Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, April 22, 1911, Page 17, Image 17

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. . . . - .- V-
. 1 1 n Btarv
tmiulanct. furnace. aa "
and linoleum in kitchen aad bathroom,
teat IU per month.
SiJ-.U Coumirrnl Oub !'--
Phones ;.: -' .
1RVINQTON flat. 3 room. and ":
porch, private front poixn. herd- ood
rioori bath. -U. !-? ' '
r, oa Eaat 14U naar Haey. lent
JT - -cv--r A ro..
-aat S-d and HrK. K t 33t
iTve large r-ma. mo-Aero, upper flat. t.t
anl Ll '!. pofha, basement.
large )nl. Fbore Eat5l3lV"?Ln
CHOICE flat. $22,501 cloaa la. W. Reldt.
ekcepla( K ana.
jHS HEAVER. 12:h Marshall, fur-
a-bed lr bouaekeeplng. range, eiee.
trto Lahta. but UM. bata, laa-ury. tree;
$11 per month bp: a claa j ar bat l
ne city for wct; s;iort d. stance Irora
Inioa Wool- Take ' S"' or IrKb-.l. car
Lnii olt t Marshall at. .No doge,
aVlL-FURNISH ED hoiw fata, room
i-roorr $2t month: 4-roora lor
ft $17 50. ajlfe. 2 furnlahed houa-keep-In
"rooms. $. $lo. $12 3 $15. AP
t y 31 2'lta St. X"H "W car from de
p t. 1th. wst ea Morrison to 26th. block
II M TO UM WEEK: clean. nrouid
housekeeping room, rrea laundry, bath,
pbose e.ean linen, heat- 4o Vaocouar
at, and MS elan ton; tako yf
iT.rrr.T ElSVERTON ll-Vuaekeepln and
fur-ilsre.l rooms. lllSi Knott st, Albi-a,
Mlt-SKR I'LL"!.. 3io MoKRISOJ ST.
M ti'.5J.'t.TKAL1Jt EAJOXAH lt-
THE New York. J end 1 rooma. fu lehed
and unf urn jtrA. new and modera; fra
pnoara. EiitllS and jnlmonL E. 3JPtt.
a.-... u. brick. i: tnloa ava. N.
E i:ti-
ONE larco houkptBa room. Iirt ani
r..n; 1 b'ocka from ?. O-. iuitatla fr
tao. Ill Tlh at.
LAR'tS. r.hrhouakaplBB aultra. 3 and
$i pmr ak; no abjacuoa to cbkidrvo. 41
th. f'Tn'r II . 1.
jTRNISHrn bouiikpnc aad alcrp!n
roonia. to pr aa. aiaao "
anta. SVI ! t- ,
frRNISHED bwkwir.I and
2 fTKXISH Et' front houkrin-roonia:
raaatnabta. Tha Maho. attt at.
Harkrp4n kooina la I"rlata I 'lailj
WANTED A rp-tabl worktn r:rl or
womaa to aharana ti-'t, riaaa furntshd
room with ; arrad for l.ahl houao-
. f . li . i . umw wn hi ' " '
f I n.fai, - . It A U IO lO I.
M. Paosa Maia ila er caU at 4oSb:ark
TWO ar thraa eompltT furnlahr-t houie
ktptnf rooma Attrctla homa. naar
rtr. Wi.odc d::an- fbnna h" 1
wod la ar call morning a. T3 E. ta
at. S.
WILL, rara fr c-aalaarnt patlnt: ail
tna tmfri at a prKata aaaltartum.
Marahail I IT I.
KriTEf'r liabt houa-kapln. co. cora
f rtabia llti.a soma, raaaooabla. :-S Lar
raba at.
li"tERV :-rwim bmtrt flat, onlr na
biork (0h of lkar Tbaatar. I-O par
month. 1I llth t
Z tt a !ar rooau. partir furn!Htd. Ft
TT-.h an I Cllatoa. aad lit. i'boaa Soil
wood 2 OR M rnom unf im hH apartment, tnnd-
-ri. ca raa. pboo. rholc lovatloa; 1
$! oat rtiona TaborgJI.
SIN'U.B hooakpui room; 5Vna
l!ht and baal.
Hoi aay.
NI'EL.T furnlabad h-i' kraina rma. a. I
roaranlancaa. td S. lal. Bar. Waatlng
tott. XWO eloan. P'atlr fura!hd rooma. all cob
vaalancaa. diataaca. Kf ranca.
S3! it a.
fll EAST MORRI.-'ON. e-r tart th; r
nlhd houaakaapln uita. walkla dia
tanca. . .
ROJ4 aulta. haat. bath, phona. bot water.
arrammodatloB fr tbraa. rraaonabla. 20
TWA tarn &.! houa.capIr. rooma. aunnr
and coruiortabla. (aa tBt. bath, phona.
aacallrnt l-K-atlon. no criiiUrrn. S-t3 14th.
TWO bright, wall furnlahrd bous'kaaplna
fvoma. pbosa. bath. alK:trie Itaht. 3t
Waidlar at.. cr. Unloo aira. C 2ioi
vr.RI laraa. ll-furn:bi baaaiuaBt room.
s;S ColumMa at.
LARGE and amall anlt arr conranlmca:
aU- attic room. 340 Hall at. t
X FCRMi'HEn boa keeping rootna.
Eaat AJ- Eaat 107.
t NEWLT fumlahad hourk-pln rooma:
bata. vaa and phona. Montaomary.
KEWLT fnm!ahd bouarkaaplaa rooma for
rant. U E. tbarman.
Centra 1-l.t lofwtad. ovit, Iti and
ip. - Main at. .
JTjTUTK Corner of rlar. larxa, llfbt. cob
vmant 1 and 2 -room autta
ONE ho"akeap:n aulta in prtva'a family.
heat, phona and bath- So2 12th et.
TWi aCa-housekaeplni-!-joraa. $14; ll(bt.
phona and bath. Jla 7th at.
2V'1'1TE houaekaptnc rooma. cheap; phona.
ffaa. bjtfh. T21 lat. corner Hooker.
TjfcK AUoVE, IAS Park at., cor. Uorrlaoa:
furnlahed houaekeeplnc aultea.
SKWL.T furnHhwl bouaekeeplr.a rooma.
ni'd'm$12 BP-JUS N. 2-'!. near Thurmaa.
HirSKKEEr'IN and batehlnc rooma. raa
aoaadle. l: Kairlch au. bet. It and 1.
fo furnlafiad bouaekeeplnc rooma, lid.
4T4 Cllaaa at., comer of lsta.
N ! "k.'T.T furnlahed houaek-eplna; room. 4VT
E. Ankeny. f hona E. 2tl7.
COitY room with liaht booaakerplna; prlrl
Uaea ilirahall i;T4.
Two furalahad boo.aekeeptaa' rooma. lower
f oor. hath, yard, phone. 4.'' Yamhill.
rooma. 42 E- lth N.. t.vx
rnoma. -i FToot at.. J1V
T rooma. 6"4 laetlport. $-5.
rooma. 13 Kelly at.. f-liX
T rooma. edtb and Praaaa. I V
rooma. 1 .- Kth ?t . $.'"
1 rooma. 44 1 E. l'h N-. 440.
rooma. TH J -boihi. '
T rooma. TT.'a nhna.n. $12 50.
4 rooma. 2s M. M r '.an. $22.
rooma 34 Wa'o. $.t2 K
rooma. 31 K loth N. I .
rooma. 2 1 K. 2lat. $12 id.
rooma. 61 fteaoo. I 1
rooua. 41 Waaeo. $-2.
rooma. eyv. Market. Mar 1. t9.
9 rooma T4S Northrup. $H
rooma. 114 E. Taylor. HIV
rooma. ion ri. TamhllL $4u.
a r oma. 2S E. Couch. $4i.
Xfli-ea for rent, fll to 1-ML
Htore. k4 Thorman $2X
4tn and Weeninrton Sta.
