THE 'MOltNIXO OREGON IAX. SATURDAY, APIirL 22, 19il. " 11 CITY NEWS IN BRIEF OREGON IAXUJE rH OTESl rfMftia. CltT clrcolatla Vuiilif Editor SwadAy Editor Cropcalrif -rooee .. ri Mala TOT Ue:a T;4 Mela T07 ....... aio T-:o , Moia A eJ A ft'Oa A WM AJaXSEXXXTft. HKH-II THIATCT-(!iMb enii TaylorJ MaJama Shrrrjr." Ibis etiernooo at I IS and lontsbl at S 11. BAKER TMCAEK (Eleventh snd Mr rin) F. orange Kotxrta In Til. r; reaot of venire.- TBI tr.mwD a ana loalsal at a;I3. ORPHEOI THEATER (MarrtKm. between ..ta ajJ aik cola I i aa aitvniMD at 3.15 ana tonight at 3:ia PANTAUK9 THEATER Fourth mad "tara) Vaudi:i. Tun afternoon At . Ji; to nleat at . 30 And A. GRAND THEATER Psr and WajnlnS- luni Vaudeville. Tnie afternoon at j.iJ; no&:snt at T:o and a. LTRtC THEATER (Seventh and A!dr Lyric CcmejT company tn Eaat al'-ar. Tmi aticrnoon at 2.3t and touicht at 1.30 and a. STAR. AffADt OH JOT. OI7EOV. Tt Voi.l a'lrst run bicturca. 11 A. 12 P. M. RECREATION" PARK (Tanty-ourt and VaushaabatL Portlan.l va, Ijo At a. This aXlarnooa at 2.30. Advertlsesseata laleaded for the City fces la Brief roluaaaa la Sanaa' a aaaat a baaaea la Tat Orrsaalaa kaataeaa attic tj a'clock Satareay Historic Home Moved.-One of tle rot tires on the Quarter block at tha souttweet corner of Hawttorno ave nue and Bust Sixth street, leaned by Thomaa His top to F. S. Stanley and as snriates for SO years, is the house In which Stephen Maybell wrote h'm versea. There I Going to Be a Bridce Across the Willamette." At that time there was agitation for the flrst Momon street bridge, but It dragged along until the patience of the people was nearly exhausted. Mr. Hialop was building the cottage In J7I. Maybell waa - lather and was lathing the house. Mr. Hvalop said that at noon one day Uay- bell wrote the verses. The room In which the verses were written Is at the rear of the cottage and It will be de stroyed and the other portion of the cottage will be moved away. Maybetl moved to r-an Francisco and la cow be lieved la be dead. Et-KS TO IttCIITI PORTLAWD Pamphlets Secretary Glltner of the Portland Chamber of Commerce yes terday mailed to the Biker lodges of the country copies) of a small folder descrip tive of the beauties of Portland as a el:-see!r.s place and will mail later a fiur-colored pamphlet containing what Is regarded as the moat beautirul en gravings ever put out by an Industrial iMcut:on. The list of officers of the Um' lodges was furnished by the Port land lodge and the object In thus mall lr.g thts class of literature Is to Impress upon all t'le advantage of selecting Port land for the next place of the meeting of the grand lode of the order. Jctil Rorbmy Barrixs Poucmv Vtterly battled, detectives have remitted their efforts to unravel tbe mystery of the hold-tip said to have been committed tn the Washinston-eareet Jewelry store of R. A. Orwie. Wednesday rJght. Chance to recover the stolen good when they may be offered for sale, la blocked by the fact that Cow to cannot give the watch cumbers. Captain Moore makea the robbery the text for renewed warning to dealers tn Jewelry and other valuable articles against having their show windows so obscured that the InsNJe of the store may not be readily seen from the street. Ooornxovi to Hojron Kr Tajl. The Kid anniversary of tbe founding of the Independent Order of Oddteilows&tp will be observed next Wednesday and members of the order will attend church Sunday night la the First Christian Church, where services will be held In honor of the order's birthday. Rev. W. V. Reagor. the pastor, will preach. Members or Villa Lodge. No. 124. of Montavilaa. will attend services at the Grace Baptist Church, on Esse. Seventy aixtn street, near the Montanlla acbool- houae. Kesto to Havw New Chcrch- The miration establched la Kenton by the In tel Presbyterians of this city has obtained a lot on Lombard street, near ti.e Kenton-etreet carltne. and a church a ill be built there. A minister from the East Is expected to take charge of ti.e work. Rev. 8. Farl Da Rots, of the Grand - Avenue United Presbyterian Church, has been .la charge of the tntaraon. . Sr-actAt. JIeattxob to Bcort ToxioftT. Special meeting will begin In the First Church of the Naxarene. East eleventh and Eart Couch e-treeta, tonight. continuing every day until May 1. Serr- t.