THE MOKNTXG OREGOXTAX. SATURDAY, APR1X 22. 1911. 13 SHAV ARROWLY ERfJ ESCAPES FILLING anceforenlnseo "Protector." Affdcrs As- Inspectors Discover Planking in Hold Had Burned Almost to Leaking Point. INSURANCE MEN IN DOUBT TVbelher Vessel Shall Be Repaired or Policies or 915,000 Be Paid Will Depend Cpon Two Re ports to Be Made. Juat how near the iltiiwr Shaver rune to being completely loe by the Are that swept its main deck Thurs day morning; was discovered through a clove Inspection of the hol.l yesterday by means of electric lights. It belns; seen that the Are had apparently free play In the vicinity of the fire hole emd on both sides of the planking had been burned at leus an Inch deep. Representatives of the London Assur ance Association, which holiia S1ZC In surance and of the Sun Insurance office, which Issued a policy for Inspected the vesru-I yesterday. At their Inetlmtlon the Portland Shipbuilding Company was requested to eubmlt an estimate of the cost of repairs to the steamer and Bert Hicks an approxi mate 11 cure on what the expense will be of overhauling the eng'.nrei and boiler to at them for future service. On the two reports will depend whether the Insurance Interests will repulr the dam age or pay the Shaver Transportation CVmpnny the full amount of the policies ard have It handle the work. It wan while the estimators were going over the Shaver that the hold was vtalted and for the first time tt was) known that the planking bad been afire. Fuch headway had been gained by the (amn that bad not streams from the fire boat George H. William been directed from the forward gangways, when It was apparent that -the fire had nearly reached amidships, the planking would have burned sufficiently to start a leak end the veare! probably would hare filled In a short time. The same good fortune figured In the compara tively small barm sustained by the king pet. the destruction of which would have caused the steamer to "hog" and with the damage already wrought tt would haive been beyond rehabilitation. suranceforenlng. Danipskibsassurance- I foreningen "Neptun, Sverlgea Angfar- tyga Assuranceforenlng. Pjoforsakrlngs Actlebolaget Ocean. v Cable Fouls Triumph's Wheel. When passing the Port of Portland dredge Columbia Thursday night. th tug Triumph fouled a wire cable, which became entangled in her wheel, and ne cessitated her being lifted yesterday on the Oregon drydock. The steamer Ltresk- water was floated from the dock In the afternoon and work on her tall shaft will be completed at the plant of the Willamette Iron Steel Work. She will not sail for Coos Bay until Wednes day, one voyage being omitted. "A Medicine of Real Merit SAYS CIVIL WAR VETERANPAST 75 YEARS OF AGE (2 launch Y.rm Sold. ASTORIA. Or.. April 1. (Special.) A bill of sale was filed at the Custom- House this afternoon whereby Charles Amos, of Portland, sells the launch Kva to A. SigurJson. of Astoria for 11000. The dimensions of the craft are: Length. 3 feet; beam. 12 feet; deDth. 3.3 feet: gross tonnage. 10; net tonnage. 6. She Is equipped with a 25- I horsepower gasoline engine and s to be placed on the run between this city and Wsrrenton. J1.licrnirn Keep Cled Season. ASTORIA. Or- April 21. Special.) The officials of the Fisheries Impert inent who have been patrolling the river during the past few days report STEAMER INTELLIGENCM. Dae te Arrive. Kimr- From. Breakwater.. ..Coos Pay... Rose Cay Paa Pedro. . AbtIi Handon. Sue H. Elmore Tillamook. . tfolden Out. .. Tillamook.. H.nrik IbMO. . Jlonskons. . (I W. Elder. .San 1' . Hearer Sin Pedro . Falcon .fan Francisco Apr. Alliance fcur.ka Apr. Fear. ......... Fan J'.dro. ...Apr. Roanok. -aan Pedro. ... Apr. In port UW jn port tS? ' -pr. -J I Apr. 1:3 Apr. j:l I I i -V )U0 MR. miLLIP A. BARXETT, 75 years of age. Mr. Phillip A. Barnett could not enjoy his meals and was in very poor health, be cause of a complication of stomach dis orders. Nothing did him any good til he used Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey, the sure remedy for all stomach troubles which put him