Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, April 19, 1911, Page 9, Image 9

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on jtsnue j r, . ri " xZKtH'-
Portland's Captain Ordered
Off Chilly Grounds by Um
pire Longenecker.
cf -
Indian Take Hrl Game of Season
In Northwrrl league at Capital
of Inland Kmplrr. Score
114-lng I to I.
Yesterday's Reaalt.
tip-okaaa n, Fartland 1.
Virtnrta 3. Tacoma .
So gams at Seattle raln.
Maadlnc af (be Ctaba.
,1 ;r.H:II;
Ttrnffi .
Ol 11
V I t l, ft
IV iW t0
(fe im O- 1 ;
ii o i i. o: ws,
i, o, s, J
srOKASft Wash- Aprtl !. Spe
r?al Portlands tourist ball dub got a
sample of Spokane Inliospltaltty thl
afternoon that they ' "n f"r
get. going ba. k from trie ran r"
mit:i the short end of a i-lo-1
and mlnua the, captaln-roanager.
Tne game was nnuaual for the num
ber of thrills, frhlch offset In Part tha
thill or th bleak wintry afternoon.
A the finishing tou.-h to the at
tempt ! warm tJio crowd Captain Wil
liams waa ordered out of the same and
off the grounds by t'mplre Ionaa
recker and Wllllama (trolled nonchal
antly pat t?ie stands to the elt. rhat-
tine pl'inllr with the pollreman who
apoloetltlty performed the duty de
manded. There wrre plenty who bellered Wil
liams waa Justified In becoming pee
lh. It happened In tha eighth Innlnc
when Spa aprlnted home from third
on a ehort panaed balL Catcher Of l
delk pouru-ed upon the paase-l ball and
ted It to Banner, who had awkward
1 lopd to the plate.
Ilnnnrr's Nw Ijx- Slart It.
Bonnrr made a awlpe at Speas. who
had hit the dirt, and the ball, according
to aeveral hundred self-appointed um
pires In the stand, and missed Speaa
by a foot or more. I'mplra Longanecker
made the gue&a that Spcaa waa touched
out. refused to change Ma conrlctlona
and right there waa where Wllllama
got Into the argument and presently
out of the game.
t'p to the minute, preliminaries ush
ered In the season. Led by a big brass
hand. Ii or Zi automobiles, containing
rlty officials, tha rival ball clubs, noted
fans and some advertising freaks, pa
raded througtt tha princlpaf avenues
amid mui'h applause but with cold feet
and hands. Mayor Hindley made
snort adiirrs.t at the park, hit the first
bail, a sphere as large aa a balloon,
with a bat alx feet long and the game
was on.
The way the lurk broke, waa easy
to see Portland had no chance to win
eirept by a miracle. Bonner was given
spectacular support, played by Kippert
tn center field, he cutting down drives
tl, ke:ed for home runs and holding
them to two-base htta. Then. too. the
Roadsters, advertised as ghosts no tha
bases, ran against steel whips of Ost
i!lk and finey and were cut off nt
moments when runa were In sight for
Spokane Ha ;ood I.uck.
It was different for Spokane. Twice.
with the baaea populated In the sev
enth inning and only one down. Indian
batters soused the ball through tha
Infield which waa beap horseshoe for
the Indians. The Speas-Wllilams-Lon
cane ker Incident waa another In
stance, for the adverse guess of In
ganeiker came at a time when Bonner
weakened and the ball was' tearing
noies Jn th outfield grass.
The work of the Roadsters waa not
lip to standard. Thompson dropped
fiv In the outfield and Warrett and
Harris mad' wild heaves. Barrett was
jtedv also, and got the tram In a
Tote too often. Portland's run was
accomplished by Garrett, who made a
third strike at a wild pitch that went
to the stand, stole second and scored
on a two-base swat.
For a chilly da the crowd waa
great, probably Jii pal-! admissions,
each of which deserved a Carnegie
menai mr braving tbe wintry blasts.
The irsrt in detail:
M.itwtr. se ......
pes.. If
e-all. ef
Vtillism. lb ....
Th.vmpaoa. rf ...
I rt 3b .
Hams, c
rr-tl. p .......
Fneoka. lb
. .. '.
... S
... 4
... 4
... 3
... 3
... 4
... 4
... 3
3 I
r it
JC'I. 3b
.n-r. as
rriah. M
N-v.:-. lb . . .
Zimmerman, 'f
rtr:iM, 2b
K insert, rt ....
iSldlrh. C
SM't. p ....
'. . 3
ro A T.
Tvta:a S Zl
.0 1 1 4
. .o O 1
Tw-base htta Csrtwrlsht
0 1
tl . . . 1 v 5 5- ' M
. . nvn-oantf w nn VITTHF.H TOOtVl TOM M I RR KX.
