2QOO Boxe, FresH Southern teU.Wri- Sale Today-2 Boxes for 35c- Grocery Dept.. "- Jg Rental Dept. and Bureau ofEau.n, on 3d Flo0f-"Vdor" Porch Shades and HammocRs-P.cture Framing at Women's "Stuttgarter" Underwear Sale $1.5Q Values for 75c Friday Snrpri Sale "Stuttgarter" Underwear for women; vest anl pants, mostly small sires, white and natural e.ilors. Ion? or short sleeves, ankle or knee drawers. We have jrrmiped all the odd lines of this famous 7Cp make. Krgular 51.50 values, at this Surprise Sale ' $3 Linen Mesh 75c 65cUnionSuit39c Surpri.- Sale of the famous Dr. Deimel's Linen Mesh Un derwear; vrt and pants, in small bizes; medium 7C weisrht.s. FTfinlar $3.i0 values, special, each, only UNION SUITS for VMuen. Low necks, sleeveless, nm- brella style. Our regular values up to 65e, offere139c special for the Surprise Sale at this price, the suit'v $1.25 Union Suits 98c Women's Kibbed Union Spits, styled with low neck and to sleeves, ti-ht knees, hand trimmed. Our reoularQfte $1.25 va.'ups. Special for. this sale only, the suit7-' 'gRibbon S5cGraiel9c For today's big Surprise Ribbon Event we will place on sale 10,000 yards of our 5 '3-inch Satins, 'Taffeta, Mescaline and Hair Bow Taffeta Ribbon, in all wanted shades, including black and white. 1 Q Our regular 35 quality, special, yd. fi t l43tl VZ5Z1: ffrU': .T- V i.r J8ZZ& VZLX ?il4 VTHJ .iKTSr values. Spec 7 Sr'iwl t : t WS- : KSNi c ftU. the suit. Men's 3.50 Pajamas $1.89 A. lucky Surprise Sale" of a sample line of men's fine Pajamas, made of finn oualitv madras in blues, black and lavender stripes; well made and nicely trimmed. Extra good $3.50 ml, ai ine uri wu 5Qc Hose 19c fmmmB SOc Hose; 3 Pairs $1 50c Hose; Children's and Misses' Hose. -Imported Black Cotton, " Onyx " brand, embroidered insteps. Sizes 5 1 Qf. to 8; value to 50e pair. Special -Wo men's Hose. " Imported black and gray lisles; extra spliced. Our reg ular 50e Talues. Special, (( at Surprise Sale, 3 pair N v v 'J 7 Ma rabou At V2 Price Men's $1 Neckwear at 35c 1000 Men's Four-in-Hand Ties, French fold and wide open end styles. Made of splendid quality Bilks in dark and light shades. Plain colors or stripes and checks. All new and actually worth O C j 50c, 75c and $1.00 each. Special, 3 for $1.00, or, each, only For today's Surprise sale we offer our entire stock of Marabou in throws and scarfs, the popular neckwear for Spring and Summer. It's so very dainty and warm in the evenings. Choose from the entire stock at 5bOO Men's Ties 25c, 35c Values Special, loe J.130 Surprise Sale of men's Four-in-Hand Ties, the sea son's best patterns, made of good quality silks. Ties which you will be proud to'wear any time, any place ; 25c- 1 g 35o values, Surprise Sale price, today only, each $2.5Q Shirts $1.Q5 $1.5Q Shirts at 97c LOT 2. Main Floor. The most extraordinary values in Men's Shirts taken from our regular stock. The materials are fine woven Madras, Oxfords and Percales, in many beautiful patterns. Coat styles with cuffs at- fc "I f C tached. $1.50, $2.00, $2.50 values, this sale, each PV' LOT 3. Main Floor. 200 dozen Men 's White Shirts in the coat styles, with cuffs attached; all sizes.and sleeve lengths; perfect fitting; with plaited bosoms ; the best shirts Q -7 for Summer. Regular $1.50 values. Special, each MSQ'tlh. Friday Sumrpris Sal WomeSa' $40 il ailore uits . $18.25 Today the great "Surprise Sale" of 400 women's high-grade strictly man tailored Salts The materials are serges, cheviots, diagonals, blacK and white checKed novelties, homespuns and novelty stripes These salts are all new, bought by onr Miss Bernard while in New YorK The late style short semi-fitting jacKets, some have sailor collars trimmed with braid The SKirts are medium width with panel bacK, some have inverted plaits. The assortment of styles and colors is so broad that every taste can be satis fiedDon't miss it This big collection of salts valued to $40 each is to go. on sale today. Your choice of any suit in