MNB 1 1 -room houae. h aril wood fintahad.
a-MM netahborhiod ; near two carlinea.
Weat Side. Either furnlahed ar unf ur
ate ned. T y. orfoti:a
HOOy Bauao. raa. f yimara. bath, destrabla
locauoa: rant fJiX. K-'.J Kelly, outh rvrt.
land. Owner at Kaily au D. W.
LAKOG. U4ht baaement room, furnlahed
oomp.eaa for bouaakeeptnt. aultable for
worklna: meo. cheap. 524 Morrtaon.
NEW. modern tv-room houaa, partly fur
nlahed: healthy, ef-iuaiva locality: aery
convenience, rent $'. K 31. Oreconlan.
rvR KF.NT T-nwra mo-lern house, oa cor
aer Utt 3l:h and Uncoln ata. C B.
Loraa. ill 'o-tr:t Md.
4 AC RE 3 with houaa and bara to rent tor
boarulna a boy lw yeara old. or will rant
for caah. Call 1H4 fibermaa at. Room 31.
I'OR HrxT 7 -room bouaa, modem conTaa
lenrea. (71 Koily at- Phona SaUwood
$-ROOV hocae. auittbla for two famlllea:
rent 1 4-V f'hone Mela 140S d u rlna weak
and liaat 141 unilara
N KW. mo.1ern and
jard. 72'i E. Maj.
7-rooea bouaaa. Bica
la-ROOM houaa and barn, one aero, rtod-
munL lnqutra &0$ Taylor at.
ri'RNITl'fvE of a-room modern rottaca
$12$. It JC Id at. N., cor. Broadway.
ELEGANTLY furnlahed apartmaat ha ra
etrlrted dlatrlrt. Iona Eaat n&91 morn In a.
Ct H. E. ALDE n an d T4 1 T. SI -ty 1. mode ru
ro--m houao. Marahall 4! week da) a.
A JIOOERS -room houae. 2S I N. Slat. "
larwlahad Iloaa
MOPKRN, deairable. furnlahed home, com
p'ete. rent reaaonable; Immediate poeeee
aioa. 2dl Eaat ad4 North, corner aluitAO
mah at.
a WONTHy leaao trlren on new e-roora
buncalow. furnuaad. aad piano: aat 8lda,
13 mlnotea by car. Oaner, 1024 Chamber
t t Commerce. Phoca Main 7.110.
JI't'ERN furnlahed l-room cottue: aleo
furntaned 1-roum Tat with bath and (aa,
. 1 1 Eaat rial.. W-R car.
f $-ROOM bouae. Blcaly furnlahed. eleoplna;
r asrek and cardan. Phona Eaat 451 1.
w-cnxTSTTED hotiH. flra rooma. Union ata,
ear Morrla. I'boa A load.
for Rent Jurat tar for fAsU.
X.EAVINO city: will aell furniture of 4-room
apartment cheap; eery article
and new: a bia anap for one wanllna; a
choice apartment la a aalect neUbborhood;
ail complete: rentlnk of flat la optional.
Klnca HUL 7 Kinar at., cor. of ajaa.
Inquire of Janitor Vmrahall tTla.
ALMOST Dew furniture tor leaa thao bait
pnea of -room bouae: bath, larre T'd,
deairabla location: rent ft: furniture Jiaa.
73) E. Ankeny at., near
T-KOOkf modern, full cement baaament. fur
nace, laundrr tra: Una lawn and roree.
prira $27i. MarabaU 4; af P.
lie ilwood l"ia. -
ft ROOM, complete, braaa beda. mlaalon and
aak; tine ruaa. cheap rent, aacrillee for
raab. 673 S tiilaan. corner ill;-
riRXITlRi; of T-room boure. I'S 13th
et.. between Jafferaon and Colomlla; no
a cent a
COST furnlahed flat for rent, furniture for
aala. fcl N. 1 7 1 LETerett and j land era.
MMnene-r Reworta.
sE.v?irt: HOTEL. .
ror aala. 19-room near modern tiotel,
completely furnlahed. hot-water heatlnr
pant, eatrem-ly low price, eaay tarma.
Call 00 or write
Seaalde. Or.
I WILL aell my bunralow cottae. furn-!-.hed
complete, at Lon Bearh. aab.
Thle la one of the beet conatructed eot
taxea at the beach and tha location la
Una. Will fu!-njh abatract to purchaaer.
Meo owner. SI apaldlne; bldf.
&F. VSIDE cottasa for aale. on front, (rand
o. an view, modern conrenlencea. J. K
Morcaa. corner E. loth and Schuyler,
l-h ine Eaat a I . '
8H'E rubMefl atand In ood dlatrlet: rent
$ per month, t all 1021 Hawthorne are.
l'hoi:e Tabor S14.
FOR RENT cheap. Una lanre corner etore.
I eat corner HT'h and Koater nva.;
lona leaae. l-hooelaln Jli.
(T'lKE-2xCCiLneax Morrlaon. Apply 171
Third at.
rTN"E brick cor. atore. Eaat ltth and Haw
thorne. Appiy I7i Eaatlith. eor.i amhlll.
(TORETor-renTa,tu and Siaili ata. Xn
quire T3 lat at.
STORK for rent. Pfcona Eaat 123.
$11 ) to $.IO.K.
Corner 0: h and Wahlnton.
LAWYER wtahea to a hare hla office room
with man of the eame profeeelon. Teje
nhonee and atenoarapher. Call at !
Ablncton bul'.dlbc.
liKlRAIU.E otT;cee aad aampie rooma for
rent at reasonable rata. Mancheater bla(.,
e.sta&ta at-, tetween Mark and Oak.
MOST centrally located ofricea. all-nlsht ela
va'.ur aervtce. 3"J Vwetland bids-. la
llor. ath and Waahlncvon.
NICE lle-ht front
ticn-ro.m- 4IT
weat Realty Co-,
office with nae of recep
iloard of Trade. Nortn
per J. T. Morrow. Sec.
PART of weil-lirbted orrioa; aleo deak room.
324 Railway Exehanae.
rt-lR-RENT Nicely furnlahed around floor
realrtateof rlca. A H 31. Oreaonlan.
DEK ROOM. 7.i per month, phona fur-
rlahed $11 Buchanan bide.
TO LEASE IiUa2O0. lth at- Couch to
Iavia and Trinity place: moat d'elrable
hotel alta In the city; Ions (round leaaa
en very reasonable- terms. Apply to A.
A. Morrlaon. -4 Trinity Dace.
nrsixrct oppORTrXlTir.
FOR SALE Meat market and grocery store.
food bueineee: would consider Portland
property to the amount of 1 V"l. For par
tlculara write TauLach at Blckera. Pendla-
ton. Or.
WANTED to aell A half interest tn a well
eetaollahed menufa. turlnr bualneaa of
liirae years etandloc only thoee with
money and wlillna to Inveet In a buslneaa
that pays 6 per cant net need app.y. At,
1U. Oreconlan.
FOR SALE Meat market, fine location, ee-
tahllsneu iraoe. o-year iiw-. tn " ' " " .
Ir.a; nzturee will invoice $1173. elOOo ln
aurance; will aacnnca for 'o: centrally
UCaiVO. .11 MI'I mi 1
IULU SIA.. O . nA..'IL.Ii.
Mike careful Invest leettoo at erpensa
of aeller before you Inveet money In any
proposition. Advisory Department. T. 34.
C. A. .
Family hotel la ore of best location
In city; can be run ae transient hotel; best
of reason a fur soiling. Address owner.
AT 51. Ore cup lan. .
AN OFFICER In a contractln( company
dolnr profitable business, wishes to
dispose of hla Inlereet to a thoronchly
reliable party. Address f 34. Qroaonlap.
HALF Interest In an old-eetabllehed busi
ness, dolnr a (ood buslneaa For full par
tlcu ars call Kinney 4a ntamper. Lumbar
Exchaiife bld.. rooms 831-6o2.
