21 THE MORNING OKEGOMAN. THURSDAY, APlilL 3Q. 19ir. K HOPS GOING' FUST Over 10,CC0 Bales Taken From California in 2 Weeks. MOST OF THEM EXPORTS Only About 7000 flairs or All Kinds No Remain Vnold on tJ Pa cine Coast Markrt Is Vrrj Slron. Th supp'r of hop a th Pariflc Cout la fait molting away and II U very certain that befor th mw crop romn on la mar ket wi:i b ntirly bar of all growth. Th S-at featar of th mowmtol 1 th fact that of tho racent pnrcha th balk of tho good a wi:i bo shipped out of tbo Vailed Dial. Within tho pact two weeks Kiatxr. Wo'.f A Netter bart s-rure1 and ma1 arrange ment to ahlp lo.TJia bale of California hopa or tho rrop of laws, 1)7. 1M and IfM Ftilly J balao of the hop will (a to England. This WaM only St bale ot all kinds still to California. Ther arw snoold ta Or. goo 433 balr of 1010 1SV bale ot lDuOs and SO0O balea of old eld. vaklBg tho total supply on tho Pacific Coaat today only TTT9 bale, th amalleat quan tity avrr known at this tlm of year. Tho (SnJrr of It la. In tho fc of th tatlstlcs. that tho market has not advanced faster. Th pooltlon coold not wll b troacr. for n If all eountrl- produc bumprr rrop this yar. th acreage Is o much rodoced that tho total output will brJr iual tho world's requirement. As th rciflc Coast, byretofor th only ourc of aupply. has now prartlcaity exhausted Its Trfrf't, It tan b ma that th poalttoa of th mark: haa Ixronu decidedly stronger. So deal In Oregon 1910s wer reported yeatards. but aliachler a Grlhbl bou(ht th Srbmldt lot of I'M bales of It"! at Mount Ansel at 13 cent. California wlraa reported that Volf a N'tter :trd :tl bale of Sacramento lttlo at 1 cents. They also got th Chalmers and Mhna lo of 31 bale of faoramen t..e. recently reported aold at better than cent. For on year Sonoma contract! can' an oOVred without result and 11 cent an bid for thrc years In 8jra maao. KlyTKKN WAhIIIM.TON wool moving Loral Bayer iterating at ta II feat. TradiaaT la Oregoaa. Local wool buyer, are dome a fair busi ness In Eastern Washington, getting clip o; !. baas and np at to 11 cents, Th grower la that section ar usually fro sellers. Trie bs!na soason In Eastern Oroaon ha nt opened up et. Shearing I general. but only In a few Instance ar entire clipa aheare.l. n-l th burer prefer to Walt and see Just what they are ruling. I. a. i.ami aeneral market condition, tbo American Wool and Cotton Iteporter. of Itoaton. MTi: Tb market l draray and bid fair to rem-ln draarv for sum tlm to com, and altb'uah. a .re louxlr stated. It Is believed lo r--" fiuarLers tiat Iher Is still room for a further decline. et In general a mor o.tlmla:tr lone ta aotlceaM than was th ran a few week. ajrv. Tho laet period of depression t'Wk place in 1VO. At that time. h...er. the condition wero somewhat dirfereiit than they are today. In fact, wr cor.i'lerallr worse. Th mitt hid been prosperous tr a period before, and ther had tera mor or Ire a move of ovr-pro-dmtlon. Th Ion period of Inactivity, how. er. which ha taken placo sine th b'Sln. nine of liI. must cecessartlr hav pretty wen cleaned un. aa:lat: supplier of ai.ir.u factored aoods and tor that reason onco pri-e (tart to uj th jeneral xpctatloa Is that ther will so up uulcklv. In th Wt. th situation remains prac. t.csllv th same. Mor sections of th country ar beamnlna to shear from woek to wk. and mora buyers bavo aon out ther. Ther I nothlna a yt. however, with which to Induce, t bo lattr lo beam ttUVina uniesaj in woui I niw . i i... hi . .h..n.r than tho nr.i.nt Ideas ttUVina uniesaj in woui I niw ronsulerably cheaper than th present Id- of th arowerw. Kor that reason, tho sea son will probably b well under way before wo will hear of anythlna In th way of substantial buytna la th wool-arowlns ci lea. )TRM rXWRTONE IN GR.U.V MARKET vfbcwl (teller Aak lllaea rtlaa Thaus Bay. es Will ray. Th (rain markets war quiet yesterday and without new featura. Th andarton was very firm. Iloldera la most cases asked price abov what buyers war wtlllna ta par. local rcrpta. la cars, wars reported by tb Merchants" Kxchsnas as follows; Wheat Parlay Flour Oats Hay Monday T3 II J 31 Tuesday 1 9 T 1 t Wednswday IS T 3 Tear ao 51 I 3 Feaaaa tdSt-10TTl 5M 1fM7 T9 $770 Tear ao T9I 1211 lsl loss S0 CfTEE.aB MOW AT THE Tor MARK rrewewt Scarcity Wlli nmmm D Kcllcred. Batter I' achanaed. Th chees market holds firm St II rents. It ta not likely that tb pries will