the lot at the low priceof 25c Voiles 16c 15c Percales at 12c Now f&r that dainty Sum mer Dress, to be made up of Sheer Voile. Here's an ; o T J oxienug uj. jjio.hi iuu ?W fancy colors and stripts, light and dark. 1 - Regular 25e, spe. Percales in a new line of light colors for shirts and waists. Good heavy qual ity. Sells regular 1 at 15c. Special, yd. RUGBY SUITING, a new cloth for Summer dresses; comes in light and dark colors. Spe- "t Olji cial at only, the yard Printed Saxons, at the yard, 18 15c Linen Lace 5c $1 Embroidery at 37c In the Lace Section, main floor, a sale of fine Linen Torchon Laces in widths from 1 to 4 inches; many new designs for trimming Summer dresses, waists, under wear, etc. Regular values to 15c. Special, the yard EMBROIDERIES. A general clean-up of the most desir able patterns and materials suitable for every purpose, 27 inch flouncings, in many designs, galloons, corset cover embroideries, etc. Regular values to $1.00 a yard. Q'Jc Extraordinary special for this Surprise Sale, yard "' S ale Fine H and. Loom Pongees $1.25 Imp'td SilKs 89c $5 Imp'td SilKs $4-29 The Fashion trend calls for "Ponjrees," and we believe that itill pay us in the long run to give our trade the very best at lower prices than is bein asked for domestic weaves. We import direct all onr Hand Loom China Tongees and know we are getting the best the Oriental mar ket produces. This season's silks are better than usual; they are free from imperfections. Heavy coatings are in great demand and we have an amnla euppIv in plain, self stripes, chevron stripes, basket weaves an.l erepe effects. Priced very reasonable at this sale as follows 27-inch Dress Pongee. Eeg- $1.25 value, yard alar $1.25 value. F.egaUr $1.50 Regular 89c 34-inch Dress Pongee. CI HQ value V 31-inch Dress Pongee CI AQ $1.75 quality v -x- 27-lnch Chevron Coat- CI 7Q lr. ttr t2 00 onalitV 27-inch heavy Coating. CO I Q Regular $2.50 value & 36-inch $3.60 Coating yd, $2.98 36-inch $5.00 Coating. yL, $4.29 Sample Purchase of CKilds Dresses 2.25.Vals. 98c 4.50 Val. 1.69 A very exceptional pick-up by our New York buyer. A sample line of Children's Dresses. The newest styles shown this season. Mate rials are Ginghams, Pereales and Chambray in the French, middy and plain waist styles. Plain col ors trimmed in- plaid. . Plaids trimmed in plain colors, and piped in contrasting colors. Some have embroidery insertion; also dark navy Dine aresaes wim wane np ores and Scotch plaids piped in white. Values to $4.50 spe- QO cial at $1-69. Vals. to $iL23 fOC 75c Dress Go 39c In Jhe Basement "Underprice Store" a Surprise Sale of 5000 yards of the most fashionable dress fabrics, such as Mohairs, Batistes, Serges, Panamas and Tweed mixtures. Principally' all wool materials, 36 to 44 iurhes wide, the season's very best colors, medium and light weight, suitable for dresses, suits, skirts, waists and children's wear. OQ SOc, 61c and 75c qualities. Special at this sale, the yard'' $11 Trimmed fiats Now $7.95 $17.5Q Trimmed Hats $12.95 $27.50 Trimmed Hats $1995 "HCWfli'i.-ic!,!"'' The most important sale event of the season. A presentation of the most authoritative styles in Trimmed and Tailored Hats. All perfect, rich, clean productions, displaying the highest points of art in modestry. Not the undesirables selected for stock clean ing, but a general swoop of the big display of our best hats with broad brims, medium and small shapes, rich in quality and shades with the added beauty of Flowers, Feathers, Silks, Laces, etc. This is the first reduction sale of this class of Hats this season. Even though you have bought, you should see them. It's a sayT ing opportunity which all women should grasp. Visit this dept. $9.00, $10.00 AND $11.00 VALUES NOW FOR $7.95 $12.00 TO $13.50 VALUES NOW SELLING FOR $9.95 r$15.00 TO $17.50 VALUES NOW SELLING FOR $12.95 $18.00 TO $22.50 VALUES NOW SELLING FOR $15.95 $25.00 TO $27.50 VALUES NOW SELLING FOR $19.95 $1.50 Table Linen 98c $1.00 