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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (April 22, 1911)
IT I " TAKE IRYINGTON CAR for Knott afreet, valk two block west to our offl.- and let u show you th mot desirable and best lm proved rrlilrn e property la Port Un.i. More Mirh-cln-isi hom-ei have been built In Irvlnittot. during- th past three vn than in any other district. T tree-(r service la ts'-rllrnt, tint the Broadway bridge will cut down the present running Urn ot li minute about one-half. LOTS 50100 $1250 and Up Trrate 13 Cash, at Maathly. A. R. DIAMOND & CO. 2T Railway Eirliict Bids. In-tarto) ntiir rev. fZ. 13th aa4 hMt Streets. RUt ESTATE pr-iLinta. Perk. William a.. 312 Felling bide Brubaker Benedict, 603 McKay bid, af 4. Car pin Harlow. 11 5 Cbamber commerce. Cook. B. B. Co 60S Corbett bids. Jennln.e at Co.. Mala IS. S0 Oregonlaa. PALMER-JONES CO, H. P- 21 Commer cial club bids. Tbe Oregon Real Erf at Co.. Grand aa 0 Miltnomah at. ( Hoiladay Addition). it. E. TUOVPSOX CO.. cor: 4tb and Oak t. I RJLILF.TATI lor Bole lota. focr-familt flat buildino site. 3ix:.)0 feet on beautiful Hawthorne ava.. part cah. term on the balance to suit. Vnea $'2700. (all at t Yeon bldg.. or phone Main ADJOINING BEAUTIFUL LAUREL Hl'RST. Mro fet. ail street tmprovemeats la and paid for. except paving. It's being done bow; building restrictions: Rose City Park carllne; part cash, balance years' time. Price $KGO. rail at 703 Yeon bids, or phone Mala IsvS. tlH.P.M". I . Twentv-f fth. near siokiyou: two lots $2no row the market; low price for quick sale, KEASEV. Hf MASON A JKFKEI'.V. , -. c... u-e nf f'nm m.rr. Tw.n per, Kl 10 PER CENT DOWN, fats bora Bite B-foot lot. close to Rose Otr Park car: homes now building la same block; adjoins beautiful Belle Creet; easy monthly payments: taxes paid. 5ee Jajnes C. Logan. SIS Spalding tidg. WAVTRLEIGH HEIGHTS' LOT. A fin lot eo Kelly St.. between Stet and tad. facing nortk: price llW, -tt eaa sad $10 per mo. URI "SSI 7ADOW. BIT Board ot Trade Bldg,. 4th and Oak. UPtll ADDITION, f naea a choice M la the onper part ef tract only ooe blcck from Hawthorne are. ; will sell at a sacrifice. G M. Orego- nia PORTLAND rtriOHH Owner must sell, lojviioo corner, choicest rtldc district. l.vto This Include IT'-O for Improve ments: ne lowest quarter In this dis trict is t 7" Main 3031. A 3;ia. S0 FOR LOTS eo 3d and W. Stark: la tbe beet buy in i'or'land; Beer eaxllae new baiidins. Call and see as. . A VI 11 P. E RIALTI A TRUST CO, ;2 Teoa Hlds- Marshall 4H. TRACKAGE LOT. Good war-bou-e or factory site wltb DO ares trackage. $0O. on easy terms. H F. BRYAN. Mam 1KI yS f &ifB. of Com. A 122T. A FIN B comer lot in fBUerslty Park, three biovke from carllne: eery cheap for caaa or ease irmi SORTKIfllJT REAI.TT rO. t; Hoard or Trade Ding. A RAR'IAIN. one lot Mi90. on south side o t'nuriri Cub. one Mock north of M(int llood line. In l.an1al Addition; fv0: $ :s dew a. baL ea easy terms. J 44. ure- sn!s- aVALRELHL'R.T lot In first addition; brie location: must leave town; will sell equity; worth $21 1. for !. F. HAHI.EIS. Morrison, corayr Tth at . room T. MISTER Baraalnhunter. Ineeetlsate this: rv4 reaeona comp-l me to sell my htsb- Srade lots In Kentoa at a great sarrthr-; irt chep for eeh. A3 1H. Oregonlaa. LOT rsln In Irvlngton. between btantoa and taalyou. on carune; faces eat; a nne building elte; price t.tM. McAllister A I.oertdemann. Trj Electric bl'?g $!. Beantil elew lot. Vxli. Tabor Heights, b blocks from carllne: $w0 cash. b.aace easy terms. Address room a. No. T First rt. ruoIOB PI'ILUINtJ FfTE. TOl c.mer Mad son and El 5i sts.. SuO feet north Hawthorne ave.; price i. owner. S"j M-Kaybldg. IIi-.HT choice lots In Lanrelhurst; hlcb and sight:y; will sell single or together: prlcee r:cht. fee MrAIUatar a- Laedde mann. T-l Electric bldg. jaTitoelTpEAl-TIFTTI. home site; full lew ef Mt. Huod; only t Ti this week: worth ten times amount asked. W. B. Mcslla- ne. Ry- Exchange. PIEDMONT I.OT. t wilt sell the cheapest quarter In this addition, location considered; bo assess ments. Owner. Main 4JT A RFAU hargiin. a beautiful view lot on Lorairse Heights, right below Council I 'reel en jio. FMe. 30. J cash. baU oa easy terms. L i. Oregonlaa. xyit.l. my f'ne view oi In cntry club Addition. Jx:o. for : IIo cash. baL essy terms: price tncludee all Improve rrenta O Oregonlan. JalST HAVE MONET. Will sell t east f-ont lots la Roee City Park for t:'0; ST cash, balance 3 years. Owner. D 11. Oregoniaa. Jvr--tlo5 In Ftell Crest. I7.0: lot s. blok IT; most have a little money quick. J"h P. Weston, phone OIM7. Uvs C. of C bli. . i,..l.i. LOT on 4'h St.. v, b:ock from Rose -tv csr gss asd hrprovsments In and pa:1- 7TS cash. This Is $1' at least, nndr the market. K SI. Orcgonlan. PORTLAND HEIGHTS PKOPERTT. Hemes, lots, quarter blocks, tracts and acreage, all parts ef He'ghts. all views and prices; some bargalna. M aln 333 1; A a.O. A PSAfTItfl. corner lot In Irvlngton. Im provements all In. S-1. tl7'; will sell en terme of lo per cent down, balance easy payments. R 33, Oregonlan. A JOININO lots on Division St.. SO minutes car rde; I-!'. Xlb"u down. 4! Mar-g-jrite. E. l;aker. JTINE East HMe apartment elts. VOo. oo E. eth N. : price $ !."--. terms. McAllister A Lneftdemann. 7 .J ETectrl'- b!'1g. ati0t CORNKR lot. 424 and E. Haleey. for quick s;e: $--iS rash. t'?.'.. balance 9-0 mon'hty. Owner. Ph. -re a JUAft'lE lot fronting carllne. close la; price fliaX b!f doen. en good street, water. sewer, etc. AN 3u. Oreconlea. M":-4T Sell belcw original coat mjT l.t In beautiful reeldence section, aJ el. Oregon lan. POR SALE by owner. 7frioo. in Piedmont, .c -r. Ji'ftt sad Moore ats.; elauu. Jhone . least Ti.v''NGTON lot. ctiee to ear; only SlOO -wa. vere easy paymerqj on balance. J a. MOK'IAN. ICte Waaa. bt.. Room 40 5 O-.VNEst liuv.ness lot. Roee City park; fouo.e froatage; mubt stl at once, r&oae vi:a J-i HI'Ta fine l"f on B'anton. near -e inn ave.. - . u ym u. ' j pe owner. tVwlltvn l.".;a. lit-TCKeSh Fu.i lot within two-mile redl'IS. Beer m-m- e eMaw a. rJigedorn. W . A CIOT. u.vrttrRVK riRLIVR A sgatir a block, overlooking the etty; price n. by ownerTaeor IMA ta LOT near Patf -a avenue, terms to ' suit. wner. sol ?wetiana e.oe. dODKHN J-reom b'insalow. attic, base. I ment. treee 11 a " fth rerts. Ve4 -Caraer lot. .1st street. Irving tea 1 REAI.EST.rK. 1 WANTED-BEAL ESTATE. I I 1 RRAL rSTATE. 