lg . TnE JIORXrVG OKEGOyiAy. THURSDAY, Al'IML SO. 11M1. 1 " I T ' srtvai-ra- f REAL ESTATE. I BMl MTlfl. LAND-FRAUD TRIAL OPENS live Ml-soorlans of Combination to Evade Law. ST. laOUIA. April 1 Five nwn were fared no trial before Judge Jsvrob Trieber to the United States) Circuit Court trxiay on lar.d fraud caarfes. They were: l!nrr 3. Whitman. Clilbert. V. Whitman. George B. Gale. George M. London and James A. Indon. Jr. Tha Allegations of the Indictment are that th defendants are Interested In a innt conrpany at FTederlckavtowo. Mo and attempted to evade the law whlrn jrohIbrt any corporation or any aseorla t.on of men from arqulrtns more than ! a.-re of overnment land. AH!.r.Hf.-T. HEILIG THEATER 7th and TeV rwee Vale 1 ead A 1 ltt. TOSWHT-TnM ir.ROW-"ATURDAT MATINKE oATURDAT Famous Musical Comedy lilt "Madame Sherry" Krentns nl SatnrCey Matinee. tJ 1 11 73c 3w-. EAT PALE FOR THE . KIRMESS OrTJiS NOM1AT. AFR1L t4. AT ! A. St. AT Tlil HEILIG arHsy l-r f'.xor. t'"pl laat .1 rows last 3 roas. II "O. Hilcony: lt ft r-w. : -st rows. 7"--: !at II ro. S"c. G. !.r rartsd. : admission. lie. BAKER Til FATE It Mala t aad A S3M. I.ea. L. Uaker. Jir. TeniaM All Week, rourth Week at lie Oreat Trl-Star Seaeon. Flaeewee Theadoee TtirU,J ROBERTS BOBERTS BERGEN la "THK MFRCII tXT OK VrMCF--Maiieees. Vi'e.tn4Jr and ra'ardav. Een tea. i. lot. l. Mata. ic. &oc Nnl wek "MalMK SEAT M FOR Tliki OLD HOMESTEAD Now on at tha rUAi.ov. First Performance Sundae Matinee. Fran, prteee Zr. .v. Tic. tl; Mais. Jic 0e. Mr a. 4 irte AULXUEX KtaJsY DAT RIGHTS V THEATER IS-2S-50-7Se ViFrK APKJL 17. s Chip aad Mary M-srble. -la Old t dans"; llsnV. lssre. ttstirlMM Mlllera. Mrk A HersTtwae, (Ba aaa. t Vi.a Mark. Rreaska liralbara. GRAND Week of April 1 7 Thai apleedld I aowwll, ROBIKf MKVET HOIH.t. Aad esnpaay. Ireaewllaa the 4 saeir l arre. Traabiea ef Bill rVltbees. Mo Maraa lirare De Marr Zeaa A Meedell HeetW Trie Ballerini'a Ds(S CR-lMA.-roPE Iavtessr.'a siiaea eearr 4aT. t'M; 1ST saai 1 arsrUf pertoraiaacea al T HI e isi aalscar. lae: la war aaer. Se: baa seate. All. THIs HIIK-4 I Lilac Derdetia 4. Mld-alr teats af Kara Itartnz. Ie Vtl'llame aad Camnar. Trak aad l.ladden. Cbartea I ear. lu-ll Tela. tKmea H.asns Hrrr Trie. K Besale Kebb, ibe drl la Use llarraa fkirt. popu:ar prlcea. Mat. dally, t 30. T.30. P. il. LYRIC POBTLAM FAM ILT FLATUOfSK. ALL. THIS WEEK. BOB. the inarrslooa mlnd-resdtns doc. and tha Lyrio Musical Comedy Co.. In -E."Y JIB.VEt." Three perfornancea dally. S:4 I li IJ. Friday Blcht. Chorus Olrls Contei after each perforrraBce ' Baseball HFCRKATIOV PARK, Car. Vaasha aad Twealy-foanh Sta. LOS ANGELES PORTLAND April I. 19, SO, 21 S3. 33. baasea Begin Weekdaya at SaM Saadaya Si3 r. M. LADIES DAY FRIDAY Foya rnder 12 Free to Bleacher. Wednesday. MEjgTixi. yoncKa. OBEGOS COMMAXDERT. K. T special romrnLL;. uluin this (Triuiidi)) eemn at a octora. tirdrr of the Temple. Tha si trnuanre of Tlflltlna Sir Knljthta will be appreciated. VlsHnrs namlned at T SO a clock. C F. WIEUA.NL. Kecorder. COLl'MHIA LODCK. No. 114. A. F AND A. M. Special eommunl ratioa this IThursdart evenine at e. ovtork. Masonic Temp;e. Work la tha E. A. Cegree. Vlsltlnc brethrsa s.lcome. Ily order of FKl:l L. OUOS. Secy. W. M. OREflO.V FINOLE TAX LfciGlE meets ftaturdav rnin(. April 22, auditorium MedicAl bulldlna. Alder and Park, for tha purpose of reealvlne reports of otflcers and for such other business aa may came be fore It. DIM. SHANNON At the residence of F. J. Bor. waiter. E- Washington St.. Edwin shannon, ace 33 ycara 1 month. Funeral not!.- latT. ITNEKAI. NOTICES. CHIt.PERSt Msrrh to. Wilbur W. aced S years. b.iov.l son of Mr. and Mrs. S. W. I'htldvrs. of flol Hayes street. St. Johns, or. iereae.d was a mem bar of W. o. W. at Ceatsmlle. ssh. t'uaeral aerslcea will be hid at ttunninc a MKntee'a . rt.ape. todiy Thurdar. April 2o. at Z P. M. Krieaua lastted. Interment Koae City Csmetery. M'NFORD At her home. Kern Park sta tion. Aprtl IP. Lvlsa Duaiord. a.d TO .ara. II months, a days. Funeral will t.ke p'ace from the & triors of tha Esst Sute Funeral LM rectors, .14 East Alder and Esst sixth sireeta. Frlilsy. April :i, at 3 I. M. Frtoada respectfully laelled. irreraattoa. Take Sellwood car. MATER April IS. Mary ADerbach Mayer, w.dow af the late Jacob Mayer, la her Sato year. Funeral eervlcee at reat e.ace :lse 4Tbursday. 10 A. M. atlauly emit flow era. RAT Tha funeral aerrlees of the lata Ira tm Rar. who died at Rupert. Idaho. April It. a(d U years 7 months and ? days, will be held at Fln'.eys farlora at S P. M-. teday I Thursday K Frlrnds Invited. IOtTH FlAtRAAt COw MAkUl'AJI UUML, t Luli.ll. Lll .