iV" 100 85 85 1.600 72 71 a e e ' 4'ei 145 i i45 100 97 97 IOO 24 64 jCioo io 107 100 102 102 400 .120 120 Bid. 28 1 64 9 61 60 23 10 35 71 104 44 11 145 97 33 ld 107 102 17 10 26 5 16 ...100 Cal. Hecla...4SO Ir-arrott to. . . . i.i llU'Ouinrv 04 Cop. Ran. cl'c'o. Shannon " v. u 1 1 u .Rtinerlor 31 ?:.okll . ..... Si Sup Bos Mln.. 3 Olroux Con 61Sup A Pitts Cop. k On 1 Tum.ra.'lr ...... r-.ee.ne Canan'e'sl iU. 8. S. K. M.23B I. Royal (Cop.) 13l do preferred .. 45 Kerr lAk iinn t - , 1. . OHi;vlnnna 0 t. s.iie Conner 4 Wolverine ..... 108 A Money. F-xrhange, Etc. veor vnnt. Anrll 21. Money on call . . ,.. ni ,.,a. nor cent- rullne rate. 2 per cent; closing bid, 2 per cent; offered at 2 per cent. .. Tim loans, repy dull: 00 days, 2 per nnt,a eai Ma e.er cent. Prime mercantile paper. 3H34 per cent. Sterling exchange stesdy. with actual bus iness In Dsnsers- oin ...o.-,., dsy bills and at 1.8o43 for demand. Commercial hills, 11.83. Bar silver. 53 c Mexican dollars, 45c Government and railroad bonds, steady. LONDON. April 21. Bar allver, 24(I psr ounce. XToe.ee 2ti t?2t4 ner cent. The rate of discount In the open market forshort bills Is 22 7-l per cent; do for three months' bills. 2tf3 7-io per cent. SAN FRANCISCO. April 21. Sterling on London. tJO dsys. $4.84; do signt, ftooa Drafts, sight, par; telegraph. 2c. CHICAGO, April JL Exchange on Now Tork. 40o premium. Condition of the Treasury, triuivi!Tflv. Aorll 21. At th begln- nlnr of business today the condition 01 th rnlted btates 'treasury was: u-nrkln, halanc m Treasury of fice . $:.4o.s In banks and Philippine Treasury 11.12'J.IM Total balance In general fund.... $4,436,484 Ordinary recelota yesterday I.s4.74 rirdlnarv dlabursementa 3.787.307 Th deficit lo QSt tnis liacai car ie 11.757.121. ss against lll.0SI.50t at this Im laat vesr. These figures exclude Panama canst ana public debt transactions. BOSTON 'WOOL MARKET QUIETS DOWN Price Are Maintained at th Previous Low i LeTeL BOSTON. April SL The Commercial Bul letin will say tomorrow of the wool mar ket: . . Tha wool situation has quieted down somewhat from th recent heavy purchases by a large Rhode Island manufacturer and transactions for the week nave seen amy moderate, the mills generally coming Into the market to cover actual requirements. Price, have been maintained on tne same low lavel that prevailed last week. Demand Is Better and Snpplie9 Are Lighter i Extreme -Potato Price Is Not Held. SEATTLE. Wash.. April 21. (Special.) Butter was quoted a cent lower this morn Ing at 26 cents. The production of local butter is increasing rapidly. - Eggs advanced to 24 cents on a better demand and a lighter supply. Veal was steady at 12 to 13 cents, poultry receipts do not Increase at atL The potato market was not ss strong. Several commission men who hav been asking ir,0 dropped their price to 348. Aoparagus wss firm. Cucumbers dropped to 1 to $1.75 a dozen. Onions sold from $.1.50 to . $3.75. backed vegetables were scarce. - The orarnre market wax stirrer, with best brand, quoted 2. cents higher. Bluest em whest was quoted a cent higher st 90 cents this morning on the Merchants Kxchange, Othei varieties were quoted hslf cent higher at R4 cents, except red, which' was quoted at ar cents. Oats and barley each showed a loss of 50 cents a ton. Prices tvere largely nominal In all depart menta. PRODUCE -AT SAN TBANCISCO. Quotations Current in the Bay City Mar keta SAN FRANCISCO. April 21. The follow ing produce prices were current today : Vecetables Cucumbers. 75c -$1.25; gar lic. 4-iJOc: green peas. 4iyoc- string beans 102 25c: asparagus, 40ctt$1.25: tomatoes, nominal; egg plant, 10-(15c. Butter Fancy creamery. 22c Kgs-s Store. 19c; fancy ranch. 21c Cheese Young America. Ilrl2c Millstuffs Bran. 3-'ij27; middling-, $32 C'o3. Fruit Apples, choice. $1.25; common. $1; Mexican iimea. 