FLOUR GOES HIGHER Patents Will Advance 20 Cents a Barrel Today. FOLLOW COURSE OF WHEAT IWItrr I'rmand In All North Pacific Coast Markrt Strong Under tone In the Grain Trade. llaj Conditions. v .oral rtnur -jrtre will be lifted V ml a barrel thla momlm. when patents will ba auotad out at It.!. Thla advance haa b- expert! for aoma tlma past. It wa chiefly due ta tha ataadr naa l tha prlea of wheat, but tha freer trad flooi alas batped tha movement alonit. Eiport grade bold teay at tha recent advance. No chaoca wa mado In tha prlea of mlllfeed. ihlrb. howvr. la very strong. Tha filing In tha wheat market waa firm ' throughout. Holder asked extreme prlcaa. which arera realised when any bualneaa waa done. On l a aad barley were also bald Onn lr. Condition la tha California bay trade are ahowa by tha following Baa Frnnctoco report: Arrival of bay for tha paet ereek were .-. tone aa gainst HIT too the pre-c-rtlng week. Thla ehowa IW an Inrreaaa and to our mind account for tha dullneea In the market for the paet week. Receipts have moved off aloe, ly and concessions in vn.es have had to be made on all grarte of hay dnrln tha werk to effect ready aalee. A l-rtt proportion of the hay re ceded lies bn of an aicellent quality, and thle ara'le has shown considerable weak . We belieea had a Httla more Judg ntrnl been med In miklnc ahlpments to thle market dazing the week and receipt held at a&out tha same f. cures aa laxt wek he market would hare Improved rather than b.-oming easier, as It has done. Kepor'e from country district ree;ardlna the new crop are not aa ncouYaalr.g aa they were last week, allhouch wa b-lleva we will have a aormal crop of bay through set the state. Fvport trade baa been fair during the week, two eteamere having sailed for Ha waii, whkk have taken considerable hay aad barley. Alf;r haa beea In tares onpv nnd la we-k slnc to so much (rasa being avail w- . v Iral recelpta. In car, were reported by the Merchants Ftirhan as follows: Wheat Barley r'our.Oats Use Veerf.r - J M S' TUr in 3 T 1 tVe.tneeday ... 1- .J -J Tl.rrt.r SO 5 1J I Teur ao :l 1 - 3 to dste..i-oi vie. ix4 J-.; -r- Tear axo 1T 1J1S 1l" in- --""i" Frrrirr or T.or.n are peckkasino. an poly of flews sal the Market la ntrriy larger. r.eee.'tfte of esse thla week have shown a faM'tie o(T. an as a consequence tha market Is firmer. aUCouih tha quotation on can die.; t-k la stltl 5w cents. There Is some demand for egg for shipment to outside point. As the movement declines, arrivals of poultry continue to (row. Hena were tJ targe -apply yestenlay and aalea drafted at SO rents. " Mar l.awMna l rawherviee. Another shipment of Uulutiii stranber tlea arrived yeetertlar In fire condition. They were quoted at 1 per crate. Two car of oranffea a'eo rams In Amonc the vegetable receipt was a strsicht car of creea asparagus. It waa of f'T'd at l.'f 1I per box. tVerkratr New Torh llopyarda. Hop renditions rn New Tork State ar re ported by tha vVetervill Time as follows. A beginning haa beea made la tha work In the hopyarde In thla vicinity and a small qaaattty of poles have beea set. but tna round baa not been la favorable condition for much work as yet-" Dry Felta Are I -ewer. Tha local price of dry pelta haa dropped avaln. the present quotation betns; a cents. Tbe decline ta dua to the depression In the wool market. T here baa been no material Improvement In btde values, but tradlns Is anors acllv. Baak ('trailaca. Peak clearlnaa of tha Northwea leetcritay w ere as follows: Clearln. I-ortlssd el.wHa.St-.t Seattle l.S'it.Jfvn Ta. oma - t"T r0Oksaa Sea.UeJ itora cltlaa Jlnlancea. elol.2-4 S.OO i2. lit T.ie rOKTLAND MABKETS. " Crnia. Floor. Feed. Ete. WHEAT Track prices: Bluestrm. 10 c: clab. Sev'e: red Hussian. sec; VaJley. tic; te-told. vij4c BARLKY I'holc feed. t:T.SV:S per toa. MU.LTU FI3 Bran. I:lit. per ton; trirt.llinjs. til: short. :s.; rolled barley. $- o J. rl-t'lR Patents. $.J per barrel; tra.shts. ..: porta, ft It; Valley. It. By; fnnam. 14 JO. whole wheal. It TO. IVRX Whole. :. cracked. J par toa. OATS No. 1 white. t-g: io par toa. HAY Timothy. Kastem r-oa. No. t. 121; mixed. ltl: alfalfa. Illcfll; clever. Hl-li-iu; craia bay. Illtfli. Yecetabiea aad Traits. x:K VCUKTABLEs Carrsta. 