TTTP MnT?VTVO nTJFROXTAV. TTTFST1AY. ''APRIX 18, 1911, 1U -- 1 . r : . A nR SVU-"macellaHeaaBaT (Ai'r.d 2 s-cnd-hand. Will x.l cheap tor mo. F Orranlan- v.tvrrn Mirnx.sEnis. u'S r.rr rt.OTHisil. E ER'THINd h'!iMt price paid for men a caat-oft r!otb:nc iimp: ateo but lad'e cloth ing, call cp is Gloo. Mala 2o0. 2o0 a .rst. n-ar otu:r.D.a. RaKGKR AUCTION HfL'8B wtBU household aro-a. furnuur. tor raah or mmxiauan. :.: ju oa-i(a llflminll. Tblt'i ail. MONET LOST an lea yew rail th Ford AOrt'on C. and get their pnc on anal Jou natr ( Mala A 9413. W.VXTKn jltranaer I ri ta.n lr-klr:g firat-elaea restaurant Will par In neixh tier hood of 17.00i. llep.y at one WANTEta 21 or -roora lMlni-bi" must . w:thtn wa'kT d''an'-r. Neatly (urnlh"l. M"X AM M4. rnian. raaa trt-. fo hand furnltar.. Seater Martin. I'hon East SUt. Zt lla-tnnrn. irt. wavrsre f.nn tioree. hnctr Br.l fs-m l-r.plementa. Geo. H. RlLocck. Grand I.e. ler. ..tza st Xjr TOl h. houa;:..ld r.rntlur. to :L rail up 0".r. ltaaer Co.. UJ Park t-A--le tf'i' lfn'rt a a:'ilty. WANTKt -fecond-hand office desk. 7: Cerb-'t bid. . WANTED Small . r'cl!-r. also small ieet block. Apr "-2 4 'h s: HFI.r WISTED MALE. IF ton ran a!l real tat and ara a kwilt w fai l.ia beat prvpeaition Irt luUnJ. tv. hav a r.ear territory for two In aalesmen. M rn't help b-il nlk money. C'-OF'tllATIVR REALTY 'l.. l-;t-:i Railway u.tunic t'UVO SALESMAN AV Wl a ant a rIUM. i"nrt piano s.tle man. aot a manager, but a man who la wiilinc to work. Ate want a rl.r. a man who Hes n-l drink, a man und-r 4n. and ntarrt-d. To auclt a man. alio r.o make -H. we have a snlindld i.penln. It applying, artle ftrri.Tct and salary wanf'l. AN lV Or-pT-nlan HEX wantr4. aca fr firrmn $l"v month. y an.l trakcmra l on nearby ratl ra.l v EKP-rlrni-a unatry: no atriaa. Vtiaitlraa ctjarantard cmptrnt ron. 1'ro anotloa. Ka.iroad amployln h3d(tuartrra ar a(,w man arnt to poastlona monthly. P'ata ax, am.) at nip. lealiaoy Aaaocla ton. tar Cr-TJnlan. "WANTED r.oya artth to. dllrrr tl- arama: cou aifl ana opporiunuy xor 'luBtcmmt; couM u a fctv toa after a'hool an 1 on ."'iril.-Ta Wi.3Ti.tvN l.VIo.v Tr:t.ECRAPIl CO 78 Third St. . YOt'Ntl man. to ;.". wholaala hoita. ao.x1 opporttjnitr. ona familiar with type writer preferred; a'ate a-. rtpnn-, reference, pnone number. E 21. oreito rtan. COATMAKER w-ir.ted; ateady pol"0o tr a ti man. worn a:i the yjr; apienaiurr-arrana-d ba-k anop: muil be aob.r and able t. mat a t'wd )t: mirr-.ed mm prrrred. fair prl-e. U. II. Moaher. 4I4 t'ourt a(. Fletj.Or. VAN'TEt Man to work for reliant raal ee'at flrrr. ao-l aitri paid; expenenca not ne-eaaury. 1 o not nnawer thla uni"l y q mean nualnaJL S4 titu at., room 417. r'enton blrta i r, I . ; H T man fr perrranent poalMon with I actn. T-l-'pnorie a; iriarapn ; m-n ba arruratc at riaurea an.l a fol "-t-min: r.ply In own riandaritlric. AK -li. Orainljn. WANTED 2 well-aprarirar younc men; rood r'urpf r-r hard. conal-nttoija worn; nnlr mn ef rliai' tr and education mn- . dr-l. Apply after 34 A. M. to Mr. Efeler. man.ial'T. BI I.tjmoermena bl-lar. WtNTElv Tun man between 11 and II .ra to matte h;mair n-ra.iy uaTul and lirn the fur t.uain.a. App r at SH yrfteld'a. 4h and Uorr:aon. la the after noon, on 4fhj r -r. fOI'V.l. ei-rrsetl- man fr hich--lva prop- oeii'on: refrrenra reT.i:reu: rip..ifnr unnicm try ; eery aaa.nanc Kin ma rlfb" Iran. ra.I between I. M. and a Tyi. Corbet: M'! "WA NTEtenoya oner 1 to learn tl-rraphy and a-"t aa th'k rlrai; earei.ct or portnrltT to Irarn telerraphy: work llaht. Apply 5th floor Wftrcr$iff block, chtif operator Writ -rn I' n Ion. toANm Three men. on a aawmrl aaw- jer. 4: alao eawmni cnalner. a.i: aiao ho.iktender . "food. erer1rn''el, aob.-r men onie. t all aftir noon today. :(3 Monro atreet. V car. t RAtT.WAT n-all rlerka. poatofflra elerka. letter carttera. euatom-potia and interna ravenua amplTea. lo prepare for aiarn Irar'oni; frea book, i'aclflc b tatea School. M Kar 'bid a-., el' v. OIVFtl.VV-INT EMl'l OTrtS V ANT FD fiend poatal for l'rtland. tr . eiamina Tion achedtile Frank'm Inatlttue. Pepl. ; F. Rorheater. N. T kHtmh-t rt i m"m rJi. t- -i da t. ftumber. anion a::ile and hura; work muat paaa elty lnpe.-ton. Tioneer E-n-p!oimnt Co.. J North rie..r.l. WANTFII'. HEAL. ESTATE MtiM To ae'l mcfrn not far from Portland In email tr.-ta Thone n'owlliwa "Ull t-undaa or after o "; nr'-h ven:na. Bt.V hand wlfn toola. who ran Inveet ama"I amount, can ret partnership in ery prefltal le. ratabliahed huatneaa. Investl gate thla 311 Ananv at. aEt.L. tnale-lo-oM-r e:ohea. Mr proflta. n tnveatment. n rlt Tom Tnorr paon. 1 Jil 7 J ae.. ran Fraaelaco lU'ra. Itap. LaacB aV Co.. CM.aao). WAVTCP A eaahler for a eoantre bank: aala-e IT"! per moeth: invea'ment for s- ahar-a. F. '. Tarker. -.'athlaruet. W'aah. -.V X NT EC ' Hoy a Lout J1 fo, Inauranre of. fi.-e. itpportunltr for advaneement. Mut lt at home. Ad'lre-a In oan haniwrlt- Jnr. XXZ.retonln. A rt"V Ilea wire who arw wlll'nc to pot al leaat a houra a -lay In return r r Ma money Fverr bome needa it. Apple Mr. Ate. 414 M 'taw k Illdg.. a f"erA;M. W INTEE" A flrat-elaaa atjeeeaaful atock aaleaman. t"-l rererenre Brd bond re q-itrrd; aalarv to rl-tht party. Addrea API "re .ll a IN A N T F t A younr man to rlo ofTlr work wholeaale houl: app.e In own nana wrltlnc. et-itlne; eaper'enca and aa.ary ex - Petr.t. I'. O. pri 131. "tA'ANTED A eouna mnn f.r porter work: nun have peat or r-rerencea. Apple ive-te,-n a Id and Irt 3 A. C. Kelden heitner. :. Waahlnaton at FIRT-CI.AS; wifia woodworker. apple t'oiumMa Carrtasa at Auto Work. SCI Front at. 1.12 A RN automosil drtvlnc and repatrtaa. aetual practical aipenraca; aay or eraa tnra 3;e.w Wiah-r.tfton at., twm 41a. WANTEP 4",ood aflrkermnn for ctiatom mill Apply t.nterpr'.ae l laninl-Mlll. J'tM EBt an. I IL - W ANTED Man and wlfa to p rn farm: muat hira experience. Innulra Mor STOIT lad of 1. Iivlra; with parent, for delivering and wo-a :n llnuor atore. after T A. M. orrtr '.'I .Vaahinston at. JAPANE.-K boy for rooking and general houaewora: wagea a w. Apply i Eaat 27111 .. eor. Eaat Stark. Ua'AL FFI"E Intematlortal Correapond ent S-hoola 211 Aller at., open till S r M. Send for free catalogue. fTAXTKD Experleneed marker and tlla- trtouter. international iaunary, . aat ntb and Eaat tank. WANTED SO e-tpertenced brlrk plant tan at rh ltta aai.a lira i-iay v o at xlayna. t WTilD Two men to work eotintre ter nt"ry; good money for biatlera. Call tcailay Exchange b'tlg. UEEIi'C boy wanted: moat b over 16. I-a n f t a. HAI.F.