TTTE MOITXIXG OHEOXTAX. TUESDAY, APRIL' 18. 1911. 14 FAHMERS TO TRY . POSTAL SITE CASE Jury Selected for Condemna tion Suit Brought by Government. PROMINENT MEN CALLED Officials and Banker Will Testify In Legal Controversy Which Be gins Today to Decide Value of PcMrcd Block. 1-hM nmimmrnl'l autt ssalnst th Se curity 8avlnrs Trust Company. tri C. Smith and th Pacific Coat Trost lnveatment Company, to con demn th 11 half of block 8. Cmich addition, for a Postofflc sit. " trial before a Jury of farmers yesterday afternoon. Jods Fean prwmini. An knur rvH half was consumed in aelectinir th Jury. United States Dis trict Attorney WcCourt then mads bis opening statement, followed by th state ment of Attorney John 1. i.ann. vym entnc the defendants. Th Jury went to view the premises over whl-h the suit was brought. Th block !s bounded by Fevrnth. K.jtith. Gilsan and ICoyt streets. Attorney Oearin claimed the rlht to open and close th rae. This point waa contested by District Attorney lie Court, who said he would b willing to trn the mutter this mornlnc. Ths Oovernmenfs suit autnst the E.pey Kstste Company will b tried separately, although It waa believed at on time that It could b tried with th 8--urlty Savings Trust Company iuil Ths Epey Kstat Company owns tha west half of the. bk-k and demands $17S0 for this piece. 10 by 100 feet. The Security Company and Dr. Smith valua their half at (Jio.OwO. I'rlee Cut Down $30,000. When ths Government asked for bids or property ths east half of this block vii hid In at t:.a. and tha west ha'.f at Si:.uO. Then the Hccurtty Bavins A Trust Company and Dr. Smith cut the prli-a to luoo.ttuo. provided the option wers taken up within SO days. It was the contention of the Government that all these prices were too high, so con demnation proceedings wera started. The value placed upon th west half bv ths Government Is (100.0O0. and upon the east half (150.0OO. or (J50.000 for the block. The Security Savings A Trust Company holds ths title to the east half, subject to the payment of J107.5OO and Interest at 7 per cent by Dr. Smith and tfc. Pacific Coast Trust Investment Company. Dtstrlct Attorney McCourt. In bis open Ins statement to the JurV yesterday made reference to ths t-).lKK) offer of t'.ie owners of the east half, after he bad called attention to the provision of the appropriation bill of June &. 1910. that a Postoffice site be selected, ills reference to the offer was objected to by Att'wney Gesrin. who said the offer waa In the nature of a compromise, and that It was not proper for the Jury to couslder It. Advantages of Situation. Attorney Gearln placed before the Jury a map showing the advantageous posi tion of block S and called attention to the f.tct that the Broadway bruise would wa he emptying its traffic on the street on which this block fronts. The ap proaca to the new railroad bridge would soon be nearby, also, he said. H also said that 4 trains a day leave the Union Depot, near at hand, and that - trains a day leave the North Bank Iepot. alio close by. All these things, he contended, go to nuke block S ss valuable as the owners claim It Is. Officials and Bankers Summoned. C. K. Henry probably will be on of the first witnesses for the Government. Ujbpenas have also been Issued for B. T. Sigler. County Assessor: M. I- llol brook. W G. 11. Pherson. John McPher son. R. :. Jubtts, of the Setorlty Sav ings A Trust Company; J. W. Morris. City Engineer: H. W. Fries, David 8. Ktearna. John Kternan. J. W. Kill, who waa appointed by President Taft to se lect a site and rejected block 8: W. C. Alvord. president of the Willamette Iron Steel Works: M. K. Lee. Henry 1. 