13 y v ArtMata. the kv-rktt. Ret. -orb. e"d K.ia eta, . to. Vr hMi rinu r.xisisED epa-.in.m-bo -a 'n tri. tl,rv"n,!" j- lr. room r.ce?iua-a end in. p'rca: - room an ouula room. ik-.. mkwu'w look, on "'. , ' 'A! same the, are 10 M """',": nm-aouM: our mmlo, live "1 I'l H. C..DI. o( beat and bot water all the time. It you w-nl II. best tt t-. CU. evj.tt. . lU.XTIimX APAKTMESTS. :ii l.-i h .-r near mai.v rm oninuiea' wiU :rom Poatofr.c room aiarlmenia. url.d r unrur a I oumae roone. tbe rel Bparl ro.n:. la clir tor Summer n.-nlos pri.ate porcbae. du-fjpa-rin,.- Mi .U bed, bulil In buj-.tta. iitwiuiie electric euva.or. ear. beau b-t and :J " Pr' ka'ie and parly Una te..pbori- lo aerr IwnitlL elaviirtc chul" for groc-rie. s-i-caae etc.. lanltor service, in fact a.eryt.neg furnished- ex-eit jour own ; rl vate Ile is4 gaa- I'hooe Jaullur. Mar- shall i-u or A 40S". - ""STRICTLY JfO!)ERS MHI'SKXLEPlXd APARTMENTS. Nlc light. mo.'.ern housekeeping apart ment for t tv with ele.-tne light, gleam heat, hot and cold wat-r in the pirlm.ni; for 1:2. 2J- : a1-1 - Pr month: new nous. w furniture: everything inclmlM evc.pt trio cooking (ia vfce furnlan you a'i tKta. pan. duties. Ilirrt. Ilnn. kitrh.n utrnaiia alt.: atallonarr laundry tu9 and dryinf-room in bamnt . Jani tor -ric, fr-o ph..n-. d.atanc. Call Unor Apar-.3i.nU. 4i Clay at., noax li:n . CAifAR A PARTITE NTS. Tvl lv,)..y ."l. tO pr ! rwr than the rrt. irurni-i-d or ucfumiahc..! TV.rre-room'apta. Two-rojin ap(a To front baaamrnt a?l. m biork tiom W car. IV, bl.-xrkt fnJ nd-at. car. Hive o a ca.l and be con-lp-d; alrictly modrn and lr..-pandj-r.t. I r.ona In ea-'h apt. l bntia Ma".ia.l-.'l TH K BJaRvR Corrtar "1ft and Irrlna- ata. TMa nw l-aiory brtck. oialiad January 1. Ill; furnlahad and ur.urnihd In two. thrao and four-room au.laa altli recep:ion hall: y.Br iom In each erartmni: a:a trie elevator. T.ii- d;aa,j.pearin baca bollt-lm ouff-t and wntm da.. gaa raneee. K-a b.. plrnl of ciel rom. It you aant omctiai aaira nn. coma to tha Hirk'r. fhona Marna'.l iKI. CAi..TA AiA.ll-t.ATe Are nw raady for aceupanca. onfuralahed. fear and ne-rooro auuaa. receplloa ball, automat eleaator. ta aphone and all modern eaeaiacea. Call at the la e Ir.a apartmanta. eouthaa.t corner of Ilia and Jeffereon ata nd bare -toe Ai.en. tre a.... ometn;o at.-a fine, or ubona Main 3Vva. ' ' X.CCRETI A COl-RT AKAKl-t.N.rl an Lorretla atraat. naar AaanJastou atreat. Infurniaiad apartiutoia in liila m"al moo.rB. up-to-date tmldlnf. All lare .mil. roma wllh large cl"e.l room private telephone and mdai con Taowncaa. Appir to auparlniendaul oa pramieea. Ra.crncaarulra Fk.MSULA-" Apartmanta One of Portland a ftr..il aparim.nt-nouaaa. 4- minute mr aarlra. b.aulirul part city to ...a. 11 I Albina aa cor Kiuir.gawortn. Take ilia- lppl. L or K'Uton cr at TBird and Uuo. ata.. 1 nun rl.r: . 3 and 4 rooma. runplrl.ii rjrtthad. I ' io f. mo., alao unturnljliad al. lMl;ll V-MK Tllfi I.I1.I.IA.V. ror. ath anl Mouti.narr Sra. New. m .t'-rn brick. -i. nt;y furnlahad. lrca uutelde 3 and ;iam auilra: Pacific poone .In aacb arartniani: Toimee di.ip Pnn ba.. kiK'i. J " Itor: no cartre to pay. rente very rvaeouabie; only -apanrr.entn Kft. - Htl.i iPARTSt.vTH. Hth and Columbia. 4 biotka aoutn from -imtoo at.: new brl.k bulidlnc. completely Orat-claaa: fur ntahad in 2. I antl 4-room family apart manta: private bain, raaepiioa hall, eteara beat, boc walac. elevator, free pbona, Janl tor aarvice; rent par montb lor : QP- tS 11TH STKEET. New and baotlfutly fumlahcd and nn furmabed apartnirnta of two and threo rmma diaappawrtna bad and private tele phonea In each apartinanl. moLni In . every respact. Call or phone Marshall ji. IONIAN COURT. (TO Coach. 1 btoik frvm Waahlnctan et an 14th at.; let Vain IIP- 3 ar J 4-roorr aiodarn apartmaatA ataam' heat. electric elevator, bot and cold water. t'!rh"ne and janitor eervlcea Apply of manager: re .'are nee required. ORPERLEJGH APARTMENT Cor. t.rand ave. and E. Mark at. Nw fireproof brw-k bu:idin beautifully furnianed. Two and three-rooru apart manta; private bath, hot and co.d Meter, ateana baat. Phoua Eaat boo. KKKLClfaPTX.. 14tbVnd"ciay-a:a. beauTi ful 1-rootn corner apta private veetibula. bathroom and phone: 2 rioeata. new brick bm. ding, electric elevator. Apply at once. MAHR APARTMENTS. ETacantiy fumiahed. comforta of home, private phonee and batha. elevator, pri vate pla ground for cbliuren. Idl loca tion. a-S .v, jma at. airanan -'--. THE CEDAR HII.L. Thrae-rooni apartments the arlrhtllcat In tha city: no oojectione to chl'dran. IT Oraan a.. two block aouth of 3d and vaahington. RE-IKAN APT St.. il Mat-hail. Nob Hill ih.irtrt. modern, coiy. air. moat home- like In cit : aae and be convinced: 3 rooma furnlahad. 'privata bata. and phono. Ma n OoA iUl. -THE CODT. 4T.I Eat Tlyior. new. elaborately fnr nirhad 2 and 3 -room apnnmente. privet phone, etaam beat. Janitor eervlre. aiao electricity, furnlebad. Summer rataa. THH CK''E1 IA. r.'d anl tlilaan ata Phone. Marehall ImM. or A 2i3d. Ona furnlahed. one unfurnlahad apartment. prlvaeo Trchan. with awnlnira. private pbonea, unmaat apnrtmanta In tno city. SiTeWiELJi APARTMENTS. 7th and J-t-f..raon a:a : 3-room unfurniahed. with bath; all outalde rooma, modem, every conveni ence: b mlnuteo' walk from I'. o. ; very reasonable rani. Main oon. A 3I4!K : TH E PA R kw: rsT. 20th and Northrup. Phone Main UTt. A few choir t-roora elegantly rnrnlaned partmanta left: electric elevator. Jan itor aervrc. ataam heal Apply to Janitor NORdTca APARTMENTS, cor. of Grand ava. and f3lmont: nice 2 -room apart manta tree light, heat, phone and nato. Kaat Mli M'XTES of S unfurnu.be.J houaakeaplrut rooma: gaa plate furniah'd. II :.- r r wrcaK each. Deimont Apartmanta, 4-'S JJelmont atreeU ST CROIX Apartmanta. for rant. 1 fur nished and 1 unfurnished 3-room anart raent. mM.tn. 1T0 St. c'Ulr and W ah Inttoo Mam i:iT and A Toll. I'tiR KENT at the Rooeeveit. .vH Kearney at a five-room aulte at e3. nnfurnlehed: 145 fnrnlahed- Apply to Portland Truer .Vv. Third and Oak ata. NORDIC A APARTMENTS, cor. of tirand ave. and Belmont: nlc 1-roora apart manta free Ught. heat, phone and bath. I tit !'.. MAI'ISON PARK APARTMENTS. PARK AND MADISON STREETS. Xawly furnished three and four-room apartmanta. block eouth Hotel Portland. THE M AJESTIC 30 Clay, bear We Park, modern 4 -room apartmentx Including bain. .d nelghbwrbooo. b mtnutea from P. O.; h..t h phones. ITata. FOR KENT 4 rooms, recaption hall. 3 largo closet. fln i.la4-e. Et.t Yam- M.l. betwaeu 1-lh and 13lh. Phon. East I71Q. FOR RENT New. modern It-room flat, walklna dlaarce. 