3cll pee hundred, parsnips. UcOV-; turn! pa. his toll, b-ets. avcotl. TKOI'lt'AL. FRUITS Oraacea. as vela, $&os.L. per box; Florida grapefruit, et-fto; lelifoerue arapefrwlt. bananas. & O kc per lb-, -tneepples. Uc per lb.; lemons. UUII: tange.lnaa. 111 per box. FKnH FKl'lT Utrawberriea. Loulslsna. It-i-i pr crate, apples, fanrr. l;Ji; cbl e. 11 a .Z . eomuioa. Jicoll pr boa. VKTAVLU Aspoxagus. Il.alt.t per e-rate; cabbace. ll.lH)! it per hundred: cauliflower. L4al.7e par doa.; calory. Cali fornia. per crata; cucumbers. Il-.'l per dosen; asaplant. lea lb.; gsrllc llllo per . lettuce. & c per dosen; hothouse lettuce. H :j t l-i pay box: peea. 13sc per pound; peppers. la per lb; radishes, attftio per dosen: rhuoarn. llWIXe per box. aproata, -: toaiatoa. tLTkvl. POT ATuKs-orea-oo. Jobblac prleo. (Lit per hnndred- OMO.NS Jobbing price: Oregon, tilt per hundred: Australian, t per hundred. Dairy aad Ceeustry Prod won. rOn.TRI Ifaaa. Her; broilers. tOc; lar keva. 5Jc. ducks. 20e; geeee. ljr; dressed turkevs. choice. Sc F.iiJd Oregon ranch, candied. J0 per dosen. caeo count. Xso par SWsen. t H i. J: -r. FuU cream. slnA. lk Pr ta.; leiing America. 1 4c VEAl Faacy. Is ta 114 aooada. 11911a par pound. BLTTKR City creamery extra. 1 aad 1 pound prints. In boxea. : per pounc ; lees thsa so x lots, cartons aad delivery extra. I'UKK Fsacy. lowl'Ho per pound. II H1MJ LAilUS 1 all to per pound. tit e lis a. Lerlesl Fral Is. Kiev tRIEl FRl'ITS Applee. lli)13H0 per aouad; curraata. llSc. apricots. l:f llr; dstes. package. Use per pounl; age. bulk. whit or block, by sock. Iic; e-ts. tU' l;: li-lte. tic. st-lJa. li-li; le-l. ic: bmyraa. I vc. AUtON Columbia River. 1-pound tails. IT 1 per dosen: 2-pound tails. l.l; 1- pound rata. lx.a; Alaska pint. 1-pousd tails. Ii :v. cuFl th. Roasted, la drams. UOlto per pound. r. I TS Walnnta. l?Sul per pound: Dm:l nuts, lib; lie: Siberia, lie; atmoads. lSqilsc: pea ran. lc; cocoanuta. clrlt per dosen: chealaut. l:Sc par poMad; hickory Bute. Itltc per pound. HON t: I Choice. i.tl pec case; straiaad, S -a e per pound. ALT granulated. IIS per Ion; ha!f (round, is. I' per toa: JOa, per ton. BUM dmall wbite. 4 S; largo white. So. LMa ISc: pink. Sc. rod slsxicaxa. ,c; bayoa. to. RLE No. I Japan. c; cheaper (radea. (a.ls.Si: aoutera beatl. Ist'o; lm prte.t Imperial. Ic. Imported extra No. I. It'Sa bl.'iiAR Dry granulated, fruit and berry. IS : yallome I. I.t: powdered. .. Terms aa reasJuaacea wlthia Is wagnt e- duct He per pound; ff later than 1J da nd wlthtn I dava. deduct He iKT pounu. Maple sugar. lSvlic par pound. HAMft 1 to I pound. lllltl I: to It pound. liVVltc. 1 to 1 pound. jacbltiSc: skinned, lie: picnics. 11 c; cottage roll. i:ec- 8MOKKK MEATS Beef tongues. e; dried beet sets, none; outsldes. none; In sides. T-'r; knuckles, Klc BACON Fsncy. :c: standard. 2e; Choice. Jlc; English. 17e. UKT SALT Ci'KF.D Regular short Clear, dry aelt. lie; amoked. like; back, light, aalt. I J Vic: smoked, lie; back, heavy, aa.t. lie; xmoked. It He; exports, salt, lie; amoked. 1 i c. LARD Kettl rendered, tierce. lSc; tuba, llVte; atandnrd. pure, t lerrea. 1 1 1 tuba. Use; choice, tierces. ltie; tubs. It'sc; shortening, tierces. b1e: tuba. c Haps, Wool. HI dee. F.tr. HOPS ll crop. lu:tc; IXt crop, 11 lc; contract. 17c. 1IOHA1R Choice, lie per pound delivered Portland. WOOL Eastern Oregon, nominal. 10lo per pound, according to ehrlnkage; Valley, 14v 11c per pound. FKI.TS Dry, Sc: salted, country pelts. !. f I per pound; lamb pelta. !Sc. HIDES Sailed hldea. Tc per pound: salted calf, lie; salted kip. 7i,c; salted stags. I He: green hides, lc less: dry hides, ITr; dry calf. lteJUc: dry stag. llffKc. CAo'CARA BARK Per pound. c Oils. I.INSEEO Oil. Pure raw. In barrels, t t. polled. In barrels. Il.4: raw, in case. 1. OT; boiled. In cases, fl.O. TURPENTINE Cases, one; wood barrels. O-tUe: Iron barrels. uSh: : 10-cae lota. 9SC. GASOIJNE Motor gasoline. Iron barrels. lSHe; cases. S2He: hs gasoline, iron oar re Ik. rasea. St COAL OIL Ordinary test, rases. 101Bc; bulk. In tanks. Hc: high test. PRICE VIEWS APART FINE IDAHO CATTLE ARE NOT YET SOU). Tradlns at the Yard Is Chiefly in the Mutton Line Choice Laiuhs Firm. The eleven loads of fin Idaho cattla received Wednesday are still unsold at the yard, a buyer and aellere are unable to agree on a price. Trade yeterday waa well dhrtrlbuted among the different classes of livestock, but la the cattle division mainly odda and end were worked off. Two loads of good steer brought It Ii and other ranged from t, to l.:t. Good cowa brought from ti to 13.71 aad top calves Is. Lamba attracted moat attention In the mutton division. A bunch of tit head of sheared lamba sold at IS.4. the top e the market. Two smaller lota sold at li. Ewes brought . and wethers $.7S. Two bunches or choice light hog sold at IT.:, which Is now the top price. Recelpta yeterday were Hi cattle ; 1101 beep. Ii boga and S horse. hippera were: R. M. Stanfleld. Stan fleiU. 