TWO d.etrebie hooakerpln rooms la pri vate family, bate, gas end phone: fur atoned, unfurnished or pertly f urenhed : coo arepla-e. UiCt yard. eaT we. king alia aa.., 2i3 Ukoc at. I'liww (28 BEAlTtTTLLT fu-llhd hauseke--Ir g it la nolno flat, including bomb Lsnt. dm p-r-eiain keth end '" pnaoo; no fhtldra. (31 6th - TWO or three njcaty tarnished houeekeeo tn room with alcose. all iu; eink. raog-a, bath-Bad prion; als- single room. MMRiblt. bo children. I4 ma at. ri RVISHCD front room and k1tehn for nu. wife ajil babies or two ladiea; wa ter. Us hi u4 raaga free; 14 week. 4 41W. , . HOCTtKKCPlXO roomo In private family, two rooms furnished for loiwkopins. veaatlful lr. le-n, flowers aad porch. ; Wh t.. Portland Higri'-a. SPLENDID housekeeping room. single or a eu'te; Beat, light, both, pbons: (10. (1 and (. per month or by week. ( Couch. N. K. tor. 19th. TWO bright, wall furnished boo-kplng mom, phono, bath, electric llxht 1. w M,er at., cor, Union ac C : ?PS. ELEGANTLY IwnUhM apartment In re stricted district. (10. Phone East 81 SI momlnri 44. rouKBIA. near llth. Comfortably furnished I-nma hoaaekeeprnc suite. (10 WFIJ, furnished h "woe keeping; rooms: bath phona and laundry; swell location. tv,4 Cllsan at. IIVULE hoseheeptng room; phone, bath, lent and boat. walking distance. 4u7 Hol'aday. t r r R.M.-TtffD houaekeepir.g rooma n utt. bath aad pnouea. 64 Jotmaun. noar jlTlh TWO cloan. well-furnished housekeeping rooma, phono and bath. 14 Grand - North. m twO clean, well-furnished rooma. good neighborhood, walking distance (I . Ira- ria'linc water, nam. pci'w. . v - l'ROOa (una. hal.ralb. phoaa. hot wii.r. cib. af-rommodationa for rraaona&ta S0 at. room m It h aicara kitchaa. phoaa. batn. 1 10.1 N. lain. Ink. pantry, warning qiiiaik. ' i U uril-Ornir of Clay. laraaT'llCht. ton- tb:t ( t and ?-room puita. TWO farnianol roam for l!ht houokoan lo: iwoiMi; aJulta. i:h E. Hih l. CKNTR KULX locatad. iooolnt. (11 and wp. 4-'r Mala at. TWOlcohokoapina' rjoma. Ilht. phona and ba'h : Ith at 1 rrHM'HEl) houaakoaplnl-rooma. 074 1 rf'RNl!.HEI houaakoaplnl r.llan t . mr. tth. : l ITE raaii: Bin rooma. rhrap: phona. fl irt: furnlahad houkplo room: walk- lc diatanro. mdr(M.i-' Kwrwir ii. KoOIKErPIXI anlta. aat and cloan; f-r I or . i 14 Mall. a" V I T E of I oorr doatrabto rooma. all con-n!R'-a: waiktna dtafan. :T 7th. Tlffc AUoTe, MS rark at., ror. Morrlaon; f r nun ! hooavkropinf aulta. T W"furnWhad hoakplr r rma. bath. phon. yto-ltml I'x-aMoo. Ji. 23 J4th a- rol It lr furauhad noupin modern, piano. 3 Uilj:inoi TH nr.r. ai'O hook-pin roams. 113 xri n h r.i Jtonri'nirT. liOlakU aad f'a'a for frt soma fttialshaj. NKROIIANT AVli.a al TRUST 1-OJsPANT. Tomapo of flly for tratra. M,' a-rooo baaaa. anodora. larco yard. I3 Clao-aland ao.. I rarllnra. tiu. Inqvilro MrKtnlay iillrr,ll. SQZ 'a Utark at. 1 bona A3I II. Main SI3I IRVIXGTOM honaa for roat. T rooma mod- ftQuM hona. frrnai-o. bath, daalrabla lormtioa: rant J'X JJ Kallr. Komn port. laa-t Oaoar at BJ4 krl.y at. D. Vf. NoMlitf. I ROii etxtaro, Kaaxnay. tr Slat, lnquira 4S Morrtaoa au Mala S7u4; M a month. "p. no M hou.a. aultablo for two famlMaa : r-nt 141. Phono Mala 14S durtna waaa and Bart 141 Suadaa. M'lDCRK a. room houa. No. ITU North 33d at . rant M par month. Phona A F w. atrirr'y mdrn. T-room honsa. arp dtrataia location; arfol'B. 7.'? V.- Main. ZaObEKX rwim bouao. No. 1TO North 334 at . rant 140 par month. Pn-nn A".V HilDtKN T-room aooao. 4.US. 440 E. 14th at. N. (Irvlnctoal. Inqatra 33J btark at. artoOM bimo lor rant In IrvlnrtonT 440 IBth at. North. Main UTI. A ill. MODERN a. ro-m homo to raaponaibla par tita only. (Ilk -A Kaat Stark. (-ROOM modrrn houaa. B7:a E. 11th au North: l'Q p-r mnn'h. Marahail 24. M"t'ERN a-roorB houaa. East Utirnsida and 2th. Eait (; B I4')4. A MOPFRV 'r-room bonar. 231 X. gist. tSuvtahaal llmuoa. A OVNTRT bomo In city. IS block a from ood car. fully fumlthrd tatao piano). 7 -room modam buBgalow with l pmf-por-h; alao porrh 10 fast wtda and covm rrad OQ cast aoJ aouth aldaa; nlca lawn, lota of flowara. (OxO. In ainall vcartablaa. lOuil'lti In nutatoea. 13, rhu kana with d: yard. ! rgt a day. Vuat rent or Ivaa. Sao ownar on plara. STth and Framont at. Taka Proadway car. (aVOtt THREB sonny, daalrabla. wall fur nlahrd rooma. larsa eioaat. gaa ranca. porrh. yard. vlaw. Psrmanaat coup I a. 409 Hall. FVFNI8HED oppar flat, t or 4 laria rooms, priv.ita bath, cloaal. wood lltl; avlulta. 614 r 21 at. W-R rr. OR RENT Fnmlahad 4 room cottara; larsa aardan and barn, cheap rant to right party. Y 30. Orrconlan. M"LLY furauhrd rtMm bungalow. Roaa City Para. (3!.e. all Chambar of Com ntrrca or aTaat 373- MIAT fnrBtahad flra-room cottaga: No. I'r'aco-1. batwaan Maryland ava. and Pat ton. Woodlawa 1724. Taka I. car. MODERN l-roa furnlah.d houaa. ood lo catlon. ptano. Phona Wootlla4 141a. l'R RENT Kour-room furhlshsd cottaga. (IV 'ajlll34 Hawthorna. Mowaaa for Rawt Farmlt ara far Halo. EXTRA OOOI) BITS. (urnjtaro of (-room boua Ineludlruf piano: rant only (Id; for (30. Furotlura room modarn bouao. cloao la W-t aiua. rant I u. for rumitara A-room flat. it, only baaa In nao about ona month. Rant (.12.30. Ol'aan atraat. Frtft (SM, (?ta) raah. To anpraclato tha aaluaa you must saaj BUX'HKSALTT CO 2 Ald.r "t. LEA VINO city: will aatl furnlturo of 4 -room apartmant chaap; aary artlclo htch-ctaas and naw ; a b.c snap for ono wanting a rhalco apartmant In a s!ct Balgbborhood; atl coanp:ta; rontlng of flat ia optional. King Ulll. 171 kuaa; t. cor. of Wayaa. Inqjira of Janitor. Maxaball STii. a-RCMM naw modtra rant only (12: lo catad aa 16th. naar Wash.; S rooms rat ad for (43 month; 4 rooma opan In ball, all goad hardwood farnltur. Xlrusaols and As. cupata; a anap for HIS. H. W. OARLA.VD, lkl 4th St. IOH RENT or sal, tha furnishing of a 4-roont apartmaac all Baw and la ss cal!ant rnriitton: rlarlaand clilna. cut gla: avarytning complata. Morton Apt.. . t aahlngton and K mg. A (74. Mam 113- Nlt'K fnraltura a-room hooao, 329 Tth St.; carsrta. cartalna. dlahca. gas stoas. rang?, a I complata. Call at bouao or room 17. 13S Conrth at. 1EVIN(3 CITT. com pa Had to aacrtOro splandld farnltura. rugA crockarT. ate. of 4 -room ap-arunaal at Wastfal Apta.. 410 th at. jrTlTNTTi'RE af T-room houra. 2, 13tfi St.. botwaaa Jaffaraon and Columr.ia; no agrnta Cl'KNITl'RE -of T rooma. naw and rlaan. booaa motiara. good boat with lacoma. Ana latrrtaaoL awA Fiaadara St. VI K ITT "Rt of -room modam cottaga com Plata. SI -3 (40 C Id ft N-. cor. Broadway. (.VO N IC K rooms, all furnisbad for bouao kaapng room: a'.l full: rant (4t; ownar. :Si 11th at. Marahall 433. COTTA'iE for rant, furnlturo for sale. (33. 30.1 17th. .or. Markat. 11'RNITI'IIE of A-room bous f.