Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, April 21, 1911, Image 6

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    r y
TnE-aroitsiso oitEGOxiAy. rrtiDAY, apkil
eY N. bridge over the Willamette t
Portland, the Portland Railway,. Light
A Power Company has notified the
Commission that it will place a new
order Into effect relative to trafflo over
Buchanan, cf Roseburg. have been ap
pointed alteraatea In ease that Maaon
phould fall to paaa the final eiamina
tlona for entrance to tha academy 1b
Tha appointments are tha result or
tha competitive examlnatlona bald at
tha Vnlveralty of Oreitoa on April
and 7. and have Just been announced
to the president of the university In a
telegram received from Senator Cham
berlain. Maaon paased an excellent mental
teat and ahould experience no diffi
culty in the final testa at tha academy,
both mental and physical, although he
will have nothing to spar In the way
of height He l IT - yeara and
months old and five feet and one-halt
the bridge. The order made at the
instance of Oeneral Manager Held ia
I mmrtmmmmm' I
Friday and Saturday, Two
Bright Days of Value-Giving
With uModa, nd omorr- will b, ShS"
there is waitiDS lor you an array of bargain, in Jei'"f ' d dq iu ,rroundmss should
and womTn ill fc. glad to serre you, helpruUy-with eoat.deow.rn the goods they sell.
aa follows:
"Motormen on any car crossing the
Steel bridge must keep at least 100
feet behind any other car or heavily
loaded vehicle going in the same di
rection and apeed must not exceed Bix
miles an hour. Electric locomotives
and work trains of all kinds are for
don to
West Refuses Par
Convicted Banker.
Rumor Current in San Fran
! Cisco That Seymour Has
Quit in Huff.
bidden to croas thla bridge under any
circumstances. The Inspector sta
tioned on this bridge has received pos
itive instructions to see that this bul-
Wardens Have Received No In for
nation as to When Term Will
Begin and Rave Xot A
signed Prospective Labor.
,nTort of Strlf Bev Chief Will
ot "Wink i Vlcf,.t Mayor
Krqomt, Tlerea to Down."
tmkep I Kxpcld.
MAS FRA.VCiaCOu April Spe
..elal.) Persistent rumors which have
teen hi the air for the past week came
"to a head today with the report that)
.Chief of Police Seymour, dissatisfied)
with present conditions In the depart- I
intent, which lie la unable to change.
haa tendered Ms resignation to Mayor
.McCarthy. While this was vigorously
denied by both the Chief and the
; Mayor, the rumor apparently will not
. down, and It la freely predicted In po
lice circles that there will be new
I kaad to the pvllce department wllhla
' a week or so.
It i declared that the punishment
I awarded to the Mission district saloon
and restaurant owners for selling
1 liquor without meala and to women
caused the Mayor to make a personal
visit to Police Commissioner IVt
. OConnell a few days ago for tha par
, pose of protesting- at the action of tha
Major's Ire Aroused.
The trials of Captain Harry Cleeson
for allowing those conditions In his
district la also said to have aroused
fie Ira of tha Mayor, and the whole
affair Is said to have culminated In a
suggestion to Seymour from McCarthy
that more attention to strict police
duty and less hectoring of the men Bin
der him would he better for the dis
cipline of the department.
. Another matter which Is rumored to
tart occasioned trouble Is the alleged
refusal of the Chief to countenance
violations of the ordinance prohibiting
music In the beach resorta after I
-'clock In the mornlna-.
The Chief Is reported to have ab
solutely refused to allow his men to
wink at such violation of the law. nn
. less he Is given a written order from
.the Mayor or tha Board of Police
? Commissioners, which, of course, wa
. aot given.
' Chief Sermoiir BalVs.
; The final straw Is said have been
'Chief eymour-e refusal to atand for
'the reopening of tha Chinatown
gambling-houses. This project haa
been under way for some time and It
was thought that everything was set
tled when the Chief apparently baiked
-. .1 a fc. ... tri I h. fuM 1 -
u u III iw w - r- - -
tioa of winking at violations of tha
Mayor McCarthy emphatically denied
tonight that tha Chief visited him In
his office within tie last three daya
and made a tender of his resignation.