-es will be held weekdays at IN and T a P. M . except Saturday afternoon. Sunday services will be held at 11 A. L and 1 and :M P. M. Rer. C. W. Ruth. of Indianapolis, w 11 have charge. . Bishop Bkaacs Akrivks. Bishop Fearce. or the Free Methodist Church, fca arrived from New York, and oc cupied the pulpit of the Second Free Methodist Church, of Center Addition, last night, lie U1 speak Sunday morn ing and evening In this church. The buhop will preside at the Free Metho dist Oregon conference, which will meet In Portland May X Federal Ljcenc Holders Covvtcted. Convicted of Illegally selling liquor. sociatlon are Just closing the work of the regular season and arranging tor me Surlnc and Summer schedule. To review , the work and plan for the next few i months a big rally of an the ciuos win be held at the X. M. C A. vteonesaay night. May . Some leader In boys club work will talk at tha meeting. Throughout the Winter and up to the present time this Spring, the clubs, which have a membership of 383. have held regular weekly meetings at the T. M. C. A. From now on most of these meetings will be hel l on the Y. M. C. A. launch. . fhls launch Is used solely by the Bible clubs, and a regular schedule will be fetade out. so that tha boat will be Id use enlna-s of every school day and morn lags, afternoons and evenings on Saturdays. Several of the clubs are planning to take speclsl trips this Spring One group will spend three days at Multno mah Falls, another will go down the Co lumbia, and a third will go up the Clackamas. On all of these outings some time Is spent In Bible study or In listening to short talks along the lines of right living. DORBES WILL NOT SERVE EAST SIDE MAX DISAGREES AS TO STREET VACATION'S. ITER PLANT SOLO City Takes Over Private En terprise at Woodmere. BULL RUN SUPPLY GIVEN i Committee Reports That Prlco of 950,000 I Fair Both to City and Owner Main to Be Converted Promptly. - President of Business Men's Club Insists That Railway's Do mauds Are Fair. Warren DoiTea, who was elected president of the East Side Business Men's Clnb at the last annual election. Las ' ' '- ' x . jj- ' Warrea Dorrca, W Iaslsts Aeeeptaaee ef Keslgaatloa aa Prealaeat ef East Side Business Men's Club- effort has been made to persuade him to reconsider. "I am tn hearty sympathy with tbe purposes or the East Side Business Men's Club." said Mr. Dorres yesterday, but I am not tn accord with Its policy th reference to the freight depot and freight facllltlea. and besides I cannot give the time necessary. My own business occupies all of my time, and yet people have been coming to see me three and four times a day for con cessions or assistance which they sup posed I waa able to give tbem because of being president of the club. It tooR too much time from my business. I accepted the office wltb much reluct anee and only on the assurance that I shoold receive the full support of the members and the old officers, and in that I was disappointed to some ex tent. T am not tn accord with the attitude toward the question of freight depot and freight facilities for the East Side. I went Into the facts of the freight depot proposition, snd tbe more I in vestigated tbe more I became con vlnced that the club was making great mistake In not favoring conces sions