FOR L Hwekeepla Keema la PriTale I aml'T- CIRLS wanted to worn- m factory; must be '.rone ud ovr l years of . woura p-r day nd hatf d-r faturday: good id JUMtui Chici Co.. 14th and Jab qkL TWO or thre complH'lr furnished house keeping room, Attractive horn. near river. Waiting distance. I'h'Jn hH woo.1 16i or call BiorBlcfi. $.2 E. u at. S. . . $23 BEAUTIFULLY furtlshed ho.ike-p-Ir g suit In molfn flat. Including kt. Iiat. fin pot-aln bath and Ire lt p a n a o eh 1 ! d re tu $ 51 6th a t- 1FIRA&LE or twe-roora furnished hogvttaumf aulta: choir, location: prl Bi home. 0na stew; uaa of ptano; $16. l.v, Vaugna at- phona Ma. a IKJO. JPR S tarf room. Part 1 y furnished. East 27ta and Cllntoa. $ and !. Phon Bell wood SU3. . 1 t ran find two raan. quiet. wll-f urnlshel rooms at M fcaal th; walking dlataa... phon. batn. . IIUOEKEEPINO aad batching rooms, rea eona.e. i: Raialgn su. bat. li and la. to? iivoi with-l:gh t""oois keeping prlvl ra Msrslall ; 1 7 H ; t. a-room ponea. m -1 1. .,aw a!3 I lVflnl at.. - cwriinea, a.". . . -WcKlnlar MmhU. 202V Stark at. Fnoo A -HI. Mam :ui. , FINK II -room houaa. hardwood finished. soot neishboro'd: near two carline. Wt Sid. Either furnished ar unfur niue.f. T 2-. orfTiun. f-ROOw houaa. . furnace, bath, desirable local. on. rent $. J3 K'llr. touth Port land (Xntr at KUy it D- W. JtMjnjt; MODERN 1-rooro bungalow. 1 Mora from Mount rVoit car; $17. Hurnatt a Walla. Utewart station. Phona Tabor . - Slf '.,"-e-room houaa. partljr fur aiohd: hithy. afiuaia loraiity. 'ry ronnlnra. rrot M. K X OrTannlan. TXiRRr7 T 7 -room modani hou. on cr rr V.muz 4th and Lincoln ata. IV 511 t orbatt bld. - ACKM with houaa and bara to rant for .rd;n a fcr IO yaara oi l. or lll r--nt for caah. fall 1 Klicrnul at. Room 31. I-ROOM houa. euilbla for two faroill: rant 14V I -bona Mila 14 durtns waah aad Eaat 141 Sundaja. -ROOM tota-. Krarn-y. ar ,lt. lonoira ii atorrtaoa au Mai a aToi; ttl a month. liEIS t tmn houaa. So. 17 North -d at., rant par m"nth. Fhon A 3'''- KEW. modern and T-room bouaaa. nica yard. T-S K Mala. Rnoil houaa for rant In Irvlnaton. lath at. North. Main i.175. A !'' 440 yIiDKN a-rootn hou. Eaat HurnalU and yf- Eaat H U'H. NEW -room houaa. Eaat lt. t-0. 8I Hoard of Trad. ii R r m x kau nd barn, ana acra. Plad mnt. Innuira Taylor at. A xnER. t-rMin hour. XI N. S't. f'ura'.ahad Hooara. MOnr.R( daahrabla. furnlahad hom. rim p.ata. rant raaaonabl: Immallal, poaat-a-aion. Ml Eaat 3d North, corner man at. FOR RENT On Of th moat daalrxbla aomas In th city, eoniplatoiy furnlah'd. larca jroTind. prl--a month, one-year ! Addreaa K S. Oretonian. al'lt'CRV f umlahad S-room cottar: ala furni-hed s-room fat with bath and caa. Ill Eaat 51t.. W-R car. 'KAT furnlahad flva-room cottaf. rhona Woodlawn 17I4. , Fiona -a for Rant Fnmlt are for frnle. PON'T OVF.RlXMiK THIS. If yon want sood furnitura of a B-room modarn houaa. cheap rent. Una aelahbor ho..d. beat of cax e-rrlce. th prlr In rludins plaa la 9360: worth double tb pric. coma In and lt ua proa to you that thl la an eirep'lonal aoo.1 buy. BLOCU KEAL.TY CO.. -U Aider tit. LEAVfXO cy; will sell furniture of (-room apartment cheap; every articl hlarh-claaa and new; a ate enap for one wantlnir a rholr ipannenl In a aalect neichborhood ; all complete; rentlnc of flat la optlonaL Klnaa H1IU IT1 Kmc at., cor. of Wayne. Inquire of janitor. Marshall 1714. FOR RENT or aale. tna forniahlni of a 4 -room apartment, all new and In ex cellent condition; Havfland china, cut alaas: everythlha compiet. Morton Apia.. aahlrt5nandKlnAS74. Main lu!; M'E furniture -roora houaa. 3?9 7th at.: carpets, curtain, dishes. jra stove, ran;", ail complete. Call at houaa or room 17. 13 S Fourth at. f.ROOM houaa. moatty houeekeer!n: low rnt: aood furniture; rloa In; J7.V s owner bat. 14 A. M. and i r. M.. 104 17th at. North, near Flanders. No aa-anta. ALMOST new furniture for lea than half price of a-roora houaa: bath, larae yard. d'sirabl location: rent a--", furniture f IdO. 73' E. Ank-ny SL. near 224. -,o nnoMi all furnished for hotiaa- kaaplna rooms: all full: rent 140; owner. I.'kS llth st. Marshall 413. Fl R.NITT'RB of T-room hour. 13th St.. between Jef' arson and Columl-.ia; no agents. I ROOMS and baaemant, on 14th. all house keeping;; yard, fruit tree, wood shed; on 1 y .. with terms. M arsha:iiiX FI'RNlTt'RE of a-roora modern cottage complete. tl-S 4 E. ftd at. N-. cur. Ilruadway. Ft'P.NITCRE ef a-room houaa for aia by th piece. . tlood t. Mrhall 1N73 ri KMTI'Kt: of 4 room aluioat new. In qulra 12 1st at. fl RMSHED flat for aala cheap. Tl E. 2Hth or nhon Main l.--l. SEASIDE HOTEL. For sal, la-room near modern hot !. complately furnlahad. hot-water heatlnc plant, extremely low price, easy terms. Call on or writ J. E. OATES. Seaside. Or. i WILL sell my bungalow r.. I lace, f urn Shed complete, at Ijonff beach. W'ah. Thla ta on of the beat conatrueted cot tagea at the beach and the location Is faa. W'Ul furnish abatraet to purchaser. Seown5jyiSpaldinbIds. CEASIDB rottaa rnr aale. on front, (rand ocean vtew. modern conveniences. J. A. Morgan, corner E. leth and nchuylar. Phone East H5. . a i a-nrNT kt.. near Ash. 23I00. 3 fl vary raaaonahla rent. Call ax a dot num ber. (TORE 0x40, Xd. near Morrlaon. Apply 171 Third at. FINE brtch cor. store. East llth and Haw thorn. Apply 173 East Hth. cor. VamhllU STORK for rent at n and atnrk ata. In qulre T5 1st st. -TORE for rant. Phona Eaat H3. Office. OFFICES FOR RENT. ' (11 0O to 130.00. MERCHANTS BAVIN'.S c TRUST COMPANY. TV. Corner th and Wahlnron. LAWYER wlehea to ahar his offlc rorm with man of the same profession. Tele phone and stenographer. Call at Ablngton building. lrIRABLE officea and sample room for rent at reasonable rate. Manchester blag.. eS Sth St.. between Stark and Oak. MOeT centrally located office, all-night ele vator service. "3 cwetland bids-. Jan itor, ftth nnd Washington. NIi'ETight front o'flc with us of recep-tlon-room. 17 rtoard of Trade, Nortn weat Realty Co.. per J- T. Morrow, see. TART of well lighted offlc; also desk room. ;:5 Rllway Exchange. FOR RENT tsk room on W'ashlarton at.; both phones. Calr tlO Spalding bids. DESK ROOM. tT.Sf per month. Phona f ur- niahed. &12 Buchanan bldg a OFFICE rooms over drtir store, sultabla for doctor and dentist. llo3 Belmont st. TO I-KA-E. TO LEASE 'Jt?o, lth t.. Couch t PnvM and Trinity place: rutat d-alrable hotel lt In the city: long ground leas oa very reasonable terms Apply la A. A Morrison. H Trinity Place. BrnxE. orppRTTNiTiEai t;W OROCTRY. dolns; good buatneaa. three living-rooms: man and wife can clear 14 day.Callei. Pard of Tra.le. l-LrMfclINO shop for sal: beat location In rtr for beginner, e-'w Union , Eaat Mrta " M IMNO AND IXPVSTHIAt STOCKS. Telephone aad other bon la bought aad so a. Flat char Inv. Co. Abtn stow. m I nrillNE. STATIONERY at special prtoaa. Bt'lxr.14 OPPORTrXlTIES.. EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY IX THE BEST COLLEGE TOWN IX THE NORTHWEST. LOCATED IV A TOWN W'J,HIN 100 MILES OF PORTLAND. TH W IJ A WHOLESALE A N 13 KSTAIL CONrEC TI..NEKT MTOItK AXl ENJOYS 1 A . MO NOPOLY ON THIS PARTiaUR BI.H-NK.