Nevertheless, the rumor persists, and
the general question throughout po
litical circle at present is: -Wfco'e aw
ing to be the new Chief?" Rumor haj
it that Captain John J. Oil ear a will
be made Chief If Beymour resign.
Deeert Land Board Will Watch Ir
responsible Land Firms.
SALF3I. Or. April . (Special V--The
Iesert Land Board will hereafter
refuse to grant applications for the rec
lamation of desert lands by land com
panies unless sufficient bonds or eerurt
irs are provided to cover the cost of
work on the project. declared State
Treasurer Kay today.
"Tha Board Intends to protect tha set
tlers In tha future. Many of thesa
projects to provide storage reservoirs,
dams and other works are expensive and
It haa been tha habit of soma of them
to spend the settlers' money In develop
ing the projects. For Instance on one
project options have been given on the
, lands and tha option money has been
expended la making the Improvements,
"In many rasea the system proves a
failure and the settlers are lors. But
It will not happen again. Tha new
Poard haa as yet granted no arbitrations
for development projects, but when it
doea hereafter will work on thla new
Tha State TY Usurer said that tha Co
lumbia Southern project In Crook Coun
ty baa lease of life until the cke of
the present irrigation system. If tha
project does not make good at tha end of
that time It will be cancelled by the
An effort I "being made to launch a
raw lt,0O-acre project In Harney Coun
tr. but tha Board will demand- sufficient
security before allowing the work to
Locations for Buildings at Clata.
kanie Site to Be Fixed.
ASTORIA. Or- April Ml (Special. )
"fetate i'lsh Warden Clanton arrived
here yesterday and left today to se
lect tha locations for tha buildings
to bo erected at the alts of the pro
posed new Clatskania River salmon
hatchery. It Is expected that work on
the construction of the buildings will
be commenced about May 1.
- Tha plans which have been prac
tically agreed-upon provide for a main
hatchery building ISxlOO feet with a
cottage fo rtha superintendent and two
-smaller buildings for the employes and
about 15 retaining ponds. Thla will
make a plant with a capacity for handling-
11.000.000 or 15.000.009 eggs dur
ing tha season. Tha water for opera t-
Ins; the hatchery will probably bo
brought In a flume about 1400 feet lone;,
instead of a pipeline, as originally
planned. Tha intention la to fix up
the surrounding grounds la a very at
tractive manner, as this ran bo dona
.without great expense. One of the
gestures contemplated la the clearing
out of tha grove which is located on
the hatchery proerty and the vonatruc--tion
of a reservoir and fountain.
t i
Cottage Grove Youth Selected for
; Military Academy at West Point.
im rvnrrBdlTT nr ORS-rjnv. Kueane
April 10. SpeclaL) Burton Mason, of
Cottage Grove, haa received tha ap
pointment of Senator George E. Cham
berlain to West Point, and Olivsr B.
Card ire 11. of Portland, and Bayard B.
if 1
t r v. ' ,
i V
t -
: ,
K. C Carpenter,
je. V. Carpenter, former vlee
preeldrnt and manacer of tha Port
land Trust Conpinx has purchased
a heavy bloc of stock In the CHI
senV Bank at Orand avenue and
East Alder street snd yesterday
assumed active management, follow
Ins bis eleotloa to the presidency by
the new board of directors and the
Increase of the capital stock to
1 100.000.
Mr. carpenter severed his connec
tion with the Portland Trust Com
pany a few months aso. He la one
of the best-known bankers-. In Ore
go. He organised the Pn-st Na
tional Bank of Burns and the Cttl-sens-
National Bank of Ontario. Dur
ing the time he was connected with
the Fortlend Trust Company he had
chanro of the commercial depart
ment. Associated with Mr. Carpenter In
the direction of the Cltlsens Bank
will be David E- Jobaston. a Port
land capitalist, aad M. E. Thomp
son of the ' M. S. Thompson
Compear, both former directors
-of the Portland Trust Company.