Ko higher, a th prraent scarcity Is only temporary. Th factories ar all busy and a liberal aupply ahould sooa b oa th mas bet. H utter moves at th former quo tations. poultry price wer nchanad yesterday, but th demand was not as keen as a short tlm aao. Pressed meats and ears war steady. BTRAYVbEKRir-O. rr READILT AaeHbew Car la Dw IVUai Oraaar Ad vance la Swath. Th LooUlsr.a strawberries that wer put a aal yestrday mornlna. beln of fin quality, cleaned up well at ti.S094.S per era re. Another ear will arrlv Friday. Th oraaa -market I very firm on ad vices from California of an advance of 40 cents a box. Flv cars of bananaa ar do thla ntna. Ther was a fair demand for Teaetables of all kinds. Old cabbaa was firmer In California and no new cabbace was offered. Eaaaeert Potatoes Ars la Market. Th first Kaatera potatoes of th sesson wr pet oa aals yesterday. Two ears ar rived, on from Mlrhlaaa and one from vriacosaln. They wer quoted at )2.33. th uma pric as Or a on. The supply of Ore ton potatoes ts almost ahtistd snd ths Kast will bar to b depended oa for th remainder of the eeason. I-inaerd Oil 1 lllaher. A Sent advance In linseed ell was a n aouaced yesterday, th first chanc la this ha that haa occurred lnc April 3. Ths sew price follow: Kaw In barrels, ft. 03; la cases. $1.07: boiled la barrels. (1.04: ia Cases. II OX. Bank C'leeurlnaa. Ttank clearlnas of the Xorthwectern cities yesterday war a follows: Ocarina. B-ilancea. Ion and tX 1 I 4.M.1.-. Fewttle 1.411. IH1 IIJ.JL'S Trumi ti.'.V.I'ii 1.. Cpokan oi.iM io.iiu Twrpeatlae Asala Kedaced- Tarpentln piires wer cut sharply aaaln jastarday. ther belna a S-ceot reduction, raw lota ar now quoted at at rents, troa barreks at eeats and wood barrel at Jt, cent. fORTLA-Nn MAWKFTS. Orah, TVsarr. Feed. Ftc. ruKAT Track prlc: israeatata. (iee; club. Ilitr: red Russian, tie; Valley, tic; at-fold. Mr- BARLEY Cholc feed. ?7.1:S per ton. MII.LJ5TUFKS Bran. KJSvtelM per ton; ml'lditnsa. ell: aborts. rolled barley. i:ti. FI.OI-R Patents. 14 . Prr YJl: stralahis. Sl.ss; export II : alley. .SO. araham. 14 i: whole wheat. CUKN-Wholo. cracked. -S per ton. OATS No. 1 whit. I:to-.i0 per ton. MAY Timothy. K vat era ,,c,"-'on- . til: mixed. I14l: slfalfa. --. clover. U.0II.i; araln nat. tlls. Vrartablew aad Frolta. aAsT. VEOtTAHl.ES Carrots 3cll per kundred. para.ni. SieftH: turnips, bo aill: beet. WrH. . , TKOP1CAL FUL1TS Oranaea. ta.Jl. II ti7i per box. Florida grapefruit. 4..n: California arapelrult. .tll.: baaaaaa. oa pwr 10.: t li.eapples. c per lb.; lemon. Mvl: tana. . II S Pr box. Fllc"H FItl'IT rt raw brrles. Louisiana. 4 o4.;5 p- r . rate: apples, f.mcy. $2u J..-: choice. Mtjl.V". common. . .ecu I p r box EUEi.lBl.r.-ilrlul, l.i401.54 per crate; cabbaa. Il.:itIi per hundred: caulllower. I1.S90I-T per dox.; celery. Cali fornia. 14 per crate; cucumbers. $1.2 per dosen: aasplaut. lie lb.; (arllc lOolIo per lettuce. o per dosen: hothous Uttuc. H ::0l.w per box: peas. 13c per pound; peppers, loo per lb: radishes. 3olSo par doien: rhubarb. fltfl.L'i per box; sprouts. c: toiratoes. Il.lul. HOTATOti Urttoo, Jobbing price. -.- per hundred. OXlo.xs Jobblna price: Oregon. - per hundred; Australian. per hundred. tMairr aad Coamtry Predac. POULTRY Hens, tic; broilers. Je: tic kers. 11c: ducks. ::ic; gees. nOt: dressed turkey, cholc. HQ JSC EIC3 Oregon ranch, candled, too per doan: case count. IS per decen. CHEE.-E Futl eraam, twins, lij per 13.; Touna America, lc VEAL Fancy, i to lis poands, 11911 per pound. MUTTEK City creamery extra. 1 and ! pound prints, la boxca. S6c per poand: lews than soz Iota, cartons and delivery extra PORK Fancy. llrjlSc per pound. WK1.NQ 1-A1I)S II olio per pound. Greceeie. Dried Frolta, F.to. DltlED FRCITS Apples. 130"4 Per pound; currants. HHc; apricots, i:-j Oltc; dates, packaa. It He P' pound; flga, bulk, whita or black, by rack. 7tsc: -, tl.iJW 1.71: 11-Us. iic; 34-liu. 3.25: lr-ls. icf bmymas. lie SALMON Columbia River, l-psund tails. 1. 1 per duaen: 1-pound tails. J.t'-. 1 pound flats. I:. 10; Alaska r-aX. 1-pound tails. II COFFEE Roasted, la drums. JJOJIo per pound. NI TS Walnuts 1" '4 9 1 P pound: Brazil nuts. 14ilcl filberts. lr; almanda. Kttlic; peacan. lie: cocoanuta, SO-'dJl per dosen; chestnuts. 11 Ho per posnd; hickory nuta. SftWc per pound. IIONET Choice. SL't per ess: strained. Sw per pound. SALT tlranulated. Ill per ton: ba!f ground. lQts. i.l per ton: 50s. 49 per ton. BEANS Small white. 