and vacation of streets needed. The offers submitted by the railroad company seemed to me to be reason able, and the people are amply pro tected by overhead viaduct and other rights. The East Side needs the freight oepot ana rreignt laciuties. "My resignation has been in hands of the secretary several weeks, but has not been acted on. I have been urged to remain at the head of the club for fear my withdrawal might Injure the Rose Festival parades undertaken by ma ciuo. out iu justice to myseil A i cannot remain. It wouia nave been the thing to accept Uie resignation at once and elected a new president when It was rued. Tbe parades as plsnned are admirable and will be carried out successfully, which Is' my wish Ing liquor. I upon iv singi tact ox me pcasfssioa I ri asaai innieiifiPA ae,p of Federal licenses, nve women, lodging- CLM AN AUUItllLi LAKUfc rouse keepers, were fined 1m each. In filed his resignation with the secretary several weeks ago, but the club has not yet acted upon It. He will Insist on Its acceptance, although a strong faucets at times to bathe or to anrlnkle Purchase of the private water plant of George W. Brown, at Woodmere, for 150.000 waa nrrfeeeri Kv tha riw TV' . , - r Board at a special meeting held yes- . . . lucmuon. a report, signea oy Theodore B. Wilcox, J. C. Alns worth and XV. B. Mackay. recommending the action Indicated. The Commissioners were designated to Investigate some time ago. Formal vote was taken and the 'plant was bought: Purchase of this .plant insures to the residents of Woodmere and the surrounding- districts a full supply this Summer of Bull Run water, which could not be furnished in any other way. It was shown that It would take several years to construct a system of city mains to handle the situation there. Price Regarded as Fair. ' As chairman of the committee which investigated and recommended the pur chase of the plant. Theodore B. Wil cox said that the price paid was rea sonable. He said that the mains and pumping; station, towers and all equip ment connected with the system aggre gated a cost of $124,000. The city has no need for the pumps and will not need the towers when a 10-inch main is connected with the private system to furnish sufficient pressure. "This plant furnished water to the amount of, 119.000 In 190 and 124.356 in 1910." said Mr. Wilcox. "This was under its own system of rates, which were a little higher than the city's schedule. Last December, after, this Board had caused to be connected with the private system a small main to furnish Bull Run water, the receipts were $1134. This was under city rates. Now it will be seen that the city is getting an excellent bargain when it purchases the mains in this system for $50,000. when It would take about 2V4 years to get Its money back. Committee Is Cnanimous. ' I consider this an excellent purchase, and I also feel that the city Is doing a fair thing by Mr. Brown. This is the sentiment of the entire committee, the members of which are unanimous In making the report favoring the pur chase at the figure stated." Mr. Wilcox expressed pleasure .In the fact that the city will be able to pro vide an ample supply of Bull Run water to the Mount Scott districts this Sum mer. For years the people in these places have been without an adequate supply, being unable during the Sum mer season to secure enough from their The Vital Importance of the Guarantee When buying or loaning money upon real estate you should consider this featnre of CER TIFICATES OP TITLE we guarantee! TITLE AND TRUST COMPANY Paid Vp Capital $250,000.00 Lewis Bids 4th aad Oak SNAPPYSPECIALS For Saturdays Shoppers $1.50 Gloves $1.23 Pair Suede finish. $1.50 Cape Gloves $1.25 Fair Tans, Dent's style. 