Each haa purchased an Interest in
the bank. Mr. Lambert, retiring
preeldeat of the Cltlsenr Bauk. will
devote his time to his real estate
holdlacs but will reraala a member
of the board of directors. O. 8.
Pulton will remain the cashier.
The Citlsene Bank was organised
;S0" years ago and has experienced
' a eteedr and healthy growth. . , Its
aseets now accrtfato teoo.OOO. ''
Inches high. Cardwell and Buchanan,
the alternates, passed a close second
and third.
Salem Is Awarded First Prize for
Best Exemplification of Work.
1 0 Pelegatei Present.
ALB ANT, Or, AprU 20. (Special.)
After selecting; Engeno as the next
meeting place, tha Slot annual conven
tion of tha Degree of Honor of the Cen
tral Willamette district adjourned thla
afternoon, 'completing a successful two
days' session. Mrs. Koseiia fparr. or
Eugene, was chosen president and Mrs.
Angle Chapman, of Eugene, secretary,
to officiate at tha next convention.
Salem won tha prise for the best
team in exemplification of degree work.
The contest took place last night and
tha announcement of the winner was
mads today. It was the Intention to
give only one prise, but the Eugene
team did such excellent work and tha
competition was so close that a second
prise was awarded to tha team from
the Lane County capital.
The aeaslons today were devoted to
routine business and an explanation of
the new rates and ritual of the order
by Mrs. Frances Buell Olson, of Mln
neapolla, superior chief of honor of tha
order in the United States. Tbla dis
trict convention was notable for the
number of prominent officers present,
for besides tha executive head of tha
order In this country. Mrs. Mamie W.
Brlggs. of Vancouver, past superior
chief of honor, was here and tha fol
lowing grand officers of the order In
Oregon were also In attendance: Mrs.
Sadie K. . Moore, of Portland, grand
chief of honor; Mrs. Harriet C. Looney,
of Salem, past grand chief of honor;
Mrs, A. M. KuykendalL of Eugene,
grand lady of honor; Mrs. Msj4V R.
Moorehead. of Junction City, grand
usher; Mrs. .Sara J. Wagner, of Port
land, grand receiver, and Mrs. Llixle
C. Read, of Salem, grand outside watch.
There were 0 delegatea at tha con
vention from outside points, 'besides a
large attendance from the Albany
lodge, making thla the largest conven
tion aver held In the Central Willamette
Two Men Arrested While Robbing
Store of D. S. McWUllaras.
usiVT. Or- Anril JO. (Special.)
Caught while trying to rob the store of
D. S. McWllllama, at rteiser, no Hiv
ing their namee aa Frank White and
John Adams were brought to Albany
this morning and placed In the Linn
rnnntT tail. Thar were arraigned be
fore Justice of the Peace Swan and were
bound over to await the action of the
grand jury on a charge of burglary.
Learning that the men were in tha
store at 1:30 o'clock this morning. Mc
Wllllama. and Marshal J. L. Perry, of
Halaey. secured three other men and
surrounded the store. On man was in
side and two watching Just outalds the
store. One of the men outside escaped
but they captured the other two. The
men had picked the lock on tha front
door and the man inside waa trying to
get Into the safe. The robbers bad a
Mck with them but had not yet filled It,
devoting their nrst enorta to an unsuc
cessful attempt to open the safe.
if ru sw Anrll 9n fSnerlal. V The
DAUbtHi - '
I.. hAMA . w CMur Mnrrli. convicted
of embeaallng funde in connection with
the failure of the Oregon Trust. Sav
ings Bank, la past, and probably tomor
row the doors of tha penitentiary will
cloea on the ex-banker.
In company with Aleo Sweek. Morris
i i . v. . rin.rn t nA v and asked
for a pardon, which waa refused. The
Supreme court yesisruay ucmeu -..hri..
m mi th.n seems to be no pos
sible chance for him to avoid serving a
sentence In the penitentiary.
Prison autnoriuee nave not uncrnuu
w-. L. .in K. a,ilrni1 to Morris
or in whst cell he will be placed. They
said today that tney naa not
formed when Morris wouia oa -....
i it im tuallaved he must
begin serving his sentence tomorrow.