4'c; larso white. 4Sc: Lima. Sc; pink. Vc; red Jlexicat.a, tve: ha j 111. 4c IMCE No. 1 Japan. 4,c: cheaper grades, fl.S0w4.ee: Soutiiern head. SViiSic; Im ported Imperial. I c . Imported extra No. 1. 8I UAR Pry granulated, fruit and berry, tl 40; yellow U. 14.70: powdered. lH.di. Terms on remittancea within IS day, de duct He per pound: If later than IS flavs and within 30 days, deduct He per pound. Mapl sugsr, 1J t lc per pound. Provlaloaa. IIAM3 it to ; pounds. llflUc; 11 to 14 pounds. ISIiUI(c; 14 to Id pounds, li'iculisc; skinned. 14c; picnics, li'iie; cottage roll. IS 14 c. KMUKEIJ MEATS Beef tongues. tCc; dried beef sets, none: outsldes. none; In side. ::c; knuckles. II A CON Fancy. ssc: standard. t4c; Choice. 21c: Knallah. 17c. LlRT SALT CI RED Regular short Clears, dry salt. 13c: smoked. 14WC; backs, llaht. salt. 114c: smoked. ISc: backs, heavy, salt. 13c; smoked. 14Vc; exports, salt. 14c; amoked. lSc. I.ARI Kettle rendered, tierces. HVe: tub. U,c: standard, pur, tierces. 11V.C; tubs. 11 he: choice, tierces, 10c: tubs, lsc; shortening, tierce. 8e: tubs. to. llopa. Wool. Hide, Etc. HOPS 11 crop. It ) 20c; uoo'crop. 13 rllc; contracts. 17c. MOHAIR Choice. ISc per pound delivered Portland. WOOL Eastern Oregon, nominal. 10Q14e per pound, according to shrinkage; Valley, 14rriSc per pound. PELTS Dry. c: salted, country pelts, tctvll per pound; lamb pelts. Zac. HIDES raited Miles. 7SC per pound; salted calf. Uc: salt'! kip. 7Ve: salted stags. ISd areen hides. 1c less: dry hide. I7c: dry cslf. lldlic; dry stare. llfUc CASCARA BARK Per pound. Sc Olla. I.INSEED City Pur raw. In barrels, 91. oj: boiled. In barrels. $1.04: raw. In cas-s. $17: boiled. In ca-s. $1.01). TI RPKNTINK Cm. lirtc; wood barrels. tVISc: Iron barrels. Mc, lo-case lots. lAc. GASOL1NI5 Motor aasoiine. Iron barrels. IS He: cases. ::Hc; 94 gasolln. Iron bar rel. tc: caea. l."c COAL OIL Ordinary test. rase. 14fflc: bulk, la tanks. $vc: hlab test, 14 He- FINE CATTLE ARRIVE PRIME STOCK SHIPPED FROM IDAHO PALLS. Another Ixt Received From Cate way, on the New Deschutea Line. Trade Is Quiet. Business was slow at th stock yards yesterdsy. Ther wer some large receipts of cattle, but no sales had been closed up to the tlm business ended for th dsy. Tb trading was confined to mutton stock. A bunch of 111 lambs, averaging 7$ pounds, sold at IS.IS, and 4 wether, ot $4 pounds avoras weight, brought IS. , Tb receipts war 170 cattle. In th ship ments war 11 carloads of atrlcUy prim cattl. sent In by Kldwell a Caswell of Idaho Falls. Idaho. Four loads war brought ta by B. Uram from Gateway on th 1X cbutes Ho, consigned to th 8. a S. Com pany. Prices current on th various classes of stock at th Portland L'nloo ttocarda wer as follows: Prim steer Se.uOI7.0O Choice steer 0 Oood to cholc ateera .......... oil J-V.. Fair to good steers 6-oOaf o. 1 a Common steers '." S JC! Prime cows J-'" Hood to cholc cow b-'Kiv o.'i Fair to good cows .iol 4.it loor cow VU fiS Cholc heifer S.o.' 6 i 5 Choice bails 4.i j .w C.ood to enole bull 4.oo 4.1j Cho.- Iigr.t calve b..ti I.m Uo.m1 to cholc light calve - b.ooiui 8 00 Fair to medium light calve I.ooy s.oo (.hole heavy calvi-a 5S S.00 Fair to medium heavy caltea.... . 60 Choir stag l.-iot I.&0 Oood to cholc (tags 4.1U4J O.OS Fair to medium stags. ... 4.vHiJ 4.60 Hon . Cholc bog 7.oo 7:;j Gwd to cholc hogs. .... 0 So tt.iS Cholc heavy o-7.'nr 7.im G.iod to cholc heavy S-oO Common h'0 Stock hogs T.&Ot, T.T5 Sheep Oruln-led wethers, heavy 4.50y 3 iw Choice young wethers, (rain-fed. 6.Wt 5.-i Old wethers twi "' Good to cholc shorn wethers. . . 4 2St$ 40 4holc wes. grajn-fed. ........ 4.."iut 4.7S Fair to medium wes 3.7Aia 4-0 Oood to cholc shorn wes 3.75 ul 4.00 Cholc wool lambs, grain-fed. . . . 5.30 t &.13 G00J to choice wool lambs, grain fed 1.2.-. 3.30 Choic shorn lambs, araln-fed S-lUtJ 4-40 Oood to cholc ahora lambs, grara (,4 8 0ot 8.23 Fair to good lambs, grain fed.... 4.7S9 $.21 Cull 2i,, The following quotations represent prle.es on this market tor the different cUrsea of horses: Drafters, extra heavy. $ AOti COO; drafter. 14t0 to 17o) lbs. 8 ISO :30: draft ers. 12"0 to 140O lbs.. llouuUiO: chunk. Isofjlto; plus. 110 , 4: driving horses. 73 and up; saddle horses. 880 and up. Chicago Uveatock Market. CHICAOO. April IS Cattle Receipts es timated at 20.OUO. Market generally loo lower: beeves. o.l3.70: Texas steers. I4er!3.du: Western steer. 