19 TIIE MORNING OKEGOXIAN, SATTJRDAY, APR II 8, 1911. M1LLSCL0SEDD0WN Feed Is Scarce and Prices Are Advancing. BRAN MAY GO TO $25 Harry In the Sound Wheat Market Again Pats Price at a High , Lerel Coanw Grains llrm. flraa. thorn and other mill feed sr w tat P " active market and ,r pnnl th stroagest fctur ot th lit Brma a quoled at 123 locally yatrdy aad .aorta at 2X Thar wma 1 an ad war af 11 en " Booad. rallla ther noting braa at ITT JO and shorts at so la tha country tha market a very strong and tha ml 11a asked S3 a toa thaa a tM are- The prediction iu ma-la that bran wiu a. 11 la tha local market at - befor th aaaaao la w. Jirty all tha mill ara doaad dva. aa ther la a chane af Mn aaport near with wh.at aa his, aad stocks at patents ara heavy. Oa ' lb strong reatar at tha market la tha tart that aoma at th mills la tha coon try aad In Portland ara la tha mark at to bur ralll feed. Tact aa another Barry la tba wh.at market aa tha Round yesterday. Club sold there at 43 nta and there wma a Ie ot btaeatem at casta, track. From WaUa Valla cum a report ef a aala of alab at a price equal to nearly M cents, coast. Tba wheat market througboat tha country wra traUind by tha demand tor Put Hound account, locally tha reeling- "aa also arm. Thar waa aat mach California trade passing, but that atata la exported to draw en tha ICorthwest tor eoastderabl supplies .. -s Omte aad barley wera Arm and unchaal'" Tha fonnar wera offered moderately aad tha latter war scare. Weekly wheat ahlpraenta from Argentina and Aaatralla war aa follows: Thlaea. last at. Lest yr. Argentina ....H'"""' 5.-4.niw 1.!t" Au-TraltT .....e..0OO LMiW) l.S4..ou Local receipts. In car, were reported by the Merchant 2-xcnans aa follows: Wh.at liarley Flour Oat Hay Monday : 11 ! TueadaT I ' We.lne.dsy .. 34 " J J Thursday .... I I - Prtday it .... data' inn' l 'si tjl T77 snfa j.ar ao .... k 1-va Hi WU 2 MOUAIR IS ARKIVINO FREELY. 8trac Market ha tha Eaat Shown by Trad Report. Mohair la coming In In rood supply aad liberal shipment ara being made to tha Eaat. The market hold firm at 31 cent. Tha strength of tha New York market I Indicated hy tb following from tha New York Journal of Commerce, of April 1: Th call for mohair continued ateady. but the supply waa IreufTldent to meet tha de mand. Fin combing mohair la being ciui.l.J aliov lie. and a xwl amount could be marketed at tti figures being named w.r dealer abla to gel bold of tha quan 1 1 1 : wanted. Keporta re!vd from tha mohair-rrow-ln ili.trlrt of T.iaa during tha week a'ated that a manufacturer bad bought lifc. oxi pounds of the new dip at a fancy price, bat this atatament la not ercdltel generally. The Ariioaa clip la being ant lo lioeton on conala-nmcnt and very llttl from that aeo tio f the country la exported to And It war to thta market. "I ha Cummarciai llalletla amy ef th Boa ton market: ' Llttl bua'neaa In mohair la being tren aactad In tha IUetnn nark.t thla wk. mainly due to tha fact that there la practi cally bo hair an the marlot Price ara firm at our laat quotation for rood ramHinf d.errtptloee. Iomatlo quotatlona: 11 t romblnc. S5 9 ; rood combine; ItotfSS: or dinary combine; at 2jQ'M; rardlnjr. 'JOd33: rora in- cap let. 4 J ; Turkey, fair aver as. l?a4. FRAIRIE CITT WOOI. HIirMF-JfTS, XllUaa Faaada Will B Marketed at Baker That iter. - A an I'M on pound, of wool will b ahlpped from PreJfi City this Hprlna ever th fumpter Valley Hal'road to Haker. wher It will ro aa tha market, probably at tha wool aalea, eaye th Ifalrle tnty Miner. Tba team that haul tba wool to tha tarml ana will a: back to tha Interior loaded with fretcht. Aa a conawquenc. th railroad peo ple ara lookma: for a buay time wlthla a couple ot month. Thwwetea by way of rralrt City ara much batter thaa by way ef Hcppner or Pendleton, and tha ejtporlenc ef woo:Towra la thla a. lay laat year waa that prtrea ncaleed at Baker war belter thaa the prlc at other potnta. Aa a conaaqaenc nearly all tba wool will aw out by way of Fralrt City. ORANGES AM) LEXO.M ADTAXfTNO K la te raUfarala aad laaaaasa la Nelly Ara aha Jtim aaa. Orancea are firmer, ralna la California bartnj atlffaned tha market. A IS cent ad. tranc waa noted la wire from tha South yesterday. Stock her ara low and few car ara renin a. Tha oraaaee now comlns la are batter thaa laat week' arrrrala. Tha lemo market la aleo firm and S3 eenta hither la California. Tha atrencth la due to rrporta of ear Ion damac to the crop In Sicily. There k no qocatloa now that very bleb laaaoa prtoea will preeall la th comics Summor. Amooc the local recelpta yeaterday were tea eara of celery and on of Idah pota to. A car each