BARNES store In a thrlvln faruilnc com
munity; atock Invoices about $20u0; 111
he-lth causa for aellln(. Addrcaa John
licat. in- no. i-ir.
WANT partner la n ood-payln( bualneaa.
bait cash and balance out of the eeu-nlnce;
must have si least tdoOk F S3. Ore(0-
FOR SALE 24 ah area of atock In Hasel-
wood Co.. Spokane, at $1 Ju per share;
this Is less than book value Jan. 1. lull.
M. Murtenacn, Ames, aowa.
PARTNER wanted for a atrlctly eah r"
eery: owner tired of hired help; will (uar
antea (ood proftte; requlree very Uttla
money. Particular ra. 244 "a Stark at.
FOR8 A LE-1' h otoitrapb etudlo. one of tho
leaJini studtoe. (ood bualneaa and avary
thlnc of tho bast to work with. AL S3.
FOR PALE nellcateaaen. bakery and lunch
room, centrally located; (ood bualneaa;
lon( leaaa; eaay terma. W S3. Ore
(onlan. MopFKtf tea piant. pav'.r about 31 per
cent; If lntereate.1. write box 1JJ. Cottage
ilrove. Or.- price $7;iQO. A! t. orecmlsn.
HAI.K Intereat In (ood paylnr downtown
reataurs 11 to r!(bt party; will sell whole.
f 1 rejonian.
FOR SALE Payliwr bakery la (rowing
town near Portland. Inquire Gray. Uclasa
a perry. 4th and Cllsan ata.
CONFECTIONERY for aala. doing good
buslneaa. good leaaa, living-room, li e cream
parlur: price IrxX Call &7 lat at.
PAINTINil and decorating bualneaa for Bate
cheap for rash. Including office niturea,
automobile, etc AH $-". Or(onlan.
PJ.STAURANT. good location; long lease,
(1. Hammer. 40 Yeon bid. Price floOO.
Mala 3474.
UAH tit Y for sale; (ood-parln( bakery for
ale. good toan In Central Oregon; for fuU
partlcvnlar add- AO Sd. Oregonia
SALOON, long lease; rent $.i3 month. In
cluding furmabed rooms: $13oo will
handle same. Owner. B 1 1. Orc(onlan.
MOVIN-J-PICTl RB ahow cheap; fully
equipped: p eased city ordinance. X 94.
SMALL (Mingle mill for aala at barglln;
good opuortunltv. can make money at low
est price Owner. A1H Yeon bll(.
FOR RENT -Furnished dining-room and
kitchen: One location; suitable for reatau
rsnt. For partlculsra phone A 64.7.
1 WISH to Intereat women who have a little
money In a money propoaltlon that will
bring them good returns. J Orogonf a.
BARBER SHOP for aala. S chairs, also
bath: owner oina at once; sail at
aacrlllce. AV
AUl'HlTEtT wishes to co-operate with real
estate agent or part lee hsvlng lots In
building for rent or sale. T 2-ii. oregonlan.
iMle: comer, lease and money-maker. Call
1H Ttoard of Trade.
PLUMBING ehop for aale; beat location In
city for beginner. A20 Union ave-. East
Telephone and other bonds bought and
00 d. Fletcher Inv. Co.. 123 Ablngton.
FOR SALE A complete moving-picture
outfit, piano, chairs, phonograph, ate AJ
35. Oregonlan.
BUSINESS STATIONERY at special prices.
A corn preea. Mil Buchanan bid. Main a3S4.
CIO AR and frnlt bnalneee, good trade; cheap
today. call S4SS etark at-
BOO BCSrNESS carda. fl-00; you must br1n(
this so. Rosa City Printery. 1M2V Third.
BARBER ahop for sale. If taken at once;
good location. K 3. Oregonlan.
GROCERY, stock nnd f-tare; living room;
rent $2"; lease. iS B. 15th st. Noun.
FORSAI.iKarataadrheap 1 taken t
once. 713 Rusaell It
1'!.END1D location for (rocar. bee HAil
Tultl at Lang Co.
LADIES' ready-to-wear and millinery bualneaa
for aale; exceptionally good reasons for
owner retlrlnc store 82x'-H on one of the
best buslneaa streets In Vancouver at low
tent with (ood Jeaae; atock A-l con
dition; purchaser can have option of buy
Irg entire business for 23,O0. not less than
li.COO down, balance to be arranged, t- or
full partlcuiara apply P. O. Bog 11S2.
Vancouver, ii. C,
A.N unusually (ood opportunity la offered to
a well-educated young lady or young man
to secure a poaltlon as cashier and a work
ing interest In a prosperous business in
atltntlon, Wa offer a one-fourth Intereat
to tha parson with the right credentials
and a capital of $50uu. All money need
not be paid In at once. A smaller Interest
and position ran be bad with less-money.
aj 34. oreyonian.
urb, finely equipped with new Powera Ml.
6 machine. 154 opera clmlra. atage. scen
ery, drop curtain. Victor phonograph,
stereoptlron dlssolver; everything to ""
a complete and attractive theater: (ood
patronage: clearing good profits: "
bandies: might tske some trade. Call VV
Chamber of Commerce, from ll A. si. to
8 l: M. -
SMALL factory with rapidly increasing
business, manufactures 3 eetabllshed. ad
vertised brands of standard arllclea, wilt
sell 23 $!00u shares of atock to Increase
' equipment and extend markeL
lent opportunity for anyone and epaciaiiy
If you are young and can tske Blv"f.;
- In business. ci!lnr on Jobblna and retail
trade, ties F. O. Oallehur. Chapman AJ
vrrtlalng Co.. between and 1:J a.
FOR aLe0 shares tock. best payln
orchard project: will net SO per cent
profit; capital stork paid up, nonassessa
ble; over forty thousand Jollars In con
tracts now ob hand; over three hundrea
arras yet to edl; coat forty dollara an
acre: sells for :sV; position as manager
at $laoo a year goea with stock. Invea-
tlgate. av (2. oregoniao.
HARNESS and Implement buslneaa. tn
llahed 7 yeara. all (ooda In flrst-olass
shape: owners have other bualneae ana
cannot (Iva tliU business their personal
attention: here la a (ood opportunity for
an enerzetlo man u from ,-'!"" lo
i.'.n. Will sell or lease the buildings.
Adrtreas owners: Eslacada Mercantile
Co.. Eatacada. Or.
Equipped complete, on the .-.aat Sine,
rnuil be sold today; owner sick In hoa
pltal: no reaainablo offer refused. I'ar
iiculara sea Newman. 426 Waah.. near
17th st.
F1IHT-CLAS3 transfer business for sale In
one of the best smn.ll cities In Western
Washington, doing $2.'..0'X to $.-,0.(XM per
ear tualn.-ss: takes 50O to $10. out', ac
cor.ltn( to aecurlty offered; reason tar
elllng. (ulng to I'hlllpptnea. AV 31, Oro
(onUn. FOR SALE About $7500 ell-eelectod stock
furniture and tha best-known aloal ranee
In the market: reaeonable rent, located
right In the furniture dlatrlrt; well tstab
liahed: must sell on account of sickness.
For full Information Inquire 201 Morrl
aon at
ONE of tho beat-paying grocery businesses
In city, doing a $40,1x10 buslneaa: owners
must aell. aa other bualneaa demands at
tention. Tha price la $35o. Thia Includea
stock, fixtures, boraea. wagons and tha
best leaaa In city. L 28. Oregonlal Is tha best bargaTn In the city; hotel
and grill with bar: long lease and doing
llrst-class business: will sell cheap account
of slrknesa If taken at once, Olve phona
number or street address If you wish an
answer. Addrsaa O IIS. Oregonlan.
A genu wanted In Pacific Northwest.
Pacific Mutual Life. 43 years old.
Zl millions asseta We loan money.