4.anaj3f)0: atockers and f.-edra. I4.UO U) 5.75: cow i and heifers, l2.Tflar3.t: calves. f4 7..jSO. Hon Receipts estlmatd at 2S.ixx. Mar ket slow. to IOC lower; lie. lit, rt 20 H. '..-.; mixe.1. l'Vl.'..t,50: heavy. IJIWtiaiiJ; rough t." lxj i lo: aood to cholc heavy. IH lone. 3:.: pigs. I6.2usd.33: bulk of sales. Ill 23 ft (L lo. Fheep Receipts estimated at SO.oaO. Mar ket weak to loc lower; native. I -I 00 4.7i: Western. 1:1 ISO 4 70: yearllnaa. $4.3utS.2S; lambs, oauv. $4.30(1 8.13: Western, is-Tott C7J. - . -rrwr-- ' w-w SUPPORT SPHOMFT Stocks Rally After a Bear Drive. GOOD GAINS ARE MADE M 1011 r! Pacific ensealed but Not Weakened by the Ckange In tbe Company's Directors tex Icans Are Higher. NEW TORK. April 19. Wall street was confused today by th situation arising from yesterday's crisis In th affairs of Missouri Pacific, which constituted th chief In fluence, In th stock market. Uncertainty as to th outcome of th disruption of ths road' directorate and withdrawal of the Kuhn, Loeb a Co. representatives and rague fears of further complications gav rise to ora uneasiness, but strong support, which was offered, defeated attempts to" depreaa price. 31tourt Pacific was ths strongest stock In the list, although a number of other Issues made good gains. Although the advance of Missouri Paclflo from 43 In January to 63 In February was based oa th new that new Interests com manding the confidence of the financial world would assume control, deflnlt sev erance of these relations brought no corre sponding disturbance. The belief was aeneral that dtscontlnnsnc of relations between th Goulds and th Kuhn-Loeb Interest would not Interfer with plans for meeting the financial re quirement of th system. . A report which was spread lat In the day that substantial banking Interests had agreed to take up the responsibility of financing the road met with general acceptance, th more readily because th bankers men tioned In that connection are known to b Identified closely with th Rockefeller In terests. - Tber wer few variation In prices of stocks until the last hour, when th bear mnd a final drive. The market wavered and broke, but was supported as promtly and efficiently as In the morning. Stocks roae quickly to th best level of the day. Missouri Pacific making a gain of 2 and other Issues showing several advances. l.ondon aaaln bouaht stocks freely in this market. Mealcnns were higher In London on mor cheerful advices as to the outlook. Bonds were Irregular. Total sales, par value. $2,232,000. Vnlted State bands wer unchanged on call. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. Closing Bale. AMI Chal pf .. 2io Amal Copper .. J.l.lloo Am Anrliu.lt .. l.'.xxl Am Hcet SuKr. 1.000 American Can Am Car a Fdy. 4H) Am Cotton OH.. l.oo Am lid a I.fpf Am Ic Securl.. 400 Am I.lnseed Oil Am locomotive. Am Smel a Kef 8,200 do preferred Am Steel Fdy.. 100 Am 8ugar Rcf Am Tel A Tel. . 2'KI Am Tobacco pf 2o0 Am Woolen .... ino Anaconda M Co. 2"0 Atchison 4.4'Ml do preferred.. 100 Atl Coast I. In Halt a Ohio . . . o"0 Hethlohem Steel T High. t;iS 6G-, 'di" 33 i "22 vi Low. Hid. 2S 311 Ti bS 41 S 2S Ul 3)1 S 42 r.2 M 22 22 10 s. 72 104 44 IIS 143 07 33 3 ins 102 119 104 32 77 223 27 " 27S 78 :o 21 43 143 111 52 29 r.i 142 1 HIS 30 A9 34 211 47 3 149 124 HO 13d 17 31 113 1 13 32 I'.S H2 143 21 i:; 31 01 41 134 SI 34 10s 40 10.-, 70 122 23 123 lo4 94 Sfo 31 139 31 132 31 P3 2 r. 89 so Ad SO 114 20 2 83 21 lf 4ll 173 M 72S "44'i iis '4 7 .14 30 li' 102. 82S 774 223 i 27 71 '44 '.4 07 n4 suh lifts 102 s ioi" Sl4 77 1. 224 . 20 '78 4 '26 M Brook R Traa.. K'H Canadian Pao .. Central leather, do preferred. . 3.41-0 3O0 Central of X J Ches a Ohio . . Chicago A Alton Chi Ot West .. do preferred. . Chlcagj a N W C. M a 81 Paul. c. c. c a st i. 2.000 79 'ii" 3o6 3.300 117H Col Fuel A Iron Col Mouthern.. 200 Consol tins .... 2.300 Corn Products H ...... Iel a Hudson D R Grande.. 20O do preferred.. 4o0 Testifiers Securl M0 81 141 142h 20 (W S4H 2tlS 47 37 149", 123 tv 131 4 ItlJ 1134 'io" 3x14 HIS 32 H 102 33 H 2 4H 37 14S 124 no 13H 18 hi 113 'id" 3 1S .12 n 102 Erie do 1st pf .... do 21 pf .... fleneral Eleetrlo Ot North pf ... fit North Ore . . Illinois Central. Intcrbor Met . . do preferred.. Inter Harvester. Inter Marine pf Int Paper Int Pump Iowa Central .. K C Southern.. do preferred.. !.arlede. Una . . . Toula a Nash.. 3,:ino l.ioo loo 800 1.2m lh0 2i Ml 400 4"fl 2u0 ""loo loo 2oO 2i oo 200 Minn A It L M. 8 P a 8 M TOO Mo. Kan Tea. 2ix do preferred.. 