1 BKAI. ESTATE. REALESIATE. . . For SaleFarms. --: I r- . ... -o, mu Hcu. ' or sa.c reuses, : APPLEDALE an INVESTMENT. COME and PKE. Close In on tbe East Side, they are sub dividing quarter blocks. I otter two AP pleda e lots, corner of E- MtJ atld V vis. eve feet above grade, for 20S: In years these csn be subdivided Into four 4-iTi. and aoid for twice their pres ent price. . In teo years yoq can get more for one, Appledale lot than 1 shall make on ma wboie ia lota 1 am a plain rancher, a reasonable oroflt satisfies me; five years ago ou could buy lots north of Burnside on tlrard avenue for 4'. for which t.lsy you must pay flJ.OuO; Ove years bence the Panama Canal will be open. Central Oregon and the Inland Kmplre will be rrouuclng heavily and p 'urlr.g tncir wealth dowa hiTl Into Portland:. Burnside and llllsan will be business streets of llis first Importance: GlKan. bO feet wide and free from heavy grades. Is likely to out clses the Base Line la Importance: App.e dsie. right on E. aotn st- (West avenuej, between Burnside and Gllsan. Is selling for -oO to I lew per lot. It) per cent off 1 jt cash, or for 1" per cent down. 2 per ceat a month. Take Mootavllla ear to E. Both st.. walk block south, ask for Cleveland (owner). BEAUTIFUL lots from tH: 1:1 down and (1 monthly: Hawthorne vicinity. Tou cannot match these lots la price, else, terms or location: newly platted; be fore many monthlv payments are made you bave made money; .Qxioe; $7 to o; high and sightly location: roost lots bave nne fruit trees on them: buy bow; take cars to corner E. 43rd and Hawthorne ave; office on corner. Port-land-Paciao Investment Col. 41 Hallway Exchange. IRVING TON LOm We offer a fw sxtra choice lota for fl2.V snd $13.10: beautiful corner, el"1" and fli-'xj: very easy terms, or discount for all cash: Improvements bonded; tbese lots are cloee to Irvlngton carllne. A. R. DIAMOND A CO.. SOT Railway Exchange Bldg.. or East ISth and Knott sts. Phons Main 13IH. East l.W. 8 ELL WOOD LOT. 00. . 50x100 feet, at corner E. th and lon sts; on freight aide track and within H block of O. W. P. carllne: this Is busi ness property with a future; price r ChH. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. S12-:i3 Commercial Club Bid, hones Main . A 2Z-a . ROSE C1TT PARK. A xlarge corner lot with fine view. lo cated on the Alameda. I live out of city and here for onlr a few days; I must mske s sale of this lot before I return: a lot with this view on Portland Heights would cost you 00CS; I take lliso: this Is mv price and no agent's commission en Ir Phone Mr. Inlay. Main 8".T 14-FOOT front on Willamette River. 290 feet deep, a fine spring on this tract. Oregon City earllns within one-hslf ml.e. car every 30 minutes until midnight; a grand location for a borne on the river. A 31. Oregonlan. PACRIF1CE. S lots. HOxl'Ji. corner 62d at and BTtrt ave; a 2-room bouse, a bouse tent. barn, chicken park and tine shade; tiiC rasa and 1130 baL terms. Call Tabor aof) be- fore a o'clock. , TWO lots. 1 block from Alnsworth. X block from I'nlon ave. Phone Woodlawn 1134. MT'"T FELL, THIS WEEK. I4S00. EAST TERMS. To meet other obligations am fcrced to sacrifice this new 7 -room. 2-tory home. I o under actual cost; hardwood floors, besraed ceilings. paneled wainscoting, built-in buffet, book cases, fireplace, sleep ing porch, open balcony, full cement base ment with wash trays and furnace, three large chambers and kitchen, finished In white enamel: lot CoxlOO feet, all graded and seeded to lawn. Absolutely must be sold this week; save commlsemn am buy from owner. E- H. ttpencer. 424 Lumber men bldg. Phone Main 600fl BEAUTIFUL ty -ACRE HOME. located at Brentwood Addition: 114-foot front. 170 feet deep: unfinished bungalow a the place; price $ltfy some cash, bal ance monthly. See us. v CO-OPERATIVE REALTT CO.. Sl-30-21 Hallway Kxchaag. - FOR FAI.B by contractors, telephone Fell wood sei, new modern bungalow. T room and bath, sleeping porch and eewlng-room combined : gas. electric and furnace. seven Soot basement ander whole house, drying loft, laage front porch, small back porch. The first of a bunch of houses being built by experienced contractors; a bargain to Introduce their work and method. f'irOO; 1 VX) dowa. moBlhly payments, corner E. SHth and Kelly sts.. Waverleigh Helirbts. Tske W-R car ta tOtb St.. turn light to Kelly. UtVlNilTON BARGAIN Fine 9-room home, on corner. TrlxloO. Tl'lamook snd East 'J4th. on carllne In best Irvlneton district: large reception hall. Uvlng-room. dining-room, den. kitchen snd pasa pantries five sleeping-rooms, two fireplaces, cen.ent base ment and furnace, garage; beautiful lawn and loo rose busbss; ail street Improve Bcnts la and paid; price fS3M which la $ i vm under value: must be sold at once. McAllister A Lueddemann, T-J Electno bldg tISO DOTM:J PER MONTH. Unosually wsll-ballt four-room cottage; lot ; i !"-: only a little ways from car. price $14"0 a bargain. CO-OPERATIVE REALTT CO.. blv--21 Railway Exchange. "EE ME BEFORE TOO BUILD. WHERE I BflLl I WILL LOATt MONKT AT A WW RATE OF INTEHEMT WITH NO BROKERAGE FEKS AND NO CHARGE FOR PLANrt. I HAVE CLI ENTS WHO WILL LEASE APARTMENTS AND WAREHOL'tSEd. IF YOU UAVB A LOT SUITABLE I CAN MAJLB VOO A COAJD PROPOSITION. E. K. LOCKE. 623 HENRT BLDO. BEAUTIFUL HOME. Exceptionally artistic strictly modern, beet construction: has rooms, full base ment, finished attic, pricked furnace, grate, fireplace: large Uvlng-room. bullt-ln fur niture, special conveniences: choice neigh, borbood; bard-surface street; eouth fac ing; roses, trees, vlnee; room for garage; price. iOO: terms easy. 747 East Mad ison st- CalL BEAUTIFUL t-ronni bouse In best Laurel hurst district: new and modern in every detail- large living-room, dining-room and kitchen, den. 4 sleeplng-rooins and sleep ing porch; hardwood Boors, two fireplaces, many bullt-ln feature: face east, with view of mountains; a beautiful borne and a bargain at 7oxX easy terms. McAllis ter A Lueddemar.n. -- Etectrle bldg. HUN NTS IDE 8NAP. Fin Isrce groom house, cloee to Bel mont on Last 3Gd at- Improvement all In and paltL If you want a bargain, see this at once; onlv $.loio. one-thtrd cash. HAWTHORNE REALTY CO.. Cor. Hawthorne and E. 34th ata. Tabor el. B :s--7. BUNGALOW AND LOT. Only fiauo. Cloee to Roee city park car. 4 room plastered, porcelain - bath, patent toilet, sink, hot and cold water, large cabinet, etc. ; 30-foot lot. fl30 down, balance monthly; lot adjoining If desired. Me James c. Logsn. 813 Spalding bide Mar-sr-.sll 274.. A M HOUSE FOR SALE. I will sell my modern, up-to-date cottage-bungalow for xToOO: unobstructed view of the entire city; two lots; Rose City Psrk. This can be rented If one year's leas Is given for 140 per month. O 2.