-" . . . i TOR HAIJC lloa-aara. Teavfc-lew. rir' T.tr. MARK and tora. weight Jrtl. mgnd and koM workers, pri. with new heaty har ness. $!. choice of Cam. ?"; pir bar mra. walght J'. ' 0, :! mr '!. DO llemtahea and In fine condition; elao 1 111 pound. mare. .". perfectly g-ntle. b mat, will e-ll cb'p: thee, will all r- lltti a thorough trial er,d (usramwd aa rcpreaented. all I I c-ecoDd at., b- m Market ud Xi'1- A TEA"f"p" fr or trad for larger bora. I.voo's Llvary stable, tormr I n: a and Alder. flaaaa. Oranaatat aeaa M lD" rurneaatw Wl? efTer for aa:a the follow in c unredeemed Inatrumccta and other arlic.ea to cover storaae rharan. fre got and Klvinr. aama.v: kiaj $113. dickering $'. .v Ic.r Hr '' kerlng . :mn.n $170. w.b-r l. KimM l;:o. Ve-eo im. silna f.Tjo H o.l.rd !.! Aci:ua ptno p'lr" ". mualo ln-dsded-. Pianola ". drop-hen J sewitg mar nine til lo $li. Angelu piano player N-ieen tiaJ - aroala ar all In fne coaidltton. T-rn rti. tlfe guaranteed perfect, fcoa-ldat'd Storage Forirt m i. c. M oiaei's a ar house. J4a I'ln at.. tax. 2J and 3d. FOR RFtNT Yprteht plant by prtvaia party. IT Kearney. Warn 3: BAft'lAIN ftabr g-nd plai leaving rltr. 9 East Tlat land for sale. at. N. Aatoaranblle SF.i OND-H.tNO CARS. rrAR.J. tlcoa model. T-paaaancar. 4 evlltidet. equlrroeot. top. !aa front, speedometer. ia tank, demount:). flma. t cx?-a aasinc. $ 1 C--0. CHALMSKS. Il" S-pangr. U k. a. ally eoutl-red; llll'O. PMRLtiS. l''t model. T-paaaarr: equipment, top. xlaa-a front, Warnar speed ometer. a tank: IJ'0. UUIILU. teyliider. spaeaen.er: awr: pment. t..p. gla front. St at wart ataad. oi; 14. . . RCi. linear. $-paesenrer. qu'pned with top and Stewart areedometer: lata. It Co. S--y lur. i-pienarer. o.uured with top aid Stewart pdo-Titar : Mn. OLD-MOftlLP. 4-rrl!r 1-r. a)Ulppal atltS top aed glaaa front; oi)x Pt'l-"K. 3-cTlmtl-r. aoulppa with top. CIPILXAC. llo. Tonnaau. top. front, a-1 condition: rapaintanl. i:x WINTOX 8. ftpaaaankcr. -iulppad tfh tcp wtrd-ahlrld and prato: Bfl'-K. mtx!-l 1. a-.ylinciar tunaooot. In good condition; .vio. PIEr.r !! moa!l. -ry!lni1r. S p.. S-paaanirar to jrinc. At condition: top, vir.i ma,imtar ard clock: $THxx WHITE GAS. 1 ila tour, car; top. front. apdojne(r. praoto: 1 --"O. Tna cacara of thaa cara bava lafl tnaji for ta with ua. lhar basins Pur rkm.at 1 1 1 plarca-Arroar or CadlliaJ cara. ll will rT yoti to Invaatlffata. COVEY MOTOR OA R IHMPANT. Vain c I TO. Tts ardtouh Ptt. VK hav tha folloa-lnc uaod nulrk cara upon whlltl w will uiaka very altrartitra pricaa: ' . 1 ) Trnal'l M aurroy. 40 h. P. 1 rlo mntl' l 1 7 tourlnk oar. 40 h. p. 1 ilt molol 1 aurrry. 4ti h. p. 3 110 moU'l 1 toy tonnaau cara. S3 P- 1 mod-! 5-A trnck. Alt of tha abova hava astra rajulpmont and ara In Orat-claaa macnanlcai condi tion, aruaranra-rd by ua. HOWARD ALTO CO.. 7th and Couch Bra. racing Coaat Diatnhutora Hulck Cara. lIO Ft'K'K toy-tonnrao. 4-H. r.. lo Cadillac touring car. good aa naw. 'lilo Vamwall tourtn car. 1030. Vaiw-U Junior. fuUy aajulpped and Ilka tr. g0O. Itrtiali runxbout. fultv oajulppcd: HOC ltn piud'bakcr-Oirford tonrlna; car. fullT aajulppaxl: coat :7'0: our prior. tlliO. W Klan.lra. f-.:lly rqutpfd. oi5. I'MO Monitor. l'.lb. truck, flrat-claaa condition: coat $!l); prlca 3. f.iin Oakland. 4-H. P. touring car. fill! Qu!pp"i- (t'miiuntaMa rlma; prlra $13341. CUSTOM -H'T.-'B AI TO CO.. , S3I Ercrrtt St. riF.RCK Arrow. 4 b. p.. l-paangar. 1010. has bean run aaout S"1"" mllra, Jut ra rrlrl complata machanlcal overhauling. U n jar blng rapaintcd. and purchaser ran preoriba dcalred color; haa a com plrta aiuipinrnt of hlrheat grada. Includ. Ing 3evrral extra raaincs. etc. Apply 5'X W'olla Fargo bldg. Telephonea, Pacific. Priaatt Exchange 1. house 4i; Home, A CISl.-bouaa 4i. ATTOMoKlLE for aale or will trade on good firoporty; car la S-paangr cyllndrr. n perfect condition. It la tha beat car in iha city. KEASEY. inilASOV JEFFERT. ;r2 c h am. of Com. A Hit. M. 11 lt10 BlIV'K. toy lonnaail. motor 40-h.-l.. 4-cllndrr; haa been run lesa than S-'MJ miles am! should bring about JH"0. but owner la leavlna dty and must have tha cash. 9'hmi tikea It. Custom-Houae Auto "o.. T.31 Ker-tt at. aYAST to bur the heat eeoond-h.ind auto n oMIe. to coat about SltXn) cash; answer roust give full partlculara. AP 34. Ora- goti la n. . k.tXWCM. 3 h- p. S-pasaenger touring oar. fully equipped, flrat-rlass condition, rash, or will trade for Portland real ea- tate. Apply 1107 Teon bldg. FOR SAi.K - rues. 2 rope portlerra 1 em broMored Japaneaa acreen; a anap. A 47U.. WANTED To buy outfit for garaga; either second-hand or new. Eastman A Hyett. Mlverton. Or. NO reasonable offer refused for Pope Waverly eiaM-trte auto wlthtut batterlea. Angelea Auto Aodama. ttth at. Al'TOMOHILES Doucht and sold. Call or write tor taraaln Int. Cusiom-Hocse AUta Co.. Sol Kvr'ett r. M-aln Ipl3. 1 ACRES, near electric Una, trade for good 4-rvlmder runabout. Holbro..H, 403 Coucb bldg. WILL, accept "runabout aa first payment on new t-nom turnaloa. b31 Chamoer of commerre. A 4.HH. e 1 Ft I machine, two sested . mnat sell Mod d a r -A Mrese a w n e r. K 2 7. Ore go n lan. WILL, sell at a bargain a deposit on a Ileaa auto. U 32. orcgonian. " Birds. Doga and Pet Stock. IHOROlCH-HREn Uylng strain. White Ua horn eaa. for saMting. ft for la. Tc.cph'n 11 2Vil or rail llu Eaat B'Hh at., two blocks south of Hawthorne ava. FKVEFtAL fine bull pupa: male and female. Partric Coast Stable, "th and Couch at. WHITE Pekin riurk exga. Phone Mala or A !. 1J Front su M ieccllaacous. STEEL, ranee with water coll In good con tilt. on. f: 4-burner g.ts rarge. $7.oO; 3 ards Iniatd llnoleunn. bK per ard: No. a lonh ait' with wat-r coll. fll; full-atxa ? erdwood drriuaers. In up: wast stands. II. JO to i.'i: chirronters. !.; Iron beals. I..Vk to J 7 J ; all-hra.a bed. gin: rockers. II U.'. to $l; a.l kinds of household fur nlsiunr. new and fine, second hand. W EiTERV .'ALVAOE .MMPANV. 34S-317 Waahlnrton. between Kth knd 17th eta At.t. the material and fixtures taken from tha build. ngs we wreck la gona over and put Into merchantable shape. Everything In tha building line for sale very reason able. Give ua a call. Portland wrecking co lOi-107 X. llth st Main 17. A i7J. XXXtRS.