Exposures of Tax Commission and
State Board of Control Prom
ised by Candidate.
criTTt.r TCaah . Anril 20. (Spa-
.i.i i i ni.niv Auditor Case will resign
six months before the close of the pri
mary c-mpaign for oovernor nexi Sep
tember and devote bis entire time, to
an automobile tour of the state In the
interests of his own fight for the Re
publican nomination.
As a prelude to this period of activity
and earnest endeavor. Colonel Case will
build a platform of his own and snow
it to tha public within a few days.
t ni.. .1 r-u ri.lnrai that he will
maka atartllng exposures of both the
Tax Commission ana xne mm
of Control. He is particularly lnter
...rf ik h marklne- of the Tax Com
mission's trail, for he Insists that it
leads to startllngdevelopments.
similar cnargea were mmo t
Legislative session by county officials,
and a resolution was introduced in the
Hnitui nrovlrilns- for a legislative in
vestigation of the Tax Commission.
In his campaign throughout tna state
Colonel Case Intends to bring out the
facta on-which a leglalatlvs Investiga
tion was demanded and will amplify
them with the results of his own In
vestigation. Case's plan Is to make an
open and thorough fight on tha Hay
Grcfeham ' Association Discusses
Plans for Speed Contests. .
GRESHAM. Or April 2tX Special.)
A rerular meeting of the board of direc
tors of tha Fair. Association was held
yesterday for the purpose of promoting
the construction of a racetrack In con
nection with the fair to bo held next
FxJL The sentiment was unanimous In
favor of having soeed contests, and a
committee of three waa appointed to
obtain grounds and begin the work of
building the track and the necessary
buildings connected therewith. Tba Mult
nomah Driving Association will assist
In the undertaking under direction o
the fair managers.
A premium list will bo discussed at
the next meeting to be held May 1. An
fTort is being made to obtain an appro
priation from the County Court to bo
used for premium awards, and the
amount of money to oe usea tor inai
purpose will depend upon the result of
the application to the court
Several sections of the premium list
are being amended and the book will be
Issued early in May. .
Washington to Redeem Last of Ex
position Bonds Out.
OLYMPIA. Wash- April 20. (Spe
cial.) Two calls for warranta were ls
.... k Tnhn (i Twla. Stata Tress-
w w '
urer to day, one for tha remaining $51.-
000 of the fsvo beriea a asm-i"
Pacific Exposition warrants and tha
tin aaa worth of military
warrants. The first does away with
v. . a warranta while tha sec
ond call puts tha military fund on a
cash baals for tna rirat time in ynsre.
t-v. . T .vial.tiir-a annrnnrlated tl.000.
000 for the 1000 exposition. $600,000 to
DO realised tor permanent vuiiumii vu
c.i.. a wipnnti end 1400.000 for eran-
ral use,' to ba secursd on 'Series B
warrants, tna state to guarantee me
Interest. Tha money was to be derived
.. k tit the IaVs Union and
iivwi .
Xak Washington shore lands and
enough has been couectoa io retire an
the Series A warrants. The other
warrants, amounting to. $400,000. with
Interest, are untouched as yet, but will
now be taken up as fast as tba money
Is avaiiaoia. -
Prominent Men in Pekin and Tien
tsin Are Involved.
PEKIX. April 20. Wholesale arrests
have been made In Pekln and Tlen'Tsin
of Chlnsse suspected of complicity In a
revolutionary plot. The prisoners include
many prominent mm.
i i k . . irrfi.Miin. who wh or
UVII9I HI .1 - - - - . .
raerly Viceroy of Manchuria, haa been
reappointed to that office, displacing
Hal-Liang, who haa shown a concilia
tory attitude toward the Japanese and
t i m v.. if M rhanrt Indicates an
Intention on th part Of China to adopt
a I inner policy. - -
Report of Engineers on Railroad
Bridge "Forces Company to Act.
SALEM. Or, April 20. (Special.)
Following submission of a report by
the Railroad Commission engineers rel
ative to the condition of the O.-W. R.