on his feet in short order "I am past 75 years now, aud a veteran of the Civil "War. I have been troubled with several dif ferent complaints in' the stomach, but I m(1 great relief by using Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey. I can now eat things that I could not eat before and it is a great help to me. I will continue to use this valu able medicine and will recommend it to everyone who sees me or writes me. I have used a "Treat- many different medicines, with little relief, but Duffy's is a medicine of real merit." Phillip A Barnett," 156 Madison St., South Side, Easton, Pa Ministers of the gospel, doctors of medicine nurses and people everywhere unite in commending Duffy's Pure Malt "Whiskey, a perfect tonic stimu lant, the one true medicinal whiskey. At this time it is especially valuable in rebuilding the system that has become run down by the long strain of Winter. 30 ORTKKIC LOSES IMMIGRANTS Many Portuguese Children Die on Way Front Madiera. Fate has not been kind to the two new Andrew Weir ships, the Lucerlc. now loading here, and the Orteric. which Is on the way. On the Lucerlc a case of smallpox developed at Yokohama and the vessel has since been fumigated at nearly every port. Now the Portuguese Consul at Honolulu has asked Governor Frear. of Hawaii, to Institute proceed ings for damages against Andrew Weir because 57 children of Portuguese Imml granta died aboard the Orteric on the voyage to the Islands. They were taken aa passengers from the Island of Ma diera. It Is charged that hospital ac commodations were Inadequate and that offl.-ers of the ship were careless and neglectful. A visit has been made to the vessel by the Federal grand Jury at Honolulu, and It Is said that the Jurors declared the Orteric to be In a repulsive condi tion. The Orteric reported at the Island port with 15u2 Immigrants, and as the craf tis fitted with the same accommo dations as the Lucerlc. which has sepa rate hospitals for men and women and carries a medical officer with two white and two Portuguese assistants. It Is regarded more probable that a spread of disease was due more to the unsanitary living of the Immigrants. It Is reported from Honolulu that the Orteric Incident created such a stir that the Federal au thorities threatened to detain the vessel by force If necessary. MATH LOMA ENDS SXAG WORK Government Is Asked to Send Vessel to Lewis River. Fresh from a two months campaign arainst snags In the Upper Willamette. Captain "Newt" Graham brought the Government steamer Mathloma Into the harbor at noon yesterday, and Just to demonstrate that she was of equal value - In deep and shallow water, she Journeyed above the bridges In the afternoon and removed several snags that have both ered steamboatmen. The vessel later re ported at the Government moorings, and before returning to the upper river will have ber dredging gear titled to replace the snag-puiling apparatus, as there is said to be no further need of It on the Willamette this season. When Superintendent Harrison. Of the Kamm lines, learned that the Mathloma was In port he communicated with Major Mclndoe. Corps of Engineers, to ascer tain whether she could be spared for a short time to remove obstructions In that stream from Its mouth to Wood land Dredging on the Upper Willamette can be followed to better advantage In two or three weeks. In the opinion of steamboat captains, and for that reason It Is thought the Mathloma will be spared. The bull of the burned steamer Mascot will not be moved until, high water, and arrangements have been made with a 'derrick company to haul ber on the sand then, so that when the water recedes machinery and other gear can be recovered from the wreck. SVEVDSEX GIVEN XEW BERTH Norwegian and Swedish Insurance. Interests Have Coat Agent. Captain K- H. Svendxen. until late last season master of the Norwegian steamer Rye-Jaw of the Portland tt Asiatic fleet, yesterday received notifi cation of his appointment as agent of marine Insurance societies of Nor way and Sweden and be will act on the entire