H. H. Ward. Ucr, 712 Spalding bldg.
FOR SALE A money-rnaklrig newspaper In
a small Willamette Valley town; a good
bualneaa for a prlnter-edllor who hns a
little money and energetic enough to pusli
n growing business: $130O caib will handle
It. AV 22. oregonlatK
DO SHARKS of stock for sale In best manu
facturing business In Portland; nothing
Ilka It on the 1'aclco Coast. Your money
win be doubled In (K days. Investigate.
R 33. oregonlan.
IIA RIHVA RK. fniplement. paint atock. In
voice tlXOOO. $noK cash, balance terms.
New Northern California town with S
eaw mills tributary, bo factory. bl( ranch
trade. Addreas AV 33. Ore(nnlan.
WANT you to know one thouaand dollar In
vested pay you $240 per ear or $20
per month. Call or write for particulars.
Alaska Coast Fish Co., Incorporated, 611
Buchanan bldg.. Portland. Orc(on.
SAIXONln Oregon City, on Main street,
cheap rent, recelpta $ 1 20 per month;
. must ba sold by lat. Slrknesa tha cause;
will bear closa Investigation; very cheap.
Hub SaJoon.
PAKTNER -anter In flah market on
Washington sc. doing Rood business, low
rent. 8-year leaaa. only $250. Call 76
Stark at.
MOVINO-PICTURB theater In town 3000,
near Portland, clearing; $200 monthly;
price $1000; can give terma 404 Roth
cblld bldg;
I OWN fine location for chicken and turkey
ranch, a ant competent partner nlth about
$HNM and up, L. C. btone. Gooduoe Hills,
A FINE chance for a good phntoirrapher.
tho bualneaa all ready fur you. Thla la one
of tha best studios In the city: good
cauaa for e-!ling. AL 32, Oregonlan.
HALF Interest tn a good paying real es
tate business: n chance for a good live
man to make money. For particulars,
call at $10 Spalding bldg.
BUSINESS opportunity reouires Investment
of $1mm: will pay salary of $200 per
month and 33 1-3 per cent of the profit.
We court Investigation. tvw Beck bldg.
FOR 6ALE New. modern, pool and card
room. 20x00, adjacent only restaurant la
district, handling over 23 re(Ular board -era.
Tabor 2405.
FINE propoaltlon In a Summer resort or
sanitarium, to ba Incorporated; now 1
your chance: fine returna for your money
Invested. J 2 9. Or egonlsn.
OPENING for steady man In store; can do,
. pend on 1.1 day clear; requlree very little
money fully secured. Particulars, SlS'x
Stack st. '
CONFECTIONERY doing a big business;
Una location; will aell at an attractive
pries K taken soon, aoodnough A Selts,
$ 10 Ppkldlng bldg.
FOR BALE An excellent clothing, dry
goods end shoe business: stock about $12.
6oo; eaay terms (Iven IX bou(bt at once.
Addreas Box 870. city. '
I loan town. 2 years" leaae. a live paying
place: low price takes it. Tha Bumble
lice. W 13 pa vis, corner flth.
$130 WILL bur flna little restaurant
where you can make a good living and
than some. Inquire Western Investment
Co.. 41T Hoaro or irxno.
CIGAR, confectionery, stationery- atora for
. aale; a good buy and must be bought
at one if w sail. oaSs N. 3d. Phona M.
WE HAVE tha beat opportunity for small
Investors. $0 and up. For particulars
George Northrup. 411 Spalding bldg..
Portland.. Phone Marahall aotfd.
To get a roomlng-bouae and boarding
house In a first-class location. Apply 4.4
Chamber of commerce.
SMALL creamery, grocery and confections,
on Washington sc; good lease, low rent.
Call 27o stark.
aso CONFECTIONERY and cigars. Weat
Side, corner; salea average $20 day. Call
413 Board of Trade.
EATING house. l: Union ave.. $400 out
fit for $2;o; terms; cheap rent, coal or
gas. everything new. Owner.
$tjO BUYS stock grocery, boarding and
rooming-house; hne 2 steady boarders,
low rent. Call 27o Stark st.
FOR SALE The best-paying public market
on the East Side; car Junction; stand
close tnves'.t gat Ion, A P 33. Oreg on I an.
P-LUMBUSO bualneaa. been established 18
yeara; will aell at Invoice; half cash.
Look thla up at 618 Board of Trade.
$200 CONFECTIONERY, going away. Pea
me- 317 Hamilton bldg. Swank. Main
FOR SALE Coffee house or rentaurant.
with leaae. or will rent furnished. Sea
Wood. 207 Couch st.
MACHINE shop and foundry for aato. do
ing good business; writ tat particulars,
AV J. Oregonlan- 1
MONEY-MAKING dairy proposition: owner
going away: little money needed; act
quick. Box 12. Newberg. Or.
A NICE paying bualneaa; will Invoice about
$250: living-rooms; cheap rent, s 32,
POOLROOM, cigars, confectionary; no op-
poeiliuB. amaii " v. , vi
RESTAURANT, two block from Poetotflce,
doing 143 day bualneaa: price $500; terma,
Call 61 Board of Trade-
SWELL little suburban meat market for
sale cheap. Phone Sellwood 127a,
FOR SALE Meat market: Invoice fixture
and stock, rash. AN 16. Oregonlan.
BUYER for clear stand or small business.
214 Commercial block.
JtfO money wanted, but your help. Call
Marshall T16. A 43.5.
HAVE you 43O0? Will you Inveet It. part,y
to add In capital and for half Intereat in
a good furniture and houso-f urnlalilng
business T $3000 to ba put In before May
2. 20OO feet of floor space for goods, tn
fi.TOd building, low rent, long lease. low
t-eurance. good location: established T
years, ba grown up from nothing to
11.200 worth of atock and frxturea; ha
Eald out $;i8.20O to owners, present ownor
as be-on In possession but a few months
and needs- additional capital to Increase
tha stock and enlarge the Installment
business. If you can meet the above re
quirements, (et advisory board of Y. L
C. A. or other acency to Investigate busi
ness at owner- expense, phone Main 300
ta arrange, for meeting with owner.
$10,000 CAPlf will make you a partner In
one of tbe beat established concerns In
Vancouver, doing an exceptionally good
bualcexs in ladies ready-to-wear good
and millinery, or owner will aell his en
tire Interests for $25,000 on tho following
terms: half cash, balnnce to be arranged.
Owner's health Is falling. Full Information
apply Box 112. Vancouver, B. C
The only exclusive fiirnlture, undertak
ing and houso furnishing estableshment In
Lincoln County; established ls'.t: business
Increasing dally; building 50x50; lot Mix
140: proprietor Is blind and in falling
health reason for selling: (ihhm) will han
dle It. For further Information call on or
address owner. A, Rulebrook, Toledo, Or.
a noon thing.
Felling ut on account of slokness a
flrat-class cleaning and pressing parlor
that la doing a nice bnelneaa; location
couldn't be better; also having a laundry
bualneaa in connection that averagea
from $30 to $50 per week; aee for your
self, phone Main 6478.
$450 bnva a tine little restaurant, aeata
S5; taking" average $20 a day; small room-Ing-houae
In connection, which can be had
for $150. David Lewis, room 2. Lum
bermens bldg.
WANTED Party with from $2500 to $8306
to take Interest In good paying business;
will stand investigation; wa hav good
opening in California.
The Amea Mercantile Agency,
M.tln 3tS. 416 Ablngton bldg.
WANTED A bakery alona In a country
tnwn. but no wagon trade; state how many
loavea you bake a dny and the price for
the bakery; pleaaa let ua know at once.
J. Tousaaint, Park Hotel.-
$375. '
rooms, rooming, housekeeping, full,
rent $25 monthly; terms; snap. Owner, 63
North loth st. Main 3753.
To gel an unfurnished rooming-house
so cheap. Apply 43a Chamber of Com
merce. CLOSING out Una of furniture; will furnish
a rooming-house for cash; less than man
ufacturing coaL Swank Co.. Vancouver.