-S IS THIS niSTKI'-T. S tN SHOW GRO.-.-l RECEIPTJ TO TH'. NtSS TKiNB IN THE P AST 1 , E A R. THIS I-i A llnNANZ. "iR nuMEBoDV. OTH ER AND LA KGB K BWIXK ISTP.H. EST DEMAND THAT OJN .R -A Hl F1'K tun To A RESlONI.I5 PARTY ii.-o Wll-- -H,1;':?,, TH'?r COME IN AND LET VS TtLL YOU MOKE AHOfT THIS PLACE. CO-OI KRATIVK REALTY CO.. 51 RAILWAY SXCUAM.E. FOR SALE. . ran lea wishing to leave tha clly win aril futures, lean and good will of a we'i e.iabl.aned hay. grain, feed and commis sion buslneaa. location la the i city rale running from $lio. to -O0 per year. Good profits. Prlca and Involr of siock at market values. 7B lease alone Is worth the prloa asked W 1 -a p.enty of capital business can easily M doubled. Prefer to d'al direct with buy er, no ncenta T 30, Oregon Ian. MOVINO-PICTlTRB SHOW In Portland sub urb, nnely equipped with new Powers No. C machine, Ji4 opera chair, stage, scen ery, drop curtain. VI-tor phonograph. sterptlcn dlaoolver: everything to make , complete and attractive ui.'i". a-"-, str.mage: clearing good pmtlis: ..0 ca.h -.!).- Irki i.k. aome traile. Call d Chamber of Commerce, from 10 A. M. to 3 P. M. MALL factory with rapidly tncreaaln business, manufacture 2 established, an vertteed brands of standard artlclea will sell 21 II. ax, a ha re of atock to Incraasa equipment and extend market. Excel- portunlty for anyone and especially ar young and can take Mtiv "art .. . i . . inhfainf and retail lent opport tr you ai in Duainess. cluing trade. Sea F. O. Gallehur. Clnp" e. ert.alng Co.. between l and lOiltO FOR SALE shares atock. beat paying orchard pr.jct; will net per cent proht; capital stock paid up. nonassessa ble, over forty tnnusatid dollars In con tracts now on hand; over thr hundred arm yet to sell, cost forty dollars an acre: sells for .o; position as insnager at IIS00 a year go.- with atock- lnvea- tigate. AV .12. oresonlan. "l 1 0 0 BU Y"SA6 R'Ell t S TORE NEAR CITY. , , A good ehane to procur a good busi ness for lutte money. I -ease runs for a t years, rent J per month. A good strong trade, with A No. 1 slock. Com In and let u tell you metre about this. CO-tiPKitATIVal REALTY COMPANY M-:o-:l Hallway Exchange, HARNESS and Implement business. lnhed I years, all goods In first-class shspe: owner hav other bulne ana cannot glv thl baslneas their personal attention: her I a good opportunity an ensreetio man with from l-noo to j;r." Will sell or lens tha buildings. Address owner: Estacada Morcanlll Co. Estacada. Or. FIR.-T-CLAPS transfer business for sal In one of the best small cttlea In Western Washington, doing e-"."0 to'O per year tusinesa: takes .VK to Ii.0m. ac cording to security offered; reason for s-illns-. going to Philippines. AV SI. Or gonlan. FOR SALE Ukboiir7l;00 well-selected atock furnltur and tha best-known steel ronga In the market: reasonable rnu located In th furnltur district; we!! rstalt luhcd: must sell on nrcount of slckneas. For full Information Inqulr 291 Morri son st. JE wuiT busln-iis In good town nesr TorU land; stock 7ihk; n't proilta last year and constsntly growing: will tsk some good real estst as part payment. This Is a bona Ad proposition and unless you nr n llv on don't anawvr. AO d Orcgonlan. ONE"of""th bet-payln grocery businesses In city, doing a A40.u business: owners must sII, ss other business demands at tention. Th prli Is ii". This Includes sttM-k. fixtures, horses, wagons and the best lease In city. 1. Oregonlsn HER ETs I ; he-best "barga In In t heTclt y ; hotel end grill with bar; long lease and doing ftrst-claaa business; will sell cheap account of sickness If taken at onre. GIt phon number or street address If you wish an answer. Address O IS.- Oregonlan. TOMB TO THE PACIFIC WITH WARD." Agenta wanted In Pacific Northwest. I'aciflr Mutual I -If. J years old. 1 millions assets. We lsn money. II. li. Ward. Mitr.. 712 Spuldln bldg. ' V ART N E RM A SI' FA CT V R I N Q. Partner wanteit In manufacturing busl- , nesa: money fully secured. Salary beside profits. $l04 required: money goes Into tho buslnesa Partlcuiara room 31& Lum ber Kxchang bldg. RKLIABI.B real estat dealer with mora work than h eaai attend to alon wants aober. In.lustrlous man as partner who la willing to work: owner will show that h Is clearing t3 a year. Particular. 41T Hoard of Trade. SOSIIAKES of stock for ssl In beat manu facturing business In Portland; nothing I k It on the I sclno Coast. Your money will be doubled In 90 day. Investigate. It 33. oregonlan. - SALOON In Oregon City, on Mxln street, cheap rent, receipts $120 per month; must b sold by 1st- Sickness tha cause: will b-r close Investigation; very cheap. Hub Saloon. COMPLETE tailoring outfit. ISO. New Sinaer sewing machin. 3U. used 3 weeks, boxes, rack, tables, pressing blocks, com plete. Auditorium Hotel offlc. Id., bet. Taylor and Salmon. RARE OPENINiJ for capable man to secur interest with meritorious real estate firm for $17e and his services; Investigation courted; writ Clover Leaf Co.. liox 17, city. OPENIN'O for steady man In a strictly rash busineas; can depend on $5 riav; require very llttl money; fully secured. Partle ulars. :isV gtaik St. Ji i u SALE New, modern, pool and card ro.m. stlxHti. sdjacent only restaurant In district. hsnl'tng over regular board era. 1 abor -4U&. BITCH ER SHOP and rrocery stor; a splendid location. Will sell separata. Also a new piano, at a bargain. Call C 14at or I3 Alberta sL FOR PALE An excellent clothing. dry goods snd shoe business: stock about $12. d: easy terms given if bought at once. Address Box 370. city. ' QUICK LUNCH. Down awn, 3 years' Iras, a llv paying place; low prlc takas It. Tha Burabla liee; 31.1 Davis, corner Clh. CIGAR, confectionery, stationery stor for aai; a good buy and must be bought at one If wa aelL ei N. Id. Phona M. tJtl. WK HAVE th best opportunities for small Investor. j0 and up. For partlcuiara Georg Northrup. 411 Spalding; bldg.. Portland. Prone Marshall Jfttd. BUSINESS man wants partner to tend stor. drive d-llvery waicnn. etc.: pays 125 per week from sturt; Jt0 required. Call 417 Board of Trade. MACHINE shop. doing business $i;00 monthly, wants partner to help In tha buslnesa. Room o-3 Lumber Kxchang. HALF Interest In legitimate business wher hustler ran clear i-'"0 per month; bard labor connected. Call S78 Stark st. BARBER SHOP for sale. 2 chairs, also bath: owner going East at one; Mil at sacrifice. AV 34. Oregonlan. MEAT buslneaa In a splendid country town, clears $.1o0 month- will stand the dot Investigation. Call H'i Stark st. GROCERY. Invoice $47J. living rooms, cheap rent: must aU today for $1-3. Phon Mars hull HO. YOUNG lawyer would Ilka to get In with om law or real eatat firm. R. Urean. 