1 ... . x . .... 14 T1TE MORNING OTtEGpyiAy. FRIDAY. APRIL 21. 011. - ' ' vfw TOn f HE A L ESTATE. GRAND JURY ACTS T Police and Cleravman Are Called After Testimony by G. E. Kellogg. MAHER DOESN'T APPEAR ) Peace .uard.an and Iter. Ir-1-man Trimble Sgmmonrd When Municipal Association .Man Is llnMiril Thrr Seised. Nr lifs was lnj-t! tinsxpe-tedlr Into th sjrarid Jury Investigation of municipal conditions when til Jury. shortly after noon yesterday, called JtallllT rvirh and snt a hurried um rnons for a number of pollr officers and cltlsens. This action was taken at the conclusion of the examination of G. H KelloKK. a Municipal Associa tion agent, who was closeted with ths Jurr f.r a lone time Wednesday after noon and all yesterday morn Inc. It Is a-umed that assertions made by the witness caused the sudden determina tion of the Jury to delre deeper. Thoee summoned were tap-lain of T'etectlres Mmir. I'ollce Captain Baty. eirent KUey. H. l. Kstrrly. W. MirUrrn and Iter, rvlmin Trimble, f-nstor of Centenary Methodist t.'hurch. The police officers responded promptly and were kept by the Jury most of the afternoon. W. . Marl-arr-n. snper tendent f the I'ortland Commons, and a sympathizer with the work of the Municipal Association, was also soon at hand. lie could be) heard from the, ante-room declaiming loudly and ex citedly to the Jury. Mghl Police Nnl Called. Much speculation has been Indulged in as to the reason for callmc two of the police captains and eicludina; Cap tains Bailer and Slover. In command of the nlcht relief, and therefore more closely In touch m-tth the underworld. Krireant Riley was detailed br Chief of I'olice Cox last Fall to see that dls-ordcrlyroomlnK-houses did not operate in the daytime. He reported after a thorough Investigation that the houses were not running. IL M. Esterley. a Municipal Associa tion man. wss the List witness heard lest nl(bl. The bailiff has not yet suc ceeded In finding Mr. Trimble, but he will probably be before the Jury today. The minister finds himself Involved in the controverKy as a result of a sermon re preached last Sunday In Centenary Methodist Church. In whlcU-ha atle-essf tiie existence of 105 disorderly houses Jn the city and that they were pay In it certain sums for protection, raentlcn 1 ii c the amounts. Mr. Trimble said he had not made direct personal Investigation: that he did not even know where the vice dis trict was. and did not want to know. Jle refused to answer whon asked If he was not simply repeating the state ments of Detective Maher. and refused to tell from what source he Jiad leath ered his Information, but said that he stout 1 tell the grand Jury tf railed be fore It. lie will be asked to do so this morning- Ballot's f.e Waits. The tnrn taken by the Investigation r.aa crowded Into the background the case of State Ilry andKood Commis sioner Bailer, which was to have been taken np this week, and It Is probable now that It will go over until next week. Following- the appearance of Defec tive Maher before the Jury Wednesday afternoon, and Ms announcement thai he wss going to make arrests of dis orderly persons lodging In the resi dence districts. It was expected that he would appear before the Inquisitors again yesterday, to report procrtss. but re failed to do o. Jle will be called gain. Impression In the under-world that Chief Cox" clean-up order was only a temporary measure Is evidenced by the arrest by Patrolmen Webster and Bew ley of three women a ho had been driven out twice since the order was Issued. They lived at H Couch street and were amonc those who closed their houses at the nrst warning. A day or two later they wr.re back attain and wrre again warned. When the officers found them at the old stand yesterday they arrested them as vasrtants. They Fane their names as Jeanne PuRoyd. bophla ilellamas and I.ucy Petattoe. SPELLING - BEE ARRANGED Yamhill Conntjr Pupil to Vic for Championship April St. McMINXVILLK. Or, April Pp lal.) Tha annual public school spell Ins contest for Yamhill County will be held at tha Uncoln HtKh School In this city April J. under the direction of County School Superintendent Belt. An attendance of more than HO contest ants Is expected. There are 91 school tstrlcts In the county, and nearly all pf them are making preparations to i.nd their champion spellers her on that date. For tha last several months pupils have been busy grooming, themselves for the fray. The best speller has been chosen as delegate rom each trade In the several schools, and the county contest will decide who Is the county champion for that grade. Four teen gold medals have been prepared ' for tha winners In the contest. The county champions will challenge the best spellers from the neighboring counties. Polk County will probably be the Drst to accept the challenge