Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, April 20, 1911, Page 20, Image 20

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Cereal Shipments for Nine
Months Are 6,782,507
the charter of a vessel to replace the f
itMmtr Joseph Keilnc on the Coallts
River run are completed, the Kelloag
will b ordered out of a nice, probably
the last of next week, for an overhauling
and to bare a new haft, and boiler In
stalled. Her present bo'.ler can carry
ISO pounds of steam and the new one la
to carry HO pounds. The old shaft Is an
elcht-lnch type and that to be Installed
w.ll be nine Inches.
During Same Time Washington
Otic Only f hipped 3,782.507
BahrN. Baltimore, Philadel
phia, w York Kank it.
Unless there should be an unusual
s:lr in the foreign grain market tha
would draw larger stocks from other
districts than Portland could furnish,
this city will be at the head of the
list of cereal exporting centers of the
t'nlted States when the season ends
June 3'). In the summary of the firs
Bine months male by the Iwpartmen
of Commerce and Labor. Portland Is
credited with harlna- floated In tha
pertnrl .7S-.3oT bushels valued a
Exports from the District of Port
land show a train over the name period
last year, when i.OlJ.i: bushels,
valued at H.S77.450. were floated and
that In the face of a general decline
In exports throughout wheat shipping
ports or the litted Hates.
.Movement Is
In ! the total movement was 1.
JTi.OO diiIiIs and In 1910 It dropped
to H.S2.J. while for the nine months
endlnir th Mr h there has been
moved but ;n.;3.55 bushels. Port
land contrlb!t!!n over a third of the
bu:nji. The department gives the
port credtt for !;t;.p!ng "2.1M bushels
In March, aicalnst H.42 bushels for
March. 1I0.
The figures give Putret Pound aerond
place, but so far behind Portland that
the comparison Is really n the rate
fory of odious ones, as that territory
sent away 21 1.12 bush -Is valued at
jS7.10 and for March. 1910. the wheat
export were Ii3. &71 bushels, valued at
r'or nine months of this sea
son Pugel found! sent away S.7SI.507
bushels, valued at l3.IS0.09i. a sllsjht
Increase over 191d when the northern
figures were J. 349.310 bushels, valued
at $3.:1.53.
Ha It I more Is Third.
Haltimore mi.! tha beet showing for
nine monthf of the Eitern districts
with XI9M bushels and Philadelphia
esport-rl l.S-3,77 buhes. New York brief
H.'tS with 1.7i.:S bushels.
In the flour olumn the Department of
Commerce and Iabor shown that the pott
ma le a J rmp. exporting during Mtnh
as. s.j barrels against approximately li.")
carrels at year ago and for ntne month
there basi been shipped 41i.SU barrels
valued at t.13T as compared with
tt barrel valued at fvtfjUl for the cor
responding period a year ago.
matt: giESTiox ihscvssed
txime Mariner Side With Marcrnn
and Others Are Doubtful.
Hueeslnc on the outcome of the steamer
p.rrak water Incident, which arose over
romplaint that Captain Margenn waa
cwrrytns: to mates while his certificate
railel for three, has caused a strong
Hlvismn of opinion among mariners, some
of whom hold that the provision, of the
rertirtrate must be followed to the letter
and that no options are recoicnised as to
tne number of men carried, except In
the steward's department.
Captain Macgrnn anil V. D. Kenton,
counsel for the Southern Paclrtc. contend
that three mates were rarrlrd previously
on the l;reakwater only at periods when
heavy carta offerings necessitated pay
ing considerable overtime, when a) a
mean of reducing expenses a third
' mate was s icne.l. That system was ap
proved br Sii;erintendVnt Mackenzie, of
the Southern Paciilc at San Francisco,
but the Breakwater has carried only two
mates on the Coos Hay run.
Mariners hold thnt the charge Khould
properly be considered before Local In
spectors Edwards and Puller, but as
Secretary Nacel. of the Department of
Commerce and iAbor h-fs required that
the papers be forwarded to him for re
View, it la expected that a new ruling
may follow to govern kindred cases.
McCormlck fleet Prompt In Comply
in- With Federal Order.
When next t!ie steamer Yosemlte re
ports here from the south eVie will not
only have a new p;aranre by reason
c-f having been drydo-ked and over
latiled. but will be equipped with wire
less. The McCormtck fleet ra me pae
sengers and is only the Klamath has
the aero equipment the other vessels are
to be fitted with the em me system.