50c and 75c Embroideries and Insertions, 23c Yard All buttonhole edge. 75c Stiff Dutch Collars, 48c Each 35c Jabots 19c Each Embroidered or plain- tailored. $6.50 Waists, Special, $3.98 Some fancy, some tailored. F. P. YOUNG 290 MORRISOX STREET, Bet. 4th aad 5th, Corbett Bid. their lawns, to say nothing of fire pro. lection. The Board ordered the engineer to proceed at once with the extension of a 10-Inch main to connect the city's sys tem with the new addition. It will be completed by June 1'. JURY HAS BLOCKS CASE SEAXED VERDICT IS RETURNED IX EVEXIXG. Municipal twin yesterday. They were Nora J. v ade. Irene Cra'.c. Anna Borg- lund. Pearl Truelove and leucine Harrav A.l gwve notice of appeal. Mas. lURRixoTojt's Frxia!. Held. The funeral of Mrs. Tracy Harrington. who d:ed April aas held yesterday from the residence, at u$ Kerby street. Albtna. Interment will be made at Fort Collins. Colo. Mrs. llarrtcgton was 70 years of age, and died at the home of hr daughter, Mrs. E. D. Searing. Rev. W. O. Euor. Jr., W.U speak to morrow morning upon "The History and Influence of the English Bible.' and la tha evenlr.g upon "The Soul of the Bible in the Body of Humanity." at the Church or Our Father (Unitarian), fa-rent h and Yamhill. "Tub Basis or ornjri" and "The Herald of Redemption." themes of Rev. A. P. lilgley. FtrstssTesbyterlaa T.urch. Alder snd Twelfth. Btbie s-'hool at close of morning worship. Adult elsus In auditorium. Welcome. Tns Stab Barwrar has Just put os the market a new brew of bottled beer t last word In brewing "Rose City Beer." Give It a trial and be convinced of its merits. Phones: EasX 4& B UH. rtrm Fisljs- win be Luther R. Pyott's tneme m the First Conrrega t'onal Church tomorrow at II A. M. Dr. Dyott's theme at 7:ti P. M., "The Glory oi " Foa Information about free excursion to Hood R:v.r Orchsrd Land Company's property at Mosler View orchard, to morrow, see Devlin Flrebaug. for iron Ding. Wg want competent salesmsn for our wno.esaie- aepartment. Application by letter considered only. M. A. Gunst St vo. Dr. W. Arnold Undsey. Selling bldg. FLAT, close In. W. Reidt. Eaat 1U7. Seat Sale for His Xext Wednesday Recital Opens Monday Morning. "Mischa Elman is second to no living violinist In popularity," writes one of the music critics. "Twice he played here with the Boston Symphony orches tra, twice at the Boston Sunday night concerts. In each of these cases to crowded auditoriums. Saturday after- Hearing of Condemnation Salt Over Postal Site Concluded at Xoon With Charge of Court. The Jury hearing the Government's condemnation suit against Block 3, which is desired as a postofflce site, re turned a sealed verdict early last night. The findings of the Jury will be read at the opening of today's session. The suit went to tbe Jury yesterday noon. No verdict was returned during the afternoon, and at the hour of adjourn ment Federal Judge Bean asked Uni ted States District Attorney McCourt whether a sealed verdict would be agreeable. In case the ' Jury should agree during tha night. This was con sented to by Mr. McCourt. and the Jury was Instructed to that effect by Judge Bean. Arguments of counsel and the chargo of the court consumed the entire morn ing session of the court. Deputy Uni ted States District Attorney Magulre made the closing argument for the Government. PRICE AGREEMENT DENIED Dr. Smitb Declares Block S Was Not Vp for $500,090. Absolute denial that an agreement had ever been made with C. K. Hejiry to offer block S as a Postofflce site at $500,000 was made by Dr. Andrew C Smith in an Interview yesterday. Dr. I Smith said that when the two parcels !ln the block were offered to the Gov ernment first, the aggret.e price was $340,000 or $125,000 for the west half noon he demonstrated that he can fill I and $215,000 for the east half. a big ball without the aid of Boston players or New