2 car of sheep: J. 8. Flint. Junction City. I ear of sheep: J. W. Wiley. Medford. t cars of cattle, sheep and horses: J. E. Zelgler. Grand Dallee. Wash., t care of sheep: T. Burns A Co.. Madras. 1 car of cattle: 1L M. Knyder. Anaconda. Mont., t car of cattle;. TA P. Ketchum at boa. The Dalles. 1 car of sheep; Lonergan at Shaefer. Idaho Fall, a cars of cattle and bogs; Jacob Fharfer. Btarkfoot. Idaho 2 cars of cattle and hogs, and L D. Bodlne. Idaho Fall. 1 cars of cattle. The day's sales were aa follows: Weight. Price. I1.7S t ;s 4 4 III 4 7S 4. IS I. T.ZI a.7i a.oe 4.1 I.7S t :s 7S 4 00 t :J i.7i i.0 .1S t.:i ' ID) 4.73 4.1 2.00 8.74 l.7i 4.71 4.41 1.40 t 00 E f 10 7.:s 1.(19 11.. 1191 1107 III l.oo lki l.ftx ir. i 143 t;i loo la.v lo.' n: l4l i. i 117 is.se 1.14 lots 74 l:i li:s 104 113 8t 77 It. li itt Prices current on the various classes of stock at the Portland vnioa btocxyaraa were aa folluwa: Prim, ateer. .7.?2,Io1 CholctPaieera f;? f Oood to choice iteera JVi Fair to good atcera 6--' Common aleera .J "''2 ZYU Prim cow. Sv Uood to choice cow .w o. Fair to good cow. loor com i0 Choice helfera o.MJS . Choice bulla t:" i ?? Good to cnolce bulla 4 Sot 4.7j choice lie at calvea .. Oood to choice light calvea..... Fair to medium llgbt calvea. ... Choice heavy calvea -air to medium heavy calvea... Choice otsga Good to choice stags Fair to medium atag. Hoe Choice hog ;ood to choice hoga ... Choice heavy Good to choice heavy........... common ....... btock bog b.00O II 5 10i a.09 4 To J 6.00 1.2.-. i.A 4-lua) A.00 e-OUx .M T.25 trm j c7i .Tim 7.01 X' i .G0 l.uotf a.00 7.6V4J 7.7J Grain-fed wether, heavy 4.509 3 Ce Cho.ce young wether, grain-fed. 6.v Old wether .ot 4.6ii Good to ebole shorn wether. 4 l.1a Choloe ewe, gram-fed. ... e.04 4-73 Fair to medium ewea 7Aty 4 Ixj Oood to choice abora ewea...... g.75t 4.oe Choice wool lamb, grain-fed.... s.3uet Uod to choice wool lamba, grain fed 5.2 S.M Choice shorn lamb, grain-fed... &.2ia -4e Good to choice abora lamba, grata fed elelff ft 2.1 Fair to good lamba, grain fed.... 4.719 i 2i Cull IVMt 3.o0 Tb followtag quotation represent prlr on thla market lor the different lUxee of horeea: Urarier. extra heavy. t.Ko .00, drafter. 14oo to 1700 lbs.. Il.'-'tj.'io; draft, era. l.oQ. to 140O lb. 1uO((2jO: chunk. $a91l4: plug. IKwe4: driving horse. 7J and up: saJd.e horses. I60 and up. Chlrwc Uvastaek Market. CHICAGO. April S Cattle. Receipt ee tlmeied at ft&ee: market alow at decline. Iteevea. 11 IS It- lexas steers. 14.40 e .0; Western steers. 14. iel.7l; stockrra and feeder. 4Uk.7: cw and heifer. 11. te 4yi 71: calve. I4.7sf4.i. Mug Heceipts estimated at 14 000: mar ket slow. lec lower. Light. H.OSetlt; roti' V- I49e.ll: heavy. II 719 4 14; roueh. 9S.Tlefl.IS; good to choiee heavy. II. 119 4 2: pig. It-Oiyt-li: bulk of salsa. 14.10 a.:. tiheep Receipts estimated at ll.tbl; mar fce weak. Native. Uftl Western. 41.IS U4TS: yearlings. I4.J-)S:1: lamba, native, I4.S0941S: Western. H.71W4 1S. Metal Market. NEW TORK. April SO. Ptandard copper dull, spot April and May, 1 1.DOd 1 1.7Sc: Jan ll.4W9Jl.aO: Les4og dull, spot 1.-.3 13s id; future, fit . Arrival reported at New Tork today. SO tone. Cuatora-lloue return how export of IW.Ttw tons so fsr this month- lk cooper. lS.3TM4yl2.SOc; electroivtlc ltlS12- wc. and casting. ''tV'nritK pot. 42.1041 1 1. Joe: April aad May. 4ilil4iS0c; June. 41.10 ti 4. "e. and July. 4141. 27Sc. London steady; spot. illM 8i future. 1180 i; od. Lead dull: pot- tlU5o Nf Tor: 4 21 tt 4.10c Eaat 81. Loui. Leadon. CL2 ''cipetter dull. .4.-.9.53e New Tork. 1 25 91 llo Kat Ft. Louis. London. f23 1. Antimony dull, eookaon. p.K)c. Jron. Cleveland warrants. 4s 4Hd In London. 1-oeallv quiet- No. 1 foundry Northrn. i.v.9 In i: No. 2. I1.1.2J911; No. 1 Southern and Nr. 1 Southera soft. Il.vsvtio. Wool at 84. Loala. T LOUIS. April 20. Wool tiarhangseV Territory and Western mediums 141 10; tine medium. 139 Lieu Caa. JUttlM, cows 27 steers 4 steers Z steers 1 bull cows 20 oows cslvea .................. 19 bogs 1 steer 21 cows - I stag II Steer 5 steers II steers 1 steer 1 steers 2 cows ............ J cows I covra 1 hull .. e. a........ 1 Will t bulla - 1 bulla I bull 1 bulls 2 bulls 114 wethers 11 owes lit sheared lamba IT aheared lambs 11 sheared iambs ii bog -. 