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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (April 18, 1911)
Kodak Time Is Here-Select Your Kodak From Our Splendidly Complete Assortments-Full Line of Supplies-Developing andPrjnting r : r TZ " : ZT. '. a rA i " J nU CU)nr Arrontc Octermnrtr MattreSSeS Principal Portland Agents for WhitejVlountain Kemgeratorscorn proves anu vuuui rwM - Sale of Fine Cream Wool Dress Goods first FLOOR, MUV III II I. IX. ORDER BY MAIL. AGAIN today worth-while price-savings are possible on beautiful All-Wool Cream Serges, so much in demand now for Spring Tailored Suits. 85c Cream All -Wool Serge, today at only, the yard 75 Shantung Pongees Genuine Chinese Shan tung Pongee Silks in nat ural color. $1 Shantung Pongee, 26-in. 704 $1.25 Shantung Pongee, 98 $1.36 Shantung Pongee, $1.09 $1.50 Shantung Pongee, $1.29 $1 Foulards 79c New Silk Foulards, so much in demand this season. Full 24 inches wide in the season's best colorings and patterns. Worth $1 the yard. Today at only, yd. vC $1.25 Serge, 44-in., at 96 $1.75 Serge, 52-in., 31-39 $1.50 Serge, 56 in., $1.23 j $2.00 Serge, 54-in., $1.79 Great Purchase and Sale of Famous Munsing Underwear for Women and Children. And Odier Well -Known Makes Included THE UNDERWEAR SECTION AND CENTER AISLE OF MAIN BUILDING. ORDER BY MAIL. fJymWk to a full half under SOME of the biggest Knit Underwear purchases Meier & Frank's ever consummated were: made by our buyer on his last Eastern trip! Among them was a "capture" of the celebrated Munsing Underwear for women and children. It was their entire stock of incomplete lines and slightly imperfect garments. To preserve their high standard of quality the Munsing company puts aside thousands of garments which other concerns would sell at top prices. Most of them with only sligM on stains or drop sntcnes, wnicn nave Deen repaireu. uuy mem iuuay w,w- their regular prices! 50c to 75cGrades, 39c Women's 50c to 75c Munsing Union Suits Fine ribbed, form-fitted, with high or low neck, long or short sleeves, knee or ankle lengths. Plain or trimmed in durable wash lace. All sizes. To day, suit, 39. Children's 50c to 75c Munsing Union Suits All sizes for boys or girls. High neck, long sleeves and ankle lengths, of fine ribbed cotton. Light and medium weights. Choice today, suit, 39. Women's 50c to 75c Vests and Pants Munsing and other well-known makes. Ankle and knee-length Pants with French bands and fitted tops, also lace-trimmed umbrella styles. Vests with high or low neck long, half or no sleeves. Garment, 39. Over 3000 Garments at 39c Regular 50c to 75c Vols. Women's $ 1 .75 and $2 Munsing Union Suits 98c Large assortment of Women's Union Suits in Munsing and other well-known makes. Light and me dium weights in high or low neck, long or no sleeve and knee or ankle length styles. Regular $1.75 qo and $2 Union Suits, today at Women's $1 and $1.25 Munsing Union Suits 63c At this price a large lot of famous Munsing Union Suits for women grades sold regularly at $1 and $1.25. Fine ribbed, form-fitting garments in light and medium weights with high or low neck, long or short sleeves, knee or ankle-length. 10-, Special for this sale, the suit VJaJC Women's $1.50 Munsing Union SuitsToday 79c Women's famous Munsing Union Suits of mercerized and plain lisle in fine, form-fitting styles. High neck, long sleeve and ankle length or low neck, no sleeve and umbrella pant style. Regular $1.50 Union TQ Suits, in all sizes, for today C Women's and Childrens' To 85c Underwear 47c Great lot of Women's and Children's Vests, Pants and Union Suits, in Summer weights and styles. Fine lisle and mercer ized. Low neck, sleeveless Vests with cro cheted yokes. Pants in tight or umbrella knee style. And low neck, no sleeve, knee length Union Suits. Regular 75c m pm and 85c garments, priced today at i C The Great April "Toilet Goods" Exposition! Visit the Gaily-Decorated Booths-Thousands of Free Samples Distributed r r, ! o Tm,ntan SvriniM for SI .4fl I 26c Euthymol Tooth taste at 15d NOTHING to compare with this Ureal Toilet uooas ex position and Sale has ever been attempted in the West! Manufacturers of famous Toilet Articles and Drugs in everv part of the country have co-operated with us. The entire Toilet Goods Section, in addition to the Main Aisle in our new building, given up to the booths. And thousands of free samples to be distributed. Among the many famous articles represented are : Beecham's Alabastrine. Creme Elcaya, a skin food. Lemon Quince Cream. Dr. Graves' Tooth Powder. 