'orbett and A. I. Mills, president of ths Unit National Bank. The first w Unease will be called at Jo) o'clock this morning. The Jury, which Is composed entirely of farmer, la as follows: Smith. Cox. George Schmidt. Gustav A. Schubel. T. C. Alexander, N. W. Chllcott. "lust Stellmacker. H. V. Stott. John R. liooth. D. H. Istonry. John Barrett. Sherman Bacon and Joseph M. Toe on. lacxcii t:div si kd ron miiki, rialntiff Wants s33.50 for 1ak of Scow and Pile Brlver. Alleged cars!esnrs on ths part of A. CgurdMn. master of ths launch Teddy Konsevelu Is the basis of a libel suit brought against the launch by Leander Lebrok to recover JT'32-iu. The rase went to trial yesterday bvfor Federal Judge Wolverton. Lebeck charges that October IT. lDfl. be hired Slgurdson to tow a scow and piled river from Astoria to Skamokawa. Slgurdson tied the scow up to the wharf at Altoona. Wash., he says, and aban doned her. A high wind cam up. shs brnk looee and sank. Slgurdson denies the charge of care lessness, lis says he did exactly as he greod with Lebeck to do. He says he agreed to tow the scow to Skamokawa for J'.i I! did not think he could do It In a day. he said, and must bo at liberty the next day to make his regular run. I-eteck told him. he declarea. that If he could not reach Skamokawa to tie the scow up on the Washington side and t iat Lebeck would arrange to have It towed th rest of th way. He says he reached A 1 toon a at o'clock and tied the .ow securely, notifying Lebeck as to -what b had done. LlXD-niVlD CCLPRIT FREED Pay t9 Fine Soon a Tart's Com mutation Is Received. Thaddeus S. Potter, convicted In ths ftllets land-fraud cases, paid a fins of i yesterday, and had his bondsmen exonerated. The fin was paid as soon ss Potter's attorney wss notified by 1'nlted States District Attorney Mc Court that th supplementary commu tainn of sentence, signed by President Taft. had been received. This paper cancels ths costs In th case, so far as Potter Is concerned. President Taft first commuted Pot ter's sentence from a six-months Jail term, snd a l0 fine to a fine of t.O and costs. As the costs would amount to between $-'000 and IJ000. the matter was sgaln taken up with th President by Attorney-General Wlckersham. with tn result that ths coats wera remitted. Potter vii Indicted September 5. lioi. with Wlliard N. Jones and Irs L. Q. The Imperial OretTon' Greatest Hotel 350 Rooms, 104 Suites, With PriTata DatfKai KEW ITEXPSOOF BUILD Ufa Moderate Rates. PLa Metachan It Socs, Props. PORTLAND HOTEL fin vmlj rUKO SEPT, 1SSS. rRITATsS HOTEL LENOX K. O. sad V. B. JORCEXSCX, frspa. sad Mars. CORNER 3d AND MAIN STS. H4 aS Cold Water. kaa Disrtasie) rhoa la Lvtry Haasa RATES 91.00atnd Dp JlS.S.-WJSB-0-sv: J BtJt CTBBB ; ' J m f tm aA Hotel Donnelly TACOMA, WASH. Most CsatraTiy Located Hotel in thw Gty Rscsntly Modomised RATES 75c TO $3.00 European Piaa Fro 'Boa Wsde for conspsracy to defraud th Government of valuable Slleti reserva tion timber land. October 14 Jones and Potter were convicted and Wad was found not guilty. The esse waa taken back to the Circuit . Court of Appeals and on Msy 1C last, the Judgment of the -tower court waa affirmed.- E--fT-:rKR.ti EMPLOYE FREED Former Catlilrr at FoMofflre Takes Psoper's Oath and Avoids Floe. lick Straus, formerly cashier In th Portland postofflce. waa released from the County Jail yesterday after having- taken the pauper's oath. Straus was charged with embexsle- ment: bur waa not convicted on this count, the conviction being- secured upon a count charging th technical violation of ths postal laws In' falling to deposit money coming Into his hands as csshler. lie wss sentenced to 18 months In the County J all. and has served his sentence, with 30 days additional upon his fins of f076. Being unable to pay the fin he took the pauper's oath before United States Commissioner Can non in United States JiarshaJ Colwell a office yesterdsv. CLASSIFIED AD. RATES Oau or s)snday. Per Lisa. Oa time lie ftom ad two eaaeeratlve time tie Oama ad tare eooeeeallve time SS Bame ad eta or aevea eoaseeotlv times. ,se Kemlitaare mast accompaay Mi-of-tewa rdera. Mi weeds count a a lla ea esh ad verttoemeats aad a ad eaualad fur tea ttiaa lw Uaee. H bew aa advortlsemeat la ram oaassca III, llmee the eae-tlma rata applies. 4a etoarge mi boek advartUeoaeata the eharge will be baaed oa the. aetaal Bambar f Uses apvearlBs; la tba saper, regardlem of th Bambee of words ta each llaa. la New Teday all advertisements ar rharged by saeasais ealjr. 