PELTS ARE CHEAPER Local Market Declines in Sym pathy With Woo!. DRY SKINS CENT LOWER Con airy Batchers Take-Off Art aEw arssaam abu7 ,-. asV- A Quiet Without Chance In Price.. Ths dspm alia In wool has had a wask enlas tfftrt oa the pall snarket. Local dasasxs iiimi eat thstr buying price aa dry pelts aaa caal a poond ta eente aad thry expect a further drop, aa tba pallsrtea are oUaf lower prlcas. SaJtsd country ktaa are qoscad at esata ta (V. bat vary few ara srerta tba tattar prse. Tba local bide mark at bolda fairly ataady, bat bnstasss la aot active. Lata mail ad- alcoa from Chicago aay of tba Eastern alt- aatioa: -Tba ganaraj aaarkot oa hid ta Inactive aad wbllo arloaa ara tatrty arall malaialaad. eartag to modarata a 'oca. a. tbara ta im tholaaa a sonvewhat aaatar taaa ta tba attua Uoa aad tba packers ara rathar mora aniinaa ta a 3 aot trades. Sale tor a waak or packer hldaa at ail of tba Waatara pack- taT point, melodlng Chicago. wr leaf tbaa 10.000 hldaa. which la vary light, con aid arts c tba slaughter at cattl aach waak at tbaao points, aach transaction aa oc cur la tbo packer hlda markat ara anly foj ln! rarlaada aa a ml a. which ara takaa by taanora who ara la Immediate want of a law hldaa; aad ea thaaa aalaa ataady prices role. Tbara ta Uttla doubt, however, bat thai eaacaaalona woald bo granted ta bay ora wba woald bo willing ta tako lra aaasr- tlUaa. "Native hldaa ara easier tbaa braadad Rock, aa ta aaturai. oa accoaat of range cat tla bam oat ot aaaaoa at present, la tba oooatry hldo market few aalaa ara effected aad prtcaa aa tba average ara aboat fee low er tbaa a waak ago. Supplies ot coantry hldaa ta moat aactloaa ara moderate, bow ers, aad tt la generally . believed that U tbara waro aa maay hldaa aa at thla tlma last year, prteaa woald bo considerably lowar thaa tbay ara at present. Tor.lga hldaa ara quirt bat flrra an most rartstl. Latln-Amarlcaa dry hldaa bar haaa takaa stsdtly both by homo aad ex port buyara at aachaacad rata, bat Mat - . v t-r- fcuvara ara BOW maklaa lower blda.- LAR6E ChOWEM 1IX NOT CONTACT OoTara mt 17 Osjt far Ropa a laua lidiar Ma II n 1 1 aa Had aa Takaaa, Offara for 17 mt for 111 bopa hava ba br a Salem daalar ta aavoral larro Itulapandaoeo aad Balrm crowara witboat Hading taker. Seventeen coata la alao bates aCrd ta California, according to wtraa roralva4 yaatarday. aad that aaax kat ta camplotaly bloc had. Tbara woo aa Easter order for Sao aalaa of Id bopa oa tha markat yaatarday. bat ap to a lac a hour tt had not boon ailed. Laftara from London tndlcato a vary Arm markat tbara for root Pacific Tba con dition of tho markat for Eogttah hope la shovr by tho following Laadooi fact ora re porta: Wild. Xaame A Co Trad a kf vary quia, and thora ta aa chaaca ta raport ta ejoota tloaa. afssror a Haalay Thora was mora two, a try at tho aad of tho paat waak. bat actual buatnaoa wao of amalt volume, aad for praaant requirement. Trice remain aa al.arod. ' W. u. R. La 31 r Although tha mar bat moat ba callod qutaC thora la tlttlo mora roaaral inquiry. Prtcaa ramaia vary arm. OATS TAKffSf AT HIGH TtUCT. La an BaJo Purpart ad a4 I U.l What Mv kaa Qalat la aplta af tha waakar talk la tha oata markat. im waro mada aa hlh aa lSO yaatarday. It waa raport ad that aallara ta htoataaa hara adraacod tbotr prtca and ara aow affartne ta lay down oata ea tha Pound at imt. Tha barley markat eoa tlaoed arm. Tbara waa Tory Itttia hoalnaoa paaataa la tba wbamt markat. Aboat tho oaty damaad haard of waa for btaaetea an tba part at Interior millers. Local receipts, la cars, were reported by tha Merchants Kscbaare as follower Wheat Barley flour Oata Bay Moadar :i .. 