- several thousand new and second, band, must ba sold at once to make room. 4dc and up PORTLAND WRECKING CO, 1HS-147 N. llth St, ilxin IT. A 1714. WIN DOWS AS!land g:aaa7aecond-hand and new, to be sold at 'once. Very cheap. PORTLAND WRECKING CO. 105-107 N. llth St Main 7. A 1714. MEN'S fPRIXO SUIT.". X rr.aMlc's arriving almost dally. Tlvf Tour suit of Jtmmle Uunn and lava money. No big prortta tacked on for hiah rent; take eleva '.or to room 313. Oregonla-t hM g. Aa FES Near and 2d-band: low pricee: easy terms: aafea opened, repaired and painted. fURCCLL SAFB CO. and PORTLAND BAFC CO, ea J'h at. Mm r.Sua. A 4114, FOR SALE Small printing mull, type car", marble alab and etan.l and email ouanrlty of type, etc.; barsaua. Inquire 206 Wot- ceater block. BARGAINS for a few days only: Remington No 7. g 'S: Fcor. No. 3. $3i: Bilck. No. 0. 117.30- Flick. No T. The Northwest Typewriter Co.. VO MH at. OLD ewelry sxchanced for watcbea and dlamonde: unredeemed pledgee for half erlgtna! prices. L'ncla Myara. 71 gtg at. between Cak and Pine. a-ORRCOATED KiaOFING IRON, second hand. In good condttlon. !. per square. Portland Vreck:nr Co.. lei-le; X. llth St. Main 37. A 173. HOME COMFORT range. Jewel gas rang and laila 10-ounc tent. Call Ilct ICaat Clay at; asivn new No. 1 tsteat model L. C Fmlth typewriter for sale reasonable. W la. OragonLan. we ail V " nieh-oi assure boiler. 72x19. Oregon A Washington Lumber Co, fool of Hamt ton art. ma Sll F Showcases, wallcsse. countera General fixtures In stock and made to order at aoweat prices. 131 Grand ava. bj. OVR 10horae Russell traction angina. I.oole tllegeHhaTer. Jit, N. let St. FrRNITVIiE. ruaa. gas alove aid heater or SO .a. ... i j . aEALSKIV Jacket, slightly worn, for sal cheap, .au b. aaaanr at. SOLID "k roll-top desk Vanduya ak ,Wa- I OK SALE. TOR aALri. Tasw 10O-H. P. horizontal return tnbalar boiler, complete with Inclosed tvpa feed water beater, mils Smith valve feed pump. Uodge Ir.Jectora. safety valves, crown valves. aLinch header and all ang.a valvea and Williams feed-water regulator, with aafety water columns, la good con ' attlon. Also one 1I-H. V. aertlral submerged hesd tubular boiler, complete with aafety valve and nrtlngs. Including ftuffalo In lector: atnoat new; only used a short time. Fcr further particulars Indulr at room 2f 1 Orvgoniao b'dg. M E V ! TKOVSERS. Just arrive.!, an entirely new line of pants, lluy from me and keep the extra profit thet would otherwise go to the land lord. 4."- pants for a.:". J.0 pants for . .V. My system of buying and 3fl a month r.nt doea It. Jnnnile lann. 314 t'regonlan bldg. SACKS 2 second-hand. Will ae.l chvap for cash. F 132. Oregcnlan. WANTF-D MIKCFI.I..TOri. WE HAVE THE BEST "YSTITM IX THE lilt r ' rt !r.ui.i. roomiii-hoisi:s. CI"-,.K ,-rnKM. CONFKCTloNKKY STORES. clRmERV STi'lJiS. lttT.M'llANTS. . HAKEIIY AND t.VNCBROOMS. 1KLICATV.SSKNS. Pa-XL AND UlLLIARD HALLS. tJT"c- WANT QflCK RETTTtN LIST WITH IS. WE HAVE I.AILV CAl.U FOR THESE USW OF BLtI- NK'cO-OPERATIVE P.EALTT CO.. SlkV-2U-21 Hallway Exchange. WE BI T CLOTHING. EVF.RTTH1NO. Hlahest prlra paid for men's eMi-on rlothlnc. shoee: we also buy ladl-v- cloth lug Call up the Glob. Mala 20S0. --v t 11 at. pear ti'iann'ia. BARGKK'S ACTION HOCSE wants household goods, furniture 'or.5"v er comrr-isaion. fcaa: lo.'X 3o-0 K. Momaon at. That's alL WNTED .Vo cords first growth fir cord- . 1 1 1 t.., 1 -. t 1 w-T 1 .". ol price f. o. b. l orl.and; glv address. T '. Oregon la n. ' MONET LOST ericas you call tne Ford Auction Co. and get their prtcea on what you have to Mil Main 8-J3I. A 2443. WANTED To buy barber ship. 3 to 5 chairs, foe cash, down town district. Full rartlculnra. All T.2. Orcgonian. . WANTED Contrarls for cl-arlnr iand and . . .in. I'hone granine. s. i-aimcr. ..- !i.lw.Vut 74. WE pay the hiefceat cash price for second- nauii luruiiai. . . - Kaat H1.14. 34 Hawthorne ave. IF YOU have household f-.rnltur t aIL call up Georaa- rtaaer at t o.. 10a - Snic at residences a specialty HFt.P Tf A NTF. D M V LE- REAL ESTATE 8ALEMAN' to sell Tualatin valley acreage In traota ot irom a to a acres; t'ntted Kallwsy station on prop erty; some alrvaay plowed; some bruah and soma heavy timber: you can please any customer and we pay good commis sion. This la a chante to make good money eaaily. Call at 33S Chamber or Commerce. MEM wanted, age 1S-23. for firemen 100 monthly and DraKemen ' on nv.iw. roada. Expeiienca unnecessary: no stria, positions guaranteed competent men. Pro. motion. Railroad employing headouartcr over 4oO men sent to posltlona monthly. Slat age. send stamp. Hallway Associa tion, car Oregonlan. WANTED for 17. S. Army, able-bodied un married men between ages 01 1" ana aj. citizens of United states, of good charac ter and temperate hablra, who can speak, rend and write th English language. For Information apply to Recruiting Officer, Alnswonh block. 3d and Oak a la., Port land. Or. REAL ESTATE SALESMEN" Experienced and capable or earning mommy on the ordinary proposition can earn $10ti. li0 or i00 monthly with us. or they have missed their vocation. Call between and 12 A. M. We haven't time to bother with drone. 308 Railway Exchange bldg. REAL estate ealesman: To sell acreaga In small tracts on electric ranroau. i mlle from Portland. This I a good proposition and I will pay salary and com mlslcn to tight party. Room 338 Cham ber of Commerce. - WANTED Boy with whrelg to deliver tel egrams: good wage ana opportunity tor advancement: could use a few boy after a.-hool and on Saturday. WESTEKN UNION TELEGRAPH CO- 7f) Third St. SALESMAN for an attractive proposition: must !e energetic and a wining woraer: possibilities limited only to your ability. Apply at 403 Couch bldg.. bet. 8:30 and 10 A. M. WANTED Good market foreman for retail meat market; none but goon men neci annia aaiarr Il?a oer month: give r"f- ere n..' Addreea p. o. DOS tti, nana Walla. Wash. WANTED Two saah and door machine men and - lirmDcr graaers. to graua lum ber In yard; ateady employment year round: wages $2. JO per day and up. Colum bia River Door Co.. Rainier. Or RAILWAY mall clerks, postofflce elerka letter camera, custom-house and Internal revenue employes, to prepare for exam Inatlona; frea book, paclflo btataa School, M.Kay b'dg- city. TOUNG man. 19 to 2J: wholesale house; good opportunity; on familiar with type writer preferred; give age. experience, ref ervneea. phone number. C 32. Oregonlan. GOVERNMENT EMPLOYES WANTED Send postal lor t'ortianu. ar.. examina tion schedule. FrsTjciln Instlttua, Dept. 2la F. Rochester. N. Y. BARBER at Hums. Or., salary SI per week with guarantee: only sooer aiw in Industrious men need apply. Adrea W. C. Luekey. Burns. tr. tt-ivTl'n Men to sell a useful article can easily clear 13 per day: everybody needs It: pronta are large. 