-MEN wanted, fleet -claaa. no. order taker. g.K-d aalary. All It. t-Tegnlan, CLA3 HET.1.ER a-hour day. 0..V. Pa- rifle Art tooraa. lot t rent at. "Va'A NTEIV Tour.g man. experienced grocery e.erk. Car. fljewa.o at. and orand av. "tVANTFD A g-KKl. all-around recK'.erad drntiat. AC i. tregon:an. II El P WANTFD Dental partner, fin prop- HAVDT man to work part of day la horn. ;l xarar.a.i at FHOrtXVUAPH coupon a-id portrait agnta. dv otTer. tutoertn atuuto. latum pu:g. WASTED Bay of good character for ator. T Ftrat at. WANTED Delivery boya oeey la) feara. hoberta Itrva.. ad and Morrjna. VOVB TO TUB PACIFIC WITH WARD." aea my ad under bueineaa opportunltiea. WANT tpr!'Beed Job printing-aullcltoV. Pochanaa bidg. HOY aanted with biojcle. latb and Ullaan at. Irwln.od.aon A o. WANTED Flret-elaaa ladlra lallora. 8. VA .a.14Tl"tn at- TAlf.'rl wanted. C. Oawer. ladle' talloe. ie;:lcg-riiraenpiag ,nwn i 0ALESMAN A ire, enthoalaa-lr matt. n taat can ae.i. aa voioniaa ior wanted, witfc wheal. WaaUUnguva. MFI.F WAyTTfa MALE. INCIDENT. Offlre Fecretary Employment Depart ment. V. M. C A. Young man. etranger. out ef work Ma total caan a-t If 1 pay youJ for eterlal en ployment memberahlp I will only hav $1S left between mm and atarva- ' ';n-Vretary If yoo pay $3 for apeelal em- ?!vment meir.berahlp yoo will hav th . II. C. A., ari'h alt It reaourtea, between you and atarvatlon. What happeneilT Young man took memberahlp. InxlC or two noura lie found aatlafactory employ """urlng March. 1911. 1SS othera found employment la a like manner. Employment or refund of memberahlp fee gaarxnterd. oe ecratiry employment department. T. M. C A. A-TIVr: KVFRrtSTIC HEAL. ES TATE SALESMEN. who want a IlKAL l.IVK I-KOPO.-ITIO.N that will eel! and e-11 fat. ara offered a connection with larg realty nrm lo handle on M the moat unlqu propoaitiona ever offered la th .Sor'.hetal. A large advertlelng campaign will at once be nartol, and a.', indlea. tio.i are ftorat.'e for ona of th real aucceaaful campalgna of the year. Fnerg-tlc m-n WHO CAN PE I.IVFK TUB UtMPS will find It well worth writing for appointment and IntcrvUar. AJdreaa X 25. Oregonlan. W I.NTEP tlovlNft-PICTVIllB OPEKATOK3 In nrrr rlty rhr..uhout th wor.d: now 1-t It 1'ITl'Hrl NITV o -earn i a ;.hd l AYlNt. TRADE: OVR HO?Jl r ::-..;ni..ei In th Kaat aa th fl VNl'AlI'. wa are th fjctory . J"bher for a I o TANDAHI. MOVJNvJ-IM-T UK V CH:Ni:. Ml ITL1KS. KLDIN1 CHAIRS AND ELECTRIC PIANOS: many t: .uaatd beautiful pl.-tur fl m for rent. TIIKATFP.S KvJL'iri'ED COMl'Lk.TB O.N 6ri-CIArLT"xiv PRICH ON WESSONS. TOrAT. M . New York Film Co. for auara deal. i:o!i YVaah.. pear lit a. SALESMAN We want men having rre vloua experience aa aaleaman In any Una to work with ua In marketing a very hlgh elaaa. rl.a In. Weat Side property. Malea f ir. e now being orgitnlxed offer aplenilld chance for advancement. furnlah namea of people lo rail on. Inatrticl you In the work and will be reaponatbla for yo'ir aucceaa. provided jou ara of tlie willing kind: willing to mike good If given a chanca. Call not later than 11 A. M THE WET SIDE COMPANY. 3d and Madiaon ata. Martlaon bltlg. API.E-PODIED-menWantd for tha U. aV V trine Corpa. between tha age of 19 and S.Y: mint be native-born or hava flrat pa pen. monthly pay 15 to I19; additional cotnpenaation poealble; food. clothing, quarter and medical attention frew: after Jo ycara' eervlc can retlr with 7S per cent of pay and allowance; aenrlca on board ahlp and a hare In all parta of tha world. Apply at It. 8. Marina Corn r crilting offlr. Tlreedea bldg Sa gold Waahltiarton a'a. I'ortland. Or. SALESMAN. We requlr the aervlcea of a fear capa ble atleaman to Interview proepectlve pur ehaeera of our Council Cr-at pmperty. A hlrn-claaa reairtctcd view property; all ln.provementa now going In; unleaa you aro willing to work faithfully under our direction, do not anawer. Call between 10 and 12 A. M. Aak for Mr. Hendcraon. JNO. P. SHARKEY CO.. 210 217 Hallway Exchange Hldg. BAl.H.iMKX-A larea and reaponalbla realty corporation having propertlea in rnnianq ami other coming .n. dealrea aervicea of a few high-grade aollcltnra: bualneaa get-( tera In any line run. with our aaaiatance, anra large Income: we hava tha etandlnr. the prot rty and th method: If you bava t'.e ability and will work you can't fall. Writ etailng age and whethar married or alngle. AK 2. Areg.nlan. BELMONT AtTTO STHOOL Tha t.nly thoroughly equipped acboaxl O.N TH K PACIFIC COAST. Thorough tnatructlon. competent BCotav Mimmt and practical work. E. ZIO AND MOBKUON. Tak 8-t or Mt. Tabor ear; look tut up be tor deciding to enroll leewuer. REM. ESTATE SALEM AN to aell Tualatin Y'alley aircaga In ttacta ot Itnm 1 to in rr-i, L'nitrd liallway atatlon on prop erty; aom already plowed; aoma bruah and aome heavy limber; yon can pleaa any- cuatomer and we pay good comnila aion Thla la a chance to make good mon-y eaaliy. Call al 83 Chamber o Commerce. WE WANT A-l CITT SOLICITORS. COMMISSION !S TO $30 WEEK. AFTER A- M., 722 TEON HLDO. help wAitTT'i ren.iLr. WASTED TODAY. Cook and waltrcaa. y t 'oo at lor reaort. it. for hotel. J4r. 2 cooka for ama.l boardtng-houeea, 123 'AValtreaa for commercial boteL $23; for cafe, a 7 per week, botb out of city. AAaitreae. f-'o. . beeond girl, el per day. l ook and aecond glri. private family. 12. aa h. Ilot-aekceper. tinrta girt family cook aril glr.a for general hotiaework. 113 to PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO.. I. a ll.a' Iept. Si'is Morriaon PL AT N"E. a bright active young man. of good appearance and goou naoit. to ariv a douchnut wagon; moderat wage, abort houre. t all II to 12. .t Eaat ltth at. Hoover. tha I'oughnut King. YVAN1 EL Lady, not under 3. who can aoapt herac.r to iiant. rl-n work in m-ehanUal eatabllat ineut. AK 29. Ore gon: an. W ANTED Expcrl-nc d eklrlmaki r. alao nr.lihera. . Ytclaa, ladua tailor. 14 1 loth at. COMPETENT girl he p cara for baby and genrral -houaework. 2 auuita ana paoy la Imll v. Prior. Scl.wood 2V4. WANTED A nura to car for 2-year-old child, city referencea required. 113 rv. d at.. cor.Alltaan- WANTED Rellabl g'rl to do general boua-work for inill family. Call a isio, Wtaeen 11 and 12. WANTEIa K'rat-claaa marker and dle- trlbuter. aleo mangio foldera. International Laundry. Eaat6th and Eat Oak. SCHitOL girl to aeelat with general houee- wurk tor room an'l ooar.i; no em'lint or Main '.'