West Coast under the authority e-f Captain Ove Lange. of New Tork. Vnlted states general agent. Recently Captain Svendsen was appointed special agent to superintend repalra to the Norwegian steamer Tltania. which was repaired at Esqulruault. and h'a services then gained for him the billet perman- J e n 1 1 y. Eight port are represented by the J societies and while the new agent rat tles off the name with native ease, the following li-H of titles contains pronunciations difficult except for those familiar with the Norse tongne: Bergens Dampsklbs Aaauranceforenlng. Kergena Assurranceforenlng. Dampskl basaasuranceforenlngen "Nora." Forste Norske Assuranceforenlng. Den Vest foldske Kklbsaasuranceforenlng. Dram mens Gjensldlge tklbsassuranceforen Ing. Dampsktbasaasuranceforenlngen -Vldar." Sklbsassuranceforenlngen I. Pampsklbasassuraneeforeclngen "SkJ old." Assuranreforenlngen '"Odin." Ski be Ajguraaceforenlngen 1, klb .Asaur- Bcaeduled te Depart. Name. For. Date Klamath Fan Kranctsco Apr. -1 Antll. ....... ..I'andoo..... Apr. -'1 Klttnlli lialkoa Apr. -i Rom City fan Pedro. ... Apr. S3 fu. H. Elmortl lll.mook. .. Apr. 11 Golden Gate. ..Tillamook. ... Apr. breakwater. .. .Coos Har.... . Apr. -tt ' Ceo. Ttf. Elder, .tan Pedro. .. .Ar. -ft Kan Pedro. ...Air. 2? Ai tan-a Eureka Apr. 2 Falcon Kan Francisco Apr. ft Henrtk Ibaea. . Honskong. ... Apr. Roanoke. Bear...... ..Fan P.dro. ... May . aa Padre. ...alar that the closed season la being ob served very strictly. So far as can be ascertained there are very few sal mon In the river at the present time and no run la looked for until the warm rains begin. Marine Notes. Duffy's Pure Malt Whlky STANDARD OF PURITY AND EXCELLENCE SINCE 1860 is an absolutely pure distillation of malted grain. When taken at mealtime it stimulates tbe mucous surfaces and little glands of the stomach to a healthy action, thereby improving the digestion and assimilation of the food and giving to the system its full proportion of nourishment. This action upon the digest ive process is of gTeat importance, as it brings to all the tissues and organs of the body the nutriment necessary to their sustenance, and indirectly to the whole system strength and vigor. Duffy! Pure Malt Whiskey is the only whiskey that was taxed by the Government as a medicine during the Spanish-American War. GAUTIOX When you ask your druggist, grocer or dealer for Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey be sure you get the genuine. It is sold IN SEALED BOTTLES ONLY never in bulk. Look for the trade-mark, the "Old Chemist," on the label and make sure the seal over the cork is unbroken. Price $1.00 a large bot tle. Doctor's advice and an illustrated medical booklet sent free on request. The Duffy Malt Whiskey Co., Rochester, N. Y. Having finished cargo at Albina dock. the Bank Line steamer Lucerlc shifted last evening; to Montgomery dock No. J tor wheat- Lumber cargoes on both the German ship Wllhelmtne and British tramp tteckenham will be completed Wednes day at Llnnton. Captain Astrup has been signed as master of the tug Cruiser, operated by the Lnlon Bridge at Construction Com pany. succeeding Captain Nellsen. Carrying lumber for San Francisco. the steamer Coaster will sail today rrom Llnnton and the steamer Temple r- Dorr will depart from St. Helens with the same character of cargo. Commander Rlllcott. Inspector of the Seventeenth Lighthouse District, has Issued a notice stating- that the middle ground south side buoy, at the mouth of the Columbia, which was found out of position April 13. bas been replaced. As a means of assisting In the pre liminaries ror the Astoria Centennial, Superintendent Campion, of tbe Port of Portland towage and pilotage depart ment. has assured the committee that tantrs win be eliminated In towing the barge Klllckltat from the St. Johns yards to the lower harbor. It waa learned yesterday from Ban Francisco, that the daughter of Cap tain Andrew llaiu superintending stev edore of the Harrlman steamer lines. could not reach Portland In time to at tend her father's funerali which will be held at S o'clock tomorrow afternoon from Holman's undertaking parlors and interment win be at Klvervlew. There yesterday cleared at the Custom-House the steamer Riverside, of the California 4 Atlantic fleet, which sailed In the evening for Grays Harbor to Joad 8.000.000 shingles and 700.000 feet of lumber before proceeding to San Francisco and Balboa. Locally she iook on about feet of lumber. 