-ltj.M. Mala lrt: A 111. Daaala A McAalee, laaeras Directeri, -lB aad Fiwa. Fbaee Mala aJ. Ady aa iIiul tyftlea ef tesalr Csfsssr. UiH ARU UOLMANCO.. luaeral rHrecT aea, lie ad a. Lady aaststaal. rbsss M, sel. A. F. FtNLXV a SON. 4 aad MadLseav (jtay atteadaat. Fksas Mala . A la. " BA5T 1IE Faanal Puetera. snrrsaaera (a ' sV Uwmalac. lae. g. M. B tela. ZZLLFB-BVRNES CO, Faaeiwl Dlreclars. t4 Wllllasaa asa-i both pbaaaa; lady aaae. lK.sU. M. ladartakar. ear. list Alder aad Mrmvi opens Thursday evening. April ST livening price.: 111 floor. exr-Pt last 1 rows. I2.0O; last rows. Ill Baiceny: 1st 1 rows, it . Best row.. 1. w; f-l-lowln raws. 75c; Ust rows. .n .. . . !.- pjw Krwris'.tr1-e Matinee )..l- 7 . C raeawalles! Taadevllle. CLASSIFIED AD. RATES Dally er gtaadsvy. Fee I-lee. 1 se tie Owe tleaa sn ad lee Issm llllso tlraee feeese ad three iwei ailee llsaee . . sa frame ad els er eesea rsassratlro timee. .Me Hmliuam Base acaetiipaay eIl-ef-ewa hirrs. rt. werde resal aa ana Una m rasa a rertieesneat aad ee ad rwwated lor leea taaa 1st Itaee. Hbea aa advert Uensent Is not ran rseje re live tisnee the eoe-tfcme rate eppliee. tsa ebante at beak adsertlenieata lae rhsm sill be ba.rd aa te srtail aamaar af Uaea appearing la the paper, rezardleaa ef the number af wards la rarb llae. la New TesUy all adseruseniente are rbargrd by sttre.ere eulj. 14 Uaea la toe lech. Tk. eheae nM ssnlr ta adeertlanaeata aadrr -New Today" and all otbar claeeillcav- Uow rifesiiRK toe Mitaatlaae anted. Male, hltaalloaa Wanted. I rmale. tar Heat. ltaom.. Frtiale laeiltlee. Kaanaa aad Itaard. Private lemlllee. 1 ha rale aa the above claeelfloiliea la 1 crate a ae rsrs . . la m af bax at floe aiMreae la required. I anal this aa part af tha ad. Aaewer ta elsecll.uerais win aw iwwsrors sa p prwstded arll-addrraaed easrlapea are toae. . tar tna aeeommaaatiew ar psimss. The OrraraaUa will aeeep rlaslfled advert sneala ever Ibr trlephaae. prnvldlae the l ad- a prWa still be onoled aser the phone. but h 1 1 1 will aa n.o"rs in. . ' ss aether aubeequeat adrertlsewsrata a III . -m . 1. .UM.S il. I mii BIM. h nrpi w.t. ...v -- r pemptaeea af the paTUseat af telephone d- Vfniirsiajis. piiiwiios 1 1 m mhw . aawal advertlerneel will aet be aeeept Fer loa an It will be aeeerMed far -Hausre far Kent . . i . - k i ' 1 - IhUMTtSBli tie.." "Kaonilne-lieu.es" aad -waaieu Keat." la ACCTIOX HALE TODAY. At Baker-a Aortion House, u; Park at. Furniture, etc. tie at n a. at. KAKKH A CIlOWELI. AULtloneera. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY OFFICE CITY MLI. Mala 9. A 73, HI MANE OF1H K8. Sergeant frate, Hesidence 24 E. J4th. N. Kaat 477. H. A. Iraasulre, lies. S3 Wasco St. W. U. Ijf.s, lies. ;X U. lath. Baat UJi. liars. Ambulance. A I01: FT. Ea. Nlcbta. Eundara and MoUdaya. A aloe: Pr. Ea : Trunk t. NEW TOOAT. why not look into this: m . v ss-- s I V t III I I l"TA A lIITI', pnyina: part -n.li fr it. arm men nave smir iiuo wwn aame on the simple InMHllment vlna before lot la paid for In full: eve.-T lot S'lllOO feet: excellent bllflillnir testrlr-tl-na. IMKMHitli; KOH THIS !) A ADVA.NTAt.K you have here not duiilK-ated elewhre. For full Infor mallun. whether you dealre to build or not. about lota that are Ideally located, onlv twenty-fire mlnutea on car, near Mount Tabor, fine view of enow tapped Mount Hood, rail on or phone CHAS. E. JOHNSON. ;3 Trss Hide. Telephone Mala IMK. r j a 1 1 al3LsLl I a f saaSbjsilsaiaassawi tikes u deal la real eatale. Demand an Abstract Prepared by eur Coanpaay IT THE Oyt.Y SAFE WAY lino.nno baek of our ab stracts. Member Oregon As sociation of Title Men. Columbia St. -Snap PAYS 10 PER CENT Land alone worth the money. PRICE $6500 G0DDARD & WIEDRICK 243 Stark St. 25,000 CORDS OF WOOD J30 acre of koo land, on O. W. P. electric road, neur Eagle Creek, within 0 rods of station. Kood creek and (rood water power. The wood at $1.00 ner cord will pay for the land: Uiia i a real snap and can be bought on easy terms. ;nrsi at ztnow. SI7 Board ef Trade Hlda:-, 4th aad Oak. California Bungalow $3000 A strikingly attractive California btinralow In the Hawthorne district. H block from car. Five rooms, bath, fire place, full cement basement, laundry travs, Dutch kitchen, bullt-ln buffet and bookcaete. tinted walls. Street and aewer assessments all paid. Price $3000. $51.0 down and $-5 a month. J. P. FORD A CO. II Board af Trade, rheaee A er Mala S37. 691 E. Washington Jt-room house, modern, near Sunny side rarline: new house with furnace and full cement basement. Price re duced from $7i00 to $6500; terras: f 1500 cash, balance 7 MERCHANTS 8AVINU at TBV9T rnnPAM'. MORTGAGE 4 LOANS lawest ratea mu4 terswe ta sail I .ae rial ralea aad faeeeabte terwaa s iarca leaaa ea baalaeaa preperllee- Faaae laaed far I'rlvale laeeefare, i. H. BIRRELL CO. aaa aasy sida;a ad as tt.ra. FACTORY SITE In North Portland Harbor. Two Rail roads. Water Transportation. Sale ar Leaee. IL C. I.KAIUN, 4.12 Mohawk Dldc- $350,000 Slx-storv hrlck. 