Well furnished; rent I4S.50; three years'
leaae If desired. Good Income. $1000 cash.
J 31, OregOnian.
11 ROOMS with sleeping porch, newly fur
nished, quiet section of city, alwaya full;
men roomers. AN 32. Oregonlan,
FOR SAI.E-Roomlng-house. 11 rooms,
rent t:i5. Price $550. Main 4558. Mrs.
Reynold s. owne r.
15 ROOM3. by owter; $500 handlea It, 42
Clay st.
00-ROOM hotel for sale at a bargain. Call
312 Henry bldg.
11-ROOM. flno location, excellent furniture,
rooma full. Phone owner. Main 6775.
WAN rED Partner (lady) with small cap
ital, for rooming-house. L 30. Oregonlan.
proposal- Invited.
The Common Council of Central Point.
Oregon, will receive aealed bids up to a
o'clock P. M-. May 1, lull, for the sal
of $14,000, 6 per cent. 30-year bonds,
bids to be accompanied by a certified
check equal to 6 per cent of tha amount
bid for. The right to reject any and all
bids Is reserved. Bids will be received
for any part of said bond Issue. Bonds to
ba delivered to buyer In sums ot $2000 or
multiples thereof and payment therefor
to Include accrued interest to date of de
livery. Right reserved to sell any portion
of said bonds to local purchasers on same
terms a accepted bid.
Denominations. $500. Date of bonds.
May 1. lull. Bonds mature May 1, 1041.
Bonda not optional before maturity. In
terest and principal payable at option of
holder geml-annually. Bonds liaued pur
suant to vote of tbe people March 13. 11L
llltia to be addressed to J. W. Jacobs.
City Recorder. Certified check payable
to the City Recorder, Central Point, Ore
gon. No litigation pending tnla Issue, Tna
city has never defaulted In the payment
of either Interest or principal.
Have a bonded debt of $25,000.
Assessed valuation 1810. $430.4H8.
Real valuation (estimated). $1,000,000.
Tax rate. 10 mills. Population, censua.
7tll; present population (estimated on
school ceniusl, 150O.
The proceed of the sal of these bonda
will be used directly In extending the
present water system.
I hereby certify that the above atate
, mont Is true to the best of my knowledge
and belief. Dated at Central Point. Ore
gon. April 15. 181L
City Recorder.
Tn the matter of Booth Jewelry Com
pany. Bankrupt,
Th undersigned trustee of the above en
titled estate will receive sealed hlda up
to 12:00 o'clock noon of May 1, 1911, for
the stock of diamonds. watches, clocks,
jewelry, etc.. and flxturea belonging to
said estate, situated at Forest Grove. Ore
gon, of the total Inventory valuation of
$61$7.i3. Cash or a certified check for 10
per cent of amount bid to accompany each
bid as evidence of good faith, balance to
be paid upon confirmation of aale by the
court. Right to reject any and all bids
Is hereby reserved and any acceptance of
bid subject to confirmation by court.
The stock and futures may be Inspected
upon application at store to H. W. Slttou,
Forest Grove. Oregon: copies of inventory
to be examined at store and at 03 Fenton
Bldg.. Portland. Oregon.
Dated April 11. 1911.
H, a TTJTHILL, Trustee,
H. a McCutchan. 603 Fenton Bldg., Attor
ney for Trustee.
PROPOSAI-8 for beef, mutton and lea. Van
couver Barracks, Wash.. April 22, 1011.
Sealed proposals In triplicate for furnish
ing and delivering fresh beef and mutton
for six months beginning July 1. 1911. will
be received until 11 A. M May 24, 1011,
and thon opened, at olflccs of commis
saries at Fort Stevens, Or.. Boise Barracks,
Idaho, Forts Casey. Columbia. Flagler,
Law-ton, Vancouver. Ward. Worden and
George Wright, Waah., also for Ic for
above posts for one year. Propoaala will
be considered for delivery of Ice at other
polnte than at post- Envelopes containing
proposal a must ba indorsed, "Propoaala for
fresh beef and mutton (or Ice) to ba
opened May 24. loll." and addressed to
commissary of post to be supplied. Edward
K. lravo. Colo.. A. C. P.. Chief Com'y.
BIDS will b received by the Recorder of
Toledo. Or., up to tha evening of May
10, 1011. at 8 o'clock, for the Issue of
bonds voted by the citizen ot Toledo for
the construction of a water aystem. The
laaue will be In the amount of twenty
thousand dollars and the Interest thereon
will be 6 per cent per annum. Eaclr bid
must oa accompanied by a certified cheek
on some solvent bank for an amount of
not less than 2"j per cent of the amount
of ald bid. The Recorder reserve the
right to reject any or all btda Address
all bids to F. N, 11a) den. City Recorder,
Toledo. Or.
SEALED PROPOSALS will ba received by
th State Hoard of Control until 10 A.
M-. April '-'5. lull, for electrical rewiring
tha State Capitol building.
All wiring must be tn struct aecordanc
with the rulinra of the National Electrical
Code, the contractor to furnlah on com
pletion a certificate ot approval from th
Washington Inaurance Surveyor.
Olympla. April 15. 1011.
Sealed propoaala will be received at the
office of K. Sauset, corvallla. nr.. until
May 1, 1911. for the placing of 5QO0 cu'.ilc
' arda, (mora or less) of concrete In con
duit. ' Plana and apeciftcatlons but be seen at
the office. K. Sauset, Corvallle. Or.
NOTICE to creditor of D. M. O'SuIllvan to
call at 847 Morrison st, and receive pay-
man I.
MRS. MAGGIE PETERSEN has left my bed
and board. I will not be reeopnalble for
any bllla ahe may contract.
LOST Cocker spaniel puppy, strayed from
11th and Market; reward IX returned ta
$45 11th.
APRIL 4. spring wagon, leather cushion.
Mrs, N. E. Smith. Portland, Or.. R- No. 2.
Box 6.
LOST White bull terrier pup, all whit ex
crpt dark spot on bead. Return 373 i 11th
st. Reward.
LOST Young Collie from 551 I Id -ve.
Phone East 82rvi: reward.
FOUND Some auto supplies between Salem
and Portland, Cnaa, Palmar. Hubbard, Or,
APRIL 22, 1911.
FOUND Where you can buy genuine nair
mattresses retail at wholesale prices; we
renovate mattresaee ana return same day,
wo also renovate feathers. Por,la,n,
Curled Hair Factory. H. Mctxger, 220-22S
Front, Phone Main 474; A 1374.
LOST Fraternity watch key, oblong In
ahapa. Inscribed Psl Alph PI on one side,
opposite side C, Hamblln Philobetorian
Wesleyan University, 1831; no value to
any one but owner. Reward on return to
2o3 Manchester bldg., 85 Fifth st.
STRAYED OR STOLEN Sorrel driving
horse, four white feet, silver tall and mane.
Inquire HOT Williams ave. Phone Wood-
. lawn lOOii, after B. Woodlawn 1183.
LOST A red pocketbook with Union card
No 425, Vancouver, Wash., and marriage
license and other Important papers. Find
er please return to Oregonlan office.
On Improved city property or for building
816 Spalding Bldg.
Money to Loan B at l.atate.
To bnild or purchase homes. Ton are
not required to own a lot. as we loan 100
per cent valuation on property that has a
monthly rental value. This Is the salaried
man's plan to own a home. Call or write
for particulars.
J. H. Delaney. State Agent.
425 Chamber of Commerce bldg.
Have 5uoo to loan on good city prop
erty at 7 per cent for frpm, three to five
505 Chamber of Commerce.
ON IMPROVED city property or for build
ing purposes; S to 5 years' time; liberal
repayment privileges, money advanced a
building progresses. The Equitable Sav-
lllgB OC Qn AMIKIilllUHi " 1- "
PLENTY of money to loan at 6 and 7 per
cent on real estate aecurity.