1700 cases of canned salmon and small consignments of general cargo. As Fong Gow, Chinese passenger agent of the Bank Line, came over from Seattle yesterday and held an informal reception aboard the new steamer Lu cerlc at Albina dock yesterday after noon, local Celestials being bidden to Inspect her passenger accommodations. Immigration Inspector Barbour and Customs Agent Statter sanctioned the gathering and were present In company with Harbormaster Speier. There Is expected In the river today the Oriental liner Henrik Ibsen, which sailed from Otaru April 5 and has a part cargo of 1.350.000 feet of Japanese oak for the Pacific Hardwood & Manu facturing; Company, besides general Chinese merchandise. The Oriental liner Hercules, which has sailed from Yokohama, will also head direct for tbe Columbia River. Instead of calling at San Francisco. Working hours of "sand hogs" on the Broadway bridge have been reduced from eight to six hours, as the West Side caisson reached a depth of Ss feet yesterday and tt was the understanding I pan Francisco that after the 60-foot mark was re- V'!,7, . i. - .I.H.. . . . . I I lnclnnatl iuiucu uiu jmia wuuiu d inorienea. The cutting edge Is 47 feet below low water and will be sunk less than 25 feet to reach a permanent foundation. The caisson for the East Side pier bas been completed but owing to the forma tion there being cement gravel the ma terial Is being drilled and powder used In advance of the caisson being low ered. It Is expected that shooting will continue at times aa the caisson sinks, as It Is to be Imbedded a depth of 30 feet. REPORTS NOT EVEN Business Unsettled in Some Lines by Tariff Discussion. JOBBING TRADE SPOTTED Comraodltv Prices Show a Tendency to Steady--Bottom Values Have Been Touched In Dry V Goods Line. NEW YORK. April 21. Bradstreers to orrow will say: Trade and Industry are quiet, with reports varying. Easter trade hardly up to normal. Jobbing trade reflecta a rather spotted con dition at moat centers. In wholcnale lines, price uncertainties ana the tariff discussion tend to restrict future trade. Commodity prices show a tendency to steady, thouxh Canadian reciprocity otscua- sIob tends to unsettle trade In (arm pro duce. Building is Irregularly active. The lum ber trade Is likewise affected by the quiet at some centers and tariff dlscuaalon. Short denial d Is a feature In cotton goods production. Business failures In the Vnlted States lor the week ending April 20 were 233. against 33 last week. 183 in tne like weea ci 11)10: 247 in 190. 2S4 In 1008 and 158 In the corresponding week of 1907. Business failures In Canada for the week number 24. whtcb compares with 28 laat week and IS In the corresponding week of 1910. Wheat, including flour, exports rrom tne United States and Canada for the week ending April 20 aggregate 1.7W.ST8 bushels, against 1. 833.102 last week and 1.289.272 this week last year. Corn exDorta for the week are 83.4.i bushela. asalnst 1.170.140 last week and 462.. 041. in 1810. Bank Clearings. vf.w tork. Anrli HI. Bradstreefs bank clearings report for the week ending April 20 shows an asgresate of (2.766.11S.OOO. as asalnst I2.026.6u2.0uu last week and 3.261. 4T3.UO0 In the corresponding week last year. i . Inc. ..1.S4S.1O3.O00 MH.2 27.1.Mi.OCO '".l . . 13S.0tl-H.OO0 S.X 143.438. Oin 3.4 .. 78,4i0.0"O .8 . 4U.(33.0OO Mt.9 43.817.000 18.2 . . 4S.4SS.0K 3.3 80.S.i.OO 2.8 27.710.OIH) .0 .. 1S.424.0OO .2 a.8 . . 18.0W.0O0 3.6 18.!S.O00 1.2 ,. 14.62.VOUO 15.a 18.478.000 2. 