7 Sutherland Sisters. Pond's Extr't Preparations Pomneian Massage Cream. Revelation Tooth Powder. Gouraud's Oriental Cream El Perfecta Veda Rose R'ge Famous Wisdom's Rob 'tine Mme. Isabell's Preparations i Samurai Oriental Perfumes New "Standard Remedy." i Toilet Soap Specials. 25c boxes Bouquet Soap, only 10 5c Flotilla Toilet Soap, dozen -42c M. & F. Special Soap, doz.. 23 10c Palmolive Soap, special at 6 5c Lifebuoy Antiseptic Soap at 4 Pears' Unseen ted Glycerine, 12 25c Packers' Tar Soap only 14c 10c Jap Rose Glycerine Soap, 7t 10c Old-Fashioned Oatmeal, at 7 26c Sylvian Toilet Soap for 18 Rubber Goods Specials. Fountain Syringes, 2-quart, 59 $1.65 Fountain Syringes at 81.19 Marvel Whirling Spray, $2.69 Premium Spray Syringe, 1.49 Perfection Rubber 8yringe, 49C $2 Fountain Syringes for 91.49 Eagle Water Bottles, 2-qt.. 69 $1.36 Rubber Water Bottles, 98 $2 guaranteed Water Bot. $1.49 The Household Drugs. Listerine, $1 size 69c, 60c at 39 36c Fletcher's Castoria only 25 60c Pond's Extract, special, 39 $1 Pinkham's Compound for 79 Malt Nutrine, doz. $2.19, ea. 19 Tooth Powders, Etc. 26c Sanitol Tooth Powder at 16 26c Pasterine Tooth Powder, 16 tec Leaterald Tooth Powder, 19 50c Pozzoni's Face Powder, 29? Wild Rose Talcum, special. 5 25c Euthymol Tooth laste at 15e 25c Borodont Tooth Paste at 19 25c Spearmint Tooth Powder 15 25c Graves' Tooth Powder at 12 Graves' Tooth Paste, special at 9 Bristle Goods. 60c Bristle Hair Brushes at 28 26c Tooth Brushes, special at 10 36c Kleanwell Tooth Brushes 23 35c Prophylactic T. Brushes, 23 $3.00 Ebony Hair Brushes $1.98 76c Hand Mirrors, special at 49 36c Shaving Brushes, special, 19 50c Shears, all sizes, choice, 23 35c Hair Brushes, special, 19 15c Toilet Chamois, special, at 8 36c Bath Sponges, special 23 Infants' $2.50 Skirts, $ 1.73 SECOND FLOOR, NEW BUILDING. ORDER BY MAIL. WE KNOW of no store here abouts which carries such a complete stock of Infants' Wear as Meier & Frank's. Every garment made under the most sanitary condi tions. The illustration shows this splendid spe cial of Infants' $2.50 Skirts. Made of good quality nainsook, trimmed in fine pin tucks, dainty embroideries and laces. 1 T O Specially priced today at only Dl,f O Infants' $1.36 Crocheted Sacques Pretty de signs in white and colors. Today at 98. Infants' Hand-Made Caps Charming little Dutch stvle, with French knots and hemstitching. Worth, today, $1.79. Infants' 65c Outing Flannel Gowns, 49. Infants' $2.50 Hand-Made Pillow Infants' $3.00 Crib Comforters Slips Daintily embroidered and Made of silk mull, lined in silko- trimmed with lace-edged ruffle, line. Plain white, and white with only $1.89. colored borders. Today, $2.69 Screen Doors, Screens, Garden Hose Save! BASEMENT, MU Bt'ILDING. 1000 Screen Doors Sale Today at 97c Big saving on plain, well-made Screen Doors, size 2 feet 8 inches by 6 feet 8 inches, exactly as illustrated. With every Door is a pair of strong spring hinges, hooks and porcelain knob. A 1 1 complete today measure your doors before QT ordering the price today is only tf C - - - Ml II - 35c Adjustable Win dow Screens for 25c Strong, well made ad justable Window Screens, e x a'c 1 1 y as illustrated above. Regular O C 35c kind, today at Other Screen Specials. 30c 18x33-inch. for 23 40c 24x41-inch, for 32c 46c 28x45-inch. for 35c A Good Garden Hose Today. 