1 bog t hog HIGH MOHAIR Pool at Sclo. Sells at 37y2 Cents a Pound. TWO CENTS OVER DALLAS Spirited Competition Between the Sanford and Portland Mills En ables the Eastern- Company to Jet the , Pool. Oregon mohair haa climbed to the highest price known In years. - At Sclo yesterday a pool of 13,000 pounds waa sold at 87 hi cent a pound. Thla high figure, which Is 2) cent above the top bid for tbe Dallas pool "aturdar. was the result of competition between the mills, according to the follow ing spcclsj dispatch: . "Sclo. Or.. April 10. (Special.) The mo hair pool waa eold today to Herman Metz ger. of Portland, representing the -Sanford Mohair Mills, at 3TH cents a pound. A. J Ray. of Portland, who waa said to be act Ing for the Multnomah Mohair Mills, of that city, bid 3Ti cent for the lot. The only other bidder waa William Brown Co., of Falem, who telephoned In a bid of 84 Vj cents. The competition between Metx- ger and Ray was aplrlted. and tbe good price paid waa very gratifying to the goat- raleera of thla aoctlon. There were 4000 fleecea, or about ' IS. 000 pounda of mohair In the pooL Mohair price In Oregon thji on have been higher than anywhere else In the United States, and the Impression ha been general that the principal cause waa the rivalry between the Eaatern and the Pert land mills. Tbe sanford Mill, which secured this lot. are located at Sanford. Me., and are the largest, mohair mills In the world. For the past 30 years they have been buying mo hair la Oregon, frequently taking the bulk of the clip, and they evidently were not disposed to be forced out of this territory by the new Portland Institution. The mohair grower of Oregon, therefore, have reason to congratulate themselves over the establishment of a mohair plant here, for the competitive buying haa raised the price of tbe product to aa exceptionally high level. Pool Rale at Oregoa Clly. OHEOOS CITT, Or., April 20. The first successful mohair pool ever negotiated In Clackamas County haa been closed by the Oregon commission Company, of this city. The company obtained durlqat the last week 80 pound of fin mohair and aold It to a Portland concern at Un cents. Thla Is the aame figure that the 00.000-pound pool at Dallas brought a few daya ago. GOULD SHARES WAVER IWCERT-UXTV OF ROAD'S . AF FAIRS AFFECTS STOCK PRICES. Ifarrlman Issues Feel Uie Same In fluence Steel Under Pressure Most of Day. NEW TORK. April 20. Price moved lWtleasly within a narrow rang on the Htoi-k Exchange today and the volume of aalea waa far below that of the two pre ceding days. During tb fli-st hour of the aeeeion. speculstlon was broad and active, with an upward awing following moderate decline at the opening. Trade fell eff there after and the market waa llfvles. The affaire of the fiould railroad con tinued to hold the chief place of Interest. Missouri Pacifle waa feverish all day. mov ing back and forth within a range of near Iv two point. The uncertainty of the sit uation was a drag en the stork, which, after a alump late la the day, rallied and closed unchanged. The Harriman stocks also were affected by the same Influence. t'nlon Pacific. In particular, was weak, closing with a loss of a' point. United states steel waa under pressure most of the day.. Report of prob able price cutting of steel and iron products affected the ahares unfavorably and there waa considerable short Belling. Even the incressed activity of fVineresa and the administrative authorities at Wash- melon in connection with the Mexican dlffl culty failed to bring forward that quea tlon an a disturbing factor In the finan cial world. Fonda were steady. Total sales. pr value, I3.0fw.000. United State bonds were unchanred on enIL CLOS1NO STOCK QUOTATIONS. CIolng Sale. High. Low. Kid. AMI Chal pf 07 Amal Copper .. B.R00 614 014 CI Am Agrlrult .. uoo Sn r.ITi &S4 Am Beet riugar. I.200 43 V 4214. 42 u American Can .. loo 044 u 014 Am Car Fdy. ftoo 51 sj siH Am Cotton OH. 2.HOO r4 ill M , Am Hd A L pf IOO 224 21 Am Ir tiecur .. SOO 22 22fe 22 Am Linseed .......... ..... ..... inu Am Locomotive. .tnC Am Smel A Ref. 4.100. 72 H 72 72 do preferred.. 60O 104 44 104 104 Am Steel Fdy 44 Am Sugsr KeL. 44 Am Sngsr Ri-f 11714 Am Tel sV Tel.. 5"0 14.'. H HM4 H5 Am Tobscce pf 20 P7 117 7 Am Woolen .... SUO 34 'A 34.' 84 Anaroada at Co. 9 3(14 Atcblaon 2.700 10S'4 1074 loTV do preferred Joe 1 Atl Coast Line. 300 1204 120 120. Malt Ohio I' hi 111414 1034 104 Ketblshem Steel - 20 .12 32, 324 Hro,k It Tran. . 3oO 77S 7Ti 771 Canadlin Pac .. uoo 2-..1 224 lj 224 Central l-eether. (loo 27 14 27 27 do preferred.. 