5oao.on: California lemons. choice. $-1.25, common, tl.oo; oranges, navel, $1.2502.75. Onion. $.1.75?4. Hay--Whea:. Sllfr 13.50 per ton; wheat and oats. 9'a U; alfalfa. $9 011. Potatoea Sullnas Tturbanks, $S5S3; Ore gon Burbanks. $2.60 2.75. Receipt- Flour. 5434 quarter sack? wheat, 1SS5 centals; barley, 45TO centals oats, 650 centals; potatoes, S3S0 sacks:, bran, 45 sacks: middlings, 10 sacks; hay. 308 tons. Coffee and Sugar. NEW TORK, April 2L Coffee futures closed firm at a net advance or 14 kit points, eales, 89.250 bags. April. 10c: May. 10.10c; June. 10.14c; July. i.ic; jiuguat. lo.iac- Sentember. 10.14c: October. .c; November. 9.15c; December, 9.80c; January, .91c; February. 92c: March. 9.91c Spot co (tee steady. Itio no. 7, 11 c; ren te No. 4. 12 c Mild coffee quiet. Cor dova, lS4jlSc, nominal. Sugar Kaw. barely steady, muscovado. 19 test. 2 42c: centrifugal. 9 test. 1.92c; molasses, 9 test. 8.17c; refined steady. Imports and Exports. NEW TORK. April 21. Imports of mer- ehandls and dry goods at the port of Near Tork for the week ending April 15 wer valued at $14,901,701. Imports of specie at the port of New Tork for the week ending today were $177. 27 silver and (141.812 gold. Export, of specie for the week were ises.- 404 silver and $813,000 gold.. Iron Ore Price Is Cut. CLEVELAND. April tl. Prices of Lake Superior iron ore for this year's delivery have been fixed at a reduction of 60 cents per ton. compared with last year's prices. The Iron Trade Review today says the action was precipitated by th action of a Pittsburg concern In selling 650,000 ton at a 60-cent reduction. New York Cotton Market. NEW YORK, April 21. Cotton Spot closed quiet. 6 points up- Middling uplands. 15c; do. Gulf. 15.25c. M saies. Cotton futures closed steady. points higher to 1 point lower. April, 14.81c; May. 14.17c: June. 14.90c: July, 14.92c; August. 14.10c; September. 13.40c; October. 2.13c: November. 12.ic: Decemoer, a..vo; anusry, 12.77c; March. l!.87c Wherever merit alone is consid ered in the adop tion of a street pavement, there you will always find bitulithic. TRAVELERS GUIDE, Across the Ocean Palatial, modern steamers with every comfort and convenience. Wireless and submarine signals. Travelers' checks. NORTH GERMAN LLOYD London Paris Bremen Steals a la cart without extra charge. Gibraltar .Algiers Naples Genoa Expreaa iiilllnn to Londoo, Parts 4ud Bremisa Tery TutMday. Fa mail ttrnmen to Lon. don. pAt-ls aad tireineo UTery Thursday Mtrdiu-rraoeaa Porta every Saturday l.ldmore-Brra?n,on clan oabiD NramerWedneadaya, jLTOODtl-lheVWorid Til IMS, 0I1UCHS CO. Ceo. Agfa, S Broadway, few York HOBKRT CAPKLLK, G. . P. C,0 Baa yranrlatpa, or Local Agent. Connection for Fsypt and Far Kaat by Com pany's streamers. GAHADIAH PACIFIC STEM8SIIIPS Th Tourist Highway and Scenic Route to Europe via The St. La wren a River, ths Shortest Ocean Passage. Tesa than Four Daya at Sea bv the "EMPRESSES OF THE ATLANTIC." Weekly sallinrs Montreal, Quebec, to Liver pool. First cabin, 100; second cabin. $47-30; third cabin. 130. Ak local scents F. R. jTThnsoa. a. A.. 142 Third Su. or J. J. Forster. T. P. A.. C09 First Ave.. Seattle. l84lillMm3Mll9lll The Standard for 70 Years and Still the Best. Tours and tickets everywhere at all seasons. loU oitices abroad, bend for Traveler's Gazette free. TH0S. COOK & SON, MARKET ST 9A" FHAXCI5CO. COOK'S TRAVELERS' CHKt'E!4 txOOD ALL OVER THH WOULD. COOS BAY LINE STEAMER BREAKWATER sails from Alaska dock. Portland. "Postponed Sailing-," alia B A. M. Wednesday. April 20. Falling of April 19 canceled. Commencing May 1, A. M., every five daya Freight received at Alaska dock until 5 P. M. daily. Passenger fare nrat-class. $10; second-class, $7, In cluding meals and berth. Tickets on sale at Alnawortn cjock. x'none Main 20e. a izjs. STEAMER ANVIL carrying paseenirers and freight, will leave Albers' Dock. No.