from larahlll. A ciphering contest will be held In connection with the annual spelling bee this year, tha delegates having been chosen In the same manner as those from the spelling classes. UMATILLA WHEAT IS GOOD Crop Reported .cver to Hire Boon in Bettor Condition. FKNDL.ETON. Or, April 20: (SpeclsL) -There art mile and miles of growing wheat that Is now ten inches high," raid a prominent attorney yesterday afternoon eta ho returned from a long drive into the country. Similar reports are being brought In daily by the growers themselves and by grain buyers who hav been out to In spect tha crops. It Is- generally agreed that Umatilla County's wheat neliia never looked better at this season of the year than they do at present. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL KFrORT. ' PORTLAND. April 2. Maximum temper gtri 74 decrees; minimum. 40 decrees Jtner reading. A. M .. 4. 1ft: change in last 24 hours. Oj4 foot. Total rainfall " j x. U I i'. .). boss, total rainfail since QUICKLY HEN AMTSEWKXTS. HEILIG THEATER 7U and Taylor r bears Mala 1 and A 11 J. - to.!;ht tomorrow night matinee tomorrow. Famous Musical Comedy lift "Madame Sherry EVENING AND MATINEE II 1 1.5Q 1 1 73c SOc. fcEAT 8AXJC OPENS TODAY HE.IIJO THEATER X NIGHX3 BEGINNING MONDAT LEW DOCKSTADER Acd His Twentieth Century MJnstrela. MIN8TRXLH. Lower floor ll.ro. II.' Balcony. II. 75. 50c. C.sHery. 35c --c- SEAT 8AXJE It)B THst KIRMESS OTTSS MONDAY. APRIL . AT It) A. 3, AT TUB , HEIUG Xlrmes opens Thorsdar evening. April T7. Etiln pries: 1st floor. ex-Pt last s resrs. iuo: ias "- 1st ft rows. l.;o; next rows. tlnO; folr . . -. . . 1.-. a rttmtm Mr. fc.n- tire r.allery. ft"- tiperlal-prli-e Matinee vrrtsy. lower floor. x-pi last rs. '-"" last 3 tosis. II.'X Halcony: 1st 3 roas. 1; Tir x I m rows, i . ' - -1 lery reserved. 4e; admission. -i-- baker; THEATER Mala t sad A . L. Itaker, Mgr- eittAll U'vrk. reoth Week of the Great Trl-Stsr Season, riorewf-e The-dore Thwrlow ROBERTS ROBERTS BERGEN TMS- rrHtvT OP VFNICE." tj . WMtnosasv mnii fraturday. Evil- Ins. Sic. 6c. 7.---. L Msls. ac. sue. -" wss a -tsiim. SKAT MM rOIl OLD HOMESTEAD Now aa at tba Ht-NGALOW. First Psrformsnce SurMav Vstlnee. Krsn. price. 25c. 40c. "Sc. II; Milt -.'ic. SO'. m M atn . a. lore MATXXKK E KMT Pal Xe s OssTAV r r ill NIGHTS V THEATER lS-25-5U-75c Wt:fK APRIL 17. wans Chip sod Mary MarMo. -la Old :dmj ( l.rlce sr. Marveieaa Millers. Isrh A llercmaa. the Nassst. 1b74 Mark. arroika Bretuera. GRAND Week of April 1 7 That Kpleadlsl Meraa Mrsa f nirmll s s . ROBKKr HKNRY lioisi.r: Asd (snpssr, I'resentlna the lamed y larre. -Trsmhle. s Bill Hill hers. Ha r brier." ieace De Marr Zetw MaadeU Heeller Trie Ballerint's lMnta CBAMA9TOPE 1:W; any asst. Is at T so aad 9:1: r. 2Ba: Ms sswta, a ITt q 1 q a performaacss ftlcoair. lSei losfsr Sto Caeaaalled Yandevllla. ALL THIH HtIK I Klrlna; Dorrlens . Mld-alr Keats f Kara Iksrlas.-Ie M IMIaras sad (omguj, Trak aad i.tadUen. ( barlr. i sse. Hrll Trio, ttlmra noosra Brrr Trie, .Mi Bessie Babb. In Olrl la tba Harem Skirt. Popular prices. Mat. dallr. I 30. T SO. IP. If. LYRIC PORTLAND'S PAW. ILY PLAVHOCSE. XIX. THIS WEEK. BOH, the marvatooa mlod-readlas dos. and the Lrrle Musical Comedy Co.. In MOSEY." Three psrf orroscces dally. S:tt 7:45. :1S. Piiday nlht. Chorus OlrU" Contest after each performance. Baseball BWHEATIOV PARK. Car. Vaaaka mmt Tweaty-fonrth Sta. LOS ANGELES , PORTLAND April IN, 19. 2S 21. 3. S3. Gasaea Bel eekaaya at 3:00 ft a a day a 2i30 r. M. LADIES DAY FRIDAY Boys Under 12 Free to B Leach ere Wednenday. Beptmbrr 1. 1010, SO.fNI Inches: normal rainfail atnee Sentmbr 1. r.. inchra; de flctrncy or rainfall since tifptrmber 1. 7.13 lnha. Total aunahlne, l.t hurs 44 mlnutra; potuitble aunvblne. 1st hours H minutes, jtarumeter traduced to aca leveli at ft P. .nV. -V M lochea. WEATHER CONDITIONS. Durlnr the lt 13 hours the barometer baa failra raptilly over the North fart Ho Htatea. and there has ben a corresnondlnc rle in tampers ture. No rain hasv-t oc curred etrept a amall amount In Southern Ma ho. troatt wrre reported at a number of atatlona early Thur4ar morn In, but It waa (BnrallT too light to be damafflnc to fn.lt. A wak hlab prsaaura area uverllea tb 3J Meourl Valley and fair vrrather pre valla ("nwrillT tn the atates eaat of the Rotkr Muntatna. The temperatures are tisiildxllv below normal In the Middle ftocky Mountain 8tat. but etaeahre they are nearly normal or ele above normal. The conditions are favorable for gener ally fair weather tn this d!tr.rt Friday, ex cept In Southern Idaho, where, showery con dntona will contlnis. FOIJECASTTS. Portland and vicinity. Friday Fair; winds aMfttn to southerly. Oren. Frl'lar Kalr, warmer east por tion: wtnda ahUtlnr to southerly. Waabincton, t" rid ay Fair; northerly Winds. Idaho. Friday