t ormnxe. cab bet and mtxed Tetabla are du today. TtOIJJCVO TXK FOR EASTER TR.VDB FraMDl-Stiwew Pialin PUP act Blc Baalaiaa Nnl Warn. With - receipt llfhter thaa laat wk and premlaa ef a larre Eaater trade ant week. rron.etret dealers declined to make any coaceaatoaa. and held can d lad Oresons firmly at 3a to XI cent. A car of freeh Kaetarn ac waa on aale at 114 011 cent. The poultry market waa firm, hen cleanins ap at 34 eenta Broiler wer qooted at 30 eenta Ch.eae waa firm and butter ataady at mat prlcaa. Inquiry far Bnwt Hop. Taabla to do any buaincaa la tha contract lltti. hop dealr ara asaia turnlnc their at tenuoa to apota There was Inquiry oa th market yoetarday for IWOa and 1810a. For th former 13 rents waa bid and ther wer offers of 1SA cents tor last years crop. Baa k rlearlnss. Bank clearlnse of th N'orthweetera clliea y.at.rtlay wera aa foliowa: I'l.artna- Balancea. Portland Uiwnl Jit.ni Fltl L4"VH lrj.4d Tacoma ?Yn7 OI'l fcuiuo h.i9.st rORTLA'D MARKETS. Grala. Floar. feed. Fte, WHEAT Track pr1-: Blu-am. MSt. club. IV. red Russian. Sic; Valley. aj.-: ao.f .M. m nS'.KY holc fed. l3tSAC,rr per toa. MlI.LJTiri'! llran. $ij per toa: mld i"iri. io. ahorta. I .'3 . rolled barley, rLOI'R Patenta. I4TS per barrel; atraishta. 1 1 J; eaoerta. V.T; Valley. It-oO; sraham. t SO: whol wheat. t.JO. CORN Whole, lis; cracked. 2 0 2S.SO at"? Vo. 1 whlta. t.BO97R0 per toa. HAT Timothy. Faatrn "fin. No. i. l:.e)l?l: aitxl. tlll'; a if. fa. 1!MS l. clo.er. Ill.it 0 II-X: sram baa. 1W lie. GceeerW. Dried rralta. Ft. PBJXO FRCJTS Applea. 12012 aaa lb.: currant. UHo; apricot. ''"atT'eo: aatea, paekasa. l-e per ".: -.,0u white or black, by aack. It"ci -. 1.T&: 12-lia. ssc; ia-12a. lino: lf-la c: fmyrnaa. la. . . SALIION Colambta Rlrer. 1-pound I tails, $11 per doa.o: 2-pound taj'.a. 1 pouad flats. i0; Aiaak Pink. 1-pound 14 c u rlVt Roast ad. rn drum. SS0S40 per "SlV-Walnut. ITHtJIio per pound; Braall aula. lile: Blbta. 1cji 'Iraond lawisc; peacan. l"c: cocoanuta Wed"''' doaea; eheatnut. I1H Pr pound; hickory Bote, a V loc per pound. HON EI-Choice. $! Per case: at rained. tLa per pound. . SALT Granulated. 115 per ton: balf To.md. lot Pr ton: 4oa, Pr ton. BEANS small whit. 4Ve; larse white. 4c; Uman. o"o; plsa. a1; red Mail can a, 6 VlCKNt W.naa. 4c: cheaper srsdea e3SOC.SS: Bouth-rn bead. Iic; In port. Imperial. Btc; Un ported a a Ira o. 1. T?lUArl Dry irranulated. fruit and berry. !l"0; beat. S.i; tra C. I4.90: solden C. 14 K) yellow n. 14 70: powdered. I0j. Term oa remittances within lo Oaya. do auct H per pound: tf later than is aays aad within 10 daya deduct Ho par pound. Mapl susat. 16 aide Pr pound. Dairy aad Ceaortry Prod era. FOT7LTRT Han a. le: broiler 10c: ttrr keya Sic; ducks. 5ti:3c; (eeae, li314o; d reaped ttirkeya. cholc. 3 Cr - 'c. fe;od Oregon ranch, candled. ttOSlc Per dtrlr:E.B Full cream, twins, 114 H per pound: Touns America. 15 He. HI TTKH ttty creamery extra. 1 and x pound prints. In bexea. :o per pound; leas than boae. cartona and delivery extra. I-ork raocy. mo lw He per pound. TEAL -Fancy. sS to 1U pouada, 11 12o per pound. BEmiTittTpBicEs STKOSO rK3IAXT IXFTS VALCES AT TIXE YAIUS. Sprint; Lsunba Contlnne to Brlnj S10 Hundretl Other IJnea Are Steady. Ther was only a moderate supply of llre atock on the market yeeterday, and except In the mutton divtaloa. not much of It sraded up la quality. Tha cattle offered brousnt firm prices, quality cooaldexed. aad tb hoc market held ateady. The feature of the aheep market was tba aala of a email bunch of choice yearllna at li 7 J. A load of 30 aheared lambs brousbl T3 U and another bunch ot aprtns lamba went at 1 10. Ueceipta were 13S cattle. S calve. .. abeep and 77 bos. .-,, bblppera of the atock wer J. B. Zellr. Heppner. 3 care of cattle and calvee; l. . Bowman. Kcho. 3 car of cattle; Sundial Ranch Ranch Co, Troutdale. 1 car of aheep; ll.nlln A Obllnser. Nebraakw, can of hose, aad T. P. 1-aUoa. ualaey. cars of Sbeep and hoee. Tba days sales war as follow!: Weight. Trie. 4 yearling aheep -V7i ;h eteera 13 t," T7 ateera - 1 '' a.2i S7 ateera 8 'Ji i 4 13 S MI !H boss SJ ateera 1 steer - 17 steers ft cows S cows ............ calves hulls 100 aheared lamba ... Sit Sprlne; lamba ...... S0 I.Mf l-.-od .tj io e.io 1.!J 2l ...... ' -7J 1"3 450 ...... 11.1 8-SO 14-' 4 M 621 43 10.00 00.00 1 chunk Prtrn current on the Yartoua cl of stock at tba Portland Union Etockyaxdj were as follows: Prima steers S09$.TS Ctiolc steers i -S0 Oood to choice steers 8-.3 ymir to ood steers 8.30 -7S Common ateers 4.73 ty O oo Prime coaa J.00 Good to choice cows 4.if o.w Fair to sood cowa 4.B0iy 4.i3 Poor cowa 4.01 1 4.M) common cow -jo Choice heifers Hit 0.50 Choice bull 4.SO 4.ja Oood to rholce bulla 4--'B Fair to sood bulls 8 i3 4 00 Common bull f- ( hole to liitht calae T Oood to chole llxht calrea 7.5ou t.iS Fair to medium llcrht calvee .... 