-4S. BEAUTIFUL homes In Rose City Psrk. W bsve for sale several new and very at tractive bouses snd butgalows In this fine district : price from I'.UoO to 4S000. very easy terms. e pe for part.'culari If you are looking fcr a home. McAllister A l.ueddemann. 11Z Electric bldg. BT OWNER. Modern b-room bungalow In Roes City Park. fr"xtno. cement basement, open flre-piace- v.,u. a few -hundred rash, balance ran be arranged as rent; coat nearlv "4o to build. Phone A -' or write 4.19 Hall st. OOOD bouee for nothing: If you buy this reasonably-priced bxi1J on best psrt Tortlend llelgnts; nar suriace iuvcw Xiil. A SAW. 10 Ptlt tfENT rash for V) lot In a re. striclrd district: lot X. block a. Hnco.k st Add., oa Hsncock .. nesr 3th St.; hard-surface, paid. Cbas. Nun an. Hl bemla Savlnga Bank. A REALLY beautiful modern residence In Piedmont, good value at $s.O0; we are in. s'ructed to sell st $70oO. on easy terms. Carlock A Mue.lhaupt. 1033 Cham. Com. NEW. modern nve-roora bungalow, every convenience. E. 43tb. near Hserthome: r.-ico. terms. 4:0 fcwellend bidg. Main is J t-RiiOX bowse, lot S Or 1O0, f !-. for quirk sale. 9to cash, balance mortgage. 4 per rent; East Ninth st. North- John P. Weston. Phone bvt c. at X beds. ROSE CITT PARK ROME. SMALL CASH PATMENT. A very attractive bungalow with B Urge rooms and close to the car; lvlng-roorn has fireplace and bullt-ln serft. column and bay window: dining-room has bemn-a ceiling, buffet and walls are paneled. Fropt hall Is largs with bullt-ln i aeat and clothe closet, with full-length mirror. Dutch kitchen haa ample cupboard room. Bedrooms are large and well arrangea. Good-sued bathroom with be-t fixtures. Full cement basement with laundry tray. Lavrn I graded and ceded. it la a nice high lot. Till cn b mad Into a very nice-home. See u for terms; they will surprise you and the price I only 2130. HARTMAN A THOMPSON. Cbamber of Commerce. BEAUTIFUL HOMH. HAWTHORNS AVE. -7!i00. Reduced for Quick Sale to J7000. Thl new and elegant 10-room house la just completed, has s fine large reception ball, s full-length sitting-room, with fire place and hardwood floors, large bed rooms, bath, sleeping porch, fully equipped with closets and every modern conveni ence: Dutch kitchen, cooling closets, wood lift, full cement basement, cement laundry trays, furnace, fireplace up and down stair. The woodwork, tinting and shade all harmonise mot beautifully. If you want the best for the money, ask to are this: lot 50x120. north facing, t-an.giv liberal term. HAWTHORNE REALTY CO., Cor. S4th and Hawthorne bve. Tabor 510. B 2IW'. A BEAUTIFUL H-ROOM BOALOW WITH LOT HioxlOO. 1 block to rarllne. hade and fruit trees, berrle. vegetable garden, all kinds of shrubbery and roses. House has furnace, cement basement. Dutch kitchen, pantry. large living-room with beam celling. French windows, two large bedrooms, clothe nd linen cloei. large porches, rooms tinted, best Jul,'rr shsdes; mission fixtures, etc. A splendid buy at $:uao. Terms. Don t fall to see tins. If Interested, call Mr. Ward. A llt3 or Main sn'ri. SEVERAL five to eight-room modern bu"" on Hawtnorne ave., ju v . , -are the owners and builders, so will make tho price right: small payment down, the balance almost like paying rent; do not throw awsy your money on rent : p n a home. Come soon and get choice of hTHE CARPENTERS LUMBER CO.. 1 1 K .. To Kah ll ' 1 C. P. Bush. l'ld Met t. 40 DOWN. $25 MONTHLY. 31st st- nesr Laurelhurst. W offer a nice, modern o-room resi dence on SOx 100 lot, located 1 block from csr and one block west of Usielhtiw, for I3O00, at 1100 down and J3 monthly. It la not often that close-in property like this can be had on uch easy terms, worth ana a month for renting purposes here. Portiond-Paclflo Inv. Co., 418 Railway Kxcnange. Brand new and ready for cceupancy. rooms, hardwood floors, handsome wood work, lighting fixture, complete, fur""'; 2 fireplaces, full cement basement, arg attic, face east, on carllne; lot S'"1'"? feet; bard-iurfac pavement; price eOooo, """h. P. PAI.MER-JONBS CO.. 212-21 Commercial Club Wldg. Thones Main 8'Jl'll. A 2H:t. HOL.LAUAI An opportunity to buy thnt iiom yon have been looking for. Nice refined relghborhood. convenient to car. chool and churche; nine-room house, furnace, two fireplaces. large reception halL sleep ing porch, fine quarter block shade and fruit trees, roses and hrubbry. Buy from owner. Price will eurpris you. r-none r , GOING TO BI-ILU7 WE DESIGN ARTISTIC HOUSES AND MAKE NO CHARGES FOR PLANS If WE BUILD. IT WILL PAY TO KLE LM. IF YOU OWN A LOT WE WILL FINANCE THE RESIDENCE OR APARTMENT FOR TOU. OUR REPUTATION Id VO.H PRO TECTION. . I- R. BAILEY A CO.. 254 AB1NGTON BLDG. IRVINOTON HOME SEEKERS. Here is your opportunltv; I own the new room house at the aoutheast corner or East 23th and Tillamook streets; must raise some money oetore iay . n house suits you. be ressonable and we can - . i . - . . 1 1 . Kmet , nav. no OO PUSineee; no .......... . - --. - -- contractors profit, no real estate man commleMon: can be eeen at any time; on block from Broadway car. 13 PER MONTH buvs a new. well-built, modern 4 -room bungalow and a fine Improved lot In tiregory Heights. Call at our office, end of Iloac Cltv Park cnrllne. GREGORY INVESTMENT CO. 12O0 CASH. ROSE CITY PARK. IS MONTHLY. T rooms, lot box loo. Improvement In and paid; all tho bullt-ln; full basement, fireplsce, etc. National Realty A Trust Co.. 52V Washington st, room bid. Phone Mala 6124. A LB IN A-g-room boute with tble. on lot BOxloo feet- close to Russell st- and A.hlnn ave.. rent for $25 per month: cheap for caan: pricey. pAL)JI.R.JON.KS ro.. 212-212 Commercial Club Bldg. Phones Main '9. A 2B.'o. HAN DSOM E Hoiladay borne on Clackamas street- seven rooms, modern throughout end very attractive: large llvlng-roora with beautiful fireplace, muslcroom, din-log-room, kitchen, three sleeping-rooms. hardwood floors, cement basement and fur nace, on corner: s2.,o. egsv terms. Mc Allister A Lueddemann. 22 Electric bldg. " SUBURBAN HOME. 1 7 acres. 6-room house, woodshed. rberrr trees. 1 black walnut. X prune. 8 plums, some peach trees and grape vines. About boo feet from electrto station. Price Biaoo on easy terms. 4 acres Joining can be bought with this place If desired. Call a t 33 Ch amber of Commerce. JUST WALK IN AND HANG UP TOUR Hall. rooms and bath, comer lot. completely furnished. I5O0 upright piano, set of china, hot water beater, gas. elec tric lights; a little gem: 14200. JOHN P. WESTON. PCS C. of C. Bldg. Phone Main H67. ATTRACTIVE B-room honse In Irvlngton: bungalow effect: on ."isst ISth. near Thompson: east front, large Uvlng-room with fireplace, dining-room, kitchen, pass pantry: two large sleeplng-rcoms and sleeping porch; price 0 '-. McAllister A Lue'ldemann. 