15 M1JTAT?. y ESI ATM. rHou " For Sa.F.rn,., . "7 f -H.u. l.r lt.Ja-Ho.aej iT WHou. X SNAP h.NAP OH. TOU BAK"ivIN HLNTER3. .-.!.-. f".r tr TAKES THIS WEEK. A w .n-l modem T-roont 5-tnr bouse in highly restricted di.trtct on tha Fast Side. Lot full S"x IOC,, with .outri era ear-Mere: n btvk ("KB earllne. All lirM Imnrmrmnta In. On flr.t floor of hi. new house I. a laree living-room, dining-room, kitchen, pamrr and screen porch. Th second floor h Ih' Isrge chunbn with clnee-.. bathroom. .l-'t-Inc porch end open ImI.-wi. All main r-.rn. have h-dood floor. lo panel ln. bse-med clinn fcjtreplac.. bookcases, buff.l. ate. W..h tr,,. and furnace In full .:sa eeancrete baMrnnt. Th. houi. I. not -alte finished, bat a sudden iwan't on turn onr for soma r cash neeesstratea him eelllna- I' than tun com. Terms ara $13S.!0 ca.h. bal ance an time. FN At hNAP V A T KORTHFRV TRi'HT roMPANT. STi UTARK fT. ROSE CITT PARK HOME. SMALL. CASH PAYMENT. A err attrectlv. bungalow with 5 r--.ro. and close, to the ear: llvinc-room ha. "replace and built-in seat, columns and bay window : dlninc-room has bearn.-i ceiling, bofr.t and wail. ara panele.u r'ront hall Is large with bIU-ln scat and cloths, eloaet. wuh full-length mirror. Tutch kitchen ha. ample cupboard room. Hedroom. ara lar. and .sell irnnttd. Cond-sied bathroom with bt fixture, rull cement basement with laundr l-tt UI I. gra-l-d and see-led. It Is a nlea high lot. This can be mad lnl a ery nice home. ne n. for trm: hey win surprise roe and the prtca Is only HARTMtX THOMPHOX. Chamber sf Commerce. BBAITIVVL HOME. H A I THORN E AVE. $- Rduca for giii Sal to 7vw. . Tula sew and gsnt IO-rwm house Is (I .at complete.!, has a Boo large reception hell, a full-lensth stltlng-room. who " p'aee and hardwood ft.-ors. larse hea rooms. b.ih. sieepm porch, ful'y equipped with closets sad .very modern conveni ence: tnitrh kitchen, cooling closets, wood lift, full cement beerment. cement laundry trsys. frrasee. fireplace tip and down talrs. The woodwork. tlntlns- and shsu-s all harmonise moat beaut'fully. If you went the b-.t for the money. ak to see this; lot 4rxl2w, aorta latin. Caa ' libers! terms. HAWTHORNE REALTY CO.. Car. s-tth and Jlewihorne aa. Tabor II ' .. . e e Tteertt'rul Imon ounralow sltusted blork. eoutn of llaem-Tne aee . In the nrt heart of a h.n-cl.e re.lricted dl. trict. Lawe sln r'm with Hrepla-e. rwxn rtAnvle.l. beamed rJ:n. hire cNeet. Kitchen that t prfecf . . r i, 1 1 . .t : bed- rooms e itelr. w.;l la.e cosee. lers hethroom. Two larss b-.!rjoms upiieire. w.tt .torase ro--m. 'all lenient meol wab waen trara fiack p-r.h a.l seeeeae4. Toll front porcH. with cemrnt eietv Iswn areded and cedent ws.k ail In. :.. pam-rt.. H. lsnc I ke re-n . U flUKATIVK KKVLTV foMI'ANT Jt :e.; R.aaar Kirbare. m i RKAl TlfTt. t ROOM ';NIV1' WITH LOT ! !. - l'll " !''"; shede and fruit feee. berrlea. vefetable ferden. ail kind, of shrutbery and rosea, louea as f urnS'e. cement basement. l,.:Irh kit. h-n. pantrT. lar.e llin-room with beam celllns. French wln.toa.. tmO terse bedroorr.a. clothes snd linen cl.iaets, larce porchee. roms tinted, leet r.uple .h.J.j; ml". on futures, etc. A .pleoJId bu st t-i -X Term. l-.n t fail to sea tMe. If Uncreated, call Mr. Ward. A1J or Main Ij:i ui.mi . Art :ti. J.c arrarc.U t-riK'm 1 1, -story b-jr.low. J.tet completed. Tnl. houe IS located ona bl-k from the liroadwar rsr line ha. a beautiful lew of tha f-ur points of the f.np.M. Til. Is a re st.lcted n.:rl.t and all l.'itn-cla.s Im plements. Can be handled on very aasr terme. iner alii rut in el-ctrlo f.Jtu cs and .hades and tint house lo ult lue To-OlVRATtVE REAI.TT COMPANY CI J j; l.-l tlai:way t.trhare Illa. r.rSK CITY PARK. Modern I-room bunsaloer ona blpck from carl!ne. Beaut fill llln rim. din Ire room, two bertro..m. bsih snd kitchen, lot SiilM. with Uwn. cement walk, b.se o.ent end attic. Beautiful view, and a aiao f " the ni'inr. . n . w VJoVr.RaTIVB REALTY COMPANY i 1 ..--. I Kallwar ttrlnn. . l- ii Dir HOU.AUA1 A '. i Aa opportuTtv to buy that noma yoo have b n looklns for. Nice refine.! r- ghborhood. corvenient to cars, school and chur-nes: nine-room hou.-. fuf"f leo fireplaces, lire- reception ha.l. sleep ing porch, f.ne (uA.-1'r pi.vk. shads snd fruit trees. ro-s and shrubs rv. nuy from o.nsr Pilce will surprise you. Phone E. SSC1 (1.11VJ TO RI'II.P- WE DE.-IGV ARTISTIC HOt :E ANO MAKE NO CKAU-.ES FOR PLAN? le ws PCILO. IT WILL PAY TO I IP TOT OWN A LO T WE WILL riNANCE THS RF-'IDKN.-E OR APARTMfTNT FOR TC. cil'R REPUTATION Is YOUR PKv TfcCTIO.V. j;t VsiNte" oxiii.ia. 1RMNOTON HOME 8EfilERf. fters Is your opportuultv. I own tlis room houe- si 'he ...uthesst cornsr of k-ast -'Jtl snd Tllismook streets; must rs.ee) .me money before Msv 1: If tne leouse suits you. be reasonable snd we can do r-a.ii.eee: ro banders rront to psv. no contractor s proftt. no renl estate man s eorr.mn'ion. 'sn be seen at any time: one b'.-h from r.roadea rAr- L Fl '1 J;-7r oc -n r.-i.T.terQbui aloer. 3 bio. k. f.-om two carllnes. Lara-e room, with basement and attic To lota. V"" f'lare In e-e'.lrnt condition with fruit trees bearing, flower, and eard-n all In. tuated In a sirhtlv location In a h gh class restricted district. Price lions: 2 down h.'sn" eav rnonf'y ptimrnlt CO-OPERATIVE REALTY COMPANY lis t;i.s:i Railaay Et:hange l.no CAn. ROSE CITY PARK. 11.1 MONTHLY. T reams, lot ooaloo. IraproTemegts m nd paid all the bull-la conveniences, fill basem-nt. fireplace, ale. National Realty A Tnst Co.. S-'d Wiohlngtoa St room ;. Phone Maia SI2A. WALKINO PITTANCE. Modem, two . torn, a-room house, pan eled dining-room, large reception b.l and aitTe eemer.t ba-ement. f'irnace. lre p aca. modem In every detail, fine lawn. f..eee. etc A nlcw home f..r fsmltv wl.h irg to be close In a.-d near F.e.t aid; h gh and Hawthorne scho.a Owner. E IPth. near Mi. Tabor carjlne; 1 T acres, a-ro..m houee. wood-e. a cherry fees. black walnut. T prune. plume. Seme peach treea anil grape lnea Ar--it UX feel fr m electric station I rl e lo en easy terma 4 a. rea Joining can be- bo-jM with this place if desired, ts.l a. jta n.mhsref Commerce. iHstr rcn voce Mm mo.1ern a-room home, eomrileteil November t: the beet boy at .P In I W -.y Perk, my equity is !. m'i g.e Hy. must s-ll at once, wli: take J'5k. cash foe eciu:ty; price to yoa .; I-wt warranty deed snd atr.ct only block to car. Cewaer. Sll Kpaldlog bldg. JiT WALK IX ANO HANO IT YOUR Hall room, snd bath, comer lot. ewmsletsiy forniehed, lio upright piano, set ef ehma. hot water beater, gas. alec trie lights, a little m: .--rU. J'HN P. Wr:.-!TJ.N. won r ef C. PldgPhoneMalnMT. 