227 Wa Wash ington st.. rm BRIGHT boy. about 1. to learn busln In prominent nrm: aman salary to oegm with, but goof cnance tor inuustrious ooy. A 31. Oregonlan. t WANTED Man. thoroughly versed In th manufacture of evaporated milk; will pay i:.o per month for the right man. Addrcaa AV :t. oregonlan. WANTED First-class paperroaker for Job Mna snoo: must h energetic nd hav some lnitiatlvenes: goaxl waarea to tight . .... . C "1 Or. von ' " VNT vou to know on hundred dollare In vested pays you 24 per year. Call or wtito to Alaska coast nan to., incorporateo. all Bathanan bl.lg. WANTED A cashier for a country bank: ealarv 173 per month: Investment I32O0 for 30 share. F. . earner, cathlamet. Wash. WANTED Young man to learn the timber business; good opportunity: evperlence utl neccary.lartlcuiars S21 Board of Trade. WANTED Experienced meat salesman for rountry territory. S'ate age. reference and salary wanled. D32.Oregonlan. JAPANESE yotmg men wants a private laa.-h'r in Kngusn. nie to it. 3Ilyaaakl. care M. Furuya Co.. city. WANTED Experienced cutter for merchant tailor; only tlrst-cla?s man conaldccd. Ad dresa AO34. Oregcnlan. FIRST-CLASS wagon woodworker, 'apply Columbia Carriage V Auto Works. 3C Front tt LEARN ausomoblle drtvinc and repairing, actual practical experience: day or even Inca. nW Washington et.. room 413. MALE help wanted for typer and decorator for paint ehop. Apply P. C. Safe A- Vault Works. Kenton. WANT Eli Machine men. bench men. frame. makers, glue-room men. Nlcolal- Ncppach Co. a LOCAL' ialeemnn for Lleta englueera ln strumenta Tha A. L4ets Co.. saa Fran. Cisco. CaL LOCAL OFFICE International Correspond ence s.-hools, 2:.1 Alder at., open till i P. M. Ser.d for free catalogues. STOCK cotter for furniture factory. Apply . Oregon Furniture Manufacturing Co.. 1240 Macadam road. PHOTOGRAPH coupon and poctralt stents. n-v offvr. Cutberth studio. Lickum bldg. SALESMAN, one that can ae'i Industrial atock. Address X 4. Oregonlan. HI IK-GRADE salesman wanted at 1117-1$ J eonblcg -COME TO THE PACIFIC WITH WARD." Se my ad under bualneaa opportunlilea TE a-MPTERTor" railroad grading work at Wendllng. Call room 10. 141 Flrt L SALESMAN A Ilveenthusiaat1s man. one) thatcaa Mil. A 21.Oregonlan. AN experienced attorney as full partner In a sp.endld prattlce. Call 14Lewls J.ldg. VANTED---3o"eiperlericed brick plant men at :h Ltt'.la Fall Fir Clay Co.. at Bayu. Wash. GOI rellshle bov aa apprentice In archi tect's office. Apply S-'l Yeon bldg. WANTED Flrst-clasa baker cook. It 31. Oregonlan. and pastry MACHINIST wanted. Must be all-round man. Grant Pas Iron at fcteel Works. Sx&DES, wasted for Saturdajr. 104 Madlaoo. THE MORNING HELP WANTED WAIT. IN'CIDEXT. Offtc Pacreiary Employment Depart ment. T. M. C. A. . Young man. atranger. out of work Ms total cash aasetal If I pay you 5 for special n-.ployment membership 1 win only ha US left between m and gtarva- tl0oicretary If yon Pay IS for peetal em ployment membership you will have tha T. M. C. A., with all It rewouxcea, btwa you and starvation. What happened 7 . , Young man took membership. Inalde of two hours he found satisfactory employ. "touring March, 1!U. 182 other found cmplovnient In a like manner. Employment or refund of mamoersnip fee guTranteed. , Pea secretary employment department, I. V.C.A, WANTED MOVTNG-PICTURK OPERATORS In atarr lty throughout th world: now IS TOfR OPPORTUNITY to " HOOD PAYING 1KADE: OUR Si HOOI. is kkco"MZED in the Eaet a in STANDARD: w are the f a--tory Job!1' " for all STANDARD MOV1 NG-PIrri RB MAfHINES. SUPPLIES. FOLDING CHAIRS AND ELECTRIC PIANOS: many thousand beautiful picture lima for rent. THEATERS EQUIPPED COMPLETE ON EASY TERMS. SPECIAL LOW PRICE ON LESSONS TODAY. , New Tork Film Co. for square deal. Slots Washington, near 17th. WE WOULD LIKE TO HEAP, from a man employed In one of the local snops or tor:-s. a foreman preferred, or one who Is well acquainted with his follows; we have a proposition whereby you can asily earn i to per day. b..si.l. your wages, for jut a Utile work that will tike up none of your employers time. This la an unusual opportunity for tn right man. Answer at ones. '"t,.n Pr" titulars, also phone number. X aa, ore go 11 la n ABLE-BODIED men wanted for th V. . 8. Mann Corp, between th age of IS aM : must o native-born or have "raj pspers: monthly py 116 to ItfV: addltl'inal compensation possible: '"od. clothing, quarters and medical attention free, after t years' servlc can retire with 13 per cent of py and allowance; aervlc oa board ship and hor In all parti o th world. Apply at U. 8. Mar In Corpa raj crultlng office. Breeden blug, Sd and Washington sts., PortlKud. Or. JANITOR wanted, one competent to take rharre of the work of a large mercantile entablislitnent. only those who can furnlsn the teat of references need apply. R is Orcsunl.tn. ATTENTION. On of our salesmen hag made ' ready this month: It you can aell real estate In the country, wo need you and will show you a system that get ousl ms. See L. O. Thompson, With lOVE -THOMPSON CO.. 4-'U-422-44 Board of Trade. I WANT an advertising man i '"'"""; brains and anility. tie o.ue. - - - prootice good business and to take run chaige of the work. Preference will be given to the man who hits ir,dO to Invest, but this la not absolutely essential: give full particulars In first letter. R. J I. each man. 643 Hastings St.. ancouvcr, " n. c. SALESMEN A larg and responsible realty corporation having properties In Portland and others coming on. desires servicea of a few high-grade solicitors: business get ters In anv line can. with our assistance, earn large" Income: we have the standing, th property and the method; If you hav th ability and will woik you cant fall. Write atatlng age and whether married or single. AK 23. Oreconian. BELMONT AUTO SCHOOL. Th only thoroughly equipped school ON THE PACIFIC COAST. Thorough Instruction, competent maa-agem-nt and practical work. E. 23 D AND MORRISON. Taka 6-8 or Mt. Tabor car: -look ua ap be 'or deciding to enroll elsewhere. HELP IV ATtTTD FF.MALK. MUNICIPAL Free Employment Bureau ex tends every courtesy to girls and in search of employment. Lady assistant. No fee charged. 