Tork opera singers. Indeed, not only was Carnegie Hall full, but many were turned away. One man was heard saying be had offered five dollars for a seat and cor'd not get one. The ;o-year-oll Kn was at his best throughout the recital. Never was his tone more luscious, his intonations mora pure, his technique more astonishing than on this occa sion." The Elman concert which Is booked it the April Lois St seats opens Monday morning, April 24. "when we saw that efforts were being made to boost other property and that Mr. Henry was butting into tha case, we decided to reduce the price to $200,000 for our half of the block." said Dr. Smith. "The $5000 de- vlrtuoso I manded by Mr. Henry was not a leffltl- i r-iman concert wnicn is Booked " , .. , H.ll.g for Wednesday nlghu i 0SttSrttti, 2. is under the management of i : . . . ....,.. h. , BIBLE STUDIES REVIEWED T. M. C. A. Clause plan Outing in Launch This Season. B!b!e clubs of the boys' department of tha Fort; and Toucg Men s Christian As- Lottery Tickets Confiscated. Patrolmen Kllnget. Wylle and Humph rey last night raided a Chinese resort at 3 Second street and arrested Lao Chu on a charge of maintaining a lottery- game. As evidence tha officers confiscated 'about JO.noo lottery tickets, fresh from the press, which were tied up In long bundk-a. Patrolman Burr! arrested Low Sam. at 4 North Third street, on the same charge. Both Chi nese gave ball for their appearance In Municipal Court this morning. CARD OF THAXKS. I wish to thsnk m v dear friends and neighbors for the sympathy and assist ance rendered me In the last illness of my beloved husband. jaua. A.. a Hack Sprtags CmU Tha best 'house coal. Liberty Coal Ice Co.. Exclusive agents. 25 North Fourteenth street. Main 1441. A Ilia. Plant Stbeoa froses. Phone Bell wood MO mate commission, although we were willing 'to pay it In case we obtained our original price. When we reduced the price to $200,000 Mr. Henry can celed the contract for $5000 and at our request butted out of the deal. We never offered to sell the property at He told us ght the prop erty waa a good buy at ijuu.ouu Phosphate one of the ingredients of Crescent Bak ing Powder gives valuable nutri tion to food. Physicians con firm this. Full Pound 25c Crescent Coffees. Tees, Maple Ine. Spices, Ilavorlng Ex tracts, etc. enjoy a well de served reputation. (jroeers everywhere sell them. "tESCENT MFG. CO.. Seattle. Convicts to Be Taken to Prison.- William E. Dunlap. white slaver, and Peter Lovole. sender of an obscene postal through the malls, will be taken to McNeil's Island today by Deputy United States Marshall Hamlin. Dun lap was sentenced to two years in tha prison, and Lovole to 1$ months. THE B0WERSH0TEL CAFE Eleventh and Stark. White Temple Pulpit ,........m, -r - m 1 I av A : N V 1"V -J f ' t-Aaatiaat n I II ml laa aaaaaaaaaal Walter Beawell Hlaaoa, Minister. The Supjact of tbe llext In tbe Series on THE LIFE OF CHRIST P-inday. 11 A. M-, will be "THE SECRET OF HAPPINESS." Sundav. 7 HO p. M.. Subject: ABRAHAM LINCOLN, AMERICA'!) MAN OF SORROWS At tha Prayer Service Next Thursday, s P. M.. JOHN AND THF, CHILDREN OF GOD. Remember the Bun day Night Servlca. Hear tha Sermon on Abraham Lincoln. Has established the reputation of best cuisine and muslo in the city. Karl Rledelsberger and orchestra. Frauleln Elsa Scharfenberg In classical and popular soprano solo. English and Ger man, dally. to S:15 and 10 to 12:15. H. C Bowers, formerly manager Ho- , js lt r tel Portlana. WHERE TO DINE. All the delicacies of the season at the Portland RestauranL Fine private apart ments for ladle toi Wash near itU at. KPKC1AL MCKVK'KS AT SKVUXTW II V ADVB.tTIKT CHURCH, Corner l:leveath aad Kmmt Everett atreeta, next Suaday NlKbt, April S3, at 8 o'cloric Ser mon by Elder A. M. Dart on "The Sab bath From Eden to Eden"; 1, a sign of sanctlflcation; 2. a sign from God; 3, a sign of separation from sin; 4 a promise of redemption. All this true of the Christian Sabbath. Which day Lome and hear this subject. 