75x;on. hat. 4th and 5th. near Ouk. It-rtal $:.13 ner month. K 4KNOPP eV KOPF. 333 Hallway Cirkiage Bide. FOR SALE BY OWNER FIK TCT rORKB luOxlMI FT, I.N Ml 1 1 1 V A.VS AllITtON. I. OIK IN. TF.K Ml. AC 31. OKKt.O.M AN. FOR RENT OR I.KA5K. All or Part. LARGE BRICK BUILDING on track, close In. Phone A C97. $16,000 Corner E0xl. near 14th and Market. KAKXOPP st KOPF, S33 Hallway Kxcbaase Bide. s MORTGAGE LOANS EDWARD Fi. liOtDET Lewla Balldlaa. MORTGAGE LOANS Z-t Jon r- cnoNA-. iJri J JJ aoa spaldinx Blda fl J W T"T . i "--f nr SH-ltT. ro, Sale-Houses. I I I . rvington Best and Cheapest Close-in RESTRICTED RESIDENCE DISTRICT Asphalt Pavements Parked Streets Cement Walks Complete Sewer System 6 and 8 Inch Water Mains BEST CAR SERVICE LOTS 50x100 : $1250 and up Easy Terms Improvements Bonded A. R. Diamond & Co. 207 Railway Exchange Bldg., or Cor. East 13th and Knott Sts., Irvington Apartment Sites 50x100 on Ilovt near 21st. $sooo 50x112 on 20th near Everett 817,000 72x100 ou Irving iiear 22d S15.000 70x100 on 11th near Main S33.000 r$ KEASEY C&i flUHASOHgJLTFERYj 232 Chamber of Commerce. C DON'T BE DECEIVED Regarding; Prices In THE DUFUR DISTRICT We have had 23 years' experience In this district and have been Interested In practically every sale In Uufur since the dletrlct has become so promineat. and we have the very best buys on our list. 760 ACnKS. two miles ttJOC er from town, at sJaaJ acre 320 ACRES, five miles ttOC per from town, at Os&p acre 160 ACRES, five, miles ttOfl per from town, at P3V acre The above properties have Improve ments and a a-rowtnir crop that will pay a splendid income this year. orll EXPERIENCE I" WORTH MONEY TO YOU B0THFUR a 'JOHNSTON. FRUIT AD FARM LAND, OOS Chamber ef Comnseree BldsTe Pboae Mala 61HI7. Portlaad, Or. BEAUTIFUL HOME COLUMBIA BOTTLE CARD . 414 ACRES With modern 8-room House, Furnace. PRICE $14,000 Very Easy Terms. GODDARD & WIEDRICK 243 Stark St. ' East Side Business Block Prominent corner. Builflinjr 70s80. PRICE $16,000 , Income $1992. Goddard & Wiedrick 243 Stark St. Nob HID Residence $11,000 for a large residence on Overton St. in fine condition, with 4 fireplaces, 2 baths, furnace and 11 rooms. Will give very easy terms for a few days. Investigate this opportunity. BLANCHAED & CLEMSON 66 Sixth St. . Irvington Home Brand new. modern, swell. S-room house, ready to move Into, furnace, fire place, sleeplnsr-porch, bullt-ln china closet, window seats, nice combination fixtures, ehades. break fast-room, hard wood floors. In fact all latest Improve ments, a brautlful home: lot uOxloo. cement walks. This home Is worth $4000: you can buv It for a few days for $7000. about $1500 cash, balance easy terms. In best part of Irvington. Only swell homes surrounding. GUI SSI at lADOtt, 317 Board of Trade BldXa 4th and Oak. 869 Front Street 7-ronm house on lot 40x100. faolnsr east, good view; car line two blocks. price reduced to idjau ior qui aaie. MERCHANTS SAVlXiS at TRUST COMPA.M. WHAT IS A MODERN ABSTRACT PLANT? Did you ever inquire what the equipment of an up-to-date ab stract company consists? s Did you know that it requires an investment of thousands of dollars in Portland not less than $100.000 1 Did you know that to compile thoroughly dependable! complete abstracts a firm must have I maps, records of all mortgages, judgments, lions, deeds, street assessments, sewer assessments and everything that can possibly be charged against a piece of property, or any of the owners? Did yon know that a good ab stract was a concise history of Ihe condition of the title of the property from tlie Government down to the present holder? ITas the firm who prepared p your abstract that sort of an equipment f t And could they give yon an U abstract of the kiud we mention? If not, you are taking a long chance in accepting the abstract. TatronLze a member of this as sociation and you may be fare that you're safe. Do you want to know who are the members? Then use this coupon. We'll send you a list and an interesting book on abstracting. (oiiponi Oron Asso ciation of Title Men S 13 Board of Trade H 1-1 jr. ' Otiitimon : I arn ln t .-rented in stood ab- trartlnfr and will b B '- pleased to havyou send I me vnur hooklet "HOW ! IKOWN tAKLV LOST HUM E. Name TKeOrconAssn of TitleMen. IXK.C.KO-OKF IeANDS. ChehalU t ounty. Wanhlnition. 520 acres at tlo. near aood road, in ne tract.- Other tracts, sizes and Tr.rcs tosuit. 1'IIJLr. 1,1 H Kt., AIXTOffn. Mil i n. on. LOANS LAWYERS' ABSTRACT A TRUST CO, Board of Trade Building-. KKA1, KSTATE DEALERS. Reck. William G.. 312 Falling bids. Brubaksr A Benedict. S02 McKay bids.. M M9. Obrpln A Herlow. 