414 S Jefferson St. 1 WANT 2 rattling good parties to work out of my real estate office: nothing but hustler need apply. Marshall 713. A 4.1.13. A NICE; paying buslneaa: will Invoice about 12.10: living-rooms; cheap reat. 8 32, Oregonlan. - CIGA itr fruit, etc. clears over' $100 month. 2-year lease; pne $100 to aell quick. Call S Stark st. XSAP Clesnlnr works, doing a good busi ness, will net -w or $40 a week and lease. Call Main 5ii FOR SALE Best restaurant on nth St.; 2 b ocks of Vash. at.; $1300 cash. Owner. M OresS KOnian. CONFECTIONERY and cigar atore. will par you fl.ic monthly, at Invoice. Room 33 Lumber Excbanga WOOD buslneaa; have fin chanco for man with $tHl- money fully secured: can Clear $ 1 .10 month. Call 24'-t Stark SL POOI ROOM, clgara confectlonare: no op position: small arrowing town. G 84. Ore- poe g on lan. NEWPAPER and Job plant, doing good business; good location: no. competition. Address th Times. Loon I.ak. Wash. CIAirstand. on of bet In city, with long Irsae. low rent.Call27'; Starkst. CASH grocery, doing bualneea $ dally; S3 tonus. Room 623 Lumber Exchang. 1 WANT a saloon for a customer at one. 41 Qiamber Commerce. IP YOU want to engage In a good paying buiiac, so hot air, writ T Ss, Oregonlan. TJIT. MOKMSO BUSINESS OPPOBTCNTTIES. A GOOD THING. Selling out on account of slrknes a first-class cleaning and pressing parlor thst Is doing a nice business: location couldn't be better: also having a laundry buslneas In connection that averages from 30 to ii per week; ae tor your self. Phon Main i47. KXCHANG86-roon7roomlng-hous for R paasrnger automobile: must be, good; interest In good confectionery and room for unincumbered lot. value "" Minnesota property for grocery or confectionery-; North Dakota land for w 11 lamctte Valley land. Call 27S Stark st. WANTED Party with .- I!' '"T to take interest In good paying business, will stand Investigation; wa hav goon pen.ct in California. The Amea Mrcantlla Agency, Main HiaS. 41 Ablngton bldg- FOR 8ALR Meat market and grocery "; only cuinblnatlon store In Pendleton, aping good busln. ss; would consid-r Portland property to the amount of $l.1o0. For par tlcuiara writ T.utsch Bickers. Psndl ton. Or. . GIl.ttHT STORE. W hav on that cannot n th city; fine atock: aalea ,lw0.ii ; will liivolc about $430o: will so" " or )a Interest to rlKht party. Bl.OCH REALTY CO.. 2Q Alder SL WANTED to aell A half Interest In a well e.tsollshed manufacturing buslneaa of thre y.ara- .landing; only th.,w't money and willing to Invest In b"c.s that pays SO par cant nt nd apply. - IV. Oregonlan. In country "town. butTo wagon trade; J hr, " f"r loavss yon bak a day and th P1,"'' th bakery", plea let ua know at one. ' t.,...ii.i firli lliitri. ' RESTAUR ANT First -class place finely fur nished and clean, rent only . "nth,. yearr lease, clearing $2oO obov. all ex.. located In th bu-lnea. center ; prlc $130". H. V. GAKLAN l aJ'O- at- DELICATESSEN. W har S aplendld one, all money maker, from $330 to $1000. Inqulr about lBLbcHREALTYCO..2tAldcrSt. STEADY and energetic young man rtra ory tor. permanent position, salary .n wecVlVr must hav. $ioo. 3od Mcrchanta Trust hint- wnirvri WAV. STRANGER. Make careful lnvetlgatlon at expense of seller before you Invest money in any propoaltlon. Advisory DepartmenU I. L C. A. KOK SALE. . . Family hotel In on of best : ','" In cltv; ran be run a transient hotel best of reasons for selling. Address owner, AT 2 l.prlr2!,J!: . AN OFFICER In a contracting company doing a profitable buslnesa. wishes to dlspos of hi Interest to a t liorouiehly rellabl party. Address W4.Oregonlan. PARTNER wanted with $7000 to jnOOO. In old established and good-payln- business. Will stand thorough Investigation. I . Orayonlan. FOR SALE Blacksmith tools and stock In good location; established business; cheap If taken noon. Call In person.- Geo. Fchlatler. Troutdale. Or. HALF Interest In good confectionery and light lunch In transient locatleM; will In voice mora than prlca asked. Call ii S ta rk a t- HALF Interest In an old-established busi ness, doing a good buslnms. For full par ticulars call Kinney A Stamper. Lumber Exchange bldg.. rooms 631-632. WANTpartner In a good-paying business, half cash and balance out of the earning; must hav at least $000. F 33. Orego- nlan. '. STRICTLY cash grocery, down town, low rent, no delivery; $2o0; another at In voice, about $3000; alao one for $700. call 78 Stark t. ; , ion "SALE 26 sharoa of stock In Hnxel wood Co.. Spokane, at $120 per ahara; thl I lea than book value Jan. 1, 1U1L M. Aiortenaen, Amn " " - FCR SALE Ielicatesscn. bakery and lunch room, cenually located; good business: lung leaae; easy terms. W 33. Oro gontari I'A '. T N K !i wanted for a strictly cash gro cery; owner tired of hired help; will guar antee good profits; rcoulre very llttl money. Particularslj '-j Stark st. PARTNER wanted for solid business, clear ing IiViO per month, and will atand thor ough Investigation. Particulars. 417 Board of i raae. uonrllN Ice p'.ant. paying about 33 per cent; if interested, writ, box S7. Cott.g. O rovVj OrjJ rlc I730Q. Ad 2. Oregon lan. FOR SALE Paying bakery In growing town near Portland. Inquire Gray,' McLean X, Percy. 4th and Ollsan sts. KAKERY for sale; good-paying bakery for sale good town in Central Ore-son: for full part'lcvulars add. AD 20. Oregonlan. a a i ion long lease; rent $113 month, ln eiulllng furnished rooms; $13oo will tTiAmtOsJ. H 1 1. oregonlan. Tbk YOU READINO THE STORY CP WASHINGTON COUNTY. TOLD DAILY O- --. ......... o-ct fCDIUI IN TUB fcVSlM. 7v good Investment for larga or small capital Sea H. A Watson, St. Charles Hotel; . MOVING-PICTURE show cheap; fully equipped; passed city ordinance. X 24. Oregon lan. s-ooo CONFECTIONERY store, flna loca tion, doing good buslnesa. ,eod lease. money-rnaker Old Hoard of Trade. SMALL hlngl mill for sal at bargain; good opportunity, can moke money at Kw st prlcca. Ownexi&lS Yaon bldg. HALF-Interet in paying downtown restaurant 'to right party; will sell whole, p- IS. orcgonlan. iTu'0 CONFECTIONERY and clear. West Side. leaa. rent very low. Call 018 Board of Trade. n jOR RENT Furnlahad dining-room and kitchen: On location; sultabla for reatau- ranu r or nvm.