1 bik from Riee City ear; no children. Inqulra mornings at ' "4 -v I- lath North FINE modern A-room upper flat, choice lo a.tton. 23J, near Johnaoa ala.; rent g-VV C. H. elorall. Lumberman b.dg oth and Stark, FOR RENT Lower flat. Nob Hlil district; fin neighborhood: hardwood Poor, fire place: up to dale. Inquire A. Z. Dayton. AJJ Chamber of Commerce bUlg. VHOOM molern flat. 41o Park st.Tfurnace and fireplace, -l7 5: no cbUdrea. Phono East 14il or Tabor TA3. FOR RENT Upper and lower 5-room mod era f.a:a E. -'Tth and Dlvialon ata 13. Phone Eaatt ftlod. A NEW It-room flat, also 4 -room flat. 3 block from steel Bridge. 2on McMillan. Phon C 21-vJ. 1-ROilM r.at for rant; modern; gaa rang. furnace, large porcb good view. 4C4 Hail St.. paar 121. UPPER and lower 6-room Hat. heat and water furnlahed. vjr. 11th. Eaat Main. Kea - Eaat Mala. 4-ROOM upper flatl s:apitg porch, cloae In. inquire 233 V Hall at MODERN 3-room flat. wsli location. 3"1 1 E. 121. near Hithe.Eut 4133;$.to. MODERN l-roem tipper Tat. walkirg dis tance. 4 North I4tb si., cor. Fiandera. VICELY furnlahed 5-room low flat. T1 Kaat Main. Phone .Vain Jai'k i:ant 1T j". CHOICE flat. cl"e In. W. Reldt. Rothrhlld b.dg. Main lo".V FLAT fo- renu f-irn'ture for sal of six room fiat. 32 H c:h rL N. ilODER.V f-roora iTAt. i'huoo E- 4Tii. 743 Marshall - . ; ' ' . ITVAVC1AL. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. . .. ' a -a- BCUXEM FOICSITfc , BFECIAI. NOTICE-. Coal and Wood. kvB DrT I vr - w . - -. I : . I ' ' 1 - I wi-- n .---. , 1 "U la. jivort. STRICTLY od i oppr flat: t tt a da. rloaa In. adulla. Mar.nall I44Q. lloua-o.ee pla Kooaaa. . THESAVR.i:i and Ma hail. fui niancd for ou.kpln. aa ran. aia. trie liabta. hoi waiar. talb, lauoaj-y. fra; IJ pr monib up: a clan plac baat in tha cur fr onar. a.iort d.ianca from Iriloa bpo- Taka or KU-ii. rin orth. Sat olt at Jaarabail at-.No doia. WELL-ri'RMSHEn bouaea. Data, roomi t room coltaa. m ontn: -roorn iowar fl I1T i aultca S furnlknad booaakaapns rooma. '$. IK. Ill ntn: J tii. Apply Jtn at. North. ear from dapat. l;h araat on ktorrlaoa to liia. block north. Fl It ST floor of cotta. thraa wa!l-llctitl. naly tlnlad rooma. furnihd. ault-ula for thraa aJult: balll. a. piio'.o. oo-l yard, rmlral I-allon: rvf.-renc. -d N. llih ai.. :w uio,k north of Warblnston. i'Uona A or MarahaU 1UUU. . HorsRKEirPINO rooma. Why not II on tha Kaat WHa. hara rant la civaapar ? Tha Balmor. Eaat IJ. bet. Momaoa and Hal moot. )ot flnlahad. Ura. Ilcht. airy rooma alncla oran aulta: raaonao.a prlrca. tl bO TO li WEEK: claan. furnlahad nouaakaapina rooma. fraa laundry, bath, ciwua clran Unan. haal. u Vancouver av. and S.'Jii atanton: taka V car S AND t-room furnlahad apartmanta. ataam bvatad. phonva. baia. Oaaonta. Id liltx at., naar YtmoilL riXE DOWNTOWN HOME. vru.sfe.li nuDa.. si1- morhi.-on ST. MOD-ltCs CtNTKAU KA5USABLK. 41 EAST MORRISON, enrnar Eat S'b: furnlahad bouae-ctplng aultaa, waJalny dia taoca. THE New Tork. 1 and S room, f urnuhed and unfurnished, new and modern; fra phonaa Eaat Tth and Beltont. Z. ifJO. NKWI.T - Kl'RNlSHED. three - room flat. Ii.-h' houeaareplng rooms and aleeping rooma; aircily modern. 1S9 . Tth at. Hr7t" s E K E F. P I N G-r ooma. alngle or en iulte, !..' to 2 per week. Sl 2 at. HoTTEki E EpTni. room In new concr t blue. Pbona Wood lawn -tI or IIorsEKEEPINO room, walklnr dUIAnca. 11. North lath n. paon a Honaekee-pana Kooma In Private Pamlly. 2i VoL'R brlaht furnished nouaaac pir.w rocma. ratriroom. pantry, iirucn, floor. 16 porter tt . 8 car. South Port land. ONE Urge room down atalra. sJitab.e for lnht housekeap'.nk. for one or two; l p-r weak or 1- per montu. 235 Jelleraou corner 2d. THREE furnished rooms for houaekeeplng. Cor. K. 2ith and Tarejert. Kef-rcncaa. Woodatock or Klchmond car. Sellwood 2x1. Fl'RNISHED houaakceptng and sleeping rooma. reasonable. 91 1st St.. room A. No children. ONE eery large, well-furnished baaem-mt nom. light and dry, 312 Columbia, near -h at. fcllTB furnished housakeeplne rooms: no chudxen: walk-lng distance. 1-0. Kear- ney. WANTED-Quiet eonple for two rear rooms, aide entrance, bath, gaa, pbona. hot and cold water: 14 per week. !44Ttht. TWO furnlahed houaekeeplng room, bath and phone: nice location. $12.&e a month; ror. of Mead and Water ata iWater. THREE or four houaekeeplng room, plainly fu.tli.ricd. convenient, b.g yard, ililu l.. j N' 20TH 2 and 3-room ulte. complet for housekeeping; strictly first-class. bpl.KNlID rooms. tnglo or en suite, ftrst claaa acco imodatlor.a oTo Couch. A &-". HKl'c- E K E EP I NO- KUUUA 112 per month up. at i l-tn North, cor. IT'.e. 4 NlfEI.T furnished houaekeeplng room, walking distance; 449 anth. Mam 4o.:s. TWO modern nicely furnished housekeeping ror.ma. reasonable- 1 t'J N 1 5th. Hot sk KEEPING room. 14S 13th. near Ilornain. TWO nicely fumlehrd houaekeeplng rooma 215 loth, corner Salmon. 3 OR 4 clean, airy, furnished houaekeeplng rooma. bath. gaa. -"T E. Morrison. FOt'R clean, furnished housekeeping rooma, gaa, bath, yard: 414 mouth, tiifj Front. TWO "nicely furnished housekeeping rooma. IT 7th. : per roontn. 2 ntlXIfllED houaakeeplnx room, pantry. ink. walking distaoce. 21 ltihernian at. TWO newly furnished housekeeping room. gaa bath and phone.3.V Montgomery t 1 OH X clean furnished housekeeping room; , gaa. phone: no children. 4S Everett. T wo roorr.s for-housekeeping; ground floor; yaa bath, phone. 3 4fl Coiic ge t- Uo HoCSEt) and flat for rant, some furnlahed. M KKCHAXT3 8AVINHS A TRUST COMPANY. Free map of city -fur Stranger. a""M.RN reaiflence. clone In. 14.".: 3,-rooni hurcalow. Eaat ZOtb naar Alberta. JX Inqulra of r?XlnrA Muellhaapt. 1032 Cham. Com. A-ROOM modern cottage with fruit and large grounds, newly tinted, centrally lo cated on Eaat Side. Particular Phono Tabor I'-so. MODERN' houae. 9 rootnij desirable loca tion, at oo4 Keiiy street. &outn irortianu; ront oO. inquire at m tveny or ant Stark at. D. W. Hoelblng. EAST Alder, between t4th and lothaartwo modern 6-room bouse. Phone Marslutll 744. &-ROOM eottace. S3 Kearney, near 21t- Inquir 44S Momaon at- Mala S;0S; l.M a month. t nnOM house, suiuble for two families: rent 145, Phone Main 14JS during week and Eaat 141 Sundaa MODERN C-room kotue, good location; "S' car aouth. A 3t3a. NICE g-room house, newly paparrd. bath. gaa S-2. 14 E. 23th. near Morrison. House, of room and bath. .14 ovejoy, cor. 22d. Inquire 132 Hlxth St. Main 4-T4. ROOM9 95 Everett, bet. ! Sheehy Broa Main 3072. A 1st and 22d. 2410. NEsW. modern, 7 rooms, attic, fireplace, fur nace, close In; adults. 7-2 K. Main. FOR RENT Furnished complete. 6-room cottage. 414 - ituaseu sr. MODERN T-room house, g'l N. 21t tt. MODERN o-room hone. 63 Northrup. KoroulaJ It WELL-FtTlNlPHED B-room cnttvge. month; Iowar furnished 4-roora flat. 117.00 month: wall-furnl.hed houaekeeplng suites. 