104 Second ot,
$600,000 ON improved city or farm property;
building or small loans at lowest price.:
large loans m specialty. J. H, McKenxie
Co.. 514-515-516 Gerlioger bldg.
FIRST and second mortgages and contracts
purchased on farm and city property any
where In Oregon or Washington. E. L
Devereaux. Fenton bldg.. b4 tith at.
Lewis Kulldlng. ,
WE HAVE plenty of money to loan oa
Icrtland property In sums from $1000 to
$50,000 at lowest current rates. Morgan,
nicdner & Eoyce, 503-506 Ablngton bldg.
LARGE and SMALL amounts to LOAN.
Portland and Suburban Real Estate.
E. C. EASTON, 82T Board of Trade.
$50,000 TO LOAN,
5 years, 7 per cent. West Side improved
real estate. Union Pacini) Life Insurance
Co., 8O4-0O3 Oregonlan bldgj
LOWEST RATES 1200 to $10,000 to loan
on real estate. Union Loan Co.. S3 Lafay
ettebldg, 6th and Wash, Maln$sa.
7PEK CENT $13,00 $17,00" or less: Irving
ton. Uolladay'a. Ward, Alisky bldg. M.
MONEY to loan on Improved real estate or
for building purposes. Columbia Life at
Trost Company. -16 Spalding bldg.
IMPROVED or unimproved property; email
building loans; contracts and mortgage
bought- W. K. Nunn. 443 Sherlock blog.
8200.000 TO LOAN, large loan a specialty,
building loans, lowest rates. W. G. Beck,
312 Falling bldg. ;
$300, $2000. $o000. $6000 TO loan on Port
land real estate, Goodsell Bros., 433 Wor
cester bldg
'MORTGAGE loans on city property: lowest
rates. A. H. Birrell Co.. -u- McKay bldg.,
2d and Stark.
HAVE $12,000 which I desire to loan on Im
proved property in sums to suit borrower.
L 17. Oregonlan.
2O00 to loan, good farm, near Portland.
R 32, Oregonlan.
State tunda loaned, 6 per cent, W. E. Thom
as, state agent. Multnomah Co., -40 C. of C
Will loan $10,000 or lasa, real estate security.
F a rrlngton. 116 Com niercial ciub bid g.
MO.'VEY. any amount, 6 to 8 per cent. Good,
cough 4c Saitx. 810 Spalding bldg.
RESIDENCES financed and built. A C. Fur
long.633CofJP:bldg.,A2uoO: LOANS on real, personal, chattel or collat
eral security. C W. Fallen. 808-8 Fenton.
PRIVATE money loaned on real estate mort-gag-s.
A. H. Mllcy. R. 204 Gerlinger bldg.
For real estate loans. 712 Spalding bldg.
MONEY tor good Inside loans. 6, 7, 8.
Carlock It Muelthaupt, 1032 Cham. Com,
PRIVATE MONEY $6000 to loanpn Irving
ton real aetata. East 2053. w
MONEY to loan on real estate In amounts to
suit borrower. Lawyers Abstract jfc Trust Co.
auoo GOOD security. C. R. Belknap, 6.1
yeon bldg! Main493.
Money to Loam Chatt-la and Salariea.
$ 8 8 I
If you knew how easy our terms are
you would not bo ahort of money. Dou't
be bothered with a lot ot small debts;
let us furnlah money to settle them,
Furniture and pianos, storage receipts,
livestock, rooming-houses and all kinds of
securities; terms to suit; also easy weekly
or monthly installments. We buy and loan
on first and second mortgages and. equity
la contracta.
12 Hamilton bldg., 121 3d. Main 20S4-
9 1 8 5 8
On aalaries only, in amounts of from
$3 to $100, at the lowest possible rates.
Business strictly confidential.
All we require la that you bs employed
on salary and you get the money quickly,
without mortgage, indorser or oilier se
curity. ET TB SECURITY CO, v
808 Falling Bldg.,
Cor. Third and Washington Stc
qXY advanced aalarled people, house
keepers and olhera upon their own names
without security; cheapest rates, easiest
payment; offices In 00 principal cities;
lave yourself by getting my terms first,
TOLMAN, 817 Lumber Exchange.
MONEY loaned in amounts from $10 up on
all kinds of securities, furniture, piano or
any personal property. Easy weekly or
monUily payments; low rates, confidential.
Gray Cunnlngnam, 201 Rothchlld blag.,
northwest corner 4th and Washington.
On furniture, pianos, storage receipts, ,.c
Lowest rates.
S,7 Spalding bldg.
jrXSS on diamonds. Jewelry, furs, suit
cues, trunks, overcoats and musical In
struments. Uncle Myers, 71 cth. between
Oak and Pine. Main 810.
LOWEST RATES Loana on all kinds of se
curity, cbattela or real estate. Union Loan
Co.. 85 Lafayette bldg., eth and Wash, st.
inflf rates; wo loan money on diamonds and
lewelry. Marx A Bloch, 74 3d st-
LOANS on diamonds and other eeaurltlea.
William Holi. room l, Washington blug.
A LOAN for tha asking, salary or chattel.
The Loan Co-. 414 Dekuin bldg.
MONEY loaned on diamonds and Jewelry;
atrlctly confidential. 141 H 3d, near Alder.
Loana Wanted.
W have several clients that have listed
real estat mortgage loana with us. If you
have Idle money that la not working, let
us know.
232 Chamber of Commerce.
WE can Invest your money at good rates of
. . . ,i. .cnrltlea: flrat mnrt.
races: 'long-term Investment. Provident
frTvestment Trustee Co.. 201. 208 Board
of iraae mm.
WB CAN place four loana on first mort
gages; two of $2000 and two of 81750.
Provident Investment A Trustee Co.. 2ol
203 Board of Trade.
8180O FOR lx years, reasonable Interest,
Improved city property. F 32, Orego
nlan. WANTED Loan in Irvlngton district on re r-
" . . . . i,iwi -irwii, C40.o
Jdence. tnreo amo-""i ---'i
1 H. Tlnton Co.. 1108 Spalding bldg.
LOAN of $1500 on improved real estate in
City 1 rum pnvaw i. u ..,. -
81. Oregonlan.
WANTED to borrow $8000 on Income-bear
ing property psyinR iv jf- u
$ 1S.OOO. C 33, oregonlan
F 30. Oregonlan.
WANTED $400 for 3 yeara. 8 per cent;
good aecurlty, 3 81, Oregonlan.
WANTED $1500. 8 per cent, on- Improved
property near Hawthorn e. C 35, Oregonlan,
Loans Wonted.
Want loans ot $1000. $2000 and $3000
with first mortgage security on first
class, well located, improved property at
7 and 8 per cent,
Main 1063. 505 Cham, of Com. A 1227
WANTED $.3000 loan for 1 year on build
ing and ground worth $6000. income w
per month. H --35. Oregonlan.
WANTED $1300 for 4 or 5 years at 7 per
cent on nice house and lot in Pledmont.
Call 817 Board ot Trade bldg.
FROM private party, $1500. real estate se
curity, value $3500, 3 year3. AM 34, Ore
go nian.
LET us place your money, good mortgage;
references. F. H. Lewis. 3 Lewis bldg.
WE HAVE the most complete, modern, up-to-date
offices In the West, furnished with
every known therapeutic appliance used In
America or Europe; we use no drugs,
neither do we operate; we use massage,
baths, electricity In every form. X-ray,
static hit-h frequency, ozone, sinusoidal,
faradie, galvanic, etc We use the only
radium employed by physicians on the
Paclflo Coast, We treat all chronic di
seases in men and women. Our office are
open to the public to Inspect every Sat
urday from 7:30 to 8 P. M. We give a
free exhibition of all the wonderful ap
paratus. It Is a sight you will never
have '.he opportunity to see any otner
place free. Dr. W. E. Mallory, naturo
path. We occupy the entire north naix
of the Third floor of the Rothchlld Diag-
Fourth and Washington streets.