7.Wi 7 jO Choice heavy calvee i.2."t Oood ta choice heavy calrea .... tll 0.-3 Fair to medium heavy calvee ... 4 7in G.OO Choice etasa 6--'.' J 0 (leod to choice etas 4.0 it 8.1'0 Fsir to medium nass 4.0O41 4.30 CholceTo l"9 11 tiood to choice hosa. 7-.Ou i-'- Choice to heavy T.SSa) T.30 Good to choice heary 7.oW 7.23 common a..o) 7 00 Stock hosa S.00W 8-23 choice yearling wethers, train fed-B-OOf 8 23 Old wethers a.ixitf e.j Choice ewes, grain fed 4.5ot 4.73 "alr to medium ewes a." 4o Spring lamba. extra quality lo.OO Choice lambs, grain fed 8-30ei $.73 Good to choice lamba, grain fed. J-WD 3.30 Fair to good lamba, grain fed.. 4.73r 8.23 Culls 2.50O 3.SO The following quotatlona represent prlcea en thle market for the different rlaaeee of boraee: llraftera. extra heavy. $:Kl0n30; drafter. 14M to 170O lbs.. SliOtJS.V); draft er. 1200 to 14o Iba . Jl'Hu2.'-0: chunk., wtf IM: pluca. I1OU40: driving horacs, 7S and up; aaddle horses, too and up. Chtrac Ureatork Market. CHICAGO. April 7. Cattle Kltlmated re eelpta. 2i'0. Market, stea.lv. Ileevea. j2.ir AeO- Tcxaa ateera. I4.&09tf.io: W eetcrn ateera. KWalw. atockera and feed ere. 84.o8 73: roe. and hellers. fi.;otf.00: ca! vea. a 'X J j0 H Kstnnated receipt.. 15.0O0 Market, atron to bo up. Ucht. d !Ut A.1: mlied. .l.:i..f.'.: heavy. I6.l0iia5; mush. l lo us-J- giod to choice heavy, art tf it H3 ; ple e-4e,4 : bulk of aaiea. to.." I! .. Sheep Katlmated receipts 10.OOO. Market, ateady. Native. JlODjl w: Weatrrn. 3J.2.-.tJ w yearllnaa. 8.o: lamba, native, .(Aa 43V. W eater n. 83.00 t.JA RECORD IMtOUlCTION OF CO ITER Output la March 30 0 twaade Crratrr Thaa Year Aga. NFTW TORK. April 7. Tha March report of the Copper Producer Aaaoclatlon ahowa aa Increase In atocka on hand of 164 pound, compared with the previous month, when th gain over January amounted to 14.204.004 pounds Production tor March amounted to about :. 'JO pounds more than In February and total doraeatto and forelaa consumption totalled almoat e. 4ee.v4 pounds ovar February. The state ment foliowa: "Stocks of marketable copper of all kinds n hand at all points In the United Ktstra March 1. l4.l".7?e pounds Production of marketable nppar tn the L'nlted Stalea from all domestic and forelrn aource during March. 130.41I.Oa pounda. fxllvorlea of marketable copper durln March for do meat 10 consumption. .oi).s; pounda; for xport. 4.41.1J7 pounda; total. 12e.ltl.il4 pounds. Btock of marketable copper of all kind at il point In th United ritata April 1. 141.t47.tl4 pounds' The figures of copper production for March aa given In the report, break all record a for any month, being about 1.444.0.0 pounds la exceaa of the prevtoua March. Dried Fruit at New York. NEW YORK. April 7. Krapo rated apples Srm. with Utile offerings on the epot; fancy ar quoted at 14e; choice, 13Hc; prima lie Prune leas active, ateady. Quotations from 19 tic for California np to 10-40a and 11 Or 13 He' for Orssona for toa to 30a, peacbea fairly active: firm on the email offer In re; choice. 7"at"Hc: extra, choice. 7a0lo: fancy, liiylc. West hade at Boetoa. BOSTPK, April 7. The Commercial Bul letin wil any: The wejek'e wool market has been a con tinuance af fair purchase by the mills st tha same level of prlcea aa waa eatab llahed laat week. Th feature of the week baa beea further trading In territory staple wools From t.004.00 to 4.004,404 are es timated to have been taken. CoOee aad Sugar. NFW YORK. April 7. Coffee future closed steade. Pa lea. 81.234 bags April. May and June. .Oc; July. .81c; Auguet, .tle: September. .74o: October, t.tee; No vember. .74e; March. .81c fipot coffee aneettied. Rio No. 7, lie; Santo No. 4. lie. Mild eoffe dulL Sugar Raw arm. Moacovado, test. 3 lc; centrifugal. 