11 Tuaiay : .. P T Taar aaa It S it a-aeoa ta date 10 411 S1.T 7M Taar aaa .... a.ou latx ITaa 10u 111 BUAK I?f THE TttL MARKET. rrtrea Decttalac ta tha VeeeJ Law Uprtac LaraL Tha weokeet featora of tha aoaatry pro duce markat was veaJ. Receipts ware larro and aa tbay ara bound ta tacreaee from now ea. a lower raare af prlcra can be ezpected. It waa praetlcaily a 1 J-cent markat yaatar day. Fork waa ta tlaht supply and steady. Poultry receipts were small aad cleaned ap readily. There waa a aood demaad for broiirra. which were quoted at f4.K9 per doe. a. Esss sold at the former price. Batter aad cheese ware aachansed. Begmailn Onieaa from bfexleaw Another shipment of Bermuda aaloaa ar rTvad yesterday from htesire aad were pat oa sale at M a crate. " Veseiablee of all binds were plentiful aad ta rood demaad. Tho top oa aeparaarua waa coats. Ripe baaaass were acaefe. Batter DerUao So Far OeT. Tho batter 'mark.t was anchanced yaatar day aad the o.d prlcee will Oe qwotad aaaio Ular. but aa all-arouad dacllae la cloea at head. California butter la treaty ottered at a eery low price and thla. with the 1-cent drop at aeittle. wi.i brier do we tba price of freea creamery ta thla market. Bank ciearlncs af the Northwesters allies leeterua ware as toiiowe: rieartrra. Batancea. r on and et.Te.TJA aira.aoi f-at:le ............... I.l'ia 144.442 Tacoma .............. axl.oia it-ale p.kjaa a "-ul Vl.vtl PORTLAND atARKETS. Oraka. riaar. raoaL Etc WMRAT Trark pclceer Il'o-etam. ,c: rtun. red Kuealoa. ale: allay. b3c; -f ; 4. c. HX'l'.KY Oiolco toed. -'.SoST per ton. HILL-Tl'KI' Hnw. -l Par ton. mlu d'lrta. I -v Ji . sharta. taW. rolled bartey. a ."- n.ot B Pataota. .TS per barrel: streiehta. i-l: aiporta. liTo. alley. 14. So; eraham. J4 jO . ahote wheat. te.Tn. COKN-Whole. 1-1. cracked. :Sf2s.3w OAT No. I white. J S)t .IS per tea. ft A T 1 tmothr. fcaai-ro ueon. 'o, I. IliolLM. mued. ltjl: aira..'a. Cioceriea. DrW4 ' IVwlta. Plo. DRtKD ruCITS Appl-a. ll(im per H ; carranta USi aprlcota I401c; dates, peekea-a. Hie par lb.; nsa. bulk, wsite or b.ack. by aack. Itc: ft-aa. 1LJP 1 71. U-lJa. Oc. es-la. Ii3. lo-le. eic. mrrnaa. lac .... 8A tin N Columbia River. 1 pound taj'.a 11 1 P-r daaen. J-pound talia Xai; l pouaJ rata.; Aiaaka piak. 1-pooad ".xrVV'ii Roasted, ta drama. 0ea par NVT Walnuta lTHwta per poood; Bra.ll out a. 14 ejl": llberte. lcf )4aiac. peecojie. Ic: cocoonuta 'e,.' doeea. ch-etnuis. li'eC per pouad; Bickory au'a tdtik per paunl. HONBI-ctiolce, XH par case; atralaod. SALT Oreautatod. l P-r tea: haf sronnd. loue. P-r too: la per too. HJ-Orj .a m .i 1 1 aoiie. aac, large wblta due; Llmaa. a-POe; ptak. Ie; red htexlcaaa. c : borou. (. .M KlCU No. 1 Japan, ic; cheaper Bredee. 