3 rooms. IJ. ia. i: montn; i tor u Ap ply 344 N. 2th. "W" car from depot. 6th or west on .Morrison to .-wi. piwk nqnn LEAVING city, compelled to sacrifice apten did furniture, rues, rrockery. etc. of n- room house ; houae strlctl modern, oo Irving near 2o- APtily MACLEOD .VE1LU 429 ilenry BIS. FURNISHED house of ten rooma modern and In Nob Hill district, for rent lor on year to re Labi" tenant- Furniture In best of con a I lion, vv nie o e-e. vrciuuiwi. FURNISHED modern T-room bungalow and garners, beautiful flower, fruit and eeg- etab.ea Phono Woodlawn . hra. 11 to 4, FOR RENT Newly furnlahed 4-room mod- era cottage, two blorka Mount Scott car. Arleta (tat ton. Cail 7S a. VamhllL MODERN a-room furnlahed cottage: also a t-room flat witn D in. sit r-t iimu "W-R'- car. FOR RENT Famished fioose and cottage; nlc yard and fruit: tent. Call Main 2117, FURNISHED house, fine location for a road house. Addree P M. tiregonian. A MOpERN g-room house, completely fur- mahed: prlc too. h. aat 1. MODERN 7-room bouse with piano, ahad tree and garden; HI. H.VI E. Ullaan. Uoasea fee Kenf Karaltnrw for stalOb FOR RENT or sale a a whola or In pftrt at laea than half, the furniture of a beauti ful furnished 4-room apartment; tht plac Is moat complete and muat be seen to bo appreciated; reasonable terms; snap. Pbona Main U2h3. A 84s. Hwope. 14 ROiJVS. corner house, brick, cloae In rent $A0; dear $l.w month. Call owner, A EIGHT room, close In, West Side, cheap rant, large yard, rrult trees: a bargain. 34 aj nail t. FOR PALE Furniture of room; a bar gain: must be sold; owner going abroad. n't I3ta at., .Norin. 304 MONTGOMERY, furnltur 4-room flat for sale. Marshall I2 PART rash. ec?ure fl cosily furnished rooma delightful neighbor! pod. 412 Hall. BEAUTIFULLY furnished. 6-room lower flau cbenp. - t..:aan. t.an runaay . AL1 or part furniture ft R-rnoro houae. West Park. Call afternoons. FLAT for ale. room. Call between S and g p. M.. bo weet 1'ara at. FOR RENT Six-room flat, modern furni ture for aale. cheap. 433 Taylor. A 713. Suuimev Resort. SEASIDE cottage for sale, on front, grand ocean view, modern conveniences. J. 8. Morgan, ror. K- lth and Schuyler, phon Eaat ul3. FOR RENT Storeroom. 1 by BO. at 32 Oak t. Apply on the premise. 2 STORE, good locality for hardwA-a gro cery. 1 - - s aimont. laoor i.oa, o im STORK for rent. 33 1 t 'ashrngton, between 1st and 3d. ttte Mon?rrxo otceoontan. Monday, - afril b lores. DRI'GSTORE loratlon. E. 2Sth and Halary . . . . .w H onrrata brlda-o ovar Sulllvan'a .iulcn. Bna Kcaiion for aoda-watar fountain, no druaaiora naarar In Irvmirton than 13th and Llroaa- A - . Anirm .W blial- way. umar nwt " a acta. Owner. 3-0 E- Morriaont. , FINK brl"-k corner: alo Inalda atore. E. Jllh ar.d Hawthorne ava.; altualad for a I.lh-re jrocer. I.utcber. rtruaclut to build up a larire buanraa In Hawih.irna an. I T.a.l.l'a addltlona. Apply U R. KalrrhlM. Sherlock bld. BAI.F of new 3-etorr brick. BllOO: P'ato- f:aa rront: inin ar.o . : ir llrht Jobbing, manufacturlnc or retail. will m aaa one-hall : aiviaa iru" . I.nut or trnanta: lonK laaae. A. O. oni. VOU LKAS More. j:.x5. baaement, at in .N. litx il, nne iwna o " m - Kama' and Ixdlaa" taliorlnc. dry loodi and noliooa. deiicateaaeni mual be rcapuoelbla rjartv. . FOR RKNT Flrt-caa meat market, new mturaa. coou traae. rtoi coaap. am FOR RENT cbap. Bna laVaa ' corner atore; one Kiuiatn usmi i n. t ivn. " .- STORE fnr rent at th and Btark ata. In- Gulre To let at. HTORS for rent. Phone Ervat 1 -3. Offlra. PESKROOM TO RENT. Fin daylight office; free uae of deer, phone and typewriter: 31" per month. 70S Couch bldg., 3 to 9 o'clock Monday or Tuesday. . OFFICES FOR, RENT. 310 on to g-' VOO. MERCHANTS 8AVIN"GS TRUST COMPANT, DESIRABLE offices and mp! room for rant at reasonable rata. ncnwi ""-a-. S3S Cth St.. between Stark and Oak. MOST centrally located offlcea all-night ele vator erice. Itos hwetiana oiug., or jm lior, 5th and Washington. , FEW desirable offlcea Buchanan bldg.. 2SSt Washington- Apply beu 13 ana, s P M. NICE light front office with use of recep- tlon-toom. 17 Board ot iraae. .-soriu-meat P.aally Co.. pe.' J. T. Morrow. Sec. FRONT offl- eulla; single and publlo hall. Altsky liHt. 3d nnd Morrison. DESK room, free phone. 1T.60 per month. ftl2 Buchanan Plug. NICE private office or dek room Tory rea sonable. B4 Henry, eta ana F BUSINESS 0PPO UTINITIFJC ns.ooo. . 123 000 down buve one of the best busi ness buildings on tirand ave.. near Morrl 01 It will pay you to lnveatlgate. don't phone. F. F.. Commercial A Realty Co.. 403 Merchants' Trust bldg. Portland, Or. A WOMAN PROMOTER Wlshe to meet single men between 39 nd 4... with monoy. to Join her Ina moneyed propositi" that will bring big returns, A tralght and honst builne. AL 4. Oregonian. WANTED Party with from 32.-.O0 to 3330 to take Interest In good paying bualneaa: will atand Investigation; w have good opening In California. The Ames Mercantile Agency. Main Sliis. 41t AblngtoB blot- FOR SALE Fine new, 8-story hotel, doing a lar Duslnes in a poou io Portlind. Owner muat ell on account or bealth. A eplendld opportunity. Hotel men. Investigate this. A t40. Oregonian. FOR SALE- or trade, fully equipped, on of the best drugstores in in w iium.ii. Valley; up lo date In every way and doing a good business. In a good bulne town. AR 8. Oregon Ian. GROCERY AND MARKET. Thl tore I doing a flrst-clas busi ness, doe 3100 dlly: "ill at Invoice; 6 room flat In connection? Call room 31 Lumber Exchange bldg. YOUNG MAN. STRANGER. Mike ciraful InveatlgaMon at expen off eiier before yon Invest-money in any propoalllon, Adviaory Department, X. M. C.A. ' GROCERY, bakenr and Ice-cream buslnes wath the beat or iixturea. owner ce.moa. iJiin la a good location, cloae In. For full p art leu Iar call at room 1Q32 ChamConu PARTNER wanted In cash buaiaes; a 111 mke 1100 per montn; must m sooer an honest: 32.'.0 required. Call room 310 Lum ber Exchange bids;. MOVING-PICTURE theater tht I clear ing 32UO monthly; price 31500. half cash and pay balance out of business. 