- 3. Saturday eveninir. April 22, at 7 P. M., for Gari haldl. Bay City, Tillamook, Newport, r lorence and Banton. TICKET OFFICE 128 THIRD ST. I'bonrs Main 028 and A 4596. Chicago Produce Market. Chicago. Aorll 21. Butter Steady. Creameries. lO'Sillc: dairies, 13 18c Eggs Receipts 14.147 rases. Steady at mark, cases Included. lS313Vsc; prime firsts. br. . (. neese - steaay. asaisies, xo-ii;' c wins. lSUSl.'le: Touns Americas. 13 hi tt 13Vc; long boms. 12yl3c I)ul nth Flax Market. DULUTH. Minn., April 21 Flax, on track and to arrive, 2.3S; May, 13.47 V4; July, LsTta, nominal. Hops at 'w York. NEW TORK. April 31. Hon firm. State. common to aVaole 1110, 21 -100, SAX FRAXCISCO PORTLAND 68. CO. New service to Los Angeles via San Fran. Cisco every fivs days. From Alnsworth Dock. Portland, I A. M. 8.8. Rose City Apr. 23, Beaver 28, Bear May 3 From 6an Francisco Northbound 12 M. 8.8. Beaver Ap. 21. Bear 29, Rose City May 1 From San Pedro northbound. 12 M. 8.8. Bear Ap. 24, Rose City 29, Beaver May 4 Los Angeles. $10.35, $20.50. 122.50. 125.50. 8,8. "Rose City" sails 8 A. M. Sun., Apr. 23. B. O. Smltb. C. T. A.. 142 Third St, J. W. Ransom. Agent. Alnsworth nock. Phones: Main 402. 203 1 A 1402. NEW ZEALAND AND AUSTRALIA (Union Line of N. Z.) YL4. TAHITI ANO WELLINGTOX rrirect through steamers, sailing from ftan Francisco, May 3. and every 28 days. Well ington and hack. 1st class. $204. other rates also low. The line to Lies of the Son til Seas. For reservations see Coupon Railroad Agents, or address Oceanio 8. b. Co.. Ban Francisco. li e alT i t taut - nil i t - c-.- 1 45 -JP-rtH-4 i 5. x - . I ' J-V. 'iV.i " 5v 5 S-j-a,-4 w"t , pi's Bf J jJj.. Ks -f if e Li? Vf"Aii fi J K-il- rt Itl s. v- l View of Portland's skyscraper district, reduced from the full-page photograph in Sunday's Ore gonian Magazine Section. LUMBERMEN S". b?n at Fifth and Stark streets, is the nearest National Bank to this district THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK PORTLAND. OREGON Capital and Surplus, $1,850,000.00 TRAVELERS' CHEQUES Issued in Denominations of $10$20,$50,$100 which identify the holders and are accepted at full face value by banks and hotels throughout the United States and in all foreign countries. These afford the best means for carrying funds .while traveling. LADD & TILTON BANK Established 1859 Capital Surplus and Undivided Profits. $1,000,000.00 700,000.00 Letters of credit, drafts and travelers' checks issued, avail able on all parts of .the world. Coiner Washington and Third Streets. First National Bant Capital $1,500,000 . Surplus 750,000 Oldest National Bank West of the Rocky Mountains STEAMSHIPS Prince Rupert" and "Prince George" FOR Victoria, Vancouver, Prince Rupert, Stewart and Queen Charlotte Island Points PFPECTn'B APRIIj 3 1011 Leave Seattle, Wash., Sundays, at midnight. EFFECTIV1! APKIlj 19. lull Leave Seattle, Wash., Sundays and Wednesdays at mldntsht. XOTICE Wednesdays' sailing to Prince Rupert only until Jnne 11. Connecting with S. S. prince Albert from Prince Rupert every Saturday at 1:00 P. M. for Queen Charlotte Islands, and for local points at 1:00 P. M. Wednesdays. Hateta Include meal and berth north of Vnnconver. For tickets and reservations apply to Local Kailway Ticket Agents or J. H. BurKis General Atrent, First Avenue and Yesler Way, Seatle, Washington. San Francisco, Los Angeles IjV i f-i.U.V & ffVI titTtfR and San Pedro Direct. rMTlfYTi f vrilr . "TW u North Paclflo S. S. CO.-S a S. RoanoVs AMERICAN and S. 8. Eld3r sail every Wednesday alts WHITE STAR nstely at 6 P. M. Ticket office 132 Third su near Alder. RED STAI& UAKTI.V 1. WGLEI, Passenger Agent. . ,, w. h. slcsskk, rreisht Arent. ATLANTIC TRANSPORT ybM M- I8U- A 1314 WHITE STAR DOMINION NEW YORK-PORTLAND TZTT . REGULAR FREIGHT SERVICE. Fltfl J f 1 J SlIJjLsl 1 Low Rates. Schedule Time. t if ITftTirT I htiws- a-iaJ m Jli iHi 'im I Co-'s Office, 619 Sd Ave., Seattle; orC. AMERICAN-HAWAIIAN S. S. CO. !5;.5,Sl 215 Railway Exchange Bldg. I li. F. Balrd. 100 3d; Vald. LldeU. it Portland, Or. I . N. 6th; H. Dickson. 123 3d.