-r : by tha plara. (n. Hood It. Marshall 1T3 OROOM ho.iso for rant, f ursitura for aaJa. M 13th t. Aorth. BTTRNITl'Rrl a-room apartmant; rant (3i: walking Jlatanca. prlca (J.'o. East 1142. TOR HALE Fnralshad four-room flat. (03 Moatgomary at. 4-Ri'OM flat, son- fumitura for aal. 344 Montgomery. one Mam Mill. rrRMTI'RE of 4 rooms almost new. quire (13 11 St In- BEASrDK cwttago for sale, on front, grand oceaa vVsw, modern conveniences. 3. 8. Vwiu. comer K. 24th and acbnylsr. Phona East 61(9. mit K:"T. loroa. FOR RENT Slora la naw building. SOjftO f-t In sisa. Iialr.g rooms In raar: suit abia for drtumaktr. shoo shop, or similar nail buaiB'aa. a full baaamcnt In connac tloa. rant r-onabla. Apply L Oavurts Son. 173 Ftrat at. STORK at 148 Morrtaon at-; 0 ft-: can maka 11 100 ft.; rant roaaonabla. Call at 12 Morrtaoa. STrTNlxlKAPHER Frao offlco orrw In ! office. l.n bulMlng. to pub 11 slanog r a p h r. M ain 1 2 73. . 43 FRONT T.. Bear Ash. J3HO0. 3 floors, aery raasonabla rant. Call at aboaa num ber; FINE brick cor. .tor-. F.ait 11th and Haw thorna. App.y 173 East lith. eor.TamhllU BdP.sTToPrent-ai Ota and 8 lark staTla. quire T3 lat t- T O P V. Cood location for drug atora. rant r-aaonabla. E. 2m h and Sandy Boolarard. TORE for rant. Phona East 133. one. XVEMRABLK offices and sampla rooms for rent al reasonable rale. Manchester bide-. (5 sta t.. between htarh and Oak. at OUT centrally locatad offices, all-night ala- aator service. ("3 Swat and bid.. Jaa- lior. (lb and Waahlogtoa. DrsIRAHl.E desk room for rent In naw of fice buiitling. facing Aid-r St.; excellent lo cation. Al 27. Orcgonlan. NICE light front office with nsa of rorep-tlon-room. IT Board of Trade, North waat Realty Co.. por J. T. Morrow, gec FOR RENT 4 good srsod Offices: good light and ventilation, at (40 par month, nt 13 MorrteoB sr I'V.S ROOM (7 .So par mo. n.ahed. &12 Buchanan bldg. Phona f ur- LOST AXD FOCXD. FOirNt Where you can buy genuine half mattresses r-tall at wholteale prices; renovate mattreee and return same day; we also renovate fathera. Portland furled Hair Factory. H. Metsger. 22-22S Front. 1'hone Mam 474: A W74. I-OT Strayed or stolen: a whlta femala for terrier with small black apo on body black head, black apot on tall; answers to name Trlay; reward. S4 H. 13th St. N. Phuna Eaal 2C-'.i. C 148S. LTiri-f Acotch collie, yellow, with whlta marklnca: answers lo the name of "Hun ter"; llcenee number (l"JJ. aiao Epokan tag.Phoua E2300.21 JCugena St. LOST Between Tth aad cnaan and 14th and Fiaolara. Kunrlay or Saturday morn Ins, broan arat. with Ceo. Bpota' name so liiai.l-. Call Marahall 21i3. L.ST Whlta bull terrier pup. all whlta cept dark spot on bead. KtiuroliJa lllb at. Reward. LOST Fob. with monogram W. w with F. C. B charm, act with d.amond; re turn to 141 North ath; reeierd. Lt-ST na screw-tall Boston tarrrlcr bitch, brtndie. ona blue, ona browa ays. Return 1 11th au Reward LTiST Watch fob. with monogram J. T. S. Ketnrn to 220 Front St. or call East o. Reward. ' 2os ST Saturday morning: overcoat and email grip: finder pleaao Bouiy m - d craon. 4 1 7i. tn n LOST Tueaday. lady's gold watch. Initials "II. E. cor. of 3d nnd College sta. phonMarshal reward. . LSTO"M watch at hsll park; good ra- ward. phono Tabor 17 .. I.OST Moaa agate wat- h charm. Finder ; lsa call up Eaat 2:'!3. Reward. Ftl"NT Soma auto auppltce between Palem and Portland. haa. I aimer. Hubbard, or. snnrwi orrodTcyrrixa. VvTNTklJParty-7rth-frm (lioO to t to take mtereet IB good pa) log bwlBaas: will atand iBvastigatloa; wa have soa apanlrs in California. The Amaa Mercantile Ageney, Vain (-- 41 Ablngtoa bldt- . URUt tHI n iv-rtr. Ona of the b-t on Kaat Bid, elsan stock, doing (loo a day at Invoira. If you ara looking for a good grocery In quire about thle one. I IIH CJ KB A I.TT CO.. 2" Aider St. FOR BALE Meat market and grocery store, only combination atora la Pendleton, doing good bualneea: would conald-r Portland property 10 the amount of (l"a. For par ticular write Teutaca Bickers. Pendle ton. or. WANTETt tn sell A half Interest In a srs'l eataoiisned mannfacturlng bualnasa of three years' standing, only thoaa with money and wining to Invent In a bualneea that nays AO par cent aat need apply. Au. 19. Oregon tan. TOUNO MAN. BTRANOER. Mike careful Invent Igallon at aSBOBaa sf sailer before yon iBveat Money In any propoaillon. Advisory Oaparimaot, I. M. C A. . RESTAURANT AND 14UIRT LUNCH. New. cleaa place; long lease; clears (ISO mo : owner forced to sell this week; worth (inuO; If taken at unco (47.V To sea Is to buy. CalllOtJuMarBtarlu STOCK of general merchandise, about (O00. doing good business; Valley town; steady payroll: tltn will bo given on part of tha Durcuaee price. AO I. Oregonlan. GROCERY, splendid location. op-to-rtata stock. Una trads; good reasons for eelling. If ou want a good business. Investigate. X 11. Oregonlan RESTAURANT and Innch eotmter. Blea, clean llltla bustneee; vary centrally located- price (SSO; rent cheap aad lease; this Is A-l proposition. Call 111 4th. vuk 8A1.E Blacksmith tool and stock la good location, eatmbllahcd buaineaa; cheap If taken aoon. Call la person. Geo. Schlatter. Troutdals. Or. POOl. IIA1.L In city, doing good busine, S tables. (4 stock of clgsrs, confec tions, all fixtures. (1100 cash. Pbons B S71M. JMOV1NU-PICTURE theater. In town SOOO, near Portland, clearing 1200 monthly; prtca (IOO0; can maka terms. 404 Roth child bUlg. HALF Interest In an old-astabiuhed busi ness, doing a good business. For full par ticulars call Kinney A Stamper. Lumbar Exchange bldg.. rooma Ml-633. FORSAL13 Mast market doing good cash buelnaea. all aaw hxturca. small cash price buys If taken soon; ownar leaving cur. AO 31. Oregonlan. FOR HALB 2d sharaa of atock In Rasel- wood Co.. hpokane. at llO par share; this Is leas than book value Jan. 1. lslL M. Mortensen. Ames. Iowa. OI.rK8TABLIS!IED merchsnt tailoring busine.. lone leass and reasonable rant; beat location In city. lnqulr O Wed. oreaonlan. HALF Interest In good paying downtown returant to right party: will sell whole. la.or-gortlan. CONFECTION ERT for sals, doing good bualneea. with leave. Ice-cream parlor and living-room pries (nOO. Call (07 1st su ARCll ITECT wishes to co-operate with ral aetata agent or parties havlne; lots la building lor rent or saie. T 33. oragonlan. CTTTWVn'v ice slant. Having about M oer cent: tJrova. Orj price I7.'Q". AS 2. oregonlan. FOR BALK Paying bakery In growing town near Portland. Inquire Gray, McLaaa A Percvjth and Ollaan ata yORALK Poolroom. 