2"J s Si tmu Central of N J 27 Ch-s Ohio . . . 1.800 794 784 7 Chicago A Alton 30 Chi ul West ... 1O0 20 207 24 do pruferrod. . 42 V Chicago 9 N W IOO 142 1434 142V C. M A 41 Paul. 4.000 111 Ha jsu C. C. C St L 5 Col Fuol A Iron s-i. Col A rlouthern ..... Gl fonso! Gas .... 400 142 ii 142 142 Corn Products - , i.iti Del 9 Hudson .. 200 .148 167 lot:4 l A R Grind 2t do preferred. . IOO 70 70 60 Distiller' Secur noo r.4 3444 84 Krl 1.400 30S 2y asj do 1st pf .... i'" 474 47 4K4 da 2d pf liMI 37 ST .10, Oen F.lectrlr ... 4 00 11014 llo 14S t North Pf ... 2el 1J4 . 114 124 V C.t North Ore .. 200 604 00 0O Illinois Central 13i4 Interbor Met IS do preferred.. 3nO II, Rl 4 51 Inter Hsrvester. loo lift, 110, 1164 Inter Marine pf eoo 14it lk 164 Int Paper ..... 044 Int Pump 34a, Iowa Central 1 tl K C Southern .. 100 83 33 ' 324 do prvfrrred 66 Laclede Cs ... 100 1034 1024 !. i Louis Jk Nssh 144 Minn St L HI 4 M. U P 8 8 M eA 1.174 1.164 1.16V Mo. Kan A Tex. 1UO 324 24 32 do preferred. C5 Mo Pacllle 29,0l 404 4T4 41 4 Nst Bscutt .... IOO 131 134 134 Nat Lead loo 114 Sl ;1u Mel 2 By af . 34", 344 84 N T Central ... ouw 10oV 103V4 lulS N T. Ont A Wes 40 Norfolk West 1.300 100. 10C4 1I North Am 704 Northern Pac .. t00 1224 1214 1214 Paclflc Mall 234 Pennsylvania ... S.7O0 , 124 123-4 1-34 People Uaa ... ftou 104'4 1'4S, o4 , P. C C H I... 100 44 4V4V4 P4 Pittsburg Coal 10 Pressed S Car.. ...... ..... . . -314 Pull Pal Car l-4 Ky Steel Spring. 314 Heading 43.700 152. 1514 1514 Republic cUeel fT .11 V do preferred.. -e. . . . P. Rock Island Co. 00 284 28V4 24 do preferred. ....... ..... ..... , St L 8 F 2 pf 100 34 SM 3V t-t L Southwest. 30 do preferred., ...... ..... ..... eVS Ploss Sheffield f-0 riouthoru Pae .. 300 1144 113S 1134 Southern Ry ' 264 da preferred.. (00 S3 U 2Va 100 )" S54 24 IB 47 174 '4 8.1 724 40 744 119 43 o4 10 36 4:14 Tol. lit L k Wea 100 . 10 114 48 . 1744 'io'ii 74 11KV4 43 60 ?4 16 n'4 60 "72'vi do preferred... sou l Union Pacific . do preferred. V 3 Kealty .. IT B Rubber .. II H Steel 2S.U00 1754 100 4(H TLSOO 71-, Le rio preferred. ;o 1 1 14 Ctah copper ... j.ie-o -, Vs-Cnro Chem . 8.1'"0 liJS Wabaih S00 1 -do preferred.. :"0 SH Western Md . .. 200 60 . Welting Eleo I " n Inn . 30O 7214 Wheel A L, K. W Lehigh Vlley .. 1.700 171K 1704 1.0 Total sales for the day. S11.400 share. BONDS. NEW TORK. April 20. Closing quota U":ref. 2. reg.lOlVtjN. T. C. rn 3'4. 8S4 do coupon ...inli No. Pacific 3. 704 B .- 2 ... tot, vo. Pacific 4... !4 tion 'do coupon ...10144!VnJoa Pacific ..1014 .. , . A 1111. Ali Central 4. 112V 'do coupon ...115 Japanee 4s .. 88 B D. R. U. 4s... 93 B Storks at Boston. BOSTON. April 20. Closing quotations: Alloues 32 A'Mohawk 33 Amalg. Copper.. 04Nevada Con. ... 1 4 A. Z. U A Sm.. 234Xlpllng Vines.. 10', Arlxnna Com. .. 124iNorth Butte 264 Atlantic 3 4 1 North Lake o B A CCA S M. 12 Old Dominion... 364 Butte Coalition. lrt4 Oceola 103 A Cal. Arlsona. 48iil'arrott S- 4k C-) 1 1 Cat A Heclsv...40 Qulncy 864 Centennial 114'shannon 4 Cop. Ran. C. Co. 604 .Superior 3. E Butte CP. M. 114 Sup A Pos Mln.. 34 Franklin 84)Sup A Pitt Cop. 13 Glroux Con. .. oTe ITamarack 37 oranhy Ton. . 304 B,U. S. S. R. A M.334B Greene Cananea. 04) do preferred . . 4 3 4 I. Royaltr Cop.) 124il"tah Con 13 Kerr Ijike SfcTtah Copper Co. 43 Lake Copper 30 IWInona W La Salle Copper 4 Volverlne 108 A Money, Exchange. Etc NEW TORK. April 20. Money on call teady. 240-4 Pr cent; ruling rate, 24; doling bid, 24: offered at 24. Time loan ealer; 60 day. 24 Per cent; 00 day. 24 02V: ! months, a. Prime mercantile paper, 34 044 per cent. Sterling exchange eay. with actual busi ness In bankera hills at 84.8440 for 60-day bills and at 8ti.S633 for demand. Commercial bills. 84.834. ... Bar silver. 534e. Mexican dollars. 4.10. , Bonds Government and railroad steady. LONDON. April 20. Bar allver. steady at 24d per oun.ee. Money. 24 24 per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short bills la 2 5-18ft 2 4 per cent; do for three months' bill. 2 5-102H per cent. SAN FRANCISCO. April 20. Sterling on London. 60 day. 84.84: do lBht, ,4.S04--Draft. light, par; telegraph. 3c CHICAGO. April 20. Exchange on New Tork. 40 premium. Condition of the Treasury. WASHlNCtON. April 20. At the begin ning of buaineoa today the condition of Uie United State Treasury wa: Working balance In Treaaury of- , flee. tT,001.S0. In banks and Philippine Treasury 32.2U3.12o The total balance In general fund was . 8.I.331.