14 Uaea te th Inch. Th above rates apply to adieeilaeiaeats wade "ew Today aod all ether dsmiflca. Uoa eieeptlng the following: t KltuatloBS tvaated, Male. Mtaaltoaa M anted. emale. tor Reat. Kmuh. Private rami Ilea. Koom. aad Heard. Prlvat Famlllea. Hovaekeapln; Kooois. Private tamlllea. Tb rat a the abov ciaeelrlcalloa la 1 eeats a llae each Insertloo. la eatw f box afflc addrea la required, eewat this aa part of th ad. Aaswers t advertisements will b forwarded t patrons, peevtded orU-addreaeed oavelen ar la- Koe th aeeoaunodatloa of patrrma. Ths Oregoaiaa will aerept rlasMfled alU accept rlasMfled advertW the telephone, providlae tb ad vertiser I a sohsriiber to either phooa. orlcea will be qaeted ver the pneoe, bat hill will be rendered the folio, log day. Whether subseqoent advertisemeats will be accepted ever the phono, depeads apoa the premptaeea of ths payment of telephone ad fivtlwniMit. situation Wanted aad Per sonal advcrtlsemeals will not be nceepted over the telephone. Orders for one insert loo only will be aeeepted for Hoaee for Kent, Furniture for eaie. "Boslneos Opponaai tle." -Boomlag bemm" nad "Wanted ta Reat." NEW PERKINS Fifth and 'Washington Sts. OPENED IUNE. 1908 A kotel in the very heart of Portland ' businesi activity. Modern in every respect. Rates, $1.00 and up. Moderate pnee restaurant in connection. Swetland. Secretary and Manager. IriLfiSsia ' B ' a ' a a tTga B H'B TV .ii a i wv tt .- -nmrr-in. lJi si 'I'i'lCUlllllMl e Z-T -v.-v,n s'vJMtXJ. il ii Hi The largest and most magnificent hotel in Portland; unsurpassed in elegance of accommodations or. excellence of cuisine. European plan $1.50 per day and upward. 6. J. KAUFMAN, Manager. THE CORNELIUS Th House of "Welcome, corner Psrk and Alder: European plan. new. modern " and strictly up to date: fine sampl rooms; rates tl per day and en; rooms with bath. $1 per day up: all outsld rooms; our omnibus meets all trains. C. W. CORNXLTTS, . 2L E. IXETCHEE, ' Proprietor. ManafeXi HOTEL RAMAPO Cor. Fourteenth and" Wihington lira Hotel, Elexaaf ly rwnlahaV Rates $1 and Up rax;iAL rates for p krjuaa e.-v t s. Bsnsfts riaav Bwa Meets All Tralaa. M. B. rOLET. PROPRIETOR. BATHS. The Bowers Hotel Eleventh. Near Washlagtea Street. Largest Cafe in the Gty Service Unsurpassed BS Rooms (I.M Per Day M Rooms 9UB Per Dsy T3 With Bath S2.0 Per Day SaataW Rsama for Commercial Travelers, t H. C. BOWERS, Pres. and Mgr, Formerly Maaager of th Port la ad Hotel. DIED. BRAND April IT. at Vancouver. B. -.. M.' 1. Brand, of Helllnchani. Wash., formerly of Portland. Or., beloved husband of Mils Hill Brand. FTJNEBVAI. NOTICES. CPRIE At residence. 118 K. Taylor St., April 16. Frank D.. aged 33 years, be loved son of Mrs. Jnbn V.. brother of John "W. and Jitmes F.. of Lowell. Mass.; Harry O.. of Seattle, Wash.: Agnes 1. Nellie E. O'Brien and Mrs. John Ooode. of this city. Deceased was panih-Amerl- - can veteran. Funeral will take place from residence tomorrow (Wednesday). April IS. at S:l A. M . theneo to St. Uwr'ncf hurch. Third and Sherman street, where requiem mars will he offered at l:3t A. M. Friends Invited. Interment Rlvervlew Cemetery. WAGEXBL.AST In this city. April IS. at his late borne, UPSi Hawthorne avenue. Frederick Irvln Wagenblsst. aged 20 years S months 2 days. Friends Invited to at tend funeral services, which will be held at Holman's chapel. Third and Salmon streets, at S P. M. today (Tuesday). April IS. Interment Ixine Fir Cemetery. OCFTAFSOs.- In this el'y. April 17. Famuel. aged SO years, beloved husband of Anna ,ustatson. of 3t Pettyxrove street. Fu neral services will he held under the aua- flees of Modern Woodmen of Arrertca at luanlng A MrEntee's chsppel. tomorrow (Wednesday). April 19. at 2 P. M. Friends Invited. Interment irs city Cemetery. KI.IN;ER At the family residence. 74 Kt Salmon St.. Aurll in. ule Kllnger. ased 33 years months and 6 days, late steward steamer Lurltne. Friends Invited to attend funeral services, which will be held at Holman's chapel. Third and 8al raon streets, at 9 P. M. today (Tuesday). MATTHEWS At Oakland. Cal.. April 14. Rosa Lends A. Matthews, axed 6a years. Funeral services will bifcheld at Lurch s chapel. 