1-ORTLANP HEI'sHT N-ar Fcrd-etreel beldce. Tbree minutes' wslk to W s.h taroa St. Beautiful modern T -room bouse, but t for home, large grounda, love'y view; Too. Hrooke. Man Jjol. A vf.. von u.lt enoderw eteht-ro.m house, owner le going to Lurope. will sell for :.-. This le a naigam ioc . , .ropertv. Hee J. E. bmltb. SIS Chamber ef c.immerc 71 . as...... laavine rtsa.fa mflA PTt USt TOT 4 1 w" . -ws "ww.- a, -- " crifl- tor tl0i). T!4 K 'h. North. yv r of '. T ! 4 g Ttina Main W;7. B T rtTBPt. emmn, ww. mw-.w. M JlnpffHUTT. Ta.b-T e'lOA i r i j I hm-. f"."m. Irrmi. Phoo wnr. A 1751. Vin sT"t: rnlrn. r-tfinfi awn-'-. - - ' ' mult tr M.y 1. Imtrm.n 1 . are n am JbaT Til.tt'S Atrractlee. rooms. choice d-irtct; - J... -, rheaner for ad cash. rums owner, m-.,... vivaTOS. swell home, built f-r owaer: . . . W.M throushout: a Wita Vaoaa Keel . tt lnl.rw.ted. THREE ELEGANT APARTMFNT HOI'S KH A CART i t'.ST hOI fFK ATARTilENT HOLoKH FOR SALE AT A NAP. 1 A l-NAP A I NAP. LOW IS PRl-'lL EA8Y TEKal5. Par sals, three apartment asuses. beautifully furril.nrd ONE Or ROOMS. ' With I Apartments. ONE OF 12J ROOMS. With S3 Apart nen'.s. OVB OF 97 ROOMS. Wltb 12 Aiartmenia. Houses built of most slesnt brick svery one fitted with the latest and moet modem Improvements aDd conveniences. Houees are situated In fha eery be.t parts of tha city, on the West "ice. convenient to etreetcsrs and ooa-ntown business district. Elegantly and marnlf Icently fur nished: long lease., low rents; fur nilure for sals at a bis snap; part ca-h, balaitcs on easy terms. Apply to Ales Oevurts, of 1. CEVL'RTZ SONS. IT3-S First Street., Phono Main :. HOMES OX EAST PATMENIS. ftlx-room house, two stories, all modern, et front, beautiful lot, many shads trees, blirk from car; street Improvement paid; new. reedy for occupancy; $t&0 cash, bal ance monthly paym.ata. Pus rooms, large attic, all modern, fin ished oek floors, bookesses. buffet, fur a ice. full basement, restricted district; Improvements paid: hslf block from car; cash, balance monthly paymsata. t rooms, two-etory. square house. net belnr completed: oak floors, fireplace, ruerh kitchen, buffet, all other modern conveniences: 300 fret from earltne; $000 ceao. balance monthly payments. We have severs I other booses and bon whlch will b eomDlrtkd soon: let us show which will be completed soon; let us show tnem to you before you buy. PROVIDENT INVESTMENT TRUSTEE COMPAN T. 2UI. V2 Ticard of Trsde bids. Marshall 473. A lu22. $.-.:S0 OLMSTED PARK. Artisrlcslle arranved d-room JH-atory bunea:ow. Just completed. This house Is lo- atrd one block from the Broadway car line, has a beautiful view of tha four piri:s of the compass. This Is a 1 sirlited district and all hlsh-claas Im provements. Can be handled on very easy terma. Osner will put la electrlo n.tures and ahadra and tint house 10 suit the put chaser. CO-OPERATIVE REAI.TT CO.. tl-2v-l Railway Exchange Bldg. WANT to se!l my horns In tha haart of a .e.trirted dl.trlct . will sell at a sarri nee on acount of financial reverses: this house h.u six rooms and bath, with full rrni.nt basement and attic. Dutch kltchea anil n re r a . e Una llvlns.ritom. dining ro.m snd kitchen, with two Isrgo bed rooms snd den: must sll by May 1. Rest estate il'Dtl save tints by not snswi Ire .Not over slow. AK So, ora- gontan. rlNR IRVINtSTOM HOME tins of ihs best of the new homes In Irvington. on corner of IMlh and Knott, faring south and east, large Itvlne-room with fireplace In rece... mahogany am log. room, lorge bedrooms, sunroom up stiiirs. bullsrd-room and gsrage: hot a-alcr bat. tuo bnlhrooms. three toilets. In fuct. It has ev-rvthlng that co-ild he desired. II. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212--1.1 Commercial Club I'-ldg. Phones Malfl b'9. A -0L S.lon DOWN f: PER MONTH. Large new six-room bungalow, only hair block from car In a h sh-CIass stricted district. Full basement. fire discs. Dutch kitchen, built-in bookesses an.i china closet. Nice large bathroom an attic. loner lot KOslOS. Cement walk. In front and around the bouse n..ni if 'il view and Ideal location. nlv tno Term, to suit purchaser. CO-OPERATIVE REALTY COMPANY 61.e.S-.,l Rsllwsy Exchsngs U Id f IRV1N-OTOV IIOMK of T room., attic and cement basement. bsrdwood floors, built-in bookcases, buffst and window seal. Dutch kitchen, cooling closet, tncloe d rear porch, furnace, fire otace laundry travs. fmlt room, etc !t.ims all lare and well arranged. l-ol Kn.KiiL Fsst front. Pitllt for a home. rwner leaving city. price ITOoO; tz:i)0 ca.h. balance to sulL Call Mr. Ward, Main ii-J or A I11J- siiirt lOWN ! PKR MONTH. Reauttful new hun.slow In hlgb-elass eeatrtcieft district: only one-half biocg frorn csr: large Putrh kitchen, oaneied dimrg-room alth beamed ceiling: flre- e.iac hullt.ln book cases and buffet: lo .-1'H and Ilea tilth alth a beautiful V'JOPEKATIVE REALTY COMPANY. Jl.;ii.:! Railway Exchange 1RVINI1TOS HOME. 7 room hones, ona block from Bmsdway earltne facing asst. two fireplaces, no wster beat, sleeping porch. hardwood flea re. w-reened-ln bummer kitchen; all aireet imr-rovement. are In and paid for. M. I. rAi.ar.K..v.c.i ' 1 212-21.. Commercial Club rtdg. phones Main boles. A 203 t;.i POWN l:s PER MONTH. f;4W0 New- si. - room bungslow. two blocks from car. In a restricted district Full basement. Dutch kitchen, bullt-ln bookcases and buffet. Large bathroom and attic. Icit 54x10". In one of Ihs most sightly vlelnltje. In Ponisna. t 1MIPF.KAT1VE REALTY COMPANT il-i:s-i:i Rallaay Exchange Bldg. F E Al TirT LnRVfNOTON-K0M E". Rullt-by expert day labor, latest de aiena oak. mahogany and Ivory finish don'l be deceived on cheap contract work. There la a difference. Dolen-Peckley Co 590 Broadway. Phones. Last 1901 . Uooo. Just house, piano. for today and tomorrow, 7-rooro furniture. Including new Klmbsll TOth St. and Mii.ard- ML wcott AM AlHN CORBIN. Sid l-wiaBldg. BEST Bl-T ON MT. TABOR. T-room modern house. Isrge lot. rl t.v nark line: unexcelled view thst cannot be .hut ofT: li,',w. i.v" aowo. ROBERT 'I. TATE. 310 Rv. Exchange. 1 BEAUTIFUL Ht'MEH. Elegantly flnlahod In oak and mahog any. .hoire locations. Irvlngton. Several great bargains In lots, bo ogsota. ImM. East TV H. Herdman. ,l,:l INK BARGAIN FROM OWNER direct, equity In 7-room home. 9 lota. kMaJvsv district: mortgsge sisctn- mov ing to another part of city. Phono Mar shall ISITj HAWTHORNE DISTRICT PARC! A IN. Lnni.ll B I" NO A LOW. HALF BLOCK NORTH OF AVE-: CLOSE IN; UUi THA.N3oia). TABOR 7. snaTl.lSD HEIOHTw Cosy b-room cot laee. easy walking dlatanre: beautiful view; .;H: lot worth 21ua Brooke, Main S.'