- , A DANDY llttl cleaning and pressing busi ness, good locations low rent, call Mark sl MOv'lNtJ-PICTURE itiow. first tlma on mar. keu clearing l-eticr than 1.10 week; $1K)0 w ill h and l It. Call Ola Board of Trade. ARCHITECT wishes to co-operat with real estat akent or parties having lots In building for rent or sale. Y 23. oregonlan. WANT ED Active man to attend stor and deliver good as partner; pay you $loo monthly. Room 623 Lumber Exchange. GROCERY and confectionery with Ilvlng rtomer low rent, good location. Call 270 S ta rk s L KO0 BUSINESS cards. $1.00; yon must brln t h isaiLJtose City Prlnlery. 1"2', T h Ird. itESTAl-RANT for sale. 292 1st., between Jefferson and Columbia. BARBER shop for sale. If taken at once; gOOa. 1IKAUUU. -- . v nnoCFR Y atock and fixtures; living roorai; rent Uti-jeae.MSEStht.J!oith. FOR-SALE Cigar stand, cheap If taken at one. 1'03 Kussell St. BUYER for cigar stand or small business; 214 Commercial block SPLKNdTd location for rrocery. Sea Harry Tutlle. at Lang At Co. ; RESTAl'RANT for rale, very cheap. In th Oregon Electric Depot, ROOMrNO-llOCSES. ACT QUICKXY. Hotel of OO rooms, on Waahlngton at., clearing over $400 per month, rooms al ways rented, neat-appearing nous. all modem. hot and cold water In every room no Inside rooms. There Is no chsrge for the location, all we ask . Is what the house actually cost. Price $!3M. 7".0 cash. Marshall 303. or call 812 Henry Bias. J 111 I 1 1. J . . . . . . IS rooms; rent $S0; good lense: steam heat, hot and cold water; elegant new furniture and carpets; clears oyer $100 above expenses and gives you best apart ment In Louse for yourself; $1400 puts you In posresslon. PORTLAND ROOMINO-HOTJSB CO, 313 Henry Bldg. " . . T -T- T T ' X.- . TT GET BUSY. TV a just hav th place you're been looking; for a rooming-house to furnish up. where you don't have to par for old. wornout stuff: first come first served. Apply room 4.18. Chamber Commerce; PARTNER WANTED. To take management of th best-paying privilege In city, salary guaranteed, profits divided. 819 Board of Trad. CLOSING out lln of furniture: will furnish a roomlng-hout for cash; less than man ufacturing cost. Swank at Co.. Vancouver, Wash. Wo BUYS a 14-room house, all full, close in- rent $23: come for a good xpene-na'ver- $2?5 cash will handle It. YuGLE Y JISHOPJ3STIHDST. VERY elegantly furnished 13-room roomlnr house. something fine; easy terms; at sac. ri nee price. Ooddard. B03 Teon bldg. 11-ROOM bouse, fine location, excellent fur niture, rooms all full: terma. Phona own er. Main 6773. ti t i tj ...... i.rm Hcht rom. fireplace: other room: piano; choice board; refined i neighborhood. 761 M a rshall. A 4320. $3vo CASH and $20 month, absolutely good: 12 rooms, monev-maker. exclusive: price $7.VKJJoddardu3J'eonbKIg GENTLEMAN wants lady with small capital to buy half Interest la 18-room house. Call 3ni4; Morrison St. -ROOM rooming and boardlng-hous for sale cheap. 458 Oh m bar Commerce, OKEGQXIAy. FRIDAY, ROOMING-HOUSES. ROOMINlj-HOUSES. $2o0 burg a splendid 8-room rooming house on 1Mb St.. West Side; 6 rooms nice ly furnished. 2 rooms rented unfurnished; rent. $4i. , a rooms, on csrllne. splendid West Side location, fine furniture and carpets. 12 minutes' walk from postofflce; pric $700i. 16l will handle 1 rooms, splendidly furnished. Just off of Morrison St. $&0 buys 16-room oardlng-house. Thla place la clearing $100 per month. v 14 rooms. 6 blocks from Postotflce, new furniture and bedding; only $S30. i cash will handle this. ROBINSON COMPANY. Main 103). 622 belling Bldg. WEEK-END SNAP. 21-ROOM HOTEL. - HEART OF CITY, a Here Is the "one best bargain we have ever seen; guaranteed clearing $125 per mo. and the price only llioo. There i nothing wrong with this place except that Its a SNAP. 20 TEARS IN THIS BUSINESS. ASSOCIATED INVESTMENT CO.. Suite 618 Teon Bldg.. 6th and Alder Sts. Phones. Main 481 and A T112. - w at . 8 rooms, extra choice location, nice yard and building, arranged In suites for house keeping, rent $40; good cement basement, rooms all rented; today for $300. only $123 PORTLAND ROOMING-HOUSE CO- ROOMING-HOUSE. 25 rooms, rent only $75. 2 years' lease, nice. new. modern flats, all new furniture, always full: bargain for $1700; good solid money-maker; all In suites, ottier choice buys, v H.. W. GARLAND t CO.. 181 4th St. MUST BE SOLD Family hotel. 60 rooms, long lease: we will absolutely guarantee to clear $400 above all expenses; brick bldg. fully mod em; price greatly reduced for quick sale. S19 Board of Trade. 1 BOOMS. Well furnished; rent $41.80; three years' lease If desired. Good Income. $100 cash. J SI, Oregonlan. REDUCED from $1300 to $1200 today; 10 rooms. 3-year lea?e, rent $, clears 573. new furniture. Goddard, 605 Teon bldg. A positive snap. TRANSIENT HOUSE. 14 rooms, long lease. ..ntrallv located. SIVUK torma 1400 cash. Call Colberg. Eaat 8u3. 11 ROOMS on Alder, very nicely furnished, clean, acat and cosy; lawn, back porch, excellent location, lease. Marshall HOa. FOR" SAI.E-RoominB-house, 11 rooms, rent Jli.l. Price $550. Main 4559. lira Reynolds, owner. : 15 ROOMS, by owner; $500 handlea 1L 842 (.lay st. WANTED Partner (lady) with small cap ital, for rooming-house. L 30. Oregonlan. SPECIAL NOTICES, proposal Invited. SALE OP WATER BONDS. The Common Council of Central PolnL Oregon, will receive sealed bid up to 5 o-clock P. M-. May 1. lll- for the sale of $14,000. 6 per cent. -30-year bonds, bids to be accompanied by a certified check equal to 6 per cent of tho amount bid for. The right to reject any and all bids Is reserved. Bids will be received for any part of said bond Issue. Bonds to be delivered to buyer In sums of $2000 or multiples thereof and payment therefor to Include accrued Interest to date of de livery. Bight reserved to sell any portion of said bonds to local purchasers on same terms as accepted bid. STATEMENT. Denominations. $500. Date of bonds. May 1. mil. Bonds mature May 1, l'JJl. Bonds not optional before maturity. In terest and principal payable at option of holder semi-annually. Bonds issued pur suant to vote of the people March 13, 11-1 1. iiids to be addressed to J. W. Jacobs, City- Recorder. Certified check payable to the City Recorder. Central Point. Ore gon. No litigation pending this Issue. Tue city has never defaulted in the payment of either Interest or principal. FINANCIAL STATEMENT. Have a bonded debt of $25,000. Assessed valuation 1U10. $13U.4S9. Real valuation (estimated). $1,000,000. Tax rate, 10 mills. population, census, 701: present population (estimated on school census. 1500. The proceeds of ths sale of these bond will be used directly In extending the present water system. I hereby certify that the above state ment Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Dated at Central Point. Ore gon. April 16. 