TIIE arORXIXG OREGOXIAN. T1T17BSDAT,- APRHi 6, .1911. are Take Ad vantage of the Great" Across-the-Sea" SaleBargains ig AH Departments In Force 'Till Saturday Night Specials in Groceries Let Our Decorative Department Submit Estimates on Papering Your Home, or Any One Room Splendid Assortments of New Paper $2.50 New Silk Crepe Meteors For Easter Gowns Yd. $1.69 Across-the-Sea Hosiery Sale FIRST FLOOR, MAIN BUILDING. ORDER BY MAIL. CONTINUED today our stirring Across-the-Sea Hosiery Sale the biggest Hosiery values of the year for men, women and children ! Women's 50c to $1 Plain and Fancy Hosiery, the pair only 39 Women's 60c Plain Lisle Hosiery, Across-the-Sea price, pair 29 riRST FLOOR, MAIX BCTLDIXO. ORDER BT MAIL. A TIMELY economy on beautiful, soft Crepe Meteors in a rich, silk quality so suitable for elegant Even in jr Gowns, Afternoon Costumes, and Easter wear! Colors are "Helen Taft" pink, light blue, old rose, cream, black, navy, pink, brown and King's blue. Full 44 inches rf wide and always sold at $2.50 the yard. Sp'l today J) X ,Oi .Women's 35c reinforced, lisle Hosiery, priced at only, pair 21 i& Children s 25c and 35c Lisle Hall Hose, priced at only, pr. lJSVw Children's 20c Black Cotton Hose, Across-the-Sea price 12 aster VpHE Big Store is proud of its splendid Shoe stocks and Shoe service ! For nearly half a century Meier & Frank s has stood for the utmost of style and quality in footwear. Within aminute s reach are hundreds of new styles in the most reputable makes. And in this stirring Easter Sale, beginning today and continuing until tomorrow night, extraordinary savings are offered on smart, new Easter Footwear for women, men, boys and girls. Read details below!. THIRD FLOOR, NEW BUILDING SEVEN DIRECT ELEVATORS ORDER BY MAIL Women's $3.50 Low Shoes $2:28 Eighteen hundred pairs of "Women's splendid $3.50 Low Shoes for Easter wear, in this big sale today at $2.28 ! Smart 2-eyeIet Blucher Oxfords 'and Pumps of tan Russia calf, chocolate vici kid, glazed kid, gunmetal or patent leathers in both button ana lace styles. All have the genuine, flexible Goodyear-welt ' soles. Plain or tipped toes and Cuban or mili tary heels. All sizes and widths. Price, the pair $2.28 Men's $4 to $5 Shoes $3.69 - Big special lot of Men's high-grade Spring Oxfords; not a pair worth less than $4 and most of them from splendid $4.50 and $5 lines. Patents, velour calf, tan Russia calf, chocolate and black vici kid leathers in button, blucher or regular lace styles, tvery pair abso lutely new and perfect, with genuine uoodyear welt soles. Buy them in this , big Easter Shoe sale today and tomorrow at the low price of, pr. Courteous & Expert Shoe Salesmen at Your Service Misses'-Children's Shoes Misses' and Children's Shoes of gunmetal calf, dongola kid, patent or vici leathers with smart dull calf or black cloth tops. Button or blucher lace styles. Spring heels in children's sizes low heels for misses : $1.75 Shoes, sizes 5 to 8, at S1.29 $2.00 Shoes, sizes 8Y3 to 11, 1.49 $225 Shoes, 114 to 2, for gl.69 Sale of Boys' Shoes For this big Easter Sale, 500 pairs of Boys and Youths' Shoes of box calf, vici or gunmetal leathers in blucher and regular lace styles, for school or dress wear. Divided into 2 lots : Boys' Shoes, sizes 10 J to 13, priced at, pair p lfrl Boys' Shoes, sizes 1 Ji on to 5Y2, priced at, pair P OJ7 Childs'-Low Shoes Misses' and Children's new Low Shoes in both Oxfords and 1 or 2-strap Pumps. The Oxfords come in blucher or plain lace styles; the Pumps made with low or spring heels, plain toes and light, flexible soles : $1.75 Shoes, W to 11, $1.39 $2.00 Shoes, 11 '8 to 2, 1.59 IW $3.69 Sole Agents Cousins' Shoes For years we've been exclusive Portland agents for Cousins famous Shoes in Portland 1 They're the kind women come back season after season to ask for. One of the smartest styles for Faster wear is the "Lusitania" Pumps, pictured above. Come in black buckskin, patent and velour calf leathers. Pair, $4 and $3. Other Cousins Low and High Shoes. $3.50 to $3. High-Grade Shoes for Men We've gone to the most famous makers in the country for our high-grade Shoes for men. The Spring styles now ready for Easter wear include all new shades of tan lus- ' sia calf, also black Russia calf, patent colt and glazed vici kid leathers. See especially the new English walking styles.. Every pair is genuine hand-lasted and finished. They are the acme of 6hoe style and quality, $6 and $6.50. The New Children's Shoes Among other good makes, we sell Mrs. A.' R. King's famous "Can 't-Slip" Shoes for children. All sizes from the smallest. infant's size 2 to misses' 2. Charming little ankle-strap style, also new Roman Sandals for children, which are in high vogue for Spring and Summer wear. Mrs. King's Shoes. $1 to $2.25. The Roman Sandals, pair, $1.50 to $2.25. Inf fits' Soft Sole Shoes,. 