4-0 East Alder, tomorrow (Tues day I. April IS. at 2 80P. M. Interment Lone Fir Cemetery. Friends invited. BALL At her lata residence. 284 Veade at., April 17. Mrs. Frances Hall, axed 73 yeara. Funeral from Flnlty'a Undertaking par. lore, Wednesday. 3 P. M. Humboldt Coun ty. California, and Callals. lit, papers Please copy. ADAMS At Good Samaritan Hospital, April Id. Mrs. Bertha Adams, axed 23 years. Funeral services will be held at Holman's chapel at 1 P. M. today (Tuesday). Friends Invited. Interment River View Cemetery, XO.VSETH FLORAL CO, VlKul'AH BLJHJ.. 1LUKAL DEMONS. Phone.: Main SIOT; A list. Dwanlag A McEatea, Faaerat Dlreetars, 7th aad Pine. Phone Mala 43S. Lady a. elttaat. Office of Coantr Coroner. EDWARD HOLM AN CO.. Funeral DlrecT sea. MS d at. Lady aeeUtaat. I'hoae M. SOX. J. P. FIN LEV a) BON. 3d and Madisoa. Lady attendant. Phone Mala . A 1A8S. EAST SIDE Funeral Directors, sacresisrs se ". S. Dunning. Ino. K. S3. Is ISJs. EFXI.ER-BVKNES CO Funeral Directors. SS4 WUUams ave.; both phones; lady asst. LEHCM. Cadertaher. tor. East Alder and Slxtb East B 1SSS. ladr aul.taac. OREGON HUMANE SOCIEH OFFICE CITY HALL 'Mala 898. A 7M9. - Hl'MANK OFHCEB. Sergeant Crate, Residence 24 K. 14th, N. Kast 477. R. A. Onamlre, Kes. 3 Wasco St. W. Q. Eatoa. Kes. 72 E.16th. liaat 17 si. Horse Ambulance, A 6101: Pr. Ex. 4. Nlgbta. Sundays and Holiday, A SMOCs PC Ex. 4; Xruaa 7. AMV8EMENT9. HEILIG THEATER 7th and Taylor . rbenes Mala 1 aod A lilt. TONIGHT and AIL. WEEK. SPECIAL, PRICE MAT. TOMORROW. World's Greatest Musical Play. Madame Sherry Evenings: 33 to BOc Wed Mat. 31.50 to gSC BA K E R SUlatssdAW XV -' r.e. L. Baker. Mgr. Tonight All Week. Fourth Week of the Great Trl-Star Season. Florence Theodore ThurU.w ROBERTS ROBERTS BERGEN In "THE MERCHANT OF VENICE." Matinees. Wedneiday and Satsrday. Even Irgs. 2ZO, 6oc. 7..C tl. Mats., 2tc 60c Next week "Maaho." ' MATN , A 1030 MAXTNEE EVJST DAT 15-25-50 NIGHTS THEATER 15-25-50-75 WEEK APRIL 17. Ham Chip and Mary Marble. "In Old Edam"! Clarice tance. Marvelous Millers, (lark Hergmsn. the NaT as, Floyd Mack, a. remits Brothers. GRAND Week of AprU 1 7 That Splendid Moraa a) M Comedian. BOBF.KT IIF.NBV UOIH.E And Company, l'l ueenting the Comedy arce, "Troubles of Bill Hlithers, Grace De Marr Zeno Mandell Hoefler Trio Bailrrlnl's Dogs GBANDASCOPU tfacnetor. lfatiUA A. -SA Mn eaat 13 Evening performances at T:3u aad 3:13 aleony. Isc: lower noor. 33e: bos seata. eSa Uneo nailed Vaudeville. A I.I, THIS W EEK 4 Flying Dordens 4, Mld-alr Feats of Rare Daring, Lee Williams and Cnrnuny. Trank and t,laddrn. Charlea Case, Hell Trio. Ulnun Homm Brrr Trio, MIm Bessie Babb. the Girl in th Harem fklrt. Popular prices. Mat. dally, 3:30. 7:30, P. M. LYRIC PORTLAND'S FAM ILY PLAYHOUSE. ALL. THIS WEEK. BOB. the marvelous mlnd-readlng dog. and the Lyric Musical Comedy Co.. In "EAST MONEY." Thro performances dally. S:4S 7:43. :1S. Friday night. Chorus Qlrla' Content after each performance. Baseball HECREATIO PARK, Cor. Vaughn and Twenty-fourth Sts. LOS ANGELES PORTLAND April IS, IB, 20, 21, 23, 23. Gamea Hegla Weekdays at StOO Sundays 2i30 P. M. LADIES' DAY FRIDAY Boys Under 1J Free to Bleachers Wednesday. MEETING NOTICES. A. AND A. S. RITE Alns worth Chapter of Rose Croix. No. 1. Regular meeting la Memorial Hall. 8cottlsh Rita Cathedral, this evening,' at 8 o'clock. By order Wis Master. OREGON COUNCIL, ROYAL. AR CANUM meets at the Auditorium. 2H Third street, the first and third Tuesday of each month at 8 P. M. Visitors cordially wel come. O. O. HALL, Secretary. Care Honeyman Hardware Co. - PORTLAND CHAPTER, NO. 07. O. E. 8. otated communication tnis (Tuesday) evening at Woodmen Hall, 334 Russail, 8 P. M. sharp. So- -Clal. By order W. M. ANNIE E. COOTS, Secretary. V-I TJ VK A rOITJCIL. NO. 204. K. I- OF S. Members are requested to attend the funeral of our late sister. Hose L Matthews. at Lerch's chapel, oth and K. AlUer. to day. (Tuesday), April 13. at 3:30 P. M. OMEGA REBBKAH LODGE. NO. 67. I. O. O. F. Members are requested to meet at our hall Tuesday. April IS, at 2 o'clock, to attend the funeral ut our lata sister. Rosa Lenda C. Matthews. MINERVA LODGE. NO. 19. I. O. O. F. Special meeting this (Tuesday evening, at 8 o clock. &y oraer ox tne -n. . 