' .17.7. vr.TF-.nnava PITCH RR. BF.I.OW CiEORGB
MXi f.KOlND RlLi:.
Inn. Lane strained his arm and re
tired, although but If men had faced
him. Saga took the mound and pitcnea
the same masterly hrsnd of hall. The
score was three to nothing In Victoria's
The Victoria Club looks like one of
the coming clubs of the circuit, as the
exhibition of the National pastime this
afternoon was of sterling quality. Hall,
of "forkball" fame, was touched for
five hits, but was accorded poor sup
port at times when it was most needed.
A crowd of 2300 saw the opening
game, despite the cold weather. CSeorge
B. Burke, president of the Chamber of
Commerce and vice-President Stone, of
the Commerce Club, executed a com
bination wild pitch and passed ball In
opening the game.
Victoria's runs were not of the earned
variety, errors on the psrt of the locals
taking a prominent part In each case.
McKadden's peg Into the bleachers let
In tha first run of the season. Mike
I.rnch blocked one of I-ane's fast
shoots cleverly with his head. The
umpire ruled the ball out because of
Its damaged condition. Immediately
after ssumlng first base on the paln-ful-pass
ruling. Lynch stole second. An
automobile parade preceded tha exhibi
tion at Athletic Park.
The score:
He Gives Great Exhibition of
Skill With Murphy.
T.l. If
Hatmer. ?b ....
Mlllh-n. cf ......
;.ndwtn. 3b . . . .
Hntinehntdrr, rf
nl-llrs. ss
Manls. lh
ashrtod. C - p
base, p
Warren, rf . . . ,
llaasev. If
Hrknfsld. 3b
,'nleman. 3b ...
I.vneh. cf
rtsher. lb
ilrKs-lden. pa .
fevn;t. cf ....
Hall. P..
tacom Av
ar R
T7 13
.24 O
earrlnce hlf aa. srtrlht.
Kipper. Sacrifice St Nerilke. eloign baa. a
,iirretl. t'artwrlrht. ostnlK. Ptruk out -tl
flonner X b liarret, 4. ss on balls-
oT Honaer a. off ;arrett T. wild pitches
Bonner - notable P'ar Ostdlrk Nordjrka.
lft en basest Portland 7. tepokaaa g.
25offl Taooma Fans Sc-p Tram Ixvc
by S-orc of 3 to 0.
TACOMA. Wash April 1. (Special.)
The wonderful pitching of Lane and
Sage held the Tigers hHpless this aft
ernoon In tuo first game of the season,
not a alngie member of the Bengals
getting m hit. AXUr working. lU lun-
Victoria 'II
Stiilen" bases ocknfe!d. Ooodwln. Red
dlrk toutile plsys Daahwood t Rarmar;
Rnrkenfekt to Kisher. Sacrifice hit Klsher.
pitchers' rrmnl, lilts, off lane In six In
ninss . off face In threo Innlnss a hmirk
ou, BvlJina J. b Ssse 1. b Hall 1. Rases
on ball's Br Ijsne 1. bf Pass I. by Bali .
Hit bv pli-hed ball Lynch. Time of am
1 hour Se minutes. Vmplre Ward. i
Sratllf-VancooTrr (iinic Postpotbrd.
SKATTX.K. April 18. The Seattla
Vancouver game was postponed hera
today on account of wet grounds.
Washlnglvt Mne Caplnrrs; Intercol
legiate Series at Seattle.
attle. Wash- April IX. (Special.) t'nl
versltv of Washington won tha Inter
collegiate baseball series today by de
feating I'nlverslty of Oregon baaeball
nine by a acore of to S. Tha game
lasted eight Innings, being stopped by
Tha game opened with poor work by
both teams. Hard hitting character
ized the game. Oregon played a much
better game yesterday. Chandler, of
Oregon, got the first home run of the.
season. me " ' 11 -, v -
for Kugene. S-ore:
Oregon J T 3. Washington 4 5 1
Batteries Peet. Cobb and Word;
Jvusaoa and Kerry.
Murphy Soorca In Second Round
Only, but Opvoncnt Dors Great
I'ootwork and Blocking to
Ibrllglit of Sports.
NEW TORK. April IK. Parker Mc
Fsrland. the fact Chicago lightweight.
won all the way In his ten-round fight
with Tommy Murphy, of Brooklyn, at
the Fairmont Athletic Club. The Chi
rago hoy out boxed anQ outfought
It a as a hard night for the "home-bred
champion." One round only-the second
went to Murphy, while the Chicago
fighter captured the laatt seven. The
other two were even. In the latter
rounds Murphy tired and McFarland
loved with him.