Diseases of women and children, sur
gery; chronlo and nervous diseases treated
according to the latest methods; conune
- meat cared for; consultation free.
813 Waslington st, .
J1U1U l l'Op A WW!.
graduate; rheumatism, nervous and, "om"
ach ailments, under physician's direc
tions; baths, masseuse. No. 7 East l1";
St.. second door south from East Ankeny
carllnc. Phoue East 2C0,B JS03. .
CLOSING out stock of hair and shell goods;
pure human hair In all lde; also 'pro
hxtures, largo mirrors, tools for maains
hair goods, and laboratory; all at cost ano.
less; special Jobs to dealers. Grand Leauer,
hair dept.. 5th and Alder.
PILES, fistula, fissure and other
CALL or WRITE for names of
Dr. E. K. Scott, suite 922 Selllnglldg,
WANTED Pupils to learn halrdressing.
manicuring, facial massage, scalp tr"'"
rr.ent, weaving; great demand for gradu
ates. Sanitary Beauty College, 400-1- oa
kum bldg., over Llpman, Wolfe A Co,
DR. T. J. PIERCE, 245 hm Morrlaon st,;
rheumatism, nervous debility, paralysis, in
digestion, constipation and diseases of the
kidneys and bladder quickly cured. Ad
vlce free.
Leading wig and toupee makers: finest
tock of human hair goods; liairdresslng.
manicuring, face and scalp treatments. 14T
7 th st,. near Morrison. Pnune Main 546.
DR. WALKER, specialist for men. quickly
cures blood and skin ailments, kidney and
bladder troubles and piles. Consultation
free. 181 1st St., Portland.
MRS. Stevens, 16 yeara Portland' leading
palmist and clairvoyant, has her late
book. "Palmistry Made Easy." on sal at
843 y, Yamhill, corner Seventh st-
HELEN SORNS and J. E. Perry, magnatlo
healers, treat all chronlo diseases. 2j 1 H
Russell et., Portland, Or. Phone C 212-i ;
hours from 7 A, M. to 6 P. M.
DRES3 suits for rent. $1.50 month; keep
your clothes cleaned, pressed, buttons
sewed on, rips repaired. Prompt calls and
deliveries- Unique Tailoring Co.. 308 Stark,
THE new make-over shop, bring your old
hats, let me surprise you both In work
and price. aso Morrison,
MRS. SOPHIA B. SEIP, mental scientist,
3S6H Washington st. Main 6S24. Meet
inss Wednesday, 8 P. M.
O. ONNE JURVAS Natural sanatorium,
178 E. ' 60th. Competent masseuse both
sexes, steam and water baths Both phones.
MAGNETIC electric treatments for nervous
ness, rheumatism, lost vitality, mental.
spiritual uienjiL.8UmriHura 10 to i.
lost vitality. 25c box; 6 boxes, $1.25. Stipe
Taylor Drug Co.. 2S8 Morrison St.
Switch 85c; curls and puffs, 75c Sanl
tary Parlors. 400 Dekum bldg. .
ARE you Interested In singing? Join one,
of our new chorus clubs; afternoon and
evening classes. Phone E 3254.
LADIES, bring your old, hat to the origi
nal "Make-over Shop"; hats reblocked,
cleaned and retrlmmed. 415 Alder st.
CHIROPODY, pedicuring, manicuring, vl
bratory scalp massage. 850ii Morrison
st,. room 15. :
tTr. ALY9 A. xHXBY, physician and surgeon,
has removed to 813 Vs Washington St.
Fhone Main 3928. A 6607. .
MAGNETIC electric treatments for nervous
ness rheumatism, lost vitality, mental,
spiritual scientist- 10O 11th. Hours IP to 8.
WILLOW your own PLUMES; Illustrated
copyright Instructions, 23 cents, postpaid.
Liberal Arts College, box 1850. Seattle.
MOLES, wrinkles, superfluous hair removed.
MrsM.D. Hill. 420 FUedner bldg. M 3472.
MME. Courtwright. feature specialist treat
men t.htaeton.
MASSAGE, facial and scalp treatments by
irraduate nurse. Room 4, 841ft Morrison.
IIISS MORRIS 12214 Washington ,; room
15; manicuring; shampooing.
BALM OF FIGS Remedies for diseases of
women. 532 Davis St. Main 8215. ,
THE BATTLE CREEK baths. 24614 Yamhill
jC bet, 2d and 3d. Maln1838.
SWEDISH massage given at your residence;
nrlce reasonable. Phone B 8037.
DR. KETCHUM treats women's maladies.
17914 3d -, corner Yamhill.
224 Worcester Block.
Main 736'J. A 1448.
Counsel and expert In all matter per
taining to municipal, commercial, factory
cost ana "llJUlu "il n
FRANK R, WILCOX general accountant.
Posting, checking up, making statements
of accounts, verifying balances, also sys
. ,1.1,1- 71 Knaidinir bldg.
Commercial, County and Murlcipal.
Auditing. Investigating and Systematizing.
8 "4 Worcester block. Phone Main 63(17.
Antique Fnrnlture.
BALTIMORE Antique Furniture Co., 471
W"a-h. - repair and refinish antique and
all tine furniture, also make same to or
der; expert work, low prices. Phono Mar
shall 1UOI.
Art Schools.
GEO E. BINGHAM'S Western School ot Art,
Painting. Illustrating. Cartooning and
- Quick Sketching. 840 Corbott st. Phone
Main 3060.
Assayer and Analyst.
Wells A Proebstel. mining engineers, chem
ists and assayer. 204 It Washington.
and ore-testing work. 186 Morrison st.
A. E COOPER, attomey-at-law. General
nra'ctlce. abstracts examined. Removed to
1424 to 1428 Yeon bldg. M. 873. A 207L
Baths and Swimming.
Swedish Sanitarium Hydropathic baka oven
and massage treatment Dr. N. A. -Ms"-heth.
433 Market. M. 7033, A 2131.
Portlal d Swimming baths. 1C7 4th Elegant
roriuu-u .hower hatha 25c
plunge; ai"'"i
nit) lit. eiegaui I""" n
M 45L
Bras and Machine Work.
and machine work. 108 N. 5th. Main 27o2
ccnrlAM Estelle and Flossie Deveny, the
only sclentlllc chiropodists in the city.
Parlors 302 G-rlinger bldg.. S. W. cor. 2d
d Alder. Phone Main 1301.
rurPOPODT and pedicuring. Mrs. M. D.
Hill, room 420 FUedner bldg. Main 3473.
. BUCKNER, contractor. Jobbing of
flrr and "tore setting. 8 N 8th st. Main
5881. A 7602. Woodlawn 662.
t-ATtPEVTER and contractor; Jobbing and
remodeling a specialty; sign work. o. P.
BUss? 323i Stark. Phone Main . 8017.
vJrvRVRT WAKEFIELD, general contractor,
-f. Wells-Fargo bids- Main ESQ.
Coal and Wood.
tiiihNSIDB FUEL CO. Wholesale and re
tail" 4-ft. aawed fir and hardwood, office
and yards at 125 B. 7th t Phono Eaat
724. a -111.
DRY BLOCK WOOD, mixed with smaller
wood $3.90 per load delivered any place
in the city. Portland Wrecking Co.. 105-
Vo.7 11th st. North. Main 87. A 8736.
CENTRA-L WOOD YARD Wood and coal
Main 1006: A 1106.
NATIONAL FUEL CO., coal . and wood.
' Marshall 960, 313 Water St.
WOOD Dry 4-ft, sawed to order. -M 4306.
COAL A 4547. Prompt dellv. Neer A Farr,
lections. 1024 Cha. of Coin. Main 7810.
FORTLAND Collection Agency 317 Alisky
bldg. All debts collected. A 7317, M. 4222.-
Coal and Wood,
SEGHER3 WOOD CO. Sawed 4-ft. cord
wood and slabwood. 8th and Glisan. M.