1 tables, cigars, eon faotlouary. soda water, good lease. (2000, v, rastuAE 1- Qregonian. HOVINO-PICTUFE show. cloaa to city, clearing better than l-'-O week; prtca (140O; term. Call Slg Board of Trace. UAl.F Interest la ground-floor real astats office; will boar Investigation. Call 374 Ptark St. BAKEK for sale: good-paying bakery for saie. good town. In ''antral Oregon; for fuil panlrvulare aila. All . Oregonlan. FINE buaineaa opportunity for young maa atlh (.'; eaeliy clear (10 par day. (Jv, Washington ai ruum 41i. ton KENT Meat market, furn'sh-d com pete. new buUdlng. low rant. 7u( Sandy Boulevard. PLUMBINO ahnp for aale; beat location la city for beginner. b.o Union ava-. aat fill FOR BALE Blacksmith and shoeing shoa f.r sale, only shop in town, boa o a car. H. W. Koehler Oswego. Or 34ININO AND INDUSTRIAL STOCKS. Telephone aad other bonds bought aad so q. Fletcher Inv. Co.. 323 Abmgton. SALOON, long lease; rent (33 month. In cluding 4 furnianed rooms; (1300 will handle same. Owner. B H, Qregonian. TE TOO READINO THB STCRT OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. TOLD DAILY IN THE EVEN1NO TELEGRAM BARBER shop for sals, leaving city, best pa) Ins 6-ctialr shop In Portland; baUia. P Lt a V extra good Invoatment for largo or small capital, has H- A. Watson. BL Cbarlss HoteL . . 1UCSTACRANT I rot to trads: S3 seats; sell cheap. uaJLaion ava. a. Owner itrtlNEsa) STATION ERT at special price. A'oorn pre. 312 Buchanan bid. Mala 3334. iBUSINESSards. (1.00; yoo mustbrlng thl ad. Rosa City Pnntery. 12 Third. rom SALE Hotsl snd steam lanndry. In- qulre at Cre.t rrotel. Monteaano. Wash. HALF or whole Interest In well-locatad grocery at Invoice. Call 27d Staxk at. GENERAL md. ators at Invoice; rich tannine community. Call Tit Btark St. tut: biorxixg oregontax, Wednesday, W -...--.-, AMVinTrvlTIF I Bl! urrvsili1""- I I ... . . i ' - I f nul and uooa. I EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTCN1TT IJ7 THE BEST COLLEGE TOWN LI THE NORTHWEST. LOCATED IN A TOWN WITHIN 100 VII.E9 OF PORTLAND. THIS I A WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CON Ku. TIONKIIT STORE AND ENJOT8 A M' NOPOLT ON THIS PARTICULAR Bl'M NESS IS THIS DISTRICT. WE CAS SHOW GROSS RECEIPTS TO THE AMOUNT OF (14.000 WORTH OF BfSl NES4J DON K IN THE PAST YEAR. THIS IS A BONANZA FOR SOMEBODY. OTH FR AND LARGER BUSINESS INTER F.STS UKIUANO THAT OWNER SACRI FICE THIS. TO A RESPONSIBLE PAP.TT (1000 WILL HANDLE- THIS. COME IN AND LET US TELL YOU (STORE ABOUT THIS PLACE. CO-OPERATIVE REALTY CO.. (10-20-21 RAILWAY EXCHANGE. TK RECOMMEND THIS New and Second-Hand FURNITUKH KTOKE. Ons of tha beat moUium-sised stores In tha city; ana building and location; you can buy a one-half Interest or. all; stock goes at Invoice; nooks showing lst 7 years' business open for your Inspection; win taks about (iOOO for a one-half In terest. NORTHERN TRUST COMPANY, 2 70 Btark flu HARNESS and Implement business, estab lished T year, all goods In Orst-clas shspe; owner have other business and cannot gtva this business their personal attention: hers la a good opportunity for an energetic man with from !;" to (2MWi. WUl soil or lease tho building. Addresa owners; Estacada alercantlls Co.. Estacada. Or. POOLROOM, cigars and confectionery. In good looo town, with steady payroll: no oppoelte; will guarantee It big money maker; Impoealble for owner to look after It and will aell at Invoice, but must bo quirk: no agents. Phons or writs S. -W. JJcKsrlar.d. Fatia Clly. or. roil"? ALE Aboure7300-wil-se'ected Mock furniture and tha beat-known stool range In tha market; reaaonable rent, located right In ths furniture district; well estab lished; must sell on account of sickness. For full Information Inquire 2D1 Morrt aon at. J E W E LHT bualneea In good town near Port land; stock (7liO0; net protlts last year (rtK). and conatantly growing: will taka eome good real estate as part payment. This Is a bona fide proposition and unless you ars a llva ons don't answer. AC 2d. Oregonlan. WANTED To exchange 240 acres good tim ber: will cruise 16 million; value (1 a uuiwiuii, tor sen. njcisc store in aoou town up to 20.OOO; will pay difference In cash. Address with all particulars. N (0. Oregonlan. HERE la ths best bargain In tha city; hotel snd grill with bar; long leaes and doing nret-claee buaineaa: will sell cheap account of alckneas If taken at once. Giro phona number or street address If you wish an answer. Address O 2S. Oregonlan. BAKE RY AN la. CON FECT ION E RY. In ona of ths beat locations on tha Wet Bids: Isrge bread output and ex cellent atora trade; equipment flrat-claee: 4 yars leaae; price reasonable. Inquire A. Heckler. 4al Henrybldg. MAN AND WIKeTcLEAR (1O0 MONTHLY. A 2"-room laboring man's hotel clears over (100 per month: no loss: company holds out board; (.VH will buy It. part cash, balance to ault. Call room (13 Lumber Exchange blrfg CIGAR. CONFECTIONERY AND FRUIT STAND. Oa ona of the bualeat streets In ths city. Will sell at Invoice, ahout (4O0. Look flits tin. BLOC II REAI.TT CO.. iod Alder gt. WANT partner (lady or genttemani to buy general store, tins business point and money-maksr; (Uoo required: experience nnneceaeary; wa must act aoon; refar ence required. X 22. (ircgonlnn. DELICATESSEN. Ona that you can Investlgsfs for a wsek or mora and satisfy yourself that It clears C-mi a month. (1000 cash will hsndle thla Tnveattgals. BLOCll REALTY CO.. 2nd Alder at. WANTED A sober, fnduatrlou man In a big-paylng. up-to-date real catata office; must havs ability to taka charge of one specialty; little money required. 417 Board of Trade. RKSTAURANT furniture. tables. chairs, dishes, linen, caab register, ranges and kitchen utensils complete; also ators rooms for rsnt. Inquire r.V4 Wsshlngton. corner lath. Ths Dsl Monte. GROCERY 8TORE. 3 living; rooms; rent (20; Invoice about 1400. HALL OUST IN. 411 Lumbermens Bidg OBROCERY STORE. Wsll-located grocery, doing profitable business; Invoice (13O0. rent (20. ORUSSI a ZADOW. SIT Board of Trada bldg.. 4th and Oak. 8 TOR") FOR RENT. Good for grocery or confectionary; flna location; rent (20; fixture for sals cheap. HALL OUSTIN. 411 Lunibermuna Bldg. FOR BALE A new and second-hand hard ware and furniture atore doing a good buaineaa. Cheap rant. For full particu lars addrasa A. O.. Box 47S. Kugena, Or. FOR SALE Nt, modern, pool and card room, 20x00, sdjacent only restaurant In district, handling ovsr 23 rsgular board era. Tabor 24K&. FOR SALE An excellent clothing. dry goods and shoo business; stock about (12, AoO; eaay terma given If bought at once. Address Box S76. city. JEWELRY STORE. WUl Invoice about (looo; keeps two men bny; 3 years leaso; doing cloaa to (300 a month. Address A If 30, Oregonlan. QUICK LUNCH. Down town. 3 yeara lease, a Uia paying J lace: low price takes It- Tha Bumbl lee, 313 Davis, corner Bth. CIGAR, confectionary, stationary store for sale; a good buy and must be bought at ones If wa aslL. dStt N. (d. Phons il. 4141. . OnNER of eaah atoro, tired of hired help, will take, steady partner and guarantee good profits; requires very llttla money; fully secured, Csll 248 H Stark St. HAN with 23 years sxperisncs prospecting snd mlnng wants party with capital to promote prospsctlns; tour. 743 Vancotl vtr ava. WE HAVE tha beat opportunities for small Inveatora. (30 and up. For particulars George Northrup, 411 Spalding bldg., rot I land. Phons Marshall aOdd. BARBER SHOP. Fins locstlon. 