Tha first round gave Indications of a
good fight. In the second Murphy
brought a roar of cpplause when he
sent a vicious left tn the wind, stag'
gerlng McFarlsnd and sending him to the
ropes. But Murphy a lead wss snort-
lived. McFarland came back with
amila and from then on Murphy never
had a chance. Murphy fougnt viciously,
doggedly, but he wa unable to pass Mc
Farland's guard.
McFarland did the leading throughout
the fight, and gave an exhibition of foot
work and blocking that brougnt cneers.
With a right ana left to the face
he sent Murphy to the ropea -and foi
lowed his advantage with another dose
of tha same medicine. Murphy strug
gled to break through McKarland's
riiard but waa unable to reach him.
Throughout the remaining rounds Mc
Farland forced Murpliy. landing sting
Ing rtghta and lefts.
F.ntrlrs for Portland Kennrl Club
Exhibition to Roach 350.
The entry list for the Portland Ken
nel Club's twelfth annual bench show
will close tonight at 10 o'clock. The
show will begin next Wednesday night.
Anrll 36. lasting iiniu oaiuraay nigm
Although shorter than last year's show
ii,. exhibit will oe murn larger.
Approximately dogs have been en-
in tha show to date. Today's en
tries are expected to swell the totsl to
nearly K0. Last year zoo joogs were
M. Robert Guggenheim, member of
the rich Eastern tamiiy or inai name,
in .hn his string of bull dogs. He
was beaten here last year by Miss Delia
Spray s Prince Royal II- Miss Spray s
prise winner aiea id
"rt,. mini Kennels of Springfield. Ill
.t.n showing their dogs this season,
Th. enirv list may be found at the
ofiica ol J. J. McCarthy. Ablogton
--. -
-. -. r.. . ; ' ... . .r- fimnil iiiMirnirirr liWlli
OME people want the Fore Door all the time. Some
donh: want it at all. Some would like it one day ana not
s r
another depends upon weather and time or year.
You can have the Reo any way you want it:
- .
With the' fixed 'Fore Door
With the put-on-and-take-off door
With open front
4. And you can buy the door (2 sides) by itself, and put it on whenever
you want it $25.
This door fits the 1911 Reo.
That's the real thing to do and the-Reo way of doing
1 1 1 1 . C 1
-give people what they want ana a wnoie ioc 01 pius.
. Northwest Auto Co., 493 Alder Street
r ' .?. i . ... i . .1 1 'r"'r"-Lgfr"mMJ"g?e
building. The show will be held at
Fifth and Washington streets.
Beals Wright Falls to Come,
n-i t. anttmsiasts of Portland
1 IIUPQ Itiinio ..... -
r.rrained from attend
ing the opening baseball game, going
to the Irvlngton uiuo cuuna i..ovC
- .onv cf seeing the ex-
National champion Beals Wright in
action, were sorely disappointed, for
- ....n.mtsr Hid nut arrive here
l IH- CAlCl - - - -- - , .
yesterday as expected. However, he Is
scheduled to srrlve irom oeaiur ..,
and In that event probably will play
an exhibition on the Multnomah Ama
teur Athletic Club courts this after
noon. The clay courts at jrvtngiun
.r. in no condition for play", due to
Monday night's rainfall.
Sheridan Nine ppfcals McCoy,
nimnni rr Anrit m. (Suecial.T
fiheridan opened the season here Sunday
j .i... ti,. (-tvv team. 12 to a'
The pitching of Psyne and the hitting
and baoe-running ot nnenonn wctc
k The "Colts" have re-
eeived Invitations to enter, the proposed
. . . . . . - V.HI fAitnt,
W illamette aney " -
, ..... hut the. fans desire to play In
dependent ball this sesson.
I-add School Pefoats Vailing.
Hitting safely IS times for a total of
Auction Sale Today
tsjfjmxr. yx
The Meadowbrook Saddlers and the
Brook Nook Standard breda and
Morgans will be sold.
i 4k. .VinrtT team defeat
IllllO lUUai "IO mi .
j . i- 1 1 i . .AV.nrkl nine VDHtPrilaV at
t- iiier rmxi'S "-''-' .- - j
the West End grounds. In the Grammar
School i-eague series, oy '
9 to 0. Batteries Ladd lavis ana
Schulz; Failing Smith and Wilson.