.'Ji) 4;T Montgomery. HANSEN! LADIES" AGENCY. S43H Va'aahiiigtoo at., cor 7tb. upatalra. Phone Main 2t)2. U1KL to aeetat In general houaework. US Yamhill at. WANTED Competent rook for family of three. Phone Main -i - GIRL to aaalat In houaework In amall fam- llv. J2 Overton aL WANTED A young lady piano player. Ily- ltig on Eaat Jtctc. Aot zta. uregonlan. YV ANTED One flrat-claaa waiter. Apple mt 141 N. eth at.. II A. M. and 2 P. M. WANTED A itock boy. la. Ilea' clothe. R. iZ. Karrel!. 7th and Alder. A l.ADY" aolleitor of good appearaac and a..( re. I'hone Maranall o '. WANTED illrl for general houaework. Ap ply T45 HoytaL CAPAKLK girl a chambermaid. Call aftar "-ip. J't3 lutn . Th colonial. WANTED A practical mtrar for out of tonn hoepltal. Call at 31 North lth at. GIKL wanted for general honaawork; amxUI Tamlly. call 7:3 jivhuMer at. A YOrSfi lady for nfTL-e; atato aalury and quaiincatlona AN jh Qregonian. WANTED A acnth woman. Call after 2. a ird Hotel, room 2-2. YY'ANTED iilrl general horaework. no laun iiry; call morning. 774 Hencoear-at. SCANDINAVIAN girl wauled for board In g- houa. 50Tlt:a at, N. GIRL for general houaework: good home and good wagea. rhon C 2104. WANTED Girla to call on merchant, good propoettloa. Addrea AF 22. Oregonlan. WANTED Offlca girl In ladlea tailor abop to .lo rrrjr. i t. tt etaa. I4i iota at. 8TVNOOK trVER and hook keeper, aalarr s am 2 oregonlan. GIRL to aaalat with general houaawtrk. 7-'ti Hoyt. near ilIRL to d-i general Tftooeework; exnall fanra- llr 1 North 7th at. Main 2414. OIRI. for general notsserwork, email family a .1 u 1 1. fji itoyt at., near j"tn. WANTED Girl for cooking and general housework; ax waahltig. 77 4 taeertvtt an. ntir w a yTcn fkmalk. PFANTD TOUNI1 LADIES FOR TEIeB PHO.N1 OPERATIXO. WITH OR WITH OUT EXPERIENCE. APPLT PACIFIC TELEPHONE TELEGRAPH CO. EAST TH AND AJS'KENT STS. WlANTED TOUNO LAXT TO BOL.ICIT. GUARANTEED 6ALART. EXPERIENCE CNNECESSART. AFTER I A. M. 7: TEON BLJXL THE MEIXR a FRANK COMPANY reoulrea competent ahort-hour waltreaaea; good pay ana permanent in'ai.niii. -"i-. w Bee. ttb floor. to 10 A. M- WANTED Vompetent dry gooda raleawo man. guneral mercbanrtlao atore In Hermle ton. or., town of IOWA; good wasea to atart. opportunity for advancement; ex perience and rtferencea required. Call V. W. C. A. Employment office;, Tueaday, 11 A. M TWO or three your.g ladlea at one to aell tha greateat vaiuua in women a ..."--on th market. No troublo at all making 14 per day if you do a little huailmg. Mcuiy at on.e and alate phone number ADA 23. Oregonlan. WANTED 2 well-drwaeil "women with good llty and good education to repre aent reliable Arm In city; good return for hard, conaclentloti work. Apply after H.30 A. M. to Mr. Effeler. manager, bis Lumberman bldg. FIRST-claaaaoncltora who ara looking for a permanent poaltlon with old reliable firm. Ulg money to workera. Apply Mr. Ak. 411 Mohawk Bldg., Id and Morrison, after A. M. GIRLS WANTED. Apply Standard Factory No. Orana av. and Kaat Taylor ak AN etperienced nuraemald to cara for two children and axetet In recond work: good .wagea Apply at 04 211 at., corner of Flandera. AN experienced girl for cooking and gen eral houaework In fnmlly of J; good wagea. Phone East Hi;; rexldcnco Til Eaat Salmon. WANTED Experienced bill clerk and atcn ographer: none others need apply; etat experience, reference and aalnry expected. N 23. Oregonlan. SALESPEOPLE for money-making proposi tion. Call after 9 A. M- 60S Worcester bldg. GIRL to nssist light housekeeping, family of three: easy place. Inquire t94 East Alder. Phone E 2ooS. WANTED Competent Klrl for general housework; good warca. Apply 74S YVuid ler at., cor. 22d.. Tlroailway car. WANTED A good girl for general house work: twedlsh or German preferred. Ap ply mornings. Grand ave. South. WANTED A woman to aaalat trlth cook ing and general houaework. 700 Flan der at. Marshall 1K7X. WANTED Experienced girl for housework and cooking, phone Main 62U0. Call nil l ive J oy WANTED An experienced girl for cooking and general housework; good wagea. 77l Overton, near 3d at. WANTED Twc7 experienced gtrla for con fectionery and cigar atore. 3b3 Bumslde street. BVH1NES3 FIRM reeds a competent, trust worthy women, over 2., who la ambitious. Experience not required. AF 17. Oregonlan. WAN TED S i 1 . 1 1 oral aaiary 12.50 a day. Call Hotel Clark, room 2td, for three days from 1 to 3. WANTED Girl, some experience In postal and curio line; referencea. 203 Alder. acrtfaa Mctnrr it Frank's. - COOD g'.rl for general housework; good wngrs. 1160 K. 47th st. No. Tabor 1.U9. Rose City Park car. CtvtK. crew men. $10: country hotels, $13. $; ramp waitreaa. $10. Howe's Ladles' Agency. R. ni4. 32fl't Wash. COMPKTTENT, experienced second girl to aaaiat with care of children: good wagea ldtb and Clifton. Main 1244. WANTED Cook and downat ulrs work; $33 per month. Call Mr. Knight. Knight Shoe Co.. 244 Wash. St. MRS. HOWES LADIES AGENCY, uab Washington at.. Room 814. Main or a auo. WANTED Refined, capable woman for re spocalM poaltlon. Y'iavl Co.. 009 Kolb chlld bldg.. 4tb and Washington. WANTED A good cock In a small country hotel by May 1. Address Box 87. Stella, Warn. ; WANTED Young girl to aeast In cara of baby. BSI Mellnda mve.t head ot John eon and ll.".lh ata. GOOD girl wanteil for general atore work. 4 42 and 4 1 4KastIturnalde. WANT a girl for light housework, hours 8 A. M. to 4 P. M. ; good salary, ft 1 1 t-k Ross. GIRL for general houaework. 4 In family. JlAiJ Hojtst: WANTED Girl for general housework; small family 4"8 E. 11th North. WANTED at once, good girl for light housework. Apply at 21 East 31st St. WANT E D WaTl re aa for reatauranL 403 East Morrlaon st- WANTED Girl to arai'et with housework. 7o9 Marshall, near 22d. WORK a rhambermald In a good hoteL Call A 72-i. , WANTED Ca ah girls over ltl years. Rob erts tiros., 3d and Morrison. HELP WAXT-ETt MALE OR FEMALE. 10.00O POSITIONS for graduates lost year: men and women learn barber trado In weeks, help to secure poaltlon; gradu tea earn from $13 to $26 weekly; expert Inetruclors; toola free; write for cata logues. Mohler Fystrm of Cbllcgea. &3 North 4th at.. Portland. Or. MAKE money writing short stories or for faper: Mg pay; free booklet tells how. ri'ed Press Syndicate. San Krancleco. FISK TEACHERS' ASSOCIATION. 011 Swat. . land bld. WANTED Fingers. Empire Thester. Grand and Hawthorne. Call between 3 and 3. MIH-EIaUXEOf9. YOUNG lady balrdresser. 