.il. A evJK FOR fAl.E A bargain; 7-roora modern hoose: must sell: ;.' cash, balance ea.y terms. J. H. Tipton Cm Hub Spalding blOg. : tsoo CASH, balance ea.y terms, buys ray rrw gttrsctlve bungalow; Alberta csr; price ilJO. worth .'.. Young. Gu ..i.r,db1g. Main 777H. irvinisTOV "T Esst th St.. new a. room hoJee! strictly modem: IJ6.H). w0 will Uandls. J-honepwner.ak.nv iRVINtTTON. 7 -room modem house, splrn d'.d buy. owner, phone East Call 4S E. 14th su N" .. lTj rue. room bu:gslow. Eir .'r.K : must selL M. E. Douglas. Leb anon. Or. " .t mviNtlTON. Ii0 below cost; us i-room hoiiM. Phone owner. East 11-1 call MI East Hth North. CONTRACTOR will bund nouses on sasr C terms If Vm. owa lot and little ca.h. E teregonlsn lian CASH 13" monthly It-room bungalow, owner, aut SweUasd bklg. TIIE. MORNING ' TIEAUTIF7L l-ROOM HOME IN'V INUTON FOR SALE AT A SACRIFl'-b-ON CAR LIN K, PAVE1 XTHELIf; Chj MENT WaXKS. BEAI TIFX-L LAVN. I.N THE HEART OF MANY BEAUTIFl L HOMES. Large living-room. dining-room kitchen on flr.t floor: four large bdrrrrii and batb with .leeplng porch on c"" floor. jn finished room the eixo of tne house in the attic. . tr- On the flr.t floor there Is a large fire blsce. book csblnet nd 'nnow s'"'" ,," living-room. beautiful panelled . rhlra closet, beamed celling and "'" drawers In dlnltix-room. 1 he "J'" ' simple erfect. with every possible con venlencg one- could sugscst In a kitchen. The basement is !tht and atry with furnace and wsrh tray.. -,-a The bedroom, are Isrge with welNarrar.gea clo.etg. snd the varnl.hlng of l "Ja work matche. xlie tinting. Plhro.m floor Is genuine tiling, both floor ana -nails. Clothes chute to boeement. fire place In front den with connecting ben room, beautiful sleeping porch; ouev chute to basement sll over w-t Ths houss Is finished In osk with hard wood floors sll over the house, closet, kitchen and sll Included. Besutlful elec tric fixtures snd shsdes Included In saie price. Front porch snd steps sre cement, lot 50x100: price sT); with payments to SulL See this today. CO-OPERATIVE REALTY CO.. il-:u-l Railway Ecchanfs. MUST SELL THIS WEEK. 1 10. EAST TERMS. To meet other obllgsttons am fcreed ta sscrlflcs this new 7-room. S-.tory home, .-ii under actual coat; hardwood noora. beamed ceilings,, paneled wainscoting. I.ullt-ln Buffet, book cases, nrepiaue. In. e-creh nlMII halCCtnV. full CHIISllt baSC ment with wssh trays and furnace three large chambers and kitcnen. nmm . 1 . ... . 1 . mi -divlnn feet, all graded .-a to lawn Ahanlutelv must bs sold IMS week; save comtnleet-n anl buy from oaner. E. H. Spencer. 42 t-umoer mens bidg. Phone Main MOt hut x-OT? Cut the rent own It costs 1J0. Pay same as r.nt you are now paying. If you 1, c- a home and can SHOW MB that you mssn business. I will let you ta on a smsll payment down. Butterworth. owner 8S Lafayette bldg.. 6th and Wash. Acreage. an irnrs bottom land, half mile from Reg' side Depot: acres 01 tnia auu -' ' -tionslly fne for cranberries; conditions good for flooding snd drainage: one-third cleared, balance alder wood that will more than P.y for clearing. Price v-ry low, r.av terma Call on or write J. t. Oatee. Seaside, Or. A BAROWN 8M.E.. .- . - ...... 1 1 v Invited to go over a list of exeeptlonallv good buys In close In acreage. Having sub.llvl.ted the Spring Hill farm, wnicn comi-..-. acres, into smnll tracts, we went de vote all our time to the 'V." trscts In order to close up this subdi vision anlckly. and therefore we are of fering all a and 10-acre tract a at old time prices; easy terms If desired and discount for cash; write or phone for llt- PA-7fI N-W. DEVELOPMENT CO.. 40H Couch bldg- 10" 4th St.. near Ws sh. ACXEAlb-125 to $70 per acre; 14W acres. subdivided Into l.io tracts 01 .. u. .v. --. SO to 1"0 acres each; best fruit and gar den land, deep soli, fine water, no rock I one hour's ride from Portland, rail and river transportation; town and school in center of tract; good roads In front ot every tract. Your chance to get an loeai money-making home. Theas tracts sell on sight to practical people. Call and make an early selection, McFARLAND INVESTMENT CO.. 110 Corbett Bldg. CLOSE-IN ACREAGE. 10 acres I mile esst of MONT A VILLA; cleared and In cultivation: lt.otHi. 10 acres near RYAN PLACE; good 4 room house, barn, well,, small orchard. '"'io'acres near MULTNOMAH STATION; no atumps; haa been rrfl;-,?- ... 4 acres 1 mile enst of I.KNTr. " line; 4-room house and outbuildings: 4-o". 2 acres m mile N. L. of LENTS. "li'uiCH REALTY CO.. 206 Alder St. """itUILD"" YOUR OWN COUNTRY HOME. 6.ti acres. clo.e to eiectnc ..oi... 700 feeti. 14 miles from Portland by auto over beautiful scenic route on macadam; lied road nearly all the way. 2 m'mi" wslk frcm genersl store. Part In apple orchard, all cleared and In grass, smooth enough to eft with lawn mower. This Is a beauty and can be sold on monthly pavments or ht cash, balance 4 years at a per cenL Call at 33s Chamber of Commerce. RAILROAD LAND AND T'Tto!,,. along the new Grsnts Pass and Rogue niver railroad. IJ.000 aores of lands townsites. Best land In Rogue Liver Valley. These landa and townsites are for sale In large or small quantities, at prices that cannot be duplicated In thai section. Essy terms. K F MEAD. Manager. 41$ Spalding Bldg.. Portland. Or. ACREAGE SNAP. acres rich Plata son. all cleared: never falling creek forma one boundary; close to electric line: $12.0; only tOO cash, bslance easy; adjoins land selling at $!$ to $400. Look thla up for a bar- lnTROWBRIDOE A STEPHENS. 137 Board of Trade. WONDERFUL BUY FOR $4,100. 15 acres all of which Is In cultivation; also S seres in bearing spple trees: fine new bungalow, elegnnt barn, and other oi.tbulldlngs; 2 blocks from electric car and station; S blocks to 6 stores and high school. David Lewis, room 2, Urn b.'mers bldg.. 5th and Ptark sts. WRITE or phone for booklet which will give vou full reformation about the SPRING HILL FARM; 4 tracts still left right on the Tualatin River, fruit land, beaver-clam, level and hlllv land. pVciFlC N-W. DEVELOPMENT CO.. ' 40 Couch bldg.. 1" 4th st.. nea r Wash. h.w. a fear R.acre tracts left In the u-nodburn orchard tract; we are selling . great reduction to close them out; ea.y terms. A SNAP. NORTHWEST REALTY CO.. 617 B-iard of Trade bldg. . See Mr. Morrow. IMPROVED acreage, near Portland. In fer tile Chehalttn Valley, only nnest char acter land dealt In. price Is right, terms, t .i, around thoroughly: If you have already done .0. see us today. D. N W ntt. 40.V6 Li-mbermens bldg., 5th and Stark streets. ONION? CLERT AND ASPARAGUS LAND 10 acres, $ In beaverdam land and . acres In upland: good 2-. lory house, large b.rn and onion house.. t mile from el. trie station and 2 .tores. l.l'CNJ. terma DAVID LEWIS. Room Ij. Lumhermens Bldg.. Bib and Stark. FOR PLATTING OR FARVING. bo sere. S. W. of Courthouso; 4 mile to S. P. By - I s miles to Oregon Flectrl.