404 Rolhchiid bldg MEURY-OO-ROUND and two more ihowl and concemion wantau. buhoihu i-.io.o-western Carnival Co.. 5erman Hotel. Seattle, Wash. FOR SALE General merchandise store In beat illamevie vaney i.u, uvmi 140 noo buslnes: Invoice about 37500. r i. i. . -.. WANTED Tenant. I will purchise alt and 1 . - --. k.i.M. lotlldlna on se cured least for desirable tenant. D 83d, oraguniap. OLD-ESTABLISHED merchant tnllorlng hnalness. lopg lease ana r jnw -o.. beet location In city. Inquire O vas. Oregonlan. WELL-EQ1"IPPED garage and auto repair shop; established trade; good location. A bargain for quick sale. T 8U0, Oregon ian. LOGGING chancs on good driving stream. close to tide; IU nillliun icu or. auo. haul: some equipment, tenna AS 3, Ore gonian. HALF Interest In an old-atabllbed bul- ness. doing a gooa ousiness. ror iuh par ticular oall Kinney A stamper. Lumber Exchange bldg.. rooms 331-631'. SALOONS. Anyon wanting a saloon with or with out Independent license, irora vvw uo. should ap;.ly at 512 Couch bldg. GOOD general merrhanrtlso store for !e In thriving town, near Portland; stock about So'HiO. saiea tlAV ngniui. auuiw ae, Oregonian. . WANTED Responalble electrician, with some money to Invest, for partner to ex ploit new electrical Idea of vast possi bilities. Lock Box 3. Rochester, wash. vi t-tx.-ci ivn TvrrtTSTRl AL STOCKS. Telephone and other bonil bought and so d. r letrner inv. t-Q.. o auhikwm. are TOIT READING THE STCRT OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. TOLD DAILY IN THE EVENING TELEGRAM 7 4ii.nnv hotel, lot. bulldlnr and furniture. for I4oOO; cost M2.OO0. Call or addres Commercial Hotel. Seaside, Or. POOL HALL Will sell cheap: good propo sition; In CUV; llllio ranej win imiiuio, better Investigate. a v.iv. vregonian. jI,UMBING. heating and tin shop for sale, cheap: 60 mile from Portland Or.; doing good business. AT o. oregonian. BOND Iwue. 3.-p0.000 upwarda negotiated. L N Rnsenbnum. lawyer and financial agent. 214-214 Halgnt dioc- beattie. v aaa. FOR SALE Paying bakery In growing town near Portland. Inquire Gray. McLean A Percy. 4tn ana onsan bib. WANTED TO RUT DRUGSTORE. Firt -class, outside city; tate particu lars. Addr- box Boo, i orest Grove, or. ARCHITECTURAL draftsman and designer want position with view to partnerahlp. AF IMS, trreconian. wcx c a 1 .v. Roardlng-houae. between 20 and 80 steady bosrders: cheap rent and board secured, inquire i aiacaqam sl. fF"vour bualneaa Is for sale, list with O. D. BUSH. 612 Buchanan block, and It will soon move. WANTED Connection with llve buslnes chance ana re 1 ami. .n,-.- .o " " -w bui tjlenty puh. AH IM2. Oregonian. erbic-Tt-T flrat-clas restaurant for aaje: fine place for man and wife. Bargain' if taken at once. Main 6102. A K.02. . v-Tirn Partner with 37110. motion-pic ture bualneaa. Call N. Y. Film Co.. 628 H Wash., near lth. ; cLt.i, or trade. 32000 grocery, dally salea 340: horse and wngon: rooais over store; rent 3-V- r 000 v . ao...o..,. FOR gALE Half Interest or whole In es tablished buslnes paying well; stock s I 3 0011 d gooos. rwx oaa. 11 , . ' CIGAR stand. Weet Side business district doing fin business; long lease: low rent iwio- easy terms- B 842. Oregonian. riFFTEBIA Excellent location, long lease, doing a very profitable business. 401 De- kum ti 111 g. fr0 INVESTED In a 10-acr tract of rich black land will put you on the road to In- dependence. 405 . Couch bldg. ni'TCKER shop for rent and fixture for ale Inquire 4:18 Nehalem are., Sellwood, or telephone Sellwood 7I BI-SIVEsq STATIONERY at special prices. Acorn Pre, 512 Buchanan bid. Main 5334. rnri TtusINEss""crd. 31.0O;jrou must bring this d.KosJtyPjMntery.ltf2Thlrd tvr ALE The old reliable -Steel Bridge FCprTd--te. 1S1 Holladay ava. Soh 1ALK 3-cbal barber hop. good lo- iOtt Taeaea at- fit Johns Oa c.ition. 11 ' zj . , . . vini.i anu aie.m ibuiiui y . In- nulre at Crest Hotel. 31ontesJUio. Wash. CONFECTIONERY, lunch, modern room; !,",, for ale. Owner. 134 Russell at. FOR SALE cheap, good-parlnr restaurant. Inqnlrs3fSH.a?triorne ave. COFFEE HOUSE. 3O0. H CASH. I.EASS WOOD, 267 Couch St. nt hLVT-;.H8 OPPORTf'ITIE8. STOCK of general merchandise In Willam ette Valley town, wiil Invoice doui , 0h: ejtabliihed busines. low rent, fooa town: will give reasonable discount or win , accept real estate for all over iuo0; no i agenta AH 4. Oregonlan. BUSINESES. clean, ataple line, aolldly estab llshed. paying 60 per cent on It capltau and can eaUy be largely extended: par ticular. cloet Inveatlgation. AOr! . Bualneaa. care Imperial Hotel. Newoerg, Or. . MEAT market for sale In one of the best town In the Willamette VaUey close to Portland. All new and up-to-date fix tures, and a good trade, p-ncf bealth neccasltate change. Price 3130O. Addreaa Box 143. New berg. Or. - WANTED To ell our one-third Interest In barber shop: a nap: muat leave on ac count of ickne; 33 to $40 per week: B; year lease. Call or writ V. Revor. a Morrison St., Portland, Ore. . DOCTOR or"drVgirlsTi:ho w1l'.1".dr,,0. tore; eioou icmiu. " r ;;ni.h. cation: lota building and bouae urnlb lnga; sell or re nu Lr. ivereat. Cornellu. or. W ANTED Man with 3O.0O to Joitv roe In . . 1.1 an.ararlse. tO legitimate monav-maa.ua travel tlirougb country. Phono Main 80-J, K- 4J RESTAURANT In heart of down-town dli n.c a 1 nA.. . : T .... ,A I. averv- trlct. daily receipt irom a. a thing new and nrst-class; can t be bear. for money-maker; 2 years' lease. Call Isi 4ta st. , . FOR SALE Restaurant, In good lolo?on . . . 1 -, v. .ni.i at a aacrltlce. aiornson a, wi. Call and I will give reason for selling. is Morrlaon t- A GROCERY tore. doing 32000 month busl. n AS S ID gOOU lOCUlivv, - .-. a , and balance la real e.tate; stock and flx tures complete. Including horse and wagon, 33230. AN U40. Oregonian- HOMESEEKERS. Chehall. Lewi County. Washington: acreage imuwii,.m. ... ... tensive farming; liveliest city of 8'0 In Northwe.1. Write Cltlxen- Club of Che is.tia for information and booklet. PRIVATE boardlng-hou.e clean tcm 37oa country notoi. - . . . 11 .. , . grocery, flne family trade; 3H00. Batea A B atea. 31 u nc-iny on GROCERY STORE, doing about IU00 month business; iowi -.;t..- ...,, store fixtures and stock. 31: . ln- voice. I aoa. v . 2 SHARES of tocK Vol with olflce in foni"""" ., ve.n. further Information addres M. .Morten n a mas Iowa. FOR SALE Blacksmith tool. 'tock in If taken toon. Call In pemon. Ooo. Schlat- T-mitHsLla. Or. . . WA,NTEI3-Flr.t-c..fa c-rpente, partner preferred j little money to lnve.t. Call after 7P. M. at 393 Third t. 1 11 a V. 1 4 ei K A snap, n dyeing ' ,V' lencea. 1'nope ju FOR . SALE-Good . ?i"h an. business, small "-"v., Sandy toad. SoTET. ij-'fi10 ESEZ land BUDuru; ' -t- ui7 nreconlan. GROCERY STORE A '!Mtln:, Ca C 2452lo8S4lAlberta?t. CORNER grocery. ock . and fixture,, rent 3eU; O UVlllg-low , t. N. izSoOTO Invest In legitimate profitable bual ... 1 . rtrtH huaii.aeB man. 11 nesa wiiii io, a H. Oregon ia. FOR SALE At Invoice, a ma 1 .lock or ary Jgoods andhoea, adlocatlon B15l)3. LUCRATIVE business for wle owner going UTaKt. aell at a aacriuce. a. " BOOMrNG-IiOUSKS. ROBINSON COMPANY, ,VJ2 Selling Bldg. Telephone Main 1039. 82-ROOM apartment-hoase. and money-maker, -clear 3325 "", "nrh(J fiooo mill handle It; 24 apartment. 