9 E. r KEY. SCO. AUCTION SALES TODAY. At Baker's auction houae, IB2 Park street. furniture, etc. Cale at 10 A. M. Baker & row. -11 s.ictlOT eers NEW TODAY. 15 Net Will sell interest in one of the choicest new brick apartment-houses in this city, located in Nob Ilill dis trict; leased for 5 years.- $16,500 P. R. LEVEE 817 Spalding Mdg.. One Real Snap Practically new six-room, modern, two-storv house on liOxlOO corner lot. near carbarn, on Killlnirsworth avenue. Will sell for $350 on easy terms If taken In a few days. It la a positively exceptional buy. and Just the thing- for any one wno wants -a vaiuauie city home of that kind. SWEDISH LAND A COLONIZATION COMPANY, Sit Worcester Bldg Portland. Ladd Addition MUST BE SOLD New. strictly modern, elclit-room house, with furnace, fireplace, den, breakfast-room, sleeping-porch, built- in buffet and bookcases, hardwood floors, four bedrooms, fine fixtures, slia. and everything- ready to move Into, on an 80-foot street, all Improve ments In snd paid. This is a $7500 house, but must be sold, ajid we want your offer. Can make good terms. GRI SSI T 4 DOW, SI7 Board of Trade HI da;., 4th and Oak. FOR SALE BY OWNER FlAB VACANT CORNER 100x100 FT, IX SI I.I.IVA.V'S ADDITION'. CLOSE! IX. TKKMS. AC 31, UREI.D.l IAN. S2000 Corner 50xS5. near 14th and Market, Balance. 110.000 in two or three yeara at six per cent. KARNOPP et KOPF, 325 Ry. Ex. Bide. IXMJOED-OFF LANDS. Chehalls County. Washington, sal) acres at $10. near good road, in one tract. Other tracts, sixes and prieeg to suit. PHXL. 8. Aberoeea. Washington. V NEW TODAY. ; FOR BENT OR LEA SB. - All or Part. LARGE BRICK BUILDING on track, close In. Phone A 6297. PORTLAND HEIGHTS 100x100 for 81SOO, where single lots 60x100 are selling at $1200 each. CI 1 fn 40x118, on carline In Green OllUU way, excellent view. Easy terms. SOME ELEGANT APARTMENTS AXD HOME SITES Lovejoy. between 20th and CfiQnfi 21st street, 60x100 tBUa-UVf Marshall, between 20th and tfCfifl 21st Street. 60x100 wUuu Nofthrup. between 20th and CKrvflfi 21st street, 60x100 BUUVf Overton between 22d and Clflfi 23d street, 60x100 ! t Pettygrove, botween 24th &AA(( and 25th, 60x100.. . sPt-tW Qulmby. between 22d and ttCQnfi 23d, 60x100 DJtJVJJ EAST SIDE 60x100, Grand ave., between rtJ InO Alberta and Going aJltOV 78x100, S. E. corner 22d and tfOCfl Halsey, terms B'aiJV Corner East 23d and Knott, 3(j)0 Corner East 18th and tOCnfl' Knott. 100x100 OJJWU East 19th. bet. Tillamook eoeOfi and Thompson. 60x100 PaS.JUVr Keasey, Humason 8L Jeff ery 233 Chamber of Commerce. IRVINGT0N -HAS-Asphalt Pavements. - ; Cement Sidewalks. Wide Parkings. Modern Sewer System. Larg-e Water Mains. Gas Mains. Improvements Bonded. Excellent Car Service. Building Bestrictions. IiviiLgton Public School. LOTS 50X100 $1250 and Up TERMS 15 Per Cent Cash, 2 Per Cent Per Month. A. R. DIAMONDS CO. 207 Railway Exchange Bldg., or Irvington Office, Cor. East 13th and Knott Sts. NVESTO NOTICE Choicest location in city for an apartment, within 15 minutes' walk of Postoffice. This is a corner facing east and south, on carline and lot is 60x100; an ideul size. Price below any surrounding property. V2 cash, balance on or berore 6 years. $20,500 F. R. LEVEE 817 Spalding Building. Do Not Build NOW! until you have seen that lovely home In Piedmont. The yard (a full quar ter block) Is a beautiful little park. The house has eight rooms, besides sleeplns--p6rch and large attic. The owner has used great care In Inside finish and has put In fine lighting jlxtures. Less than one year old. Needs money In his business and offers this lovely $10,000 home for $8750. You may have possession at Once. Kor photo of house and full particulars see W.. J GILL 203 McKay Bids;.. Third and Stark Sts. When you deal ta real estate Demand an Abstract Prepared by onr Company IT'S THE ONLY SAFE WAY $200,000 hack of our ab stracts. Member Oregon As sociation of Title Men. Large house on corner