272 Madison St. WANTED Experienced warns n conk. Apply mornings. J. H. Page, residence N. -corner 20th and Clifton at.. Portland Heights. WANT you to know one hundred dollars In vested pay you 24 per year. Call or writ to Alaska Coast Fish Co.. Incorporated. Mt Iturhanan bldg. FIRST-CLASS cook wanted In widower- family; other help kept for children; wanes 40: references required. For per sonal Interview address A 35.Oregonlan. THE GREATERToLDS. WORTMAN i'lCING fTI RE HW1-1REH THE SERVICES OF MANICURISTS AND HAIRDRESSERS. Apnivathiilr goods dept.. econd floor. WANTED Good girt cook and assist In housework, small family: "u1t-'-"w"; modern home. Particulars, Main 28S or cull 1 Q..2 t hamper ot ewniHgivc. WANTED Experienced girl for general housework; laundress In thy house: will pxy best wages. Apply i3a Dwlght L. near 22d. . . W' ANTED Girl for general housework; ,.. .i.t with children: good wages: no objection to coioreu naiii. ruuua Es St 3 url. . WANTED Girl for general housework In fa'mllv of four. Must be able to cook. Call mornings. 305 32d L North. Tele- phoneMo1liilCX; , WANTED Girl for general housework, mornings. 8 to 1 : 4 rooms. Morton Apart- mcnts. No. 1"; salary ' aweek. WANTED An experienced chambermaid. Call let ween 11 and 12. Room 222, Sowini Hotel. GOOD wages to competent nurse girl for 2 srrall children. Muin 330. Natt McDougall, 3H N. S-d at- - WANTED Experienced housemaid for up salrs work. Apply to Mra. C. H. Iwls, luth a nd G Haa n. URS. HOWE'S LADIES AGENCY, 12tlsB Washington St.. Room 314. Main B3o or A S2U0. AT ONCE First-class pastry cook: also good on salads; no Sunday work. Sheldon Cafe terta.2i.,6Morrison st. t WANTED Woman. hour per waek, fam ily of two, permnnent If neat and thor- ughPJhnCivenlngS; WANTED Renned. capable woman for re sponsible position. Vlavl Co.. H09 Roth child bJd..thanrtWahlngton. w"NTED Chambermaid for a small rooming-house. Call after 10 o'clock A. M. at lalH Stark St. 6HORT-HOI R WAITRE?-SES at tho Great er Olda. Wortman Ac King Store. Apply at basumcnt lunchroom. 2 rilASlBKUMAirW. S week: camp helper: cook ! country; waitresses, country. Howe's Ladleaf Agency. 314. 320'i Wash. W ANT ED I r I for general housework, small family, good home, good wages. Antily 4t East 17th at. North. I car. GIRL for general housework, good wage for competent cook; small family. "W Weldlcr at; . WANTS D A n experienced girl for second work' city references required. Telephon Maln3u7l or A 371. RELIABLE girl for general housework; must be good plain cook. b23 Tillamook. lake Broadway car. EXPERIENCED girl for general housework and coiktng. call afternoon. S.;l North- up. pear 21" EXPERIENCED skirt and waist drapers: also helpera Teesdale, 606 Marquam bldg. . " HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCT. 13 Washington at., cor 7th. upstair. WANTED A girl for general housework. 49 E. llth north. EXPERIENCED family eool;. JJ0j second girl. Sao. i-none 2o;il. A 477.1. VI'ST V i Its girl to assist w ith care of baby. Apply 74 Everett. GIRL for general housework In small fam- lly: no cooking. 4o3 4th rL GIRL for general housework, small family of adults. 321 6th st. WANTED Coat hands, ladles' alteration dept. K. M. Gray'a. 273-273 Morrison at 4th. WANTED Experienced nursemaid. Apply bOS Love joy. GIRL for general houaework. good wages. Apply S-ll 32d St. N.. lliainette Heights. qIr to do second work; good situation and good pay Call Tabor 2210. WOULD like voung lady for fruit and cigar store. U'7 N.0th. EXPERIENCED waist finishers and helper 'wanted. Max. .VH Ttckilm blilg. WANTED Shooting gallery girls. beL 10 and 12 A. M. Cor. 4th and Couch. GIRL for general housework, small family of adult, aal Otis at. OREGONIAN. SATURDAY, HELP WAXTT.n tT-JlALE. WANTED TOUNO LADLES FOB TELE PHONE OPERATINO. WITH OR WITH OUT EXPERIENCE. APPLT PACIFIC TELEPHONE TELEGRAPH CO- BST TH AND AM SENT STS. WANTED TODAY: Camps, cook and waitress. $4 and ?5: rook for boarding-house. Pr . . wji' chambermaids, tl per day: I Ttf: US; general helper at beach, 30; good general housework, PACIFIif EMPLOYMENT CO.. Ladles' Dept. 205 tt Morrison. WANTED Bright young lady for offic work with mint experience aa stenog rapher: also to work on book: light ''"" and good hours: moderate salary. Man application in own handwriting, stating salary willing to atart with. G 2. Or- gonlan. m YOUNG lady of good appearance, to eollclt for well-known houae In thi city: to on that can do a little hustling we can offer a proposition that will net handsome re turns. Address, stating experience, etc, O 11. Oreg-jniatu WANTED Competent glli for light manu facturing work; steady employment: one with some experience preferred. Apply all day Saturday or Sunday morning. pi2 E. Washington St., cor. E. Water. WANTED Nurse for three months old baby, on fruit ranch, two mile from Med ford. Or. Wages. ,25 month. Give ex perience and referencea. Transportation paid. Mrs. P. W. Hamlll. Medford, Or. GIRLS WANTED. Apply Standard Factory No. J. Orand ave. and East Taylor sC TWO mldle-aged women, well educated teachers preferred, to travel Oregon out side Portland: expenses advanced; easily -make ll'OU month. Call Saturday 2 to P. M.. suite . Euclid HoteU LADY representatives for large Eastern manufacturers of dress goods, gloves, guaranteed hosiery, etc.; from weaver to . wearer direct; sample case free; large commissions. AG 33. Oreconian. EXPERIENCED girl for general housework; must be good cook; German or Scandina vian preferred: wages :t5 to 340; small family. V S3. Oregonlan. MOTHERLY lady, one fond of children, to care for baby 7 months old and keep house for two young men; references. B 32, Oregonlan. WANTED By a plain family, young girl to assist with housework and help care for baby. I'hone East 0S29, between 10 and 2. WANTED Waist finishers, sewing girls, ap prentices paid while learning. Mrs. C W. Young. 101 E. 17th. cor. Belmont. WA NTEDGIrl for housework and plain cooking. 4.5 E. 14th N. Phone Last 44i'i. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. ACTS wanted for vaudeville; big salaries .... .m I mintt. loftlon free paid; ' 1 1 gi.TT .-" .......... . . In singing, dancing and general stage training; acts for any number of people In any line; positions secured where com petent. See Prof, wheelan. S'-h floor. Mar. nuam bldg. Main CSS2. This offer good till May 1 only. Now'i your chance. uTdflO" POSITIONS for graduate last year; men nnd women learn barber trade la weeks, help to secure position; gradu ' ates earn from 13 to J25 weekly: expert Instructors: tools free; write for cata logues. Mohler System of Colleges, 83 North 4th t-. Portland. Or. MAKE: money writing ahort stories or for paper: big pay; free booklet tell how. United Press syrioicate. pan r tanuatu. WANTED First-class piano player and en. tertalner at once, man or woman, ilai im's Grill. 