8 and 4 rooms: full the year round; 4 yeara" leaae. 5.-room .apartment-house; a "ttle beauty; 32300 will handle It; 5-year lease, a good buy. We have a complete list of apextment house and roomlng-houaea. all sixes. This 1 our rcialty. Call and ee u. ROBINCON.COM PANY, 622 Selling Bldg. ' Phone Main loo 9. , EAGLE REALTY CO., Mln 877. 310 Board of TraJe. TO room, modem, comer brick, long lease, rent 3400. clear 3"Sti monthly: elo- gant icirniiure; iw-w, . BKST IN CITY. 44 rooms, elaborately furnished, rent 3275; clear 3300 monthly: steam heat, hot and cold water every room; a snap. A BARGAIN. 25 room, comer brick. 5-year leaa; rent 370; new furniture: 32100, term. SEE THIS TODAY. 22 room, lease, cheap rent, elegantly furnished; clear 3100 monthly; a bargain. 1U-ROOM SNAP. Comer brick, steam heat, long lease, new furniture. Krussels carpets, clears 3100. 31S00. EASY TERMS. 11 rooms, very close In. 31100, term. 7 ROOMS. 600. 3-iOO CASH. We have others, all sixe and prloea. 319 HUAHU ur 1 haui.. WAXTED Roomlng-houee with good lease . . -. ... so ..fm nt aoorf land a nil iikhuuu, .iic. ow - -- Rvalue 175 per acre, wlll.be applied a first payment, balance to be paid out of the pusiness. xv a.vi .om, FOR SALE Ronmlng-house, 16 rooms, clear ing JK0 to 310O per month; 1950 cash. i 01 n a-.. 2S7 13TH ST. Furniture of 11 -room house for sale, cheap, rent 380; moot be sold thl week; a snap. 15-ROOM rooming-house; J2X0 will handle It. Selling on account of alcknes. Phone A 1339. SPECIA1. NOTICES. Proposals Invited. IN THE DISTRICT COURT of th United States for the district of Oregon. In the matter of I E. Brown and Arthur Brown, copartners known as Brown Brothers, and I E. Brown and Arthur Brown as Indi viduals. The undersigned will receive sealed bids up to 12 o'clock noon of Tues day. April 1. 1911. for the following described personal property belonging to aid estate, towit: A tock of general mer chandise consisting principally of dry goods, ladles' and gents' clothing and fur nlshlng goods, bats, glovos. hoe, crock ery and groceries of the Inventory value of 8460O.43. together with a lot of store fixtures of the Inventory value of 389S.0O, all located at Myrtle Point. Coo Bay. Ore gon. An Inventory may be seen at the office of the undersigned. No. 7 Flrat street, Portland. Or., and at the office of C. A. Sehlbrede. referee In bankruptcy. Marahfleld, Or., and the property may be Inspected upon application to F. E. Koa sel In charge of Brown Brother- tore at Myrtle Point. Cash or a certified check for 10 per cent of the amount offered must accompany each bid. nfl the right la re served to reject any and all Md. the said aale being made ubject to confirmation of the court. All bid will be opened at the office of the undersigned. Dated April T, 1911. R. L. F A3 IN. TrpB tee. IN THE DISTRICT COURT of the United States for the District of Oregon: In the matter of Lord & Co.f) bankrupts; tha underslened will receive sealed bid ' at his office, T First . room 8. Portland. Or for a stock of merchandl and fix tures located at Arlington. Or., up to 11 o'clock noon ot Tuesday, April IL 1911. Terms cash. Deposit Of 10 per cent of amount offered required with each bid and the right 1 reserved to reject any and all bid. Stock Inventoried: Groceries, 3-403.2S: cigar and tobacco, IS0S.13: hardware. .3841.34; Implement. 3377.8o: palnta and oils. 3551.80; crockery and glassware. 33U3.47; stationery and toys. S4O0.97: dry goods. $1265.87; shoes. 12830.58; genta" furnishings. 34o2S.71: to tal 34 594-19: store fixtures. 1799.75; of rice fixtures. 3637.20: total. 148S.&. In ventory may be seen at my office and stock may be Inspected at Arlington. Or. Listed Portland. Ot., March 30, J91L R. L. SAB IX. Trustee. SEALED bids are requested up to noon. April 21. 1911. for stock of tobacco, ci gars, etc. with fixtures and furniture In place. In storeroom No. 71!1 Main street. Pendleton. Or.: stock Invoices $2916.78; fixtures Involea $1089.75: together ap praised at $s;.S.:i: bids to be accom panied .fcj- certified check for 10 per cent of bid. psyable to undersigned, as trus tee: rights reserved to reject all bids. Dated April T. 111. Addres Dan Kem ler. trustee fn bankruptcy. 111 East Court su. Pendleton, Or. 10, 1911. POUTLAND, OREGON, United States Cus-tom-houw (New). Sealed PrP5aJrI'L1 be received at this building until 2 o clock P. M-. April 20. Mil. for furr-lshing fuel, lights, water. Ice, miscellaneous supplies, v. ashing towels, hauling ashes, and sprink ling streets for this building during the fiscal year ending June 30. 1912. or uch portion of the year as may be aeemea advisable. The right to reject any and all bids la reserved by the Treasury Depart ment, P. S. Malcolm.Custodlan. iEALED proposal will be received at the office of .Plighthoue inspector P"d. Or., until 2 o'clock P. M.. May 1. 1911. for furnishing mineral oil of the quality re quired for the lighthouse service, for tee fiscal year ending June 80. 1912. In accord ance with speculations, copies o Wch with blank proposals and other Informa tion, may b had upon application to tna lighthouse In spector. Port land. Or. UNITED STATES ENGINEER OFFICE. Portland. Oregon. April 10. 1 -""; i proposal for furnishing and delivering fuel oU to the United State at Three Tree Point Military Reservation, Wash., will be received at this office until 11 A M-. May 10. 1911. and then publicly opened. In formation on application. J. F. Mclndoo, Master Notice. BRITISH steamer Beekenham XeJtner the undeorlgned consignees nor master will be ..... . -1 -.ntmrtd h. the responsioie-iur bhj www.. - -J crew. China Import A Export Lumter Co. LOST AND FOCN'D. . - FOUND Where you can buy genuine hair mattresses retail at wuuic.-.. v - renovate mattreasea ana return same day, we also renovate feathers. Portland Curled Hair Factory. H. Metzger. 2io-2.a Front, phone Main 474: A 13i4. LOST Small silver watch and roll gold dragon pin on April ; rewiu, u st, LOST A silver net mesh purse at Scottish .... . . - c. in.il 1 reward itlte catneurui omii V, 1 . I will be paid for return to S43 W. Parlt t. A CHILD'S gray fur, lost on yan'11ve'"t,iu between uecn auu a Tleaen st Reward. LOST Lady' pin. contain two diamonds. emeraiaa, pe&ria; io.- - uerK. LOST Baby elk tooth with head attached; reward, i'none again 100. LOST One bay mare, white hind leg. East bide, pnone aiain ovio. FINANCIAL. MORTGAGE LOANS On Improved city property or for building COLUMBIA LIFE TRUST COMPANY. Big apaiqing iu. Money to Loan Real Estate. ALL KINDS OF MONEY TO LOAN AT 1 AND S PER CENT ON REALTY. J. H. TIPTON & CO.. 110S SPALDING BLDG. ON IMPROVED city property orfor bu'ld lng purposes; 8 to 6 -year' time; liberal repayment privileges, money advanced a building processes. The Equitable Sav .. . . .