. -v:n x - - j
li . -ft ;
f "-, ... ' . , :
- - - . -.. -
Jeha Aaher.
CAMAS. Wash., April SO. (Spe
cial.) John Asher died here Wed
nesday of apoplexy. Mr. Asher waa
born In Ohio 08 years ago and en
listed in the Beventy-thlrd Indiana
Reirlment In 1SS2. He was honor
ably discharged from the Army in
1903. He came to Camas In 188.
and. after residing here a number of
years, went back to Nebraska, re
turning to Camas in 100L He was
married In 1870 to Augusta Fldland.
Seven children who eurvlve him
are: Mrs. L. T. Hurcke. Mrs. II. D.
Starks. C. T. Asher and Miss Alloe
Asher. of Camas; H. C. Asher. ef
Crabtree.-Or.; J. M. Asher, of Seat
tle, and Walter Q. Asher, of Tanana,
The remains will be taken to Min
nesota for burial beside those of his
wife, who died several years ago.
letln la rigidly enforced and anyone
disregarding the same will be subject
to dismissal from the service of the
Two Days Session to Convene -'at
Albany, April 28 Many Promi
nent Men to Speak.
ALB ANT. Or., April 20. (Special.)
The programme of the annual meeting
of the Oregon Academy of Sciences,
which will ba held In the assembly hall
of Albany College, In this city, April 28
and S, was completed today. The com
nlete nroerramme follows:
April 2810 o'clock, address of wel
come. Dr. J. P. Wallace, Mayor of Al
bany: response, J. D. Lee, of Portland,
president of the Oregon Academy of
Sciences; "The Oregon Academy of Scl.
ences. Its Scope and Objects." A. w.
Miller, of Portland, curator and librar
ian of the academy: "Esperanto," J. C
Cooper, of McMinnvllle, president Est
peranto Association . of the Pacific
2 o'clock "Notes on Some of the
Larger Fungi of Oregon. Professor M.
E. Peck, of Willamette University;
"Can Consecutive Numbers Represent
the Hypothenusea of Right-Angled Tri
angles?" Professor David Torbet, of Al
bany College; "The Philosophy of the
Real and tha Ideal," Rev. J. R. N. Bell.
P. D.. pastor of the First Presbyterian
Church of Corvallls: "Plant Pathology.',
Professor H. S. Jackson, of Oregon Ag
ricultural College.
5 o'clock Automobile ride over the
City of Albany upon Invitation cf the
Albanv Commercial Club.
8 o'clock "Pure Water," Professor
Albert R. Sweetser, University of Ore
gon; "The State and Its Relation to
Game Protection" (illustrated, wui
lam L. Flnley. of Jennings Lodge, lec
turer National Association of Audubon
April 29 o'clock, business meeting
and annual election of officers.
10 o'clock "Tha Oregon Geographic
Board." Professor J. B. Horner, Oregon
Agricultural College; "Brain and Indi
viduality," Dr. J. I mil. or Albany.
11:1 o'clock Visit to the mineral
and archaeological collection of J. O
Crawford. of Albany. .
2 o'clock "Characteristics of Flora
of tha Wallowa Mountains," William
C. Cuslck. scientist, of Eugene; 'Tha
Scientific Study of Education." Dr.
William T. Foster, president Reed In
stitute, of Portland; "The Sun and Ra
diant Heat," Dr. W. N. Ferrln, president
of Paclfio University.
S o'clock "Value, . Waste and
Wealth," Professor F. G. Franklin, dean
of Albany College: "Wireless Teleg
raphy" (Illustrated).' Professor W. P.
Bmnion. of University of Oregon.
The officers who will have charge of
this meeting of the academy are: pres
ident. J. D. Lee. of Portland; first vice
president, W. N. Ferrln, president of
Pacific University, Forest Grove;. sec
ond vice-president. John F. Bovard, of
Eugene; third vice-preaiaent, . a.
Jackson, of Corvallls; secretary, F. W.
Power, of Portland; treasurer, A. E.
Yoder. of Portland; curator ana nurar
lan, A. W. Miller, of Portland; trustees,
A. L. Kniaely. E. A Reals. Ira E. Pur-
din; executive council, J. Lee. w.
power. A. L, Knlsely. A. E. Toder.