10 Mo Pacific 44.3'X 1364j US 7 4i 13d 511 S4". 103 13S SIS B7 43 13.1 National Biscuit l.WK) National Lead .. 1"0 31 Mei N KT 2 pr. -." sa" N T Central ... J.30O 103 105 N V. Ont a W' Norfolk a We. l.SOO 10 10.-, North Am 2" ' 70 70 Northern Pae .. 4.3O0 122 121 Pacinc Mall Pennsylvania ... 3.300 124 123 People Gn P. C C a St L Pittsburg Chal 100 20 20 Preased 8 Car Pull Pal Car " Ry Steel Spring Reading 10.?OO 132 J30S Republic Steel .. 2"0 31 31 do preferred. Rock Island Co 3.100 2S 2.1 do preferred. St L 8 K 3 pf 000 89 39 St I. Southwest do preferred.. floss Sheffield 400 51 o0"t Southern Pao .. S.soo 114 110 Southern Ry ... 2 21 do preferred.. 10 02 02 Tenn Copper . .. IOO 38 8 Teja a Pacific . Tol. St L a Wea 20 19 19 do preferred.. "0 47 4. Union Paclflo .. 42.3o 175 -17.1 do preferred.. 20O 92 02 -i f S Realty 2 U S Rubber ... 1.4 .19 39 R U S Steel W.OOO 73 74 73 do preferred.. 7K 1111 119 119 rtah Copper ... 1.2"0 4.1 42S 4rt Va-Caro Chem . 7.1o 02 61 02 Wal'aai 3") 1 1-"' 11 do preferred., i.100 30 35 80 Western Md 4I Westljg Klee .. 800 63 64 o Western Vnlon . 2 Lehlg'h Valley' V. ' W.SOti 170 VTo" 170 Total sale for the day. 413.C00 shares. BONDS. NEW TORK. April 19. Closing quota tions: V. 8. ref. 2s rg.l0l'N. T. C. gn 3s 8SW do coupon ...101! No, Pacific Sa... 70 U. 3. 3s reg 10i!No. Pacific 4s... 99 do coupon ...101 Union farlflc 4a. 101 tt k new 4s rea.!14:wia. Central 4s.92B do coupon ...US IJapanea 4 .. kb B D. a R. G. 4. . 93 B Money, Exehaag. Etc. NEW TORK, April 1. Money on call steady. 2 ) J per cent: ruling rate, 2; cloalng bid. 2; offered at 1. Time loans easier; ( days. 1 par cant; an Have 2 a, per cent: alx months. 8 per cent. Prime mercantile paper, 3 0 4 per sterling exchange steady with actual busi ness In bankers' bills at 84.1423 for 40-dar bills and 14.8(45 for demand. Commercial bills. 14. MS. liar sliver. BISc. Mexican dollara, 4jC "Bonds Government stesdy; railroad. Ir regular. LONDON, April 1. Bar silver Stesdy, 24 ll-1d per ounce. . . ii ti 1 u. ner cent. Th rat of discount In th open market for short bills Is 1 per cent. The rate of discount in in opan nurni li mroo month' bills 1 per cent. SAN FRANCISCO. April IS. Sterling on London. 40 d. 14.84; sterling on Lon don, sight. 4.8i. Uratu Sight, 3 per cent; Ulegraph. 4 per cent. , " CHICAOO. A7rll 1. Exchsngs on New Tork 23 p remits m. CoarTltloa of thai Trewaory. WASHINGTON. April 19. At the begin ning of bu4rsa today the condition of the Vnlted State Treasury was: - Working balance in Treasury t2A.S43.5IU In banka aad Philippine treasury. S2.3I9.RH2 Halanc In general fund........ 4.S29.HM7 Ordinary receipt yesterday 1.012.25T Ordinary disbursements i-i.ow Pc(icit ts data this ILsosl year.. LWS.ebi Deficit this tlm last year 17.2fl.363 The figure exclude Panama Canal and public debt transactions. PRODUCE. AT SAN FRANCISCO. Quotations Current La th Bay City Mar "keta. SAN FRANCISCO. April It. Th follow ing produc price wer current today: Vegetable cucumbers, voctrsi.sj. llc. 4jc; green peas, 58"c; siring beans, 12tT2tc; asparagus. 30ctjl.:i; tomatoes. Butter Fancy creamery, 21 c Kggs Store. ltc: fancy ranch. Sic Cheese Young America. 114yl2c Millstuffa Bran, $244,27; middlings, tSl Fruit Apples, choice, tl-25: common, II. Mexican limes. li-oi.iO; California lemons, choice. 13; common, L25; oranges, navel, l.;srl.75. 1 Onions NominaL Hav Wheat. $1114.S0 per ton; wheat and oats, 4ill: alfalfa. $9 4 11. Receipts Flour, qr. sacks. 7354: wheat, rtls.. 7S1&: barley, ctls.. 120: oats ctls.. 193D; potatoes, sks., 4i30; bran, ska.. Is; bsy, tons. 3(2. ii ed Frnlts at New York. NEW TORK. April 19. Evaporated ap ples, dull and nominal. On the spot fancy are quoted at 14c; choice. 13c; prime. 13c. Prune very firm, owing to the small stocks and reports of damage to the Ore gon crop. Quotations from fle to 13c for . . . 1 ........ lln . .-Mi-ail and UM13WC for Oregon from HUn to 3is. rreacnes inacnve out nrnuj. v nunc, , 7c; extra choice. 