Py July 15 all pawwit vessels plying
at sea to ports So miles distant must
rave wireless and during May and Juna
the Department cf Commerce and Labor
will begin checking the list of carriers
to awertaln which have compiled with
the law. The act waa passed last year
and sufficient warning has been given
as to the time when penalties will ba
Inflicted so that all owners have had
an opportunity to become familiar with
the regulations. Vessels now equipped
with lrelen all be required to register
with a Navy wireless station ashore
w hen they reach a point within 100 miles
of land, and the Navy Department will
instruct operators to receive such mes
sages dally between S A. M. and ( P. M.
Tne Information thereby received will be
forwarded to Washington and In turn
all Collectors of Customs will be ap
prised of the ships that have complied
with the law.
Columbia River Parker Will Re.
place Wrecked Jabex Howes.
AiTORIA. Or.. April 1. (Special.)
Oeorge H. George, manager of the Co
lumbia River Packers' Association, owner
of the ship Jabex Howes, which was
wrecked at Chlgnlk Bay. Alaska. April 6.
said today that lis company will dis
patch another vessel with supplies to
CT 'gnik as soon as possible.
There Is a considerable quantity of
supplies at the Association's Chignik can
nery and as the rtshing season doee not
open there until Juna l It Is believed ar
rangements can be made for operating
the plant without Interruption, even
should most of the cargo on the wrecked
craft prove a total loss.
The Jabes Howes sailed from here on
Mnrch 1 uraler command of Captain
Johnson. She carried a cargo valued
at llo.i fully covered by Insurance.
The Vfesel. which was owned by the
rai kers- Association, was vsjued at
and was cot Insured.
Kellogg to Be Overhauled.
Aa soon as negotiations under way for
Gatzert Stajs at Home.
Another of many rumors concerning
the steamer Bailey Gatxert was denied
yesterday by Superintendent McDonald,
who said, that her reported sale to Cali
fornia Interests for- service on a Sacra
mento River run was) a myth. "The
vessel has not even been Inspected by
prospective purchasers, so she would not
likely be taken without being viewed."
ha said. Tha Gatxcrt will remain on The
Dal leer route according to present plans
and the cut In passenger rates made by
the Open River Transportation Company
will not be met.
Marine Notes.
Repairs were yesterday begun to
Couch-street dock to eliminate damage
done by the steamer Hoqulam.
To continue working outward cargo the
Bank Line steamer Lucerle" shifted yes
terday from the flour mills to the Al
blna dock.
Independent pilots yesterday secured
the steamer Shasta, which arrived from
San Francisco, and It is hinted that ne-
Dwe to Arrive.
Name. From. D"'.
Ttrakter....Cooa By In port
Klamath Sao Kranclsco In port
Klrslle......ialboa Il P"rt
Rom Clt. ..... (ID Pedro. .. .In Prt
Anvli Handon...... Apr. -
en. H. Elmftrl T;!lm'jo. .. .Apr. - -HcDrik
..UonikoTtf.... Apr. -a
Geo. W. Elder. .San Pedro. ... Apr. -a
Reaver Ka a Pedro ..Apr. -1
.J'tl'-on n Francisco Apr. .
A l.ance KureKa Apr. j.
Bear San pidro. .. .Apr. "
Oold.u Oate. .. Tillamook.... Apr. J
IlosDoke San V dro.... Apr. JO
cbednlew ts Depart.
Name. For. Pate
Klamath San r'rancisco Apr. 2S
Golden Gate. ..Tillamook. ...'it. -I
Iireakwater. .. ."ooa Hay Apr. it
Aavll .Bandon. .... Apr.
plverside. . .... tultoa Apr. -3
Rim ruv Fan Pedro. ... Ar. 'Zi
Sue II. Flmorel liltmook. .. Apr. CS
Ceo. TV. Eldor. .Sn P.ilro. ...Apr. '
B.aver Saa Pedro. ...ATr. a
A. l.n-e Kureka Apr. "Jl
Falcon ........ Pan Francisco Apr. -
Hennk Ibsen.. llonrVong Apr. so
Roanoke Fn I-ertro.... May 3
Bear San Pedro.. ..May 1
John Deere Plow Company Of
ficial Denies Published
Charles II. Archerd, General Man
ager In Portland, Asserts That
Consolidation Kfrectcd Is
Merely Reorganization.
gotlatlona will ba successful for other
In return for many courtesies shown
newspapermen traveling on the steamer
Roee City. Captain K. Mason was
yesterday apprised that the Portland
Press Club had included him In the list
of associate members.
For the first time In three months the
lighthouse tender Heather "Tlew down
her boilers yesterday at Astoria. Com
mander Klllcott having ordered her to
lay tip for that purpose.
Inward cargo was discharged last
night from the steamer Riverside, of
the California Atlantic fleet, and she
will shift today to the Portland mill to
take on ZOO.uoo feet of lumber.