-,.,!. 0.1,1 umrlt at- inga oi .uau Aow om, - -- - PLENTY of money to loan at 8 and 1 Pcr cent on real estate security. ED W P. MALL, 104 second at 350.000 to loan, no one loan to exceed 310,000 - ,i. - 1 I n, rnrrx 1.Ckri rani estate. Ad- ou giii. .use - - dress Union .FaclUc Life Ins. Co.. 605 Ore- gonian diub. 3500.000 ON Improved city or farm proper.y, building or mall loan at lowest prices, large loan a specialty. J. H. Mcn,euzlo CO., Ol-i-OJ-U-OXP l,c- l- FIRST and second mortgage and contract Durcnasea on urm uu tn; 1" --i--. -j . r . . , a-Dchli,.ttin. FL L vnere 111 oicsuu o Devereaux. Fentun bldg-. 84 bttjit; MORTGAGE LOANS Exclusively. EDWAKD E. GOUDET. L.ewia puiiuiiiM. WE HAVE plenty, of money to loan on Ptrtland property In sum from 31O00 to tJO 000 at lowest current rates. Morgan. 1.1, .finer A P.ovce. 5u3-506 Ablngton bldg. HAVE 35000 to loan at 7 per cent for 3 or 6 years. Prefer West Side property worth .1 least 313.000. A 93, Ore gonian. 35000 TO loan. 5 per cent, for 3 or 6 years, on down-town realty. Addres A 3, Ore gonian. LOWEST RATES 3200 to $10,000 to loan on real estate. Union Loan Co.. 35 Lafay ette bldg., oin ano . " - MONEY to loan on. city, suburban property; long or hort time. 22Ii Morrison, room 6. ' . MONEY to loan on Improved real estate or for building purposes. Columbia Life & Trust Company. 916 Spalding bldg. IMPROVED or unimproved property; smail building loans; contract and mortgage po..ghtyJNurin.448 Si-ortock h.ug. $1200 TO LOAN for 3 year at 7 per cent on Portland .real estat. Inquire 817 Board of Iraae Diag. 3200 000 TO LOAN, large loan a specialty, building loans, lowest rates. W. U. Beck, 812Faillng bldg. MORTGAGE loans on city property; lowest rates. A. H. Blrrell Co.. 2o2 McKay bldg, 2d and Stark. MORTGAGED LOANS AT REASONABLE t".FH. LEWIS. 3 LEWIS Bl G. State fund loaned. 6 per cent W. E. Thom as, slate agent. Multnomah Co.. 4oO C. of . Will loan $10,000 or less, real estate security Farrlngtun. 4 16 Commercial Club bldg. MONEY, any amount, 6 to 8 per cent. Good, nough & Seltz. 810 Spalding bids- 1 HAVE $4000 to J.oan upon improved realty at o per cent. v. . MORTGAGE LOANS. 6 AND 7 PER CENT. 1,-. 1 anov-jm.,. PRIVATE monev loaned on real estate mort gages. A. H. Mlley, R. 8Q4. Gerlinger bidg. RESIDENCES fluanced and built. A, C. Fur- long, 000 1-. 01 c. uiu6., MONEY for good Inside loans, 6. 7. S. Car lo'eu A MuellhaupU 1032 Cham. Com. LOANS on real, personal, chattel or collat eral security. C. W. Pallett. 308-0 Fenton. MONEY to loan on Improved Irvington and . . , - j .. - Main OlM llOliaciny yii" . 1.1600 ' $2000. $2500, $4000 TO loan. E. C. . r - 1, . -A ,.f Trail. hlHa fvawton. 8ii J-'-J. w- a $500 TO loan, private party. Call 616 Mo Kay bldg. $"0o0 AT 7 per cent on Improved reaRy. W. Q. Bufllngton. 415 Chamber Commerce. Money to Loan Chattels and Salaries. r 3333333 ARB YOU LOOKING FOR MONEY T If you knew how easy our terms are you would not be short of money. Don't be bothered with a lot of small debts; let tie furnish money to settle them. WE LOAN ON Furniture and piano, storage receipts, livestock, rooming-houses and all kinds of ecurltlee; term to suit; also easy weekly or monthly Installments, We buy and loan on first and second mortgage and equity In contracts. ' U S REAL ESTATE BROKERAGE CO.. 912 Hamilton bldg.. 121 3d. Main 2084. $ 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 WE HAVE MONEY TO LOAN On aalarle only, in amount of from $3 to $100. at the lowest possible rates. Buslnes strictly confidential. All we require Is that yon be employed on salary and you get the money quickly, without mortgage, indoraer or other se curity. STATE SECURITY CO, 80S Falling Bldg.. Cor. Third and Washington Stc MONEY advanced salaried people, house - keepers and other upon their own name without ecurity; cheapest rates, easiest payment; office In principal cities; save yourself by getting my terms first. TOLMAN, 817 Lumber Exchange. MONEY loaned In amountafrom $10 up on all kinds of securities, furniture, piano or any personal property. Easy weekly or monthly payments; low rates, confidential. Gray Cunningham. 201 Rothchlld bldg, northwest comer 4th and Washington. MONEY ADVANCED. On furniture, pianos, atorage receipts, etc Lowest rates. HUTTON CREDIT CO., 807 Spalding bldg. jJTs on diamonds. Jewelry, furs, suit cases trunks, overcoats and musical In struments. Uncle Myers. 71 6th, between Oak and Pine, Main 910. , MONEY loaned on diamond and Jewelry: ' strictly confidential. 141V 3d t-, near Alder. LOWEST RATES Loan on all kinds of se curity, chattels or real estate. Union Loan Co.. So Lafayette Mdg.. 6th and Wash, sts. LOW rates; we loan money on diamonds and Jewelry. Marx A Bloch. 74 3d t. LOANS on diamonds and other securities. Will lam Holl. room 9, Washington b Id g. A LOAN for the asking, salary or chattel. The Loan Co.. 414 Pekum bldg. Loans Wan red. 10 PER CENT on $20,000 for 3 years: best securities offered. AK 949, Oregonian. WANT from private party. $1600 to $2000 fine home. T 929. Oregonian. LET n place your money, good mortgages; references, ' F, H. Lewis. 3 Lewis oldg. WANT 11800 on home worth $4000. 3 year. Will pay 8 per cent ana costs, un - commission. AK 891, Oregonian. WE can Invest your money at good rates of Interest; gilt-edsed securities; nrsi. iiio gages; long-term investment. Provident Investment & Trustee Co., 201, 203 Board of Trade bldg. I WANT to borrow $3000 on a large 8-room house and nae lot on Wllianirtt.) nwignis. will pay 8 per cent. Call 414 Spalding bldg. WANT- $3000. 7 per cent to private party. JTINE LAURELHURST HOME. W 43, Oregonian. , WANTED Loan of $2000 on improved Rose City Park property; private party; omj g per cent. AM 3, Oregonian. WANT loan of $600 one year -at 8 per cent. on close-in acreage. av- yj 1 . ........ 