768c; fancy, 8 NET CHANGES SMALL CniCAGO WHEAT OrEXS FIRM AND CLOSES STEADV. Hlgber Offerings From India, Aus tralia and Argentina Longs Are Sellers. CHICAGO. April 19. A show of strength at tho start In the wheat pit came as a re sult of Liverpool reports of firmer offerings from Australia, India and Argentine today. There) was also at one time a rally because of export sales at Winnipeg. Neither bulge lasted, however. On the other hand, longs displayed considerable anxiety to let go of holdings. Short, too. were eagerly on watch throughout the session. The bears de rived som help also from the fact that pri mary receipts were less than a year ago and on account of the poor cash demand. May ranged from 8Tc to S9c. closing firm at 84iSc. a net loss of a shade. Com worked up In consequence of small receipts. May fluctuated between 49 and 60c, with last sales c net higher at 4H'a St 30c. Cash grades were firm. No. 2 yellow closed at 30j50Hc. Lightness of country offerings served as a prop for oats. High and low figures on May were 31 c and 31c snd th finish 31c a net gain of c Hog products dropped, owing to selling by packers. In the end pork was off 13 to 30c. iard 20 to 22tJ25c and ribs 10 to 17c TV H E X. Open. High Low. Close May ... . - ',;, ,ss Sept. li'i -83v4 CORN. K :: ::: :85 :!S 111 ii Sept. SIS .61 OATSS May 31 -" iut 31 .31 .31 .51 MESS PORK. PER BARREL, v.. . 15.4s 15.40 15.35 15.37 ?iy ::::::.4:m i4H3 u.87 14.70 LARD. PER 100 POUNDS. Mae 7 87 7.90 7. SO 7.80 July tioo 8 -87 1 87 Sept. 815 8.1S T.7 7.t7 Cash quotations wer ss follows: " Flour Easy. . No. 2 ry. l91c Feed or mixing barley, ;r.5e. Fair to choice malting. $11.0J. - Flax seed. No. 1 Southwestern, 82.31: No. 1 Northwestern. J2.63. Timothy seed, tit- Clover. tl5. ' , v Mess pork, per bbl.. 11SS18.25. Lard, per cental. 37.77. Short ribs, sides f loose), J7.75 8.37. Short clear side (boxed). t.178.0. GRAIN STATISTICS. Total clearances of wheat snd flour were qual t 5S.006 bushels. Primary receipts were 254.000 bushels, compared with 244. 00 bushels. Estimated receipts for tomorrow wheat, tt cars: corn,-100 cars; oats, 120 cars; hogs, 21,000 head. DAILY MOVEMENT OF PRODUCE. Articles Receipts. Shipments. Flour, obis 26.300 !H!2 Wheat, bu. lt.OOO So.000 Corn bu. 150.0U0 404.000 oat. buT 24i.ono 210.000 R?e bu? II".!"!. 3.0UO 1.000 Bisy.bu. !!!!!!! -Q' 2- Mlnneaanolls Wheat Market. MINNEAPOLIS. April IS. Wheat May. 4t95c; July. oasc; September. 89c. Cash7 No. 1 hard, c: No. 1 Northern. 7t7c: No. 2 Northern. 43c; No. 3 wheat. ! B4. Kuropean Grain Market. LONDON. April It. Cargoes firm but In active. Walla Walla for shipment at 32s d. English country markets, stesdy; French country markets, quiet. LIVERPOOL. April 1. Wheat May, s d; July. 6s 8d; October. 6s d. Grain at San Franclxco. SAN FRANCISCO. April 1. Barley ""Jh' quotations: wheat eShtpplng. 1.47 if 1.50 per cental. Barley: Feed, $1.4361-47 per cental; brewing, tl.50 1-56 per cental. Oata Ken. luioi.ii "T. -""". white, nominal; black, tl-tO1.35 per Cnll board sale: Barley December, tL30; May, J1.E0 per cental bid; 1.52 asked. Grain Market of the Northwest, TACOMA. April 19. Wheat Rluestem. !i7c: fortyfold. 65c; club. 844j(8uc; red Rusaian. 83 c Receipts, wheat 13 cara, barley 3 cars; oats 3 car; hay 4 cars. SEATTLE. April 19. Milling quotation Bluestem. 87e: fortyfold. 86c: club, sic: fife. 85c; red Russian. 3c Export wheat: Blue stem. 84c: fortyfold. 8.1c; club. 8-'c; fife. 82c; red Russian. 80c. Testerday's car receipts, wheat 15 cars, corn 3 cars, oats 5 cars, bar ter 5 cars, hav It cara. It is only to the property own er who insists upon quality who wants a pavement that endures to whom bitulithic pavement appeals TRAVELERS' CCIDE. AMERICAN z WHITE STAR RED STAR ATLANTIC TRANSPORT WHITE STAR DOMINION Canadian Service (.'( Office, 1 Sd Ave., Seattle: or C. W. Stinger. 231 Mash : A. 1. Charl ton. 233 Mor.; F. 11. Johnson. 143 3d; E. F. Balrd. IOO 3di Vatd. Lidell, St N. Sthi It. Dickson. Hi 8d. JOIN THE EXCHANGE Big Rogue River Growers Line Up With Northwestern. TO HANDLE APPLE OUTPUT Association at a jreeting at Medford Decides to Give Portland Ex change the Selling of All Its Product. Th following special announcement was Issued yesterday by the Northwestern Fruit Exchange: An adjourned stockholders' meeting of the Rogue River Fruit and Produce Association aa held at Medford on Tuesday. April 11. a mtmhor of Imivtrllnl OUPAtiOnS Wn) dlB- cussd. among them being the question of marketing. Various reports were p"" A . i. - tnnphinr tea different marketing methods extant, and at a special meeting of the board of directors of the Rogue River Fruit and rroauce