- ; TnE roRyiyfl oitrGpyiAy, TtTESiAirf ipriij is, ioiir ' I ! . . . . t i -o-. TO FXCHAXGE. f . . FOB SALE. V V r rala I nil I For gaJ-Hom. I Business Frooerty.' I Acreiw. I ; For bale Farms. . BODNET AVENf K LOT. Oolnc. -OxloU: nrlr-e 1 200L OOiARl wTedric, i-u star st. Far B-TQ Mm HOCSr. ROSB UT1 F1BX. t room a. larva concrete porch la front. a. o lerce necK porrn ; noi wwr neat hardwood floors, butlt-ln china closet I d ninc-rwm. b:c stone nrepUce, 3 living' room larae bedroom and toilet. Untug ruom. kitchen and pantry on Orat floor 1 bdroa. bathroom and toilet oa bc- end flor; shaCea. fix t urea aad linoleum gy wita doom ; nice la a. a! I aet out r"a and other flower; auto saraar houM iitua or year old; oar Uvim la same. Phone C s . 4a KOB HTU F lea-ant Mom. Jth t Everythiner aaw and modern; will sell aa easy Urmi or consider trad for la- om propartv. XAvEY. UCMASOX A JEFFEST. & Chamber of Commerce. rwTr gte w, mod- bungalow, on f?e tmprov'ad lot In Gr(irf Heights. Close to carllne. Eceleat price $13X Terma. Call at our Orory Heights of flea. End. ox Koee city Par a.-i:ne. CRooar investment co, m o r f : n v Ji t Tf jei wiil iair tiu at nee and glv wur talenhone numhff you can set OH' f tli moat molcra 4-room ho:nfi in Irrtncion, w.th fun lot. for i-A0 lees than actual coat: a into t a a-d atrictiy mod-- In my deta.l: MtT R AT ftfE If tou mean bii!.vt r wn van this on. Owner. AJ :. Or-on!an. PAT I ISO DOWN. an A wb m r no nrht trto a na flit la iTf-roon bungalow wim eieetrlc fbiruraa. ahadae on. p te: cemni dm lot. roe, a-ooj lawn: pr.ee U $300A $l Cows aad 113 t mnr,:i j p. Fuun co , SIS Board f Tra-i. Phones A or Man 27. SKffl ME BLrOKE TOU !TnJ). WHKRB X build I WILL LOAM VONCT -AT A L4V KATE OP INTEREST WITH NO PROKKRA'iK FFS AND NO CHAHOK FvjH PLANi 1 HAVE CI. I tNTj WHO WILL LEA APARTMENT AVD WARfiH'A'dEJ. IF U'L' UA A LOT 8C1TAK1.E I CAX MAKE SOU GO'OD FRop. sITI"N. Z. K. LOCKE, o' HKNRT PLPO. BCll aT f W L HOME. Bxertfnliy artistic. trirt!y modvra. Iwt eoaatrurtlorf : baa s iwma. m.i mot. anlad attic brickawl furnac. crata. Orpla: lara Ilv In-rxm. built-in fur rii in-, apaiar conT-niac : choir olca borbood . brd-aurf at t ; aour h fc 1C; r. tra. Ttna; rora f"r icara, prfo. ,o: urtBJ aaay. ii -Ai Uod at. "a:L Ttrand av and rar fnr oupiiy: rooms. Bardarood floor. haridaru rool work. lialiLiuc da:ura eomp.t. farnn 3 Ar-placa. fu:i cmnt baamnt. Iar atttc: f-a aaat on car.ino. io( .miu ri. : feaxd-a'irfaca piVfmrnt; prt I'ha, unu. It. P PALWr. R-JiJr ? . H t'orumrviRi Ciub f 1. Fbor.-a ilain B'.l"J. A IWO CASH. RAb CITY l Ar.lt 111 VOVTHLT. T roorna. lot &ii. rnpromnt tn and said: ail tha built-in foawn full baaamat. tlrmplmrm. ate. National R'ty at Traat Co.. xaniccioa at room Aid. 2 bona Mai a i-a nta-Mcc m-OALinv jo. Nlca A -room bur.lo. OrrUio and a!l arthr lariat irapronaaota on lot 4al'0. tn wavriaia;a liata-na. on iiro-.yo oar SU: ortco I ;; asm caan. bal- ac lo au't tiHlUM A 7 A HOW. 11T Board cf Traia UiJj., !h an3 Oak. WHY NOT? it ha itit own It rot;t 9sa Par ammo aa rnt tou ara nw payina. ir yo'i want t for a bom and o&a HOW MK that raeaa buoarw. I wlU lt you la oa a am ail pay mam aoan. luUarworta. ownar $ lAfaratt blAW 4th ana Waaa. a RCmMS ;T?Ol Th!a ta a wall -built ona-atorr frama, not m -"vJrn. bat rtr w'r In bout, two blv-k frna llonun: rax. nar Wt anu4 on lot iOxloo; ewnr ala tfta ilCAKoAP.. TIATKS LXvXLX )! Taon b!J. CAST TATLoR ST.. NKAR 3D. Ntc Lruont buuM. I at or tea. full haaa aant and full Dlumbint : a air bom lot ItiwO: lmorovad atrt. nioa fruit tr piotT of roa: pnea 9044, ca aad rr month. GFU'r At 7.ADOW. 117 Poard of Trad PMr. i:h and Oak. CXTIf lt May. will u my irant 11 rona lrvlncin hma at rornar of ma and Eat lrtn for t caan or a -w tim: ajooo down, baianc to auit pur rhaa-r; a.1 trnproamnta In and Ir eluded a prica. Tbt -oat of pla.- la $ o. Tn:i u a rara chanca. Fhotia t: 63 nirnJBya. NEW -ROOi f;CAT.OW, L'XVIPk: I!SrHlv.T. Ea-y tehms. OH Vr. Cutbri. A 11J or Ma'n 8a COlA"VBlA TKI'ST COMPANY, Board of Trad I4U1. fiEATTTFCL hotna !nR City Park; w r for aal aoval n" w and rry at- tractlT nouaaa aad bunaa.owa in tn l 0n dlatrlct: prica from 446 to f Soa. ry raaT trma. S ua f --r part'culara If rot ara lookina? for a rnma. WrAllla- r A; Lut4dtnana. Z2 lctrto blua;. I-ROOJI houa in Irvtartn. on Faat ITtn, larr llir -norn. U;air.a:-roorn. iutcn kitchen, t alpma-rooma, J nrwp'. full tmrnt and f urna. prlr aav (rm. Mc..;ilatrr A LuUdraann 7.3 .!-trlO DO. HXNT!1TR. Tfr"t NEW. MopKRV TtrVOATW- T-:sT CAR SERVICE IS CITY; FJUCE jl'E-JAM E3 CO.. 9 10TT1 nar P rk . -r.O.M hot:a In Mount Tabor, lot ftoil"t. lt b:.ti worth vr 1110: will wrifica at K?. If aalf caah. baUnr monthly or tima. T r cni. Mr. ninn. at Hart man A Tbootpaon. 4 Chanubar of fommrca b.c 91 R. WASH IXiiTON. MfMlra a-rom houw; furr ara. fi!l ra- Tnnt paamnt. aiactri ilcota, nnr car lin-. Hducad from $70u to 400 tar UT OWNEIt Mod"n B-rom buni.ow in Roa City Park. &rlo cmni bmnt. opn llr pa:: o. a law hundred caah. halMna ran b arranad aa r-at. -f nearly $ to bu d. l"hona A or wri Il'i at. SINVYSirr Wall-Va! It. molm. T-room koua. ? X. Morr'P'O. 1) blocka from car; aplacdid nam. t''. MERCHANTS A VIVOS TRUST COMPANY. TOR SALE Mt. Tabor diat-lrt. A. room raodaro hua: lot l-.li; fruit and r dn. aoo4 lw ofmountalna and city: a-Tvall pymnt down and aaay tvriua. T T3. Or aoalan. lot" -room hou. near: cm puta. In , Mntaviila. prlv '; titl p---f iM-t. rmA Wcatcrn Land Co., J M ' btark at. 6r sa'le' barcain- 3-atory hou, far- n!hd. and 2 lo-a A'Mraa or call tn pro- p.-i-or at To Ktlwaunia at corar Lta niarfc. N. Import a. JIT owaar. I 0 cman. nw. modern, room bom. SOi I. fTiti bamnt. fruit. ahJ and ornamental tr-a. 2 b'-aa car; tar ma. M oo'j'imt ry,Ta torJT .'V SKLLWOOD fTRKKTCAR af EN. Nat Mtt' 4 -rwm tta;t nr barna. t-iH in. $IX; I h caah. Fr-d W. Carman. Itarna 4-. Main or A IT To. EsrTABROOK. Ray A Eaiwrook. on tract or and buiMar llnuaa but t on tnatai:mnt p a; witl firnifi iot aad but d to ault; acaall payment dwa. Phono Tabor 14L Jjilvn AKtlAlV; C-roirn cottar Po rt la n 1 'tcht: 1 frutt troaa. lot !!; ttroA MarahAil M4. OWNER rroat aM aw A-roorn bu an 3 1C V1'V . caah ; trma STta and Faat Caruthera. Phoa Taoor 132. COXTRA'TOR win build b . en aaay trma if own W and Uttla rath. E 1 iOr c!ii BRANI-NKW roorn hou. rantry rlnaat. eitr waitr; prtr $1J30: part can, balano lik rant. Inmraat Jx;4KMthImaa at. JPINrI 4 room patrd hnaa. porra lain aauw fia lot. IUvOl fboat Main 41. jiZl IRVTVWTOV. ISA bIow coat': naw 4-roocn hou- 'hon ownr, Eaat 1 S?l or cali JT Eaat ISth Nona. itOR AXE Mo-m 4 -room houao, corner AAil L0. fJOO 3 own. AB :,Oreconlaa f -KOOM rldnc at a aacxlfl4 arnitara U vaotad, Al aaA aa. term, I RENT MONET Too Bar ao arJn. Th aAOi money paj d aa aaay lua men u oa t ha rig ii t aina ox a home or Yorrt own la In realty put btk luto Tufll POCKET. NORTHERN THCST t3 M3W MOVE Ant th climax of roodTn homr-bullrttr.c. froMB REAUi. OIE WILi. liL'ILD TO OHUER. PRICES RIGHT. CAali OR EAST