12.S79 0i 12.0 13.171.imio 8.3 New Tork . Chicago ... I Boston Philadelphia Pt. Louis Kansaa City nttaburg Movements of Vessels. POllTLAND. April 21. Arrived Steamer Sue H. Kimore. from Tillamook. Balled HtMRitr Gotdro Oate. for Tillamook; steamer Klvnralde. f r Grays Harbor; eleamer Kla math, tor fan Francisco. Astoria. April 1M. Condition at tbe month of the river at G P. M.. modrrate; wind, northwest. 30 miles; weather, cloudy. Called at 4 3U A. M . steamer Northland, for Ta coma. Sailed at a A. ! . steamer Alliance. for toot Hay and Eureka; steamer Tamal paia. for Sin Francisco. Sailed at 6:13 A. M.. ship tt. Nicholas, for Nushagak. Arrived down at g A. M.. British steamer Jnverkip. Arrtvad at 12 noon and left up, steamer ru mor, from Tillamook. fan Francte. April 21. Arrived at 4 A. J4. steamer Falcon, from Portland. Railed at t P. M-. steamer Heaver, for Fortland: at 2 P. M . steamer lieo. W. Klder: at 3 r . ju.a Keamvr nainirr; a K. H. Loop, for Fort land. Point Heyea. April 21. Passed st P. it., barge Amy Turner, la tow of tug Hea Rover, froru Portland, for tfan Francisco. r-aa Pedro, April -1. Arrived Steamer Roma, from Portland. Han Fraactaro, April 21. Arrived fit earn ers Falcon, rrom Port 'and ; Eureka, from Seattle; WtMapa. fnm Wlllapa: Queen, from Victoria, flailed Steamers Beaver. for Portland: Oeo. W. Rider. T. H. 1-oop, Rai nier, for Astoria; Helene. for Grays Har bor; bark btar of Zealand, for Brtatol !iay; schooners Know and Hurgrsa. for Pus.-t Sound. Lily, tor; Spokane, for Port Gamble, TMes at Aatseia Matsrday. Mlgh. Lew. :23 A. M.....ST fet0:M A. U.....4S feet .M P. M.....V.S facta P. sect Minneapolis Cleveland New Orleans Detroit Omaha ...... ...... Los Angeles Louisville Milwaukee Portland. UT. ...... Seattle St. Pant Atlanta ............ Huftalo Denver .......v.... Indianapolis Providence Richmond ......... WashlnKton, D. C... St. Joseph Fort wort h Memphis S.892.000 2.3 Salt Lake City 4.8-'i8.0tx 1.1 Columbus B.603.OOO 4.7 Alhsny 5.771. (HM eiH.d Tac.-ma 4,200.000 12.2 Savcnnah 4.9.0OO 33.8 pokane. Wash 4.2.19. 00O l."i.7 rrulif h 2.197.OO0 33.3 Oakland. Cat 3.1O8.00O 3.8 Sacramento, Cal 1,339. oon 14.4 Helera ., 970.ftoo 2.8 Houston 25.712.0oo 16.7 Galveston 15.124.0UO 18.0 IMPROVEMENT NOTED IN FOOTWEAR. Bottom Touched on Prices In Dry Goods Market. NEW YORK, April 21. Dun's review to morrow will say: Business continues to move slowly, its volume, though large, being much below producing capacity and displaying a lack of Interest. Dullness In pig Iron bas become more pro nounced and production Is on a reduced scale. Greater quietness Is apparent In tin- isnea lines and curtailment of mill opera tions Is reported. In the dry goods market there has been no speculative movement and soma merchants believe the bottom has been touched on prices. Gradual Improvement is noted in footwear. Hide markets are quiet, with domestic tan ners not operating except for such small parcel lota as will suffice for Immediate wants. Leather continues slow. Wool at St. Lonls. 6T. LOTJIS. April 21. Wool Unchanaed. Territory and Western mediums. ueiTc; fine mediums. 13&13c: fine. 114212c. BARK'S CHARTER REPORTED Vincent's Lining Is Finished and She Loads Next Week. That there Is yet hope for the French baric Marechal de Castries belns; loaded with wheat was felt along1 the beach yesterday, on tbe receipt of advices from Seattle that the vessel had been taken for grain. Cablegrams received here did not contain tbe Intelligence from abroad. The bark arrived April 12 from Dublin, after a passage feat ured by storms and delays that length ened the trip to more than 270 days, so she lost her outward charter and has been on the free list. The work of lining the British ship Vincent was started yesterday morning and finished by night. She will shift from Mersey to Oceanic dock in time to begin loading wheat Tuesday, and the work Is to be finisher this month. There are 11 gralncarrlers that should be en route, but three of which have been reported as having sailed the British steamer Strathbeg, from Ant werp March 29; the French bark Mare chal de Goutaut, from Newcastle, N. S. January is, and the French ship there, but it was cleared away and found