As there was a new wheel on hand
and new tall shaft was secured without
delay, repairs to the steamer Breakwater
are being carried forward rapidly and
she may sail without the loss of a trip.
Bringing cement from San Kranclsco
the steamer Northland arrived up yes
terday and discharged at Oak-street
dock. It Is planned to send her to Ta-
coma to load lumber for tha Golden
Last of the lumber cargo of the Ger
man ship Wllhelraine will ba stowed
aboard at Llnnton next week and she
will be on the way for London In three
months from the time of her arrival
from Antwerp.
With general cargo the steamer Gol
den Gate left Tillamook yesterday and
s due here today, being scheduled to
sail t : morrow. Next month her sche
dule will be Increased with the expecta
tion of making eight round trips Instead
of six.
There was launched yesterday after
noon at Vancouver a new hull recently
contracted for by the Port of Portland
Commission for the tug Wenona. ten
der for the dredge Portland. The ma
chinery will be reinstalled and the
bouse of the present vessel transferred.
Yesterday's entries . at the Custom-
House comprised the steamers Roanoke,
Ross City and Northland from Califor
nia porta. The Roanoke cleared for San
Diego and way ports, the Northland for
Tacoma and the Melville Dollar for
Another transfer la to be made of the
old launch Kva, which was formerly
owned by Captain Amos and was sold
to the Portland Fish Company, which
yesterday offered a bill of sale at the
Custom-House In a transfer of the craft
to Astoria Interests.
Movements of Vessels.
PORTLAND. Aorll 19. Arrived Steamer
Northland, from San Francisco; steamer
fhaata. from Kan Francisco; steamer ies
pu-h. from San Francisco. Palled tileamer
Koanoke. for han Iteffo and way ports;
steamer Alltance. for Kureka via Coos Bay;
steamer Melville Iollar. fur Tacoma.
Astoria. April lw. Condition at tne mourn
of the river al & P. M.. moderate: wind
nortnweal DO miles; vreatlier, clear. Arrled
last night Tug Sea Hover, from San r ran
rlsco. l,eft up at 1:10 A. 31. flteanicr
Northland. Arrived and left up at '- A.
M. Steamer Shasta, from. San Francisco.
failed at i A. M. Steamer Falcon, for San
Francisco. Arrlvad aown at s A. . ana
sailed at P. M. Schooner Irene, for
San Pedro. Arrived at 2 P. M. and left up
Steamer Iea?atch. from Han Francises
Failed at 12 noun Steamar Elmore, for Tillamook.
San Francisco. April IS. Sailed yesterday
-Steamer Yellow-atone, for Portland.
Point Arena, April 1. Passed at 10 A. V.
Steamer Ho ma. from Portland, tor Port
San Luis.
Monterev. Anrll IB. Sailed yesterday
Steamer W. S. Porter, for Portland.
Yokohama. April IS. Arrived Norwegian
steamer Ryrja. from Portland. Sailed
Norwegian steamer tierculea. for rortiana.
Honiiotii April Is. Sailed British
steamer strathlyon. for Portland.
Uuee-istown. April is. Arrivea uniisn
ship port Stanley, from Portland.
Falmouth. April IS. Arrived Oerman
bark Srhurbek. from Portland.
New York. Aorll 10. Arrived Volturno.
from Rotterdam, via Halifax. Sailed Lusi.
tanla. tor Liverpool: Oceania, lor maples;
Adriatic, for Southampton.
Hoafkonc April IS. Arrived Empress of
India, from Vancouver; before lOtli. Tamo
Uaru. from Seattle; Teuoer. via Liverpool,
from Seattle. i
Sidney. N. 8. w.. April la. Arrived
Earl of Forfar, from Bellinrham.
X rem an. April 1. saileu osina, ror
Yokohama. April IS. Sailed Empress ox
China. lor Vancouver.
rattle. April 11. Arrived steamer Ellas.
from Tacoma; steamer Sa:s. from Hamburs;
teamer Jeanle. from Seidovta; steamer
President, from Sound ports; steamer Kam.
akura Mam. from Tacoma. Sailed Steam
er Latouche. for Valdes: stesmer Prince
eora-e. for Portland; steamer Atlaa. lor
San Francisco; bars S3, tor San Francisco.
San Franclsro. April 19. Arrived Steam
er Redonilo. from l"oe Pay; Tricolor, from
Tacoma; Tltania. from Nanaimo Fairnaven,
rom port l.udiow; schooner Sausallto, from
IVxiuitle River; Ruth t. Godfrey, from
Papeete; t..tzapein rinein. rrom coniiiua
River. Sailed Steamer Karluk. whaltnc;
Watson, for Seattle: shlD star of Italy, for
Bristol Bay: ship Marlon Chllcott. for Hono.
lulu: ship Slntram. for Bristol Bay; bark H.