119 7th st- F1SK TEACHERS' ASSOCIATION. 611 Swet. land bldg. MISCELLANEOUS. SECOND-HAND furnlturo to exchange for carpenter work. Inside finishing. Inquire 1161 E. Taylor. TelcpboneEat2266. PRIV ATESchoo"TsHORTH AND arid T YPH WRITING. $3 mo. 2C9 14th St. Main 38M3. TUTORING for invalid or backward chil dren. N 32. Oregonlan. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. WOULD like position as clerical work: have had 7 years' experience a railroad agent: can give any kind of reference; would prefer aome position In city. AV 33. Ore gonlan. POSITION wanted by young man. 25 year of age, single, us office arslstant, private secretary or stenographer; five year ex perience; further particular upon request. O 34, Oregonlan WILL AUDIT. OPEN. CLOSE OR WRITE up books, prepare balances and statements. ' Install systems. GIllinKham. auditor, 411 Lewis bldg.. Marshall 717. COLLECTOR, with eight years experience wants steady position with firm; unquM tlonable reference and bond. All Oregcnlrn. BY competent bookkeeper, experienced in, machinery. general merchandise and creamery business; will leave city; ref erences. G. W-R..S286th. COMMISSARY man. now employed, wishes similar position In mill town or country. L. B.- W-. loo loth st., Portland. EXPERIENCED and reliable stenographer with hlith school education desire posi tion. I'hone A 6446. EXPERIENCED hotel clerk wishes position; A-1 references. Including Mayor of Spo kane. M 31, Oregonlan. WANTED Position as bookkeeper; class references. M 20. Oregonlan. M iscellancons. ORCHARD work by expert orchardist. either In young or old orchard or In packing Iiciiim or with Irrigation company. Address box 24. Monroe, Oregon. EXPERT stenographer, also had experience ss salesman- In lumber yard, and carpen ter. M 27. Oregonlan. 61TUATION wanted by an experienced moving-picture operator. Address C. E. M'- Laughlln. 623 Alder St.. Portland. Or. POSITION as chauffeur, can do all repair ing: small truck or touring car preferred. F. W. Coulter, 4.10 Glen ave. MARRIED manwlth two children wanta work on ranch; experienced. M 33, Ore gonlan. . TOI'NG man. German, wants steady place In private family. Gardening or care of horses. E 33. Oregonlan HOTEL clerk, thoroughly experienced, will be open fr position April 21; best of ref rences. Address AF 31. Oregonlan. CH UKFEUR Experienced and smart, age 2fi. desires position with private party. AJ 32. Oregonlan. ; A NO. 1 all-around cook wishes place, city or outside: cafeteria work preferred. M 28. Oregonlan. CARPENTER wanted, work by day or -contract. Phone East 3013. B 1013. Call for C. E. Anstrom. , WANTED Position aa chauffeur In private family; five years' experience and beat of reference!-. Main 3003. - YOUNG man wants a position aa Janitor In apartment or bldg. Beat of references. J 33. Oregonlan. RELIABLE young man want a position aa watchman; can give good reference. Phone East 2724 ; LOCOMOTIVE ENGINEER. years' experi ence. Ana to AX. Olsson, 673 Mississippi ave.. city. ; C4.RPENTER wanta work; a flrst-claa fin isher and stjtlrrjullder; H 33. Oregonlan. POSITION wanted by A-1 planer foreman. B 33. Oregonlan. WORK wanted by experienced porter. O 33. Oregonlcn. ACTIVE young Nipponese wanta Job of norter WOCK. u oa. virsinuaii. YOUNG man wants position a chauffeur. AJ 34. Oregonlan MOVING-PICTURE operator want position. AB 33. Oregonlan. FIREMAN want work. city. A 1 refer encea Address Wm. Bolik, Hotel Foster. WANTED Paperhanging or painting. AH 34. Oregonlan. SOBER reliable chauffeur want position; can do repairing. Phone Woodlawn 2373. youNO man want steady outside work. AR 3., Oregonlan. WANTED Job on sheep ranch: had nine years' experience. A 27. Oregonlan. YOUNG man want position In hotel, to learn cooking. K 32. Oregonlan. ALL-ARQUND cook. Phone A 2712. Addrea 2xt H. SUx at. APRIL 22. 1911. SITUATIONS WASTED MALE. " ' Miscellaneous. WORK of any kind by steady man. experi enced In warehouse, shipping and con struction; a hard worker and ready for anvthlng; knows bookkeeping; city ref erences. AM 33. Oregonlan. SITUATION' wanted by sober, steady young man. 10 vears' experience as stationary fireman, steam and gasoline1 engineer: out-of-town position preferred. B 33, Ore gonlan. . STICKKRafAN (custom). Improver. is nnxlons for work; has had considerable ' Western experience; wages low; prefer small mill, with chance advancement; go anywhere. A 34. Oregonlan. WANTED Legitimate side line on com mlsrlon by bonded traveling man making towns in Western and Central Washlng ton. K 12. Oregonlan. SITUATION wanted by young man, expe rienced in machine and sheet-metal wrk: reliable; prefer growing town. R 81, Oregonlan. t SITUATION W.tTrro FEMALE. ' I'" ' " ' " " COMPETENT aTenographer, five years' ex perience, desires position; can furnish satisfactory referencea. Addre H. H., -90 Bookkeeper and Stenocrapner. r.ugcne bl. COMPETENT young lady wishes position as stenographer; can furnish reference; Un derwood machine preferred. Phone Tabor 820. STENOGRAPHER, willing worker with : - a..lra position. Phone l . ..Vi n 1! " 7 . 1 SITUATION wanted by experienced book keeper; referencea phone Tabor 1503. Dressmaker. DUFF1ELD sister for ladies' tailoring, fan cy dresses and evening gowns. Phone 4713. rt33 E. Main st. ri-AIN "sewing, babies' clothes a specialty. Mrs. Johnson. Main 409". Housekeeper. POSITION as experienced housekeeper for widower, country or city. AP 35. Orego nlan. SWEDISH girl wlshe position to do general housework. Tel. Main 4069. LADY bookkeeper w ishes room and board in refined family. AF 33. Oregonlan. Norse. NURSE wishes to take care of an infant or Invalid. Experienced. Doctor refer ence. Phone East 2932. PRACTICAL nurse, maternity, elderly. In valid. l'hone4jirahaI1470.room23: YOUNG nuraegirl want position. Phone Marshall 269. A 5841. ' Domestics, WANTED To help with housework In Catholic family by strong girl. 13 years old. Catholic Women' League, 311 Stearns bldg. M. 2451. GOOD girl from Sweden, age 23, " for a place with a respectable family to do general housework. Call 144S Vancouver ave., . mocks norm qi n.. .... . - Am.n f.mll COolC. S40 111), where second girl Is kept: ha good ref erences. Main 2U39. A 4773. . RESPECTABLE colored girl wants day work or by the hour. PhoneMarghalJloJ: Miscellaneous. DOCTORS, merchant's office, college, hos pital graduate; French. German, corre- pondence. au ao, oresoinao CHAMBERMAID want position. Oreeonlan. D 28, EXPERIENCED tray waitress would like work at once. Auurcsa u -. v. 5-. . 