to conceal nothing. Tourists spend Switzerland. annually 330.000,000 in Foley Kidney Pills Tonic in Action - Quick in Results Give prompt relief from BACK ACHE. KIDNEY and BLADDER TROUBLE. RHEUMATISM, CON GESTION of the KIDNEYS, IN FLAMMATION of the BLADDER and all annoying URINARY IRREG ULARITIES. A- positive boon to MIDDLE-AGED AND ELDERLY PEOPLE and for WOMEN. W. H. Fulton. Blomlngton, 111., says: "I suffered for many years with weak kidneys and backache and my bladder gave me much annoyance resulting in losj of sleep and severe headaches. I tried various kidney medicines which gave me no relief. I heard of Foley Kid ney Pills and began taking them and In Just a few days I noticed an im provement, I kept taking them until my backaches .left me, my kidneys and bladder are again strong and act nat urally. 1 honestly believe Foley Kid ney Pills are the very best kidney and bladder remedy ever made." Sold by all druggists. THE DR. GREEN GUARANTEE TO MEN w.. Duguay Tronin, ary la. from Glasgow Febru- Dlver Gives Up Search for Body. Another effort made to recover the body of Sidney Illldgo, steward of the 13.'743!ooo IS I steamer Mascot, who lost his life when 8.S.HU.0OO' "Jo.T - sne was oumeu at ream last, xnuntii, iiaa 9.s.oor 7.4 proved futile. A report was made yes 1i'IH,'!,"S mn'i i terday covering the diver's operations S in!4 j Thursday, and it was said that while the water in ijf wis itiver n us clear ana ine wreck could be plainly Investigated, there was no trace of the body. A pile I of wheat was found and it was thought Our g- arantee No Monev Required Until fcatlalled Is your ab solute protection. Con sultatlon, examination and diagnosis free. Our speciality Is All Ailments of Men. What you want la a cure. Coma to us and get it. Hours dally 9 to 8. Even ings. 7 to 8. Sun days, 10 to L DR. GREEN CO. 362 Washington St.. Portlard. Or. ynig g M W CcnpouaS g mK safe and simple remedy for ' fmm I BromchitiM. Catarrh, Hey Fan VJ f Inflammations, Irritations, ntoBT- I V"'! I atloni of ALL moeou membranes l-BI I or llolnfrfl of tbe nose, throat, I J I stomaeb or other organs. WI AT DSJUOOISTS SI (Q0 Wkf not cure ymrulf mmmmmmmmm) V Treetlie with each Dottle I I or mailed on request. I J S..6.13.OO0 7.74H.OOO 7.4tl.O"0 7.1!l.0k .140.NI -ia.s g.B41.0U- iPIRflPBJ 3.1 ! that the llllclge might have been caught c t re o SPRING TONIC Spring is the season when the blood is weakest, and our systems least responsive to the demands of nature. It is the time of fickle appetites, poor digestion, lack of energy, bodily fatigue, and many other systemic disturb ances which warn us that we need a tonic. A great many so called tonics t 4 p. M.ateajner are mere nerve stimulants, often producing exhilarating effects, but acting with decided injury on tne system later. II your system is weak and de pleted you can only tone it tip by supplying an increased amount of nour ishment, and this can come only through pure, rich blood. S. S. S. is the greatest of all blood purifiers ; and it is the one medicine you can rely upon to supply the system with the best tonic effects and at the same time thor oughly purify the blood. Many people have put off using a tonic until the system became so weakened it could not resist disease, and have paid for the" neglect with a spell of debilitating sickness. S. S. S. is nature's ideal tonic; made entirely of healthful roots, herbs and barks. It tones up the stomach and digestion, aids and improves the appetite, and in every way contributes to strong, robust health. S. S. S. is for sale at drug stores. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC C0 ATI.AKTA 7J "I tried all kinds of blood remedies which failed to do me any good, but I have found the right thing at last. My face was full of pimples and black-heads. After taking Cascarets they all left. I am continuing the use of them and recom mending them to my friends. I feel fine when I rise in the morning. Hope to have a chance to recommend Cascarets." Fred C Witten, 76 Elm St., Newark, N. J. Pleasant. Palatable. Potent. Taste Good. Do Good. Never Sicken. Weaken or Gripe. 