P. Cben.y. for Bristol Bay; schooner Henry
Wilson, fur Bristol Bay.
Los Anseies. April is. Arrivea. ti an
on from i'oqullle river, schooner Nehalem.
rom Columbia river.
Sailed, steamer Beaver for Portland: Nor
wood tor Grays Harbor: schooner Grays
Harbor ror Hoqulam: C. S. Holmes for
Puxet Bound: schooner Thomas L. Wand
for Portland; schooner Raymond for Wll
lepa Harbor: schooner Laiy Freeman for
Tides at Astoria Thursday.
High. I .oar.
50 A. M T.4 feet'11:33 A. M....1.0 foot
S JU P. M.....4 0 rmi.l. P. M....4-W feet.
That the recent reorganlxatlon of the
John Deere Plow Company and the con
solidation of six manufacturing com
panies and 22 selling organizations in
no sense forms a trust or combination
of rival companies was the statement
made yesterday by Charles K. Archerd,
general manager In Portland.
"It was published that these com
panies and organizations had been
murdered' by absorption." said Mr.
Archerd. "when In fact It meant sim
ply the bringing together of six non
competing manufacturing companies
and 22 selling organizations under one
name. It was simply a reorganization
only and not the formation of trust, as
published and commented on In the
newspapers. They were all Deere In
dustries, operated under separate
names. W manufacture plows, corn
planters, w aeons, hay tools and other
articles through these separate compa
nies, which have been consolidated.
"The reorganization of Deere & Co.,
with a capitalization of J30.000.000, whs
completed yesterday. Directors, offi
cers and an executive committee of
seven members were elected. I am in
possesion of the official statement of
William Butterworth, president of the
company, which is as follows, which
answers the charge that a trust has
been formed:
Butterworth Makes Statement.
"The reorganlaxtion Is unique In tha
Implement world, because It brings to
gether six non-competing manufacture
Ing companies and 22 selling organiza
tions. No one of theso companies has
been competitor of any other, nor do
the products of any factory compete
with the products of any other. The
combined output of all these factories
hna heen heretofore sold to the same
selling organizations and none of the
factories were rivals of Deere & Co. In
the Implement and wagon trade.
"It will thus be seen that the new
company la In no sense a trust nor a
combination of rival concerns.
- 'Deere & Co. was originally lncor
rvocnteH for a term of 60 years and on
account of the approaching expiration
of Its charter it was necessary to make
this provision lor a continuation or. its
'Factories Included in the new or
ganization are: Deere & Co, Mollne,
manufacturers of plows; Deere A Man
nr Po. Mollne. manufacturers of corn
planters; Mollne Wagon Company, Mo
llne. manufacturers of wagons; Mar
seilles Company, East Mollne, manufac
turers of shelters; Daln Manufacturing
Company, of Ottumwa. Ia.. and Well-
and. Ont.. manufacturers or nay toois;
K'jiTnn Ar Rurnee Comnanv. Syracuse. X.
Y manufacturers of manure spread
Houses to Promote Sales.
ctiiw ...nnl.i Mnn. or branch
houses are: Deere & Webber Co, Min
neapolis. Minn, and the John Deere
Plow Co. In all the following cities:
Omaha, Neb, Kansas City. Mo., Indian
apolis, Ind, Baltimore, Md, Syracuse,
v -v via line Tew- ',v Orleans. La..
Nashville. Tenn, Atlanta, Ga, Oklaho
ma City, Okla.. Sioux f ans. . i., uen
ver. Colo, Portland, Or, Spokane,
Tv.. k van iranctscn. Cn 1 - Winnlneir.
Man, Saskatoon. Saskatchewan, Keglna,
Saskatchewan, caigary, Aiueria, x.u-
monton. Alberta.
T!.tt.rui officers elected are: Presi
dent. William Butterworth; chairman
..nmrnlrt. Wlllard L. Velie:
vice-president. Charles C. Webber; vice-
president, George N. fees:; ice-president,
George W. Mister; vice-president.
Burton F. Peek; secretary. Schiller
loaford; treasurer, George W. Cramp-
'From among the officers this elec
tive committee of seven members was
anointed: William Butterworth. i
Willard U Velie. Charles C. Webber, !
George W. Mlxter. George N. Peek,
Floyd It- Todd. Burton F. I'eeK. .
" The board of directors elected 101-
lows: William Butterworth. Charles
iv.kk., iv 1 1 In rH It Velie. George N.
