A 4 , the aronyTyff 1 OREGoyTAX.- Thursday. April 6. .1911. ' WERLEIH DEFIES HIS TWO RIVALS Candidate for Mayoralty Chal lenges Lombard and Rush light to Debate. CITY THEMES PROPOSED City Treasnror Write to Opponents Asking Tbein to Confer Willi II lm to Arrange Five Meet ings to Discuss Problems.) Shedding bis cot and taking on his fighting garb. City Treasurer Werleln actively Initiated his campalsn for the .Republican nomination for Mayor yes terday. Me started things by Issuing; a chal lenge to his opponents. Invltlns; both Mr. Rusnllft-ht and Mr. Lombard ta meet him publicly and discuss municipal questions. ' The challenge was Issued In letters addressed to each of his rivals. Letter Contains Challenge. The letter to Mr. Kushllght. Identi cal with the one sent Mr. Lombard ex cept as to names. Is: Honorable A. a. Raahllcbt. Portland. Or. Ifmr Sir: 1 have reed with much Interest the Ideas which from time to time jot neve, throush the proa, presented In reference to the conduct of the office of Mayor, awl whet you would do If elected to that hlh office. I belters thet you are sincere In yoar expressions end I further beUers thet every men. women end child ought to end win be Interested ta the following campeiso of education which I propose. I respectfully request thmt yea. or your yereonel representative, meet with me end Str. Lombard, er hie personal representative, on Monday morntne. the loth Inst., at 1 o'clock la the City Trasurere office. City Wall, the object of thle meettns beles I' errmnce for a serlee of Joint debatee alone lines of municipal economy, said debatee te be held at such times and placee as mlrht be etTe1 upon. That the publle la Interested vitally le manifest at every place eur citizens are rrone te gather. Believe me. sentlemsn. that my sole desire tn this matter le to brtns before the people la aa educational way what each stands for.' A similar communication has been ad. dressed to Mr. lmbard and I mlfht add that the attitude of either of you In ref erence te this proposed sertee of debatee le unknown to me. I em. dear sir. for a brighter, better, more prosperous, more eronomlraliy-voverned city. Teure vsry respectfully. (Sl(ned J. E. WEHI.EIN. Candidate for Mayor. Hspubllcaa Primaries. Debate Plan Liked. "I am convinced there; la a desire on the part of the voters of. this rlty to hear the Issues in this municipal cam pals;! discussed by the different candl datee, eepeclally those seeking election ae Mayor." said Mr. Werleln. "They are entitled to that discussion. As for ray part. I am more than willing to ro before the people, define my position cn all questions touching on the ad ministration of municipal affairs and Inform the voters what may be expect ed of me If I am elected. "Both of my opponenta have made promises that. If elected, they would keep the taxes down by inaugurating reforms In the present system of our city government. But they are not specific. They do not undertake to tell the people how they will bring about thee reforms and accomplish tbe retrenchment in public expendi tures to which they have committed themselves. What the people would like to know la how they are going; to bring these results about. "I claim to Rave a practical solution to every municipal problem confront ing the. people of Portland today and before-this campaign is ' over I shall tell Just aa many people aa I have time to address what that plan Is and how I propose- to Introduce It tn my adminis tration as Mayor. "If agreeable to Mr. Rushlight and Mr. Lombard and they will agree to meet with me and discuss municipal affairs publicly. I would, be In. favor of holding at least two large -meetings on the West Side and three on the East Bide. The time of tbe evening, could be divided equally among the three) candidates. I would be. willing to be-v gin the discussion, but would expect ten minutes at the close for rebuttal. The West bide meetings, at least on of them, should be held In the Armory." GIRL PURSUES SUITOR Atorla Woman Says ex-Soldier Ran Away on tve of Wedding. Miss Elisabeth M. Khsen. of Astoria, came to Portland last night In pursuit of Pavld K. Ursss. ex-quartermaster sergeant at Forv Stevens, who. she al lege, promised to marry her yester day. Invitations had been Issued and preparations made for the wedding. Grass bad been stationed at Fort Stevens seven years, was well liked by his offloera. was considered a eteady young man and received several pro