lot; also parage; close in, one block from car line. Reduced several thousand dol lars for a quick sale. This is a par ticularly attractive home for $11,000. MERCHANTS SAVINGS & TRUST COMPANY Apa rtment Proposition Corner, 0x65, near 14th and Market. $12.000 cost of ground.' $12,000 cost of building. ' CASH SEEDED. $ 2.000 for the ground, bal. In 2 years. $12,000 for the building. We can lease the building, paying 10 per cent net on the valuation of $25,000. KARN'OPP Jt KOPF, 325 Railway Exrhana; Bids:. Investment We own business property on 28th st. Will build stores and flats on this and sell to you on terms. BUTTERWORTH-STEPHEN'SONT CO. Lafayette bldg., 6th and Washington. mum STEW TODAY. SUNDALE GARDENS The difference between small and large profits in garden truck is the difference of two or three weeks' time, when various vege table crops are placed on the market in April, May and June the difference between high and low prices. Sundale vegetables and fruits are three weeks earlier than districts closer to Portland. Sundale has daily trains and Co lumbia River competition on freight rates. Don't overlook that. Sundale gardens are plant ed beginning March 1, and are np March 15 to 20, and products are in the big market in April. Sundale new potatoes are sold early in May at 3 to 5 cents per pound. D. P. Allen, for years nursery salesman in this region, says: "Sundale is my choice for early gardening." He has just bought 30 acres. Hunter Land Co. 407 Wells-Far go Bldg. AD- MIT That this is an excellent buy. Five lots with some income; ten minutes from Postoffice. $15,000 CASH Balance five years, 6 per cent. This will appeal to any reasonable-minded investor. See Mr. Kupper. CHAPIN & HERLOW 8H2 Chamber of Commerce Flats For Sale 152 E. 20th, near Belmont; rental value $852 yearly. This can be con verted into business property. $7000. MERCHANTS SAVINGS & TRUST COMPANY MORTGAGE LOANS Lowest rate and terms to aolti "pe rls! rates and favorable terma on larc ioaae oa baalaeaa nroperttea. Fusds Loaned for Private Investors. A. H. BIRRELL CO. XUJ MeKay Blda- 3d dt Utark. California Bungalow $3000 A strikingly ' attractive California bungalow in tne Mawtnorne msinci, lilork from car. Five rooms, bath, fire place, full cement basement, laundry trays, Dutch kitchen, built-in buffet and bookcases, tinted wans, oireet ana sewer assessments all paid. Price $3000, $500 down and $25 a month. J. P. FORD CO, 518 Board of Trade. Phones A or Main 11(157. Ideal Dairy Ranch Client has asked us to sell sixty-acre dairy ranch at purchaser's own figures in order to get out. Buildings $4000. Water piped into barn and houe: good fences. Soil can't be beat. Will you look it up and make a bid .' FIRST STATE BANK, Greaham, Or. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS Nine-room house on Thurman street; full lot; fine view. Price, $7500. RUSSELL A BL1TH, Commonwealth Building. MORTGAGE LOANS 7 BlUn.1 aCs WiV A.ny 1 b04 Spaldlntv Bids- 5 MORTGAGE LOANS EDWARD E. GOUDEY Lenla Building. LOANS LAWYERS' ABSTRACT & TRUST CO, Board of Trade Building. REAL ESTATE DEALERS. Be-k. William G.. 312 Failing bids. P- ker a Benedict. 302 McKay bldf.. H (19. Ci. . A Herlow. S32 Chamber Commerce. Cook. B. 8. A Co.. BOS Corbott bids. Jennings A Co.. Main 18S. 206 Oregonlso. PALMER-JONES CO.. H. P.. 213 Commer cial Club bids. The Oregon Real Estate Co.. Grand ave. and M'lltnomah St. (Holladay Addition). M. E- THOMPSON CO., cor. -4th and Oak sts. REAL ESTATE. For Sato Lots. PORTLAND HEIGHTS PROPERTY. Homes, lots, Quarter blocks, tracts and acreage, all parts of Heights, all views and prices; some bargains. Main ?5G1; A 8S39. 2 LOTS IN MILLARD AVE. FOR $660. $20 down, $10 monthly takes both and they are beauties. Fred W. German. 329 Bumilde. Main or A 2770. $14r.O FULL lot. East 12th st. North, near irazee; epiennia view. cnoice location. This price Is $300 under value. Cellars-Murton Co., 825 Yeon LOT 50x100 in Irvington, between Stanton and SlsKlyou, on carline. Faces east. A fine building site. Price $1450. McAllis ter ft Lueddemann. 