TERMS. $11.000 ll-room. 2-atory; corner lot, la Irvtiiftton. No. 3 tlO.000 H-rrmm. 2-a:ory; tralda Jot, Inrinrton. No. 1. $ 9.SOO ll-ro in. - -tory : corner lot In Irving n. No. 2X $ 9.00O l-rKm. -atory; comer lotl aruia Park. No. 9 S.00O ll-nom. i-Atory; In aid lot lr In a ton. No. 1:1. f 5.1 BOT-room. 2-atory; Inaldo lot; In Laure;hurt. No. 19. f 4.80O 4-room. 2-atnry; l&aida lotl Sa KsMamera. No. L $3,850 T-room bunralow; tnaldo lot; dcat tta-Tthom ave. No. la. $J.8W a-room buna-alow: lnalda lot; Rosa Cr.y Park. Na 10. $3.3 C-room bungalow; corner lot; nAr and t. A&kenv. $S.290 7-room bunrraow; in aid a lot, tn IrviniAon l ark. 93.DOO o-room bungalow; In aid o lot; near Hawthorn ave. No. 14. Ca!I for partiruijira anl key. 3COATHERN TKI'PT COMPAXT, 2T0 Stark St. HOUSES C2S EASY PAYMENTS. flix-room booae. two atorlea. all modarn. raat front, beautiful lot. many ahad tre-a. oifK-a irom car; etreot improvement pain new. rea-Jy for occupancy; 1600 caah, baJ anoa monthly payments. Frra room, larva attle. all modem, frn fahrd oak floor, bookcaaea. buffet, fur nece. fui baaament, reatrlcted district rnprovftncntj paid; half block from cars cash, baianca monthly payments. Ix rooms, two-story, ao.tia.ra houaa, i'iat belnr cumpl-td . oak fioora, flreptace, lutch kitchen, buffet, all other modern conrenlencea; yX f-t from carllna; $3u0 caan. baanca monthly payments. W bay ae-reral other botises mnii bun which wtll ba completed soon, let us show rhlrfa will b completed soon; lt ts show inem to yon baiur you buy. PaOVIDENT INVESTMENT A TRCSTEH COM PAN T. 301. r"3 Hoard of Trade bid. UrsbaU 473. A 1022. fPLENDID INVESTMENT. Brand new ?-room bunaiow, t blocks from rnr, for oniy IJ3O0; 0O cash, bal ance $.-0 pr month and Interest; llvtna; ana am in a-room extenu across imni built-in bookraae on each aid of fire rlae. beautiful buftet Ith borel nlate s;.aa doora. hardwood floors In ilvlns; and dininK-roo.n. I bedrooms and tain on Crt f:oor. 3 extremely larca bedrooms oa second floor aa well as xtra larp sleep Inc porch, complet utch kitchen, full oa:nent with cement floor. lAunary iraya It at an da on hlrh aground and commands a, arood view: if too ara i-xikina: lor baautlul home, with aparloua rooms and bMw th market prica, this la your op port unity. HCUPKLL A RICHARD.. 54 liawihom Ay,. Cor. Grand. Tabor ft. 11 1:14. lior.-fc; on K. 12th it, faclcs; Ladd Addl tl'n. MZvOO: eaav tarms. 2 new bunralow a, nearly finished. $2300 each. acre with small Incumbrance to traJ for good autmobll and a Uttla caah. Kor sat Cigar stand In cantral koca tion. i-acr farm: 100 aorea cleared: 40 inilea out. at 175 pr acr. A fin orchard fropoaulon. -an will hantla Call and t m te ya how to mak fifty thou aand doUars, 4 lots and hou noaur Orerton Park; $17Wk 12 acre, good houaa and bam, bearing mitt tree. l- m!le ou'. lomA. JOHN P. WKHTUN. Off, Cbarnter of Cmrnerc BVdff. lO-room bur. k alow, vary attractive, thor out i!y moJti n except ! urn ace; llolladAy Addition: hn tao fireplacaa, 4 eleeplne; rooms ii itair. with attic, with U ing room. d ' n.nc-room. kitchen and two bed- roo-na tiot :aira; on corner oi, avxiw. Very l.bvral tern-.a M CAUOAK. IIATE3 A LIVELY. 301 Yeoa tU'. flnivn Tf TtriLD WE DE.-ION AHTNVIC HO-SEa AND MAKE N'O CHAUtiKU FOll PLANS IF WK l'CILl. IT WILL PAV To r-KlC lH. IF TOU OWN a LOT WE WILL FINANCE THVi ltEUENCK OU APARTMENT FOR lor. ci H It tui'L T ATioN In YuL'K PRO TECTION. Lk R. Tt AT LEY A CO.. 134 API NO TON ItLUO. IRV1NOTON HOME SEEK ERS. IIu Is your opyortunltv; I oa n th new A-roin houaa at th aouihaaet corner of Fajit 23th and TlUamook atraeta; must rat m money tef or May 1 ; If th houa autta you. b reaaonaM and wa can do buaineaa; no builder's profit to pay. no contracture profit, no real eatata roan's fflmmlnion; can b seen at any timo; ona block from Broadway car. (-ROOM Bl'NGALOW t S t TMa arractlv. tborouahlr modoro bun aiow wltn hot water heater, is located In th North trvlnrton district, on E. lath at. N-. near Knott iL If tou deair aomethtna; nlc ta a choio &ip nh.rt ooi. oe'etr a tnia. MCAJIOAR. HATE.S A LIVELY. S 1 Veon blt'.g. oCXOAlnW V0 CASH 6 -room burn: alow, juat completed ; fnll raaement anu email attic; lot 4-txiuu; lo cated on a hard-aurfac street: two blocks to th W-R carlin and ona block to a c-.iod bRlnes center; Invlaion at., closa in. I'rt"- x .ji'O : liO cash, balance terma. J. L Kamopp. o-arnar. 325 HT- Exrh. bldy. TERM! Modern and attract tva 6 -room dwellTns an C lack air aa at., near K- 2oth. lot 6x vary f tn location : horn practically tiw and vry attractively a. ranged; prte Uh a treat Improvement all paid, $4500; good Urmi M'CAicGAR. PATES A LIVELY. ' 01 Yeoa bids:. IXNT OVERUOKTH18. If you want good f urn I tux of a 5-roora modarn bouae. cheap rent, tin neighbor liood. beat of car aervlca. th ortc In cluding piano la t'iK worth doubl th price, i m in ana it as prov 10 you t:it tri's la an exceptional good buy. l(LOCH REALTY CO.. 2Qd AldT St. HAXDSOMB Hollsdsy home on Clackamas at., avn rooiaa. modern throughout and very attraetlva: large llvln-room with beautiful f;raplaca; monic-room, dlntnc room. Hthen. tre sleeping momi. linrti wortd floor; cement baeement and fur nace; on comer: I J-V. enjrv term. MoAl lltersr Ltiad.lemann. 72 'J Electric bMg. atoiEKN 6 -room hou, la re reception ball. bath, concret baaament, fnraaca and f irpla e. fin lawn, rosea, eto-; a ntc bom for family wishing to ba cloa and Tier Eaat 6'.d High school. Owner, 67 t.. yt. nar m i. jeror caruna. 6N AH Modern bungalow, corner 10x100; 6 lara rHrt'.. remont baaament. attle. f:i p:c. bufft. bookcaaes, etc., 'art porches. lov -iy z ajvirn. iir tr-aa. i iruit treoa, roees, etc. 481 anJ '.talon sta Owner. W -K oar. Tabor Wd. XTT.V modern bungalow of 5 room a and large acuc; sueiy iok wiin o large cherry tree; In raw aJdit'on. walking dlatanca from town. Prica 1 "O ; I ih down and aaav terrr.a on talanc Waatara Bo. Co., aid frpaldlng b'.'lg- PORTLAND HEIGHTS Near Ford-atrewt on ore. ? nr minutear to Waah- Ington at. Itautltul modem 7-roora houe. but it f r bbtne; large grounds, lovely view; $7500l I. rook e, Main X t$. 8IX-KOOM bunakw. with slplnr porch. iiwiunrn naw. mjrn; your own terma; cheap, from owner; yoo aav th c-mir.'nlnn; 'o have hra others )umt complvted. Phon H 2 Sin. 6AVK ACENT8 COM VLSFION Must ba bom, roception bail, larg batb and sleepar. full -six baaament. $47'X. fiea cwar. 1T E. 37th sLjnaar Haw;horaa. S TEALTIFVL HOMES. Elegantly finlahed In oak aad mahog any, cholca locations. Irving ton. Sraral great bargain in lota, no agents. C l-od. Kaat aT3. W. H. Herd men. POltTLANH HEI'lHTS roT ft-room cot- tag; walking oiatanr; beautiful view; JT0: lot worth $Jlua lirooke. Main 8-1. A 3. $Ji MONTHLY. Including? 