131L J. W. JACOBS. City Recorder. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES FOR THE DISTRICT OF OREGON. In the matter of Booth Jewelry Com pany, Bankrupt. The undersigned trust of the above en titled estate will receive sealed bid up to 12:00 o'clock noon of May 1. 1911. for the stock of diamonds. watches. clocks. Jewelry, etc., and fixtures belonging to said estate, situated at Forest Grove. Ore gon, of the total Inventory valuation of $51S7.1. Cash or a certified check for 10 per cent of amount bid to accompany eaoh bid as evidence of good faith, balance to be paid upon confirmation of aale by the court. Right to reject any and all bids la hereby reserved and any acceptance of bid subject to confirmation by court. The stock and fixtures may be Inspected upon application at store to H. W. Sltton. Forest Grove. Oregon; copies of Inventory to be examined at store and at $03 Fenton Bldg.. Portland. Oregon. Dated April 11. 1911. H. S. TUTHriaL. Trustee. II. S. McCutcban, (03 Fenton Bldg., Attor ney for Trustee. BIDS will be received by the Recorder of Toledo. Or., up to th evening of May jo. lull, at 8 o'clock, for the Issue of bond voted by the citizens of Toledo for the construction of a water system. The Issue will bo In the amount of twenty thousand dollars and the interest thereon will be 6 per cent per annum. Each bid , must b accompanied by a certified check on some solvent bank tor an amount of not less than U per cent of the amount of said bid. The Recorder reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Address all bid to F. N, Hayden, City Recorder, Toledo. Or. SE VLET PROPOSALS wir be received by the Mate Board of Control until 10 A. M.. April 25. lull, for electrical rewiring the State Capitol building. All wiring must be In struct accordauc with the rulings of the National Electrical Code, the contractor to furnish on com pletion a certificate of approval from the Washington Insurance Surveyor. STATE BOARD OF CONTROL. Olympla. April 15, 1811. Miacell PORTLAND OAS : COKE COMPANY PRE FERRED STOCK DIVIDEND NO. 5. The regular quarterly dividend of one and three-fourths (11i) per cent on the preferred stock of irlls company has been declared for the quarter ending April 30, lull, payable on the first day of May. lull, to stockholders of record at the close of business on the 20th day of April. 1011. transfer books will close on 2nh day of April, and reopen on the first day of May. 1911. Geo. F. Nevins, Treasurer. NOTICE to creditors of D. M- O'Sulllvan to call at S4T Morrison st. and receive pay ment. D. M. O-SULT.TVAN. HEREBY make notice that I am not re sponsible for any bills yet to be col- son st. LOST AND FOUND. LOST Fraternity watch key. oblong In shape. Inscribed Psl Alph PI on one side, opposite aid C Hamblln Phllobetorlan Wesleyan f University. 1S31: no value to any one but owner. Reward on return to 2i3 Manchester bldg.. 85 , Flf'-h at. LOST Strayed or stolen; a white female fov terrier with small black spots on body black head, black spot on tall; answers to name Trlxy; reward. 349 E. loth st. N. Phone East 20:i). C 1405. LOST A red porketbook with Union card No 425. Vancouver. Wash., and marriage license and other Important papers. Kind er please return to Oregonlan office. 8T RAYED OR STOLEN Sorrel driving horse, four white feet, silver tall and mane. Inquire OOT Williams ave. Phon Wood lawn 1908. after 6. Woodlawn 1105. LOST Between 7tH and Gllsan and 14th and Flanders. Sunday or Saturday morn ing brown vest, with Geo. Spots' nam on Inside. Call Marshall 2153. LOST In Peerless .Cafeteria, small, loose loaf notebook. Looslcy, 611 Board of Trade. LOST Tn Oregon City or between there and Portland, bunch key: $1 reward. T 85. Oregonlan : . LOST White bull terrier pup. all white e cept dark spot on head. Return 373 1 llth st. Reward. . LOST Gold handled umbrella, name en graved. Phone Woodlawn 147: reward.- LOST Montavllla. cuff with diamond set cuffbutton. 552 East Madison st. Reward. POUND Some auto supplies between Salem and Portland. Chaa. Palmer, Hubbard. Or. APRIL 2U 1911. LOST AND FOUND. FOUND Where vou can buy genuine hair mattresses retail at wholcsal price; w renovate mattresses and return same day: we also renovate feathers. Portland Curled Hair Factory. H. Metxger. 22ft 228 Front. Phone Main 474; A 1374. FINANCIAL. FIRST MORTGAGES ON IMPROVED REAL ESTATE FOB SALE: $ 600 First mortcage. 6 per cent, on residence, ntar Courlhcuse; vlue of prop erty. $1600. $1200 First mortgage. 6 per cent, on 120 acres of fruit land, close In; value of property, 3O00. $1325 First mortgage. 6 per cent, on 24 acies of prunes and buildings; value of property. 0u00. $15ou First mortgage, 6 per cent, on 160 acres, two miles from PcslofTlce; value of property. $30oo. . Address Postofflce box 642, Portland, Oregon. . MORTGAGE LOANS On Improved city property or for building purposes. COLUMBIA LIFE TRUST COMPANY. 916 Spalding Bldg. WANT to buy city mortgages In sums P to $30,000. In anrwer slate amount, rate of Interest and discount will give. T 2S, Orcgonlan. EQUITY of $1000. payable $25 per month, at 20 per cnt discount. Main 2203. Money to Loan Real Estate. 6 PER CENT MONEY. To build or purchase homes. Tou are not required to own a lot, aa we loan 100 per cent valuation on property that has a monthly rental value. This la tho salaried man's plan' to own a home. Call or write for particulars. STANDARD REAL ESTATE LOAN CO., J. H. Delaney, State Agent, 425 Chamber of Commerce bldg. ON IMPROVED city property or for build ing purposes; 8 to 5 years' time; liberal repayment privileges, money advanced aa building progresses. The Equitable Sav Ings A Loan Association. 210 Stark St. PLENTY of money to" loan at 6 and 1 P cent on real estate security. LOW P. MALL. . 104 Second St. $500,000 ON Improved city or farm property; building or small loans at lowest prices; large loans a specially. J. II. McKenxle Co.. 614-615-516 Gcrlinger bldg. FIRST and second mortgages and contracts purchased on farm and city property any where In Oregon or Washington. E. L 1evcream. Fenton bldg.. 84 Clh st. MORTGAGE LOANS Exclusively. EDWARD E. GOUDEY. Lewis Building. WE HAVE plenty of money to loan on It-rtland property in sums from $1000 to 150.000 at lowest current rates. Morgan. Hitoner & Boyce. 