3 chairs and other flna modern equipment, cheap rent. BLOCK REALTY CO.. 204 Alder St. WANTED Lsdy with small capital tor hotel In new, growing town: fine oppor tunity. Particulars Georgs Nortbrnp, 411 Spaldlns; bldg.. Portland BARBER "SHOP for sals. 2 chairs! also bath: owner going East at ones; sell at sacrifice. AV S4. Oregonlan. CENTRAL cash "atora for"( 1700; no delivery" ; not one dollar credit: chanca aeldom of fered. Call Stark St. 13.10 CONFECTIONERY and cigars. Waat Kids corner; sales average (20 day. Call 618 Board of Trada foil SAI.B Ore of-tha beat locatad fish businesses In Portland. Room 813 Alisky bldg. 1S0 REAL ESTATE PARTNER, EXPER IENCE UNNECESSARY. INQUIRE 404 SELLING BLDG. (730 'Grocery, doing good buaineaa; ( living rooma; man and wife make (4 dav. Cail 1 Board of Trade, WOOD business: have fins chsncs for man with (100: monev fully secured; can clear 164 month. Call 21 sy, stark st. RE ST AURA NT and lunch counter! doing (duo per month cash; good location; cheap rent. PSons B2t7. CONFECTIONERY, grocery and bakery, with Uvinaj rooma; low rant. Call 274 Btark St. OPENINO for an energetic man" In a solid buslueaa: you can depend on making at least 1120 month. Particulars btark. ijVING-PICTUTtn show cheap; fully equipped: paased city ordinance. X 2-1, Ore g on la n. m CONFECTIONERY. bakery good a etc.; eplendid cash store for (ISO: money fully secured. Csll 2H Stark st, RESTAURANT on Waahlngton St.: half pries; wonderful snap. Goddaxd, 06 Teon bldg. STRICTLY cash grocery, down town; no delivery; low rent- Call 27B stark at. HEAT MARKET; all modern equipment; low rcn t: sell cheap. Call 27ll S mr kst. ONE of best clgsr stores on Washington at.: long leass. low rent. Call 270 Stark a treef, k( F A T market, rent (8: sales (30 per day; v so. llr.rnnlin RESTAURANT for le. 292 1st., bstwi Jefferson anu uoiumuia. THE bet confectionery for the money, close in. West tilde. Call 276 Stark at. FOR SALE Cigar stsnd. chsap if taken at once. ;'3 Ruaaell St. GROCERY, slock and fixtures; living rooms"; rent (20; lease. D.-.3 E. 13th SU Noith. ITOi: want to engage"in a good-paying bualneas. no hot air, writs T 28. Oregonlan. rOTt t 4 T H lijr-T houaa." (83i4 E. Aldai ' , j v,vfI.. J BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 1 .mn I KPITHI. NOTICES. I FIN A-M I A I I . . .. . FOR SALE. , , Parties wishing to lears ths city win aell fixtures, leaaa and good will of a weil establlshed hay. grain, feed and commis sion buslnoaa. Beat location in the city, fales running from (ISO.OoO to C.'OO.OoO per year. Good profits. Price (JooO and tnvtotce of stock at market values. The lease alons Is worth the price asked. W 1 1 11 plenty of capital busine can easily be doubled. Prefer to deal direct with bay- sr; no agents. T 80, Oregonlan-. SMALL factory with rapidly Increasing business, manufactures 2 established, ad vertlaed brands of atandard artlclea, will sell 23 11000 shsres of stock, to lncreaae equipment and extend markat. Excel lent opportunity for anyone and especially If you ara young snd can take active Part In business, calling on Jobbing and rstall trade. Bee F. O. Oallehurf Chapman Ad v.n lain, f'rt between U and 10:80 A. M. IF TOU want a Una little store for little money, located on Washington street, where thousands of people are, very low rent, good trade, long lease: ths best snap In Portland; (730 takes It; no agents wanted. Write me If you mean buainess. Kdward Peterson. Phona E. 760 or 6j E. Morrison t. ' "CO V K TO THE PACIFIC WITH WARD." Agents wanted In Pacific Northwest. Pacific Mutual Life. 43 years old. 21 millions aaaets. We loan money. H. H. Ward. Mgr.. 712 Spalding bldg. MUST be sold this week; one of the best located delicatessen stores In Portland; high-grade rtock and fixtures: monthly sales about (700; expenses (35: long lease; (100 will handle; an exceptional oppor tunity tor one knowing the business. D. C Burntrsger. 822 Board of Trade. . WANTED Parties to form syndicate to han dle new class acreage; can show shout 300 per cent profit: proposition too large for me to handle by aelf. Address P 1( Oregonlan. LADY desires an sgenry or a business op portunity. AN 12. Oregonlan. ROOMING-HOUSES. DON'T WAIT COME NOW. 80 ROOMS best close-In location, near Salmon St.; modern, with P.UNNINO HOT snd COLD water In rooms, gas and elec tric lights: furnishings much above trie average; receipts (3.-.I); total expenses. In cluding rent, (130; clearing (2oO a month, esse 3 years, price (3300. time on part. BPECIAL TODAY. . 10 Rooma. BEST PART OF WASHING TON ST. ; HIGHEST GRADE furniture and carcct in any 19-room house In the city RUNNING HOT and COLD water in Tonma: rent (3 a room; lease 2 years. The price cut to BARGAIN for Immediate BALE. Time on part. ELLIS. SMITH A CO, (2614 Washington St.. rooms 201--02. 11 ROOMS, down town, on Taylor; neatly furnished, clean, furnsce heat, hot snd cold water, cement basement, nice lawn. 20 boarders. Including roomers, silverware and dishes enough for 24 people: must sell because of sickness: bargain; see for yourself: only (1100, with terms. Mar shall 8U3. , GET BUSY. We here Just ths placer you've been looking for; a rooming-house to furnish up yourself where you don't have to pay for oid worn-out stuff; lirst come, first served. Apply room 4J( Chamber of Commerce. 1 WOULD like 10 buy a home In Ip-lng-ton district; ran pay (100O; would Ilk leas down; atate price and location: must move by May 1; no real eatale dealers need anply. AJ 30. Oregonlan. SPECIAL TODAY. 14 room cloe In. rent I'M), nicely fur nished, nlwavs rented. Clears J0 and rooma S12."u; terma Eagle Realty Co., 810 Board of Trade. BEST BUY IN CITY. 2.1 rooma. 5 yra leaae, rent 1.0. New concrete building, newly furnished. I210O. Terma Eagle Realty -Co, 81 Board of Trade 8 BOOMS, beautiful corner, fine West Side location; fine furnlturs and carpeta: must be sold this week; well worth (700; my price (."00. terms. 1LE.JAMES CO., Sg 10th (near Stark). THIRTY-THRER rooms, nesr P. O.: 8-year lenae; clears 1230: auu trade and terma; (4300. 20 rooms, housekeeping. 4-year lease: rent (Hi Price (1630. Room 713 Rothchlld bldg. SOMETHING very nice In small rooming house; elegant, exclusive bargain. Ood dard. BOS Yeon bldg. None belter than this. (SK BUYS a 14-roora house, all full, cloee In; rent (25: come for a good expense payer: (22.1 cash will hsndle It, HIGLEY at BISHOP. 