332 Chamber Commerce. Cook. B. 8. Co.. AOS Corbctt bids. Jennlnas ft Co.. Main 1SS. SOS Oreconlan. PALMER-JONES CO., M. P., 213 Commer cial Club bids. The Oregon Real Estate Co.. Grand ava. and M'lltnomah at. (HollaiTay Addition). XI. E. THOMPSON CO., cor. 4th and Oak sts. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Lots. WOODSTOCK'S, best buy. 100x100 corner. races south anu rust: close to car ana oul 6 blocks from KastmoreUnd ; all in cul tivation except building Eite; has 18 fruit trees, no two alike; 110 strawberries, 3 varieties, currants, gooseberries, grapes, etc., and best of everything; Spring gar den up nnl In tine shape; all done for own home; $470 can be paid $lo mo., balance cosh or In 6 mo. ; price $U'00. T f-S. Ora EtinlaJi. , I HAVE 1 choice lots on high ridge In high- class residence Ultncc; - soum anu one north front; one block distant from lots selling for I2l0; you will say these are Just as good: you are right, they are, but my price for a few days Is $1170; eusy terms and they will not last long. If In terested get busy. Phone Mr. Notting ham after 8:10 P. M.. Tabor 2297. Mx50 E. 26TH. NEAR ALDER. Nire 'ol on East 20tli, between Aider and Washington: price $1000. $300 cash and $-0 per month. GRVSSI A ZADOW. SIT Board of Trade Bl.tg.. 4th and Oak. 41xlu0 ON east Everett street: price I103S; one block ott car line; Duuaing restric tions and Improvements; can make easy terms; phone Main 10W or A 151a. Ask for Mr. Crdahl. LALRELHCRST lot In first addition; fine location: must leave lown; win sen equity; worth $2:s, for io. F. KAHLEIS. S42H Morrison, corner 7th St., room 7. $W CASH and f. per month, htautlful lot. near oc ci, wtij ..a.i.-u mi,, pm.j. HIGLEV. BISHOP. Third St. IRVINGTON bargain. If aold thia week; only allu ior wo ... nwua cant a til. $14i SEi TRES a tun lot ciose in on the rast Sloe; an iuii,ic-iii.-iii. ,11. puuns Main 1&03 and ask for Mr. CMalil. 30 DOWN. $30 a month buys a 7-room Phono noma. iiKin. . r - owner before 10. Tabor 4Ji. Al LAMBDA PARK Jh !qo; terms. AD gn. ,'holre view lot. 75x100. Oregonlan. . EQUITY. Portland lota. Will trade or sen. c - . THREE beautiful lots, one or together. cheap. rJV ow ner. ji ijmig.ippi ave. $&e CASH. $15 monthly, corner Jarrett and I, nncorq; ownrr. owcuaim umg. MUST sell Immediately, choice lota. BOxlOO, on Holsate st. a -Jut. EQ' ITY In Is" nice lots rn Goodhoe Park. 1'liona Tauor uis. , APPI.EDAT.E A HOME. COME AND SKEl The slnBing of birds In a ilown-town church ws lastly enjoyed last Sundas. In Arrledale the larks and ihe rooms sing everv day: sing as only tha happy and the free can slug. So close to the protection of two larse parks there will be larks in Appledale for years to cons.'. IllRh. but witn no steep grades; dry. yet ever green: scenic, beautiful and cheap. Large lots; choice, splendid ly prnun fruit trees in every lot; only to tOii; tit i r cent down. ! per cent a month. Cement walks, water piped to every lot; all city cotiv cr.lences. In Winter it is clear here when foic envelope, downtown. In Suir.mer it is rlear when tb.9 grime of the day's fie hang nice a cioud over the city. Take Momavi:ia ear to E. fioUi St.. walk three blocks south; ask for Cleveland; owner. I WILL FURNISH THE LOT TOl.T BUILD THE HOUSE. Have some beautiful residence lots In restricted park: will furnish deed to lot If yo-.i want to bulhl. You can pay me on the easy monthly plan. These are some of the choicest resilience lots in Portland and I will give you the same kind of a deal, as I would If you were paying spot cash. Investigate my plan. An easy way to own your own home. Your RENT MONEY will pay for the lot. L. W. Bl RI.lNnA.ME, S--'2 Corbctt bids. Main ISO;:. A 151". O. R. A N. TRACKAGE. I have a parcel of land located or. O. R. A c. right of way. one blook from Pandv Boulevard, in the manufacturing dlstrlrt. Particularly adapted for small factory, wood and coal yard. etc. My price la right and 1 can give yon good terms. This Is actually the last good piece of trackage offered in this district. An A-l investment proposition. if you are familiar with values in this district you will readily see that this Is a snap. It Interested with a view of purchasing, &hone Main 1S03 or A J315. ask for Mr. urllngame. LAURELHURST LOTS. $1430 oOiioo ft., on E. Hiyr. near E. n.'M St., I block from car; level, good view, street Improvements all In; terms. $17.Y T.Oxloo lot on Haielfern Place. wlihin 1 block of carMne; hiEh and sightly; terms. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO , - C12-213 Commercial Club Itldtr., Phones Main Htinn. A 2633. BEAUTIFUL lots from $750; 123 down and $10 monthly; Hawthorne vicinity. You cannot match these lots In price, size, terms or location: newly platted: be fore many monthly payments are made von have made money; ouxl'JO; $700 to $900: high and sightly location; most lots have 8ne fruit trees on them; buy now: take cars to corner E. 43rd and Hawthorne ave; office on corner. Port-land-paclflo Investment Co.. 41S Railway Exchange. CONTRACTOR HERE'S YOUR chance. Wo have a number of choice Rose City Park lots that we can give second mortgages on. These Will not last long. S. D. VINCENT Ai CO.. 417 Chamber of Commerce. A GENUINE- SNAP. Lot SOxlOO, one block from car line. Highly restricted residence park, street Improvement work all finished. Lots across street and next block sold for $14O0 my price for few days $103.1. Only J100 cash, balance $20 per month. Phone Main 1303 or A 1515. Ask for Mr. Eur lingame. SEI.LWOOD LOT $'.100. SOxlOO feet at corner E. IHh and Marion sts.; on freight sidetrack and within S block of . W. P. carllne: this Is business properly with a future. Price $00U cash. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-213 Commercial Club B!dg. Phones Main 8lil'., A ii."V3. SNAP FOR CASH. 71x133 $!Oo. Actually worth $12110; In highly re stricted residence district. This Is a cash price, but I would accept one-half cash, balance $17.30 a month, ti per cent. Don't overlook this If you want a bargain Phone Main 1503 or A 1313. Ask for Mr. Burlingaine. IRVINGTON LOTS. We offer a few extra choice lots for $1230 and $1330; beautiful corner. $13o0 and $1330: very easy terms, or discount for all cash: Improvements bonded; these lots are closo to Irvington canine. A. R. DIAMOND A CO.. 207 Railway Exchange BldK.. or East 13th and Knott sts. phone Main 1321). East 17!M!. ENTIRE BLOCK AND BIG HOUSE. 20('x2ol, close In, on East Side; fine for bungalows; for quick sale offered for IS300; terms; must sell at once. C. L. BAMBEP-GUR. Marshall 712. Room 2, Lumbermens bids. LAURELHURST SACRIFICE. Leaving city and will leave Isoo profit to purchaser of my three lots; lie high and sightly: $775 cash, balance 2 per cent per month; price, $200t), and in a fine location. See these. JACOB HAAS. 40S Yeon Bldg. GENUINE SACRIFICE. SOxlOO, close in. on East Side, fine for apartment sue; if sold tills week can be had foe $li0u under the market value, terms. GOODNOUGH A SEITZ. 310 Spalding Bldg. IRVINGTON SACRIFICE. $1300; terms; on 21st, between Stanton and Siskiyou sts.; some street improve ments paid. C. L. BAMBERGER. Margnall 712. Room 2. Lumbermen. b?dg. ROSE CITY PARK LOT. $030. 4 CASH. BUYS AN SSoo LO'CT Sickness, ill-luck, worry, etc.. cause sale cf this lot at original price. Address for information. O 11, Oreginlan. ROSSMERE LOT. Fine lot, f,OxlOi, with street Improve ments all paid and ' close to car; price $1000. half cash, balance $ir pi r month. GRUSSI & ZADOW. SIT Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. S. W. CORNER Hall and 17th. 100x100; most sisrhtly lot on Portland Heights. Price $3300, half cosh. MERCHANTS SAVINGS & TRUST COM PA N Y. PORTLAND HEIGHTS Owner must sell. lOOxloO corner, choicest resilience district, 130011. This Includes $730 for Improve ments: next lowest quarter in this dls trlct is $7300. Brooke. Main 3531. A P,K30, LAURELHURST. 9 lots, JS230. 0 lots. Located near Sandy Road and 33d. Karnopp AV Kopf. 323 Ry. Excii. bldg. APARTMENT-HOUSE SITE. Lot C2xlii0, on East 17th St.. near Mor rison, finest location on East Side for apartments. See this at once if vou want a bargain. Owner. 3t)0 Lumber ExchaoKC $50 FOR LOTS on 52d and W. Stark: is the beat buy In Portland : new carllne now buildinir. Call and see us. EMPIRE REALTY A TRUST CO., ' 402 Icon Bldg.. Marshall 340. 1 WANT to sell my lots on the peninsula: streets graded, water 111, all paid for; will take $53o; 10 per cent down, $10 per month. Address V 2S. Oregonian. PORTLAND HEIGHTS PROPERTY. Homes, lots, quarter blocks, tracts and acreage, all parts of Heights, all views and .prices: some bargains. Main 3351; A 3S39. 2 LOTS IN MILLARD AVE. FOR Gf.O. $20 down. Sin monthly takes Lot.i and they are beauties. Fred W. German, 32'J Burnside. Main or A 2770. ROSSMERE LOT $25. near the cur, v.-cst of 42d St.: Improvements raid; an excellent buy. 503 Lumbermens bldg. 60x7oo CORNER lot. 42.1 and E. Halsey, for quick sale; $1125 cash, $225, balance $20 m onthly. Owner. Phone A 3253. BUSINESS lot. Kllllngsworth. near Patton. $::iiimi; small building. Llnd. 307 Van couver ave. IRVINGTON lot, close to car; only $400 down, very easy payments on balance. J. s. MORGAN. 32d'fr Wash. St.. Room 400 BY OWNER Business lot. Rose City Park; double frontage; must sell at once. Phone Main 1252. $1400 TERMS. Full lot within two-mile radius, near Hawthorne ave. Inquire H. A. Hag-dorn. M. 6i!i!0 ; A (2117. APARTMENT SITE. Choice vacant corner, lath and Belmont, owner. 