6350, M. S351. A 2415- .
Chiropractic Physician.
and remember Columbia bldg. 12 to a:30.
DR. EVA MARSH, first lady chiro. Dr. in
Oregon. 223 FUedner bldg. Hours 9 to 6.
Conxultlnir Enginerts.
UNITED Engineering A Construction Co..
Eng. and contractors. 711 Lewis bldg. x
LESSONS 25c; 4 lessors for $1; waltz, two
step; three-step; stage dancing, etc.;
every morning, afternoon and eve.. Prof.
Wal Willson's' School; oldest and only rec
ognized academy for correct cancing,
36M, Wash. St., bet. W. Park and 10th sta.
LESSONS 25c. Heath's Dai clng School. 109
Second St., between Washington and Stark
streets; stage dancing taught, waltz and
two-step guaranteed in 4 Ieasons; class
Monday evening, 8 to 10: lessons dally.
PROFESSOR RINGLER. physical culturlst.
dancing master. 23114 Morrison, corner 2iL
Instructlon dally. " -
ALVEOLAR TEETH where bridge work Is
Impossible: does away entirely with plates,
brldgework; we cure pyorrhea tkiose
teeth) absolutely: terms to reliable people.
Alveolar Dental Co., Abington bldg. U"l 3d
THE old reliable Union Painless Dentist.
1st and Morrison sts.
Dog and Horse Uopllal.
Dr. Brown. D. V. S.. office 129 N. 11th sL
Main 4086; res. E. 5440. Hospital 30 12th.
Engines Gas and Steuro,
KOBER Machinery Co., Coast acts. Seabury
steam engines and boilers, gasoline en
gine. 2S1-2S3 E. Morrison st. Plione E. 51J.
Electric Motors.
Motors for rent or sale. 213 2d st.
Fans and Blowers.
st. Dust collecting and ventilating sys
tems. Phones C 1115, E. 3280.
Feed Store.
ZIGLER A MINSER. hay. grain, feed, ce
ment, shingles. 294 Grand ave. E. 482.
PLATE glass, window glass, doors, window,
new. second-hand. Portland Wrecking Co.,
105-7 11th at., N. Main 37, A 3736.
Ladies' Tailoring.
A PERFECTLY flttlng stylish garment I
much admired by everybody. Suits to
your measure from $30 up. J. M. EHR
and OAK. Phoenix bldg
Landsca pel iardeners.
LANDSCAPE gardener The making of new
and caring for old lawns our specialty.
ueo. w. Lindsay, city.
EXPERT locksmith and general repairing.
105 Park, near Wash. M. 9167.
Leather and Findings.
CHAS. S. MASTIC A CO.. 74 Front. Leather
ot every description, taps, mfrs. findings.
tablished 1S5S. 189 Front St.
Mineral Water.
for Hires. Manufacturers of high-class
carbonated beverages- Notify us of all
empty siphons, bottles and cases. Phones,
Main f.091. A 1SI10. Carter-Gratton-Nelson
Bottling Co.. 328 Johnson st. m
Emil Thlelhorn, violin teacher, pupil Fevclk.
800 Marquam. A 4160. M a rsh al 1 1628.
Osteopal hie Phynlclniig.
DR. LEROY SMITH, graduate KIrksville,
Mo., class of 1898; post-graduate, 1907.
under Dr. A. T. Still, founder of the nci
ence. 122 Selling bldg. M. 1987. A 1985.
Dr. R. B. Northrup. 415-lt-17 Dekum bldg..
Nervous and Chronic DUeases.
Phone office M. 349, Res., East or B 1023.
Paints, Oils and Glass.
COAST-MADE paint and varnish Is best
adapted to the Coast climate. BASS
HUETER PAINT CO.. 181 Second at.
RASMUSSEN A- CO., Jobbers, paints, oils,
glass. sash and doors. Cor. 2d and Taylor.
Painting. -
PAINTING, tinting, paperhanging ; rooma
tinted. $2 50 per room. Phone Marahall 50.
Papering and Tinting.
TINTING, painting, paperhanglng; neat,
clean work. Phone Eaat 358. ,
Patent Attorneys.
TJ. 8. AND FOREIGN PATENTS procured by
409 Chamber of Commerce bldg.
PATENT S procured by J. K. Mock, attorney
at law. late of U. S. Patent Office. Book
iet free. 719 Board of Trade bldg.
R. C. WRIGHT, domestic- and foreign pat
ents. Infringement cases. 604 Dekum bldg.
THE Barber Asphalt Paving Company. 606
60S Electric bldg. Oscar Huber. Portland.
WARREN Construction Co. Street paving,
sidewalks and crosswalks. 317 Beck bldg.
UNCLE MYERS Collateral Bank. 40 yearx
In Portland. 71 6th st. Main HIP.
office near 24th and York sts. M. 8488.
209 2d St, Main 2001. A 200L
COFFEY PLUMBING CO., sanitary plumb
ers. 493 Glisan. Main 8487.
Rubber Stamps.
ALSO seals, stencils, choice stationery, etc
Cunningham's, 231 Stark. Main 1407.
Bug We vers.
old carpets; colonial rag rugs. East 85SO.
B 1280. 153 Union ave., nr. E. Morrison.
WORKS. Home products, highest grade:
factory prices, easy terms; aecond-haml
safes cheap. Salesrooms corner Third and
Pine. Factory Kenton. Portland.
THE MOSLER SAFE CO., 108 2d St. Safe
at factory prices; second-hand safes.
Second-Hand Goods.
WE pay the highest prices for second-hand
clothing and shoes. A 3190. 5314 N. 6th.
Showcases, Bank and Show Fixture.
THE LUTKE MFG. CO.. branch Grand Rap-
Ids Showcase Co.,
6th and Hoyt. R. Lutke,
showcases in stock: prompt delivery, sale
agent. M. Winter Lumber Co.
MARSHALL MFG. CO.. 4th and Couch: new
and second-hand. Main 2703. Cabinet work.
Picturesque St. Lawrence Route,
Weekly Sailings From
Splendid scenery, shortest passage, low rates.
Any local agent, or
ALLEN A CO., 174 Jackson Blvd.. Chteago.
Storage and Transfer.
Fx'perts, reliable men, no booze-Ilghters,
will move you quicker, cheaper and bet
ter than anyone else. Phone u for an
estimate; storage rate the very lowest.
Van Horn iransior vu. imi vum.
C O PICK Transfer A Storage Co., office
and commodious 4-story brick warehouse,
aeparate iron rooms and fireproof vault for
valuables. N. W. cor. 2d and Pine sts.
Pianos and furniture moved and packed
for shipping. Main 596. A 1996.
General transferring and storage, safes,
pianos and turniture moved and packed
for shipment. 87-S9 Front st. Telephone
Main 547 or A 2247.
OREGON TRANSFER CO., established 1870.
Transfer and forwarding agents Storage
office 310 Hoyt st., between 6th and 6th,
. phones Main 69. A 1169.
MOOSE, elk heads, full work. F. B. Flnley,
219 .Columbia, A 1843
WE are the exchange for the largest type
writer concern on this Coast: Investigate;
ii 1. .. , .11 ..fir-en. The Tvnewrller "F.x,
Hll in 11 n , - - y ' ; T
change. 28714 Washington st
TYPEWRITERS, all makes, $20 to $60, fully
guaranteed, easy payments, rentals, $3 per
month. paclf4 Stationery A Printing ,.-.
203 2d st.
NEW rebuilt, second-hand rentals, at cut
rates. P. D. C. Co., 231 Stark. M. 1407.
Vacuum Cleaning.
CARPETS cleaned on floor el PT hour:
rates to large house!. B 165. Ean 4497.
Well 'Drilling. '
DRILLING wells a specialty; priced reason
able. Call Main 1348 or write Miller eg
West, 1S2 Morrison t., Portland,