Peek. George W. Mlxter. Floyd R. Todd, i
111 IT 1 g
Burton r . l eeK, pcmner nusiwiu. v j
Georn . Crampton. Halph B. Lourle,
C r. Velie. J. C. Duke. W. -D. W'iman,
IL W. Hutrhlniion. '
Scllwood Organization to Fund Its
' Floating: Indebtedness.
The board f governors and stock
holders of the Scllwood Commercial
Club has voted to Issue 4 per cent bonds
to the amount of 4000, to run 10 years,
tha proceeds to be used to pay off a
note of $3600 and about $300 floating
debt. At the meeting of the stockhol
ders Tuesday night In the club rooms
Dr. H. C. Fixott. president, submitted
the question, and Secretary Edwards
read a statement of the affairs of the
club in which it was shown that the.
property and furniture represented an
expenditure of $6000. The Income was
shown to have been nearly $300 above
expenses and the real value of grounds
and clubhouse was estimated at be
tween $7000 and $S000.
Peter Hume, president of the Sell
wood Bank, spoke In favor of refunding
the debt with bonds bearing 4 per cent
interest. He said that the board of gov
ernors had gone over the situation care
fully and decided that the bond Issue
was the best plan as the bonds would
be an Investment. J. W. Caldwell and
others favored the bond Issue and It
waa carried by a large majority. E. U
Mills took $200 of the bonds, and $520
of bonds were disposed of at the meet-Ins;.
Vessel Carrying; Barley to Europe
Loads on Arrival for Hcturn.
More tonnage to be made available
for early loading In the 1911-12 cereal
season waa provided yesterday through
the charter of the British bark Kin-ross-shlre.
which will be laid on the
berth at Ipswich and Newcastle-on-Tyne
for general cargo. She sailed
from San Francisco for Ipswich No
vember 10, having a barley cargo.
Five of six vessels en route have been
taken for outward business, and as yet
all have secured union rates of 27s 6d.
Chartering for the coming year has I
been carried on mora actively than waa
anflclnate In view of the OUletUdS
that baa prevailed in the market dur
ing the past few weeks, little new busi
ness being secured and xporters dis
inclined to accept ships for spot load
ing at low rates because there was lit
tle prospect of selling cargoes at a
profit, wheat being held here higher
than the foreign market quotations.
Tnere will be a cleanup of tonnage In
port this month, with the exception of
the French bark Marechal do Castries,
which will be a May ship. Tha Vincent
Is the only carrier about ready to start
taking wheat, Uie Ocean being In the
lower harbor ready to cross out. and
the Frenchman being Just well started
in tij work of discharging.
Bank Lino Will Cary Fir Shipments
to Shanghai. '
Reports of three Oriental liners were
yesterday received by the Merchants'
Exchange, the Norwegian steamer
Kygja having arrived at Yokohama
April IS, while the same day the Nor
wegian steamer Hercules sailed for
Portland and should arrive early in
May. The British steamer Strathlyon
was reported as having sailed from
Hongkong for Portland and will be
here about the time the Hercules is
getting ready for sea. The Henrlk
Ibsen has been on the way from Otaru
since April S, and, as she is sailing
direct, she should be in next week.
On the opposition fleet, the Bank
lino, there wll be 4,000,000 feet of lum
ier transported during May and June
for Shanghai by the L. P. Lee Lumber
Company, space having been yesterday
engaged, the first lot to go forward on
the new steamer Orteric, due May IS,
und the remainder on the Suverlc,
which Is expected June 15. There Is
a good movement in lumber for the Far
Last, and considerable Fpace has been
engaged on the Portland & Asiatic
vessels, mainly for June shipment, but
as the flour and wheat exportation In
that direction will end with next
month's sailings, the Fall lumber ex
ports will Increase.
Oats Are Stronger on Reports That
Government Will Soou Call
for Bids.
SEATTLE. Wash.. April 19. (Special.)
The supply of onions on Western avenue
today was smaller than It has been In six
months. Several houses were entirely sold
out. As high as 14 centa was asked for
fancy Oregon onions in some quarters, al
though 3! cents was the prevailing price.
Efforts are belns; made to Increase the sup
ply of Australian onions and also to bring
in more Texas stocK.
Louisiana strawberries sold st 14.75. Two
more cars are rolling, one due to arrive
about Frldav, and the other early next
week. Walla Walla asparagus was hard
to sell at any price.
The cheese market Is stiffening. Stocks
are said to ba short and a good demand
has developed. lealers need several thou
sand packages for the Alaska trade. The
butter market was barely steady. Further
readjustment may be necessary in the near
future. v
The egg market was firm at :J cents.
Poultry receipts were a little heavier.