-.I-. Ordinary receipts yesterday J!.6:l).llS Ordinary disbursements 2.HJ.i33 The deficit to date this fiscal year Is 8M4.729. as against $17,105,276 at thla time last year. , . These figures exclude Panama Canal and public debt transactions. PRODUCE AT SAX FBAXCISCO. Quotations Current la the Bay City Mar kets. SAN FRANCISCO. April 20. The follow ing produce prlcee were current today: Vegetablee Cucumbera. 75ctr$1.25; gar lic. 4'jc; green peaa. 44?5o; atrlng beaua 10tj'20c; asparagus, 50cUL25; tomatoes, nominal; eng plant. 8124c Butter Fancy creamery. 22e. Kggs Store. 104c; fancy lanch. 22c - Chee Toung America. 124J.12 4C Mlllstuffa Bran. 82t27; middling, $31 Krult Apple, choice. $1.25: common, tl; Mexican lime. $5'.50: California lemons, choice. $3.25, common, $1.60; oranges, navel, $L2.'.o2.7i. Onions $3. TIC 4. Hay Wheat. $llt13.S0 per ton; wheat and oats. $9 411: alfalfa. $V11. Potatoes Salinas Burbauks. $2.7533; Ore gnn Uurbank. $2.S0ti 2.74. Receipt Flour, 1420 quarter sack; wheat, 70 centals; barley, 4233 centals; oats. 1023 centala: potatoes. 3UUS sacks; mid dllrg. 145 aacks; hay. 420 tons. Coffee and Svgwr. NEWX TORK. April SO. Coffee future closed easy at a net decline of 6 to 8 points. Sales. So.ooo bars. April and Msy. 9 9tlc- June, 10c; July. 10.03c; August, loc: September. O.VSc; October, n.Mc; December, .74c; January, .75e; Februar', 0.76c; Mareh. 0.77c ... Spot coffee quiet. No. T Rio. Hc: No. 4 Santo. 12Vc. Mild coffee dulL Cordova, 13V it 15c nominal. ' Raw augar quiet. Muscovado, 8fl test. 8.42c; centrifugal, 06 teet, S.B.Ic: molasse ugar. 89 test, 3.17c; refined steady. Dried Krult at New York. - NEW TORK. April 20. Evaporated ap ples continue very quiet with little offering- on the spot fancy are quoted at 14c; choice. 134c; prime. 13c Prunes firmly held pending more deHnlte Information regarding the extent of frost damage on the Coast. Quotations range from 84 V 13c for California up to 30-40' and 11&134C for Oregon from go to 30. Peaches quiet and steady. Choice, T4 T64c; extra choice. 74j84c; fancy, 84 (sue BARLEY AND OATS QUOTED HIGHER AT SEATTLE. Two Cars of Wisconsin Potatoes Re ceived More Australian Onions on Hand. . , rw 1. ....M aa (Special.) Barley touched, a new high level for tha seascn touay. ni-oi - Is one of Vhe highest prices which bartey has been quoieu on "'",;,. years. Eastern demsnd for buricy Is btisk. - . . . . .. ... . b-.. I lutji were even a ids i" 1 1 ovw - - : quoted 50 cents higher, at $28.50129 Wheat was nominally higher, altnough no trading of any consequence haa been dona in soms time. '1 ne ere mamei w -- were ma.le at 21 cents, but 23 cents la still the regular price. v.i.w Demsnd for Spring lamb Is not as brisk as expected. As a result. ianii Jriowly and prices cover a wide ranee. A few wire sold today aa low as lit cents. ...... i ... . ... . atenAv 1 .111 1 1 TV nuiici aou ii. - - . receipta are atlll below requirement. AUStrailHn uojoiie " ...v.. ----- or Western avenue than at any time tins season, a tresn consignment ua.io arrived from San Francisco. Australian i , - . . Q a; .n A rMlt, are a ' " - . , . The nr noinouse tomio - day from a local greenhou. They sold at Two carloads of Wisconsin ootatoe have arrived. There I ome unealns In the iKitato market, due largely to the arrlvl of Eastern potato-. Etem Washington slock are said to be larger than many supposed. Earopeaa Grain Market. LONDON, April 20. Cargoes firmer with more Inquiry. Walla Walla for shipment Is higher, S3a M to 84s. English country markets Sd to 6d higher. Arm; French country markets, quiet. LIVERPOOL. April 20. Close: Wheat May. ti 10Sd; July. 6 td: Octo-jer, ufed. Weather cloudy. New Tork Cotton Market. NEW TORK. April 20. Cotton Sr,ot closed quiet. 10 point higher. Mid-upland. 14 VSc: do gulf. 13.20c. No sale. Cotton future firm. Closing bids: April. 14.73c: May. 14.SOC: June. 14.6c- July, 14.R6V; August, 14.fi.V-. September, 18.3c; . . . . -. i-i ii.... . VAi-.mh.. 1 " K ' ' c Tect-m- ber. 12 61c: January, 12.77c; February, 12.86c Chicago Produce) Market. CHICAGO, April 20. Butter Steady. Creamerlr. 15e21r; dairies. 13tflSc Egga Receipt 1S.11 ca.es. Steady at mailt, eases Included. 13'ulS4c; first. 15wc; prime firsts, 16c. Cheese Stesdy. Daisies. 18ttei34e; twins. 124 V 13c: Toung Americas, 134 9 13c: long horns. 12 4 13c. Mlnneapolla Wheat Market. MINNEAPOLIS. April 20. Close: Wheat May. 1)114 410640: july. 07"Sr7 4c; Sep tember. H0"c. Cash. No. 1 hard. c; No. 1 Northern. OSHtrUVe: No. 2 Northern, 95 tlKJ4c; No. 8 Wheat, 93VS&6c Bops at New York. KKW TORK. Asrll 20. Hops Quiet. Tenn Copper . .. Texas Je Paclflc. COARSE GRAINS STRONG OUTLOOK NOT 600D Wheat Crops of Europe Show Deterioration. 