motions. Ills last enlistment expired March 15. and on March SO be drew 11Z0Q out of the bank at Astoria and left that city. It was the last seen of him then, although Grass left his trunk and clothing at the bom of Miss Eb sen's parents, where the wedding was to have taken place yesterday. At the time Miss Ebeen waa visiting tn Port land and Grass told her parents that he was coming to this city and would return with her for the wedding. Miss Kbsen did not hear from him here and went to Astoria. As the wedding dsy came and no word was received from ;raas. she returned to Portland and In stituted a hunt for her intended. She learned that be was preparing to leave for the East today and asked the as sistance of the police department In finding bin before getting out of tbe city. Mlsa Ebeen was loath to believe that Grass was running away from her. but aa ehe began to view the affair In that light, she said she wanted to find blm to demand aa explanation. Creditors Select Trustee. VANCOUVER. Wash.. April . (Spe cial.) The creditors of the bankrupt firm of Moore Hardin, contractors, met today and appointed 1L U Parcel trustee. They will meet again April 15. The M Sleep f Geo Health Can not be overestimated and any aliment that prevents It is a menace to health. J. U. Southers. Eau Claire. Wis- says: I have been unable to sleep soundly nights, because of peine across my be. k and soreness of my k wine ye. My appetite waa very poor etn'l m v geoerai condition was much run down. I have been taking Foley KMney pills but a short time and now sleep ss sound ss a rock, niv general condition ts greatlr Improved, and I know that Foley Kidney Pills have cured me." Good results slways fol low the use of Foley KUney Ptlis. They are a prompt corrective of vrtoary Irregularities. Try them. Fold fcy aa druggists, Hil ILK TOR MEN, TTOMEf AND CHILDREN THAN CASTOR OIL, SAJ.T3.0ft rUU,A IT SwTXTTJfS AM) CLCAWC5 THE STSTCM MOM EFFICIENTLY AND B rA MOM rUASAKT TO TAKE., IS THE IDEAL FAMILY LAXATIVE, AS IT GIVES SATISFACTION TO ALL, IS ALWAYS BENEFICIAL LN ITS EFFECTS AND PERFECTLY SAFE AT ALL TIMES. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. in the Circle, on evenj Pacfta of tno Genuine. 7-' - ALL rP'ais DRUGGISTS SILL TfK ORIGINAL AND CFJtUM WHEN CALLED FOR. ALTHOUGH THEY COULD MAKC A LARGER MtOfTT IT SELLING INFERIOR FREFXRA. TIONS, TET THET FREFER TO SELL THE GENUINE. BECAUSE IT IS RIGHT TO DO SO AND FOR THE GOOD OF THEIR CUSTOMERS. WHEN NEED OF MEDK3NES. SUCH DRUGGISTS ARC THE ONES TO DEAL WITH. AS .YOUR UFX OR HEALTH MAT AT SOMETIME DEFEND WON .THEIR SKILL AND REUASUXTT WHEN HJYJNG Note tfifl Faff Name of the Company jgpJj ftUftTEO STRAIGHT ACROSS. f LAS. THE BOTTOM. AND I THE CIRCLE. NEAR THE TOF OF EVERY FACKAGE.OF THE GENUINE. ONE SIZE ONLY. FOR SALE Y ALL LEADING DRUGGISTS. REGULAR FRKE SO. FER BOTTLER ' SYQIT OF Flta AND ELIXIR OF -SENNA IS THE ONLY FERFECT FAMILY LAXATIVE,' BECAUSE IT tS THE ONE REMEDY WHICH ACTS W A NATURAL. STRENGTHENING WAT AND a r THE SYSTEM. WITHOUT UNPLEASANT AFTEREFFECTS AND WITHOUT UUTATTHG. DEBILITATING OR GRIPING, AND THEREFORE DOES NOT INTERFERE IN ANY WAY WITH BUSINESS OR PLEASURE. IT IS RECOMMENDED BY MILLIONS OF WELL. exrORMED FAMILIES, WHO KNOW OF ITS VALUE FROM PERSONAL USE. TO GET ITS BENEFICIAL EFFECTS ALWAYS BUY THE GENUINE; MANUFACTURED BY THE CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. mm 9mm imi ill -conTaTT ui rt J I) i!I cc nt. or ai coholKJ Jj j'l "auuiuAi umiirtiKis. K j I f luwcrs uur -tbwtis? K lis ' 4 MINIATURE PKTURC Of TMJMJ. ACTION IS URGED Taft Sends Reciprocity Bill to New Congress. NATION APPROVES, HE SAYS Dnty to Masses Impels President to Ask Congress, to Act Without Delay Agreement Helps Man ufacturers and Farmers. WASHINGTON. April S. President Taft transmitted to Congress a mes sage ursjlnir early action on the reci procity agreement with Canada. He said that he sent this message In defer ence to popular sentiment and In duty to the great masses of the American people. The message follows: - "To the Senate and House of Repre sentatives: 1 transmitted to the Sixty first Congress on January It last, tbe text of the reciprocity trade agreement which had been negotiated under my direction by the Secretary of State with the representatives of the Dominion of Canada. "This agreement waa the consumma tion of earnest effort, "extending over a period of nearly a year; on tbe part of both governments to effect a trade