1nteret for a law cotiaga t n iui i"vii"v; in location. rl- only J2"0, caah payment amaiL tk0 Worceifpr block. A FN AP If taken thi wk; now a-room Iioru, no 1 1 y rir; must eav city, ye owner;term. AM 2.4. Oreronlan. IRVINoTON iwr East tb at.. nw "-room bouae. etnrtiy mooern: f -'0n, wi.l handle, phon owner. B llt. LAltOK lot fronting carllna. clo tn; prfew siifo. ran oown. od aooa a-reet, water, a-wr. etc AN 3, Crgontan, AVE commission, buy of owner, new cot- tnre. near car; nest ami. i x or 3 lota. 42 each; $1,100. Phon C 2tMA. Owner. fl'0 bOWN Modern 4 room bungalow; II J, terma it. neianan, a.'i xaon bid g. Phona Main $liu CAriH. $ monthly: ft-roozB buxf aiow. YVCnv F-1 PROPERTY. Wa bar a bualna corner oooupfad by 9 stores, 2 flats and a modern 0-roora house which are rented for 11440 a ysar for $17.00u H caah. and U located on ona of the bast streets on Est tlda whsr property Is rapidly advancing. wr jr. a r . n it a v vi A nnenar. naar Went tynrk ooormied b9 4 modem 8 -room bouaes whlrh ax rented for a year, f ir IJLCtMJ. 14 casn. Lots la this part of the city s-Il from $U.COO to $15.u00 without any improve- 13LOCH REALTY CO -COfl Alder St. 11 r. n vi 1 a a n or n T1. t r v 8 lota, I14xlo0. corner Oolng. occupied by a new. modern store building and a new o-room strictly modern bungalow, fine lo cation frr general store, especially suitabla for man and wife; on account of aicknes owner will sell for $4tkn; terms on part. look trig up. I: LOCH REALTY CO.. Iffl Alder SL CHOICE JtLFINESd LOT $3750. CUxSO. on Mllaaukie ave., at lnteraec- tlon of Bell wood and Brooklyn carllnea; face on two Btrtai alirn on tiro party: C. L. Bamberger. Maxahail 712. Room X Lurobfrmcpi blug. A ere as a. TtA ACRESL CITY FARMS OR LOT BtTBDIVISIOVS. Within S ml lea buaineas center of Port land. 4 -room board noun and fair Darn, all under cultivation, a u acre In po tato, W acr In garlic, which will net a givod ravenua, also acra In garden patch, 4 aerve la fruit composed of fol lowing varieties: 1 acra prune. 150 ap- fia trooa, mixed variotlea. "S pear trees, 0 cherry trues, 4 crab apple trees and 4 nuince. also machinery and too la to work plao. 1 bugzy. 1 wagon, 1 sets of har ness, 1 good team hore; also Una Jeraey cow. 2 doaen chlckuna. also household furniture: prioa $ilO0; 4."20O cash, balanca $ years 6 per ct-nt: this Is absolutely the Cbeapeat and best buy on the market to day: owner must leave the state within next 15 days; thia property located In neighborhood where Iota are selling for .ou apiece; curtine building by place will be tlnlahed thla Kali; 1 mile from alec- tno line and railroad at present. "W. C. HAH DIN J LAND CO.. 80 4th St. Ground Xloor Board of Trada Bldg., Portland. Or AT METZOER. 6 acre close to etatlon. on Salem ejeo- trlo; all under cultivation. Price $400 rr acre: terma You can'a bent this. For further particulars rait at office, ON THE UNITED RAILWAY. 40 acres at Kal ken burg, and close to station, only 12 miles from Portland: 10 acres under cultivation, balance in pasture and timber; new (V-room bouae with base ment, good large barn; family orchard In bearing, fine spring running ail year; land ilea a tabtiv roiiin and in 11 neat or son. We can deliver thla at $100 per acre for a short time only, or we can sell yon 14 acres out or this tract witnout tne ouna Inge at $125 per acre, terma For fur ther particulars regarding this bargain aa wed aa many otnera. caai on tne 04a ana reiiaoi rirm or C. F. PFLUOER A CO.. Suite 12 Mulkev Hldg., 2d and Morrison. Eatabllahed 10 ACRES AVT A NEW O-ROOM B UNO ALOW. The bt la -acre fs.rm on the market today; all In cultivation; modern 6 -room bungalow, good bam. chlcken-hoaae; f"ncel, one mile from at at Ion and 40 minutes' ride from Portland; this Is what )ou are looking Vt; we have seen It, and we know ; i4,in ; terms. KX AS E Y, HL'MAbON A JEFFKRY, Hi Chamber of Com more. TAKB TOTTR CHOTCB Of either t or 10 acres, all in high state of cultivation; In anay drtvlne; dlatanca of Portland, beat of soil, fine dralnag. and beaut if til location ; on good road, only one-half miie to electric etatlon; you can't beat It at $-75 per ar. that distance from Portland ; terms 10 per cent down and easy monthly payments. Wa ll treat you right. A. E. VAUGI1N. Phone Marshall 141. $04 Tana Bldg. ACREAOTOF $23 to $70 per acre: 24O0 cm. subdlvhl-d Into 1 tracts of X ft. 10. 30. 20 to 100 acres each; heat fruit and gar den land, deep soil, fine water, no rook 1 one hour' a rid from Portia nd. rsll and river transportation ; town and school in center of tract ; good roads In front of very tract. Your chance to jrt an Ideal money-making him. These tracts sell on sight to practical people. Call and make an early selection. McFAHLAND INVESTMENT CO- HO Corbett BMg. ONIONS AND CELERY W1!l grow on this land; 13 acres, about half real bottom, bn lance on a raise, ault abl fur the buildings; In high state of cultivation and only ona-half mile to elec trlct a tat Ion ; you oan market your pro duce in Portland from your own waa-on; A nlc creek touchea one end of this land; nntnre has fixed this up to suit you; only $176 par acr, on any terms. A. E. VAUGHN. Fnone Marshall 143 S. 004 Teon Bldg. 5ortrt OWNER must 111 quickly. 1-3 acre. ;ast r.ntn at, on wvtm.T-w"ii-frTOC-K carllne. nenr REED INHTITfTB. fan be platted and sold at a big profit. Iots ara worth $.vh each near by. District is well built up. Lead la cleared. $2000 cash, long tlmo 6 per cent. tdOOO 4 acres with good buildings, a Hire home, also other acreage near city. FRANK M 'FART. AND REALTY CO- S"ft Yeon BMg.. Portland. 0 ACRES At electric station; small orchard of full bnarlng appl trees, balance all cleared : very gentiy rolling, with slight general slope toward th east; no buildinga. Thla ran ba made Into a beautiful suburban home; beautiful automobile road to Port land. Thts property is A snap and ran be sold on easr terms. Call 83S Chamber of Commerce. 4H ACRES. Rich, black garcun soil, mile from leciiio atarlon; 1 H acres cleared, alane eaay clearing; thla aplendld little piece of property lies In the Tualatin Valley, with a gentle eastern slope, is Ideal for poultry and fruit ranch; I can sell this on easy terms. Call at 80 Chamber of Com merce. CHICKEN and fruit ranchea near Portland ; walking distance to good town; rtinnning water, beat aolL free wood, splendid fruit district; view of Columbia Klvar and mow peaks; 2 acres $--': acres $300 10 acres $oo. 20 sores $00; 10 por cent cah, aaay pHymants. FIlANK Mr A KLA ND REALTY CO- aog Yeon Bldg.. port lana. 10, !. 1. 20-ACRE TRACTS PEAVERDAM LAND FOR VEGETABLE GARDENERS. $10O to i per acre, closa to Portland; n e'ectrlo line. PACIFIC N. W. DETVFXOFMENT CO 4& Couch B:dg. 100 4th St.. near Wash. St. sS7.r Doea ten acres of bet-aualit.v. smooth. si tma&ie iana appeal 10 you 1 iana mac will produce anything grown In thla cli mate, with pure running water, abundant wood, good roads and only two houra from the beat city on the PsclftQ Coat ? $?.7h ill bny this ten acres If you aee PALMER. 512 Couch bldg.. at 109 4th st. 10 ACRES SOLID FIR TIMBER. A bou t 2 0 corcis A-l w ood on this place; H mil to electrlo station and spur track: In the Tualatin Valley and la mag nificent soli : w hen cleared can ba ua-d as truck farm: can sell on ev terma to responsible party. Call at S3S Chamber of Commerce, AT GREHHAM. 