165 E. 1711) HAWTHORNE CARLINE. A sightly V block, overlooking the City: price $2750. by owner. Tabor 1560. ROSE CITT PARK LOT BARGaI N, nar Pth and Sandy Road carllne; east front. Price $tQA. 5Q3 Lumbermens Mdg. MUST sell lot In Rose City Park, half block to car Price $735: only $200 cash needed. Phone Tabor 20o7. LARGE lot fronting rarline. close in; price $10oo. half down; on good street, water, sewer, etc. AN 30. Oregonian. MODERN ."-room bungalow, attic, base ment, trees, llftfl East 12th north. $000 EACH Lots on E. 3"th near car; walk and curb paid. Phone C 200.- WOULD choice residence site, with big fu ture assured, close m. on upper , rngton St.. at Juncture of three new car lines, now undor construction, at only $1500 Interest you? If so. address owner. T 31. Oregonian. For S -Houses. IEART HOMES. Large living-room. dining-room ana kitchen on first floorr four large bedrooms and bath with sleeping porch on second floor, vne finished room the size of tne house in the attic. On the first floor there Is a large fire place, book cabinet and window seats in living-room, beautiful panelled walls, china closet, beamed celling and linen drawers In dining-room. The kitchen is simply perfect, with every possible con venience one could suggest in a Dutcn kitchen. The basement Is light and airy with furnace and wash trays. The bedrooms are large with well-arranged closets., and the varnishing of the wood work matches the tinting. Bathroom floor is genuine tiling, both floor and wails. Clothea chute to basement, fire place In front den with connecting bed room, beautiful sleeping porch; dust cbute to basement ail over. The house Is finished in oak with hard wood floors all over the house, closet, kitchen and all Included. Beautiful elec tric fixtures and shades included In sale prlCjC. Front pore'p and stens are cement: lot oOxluO: price $s.0: with payments to suit. See this todav. CO-OPERATIVE REALTY CO., 51U-20-21 Railway Exchange. STONE HOUSE, P.OSE CITY. PARK. 8 rooms, large concrete porch in front, also large back porch: hot water heat, hardwood floors, bullt-ln china closet in dining-room, big stone fireplace, 2 living rooms, large bedroom and toliet. dining rsora. kitchen and pantry on first floor; 3 bedrooms, bathroom and toilet on sec ond floor: shades, fixtures and linoleum go vrlth house; nice lawn, all set out in roses and other flowers: auto garage; house little over a year old; owner living In same. Phone C 2746. LET CS BUILD a home for you. We have some choice lots In Rose City Park that we will build on. P. D. VINCENT & CO.. 417 Chamber of Commerce. 4-ROOM new. modern bungalow, on fine Improved lot In Gregory Heights. close to carline. Excellent view, price 1350. Terms. Call at our Gregory Heights office. End of Rose City Park carllne. GREGORY INVESTMENT CO. StTNNTSIDE, $4000. On Improved street, with nil Improve ments paid; five-room bungalow, with fireplace, cement basement, laundry trays, handsome light fixtures, window shades; large lot, seven fruit trees; pay $850 down, and $30 a month on the balance. FORD, LITTLE & CO.. M3 Board of Trade bldg. Phones, Main or A 2C37. . SEE ME BEFORE TOU BUILD. WHERE I BUILD I WILL LOAN MONEY AT A LOW RATE OF INTEREST WITH NO BROKERAGE FEES AND NO CHARGE FOR PLANS. I HAVE CLI ENTS WHO WILL LEASE APARTMENTS AND WAREHOUSES. IF YOU HAVE A LOT SUITABLE I CAN MAKE YOU A GOOD PROPOSITION. Z. K. LOCKE. 520 HENRY BLDO. BEAUTIFUL HOME. Exceptionally artistic, strictly modern, best construction: has 9 rooms, full base ment, linished attic, bricked furnace, grate, fireplace; large living-room, built-in fur niture, special conveniences; choice neigh borhood: bard-surface street; south fac ing; roses, trees, vines; room for garage; price, $S500; terms easy. 717 East Mad ison st. Call. EXCELLENT BARGAIN $5500. 10-room bungalow, very attractive, thor oughly modern except furnace; Holladay Addition; has two fireplaces, 4 sleeping rooms upstairs, with attic, with living room, dining-room, kitchen and two bed rooms downstairs; on corner lot, 5uxl00. Verv liberal terms. M'CARGAR. HATES A LIVELY. 301 Yeon bldg. IRVINGTON HOME. S0300. Brand new and ready for ocupancy: 8 rooms; hardwood floors, handsome wood work, lighting fixtures complete, furnace, 2 fireplaces, full cement basement, lastte attic; fares east on carllne; lot 50x100 ft.; ijard-Eurf ace pavement: price $0500, terms. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO., 212-213 Commercial Club Bids. Phones Main SOOO. A 2053. 6-ROOM BUNGALOW $5500. This atractlve. thoroughly modern bun galow with hot water heater, is located In the North Irvington district, on K. loth st. N.. near Knott sL If you desire something nice In a choice neigh borhood. betetr see this. M'CARGAR. BATES & LIVELY, 301 Yeon bldg. $4800 TERMS. Modern and attraciivo li-room dwelling on Clackamas St.. near E. 2v.th, lot 30x 123; very fine location; home practically new and verv attractively arranged; price with street improvements all paid. $4800; good terms. M'CARGAR. BATES & LIVELY, 301 Yeon bldg. $200 CASH. ROSE CITY PARK. $15 MONTHLY. 