7 years' experi ence. Irishes residential work. Sculp and fncl a I maisa ye. A 7 1 "JT. PRIVATE INSTRUCTION In shorthand, typewriting and bookkeeping; day or nlcht. I'h one Eas t 1 - 56 lHe Imon t. cor. I'M h. X.ACE curtains washed and stretched. 40o a pair, i'hone A IH1. Five yeara' cxper lnce In Portland. TOt"N3 man wants roommate. In modern nnnse. good neiKhhm-hood. 1 block ;5 car, tt 2:. :r wwk. su K. YamliUL EXPERIENCED temcher of piano and har mony drslrea purlin. $4 pr month, 00a per lesson. AHlUOregonlar PRIVATE School SHORTHAND" and TTPE WRITING. $5 mo. I'tl'J ltiih st. Main 3M3. HTUATTON WAXTKte-MAU. Il-rak keepers mad Clerks. ACCOt NTANT Young man from the East, exptrlt-iiCrd In factory cost and corpora tlun inethodt; expert auditor and vte m a titer, permanent or temporary work. AC 2t. Orcpyman. WANTED Poaltlon by married man: 15 yeara experience with railroad, packing house and corporation account Inn; rapid and accurate at figures. Address J IS, Oregonlan. YOl NO married man destree position aa bookkeeper; 10 years experience; goo ref erencea. thorough and r liable. AG 22. Ore gonlan. YOI'NO man wants position as bookkeeper or offii assistant; rood habits, best of reference; position with plumber firm pre ferred. AK 2.1. Ore cn Jan. will ArD;fTor e n. close oh write up hooka, prepare balances and statements. Install systems. Oitllmrham. auditor, 411 Uewls bid y.. Marshall 717. WANTED An office position by a young man; good penman; most have work. O Id, Oregonlan. X AM ' seasoned "aaiwair iuj" "staple goods Outduoi AO Oragonla Bl BITCATIOXS WANTED MALE. Ulace Haw eons. ItELIAJiLE man, 4S, used to Janitor work and gardening, would be generally useful apartments, institution or private resi dence, for board and amall wages. AH 24, Oregonlan. POSITION of aome kind with chance for promotion: fair penman, good at figures: would like a chance in Western Oregon or Washington. YA'ao-d Bailey, general de- livery. Po rtland . Or. WANTED Legitimate aide line on com mission by bonded traveling man making towns In Western and Central Washing ton. K 12. Oregonlan. WANTED, by young man studying for civil rnnitiet-'r, a chance for advancement; un derstand plain and reinforced concrete. X 24. Oregonlan. I' H I N T V. I'. From 8 to 4 galleya of 10 pt. ftcr 10 hrs, ; second-class, all-round, gtrlct y straight; 30c hour rate. AN 29. Ore gonlan. M1LDLE-AGED man of Integrity desires f osltlon as manager of a farm, or will rent f flmt-claas; have 80 yeara' experience. AG30.OregonIan: . COLLECTOR with 10 years' experience wants steady position with firm; best of references and bond. O IS. Oregonlan. FIRST-CLASS colored man wants position as chauffeur: best of referencea. Phone M ars h all2S.Hi. A dd -ess 602 Water st, WOI'LD like outside position, collecting pre ferred: good references, experience. AB 13. Oreironlan. FIRST-CLASS carpenter foreman wants Job: underatands concrete and all branches of building. AF 21. Oregonlan. CH AVFFEl'R. young colored man from the Eaat. wanta altuation; can give good ref erence a. Phon) YVoodlawn 482. , HOI'S ECLEANER. window-washer, floors re polished. day or contract. Main 8853. Martin. , YOUNG German wants steady position of any Kind, town or country. AG 27, Ore gonlan. COLORED man wishes Job aa Janitor, night watchman or good camp cook; referencea. I'hone East 522 L FIRST-CLASS Job pressman and cylinder feeder wishes position. Address 830 Vx Mor nson St., suite 11. , AN experienced farm hand would like a poaltlon on a rnttch. AE "Mi. Oregonlan. BOHER. reliable chauffeur wants position; Cji n do repairing. Phone Woodlawn fc-73. WANTED Poaitlon aa aaleaman by married in an In city. Address HIS. Oregonlan. MARRIED mnn wants Job running gas cn- glne; do oan repairing. 221 Harrison st, CHAUFFEUR tvants position In private fam- lly: will go out of town. F 12, Oregonlan. CAlll'ENTER wants work; a Hrst-class fln irlier and stalrbunderJ10JOregonln. CARPENTER, finisher and experienced fore man, wants situation. Sellwood 1712. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographer. l'OSITION oy competent bookkeeper and cashier; 8 years' experience; best refer ences; would accept small aalory If good hours. Phone at ain oa-o. SiENOtiKAI'llER and thoroughly exper ienced operator of Elliott-Fisher book ma chine dc-lres position Immediately. An 20. Oreconlan. YY'ANTED Position by experienced book- .I. ..v.,-- heel of ratap. ences. K 23. Oregonlan. WANTED A position as bookkeeper; best Of city reterence. x WANTED Sltuatton by two girls: general housework preferred. 010 Montana ave. Dream makers. DUFFIELD slaters for ladies' tailoring, fan cv dresses and evening gowns. Phone E. 474.V U33 K. MRin st. SEWING All kinds shirtwaists a specialty. 3S2 Glenn ave.. I'hone Tabor 1224. WANTED Sewing by the day In private fam tile s. A d d reus 24 a N. 17th. DRESSMAKING and plain sewing by tne dav. Phone A 4346: Main 1911. WANTED Dressmaking : plain sewlngi $3 . Ilk et .ccT Nurae. EXPERIENCED nurse, car Invalid, mater nity, agea; can iravci. meau evUV, 4773. YOI'NO lady wishes poaltlon as nurse glrL Phone Marshall 209. MIDDLE-AGED, experienced practical nurse, . . . .... . Vnln Atl.t7. A-l PRACTICAL nurse wants more cases; best roierencea. p 11. uirium.u. PRACTICAL num. maternity, elderly, In- valid. Phone Marshall 1 ". room .ij. Hre keep era. GERMAN lady, with boy 7 ycajot. dealrea poaaion aa housekeeper, wiuo-ei a or private family. Mrs. Pearaon. the liellfngham. 6th and E. Morrison, phone East tlitt. WANTED Situation as housekeeper In wid ower or bachelors name, dj wjuuw, un incumbered. AE 25. Oregonlan. HOUSEKEEPING by widow with child: none but sober men nee a appiyi in or out of city. fc In. Oregonlan. cXpaHLK woman as housekeeper, rooming-house or for bachelor. East 275. NEAT woman hnusokeeper. boy 12, widow- ers family. Main -uj:i. a hi leomentlca. DAY work. Tues. Wed.. Thurs.; good laun dress. Main ettfj. xrom o:w a. -a. io u.o P. M. WANTED liy experienced girl, to do gen eral house work.Apply 522 Going St. JAPANESE girl wants housework la amall family. Ac .o. urcKonian. Mlacellaneons. HOUSEKEEPERS, family cooka, chamber maids, waaninft. i-ieanina. oi. i.oi Acency. YVaah- at- Main ' 2039, A 4773. J PRIY'ATB lessons given In grammar Jfade studlea; oacawara puyu iiti.w. e30. , EXPERIENCED girl wishes general house work. Call Ml L'nlon av. COLORED woman want washing to tak home: lace curiaina oontv """" - ONE-lady wanfe work by the day. Call PhOne At pt'aian ii'i. FIRST-CLASS laundry work by hour. Call East 444'.i. room 1 1. WOMAN wants work by day; referencea. phone Main I io TWO girls want work by day. Marshall 643. LA D Y wanla work" by the day. Main 4400. WAN TED AG ENT9 RELIABLE salesman can make big money 1 . . . 