Fair north. bow era and warmer sooth portion. EDWARD A. BKAts. T-M..'r1-f Fon-rmf sr. Arcnox AiaS todak. At Wilson's, corner Herond and TamhllL gle at la A. M. J. T. Wilson, surtlonrer. PORTLAND LODGE NO. 5$. A. F. and A. M. Stated commu nication .Mssonto Temple, thla (Krtdajr) even! nr. 7:30 o'clock. Work In F. C. derea. Visitors wetcoxns. By order W. M. C M. ST EA DM AX. Sec. MOUNT TABOR I-ODOE. NO. 42. A. y. AND A. M. A special rommufttcstlon thia t Friday) even Ins; at 4:30 o'clock work Jn the t- A. degree; visitors welcome. IX. R. TOt'NG. Secretary. ROSE C1TT CHAPTER. NO. O. E. S. Resular me.:tlns. this tPrldsy) evenlnc st 8 o'clock. Ms sonic Temple. West S!de. SoclaL Bi ord.r W. U. BAR AH B. GUERIJT. Sec. NOTICE In commemoration of ths fi-rt snnlv.rsarv 8f our order, the officers and mcmtxTs of Villa Loclse. No. tM. I. O. O. P.. are rqu.td to meet st the hail. East Olissa ami futh s;s.. at T P. M. to attrnd servlr-at Grace Baptist Churclt. Kast Ash and ;tth sis., st 7:40 F. SI.. April 23. AU Oddfelloirs Invited. OREGON SINGLE TAX LEAGUE meets Fafurday evening. April 22. sutlltorlum Msdlcl bulldlnr. Ald.r and Park, for the purpose of rsclvlns reports of officers and for inch other business as may come be fore It. HAS3ALO LODGE. NO. 15. I. O. O. F. Resular msetlns; this (Friday) svenlns. 7::t0 o'clock. L O. O. Y. Trmp. First and Al der strseta First decree. Visitors welcome. F. CUZE.NS, Vantages v V DltD. STACV At Santa Rosa.' Cs!.. April 1. Mrs. Helen M. Mtsrk. ard yrsra. be Invsd mother of K. J. Stark-. Remains will b. hrousht to Portland for Inter ment. Announcement of luneral later. v I CUSSIFIED AD. RATES Bmllr r fioadAT. Oria tlm hmm md tw ceawnitiT tint -'Z tmnm ad ihrca conaHPcutlv llmft SOe Mmt ad ttls or tevea coacaclT time. ,&G BnnHti'fft naM accoaipM Mt-o-twi Mw wwdai t Sa m Dim m cub Ba- TnlMmrat and ad counted for lea tiia a two Unva. am aa adTortlaemeiit U sot ran eooa ft. tlniM tha snaa-tsrris rata anDlla. Oa ciiarxe af book advert tas"m.ta tb rhanr wtll bo baaed on tbo actual umber of llaca appearloc la tbo paper, iardioaa mi tarn Banaber of vornt ib earn line. tm Km Tadav aU adTortlaementa i rbarsed br mea.ara oaljr. 14 Ubo to tbo t-wh. Tbo abora rates apply to adrortlaetntaita ttnoor "ew Today" ana ail oca or tioa exeeptina; tbo f olio wine I ftttuatloaa Wanted, lale. tHitoadoaa W anted. rmale For Kent. Kooma. Privato Famlllm. Room and Board, Prlrata f ajn.Uea. llNiaktiiln- Koorna. tVrlrate ramlllea. Tbo rate oa the above elaaalf-catioa la 7 cents a Une earb Innertloo. In eaae of box office sddreaa la reqnlred, eouat tbia as part of tb ad. Anawera to ad ert I aetnent will bo forwarded to patron. prov-ldea. aeu-Moxeaaea eavsiupee are i aLsvasi, Kor tbo areoniiiMMlatloB of patroaa. Tba Arecontaa will aeeept riasalfled advertlae enta over tbo tekephono, prorldlne tbo ad vertiser a m sabaiter to either pboaa o prtre will bo qnoteti over tne poone. bus Kin riii Ke readered the followins: day. M bet her subeenoeat adroit laetxnta will be Brrepled over the phone, depend vrpoa the pmniptaeaa af the par went of telephone ad vortlaeeneata. Hitaaltoa W'aated and I'or onaj advertlaemeats will aot bo accepted over tbo telephone, orders far oas laaertloa nlv will bo accented for "Hon a for Kent, Furaltare for naJe, Bnatness Opportunl tlea. MRoomlB-boaseaM and "Vk anted to FUNERAL NOTICES. HARRIVOTOV At the residence of her dsushter. Mrs. K. X. Searlns. Neroy street. April J. "Jlrs. Tacy A. Hsrrlnslon. ased 7t years 1 month S days. Frl--nls Invited to attend funeral services, which will be held at the above residence at X P. M. today. Friday. April 2U Inter ment at Fort Collins. Colorado. SHANNON At the home of T. J. Bu'kwalter. Kast Washlnston street. April 1. Edwin Mhannon. ased B3 years II months. Funeral mill tak plai-e from the parlors of the East Fide Funeral Il-T-ctors. 414 East Alder and Kast Hlsth. Frldav. April :l. :3 P. M. Friends re sperifully Invited. Interment Lon. Fir Cemetery. DfNFORD At Flrland Station. April 1. l-oulsa lunford. i-M "n years 11 months dsvs. Funeral will take place from ihe parlit-s of ths East Hide Funeral Direct ors. 414 East Ald-r and Sixth streets, to dsv. Friday. April 51. at 5 P. M. Friends rmipsctfully JuvltrL. Cremation, take eellwood car. ' CORXIRAT In this city. April IB. Maud t'ordoray. seed "1 years. Funeral servli-es will be hrld st Dunnlns- A McEntee's rhsnel. today (Frldey). April 21. st 10 A. M. Friends tnvlled. Interment st Mult tomih Cemetery. " SUNSCTH FLORAL CO. MAKUL'AM MLIKL. ILOK-iL 1FM.B. l-henci Mala IOi A 11W. ' nan ls HrEatee. F3aeral Illrecleri. 1th mma line. 1' boos Mala 440. Lady s sl.taat. Office f County Coroner. LUWARU HOLM AN CO.. Funeral IMrecT ars. ZtS Id st. Lady i-4luL fluu M. ML . T. FTNLt.s'si-sdNTSd aaoTlil.dlsoa. Lady atteadant. 