44 teat, l ite; molasses, ft test. 3.11c. Kenned, etrsdy. Hep at l.snda. l.rvrFr-ooT api-ii t. closing npt at Laadea. lacio Coast. tu-a at 44 1808 Aa. OUTLOOK FOR FRUIT Apple Prospects in the Middle West. CONDITIONS IN COLORADO With FaYorablo Weather Conditions - From Now on, tb State Should Ilaro av Great Crop North Pacific Coast. The following bulletin has been leaned b the Ncrthweatern Fruit Excbsnge: The season of ID 10 has passed into history. From this time on. all eyee wlU be toed oa the coming season of 1P11. Poxauant to Ita policy of wide publicity, the Kschaage ahall undertake to keep .It cilenia poaied from Mm to lim a to crop prospects, not only In various parts of tn Northweet. but In the principal competitive di.tncta. particularly with relerence to Colo rado and I tah. . -rr The Grand Valley of Colorado Clyde H Smith, assistant secretary of the Arnorlcan, Apple Cotigreaa. U quoted In a r"t Paper a expoctlng that the weatern slop thia year will ship 1O.O0O cars of fruit. Me aaya that th Colorado apple crop will n lb largest la Ita hie lory. Moatros County la credited with an output of 1 cars of fruit, chiefly apples: Delia, -0. w Ith i about lO peaches, and Ilea a County, 4COO carl ot fruit. Garfield wlU probably produc 1000 cara. The Winter has been Ideal and in trees ar In splendid condition to wlthstana low temperature. K tli cloudy weather con llr.uea It will be aeveral weeks before pacne and apples begin to bloaaom. aa the aea aon la about two wecka behind norm at. Klaborate preparatlona for amudslng wera made, but It la doubtful If tha heaters a ill be needed. Th Irrigated dletrtcta bava al ready turned In water, leaaenlng th dang.r of laat year, when tha extreme dryneaa ot tbe eoll made the treee particularly "nal tlve to changes In temperature. So mui-n for eond'.tiona on the western slope of Colo rado. Of courae. It la well undcratood that In aplte of these favorable conditions the entire Colorado crop la liable to severe dam are at any time. However. Colorado lost her crop laat year, and It must not be over looked that thla loaa was the Northwestern fruitgrowers satn. aa a great deal of th ron.umlng territory contiguous to Colorado bad to look to the Northweat for Ita supply. Th eastern slope of Colorado Moat of the Colorado fruit romes from the weatern alope, Howeer, there la a dlatrict In the neighbor hood of Canon City which producea conald erabla fruit. Tbe following article I taken from the New York Krult Trade Journal, under a date line ot Canon City, Colo., March 2(1: . . "The proapecta In the Canon City fruit dlatrict were never hetler at this season f the year and the buda are not advanced far enough to be In any unusual danger from frost thla t-'prlng. ln fact, the eeaeon Is formal, as far as the advancement of buna la concerned. It not a few daya latex than the ordinary year. According to tbe state ments of leading hortlculturiata of Lincoln Park. Frultmere. Park Center and other sec tions of the valley, every vsrlety of apples has abundant buds for a bumper crop, home varieties, auch ss Jonathans snd Fall Queens, which laat year bore a small crop, thla year promiee to yield abundantly. Many new orchards will come Into bearing this season, and unleaa the unexpected happens. Canon Cltjr will have by far th largest apple crop In her history." Prospects In Idaho, Washington and Ore gon Reports from all the principal produc ing districts In Southern Idaho Indicate that ther Is a tremendous showing of fruit buds Vnlesa the crop la damaged by frost, there will be a very heavy output from that dis trict. Southern Oregon comes In with a report of a very heavy broom also. Reports from the Wenatchee Valley and other prom inent districts in the State of Washington, all tend to indicate a heavy fruit crop not withstanding tha heavy crop of the past sesaon. Tbe Exchange submits this Information simply for the purpose of keeping Its mem bers posted. We all know that the present conditions ere liable to very material change should weather conditions prove unfarorable. Nevertheless, the Exchange should continue Its preparation, to handle a large crop ot fruit and to extend Its branch office ayatem to cover consuming markets In every quar ter of the country. It offers to fruUgrowers' associations a comprehensive marketing service able to cope with market conditions, whatever they mar be. STOCK MMETSLIIGGISH TRADE SJIAIXEI. TIWX A XT DAY IX THREE YEARS. little Impression Is Made on Values by the Inactivity Bonds Move Better. NEW TORK. April T. Trading up to noon on the etock market aggregated about 30.000 shares, with a total of 130.000, there, by eatabllanlng a nw low record since the middle of lvo. The market was sluggish throughout. Net changes were for the most part smalt. Missouri Paclflo and other atorks alone showing exceptional weaknesa. News of the day ambraoed tha monthly statement of the copper producers for March and a cut from to 4 per cent In the common shares of the ITnlted Cigar Manufacturers Company, a "curb"' security. The copper report showed a new high rec ord for the Industry. Continental bourses wer steady, but fea tureless. Continued ease of money for all dates la reported and a gain of cash will probably be ahown by the bank atatement tomorrow. Th bond market waa relatively much mors active and firm than atocka .