1 1 . line of hardv non- seiung our .ru-... - - - lrrltratt-rt trees. hrub. rose, etc : out fit rurnlsh-d; cash weekly. Addr.M Ore gon Nursery Company. Oreaco. Or. W A X TKD-TO RENT. Houses WANTED By roan and wife, about May 1. earn or nnuw? dress W :-'.urcKuiiiM- WANT to rent 6 or A1.cXeeI street; a .stance " j AH .Ure s o"""- w TnTEO To rent 3 or 4-room cottage wuh'rrm 1 to 5 acre, of - t.)ofarotnj par. U 24 Ore gonlanJ CiT-ci v rornlshed 6-room bungalow. Rosa t'ify PaJks" T 5d. el Chamber ot Com- merce or 'East 31"2- .... K.Tpn uy man and wife, responsible "?l??loZ to tak. charge of rturlns hummer. a r ' r. 7-ROOM Louse, walking distance, not over tu. I'hone stain BY voung couple, furnished collage, bunga Tow "rj.ousoyLunAQe Kooms- BY young couple, no children, before April 7 2 modern housekeeping rooms, walk Tni distance, Eaat or West Side; reuon il". rent; can glv, reference. AU W. oregonian. Kooma with Boatrd. WAN'TED Room and board by lady and l-yeax-old baby. In refined private lamlly keeplug no other boarders; will pay good price; all laundry sent .out. AO 29. Ore itonian. WANTED House, apartment or a few room, for music studio and living; give location and terms. F. O. box 6t.0. cl.y. Bnaineaa I'tnce. 6MALL store, suitable for confectionery, etc. preferably with living-room, but will consider without; muat b prosperous lo JaUty. reaaonable rent. AF 7. Oregonlan. "R BE NT. Booms. PORTLAND ROOoIINO BUREAU. Rooms, flat, apartments, furnished, un furnished, board, all parts of the city; sav you money, time, trouble. Let us lo cate you. Washington L. R- 89i Marshall sij. a DOS T OvEKLWiv ioio . .. ILNER RLOO. " SiOH MORRISCJX ST. MQD.IIX, CENTRAL. REASON AH LB1. - M...TO T -T. I T Fnmlahcd Boom. MORRI8 HOTEL- Room modern- nrly ilZt M-t and nsi UK XTi . ytxralahea Koota NOW OPEN! NOW OPENI NOW OPEN I Those three beautifully furnished hotels. HOTEL HOTEL HOTEL MINOOK PARSONS W 213 4th at. 2Ilfc 4th st, JO, V4 4th at. On Fourth at., running from Taylor to Salmon at- Brand new brick elegantly furnlahed; steam heat, private hatha, hot and cold water In all rooms; strictly up-to-date In all respects, and at popular prices. If you want eomethlng out of the ordinary In tha heart of the city at reaaonable prlcea. give us a call as w know you will like it. Rooms by the day. week, or month. Tourist trade solicited. HOTEL CAPLES. Residential. B30 Taylor. Transient. Bet. 7th and Park ta. Opposite new Heillg Theater, on block from Portland Hotel; brick building. Juat completed: handsomely furnished; every modern convenience. elevator service, steam hat, telephone and hot and com water in every room; single rooms and suite with or without private baths, etc.; centrally located, near Postofflce; Just off all carllnea; very quiet; low rates by day. week or month, phone Marshall 2200. ANGELA HOTEL. Permanent and transient. Just opened; brick building, beautifully furnished; every thing new; steam heat, hot and cold run ning water and telephone in all rooms; fine lobby and ladles' parlor; suites ana single rooms with and without private baths; very reasonable ratea by day. week or month. Phone Marshall 1950. C23 WASHINGTON ST. GRAND UNION HOTEL, ShfA. East Bumslde. ,. Why not live on the East Side? We can furnish you pleasant rooms, all thor oughly modern and save you money on your room rent. Just 15 minutes walk to the business center of the city with three-minute car service, ratea $2 to T per week; transient 75 cent to $1.60 per day. East ..40. B 1273. THE WEAVER. 710. Washington St.. near King; a perfect modern home; private bath, steam heat, hot and cold water, and telephone In every room; finest part of the city; the maximum of convenience, tho rtil-lmum of expense; we make you feel at home: dining-room In connection; beat In the city for the money. HOTEL SAVON, - 129 Eleventh St, New. modern, brick building, ateam heated, private baths, hot and cold water In rooms, beautifully furnished, coxy and comfortable. Rents very reasonable. Call and see us. Regular and transient trad solicited. EVERY MODERN CONVENIENCE. FURNISHED ROOMS. EJx-story modern fireproof building, hot and cold water and phones In all rooms; all-night elevator service and only $4 per week and up; transient rooms $1 to $2 per day. Drexel Hotel. 246 'j Yamhill st. SARGENT HOTEL, Grand ave. and Haw thorne; beautifully furnished rooms, sin gle or en suite, with private bath, hot and cold running water, private phone and team heat in every room; special Bummer rate to permanent people; first-class grilt and bar In connection; transient solicited. CALUMET HOTEL. Park at., between Morrison and Alder. Heart of the city; quiet and modern; free bus or W car at depot; rates $1 single, $1.30 double; also family rooms with private bath, etc. Rates per week. BUSH MARK HOTEL. 17th and Washington Newly furnished rooms, single or en sultb; private baths, steam heat, hot and cold water and phone In all rooms; rates reasonable; transients solicited. UNDER new management; The Rex, 649' Wash, stroet; nice outside rooms, thor oughly renovated at prices to suit every ont; $2.50 to $7 per week; transient so licited; also housekeeping rooms. LIGHT, airy rooms, modern, suites or sin gle. $2 and $3 a week; five minutes' walk to theaters and stores, free phone. Llndell Hotel. 209 Market st, NICELY furnished rooms, suite or single, brick, steam heat, free phone and bbtb, 2S3 18th St., corner Jefferson Bt THE DAVENPORT, newly furnished rooms, hot and cold water, bath and pbone, $1 to 115. 505 Jefferson at. Main 5433. t Furnished Room In Private Family. VERY nice large room for one or two, with large closet; gas. bath, phone, home com forts, within walking distance, near Steel bridge; $11 per month. 