1'booe Mala S. A lass. iar'MUC Funeral Directors, successors t. a. IM-aalae. lag. B. si. B ULUR-BYRKU'CO., Faaeral Directors. 14 Williams are-i both pbones; lady asst. LERCH. ladertaher. cor. Kast Alder and Slllh Last 1SL U ISSS. jdjrajMUant. OREGON HUMANE SOCIEH OFFICE CITT HALL Mala sM. A iM HI M ANE OFFICER, Seraeaat Crate, Residence 24 E. 24th. N. Kast 4779. R. A. Duamlre, Hes. 36 Wasco St. W. G. Ealsa, Jie. 71 E. 16th. East 1785. Horse Ambulance. A 6101; Pr. Ex. 4. . Nlybta Sundays and UoUdaya A 610C: ft. E : Trunk 1. NEW TODAY. Chance for $o000 Fortune IS acres very choice land, close to Portland. 40-cent fare, railroad within BOO yards. 3 acres rich "red shot" fruit land .under the plow, worth $400 per acre, adjoins larae fruit orchard now eelllne; at I.SOO per acre: 4 acres deep Mack lo:im. rich as beaverdam land: worth 1300 per acre; H acres heavy timber: loOt) cords large, old-growth vellow fir. worth $250 per acre. Whole tract worth $5000. TAKK IT Ship us the timber and we will deed you the land. Firlands Trust Company, fWXUMlS ipaldlas; Bids;. LAI)I)S ADDITION. New 11-room house, seven bedrooms. Pullt by owner for his home: forced to sacrifice. Keduced from $SiOO to i00 for quick saie. MKKCHAKT Alfi TRl'ST t'O Ml AM'. UXIOX AVENUE S 1500 FOR S3250. heart of business, adjoins two pressed brlck btialness blocks. Never find bar gain ,IKe "lls asrain in tnis line com ing "business street: $1S75 cash re quired, balarrre 6 per cent. J. D. KKFIV, H3 I slos Ave, N. SUNNYSIDEs. Seven-room house In first-class con dition: nice lawn, roses and fruit trees. Must be sold; $4u00, terms. MKRCHAXTH SAVI.U. St Tit 1ST COM PA XV. 13th. and Stark For lease Inside lot, next corner, for 10 years. $174 monthly. Present rent $75. Donald Macleod 81 ICIeetrle Bide. MORTGAGE LOANS Lawest rate, and terms to suit: special rate, sad favorable terms oa large loans oa business properties. Funds loaned for Private Investors. A. H. BIRRELL CO. 0 McKay Bid.., Sd snd Mark. FACTORY SITE In North Portland Harbor. Two Rail roads. 'Water Transportation. Hale or Lease. II. C. C.EARI.X, 433 Mohawk Bide $350,000 Slx-storv brick, 75x200. bet. 4th and Bth, near Oak. Rental $'.'333 per month. . K AKXOPP KIII'K. 3S3 Hallway bxchaase Bids;. .FOR RKXT OR LEASE. All or ParL LARGE BRICK BUILDING on track, close in. Phone A 6297. $16,000 Corner E0x1(0. near 14th and Market. KAKXOPP at KOI'F, 323 Hallway Exchange Bids;. MORTGAGE LOANS 7 y-k sun.l inunsn, 1 k4a bpaldlaa lllUa. XKW TOE AY. ROCHESTER $25 LEVEL CLEARED LOTS , $25. " RAILROADS The new townslte of Rochester Is lo cated at the Junction of the Northern Pacific. Oregron & Washington and Mil waukee railroads. These roads are all completed and runjiinK dally trains. This Insures (rood service and means quick transportation to the markets of the bis; cities. NATURAL RESOURCES The large ranches surrounding Ro chester are now being cut up Into email tracts and hundreds of families will be living where before there was only one. The soil Is a rich, black, sandy loam, and will produce without irrigation the finest crops of fruit, berries and gar den. No better land in the state lor chickens- ROCHESTER Has good school, hotel, stores and churches. Excellent drinking water. Fuel Is chesp and lumber for building can be obtained cheap from the. nearoy mills. FACTORIES A large sash, door and box factory Is being built, which will employ about 100 men. Adjoining the town there Is a large deposit of clay suitable for brick, tile, sewer pipe and other clay products. Other factories are figuring or free sites. Rochester will be a city with a payroll. YOUR OPPORTUNITY The rich men of today are those who bought real estate and sold it at a profit. You can do the same. ,By Rochester lots today and let some one pav you the profit. A few lots will make a nice home. You should have nn now ttsm itnv voll will want a 1 nme. Will you be able to get it then? This Is your chance. COME IN TODAY You must act quickly If you want Buy of these level, cleared lots for only $S. TJiey are Rolng fast. Warranty deed and free abstract. Kasy terms. You can esslly visit the townslte and return to Portland the same day. Kare re funded to purchasers. Call snd see photos. Write for free Illustrated fold er. Office open evenings until 8. AMERICAN HOME INVESTMENT CO. 1016 Chamber of Commerce. Portland. Has Been Spent in IRVINGTON during the past three years for asphalt pavements, cement walks with wide parkings, a complete and adequate sewer system which drains into the "Willamette River NOW, and for , gas and water mains. The streetcar service is the best on the East Side and the Broadway bridge, when complet ed, will make it the closest and most easily reached high-class res idence district in Portland. It is now only ten minutes' ride from Third and Washington sts. Hun