503-506 Ablngton bidg. LARGE and SMALL amounts to LOAN. Portland and Suburban Real Estate. E. C EA6TON. 627 Board of Trade. HAVE $S0OO to loan at 7 per cent. 3 or 6 years, on Willamette Valley farm; also oOoO at 7 per cent on West Side prop- erty. T 26. Oregonlan. LOWEST RATES $J0O to $10,000 to loan on real estate. Union Loan Co.. 35 Lafay ette bldg.. oth and Wash. Main 8n. MONEY to loan on improved real estate or for building purposes. Columbia Life A Trust Company, 1)10 Spalding bldg. IMPROVED or unimproved property; small building loans; contracts and mortgages bou g hi. W. H. Nunn. 448 Sherlock bldg. $200,000 TO LOAN, larg loans a specialty, building loans, lowest rates. W. G. Beck, 812 Failing bldg. , MORTGAGE loans on city property; lowest rates. A. H. Btrrell Co.. 202 McKay bldg... 2d and Stark. HAVE $12,000 which I desire to loan on Im proved property In sums to suit borrower. L 17, Oregonlan. . $2500 TO loan on gilt-edse property, 7 per cent, three or five years, ltuom 5, 221 hk Morrison sr. MONEY to loan at 6 per cent on Inside business property. A. M. Berry, 4a5 Chamber of Commerce. MORTGAGE LOANS AT REASONABLE RATES. F. H. LEWIS. 8 LEWIS BLDG. $2000 to loan, good farm, near Portland. R 32. Oregonlan. State funds loaned. 6 per cent. W- E. Thom as, state agent. Multnomah Co.. -4)0 C. of C Will loan $10,000 or less, real estate security. Farringtou. tig Commercial Club bldg. MOliEY, any amount. 6 to 8 per cent. Good no ugh & Seitx. 810 Spalding bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS. 6 AND 7 PER CENT. LEWIS SALOMON. 233 STARK ST. RESIDENCES financed and built. A. C Fur long. 033 C of C. bldg.. A 2009. LOANS on real, personal, chattel or collat eral security. C W. Pallett. 308-0 Fenton. PRIVATE money loaned on real estate mort gages. A. H. Mlley. K. 2U4 Uerlinger bldg. "COMB TO THE PACIFIC WITH WARD" For real estate loans. 712 Spalding bldg. SOME 7 per cent money on close-in secur ity. Main 1040. 430 Worcester bldg. MONEY for good Inside loans, 6, 7, 894. Carlock & Muellhaupt. 1032 Cham. Com. PRIVATE MONEY $6000 to loan on Irving ton real estate. East 2053. MONEY to loan on real estate In amounts to suit borrower. Lawyers Abstract at Trust Co. $1000 TO loan on realty. 816 Board of Trade bldg. Money to Loan Chattels and Salaries. $ y $ $ $ $ ARE TOO LOOKING FOR alONEYT If you knew how easy our term are you would not be short of money. Don't be bothered with a lot of small debts; let us furnish money to settle them. WE LOAN ON Furniture, and pianos, storage receipts, livestock, rooming-houses and all kinds of securities; terms to suit; also easy weekly or monthly Installments. We buy and loan on first and second mortgage and equity In contracts. U D. HEAL ESTATE BROKERAGE CO.. 212 Hamilton bldg.. 121 3d. Main 2094. $ I $ " WE HAVE MONEY TO LOAN On salaries only. In amounts of from $3 to $100, at the lowest possible rate. Business strictly confidential. a All we require la that you be employed on salary and you get the money quickly, without mortgage, indorser or other se curity. STATE SECURITY CO.." 308 Falling Bldg., Cor Third and Washington Stc. MONEY advanced salaried people, house keepers and other upon their own names without security; cheapest rates, easiest payment; offices In 60 principal cities; ave yourself by getting my terma first. TOLMAN. SIT Lumber Exchange. MONEY loaned In amounts from $10 up on all kinds of securities, furniture, piano or any personal property. Easy weekly or monthly payments; low rates, confidential. Gray at Cunningham. 201 Kotlichlld bldg., northwest corner 4th and Washington. MONEY ADVANCED, On furniture, pianos, storage rcelpta, etc Lowest rates. BUTTON CREDIT CO., 807 Spalding bldg. LOANS on diamonds. Jewelry, furs, sult--aa'es trunks, overcoats and musical in struments. Uncle Myers. 71 6th. between Oak and Pine. Main W10. LOWEST RATES Loans on all kinds of se curlty, chattels or real estate. Union Loan Co.. 35 Lafayette bldg.. ath and Wash, at. LOW rates; we loan money on diamonds and Jewelry. Marx & Bluch. 74 3d su . LOANS on diamonds and other securities. William Hon, room B. Washington bldg. A LOAN for tho asking, salary or chattel. Tha Loan Co.. 414 Dekum bldy. MONEY loaned on diamonds and Jewelry; strictly confidential. 141 3d. near Alder. Loan Wanted. WE can Invest your money at good rates of Interest: gilt-edged securities; first mort-eaaes- long-term investment. Provident Investment A Trustee Co.. xOL 203 Board OI 1 raup wma WANTED $10,000. 8 or 5 years. 7 per cent, secured by mortgage on $25.00"). close In, West Side property, snort distance from Hotel Portiana. j. uicBu'"a. WE CAN place four loans on first mort gages' two of $20O0 and two of $1750. Provident Investment & Trustee Co., 201. 2V3 ijoarq 01 Aiauc. WANTED $15O0, on first real estate securi ty: will give 6 per cent for 3 years. R 27, Oregonlan- $TR00 FOR six years, reasonable interest, improved city property. F 52. Orego nlan; WANTED Loan In Irvlngton district on res idence, three amounts. $2000. $3000. $4000. j. H. Tipton Co..1108 Spalding bldg; WANT $2700 ON FINE HOME. F 30. Oregonlan. $1300. 8 PER cent. West Slile. Smlth-Wag- oner Co.Sll-212jrwl bldg WANTED $100 for 8 years, 8 per cent; aood security. B 81. Oregonlan. LET us place your money, good mortgages; references. F. H. Lewis. 8 Lewis bldg. WANTED $300 on Improved city property. rv oa. av.- ... 5of 8 PER cent. East Side. Smlth-Wag- oner Cow 811-812 Lewi bldg. FINANCIAL. Loans Wanted. MONEY WANTED. , Want loans of $1000, $2000 and $3000 with first mortcafc security on flrst class, well located. Improved property ai 7 and 8 per cent. R. F. BRYAN. . Main 1963. 6o5 Cham, of Com. A 12 27 WANT I1S00 years at T per cent, on home worth $3l00; corner lot. R $! Orcgonlan. WANTED $3000 loan for 1 year on build ing and ground worth $t!000. income $00 per month. H 3o. oregonlan. WANTED S150O for 4 or 6 years at 1 per cent on nice house and lot In Piedmont. Call 317 Board of Trade bldg. WANTED $2500 tor 3 years at 7 per cent on close-in East Side residence. Call 317 Board of Trade bldg. rEKSONAL. WE HAVE the most complete, modern, np-to-date offices In the West, furnished with every known therapeutic appliance used In America or Europe; we use no drugs, neither do we operate; we use massage, baths, electricity In every form. A-t'ay. static, high frequency, oxone. sinusoidal, faradlc, galvanic, etc We use the only radium employed by physicians on the Paciflc Coast. We treat all chronlo di sease in men and women. Our offices are open to the public to Inspect every Sat urday from 7:30 to 9 P. M. We give a free exhibition of all the wonderful ap paratus. It is a sight you will nf" have the opportunity to see any otner place free. Dr. W. E. Mallory. naturo path. We occupy the entire north nan of the Third floor of the Rothchlld blag Fourth and Washington streets. . DR. ALICE A. GRIFF. Diseases of women and children, sur gery; chronic and nervous diseases treated according to the latest methods; conune ment cared for; consultation free. 313 n Washington st. Main SK2S, A 5007. CLOSING outocaTc-r "half" and shell 8oodS pure human hair in all shades; also "pre fixtures, large mirrors, tools for making hair goods, and laboratory; all at cost less; special jobs to dealers. Grand Leaaer. hair dept., 6th and.Alden . PILES, fistula, fissure and other DISEASES OF THE RECTUM CURED. NO PAINFUL OPERATION. CALL or WRITE for nnmes of CURED PATIENTS AS REFERENCE. Dr. E. K. Scott, suite 922 Selllngjd8N WANTED Pupils to learn halrdrcssing. manicuring, facial massage, acalp tr-f'" rr.ent, weaving; great demand for f,ra""' ates. Sanitary Beauty College, 400-1 ua kum bldg., over Llpman. Wolfe Ac Co. DR. T. J. PIERCE. 