7 rooms, lot OoxlOo, improvements In and paid; all the built-in conveniences: full basement, fireplace, etc. National Realty & Trust Co.. 820 V4 Washington St., room 516. Phone Main 5120. E. 6TH-ST. HOUSE. Fine S-room modern bouse, with hoi water heat. 4 bedrooms, lot SOxlOO, fine lawn, siimc fruit trees and lot of roses, on E. nth, near Mason: price $4J50; $1500 cash and $25 per month. GRL'SSI 4i ZADOW, 31 7 Board of Trade Bl.lg- 4th and Oak. : I'nn.ia 1 1 T-.ft This Is a well-built one-story frame, not modern, but city water in house, two blocks from Montavllla car. near West avenue, on lot 30x100; owner needs the money, tee M'CARGAR. BATES .v. LIVELY. 30 1 Yean bl.lg. WHY NOT? Cut the rent own it costs $1050. Pay same as rent you are now paying. If -ou want it for a home and can SHOW ME that you mean business, I will let you In on a small uayment down. Butterworth. owner, 35 Lafayette bldg., Cth and Wash. BEAUTIFUL-homes In Rose City Park; we have for sale several new and very at tractive houses and bungalows in this fine district; prices from $3650 to $5000. very easy terms. See us for particulars if you are lookinsr for a home. McAllis ter & Lueddemann. 722 Electric bldg. ' SWELL BUNGALOW. Fine new 5-room Ijungalow on 30x100 lot. east front, on E. 32d near Gladstone., 11150 cash; a fine homo, and a bargain; price $31oO. GRUSWI & ZADOW. .".IT Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. NEW S-ROOM BUNGALOW. SUNNYSIDE DISTRICT. EASY TEI'.MS. Call Mr. Guthrie. A lllj.t or Main S'JOO. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY. Board of Trade Bldg. HOUSE FOR SALE. I will sell my modern, up-to-date cottage-bungalow for $7500; unobstructed view of the entire city: two lots; Rose City Park. This can be rented if one year's lease is given for $00 per month. C 2245. BY OWNER. Modern 5-room bungalow In Rose City Park. 6'lxloO. cement basement, open lira place: $3000, a lew hundred cash, balance can be arranged us rent; cost nearly $41100 to build. Phono A 323H or write 4S1I Hall St. FOR SALE Mt. Tabor district, 0-ro.nn modern house; lot lUOxloo; fruit and. gar den: Kood view of mountains ami city: small payment down and easy terms. T 23. Oregonian. ovso BARGAIN: 6-room cottage; Portland Heights; 10 fruit trees, lot iuxlli; terms. Marshall 1866. CONTRACTOR will build houses on easy terms if you own lot and little cash. E 12. Oregoniau. BRAND-NEW 4-room house, pantry, closet, city water; price $1250; part cash, balance like ren tIng uire at 103.1 East Salmon st. SPI.ENPH) 6-room plastered house, porce lain bath, fine lot. $15"0. Phone Main 43SL $550 IRVINGTON. $300' below cost; new 6-room house. Phone owner. East 1872 or call 537 East 13th North. g AVE commission, buy of owner, new cot tage near car; beet soli, 1 2 or 3 lots, 42x208 each: $1300. Phone C 200S. Owner. 7rtOOM residence at a sacrifice; furniture. If wanted. 62 East 68th. BEAUTIFUL S-P.OOM HOME JN IRV INGTON FOR SALE AT A SACRIHi K. ON CARLINE. PAVED STREEI -L-MENT WALKS. BEAUTIFUL LAW N. IN THE HEART OF MANY BhAtriHL THREE ELEGANT APARTMENT HOUSES APARTMENT HOUSES APARTMENT HOUSES FOR SALE AT A SNAP. A SNAP. A SNAP. LOW IN PRICE. EASY TERMS. For sate, three beautifully furnished cpartment houses. ONE OF 72 ROOMS. With 2.S Apartments. ONE OF 122 ROOMS, With 52 Apart nents. ONE OF 07 ROOMS. With 32 Apartments. Houses built of mst elegant brick every one fitted with rhe latest and most modern improvements and con venlences. Houses are sltuMcd In the very best parts of the city, on the West ide. convenient to streetcars and downtown business disirict. Elegantly and magnificently fur nished; long leases, low rents; fur niture for sale at a big snap; part cah, balance on easy terms. Apply to Alex Qevurts, of I. GEVTRTZ 4 SONS. 173-5 First Street. Phone Main 3244. HOMES ON EASY PAYMENTS " Six-room house, two stories, all modern, east front, beautiful lot. manv shade trees, block from car; street improvement paid; new, ready for occupancy; $600 cash, bal ance monthly payments. Five rooms, large attic, all modern, fin ished oak floors, bookcases, buffet, fur nice, full basement, restricted district; improvements paid: half block from car; $.00 cash, balance monthly payments. Six rooms, two-story, square house. Just being completed; oak floors, fireplace. Dutch kitchen, bullet, all other modern conveniences; 200 feet from carllne; $600 cash, balance monthly payments. e rave several other houses and bnn which will be completed soon; let us show which will be completed soon; let us show them to you before you buy. PROVIDENT INVESTMENT A TRTJSTEH COMPANY, 201. 