Committees have been appointed by
President Leo for tno meeting aa roi
lows: Programme, A. L. Knlsely,- W.
N. Ferrln, A. W. Miner, a. a. jaegson;
tn.mhershln. F. W. Power. J. F. Bovard,
r E. Bradley. W. N. Lawrie; publica
tion. A. W. MlUer, F. W. Power, Dr.
Dav. Raffety; nominating, iry r.
Farnham. A. R. Sweetser, C. E. Brad
ley: resolutions. A. W. Miller, Jane
Stearns, M. a- fees.
West Grants Kansas' Request.
SALEM". Or.. April. SO. (Special.)
i .. i i n . in-Anted bv Governor
nruiDinvii. - o - 7
West today for Dan Carney, alias Dan
Minor.' who Is held in the City Jail of
Portland and is wanieo m marsns.ii
V-Ouniy, ii . . - - - -
Beattle State Bank. It la alleged that
ha burglarised tna oana w iue extent
Of $$574.
Oleqna Workman Killed.
"CASTLE ROCK. Wash., April 20
Friday and Saturday Two Days Devoted to the
Home Friday and Saturday
Patent Medicine
California Syrup of Figs...
D. D. D.
Salvitae . . . -
Shoop's Restorative
Hood's Sarsaparilla .......
Uregon Jtsiooa jruin-Lioir.
H lnrcn size
Wine of Oardui 59
Mother's Friend 80 1
Wyeth's Phosphate Soda 40e
Lydia Pinkiam's Oomponnd. 59
Kennedy's Discovery $LJ2&
Phenol Sodique ,- 40t?
Pond's Extract 7o?
Lavoria 29c
Borolyptol - SO?
Eno's Fruit Salts SOe?
Imported Carlsbad 8alts... 75r
Gude Peptomangan 83d
Carter's Pills 1C
Pierce's Pills
Brandreth's Pills ..... -
Beecham's Pills
Ayer's Hlls
Doan's Kidney Pills.
Pazo Pile Remedy
Lino Salve
Glover's Mange Remedy.,
rnnnar'a n.rKararill& ....
Stuart's Dyspepsia
Allen's Dyspepsia
Celery King
Carter's K. and B. Tea...
Piatt's Chloride
Drug Section
25c Glycerine and bay mm, bottle. ..
25c Witch hazel, best quality, bottle.
10c Sea salt, package.
25c Package assorted corks
25c Carbolineum, bottle - .
10c Peroxide hydrogen, bottle.... i.
20c Wood alcohol, bottle ...........
10c Chloride lime, pound ....
15c Borax, pound
10c "Woodlark" pure pepper, can.
10c "Woodlark" pure allspice, can.
35c Bpracio acid, package
25c Carbolie acid, bottle
10c Measuring glasses, each
10c Bay rum, extra quality, bottle..
10c Sewing Machine Oil, bottle....
10c Metal polish
Medicinal Liquor
$1.00 Pure Old Bourbon
1 00 Fisher's Pure Rye
fl.25 Carlisle Rye, bonded
$1.00 3 Star, 100 prooi,
$1.00 Juniper Gin
$1.50 German Knmmel .
Ty. v;-rini Tlarfi Winfl
, ,
75c Quart. Imported Chianti Wine....toC
45o Pint Imported Chianti Wine..... 37
Extra Special 100 proof, bottled in
bond, 8 years old, Chicken Cock
Bourbon - ....89
Woodard, Clarke & Go.
Washington and Fourth Streets
We will gladly open an account with you. Avail yourself of our quick delivery system
" " " , "" . ... I .... . Aui.iiTAnltsl and he expired
(Special.) While working- on a. dirt
iraltT at Church', camp, near Olequa,
this county. Sunday morning-. J. Maho
ney waa Injured fatally. He waa riding-
Excellent View Lots
Overlooking Pacific Ocean
Fine investment at Oregon's
most popular all-year-arouffd re
sort. Beautiful sites for beach home,
or locations for cottages for rent
ing purposes, Special j induce
ments. . .