722 Electric blilg. WHY PAY RENT. W will sell you a home and you can pay for It on easy monthly payments; our bouses Include furnace, fixtures, hardwood floors tinting, shades, etc. provident In vestment A Trustee Co.. 201-2V.1 Board of Trade. Owners. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS HOMES. We have five beautiful homes for rnle In this rholce district at prices ranging from 1A&00 to $usoO; all new and modern; magnificent view property. For particular see Mc Allister A Lueddemann. 722 Electric bldg. " FOR? SALE" Ptrtctly modern 6-room bungalow. Tn- ?ulre 244 Portland boulevard. Arbor xKlge Station. 8L John carllne or phone WoodlawnA PORTLAND HEIOHTS Near Ford-street bridge. Three minutes- walk to Wash ington st. Beautiful modern 7-room bouse, built for home; large grounds, lovely view; t7S00. Brooke. Main 3331. A 8H39. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. Modern 7-room house, beautiful view: low price of S300: easv terms for quick sale. Owner. Main 4428! BY OWNER 4 lota with all kinds of shrubbery, nearly half 'Improved; small house In good con dition, well located. 80S Going St., cor. 27jt h at. TWO stpsII houses on SOxloo lot. one ront for 1120; owner leaving town and must sacrifice for $l"0O. 794 E. 8th. North. JOHN P. WESTON. one C. of C. Bldg. Phone M sin 6B7. BY owner, foo rash, new. modern. 6-room home. (SOxloo. full basement, fruit, and ornamental trees. 2 block car; term a. s.-.o Montgomery; Tabor 27r.3. IRVINOTON. Fax sale, strictly modem seven-room borne: $.'..VK, term. Phon owner. A 1737. M ain2ut2. 4 BEAUTIFUL home, by owner: strictly modern, restricted districts: big sacri fice; must S"!l by May 1. 426 Lumbermen bldg. Malt iQQ. OOOD six - room house. 1 1 blocks from Union ave. Price I22UO. easy terms. Own- er. AM 32. oregonlan. $SO DOWN. $30 a month buy a 7-room home, lights, bath. blocks ear. Phone own er before 10. Tabor 4 27. tie DOWN. Modem 4 -roomed bungalow. $1300. C R. Belknap. :i Veon bldg. Main 493. FOR SALE 7-room bungalow. 4S3 East 11th N. rhpoe East 406. T.ROOM residence at a sacrlflca; furniture If waatad. 63 East Utb, SATURDAY, HOMES ON EASY PAYMENTS. Flx-roora house, two stories, all modern, east front, beautiful lot, many shade trees, block from car; street improvement paid; new. ready for occupancy; KC00 cash, bal ance monthly payments. Flvs room, targe attlr, all modern, fin ished oak floors, bookcases, buffet, fur nace, full basement, restricted district; Improvements paid; half block from car; $5uO cash, balance monthly payments. Hlg rooms, two-story, square house. Just being completed; oak floors, fireplace, Dutch kitchen, buffet, alk other modern conveniences; 200 feet from carllne; $600 cash, balance monthly payments. ' We have several other houses and bun whlch will be completed soon; let us show rhlch will be completed soon; let us show them to you before you buy. PROVIDENT INVESTMENT TRUSTEE COMPANY, 201. 20 Board of Trade bids. Marshall 473. A 1022. 2300 DOWN 120 PER MONTH. New. large bungalow, only one-half block from car. In high-claa district; five rooms oa main floor; one finished attic bedroom: full basement, fireplace, Dutch kitchen, bullt-ln bookcases and buffet; lot box 100. CO-OPERATIVE REALTT CO.. S18-2U-21 Railway Exchange. X WANT to- aell my home In the heart of a restricted district: will sell at a sacri fice on acount of financial reverses; this house hss six rooms and bath, with full cement basement and attic. Dutch kitchen and fireplace: large living-room, dining room and kitchen, with two large bed rooroi and den; must sell by May 1. Real estate agents save time by not answer ing. Hot over 24000. AK. 20, Ore' gonlan. 22300. 21S0 DOWN 215 PER MONTH. Elegant five-room bungalow., only two blocks from car; fnll basement. Dutch kitchen, large porch; lot 40x103. CO-OPERATIVE REALTY CO.. 618-20-21 Railway Exsbanse. FINE IRVINGTON HOME. One of the best of the new home In Irvlngton. on corner of 24th and Knott, facing south and east. large living-room with fireplace in reces. mahogany alln-Ing-room. large bedrooms, sunroom up stairs, bllllard-room and garage: hot water heat, two bathrooms, three toilets. In fact, it, has everything that could, be desired. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. Phones Main 8ii9. A 2033. IRVINGTON HOME of T rooms, attic and cement basement, hardwood floors, built-in bookcases, buffet and window seats, Dutch kitchen, cooling t-loset. Inclosed rear porch, furnace, fire place, laundry trays, fruit room, etc. Rooms all large and well arranged. Lot Silxiou. East front. Built for a home. Owner leaving city. Price 27O00; 32000 rash, balance to suit. Call Mr. Ward. Main !W0 or A 11H3. IRVINGTON HOME. S730. T-room house, one block from Broadway carllne. facing east, . two fireplaces, hot , water beat, sleeping porch. hcrdwood ' flocre. screened-ln Summer kitchen; all street Improvements are In and paid for. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-218 Commercial Club Bldg. Phone Main 8U09. A 2603. KENTON SNAP. S-room cottage, 8 lot 25x100 each, on Tyndall t.. near Columbia boulevard. 4 block to Kenton car; price $ooo cash; lots alone worth 10AO; owner leaving city and . must sell. GRUSSI A ZADOW, 817 Board of Tra de Bid g.. 4th and Oak. WHY NOT T Cut th rent own It cost tlOSO. Pay same as rent you are now paying. If you want It for a home and can SHOW MB that you mean business. I will let you In on a small payment down. Butterworih. owner. 83 Lafayette bldg.. 6th and Wash. MODERN and attractive house in Hoiladay. on Clackaruas street; six rooms, full baeo ment and furnace, fireplace, sleeping porch, splendid nelKhborhood. large lot; fine value at !' terms easy. McAllister A Lueddemann. 722 Electric bldg. t HANDSOME 8-room bouse on East 16th street. In beet Irvlngton district; new and with every modern convenience: hardwood floors and very attractive arrangement", east front; a bargain at I7OO0, good terms. McAllister A Lueddemann. 722 Electric b.dg. BEAUTIFUL IRVINGTON HOMES. Built by expert day labor, latest de signs, oak. mahogany and Ivory finish; don't be deceived on cheap contract work. There Is a difference. Dolen-Beckley Co.. 60O Broadway. Phones. East 806. C lt3. 6-ROOM house In Irvlngton, on East 17th; large Uvlng-room, dining-room, Dutch kitchen, three sleeping-rooms, two fire places, fulr basement and furnace; price soitoO. easy terms. McAllister A Luedde tnann. 