a""v held on the following Saturday. April l i that III. association shall Join the Northwestern Fruit Exchange, and market Ita entire output or appie " season ot 1B1L Accordingly membership agreements with, the Northwestern Fruit Exchange were exe cuted, and the exchange will handle the selling of the entire output of apples of the Rogue River Fruit and Produce Asso ciation. This action was taken after a very careful Investigation of the records, equip ment snd facilities of the exchange, and a comparison of tho exchange e average re ulta with those obtained in the same dis trict under other methods of marketing. During the season of 1810. th Rogue River Association was not a member of the Northwestern Fruit Exchange, having made its marketing arrangements some time before the exchange was organlxtd. How ever, at odd times during the season, I!S carloads of fruit were sold by the North western Fruit Exchange for the RoKue River Association, at average prices appearing hereunder: Extra Fanny. Fancv. Choice. Ben Davis Oenlton I.auver ............ Newtowns ......... Oregon Reds Red Cheek Pippin.. Rome Reauty Kpitsenberg Winesaps W. W. Pearmaln.... 1.08 .'4 $ .97 l.OO 1.S5 1.40 1.H2 1.33 1.00 1.04 1.39 ; i.24 1 64 1.09 1.42 In passing. It may be of Interest to say a word about the Rogue River Fruit and Produce Association. This association is not only one of the best organized in the entire Northwest, but is also one of the largest The association operates twelvo shipping stations, covering the entire) Rogue River Valley for a distance of about 55 miles. On lta board of director It num bers several very prominent men promi nent not only In the frult-growlr.g; world, but men of wide, varied business experi ence. Th president. Colonel R. C. Wash burn, is a man of extensive experience In the East, and a large orchard owner. Mr. C. E. Whisler, vice-president, needs no in troduction as he Is known far and wide wherever fruit Is grown. Mr. K. S. Miller, general manager of the association. Is con sidered one of the best executives in the industry. Mr. Reginald H. Parsons, presi dent of the Northwestern Fruit Exchange, and president of the Hlllcrest Orchard Com pany, controlling 200 acres in th Rogus River Valley, and Mr. A. C Randall, one of the directors of this exchange, and presi dent of the Talent Orchard Company, com prising over 300 acres of trees in the Rogue River Valley, are both directors in the Rogue River Fruit and produce Associa tion. Prof. P. J. O'Gara, who is known far and wide throughout tho Northwest ss a former expert in the United States Govern ment Department of Agriculture. Bureau of Pomology, and who is an authority in all of the scientlfl: branches of horticulture, is aiso one o the association's directors. The other directors are all prominent fruit growers, and altogether the Rcgue River Fruit and Produce Association Is one of the strongest Institutions of Its kind lu the Northwest. That an association under such manage ment should recognixe the value of the service of tile Northwestern Fruit Exchange and become a member of It. Is an eloquent testimonial of the clean methods and suc cessful operations of the exchange during its present year. Inasmuch as the exchange is under tho complete control of bona fide fruitgrowers, and Is rendering a scientific service at a very low rate. It Is coming generally to be regarded as entirely worthy of earnest sup port and encouragement. Counting the Rogue River Association, there are now 13 different fruitgrowers', as sociation In Washington. Oregonand Idaho which have signed membership agreements with the Northwestern Fruit Exchange. TRAVELERS' GUIDE. aWrt German Lloyd Enjoy that tong-thought-of trip to EUROPE tipon modern steamers equipped with every comfort and convenience. London Paris Bremen Express Sailings Tuesdays. Fast Mail Sailings every Thursday. Gibraltar Algiers Naples and Genoa Sailings Saturdays with Company connections for Egypt and the rar ust. a Wireless and Submarine Service. lraveiers' meets. f Around-the-World Trips, $618. end for owr book it oinet all detail t. OELRICHS II CO.,0. Art., S Broadways RlrtCal.G.A.r.C Saa rraaclsco. or Local Agent. Th Tourist Highway and Scenic Rout to Europe via Th St. Lawrenc Riaer. the Shortest Ocean Passage. Less than Four Days at Sea by the "EMPRESSES OF THE ATLANTIC." Weeklv sailings Montreal. Quebae. to Liver