1W'"VJ PARKER'S I .f-iVl HAIR BALSAM I '-"'V''TBTVjCTeaBaas and Wuiii tha hate. I ' ' - - I rnnkM a bnninl rmvth. I -'k.. - Falls to Bettors Gray I i 1. -T? ,-j Hair o ita Tonttofnl Color. T-VO Sii 1 Can r-p diaua a at taUiaa, M -? fccAMl tiro at Pn;rrii- SYNOPSIS OF THE ANNUAL STATEMENT , OF THE Queen Insurance Company of America, Of New Tork, In the State of New Tork, on the 31st day of December, 1810. made to tha Insurance Commissioner of the stats of Oregon, pursuant to law: Capital. Amount of capital paid up.... Income. Premiums received during the year in cash . 4.631.528.81 Interest, dividends and rents received during the year ... 810.SIS-31 Income from other sources re- -ceived during the year...... 6.585.10 Total Income' .- . 4.848.430.08 Disbursements. Losses paid during the year. .$ 2.338.888.T8 DJvideiHia paid during the year on capital stock 800.000.00 Commissions and salaries paid during tha year 1.23S.848.89 Taxes, licenses and fees paid during the year 100,724.77 Amount of all other expend!- .... tures 367.945.17 Total expenditures $ 4.355.4S2.S1 Assets. Value of real estate owned.... nil Yalue of stocks and - bonds . owned T,778.444.5 Loans on mortgages and col lateral, etc A3.O00.00 Cash in banks and on hand... 362.609.8y Premiums in course of collec tion and in transmission.... 749.175.65 Other assets 749.3S Interest and rents due and ao- crued 71.949.38 Total assets $ 8.0?5.8So.S3 Total assets admitted In Ore gon $ 9.023.888.83 Liabilities. Gross claims for losses unpaid. 9 421.300.33 Amount of unearned premiums on all outstanding risks 4.009,955.43 Due for commission and bro kerage 6962.69 All other liabilities 198.536.27 Total liabilities .$ 4.638.703.93 Total Insurance In force De cember 81, 1910 $876,700,204.00 Business In Oregon for the Year. Total risks written during the year $ 4.856.065.00 Grc ss premiums received dur ing the year 73.614.0il Premiums returned during the year , 16.502.43 Loases paid during the year. . ll.838.b3 Losses incurred during the year 15.032.83 Total amount of riska out standing In Oregon Decem ber 81. 1910 4.463,741.00 Q.CFEN rNSCRANCK COMPANY OF AMERICA. (Signed) HOLLA V. WATT, Manager and Attorney f aciOc Dept., San Francisco. Cal Statutory resident general agent and at torney for service. H. R. Burke, Portland, Oregon. James Manner ; Co., resident agents. Portland. Oregon. A FORTUNE IN ALASKA Has often been made in the placers of the past. Now the recent quartz strikes in dicate the growth and suc cess of lode mining. Valdez, Copper River, Chi tin a, Mc Kinley Lake and Seward are showing up well and only await the experienced PROSPECTOR to place the camps on a sound paying basis. Many OPPORTUNITIES Write for mining maps. ALASKA STEAMSHIP CO., Seattle, Wash. Exceflent View Lots Overlooking Pacific Ocean Fine investment at Oregon's most popular ail-year-around re sort. Beautiful sites for beach home, or locations for cottages for rent ing purposes. Special induce ments. Address Ruth Trust Co. 235 Stark St., Portland. "Week-end excursions from North Bank Depot. SAPOLIO The' big cake that does not waste, scatter or melt CLEANS, SCOURS, POLISHES FROM CELLAR TO GARRET HARRIS TRUNK CO. TRUNKS. BAGS Suit Oases. 132 6th St. Opposite Oregonian. California Metal Plating Works A. Uethlvier. prop. COLD. -:LTER. BRASS AND NICKLEL PLATING. Hetal Coloring a Specialty. X4H SUCOAll STKE3T. Main 111 Peruana. Oregoa WE GET THE MONEY AND SO WILL YOU. Highest References, No Membership or Other Grafts. REYNOLDS Adjustment Service Scleatlfle Settlement Specialists. TPf Venn BMar. Mitrahall 2B-JT. Make Ycur Collections. Carry Your Business. Get the Money In. NETH Ss CO., Collector, Wevveate Bids. malm 1796, A 12? 