722 Electric bldgi. BEST BUT ON MT. TABOR. 7-room modem house, large lot, close to park line; unexcelled view that cannot be shut off; $4ooo, $1200 down. ROBERT II. TATE. 816 Ry. Exchange. ARE vou looking for a homo on the Kast Side? See us. We have some fine bargains In houses In Irvlngton. Rose City psrk, Laurelhurst and other attractive East Side districts McAllister A Lueddemann, 722 Electric bldg. 8 BEAUTIFUL HOMES. Elegantly finished In oak and mahog any, choice locations. Irvlngton. Several great bargalna In lots, no agents. C lsod. East 273. W. H. Herdman. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT BARGAIN. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. HALF BLOCK. NORTH OF AVE. : CLOSE IN; LEbS Til A N 3oOO. TABOR 87. PORTLAND HEIGHTh Cosy 6-room cot tage: easy walking distance: beautiful view; $2700: lot worth 22100. Brooke. Main 3001. A 3S3B. FOR SALE A bargain; 7-room modern house; must sell: $7M cash, balance easy terms. J. H. Tipton Co., 110b Spalding bloi 23o0 CASH, balance easy, terms, buy my new. attractive bungalow; Alberta car; price 310: worth i.'tooo. Young, 005 Sw-tland bldg. Main 7776. IRVINGTON 407 East Oth St.. new 8-room bouse, strictly modem: SStsoo. $2000 will hsndle. Phone owner. E. 1181. IRVIN'GTO.V. 7-room modern house, splen dlt buy. Owner. Call 46$ E. 16th st. X. Phone East 353. . XFW modern five-room bungalow. East 37th st.; must selL It. E. Douglas, Leb anon. Or. IRVINGTON bargain In new 6-room modern house: $0OO below value. Phone owner. Main B74 or East S460. for terms. $.:& IRVINGTON. $500 below cost; new 4 -room house. Phone owner. East 1S72 or call &$7 East 13th North. Bualne Property. APARTMENT-HOUSE site on E. Couch st. for only $24o.; convenient to 2 carllnes; better Investigate this. HARTMAN A THOMPSON, REAL ESTATE DEPT, Chamber of Commerce Bldg. xnn TEN acres, unimproved, smooth, tl 17 sble land, best soil; wood on place will pay for clearing: i-mlle from railroad station. 33 miles from Portland: part cash. Palmer. 612 Couch bldg., at 100 4th at, $1200 5 ACRES-AT-$200 PER ACRE. Compelled to sacrifice 8 acres, splendid land, close In on West Side, the price Is $100 per acre below market value, but I must have money. A 28. Oregonlan. $12' 0 Two-acre tract cleared, 81) minutes from Oregon Electric depou Ave minutes' wslk from station: $.too cash, balance easy terms. Address 7 First St.. room 9. 10-ACRE tracts near Coos Bay to sell or trade. AMADON A CORBIN CO.. 216 Lewis Bldg. FOR ftAl.F. 20 acres of land, 5 miles east of Grrsham. half mile from Mt. Hood R. R. For Information apply to Carl Anderson, rout 2. box 139, Gresham, Or. ACREAGE and farms, from 212.30 per acre up: large and small tracts. Call Kinney at Stamphsr. 631-2 Lumber Exchange bldg. GARDEN Home acre at station. 20 minute out. 36 trains cTVly; $600: very easy terms. Phone Tabor 076. ta-ACRE lots, good view of river, st'statlnn. fare 6c on Macadam road. . f SS0, easy terms. F 83. Oregonlan. ACREAGE on all lines from 1 sere up: all ixe. large colony tracta. Marshall A Rupert, room T. 200H Alder. $4001 acre aJ tor someon. Tlgard station ; a bargain Holi brook. 4o8 Osacli bldgh 15 1911. ' - APRIL 22, ACREAGE. , . ... Mora than 4000 acre In onr plat ana close to Portland: both steam and electric cars, and the most fertile soil In Oregon, completed roads along each tract. Onions will produce BOO bushels pej acre; horseradish, ihi tons: parsnips. to 7 tons; carrots and cabbage, 10 tons, rutabagas and turnips. $ to 9 tons: celery will net from $500 to $600 per acre, iruit and berries do wonders and poultry ex ceeds them alL We have some 40 people on this tract that have bought from two to four times each : let us refer you to them as to tms land; also as to our treatment of buyer, located o conveniently to Portland triat you get consumers' prices for everything you produce, and part of the family can work In the city if they so desire. Any sized tract you want at $1-5 " 23S0 per acre and upon monthly payment if desired, a discount for cash. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY. " Main 35. 103 Fourth St. A 8500. 60 ACRES bottom land, half mile from Sea side Depot; w acres ui ws --; tlonally fine for cranberries; conditions good for flooding and drainage; one-thlro cleared, balance alder wood that will more than pay for clearing. Price virTr,..W' easy terms. Call on or write J. E. Oatea, Seaside,' Or. "RICHEST SOIL IN OREGON." This was the decision of C. L. Kelsey, recently of Indiana: Mr. Klev- "ho bought one of our tracts In"?".'"',?, County Sunday, expressed himself In the above manner, also stating that he had looked at nearly all acre tract, offered and that we were asking less for rich, black loam and beaverdam soil than otner dcalers ask for stumps and "e Kelsey Is so well pleased that he reserved two tracts for relatives In Indiana, Lali or write for circulars. 0 PACIFIC N.-W. DEVELOPMENT CO.. 405 Couch Bldg.. 109 4th Sc., near Washington bt, ROGUE RIVER ORCHARD. 20 acres bearing commercial 0"n'a 15 years old. 1 block city limits of Ash land in the FAMOUS ROGLB. RIVER .VALLEY: on bouelvard. and only 1 block to artesian water; tree, and B"nhd ' first-class condition; good P-king-house and well; will take small cash payment or property In or near Portland as part Payment aid mortgage defence,; 'cV0t Is free from incumbrance. Phone C 2-03 or call at 763 Commercial at.. Portland. Or AU 32. Oregouiau ACREAGlv 25 to 270 per acre. ; 2400 acrej ubdlvided into 130 tract, of 2. B. 10, 20, 80 to 1O0 acre, each; best fruit and gar den land, deep soil, fine water, no rock one hour's ride from Portland, rail and river transportation; town and aebool in center ot tract; good road, in front of very tract. Your chance to get an ideal money-making home. These tracts sell on sight to practical people. Call and mak an early selection. McFARLAND INVESTMENT CO.. 1 lu toroeu BUILD YOUR OWN COUNTRY HOME. 6.09 acres, close to electric ftatlon ( about 70O feet). 14 miles from Portland by auto over beautiful scenic route on macadam ized road nearly all the way. 2 minutes walk from general store. Part In apple orchard, all cleared and In grass raooth enough to cut with lawn mower. Thl is a beauty and can be sold on monthly payments or V, cash, balance yea kt 6 per cent. Call at 338 Chamber of commerce, CHICKEN and fruit ranches near Portland; walking distance to good town: runnning water, best soil, free wood, splendid fruit district' vitw ot Columbia Klver and ?no w peak. 2 acre. 25o; 3 acre. 2300. 