-. or would sell In smaller tia-U; a bargain. Oa ner. lia:sey. East 4751 HERE let YOUR CHANCE. Our client wanta the Interest; only $23 nd 410 per month bin. a S-acre tract at Valley Vista: only $Iim. Smith- Wa goner Co.. 31 l.-3.llJLe wlsjbi rl g. aCRErl of excellent lend, level and heay llv timbered (over 2i-H cords of wood); only IO miles from Portlsnd; fronts on county road and near public school. Price $12- per acre caah. X 32, Oregonian. . , 2 vio" ACR'ES AT $2.V PER ACRE. Compelled to sacHflce S acres, splendid land clise In on West Side, the price Is loo" per acre below market value, but I rnu.t Tiave money. A 29. OregonUn BVn"RAlTE 20 acrea of land. 6 miles ea.t of Gre.h.m. half mile from Mt. Hood R. R. For information apply to Carl Anderson. 2. 13. "rtll'"a- r: ' ."rTV-rji; tracts on Coos Bsy to exchange foe acuity la Portland suburbsn property. Amadon. 216 Lewis bldg. Phoue Main 4o7l. a n-r- irnr apple orchard; Ideal soli, trees j yoars old ; owner will sell: a bargain. AS 22, Oregonian. ACRES. Garden Home. $6 trains dallv. 2 minuted out; cultivated, high .tghtly $'.:". term.. Tabor 0.6, evening.. at-ns-AGE and farma, rrom siz.ou per acre on ta-?e and small tracta Call Kinney A Btampher. B31-3 Lumber Exchange bldg. uTaCRE1ois. good view of river, st .ration. hfAr. del on Macadam road. f-wo. easy terms. F 3.OreggnU. IO ACRES near United Railways. 16 miles out. gSod fsrm land heavy timber. $JbO0. term. G14 -ouca aCRFAGE on all Unas rrom x acre p alalsV Urge colony tract.. Marehatl rnlrt. room 7. 15 H Alder. a..-i 1 acre at Tigard .t.tlon; a bargaia TLiZZ1. IlJii brook. 403 Couch bid. OTtEGONTAN, FRIDAY, APRIL 21, 1911. REAL ESTATE. EST3 . ' ACREAGE. Voce than AOiiO acres In OUf DlSt close to Portland: both stcsm and electric cars, and the most fertile soil In Oregon, completed roads along each tract. Onions will produce S0 bushels per acre; horseradish. 3 hi tons: parsnips, s to 7 tons; carrots and cabbage. 10 tons, rutabagas and turnips. 8 10 tons: ler will net from Iii'0 to $0 per acre: fruit and berries do wonders and poultry ex ceeds them all. We have some o people on this tract thst have bought from two to four times esch: let us refer you to them as to tnis land: also as to our treatment of buyers, located .0 conveniently to Portland that you get consumers- prices for everything you produce, and part of the family can work In tire city If they so desire.- Any .liej trxct you wsnt at to $550 per acre and upon monthly payments If desired, a discount for cash. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANT, Main IS. 102 Fourth St. A 1500. CHICKEN and fruit ranches near Portlsnd; walking dlstsncs to good town: runnnlng wsfcr. best soil, free wood, splendid fruit district: view of Columbia snow peaks; X acres 25ti: 3 acres $o00. 10 acrea .'eu. 20 acrea 800; 10 per cent ca.h. ea.y payment.. FRANK JTFARLA.ND REALTY CO.. 309 Yeon Bldg.. Portland. Homeeteao-s. ADVANTAGE? OF OREGON 100-page book gives smount of Government land open to homestesd. In each county In th; States of Oregon and Washington, and description ef sams; gives homes-.ead. desert, timber, stone, coal and mineral laws; two maps If Orsgon in colors. 21x2S. showing R. R. In operation, one showing all proposed . R. and electrlo Unea. Including Eastern and Central Oregon. 2UC each, or three 6O0. Map of Washington In solors. 21x28. 20a yimmo. Ttuney 4tCo Hamilton bldg. 0f KKTEAO. Have JlO-acre homestead, 210 good plow land; some timber;, good spring; other good points. Anybody looking for a good Thing address or call on C. M. Williams. 1, -.".1., ui.i Homo from v 2:30 to s - - y P. M. City. ; rEW choice claims near R-, ? ,Por . . . . 1 1 1 1 - v. 1 - - aoo nelehhoes: If In .rea'ted act oulckly. East 800. Apt. 14. .11., t P. M.. or write AL 1. Oregonian PARTY from Central Oregon v. ho 111 be here for a f-w day, only can locate five parties on valuable homesteads. Inquire 73a Chamber of Commerce. HOMESTEADS, located near oftland; level: good value; near railroad. Room 31. 2T ciag s GOOD homesteads In the coast country. . in quire at New York bldg.. 2th and Nicola' sts. J. M. Thompson. - FOR SALE 320-acre rellnqul.nment In best valley In Central Oregon. Call East For sale Fruit Lands. FOR SALE Prune, walnut and apple or chard, mostly bearing lo acres, in the heart of the Dundee Orchards. Yam III County. S! miles from Portland, exactly 2 miles from depot: large fi.h pond, run ning spring; groom house, all modern conveniences, bathroom, hot and cold water, septic tstik; men's house and many outbuildings: 50 chickens, turkeys. Incu bstors. pigs. cows, horses, wagons. Im plements: everything goes with Place, J.-..iiO for immedlat" .ale: Vt c"h of the world'. Ilneat view, and a dividend paver. Addreas owner. Sanderson. Dun ' ee. Or. ONLY $200 DOWN AND $20 PER MONTH. Am forced to sell my 5-acre orchard tract, set to 2-year-old apples, at a sacri fice Located 3 blocks from station on Halem Electric. Will care for It 4 years more for crop. If desired. No better prop osillm in the Valley. First Plrtisjf l this will buv. N. H. Atchison. 21S Gerlln ger bldg.. 2d and Alder. REOAIN your health and accumulate wealth growing apples In the famous Hood River-Mosler district, on our now plan. A small cash paymsnt win start you rlghL Call or write for beautiful free booklet HOOD RIVER ORCHARD LAND COMPAN Y, JHI7YsoO bldg- WALNUTS AND APPLES. 5 and lo-acre tract, planted to walnuts ar.d apples: terms. Also 112214 acres cheap, all near Sheridan. Yamhill County. N? W. LAND AND IMPROVEMENT CO., ixin 1111ams. ma'-- . , , 4?.2 ctAMBEIrtMMJiRC6JBpO.i ' TO PRE VENT FORECLOSURE. Sacrifice 8H acrea. blgh-class HOOD RIVER fruit land; value lKrj0. soil .00, t'rm" ROBERT H. TATE. 316Ry.Exchange: A FRUIT FARM. In the Beautiful Tualatin Valley; can give you 2 to 5 acres; can raise anything you put in the ground: on United Railway; act ou'ek. L 2, Oregonian IN THE true apple belt. 160 acres, rive milts from Lyie. Wash, a '""''' gain; $v an acre, half cash. Phono East 4L For Sale Farms. LOST LOST LOST " v . . 1. tha homsseeker living within the boundaries of the United States the CHANCE to buy g?odVm. aiit anit tha flneat farming laim, tnas .11 - ....... viH.iv of cereal, all ;: ...r;;ti hit vm grow m good sllty soil in a climate like Callfor- , t .'a V. . I- free, from alkali and adobe that will produce ORANGES AND ALFALFA Is GONE. GONE FOREVER as far as the United States Is concerned. 