4 55; Bontnrrn head. Vtc; n ported Imperial. eao; Imported eira no. a. SI UAR Try rranutated. fruit and berry. S.; beat. liSO; eitra C. 14 soiaea C. tt.Ai; yellow D. 14.70: poyoeroa. M-To. Terms oo remittances wlthio 14 days, de duct Kc per pound; if later than le aaya end within SO dare, deduct He per pound. Maple sua at. Xi ioo per pound. Dairy Bed Cewatry rr educe. POCLTRT Heoa. 2):ic: brollera. $4 SO per doun; turkeya ale; ducka. aoOc; c-eae, 13B)14c; dxeeood larkera. choice. Setf KVS Oreron ranch, tOwIlo per doaen. CHEEPB Full cream, twlna. 14014HO per pound: Tounr America. 14J1SC BITTER Olur creamery extra. 1 and 1 pound prints. In boAea. lc oer pound; leas than boxea. cartOtia and dallrery extra. I'ORK raBcy. 10tlOWcper pound VEAL. Fancy. 3 to 15 pounds. HO lie per pound. Vesetabtea aad Frelte. ASK VEGETABLE Cairo ta. WVc 11 per LunJreJ. parenlpa. tjcOU; turnips. iHa Uil; beets. tWOll. TKOl-lCAL KKUITS OraBBaa. Baeela, t2iOI3.73 per box: Florida prapefrult. I4.Ch: Cailfornla arapefrult. JA0O; boaaaaa. i SSc par lb.: lueepplee. Ac per lb.; lemons, ill: tanxenneo. II. "5 Per box. AfflX" Fancy. l.'J."j: choice. H02; Common. 5a U 1 1 per txx. VlWETABLi Aeparaua. c per lb.; caboasa. VI.SO per hundred: cauliflower, local. per dnxes: California. 12 per crate; celery. California. AOO per crate: cucumbers. 12 Si per Ooian; ecsplant. 11c lb.; 10Uo per lb.: croon onlans. 2uc per doaen: bead lettucV SOo per doaen; hothouse lettuce. tl.3 Per box: pep pers. -- per in.; radlaboe. AO Q 3.c per doaen; rhubarb. ILUfLM per box: sprouts, c; to matoea ll.TJwl. POTATuKA-Orefon. buyloc prlea. L83 per hundred. ONIONU Buylnc price. IS 91.10 per kundred. HA11S 10 to 10 pounds. lo917e: 12 ta 14 pounds. lSlhc: Id to 14 pounds, ISttr llSe; sklaasd. lac; picnics, 13a; eolta-s roll. 13c MOKKU HEATS Beef tonaaea. OJc; dried beef sols, Boaa: ouuldea. Bono; la aid'a 2'Jc; kBucklea. 2v. .... BACuN Kane, :7c: standard. S4e; choir-, ISc; Encilah. 17a DKT SALT C'L'KfcD Recular short cleara, dry salt. 14c; smoked. 14Vc: backs. Iiafit. salt. Uc; smoked, l'c. backa. heavy, sail. lA'ac: smoked. 14c; ax porta, salt. 14 c: amoked. UHft LAKl kettle rwndered. tierces. 12o; tuba. Uo. standard, pure, tierces. 11 Sc; tul-a, 11 e: choice, tierces, lose: tuts, lVc; sbortealns. tierces, so; tuba. io. i Hope. Wool. Bides. Etc HOPS 1910 crop, ISc; IPOa crop. 12813c; contra .IS, Id 9 17c .... . MOHAIR Choice. S2 par pound dallrered Portland. WiMil, Eaatarn Oreron. oomlnal. 10 site per pouad. according to ahrlnkase; alley, 14 913c Per pound. FF.LTi Dry. Pc: salted, country pelts, 9r oil: lamb pelts. Sic , HiUci Salted hUl-a. IH Per pound: salted calf. lc; sailed kip. T'tc: salted stas. ftc: creen hldaa. 1c leas; dry hides, 17c: dry calf. lTelSc: dry atasa. ll12o. CAM.AKA 11AHK Per pound, be. (Hie. UXJrtD OIL Pare raw. ta barrels. 