arrangement which, supplementing as It did. the amicable settlement of vari ous questions of a diplomatic and po litical character that had been reached, would mutually promote commerce and would strengthen tbe friendly relations now existing. ' 'Public Opinion Approves. - The agreement In its Intent and the terms was purely economic and com merciaL While tbe general subject waa under discussion by the commissioners. I felt assured that the sentiment of tbe people of the United States waa such that they would welcome a measure which would result In the Increase of trade on both sides of the boundary line, would open up the reserve pro ductive resources .of Canada to tbe great mass of our own consumers on advantageous conditions, and at the same time offer a broader outlet for the excess product of our farms and manv of our Industries. "Details regarding a negotiation of this kind necessarily couia not do maue public while the conferences were pending. When, however, the full text of the agreement, accompanying corre spondence and data, explaining both Its purpose and Ita scope, became Known to the people through the message transmitted to Congress. It was imme diately apparent that the ripened fruits of the careful labors of the commis sioners met with widespread approvaL This approval has been strengthened by further consideration of tbe terms of the agreement in all their particu lars. The volume of support which has developed, sbows that Its broad national scope Is fully appreciated and Is responsive to the popular wilL "The House of Representatives of the (1st Congress, after tbe full text of the arrangement, with alt the de tails In regard to the different pro visions, bad been laid before It, as they were before the American people, passed a bill confirming the agreement as negotiated and as transmitted to Congress. Early Action Is Crged. "This measure failed of action In the Senate. In my transmitting message of January It I fully set forth the character of agreement and emphasized Its appropriateness and necessity as a response to the mutual qeeds of the people of the two countries, as well as Its common advantages. I now lay that message and the reciprocity trade agreement aa part of the present mes sage before the Sid Congress, and again Invite earnest attention to the consideration therein expressed. 1 am constrained, la deference to popular sentiment and with a realis ing sense of my duty to the great mass of our people, whoee welfare Is In volved, to urge on your consiaeratioa early action on thte agreement. "In concluding tne negotiation, tne representatives of the two countries bound themselves to use their utmost efforts to bring about the tariff changes provided for In the agreement by concurrent legislation at Washing ton and Ottawa. December Would Be Too Late. "I have felt It my duty, therefore. not to acquiesce In relegation of action until the opening of the Congress In Ltecember .but to use my constitutional nrerosratlve slTd convoke the ld Con gress In extra, eeeslnn In order that there shall be no Drees: ot continuity In considering and acting upon this most Important subject. A fight In the House over the adop tion of the new Democratic rules was Interrupted to permit the reading of the message. Tie messes; e was listened, to , with some Interest, but there was no aplause at Its -conclusion. It was re ferred to the committee on -ways and means. After the message was read in the Senate, it was referred to the fin ance committee. RESERVES 3IAY BE OPENED Chamberlain : Offers Bills to It ' Whites Take Oregon Land. OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU, Wash ington. April 6. Senator Chamberlain has propared and will Introduce bills providing for the opening to entry of the surplus unallotted land of the Klamath, Warm Springs and Umatilla Reservations. . The bills provide that the surplus land shall be classified and thrown open to white settlement under appropriate land laws. - Alaska Postmaster Named. OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU. Wash ington. April . The President today nominated Daniel W. Flgglns as post master at Ketchikan. Alaska. FLOOD DESTROYS GRAIN LEVEE BREAKS AXD LETS WA. . TER INTO RICH DISTRICT. Colusa Basin ' Overflows 25,000 Acres of Grain In-Sacramento Valley and Ruin Spreads. COLUSA. CaL. April S. Special.) The levee of reclamation district No. 108, south of Colusa, broke today near the Tolo County line and