5TRLi 13, wants evening work; best refer- war 1 . M .. Dknn. Tl llfil. WANTED Position as manicurist In barber enop. ui j.nn ai. nwi m. WANTED AGENTS. WANTED Guitar, glther ' canvassers; 1 m-Jney-maiviiis 1" o.wo..... " .... ... est and moat reliable concern in the L. S. ; new territory. Apply L. Newslon. P. O. B ox 14 O, AOS An g eie s, tai. RELIABLE salesman can make big money selling our wen-anuwn imo wi i.ri..ti trees ahrubs. roses, etc ; out fit furnished; cash weekly. Address Ore- gon Nursery uompany, ureuw. v. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED Centrally, near Front street. houso facilities, on ground floor: state lo cation and rent to o ijTLrlt"'1"1"- House. Kfi.M Ata v.vji-uv J -List your vacant houses, apartments and tlata with us for quick service and . . n . ,CT T 1 . . ' T C T prompt return. B LOCH P.EAL1T CO.. 200 Alder st. SM ALL family desires about four-room modern cottage lurnisiieu, naai . carline; references. G. W. Stahlman, gen. a ev e ry. city . ,"rc-T r ) .. .n anA ifo nhOUt MiV 1 ir.ic xj " " " ' ' . , . i ... ral.ninML Ad dresai W 22. Oregonlan. STRICTLY modern six or seven-room house on west Blue; ruruaitu ..a.ai..w - w a xr-r k oe n-eoom house, modern, near school, about Ja WANTED To rent 'a 9-room modern house on est oiae. a. , v. oojTsVith Board. TOI'NG lady wants room and board In prl- a ..t.. x- -it nr,nnlHII. O' laiiii... -n FOR RENT. Ituoms. . . . .. . . . . . . , r ' rr r i . c Ton i V "MILNER BLDG." 30O-A MORRISON ST. MOUclrtra. tfc.Mlii- t.c.-.-""" PORTLAND ROOMING BUBEAU Rooms, apartments, flats, houses. 288 Vi Wash lngton St. Marshall 21S9. 461 E. MORRISON; completely furnished rooms. 2 up; electric light, bath, walk- lng qistance. Furnished E"i Residential. 330 Taylor. Tranalent. BeL Tth and Park t. Opposite new Helllg Theater, one block from Portland Hotel; brick building. Just completed; nandsomely furnished; every modern convenience. elevator servico, steam heat, telephone and hot and cold water In every room; single room and ulte with or without private bath. to.; centcally located, near poatofice; Jut off ail carllnes; very quiet; low rates by day. week or month. Phone Marshall 2200. Aat'l-1-A no-f.- Permanent and transient, Just opened; b-lck building, beautifully furnished; every thing new; steam heat, hot and cold run ning water and telephone in all rooms; fine lobby and ladles' parlor; suites and single room with and without prlvat baths; very reasonable rates by day, week or month. Phone Marshall 1930. f.25 WASHINGTON ST. THE WEAVER. 71V Waahlngton t., near King; a perfect modern home; private bath, steam heat, hot and cold water, and telephone in every room; finest part of tho city; the maximum of convenience, tho niltilmtim of expense: we make you feel at home; dining-room In conuectlon; best In the city for the money. HOTEL SAVONT 129 Eleventh St. New, modern, brick building, steam heated, private baths, hot and cold water In rooms, beautifully furnished, coxy and comfortable. Rents very reasonable. Call and see us. Kegular and transient trad solicited. SARGENT HOTEL, Grand ave. and Haw- thorne; beautifully furnished rooms, sin gle or en suite, with private bath, hot and cold running water, private phone and team heat In every room; special Summer rata to permanent people; tlrst-class grill and bar In connection; transient solicited. CALUiET HOTEL. Park at., between Morrison and Alder. Heart of. the city; -quiet and modern; tree bus or W car at depot; rates tl single. $1.50 douLIe; alo family rooms with private bat a. etc. Bates per week. AUDITORIUM HOTEL, 20SVj Third etreet, between Taylor and Salmon sta ; hot and cold water, ateam heat, elevator; rates $3 50 and up, 60c day and up. Main 2374, A S207. ' BLSHMARK HOTEL, 17tn and Waahlngton Newly furnished rooms, single or en sunt; private baths, steam heat, hot and cold water and phone In all rooms; rates reasonaole; transients solicited. UNDER new management; The Rex, 04SH "wash street: nice outside rooms, thor oughly renovated at prices to suit every one- $2.50 to $7 per week: transient so licited; also housekeeping rooms. LIGHT airy rooms, modern, suite or sin gle, (2 and $3 a week; five minutes' walk to theaters and stores, free phone, -Undell HnteL2G9Market at. NICELY furnished rooms, suite or single, brick, eteam- heat, free phono and bath. 283 13th at., corner Jefferson at. XicELT furnished front rooms ; steam bent; hot and cold water; rates reasonable. Tfle Baker. 265 HFIItht- FOR flrst-claas rooms, all modern and close In, try the Maxims Hotel, 149 7th st., beL Alder and Morrison ts. ; $3.50 per week.. LARRABEE 22714 Larrabeo at., modern nicely furnished rooms, tranalent; 5)c nd Up: low rates oy aeea or iiiuom SINGLE rooms, furnished; steam heatedt 1U, oneonta, aoi - . ..c., mimi. NORR13 HOTEL Room modern, newly Xurolaaed, UM uut up i&Zk. Utb at. RENT, r--urninci Boom NOW OPEN! NOW .OPEN! NOW OPO.. . nose tnree "n"";"''' vT-rrr vrnT--r. HOTEL HOTEL MINOOK . PARSONS WLN 1131. 4tn ST, allD -111 - 1 , " On Fourth st-. running from Taylor to Salmon at. Brand new brick elegantly , furnished: steam heat, private baths, hot ' and cold water in ail rooms: "rlctly up-to-date in all respect-, and at popular prices. If you want something out of tha ordinary in the heart of the city at reasonable prices, give u a call as we know you will like it. Rooms by the day. week or month. Tourist trade aoUclled. GRAND UNION HOTEL, 387H East Burnside. Whv not live on the Last Side 7 can furnish you pleasant Tooms. all tnor oughly modern and save you money on your room rent. Just 15 minutes walk to the business center of the c'iy wlI2 three-minute car service, rates to J ( per week: transient 73 cents to 11.50 per dg.y. East 540. J 1275. Furnished Rooms In Private Family. LARGE, well-furnished room, single gentle man; light batrnlng 11 oesireu. ic-e....-able; can be seen S A, M. to 4 P. M. and after 0:30 P. M. 498 Clay at., bet. 14th and 15th. NEATLY furnished rooms, suitable for 1 or - more gentlemen. o anu a-a j- " - 8 to 8 evenings: bath, phone and heat. 226 12th. near Salmon NICELY furnished front room and alcove, suitable for two gentlemen; electric light, phone and bath. 70 North loth t. near Davis. ATTRACTIVE front room in modern home. fine residence district. Bik. to ss cars, 14 per week for two, 13.76 single. B 1178. 