10 acre. $000. 20 acres 2S00; 10 per cent cash, easy payments. FRANK M FARLAND REALTT CO- 309 Yeon Bldg.. Portlands - HANDY COUNTRY HOME. Within 10- miles of Portland: best of car service can work in town; money maker from the start; 6. acres, all in cultiva tion; naw 8-room plastered house, bath, etc bearing orchard. A snap at $4oU0. half cash. Deal direct with the owner. B 34. Oregonlan 1'ti 3 BU S JO ui-. Of best-quality, smooth all tillable land that will produce anything grown In this climate with pure running water, abund anwood W gooa roads and only two hour, from Portland. PALMER. B12 Couch bldg.. at 100 4th st. . WF have a few B-acre tracts left in the Woodburn orchard tract; we are selling at a great reduction to close them out, easy terms. A SNAP. NORTHWEST REALTT CO.. B17 Board of Trade bldg. See Mr. Morrow. . IMPROVED acreage, near Portland, In fer t lie Chen al.m Valley, only finest char acter land dealt In. price i. right, terms. Look around thorough y: If you have already done so, see us today. D. N. Watt 4O0-6 Lumbermens bldg., 8th and Stark streets. , ONlONi CLERY AND ASPARAGUS LANDx 10 acres 5 In beaverdam land and B acres In upland; good 2-story house, large barn and onion houses. 14 mile from elc trlc ation and 2 stores. $3f00. term. DAVID LEWIS. Room 2t Lumbermens Bldg., 5th and Stark. CHOICE fruit and garden lands; 21 miles Portland, on Oregon Electric, Improved . . - ul.lj. nrlces and UDlDllllu."'. - " , , . easy terms; write ror our vr can C. E. Cook A Co., Wilson- and see us. vllle. Or. FOR PLATTING OR FARV1NG. 80 acres. S. W. of Courthouse; 14 mile to S. P. Ry.. Hi miles to Oregon Electric, or would sell in smaller tracts; a bargain. ' Owner. 60S HalseyJSast 4701. Homesteads. ADVANTAGES OF OREGON 100-page book gives amount jof Government land open to homestead, ireach county In tbe States of Oregon and Washington, and description of same; gives homestead, desert, timber, tone, coal and mineral law; two map of Oregon In colors. 21x28. showing R. R. In operation, one showing all proposed R. R. and electric lines, including Eastern and Central Oregon. 20o each, or three 60a Map of Washington In color. 21x28. 20a Mmmo. Ruftey A Co.. Hamilton bldg. FEWchoice claim near R. R, and Port land: all tillable: good neighbors: If In terested act quickly. East 300. Apt- 14. after 7 P. M., or write AL 10. Oregonlan. PARTYfrom Central Oregon who will be here for a few day only can locate five partiea on valuable homestead. Inquire 733 Chamber of Commerce. LEAVING for East Relinquishment of valu able homestead, 350, including house. Wm, McNamara, Nashville. Lincoln Coun ty. ; RELINQUISHMENTS and homesteads. AMADON A CORBIN CO.. 216 Lewi mag. HOMESTEADS, located near Portland: land level: good value; near railroad. Room 21. 2C7 Oak st- GOOD homesteads In the coast country. In quire at New York bldg.. 20th and Mcola' sts. J. M. mompson. FOR PALE 320-acre relinquishment Invest valley in Central Oregon. Call East 4447. For Salti Fruit Lands. REGAIN your health and accumulate wealth growing apple In th famou Hood River-Mosier district, on our new plan. A small cash payment will tart you right. Call or write for beauUlul free booklet. HOOD RIVER ORCHARD LAND COMPANY.007Yeon bldg- WALNUTS AND APPLES. B and 10-acre tract planted to walnut and apples; terms. Also 112254 acres cheap, all near Sheridan. Yamhill County. JS W. LAND AND IMPROVEMENT CO.. Lon Williams. Mgr.. 4.".2 CHAMnEBjOFJMMEKCB BLDG. " TO PREVENT FORECLOSURE. Sacrifice 80 acres, high-class HOOD RIVER fruit land; value 900O. ell 25000. term. ROBERT H. TATE. S 16 Ky. r- xc nan s IN THE true apple belt. 160 acre., flva mile from Lyle, Wash., a genuine bar gain: 20O an acre, half cash. Phona East S4k For Sale Isrint. "JUST AS REPRESENTED." $100 half cash and balance on easy terms buy a strictly choice 40-acre tract on which there is (estimated) nearly a million feet of timber: land nearly level, watered by creek and springs: small amount has been cleared and 20 acres could easily be cleared; not stony, lies 10 milts from Woodland. Wash., near school and improved farms. In Little Kalama River Valley: part of road to it is rough and steep, but new road has been surveyed on 7 per cent grade: timber alone worth the money and more; fare from Portland here only a dollar. S. G. Lane, Woodland, Wash. CHOICE farms and ranch lands, good homesteads and relinquishments; loca tion fees ressonable. For particulars call or phone Frank E. Roberts. 407 W. 4th St., sfter 6 P. M. Phone Main 7650. TS ACRES! Mount Scott, 20 fruit, barn, house, store, etc. cheap, qxl smcharsge. L Hail. 14b First, at. " , ,, T nw Lot forever to the homeseeker living within th boundaries of the United States tho CHANCE to buy good. loamy. ilty oil," the finest farming land, tnas will produce every variety of cereaL ail fruits an vegetables that will grow in good silty soli in a climate like Califor nia. Land that la free from alkali ana adobe that will produce ORANGES AND ALFALFA Is GONE. GONE FOREVER a far as the United States is concerned. Would you like to find an opportunity to purchase that kind of !and at prices like you paid for your land a few year ago, say $2.50 per acre? Wouldn't It be prof itable to you to sell your land that yoo are offered $200 per acre for and lnvet your money in better land. In a better climate, land that will produce a bigger crop with less work and twice as often with cereals that you can sell for a high er price, and locate In Sonora. the Cali fornia of Mexico. 60 miles from the In ternational Lino of the United States, J. N McFATE has 26,300 acres of that kind of land for sale at $2.50 per acre, with plenty of water and on the railroad. Fln - est opportunity for promoter, colonizer or party wanting big ranch. Fullest Investigation- courted. Address J. N. McFAIB, Nogales, Arizona. SPLENDID FARM BUT. 175 ACRES, $43 PER' ACRE. Just 100 mile south of Portland,' In on of the most pleasant parts of the Wil lamette Valley, we have a splendid buy in a farm of 175 acres. 45 acre in high state of cultivation, balance best of pas ture and timber, with several good springs and nice fish stream: new 7-room plas tered house, good large barn and lots of outbuildings: choice bearing orchard and berries of all kinds. PERSONAL PROP ERTY: 3 good mares with foal. 1 yearling colt, 6 good cows. 3 thoroughbred year ling heifers. 