132 3d St. ROOMING-HOUSE for sale; 16 rooms; gcod furniture; (-year lease; bargain for cash; sse owner, 346 Hall. (3O0 CASH! (30 month; price (750; 12 rooms; clesn, good; rent (40; clears (60. Goddard, 6)3 Yeon bldg. 16 ROOMS, brick building: rent (50: cleara (150 month; (1600. half cash. Goddard. 603 Teon bldg. Down town. FOR BALE Rooming-house. 11 room. rent (US. Price (ISO. Main 4558. Mrs. Reynolds, owner. BPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Inri'.w. SALTS OF WATER BONDS. The Common Council of Central Point. Oregon, will receive sealed bids up to Vclo. k P. M.. May 1. 1911. for the sale of (14 000, 6 per cent. 80-year bonus, bids to be accompanied by a certified check equal to 6 per cent of the amount bid for. The right to reject any and all bids Is reserved. Bids will be received for any part of said bond Issue. Bonds to be delivered to buyer In sums of (2000 or multiple thereof and payment t hero for to Include accrued Interest to date of de livery. Right reserved to' sell any portion of said bonds to locsl purchasers on same terms aa accepted bid. STATEMENT. Denominations. 1300. Date of bonds. May 1. 1911. Bonds mature Msy 1. lt4t. Bonds not optional before maturity. In terest and principal payable at option of holder peml-annually. Bonds ltsued pur susnt to vote of ths people March 13, ltolL Blda to be addressed to J. W. Jacobs, Clly Recorder. Certified check payable to the City Recorder. Central Point, Ore gon. No litigation pending this Issue. Tne city has never defaulted In the payment of either Interest or principal. FINANCIAL STATEMENT. Have a bonded dent of (25.000. Assessed valuation 1910. (430.460. Real valuation (estimated), (1,000.000. Tax rate, 10 mills. Population, census. Till; present population (estimated on school census). 1500. The proceeds of the sale of these bonds -rill be used directly In extending the present water system. I hereby certify that tha above state ment Is true to ths best-f my knowiedBe and belief. Dated at Central Point. Ore gon, Aarll 15. 191L -,- J. W. JACOBS. City Recorder. y PROPOSALS FOR FCEI OILS. FORAGE AND BEDDING San Francisco, Cau, April 15, 1UI1. Sealed proposals will bs received here and at office of QuarUr tt, aster. Fort Rosecrans and Presidio of - Monterey, until 11 A. M., May 13. 1911. and at the office of the Depot Quarter master. Honolulu. H- T., until 9 A. M.. May 18, 1911. for furnishing, during the fiscal year commencing July L 1911. fuel, oils, forage and bedding for posts and stations In the Department of California. Bee section 8716 Revised Statutes. Infor mation furnished on appllcstlon to the Quartermaster at Fort Kosecrana and Pre sidio of Monterey, tho Depot Quartermas ter. Honolulu, H. T.. or to F. VON BCHRADKI1, A. Q. M. G. 6EALED bids will be received at the office of R. H. Thomas, school clerk. 402 Til ford building. Portland. Oregon, until 6 P. M.. April 20. mil. for cutting and dls poalng' of the grass for the period of time from April 21 to June no. Inclusive. 1911, on the grounds of Brooklyn. Irvlngton and Ockley Green schools, grass to be cut once each week. Bids to be made on esch school sensrstelyv Certified check of 6 per cent or the amount of each bid, payable to R. H. Thomas, school clerk, must accompany each proposal. Board of directors reserve the right to reject any and all bid. Dated April 17. 1011. R. H. THOMAS. School Clerk. SEALED bid will be received at the office of R. H. Thomas, school clerk. 402 Til ford bldg., until 3 P. M. April 20. 191L for Isbor and material for Improving grounds at Jefferson High School, all to be done In accordance with specifications of Architect George Often, copies of which msy be obtained at clerk's office. Certi fied check for 10 per cent of amount of bid. payable to R. H. Thomas, school clerk, must sreompany each proposal. Board of Directors reserves the right to reject any and all bids Dated April 18, Hill. R. H. THOMAS. School Clerk. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received by ths State Board of Control until 10 A. April 25. mil. for electrical rewiring: the State Capitol building. All wiring must be In struct accordance with the rulings of the Natlonsl Electrical Code, the contractor to furnish 011 com pletion a certificate of appiorul from the Washington Insurance Surveyor. STATE BOARD OB" CONTROL. Olympla. April 1.1. mil. aiisceuai NOTICE to creditors of D. M. 0"Sulllvan to csl) at 347 Morrison st. and receive pay- xaen. - D. H. OaCT-LIYAN, 17 APRIL' 19, 1911. - - Miscellaneous. PACIFIC POWER ft LIGHT COMPANY. PREFERRED STOCK DIVIDEND NO. The regular quarterly dividend of one and three-fourths 1 per cent on the preferred stock of this company has been declared for the quarter ending April so. 111, payable on the 1st day of May, 11L to stockholder of record at close of busi ness April 2i, 1911. Transfer books will close at close of business April 25, 1811, and reopen on May 1, 1911. Portland. Or., April 17, 1911. GEO. F. KEVINS. Asst. Treaa FINANCIAL. FIR8T MORTGAGES ON IMPROVED REAL ESTATE FOR SALE: ( 400 First mortgage, 6 per cent, on residence, ntar Courthcuse; value of prop erty, (looo. (1200 First mortgage, 6 per cent, on l-o acres of fruit land, close in; value of property, 3O00. (1323 First mortgage, 6 per cent, on 24 acres of prunes and buildings; value of property, (tfOuo. (looo First mortgage, 6 per cent, on 160 acres, two miles from Pcstofflce; value of property, (JOOo. Address Postoffics box 642. Portland, Oregon. , MORTGAGE LOANS On Improved city propsrty or for building purposes. . COLUMBIA LIFE TRUST COMPANY. 916 Spalding Bldg. WANT to buy city mortgages In sums up to (50.000. In answer statu amount, rats of Intefest and discount will give. T 2o, Oregonlan. . FOR SALE Mortgage of (2S00 on 320-acro farm; all improveu; runs 3 years at 7 per cent; will discount (200. Phone A 720i. liam 2320. .Money to Loan Real Estate. S PER CENT MONET. To build or purchase homes. Tou are not required to own a lot, as we loan 1O0 per cent valuation on property that has a monthly rentul value. This is the salaried xiiaa'e plan to own a home. Call or write for particulars. STANDARD REAL ESTATE LOAN CO.. J. H. Delaney. State AKent. 425 Chamber 01 Commerce bldg. ON IMPROVED city property or for build ing purposes; 3 to 5 years' time; liberal repayment privileges, money advanced as building progresses. The Equitable Savr Ings & Luan Association. 210 Stark st. PLENTY of money to loan at 6 and 7 per cent on real estate security. EDW P. MALL, 104 Second Su (300.000 ON Improved city or farm property; building or small loans at lowest prices; large loans a specialty. J. li. McAvenisia Co.. 614-313-316 Gc.nim.