722 Electric hldg. BEAUTIFUL Irvington lot. $I5.r.O for quick sale; some street improvements paia: on 21st. near Stanton St. O. L. Bamberger, Toom 2 Lumbermen, bldg. Marshall 712. IRVINGTON lot, close to car; only (400 down, very easy payments on Daiance. J. & MORGAN. 326 hi Wash. St.. Room 409 BY OWNER Business lot. Rose City Park; double frontage; must sen at once, rnone Main 825a 11400 TERMS. Full lot within two-mile radius, near Hawthorne ave. Inquire H. A. Hagedorn. M. 6660: A C207. $10 MONTHLY, sightly lots. 2 blocks to Rose Cltv Park car; $425 each, water In. Owner, 815 Spalding bldg. $10 DOWN. FIRLAND. $5 MONTHLY. Fine corner. $400, 60x100. Fred W. Ger- man. 829 Burnilde. Main or A 2776. HAWTHORNE CARLINE. A sightly block, overlooking the cltv: arte. (2750. by owner. Tabor 1560. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Lots. APPLEDALE. A HOME. AN INVESTMENT. Not elsewhere In Portland can you find better values than In high, dry. beautirul ADpledale. right on East 60th at tW't avenue), the scenic street of Portland. Jiiu ft. from BurnBlde, the future main artery of the city, three blocks from Gllsan so ft. wide, one of the longest streets In tns city, and sure to become a great commer cial highway. . High, and close to two large parks, the air will be pure here always. The lots are large, the soil good, skilfully grown fruit trees on every lot. Close to car. school, church, fire protection. cement - walks; city conveniences; SS00 to $1050 a lot. 10 down. 294 a month, buildine restric tions. Come and see! Take Montavllla car to E. 60th St.. walk three blocks south, a&k (or Cleveland (owner). I CAN HAVE TOU A HOUSE BUTLT Off A LOT PARTLY PAID FOR. FORTY FIVE ($4.1) DOLLARS BITS A LOT 60 X100 FEET. AND TEN ($10) DOLLARS EACH MONTH ON THE REMAINDER TTNTIL PAID FOR; IN OHULA VISTA ADDITION. JX-ST A FEW MTNU1 ES WALK TO THEM FROM THE END OP THE HAWTHORNE-AVENUE CARLTNK. EXCELLENT BUILDIXU RESTRIC TIONS; STREET GRADING BE1NCJ : DONE NOW; BULL RUN WATER MAINS TO BE LAID SOON AFTER GRADING IS FINISHED. CALL. OX OR PHONE TO THE OWNER. CHAS. E. JOHNSON. TELEPHONE MAIN M!S. OFFICE J02 YEON BLDO. HAWTHORNE VICINITY LOTS. $3 Down. J10 Monthly. From 750 for 50x100 Lots. One of the best things offered, they era selling fast now, just platted and most of lots have larire and small fruit trees on them as it was formerly a private home place. Just think, not far from Hawthorne ave., full lots for $7.r0 to $900 and on such terms, you will make a cou ple of hundred dollars before you hava paid many monthly payments, and a dan 'dy place for homebulldtng. Take cars to E. 4;td and Hawthorne ave., office on cor ner. Portland-Pacific Inv. Co., 41S Rail way Exchange. FORCED SALE. APARTMENT-HOUSE SITE. Lot SOxloO. on East 15th. near Morrison carline; finest location on the East Sid for an apartment house; will sacrifice. If sold at once, as I need the money; $3500 cash required. If you are looking for a genuine bargain, answer this advertise- . ment at once. Address owner. AO -A Oregonlan. SEI.LWOOD LOT $!i00. 50x100 feet at corner K. Oth anil Mnrlon sts.; on freight sidetrack and within H block of O. W. P. carline: this is business property with a future. Plica SUuO cash. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. S 2-213 Commercial Club Bldg. Phones Main 8B!)0. A 2ti.13. ROSE CITY PARK LaJT. $1530, 54 CASH. BUYS AN $S0i) LOT. Sickness. Ill-luck, worry, etc.. cause sal. of this lot at original price. Address for information. Q 11. Oreginian. EAST PORTLAND HEIGHTS LOT. Nice lot 50x100, east front, between I nice houses. ISO feet from Clinton. One place to build or good speculation: Dries only $900. v GRUSSI ZADOW, 1T Board of Trade BlOs.. 4th and Oak. CLOSE TO UNION AVENUE " And Alberta street; nice building lot, ,hlg;t and sightly; cement walks in; prva $700, .asy terms. GODDARD at WIEDRICK. 