193 afcMlllan su Phone C 1676. FJtONT room in Snnnyslde district, block from ear, fine residence locality, single, 41.75 per week; 2 persons, $4.00. bbO E. Yamhill YOUNG druggist wishes roommate; pleas ant room, electricity, gas, furnace heat, bath, two beds. 8d 15th st. North, 2 blocks I mm vv muiiiK ton. PLEASANT FURNISHED room In modern house, three doors from the Morrlson-st-carllne. Apply after 6 P. M. or Sundays, 124 E. 18th st , THREE partly furnished rooms, with gar den. In Mllwaukle; elderly couple pre ferred; 18 per month. T 21. Oregonlan. NEATLY furnished rooms, suitable 1, 2 of more; call 6 to 8 evenings; bath, phone, heat, 220 12th. near Salmon. FRONT room, modern, reasonable, beautiful furniture, close In; gentleman. Phone Main 3043. ATTllACTIY'E room In strictly modern home, suitable for one or two, walking distance. j'nona fciwiiM NICELY furnished room, modern conven iences, centrally located, private family. 4 04 CI a y st. $8.30 MONTH Nicely furnished room; elec tric light, bath, pbone; walking distance, ii U .. n In o"l near canine. a-i . . ... ........ PLEASANT furnished room, private family, one block S.-8. car; J1.7S week. 6" Belmont- EaROE front room; private porch; house keeping If desirvd; strictly modern; walk ing aisiaace- iii i axui. ROOMS for rent, with or without board. 205 N. 3d at. LARGE airy rooms, good beds, reasonable. 2:18 13th. Phone Main 017a. LIGHT, sunny room, heat, phone and bath. walking distance. Stl2 Uth. LARGE, comfortable front room for rnt In ryato family. Enst 2053. FURNISHED room, modern conveniences: ttalltlng dMance 23 North 16th. NEATLY furnished rooms. 414 Salmon gentlemen only. SUNNY room, bath, heat, phone, gas, sult able for two. 47a Morrison sU NICELY furnished room, suitable for 2 gen tlemen, cheap. 200 12th. m NICELY furnished room for rent; 110 per month tiS 12th st. NEATLY furnished bedroom, walking dls tance; $1.75 per week. 429 QUI at. PLEASANT room with porch, 854 East Morrlaon at. TO RENT Furnished rooms. 288 Chapman street. ONE furnished room, light, heat, bath, $5 month. 2-19 Fargo SL U car. CHEAP Quiet, clean room, bath, desirable location, walking distance. 452 5th. LIOHT. airy front room, nicely furnished, convenient; phone, bath. 791 Belmont st. I'nfurnlshed Rooms. nrslRAHI.E TTNFl'RNISHED ROOMS. MILNE 11 BLDG.. 3501. MORRISON ST. MODERN. CENTRAL. REASONABLE. Rooms With Board- PORTLAND Women' Union, 28d year: rooms with board, us of sewing-room, li brary, bill Flanders. F. N. Heath, supt THECASA ROSA. Board and room. 300 Jefferson. THE CALVARD. 452 Morrison St., cor. ISth. Rooms and board. Modern conver.lcnees. Rooms Vlltb Board In Private Family. LARGE room, good board, close In. bath attached, suitable for a gentlemen, ref erences required. 2:il West Park. PLEASANT room with board in modern homo for two retlned young ladles; every thing th best. Phono East 143. ELEGANT room, first-class yard, walking distance; one or two young men or man n wife. Main 2380. 603 6th st. BEAUTIFUL front room for one or two. all convenlencea with board. Marshall 8054. 273 N. 24th St. ; . FINE home-cooking table board, $7.50 a week: board without room, (5 a tveek. 00 loth st. near Stark. ONE pleasant single room with good board, reasonable. Phone A 7376. 705 Everett St.. near 22d. LARGE rooms, close, fireplace, good liomt cooking, 615 Morrison St., cor. 10th. Pbone A tS28. WELL-FURNISH ED room with and dinner. $27 Main 1071. breakfast LARGD front -room; vate. reasonable. good bome board; prl 751 Kearney. A 4379. ROOM and board In private lanuiy lor young man. Phone Eaat 1915. EtllGE front room, suitable for 2. $20 each. $25 for 1. 6Q5 6th st- Maln3304. 653 WASHINGTON 6T. Room and board. $ft per week. ROOM and board, modern home. 202 E. 22d So. East 2SPL LARGE pleasant room, suitable for two. breakfast and dinner. Vain 207L tOOM and board In modern private home, 4b r t r4 bdlv Woodiawn 64, I F11R lull. I x-vat. iu-ji. " Rooms With Board In PrtvqFanjly LARGE suite of rooms, modern conveni ences, with board, suitable for 2 or 4 people. Nob Hill district. 204 N. 22d St. Phone A 7230; also sunny front room and attic rcom. A LADY living alone would like man and wife to board and room In Rose City park; no children; home new and modern furnishings, all new, phone Tabor 2549. A LARGE front room with 2 closets suit able for 2 gentlemen; homo cooking, pri vate family. 624 Northrup st. Take "iV car. Phone Main 4115. Apartments. NEW "ORLANDO" FURNISHED APARTMENTS. AT TWENTIETH AND WASHINGTON STREETS. BEAUTIFUL TWO AND THREE-ROOM APARTMENTS. NOW OPEN FOR TENANTS. These beautifully furnished apartments are now ready for tenants. The furnishings rival In reagnlflcenc any apartment-house in the city. The house Is strictly modern In every respect- The 52 apartments have every latest device needed to add to the com fort and convenience of the occupants. The rates are placed at a very rea aonable figure. Investigation Is cordially Invited. Within walking distance of the business center. "THE ORLANDO." Twentieth and Washington. THE EVERETT. 644 EVERETT. Bet. 20th and Ella sts. The MOST BEAUTIFUL FURNISHED apartment-house In the city, consisting of 8 large rooms, reception-hall and sleep ing porch; every room an outside room; Independent Pac phono FREE; best JAN ITOR SERVICE In the city; every room looks on a street and the prices are the same as they are in an ordinary apart-mer.t-house; our motto, live and let live; plenty of heat and hot water all the time; if you want the best In the city, noma to the EVERETT. HANTHORNE APARTMENTS. 251 12TH ST.. NEAR MAIN. Five minutes' walk from Postofflce-8-room apartments, furnished or unfur nished, all outside rooms, the best apart ments In rlty for Summer months, private porches, disappearing and wall beds, built in buffetB. automatic electric elevator, steam heat, hot and cold water, private baths and party line telephones In every apartment, electric chutes for groceries, garbage, etc. Janitor service, in fact ev erything furnished eicept wour own pri vate light and gas. Proprietor, Marshall 28 or A 4H64; janitor. Mar. 2540 or A 4,3Sa. APARTM ENT-HOUSE. HELLO. CENTRAL. OIVE MB EAST 4193. That's the Albermarle Apartments; they lave two and three-rocm apartments, newly furnished, disappearing beds and the best of steam heat, plenty of hot water, free bath and phone In every apart ment, no objection to children; will give Summer rates; take Williams ave- car at Second and Washington sts., got oft at Broadway, walk one block north. Ask for the landlady, Mrs. Tapley. Call East 4193. That's It THE BARKER Corner lst and Irving sts. This new 4-story brick, opened January 1, lSil; furnished and unfurnished In two. three and four-room suites with reception hall: Pacific phone In each apartment; electric elevator, Tolmcs disappearing beds, built-in buffet and writing denk. gas ranges, icebox, plenty of closet room. If you want something extra fine, come to tbe Barker, Phone Marshall 2li61. THE PARK HARRIS. It's different. Just what you want, three and four-room homes, some fur nished, good beds with Gstermoor mat tresses, soma unfurnished- See them. cor. Park and Harrison. THE MEREDITH APARTMENTS, 712 Washington Street. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. Elegantly and completely furnished apartment. 2, 3 and 4 rooms; none nicer or cheaper In the city In tha best loca tion in the city. Must be seen to be ap preciated. . PENISULA Apartments One of Portland's finest apartment-houses. 4-mlnute car service, beautiful part city to live. llSotx Alblna ave.. cor. Killlngsworth. Take Mis sissippi, L, or Kenton car at Third and Wash, sts., 15 min. ride: 2. 8 and 4 rooms, completely furnished. $17.50 to $110 mo.; also uiifurnl5hedapoodlatvn 22a9. HEINZ APARTMENTS. 14th and Columbia, 4 blocks south from Morrison sL; new brick building, completely first-class; fur nished In 2. 3 and 4-room family apart ments; private bath, reception hall, steam heat, hot water, elevator, free phone, jani tor service; rent per month for $38 up. BACHELORS' APARTMENTS. 712 Washington Street. Elegantly furnished, tine, new bnildlng, private baths. everything new and at tractive: 2, 3 or 4 rooms; nothing better to be found in the city; must bo seen to bo appt eclated. ntinRRi.Frr.H APARTMENTS. Cor. Grand ave. and E. btark at. New fireproof brick building beautifully furnished. Two and three-room apart ments; private bath, hot and coid water, steam heat. Phone East 800. : KING HILL APARTMENTS. Will have two vacancies. One 4 rooms and one 5-room apartments; It you de sire a choice apartment In this select neighborhood apply immediately of Jan Itor. 171 King rot,, cor of Wayne at. MAHR APARTMENTS. Elegantly furnished, comforts of home, private phones and baths, elevator, pri vate playground tor children. Ideal loca tion. -Ji N. 20th st. Marshall 2021 CAMAR APARTMENTS. 704 Lovejoy SL JO per cent lower than the rest. Two front basement apartments, furnlihed or unfur nished, reasonable. Take W car. get off Lovejoy su Phone Marshall 2910. SHEFFIELD APARTMENTS. 7th and Jef ferson sts.; 3-foom unfurnished, with bath all outside rooms, modern, every conven ence: a minutes wain iioiu r. -. . vr reasonable rent. Main 2506. A S149. K.EELEU APTS.. 14th and Clay sts., beauti ful 3-room corner apts., private vestibule, bathroom and phone; 2 closets, new brick building: electric elevator. Apply at once. RE 1'KAN Apts.. 624 Marshall. Nob Hill district; modern, cosy, airy, most home like In city; see and bo convinced; 8 rooms furnished; private bath and phone, $30 up. Main 6032. A BIOL W car. THE CODY. 411 East Taylor, new. elaborately fur nished 2 and 3-room apartments, private nhone, steam heat. Janitor service, also electricity, furnlslred. Summer rates. ST CROIX Apartments, for rent. 1 fur nished and 1 unfurnished 8-room apart ment modern. 170 St. Clair and Wash 1 ii gton. Main 5247 and A 75 1 1. MADISON PARK APARTMENTS. PARK AND MADISON STREETS. Newly furniBhed three and four-room apartments, 5 blocks south Hotel Portland. l5 3-ROOM apartment, nicely furnished, lath, sewing machine, etc. Call 37H Russell, cor. Union ave., between 10 A. M. and 5 P. M. VERY desirable apartment, reasonable rent. Se Janitor. The Kearney, 21st and Kear ney or Morgan, Flledner & Boyce, Main 2U15. A 2015 THE" CECELIA, 22d and Ollsan sts. Phone Marshall ISO, or A 273ti. Onu furnished. one uniuriiisnvu vuiate porches, with awnings; private phones. TaJESTIC 390 Clay St.. strictly modern; 1 newly furnished 4-room apartment: all outside rooms; half block from West Park. $50rerencesCiUlred: ALTAMONT APTS. Beautiful. Quiet 3 and 4 room apartments, reasonable rent, 5th and College. Phone Main 6030. BROADWAY apartment; 4 large outside furnished, rouuia, 1.011.1 lie,, mi uiuuein conveniences. East 4SG5. THE LKON'CE Furnished 3-room, apart ment; private hath and phone. J&t 22d st. N." KOZAXIA APARTMENTS and single rooms rewly furnished; strictly modem; rea sonable rent. 1S9' 23d St. Marshall 2S21. THE Westminster. 6th and Madison. Three and four-room apartments, furnished and unfurnished. 2-ROOM housekeeping apartments, new con crete building. llG2i Union ave. N. Woodlawn 2370. THE CEDAR HILL, 3-room apartment; no objection to children. Ls7 Green ave., 1 block south of 23d and Washington. IRIS Apartments, Third and Mill sts.; 5- room unrurnisnea aum nncoia. i-. mwj ern Improvements: adults only. SPLENDID 4-room -tfurnlshed apartment. walking cistanc. x-umiq cmi. - THE LAURETTE Ono furnished S-room apartment: modern. 229 11th st, TEE LANDORB, completely furnished three- yrrgrn aperTm tm aiiiu, wivu, .oo aaaiaa. GARDNER APAF.TMENT, 13th and East Ash," Very desirable 3 rooms with bath and porch- referoncea required. Phone East 2S71 or call at OSastsh; Apartment a CARMELITA APARTMENTS. Corner of 13th and Jefferson sts., four and five-room apartments, unf urnlshed. tvtth reception hall, automatic elevator. Pacific States Telephone In every apart ment and the most modern conveniences found in the city. Phone Main 3905 and Miss Allen. the manager. will show you through the apartments, or call up main olfice. Main 67C4. - Flats. FOR RENT Helect five-room flat close In on West Side with carpets, curtains, kitchen sto'e and some furniture for sale; everything new and of the best Quality. D 25. Oregonlan. FOR RENT One upper and lower 5-room flat, heat, hot and cold water furnished, cor ltith and East Main; key 6J6 East Main. FOR RENT Four rooms, reception hall. 3 large closets, line place. 551 East Yam hill, between 12th and 13th. Phone East 1710. NEW. modern 5-room flat for rent, $25 per month. Call Clemer.son Drug Co., cor. Front and Morrison sts. NEW. modern flat. B rooms, $25. 52SH Co lumbia st. Call Clexnenson Drug Co.. Front and Morrison st. FOR RENT New, modern 5-room lower flat, reasonable. 64Vi E. 10th St. North. East SG79. NEW upper flat. 5 rooms and finished attlo bedroom. large, light rooms, modern, adults. E. Main, cor. ISth st, NEWLY furnished and unfurnished 8-room flat and also sleeping room; strictly mod ern. ISO Ttn st. $15 4-ROOM furnished flat, gas plate, steel range. 