111,. 1. fin,i an nnnortunlty to purchase that kind of land at prices like you paid tor your lanu a -- , say $2.50 per acre? Wouldn t It be prof itable to yoo to sell your land that you are offered $200 per acre for and est your money In better land. In a climate, land that will produce a bigger crop with less work and twice as often with cereals that you can sell for bign er price, and locate In Sonora. the Cali fornia ot Mexico, 0 miles from the In ternational Line of the Und States. J. N. McFATE has 2.2iO acres of that kind . i.e.,1 1., oi at 12.50 tier acre, with the railroad. Fin est opportunity for promoter, coloniser or party wanting big r-nco. gallon courted. Address J. N. MclAls. Nogales. Ansona. SPiaENtUD FARM BUT. 1731TCRES. $13 PER ACRE. Just 100 miles south of Portland. In one of the most pleasant parts of the Wil lamette Valley, ws hsve a splendid buy In a farm of 175 acres. 45 acres In nign . - ...itiv.ti.n balance best of pas ture and timber, with several good springs . ' , -1. ........ new 7-room plas- f i ho...a a-ood l.rgo barn and lots of ....K..ii.tina- choice bearing orchard and J""... 1. -11 wi.H. l'KRSONAL PROP FRTY: 3 good marcs with foal. 1 yearling colt. 6 good cowa. 3 thoroughbred year ling heifers. 18 hog., lots of chickens, wagon. carriage. new buggy, harness, snraying outfit, creum separator snd all "piemen... all for only $43 : per acre; good terms; . mile to school and churv-h. HARGROVE it bONS. 122 North th St.. Cor. 6th snd Gllssn. Mala 43&1. A -. HOP FARM. . t e-1 in Clackamas Co. ' . - . hoo. drier, cm- about 1. acre. . 's-JOOO: 15 Pmr"T '""J ha aet Ollt IO hOPS WltU no "expense except pole, an l wire, 5 acres In bearing orchard: tills place is jwi i mile from B P. R.. R-. and 2 4, m . electric road; we nave a e-n thla anil verv goorl terms. OD ASsO"ABnjN VESTMENT CO.. Suite 61S Yeon Hlilg., Sth and Alder Sts. p.c msrlllV n scree, only 1H miles from electrlo carllne: 3 aores under cultivation. 12 ". ease to clear, balance good h.a .room house, barn, orchard L"...' .hick.na. etc.. all for 12500 can nav iiioo down, balance S years at 6 WESTERN leANP CO.. 24$ Stark St. " T. . euici rv RANCH. 2 acV'es cleared: 5-room house. barn. .i.7.i...hn.,a.a-. faml y orchard; berries. half-acre aet out to potatoes: 0 chickens fine Jersev COW : JH-C cri. hour service: 40 rods from stntlon terms. This r the cheapest, buy wj , have ever offered. PACIFIC N-W. DEVELOPMENT CO.. inl finrh hlil... lo-.t sin -n.-v-i.-a WALNUTS. ALFALr A. . .'ee..' best sandv loam soli. 17 acres In walnuts, with prunes now bearing be tween; t) in aiiaua. onii.c I....-' . ..... 1 miles from Albany .ii-" ...ho'nl house. j mile to Oregon Electric survey: rursl free delivery; $-10W, H cas'i. P. O. box Ai ra ny. urcy,... VEGETABLE liARDEXKRS 10 acres, all cleared and cultivated, nearly half, beaverdam: low price and easy terms; now i . - ' . garden care of mirk ana vour crop 1.1 PACIFIC N-W" DEVELOPMENT CO snV. Couch bldg.. ion 4th St.. near Wash. all future payments CHOICE farms and rsnch lands. good homesteads and reUnquishments: loca tion fees reasonable. For particulars call or phone Frank E. Roberts 407 W. 4tH iu. after 6 P. M. Phona Main T680. nd FARM AND FRUIT LANDS. .0 ' -a -i all under cult! vation and -In crop, lies level, all ,'n'id and cross-fenced, good well and pump. fine hmllv orchard of assorted frUlt. hi full bearing. H-aerw of strawberries. ncH u ........ -.iinrv house, in good con dition, barn' 70xS0. good chicken-houses ocH- 0,1th. illHInff-a near electric HnO and o n v...nr ft F. D. serv ice, telephone In house; this Is a fine house and Is a good buy and ean furnish good terms; ppice loouu; i--w ie.au. TZ aceaa with ft acres Under Cultivation, . .( - -. 1 1 eu.at amnll house. woodshed, etc.. -mlle from R. R. and near Vancouver; price $1300; terms. 1(1 . . 7 acra lindur Cultivation, young orchard, place all fenced, new -room house, barn and outbulldlnps. R. r. D. i-mlle from R. R. and small town anit A wiilaa from Vancouver! KOOd Wflll, all Improvements nearly new; this is-a nice home and soil Is the best; price I2S00; terms. -in -K ,i..r,(l aome s-ond timber. all level. ' rood soil.', fine well, - fenced. fine chlclren-houso and nark. VOUDK' or chard. 5-room house, barn and other building., close to electric line and only 13 miles from Portland: price terms. ' See us for farms of all sixes, prices, etc. Phone Marshall JS59 or A 7518. THOMPSON SWAN. . 205-6 Rothchlld bldg.. Portland, Or., 4th and Washington 1st., and 6th and Main St., Vancouver, Wash. TWO VERY CHOICE FARMS IN CLACKA MAS COUNTY. 80 acres, between 5 and 30 acres un der cultivation and in crops, young or chard: there is a good 7-room house, barn snd other necessary buildings; it Is all fenced : nersonal DroDertv consists of 1 team. 7 head cows and calves. 0 shev-p. 7 doxnn chickens. 1 wagon, 1 buggy. 2 sets heavy harness, mower, rake, plows and other tools: about TO cords of wood cut; place Is on good road and only 4e miles from Oregon City; price 17000. everything Included; IJS00 cash, balance at 7 per cent. 80 acres. 24 acres Isvel, balance rolling: all under fence; 10 acres heavy timber, 26 acrea lio-ht timber, suitable for cordwood: 24 acre. In cultivation: watered by springs and living creek; 2 acrea orchard; 4-room hniiac. .with bnth : value SSHO: barn. 01a. woodshed and chicken-houses; personal nronertv aotn mare.. 4 COWS. - Calves. harness, wsgon. nw separator and all farming tools; 3 acres in potatoes, 1 acre wheat, balance oats; 5 miles from Oregon City: price tfiOOO; half cash, balance S to 5 years at 6 per cent: would consider trade for Portland property as part pay; would prefer house In Alblna district. OTTO or HARK SON REALTY CO., 133 S First StreeL H ACRES 5 MILES FROM COURTHOUSE. This elegant farm home Is less than 5 miles from the Courthouse. Joins Portland Heights No. 2: there are 11 acres, 10 acres in high state cultivation: best of soil, 7-room plastered bouse, basement, new barn 4Sx4H. with basement. 2 chicken houses and yards, fine orchard. 112 Eng lish walnuts, 175 bearing cherries, spples. pears, etc.. 3 acres berries; fine spring of Jiving water; price $W500, terms. f HARGROVE & PONS. 122 North 6th St.. Cor. 6th and Gllsan. Main 4381. A 725. : 1 FRUIT, POTATO. ALFALFA OR DAIRT FARM. , . 167 acrea Santlam River bottom lana, about 84 acrea cleared and In Pealoes and oats Not overflow land, just enough slope for Irrigation, fine living stream. Good house, big barn. S-story wlndrnill hotise. water piped; 9 cows 2 calves, 1 new DeLaval separator. 