8t E. Yamhill. NEATLY furnished front room In small pri vate xamiiy, warning distance. i North TWO well furnlslred. large, light rooms, pri vate bath, hot water to mianignt, cio in. phone; ( men K 392 Clay st. DESIRABLE furnished room in modern steam-healed apartment. Apply second floor, flat D. 409 Jefferson. Main 7J94. LARGE front room with bay window, two gentlemen; newly furnished. 428 is Wash ington. LARGE, comfortable front room for rent In a private family. East 203. . LARGE, well-furnlshed front room. 13.50 per week. 393 3d st. Marshall 1252. FURNISHED rcom. modern conveniences; walking disnce2SNorth10th; FURNISHED rooms, private family; in. A 4709. 02 Ella St. CHEAP Quiet, clean room; bath, desirable location; walking distance, -aoa at". 1SK 12TH ST. Neat, modern, pleasant room; gentlemen. Phone Main 4:;02. FOR RENT 3 nice rooms, partly furnished. 585 Montgomery; 112.50. NEATLY furnished rooms. 414 Salmon st; gentlemenonly; . NICELY furnlshesd room; also light house keeping rooms. 440 Jefferson st. WELL-FURNISH ED room, hot water. 2 OS Fourteent h s t, and cold FURNISHED room, strictly modern, walking distance, s- per weeK. Aii o-a, oresomewi. TWO attractit-6 homelike front rooms. 2d floor. 028 Flanders. Nob Hill. NEATLY furnished 6-room cottage, with lawn. Woodlawn 17-4. fJnfomlHhed Rooms. DESIRABLE UNFURNISHED ROOMS. 1IILNES BLDG- 350'-j MORRISON ST. MODERN. CENTRAL. REASONABLE. Rooms With Board. PORTLAND Women's Union. 2Sd year: rooms with board, use of sewing-room, li brary, bid Flanders, t. resaio. THE CASA ROSA. Board and room. 300 Jefferson. THE CALVARD. 452 Morrison St.. cor. 13th.; rooms with board; modem convenieiiee Rooms With Board In PriyajeFam)ly. ONE or two gentlemen wanted to occupy two furnished rooms with very large southern exposure, sleeping porcn. irvw ton. No other roomers. Two tonly) in Win' give breakfast or breakfast and evening meal if desired. Will make reasonable terms to two gentlemen who will appreciate good living. Address u i. oregonlan. BOOM and board, private family, for one gentleman; all conveniences: 20 minutes' walk to P. O.. 1 block from SS car. 507 Bohnont. East 2241- FURNISHED room and board In private family, suitable for two gentlemen or man and wife employed. 058 Syracuse, cor njr Olin, near University. HOME for convalescent patients: trained mn-Ren in attendance: home comforts. L 31, Oregonlan. PARLOR suite, large light roms. fireplace; other room; piano; choice board; refined neis-hborhood. 761 Marshall, rt 4920. A REAL home, private family; home cook- Northrup. Main 4 115. bet. 10tu and 20i.h. LARGE, beautiful front room for 1 or 2; all conveniences; first-class board. Mar shall ouoo. -IJ LAK-.irJ. Iine-iy lurmaueu. looum w. shaded lawn, close in; board if desired. -Oil OLI1 SU TWO very desirable rooms, with breakfant . . . 1 HOUnn. Ifaln It fi tt . ana ainner, -hbj a. 13T. North 22d st. WELL-FURNISHED room with breakfast and cinner. a-', a... -v.. GOOD EOARD and room at 618 Quimby A GOOD home for old ladies, best care and everything comtortauie. rnuuo EXCELLENT bpard and room In private 1 n .I.....!.., lnln .0l7. lamny. pei - 1 --- . ... .- - - WANTED Child 2Va or 3 years old to hoara. i.i ati;.!"" - LARGE room, breakfast, dinner, walking d;staneverything Jrst-classEltt'jo. ROOM and board, modern home. 292 E. 22d bo. r,ast .a.'i. LARGE pleasant room, suitable for two. breakfast -and dinner. Main 207L room-and board for young men, $20 and 25 per month. 605 6th St. Main 3304. NICE place to room and board. Call East :joi. ROOM and board for gentleman, close In. iva inn t. . FOR two men. West Side, walking dU tance;family of two. phone A 6310. SUITE with private bath, home cooking; young man preferred. 617 Kearney. Apartments. CAMAR APARTMENTS. 704 Lovejoy at. 0 per cent lower than the rest. Two front basement apartments, furnished or unfur nished, reasonable. Take W car. get off Lovejoy t- PhoneMarshall 2910. . SHEFFIELD APARTMENTS. 7th and Jef ferson sts.; 3-room unfurnished, with bath all outside rooms, modern, every conven' ence' 6 minutes' walk from P. O. ; very f .:' -or,. Main "1IIB A .11J reasonable ...w KEELEH APTS.. 14th and Clay sts.. beauti ful 3-room corner apts., private vestibule, bathroom and phone; 2 closets, new bricic bullding: electric elevator. Apply at , once. MADISON PARK. APARTMENTS. PARK AND MADISON STREETS. Kewly furnished three and four-room hlnrb. Booth Hotel Pnpfl.. apartment, v -. .... . VERY desirable apartment, reasonable rent. See Janitor. The Kearney. 21st and Kear ney or Morgan, Fliedner &. Boyce. Main 2010, A -vo. rr: CKOIX Apartments, for rent. 1 fur tilahed and 1 unfurnished 3-room apart ment, modern. 170 St. CJair and Wash- tnpton. Main o-a. aoo . ARCADIA APARTMENTS. 706 Everett St.: very aesirable lai. three and four-room apartments, completely furnished, entirely modern.AL7501. lt A MONT APTS., beautifully furnished B and 4-room apartment, very reasonable rent. Corner 5th and College. Main 6uoi. j7"n 4-room furnished steam-heated apart cnt. Oneonta. lbi 17th st-, near Yam hilL ; THR Nordlca Apartments, cor. of Grand ave. and Belmont: two-room apartments, also KlnfflorOomB. rrTvENPORT APTS. 605 Jefferson St.. 3 rooms furnished, modern, private phono, bath and Jajtitorreasonable! Main 51oj. thp Klne Davis, corner King and Davis sts.: oue splendid 3-room unfurnished; references. A 7262 TirELEONCE Furnished 3-room, apart ment! private bath and phone. loB 22d :n7.vTA APAtTltENTS and single rooms iewiv furnished; strictly modern; rea-erWf,'yi.'"ent-189 23d St. Marshall 2821. IRIS Apartments. Third and Mill sts.; 5 roonT unfurnished apartments. $45; mod-fffL.o.-pvements: adults only. iDtvNDID 4-room unfurnished apartment, SPtlPlstance. Phone East 63SL tT? Southampton one 4-room fur- T"Shed apartment. 10th and Hall. jT sipTiald furnished modern three rooms. ''"Mmoilt Tabor 1768. tTTV LANDORE. completely furnished three- Xiln. .e, alpanlna nnrrh. oco iith room om NICELY furnished apartment avt 82fi UU at. Th Juanlta, FOR RENT. Apartmrtita LOWEST RATES IN THE CITT. MOST ELEGANTLY FURNISHED. '" "NOB HILL" APARTMENTS. jaih and Marshall Street-. These arc the most elegantly furnished apartments in Portland, hi-ving all mod ern conveniences up-to-date in everv re spect. Each apartment i furnished In the most elaborate manner, with flna low Axminster carpets, massive oak and mahogany furniture in newest designs. Special attention is directed to the ex tremely low rates aa follows: Two-room apartments, per month, 5S5. Three-room apartments, per month, 45. Four-room apartments, per month, 135. No such nrlces for the service to b found elsewhere In the city. Investigate and you'll be convinced. Strictly modem and up to date. Telephone Marshall 1012. "NOB HILL" APARTMENTS. 