dreds of new and handsome dwell ings have been or are now being built. Improvements bonded. LOTS 50x100, $1250 and up 15 per cent cash and the balance on easy terms. A. R. Diamond & Co. 207 Railway Exchange Bldg., or Irvington Office Corner E. 13th and Knott Sts. 19th Street 100x200 OR 100x100 OS 19TII ST., BETWEEN KEARNEY AND LOVEJOY, ONE OF TIIE BEST SITES IN THE CITY FOR A LARGE APARTMENT IIOVSE. PRICE IS RIGHT AND TERMS EASY. Edw. P. Mall 104 Second Street. Lumber Exchange Building. Nob Hill Residence $11,000 for a large residence on Overton St. in fine condition, with 4 fireplaces, 2 baths, furnace and 11 rooms. Will pjve very easy terms or a few days. Investigate this opportunity. BLANC HARD & CLEMSON 66 Sixth St. 25,000 CORDS OF WOOD 330 acres of srood land, on O. W. P. . . T- 1 ...... 1. wl.hfn zu roas 01 Biaiiuu, evwu j . - Tho wnrH at 11 OA KUVQ nniri fuwci. ... ...... H. - - per cord will pay for the land: this is a real nap sua tau . easy terms. . GRl'SSI MDOW, Board of Trade Hid., 4th and Oak. S17 mm DOWX-S5 MO. Street. Graded, Water Malna Laid. TREMONT MT. SCOTT CAR Ixo)c for Sisn 11ECKER ADD. $2000 Comer 6lx5. near 14th and Market. Balance, siu.uuu in two or iui at six per cent. KARXOPP KOPF, 325 Ry. Et. Bldg. LOANS UWrF.RS' ABSTRACT A TRUST CO, Board of Trade Building. $.1,000,000 Homes ! frA rnn This is a 4p00 house, s3OUUbut We can sell it for $4250 if taken -at once. Owner is going away, his furniture is all packed and he wants to sell right away. Six-room bungalow, in Rose City Park. It is the prettiest howee in that whole section for the money. Easy terms on this. 1309. tlMOEft One f . "Tne Kyan p4sUU Houses." ' These houses are always popular because they are well located, well built, well planned and .were put up by a builder -whose reliability is well known. This par ticular house is in Rose City Park, has 6 rooms. Terms can be easily arranged. It is now -ready to move into. . Belle Crest Home $4500 S?: attractive home near East 60th st. and Sandy road. Picture at office. Terms favorable and easy. 1523. HARMS- THOMPSON Real Estate Dept. Chamber of Commerce Bldg. For Sale or Trade We' have a client owning a 5C000 equity in a $14,000 apart ment, consisting of four 5-room modern flats, who desires to trade one-half of equity for well located lots on which to build bungalows. Balance to be ar ranged. What have, you? Speak qpickly. KEASEY llUMASONeJEFFERY Chamber of Commerce. j 232 ,' Trackage 13th and Flanders 100x100 ON THE S. E. COR. 13TII AND FLANDERS. VERY LITTLE OF THIS CLASS OF TRACKAGE FOR SALE. BEING ALSO IN THE WHOLESALE DISTRICT AND SO CLOSE IN. CAN ARRANGE EASY TERMS. Edw. P. Mall 104 Second Street. Lumber Exchange Building. Snap! $10 Per Acre 80 acres rich hill loam, covered with second growth of cedar, part of which would be easily cleared. Four miles from good R. R., town and boat land ing; 50 miles from Portland. . B. S. COOK & CO., 503 Corbett Building. To Lease Hawthorne Avenue , 100x100, N. E." CORNER HAW THORNE AND EAST 3D ST.; WILL MAKE TERMS SATISFACTORY TO DESIRABLE TENANT. Edw. P. Mall' 104 Second Street, Lumber Exchange Building. BEAUTIFUL RIVERWOOD Building- site comprising- about six lots with 90 feet riverfront, cement sidewalks, electric light. Bull Run water, and the loveliest view on the river for sale at the small price of $5500, 1000 wlh handle it- This is the best vlue for this small price in that exclusive neighborhood. Call and eee about it. S. de la Mer 330 Cbamher of Commerce. Main 174. , WiUamette He! Fine new. modern, seven - room residence with 6000 square feet of sightly ground. Will take West Side vacant residence lot In part payment. 24th and Marshall Sts. 50x100 feet with fine, modern, nine-room residence. Donald Macleod 816 Electric Bids;. WANTED $10,000, 3 or 5 Years, 7. Gilt edgo West Side Improved real estate Worth $25,000. Will bear Investigation. PBl'DEXTMt I.OAX TRI ST CO, Commercial Club Bldg. Portland Heights 100x100 ON THE N. W. CORNER OF CHAPMAN AND MYRTLE STREETS", ON. THE HEIGHTS: THIS IS ONE OF THE vBEST VIEW SITES ON THE HEIGHTS. WILL SELL ON VERY EASY TERMS. Edw. P. Mall 104 Second Street. Lumber Exchange Building. CHOICE PROPERTY 105 acres near station and rear Portland; 40 acres walnut and peach land; balance rich dairy land; an ideal combination. The orchard can be made worth $1000 per acre. All clear except ten acres wood; all in crop. Price $125 per acre, with crop; easy terms. Scenery grand. Spring of water. Thomas Withycombe, 421 Hamilton block. Owner, Main 2275. REAL ESTATE DEALERS. Beck. William G.. 312 Faillna- bldg-. Brubaker & Benedict. C02 McKay bids;.. M US. ChJ-.pIn & Herlosr. 832 Chamber Commerce. Cook. B. 8. Co., 508 Corbett bide Jennlns-a Co., Main 1SS. 20S Oresonisn. PALMER-JONES CO., H. P.. 213 Commer cial Club bids. The Oregon Real Estate 'Co.. Grand avo. and M-lltnomah st. (Holladay Addition). I. E. THOMPSON CO., cor. 4th and Oak sts. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Lots. ROSE CITT PARK. A larije corner lot with fins view, lo cated on the Alameda, I live out of city md here for onlv a few days: I must make a sale of this lot before I return: a lot with this view on Portland HeiRhts would cost you J00OO; I take $12."; this is my price and no agent's commission on it. Phone Mr. Imlay. Main 3. I HAVE 5 choice lots on high rldRe in high class residence district;' 2 south and one north front; one block distant from lots selling for floOO; you will say these are Just as sood: you are right, they are, but my price for a few days is $1170;-easy terms and they will not last long. If in terested get busy. Phono Mr. Notting ham after 6:30 P. M., Tabor 2297. WAVER LEIGH HEIGHTS SN'AP. Two beautiful lots, one on Tibbets. be tween 33d and 30th. the other on Brook lyn, near 3.".th, both facing north; im provements in and paid for: price $iiA; Investigate this. It will pay you. X P. PFLUGEB & '.. Suite 12 Mulkev Bldg.. trt and Morrison. ESTABLISHED 1SS0. IRVINGTON LOTS. .We offer a few extra -choice lots Cor 12."M) and $1300; beautiful corner. 1.100 snd $1550: very easy terms, or discount for all cash; Improvements bonded; these lots are close to Irvington carllne. A. R. DIAMOND & CO.. 2ft" Railway Exchange Bldg.. or East 13tn and Knott sts. Phone Main 1:121. East 1796. LAWS ADDITION. I have a choice lot in the upper part of tract only one block from Hawthorne avo.; will sell at a sacrifice. G 33, Orego- - nlan. PORTLAND HEIGHTS Owner must sell, 3 00x100 corner, choicest residence district. J.-ooo. This Includes $700 for Improve ments: next slowest quarter In thla dis trict is $7500. Brooke. Main 3551. A 3S39. $50 FOR LOTS on 52d and W. Stark: la the best buy In Portland; new carlins now building. Call and see us. EMPIRE REALTY ft TRUST CO, U2 Yeon Bldg.. Marshall 349. TRACKAGE LOT. Good warehouse or factory site with. oO feet trackage. $0000. on easy terms. R. F. BRYAN. Main 1963. 505 Cham, of Com. A 122T. MODERN home on Broadway, near E. 3Bth; 7 rooms, nicely finished, full cement base ment, furnace, large livinc-room. elegant light fixtures, dining porch; must sell soon. O 33, Oregonlan. A FINE corner lot in University-Park, three -Jlocks from carllne; very cheap for cash or easv terms. NORTHWEST REALTY CO., 617 Board of Trade bldg. A BARGAIN, one lot 55x90. on south side of Country Club, one block north of Mount Hood line. In Lawndale Addition; $000: $00 down, bal. on easy terms. J 34, Ore gonlan. . LAURELHURST lot in first addition; fine location; must leave town; will seU equity; worth $22S. for $160. F. KAHLEIS. 242 M Morrison, corner 7th St., room T. $14-.n,FXTLLriot, East 12th st. North, near Hrasee; splendid view. choice location. This price Is $:X under value. Cellars-Murton Co., 825 Yeon Bldg. CHOICE BT'ILDING SITE. 70x100, corner Madison and East 50th sts.. 200 feet north Hawthorne ave. ; price J2OO0. Owner, 502 McKay bldg. 100x100 BEAUTIFUL home site: full view or Mt. Hood; only $175 thi week; worth ten times amount asked. W. B, McKln ney. 309 Ry. Exchange PIEDMONT LOTS. T will sell the cheapest quarter in this Addition, location considered; no assess- ments. Owner. Main 4:79- A REAL bargain, a beautiful view lot on Lorame Heichts. right below council Crest on So. Side: $050; $:." cash, bal. on easy terms. L 34, Oregonlan. I WJfNT to sell my lots on the peninsula; streets graded, water in, all paid for; will take $550; 10 per cent down, $10 per month. Address V 2S. Oregonian. WILL sell my fine view lot in Country Club Addition. 50xl0, for $000: $100 cash. baL easy terms: price Includes all improve ments. O 32. Oregonlan. MUST HAVE MONEY. Will sell S east front lots In Rose City Park for $1200; $7(0 cash, balance 2 years. Owner, D 31, Oregonian. " ONLY $10 CASH. A teautlful view hit in Irvington Park. $000. Smith-Wagoner Co., 311-312 Lewis Jidg: , NEW. modern five-room bungalow, every convenience. E. 40th. near Hawthorne: $2!H0, terms. 42U Swetlund bldg. Main . 3232. 50x100 LOT on 49th St., li block from Rose City car. gas and Improvements in and paid: $775 cash. This is $1H nt least under the market. K 81. Oregonlaa. PORTLAND HEIGHTS PROPERTY. Homes, lots, quarter blocks, tracts and acreage, all parts of Heights, all views and prices; some bargains. Main 3051; A 3S38. A BEAUTIFUL corner lot In Irvington. im provements all In, 00x91, $1700; will sell on terms of 10 per cent down, balance easy payments. R 35, Oregonian. PIFDMONT district. East Ninth, off Alns worth, three east front lots. 144 feet deep; $2400. discount for cash; owner. G 31, Oregonian.