4 head horses, pigs, chicken., bee., hay. grain, rig. .and tools, etc.. good outbuilding.: 25 acre, more very easll? cleared, balance fine paature year round and some good timber land. All level, no waste. Ask someone who knows what Santlam River bottom land will grow. I0 per acre; $4000 cash handles this Crop Is worth $2500 this year. On main line Southern Pacific, half mile from Marlon. Or. -Good county roads. Owner, H. Graham. Marlon. Or. Phone 10x4, Farmers. ..-11 vr I) i V tlVl Tfl S-'nU P. 1'- AM. r. When we can sell you 80 acres, includ ng all stock, tools, machinery and farming riV.. ein to R P. R. R. and only i mil,., e-rom Portland. 30 acres, under cultivation, and are now all planted and seeded, finest of soil. 50 acres In fir and cedar timber, would cut about 2000 cords; fine 8-year-old orchard, good 6-room house with water piped into it: fine trout stream running through property, fair Darn and plenty of outbuildings; there are 8 good t. - a . n,.h eowa chickens. 2 wagon. buggies, separators anu veiyi..i-s - in the farming line: If you want a ed snap, particulars call en the old reliable firm of C. F. PFLUGER 4- CO.. better look alter same, cor iuili.. REAL ESTATE AND l.tJAIM auh.iio. Suite 12 Mulkey Bldg.. 2d and Morrison, ESTABLISHED IN IbSO. A DANDY, neat aer. rlvhi over the hill from Port land, In Washington Co.. 82 acres under cultivation, of which 28 acres are fine bottom land and can be Irrigated; 2u acres gentle slope with one million feet of big timber: a few acres more of pasture, good house and barn, nice orchard, full and complete set of farm machinery and im plements and one cow. Everything goes for $6000, easy terma H. U. NOLAN. 412 Chsmber ot Commerce. FOR BALE 14 acres close to Chico; sedl- -in e,.t r.ii ton. r-er acre this year: bal wt I... -,i - :! ' acrea neavv iiinn ausiia, ance in oats; these crops will yield $1250 this Summer: land lies level as a no..r. aith a onsen hie- oaks scattered around; beautifully located among productive farms: $.00 per acsre. 1-3 cash, balance to suit at t per cent, aiiuivh j c. iv, i. O. Box 1ST, Chlco. Cal. FARMERS. ATTENTION. Splendid farm of M acres, only i mile from good suburban town on electric car-line- in acres under plow; has 6 acres in hons. in acres In hay. balance In grain; has 7-room house, large barn, hophouse. orchard, etc.: can "pay $4000 down, bal ance 10 years at 6 per cenL Western Land Co.. 2au, Stark st. 30 ACRES, about 8 in cultivation, 2 acres of fine orchard, now bearing, 16 acres nice young timber; $400 of cedar timber. nH house n stahle. etc.: 3 miles to P. ri. : If sold at once will tut in 2 cows. 2 calves. 1 yearling, some chickens, 1 team. 1 wagon and harness, plow, cult., 1 mower; . price l."tnni. H. W. OAR LAND A CO- 19r 4th 8L CHOICE FARM. an. acre farm. .13 acres under cultivation. 6-room house and large bam. and all out buildings, lies wen. i 14 mnes rrom ure. Electric: on good county road: 55 minutes' ride from Portland: price $5500: all per sonal property and crops. GRUSSI A ZADOW. 317 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. w ll. T.AM ETTE VALLEY FARM. 160 acres, of which 120 acres is in crop. rienrlv all river bottom, rlcn ana ssnay. .. r",-w eon. I buildings, all fenced: locat ed within 2 miles of Mt. Angel. Price $150 ocr acre, terms nair cam. V H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 21-213 Commercial Club Bldg., Phones Main 86P0. A 2653. m c-us-s g in fruit, all kinds, mostly beor- , in rina shape: comfortable buildings. stock. Implements, well, spring, poultry .-.i hntiaea. crous In: good living from tarf I'-i miles Oregon City, phons line and R. .: buyers only; I4iiu. s per cent off for all cash. Aaare.. av a. ure- goniam : SPLENDID 40-acre farm, rich bottom land,. 33 acre, in crop, has 9-room house, barn, orchard also 4 cows, farm Implements, etc; convenient to Portland: price $3800; W EST ERN LAND CO.. Stark St. T ACRES for saie; 2 houses, one new barn and other outbuildings. good .n.ina x acres cleared, running water. KOOOoo of timber: price $2100. Address w ' H Row. La Center. 4 miles east of La center. PAR CHICKEN RANCH. a ...a. best shot soil, easily cleared. lies rolling, spring water; four blocks to w-leCtr.C -$: ' . - . . r , l" Pmpnthl Cal1 at Corbett bldg. 702 xt.rket sL. Ean Francisco. 77 KINDS OF GOOD FARMS AT GOOD !PR ICES IN THE WILLAMETTE VAL- anriRESS FARMERS- UNION. AMiTT YAMHILL COUNTY. OREGON. ROUTE 1 BOX 100. cvip A line Iw 7. -'- . mc-" improvements, stock, crops, etc. Com. A gTAMPHFR. sai-SJLnibrx. Btdg. ann ACRES exceptionally fine stock ranch . 'Ti-.Vi. m.tte Valley for sale very cheao: eoulDped. bu'ldlngs. orchards, crops, stock, fnrrn Implements: must sell; easy terms; snap. bw ; .vmi -i COUNTY for dairy and fruit V.rm of all sixes and prices. O. G. n.iaha. Elk i-l'r. Of-. . - .e,c-c umtiit Scott. 20 fruit, bam. house, store, etc.. cheap, or exchange, B. aiall. 013a First DO TOU WANT LAND that you can - IRRIGATE DURING THE DRY SUMMER, so you can double or treble your yields t If so. get In on the ground floor of our Willamette Valley Irrigated land. HARTMAN & THOMPSON. Chamber of Commerce bldg-. Portland. ( Ask- for Mr. Hartog. ) Branch office on the grounds at WEST 6TAYTON. OR. Take 4:15 P. M.. 8. P. train at Union Depot to West Btayton via Woodbum, Misoellaneons. HERE I IT IS. The cheapest and best buy In North Port land, full lot. 50x100 feet. Hard-surface street and all other improvements in and paid for: J4II0 below market price: on the south side of Savicr street, . between 24th and 25th. Price S3100. Full lot. 50x100, with hard-surface street and all other improvements In and Paid for: with two good houses: all in class condition; houses alone cost 5ww. rent for JB5 per month; on the north side of Lovejov St., between 16th and lltn. Price $10,500. , . If you are In the market for snaps, look inquire owner. Beals" Gun Store. 441, Third St., between Pine and Ash. EUGENE. OR. , ' Best home city of state. Population 10.000. Good schools good society no saloons, no poverty. I . fell all X'nds of Eugene real estate. Established Ask for what you wpnL Geo. Mclv In Miller, Eugene. Or. WANTED REAL ESTATE. OWNERS of a five or six-room bungalow . ... , 1 . 1 i . V. e.,11 rieacrlD. kinaiy amp roe iuvuuU -- tlon of same, also terms: must be mod erate price and in a good location; real estate men need not answer, as no atten tion will be paid to their letters. AK ti, Oregonian. FARM WANTED. Client wants well-Improved farm- a,DOU' B0 acres. Willamette Valley: j "J. . . t.iOOO: wants to turn In note of $4400. due February. 