-er blag. FIRST and second mortgages and contract purchased on farm ana city property auy whera in Oregon or Wasnlugtou. E. L 1evereaux. Fenton bids-, bl uth su MORTGAGE LOANS Exclusively. EDWAKD K. UCUDEY. - Lewis Building. WE HAVE plenty of money to loan ea Jrortland property in sums from (iuoO to at lowest current rates. Morgan, kliedner at Koyce, 303-506 Abington bidg. HAVE (80OO to loan at 7 per cent, 8 or 5 years, on Willamette Valley farn; also 40000 at 7 per cent on West fiiide prop erty. T 2ti. ureguiii 11. LOWEST RATE (2UQ to (10,000 to loan on real estate. Union Loan Co., (S Lafay ette blUg 6th and. Was a. Main MONEY to loun on Improved real eatate or for building purpoaea. . Columbia Lite ax Trust Company, ulu Spaldin g bid tt- IMPROVED or unimproved property; small building loans; contracts and mortgages bought. W. 11. Nunn. 44s Sterkick blug. (200,000 TO LOAN, large loans a specialty, building loans, lowest rates. W. U. Uecit. JJ2 ailingbldg. MORTGAGE loans on city property; lowest rates. A. H. Birrsll Co., 2o3 McKay bldg., 2d and Stark. HAVE 112.000 which I desire to loan on Im proved property in sums to suit borrower. L 17, Oregonlan, (2300 TO loan on gilt-edge property. 7 per cent, three or five years. Room 6, 221 ft Morrison St. MONEY to loan at reasonable rates in sums from (300 up. 'iha Lawrence Co., 248 Al der au HONEY to loan, at 4 per cent on Inside busiuess property. A. M. Berry, 433 Chamber of commerce. MORTOAQE LOANS AT REASONABLE HATES. F. IL LEWIS, 8 LEWIS BLDG. State funds loaned, 6 per cent. W. E. Thom as, state agent. Multnomah Co.. tw C. of C Will loan (10,000 or less, real estate security. Farringuin, 116 Commercial Club bldg. . MOIEY. any amount, 6 to 8 per cent. Good notigh 4t Seltx. 810 Spalding bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS, 6 AND T PER CENT. LEWIS SALOMON, 233 STARK. ST. RESIDENCES financed and built. A. C Fur long.J3JJofC.bldg.,A 20O9. LOANS on real, personal, chattel or collat eral security. C W. Pallett, 8o8- Feiitun. PRIVATE money loaned on real estate mort gages. A. JaL Mlley. K. 2Q4 GerUnger Dldg. "COME TO THE PACIFIC WITH WARD" For real estate loans. 712 Spaidlng blag. MONEY to loan on Improved Irvlngton and Hotladay property. Main 2018. HONEY for good inside loans, 6. 7, 8. Carlock A Muellhaupt. 1032 Cham, com. 1 AND 8 PER CENT money on Improved city and farm property. 302 Henry bldg. (500, 8 per cent, East-Side Sm ltii -Wagoner Co.. 811-312 Lewisbldg. (350 TO loan at 7 per cent. Inquire (17 Board of Trade bldg HONEY to loan on real estats In amounts to suit borrower. Lawyers Abstract tt Xrut Co. WILL loan (8000 at T per cent on Improved property. s. wmumin. Mousy to Joan Chattels and Salaries. i I ( i ARE YOU LOOKING FOR MONEY T If you knew how easy our terms are you would not be short of money. Don't be bothered with a lot of small debts; lat ua furnish money to settle them. WE LOAN ON Furniture ajid pianos, storage receipts, livestock, rooming-houses and all kinds of seourltles; terms to suit; also easy weekly or monthly installments. We buy and loan on. firat and aecond mortgagee and equity in contracts. U. B. REAL ESTATE BROKERAGE CO., 812 Hamilton bldg., 121 3d- Main 2ub4. ( (((( ( WE HAVE MONEY TO LOAN On salaries only. In amounts of from (5 to (100, at tha lowest possible rates, Business strictly conftdsntlaL All we require Is that you be employed on salary and you got the money quickly, without mortgage, mdorssr or otosr se curity. STATE 6ECCRITY CO.. 808 Falling Bldg., Cor. Third and Washington Ste. HONEY advanced salaried people, house keeper and othars upon their own names without security; cheapest rates, easiest payment; offices In 06 principal cities; save yourself by getting my terma first. TOLMAN, 817 Lumber Exchange. HONEY loaned In amounts from (10 up on all kinds of securities, furniture, piano or any personal property. Easy weekly or monthly psymente; low rates, confidential. Oray a Cunningham. 201 Rothchlld bldg., orthweat corner 4th and W aahington. " HONEY ADVANCED. On furniture, pianos, atorage receipts, etc Lowest rates. HUTTON CREDIT CO., 307 Spalding bldg. LOANS on diamonds. Jewelry! furs, sult cases. trunks, overcoata and musical In struments. Uncle Myers. 11 6th. between fiak and Pine. Main 910. LOWEST RATES Loans on all kinds of se curity, chattels or real estate. Union Loan Co.. 35 Lafayette bldg.. 6th and Wash. J is. LOW rates; we loan money on diamonds and Jewelry. M arx at Bloch. 74 3d SU LOANS on diamonds and other securltlea W I lllam Holl. room 9, Washington bldg. A LOAN for ths asking, salary or chatteL The Loan Co.. 414 Dekum bldg. HONEY loaned on diamonds and Jewelry; strictly confidential. 141ft 3d, near Alder. Loans Wanted. WE can Invest your money at good rates of Interest; gilt-edged securities;, first mort gage; long-term Investment Provident Investment Trustee Co., 20L 201 Board or 1 nuouiNs. WANTED (1500, on first real estate securi ty; will give 6 per cent for 3 years. R 27. Oregonlan. (2300 WANTED for one year at 10 per cent; principals only: by local business firm, w 13. Qreronlan, WANTED (2500 for S years at 7 per cent on close-In East side residence. Call 217 Board of Trade bldg. . WA NT ED (360O for 3 years at 8 per cent on elepant suburban home worth (90O0. Call 317 Board of Trade bldg. WANTED (250O on $fi."'-0 new 9-room double flat. 430 Worcester bldg. 3400 Good security. Clark R. Belknap, Main 403. 621 Teon bldg. LET ns place your money, good mortgages; references. F. H. Lewis. Lewis bids. MONEY WANTED. ..nan Want loans of (1000. (2000 and (S000 with first mortgage security on "rat class, well located, improved property at 7 and 8 per cent. R. F. BRYAN. Main 1963. 505 Cham, of Com. A 1 T WANT (1500 2 years at 7 per cent, on home worth (3800; corner lot, R (" Oregonlan. WANTED (30OO for one or two years; will pay 10 per cent interest: good first mort gage on country property worth (12.000. AP 22, Oregonlan. (3230-Modern home, Irvlngton, 7 per cent: two $1500 loans. Rose City homes, new, 8 per cent. Smith-Wagoner Co., 311-31-Lewls bldg. (1500 WANTED ON FINE HOUSE. Every improvement. AK 30, Oregonlan. PERSOXAL. WE HAVE the most complete, modern, up-to-date offices In the West, furnished with every known therapeutic appliance used In America or Europe; we use no drugs, neither do we operate; we use massage, baths, electricity In every form. X-ray. static, high frequency, ozone, sinusoidal, faradlc, galvnnic. etc We use the only radium employed by physicians on the Pacific Coast. We treat all chronic di seases in men and women. Our offices are open to the public to Inspect every Sat urday from 7:30 to 9 P. M. We give a free exhibition of all the wonderful ap paratus. It is a sight you will neer have the opportunity to see any otner place free Dr. W. E. Mallory. t"rJ: path. We occupy the entire horin.,n,a'1 of the Third floor of the Rothchlld Dldg Fourth and Washington Btreets DR. ALICE A. GRIFF. Diseases of women and children, sur gery; chronic and nervous diseases treated according to the latest methods: connne ment cared for; consultation free. 313 ft Washington St. Main 3928. A 5607. CLOSING out stock" SfTTaYFand shell g0a; pure human hair in all shades; also store fixtures, largo mirrors, tools for maaiua hair goods, and laboratory; all at cost JM less; special iobs to dealers. Grand Leaaer, . hair dept., 6th and Alder. . PILES, fistula, fissure and tne,r, DISEASES OF THE RECTUM CURED. NO PAINFUL OPERATION. CALL or WRITE for names of CURED PATIENTS AS REFERENCE. Dr. E. K. Scott, suite 822 SelllngBldg. WANTED Pupils ' to learn hairdrelng. manicuring, facial massage, scalp treat ment, weaving; great demand for f.ra ates. Sanitary Beauty College. 