- i-JOINING lots on Division St., 20 minutes' car r'de: $2400, $1000 down. 495 Mar s' uerlte. E. Baker, EQUITY In two fle Laurelhurst lots for sale at exact amount paid in: bought ovt?r ono year ago: all Improvements in. Room ltl Lafayette bldg. $10 CASH and $5 per month, beautiful lot. near 5c car. citv street, graded and paid. HIGLEY 4 BISHOP. 132 THIRD ST. eOxlOO CORNER lot, 42d and E. Halsey, for quick sale: $025 cash. $225. balance $20 monthly. Owner. Phone A 3208. FOR SALE by owner. 70x100. In Piedmont, cor. Jarrett and Moors sts.; $1G00. Phone East 4002. BUSINESS lot, Killlngsworth. near Patton. $3000: small building. Llnd. 567 Van couver &ve. IRVINGTON lot, close to car; only $400 down, very easy payments on balance. J. S. MORGAN, 32V4 Wash. St., Room 409 $1500-CHOICE lot. facing south, on Broad way, very easy terms; a fine buy. uena.rs-.Mui iuii m.. o-u a cuw mm. IRVJNOTON bargain. If sold this week; only $1100 for lot on 19th st. Phone East S94. BY OWNER Business lot. Rose City Park; double frontage; must sell at once. Phone Main 9202 11400 TERMS. Full lot within two-mile radius, near Hawthorne ave. Inquire H. A. Hagedorn. M. 6060: A C207. APARTMENT SITE. Choice vacant corner, 19th and Belmont, owner. 165 E. 17th. HAWTHORNE CARLINE A sightly V, block, overlooking the city; price $2700, by owner. Tabor 1560. tfioLOT near Patton avenue: terms to suit.. Owner, 603 Swetland bldg. MODERN 5-room bungalow, attic, base ment, trees. 1166 East ltth north. ff75East front, 50x100. Rossmere; a snap. Owner. H 31, Oregonian. 1500 -Corner lot. 31st street. Trvlngton Park, east front. 603 Swetland bids. For Sale Lots. APPLEDALE an INVESTMENT. COME and SUE. Close In on tha East Side, they are sub dividinc quarter blocks. I offer two Ap pledale lots, corner of E. 58th snd Davis, five feet above grade, for $2050; in two vears these can be subdivided Into four lots. 4(x75. and sold for twice their pres ent price. In ten years you can get more lor on Appledale lot than I shall make on th.) whole 22 lots. I am a plain rancher, a reasonable oroflt satisfies me; five years ago you could huv lots north of Burnsld.i on Grard avenue for $4"o. for which today you must pay $12.0o0: five years hence the Panama Canal will be open. Central Oregon and the Inland Empire will be producing heavllv and pouring their wealth down hill into Portland; Burnslde and Glltan will be business streets of the first Importance; Glisan. SO feet wide and free from heavy grades, is likely to out class the Base Line in Importance: Apple dale, right on E. 6"th st. (West avenue, between Burnside and Gllsan. is selling lor fsno to $1000 per lot. 10 per cent off f.r cash, or tor 10 per t:ent down, 2 per cent a month. Take Montavllla car to E. 60th st.. walk 3 blocks south, ask for Cleveland towner). I WILL FURNISH THE LOT IF TOIJ BUILD TUB HOUSE. Have some beautiful residence lots In restricted parkr. will furnish deed to lot If you want to build. You can pay xtie on the easy rjnthly plan. These are some of the choicest residence lots in Portland and I will give you the same kind of a deal, as I would if you were paying spot cash. Investigate my plan. An easy way to own your own home. Your KENT MONEY will pay for the lot. L. W. BURLINGAME, f.22 Corbett bldg. Main 1003. A ISIS. O. R. & N. TRACKAGE. I have a carcel of land located on O. R. & N. right of way. one block from andy Boulevard.' In . the manufacturing district. Particularly adapted for small factory, wood and coal yard, etc My price Is right and I can give you good terms. This is actually the last good plec of trackage offered In this district. An A-l investment proposition. If you are familiar with values in this district you will readily see that this is a snap. If Interested with a view of purchasing, phone Main 1503 or A 1510. ask for Mr. Burlingame. LAURELHURST LOTS. $1450 10x100 ft., on E. Hoyt. near E. Sd St.. 1 block from car: level, good view, street Improvements all In; terms. t $1760 50x100 lot en Hazelfern Ptsc. -within 1 block of oarlne; high and sightly; terms. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 112-213 Commercial Club Bldg., Phones Main 8609. A 2653. BEAUTIFUL lots from $750; j:5 down and $10 monthly; Hawthorne vicinity. You cannot match these lots in price, size, terms or location: newly platted: be fore many montnly payments are made vou have made money; 50x100; $750 to $900; high and sightly location: most lots have fine fruit trees on them: buy now; take cars to corner E. 43rd and Hawthorns ave; office on comer. Port-land-Paoiflo Investment Co.. 41$ Railway . Exchange. M A GENUINE SNAP. Lot 60x100. one block from car Hn. Highly restricted residence park, strert Improvement work all -finished. Lots across street and next block sold for $1400 -my price for few days" $1035. Only 5100 rash, balance $20 per month. Phone Main 1503 or A 1515. Ask for Mr. Bur llngame. SNAP FOR CASH. 71x135 SOOOi . Actually worth $1200; In highly re stricted residence district. This is a cash price, but I would accept one-half cash, balance $17.50 a month. 