203 Board of Trade bldg. Marshall 473. A 1022. $5250 OLMSTED PARK. Artistically arranged 6-room lK-story bungalow. Just completed. This house Is located ono block from the Broadway car line, has a beautiful view of the four points of the compass. This Is a re stricted district and all high-class Im provements. Can be handled on very easy terms. Owner will put in electric fixtures and shades and tint house to suit the purchaser. CO-OPERATIVE REALTY CO., B1U-20-21 Railway Exchange Bldg. CALIFORNIA BUNGALOW. hi BLOCK TO HAWTHORNE AVE. Not the ordinary cottage, but a real bun galow of 5 rooms; tapestry tile fireplace, larje built-in window seats, dandy book cases, swell buffet, massive columns, fine Dutch kitchen, 2 lin'e bedrooms and white tiled bathroom; full attic and cement basement, with laundry trays: faces east and street improvements in and paid; this is a nifty place and a snap at $50o0, $5l'0 cash, balance rent. See Askwith today at 1067 Clluton st. Take Richmond car to Marguerite ave. (1 blk. east of 35thi. Phjno Tabor 23.12. WANT to sell my home In the heart of a restricted district: will soli at a sacri fice on acount of financial reverses; this house has six rooms and bath, with full cement basement and attic. Dutch kitchen and fireplace; large living-room, dlnlnt; rooin and kitchen, with two largo bed rooms and den: must sell by May 1. Real estate agents save time by not answer ing. Not over $4000. AK 26. Ore gonian. $3250. A Snap. Cottage. 3 rooms and bath. Near 23d and Thurman st. Best buy in North Portland. LOUIS SALOMON & CO., 233 Stark St., near 2d. " ' IRVINGTON HOME of T rooms, attic and cement basement, hardwood floors, built-in bookcases, buffet and window seats, Dutch kitchen, cooling closet, inclosed rear porch, furnace, fire place, laundry trays, fruit room, etc. Rooms all large and well arranged. Lot 50x11)0. East front. Built for a home. Owner leaving city. Trice $7000; $2500 cash, balance to suit. Call Mr. Ward, Main SOOt) or A 1103. $10 PER MONTH. 5-room house, corner lot on East SOth, In Sunnyside. Biggest bargain in th city. ri-ice $2640; $1000 cash, balance $10 per month. S. D. VINCENT & CO.. 417 Chamber of Commerce. IRVINGTON. New 7-room strictly modern house on 2d St.: a very pretty home, with hard wood floors, 2 fireplaces, furnace and all other modern conveniences; must be seen to be appreciated; $0500; 13O0O cash. Kaufmanu & Moore, 523 Lumber Ex changc. m 6-ROOM BUNGALOW, $:!00 CASH. A 6-rooin bungalow on good street, on block from carllne. Price $2000; $:H0 cash, balance $15 per month. Call, Mr. Anderson. A Till:: or Main SnOO. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY. DUAIU "1 ii.i,,,; urn,. BEAUTIFUL IRVINGTON HOMES. Built by expert day labor, latest d- signs, oak. mahogany and ivory finish; don't be deceived on cheap contract work. jnere IS a Ollieieace. euini-D-mir Co 500 Broadway. 1'liones. Last 8!tl. 0 11IB3. $2000. Just for today and tomorrow. 7-room house, furniture. Including new Kimball piano. 70tli St. and Miiiard. Mt. Scott car. AM A DON COIiBIN. 210 Lewis Bldg. 3 BEAUTIFUL HOMES. Elegantly finished In oak and mahog any, choice locations. Irvington. Several great bargains in lots, no agents. C JViti. East 273. W. H. Herdman. ' GENT iNK BARGAIN FROM OWNER direct, equity in 7-room home. 2 lots, Headway district; mortgage $::500; mov ing to another part 01 city. Phone Mar- siial 11 SJ7. MODERN, 5-room bungalow, close to Ful ton rarline. price, $::::ud. Tiiis is posi tively the best hr.use in that neighbor hood. See J. E. Smith, 513 Chamber of Commerce. lonxlOO BEAUTIFUL home site; full view of Mt. Hood; only $175 this week; worth ten times amount asked. W. B. McKIn ncy. 209 Ry. Flxchange. ESTA BROOK. Ray & Eslnbrook, contractors and builders Houses built on Installment plan; will furnish lot and build to suit; small payment down. Phono Tabor 16. PORTLAND H EIG ITTs Ccsy 5-room wl" IHgu; easy walking distance: beautiful view; $2700: loi worth $2100. Brooke, Main 3.1.11. A 3S30. HAWTH O P. N HI S t R 1 c T B A RG A I N. ' 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. HALF BLOCK NORTH OF AVE.; CLOSE IN; LIST T H F. M $ 1000. T AjiOJJ 7. li ACRE of choice ground on Steel ave.. with 4-room house. Thi is a fine buy; ajthad3nterms4 J 4SpaJdngbJdg IRVINGTON 4'.I7 East '.Mb St.. new- K-room house, strictly m.elei-n; y.lOoi), $20y0 wiil handle. Phone owner. E. 11M. $100 CASH and $10 per month, 5-room house. 3 blocks car: $1550. 11 ilGLE V & H1SHOP, 1.12 Third Ft. NEW modern five-room bungalow. East 37th St.; must sell. 11. E. Douglas, Leb anon. Or. tl.'.o iASW. $J0 monthly; i".-ruoni bungalow. Owner, SweLland bldg. A laib. Aaa UU l