pool. First cabin. $00; second cabin, 147.50; third cabin, i0. Ask local agents, F. R. Johnson, a. A.. 142 Third St.. or J. J. Forster. T. P. A.. 609 First Ave.. Seattle. STEAMER ANVIL carrying paseiengers and freight, will leave Albers' Iock, No. 3. Saturday evening. April 22, at 7 P. M, for Gari baldi, Bay City, Tillamook, Newport, Florence and Banton. TICKET OFFICE 138 THIRI ST. Phones Main 638 and A 4596. COOS BAY LINE STEAMER BREAKWATER sails from Alaska dock. Portland, "Postponed Sailing," sails V A. M. Wednesday. April 20. Sailing ot April 19 canceled. Commencing May 1, l A. M.. every five days. Freight received at Alaska dock until 5 P. M. dally. Passenger fare first-class. $10: second-class. ST, In cluding meals and berth. Tickets on sal at Aiiiaworth dock. Phona Main 2tg, A 1234. NEW ZEALAND AND AUSTRALIA (Union line of N. Z.) VIA TAHITI AND WELLINGTON trirect through steamers, sailing from San Francisco, May 3. and every 28 tiays. Well ington and hack. 1st class. 1264. Other rates also low. The line to Isle of the South Seas. For reaerrations see Coupon Railroad Agents, OT addraaa Ooaawlai ai. sL Co. San JTrancuKOa MMMI fmlm STEAMSHIPS ft -"5fl . A "v ;i ;3i 'lib . .at . -N .(svfs.. tar 1 -i.' jtA-i- -1 K - i ll r View of Portland's skyscraper district, reduced from the full-page photograph in Sunday's Ore gonian Magazine Section. LUMBERMENSri t at Fifth and Stark streets, is the nearest National Bank to this district UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY. Merchants National Established 1S80. Second and Washington Street. PORTLAND, OREGON. Capital and Surplus $350,000.00 Tho Merchants National Bank solicits the business and cordially n vite the accounts of individuals. Firms anj Corporations, feeling: assurer that the unexcelled facilities and thorough knowledge of local conditions acquired .during our twenty-five years of banking experience will render relations, once established, permanently agreeable and mu tually beneficial- . R. L. DURHAM, President. M. L. HOLBROOK. Vice-President. GISO. W. HOTT. Cashier. S C CATCHING, Asst. Cashier. C DETERING, Asst, Cashier. LADD & TILTON BANK Established 1859 Capital $1,000,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits 700,000.00 Letters of credit, drafts and travelers' checks issued, avail able on all parts of the world. Corner Washington First National Bant Capital $1,500,000 Surplus 750,000 Oldest National Bank West of the Rocky Mountaius rKPPrTlVE APRII, 3 1911 Leave Seattle, Wash., Sundays, at m'inI5hLi,. effect APKIL 19. 1911 Leave Seattle. Wash.. Sundays and Wednesdays at midnik'ht. NOTICE Wedneadaya' aallingr to Prince Rupert only until June U i.i, a -Prinrp Albert from Prince Rupert every Saturday at CTSpnVor ufenPCharlo1ie Islands" and for ocPa. points at 1:00 F. M. Wednesdays Katei Include meal and berlh north of Vancouver. r .i Ef? ZtI'a rVTrviitions apply to Local Railway Ticket Agents or J. H. r0rBurvU i'nti.ynvi and Yesler Way. Seatle, Washington. TRAVELERS' G IT ID 15. San Francisco, Los Angeles and San Pedro Direct. North Paclflo S. S. CO.'s 8. S. Roanok and S. 8. Eldw sail every Wednesday alter Safely at 8 P. M. ticket offic. HZ Third St.. near Alder. UAKTIX J. HIG1VEY. Passenger Agent. W. II- SLl'SSEK, Freight Agent, phones M. 1314. A 1311. 6AN FRANCISCO PORTLAND SS. CO. New aervlce to Lo Angeles via San Fran cisco very flv. days. From Alnsworth Dork, Portland. 9 A. M. B.S. How City Apr. 3,Beaver 8, Bear May 3 From San Francisco Northbound 12 M. S.S. lieaver Ap. 31. Bear 6, Bom City May 1 From San Pedro northbound. 12 M. 8 S. Bear Ap. , Rose City 29, Beaver May 4 I.OS Angeles, flO.35. J20.50. $22.60. 125.50. S.8. "Bom City" sail 9 A.M. Sun., Apr. 23. H. O. Smith. C. T. A.. 14S Third St. a. V. Ransom. Agent, Alnsworth IHjck. rfaoncst Main 403. 268i A 1102, w,w: v..,v , v. v .. v... , 1 . - ..."i"" - i-,.. i and Third Streets. Bank STEAMSHIPS "Prince Rupert" and "Prince George" F O R Victoria, Vancouver, Prince Rupert, Stewart and Queen Charlotte Island Points TRAVELERS' GUIDE- EUROPE 1911 , Vacation Tours $150 to $800 Variety of Routes. Programme free for the asking. TH0S. C00K & SON, , 689 Market St., San Francisco. Cook's Travelers' Cheques good all over the world. NEW YORK PORTLAND REGtTLAR FREIGHT SERVICE. Low Rates. Schedule Time. AMERICAN-HAWAIIAN S. S. CO. 215 Railway Exchange Bldff. Portland. Or. Main 8378. V322, i