1. S, 1. 5 and lo-ar tracts on carllne, sod roads, boautifui home sites, improved and unimproved. First tit a to Bank. Oresbara, Or. a CHICKEN RANCH. Clo to d-pot on Oreron City carllne, wooden bungalow, running water, make m an offer as must sell before Thursday. M. P. Bob h, 274 Stark at. 104-) TEN a-ra. unimproved, smooth, till able una. dvii wmu vn (ii pay for clearing: miljfrom railroad station. S5 miles from Portland ; part caah. Palmer. EI2 Couch bldg.. at 1"0 4th aU j ACRE8 In Prtmmae; choice, sltely prop erty, aii piuwn i uirh my mm m cu i U- vstlon; prtco $2200 oa sasy terms. Cail 4148psJdingbIdg. ( FOR HALE 20 arrei of land. 5 miles east of Ore nam. nan inne irom .111. rtooa n. K. For information apply to Car J Anderson, route 2. box LW. Orcsham, Or. J" "ACRES New bungalow, fl replace and Sleeping ron n, s u auu running wa ter 2 btocks from dpot, 9 miles from iN.rtlamL 274 Ptarfc.it. 10 ArRE. 4 mile eaat of Greaham, 1X33 an acr: dmuiuui ji unu puv. cc r. niinoc, at ilartman A Thompson, 4 Chamber of Commrrc bldg. ACREAGE and farms, from $12.30 per acre up; larg ana smen imci. .u n.inny At Stampber. 61-2 Lumbar Exchange bldg. 2ro INVENTED In a lO-acre tract of rich black land win pui you on in roaa 10 liidepemlenc. m t ouch bldg. ACREAGE on all lines from 1 acre up: all sixes, large coiony iracis. aaaranau si Rupert, ruom 7. 2X?H Alder. $4s-'0 FOR AN IDEAL 0 acres on Kellogg creek ana roaa, jtuwmuai. vmumr, wa bog 78L MllwaukleOr. . , OAKDEN HOME acre, $400: $d trains dally J 4 aOAXlUlaar fiatw lAOOf ViUa CHOICE 10-acr tracts, rich deep soli; ail In cultivation, convenient to good town, choice- orchard district; prtco $100 per acre; can pay $lv0 down, long time on balanca. Western Land Co., 249 Va Stark srret. H o meateaos. ADVANTAGES OF OREGON 100-pag book gives amount of Government land open to homestead, in each county In the Htates of Oregon and Washington, and description of aame: gives homestead, desert, timber, stone, coal and mineral laws; two maps of Oregon In colors. 21x24, showing R, R. In operation, on showing all proposed R. H. and electric llnea. Including Eastern and Central Oregon. 20o each, or three f0c Map of Waahtngton In colors, 21x24. 20a, Nlmmo, Runey & Co Hamilton bldg. FEW choice claims near R. R. and Port land : all tillable; good neighbors; tf in terested act quickly. East 300. Apt. 14 after 7 P. M., or write A.L 19. Oregonlsn. TE NTR A L Ore gon, H arney County,, for homesteads and farm Investments. See mo. 35 !. 10 N. " FOR SALE 820-acre relinquishment In best valley In Ot-ntral Orego n. Ca 11 East 4447. For mle Fruit Lands. 30 ACRES. One of the nicest and best fruit farms In, Oregon: only 2 blocks from station, facing main county road, and one mile from a hustling up-to-date town located 10 miles from Portland, and In the heart of the best-developed fruit and farming sections in Oregon; within, one mile of the largeat fruit cannerloa, evaporating and packing plants in this state; adjoining the largest bearng apple orchards in the Willamette Valley; has a fair 5-room cot tage, a nice large well-built new barn, several good chicken-houses and yards. and other outbuildings; 5 acres In bear ing apples, some cherries and- pears; 3 acres set to young apples, about 2 acres seeaan to young potatoes and garaen growing among the young apple trees. You would have to see this p'.ac to appreciate It. There Is everything that you count ssk ror; price vsuuu; a-uuu casn, halano to suit. W. C. HARKING LAND CO.. 0 4th St. Ground Floor. Board of Trade Bldg. ONXY $2rt DOWN AND $20 Pijf MONTH. Am forced to acll my fi-acre orchard tract, set to 2-year-old apples, at a sacri fice. Located 3 blocks from station on Salem Electric Will care for it 4 years more for crop. If desired. No better prop osition In the Valley. First party seeing this will buy. N. II. Atchison, 213 Gorlin ger bldg., 2d and Alder. WHITE SALMON. I bay 1A acres of choice apple land 8 miles from White Salmon; all good smooth land, free from rock, small house and bam. some clearing ; I want to sell half of it in order to Improve the other half; price $60 per acre, terms easy. L. A. DUNCAN. lOOfi E. 17th St. N. Phone Wood 1 awn 232, Portland, Or. WALNUTS AND APPLES. 5 and 10-acre tracts planted to walnuts and applea; terms. Also 1122-Vi acres, cheap, all near Hherldnn. Yamhill County. N. W.. LAND IMPROVEMENT CO., Lon Williams. Mcr. 430 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BLDG. $ 150 CAS H Buys 5-acre orchard all in 1-year-old Spltzonbergs, Nuwtowns and Jonathans; red shot soil; right In the heart of com mercial orchard of 100 acres; balance of $1 100 easy terms. See Cochrun. 4o2 Chamber Com, bldg. REOA1N your health and accumulate wealth growing apples In the famous Iiood River-Mosler district, on our new plan. A small cash payment will start yoa right. Call or write for beautiful free booklet. HOOD RIVER ORCHARD LAND .COMPANY. 907Yeon bldg. HOOD BTVER orchard for sale; ten acre! In apple trees averaging 3 years; house, phone, spring, implements, fine neighbor hood, enchanting view; price $7400; 7 per cent net berry Income guaranteed this year. Address F. H. Irwin, Hood River. 20 ACRES fruit land, small part cultivated. oh in nee in irauerwa OiiK innoer; i(i, small cash payment snd easy terms, A map for someone. toe Cochrun, 43 J Cham ber Co m. bl d g. IMPROVED snd unimproved orchard tracts; unlimited water supply on land; low prices, en ay terms; famous Moaes Lake. Wash., district. &O0 Leary bldg.. Seattle Wasn. Moses Lake Land A Irrigation Co. TK.V-ACRE apple orchard tract, planted. well located; email cash payment, balance monthly; get a home with an income. AG 23, Oregonlan. Far 8ale Farma. HOOD RIVER BNAP. $410 per acre will buy one of the best tO -acre orchards In the well-known Hood River Veiley If taken AT ONCE. NEAR LY ALL In standard varieties of apples, a good part In full bearing; also small family orchard; . good house, barn, out buildings, - team, implements and tools; fine spring water in houre; biicpejt bar gain ever offered ; produced almost 1 000 boxes of apples season 1910, aud more in sight this year. If you really want place In the Hood Fiver Valley, where you can have a beau tiful home and become Independent rais ing apples. Investigate this without delay; $3000 cash, balance eaav term. DEVLIN A FIREBACGH. 0-sO;-80S-00 Yeon lildg. FAKMANT COUNTRY STORE. 140 acres, mostly all gmd river bottom land, right at railroad station and boat landing, on the Co wilts Kiver; good fences, good buildings, piped water all ovr the ranch; 20 acres tn hops, 10 acres In good apples, with a general merchan dise store, well stocked, all for $1.000, h cosh. See owner at THE COLONIST LAND CO., Chamber Commerce. OU A RANTS ED AS ADVERTISED. 73 acres of wood farm land. lays smooth, black soil, almost cleared, creek runs through place. Small houae and barn on place. 