Ruth Trust Co.
. 235 Stark St. Portland.
Week-end excursions from North
Rank Depot.
- ( 19C
If C
... 20t
.. 40d
.. 40
... 40
.. 75
... 40t
... 40
... 20
... 20
e 9
. ...6
on the aide of the car and roll unaer me mo ''""" " ".'.,
wheels. His legs -fere amputated at I soon after the operation.
Woman-s Hair, a Glorious Sun
burst of Radiant Luxuriance
Fascinates Society
What a pity that so many
women allow their hair to
fade and allow ine natural
luster to die out when It is
such aa eaay matter to have
an abundance of splendid
lustrous hair that would add
100 per cent to their charms.
There's tena of thousands
of clever women today who
never visit hairdresser, yet
their hair Is so superbly at
tractive that It is the envy
of other women and the ad
miration of men.
Parisian women know how
to have and to keep attrac-
ur u. " " " '
more clever women tn America than In i
Paris, and since the introduction of
Bristle Section
25a French Tooth Brushes, assorted 14
35c Tooth Brushes, high grade 27
$2.50 to $3.00 Hair Brushes, hiffi
$1.50 Hair Brushes ..$1.13
$1.00 Cushion Back Hair Brushes. . .59
75c Solid Back Hair Brushes, assorted, ex
tra special 39
35c Hard Rubber Dressing Combs ...23
35c Hard Rubber Fine Combs. .......23
50c Cloth Brushes 39
Each customer purchasing a tooth brush
will be presented with a celluloid tooth
brush rack.
Stationery Section
35c "Woodlark" Playing Cards 29
75e English Linette Playing Cards... 25
25c Maseotte Playing Cards ....... 19
$1.00 Scotch Clan Playing Cards.... 49
50o Souvenir Playing Cards ....... 39
Moore's Push Pins, package 7
Collapsible and Paper DrinldngCups. .
5, 10, 15, soc
Fountain Pen Ink, special, pint 40
Fountain Peri Ink, special, Vz pint. ..25
-$L50 "Woodlark" Fountain Pens, guar
anteed, Waterman and Conklin Fountain Peas,
All pens sold on 10 days' trial.
Sundry Section
$1.00 Stencil Outfits, for home decora
tion, t v......,
$1.60 Liquid Wax, for renewing furniture,
floors and woodwork, gallon. .$1.18
$2.00 Floor Paint, gallon. ....... ..$1.48
$1.00 Paint Brushes ...88
15e Can White Enamel, brush free 9
90c Tarine Moth Proof Bag, 30x65 in. .58
$1.25 Wall, floor and hand duster, with
short and long handle; washable.. 98
Jewelry Section
75e Hat Pins . ....... ...f 5W
$L50 Hat Pins -... j
50o Belt Pins .... .. j?X$
75c Belt Pins ,...,;V...58C
' 25c Barrettes. . ........j...v-19
50c Barrettes ... """SoI
$1.00 Barrettes ......... .78
Perfumery Section
75e Pinaud's Lilac Vegetal 59
$1.00 Pinaud's Eau de Quinine
Lyon's Tooth Powder 11
$1.00 Scheffler's Colorine t5
10c California Medicated Soap .o
50c Pebeco Tooth Paste 40
10c Lava Soap Vi5
50c Pray's Ongohne ;goC
50c el Perfecto Veda Rouge
50e Walnutta ' tVl
50c Creme Elcaya
50c De Miracle Cream TL
50o Malvina Cream ooc
25c Kubifoam. XZC
Parisian Sage the hair grow
er and beautifier these tens
of thousands of clever Ameri
can .women are using it.
Borne women cannot under,
stand why other women al
ways have such lovely hair.
Parisian Sage is the cause of
most of the luxuriant and
lustrous hair and Is with
out doubt the most refined
and refreshing hair dressing
In America,
Parisian Sage is guaran
teed to banish dandruff; stop
falling hair ana scalp ucn in
two weeks, or money back.
A large bottle only costs
50 cents at Woodard. Clarke & Co., and
druggiata everywhere, . .