31000 ON modern home in Overlook district; value soihju. a iicaoo $2,100 ON Portland Heights residence', well located anu improvcu. i o. & 835O0'' ON brick residence In Irvington. A 1. vretjuiuaii. $1500 TO loan for 3 years at 7 per cent Address me at A 2. Oregonian. PEKSONAl WH HAVE the most complete, modern, up-to-date offices In the West, furnished with every known therapeutic appliance used- in America or Europe; we use no drugs, neither do we operate; we use massage, baths, electricity in every form, -y. tatlc. high frequency, ozone. .lnJsoidal. Xaradic, galvanic, etc We use the only radium employed by physician on the Pacific Coast. We treat all chronic di eaaea In men and women. Our office are open to the public to lnpect erLva urday from 7:30 to P. M. f v free exhibition of all the wonderful ap paratus. It 1 a sight you ill never iiave"he opportunity to see any otIJ" iiace free. Dr. W. E. Mallory. naturo path. We occupy the entire north nan ot the Third floor of the Rolhchild bldg.. Fourth and Washington streets. Drt, ALICE A, G Hi r P". Diseases ot women and children, sur gery; chronic, and nervou disease treated according to the latest methods: confine ment cared for; consultation free, oion Washington t. Main 3tf235uO-; CLOSING out stock of hair and shell goods; pure human hair In all shades; also store fixtures, large mirrors, tools for making hair goods, and laboratory; all at cost an o less; special Job to dealers. Grand Leauer, nair aept., om uu ai-- - r. - . . . - - u -ITAt Indian doctor. 802 N. Union av e.. bet. Beach and Falling. Morris halls. Wash., cured of dropsy, blood-poison by the genuine Indian herbal baths, trial baths freeCrippledchildrericureiL WANTED Pupils to learn hairdrcssins. manicuring, facial massaire. sa'P treat ment, weaving; great demand for ates. Sanitary Beauty College. 400-1-, De kum bldg., over Upman. Wolfe & - DR. A. A. Aarun.'"- . Diseases of women and surgery, consul, tation free. Phones A 2111. jn',nM.0orn chants Trust bldg.. 6th and Washington streets. , DR. T". J. PIERCE, 245 Morrison t.; rheumatlam, nervou debility, paralysis. In digestion, constipation and diseases of tne kidneys and bladder quickly cured. Ad- vice free. , FEBVET & HANEBUT. Leading wig and toupee makers; finest stock of human hair good; halrdressing. manicuring, face and scalp treatments. 14. Tth St.. near Morrison. Pnone Main 54U DR. A. A. ASPLUND ' Ha removed to Merchants irust Blag.. 8th and Washington streets. Phones A 2411. M. 4047; ; MP.S.""6tevens. 16 year Portland' leading palmist and clairvoyant, has her .late book, "Palmistry Made Easy, on sale at 843 Yamhill, corner Seventh st, 5k WALKER, specialist for men, quickly cures blood and skin ailments, kidney and bladder trouble and piles. Consultation mi i.r at . Portland. .DRESS aulta for rent. $1.50 month: keep r your clothes cleaned, pressed, buttons . . 1 1 pmnint enlla nnd sewea on, rips repaneu. '' ' k deliveries. Unlq,ue TailoringC3Wtark. O ONNE JURVAS Natural sanatorium. 178 E. BOth. Competent masseuse for both sexes, steam and water baths. Both phones. , , MltS SOPHIA B. SEIP. mental scientist 22 selllng-Hirseh. Meeting Sunday and ed- nesilay at 8. Main 6'l. LOSENZ NERVE TONIO TABLETS restore lost vitality. 2oc box; 6 boxes. $1.2o. btipo iavior AJrug co-. -o ". - LADIES, your old hats made to look like new at the Makeover Shop, 415 Alder st,; hats reblocked, cleaned and retrlmmed. orli .Tl-VfR TXOS. p. , . -l. etirl. ami miffs. 7 Sanl- ewimu cot., -, , , tary Parlors. 400 Dekumbldg. SCALP treatments and scientific massage. VAAr i , t uiu Morrison by traineu nuiw, - - - street. mtss E DAVIS, manicuring parlors. Hotel Rowland 4th, bet, Taylor and Salmon. room 310. ARE you Interested In singing? Join one of our new chorua clubs; afternoon and evening classes. Phone E3Jb4 DR." ALYS A. BIXBY. physician and surgeon, UIr A a .0 tinvi Waahmirton st, Fhone Maln923.A6b07. nna remui.M -" - - MANICURING, massage, chiropody. u-.CLZ. Morrison St. Suite At. o-.'Q n - . THE BATTLE CREEK baths. 246 Yamhill St,, pet, iu u" Qt DR KETCHUM treats women's maladlea l,ii oa I"'"" - rat M OF FIGS Remedies for disease of AI.1..1 or . , .,. ., Mnln U'ir. nromnn. 00 -r.u MOLES, wrinkle, euperfiuous hair removed. Mra il. D. Hill. 49 Flledner bldg. M 84.2. MME. Courtwrlght. feature specialist treat- M '. ,.,'.ii 11,1, eor. WnflhlUifton. Ill e n i s. i.JT J ..... - MISS MORRIS. 422 V, Washington t., room 14, manicuring. , BCSIEISDIJIECTOBY Accountant. MACKENZIE. BAIRD A CO, PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS. AUDITORS. 224 Worcester Block. Main 7369, A 1449. Counsel and expert in all matters por talnlrs to municipal, commercial, factory cost and Industrial accounting. FRANK R. WILCOX, general accountant. Posting, checking up. making statements of accounts, verifying balances, also sys- tarnatlzlnc. 718 Spalding bldg. E H COLLIS & CO, ACCOUNTANTS. Commercial. County and Municipal. Auditing. Investigating and Systematizing. 824 Worcester block. Phone Main 60B1. Assayer and Analyst. Wells A Proebstel. mining engineers, chem ist and aasayer. 2Q4 Washington. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE Laboratory and ore-testing work. 180 Morrison st. Attorney. JT B COOPER, attorney-at-law General practice, abstract examined. Removed to 1424 to 1428 Yeon bldg. M. 873. A 207L Hatha and Swiniuiiug. 6"WEDISH SANITARIUM Hydropathio bake oven and maasage treatmenta Dr. ; A. Niabetb, 433 Market. M. 7o33. A fl5T Portlnnd Swimming Bath. 167 4th Elegant plunge; team, tub and hower baths, 2i.c HILLS SANITARIUM Rheumatic - troat menU elegant plunge. 695 Front- M. 461. liraas and Machine Work. HARPER'S BRASS WORKS Brass easting 2nd machine work. lOtl N. 6th. Main i.uZ. Clilropody. WILLIAM EsteUe and Flossie Deveny. the only scientific chiropodist in the city. Parlor. 302 Gerlinger bidg, S. W. cor. d and Alder. Phone Main 101. (HiKOPODJ and pedicuring; Mra M. D. Hlil. room 4211 Flledner bias, phon Main 84 ' Contractors. LYNOTT WILLIAMSON, grading con tract or 605 Swetlaad bldg. Main 8916. A 3027. w L. BUCKNER. contractor. Jobbing, of fice and store setting. 8 N. Sth au Main C881 A T662. Woodlawn562. ROBERT WAKEFIELD, general contractor, 414 WelI-Fargobidg. Main 680. Coal and Wood. WOOD. pry wood out of wrecked buildings, cut to atove lengths, mixed large and small; we make price below all others; call u uo for prices. lntornational Building At Wrecking Co, A. K. Eleratli, mgr. Mar shall 18o4. Yard. 307 4th at. South. Hl'KNSlDE FCEL CO. Wholesale and re-, tail 4-ft- sawed hr and hardwood. Office and' yards at 125 , Tth st. Phone ast T24. B 2777. 6ECHEBS WOOD CO. Sawed 4-ft, cord wood and slabwood. 9th and Glisan. M 6309. M.835LA241Jl . mOOD--Dry 4-ft sawed to order. M 4.196. COAL, A 4547. Prompt deliv. Neer Farr. elATIONAL- FUEL CO, Coal and woodT Marsnall-900. 313 Water St. . COAL ALBINA FUEL CO. BLOCK WOOD BRANCH E. 33D ST. WOOD. CENTRAL WOOD YARJ Wood and coal. Main 1606: A 1106. DRY BLOCK WOOD, mixed with smaller wood, 33. DO per load delivered any place In the city. Portland Wrecking Co., W5 107 11th st. North. Main 37. A 3734. Chiropractic Pbyalcla n. -CH1-KO-FRAC-I1C TtCK-NEli"; Say it fasB and remember Columbia bldg. 12 to 5:30. ph. EVA VLARSH. tlral lady chlxo. Dr. Ut Oregon 22 Kliedner bldg Hours tt to 6. Consulting Engineers. U.ITED Engineering & Construction Co Eng. and contractors. 711 Lewi bldg. Dancing. 