8 miles from railroad. Price $1300. . TAYLOR IMUS. K alamo. Washington, l-OR SALE A snlendld Washington Coun ty farm, l.f" acres, vu acres cnoice bot tom land, oaiance roiling; neariy an in rroD. Fine new house and good barn: spring water piped to buildinga; good family orchard. H mile to railroads A snap at only $123 per acre. No agents. AV 10, Oregontan. MOS I vr ORCH ARD. 250n will buy a' lO-acro orchard 114 miles from depot, 2-year-old trees; Nuw towns and Spits, ; every tree live. Fine soil, rolling land. Cash proposition but a rreat bargain. Good reason- for sacrifice. K. T. Johnson, 141 H First st. Phone Main 0133. SO ACRES 1105 PER ACRE. This improved farm Is actually a biff bargain : close to Portland,- near electric line. eDlendld aolL good terma; adjoining land is selling In small tracts at $350 per acre; owner must sen ax once. B. W. TAYLOR A CO.. Main 69S4. 524 Chamber of Commerce, BEST BUY YET. 50 acres good fruit and farming land: B head of cattle, chickens. everything goes with the place; owner going to Europe; jsace for quick sale $2o00. part cash, at THE COLONIST LAND CO., 4:: Chamber Commerce. 42 ACRES, rich bottom land. 30 acres un der cultivation, house, barn, orchard, etc; also 2 horses, 6 cows. 25 grata, 8 hogs, chickens, all farm Implements, conven ient to Portland and only 14 miles to R. R. town; price $AOoo. easy terms. Western Land Co., 24.tH Stark at. 40 ACRES 1 acres cleared; all good soil; 5 acres beaverdam; house, barn and out buildings; bearing orchard; mile from graded school. 3 miles from railroad nation. Price $440O; H cash, balance 3 years. Address R. L. Stan wood. Houlton. Or. SO ACRES for sale; 2 houses, one new barn and other outbulldlnga. 2 good aprlnga. 5 acre cleared, running mater. 60O,0'0 of timber: price $21O0. Address W. H. Row, L Center. 4 miles east of La Center. BIO BARGAIN 13.000 acrea. near railroad and steamboat. Northern California, grain and etock; Improved; $12.50 an acre, terms. Writ C. M. Wooster Company, To2 Market st-. Fan Francisco. ALL KINDS OF GOOD FARMS AT OOOD PRICES IN THE WILLAMETTE VAL LEY ADDRESS FARMERS' UNION, AMITY, YAM HILL COUNTY, OREGON. KOL'TB 1. BOX lOO. FOH SALE 1-"2 acre, within 40 rods city limits of Lebanon. Or. : beautiful place; can b subdivided to good advantage; this will stand fullest Invearigation, s. C Carroll. Lebanon. Or. 6NAP A fin farm 1 miles from depot, tools, improvements, stock, crops, a to. Com Quick. KINNEY A STAMFHFR. &31-33 Lmbr. Ex. B!dg. 70-AC RE ranch on Necanlcum River, 34 miles from Seaside, timber and bottom laud; fin location. For full particulars write P. O. Box 616. Seaside. Or. ft ACRES, nne 10-room bouse, orchard, fart beaverdam' land. 10 miles from Port and. finely improved; big sacrifice for rah. Phone cwner. Marshall 2084. 73 ACRES. Mount Scott, 20 fruit, bam. houaa, a tore. etc. cheap, or exchange. E. Halt First st. 160-ACRE wheat farm, all under plow, house, barn; easy terms, trane, Aiogfess A 2Xkk Morrlsc-o. room fl LOST LOST LOST Lost forever to th homeaeeker Hying within th boundaries of the United 6ta tea the CHANCE to buy good, loamy, ilty soil, the finest farming lAnd, tha will produce every variety ot cereal, ail frultg and vegetables that will grow good sllty aoll In a climate like Califor nia, Land that Is fre from alkali and adobe that will produce ORANGES AND . ALFALFA Is GONE. GONE FOREVER as far as the rnited States la concerned. Would you Ilk to find an opportunity to purchase that kind of land at prices like you paid for your land a few years ago, say $2.30 por acre? Wouldn't It be prof itable to ou to sell your land that yoa are offered $2l0 per acre for and invest your money In better land. In a better climate, land that will produce a bigger crop with less work and twice aa often with cereals that you can sell for a Kf" er price, and locate In tsonora, the Cali fornia of Mexico, 60 miles from the In ternational Line of the- United Btatea. J. N. McFATE has 26,2iO acres of that kind of land for sale at $2.50 per acre, with plenty of water and on the railroad, fin est opportunity for promoter, coloniser or party wanting big ranch. Fullest investi gation courted. Add rasa J. .N. McFATE. Nogalea, Arizona. ' HAPPY VALLEY LAND MAKE3 FOR TUNES QUICK. Your last chance at cheap land in tne lost rich fruit valley in Southeastern Brit ish Columbia. Small or large tract, on easy payments. We'll plant the trees er develop the farm before you come if you wish, J500.0O net profit per acre from strawberries, great crops of delicious ap ples, grapes and other frults immerse ields of ill vegetables- Close markets and high prices Insure big. quick profits. Climate and soil ideal. Fine transporta tion snd Irrigation systems, low water rates and taxes, guaranteed titles. Buy now while commercial development Is new. Prices will soon soar. For the rich as well as the poor there are big things along this Irrigated Route to Indepen dence. Break away from the time dock and the "age limit." S&tltfy your land and home hunger. Come to The Happy Valley of the Columbia River where many fortunes will grow fast in the next few years. Write for particulars to Columbia Val ley Irrigated Fruit Lands. Limited, 204 Main street, Wllmer. British Columbia THE SHREWD INVESTOR Invests lu a coming city, a little city that has the biecvaL future In Northern Ore gon; where, do you aav? Why, that's easy to answer AT HILLS HORO, a thriving lit tle city, "only 10 miles away from Port land," "green-walled by the hllla" of the Tualatin Kiver, "witn appie, cnorry anu poach tree fruited deep." yes. It's worth your while to investigate. We are now nlfi.ln on tha market at HUlsboro. ONE HALF-ACRE TRACTS, no better soil and no sightller tracts anywhere; these tracts are within a diocks ot tne loutihuubo. riirht in the heart of HUlsboro, a good macadamised county road runs entire length one side of these tracts: tha Ore con ki ac trie traverses the other side. A good Investment, because they axe close to car. because they are close to pampp nf town, because they will be in demand for good homes, because the prices are right; investigate mis prwyuwuuu once. 5C x jnuvv wr CHAPIN & HERLOW, (R.) 832-334 Chamber of Commerce, DO YOU WANT LAND that you can IRRIGATE riT'PTvn twr riHT SUMMER. so you can double or treble your yields? If so, get in on the around floor of our rVUlaxiiotte valley imjraiea iana. HARTMAN A THOMPSON, Chamber of Commerce bldg., Portland Ask for Mr. Hartog.) Branch effice on the grounds at WRUT ST AY TON. OR. Take 4:13 P. M.. S. P. train at Union Depot to West Stayton via wood burn. 10 ACRES. POmTRY AND SMALL FRUIT FARM. On rmd county road. 10 minutes' walk from electric K. K. station, o-room nous with bathroom, nantrv and two laree clothes closets, attic can be finished Into two rooms, good well, new woocisnea ana outbuildings. The land has very gentle slope to south, about half in good culti vation, balance open stump land In good pasture, about a dozen Targe forest-growth fir trees. Thla ground could not be laid out