618 7th. Main 4529. FOUR-ROOM flat. bath, electric lights, gas, $ 1 5. Call 703 Belmont. Phone, East 3502. MODERN 4-room flat. 3 blocks from Steel bridge. 200 McMllan st- CHOICE flat, close in. 1187. W. ReldL East MODERN 5-room flat. Phone East 4767. 783 Marshall st. MODERN 5-room Tat, swell location. SOI H K. 12th. near Hawthorne. East 41H8; $30. Housekeeping Kooma. THE BEAVER, 12th and Marshall, fur nished for housekeeping, gaa range, elec, trie lights, hot water, bath, laundry, free; $15 per month up: a clean place, best in the city for money; short distance from Union Depot. Take "S" or ltith -at. cara north, et off at Marshall at. No dogs. WELL-FURNISHED houses, flats, rooms 5-room cottage, $20 month; 4-room lower flat, $17.50; suites, 3 furnished housekeep ing rooms. $8. $10. $12 month; 3 $15. Ap ply 804 20th st. North. "W" car from de pot. 5th, west on Morrlaon to 20th. block: north. $1.60 TO $2.60 WEEK; clean, furnished housekeeping rooms, free laundry, bath, phone, clean linen, heat. 406 Vanoouver ave. and 203 Stanton: take U car. 8 AND 3-room furnished apartments, steam heated, phones, bath. Oneonta, 187 17th St., near Yamhill. HOTEL EDOERTON Housekeeping and furnished rooms, 117 H Knott at.. Albino, near ca rsh op. FINE DOWNTOWN HOME MILNEll BLDG.. 850 MORK.ISOIT ST. MODERN, CENTRAL. REASONABLE. THE New York. 2 and 3 rooms, furnished and unf urnlshed. new and modern; free phones. East 7th and Belmont- E. 5200. SACRAMENTO APARTMENTS 2-room. suites, new, brick. 402 Union ave. N. 1 3 4 5. HOUSEKEEPING rooms for rent. Call at The Roso. 1 83 Third St. MODERN 6-room house. East Bumslde and Oth East 5; B 1404. HOUSEKEEPING rooms In new concrete blag; phone Woodlawn 2907 or 2S79. lIousekeeplngRoomalnlrlvatejramtly. TWO desirable housekeeping rooms In pri vate family; bath, gas and phone; fur nished, unfurnished or partly furnished: cozy fireplace, large yard, easy walking distance. 255 Hancock St. Phono East 1350. SPLENDID housekeeping rooms, single or en suite; heat, light, bath, phone: $10. $nl and $30 p.T month or by week. 575 Couch, N. E. cor. 18th. TWO-ROOM suite, heat, bath, phone, gas. hot water, clean, pleasant heme to right people. 200 12th. LARGE nicely furnished suite, gas range, etc.. free bath and phone. 525 per month. S)2 Columbia St., near 6th. WELL furnished housekeeping rooms: bath phone and laundry; swell location. 6." tl Glisan St. 2 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms en sulle, bath and .dione. 5tii Johnson, near JTth; FIRST-CLASS furnished rooms for house keeping, in private family. Phone East 8581 mornings. TWO clean, well-f urnlshed housekeeping rooms, phone and bath. 164 Grand ave. North. FOR RENT 2 furnished housekeeping rooms, reasonable, walking distance. Phone East 5144. 426 BROOKLYN ST.. near 6th. 3 unfur nished or partly unfurnished rooms; walk ing distance. Bath, cheap. 63 N. 20th 2 and 8-room suites, complete for housekeeping; also single rooms; strict ly first class. 448 COLUMBIA, near 12th. Comfortably furnished 2-roora housekeeping suite, $10 month. 2 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, bath and phone, excellent location. $20. 262 14 th. NEATLY furnished housekeeping rooms. $12 tip. 4QO TaA-lor St. 2-SUITE housekeeping rooms, cheap; phone, gas, bath. 721 1st, corner Hooker. THE ALCOVE, 13 Park st,. cor. Morrison; furnished housekeeping suites. 8 t"LEAN furnished housekeeplng-rooma; gas. bath. yard. $15 month. 692 Front- 2. 3 OR 4-room suites, newly ftirnltthed for housekeeping ; reasonable. 366 jEth st. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, single and suite; first floor; bath, phone. 450 Yamhill. FURNISHED suite housekeeping room tn private f.imlly. 540 Yamhill st. THREE nice housekeping rooms, $12 a month. 685 Montgomery. VERY pleasant housekeeping. 82 N. 11th. Come and see. , FURNISHED housekeeping room In pri vate family. Main 2752. , Uoases. THE GREATER MEIER ft FRANK BTORHI RENTAL AND INFORMATION BUREAU. Home-hunters, visit our up-to-diate ren tal and Information department, 4th floor, main building, and see the vacancies we have listed of desirable houses and flats. You'll save time in getting properly and comfortably located. We keep in touch with all vacant bouses, flats and apart ments In the city. We also keep a list of new buildings In course of construction. The combined lists of all real estate deal ers. This Information is absolutely free. "WHEN YOU WANT TO RENT A HOUSE SEE US." THEMEIER&FRANIOMPAN WHEN vou move you'll need NEW FUR NITURE Buy It Judiciously (on the East Side) and the savlnfc'S will exceed your moving expenses. . Our LOW PRICES, which In 3 ears made us one of Portlands largest furni ture houses, were mado possible because we built on the East Side, thereby saving $25,000 a year rent. MORGAN-ATCHLEY FURNITURE CO.. 69-75 Grand ave, cor. East Stark st, I AM moving Wednesday, April 19. and will rent my 5-room cottage with large attlo and 100x200 of choice garden and orchard ground at $20 per month. Over 20 bear ing fruit trees, berries and grapes galore, good chicken house. 20 different varieties of roses on the place. MI'S Harold ave.. on W W car. Office number. 414 Spald ing bldg. A BEAUTIFUL S-room house in irnngto u. In tine condition, for rent cheap: this house has a tine yard, beautiful roses, some fruit; situated one block from Broadwav car on 10th St., No. 601 Weld Ier. For Information Inquire of owner. rVfjOM house, gas. furnace, bath, desirable location; rent $.10. S33 Kelly, SouLh Port land. Owner at 8:5 Kelly at. D. W. Holding. FOR RENT Almost new flve-room bunga-lov--; two blocks from Flrland staticn; chicken yard; $15 month to reliable and steady tenant, au uregnniaii. FOR RENT 5-room fiat at 16th and Jef ferson, newly papered and painted. $22." per month. Karnopp Sc. Kopf, G2j Ry. Kxch. bldg. , 5-ROOM cottage. 683 Kearney, near 21st, Inquire 445 Morrison st. Main 2705; $20 a month. , 8-ROOM house, suitable for two families: rent $45. Phone Main 1408 during week and East 141 Sundays. FOR RENT Modern 9-room house. 653 Northrup. NEW. strictly modern. 7-room house, very desirable location; adults. 722 E. Main. MODERN 6-room house. No. 170 North 23d St.. rent $40 per month. Phone A 35Uu. MODERN 5-room house. 67 Ella Bt $0. Inquire 435 Glisan. Main 4576. A 3576. $18 Beautiful new 5-room bungalow, mod- ern. Phone Woodlawn 2756. 10-ROOM house with one acre of ground. rent $35. Inoulre 60S Taylor at. A