19th and Marshall. THE EVERETT, 044 Everett. Bet. 20th and Ella Sts. THE MOST BEAUTIFULLY FUR NISHED apartment-house In tho city, con stating of 3 rooms, large reception hall, bath. 2 clothes closets, sleeping porch, disappearing and wall beds, automatio electric elevator and Independent Pacific phones; plenty of heat and hot water all the time; not In the apartment-house dis trict, but one of the choicest residence districts, surrounded by elegant homes. If you want the best In the city, come to the EVERETT. CARMELITA APARTMENTS. Corner of 13th and Jefferson sts. foar and five-room apartments, unfurnished, with reception hall, automatic elevator. Pacific States Telephone In every apart ment and the most modern convenience found In the city. Phone Main 3968 and Mlta Allen, the manager. will show you through the apartments, or call up main office. Main C764. THE B ARXOT Corner 21t and Irving st. This new 4-story brick, opened January 1. IBil; furnished and unfurnished In two. three and four-room suites with reception hall; Pacific phone In each apartment; electric elevator. Tolmes disappearing beds, built-in buffet and writing desk, gas ranges. Icebox, plenty of closet room. It you want something extra lino, come to the Barker. Phone Marshall 2961. HEINZ APARTMENTS, 14th and Columbia, 4 blocks south from Morrison street; row brick building, completely first-class, fur nished In 2, 3 and 4-room family apart ments; private bath, reception hall, steam heat, hot water, elevator, free phone, com pressed air carpet cleaning. Janitor service; rent per month $26, 130 and: up; must be seen .to be appreciated. ST. FRANCIS APARTMENTS. 21st and Hoyt Streets. READY FOR OCCUPANCY MAY 1. Most modern, best arranged 3 and -room apartments In city. Each apartment has larse private bal cony and every modern convenience; rents from $30 to $45. Make reservations with janitor now on premises. THE PARK HARRIS. It's different. Just what you want, three and four-room homes, some fur nished, good beds with Ostermoor mat tresses, some unfurnished. See them, cor. Park and Harrison. . PENISULA Apartments One of Portland's finest apartment-houses. 4-mlnute car service, beautiful part city to live, 113;' Albina ave., cor. Klllihgswortb. Take Mis sissippi. L or Kenton car at Third and Wash, sts., 15 mln. ride; 2. 3 and 4 room, completely furnished, $17.50 to 130 mo.; nfurnUhedapuJodja-n259: THE MEREDITH APARTMENTS, 712 Washington Street. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. Elegantly and completely furnished apartments, 2, 3 and 4 rooms; none nicer or cheaper in the city in the best loca tion In the city. Must be seen to be ap- predated. , ' BACHELORS' APARTMENTS. 712 Washington Street. Elegantly furnished, fine, new building, private baths, everything new and at tractive; 2, 3 or 4 rooms; nothing better to be found In the city; must be seen to be apptecialed. . AN apartment of 3 largo outside rooms, handsomely furnished, clean, new house, furnace heat, constant hot-water supply, electr'clty, gas connected to range; very unusual value for $40 per month; six mln utes' walk from Posjorljcegjgth su ORDERLE1GH APARTMENTS Cor. Grand ave. and E. Stark at. New fireproof brick building beautifully furnished. Two and three-room apart ments; private bath, hot and coid water, steam heat. Phone East 800. KING HILL APARTMENTS. Will have two vacancies. One 4 room and one 5-room apartments; If you de sire a choice apartment in this select neighborhood apply immediately of Jan Itor. 171 King ..SJIcgr.otV ayne st. NICE two and three-room suite, all fur nished and new at Summer prices, easy walking distance and on carline; take U car, get off cor. Williams ave. and Hal sey st. Halsey Court Apts. 8-ROOM choice front apartment. Cumber land Apartments. West park and Colum bia, for rent and furniture for sale, in. eluding piano and pianola records; a bar gain; people leaving cit-j. i..'. ay HANTHORN APARTMENTS, 251 12th st near Main. Elegant 3-room apartments, rnmlahnrl or unfurnished: private balcony' for each apartment; every modern conven lencej rents reasonable NEW elegantly furnished two-room apart ment, fireplace, furnace heat. electrla lights and laundry frne; reasonable: valking distance. Marshall 370. 320 Mont gomery st. RE-UKAN Apts.. 624 Marshall. Nob Hill district: modern, cozy. airy, most home like in city; see and be convinced; S rooms furnished; private bath and phone, $ up. Main 6032. W car. MAHR APARTMENTS. Elegantly furnished, comforts of home, private phones and baths, elevator, pri vate playground for children. Ideal loca tion "2s N. 20th st. Marshall 2028. SAN MRCO APTS. E. 8th and E. Couch sis new brick, modern. 3-room apart ments, private baths, phone: Summer rates $23 to I27.B0. Fhone East. 275L THE BERTI. One front and one back apartment for rent very reasonable. Ap plv to the janitor, 6U5 Lovejoy st,. near 21st. FURNISHED. 4-room, steam heated apart ment. modern. $30. Cottel Drug Co. Flat. 4 FURNISHED rooms, flat, walking dis tance west iae. cine view. vj iaug-. 2 or 4 adults can live comfortably. Call 404 Hall, near 13th. Flat B. FOR RENT One upper and lower 5-room riat h.m hot and cold- water furnished. I cor 16th and East Main; key 626 East I Main. UNFURNISHED flat. 4 rooms; gas rajige. M,i homer heriroom furniture for aa.lc. bargain. 346 Montgomery.Main :5i4Ll FOR RENT Vell furnished, three-roml flat. West Side, .uv per munui. i -oulre 333 Oak at. t ' UPPER 5-room modern flat, corner,- 9eo- ond and Grant. Kent tt. WELL furnished 6-room flat, very desir rav'le close In; references. Atain issa FOR KENT Urper 5-room flat, corner and Kearney st.; modern. Main BiiOO. innP.KX T.-room flat, reasonable to perma-l nent party. 209 Mc-Millen. near Steel bridge! MODERN 5-room flat. 763 Marshall Phone East 4707 2 AND 3-room flats, new; rent reapnab!( 706 Vancouver ave. take ti car to ivy. WELL furnished five-room Hat, Inquire T6 Gllsan, llatu o-ROOM furnished, flak 803 Park, iSSaa all 1 narr aa a, miimaivw