better with a trowel, not a rock on the place. I am authorized to sell this beautiful little suburban home on terms to suit the purchaser, provided he Is a re sponsible party. Call at 33$ Chamber of Commerce bldg. TOMATO OR TRUCK FARM. 10 ACRES. About mile to electrlo station and store, 6-room new house. pantry and closet, upstairs Is unfinished; piped for hot and cold water; good well, new out houses; all plowed; deep, black soli, not a foot of waate ground : properly handled thts farm can be made to pay for Itself this year. This place ran be sold on terms to suit purchnser. provided he is a respon sible party. Call at 333 Chamber ot Com merce. FINE farm for sale, in Polk Co.. one of tho famous Shadeland farms, containing 2tt4 H acres, over 2i under plow, balance fine oak; new house, good build Intra and new fences, running water; land been in pasture S years, is rich and equal to new, will grow heavy grain crops; fine dairy farm; only $63 per acre; adjoining land held at $100; owner retiring. Particulars from own or. C D. NAIRN. Amity. Oregon. Route 2. FINE Eastern Oregon wheat farm ,f 1336 acres. 1 1C0 In cultivation, balance paa ture; 7.".i acrea wheat goes with the place; COO acres perfectly level; balance a little rolling. Good house, barn, windmill and plenty of fine water. 2 small houses, good deep soil, no rock. Only 4 miles to railroad and mile to school. Price $25 per acre. Will divide- and aell 1006 acres with the buildings or 830 acres all In Fall wheat at the same price and give very easy terms. T. H. Littiehaies, Forest Grove, Or. LINCOLN COUNTY FARM BARGAIN 240 acres on SI let x, 10O seres bottom, $20 per acre. 20-acre dairy farm near Toledo, stock snd everything goes at $30 per acre. 444 acres, stock and dairy farm, near Eddyvllle. stock and equipment go with It at $40 per acre, 200-aere stock farm on Little Elk. good land, partly im- firoved. $25 per sere. 24o acres unimproved and on Little- Elk, 912.50 per acre, 818 Railway ExrhanK-J bldg. 10 ACRES 8 In fruit; all kinds, mostly bear ing; In fine shape; comfortable buildings, a took. Implements, well, aprlng. poultry and houses, crops in ; good living from start; 14 miles Oregon City, phone line and R. p.: buyers only; S4300. 5 per cent off for ail cash. Address AV 3. Ore- gonlan. A BARGAIN lO acres. 11 acres clear, frame hcuse and barn, chicken-house and yards, good spring, crops in, horse. 2 oows, plow, harrow, chickens. 4 mile from town, price $t.oo. $1700 down, balance easy terms. Western Land Co., 24S4 Stark at. FA R mFORS ALE70 and20 acres. For price and terms phone East 1210. FOB 8A LE TTMBEB LAND. SAWMILL MEN. ATTENTION. 20-M. mill and planer and donkey com plete; 00 acres timber, 3O.000.000 feet; 2 miles from railroad, 85 miles south of Portland ; will sell on easy terms, trade for Portland property or will lease for a term of years and sell timber and cut and take the entire cut ; mill now run ning steady. Owner. 328 Lumber Ex change. SAWMILL PROPOSITION. Wan tod Responsible party to put up sawmill In 3 millon feet of excellent timber; 20 miles from Portland, 3 miles down grade haul to R. R. station. Would give able and reaponalble parry easy terms; take payment aa timber Is cut. H 17. Oregonlan. BY owner. 2.500.000 feet Hood River Val ley. 40 acres good appie land when cleared. Will sell for value of timber alone. AL 2S. Oregonlan. 21.000.000 PINE. Lake County, Oregon, township 37 south, 10 east, at A bargain. B. Hagemann. Milwaukle, Or. TIVBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. C. J. M'CRACKEN. 304 McKay Bldg. FOR RENT FARMS. FARM FOR RENT ONLY 10 MILES OUT. TS acres. 22 cleared, a good pasture, 63 bearing fruit trees, about H mile from station on Oregon Electric, until January 1. for only 125, DUBOIS ft C ROCK ETT, Room 8, Washington bldg. FARMS WANTED. A OOCD farm wanted of 40 to 360 acres, at a reasonable price; nave oaiis lor good property. Write or call A. B. Hall, 213 Gerllnger bldg. FARMS We have buyers for farms if you want to sell, can or write us. western Land Co.. 24f"4 Stark st. WANTED to rent a dairy of 40 to 70 oows on shares. O 17, Orogonian. XV A NT ED TTMB ER LANDS. TIMBER lands wanted. C J. McCracken, 304 McKay bldg. TO EXCHANGE. WTLL trade $5000 house for clear lots. 2AO- WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR EX CHANGES. V We will trade your farm for city prop erty or vice-versa. Anything In the line of real estate moves, when properly ex ploited, see our excnanBe aepwi-wie. THE WESTERN SECURITIES CO., t 414 Spalding bldg. DO YOU WANT INCOME? We own and will trade 3 five-room houses, new. modern.- income about ?45 ?er month for city acreage, close to car ina or will consider well located lots. Butterworth-Stephenson Co.,- 313 & Wash, street. WE LL-BUILT modern 7 -room houae - In Piedmont, $6500, to exchange for 5-room modern bungalow not over $4000, MERCHANTS SAVINGS & TRUST COMPANY. WISHING to locate In Portland, will trade my farm of 120 acres, large orchard, bear ing, fine garden land, in suburbs of Jack son. Mississippi, for property In Northwest. Can pay ud to $10,000 difference. P 6, Oregopian. TWO good Improved real estate contracts paying In $1000 per year, amount of' $.rt00, value of security $7500; want unincum bered houae In Piedmont or Irvington or will sell good interest. AO 23, Ore gonlan. WANT to exchange good, clean Portland real estate for 50 or 73-barrel water-power roller mill; give full particulars in first letter. Addresa D- L, Howard, 455 South ftth at.. Portland, Or. H-ACRE at Lentsi improved with 7-room house and good barn, value $3500; will exchange for improved farm of 40 acres or so and pay difference up to $5000. AH 20, Oregonlan. WILL accept well-located lot, clear of in cumbrance, as first payment on my almost new five-room Joungaiow; balance month ly; price $2200. AM 27. Oregonlan. t .. $S00EQUITY TO TRADE. In one of the prettiest and up-to-date bungalows in Rose City district. See owner, b8 10th, near Stark. PORTLAND Income property for sale or trade for good At timber; well located; value $40,000. Mitchell & Co., 508 Roth chlld bldg. FARM of 160 acres, near Oregon City: 70 acres cultivated ; best of soil; springs, house, barn, fenced; will trade for house and lot In city. 417Boardof Trade. 20 ACRES, near New berg, 5 acres walnuts, 24 acres fruit, exchange for Portland In come property; xsou. Write owner, Irvine, - 660 iL-aat AnKeny. BUILDER'S equity In new. modern- bunga low to exchange for lots; will pay cash difference; full particulars W 15, Orego nlan. 42 ACRES Fine farm, 3 miles northeast of Salem, to exchange for Portland prop erty; price $7500. C. L. Bamberger, Mar shall 712. Room 2 Lumbermen! bldg. TO EXCHANGE Meat market for lot or acreage. What have you.' x Jl, ore gonlan. . EXCHANGE What have you to trade for 6 acres in wiuamotte V alley, itoom oza, Lumber Exchange. BEAUTIFUL Portland Heights residence to trade for Willamette Valley land. Phone M. 7964. A 7340. TO trade, equity in first-class lots for a small store or any gooa business. &ee jvi. u. iriODOS, an cn.ru si. WILL YOU SWAP T What have you to trade? Call and get nook let. aos Mercnants irust blag. $200 EQUITY in $450 Portland lot for stock, aiamona, camera, ss z-a, urogonian. HOTEL with elevator and all modern con veniences. Box 212, Seattle. Wash. ORGAN to trade for cow. Phono Tabor 1S72. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED Modern 6 or 7-room house: we have man who will buy ritfht away to get Into his own house by May 1; price $5000 to $7000; must be in built-up lo cality, near good school , and carllne. Owners so us at once. Joseph H. John ston, 32 Lafayette bldg., Washington and otn. WANTED Immediately, strictly modern 6 or 7-room residence (prefer bungalow with furnace, flrenlaee. etc.. between Mor rison and Hawthorne and west of Kant SOth st.: orice not to exceed So, 000; will pay half cash; owner enly. Goddard A Wledrlck, 243 Stark st- WANTED. A 6-room house, new and modern in everv way. on a lot not less than 50x100 feet; can pay $1000 cash; price to range from saoou to -iuuv; owner oniy answer. N Oregonlan. SINGLE man wants to rent large lot, fenced, small house or no building, privi lege to pay rental la labor, day work at odd jobs, fermaneni arrangements oniy. X 20. Oregonla. 1 WEST SIDE. Want corner for apartment site. . If bArgaln, will pay cash. Full description. including location. V zo. Oregonlan. WANTED A large piece of cheap acreage within nrty (U miles or Portland that la suitable to cut up into smaller tracts. C 20, Oregonlan. HAVE Client for a AT. 000 home n Irvlneton: must be full value; owners only. Kinney & Stampher, 031-3 Lumberh;xcnango bldg. FROM owner, 8 or 9-room residence, not over ioouo; about suou casn, .rurse, his Chamber of Commerce. I WANT a 5-room house and lot within walking diatance; will not pay over $4oH; must be bargain; no agents. Marshall S3. WANTED To buy 6-room bungalow, $3500 to $5000, Sunnyslde, irvington. Rose City districts preierrea. aj Oregonlan. WANTED Belle Crest, 2 or 8 lots, at once, give lot. block: numoer, price ana phone; first letter. X 23, Oregonlan. WANTED Iarge, well-built home, close In, good location; will give quick decision for bargain, AF 28. Oregonlan. WANTED Lot or acre in good location price and terms must be right. Lewis, 28S Wash. st. WE buy equities In city property. xi. ri. JAJitiS pa imzix, near aiarx. HAVE client for good residence In Nob Hill district. c. L. Bamberger, room 2 bum barmens bldg. WITJ pay cash for your equity in Laurel- hurst lot. AO aK oregonlan. FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles and Harness. WE have on hand at all times fine com bination saddle and harness norses mac are fit and ready for immediate use. You come and try our horses at our expense; have them examined by your own vet erinary and when satisfied buy them. Prices from $120 up. We handle only th best. Kramer Riding School, 10th and Jefferson sts. MULES MISSOURI MULES. We have on hand a good suj ply of flrst class mules, from 4 to 7 years old and weighing from 1100 to 1450 lbs. each. If you are in need of a pair or a carload, we can supply you at any time. Murphy Horse A Mule Co., Union Stockyards, North Portland. Phone Woodlawn 2400. MULES AT AUCTION. A carload Qf big, heavy Missouri mules 'will be sold at auction during the Spring sale, April 18-22. Some extra fine, big teams of young mules. Also a carload of yearlings, two and three year olds. Kale at Port'and track. Rose City car. DRAFT HORSES AT AUCTION. One hundred head of big, gentle draft horses will be sold in the breeders' auc tion April 18-22. The opportunity of the farmer, the drayman, the orchardist and the breeder to get heavy drafters at auc tion. Horses at Portland track now". 100 REGISTERED MORGANS AND STAND ARDBREDS. In the Brook Nook shipment, to be sold in the breeders' sale, April 18-22. are nearly one hundred registered mares and 25 matched teams. . . E. MASON, the dealer In fancy harness and saddle horses, has a fine pair of cobs; they are high-steppers, thoroughly trained as a pair, single, tandem or saddlers. 3- gaited oniy; win sen reasonaoie. tiii Mason, at Oregon Hotel. Portland. NOTICE Ranchers, merchants, contractors. Car horses will arrive; can be seen at 253 Union ave.. Italian market-house, from 7 A. M- till 5 P. M. any time from April 13 till sold; all horses guaranteed as repre sented. Phil Snetter co. SPEED-DAY AT THE TRACK. Tuesday. April 18, will be speed-day at the Portland track. The California horses and the Meadow brook saddlers will be sold at auction. PONY AND TRAP AT AUCTION. A handsome, gentle pony, with a fine pony buggy and splendid harness will be sold at auction during the breeders sale this week at Portland Fairgrounds. KEN WEST 2:15, a two-mlnute pacer, and a full sister to Bill Frazier, 2:14. with a few thoroughbreds by Coloma, will be sold in tne bpring sale this week SEVERAL good, honest work horses at an honest price for the honest man ; also 2 good wagons for sale by Van Horn Transfer Co., stable phone A 1593. PORTLAND Stables. 28 N. 15th st. Phone Marshall 1686. Horses, wagons and busi ness rlga for hire by day or month. FOR SALE One horse, weight-a bou t 1 000 pounds, one farm wagon, size 2 , com plete. Call 433 . East Morrison. ELECTRO horse clipping; prices reason able. H. B. Lewis, sea EC Washington. Eaat 6035. FOR- SALE The best family horse anfl buggy In the city. Inquire Ed Sctulku r(V fi-uur Aioco QUl and Wa-hingiaa, Horses, Vehicles and Carriages. xr7nT.A-r RTir.T.Tnv at AUCTION. Story Teller. 5Cdl A. M. R., a handsome a-year-oia .Morgan staiuon. oreu j"- ook ra-ncu, will be sola ai j through the sale at Portland Fairgrounds from April 18-22. This horse has beer driven anH rlilnen in Portland. 18 VeT handsome and is the only Morgan stallior.j in the sa.Ie. REGISTERED PEKOHERON3 A T A.T7CPIOM- Lakewood Farm. Iowa, will sell 11 rei-istred two and three reeistere Percheron stallions and a few registered! mares at the Spring sale, Portland tracK April 18-22. The very best blood in th world and all big. well-finished, clean in dlviduals. A prize winner at the In ternatlonal is included in the offering. 350 HOUSES AT AUCTION. The eleventh unnual breeders' auction sale of horses and purebred cattle wil be held at Portland track. Rose City car. AnHi 1 io. -i and 2L. Horses for every purpose. Registered Jersey cattle. bend for catalogue. PORTLAND HORSH & CATTLB SALE CO. ' 878 Yamhill St., Portland. Or. HORSES for hire by day or week. Empire Stable. 270 12th at. Main iaeu. Pianos. Organs ana Mumrai instrument. WE offer for sale the following unredeemed instruments and other articles, to cover storape charges, freight and advances. nqmelv! TCrahe. S113. ChlckeriUK $80. Steln- way $05. Decker Bros. $195. Chickering $40, Emerson SX70, Weber siv, aiihdsi. $270, Kelso $180. Stelnway $oS0. S.oddarri $105, Antrelus piano player $40, music in cluded; Pianoia $5, 3 drop-head sewing machines $11 to $:5, Angelus piauo player $70, Nelsen $162. 