-'ales, par value, t3.S33.0o0. United states Government bonds were unchanged on call. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. Closing Sales High. I.ow. Hid. All! Chal pf .. U00 30H 3o4 31 Amal Copper .. 8.000 r,2Ta 62 "4 62 4 Am Asrlcult .. 4o0 firt'a M 5d Am Beet Sugar. 3M 4:1 43 43 H American Can . Sou 10ie 19 fTe Am Car dc Fdy ..... 52 H Am Cotton Oil 09 w Am lid Jk Lt pf 2-1 Am Ice berurU 231 24 24 -JH'i Am Linseed ... 1O0 11 11 lo'-, Am Ixrcomotlve. . 87a Am Sni.l A Kef 2ni 74 74 Vi 74 H do preferred.. Soo 13 J ins Am Steel Kdy.. SOD 43 Stfla 8H Am Sugsr Ref 11814 Am Tel A Tel.. '0 1M 143a l-3ii Am Tobacco pf. 2- lT 1171 8 Am Woolen ... 3' 34 H 34 .131 Anaconda M Co 20 37 37 .17 Atchison 1.0"O ino-i lonx. do preferred.. fVH) 1 '., lie H 102 Atl Coast Ulna. I'M) ln lim !. Bait A Ohio ... .TH) 1".-. 1 ".-. JOAH Bethlehem Steel Hue 84 H 83 33 H Brook R Tran.. noo 78 77 77 Canadian Pac .. 2.7"0 22;, S2A 223-4. Central leather 2"0 28 27 27 do preferred.. 100 Vs 89 Va VSV Central of N J 274 Chea A Ohio ... 4 10 "lV, St Chicago A Alton 4O0 23 2.! 23 Chi Gt Weat 6.. 21 do preferred. 144 C. M A St Paul 1.200 131 121 12oK C C. C 8 St L 63 Col Fuel A Iron 1.200 82 80 SOVi Col A Southern. 10 S2 62 61Vi Coneol One .... 1.000 146 144 144 Corn Produeta... ...... ....4 14 Del Hudson Bill D A R Grande.. 2O0 81 St 30 do preferred.. 600 70 H 70 ''. Distillers' Secur 33 Erie 7.2V 8f 20 20 do 1st pf .... 300 48 Ha 48 ia 4S do 2d Pf 87 General EIo .. 1.300 130V, 1401, -Jfiov, Gt North pf ... " 127-4 127 127 Ct North Ore.. 700 62 62v, 9114 Illinois Central. 8no 133 13$. 1.17 Interbor let .. 3'M 19 jh IS'-, do preferred.. l.OOO 34 34 63 Inter Harvester 2"0 lit 117 117 Inter Marine pf 40 17 17 17 Int Paper 20O 10 10 10 Int Pump to Iowa Central .. 1"0 ll 1 18 K C Southern.. 100 83 83 ' 80 do preferred.. 1"0 6rt & Laclede Gas ... 10 102 102 102 Louis A Nash.. 100 144 144 144 Minn A St L. 28 M. 8 P A 8 ft M .inO 147 147 14 Mo. Kan & Tex. 300 S3 82 .1 do preferred 67 Mo Pacinc 17.2-TO 81 4! 49 Nat Biscuit ... :t"0 13l 137 13S N.-itlonni .. l'-O. r-2 r.2 62 Max N Ry 3 Pf l' 3-"' 33 34 N T Central... 8O0 10d 10 lo.: N Y, Ont Wea 41 Norfolk, at West 1.100 103, 10 Sua. JM North Am 70 Northern Pao .. 1.200 124 123 123 Pacific Mall 2j Pennsylvania ... 700 123 123 125 People's Gas ... 2,P"0 lu3 103 103 P. C C St SOO W5 3 3 Pittsburg Coal 2.100 22 21 21 Pressed S Car .?3., Reaalng 8.800 15 133 15o Republic Steel 200 S3 33 32 do preferred 4i4 Rock Island Co 100 29 3 2S do preferred.. ...... ..... ..... o St L ft S F 1 pf 100 41 41 41 St L Southwest........ ..... ..... 1 do preferred.. ..... ..... 00 Sloss Sheffield ; ..i ., Southern Pao .. BOO 113 113 115H Southern Ry .. 4,200 27 27 . 27 do preferred.. 100 04 64 63 Tol. St L ft Wea 2O0 2i 2) 20 do preferred.. 6'H) 41 4H 48 Union Pacific .. 4.0HO 177 17 1.6 do preferred.. 600 5 4 4 V I Rubber. I" '.2o6 " 41 5 U I Steel . 12.4.K1 77S. 77 77 do preferred.. 6.H1 11 11 119 rtsh Copper .. 4i"0 43 43 43 Va"aro Chem . GOO 6.1 60 M W Ivtaxi h ...... ..... ..... do preferred.. 700 ,SS S7H 87 Western Md ... SOO 50 W 49 Westing Kleo. .. 300 6l J Weetern Union. 100 73 73 73 Wheel 4V 1. B Lehigh Valley.. SOO 174 774 173 Total aale for the day. 129,600 aharea BONDS. NEW TORK. April 7. Closing quotations: C. S. ref. 2s reg.l01IN-. T. C. gn 8s 8S do coupon ...lM;No. Pacific 3s... U. S. 3a res 101No. Pacific 4a. . . , do coupon ...Wll nlon Paclflo 4sJ0O TJ. anew 4 rer-14 Wis. Central 4s. 93 do coupon ...115 'Japanese 4 .... 88 XX A R. O. 4s.. 92 I Condition ot tba Trcasnry. WASHIN'OTOX, April 7. At th begin ning' of business today the condition of th United 8tate Treasury was: Working baJanc In Treasury of- See 31.SS.128 In bsnks and Philippine Treasury Jl.2So.S7t Total balance In general fund... 80.492.169 Ordinary receipts yesterday 2.42S.JS5 Ordinary disbursements 1,6J4.7 The surplus to dste this fiscal year Is 84. 434.414, aa against a deficit ot 813.314.823 at this time last year. Theae figures exclud Panama canal and pabllo traneactloua TRADE BASIS SOUND nrsixEss is quiet, but coxdi- TIOXS ARE HEALTHY'. Redaction of Stocks of Pig Iron. One of the Favorable Features of the Week. NEW TOP.K, April 7. Dun's review will say tomorrow: ... A slower movement In trade Is revealed In reports from different sections Fundamen tal conditions are sounder than In a long time, but Immediate business shows no re newed activity for the time being. One of the favorable features is the re duction of stocks of pig Iron. On the other hand, current buying of pig Iron Is limited In all markets In finished materials, speci fications