The wheat market was dull and un
changed. Trading Is at a standstill. Oats
were quoted at the old 128.50 price again
today on a better demand and reports that
the government will soon call for bids on
the year's Philippine Island business.
Metal Markets.
NEW YORK, April 39. Standard copper:
Fpot. April and May. 11. (Sue to 11.75c: June.
11.00ft 11.80c London, steady. Spot 53 lis
3d; futures. 54 .'Is fld. Arrivals reported
at New York today. tons: custom-house
returns show exports of 19.410 tons so far
this month. Lake copper. 12.87 H 012.50c;
Genuine Merit Required to Win the
People's Confidence
Have you ever stopped" to reason why
It Is that so many products that are ex
tensively advertised, all at once drop
out of sight and are soon forgotten?
The reason Is plain the article did not
fulfil the promises of the manufacturer.
This applies' more particularly to a
medicine. A medicinal preparation that
has real curative value almost sells it
self, as like an endless chain system
the remedy Is recommended by those
who have been cured, to those who are
in need of it.
In an Interview on the subject a
prominent local druggist says "Take
for example Dr. Kilmer's Swampt-Root,
a preparation I have sold for many
years and never hesitate to recommend,
for In almost every case it shows Im
mediate results, as many of rAy cus
tomers testify. Xo other kidney rem
edy that I know of has so large a sale."
The success of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp
Root is due to the fact that it fulfils
every wish In overcoming kidney, liver
and bladder diseases, corrects urinary
troubles and neutralizes the uric acid
which causes rheumatism.
A free trial bottle will be sent
by mail, absolutely free. Address Dr.
Kilmer & Co, Binghamton, N. Y, and
mention this paper. Regular size bot
tles sold at all druggists 50c and $1.00.
The Old. , Sellable Chine.
Doctor spent lifetime study l
htrbs and research la Chlr-a.
was granted diploma by xh
Emperor: guarantees curs all
aliments of men and woman
when others fall It you suf
fer, call or write to YH At
eOS't. UKimtNK CO.. li'JV,
ttrst. Cor. Alder, fortianu. Or.
rhe most wonderful cough
medicine in the world.
Also have seme good
remedies for Internal, Ex
ternal, or Eruptive Dis
eases of both sexes. Call
or write to S. H. WAI
'ng chinese herh &
oot medicine: co
SO IV, First St., Portland,
electrolytic. 12.12V4 012.37140, and casting,
11.K714 & 12.00c.
Tin. easy. Spot. April and May. 41.60
41.75c: June. 41.25 41.50c. and July, 40.75
f41.00c. Sales. 25 tons April, port of New
York at 41.S0c. London, steady. Spot,
101 15s: futures 187.
Lead. dull. 4.414.4.'C, New York: 4.25
4.30c. East St. Louis. London, 12 17s 6d-
Spelter, easv; 5.50 H 5.05c. New York; 5.2o
5.35c. East St. Louis. London. 23 15s.
Antimony, dull: c'ookson's. tfi 0.50c.
Iron. Cleveland warrants, 4hs 3d in Lon
don. Locally Iron waa quiet. No. 1 North
ern. 1 15. 50 'u 16.25: No. 2. $15.2j16.00: No.
1 Southern and No. 1 Southern soft. 115.50
6 1000.
New York Cotton Market.
....... i T I." 1 ..... I lO r.tfnnUnnf
r. V. 1 VI...-, Ar. ia ' . ........ . -
.inaeH nnl.t ft. noints lower. Mid-UDlands.
14.n5c: do. Gulf. 15.10c No sales.
Cotton futures closed barely steady at a
net decline of 7 to 14 points. Closing bids:
April. 14.tl2c; May. 14.70c: June. 14.7:ic;
Julv. 14.7:le: August. 14.S0c: September.
1 .. . rl . MLU'i" i . ...... ..... . . - ,
December, 12.75c; January. 12.ilc; March,
11. inc.
Coffee and Sugar.
NEW YORK. AdHI 19. Coffee futures
closed steady, net two points lower to seven
J(2wA St,tfaafc.
Cured in Five Days
Varicose Veins,
Hernia, Blood Poison
No Detention From Occupation,
Kamlly or Home
I invite you to come to my of
fice. I will explain to you my
treatment for Varicose Veins,
Hernia, Nervous Debility. Blood
Poison, Piles. Fistula, Bladder,
Kidney, Prostatic and all Men's
Ailments, and give you FREE a
physical examination; if necessary
a microscopical and chemical
analysis of secretions, to deter
mine pathological and bacterio
logical conditions. Every person
should take advantage of this op
portunity to learn their true con
dition. A permanent cure is what
you want.