1 heo. poods are all In fine condition Terms cash, title guaranteed perfect. Consolidated Storage & Forwarding Co., C. M. Olsen's warehouse, 24S Pine St., bet. 2d and 3d. ABSOLUTELY new Weser upright piano, $125, and 27 oil paintings, cheap. 223 5th St.; dealers need not cull. NEW PIANO Cbjwip, easy terms; must sell, going on homestead. AL "0. Oregonlan. Automobiles. SECOND-HAND CARS. STEARNS, 1K09 model. 7-paaaenger, 4 rylindei. CO h. p.; equipment, top, glass front, speedometer, gas tank, demountable rims, l extra cabins; 3500. CHALMERS, 1910, 5-pdssenger, SO h. p., fullv equipped; $1250. PF.ER LESS. lOOil modal. 7-nasseniter: equipment, top, glass front, Warner speed ometer, gas tanK ; sov. MAXWELL. 2-cy Under. B-nassenjrer; equipment, top, glass front, Stewart speed ometer; $450. REO, 2-cylInder, 5-passenger, equipped with top and Stewart speedometer; $450. REO. 2-cyllntler. 5-passenjrr, equipped wit h ton an.i Stewart speedometer: $400. OLD.-; MO BILE. 4-cylinder, equipped with top and glass rront; tovu. BUI'TK. 2-cylindor, equipped with top. wind-shield. Stewart speedometer; S4io. CADILLAC. 1W10. Demi Tonneau. top- front A-1 condition: reDalnted; S1250. WINTON 6. fi-Dassenger, equipped with top. wind-shield and presto; $1500. BUICK, model 10. 4-cylinder runabout. !n rood condition: S500. PIERCE. 1910 model, 6-cyllnder. 36 h. n.. R-Dassens-er tourlnr. Al condition: top, wind-shield, speedometer and clock; $3000. white OAS, iiio tour, car; top.viront, BDeedometer. presto : $ 1 250. The owners of these cars have left them for sale with us. they having; pur chased 1911 Pierce-Arrow or Cadillao cars. It will pay you to investigate. COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY, Main 0470. 7th and Couch Sts. PIERCE Arrow, 4S h. p.. 7-passenger, 1910, has been run about 8000 miles. Just re ceived complete mechanical overhauling. Is now being repainted, and purchaser can prescribe desired color; has a com nlete enuinment of highest crade, includ ing several extra casings, etc. Apply 50d Wells Fargo bldg. leiepnones, Jt'acinc. Private Exchange l, house 45; Home, 6121. house 45. . 1910 CADILLLAC touring car. fully equip ped, guaranteed first-class condition; $lli.. 1!10 Ford touring car, $150; Maxwell, Jr., fully equipped, $400; 1010 toy tonneau, 40-h. p., $U00. Custom-house Auto, 331 Everett. 4-PASSENOER, 40-hnrt;e. Overland, never been used, will sell ror ?jtiu leas man ffletorv nrice: also have $37uO Stuiebaker, will sell fnr $1000. See Vance, 212 Front st. Main JVitd. 1911 WHITE gas car, torpedo body, new; If you are In the market for sunli a car I can save you $750 for quick sale. AN 26, Oregonlan. GOING away, must sacrifice parry roadster for $850 cash ; cost 1 1 0; only run Boo miles; Is In perfect condition. Owner, 215 Com monwealth bid g. FOR SALE at a bargain, a 5-passenger au tomobile, in first-class condition, or would trade for Portland real estate. AP 10, Oregon. la n 1910 BRUSH runabout in fine condition, equipped with top and glas fronL for $400 cash. I j 8. Oregonlan. NO reasonable offer refused for Pope Waver ly electi ic auto without batteries. Angeles Auto Academy. 228 6th St. AUTOMOBILES bought and sold. Call or write for bargain list, Custom-Houae Auto Co.. 831 Everett st. Main 164. REO runabout, new, has never been used, for $400; besides this I have many other extra good bu ys. See Van c e. at 2 12 Front. Birds. Dogs and Pet Stock. 60 CHOICE young sheep, with 35 Spring lambs, cheap f rr Immediate sale. H, G. Starkweather. RJs le y Station. Miscellaneous. STEAM PLANT FOR SALE- Tho following boilers, engine, etc, t- all In first-class order and in good work ing condition, are for sale: 1 Return Tube Boiler. 72 In. by 1 ft. 1 Rupsell Automatio Engine, 11x16. 1 Steam Driven Deane Jet Condenser, 6x3x12 Inches. 1 Inclosed Type Feed Water Heater. 2 Vertical Boilers, 6 H. P. each. 1 General Electric Bl-Polar Generator, 325 volts. 30 amperes, 1M)0 revolutions. Pipe, valves, fittings, etc. Above can be seen In operation at the mill of Alhers Bros. Milling Co.. Front and Main Sts.. and will be sold very rea sonable. For d e 1 1 very s horlly after June L FOR SALS. Two 100-H. P. horizontal return tubular bollere, complete with inclosed type feed water heater. 6H34 Smith valve feed pump, Dodge injectors, safety valves, crown valves. 6-inch header and all angla valves and Williams feed-water regulator, with safety water columns, in good con dition. Also one 32-H. P. vertical submerged h.end tubular boiler, complete with safety valve and fittings. Including Buffalo In jector; almost new; only uaed a short time. For further particulars inquire at room 201 Oregonian b'dg. NEW HOUSEBOAT. One of the beet at Yacht Club; elec tricity. Bull Rur. water, beamed ceilings, etc. ; just completed at cost of $100; owner leaving city and makes price. In cluding furnishings, $1100, half cash to handie. balance monthly payments ; also new $600 lauuca for sale. AC 25, Orego nlan. MEN'S TROUSERS. Just arrived, an entirely new line of pants. Buy from mo and keep the extra protlt that would otherwise go to the land lord. $4.50 pants for $3.50; $3.50 pants for $2.50. My system of buying a nd $30 . month rent dots It. Jimmle Dunn, 315 Oregonlan bldg. ALL the material and fixtures taken from the buildlriKS we wreck Is gon over and put into merchantable shape. Everything in the building line for sale very reason able. Give us a call. PORTLAND WRECKING CO., 10S-1G7 N. 11th St., Main S7, A 3736. DOORS, several thousand new and second- 4jc and up. PORTLAND WRECKING CO., 105-107 N. 11th St., Main 37, A 3736. CHEAP. Must be sold at. once, owner leaving town; one 28-foot motor-boat, speed 1 3 miles; good as new; guaranteed; also ona 18-foot launch. 7 h. p.! seata 10; fully equipped. N 11, Oregonlan. WINDOW-SASH and glass, second-hand and new, to be sold at once. very encap. PORTLAND WRECKING CO., 105-107 N. 11th St., Main 37, A 3736. MEN'S SPRING SUITS. New models arriving almost daily. Buy your suit of Jimmie Dunn and save money. No big profits tacked on for high rent; take elevator to room 315. Oregonlan bldjj. SAFES New and 2d-hand; low prices; easy terma; sales openea, repaired ana painiea. PUTtCELL SAFE CO. and PORTLAND EAFE CO., 85 5th St. Main C30. A 411ft, BARGAINS for a few days only: Remington No. 7, 525; fox. No. B, JfJo; snrK. so. .. $17.50; Hlick, No. 7. S25. The Northwest Typewriter Co., 90 5th at. OLD Jewelry exchanged for watches and diamonds; unreaeemea pieages lor na.it original prices. Uncle Myers. 71 0th au. between Oak and Pine, FINE soda fountain, glass holders, spoons. bottles, etc.; cost $2o0, tor $10 0. 3a .N. 3d St., cor. Couch. FOR SALE Showcases, wallcasc. counters. General fixtures in stock and made to order at lowest prices. 223 Grand aye. S. FINE brood sows and young pigs; musV sell. E. Hall. 01 First st. ONE Frank Hoiton slide trombone, silver, nearly new; cheap. X 21, Oregonlan. NICE dry wood, cheap, delivered. For. par Uoar cau Alain, itfU-i a m)vx