Davis defeated Alnswortn on me nci
End grounds Mohday afternoon by the
score of 27 to 1. Loct1 and Flytinger
constituted tne uavispaiici
Tests mads In Great Britain have shown
that excellent paper can be made of blue
gum wood. Australia possesses an enormous
supply of this wood, and steps are being
taken to utilise It
Attorney John P. Murphy Is Preparing
as... . a aw-. f til ...
ful That Officers Mav
on Rehearsal
IShreveport Fans Are Hopng Austin'
van t naiko ni.t3o.. j -
Franchise Will Remain
Trs.5iT7fY.Tll .thing
IherheDollf lb
Black Tiaaaasvvriinstrels.evjF - T
0D?ra House on Thurrr :
January 12, Attorney Joll
in active membu-.and let
Hitve of the Sf I Ciub. is
mg formal ac 9
Mr. Murpli. vs
tion for an f
Police Johor
T Brandir
Jhe pro
In hls
nrlll seek iVft
-tnd the sheriff f
Tcrintr or seek!
means whatsoe
ihe minstrels.
"It had bee
Murphy this
Hon might
Munty peac
:hat there 'n
pulled" In th
chlch might be
he peace and- dlgn
. Xt-
jr Tak-
.-V "4T
settled that Heiney Maag
llos will play with Dallas
U season. Also It is setj
Lgaseman McDonald will
Shreveport this season.
'list of releases announced
'esident Chlvlngton of the
tion. are thlse of
f SZSTt .ttL T fit??
7 itmxiui m iPUL,r
f S. jTW e B S J r 4 3 5t V I i
. s a.-ae.i fti-BM v a rv &rz.z. m
CsBa. J
k irw. aa. j . . . -.. - f i- 1 T l iT" i i
X cf r-i sty Jf. or m at WmK Ji ;- in
it rtv- 1
isi m m xi en
vT : '.: tiL. Jviif---,fA
suea Var a?-nt o?-?
Ha Knew Better.
"Fearing that thes
nuence-the peace off!
anwarranled. actlon
Ihat the production
itself anything of t
Seemed It best as
measure to sue out
an injunction.
.- "I know that the
tnlev Htuff In the
jperetta. but there
ii nnn w hleh crrouncls
jf the show could be
"However, rather 1
inmnnM interfered
;st, the writ will be
Presented in Proper Way.
The application for the Injunction
sill be presented In the proper man
ter. If it cannot be taken up imnie-
do to Dal
holumbus to
rgo Edward
by Colum-
rind that
fix in tha
four men
hold out in
hise In the
ecordlng to ad"
: lata yesterday.
hpldlng out
and said
which Is proini.
connection wm
hArl todav wlth
find close up. as
said, are hop
make good on
that tnev
over the Craw-
n a Texas league
Ish capital.
sou Flinger Will
ISouthern Thia
., JaiT
signed Wlngo Andersi
pitcher of the. Texas
with Cincinnati last
"southpaw." '
1 EC'? 'inr
Better Than
Rheumatism, nervousness. . neuralgia,
backache, liver andakidney coniplaliita
re caused by excess uric acid. Medicine
can only temporarily counteract the ef
fect, while electropodes remove tne
cesw uric aoid. and all other poieons and
i..,..ui fmt.i tl.-. .i-tem. The result
is prompt relief and a permanent cure.
S. F. Robb, of Poplar Bluff. Slo., writes:
r m , r-irtnoi- nf the. Iron Mountains.
t k.-. liat T-heiitiintiNin for the last ten
months. I purchased a pair of electro
podes and have had great results from
them. I have worked but three weeks in
the last ten months and now I am wont
ing on my farm every day ana ininit x
am getting well. .
"r h.n tn Ilot Snrincs twice
and to Mineral Springs twice, and twice
to the hospital in the last ten months."
John McArthur, of Bowlus, Minn.,
writes: "Enclosed please find $3 for
which pleaee end me three pairs of
Electropodes. I have used two pairs, of.
your Electropodes now. When I began
their use I was not able to make a step
without the aid of crutches, now I am
.t arnimd nicely with . cane
BIIIQ i." '
snd believe another pair will completely.
cure me."
What Electropodes have done for
.i ii, -.ii do for von. Nothing is
eo convincing as the actual test. ElecT
tropodes w ill convince you. . c-r .
pair 30 days absolutely at our risk. Book
let upon request.
At druggists or by mail, postpaid. If
your druggist cannot furnish Electro
podes, send us 1 and we will see that
you are supplied immediately. State
whether for man or woman. Western
Electropode Company. 241 Los Angeles
street. Los Angeles, Cal.
15 Round Boxing Contest
Athletic Association, Incorporated.
Main Event .lack Duarte. 15S pounds, vs.
Ace Clement, 158 pounds.
3 Fast 6-round Preliminaries 3
Entire auditorium has been enlarged and
reseated, giving room and comfort for all.
fDecial S. P. S. train leaves depot, llth
and. Hoyt streets at 7:30 P M returniiic
immediately after the contest. Also special
arrangements for street-car service.
Tickets for train and contest on sale at
Bchlller's, BIS Cohen and Aug Eschla, .