are ahowlng a falling off In most lines, but wire continues active. GOOD TTEATICER HELPS COTTOX GOODS Tendency of Prlcea of Farm Products Is Downward. NEW TORK. April 7. Bradstreefs tomor row will say: Trade and Industry are disappointingly quiet. Good weather is helping the cotton goods trade. In the leading Industries there Is not much new. The prices of farm products reflect re newal of reciprocity tallc and the paucity of export demand, as well as the Improved outlook for Winter wheat. , Business fallurea In the TJnlted states for the first week of April were 23S, agslnst 160 lsst week. 240 In the like week ot 10. US In 1908 and 207 In 1907. Wheat (Including flour) exports from the United States and Canada for the week end ing April 4 aggregated 1.430,430 bushels, against 1.676.865, last week and 1,770,08. this week last year. Bank Clearings. NT3W TORK. April 7. Bradstreefs bank cloarings report for the week ending April shows an argregate of 13.316.474.000 as against 12,582,006.000 last week and 13,301. S49.OO0 In th corresponding week lost year. P. C. P. C. Inc. ' Dec. New Tork 81.flSC.353.000 2.3 Chicago Svi.321.OO0 .... 2.1 Boston 206.S20.0OO .... 13.9 Philadelphia 305,019.000 .... 3.7 St. Louis 72.279.000 .... 1.8 Kansas City 4S.09H.000 .... 9.4 Pittsburg 6rt.3i9.00O 10.4 .... San Francisco 48.122.UO0 4.0 .... Baltimore 34.230.IHIO 6.6 .... Cincinnati 81.230.000 6.9 Minneapolis 10.214, 0"0 .... 3.7 Cleveland 22.79S.0O0 .... 1.3 New Orleans .... 16.67S.ooo .... 10.1 Detroit 15.iV33.uO0 8.2 Omaha 13.4 Los Angeles 19.0U2.0O0 13.5 .... Louisville 13.744.000 .7 .... Milwaukee 14. 735.0lV 12.3 .... 1'urtlund. Or. 11.090.000 8.1 Seattle 9.77S.I1HO 19.1 St. Paul J0.102.tlO0 13.2 Atlnnta Il.4r.rt.no0 9.9 .... Buffalo 10.0-YJ.000 4.S Denver 8.876.0O0 . 11. S Indianapolis 9.124.000 8.2 .... Providence 8.309.000 . .8 Richmond 8.10..noo 8.0 .... Washington. D. C. . 7.sso.imio .4 St. Joseph 7.216.IIOO .... 2i.O Fort Worth 4.430.OH0 .... 85.9 Memphis O.'Ctrt.OnO .... 5.2 Salt I-ake City .... 6. 7O7.00O 3.2 Columbus 6.972.000 .... 17.2 Albany 6.SHO.OOO .... li.S Tacoma B.014.000 .... 17.3 Savannah 4.614. 000 .... 10.4 Spoknne, Wash.... 4.4S8.0O0 .... 3.4 Duluth 2.216.000 .... 81.8 Oakland. Csl a.nSH.lXHl 6.0 Sacramento. Cal .. 1.547.000 21.8 Helena f.21.(Ml 11.0 Houston 2t.r.14.0W 18.1 Galveston 13.610.000 3S.S .... HOT BERRY WEATHER EARLY RECEIPTS AT SEATTLE DO XOT MOVE. A'parapue Cut 'Sharply on HeaTj Arrivals Yakima Totatoes Are Held Firmly. SEATTLB. Wash.. April 7. SpecIal.) Today's boat brought so large a quantity of asparagus that the price was cut In or der to move It. The price Is $1 a box. Fancy Yakima potatoes were held St 335 per ton on track today. All extra fancy Wlneaap apple are held at 83. Five chests of strawberries arrived. There has been no strawberry weather and the berry business has been unsatisfactory all around. Dealers do not expect to do much with strawberrlea until th latter part ot next week. The supply of veal Is increasing so rap Idly that the price dropped to 14 cents for top stock. Kgg receipts were heavy and more eggs were sold st 11 cents than at 23 centa today. Butter was stesdy. An effort wss made to obtain 14 cents for cheese this morning. The grain market waa unchanged in all departments There Is no demand for wheat. Owing to the falling off In the Oriental flour orders during the past ten days sev eral Washington millers may have wheat to sell. PRODUCE AT 6 AS FRANCISCO. Quotations Currcat In the Bay City Mar - keta. BAN FRANCISCO, April T. The follow ing produce prices were current today: Vegetable Cucumbers, 75c$L50; gar lic. 4BGc; green peas, 8f6c: string beans, 10930c; asparagus 65c3L75: tomatoes, nominal: egg plant, S 10c Butter Fancy creamery, 21c. r.ggs Store, 17c; fancy ranch. lSc. Cheeae Young America. 11 4f 14 Ho. Mllatuffa Bran. 121026; middlings, 833 33. ' Fruit Apples, choice. $1.25: common, $1; Mexican limes, 66.50; California lemons, choice. S3: common, 31.25: oranges, navel, 75c 02; pineapples (393.50. Potatoes Salinas Burbacks, 82.4092.60; Oregon Burbanks. $LSi2.13; Early Rose, 81.o.". 1.83. Onions 82.2592.40. Hay Wheat. S11O14.S0 per ton; wheat and oats. 9tll: aifalfn.' S4t 13. Receipts Flour. 1104 quarter sacks; wheat. 36 centals: - barley, 920O centals; oats. 14b6 centals; potatoes, 1545 sacks; bran, 20 sacks; mliailo'. 