Sheetings 79c quality, high grade Table Damask, 72 inches wide in a QQ ment of patterns; one of the best $1.50 values in stock "O' Richardson good assortment LINEN SHEETING, full 90 inches wide, $1.00 quality, at this sale 79S 3Qc Towels 18c A ' splendid assortment of full bleached Bath Towels of the finest quality Terry Cloth, 6ize 1 O. 24x48. Regular 30c grade 1 ol 4Qc Towels 26c Huckaback Towels, all linen, hem stitched. Size 22x40. Splendid Guest Towels. Regular 40c Ofif values. Priced, at this sale $7 Chafing' Dish $5.55 Baking Dish $3.55 In the beautiful Silverware Section, 3d floor, we offer unequaled values in A high grade Silverware at prices lower than'ever, before. A covered Baking T Dish, which sells regular flJO CC at $4.50 is listed, special f CHAFING DISHES. Indispensable durine the warm weather. Here's one that will pease you. A. $7.00 value, marked TEA SET of 4 pieces, very neat de sign for general use. $8.50 P OC at v""' at $5.55 value. NUT BOWLS ware. $7(l Marked to sell .Very fine dC QC Value, for PJ.U $2.50 Fern Dish, special at $1.80 $1.75 Bon Bon Dish for SI. 29 $2.50 Covered Butter Dish, $1.98 $2.25 Bread Tray, special, $1.25 $3.00 Spoon Tray, special, $2.35 $4.50 Casserole, special, at $3.58 $3.75 Fern Dish, special $2.98 $2.40 Bon Bon Dish, for $l.SO S6.50 Silver Tray, special $4.20 $4.00 Sandwich Tray, for $3.15 $2.10 Spoon Tray, special $1.65 $9.25 Casserole, special at $7.35 Wm. Rogers Silverware Remarkable values in this high grade table Silver so justly popular. For years the standard of the market. Marked down at this sale: Dessert Spoons, set of 6, $1.10 Table Spoons, set of 6, $1.25 Dinner Forks, set of 6, $1.25 Soup Spoons, set of 6, $1.25 Individual Salad Forks, $1.58 Butter Spreaders, per set, $1.43 Rogers' Sngar Spoons, ea., 1 8 Rogers' Batter Knives, ea., 20 Rogers' Berry Spoons, ea., 67 Cold Meat Forks, special, 42 Rogers' Cream Ladles, ea. 38t Rogers Gravy Ladles, each, 49 Triirimed- fiats $7.50 Values $3.48 In the Basement "Underprice Store" a Surprise Sale of elegantly trimmed Hats, 150 in the lot All the newest shapes, stylishly trimmed in silks, ribbons and beautiful flowers. There are only one or fl0 AQ two of a kind, wHich gives a broad range for choosing PJTWJ Great Sale Groceries HAMS AT ONLY 15 Good, sweet sugar cured Hams, nice size, small and medium. Priced at, 1 C the pound, only BACON AT ONLY 20 Choice English Breakfast Bacon; just the nice weight; on sale aOf5f the pound, only"'' Bohemian Butter, Square 6Qc Clover Leaf Butter 55c Square The. two thoroughly reliable Butters. Always fresh; will stay fresh longer than any other brand. Phone your order. 25c CHEESE NOW 18c Wisconsin Cream Brick in about 5-pound sizes; reg olar 25e grade, by 1 Q the full brick, lb. IOC (Then cut, the lb. 20 PICNIC SHOULDER HAMS, PER LB., 12V2c The best lunch meat?' Al most as good I O m asham,spl.lb. Long'g Preserves, 16 Oz. Jar 2Qc Pumphin, Best East'n 15c Can lie Squash, Best Eastern 15c Can 11c Ccrn, Fancy Maine, the Can 11c Atmore's 15c Mincemeat, BulhlOc All Evaporated MilKs, 3 Cans 25c HOME-MADE APPLE BUTTER. STOLTZ'S 60c JAR, SPECIAL. SOc Made in Salem, Oregon, nnder the most sanitary conditions. Always pure. BEST EASTERN CORN MEAL 35c SACK. 25c f Yellow or white Corn Meal put up in 9-1 b. sacks. Best quality, regu-OC-. Lar pnee 3oc, spe '1 600 Fairs Women's Pumps and Oxfords, Values to $4 On the Bargain Circle in basement, "Underprice Store" a sale of Ox fords and Pumps that will bring thrifty women from far and near to this store for their Summer footwear. 6000 pairs of Oxfords and Pumps for Wo- men and big misses: Gunmetals, Vici Kids, Tan Calf, Patent Colt, Patent Calf, Suede in tan, brown and blacK, also White Linen in a good selection of sizes. Unusual prep arations have been made to as sure the success of this remarK able sale. Extra salespeople to serve you. Values to $4, the pai :$1 1 til Htl'fjf 1 I M l.tfl-SPJB I E,llF - E-Ti.'inVw I W?X,-Xt?Vi:Si I- V1 .1 ri