6 per cent. Don't overlook this If you want a bargain Phone Main 1503 or A 1515. Ask for Mr. Burlingame. . - ROSE CITY PARK LOT. $650. & CASH. BUYS AN $S0O LOT. Sickness. Ill-luck, worry, etc.. cause sale cf this lot at original price. Address for Information. O 1 1 Oregrnlan. For Ss -Honses. FOR SALE by contractors, telephone Sell wood 8S2., new modern bungalow, 7 rooms and bath, sleeping porch and sewing-room, combined; gas, electric and furnaoe, seven -oot basement under whole house, drying loft, large front porch, small back porch. The first of a bunch of houses being built by- experienced contractors; a bargain to Introduce their work and method: $2000: $000 down, monthly payments, corner K. 3'ith and Kelly sts.. Waverleigh Heights. Take W-R car to 36th St., turn right to Kelly. 7-ROOM BUNGALOW $2000. $000 CASH, BALANCE RENT. Furnace and sleeping porch, fine buffet, paneled dining-room, Dutch kitchen, com plete plumbing, dandy den, 3 hedrooms and large storeroom; cement steps Biiii walks are in; double constricted through out; not quite completed and will tint to suit. This Is the best buy In all Portland. Pee Askwlth today at 1067 Clinton st. Take Richmond W-R1 car to Marguerite ave. Phono Tabor 2S02. 4-ROOM new. modern bungalow, on fine Improved lot in Gregory Heights. .1ose to carline. Excellent view. Price $1350. Terms. Call at our Gregory Heights office. End of Rose. City Park carllne. GREGORY INVESTMENT CO. SEE ME BEFORE YOU BUILD. WHERE I BUILD I WILL LOAN MONEY AT A LOW RATE OF INTEREST WITH NO BROKERAGE FEES AND NO CHARGE FOR PLANS. I HAVE CLI ENTS WHO WILL LEASE APARTMENTS AND WAREHOUSES. IF YOU HAVE A LOT SUITABLE I CAN MAKE YOU A GOOD PROPOSITION. Z. K. LOCKE. 521 HENRY BLDG. BEAUTIFUL HOME. Exceptionally artistic, strictly modern, best construction: has 9 rooms, full base ment, finished attic, bricked furnace, grate, fireplace; Iarj;e living-room, built-in fur niture, special conveniences; choice neigh borhood; hard-surface street; south fac ing' roses, trees, vines; room for garage: price $8000; terms easy. 747 East Mad ison st. can. BEAUTIFUL 8-room house In best Laurel hurst district; new and modern In every detail: large living-room, dining-room and kitchen, den, 4 sleeping rooms and sleep ing porch: hardwood floors, two fireplaces, many built-in features, faces east, with view of mountains: a beautiful home and a bargain at $7u00; easy terms. McAl llster ft LiieddemannJji2Electric bldg. $100 DOWN $15 PER MONTH. Elegant, new, five-room bungalow, only two blocks from car, in high-class dis trict; Dutch kitchen, fireplace, huiit-in book cases and buffet: full basement and large attic; must be sold at onee. CO-OPERATIVE REALTY COM PAN 7. 519-20-21 Railway Exchange. HOUSEFOR SALE. I will sell my modern, up-to-date cottage-bungalow for $7000: unobstructed view of the entire city: two lots: Rosa City Park. This can be rented if one year's lease Is given for $60 per month. C 2215. Four new five-room fiats, within walk ing distance: rented to steady tenants at $120 per month; improvements all in, nrtce SI". 00O $0000 llnvft. PCO-OPEKAflVE REALTY COMPANY. 519-20-21 Railway Exchange. Modern 5-room bungalow In Rose City Park 50x100. cement basement, open fire-ii.,eV- s'lUOO. a tew hundred cash, balance Jl'n h'e arranged as rent: cost nearly S10O0 .ca5..,f.,'irJoe A 320S or write 4,S9 Hall st. IU uuit... . . " 1 ' 7V, ... .rapr 12th and HaW- ?l,orne- new 9-rootn house, u bedrooms with all modern finish and conveniences; ft to five carlincs: $0500; terms; owner on the premises. Phone East 5178. $16M EASY monthly payments. 5-room l snap; Diasieieu r torms Cellars-Murton Co.. 825 Yeon Bldj. trti-o EIGHT rooms, modern home. faces u ' .-in . n. C 1.1th. Ono Idpgllnn down lamuw ai., ... - unde- value, good terms. See this snap. I'ellars-Murton Co.. 825 Yeon bldg. 12800 5-ROOM cottage on E. ('.th. neal Mason, close to tciiu"! u . small pavment and $-0 per month. Cellars-Murton Co.. 825 Yeon Bldg. $2750 7-ROOM new house, 909 E. 14tll Nortn, near MlllllllUlc. ahicih. ai, a. 6 cheap home; hath, gas. electricity. Cellars-Murton Co., 825 Yeon Bldg. flSOO EASY monthly payments. 5-roora plasterea noue uc, - - - make your own terms. Cellars-Murton Co.. 62." Yeon Bldg. $1250 5-ROOM cottage with bath, 50x100 lot. fenced, srrawoerriea. nut, cij .taJ terms; near Mt. Scott car. Cellars-Murton Co., 825 Yeon Blag. $50 DOWn7$30 a monTh buys a '7-room home, lights, bath. 2 blocks car. Phone owner before 10. Tabor 427. $100 CASH and $1 per month. 5-room house, o1 blocks car: $1350. HIGLEY & BISHOP. 132 THIRD ST. 7TROOM residence at a sacrifice; furniture. U wanted. 6U East 68th,