10 sacks; &ay. SIu. TALK IN PIT WAR Wheat Prices Given a Material Boost. MAY GAINS CENT AND HALF Rumors of Friction Between France and Spain Large Sales of Flour at Minneapolis last Prices Are Best. CHICAGO. April 7. Talk of a possible clash between France and Spain gave pre text for an advance today In the pijjce of wheat. New Investment was not of corre sponding volume, but the close was strong at gains all the way from V4 9o to 1 He Latest figures on corn showed a rise ot e to o and for oats to ac. It did not take much to start covering by wheat ghorts who had a profit In sight. As a rule, they were satisfied to collect all the cash possible and then await the Gov ernment crop report, which is due on Mon day. Sentiment early was bearish, mainly because world shipments promised to be heavy. Reports of large sales of flour at Minneapolis helped turn feeling to the bull side. Then came disquieting rumors re garding Franco-Spanish relations. Cloelng prlcea were about the top of the season. May ranged from 84 85c to 87 Ho, with the finish lHo up at 87S7Hc Forecast of unsettled weather had much to do with making corn tako an upward swing. May varied between 47 tto and closing strong HHc higher at 4S14 4Sjc Cash grades were firm. No. a yel low sold latest at 48948HC Oats did not display much aotlvlty. May fluctuated from 300 to 30c and In the end were 30 3340. a gain of He over last night. , In provisions ther was a rise due largely to the advance led by wheat. After the pit had been cleared, pork had gained 15 to 17 points, lard a shade to 2i 5o and ribs 2Ho to "He Th leading futures ranged as follows: WHEAT. Open. High. Low. Close, May 8 .5Vi 8 .87H .85 .8.H July 85 . .SS". .84 .SoJ Sept S6 -SS' . -85 3' CORN. May...... .47 .48 July 4H .3 .49 .493a Sept 60 .51 .50 .51 OAT3. May S0V4 .30 .30 ..30 July 30 .30 -J; Sept 30 .31 .30V -301, MESS PORK. May ' 15.00 15.20 15.00 15.20 July 14.S0 14.92 14.72 14.92 LARD. May 7.95 8 00 7.95 7.97 July 8.03 8.07 8.00 3.05 Sept 3.05 8.10 8.0S 3.10 SHORT RIBS. May.....'. 8 45 8.62 3.45 8.5! July 8.0S 8.10 8.00 8.10 Sept 7.95 8.00 7.92 8.00 Grain statistics: Total clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 90.000 bushels. Exports for the week, as shown by Bradstreefs. were equal to 2 143.000 bushels Primary receipts were 243,000 bushels compared with 459.000 bush els the corresponding day a year ago. Esti mated receipts for tomorrow: 'Wheat, 14 cars; corn, 133 cars; ats, 82 cars; hogs, 2000 head. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, barrels 17.20 7.700 Wheat, bushels ,?I'f Corn, bushels 180.200 Oats, bushels 2UHSX "f'nSn Rye. bushels 7.0 Barley, bushels 67.00 ".400 Grain Markets of the Northwest. TACOMA, April 7. Wheat Bluestem, 85c: forty-fold, 84c; club. 63c; red Rus sian. 81c. . Receipts Wheat, 10 cars. corn, rye snd hay, 1 car each. SEATTLE. April 7. MIIHrg quotations Bluestem, 83c; forty-fold, 83c; ciub, 82c; fife, 82c; red Russian. 81c Export wheat Bluestem. 82c: forty-fold, 80c; cSub, !c; flfe, 79c; red Russian, 78c. Yesterday's car receipts Wheat. 20 cars, oats, 2 csjs; hay. 21 cars. Grain at Saa Francisco. . SAN FRANCISCO, April 7. Wheat steady, barley firm. Spot quotations: Wheat Shipping, 81.4.7 1.50 per cental. Barley Feed, $1.42 per cental; brewing, 81.451.47 per cental. Oats Red, $1.35 1.45 per cental: white, nominal; black. $1.301.35 per cental. Call board sales: Barley December, $1.24 per cental bid; L27 asked; May, $1.47 per cental. Kuropean Grain Markets. IjONDON, April 7. Cargoes, easier. Walla Walla for shipment, 82s 6d to 82s Sd. Kngllsh country markets, steady. French country markets, quiet. LIVERPOOL. April 7. Wheat Bs 7d; July. 6a 7d; October, 6s 6d. Weather cloudy. Metal Markets. NEW TORK, April 7. Standard copper, dulL Spot, April. May. June and July. 11.70 011.35c London, dull. Spot 54 3s 9d; futures, 54 15a Custom-house returns show exports so far this month of 5509 tons. Lake 12.37 ff 12.50c: electrolytic 12.259 12.37c: casting, 1212.12c Tin Firm but quiet. Spot. April and May. 42.37 42.75c; June. 4242.60c: July, 41 to 41.75c London, ateady. Spot, 194 5s; futures 159 5s. Lead Dull. 4.454.50c New Tork and 4.2S 4.30c East St. Louis. London, 12 13s 3d. Spelter Dull. 5.4O45.60c New York and 5.2of 5.30c East St. Louis London, 23 10a Antimony Dull. Cookson's. 999.50O. Iron Cleveland warrants. 4s 9d In Lon don. Locally Iron was steady. No. 1 foun dry Northern, 1 16.75 V 18.25; No. 2. No. 1 Southern and do. soft, $13.50 It. Chicago Produce Market. CHICAGO, April 7. Butter Steady. CreamcrKs. 14921c; dairies. 13918c Ekes Steady. Receipts. 19.412 cases At mark? casa Included, 13 14c; firsts, 15c; prime firsts. 15c . , Cheese Stesdy. Daisies. 1414tc; twins. 13JilSc; Young America, 13?, 14c; long horns. 1314c New Tork Cotton Market. NEW YORK. April 7- Cotton futures closed steady unchanged to 9 points higher. April. 14.45c; May. 14.67c: June, 14.39c; July, 14.3c; August. 