10c. 2Sc. 50c. Never sold in bulk. The genu ine tablet stamped C C C. Guaranteed to cure or your money back. 822 BINO CHOONO. CHINESE DOCTOR. Strowbrldge bldg.. lSKt, First street, room 11. and 225 Vn Alder st. Chinese Root and Hero Medicines. Cures Cancer, Rheuma tism. Consumption. Dropsy. Catarrh. ctomach. Lung. Liver and Kidney Troubles. All Chronic ailments of men end wo men. Examination free. Drugstore. 283 Flanders St. A lr ms... .. A t Cured in Five Days 7 7 2er VSa -4'laata' a, w... Varicose Veins, Hernia, Blood Poison No Detention From Occupation, Kamtly or Home tO SEVERE OPERATIONS, MANY CASES PERMANENTLY CURED IN ONE TREATMENT. MOST TIME-SAVING, MOST NAT URAL. MOST SAFE. A RADICAL, AND PERMANENT CURE. I GIVE MY WORD AND WILL CITE YOU TO OTHER MEDICAL AU THORITIES THAT THIS IS A FACT. I'AM CERTAINLY PRE PARED TO CURE BY EXPERI ENCE AND EQUIPMENT, WHICH ARE THE KEYSTONES TO SUC CESS. I HAVE THE BEST EQUIPPED MEDICAL OFFICE ON THE COAST. I WILL GIVE $500 TO ANY CHARITY AS GUARAN TEE THAT EVERY STATEM ENT IN THIS ANNOUNCEMENT IS TRUE. I invite you to come to my of fice. I will explain to you my treatment for Varicose Veins. Hernia, Nervous Debility, Blood Poison, Piles. Fistula. Bladder. Kidney, Prostatic and all Men's Ailments, and pive you FREE a physical examination; if necessary a microscopical and chemical analysis of secretions, to deter mine pathological and bacterio logical conditions. Every person should take advantage of this op portunity to learn their true con dition. A permanent cure is what you want. VARICOSE VEINS Impair vitality. I daily demon strate that varicose veins can be cured in nearly all cases by one treatment, in such a satisfactory way that the vital parts are pre served and strengthened, pain ceases, swelling subsides, a healthy circulation is rapidly re established. Instead of the depress ing conditions. I guarantee you a cure to stay cured or refund the money. DERMA (RIPTl'RE) Disregard of existing hernia ha cost many lives. The smallest hernias are the most dangerous to life, . because of the increased liability to strangulation. I cure rupture in selected cases with per fect safety and entail no suffer ing, and do not detain yoiv from occupation, under guarantee. Many cases cured to stay cured In one treatment. " 0fl ' FOR IILOOD POISON. I use Professor Ehrlich's won derful new discovery, " 606," in cases of Specific Blood Poison. It cures in one treatment, and is the greatest marvel of medical science. This new remedy has been successfully used In thou sands of cases. Let me explain it to you. WRITTEN GUARANTEE Dr. Smith's written guarantee means a cure 'or no pay for services. I guarantee to cure certain aliments or refund every dollar you have paid me for my services. My services cost you nothing unless I cure your Varicose Veins, "Hernia, Piles, Fistula, Blood Poison, or any ailment I guarantee to cure. My terms are reasonable and no more than you are able and willing to pay for benefits. Office hours 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. Sundays. 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. Dr. A. G. Smith. I am the only specialist in Port land who does not advertise a fic titious name or photograph. I publish my true photograph, correct name, personally conduct my office. I am the most success ful and reliable, as medical cre dentials and press records prove. I make this statement so that you will know you consult a true spe cialist, who sees and treats pa tients personally. I possess skill ind experience, acquired in such a way that no other can share, and ihould not be classed with medical companies. It is impossible for a medical company to attend col lege. Companies have no diplomas or license to practice medicine in Oregon or any other state. Medi cal companies usually are named after a doctor. A portrait, whose personality and identity are in definite, is selected and published as the legitimate specialist of the office. Hired substitutes, ordinary doctors with