2d floor, 50c-75c. See Our Big Shoe Window on 5th Street New Shoes for Boys, Too ! "We'll wager you won't find such a splendid stock of Boys' Shoes anywhere else in Portland. All new high and low styles made along the samevlines as Men's Shoes with the high knob toes and high neels. Tans, gunmetal, patent leathers. Good, broad, roomy toes and heavy, dur able soles. Styles for both school and dress "wear. Priced, according to size and grade, $2 to $3.50. Easter Sale Bibles xk Off FIFTH FLOOR, NEW BTILDISG. ORDER BT MAIL. COMPREHENSIVE reduction of 25 per cent on entire stock of Easter Books Bibles of all sorts, Prayer Books, Hvmnals, "Key- of Heaven," New Testaments, Reli gious Pamphlets, etc. All lm now priced at exactly I "11 $2 Text Brevier Bibles (illustrated) 1.50 85c Crystal Text Bibles,' 3x7 inches, 65 S2J25 American Standard Bibles, SI. 85 $2.50 Bagaster's Teachers' Bibles, priced for today at $1.85 15c Cloth Testament, 2x4 inches, specially priced today at only 9 35c Leather Testament, 2x3 inches, specially priced today at 25 $1.50 Leather Testaments, 5x7 inches, specially priced at SI. 19 For Eastertide As gifts, t have a beautiful new lot or .Pictures charming "Madonna "studies and other sub jects peculiarly fitted for this time. Wide assortment of novelties fluf fy ducks, rabbits, etc, to be used as favors or for 'decorating, ready on fifth floor. Post eards, etc., on first floor. Across-the-Sea Sale Linens $12 Linen Cloths $8.50 FIRST FLOOR. NEW BCILDIXC ORDER BT MAIL TIIE finest products of the Linen looms of Ireland, Scotland, Austria", Germany and Bohemia are displayed in the great Across-the-Sea Sales and splendid specials in force ! An instance is this reduction on the finest Irish Linen Cloths, 8-10 and 9-4 sizes, selling regularly at $12. Special priee fQ CO for Across-the-Sa Sales today yO3vl f 10 Linen Cloths, 8x4 size, special only S7.50. $9 Napkins, in beautiful designs to match the cloths. Special, the dozen,' S7.50. $12 Napkins. 26-inch size. " Spe cial, dozen, $9.75. Other Linen Specials $1.25 Irish Table Damask, John S. Brown, 70-inch, special 97. $1.50 Fine Austrian Table Damask. 72-inch, 4 patterns, S1.29. 65c Linen Table Damask, 56-inch silver bleached, yard, r3. Third Day of the Great " t&f9 Shirt. Sale! Mens Furnishings Just Inside Morrison-Street Entrance Order by Mai! THOUSANDS of fresh, crisp, new "Star" Shirts just down from the receiving room to take the place of those which went out hy the dozens to yesterday's throngs! Every man should supply his Shirt needs for a year to come. The famous Star Shirt Company, in business since 1840, changed hands and we bought the entire factoryrstock of new Spring and Sum mer Shirts to sell less than wholesale. - . , $1.50 "Star" Shirts at 98c 98c Every $1.50 "Star" Shirt included in this sale at 9Sc ! Thousands of smart, new Spring patterns of fine imported Madrases. Plain or plaited front all coat style with cuffs at tached. Sizes 1314 to 18. $1.50 Shirts in every particular. This sale at only All $2 "Star" Shirts, $1.15 Nearly half price for these splendid $2 "Star" Shirts.- An almost endless selection of new pat terns and colors, flam or plaited fronts, attached or detached collars. Theser grades of "Star" Shirts were never sold before under $1.3o. $1.15 $2.50 "Star" Shirts, $1.35 The sort of workmanship and materials in these $2.25 and $2.50 "Star" Shirts at $1.35 which you see in custom-made Shirts at two and three times the price. Distinctive, clear-cut patterns. Every one up to the famous Star quality Btandard $3.00 "Star" Shirts, $1.69 1 V OXLU, tUICO WHIGS $1.35 Dealers right here in Portland are asking $2.50 to $3 for the identical grades of "Star" Shirts in this sale at $1.69 1 Made of finest imported Mad rases, Russian cords and French shirtings in an almost endless selection of patterns. Today est uiipuikeu iubu- $1.69 $3.50 to $5.00 "Star" Flannel Shirts, Special $2.35 $2.50 "Star" Fine Nainsook Pajamas, Special $1.69 Stirring Easter Sale of Fine, Rich Cut Glass! FIRST FLOOR. MAIX BFILDISG. ORDER BY MAIL. 