243 Stark St. 50x125 LOT SNAP. A fine lot on 72d st., near Oregon st.. Improvements paid, $100 below the mar ket; must be sold quick; price (700; $o&5 cash, balance SIS per month. GRUSSI & ZADOW. S17 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. NEAR LADD'S ADDITION. Great .nap for $3500. terms; 8 fine 60x 100 lots and large residence; street Im provements in and paid; this fine block 1. going at great sacrlrice. C. L. Bamberger. Marshall 712. Room 2 Lumbermen! bldg. BEAUTIFUL RESIDENCE LOT. Corner E&st 20th and Jarrett streets: 75x100 to alley; both streets improved; only 100 feet to Alberta carline; prlc. terms. GODDARD 4 WIEDRICK. 243 Stark St. ADJOINING BEAUTIFUL, LAURELHXTRST. 50x90 feet, all street Improvements in and paid for except paving, it's being done now: building restrictions: Ruse Cltv Park carline: part cash, balance two years time: price $1050. Call at 702 Yeon bldg., or phone Main 1998. CHOICE OF 25 LOTS. Near Brooklyn and Sellwood carlines, from $350 and up; close to S. P. and O. W. P. car barns: special Inducements to builders. C. L. Bamberger, Marshall 712. Room 2 Lumbermens bldg. CHEAP CORNER LOT. $475 will buy corner, 50x100, on Esst 87th street, south of Gladstone avenue; $50 down, balance at 7 per cent. GODDARD & WIEDRICK, 243 Stark St. CHOICE BUSINESS LOT $3750. 69x80, on Mllwaukie ave.. at intersec tion of Sellwood and Brooklyn carlines; faces on two streeets; sign on property. C. L. Bamberger. Marshall 712. Room 2 Lumbermens bldg. BUSINESS PROPERTY. Corner East 26th and Frankfort street, triangular piece, 85 feet frontage; price $1500, cood terms. GODDARD & WIEDRICK. 243 Stark St- NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS. I have a few excellent residence site, left: It will be worth your while to com municate with me. J. H. Tipton Co.. 1108 Spalding bldg. Marshall 2745. SIGHTLY CORNER. East 31st and Brooklyn streets; SOxlOO; both streets Improved and bonded; re stricted district; price $9.. terms. GODDARD & WIEDRICK. 243 Stark St. PORTLAND HEIGHTS Owner must .ell, irtoxlOO corner, choicest residence district. $.-il,no. This includes $750 for improve ments: next lowest quarter In this dis trlct Is $7.100. Brooke. M aln 3"51. A 38.1l. FOUR-FAMILY FLAT BUILDING SITE. 50x100 feet on beautiful Hawthorne avenue: part cash, terms on the balance to suit; price $2700. Call at 702 Yeon, bldg., or phone Main 19tl8. $50 FOR LOTS on 52d and W. Stark: is the best buy in Portland; new carline oos; building. Call and see us. EMPIRE REALTY ft TRUST CO. 402 Yeon Bldg.. Marshall S4!h NEAR UNION AVENUE. Monroe street, lot 50x125 feet, facing, north; fine for fiats; price $1600. GODDARD & WIEDRICK. 213 Stark St. LAf R ELHURST. 0 lots, $S250. 9 lots. Located near Sandy Road and S3d. Karnopp & Kopf. 325 Ry. Exch. bldg. A GENUINE BARGAIN. Worth (looo; my price $750. litoxlOO. $"o down. bal. $10 month. H E. JAMES CO.. 88 10TH (pear Stark). CHOICE Mt. Tabor lot, one block to car. near Josseiyn s e.esm. uwwo. oua, iir 18(H) cash. Phone Tabor 286. 1800 FOR 50x100 on Church St., near Pat- .i.,- . e no h.tir .11 ill ion ...... ....a " . ' Knaldlne bldg. 60x100 IN Rose City Park. $650. terms $65 i ., -.. .nt n,r month. CL D 4;rj cnamoer vi FOR SALE FOR CASH Lots 29. 31. bloc 2.V lots 29, 81, block 17, Irvington Park. Ad'dressH. B- Glenside. Pa. EAST ST. JOHNS, block L. lots 11 and 12: S1UUU. parL vanu. -uau uiicr to r. j. oox fillO. city. 60x100 CORNER lot, 42d and E. Halsey. for quick sale; $925 cash, $225. balance $20 ..nn.hlv Own.'r. Phone. A 3r.R LAURELHURST equity at cost, bought at original prices, nrsi pxat, east iront; high elevation, near car. Sellwood 1021. ROSE CITY PARK corner, 50x100. on 49th Bt-, price (750. Phone C 2177. PENINSULA specials; 100 ft., near Patten ave.; loo near AlDina ave.; jnu Denver; 100 Klllingsw;irth. AK 21. Oregonlan. 50x100, on Jefferson, location good for apartment; terms. M 7QU9. . THREE beautiful lots, one or together. cheap. By owner. S5 Mississippi ave. (50 CASH, $15 monthly, corner Jarrett snd concord: owner, wa awetianq piog. 15TH and Clackamas St., corner, 100x100. Phone Marshall 712. GREAT Irvington buy for $1400. Marshall 12. - MUST ell Immediately, choice lots, 00x100, on Holcate st. a qui. TWO Bav Ocean Park contracts at face ... -JV; K v-llllnmiwnrth. Wnnillflt,n H9!4. 100x100 ON East Bth Kf. North for $1500. bee owner, 414 bpaming oiag. A A