1013. secured by first mortgage on 167 acres which sold for $1000. GODDARD & WIEDRICK. 243 Stark St. . ; WOULD like to buy a home J" ton district : can pay $1000: would Hke less down; state price and location; mut . . , . . ... estate dealers move ov 1 . - , need apjJly- AJ 30, Oregonian. . WANTED 6-room modern house and lot, ,,,. anmo .hrub- near car anu nui vow . . . - l. ' . . . n lnt Dei y ;, on .ioy ' ' ' ' FRED C. KING, in c.iHin. hlda:. 3d and Washington. WANTED To rent or buy Improved 10 or 211-acre iraci on bicli ": . 1 ciim- must De a oarnniu. .'-r A, k -1 bered lot as part payment. c O. box .(-. city. WANTED Immediately, strictly modern 7- room residence in goou i-j.., ...... 100 feet frontage; price not to exceed $6000. Goddard & WcdricS42airkt. WEST SIDE. Want corner for apartment site If a bargain, will pay cash Full description. tnclTidln location. V 20, Oregonian; WANT 8-room modern house and lot hi Irvlngtor. nistrtc.; ...u a Vtv Van: 5,fe, A- Walton. 51B Chamber Commerce. WOULD like to Purchase a home on nth. West tsiae; win 1.0... . M 35, Oregonian. FARMS WANTET. 1 GOOD farm wanted of 40 to 1R0 acres at a reasonable price; have call, for good mo-rtv- Writa or call A. B. Hall, Gerllnger bldg. . FOR RENT FARM . enn BEXT. - . w W OUT 75 acres. 22 cleared ready for crop, has aboir HP ami.ee-from "station .on Oregon F-lectrlc Until Jan. 1 lor omj i.. E'eUr DUBOIS & CROCKETT Room 3 Washington Bldg. 2 acres fine land, handy to electric "VfWHS.' 221 4 Morrison st. iit ilir T1MBEB LAND. WILL sell 60 acres healy ttabered land ' TIMBER LANDS B.A..r,,n. , un COT. TV J. M'CRACKEN. 804 McKay Blag. 20.000,000 feet of timber on proposed United Railway, on i-pi'" "",, Birr. Pantages Theater, city. WASTED TO RENT FARMS. WANT to rent small Improved c"cRe WAIVX w ,..,.i Una. wOllld bUV if price I. right"' Give full particulars. AT 20, Oregonian. WASTED TIMBER LANDS. TIMBER lands wanted. C. J. McCracken. 804 MCaiy bins- TO BXCHAJIGB. SOME OF OUR GOOD DEALS Very choice 14 -acre tracts, line soil, ex cellcrt location. 15 minutes out on car. none better, cost no more than good lots. TrJK"-. 2M and wthorne. for sale or trade for farm: price SioOO. 5-room modern house, good location, fufl corner lot; only $2000. terms. New 6-room bungalow, modern and fllst class in every particular, good location! hHr.in at $3300. some termB. Good lot in Westmoreland at your own price: come quick. ,,..i P Corner grocery, everything new living rooms, low rent, invoice about $1100. 160-acre ranch, some cultivated, good oak timber. eWld vein on place; must sell, $2500: exchange Portland property. REED ft TAYLOR. 617 Board of Trade. - Phone Main 4675. AUTOMOBILE to trade city or count?- prop erty, hav. reeo oi a,,,-..M, . , , car. 7 or 8-paasenger White Steamer. A-l condition: will p;i" accept d'wence; nothing outsiae -.- cVeeon. rill. New country iiuu, ctivq, - 320-ACRE homestead relinquishment, with buildings, lemu. in. p.. - - some cash, to trade on small farm nea: Portland or sell for $1000. Portland Homes r-n -iu Morrison st. . EXCHANGE 5 cottages In good town, close '" . 1. .' i nma sr. oer month, rjrice to foriiaiio. ...--.,. - -- . --- -- - - ., $"70- wint good house and lot In cllj. ud to' $.'aJ'i0 and pay difference in cash. V OOODNOUOH ft KEITZ. 310 bpaining nniB NEW 7-room modern house, fine corner, SOx . , . i J - e, c f'llif IrAAl' I.Mtiri-l- ISWn, BIloUC eAIIU a. vs.- ' - " - wood station. Mt. Scott line, tor 5 to 10 acres with house, not over $.1000. not over 30 miles from Portland. See or write E. a Miller- 4204 E. B4th. Arleta. Or. IF you have property to sell or exchange. NORTHWEST REALTY CO., 617 Board of Trade bldg. see Mr. Morrow. WE have a nice home lr, .Kansas City Mo .iiSSSx. v.i..r: . i? :ti at Brong-aieeio - Lewis bids- MODERN 30-room hotel near ortianu to.- ftalow in Portland aa p- h-j-""- 36, Orejponian. FOR a t tp or trade Fine launch and Uunchhouie, ordinal v "c,v " " trade for real e.tate. or sell cheap for cash. -- ' T I Aiat K-'Oilll will Answer J ou. urrtui.. BFAfJTIFUL Portland Heights residence to UCAUiiruw .. Vol lov lanri. Phone trade tor winauic. - M 7064. A 7340. S .. . vnn ctxt ace What have you to trade? Call and get ' ... w..hanta Trust hlrls-. bookiet. s -"- T v OI D established and good-paying busl AN Ut.iy "" ... Trti.A , nronertv. ress to . .i ii' r . .. --, , i.i.. 1 10.000. E 26, Oregonian. ,7000 eoultv in a fine end-acre wheat ranch: state. L R- 6-19 Going st Tic-Ai-TIKI'L 5-acre anple orchard. Ideal L . . a.. D..ii.n. ,.,-or.ertV- SOll, tO eXCnai.ar- 10. i v. j t 17 Oregonian. u-nt-ITV $.'!50 corner SSxlOO. for anything ... H-..I ulrlo South or value, i, unuu.s. .- AO". N. lth st. Main 6703. 25-ROOM rooming-house, making big money. to traue ioi - i - - - Vron bldg. Splendid business opportunity. GOOD condition Remington No. 7 typewriter, . , - .. V. in, a ner-farrerl K .i 4 . exchange 101 u--"-1- Uregonian PORTLAND Income city property, valuation $20,000: want Los Angeles property same value. C 29, Oregonian, FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. 01 acres of fine land. 10 acres unr cultivation, fenced, new i-room h". new barn, all buildings In good condition, voung assorted orchard, good well ana creek, abundance of runnins lrr " vear through: this Is a fine dairy or ranch. 3 cows. 1 hors. spring wagon, chickens and small tools: price Ju.iOO, or will trade for some good city propertj. THOMPSON & SWAN. 205-6 rtothcliild bldg.. Portland. Or.. 4th and Washington and 6th and Main Sts., Vancouver, Wash. MOVING-PICTURE SHOW in Portland sub. urb tlncly equipped, with new Powers No. machine. 154 opera chairs, stage, scen ery drop curtain, Victor pnonograpu. st-'r-optlcon dissolved everything to make a complete, and attractive theater; good patronage; clearing good proms: " J handles; might take soma trade. Call M Chamber of Commerce, from 10 A. M. to 3 P. M . . . wi- tjaw. A LIST OF OVER 1300 trades to offer you. In a few moments we can shew you what you have been trying so long to lind. .1,1.1 H. A. CHANDLER, 610 Lumbermen s bldg.. r inn ana c-iarn. o.a. $4(KK) and $2000 groceries for good rooming house. S17 Hamilton bldg. Main 41l0. FOR SALE.. Horses. Vehicles and Harness. Jll'l.e,o fliooyui" Just received, two fresh cars of old faehtoned big-boned, rugged draft mules. They, are young and sound and big. ll vou want 100 cents on tlio dollar for jour money, come, and see us. as we are from Missouri and can show you. Our prices as veil as our mules are guaranteed. ., . We have a few pairs we can sell for $r.00, somo better on.