'PLEXDID Easter price-savings on rich, sparkling Cut Glass, beauti ' fully cut in copyrighted designs and. shapes I Every piece perfect. $3.00 Cut Glass Vases, 8-inch size, special at $2.39 $4.50 Cut Glass Vases, 10-inch size, special at S3.59 $6.00 Cut Glass Vases, 12-inch size, special at 4.79 $12.00 Cut Gass Vases, 14-inch size, special 10.79 $5.00 Cut Glass Water Jugs, beautifully cut, at 3.98 $ 2.25 Cut $ 2.25 Cut $12.00 Cut $10.00 Cut $5 Sugar and Creamer, $3.98 Surely an acceptable Easter gift beau tifully cut Sugar and Creamers in several very pretty designs. Worth dQ An $5 the set, special today at j)00 $5.50 Cut Glass .Pern Dishes, only 4.39 $1.50 Cut Glass Nappies, special 1.19 $2.00 Cut Glass Nappies, special 1.59 $3.00 Cut Glass Nappies, special 2.39 Glass Olive Dishes, special, 1.79 Glass Spoon Trays, special, 1.79 Glass Sugar and Creamer, 9.89 Glass Cake Plates, special, $7.98 $6 Cat Class Bowls, $4.79 For fruit, berries, nuts, etc., rich, deeply cut Bowls in 8-inch size. Choice of several charming designs. Sell regu- df 7( larly at $6. . Today at only if)t. J $3.25 Flower Holders, special at 2.59 $6.50 Cut Glass Flower Holders at 5.19 $7.50 Cut Glass Fern Dishes for 5.98 $11.00 Cut Glass Jardinieres, only 8.79 $5.50 Cut Glass Cheese Plates, special at only 4.39 $9.00 Cut Glass Relish Dishes, special at only 7.19 $5.00 Cut Glass Cologne Bottle, special at only 3.99 $5.50 Cut Glass Nappies, 8-inch size, special at 4.39 $3.50 Cut Glass Nappies, 7-inch size, special at 2.79 Your New Easter Corset SECOND FLOOR, XEW Bt lLDING. ORDER BY MAIL. NOT only are you assured of the city's widest choice when you buy your Corset at The Big Store, but also you may command our splendid Corset Service ! A corps of experienced Corsetieres are here to fit and guarantee the correctness of any model you may select. In choosing your new Easter Corset be sure to inspect our assortments. New Mme. Irene Models Are here for every occasion. There's the new "tailored model with long line and me dium bust.x Also Corsets for afternoon and evening wear, of soft material, cut in low bust effect, giving an uncorseted appearance. Prices $6.50 to $25. New Gossard Corsets I New Nemo Models The famous Front-Lace Corsets in all the 1911 models shown here exclusively in Portland. Prices, 3.50 to 15.00 LTrNl u Comprising splendid assort ments of new models for all figures, both stout and slender, Prices, 3.50 to 10.00 Across-the-Sea Sale Best $7.'50 Handbags for $4.98 FIRST FLOOR, XEW BIILDI.G. ORDER BY MAIL. fed-; iiliiq A BEAUTIFUL line of Wom en's Handbags to complete any Easter Costume ! Suede, velvet, gen uine seal and every wanted leather in the lot. Made with handsome fancy metal frame and finished with cordeliere l handles. Best $7.50 Hand- (H A f0 bagsy Across-the-Sea Sale tbrr.SO $4 Snede Handbags in brown, tan, , gray and black. Each $2.49. $1.50 and $2 Hand Bags, leather lined, with coin purses, i)or. Children's 35c Hand Bags of suede with metal handles. Each 23c. $10 and $15 Langfield Bags, finest leathers, in assorted colors. At Across-the-Sea sale, $4.98. Belt Specials $1.25 Elastic Belts, with satin backs, Special 89J. 60c Velvet Belts, 2 inches wide, each 28. 75c Elastic Belts, wide choice 49J Child's 35c Buster Brown Belt, at onlv 25. 75c White Wash Belts, sp'l 49 $1.25 Famous "Wearever" Alumi num Sauce Pans, Special at only 69c BASEJIEST, MAIN BOLDI.NG. ORDER BY MAIL. Exactly as Pictured IT'S only because we bought 1000 of these Aluminum Saucepans that we are enabled to sell them at an almost 50 per cent reduction! They're the famous "Wearever" Aluminum grade you see adver tised so much in the ''Saturday Evening Post," "The Ladies' Home Journal' and other periodicals! "Wearever" Aluminum Kitchenware is among .the best on the market it cannot rust, is unaffected by fire is strong, light and durable. The Berlin Saucepans on sale today are handy, 3-quart size, as illustrated never sold regularly less than $1.25 ! No phone or mail orders filled and only one to a tZ customer. Extra specially priced for today at only