5 New Novels YoWill Want to Read and Why LOVE UNDER FIRE Randall Parrish's latest. " This story of a North ern lieutenant and a Southern maiden," says the iV. Y. Evening Post, "is crowded with dramatic incidenfs of strategy, battle, mystery, and love." Colored pictures by Kimball. $U5 net PRINCE OR CHAUFFEUR? There's lots of dash to this story of Newport by Lawrence Perry. No social exposures just romance, excitement, and charm. Colored pictures by McFall. $135 net BAR-20 DAYS "Hopalong Cassidy" again. Clarence Mulford'a new story, according to the Chicago Inter-Ocean i-: ' j i r .u-:n: . contains auvcinuic ui uic lcaiiaiuuiy luiuiiug sort, pathos simple, unassertive, and good healthy humor, always natural and all unforced." Colored pictures by Dixon. $1.35 net A BREATH OF PRAIRIE 4TU Remarkable short stories of the West by Will Vyi Lillibridge, the late author of "Ben Blair." Colored pictures by Marchand. $1.20 net LOVE BESIEGED The N. Y. Sun says that " Charles E. Pearce has taken all the excitements of the siege of Lucknow to form the background," and that "no one will fall asleep while reading this story." ' Colored pictures by Delay. $1.20 net Take this advertisement to your Bookseller and ask to see these frooftj A. C. McCLURG & CO., Publishers, CHICAGO . Have Your Ticket Read "Burlington" Low Round Trip Rates East Montreal New York . Philadelphia Portland, Me. Rochester . Washington . Denver, Colorado Spr'gs 55.00 2.50 70.00 63.90 Chicago . . $ St. Louis . St. Paul . . Omaha and Kansas City 60.00 Boston . . 110.00 Atlantic City . 102.40 Baltimore . 107.50 Detroit . . 81.00 5105.00 10S.50 10S.50 110.00 91.35 107.50 DATES OF SALE .May.l2 and 13; 16 to 19; 22 to 25; 27 to 29. June 5, 7, 9, 10, 12, 16, 17, 21, 22, 28, 29, 30. July 1 to 6; 19 and 20; 26to 28. August 3 to 5; 14 to 17; 21 to 23; 28 to 30. September 1 and 2; 4 to 7. 'October 12 to 14. r 12 and 13 to Atlantic City onlx. October 12 to 14 to Denver and Colorado Springs Only Final Return Limit, October 31st. Liberal Stopover and Diverse Route Arrangements, Sill!!!. A. C. SHELDON, General Agent O, B. & Q. R. R lOO Third St, Portland, Or. Bridge and P r 1 La r DR. W. A. WISE 24 Years a Leader In Painless Dental Work tn Portland. late Work There are many kinds and forms of Dental Bridge Work, each of which has specialized merit. Bridge work to be rlgrht In every detail and possees the quality of permanence, must be exact. In Its mechanical construc tion. Most failures In bridge work are due to unsanitary construc tion, to actual "don't care" care lessness or to honest ignorance. MAKING ARTIFICIAL TEETH is a leading feature of our busi ness, and we believe lt cannot be surpassed in the point of Its completeness. We operate our own laboratory, and as making artificial teeth Is a specialty In dentistry, we are In a position to make this offer and guaran tee satisfaction. Dr. Wise has made this branch of dentistry a special study for a great many years and is again in active practice and will wait on all who wish his services. Out-of-town people can have their plate and brldgework fin ished In one day if necessary. TAKE ADVANTAGE OP THIS SPECIAL OFFER. These prices are extremely low for the quality of work we offer: Good Rubber Plates, curb . . S5.00 The Beat Red Rubber Plates, each, for S7.50 22k Gold and Porcelain Crown for S3.50 l" 22k Bridge Teeth, cruaran- teed, each. S3.50 T'p Gold and Enamel Fillings ..$ 1 T Painless Extraetlngr. ..'.... 50C Up Silver Fillings, each 50i L' EXAMINATION FREE. THE WISE DENTAL CO., Inc. Office Honrs S A. M. to 8 P. Sundays 0 to 1. Phones A and M 2029. All Work Guaranteed. FAILING BLDG, THIRD AA'D WASHINGTON STS. 0