the district Is filling with water from the Colusa Uasln. A heavy wind caused waves which battered away the embankment. Twenty-five thousand acres of grow ing grain that would have- made . a heavy yield will be ruined. ' Probably not more than 1000 acres will. remain out of water. Three large dredgers were rushed to the scene and are try ing to stop the flood. Three hundred men have been work ing night and day protecting the le vees with burlap, lumber and other materials, trying to prevent disaster, but their efforts were rendered futile by the heavy wind last night, which caused great waves to beat upon the levee system. Three days ago . a cut was made through the dam of another district to lower water In the Colusa Basin, but the height was reduced only eight inches, not enough to remove danger to crops. Various reclamation districts have built levees against floods from the Sacramento River and back levees to keep out the water of Colusa Basin. These districts now extend to Knight's Landing Ridge, which forms a dam, and the water cannot escape. Means will be taken to remedy this, when the districts will be safe. 7-YEAR-OLD GIRL MISSING Daughter of Charles Rogers Falls to Come Home From School. - Opal Rogers, the 7-year-old daughter of Charles Rogers, 1747 Fowler avenue, la reported missing. When she did not return home from the Peninsula School yesterday evening her parents became alarmed and notllled the. police. Up to midnight no trace of toe lltUe girl was found., About 4:30 P. M. she was seen In' the Peninsula grocery and about 6 .o'clock she went to the Glenwood grocery and asked for a nickel s worth of candy. Th,( la the last trace of her. A woman living on the' Peninsula said she saw a girl, answering the de scription of Opal Rogers. In company with another girl, on a St. Johns car, bound for Portland. The little girl wore a pink dress, a blue apron without sleeves and a red sweater with gray culls and collar. She has black hair, was bareheaded and wore red hair ribbons. FREE' TALK MACHINE DISC Everyone attending our Talking Ma chine Sale between the hours of 9 to 12:30 on Thursday. Friday and Satur day, will be given absolutely free one new latest double disc record. This offer Is for three days only. Eilers Music House, 353-35S. Washington at. liorneseekerel Cltehalls, Washington. Surrounded by largest dairy, fruit and farming country In Pacific Northwest. Acreage inducements for Intensive farm ing. County sest Lewis County, where land Is chesper end the best. ChsheUls Is the liveliest Inland Washington town of 6000 people. Paved street, electric lights, sewerage, water, gas and all mod ern comforts. Has 1225.000 In public Im provements under way now. Visit Che hslls and see Southwest Washington's Vvgest farming section before locating elsewhere. Chehalla hss a variety of manufacturing with large monthly pay rolL For detail visit Chehalis, or- ad dress Citlseaar Club, Cnohalls, Wash, For'miladVs boudoir, the Individual Library is a happy inspiration. It consists of one or more Slobtiroickc units for her own favorite books. 9lobeVcrt)tckc "Elastic" Bookcases can be easily arraneecl in Individual Libraries for any or all members of the family thus fostering the love of good literature, especially in the minds of the younecr members. . Let us show you tome ideas for Individual Libraries, herein our store. Come down TODAY and sea our special window display. . Portland's Popular -Hook And Stationery Store 11"S RELIABILITY I " Systems tlxers ' Office Furniture And -Specialties Corner Third And Alder T5h3.3i. (Bill do. "l'"00 3 PERFECT TSSi3 is the only dentifrice that thoroughly and properly cleanses the teeth Summer. Excursion To the East May 1 6 to September 7 . Certain days each month. . To St. Paul, Minneapolis, Omaha, Kansas City, and other Eastern terminals $60.00 To Chicago 72.50 To St. Louis 70.00 These are round-trip fares. Proportion ately low fares to many other points. LIBERAL TIME ALLOWED FOR TRIP STOPOVERS PERMITTED. If you will advise us where you want to go and where yon wish to visit, and when you want to go, we will tell you the lowest cost and best arrangements. TICKETS ARE PTRST CLASS and can be nsed on the - North Coast Limited the Crack Train to and irom the East. s Call on or write to A. D. Charlton, Assistant General Pass. Agent, - 255 Jlorrison street, Portland. Northern Pacific Railway FEDERAL- PLAN URGED PREWEN' SATS ASQTJITH'S HOME It CLE PROGRAMME