400-1.4 A" kum bldg., over Llpman, Wolfe & Co. DR. A. A, ASPLUND. Dlseasea of women and surgery; consul, tatlon free. Phones A 2111. M. -047. Mer chants Trust bldg.. 6th and Washington streets. . DR. T. J. PIERCE. 243ft Moirlson St.. rheumatism, nervous debility, paralysis, in digestion, constipation and diseases 01 tne kidneys and bladder quickly cured. Ad- vlce free. . . FEBVET & HANEBUT. Leading wig and toupee makers; finest stock of human hair gooas; nairuic.. manicuring, face and scalp treatments. 147 7,1. -. A, a, vn,-i.n phnnii Main 546. DR. WALKER, specialist for men, quickly cures blood and skin aliments, kidney and bladder troubles and piles. Consultation ill ... Dn.tlanH .r, . . iCPl.tTUn Has removed to Merchants Trust bldg.. 6th and Washington streets. Phones A 2411. M. 4047. HRS. Stevens. 16 yeare Portland's leading palmist and clairvoyant, has her late book. "Palmistry Made Easy." on sale at 843 ft Yamhill, corner Seventh su DRESS suits for rent. (1.50 month; keep your clothes cleaned, pressed, buttons sewed on. rips repaired. Prompt calls and deliveries. Unique Tailoring Co.. 309 Stark. THE new make-over hop." bring jrour old hats, let me surprise you both In work ana price. jiw mun im - MRS. SOPHIA B. SEIP, mental scientist, 8S6V4 Washington St. Main 6824. Meet In as Wednesday. 8 P. M. . O. ONNE JURVAS Natural sanatorium. 178 E. 60th. Competent masseuse both sexes, steam ana water ur.m" jjqu. LORENZ NERVE TONIC TABLETS restore lost vitality. 25o box; 6 boxes. (1.25. Stipe Tsylor Drug Co.. 2S9 Morrison st. VDUT OF COMBINGS. Switch 95c; curls and puffs. 75c Sani tary parlors, aw icn um - ARE you Interestsd In singing? Join one of our new chorus clubs; afternoon and evening classes, rqune c CHIROPODY, pedicuring, manicuring, vi- bratory scaip mwfio. 1U. room ao. MISS E. DAVIS, manicuring parlors. Hotel Rowland. 4th St. beu Taylor and Salmon. roomS 10 . DR. ALTS A. i?IXBY. physician and surgeon, ha removed to 813 ft Washington st. Fhona Main 8U28. A 5C07. WILLOW your own PLUMES; illustrated copyright Instructions. 25 cents, postpaid. r.llo- hov 1R50. Seattle. blucrsi -v p , MOLES, wrinkles, superfluous hair removed. Mrs. M. D. H111.42U Flledner bldg. M 34.2. MME. Courtwrlght, feature specialist treat- mentiT 125 ft 14th. cor. Washington. MASSAGE, facial and scalp treatments by graduate nurse. Room 4. 341ft Morrison. G. JOHNSON, electrical facial treatments. 850 ft Morrison au. emm HISS MORRIS 422ft Waahlngton St.; room 15 ; manicuring: shampooing. p.t OF FIGS Remedies for diseases of .tT 532 Davis St. Main 9215. . THE BATTLE CREEK baths. 246ft Yamhill su bet. 2d and 8d. Malri1938. DR KETCHUM treats women'i maladies. 179 ft 3d et., corner Yamhill. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Accountant a. MACKENZIE. BAIRD & CO.. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS. AUDITORS. "24 Worcester Block. Main 7869. A 1449. Counsel and expert in all matters per taining to municipal, commercial, factory cost ana inauairiai .u......... FRANK R. WILCOX, general accountant. Posting, checking up. making statements of accounts, verifying balances, also sys tematizing. 1 IO oyam"'B .me- "B. H. COLLIS A CO.. ACCOUNTANTS. Commercial. County ancT Municipal. Auditing. Investigating and Systematizing. 8"4 Worcester block. Phone Main 6507. Antique Furniture. BALTIMORE Antique Furniture Co., 471 -Wash St.. repair aud reflnlsh antiques and all fine furniture, also make same to or der; expert work, low prices. Phone Mar shall 1VJI. Art Schools. GEO. E. BINGHAM'S Western School of Art, Painting. Illustrating, Cartooning and Quick Sketching.. 940 Corbett st. Phone Main -ouo. Assay er and Analyst. Wells & proebstel. mining engineers, chem- lsts ana assayeis. -073 .. p MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE Laboratory and ore-testing work. 186 Morrison st- Attorneys. . B COOPER, attorney-at-law. General practice, abstracts e"i'hd. 1424 to 1428 Yeon bldg. M. 873. A 2071. Baths and Swimming. Swedish Sanitarium Hydropathic bake oven and massaire treatments. Dr. N. A. Nib- bet h, 433 AiarKeu i. Portlar-d Swimming baths. Ifl7 4th Elegant plunge; steam, t- - r. . OTt'W Ph.iiTnatlfl treat liVnt. elegant plunge. 695 Front. M 451. Brass and Machine Work. HARPER'S BRASS WORKS Brass casting and machine work. 106 N. tth. Main 2702 ' Chiropody. WILLIAM Estelle and Flossie Devcny. the only scientific chiropodists In the city Parlors 32 Gerllnger bldg.. S. W. cor. 2d and Alder. Phone Main loOL CHIROPODY and pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. Hill, room 420 Flledner bldg. Main 3473. Collections. TTTr fe COLLECTION CO. Law and col lecttonaT 1024 Cha. of Com. Main 7810. rnRTLAND Collection Agency 317 AMsky hidrTAil debts collected. A 7317, M. 4222. Contractors. 57 r BUCKNER. contractor. Jobbing of fice and store setting. 8 N. 8th st. Main "Ski A. T6H2. Woodlawn 5B2. ROPERT WAKEFIELD, general contractor, ail ivellB-Fargo bldg. Main 5S0. Coed and Wood. BURNSIDE FUEL CO .Wholesale and re- tail 4. ft. sawed fir and hardwood. Offlfe and' vards at 125 E. 7th su Phone East J24. B 2777. COAL ALBINA FUEL CO. BLOCK WOOD BRANCH E. 3.1 D ST WOOD CENTRAL WOOD YARD Wood and coaL Main J.000; a iiiro. NATIONAL FUEL CO.. coal and wood. Marshall 060. 813 Water st. WOOD Dry 4-ft, sawed to order. M 4596. COAX- A 4547. Prompt deliv. Neer at Farr. DRY BLOCK WOOD, mixed with smaller vrood. (3.90 per load delivered any place In the city. Portland Wrecking lo.. 100 107 11th su North. Main 37. A 8i38. 6EGHERS WOOD CO. Sawed 4-fU cord wood and slabwood. 9th and Glisan. M., 6351). M. S35L A 2415 , Chiropractic Physician. 'CHI-KO-PKAC-TIO TICK-NER"; Say It .fast ana reiueiiiuer v.muiuuia uiua- . DR. EVA MARSH, first lady chlro. Dr. m Oregon. 223 Flledner bldg. Hours 9 to 6- Consulting- Engineers. UNITED Engineering-i Construction Co.. Eng. and contractors. 