questionable ability, give consultation, examination and treatment. Dr. A. G. Smith 234 Morrison Street Corner Second PORTLAND, OR. M DAYS CURED IN FIVE Varicose Veins Piles, Fistula & Enlarged Glands ExamhSn Free 17 Years of Success in Treating Men Cures Guaranteed or No Pay Many Cases Permamentlr Cured In ONE TREATMENT. Most Ttme Kavtng;. Moat Natural. Bloat Safe. No Detention from Occupation, Fam ily or Home. A Radical and Permanent Cure. I Will Give 95U0 to Any Charity as a Guarantee That Every Statement In This Announcement Is True. I cure rapidly, painlessly and at email expense. I will demonstrate actual results In your case. 1 will give conclusive evidence of my merit which Is obtained and maintained by ability. I Invite you to come to my office. I will explain my treatment for Hernia, Piles. Fistula, Vari cose Veins, Pelvic, Nervous, Blood. Kidney and Bladder Diseases. I will give you free a physical examination; If necessary, a microscopical and chemical analysis of secretions to determine existing pathological and bacteriological conditions. Every person should take advantage of this opportunity to learn their true condition. Certainty of cure Is what you want A thorough Investigation should be made by every ailing; person as to the specialist he consults. Duty and destiny to self and those who de pend upon you demand the best medical attention. I have the ability and can give you this service. 1 have always charged a very reasonable fee, o that my services may be obtained by any man who Bincerely de sires to be cured. I make no misleading statements or unbusinesslike propositions; neither do I desire to b particularly Independent, and I would like to have you for a patient, if you will come to me on a Btrictly professional basis, and the Inducements that I offer, which are my ability and 30 years' successful experience, time-saving treatment and guarantee of cure of certain diseases. tVE CVRE BY NEW SCIENTIFIC METHODS WHICH CANNOT FAIL BLOOD AND SKIN AILMENTS, NERVE WEAKNESS, VARICOSE Oil KNOTTED VEINS, OBSTRUCTIONS, SORES, ULCERS, SWOLLEN OLANDS, PILES, KIDNEY AND BLADDER TROUBLES AND ALL DIS EASES COMMON TO MEN. We are permanently located. Incorporated and licensed under the laws of Oregon. MEN, IF IN TROUBLE, CONSULT US TODAY. If you cannot call, write for free book and self-examination blank. Many caees cured at home. Hours 9 A. M. to I F. M. Sundays, 10 to 12. OREGON MEDICAL INSTITUTE 2S1V4 MORRISON ST, BET. FOURTH AND FIFTH, .PORTLAND, OR. MEN CORED Is Our Fee SPECIAL AILMENTS Newly con tracted and chronic cases cured. All burning. Itching and inflammation stopped In 24 hours. Cures effected In seven days. Consultation free. If un able to call, write for list of questions. Office Hours 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. Sundays, 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. only. Pacific Coast Medical Co. 224 WASHINGTON STREET, Corner First, Portland, Or. L. T. YEE & SONS Tbe Old. BellnbU Chin Doctor apnt ltfetlmo study t herbs and research la Chip; wu cranted diploma by h Emperor; guarantee euro alt ailments of men and women when otbers fall If you suf fer, call or writs to JB 4 fcON'. MKVICISK CO.. UH F Ixst. Cez. said or. farfcUad. Qu Dr. Lindsay RELIABLE EDUCATED EXPERIENCED CONSULT ME FREB If you are worried about a special all- iiieiii, origauic wean a ness or any male all- i mem uf uxuua an- v? ment. , I have m n m n n , i- faith In my own skill V that I will prove my ability before I ask one cent. You don't need money to be gin my treatment. YOU MAY PAY MJti AFTER I CURE YOU. Dr. Lindsay The Old Reliable Specialist. Corner Alder and Second streets. En trance 128 V4 Second street. Portland, Or. Office hours 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. Sundays. 10 A. M. to 1 P. 1L WAI JING'S COUGH REMEDY The most wonderful cough medicine in the world. Also have some good remedies for Internal, Ex ternal, or Eruptive Dis eases of both sexes. Call or write to S. H. WAV! IB CH1RSR RKRU A-f OOT MEDICINE CO, 301 y, First St., Portland, OreaTon.