1 EXCITEMENT AT LIVERPOOL Prices Soar In the Chlcaso Pit In Response to the Bullish Foreign Xews May Closes 1 5-8 Cents ' Hither. CHICAGO. April 20. Unpromising condl tlona In Europe sent the wheat market soaring today. An official report on the Winter wheat crop of Prussia estimated condition at 76 per cent, a decline of eight points compared with a year ago. Imme diately the Inference was drawn by traders that the more extensive acreage adjoining In Russia might also turn out to have a much smaller yield than 12 months ago. From Hungary, too. came disquietinir state ment concerning the outlook for the grow ing grain In that country and telling of a squeeze In prices nt Buda Pest. Excitement at Liverpool, due In part to scanty arrivals reported by Buenos Ayres. had a parallel In the pit here. The whirl upwards began at the outset of business and lasted through the day. High and low levels for lay proved to be OOVc and SO 4 c. with the closing 1 4 614 c up at Hue. Big shorts In corn took to the buying side In earnest, one prominent house cov ering a line of l.ooO.O'iO burhels. May ranged from C04c to 50400o, closing firm He net higher at the top figures reached. Cash grades were strong. No. 2 yellow finished nt SlW514e. Sympathy with other gralna lifted the oats market. The May option varied be tween 3H4C314C and 324c. with last sales 32i'324c. a net gain of 4 iff 4 c. Provisions were Irregular. When the pit was cleared, pork had risen 74 010c; lard. 2-c to 5c and riha were the same aa last night to 574c higher. WHEAT. Open. High Low. $ .9 4 .86 .464 !bo4 .SI 4 .514 CIo $ .90 .87 .87 May July Sept May..... July Sept May July Sept May July May July Sept May July $ .894 $ .il4 .87 4 ."8 4 .84 4 -4 CORN'. .SO 4 .304 ..-.14 .604 .BS-4 .524 OATS. .504 .51 4 .524 .324 .32 .314 15.474 14.77 4 7.824 7.924 8.02 4 8.35 7.97V4 7.90 .82 .814 .314 .224 .32 .3114 .31'4 .314 .314 MESS PORK. 15.424 15.S24 15. 35 14:65 ll0 LARD. 7.S0 T.8S 7.90 7.93 7.97 4 8.03 14.65 7.77 4 7.8S 7.93 SHORT RIBS. 8.S5 8.874 - 8.S0 7.,i,4 8.00 7.90 . 7 5 7.93 7.85 Sept. .. rash Quotations were as follows: Flour steady. Kye No. 2. 91 4c. Barley Feed or mixing, 65?85c; choice malting. (1.02 W i ll. Flaxseed No.- 1 Southwestern, fair to $2,464. No. 1 Northwestern, $2.i9 4 Timothy seed $12. Clover $15. Pork Mess, per barrel. $1616.25. Lard Per 100 pounds, $7.80. Short ribs Sides (loosel. J7.62H & 8.25. Sides Short, clear boxed), t8.25ffi8.37Vi. Grain statistics: Total clearances of wheat and flour were equal to lf.3.000 busliels. Primary recelpta were 275.000 bushels. ciipared with 239.000 bushel the corresponding day a year ago. Estimated receipt for tomorrow: Wheat. 36 car: corn, 141 car; oats, 81 car; hogs. 20.000 head. xicceipis. . . 13.000 .. 48,000 ..142.000 . .225.000 .. 1.000 .. 89.000 Shipments. 11,800 1.000 392.9O0 197,600 Flour, barrels Wheat, bushel Corn, bushel . Oats, bushels . Rye, bushels . Barley, bushels 17.700 ' .Grain at 8aa Franclnco. SAN FRANCISCO, April 20. Wheat steady. Barley Stesdy. Spot quotations: Wheat Shipping. 1.474tfL80 per cental. BarleJ Feed. $1.4591-4.74 per cental: brewing. $1.50itl.55 per cental. Oats Red. $1.3501.47 Vi per cental; white, nominal; black. $1.30&1.35 per cental. Call board sale: Wheat No trading. Barley December. 1.30 per cental; May, $1.52 per cental asked. ' Grain Markets of the Northwest. TACOMA, Wash.. April 20. Wheat Blue stem. 87c; fortyfold, 83c; club, S44o0c; red Russian. S3 4 c. Receipts Wheat, 26 cars; barley. 1 car; corn, 2 cars; oats, 1 car; hay, 10 care.. SEATTLE. Wash... April 20. Milling quo. taUon: Bluestem, 87c; fortyfold, SUc: club, S."c: fife. 8.1c; red Russian. S3c Export wheat: BJuestem. 84c; fortyfold, 83c; club, 82c; fife. 82c;. red Russian. 81c Yesterday's car receipts Wheat. 8 cars; oats. I car; barley. 