11.81c; September, 13.0Se: October. 12.72c: November, 12.62c; December. 12.62c; January, 12.59c; March, 12.43c. Cotton Spot closed quiet. Mid-uplands, 14.60c; do. Gulf. 14.85c. No sale. New Tork Exchanges to Close. NEW YORK. April 7. Member of th Produce Exohange and members of the Cof fee Exchange voted today to cloa on Good Friday and Saturday. A petition has been circulated on the stock exchange also to close. Action will be taken by th governing committee next week. " The best street pavement is none too good for Portland's "City Beauti ful" ' plan. Therefore, be gin now to talk for bitulithic. lumbermojs National Bank CORNER FIFTH and STARK STREETS PORTLAND, OREGON Capital THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK PORTLAND. UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY Capital - - - $1,000,000.00 Surplus tr Profits $800,000,00 . OFFICERS: . C. AUfSWORTH, Prealdeat. R. LEA BARNES. A. M. WRIGHT, Assists! Cash lea-. LETTERS OF CREDIT AND TRAVELERS' CHECKS ISSUED NEGOTIABLE EVERYWHERE DRAFTS DRAWN on all FOREIGN COUNTRIES LADD & TILTON BANK Established 1859 Capital Surplus and Undivided Profits. Letters of credit, drafts and travelers' checks issued, avail able on all parts of the world. Corner Washington First National Bant Capital $1,500,000 Surplus 750,000 Oldest National Bank West of the Rocky Mountains i-i.-E-i.-fTTVE' APTtir, 2 1911 Leave Seattle. Wash., Sundays, at midnight. EFFECTIVE IpRli 19, 1911-Leave Seattle, Wash, Sundays and Wednesday! at midnight. NOTICE Wedaesdaya' aallin; to Prince Jnne 3 nrgl i n neral gen First A ve n u o and Yesler Way, Seatle, Washington TRAVELERS GUIDE. The Standard for 70 Years and Still the Best. Tours and tickets everywhere at all seasons. 150 offices abroad. Send for Traveler's Gazette free. TfiOS. COOK & SON, 6Sfl MARKET ST., SAX FRAXCISCO. COOK'S TRAVELERS' CHEdl'ES GOOD ALL OVER THE WORLD. , 6 AN f 'KAN CISCO PORTLAND 69. CO. New service to Los Anfeles via San Fran cisco every fiv daya From Alnsworth Dock:. Portland. 9 A. M. SS Rose City April 8. Beaver 13, Bear 18. From San Francisco, northbound, M. ES Beaver April 6, Bear 11, Rose City 16. From Kan Pedro, northbound, 12 M. 6S Bear April 9. Rom City 14, Beaver 19. H. O. Smith. C. T. A., 14 Third St. J. W. Ransom. As;ent. Alnsworth 1ocjc Phones: Main 402. 8: A 14Z. NEW YORK PORTLAND REGULAR FREIGHT SERVICE. Low Rates. Schedule Time. AMERICAN-HAWAIIAN S. S. CO. 215 Railway Exchange Eldg. Portland, "Or. Main 8378. A 3922. COOS BAY LINE STEAMER BREAKWATER sails from Alaska dock. Portland. 8 A. M-. every Wednesday. Freight received at Alaska docs: until 5 P. M. dally. Passenger tare first-class. $10; second-class, $7, including meals and berth. Tickets on sale at Alns worth dock. Phone Main 269, A 1234. San Francisco, Los Angeles and San Pedro Direct. North Paclflo S. S. Co.'s S. 8. Roanolc and 8. S. Eldar sail every Wednesday alter nately at 6 P. M. Ticket office 132 Third su. near Alder. AIARITN i- BTGLET, Pasaenser Agent. W. H. SLU6SER, Freight Agent, f bones AU ASliAvUU. $500,000 OREGON W. S CUMBER. Caahfwr. VlPo-Preraldent. W. A.. HOLT. Aaslataat Gambler. .$1,000,000.00 . 700,000.00 and Third Streets. STEAMSHIPS . s-a . ,, tCn e""S 9 "Prince Rupert"and "Prince George FOR Victoria, Vancouver, Prince Rupert, ( Stewart and Queen Charlotte Island Points Across the Ocean Palatial, modern steamer London Paris Bremen Ideals a la carta without extra charge. Gibraltar Algiers Naples Genoa with every com tort ana convenience. Wireless ana submarine signals. Travelers' checks. NORTH GERMAN LLOYD Express sailings to London, Paris and Bremen every ITueadav. Fast mall steamers to Lon don, Parts and Bremen every Tburednv. MMnerranean Poets every Saturday. Haianiore-Br.men,one class Cabin ateamtrM'ednesdays. Aroand-thr-World lill. Connections for Egypt and Far East by Com pany's steam 0EUUCBS A CO, Cm. Agts, S Broadway, New York BOBKRT CAPKLLB, . A, P. C San Francisco, or Local Agents. iT!;r7;iii(rWe41 AMERICAN WHITE STAR RED STAR ATLANTIC TRANSPORT WHITE STAR DOMINION Canadian Service -iiaf 111 " 1 r"V sill a ' f1 Tli Co.'! Office, 619 2d Ave., Brattle; or V. V. Stinger. 244 Wash.; A. I. Charl ton. 265 Mer.; F. K. Johnson, 143 8d; E. F. Balrd. 100 Sdt Vald. Lidell, 28 N. 6th; II. Dickson. 122 Sd. NEW ZEALAND AND AUSTRALIA (Union Line of N. Z.) VIA TAHITI AM) WELLINGTON Direct through steamers, sailing from fiat. Francisco. April 6, and every 28 days. W.-ll- , Ins ton and back. 1st class. -M. Othr rata also low. The line to Isles of the South Seas, For reservations see Coupon Railroad Agents, or address Oceania 0. & an.JTxanoiscaa j