9c: bola.u la barrels. It.i; raw. In caaea, 11. IM; borled. la caaea. tLwd. TCRPENTINB lo-caae lota, I1-2J; Iron barrel a. Llti cssaa. Lt4; wood bbla, "oilSOUXK Motor (ssollna. Iron bbla, ItSe; cases. Jlac; l aasollns. Iron bbla. lie: cases. liSc . . COAL OIL Ordinary test, caaea. It Olio; hulk, in taaks. So: blsa taau lia SliLLlufflfyiSRDS TR.DIVO IS LiICITT AX1 PRICES ARE STKADT. Three Loads of Good Steer Moved at l.S0 Sheared I-avniba llnd Buyers at $3.23. Thera waa ooly a. small run af stock at the yards yesterday and with but little car ried aver trade . was not ot larae propor tional Several loads at rood steera aold at t.ftO and mother cattla at tha lately prevaillnc.' arlrea. Two lota at sheared lambs ware dlasS posed of at ti.21. Jtecelpta yesterday ' ware ITS cattle. calves aad 14) horses, Shippers of tho stock were Oeorre Dixon, Bhaalko. cars of cattle: II. R. reacock. Nam pa. 1 car af cattle; W. T. Davenport. Mailraa. cars of cattle and calves, and J. B. HtlL Elfin. I car of horeee.- Tha daja sales were aa follows: Wei i ht. rrlcs. 70 steera 1-M 4.&4 B calvea 11 . B-00 IT stsers -: in cows ''- 73 cows e''! t-J Id cows ?!"' S cows 2 '" 1 bull 1244 200 ' S cows f.0 4. cows 115 5" a ahoAred lamba M B.2S lid ahaared lamba TT 6.M Prices c arrant aa tha vartons classss af stock at the Portland Union StockyacdJ were aa follows: Prime tee re fev.SOtn.To Choice steers coot :j tiood to choice stsers Mr 6 71 lair to good steers : j 1 ft.iO Common ateers 4.o B OO prime cows o-botf B.SO Good to choice cows 4 & 4.7W Fair to sood cows 4-Wi 4 JO Poor caws .X)t 4.S0 Commoa cows t oo J 4-( Choice heifers Sl'K S Choice bulls .;0 4 73 tlood ts choice bulls 4-5v 4.M Fslr to pood balls 3 73 4 4 Oo Common bulls uvt .3 BO Choice to Usht calvea 7.7iw 00 Uood to choice Usht calvea ..... IHcl 7 7 J ralr to medium Usht calvea .... T.n T Choice heavy cales e.25u B flood to choice heavy calvee .... Iw S 2S Fair ta medium beavy calvea ... 4 7iw BOO Choice Staxa .2ZV B.B0 tlood to choice atasa tsi), B.VO Fair to medium stssa 4.00 0 410 Hoes Choice hoes Uood to choice hoes. Choice to beavy Good to choice heavy....... T.T0 T.TS 7 50 J T.B1 T.Iin) T.iO t.uV l is Common Stock boss rtoet T 0i a.owr 8.2X Sheep Choice yearllBB wethers, praln fsd 4 sot) 6.00 Old wethers e.ooe' e.: Choice ewea I rain fed 4.0U 4-50 Fair to medium ewes 4.0n Pprtne lambe. extra quality 10 00 I no 14: e lamba, grain fed I. -3 O 6 50 Oood ta choice lamba. prala fad. a-OOt a.50 Fair to eood lambs, grain fed.. 4 TJ 1 '.'3 Calls IU(I 1.BO Tbs follawlnc quotations repreaent prtcaa oa this msrket for the different claaaes of horaee: Drafters, extrs heavy. IJUO0BOO; or ail era. leuu to IT0O lbs.. 1 130 1 31U; draft are. 12O0 to 1400 Ins.. tlu-o:."iO; chunks. ii)(12il: plura. tl040: Mrlvlns horses. S73 aad ap; aaikl.e horses. ICO and ap. EsotiiB Livestock Market. rHICAtlO. April 4. Cattle Receipts ee- tlmated at ISaio: market, qutet to ateedy. rleetee. 3.iluPO. Teaaa ateers. t4.Bos VTB; vTeatern steora. fe.eO0B.PO: storkers and feeders. f400a.B.T:i; cows and heifers. IJ.75bi.lHi: calves. 1470 OS II Hose Kecelpts eetlmateU at 13 00O. mar ket waak to 6c lower. Llsbt. tdeOOano; mixed. td.30Sa.T0: heavy. foaBO; rouxh. I0tfv.l70: sood to choice heevy. Id.Suo1 4u. pica, le.JO0e.7B; bulk ot aalea, 1Jo t4V ' tibaan ft ace tut a eetimateo: at 14.000; mar ket, alow. Native. - IJ.00 tfi JO. Weatern. II :5a 3.33: ?earllorB. l43)J5.tV: lambs, aauva. 13-00 tialo. Western. i.;oo.o. Starka at Beaton. BoaTON. April 4- Cloalns quota 11 one: Altouea Aoulf. Cooper., 31 HIMohawk J4 65.Nevada Con. ... lat ;v,Mpiaaln Mines., lus LI'S North Butte.. ... 