13 hogs, lots of chickens, wagon, carriage, new buggy, harness, spraying outfit, cream separator and all implements; all for only 343 per acre; good terms; mile to school and church. HARGROVE A SONS. 122 North 6th St., Cor. 6th and Gllsan. Main 438L A 7259. 11 ACRES 5 MILES FROM COURTHOUSE. This elegant farm home Is less than 5 miles from the Courthouse, Joins Portland Height No. 2; there are 11 acres. 10 acres in high state cultivation: best of soil, 7-room plastered house, basement, new barn 48x43. with basement, 2 chicken houses and yards, fine orchard, 112 Eng lish walnuts, 175 bearing cherries; app es, pears, etc., 3 acres berries; fine spring of living water; price 2500, term. HARGROVE A SONS. . 122 North 6th St.. Cor. 6th and QlUan. Main 4381. A 7259. FRUIT. POTATO. ALFALFA OR DAIRT FARM. , . 167 acres Santiam River bottom land, bout 84 acres cleared and In potatoes and oats Not overflow land, Just enough elope for Irrigation, fine living " Good house, big bam. 3-story windmlll house. water piped; 0 cow, ? calves new DeLsval separator. 4 head horses, plfrs, chickens, bees. hay. grain, rigs and tools, etc good outbuildings: 25 acres more very easily cleared, balance fine pasture year round and some good timber land. AH level, no waste. Ask someone who knows what Santiam River bottom land will grow. $1)0 per acre; $4000 cash handles this Crop Is worth $2500 this year. On main line Southern Pacific, half mile from Marion. Or. Good county roads. Owner, H. Graham. Marlon. Or. Phone 10x4, Farmers. . DO TOU WANT LAND that you can IRRIGATE) DURING THE DRY SUMMER, so you can double or treble your yields? If so. get in on the ground floor of our Willamette Valley Irrigated land. HARTMAN A THOMPSON, Chamber of Commerce bldg., Portland, Ask for Mr. Hartog. ) Branch office on the ground at WEST 8TAYTON. OR. -Take 4:35 P. M., S. P. train at Union Depot to West Stayton via Woodburn. BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY HOME AT HILLSBORO. OR.. Within 60 minutes ot Portland. 36 acres, part beaverdam, over 9 acres in city lim its, 10-room house and 9 acres In bear ing orchard; this place is easily worth $16,000, but owner is going to Hono lulu and will sell for 215,000; 2S500 cash; R R. station in front of house. Phone Marshall 2084. Owner at Apt. 5. Madi son Park Apts., cor. Madison -and Park st. FOR SALE 44 acres close to Chlco; sedi ment loam; 32 acres heavy stand alfalfa, will cut 64 tons per acre this year; bal ance in oats: these crops will yield $1250 this Summer; land lies level as a floor, with a dozen big oaks scattered around; beautifully located among productive farms; $200 per acre, 1-3 cash, balance to suit at 6 per cent. Address OWNER, P. O. Box 187. Chlco. Cal. FARM BARGAIN. 40 acre. 1H miles from electric car line, 5 acres under cultivation. 12 acre, more easy to clear, balance good timber; has B-room house, barn, orchard, berries, chickens, house, etc; all for $2500; can pay 2i00 down, balance 8 years 6 per cent, WESTERN LAND CO.. 2184 Stark St. 10 ACRES 8 In fruit, all kinds, mostly bearing- in fine shape; comfortable buitdings, stock, implements, well, spring, poultry and houses, crops In; good living from start: m miles Oregon City, phon line and R. D-: buyer, only; $4500, 5 per cent off for all cash. Address AV 3. Ore gonian. 15 ACRES, all good soil, no rocks or gravel, small creek crosses the land; near church, school and railroad station; price only 2900, halt cash. R. L. STANWOOD. Houlton. Oregon. BO ACRES for saie; 2 houses, one new barn and other outbuildings. 2 good snrinps. 5 acres cleared, running water. 600,000 of timber; price 22100. Address W. H. Row, La Center. 4 miles east of La Center. 10ACRES.IN CULTIVATION. 7-room house, large barn, small orchard, on- carllne, at station; will sacrifice; must have money at once: $3500. A. I. Bitter. 224 LumberExchanggbldg. BIG BARGAIN 18,000 acres, near railroad and steamboat. Northern California, grain and stock: improved; $12.50 an acre, terms. Write C. M. Wooster Company, 702 Market St., San Francisco. ALL KINDS OF GOOD FARMS AT GOOD PRICES IN THE WILLAMETTE VAL LEY. ADDRESS FARMERS' UNION, AMITT. YAMHILL COUNTY, OREGON. ROUTE 1 BOX 100. gf,-AP A fine farm IK mile from depot. tools. Improvements, stock, crops, tc. Com quick. KINNEY STAMFHER. Ell-3 2 Lmbr. Ex. Bldg. LINCOLN COUNTY for dairy and fruit farms of all sizes and prices. O. G. Dalaba, Elk vHty. Or. Miscellaneous. HERE tT IS. The cheapest and best buy In North Port land, full lot, 60x100 feet. Hard-surface street and all other improvement, in and paid for: $400 below market price; on the south side of Bavler street, between 24th and 25th. Price $3100. Full lot. 60x100. with hard-surface street and all other improvements in and paid for; with two good houses; all in first class condition: houses alone cost 26000; rent for 265 Per month: on the north side of Lovejoy St.. between 16th and 17th. Price 210.500. , . If you are In the market for snaps, look ""inquire owner. Beals" Gun Store, 44 Third st,, between Pine and Ash. OUR FACILITIES will save time and make MONEY for YOU. Select list of bargains In Real Estat and Business Chances. BLOCH REALTY COMPANY, 20d Alder st. EUGENE. OR. Best home city of tate. Population 10 000 Good schools, good society, no .saloon A no poverty. I sell all kinds of Eugene real estate. Established 19S2 Ask for what you went. Geo. Melvln Miller, Eugene. Or. WANTED TO RENT FARMS. WANT to rent small Improved chicken ranch near electric line; would buy if price Is right. Give full particulars. AT 20. Oregonlan WANTED TIMBER LANDS. TIMBER lands wanted, C, J JioCxacksn, S04. AtcSai' btd OWNERS of a five or six-room bungalow kindly drop me location with full descrip tion of same, also terms: must be mod erate price and in a good location: real estate men need not answer, as no atten tion will be paid to their letters. An. -J. Oregonian, WANTED ACREAGE. 5 to 15 acres, partly Improved, close to Portland, on eleojrlc line or on river: will pav cash, or exchange modern six room Hoiladay Addition residence, value $31)00. and pay difference; give full par ticulars as to price and location in nrst letter. C 31. Oregonlan. I WOULD like to buy a home In Ijvl,n5 ton district; can pay 21000; would life less down; state price and location: must move bv May 1: no real estate dealers need apply. AJ 30, Oregonlan. WANTED To buy for cash from owner good modern 7-room house, furnace, fire place, sleeping porch, etc, close in. East or West Side; give price and location. AG 31. Oregonlan. WANTED Immediately, strictly modern 7 room residence in good location; prefer 100 feet frontage; price not to exceed. 