Impair vitality. I daily demon
strate that varicose veins can be
cured in nearly all cases by one
treatment, in such a satisfactory
way that the vital parts are pre
served and strengthened, pain
ceases, swelling subsides, a
healthy circulation is rapidly re
established, instead of the depress
ing conditions. I guarantee you a
cure to stay cured or refund the
Disregard of existing hernia ha
cost many lives. The smallest
hernias are the most danRerous
to life, because of the increased
liability to strangulation. I cure
rupture in selected cases with per
fect safety and entail no suffer
ing, and do not detain you from
occupation, under guarantee. Many
cases cured to stay cured in one
I use Professor Ehrlicli's won
derful new discovery, " H06." in
cases of Specific Blood Poison. It
cures in one treatment, and is the
greatest marvel of medical
science. This new remedy has
been successfully used in thou
sands of cases. Let me explain it
to you.
WRITTEN GUtRtXTEE Dr. Smith's written guarantee means a cure
or no T pVv for services. ItTarantee to cure certain ailments or ref nd
every dollar you have paid me for my services. My ervli ?s,?stR ,yXl
nothing unless I cure your Varicose Veins. Hernia, Piles. Fistula. Blood
Poisonfor any ailment I guarantee to cure. My terms are reasonable
and n.o more than you are able and willing to pay for benefits.
Office hours 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. Sundays, 10 A. M. to 1 P. M.
234 Morrison Street
Corner Second
Dr. A. G. Smith.
I am the only specialist in Port
land who does not advertise a fic
titious name or photograph.
I publish my true photograph,
correct name, personally conduct
my office. I am the most success
ful and reliable, as medical cre
dentials and press records prove.
I make this statement so that you
.rill know you consult a true spe
cialist, who sees and treats pa
tients personally. . I possess skill
ind experience, acquired in such a
way that no other can share, and
should not be classed with medical
companies. It is impossible for
a medical company to attend col
lege. Companies have no diplomas
or license to practice medicine in
Oregon or any other state. Medi
cal companies usually are named
after a doctor. A portrait, whose
personality and identity are in
definite, is selected and published
as the legitimate specialist of the
office. Hired substitutes, ordinary
doctors with questionable ability,
give consultation, examination
and treatment.
Dr. A. G. Smith
points hlsrher. Sales. 45.000 bags. April,
10.04c; May. 10.03c; June. 10.06c; July.
10.10c: August. 10.03c: September, 10.04c;
October, 9.02c; November, 9.S6c; December.
9.80c: January, 9.81c; February. 9.83c;
March. 9.S.-.C
Spot coffee, quiet. Rio, No. 7. 1131c: San
tos. No. 4, 12c. Mild coffee dull. Cordova.
13i (i 15iiic. nominal.
Raw sucar. firm. Muscovado, .89 test.
8.4sc: ' centrifugal, .96 test. 3.98c; molasses
sugar. .89 test. 3.23c Refined, steady.
Chicago Produce Market.
CHICAGO. April 19. Butter Steady;
creameries, 15&21c; dairies, 1318c.
Eggs Steady; receipts, IS. 700 cases: at
mark. cues included, 1318c; firsts.
14c: prime firsts. 15c
Cheese Weak; daisies, 13413ic; twins.
121-4; Uc: Young Americas, 13H13c;
long horns, 1 2 Mi if 1 Sc.
fired in
Varicose Veins, Piles,
Fistula and Obstructions
Many Cases Permanently Cured In One TREATMENT. Most Tlme-Savlng.
Moat Natural. Most Safe. No Detention From Occupation, Family or Home.
A Radical and Permanent Cure. I Will Give $500 to Any Charity as a Guaran
tee That Every Statement in This Announcement Is True.
I cure rapidly, painlessly and at a small expense. I will; demonstrate actual
results in your case. I will give conclusive evidence of my merit which Is
obtained and maintained by ability. I Invite you to come to my office. I will
explain my treatment for Hernia, Piles, Varicose Veins, Nervous, Blood, Kidney,
Bladder and Rectal Ailments. I will give you free a physical examination; if
' necessary a microscopical and chemical, analysis of secretions to determine
exietlns pathological and bacteriological conditions. Every person should tako
advantage of this opportunity to learn their true condition. Certainty of euro
Is what you want.
A thorough Investigation should be made by every ailing person as to the
specialist he consults. Duty and destiny to self and those who depend upon you
demand the best medical attention.I have the ability and can give you this
service. I have always charged a very reasonable fee, so that my services may
be obtained by any man who sincerely desires to be cured. I make no mislead
ing statements or unbusinesslike propositiones; neither do I desire to be par
ticularly Independent, and I would like to have you for a patient, if you will
come to me on a strictly professional basis, and the inducements that I offer,
which are my ability, and thirty years' successful experience, Time-Saving
Treatment and Guarantee of Cure of certain Ailments.