243Vs Morrison St.; rheumatism, nervous debility, paralysis, in digestion, constipation and diseases of the kidneys and bladder quickly cured. Ad- vlce free. i FEBVBT & HANEBCT. Leading wig and toupee makers: finest etoi-k of human hair goods: hairdresslng. manicuring, face and scalp treatments. 147 7th St.. near Morrison- Phune Main 34a. DR. WALKER, specialist for men, quickly cures blood and skin aliments, kidney and bladder troubles and piles. Consultation free. 181 1st St.. Portland. . MRS. Stevens. 16 years Portland's leading Salmlst and clairvoyant, haa her late 00k, "Palmistry Made Easy." on sale at 843 M Yamhill, corner Seventh st. HELEN SORNS and J. E. Perry, magnetic healers, treat all chronic diseases. 2()iVs Russell st.. Portland, Or. Phone C ilil , hours from 7 A. M. to 6 P. M. DKESS suits for rent, $1.50 month; keep your clothes cleaned, pressed, buttons sewed on, rips repaired. Prompt calls and deliveries. Unique Tailoring Co.. 300 Stark. THE new make-over shop, bring your old hats, let mw surprise you both In worK and Drlce. SDOVi Morrison. MRS. SOPHIA B. SKIP, mental scientist, aSOii Washington st. Main OS24. ileet- ' lugs Wednesday. 8 P. M. , O. ONNE JURVAS Natural sanatorium. 178 E. 60th. Competent masseuse both sexes, stcsm and water baths Both phones. LORENZ NERVE TONIC TABLETS restore lost vitality. 5c box; 6 boxes. $1.25. btlpo Taylor DTug Co., 289 Morrison at. NOTICE Any one knowing the whereabouts of 1. W. Cole, please notify Will Walters at tjeiierm ou A KJr l.'-"1" . Switch 5c; curls and puffs. 73c bani- tary l'ariors. tu Aeimm M.fc. ARE you Interested in singing? Join one . of our new chorus clubs; afternoon and evening cmsses. a-uqqp j LADIES, bring your old hats to the origi nal -Make-over Shop"; hats reblocked. cleaned and retrlmmed. 415 Alder st. CHIROPODY', pedicuring, manicuring, vi bratory scalp massage. BOOK Morrison St.. room 10. DR ALYS A. .rflXBY. physician and surgeon, has removed to 813 Washington st. Those Main 3028. A 5607. . MAGNETIC electric treatments for nervous ness rheumatism, lost vitality, mental, spiritual scientist. 10O IJth.ojQjlO to 0. WILLOW your own PLUMES; Illustrated copyright Instructions. 25 cents, postpaid. , .1.1 1 a .., a -oll,-e. box 1K50. Seattle. MOLES wrinkles, superfluous hair removed. MraM. J.H 11 1. 4 20 F1 letl nerbl dg. M 8472. MME Courtwright. feature specialist treat- ments. 125 14th. cor. Washington. MASSAGE facial and scalp treatments by graduate' nurse. Room 4.34lj Morrison. MISS MORRIS 422 Si Washington sL; room 15;jriiancurlnBjshampoolng; BAL.lToF FIGS Remedies for disease of women. t2 uavis BU jiai" THE BATTLE CREEK baths. 246V4 Yamhill s t- bet. 2d and 8d. Main 1938. pit. K.ETCHUM treats women's maladies. 179V4 3d st., corner YamhilL BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Accountants. MACKENZIE, BAIRD & CO.. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS. AUDITORS. 224 Worcester Block. Main 73U.I. A 1449. Counsel and expert In all matters per taining to municipal, commercial, factory COSt HBtt wuu..l " - FRANK K. WILCOX, general accountant. Posting, checking up, making statements of accounts, verifying baiances, also sys- tematizing. 718 Spalding bldg. -E H. COLLIS & CO.. ACCOUNTANTS. Commercial. County and MuriclpaL Auditing. Investigating and Syftemat.zing. 3 "4 Worcester block. Phone Main 6oU7. Antique Furniture. BALTIMORE Antique Furniture Co., 471 -Wash at., repair and reflnish antiques and all flrie furniture, also make same to or der; expert work, low prices. Phone Mar shall ivur. Art Schools. r.FO E BINGHAM'S Western School of Art. 1-ain'inK. Illustrating. Cartooning and Quick Sketching. 940 Corbett st. Phone Main 3000. Aseayer and Analyst. n-ells & Proebstel, mining engineers chem ists and assayers. 204 Vs Washingybn. MONTANA- ASSAY OFFICE -Laboratory and ore-testing work. 180 Morrison gt. Attorneys. X" e COOPER. attorney-at-law. General nra'ctlce. abstracts examined. Removed to 1424 to 142S Yeon bldg. M. 873. A 2071. Baths and Swimming. Swedish Sanitarium Hydropathic bake oven and massage treatments Dr. N A. Nls heth. 433 Market. M. 7033. A 21ol. Portlai d Swimming baths. 107 4th Elegant plunge; steam, tub and shower baths. 25c. STffTq sXNITARIUM Rheumatic treat ment. elegantpluuge. 695 Front. M 4.11. ' BrafS and Muchlne Work. uHPERSBRASrWORKS Brass casting and nfachlne work. 106 N. 5th. Main 2702 ""chiropody. cL-TiTTAM Estelle andHFlossIe Deveny, the only scientific chiropodists In the city Pariors 302 Gerlinger bldg.. S. W. cor. 2d .wl Alder. Phone Main 1301. FTilROPODY and pedicuring. Mrs. M. I. Hill, room 420 Flledner bldg. Main 3473. Collections. -rm iv COLLECTION CO. Lawand col- lectlons 1024 Cha. of Com. Main 7810. rnRTLAND Collection Agency 317 Allsky F hfrlTr. All debts collected. A 7317, M. 4222. Contractors. J? T bucKNER. contractor. Jobbing, of- fire and store setting. 8 N. 8th st. Main 5SS1 "tJgOjWoodlawn 502. xjr.nFRT WAKEFIELD, general contractor. ai4 rWells-Fargo bldg. Main 680. Coal and Wood. Rt-RNIDE FUEL CO. Wholesale and re Vaif 4-ft. sawed fir and hardwood, office and' yards at 125 E. 7th St. Phone East 724. B 2777. DRY BLOCK WOOD, mixed with smaller v-ood $3.90 per load delivered anv place In the city. Portland Wrecking Co.. 103 107 lltb St. North. Main 37. A 3736. ANTRAL WOOD YARD WoorTsnil coal. Main lOOB: A 1106. NATIONAL FUEL CO., coal and wood. Marshall 960. 813 Water at. -cyoOD Dry 4f sawed to order. M 4506. COAX A 4647. Prompt dellv. Neer & Parr. 17 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Coal and Wood. SEGHERS WOOD CO. Sawed 4-ft. cord wood and slabwood. Oth and Gllsan. il. 6359. M. 8351. A 2415. . COAL ALBINA FUEL CO. BLOCK WOOD BRANCH E. 5.TD ST. W OOP Chiropractic Physician. CHI-r.O-PRAC-TIC TICK-NEli"; Say Itfa-'t and remember Columbia bldg. 12 to o:.lo- DR. EVA MARSH, first lady chiro. Dr. in Oregon. 223 Flledner bldg. Hours 0 to b. Consultiug- Engineers. UNITED Engineering & Construction Co.. 1 . .... it 1 ...