2B000. Goddard A Wiedrlck. 243 Stark st. WEST SIDE. Want comer for apartment site. If bargain, will pav cash Full description. in eluding location. V 20, Oregonian. MUST have at once for a client. 5 acres in, timber or brush, at Garden Home, close to station. C. F. PflUFer & Co., suite 12. Mulkey bldg., 2d and Morrison I WANT a lot suitable for flats or apart ments on West Side; not particular aoout location if the price is right. M 34, Ore- gonlanu . WOULD like to purchase a home on tha West Side; will pay irom souuu to eouuo. M 35, Oregonlan. . - WANTED Desirable residence on Portland Heights from owner. AF 32. Oregoniau NO commission, below market, by ownap, lot on E. 34th. Phone C 2u8 evenings. FOR RENT FARMS. FOR KENT. 2H acres fine land, handy to electric cars, $00 a year. F. FUCHS. 221 14 Morrison St. FOB SALE TTMB E R TANT. 160 ACRES timber land in Douglas County. Oregon, heavily timbered with tlr and cedar; terms cash. Address A. E. Frost, 723 Plymouth bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. TIDBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. C. J. M'CRACKEN- 304 McKaT Bldg. , 20,000.000 feet of timber on proposed United Railway, on Upper Gales Creek. B. B. Birr, Pantages Theater, city. FARMS WANTED. A GOOD farm wanted of 40 to 160 acres, at a reasonable price have calls for good property. Write or call A. B. Hall. 21J Gerlinger bldg. WANTED A farm, not more than 25 miles from city; have $1500 cash; state full par ticulars In tirst letter. AS 19. Oregonian. 1000-2000 ACRES, for colony of Germans: something good. Address 1041 East 15th t. North. . TO EXCHANGE. MOVING-PICTURE SHOW in Portland sub urb, finely equipped, with new Powers No. 6 machine, 154 opera chairs, stage, scen ery, drop curtain. Victor phonograph, stereopticon dissolver: everything to make a complete and attractive theater; good patronage; clearlnB good profits: 200 cash handles; might take some trade. Call u Chamber of Commerce, from 10 A. M. to 3 P. M. . AUTOMOBILE to trade, city or county prop erty, hay, feed or groceries; a tine livery car, 7 or 9-passenger White Steamer, A-l condition: will pay or accept difference; nothing outside of Mult. Co. Fred T. Mer rill. New Country Club, Gresham, Oregon. IF you have property to sell or exchange, call on us. NORTHWEST REALTY CO.. 617 Board of Trade bldg. see yir. Jioimw. WE have a nice .home in Kansas City. Mo., to trade for Portland property or land in Willamette Valley. If interested call Steele at Brong-Steele Co., ground floor, Lewis bldg. HOTEL to trade for timber and mill; 58 . rooms, 3 stories, $2 day; modem brick, pressed fronts; 11-room annex; 225.000. Income 25000. Sam'l. Bradley. Miami, Okia. FOR SALE or trade Fine launch and launchhouae, original cost $2000; will trade for real estate, or sell cheap for cash. Answer J 30. Oregonian. , AUTOMOBILE to trade for anything of value; If you don't think so, try me. AS 17, Oregonlan. BEAUTIFUL Portland Heights residence to trade for Willamette Valley land. Phone M. 7964. A 7340. EXCHANGE. Will trade line real estate. In city, for stork merchandise. AM 35. Oregonlan. WILL YOU SWAP? What have you to trade? Call and get DOOKieU IUO .i - WILL sell or trade for lot, fixtures of store; counter, shelves, stove, desk, scales, etc. JVNJl.Oresnlan. BEE ROGUE RIVER ORCHARD to ex change, under acreage todas-. Phone 0 2203 . EQUITY $300. corner SrixlOO. for anything of value: 10 minutes out. West side South' 30it N. Kith St. Main 6703. PORTLAND income city property, valuation $20,000; want Los Angeles property same value. G 29, Oregonian 24o6oand $2000 groceries for good rooming house. 317 Hamilton bldg. Main 4190. FOB BALE. . Horses, Vehicles and Harness. MULES MISSOURI MULES. Just received, two fresh cars of old fashioned big-boned, rugged draft mules. They are young and sound and big; if you want 100 cents on the dollar for your money, come and see us, as we are from Missouri and cun show you. Our prices as well as our mules are guaranteed. We have a few pairs we can sell for $500, some better ones for $550, some x tra good ones for $000 and some of the best that grow from $50 to $700. MTJRPHV HORSE & MULE CO., Portland Union Stockyard. Phone Woodlawn2400. . WE have on hand at all times fine com bination saddle and harneps horses that are fit and ready for immediate use. lou corno and try our horses at our expense, have them examined by your own vet erinary and when S'.tlsficd buy them. Prices from $125 up. We handle only the bast. Kramer Riding School, lbih and Jefferson sts. . HORSES. HORSES. HORSES. 50 head of horses and mares, ages from 3 to 9 years old, weighing from 1100 to lt.00 lbs.; amongst them are some cheap matched teams, prices from $00 to $:;oo; all horses tried and tested and if not a warranted money refunded. New York Club Stables. 505 Alder St. iEVERAL fine drivers, city broke, one matched team black mares; one matched team, 2(100 pounds. PACIFIC COAST STABLE, 9th. and Couch sts. a FOR SALE: Fast standard-bred bay geld lg trotter, 8 years old; also two bugglr-s and two sets of harness. 9S5 Minnesota ave. Phone Woodlawn 4S4. 22 HEAD horses and mares. 900 to 1500 lbs.; some cheap teams', trial given; all Just off work. Travis Woodyard, L. 8th and Hawthorne ave. . 2000-LB. team of mules, blocky built, and closely mated; can pull 0 tons: this team will be sold with a guarantee and trial allowed. Price $3fl 55Alderit. SEVERAL good, honest work horses at an honest price for the honest man: also 2 good wagons for sale by Van Horn Transfer Co.. stable phone A loJo. 575 LET by a coal company, two heavy teams with drivers by day or month. In or out of city; will contract until August 1. Phone Main 30S. Term SALE One true team young well- tche3 horses, weighing 2SOO lbs.; one fine team young horses, weighing 3000 lbs. 226 Russell gU 5 HEAD of cheap horses; will f.oll to ranch ers only. Lyons' Stable, coiner of Union and Alder. FOR SALE Sorrel team horses, weight 1200 each, also wagon and harness, $320. Call ,"72 Water st. N. 25 head of work horses and mules, welgh-ins- from 1200 to lsoo lbs., all sold under a Ir.Hrantee. O. K. Howltt, 22 E. 80th St. PORTLAND Stables. 26 N. 15th St. Phone Marshall 18S6. Horses, wagons and busi ness rigs for hire oy day or month. ELECTRO horso clipping; prices reason able. H. B. Lewis. 3U6 E. Washington. , East 6035. j?OR SALE Horse and buggy. Inquire Nicoll, the tailor, 108 3d sL HORSES for lilro by day or week. Emplra Stable. 270 12th t. Main I860. , WANTED Good light-weight single, bug fj Parous. 270 12th St. Mala 1860, A 1080,