I Am for Men
I will give the poorest man
s chance, as well as the rich,
to receive a cure from me at
a mall cost. THERE 13 NO
if in trouble.
One-Half the Fee Charged by Other Specialists
We Cure Contracted Ai'ments
We Cure Nervous Exhaustion
also known aa Nervous Debility, Nervo-Vltal Debility,
Neurasthenia, etc If you have any symptoms of this
ailment, euch aa losa of energy or ambition, vitality,
easily fatigued, dull, listless feeling, nervousness and
other symptoms, I want you to be sure and call. I
have given this condition of men special study and I
unhesitatingly say that m v treatment Vs not excelled by
any other specialist, regardless of what they may claim.
I know what I have accomplished in even the most severe
cases letters of indorsement are on file, and there is no
reason to believe that I cannot cure YOU also. REMEM
BER, by calling you do not obligate yourself to take
We Cure Specific Blood Poison
This, as you doubtless know, is the worst ailment
that afflicts mankind, having not only wrecked the lives
of thousands of men, but women and children as well.
If you have any of Its symptoms you cannot afford to
nearlect them for a moment. Rash or copper - colored
spots, running sores, pimples, ulcers in the mouth and
throat, or face, hands and other parts of the body, falllng
out of hair and eyebrows, are all unmistakable signs of
this dreaded ailment. I have cured cases of Blood Poison
after Hot Springs had failed, and If you call I will make
a careful expert examination of your case and tell you
fosltlvely whether or not the ailment Is present, and If so
am prepared to give you the best treatment in existence.
Newly contracted eases quickly cured. All hurnlnar,
ItchlnK, Inflammation and discharge checked in 24
hours. Many cases cured in one week. We have a
specific treatment for this ailment.
Bladder and Prostate Gland Ailments
Burning Pains, Tortures, Misery, Straining, Crys
tltls. Stone In the Bladder, Gravel, Blood, Mucous and
all Kidney and Bladder Aliments which you do not
care to trust to the family doctor. I am a specialist,
and am prepared to give you quick relief and a speedy
"Old Chronic 'Cases' Cured
If you have an old case that has been hanging on
for weeks or months, and which medicine from doc
tors and druggists can't seem to- cure right, there is
some reason. I have a scientific cure, and will cure
you quickly and cheaply. Don't let any ailment drag
you down and weaken you.
Prostatic and
Peculiar to
Our Motto Is: Reasonable Prices, Quick, Lasting Cures, Honest Dealing
We Charge Nothing to Prove Our Methods Will Cure You
Don't Let Money or False Pride Prevent You Prom Being Cured
If you cannot call, write for our FREE SELF-EXAMINATION BLANK AND BOOK.
Evenings, 7 to 8. Sundays. 10 A. M. to 12 M. only.
Hours, t A. M. to S P. M.
THF nRFr.nTM MFnir A I TIMQTITI TTC SMI Morrison Street, Between
A A aa-s VA Xa A a a llJUJ-ri VxaTA-i AA 1 AAA V A it
Fourth and Fifth, Portland, Or.
I Cure Men Quickly
Men who were drooping and declining
In spirit and body are being brought
back to vouthful visor, full-blooded
health and strength again by the
marvelous methods that have grown
out of mv 30 years of study and treat
ment of 'every form o masculine ail
ment. I am making men well and
whole. I am doing what no other spe
cialist can do for men. When all others
fail I cure, because my practice has
been wider, my experience more varied,
because my knowledge is more perfect.
What I am doing for others I will do
for you. Jut the effort of calling at
my office and, without spending one
cent, havo a confidential chat with me.
The Old lirllable Specialist.
Corner Alder and Second streets. En
trance 1 'JH fa Second street, Portland.
Or. Office hours 9 A. M. to S p, 11.
Sunday. 10 A. M. to 1 P. M.
Is Our Fee
tracted and chronic cases cured. AH
burning, Itching and inflammation
stopped in 24 hours. Cures effected in
seven days. Consultation free. If un
able to call, wr'te for list of questions.
Office Hours 9 A. M. to 8 P. M.
Sundays, 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. only.
Pacific Coast Medical Co.
j Corner First, Portland, Or.
Our g' arantee No
Money Required Until
gatfolied is your ab
solute protection. Con
cultUon. examlnatiou
and diagnosis free.
Our speciality is All
Ailments of Men.
What you want ia a
cure. Come to us
and get It. Hours
dally 9 to 5. Even
ings. 7 to 8. Sun
days. io to a.
S62 Waahiaston St., Portland. Or.