1 HEATH'S DANCING SCHOO.J, 109 Setoo-l t between Wash, and Stark eta. t ge dancing tauirht; va'ta and t-.o-s;i:p guar anteed in four lessons; cllis and focal dance. Monday, 8 to 12. -.cisjia dallv. PROFESSOR RIXGLER, physical culturlst. dancinir master. 231 Vs Morrison, corner 2d. Instruction dally. Dentists. ALVEOLAR TEETH where bridge work la Impossible: does away entirely with plates, bridgework; we cure pyorrhea (loose teeth) absolutely; term to reliable people. Alveolar Dental Co.. Ablngton bldg. 10S 3d, TH old reliable Union Painless Dentists, 1st and Morrison ata Dog andHure Hospital, Pr. Brown, D. V. S, office 129 N. 11th U Main 40S6; rex E. 6440. Hospital . 13th. Draftlng. DRAFTING, tracing and general designing in architectural or mechanical line done quick at reasonable prices. Call Mala 23714 . or 6034 Blake-McFall bldg. aginas Gas and Steam. P.OBER Machinery Co, Coast agts. Seabury steam engines and boiler. gaolin en gine 2S1-2.S3 E M 'rnson st. Phone H. 1 llectric Motor. PACIFIC ELECTRIC ENGIN BRING CO. a Motors for rem of sale. 313 2d t. Fans anil Blower. NORTHWEST BLOWPIPE CO, 500 Lorlnil t Dust collecting and ventilating y tcms. Plmties C 111). E. 82S1. Feed Store. ZIGLER & MINSER. hay. grain, feed. ce nieiit, shlngies 234 Grand ave. E. 483. tilazlne. PLATE glass, window glass, doorrj. windows, new, second-hand. Portland Wrecking Co., 105-7 11th st, N. Main 37, A 3730. Ladles' Tailoring. A PERFECTLY fitting stylish garment Ja much - admired by everybody. Suits f$ . jour measure from $30 up. J. M. EBB; LICH CO, LADIES' TAILORS. FIFTH and OAK. Phoenix bldg. . Locksmiths. EXPERT locksmith and general repllrlnfi 105 Park, near Wash. M. 0167; . Leather and Findings. CHAS S. MASTIC & CO, 74 Front. Leather of every description, taps, mfra findings. J. A. STROWBrTdGE LEATHER CO. Es tablished 13.-.S. 1S9 Front t- Minrral wSterT SHASTA WATER AGENCY Sole bottler for Hires. Manufacturers of nlgh-ciaf carbonated beverapes. Notify u of all empty siphons, bottles and casus. Pbonaau Main fiOUl. A IKiU. Carter-Grotton-Neiaow Bottling Co, 32S Johnson st. MuslcaL Emll Thiolhorn, violin" teacher, pupil Sevcik. 900 Mai'quam. A 41110. Marshall 16-9. Osteopathic rhyslclans. DR. ' LEKOY SMITH, graduate Klrksyille. Mca. clnss of ISnS; post-graduate. 190i. under Dr. A. T. Still, founder of the cl ence. 1123 Selling bldg. M. IO81 .1.8 . Dr. R. B Northup. 415-10-17 Dekum bldg.. Nervous and Chronic Disease. Phone office M 34!). Res, East or B 10-8. Painting-. PAINTING tinting. paperhanginK. Room tinted. $o,10 per room. Phone Marshall 50. Paints. Oils and Ola". COAST-MADE paint unci varnish Is best adapted to the Coast climate. BAaa. HUETER PAINT CO.. 191ccondL RASMUSSEN & 'CO.. Jobbers, paints, oil, glass, sash and doors. Cor 2d and Taylor. lIierjnButljrintlng TINTING, paintlnc, pnperhanging; .neat, clean work. Phone East 00S. Patent Attorney. U S. AND FOREIGN PATENTS procured by O. O. MARTIN. 409 Chamber ot Commerce bldg. PATENTS procured bv J KVMork. attorney at law. late of U. S. Patent Office. Book let free 719 Board of Trade bldg. U S AND foreign patents that protect ara secured through Pacific Ccast Patens Agency. Inc.. Dept. A. atoc-ton.-- RT C. WRIGHT. e.stia and foreign pat-. 'eat, infringement cases. 604 Dekum bldg. ' Pay in-. , THE Barber Asphalt Paving Company. 605 608 Electric bldgJcar H uber.Portland, WARREN Construction Co. Street paving, rVaw-ika and crosswalk 817 Beck bldg. Pawnbrokers. UNCLE MYERS Collateral Bank. 40 year in Portland. 71 6th st- Maiu10: Pipe. PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Factory an fnc7Lnear24tli al Yorkists. M., 3488, Plumper. ' . FOX-fc CO." PLUMBERS. 209 2dst. Main 2001. A 2001. COFFEY PLUMBING CO, sanitary plumb- era 493 Gllsan. Main 8437. rs)?A!!L h'oh printing that is perroct In every sensa 'O0?iK ofi and delivered when promised, call C. C. -Chapman Co. Main 6006. A im, "Vs 8 at- . T 3 KomsoN -1J 2d st. commercial hunk Drintinc. Main 741L HARNDEN A CO, Main 8180, A 7517. Com mercial . printing. 123 Vi IstjU Rubber Stamps. ALSO seals, stencils, choice stationery eto, Cunninghams. 231 Stark. Main 1407. Kug Weavers. vriRTlIWEST Ktli VVORKS Rugs from old carpets; colonial rag rugs. Last 38. B lafo- 153 Union ave, nr. IMorruon, " Safes. PACIFIC COAST SAFE AND VAULT! WOKKS. Homo product, highest, grade, factory prices, easy terms: second-hand KiVs cheap. Salesrooms corner Ihtrd aud """J40.rJL'!",Hi,','-I-0"'and tmk""nio1.R SAKE CO, ion 2d su Safe factory prices; second-hand aafea " becund-Hand Cooda. TArir t,iv the highest prices for s-H-ond-hanU cio.KaW''?e''--Pllone-A- 8la" Sbocae. Bank and Show Jrlxtoxe. luk- c'TiCrTMFG. CO, Drancn Grand Kap Showcaso Co, 6ta and Jrxoyt. K. Lutka, manager. ... , r H BIRDSALI.. 20S HAMILTON BLDG, B'B""wcases ... siock; prompt ueUvery. bale, aaent. M. Winter Lumber Co. Steamshliis. ALLWctur'rtiii6 St. Lawrence Route Weekly Sailings from unvTREAl. to UVtmr-OOL, GLASGOW. M LONDON and HAVKB, FRANCE. Knlendid scenery, shortest passage, low rata, spieuo Local Agunt, or ALLEN & CO, 114 Jackaon Blvd. Chicago. Storage and Transfer. VOPTLA.ND "VAN Ac STOiiAUK CO, corner lltnand Everett sts. Just opened newest anil most modern storage warehouse la eitv every convenience for sale and proper handling ot Koods; lowest insurance rate in Northwest; free trackage; van for tnovjwMajnr1520 . . MOVING STORAGE MOVING. Exoerta. reliable men. no booze-nghte . wiil move you quicker, cheaper and bet ter than anyone else. Plione ua for aa estimate; iwaea rate the very loweat, t" Horn Transfer Co. Both phonea - .. vick Trauater ar Storage Co, office, and commodious 4-tsory brick warehoua. Set.arate iron rooms and fireproof vault for vffllei Jif W. cor. 2d and Pin. ul Pianos and furniture moved and packed lo? shipping. Maln 696. A 1990. OLSON-ROE TRANSFER CO. General transferring and atorage. afe. nianos and furniture moved ana packed, for" smotnen- 87-89 Front .t, Telephou. -lain&47orA22-ti OK.E.GON TRANSFER CO, estaollshed 1870. M-ranifer and forwarding agents storage, ncV 810 Suyt between th and l, -UtS PnonsMain 69. A 1189. Taxidermists MOOSE, elk heads, full work, F. B. Flnley, coluabia. A 1S43. Typewriter. WF are the exchange for the largett type writer concern on this Coast; Investigate; Til makes .all prices. The Typewriter crmr.82Vaahingtonst! ;yuE WRITERS, ail makes. $20 to $60, fully aulranteed. easy payments, rentals. 3.i permVntn. Pactnc Stationery A Printing Co.30a 2d t- ; lvTrw rebuilt, second-hand, rentals at cue rates. P. D. C. Co, 231 Stark. M. 1407. Htll Drilling. IiRILLlNG wells a specialty; priced reaaon abla Call Main 1344 or write Miller West. 12 Morrison L, Portiand,