-3 for 5;0. some ex tra good ones for JGUd nnd some of tne best that grow from $6.i to "!; MURPHY HORSE A MULb LO., Portland-Union Stockyards. ..... t... -iiLvnilDI HT7T.TT1K Phone WooUlawn ;nv. WE have on hand at all times fine com bination saddia ana nm "??.-":- you are fit and ready for immeaiate use. You fame and try our horses at " "P"?; have them examined by youi o n lei erinary and when s-.llsfied .buy them. Prices from $125 up. We handle only th. bjst. Kramer Riding bchool. lth and Jefferson sts. .. ..... . -e i ITPTTHV The Kalter Jerseys and T. J. Seuffertl entire herd of registered cows and two choice bulls will be sold 1n the breeders sale at the Portland Fairgrounds. Bettei be on nana tuuay. MARE and horse, weight 1000 pounds cact- new I arm w an".- - - - ... . $l:lo buys 13u0-lb. horse and spring ai,on and harness. 247 East 12th. corner Madi- son st. ...t-DQ AT- Al-PTTON. The Iakewood Farm registered rer cherons will be sold at auction today at Portland Fairgrounds; choice stallions and mares at aucii.-n n,.- DtWflllV -50 huvs 27."."-lb. team, with barness and wagon: $1"0 buys 115H-lb. mare, sound, ti years old. Woodstock. 5.th St. and old ave. phone Scllwood 17SS. SEVERAL fine drivers, city broke, one matched team black marcs; one matched, team, 2HO0 pounds. PACIFIC COAST STABLE. 9th and couch sis. GRADE DRAFT HORSES AT AUCTION. 100 head of heavy draft horses will b sold today at Portland Fairgrounds in tha breeders' sale 22 HEAD horses and mares. 900 to 1500 lbs.; some cheap teams: trial given; all Just off work. Travis Woodyard. E. 8th and Hawthorne ave. FINE 5-year-old team, weight 1400 lbs., to trade for unincumbered real estate. Price $r,iio. 2d house east of Luther Station, Gresham car. SEVER IL good, honest work horses at an honest price for the honest man; also S j for sale by an Horn Transfer Co., stable phone A 15'JS. TO LET bv a coal company, two heavy, teams with drivers by day or month, id or out of city: will contract until August 1. phone Main :l."-8. ELEVEN head gentle. broke mares and nurses, welshing Uoo to 130o pound.. $. upwards; a,so heavy work harnesses ai d Mvguaanteed. :-o East ult. A TEAM of ponies for sale or trade fo larger horse Lyon's Livery stable, cornet Union and Alder. 5 HEAD of cheap horses; will sell to ranch ers only. Lyons' Stable, corner of Union and Alder. . 25 head of work horses and mules, weigh ing from 1200 to moo lbs., a I sold under s guarantee. G. K. Howltt. 22 E. 80th St. PORTLAND Stables. 28 N. 15th St. Phone Marshall lnSB. Horses, wagons and busi ness rigs for hire oy day or month. FT ECTRO horss clipping; prices reason able. H. B. Lewis. 306 eT Washington. East 6035. . WANTED Fresno, teams. $10 per day. Fol further lnrormation cun " - - FOR SALE Horse and buggy. Inquire Nlcoll. tne tauor, i'n o HORSES for hire by day or week. EmplM Stable. 270 12th st. Main I860. pianos. Organs ana Musical Instruments, WF offer for sale tha following unredeemed Instruments and other articles, to coyer storage charges, freight and advances, nkmefy: K?abe, $113 Cilckering $SO B;e in wnv $65. Decker Bros, s510-'-!r I- ii 0. Emerson $171. w $100, Kimball $165' Angelus piano player $40. music in cluded; Pianola $5. a drop-hend sewing machines $11 lo $15. Angelus piano plajer 77he!"gSodVar. all In fine condition. Te-rns caeh. title guaranteed perfect. ConTollda.ed Storage & F." Cs?;' C. M- Olsen's warehouse, -48 Jfine su. bet. lid ana da. OROAN "to trade for cow, horse, wagon or haoK. phone I n nor i i -VutomohHes. SECOND-HAND CARS. STEARNS. 1909 model. 7 -passenger. 4- cylind front, rims. speedometer, gas iank. demountable ms, l extra. c'h. - - . ot irvrnc ifiio. .-uassenKer. SO H. Dm w IT era, i- " " ffullv equipped; 125U. PEERI.ESf li9 moael. 7-passenej! equipment, top. Blass front. Warner speed ometer. gas tank: $2o00. MAXWELL 2-cyllnder. 5-passenger; equipment, top. glass front, Stewart speed- ""rEO." aciylinder. 5-passenger. equipped with top and Stewart speedometer: $450. HEa 2-cylinder. 5-passenger. equlppeel with top and Stewart speedometer: $400. OLDSMUHILC. i-cyuiiui, -i-'e top p and glass iron., Tnm.Tr 2-cvllnder. equipped with top. ;nd-shleld. Stewart speedometer; $450. CADILLAC. 1910. Demi Tonneau. top- front. A-l condition: repaintea. . wiTh top wind-shield and presto: $1500. BCICK. model 10. 4-cylinder runabout In good condition: $500. PIERCE. 1810 model, '-cylinder, 86 n. p.. 5-p.ssenger touring. AI condition: top, Z.1-A .Kinirl snee.lnmeter ar.d clock: $-.000. p.. 5-passenger iuu...,R. - i C . aonh .wind-shield, speedometer ar.d clock: t'00"- WH I jttf. OAS. 1010 tour, car: top, front. speedometer, presto, tuj". . The owners ot these cars have left them for sale with us. they haying pur chased 1011 Pierce-'Arrow or Codillao cars. It will ray you Xa Investigate. COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANT, Main 0470. 7thandccbSta 1910 B1ICK toy tonneau. 40-H. P.. J,nn 11HI8 Cadillac touring car, good as now J liVo Maxwell touring car. $1050. Maxwell Junior, fully equipped and l!k "rusrunabout. fully equipped :$400. 11100 Studebaker-Oarford touring car, fully equipped; cost $:17oo; our price $11 JO. 101O Flanders, fully equipped. 1K10 Monitor, 15nn-lb. truck, first-class condition; cost $1000; ; price $Sii0. 1010 Oakland. 40-H. P. touring car. fu!lj equipped, demountable rims: price $ldSO. CUSTOM-HOCsE AUTO CO., 331 Everett St. PIERCE Arrow, 48 h. p.. 1 -passenger. lfHO. has been run about S000 miles. Just re ceived complete mechanical overhauling. Is now being repainted, and purchaser can prescribe desired color; has a com plete equipment of highest grade. Includi ng several extra casings, etc. Apply SOB Wells Fargo bldg. Telephones. Pacific, Private Exchange 1, house 4-; Home. a. 8121, house 45. MAXVELL :;o h. p. 5-passenger touring, car fullv equipped, first-class condition, cash, or"will trade for Portland real es tate. Apply U"7 Yeon bldg. : - jJq- reasonable offer refused for Pote Wavorly electric auto without battel lis. Angeles Auto Academy. 22S fith St. AUTOMOBILES nought and sold. Call or write tor targain list. Cuftom-Hocse Auto Co.. 3:11 Everett St. Mtilri164. WILL accept runabout as firs-, payment on new r.-room bungalow. U31 Chamber of Commerce. A 4:1IS. FORD rriachlne. two scared c)j,v Address owner. K 2 must sell Mon r. Oregonian NEW automobile, lady had It 10 days, can'l run it. sell cheap. Owner. Tabor lain. fXxTKD lfilO-11 runabout. Se Mr. Lo-: gan. Sir. Hpaiaingoiug. WILL sell at a bargain a deposit on a 1911 Keo auto. G 82. Oregonian,