711 Lewis bldg. Dancing. LESSONS 25c; 4 lessors for $1: waltl. tivo step; three-step; stage dancing, "ty ; every morning, afternoon and eve,, trot. ; Wal Wlllson's School: oldest and only rec- , ognized academy for correct dancing. 3b6ft Wash. si., bet. w. ram aim api.- q.-. HEATH'S DANCING SCHOOL. 109 Second' su, between wasn. ana niarn dancing taught; waltz and two-step puar- auteed In four lessons; class and social j .1 o . 1 ., . T A.unna HnllV. uance Aluiiimi't o fco ... . PROFESSOR SINGLES, physical rulturlst. dancing master. 231ft Morrison, corner -u. Instruction daily. DentlKta. ALVEOLAR TEETH where bridge work Is Impossible: does away entirely with plates. , brldgework; we cure pyorrhea O.oe teeth) absolutely' terms to reliable pimple. : Alveolar Dental Co., Abington bids- !' 3d . THE old reliable Union Painless Dentins. 1st and Morrison sts. Dog and Horse Hoxpital. Dr. Brown. D. V. S., office 129 N. 11th st. Main 40S6; res. E. 5440. Hospital 30 1-lh. Engines Gaa and Steam, ROBER Machinery Co., Coast agts. Seabury steam engines and boilers, gasoline en gine. 281-283 E. Morrison st. Phone E. 615. Electric Motors. PACIFIC ELECTRIC ENGINEERING CO. Motors for rent or sale. 213 2d st. Fans and Blowers. NORTHWEST BLOWPIPE CO.. 500 Lorlna; st. Dust collecting and ventilating sys tems. Phones C 1115, E. 32S9. Feed Store. ZIGLER & MINSER. hay, grain, feed, ce ment, shingles. 214 Grand ave. E. 48 Glazing. PLATE glass, window glass, doors, windows, new, second-hand. Portland Wrecking Co., 105-7 11th St., N. Main 37. A 3730. Ladies Tailoring. A PERFECTLY fitting stylish garment is much admired by everybody. Suits to . your measure from (30 up. J. M. EHR- -LICH CO., LADIES' TAILORS, FIFTH and OAK. Phoenix bldg Landscape Gardeners, LANDSCAPE gardener The making of new and caring for old lawns our specialty. Geo. W. Lindsay, city. , Locksmith, EXPERT locksmith and general repairing. 105 Park, near Wash. M. 9167. Leather and Findings. CHAS. S. MASTIC & CO.. 74 Front. Leather of every description, taps, mfrs. findings.. ! J. A. STROWBRIDGE LEATHER CO. Es- , tabllshed 185. 18!l Front sL ; Mineral Water. SHASTA WATER AGENCY Sole bottlers for Hires. Manufacturers of hlsh -class carbonated beverages. Notify us of nil : empty siphons, bottles and cases. Phones, Main f.091. A ISrHj. Carter-Gratton-Nelaon : Bottling Co.. 328 Johnson at. . Musical. Emll Thlelhorn. violin teacher, pupil Sevclk. 900 Marqunm. A 4160. Marshall 1629. ' Osteopathic Physicians. DR. LEROY SMITH, graduate Klrksville, Mo., class of 18:i8: post-graduate, 1907. tinder Dr. A. T. Still, founder of the scl- ence. 122 Selling bldg. M. 1987. A ipso. Dr. L B. Northrup. 415-16-17 Dekum bldg.. Nervous and Chronic Diseases. Phone office M. 849. Res.. East or B 1028. Paints, Oils and Glass. COAST-MADE paint and varnish is best adapted to the Coast climate. BASS HUETKR PAINT CO.. 191 Second et. RASMUS SEN & CO., Jobbers, paint, oils, glass, sash and doors. Cor. 2d and Taylor. Painting. PAINTING, tinting, paperhanglng; rooms j tinted. (2.50 per room. Phone Marshall 50. 1 Papering and Tinting. j TINTING, painting, paperhanglng; neat, J clean work. Phone East 358. 1 Patent Attorneys. TJ. S. AND FOREIGN PATENTS procured by O. O. MARTIN. 409 Chamber of Commerce bldg. PATENTS procured by J. K. Mock, attorney at law, late of U. 8. Patent Office. Book let free. 719 Board of Trade bldg. R. C. WRIGHT, domestic and foreign pat en tsLln f r I n gejnentcases04I)elim Paving. THE Barber Asphalt Paving Company. 605 608 Electrio bldg. Oscar Huber. Portland. WARREN Construction Co. Street paving, sidewalks and crosswalks. 317 Beck bldg. Pawnbrokers. UNCLE MYERS Collateral Bank. 40 years In Portland. 71 6th su Main 910. Pipe. PORTLAND WOOD PIPW CO. Factory and office near 24th and York sts. M. 3480. Plumbers. FOX & CO.. PLUMBERS. 200 2d St. Main 2001, A 2001. COFFEY PLUMBING CO., sanitary plumb ers. 493 Glisan. Main 8487. Rubber Stamps. ALSO seals, stencils, choice stationery, etc. Cunningham's. 231 Stark. Main 1407. Rug Weavers. NORTHWEST RTTG WORKS Rugs from old carpets; colonial rag rugs. East 35.80. B 12S0. 153 Union ave., nr. E. Morrison. Safes. PACIFIC COAST SAFE AND VAULT WORKS. Home products, highest grade; factory prices, easy terms; 'second-hand safes cheap. Salesrooms corner Third and Pine. Factory Kenton. Portland THE MOSLER SAFE CO., 108 2d St. Safes at factory prices: second-hand safes. Second-lfand Goods. WE pay the highest! prices for second -hand clothing and shoej A 3190. 53ft N. 6th. Showcases, Bank and Show Fixtures. THE LIIT KE MFG. CO.. branch Grand Rap ids Showcase Co., 6th and Hoyt. R. Lutke, manager. . R. H. BIRDSALL, 208 HAMILTON BLDG.. showcases in stock; prompt delivery, sales agent. M. Winter Lumber Co. Steamships. ALLEN LINE Picturesque St. Lawrence Route. Weekly Sailings From MONTREAL to LIVERPOOL. GLASGOW, LONDON- and HAVRE. FRANCE. Splendid scenery, shortest passage, low rates. Any local agent, or AT,LEN CO.. 174 Jackson Blvd.. Chicago. Storage and Transfer. PORTLAND VAN & STORAGE CO.. corner 1.1th and Everett sts. Just opened, newest and most modern storage warehouse In city, every convenience for safe and proper handling of goods; lowest insurance rate In Northwest: free trackage: vans for moving. Main or A 1 5'Q. MOVING STORING MOVING. Experts, reliable men, no booze-fighters, will move ou quicker, cheaper and bet ter than anyone else. Phone us for an estimate; storage rate the very lowest. Van Horn Transfer V'o. Both phones C O. PICK Transfer Storage Co.. offices and commodious 4-story brick warehouse, separate Iron rooms and fireproof vault for valuables. N. W. cor. 2d and I'ine sts. Pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipping. Main 590. A linui. OLSON-ROE TRANSFER CO. General transferring and storage, safes, pianos and furnltuser moved and packed for shipment. 87-89 Front st. Telephone Main 647 or A 2247. - OREGON TRANSFER CO., established 1870. Transfer and forwarding agents Storage office 310 Hoyt st.. between 5th and 6th, phones Main 69. A 1109 Taxidermists. MOOSE, elk heads, lull work. F. B. Flnley. 219 Columbia. A 1813. Typewriters. WE are the exchange for the largest type writer concern on this Coast; investigate; all makes, all prices. The Typewriter Ex change, 287 ft Washington su TYPEWRITERS, all makes. (20 to (GO, fully guaranteed, easy payments, rentals. (3 per month, pacific Stationery & Printing Co 203 2d st. NEW. rebuilt, second-hand rentals, at cut rates. P. D. C. Co., 231 Stark. M. 1407. Vacuum ( leaning. CARPETS cleaned on floor (1 per hour: rates to large houses. B 1650, East 4497. Well Drilling. DRILLING wells a specialty; priced reason able. Call Main 1346 or write Miller as West. 182 Morrison at- Portland.