50 Ft., $3.99 High-grade, guaranteed Goodyear cotton - covered Hose with solid rubber tubing. All couplings and adjustable nozzle includ ed; 'in. size flJO QQ today, 50 feet Garden Hose, 3-4-in. sue, 50 feet, today at $4.99 A Special for Today 75 c Fountain Lawn Sprinkler Only 49c The Fountain Lawn Sprinklers, as pictured above. Throws large, mist like spray. Made of brass, nicely polished. Regular 75c Sprinklers for Atkgm today's sale, only' New Beechnut Cr eam'ry Butter, 2 Pounds 52c BASEMENT. MAIN BIILD1XG. ORDER BT MAIL. NEVER was Portland offered such a Butter bargain the very best Creamery But ter we could procure at only 52c the square! Made fresh every day for the Meier & Frank Store exclu sive v and guaranteed to be pure and good, ro Special introductory sale price, 2-lb square d Our Delicatessen Department The best equipped in the city! Tender, juicy, ready cooked Roasts, relishes of all kinds, and anything you desire for cold lunches to be had here. Prices very reasonable. Our Delicious French Pastry All "good eata" in this section baked in our own sanitary kitchen. Everything fresh, pure and deli eioualv good. Leave orders for anything special you mav desire. See Table Non-Advertised Bargains. Big Showing of Newest Designs in Fine Carpets THIRD FLOOR, MAIN BUILDING. ORDER BT MAIL. WE WANT to call your attention to the biggest and most beautiful showing of Carpets we've ever made. Pine Body Brussels are here in rich shades of gold and cream. French gray, two-tone pinks, blues, golds. And splendid Axminsters and Velvets in all the beau tiful, new 1911 colorings of tans, light blue, olive, pink, Nile (rrecn. etc. Patterns for bedrooms, living-rooms, reception halls and dining rooms. Yard$l to $1.60 The Furniture Upholstery Shop Our Furniture Upholstery Shop is prepared to do high-grade work at prices consistent with the work manship. Just telephone and we will send an expert to estimate the cost. Sale Sample Linens Continued ,,niiTi U V Miff.. unuiin bb si FIRST FLOOR, JiEW BUILDING. HUNDREDS of women yesterday replenished their Linen chests and saved practically 1-3 regular prices! Yesterday s papers told the story of the great sale how we bought an importer s en tire sample line of Embroidered Linens to sell at prices we would regularly have to pay wholesale. A few of the economies possiDie $2.50 Lunch Cloths, 36x36 inches, round or square effect, beautitully em broidered and finished with Cluny lace edges and insertions. Special $1.75.. $6 Linen Napkins, finished with scal loped edge and beautifully embroid ered in one corner. 15x15 inches, special, dozen $4. $5 Sideboard Scarfs, 20x54 inches, spe cial $3.50. Pillow Shams, in varied patterns, em broidered in floral and scroll de signs and finished with rows of hem stitching. $1.50 Shams, $1; $1 Shams, 65c. $6 Linen Square, 45x45 inches, $4. $11 Lunch Cloths, 72x72 inches, round edges with Cluny laces, $7.50. OurWillamette Rotary FOURTH FLOOR, MAIN BUILDING. ORDER BT MAIL. LAST weelc s Dig carioau ipm of Willamette Sewing Machines brought us 50 of the Rotary Model 1430 A, probably the most called-for number in our whole line. The Willamette Rotary illustrated to the left is equipped with high arm improved rotary sewing head, well finished and equipped in every detail. It has a beautiful golden oak cabinet in artistic mission design, with au tomatic lifting device. Price $35.00. Other Wil lamette Machines from $11 to $45. Sold on our club plan $2 at purchase, and $ 1 a week. No interest. Basement Bargain Square Boys' 50c Overalls, 25c BASEMENT NEW BUILDING. ORDER BY MAIL. WE bought 1500 pairs of .Boys' Overalls to get them at this extraordinary price! Boys' dark blue or black Denim Overalls, g strongly stitched throughout and finished JP with patent buttons. All sizes. Reg. 50c pair Men's and Boys' 122c Handkerchiefs for 5c Great special purchase of 5000 Men's and Boys' Handkerchiefs in plain white and with fancy borders. The kind always sold at 12c. Buy all you wantjj of them on the Basement Bargain Square at, eachOC Great Basement Sale Sample Lace and Cross Striped Curtains at Splendid Savings.