-(a t.lrier. Dimctng. LESSONS 25c; 4 lessors for $1: waltx, tvo step; three-step; stage dancing. etc.; every morning, afternoon and eve.. Prof. Wal Willson's School: oldest and only rec ognized academy for correct danclnn 3S6( Wash. St., bet. W. Park and loth sts. HEATH'S DANCING SCHOOL, 109 Second St., between Wash, and Stark sts. Stage dancing taught; waltz and two-step guar anteed In four lessons: class and social dance Monday, 8 to 12: Lessons daliy. PROFESSOR RINGLER. physical culturlst, dancing master. 231 is Morrison, corner -d. Instruction dally. . Dentists. ALVEOLAR TEETH where bridge work IS impossible; does away entirely with plates, bridgework; we cure pyorrhea (loose teeth) absolutely- terms to reliable people. Alveolar Dental Co.. Ablngton bldg. 100 34 THE old reliable Union rainless Dentists. 1st and Morrison sts. Dog and Horse Hospital. Dr. Brown. D. V. S.. office 129 N. llth st. Main 408G; res. E. 6440. Hospital 30 12th. Engines Gas and Steam. ROBER Machinery Co.. Coast agts. Peabury steam engines and boilers, gasoline en gine. 281-2S3 E. Morrison st. Phone E. 615.' JKlcctrlo Motors. PACIFIC KLECTRIC ENGINEERING CO. Motors for rent or sale. 213 2d st. Fans and Blowers. NORTHWEST BLOWPIPE CO., 600 Loring st. Dust collecting and ventilating sys tems. Phones C 1115, E. 32S9. Feed Store. ZIGLER Ai MINSER. hay. grain, feed, ce ment, shingles 294 Grand ave. E. 482. Glaring. PLATE glass, window glass, doors, windows, new. second-hand. Portland Wrecking Co., 105-7 llth St.. N. Main 37. A 3736. Ladles' Tailoring. A PERFECTLY fitting stylish garment Is much admired by everybody. Suits to your measure from $30 up. J. M. EHR i.ICH CO.. LADIES' TAILORS. FIFTH and OAK. Phoenix bldg. Landscape Gardpners. LANDSCAPE garden The making of new and caring for old lawns our specialty. Gei. W. Lindsay, city. . Locksmiths. EXPERT locksmith and general repairing. 103 Park, near Wash. M. 0107. Leather and Findings. CHAS. S. MASTIC & CO.. 74 Front. Leather of every description, taps, mfrsJlndings. J. A. STROWBRIDGE LEATHER CO- Es tablished JS5S. 1811 Front SL. Mineral Water. SHASTA WATER AGENCY Sole bottlers for Hires. Manufacturers of high-class carbonated beverages. Notify us of all empty siphons, bottles and cases. Phones. Main f.Olll. A 1SO0. Carter-Oratton-Nelsou Bottling Co.. 328 Johnson St. Musical. Emll Thlelhorn, violin teacher, pupil Sevclk. 900 Maxquam. A 4160. Marshal 1 16211. Osteopathic Physician. DR. LEROY SMITH, graduate Klrksvllle, Mo., class of J89K; post-graduate, 1907. under Dr. A. T. Still, founder of the scl ence. 122 Selling bldg. M. 19S7. A l'.'S5. Dr. R. B. Northrup, 415-16-17 Dekum bldg.. Nervous and Chronic Diseases. Pbone office M. 341), Res.. East or B 1028. Paints, Oils and Glaus. COAST-MADE paint and varnish Is best adapted to -the Coast climate. BA8S HUETER PAINT CO.. 101 Second St. RASMUSSEN & CO., Jobbers, paints, oils, glass, sash and doors. Cor. 2d and Taylor. Painting. PAINTING, tinting, paperhanglng: room tinted, $2.50 per room. Phone Marshall 60. Papering and Tinting. TINTING, painting, paperhanglng; neat, clean work. Phone East 3.18. , Patent Attorneys. U. S. AND FOREIGN PATENTS procured by O. O. MARTIN. 409 Chamber of Commerce bldg. PATENTS procured by J. K. Mock, attorney at law, late of U. S. Patent Office. Book let free. 719 Board of Trade bldg. R. C. WRIGHT, domestic and foreign pat ents. Infringement cases. Qi'4 Dekum bldg. Paving. THE Barber Asphalt Paving Company. 605 608 Electric bldg. Oscar Iluber, Portland. WARREN Construction Co. Street paving, sidewalks and crosswalks. 317 Beck bldg. Pawnbrokers. UNCLE MYERS Collateral Bank. 40 years In Portland. 71 6th St. Main 910. Pipe. PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Factory and office near 24th and York sts. M. 34S9. numbers. FOX 4 CO.. PLUMBERS. 209 2d St. Main 2001. A 2001. OOFFEY PLUMBING CO., sanitary plumb ers. 493 Gllsan. Main 8487. Rubber Stamps. ALSO seals, stencils, choice stationery, etc Cunningham's. 231 Stark. Main 1407. Rug Weavers. NORTHWEST RUG WORKS Rugs from old carpets; colonial rag rugs. East S5S0. B 12S0. 153 Union ave., nr. E. Morrison. Safes. PACIFIC COAST SAFE AND AULT WORKS. Home products, highest grade: factory prices, easy terms; second-hand safes cheap. Salesrooms corner Third and pine. Factory Kenton, Portland. THE MOSLER SAFE CO., 10S 2d st. Safes at factory prices; second-hand safes. Second-Hund Goods. WE pay the highest prices for second-hand ..c. . ......... jiuo -.yii V Kth. doming anu boo- 3. ... ........ ... Showcases, Bank and Show Fixtures. THE LUTKE MFG. CO.. branch Grand Rap Ids Showcase Co.. 8th and Hoyt. B. Lutke. manager. R. H. BIRDS ALL, 208 HAMILTON BLDG., showcases in stock; prompt delivery. Sales agent, sn. h mr - . MARSHALL MFG. CO., 4th and Couch: new and second-hanq. main m.i. -amiii wmn. Steamships ALLEN LINE picturesque St. Lawrence Route. Weekly Sailings From MONTREAL to LIVERPOOL. GLASGOW. LONDON and HAVRE. FRANCE. Splendid scenery', shortest passage, low rates. Any local agent, or ALLEN CO., 174 Jackson Blvd.. Chicago. Storage and Transfer. PORTLAND VAN & STORAGE CO.. corner 13th and Everett sts. Just opened, newest and most modern storage warehouse in city every convenience for safe and proper handling of goods; lowest Insurance rate In Northwest; free trackage; vans for moving. Main or o. ij-ti. MOV list, 5iui". .u...--,. Experts, reliable men, no booze-fighters, will move you quicker, cheaper and bet ter than anyone else. Phone us for an estimate; storage rate the very lowest. van Horn -iransier -o. yuw.... C O. PICK Transfer & Storage Co., offices and commodious 4-story brick warehouse, separate iron rooms and fireproof vault for valuables. N. W. cor. 2d and Pine sts. Pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipping. Main 596. A 1096. OLSON-ROE TRANSFER CO. " General transferring and storage, safes, pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipment. 87-89 Front st. Telephone Main 547 or A 2247. OREGON TRANSFER CO.. established 1S70. Transfer and forwarding agents Storage office 310 Hoyt st.. between 6th and 6th, phones Main 69. A 1169. Taxidermists MOOSE, elk heads, full work. F. B. lnley. 249 Columbia. A 1843. Typew liters. WE are the exchange for the largest type writer concern on this Coast; investigate; all makes, all prices. The Typewriter Ex change. 287H Washington st. . TYPEWRITERS, all makes, $20 to $60, fully guaranteed, easy payments, rentals. $3 per month, paciflc Stationery & Printing ., 203 2d st. NEW. rebuilt, second-hand rentals, at cut rates. P. D. C. Co.. 231 Stark. M. 1407. Vacuum Cleaning. CARPETS cleaned on floor $1 per hour; rates So large houses- B 16.10. East 4497. Well Drilling. DRILLING wells a specialty; priced reason able. Call Main 1346 or write Miller Jk . West. 183 ilorrlson St., Portland, I I t'l lino I