WRONG. O'Brien,, Nationalist, Resigns From Parliament to Glvo Ileal v Scat .and Scores Veto, BUI. . LONDON. April' 5. Moreton Ftewen soon will resign his seat In Parliament for the northeast division of Cork County, as be opposes, the Government veto bill and deelres to create a vacancy . for Timothy Healy. who was defeated In the last election. Discussing; today hla pro posed retirement. Mr. Frewen said: "I am convinced that the veto bill In cludes? every wrong method for winning public opinion In England to rational home-rule views. A second chamber of destruction Instead of construction Is In compatible with the Federal solution which Is the only solution. It Is quite lm- possible to achieve such a constitutional rearrangement as is desired without the co-operation of both great parties. "The "furious passions that are being stirred up must make the generous financing of the new Irish government and ihe completion of the land purchase hopeless for many years. To have coaxed the Tories, to have conciliated the classes and creeds, this would have been quite easy. Indeed, thsnks Jo tbe Fed eral movement for which Lord Grey is chiefly responsible, the letiven was al ready at work, but now we are likely1 to be undone. "However, it Is not possible for me to advance enich views. To do so In this crisis wquld weaken Mr. O'Brien and his movement." The Government promises Mr. O'Brien an opportunity this month to' offer In the House of Commons the problem of sliver exchange with Asia. He predlrts a recurrence of the crisis of 19u with equally disastrous result. Clvll'War, died last night at the home of his daughter, Mrs. 'E. D. Timma, 238 East Fifty-third street. He was born In Germany and came to America when a boy. Before coming to Oregon a tew years ago Mr. Hummel lived in Illinois and Minnesota, -In the latter state at New Ulm, of which be waa one of the founders. ' Kicked By A Mad Horse. Samuel Birch, of Beetown, Wis., had a most narrow escape from losing his leg, as no doctor could heal the fright ful sore that developed, but at last Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured It com pletely. It's the greatest healer of ulcers, burns, bolls, eczema, scalds, cuts, corns, cold-sores, bruises and piles on earth. Try It. 2Bc at all druggists. Foley Kidney Pills contain In con centrated form ingredients of estab lished therapeutic value for the prompt alleviation of all kidney and bladder ailments. Foley Kidney Pills are anti septic, tonic and restorative. Do not allow your kidney trouble to progress beyond the reach of medicine, but start taking Foley Kidney Pills at once. Re fuse substitutes. Sold by all drug Frequent Washing Not Good for the Hair William Hummel Dlea. x WUllam Hummel, a veteran of -the (Marian Harlow In Woman's Sphere, "The best method of promoting a healthy scalp, and a growth of long. glossy hair. Is to use a good dry sham po once a week Women find frequent washing of the head hardens the scalp and makes the hair brittle,- straggly and thin. - "Dry shampooing exercises the scalp and Invigorates the hair follicles and when this condition exists the right amount of oil is fed the delicate tissues and hair roots and the hair takes on new life. "The best dry shampoo powder Is msde by mixing 4 ounces of orris root with 4 ounces of therox. A tablespoon ful sprinkled on the head, then thor oughly, brushed through tbe hair, makea the head feel good and gives the hair a rich, glossy appearance." Here is a new idea: A Shoo Sbop up high; A clean, quiet, place that is close to the sky. You step from the streets to an uplifting car, .And reach the Shoe Shop without any jar I We a'mbed Up Higher To Save for the Buyer Wright's Sample Shoe Shop Rooms 600, 601, 602, 603, 603'. SIXTH FLOOR OREGONIAN BUILDING Portland, Oregon We Sell All LADIES' SHOES $2.00 A Pair No Mora No Less MAIL ORDERS FILLED SAME DAY AS RECEIVED. We Sell All MEN'S SHOES $2.50 A Pair No Mora No Lass Now Spring Stylos in Oxfords and Pumps Arriving Daily. The Worlds Best Sample Shoes $3 to $6 Values Our Price: Ladies' $2, Gents' $2.50 PORTLAND'S BUSIEST SHOE SHOP 6th Floor Oregonian Bid. Rooms 600, 601, 602, 603, 603ya Corner Sixth and Alder Streets Take Elevator ram The distinctive kind with r . an individual blend .j "A particular man is particular about every thing, about every fine point he will be charmed "with this cigarette!' Each package contains i ii 7 ....11 ien cigarcucs una wcut 15c A J I