2 t-ars: hay. 20 cars. Bonds Investments TimberLands McGRAIH NEUBAUSDi CO. 701-2-3-4-5 Lewis Bldg-. Portland Oreg-oa Bitulithic pave ment makes its appeal solely upon the firmly rooted belief of the American people that 'the best is always the cheapest.' TRAVELERS" CCXDK. NEW YORK PORTLAND REGULAR FREIGHT SERVICE. Low Rates. Schedule Time. AMERICAN-HAWAIIAN S. S. CO. 215 Railway Exchange Bldg;. Portland, Or. Mala 8378. Aim, . :i 4 r---ar-rv . . :.. i i4H ; : aii;i?n ' " ' 1 . -j rs( a . -iu el , : i : ttiir.s-i I '.i r r4iir -zU?Z9n$ it reft:tf,-1 , 1 S a -" -S ."t iir I :l ID- rz w l t i View of Portland 's sk3-sraper district, reduced from the full-page photograph in Sunday's Ore gonian Magazine Section. LUMBER M ENS 2A? n at Fifth and Stark streets, is the nearest National Bank to this district UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY. Merchants National Bank Entnbliabed 1880. Second and Washington Streets. PORTI.AXD, OREGON. Capital and Surplus $350,000.00 The Merchants National Bank solicits the bus'ness and cordially in vites the accounts of Individuals. Firms and Corporations, feeltnf? assured that the unexcelled facilities and thorough knowledge of local conditions acquired during our twenty-five years of banking experience will render relations, once established, permanently agreeable and mu tually beneficial. R. L. DURHAM, President. M. L. HOLBROOK, Vice-President. W. HOYT. Cashier. S C. CATCHING, Asst. Cashier. C. DETERING, Asst. Cashier. First National Bank ' Capital $1,500,000 Surplus 750,000 Oldest National Bank West of the Rocky Mountains Bank Notice Security Savings and Trust Company Corbett Building, Fifth and Morrison Streets Capital and Surplus $950,000 Invites Accounts of Merchants Individuals and Savings Tfl WEI.EK.S' GUIDE. Cffl LONDON PARIS HAMBURG Cleveland. Apr. 27 9 a.m. BulKarla May 4 Pre. Grant April. . .-9!Clncinnatl May 0 tRltx-Carlton a la Carte Restaurant. Hamburg direct. tStceragt anly. Calls at Plymouth and Cherbourg. GIBRALTAR. AlXilKKS, NAPLJiS. LENOX. S. S. HAA1BI RU May 20, 10 A. M. S. 8. MOL1KG ,un CRUISES tTS- TOP of Ike W0R1D . T.f GPIT7RFHf:FV ICKIAXU AM) NORTHERN t ' " 'f BV JUKMHCKXT CKUIMlNtS Sn.AMI-.llA. FROM HAMBURG IN JUNE, JULY AND AUGUST. Send for Booklet. Hambui-ft-.A-nerirau IJne, 180 Jowell St., San Francieco, Cal., or Northern Pac, O.-W. B. & N., Burlington and other R. R. glllce, Portland. Or. . The Tourlt Highway and Scenic Rout to Europe via The St- Lawreoct River, the Shorteat Ocean Pare. Le than Four Day at Sea by the -EMPRESSES OF THE ATLANTIC." Weekly sailing Montreal. Quebec, to Liver pool. First cabin. I0; second cabin, $47.50; third cabin, JS0. Ak local agent. F. R. Johnson, Q. A.. 142 Third St.. or J. J. Forater, T. P. A.. 609 Flrt Aveu. Seattle. COOS BAY LINE STEAMER BREAKWATER sails from Alaska dock. Portland. "Postponed Sailing,' sail 9 A. M. Wednesday, April 26. Sailing of April 19 canceled. Commencing May 1, 9 A. M., every five days. Freight received at Alaska dock until 5 P. M. daily, passenger fare flrt-clas, 110: second-class, 17. In cluding meals and berth. Tickets on sale at AinsworUi dock. Phone Mala 248, A 1234. PACIFIC 'STEAMSHIPS V4 r t (. u atjf a li Hi(r w -. -4- e - c v f x p) "ff i - -.--. ,M -IKtf itfftj i, Mrf "j-f - rt'-M&r; ;-w"! i r J TBAVEUDRS GUIDE. HONOLULU $110 FIRST CLASS ROCXD TRIP The most delightful spot on entire world tour for your vacation. Delightful sea bath lng at the famou beach of Walklkl. Tha splendid SS. Sierra (10,000 ton displace ment) makes the round trip in 18 days, and one can visit on a side trip the living vol cano of Kilauea which Is tremendously ac tive, and see for himself the process of world creation. No other .rip comparao with this for the marvelous and wonderful In nature. Visit the Islands now. while you can do It so easily and quickly and while the volcano Is active. Prompt attention to telegrams for berths. Sailings: April SO. May 20. June 10. July 1. July T2. etc. OCEANIC SS. CO. 673 Market Street, baa Francisco. 6 AN FRANCISCO PORTLAND S3. CO. New service to, Lo Angele via San Fran cisco every flva day. From Alnsworth Dork. Portland, 9 A. M. S.8. Roue City Apr. 23,Baver 28. Bear May 3 From San Francisco Northbound 12 M. S.S. Beaver Ap. XI, Bear 28, Rose City May 1 From San Pedro northbound. 12 M. S.S. Bear Ap. 24, Rose City 2, Beaver May 4 Los Angele. $10.35. 1!0.50. 22.50. 25.r,0. S.S. "Rose City" sail S A. M. Sun., Apr. S3. H. G. Smith, C. T. A., 142 Third St. i. V. Ransom. Agent, Alnaworth IHxk. Phones: Main 402. 26H: A 14QZ. STEAMER ANVIL carrying passengers and freight, will leave Albers Dock, No. 3, Saturday evening. April 22. at 7 P. M, for Gari baldi, Bay City, Tillamook, Newport, Florence and Banton. TICKET OFFICE 12S THIRD ST. Phones Main 628 and A 4590. San Francisco, Los Angeles and San 3?edro Direct. North Pacific S. S. Co.' 8. S. Roanoke and 8. 8. Eld-3r sail every Wednesday alter oately at 6 P. M. Ticket office 132 Third St.. near Alder. - MARTIN J. 1UGLET, Passenger Agent. W. II. SLCSSER, Freight Agent. . .-bones M. U14. A U14. - -