27 V 4 (North Lake 4 A 13 fold Dominion... It1 ITiOeeola liid 3o Iparrott (3. AC.) lit A. z L. at am.. Arl Cum. . . Atlantic B a C C A 3 A Putte coalttten. CaX A Arisona. CaL Hecla...4- Centennial ..... IS Cop. Ran. C-Oa.aU .Uulncy ........ 47 ISAannoa 10 Haperlor 14 Hap A P-oe kiln., to, sup pitta Cop. 14 a Tamsrsok 3'J K. Putts cp. ja. 11 Franklin a Citrous Con. .... S nrany i'on. . . . 24 U H a R A M... t.l reene Cananea. 0 do preferred .. 1. Royals (CVp.) 11 Kerr luike Lake t-rrprer ... 12 la aalle Copper 4 rtsh Con 11 1 I t ah copper Co. 4 Flnona T olvertn . ..,..L10B Vtkiipex... 1 HILL. STOCKS FIRM Cana'dian Pacific Gains An- ' other Four Points. TOUCHES HIGH RECORD Advance In Railroad Shares That Would Be Affected- Moat br a Reciprocity Agreement With Canada. NEW TORK. April 4. Price movements wars narroa- in tba markets today sxcept In tbs caaa of a few Issues, which, ap parently, were especially selected for manip ulation to lend soms appearance of ani mation to tha market. Almost tho only consistent movement of tha day waa the advance ot railroad stocks, which would be ailected most directly by tha conclusion of a reciprocity acreement with Canada. Tha Hill stocks were espe cially sironi. Canadian FaclOo (alned four points more, advancing to a new hish record. - The outlook tor seneral Industrial condi tions waa loft unchanged by the day's de velopments. National Biscuit advanced Ore points to another hick record. Asaocisted OH dropped four points oa authoritative denial of the report that It waa to be purchased from Southern PaclBo by Important Interests. Bonds were steady. Total sales, par value. , United etatea 4s coupon advanced S a call. CLOSLNQ STOCK QUOTATIONS. Cloilns . Bid. 83 Sales. ' V.400 Hlsh. Low. All Is Chal pf .. Amal Copper . . Am Axrltul ... Am Beet burar. American Can .. Am Car A idr. Am Cotton Oil.. Am Md A I.t pf Am Ice becurl,. Am Linseed ... Am locomotive. Am bmel a Kef do preferred.. Ara Steel Fdy .. Am KuRnr Kef.. Am Tel A Tel. . Am Tobacco pf. Am Woolen . . . Anaconda M Co Atchison . . . . t do preferred.. Atl Coast Line. Halt A Ohio .. . Bellllahem Steel Brook K Tran.. Canadian Pac .. Central Leather. do preferred.. Central ot N J.. Ches A Ohio . . Chlcaco A Altoa Chi Ot West . . do preferred.. Chlcaco N W C M A St Paul. C. C. C HI L. Col Fuel A Iron Col A riouthern. Consul Gas .... Corn Products H Del A Hudson .. DAK Grande .. do preferred. . Distillers' occur trie do let pf .... do 2d pf General Lleo .. lit North Pf ... Ot North Ore .. Illinois Central . Interbor Met .. do preferred.. Inter Harvester. Inter Marine pf Int Paper Inl Pump Iowa Central .. K C Southern . . do preferred.. Laclede tlaa . . . Louie A Naah .. Minn A St L ... M. a P A S S M bio. Kan A Tex. do preferred.. Mo Pacllic Nat Itlacult .... "iii, 02 B7 43 &: Bit 21 2.1 10 87 74 1, 104 46 11H 144 117 83 :ii 10114 102 11a 104 32 7H 227 28 " 278 1 Kl SO 21 481 143 121 CI SI 52 14.1 14 1T 81 7014 8X 80 4H 87 148 12 i2S 137 1H B3 117 17 IO 40 100 loo B4 , 0 '24" II 'T4H 104 OO "ii" 11 hi 'ii'ri 104 si 100 100 POO 1.100 145V i 011 Iojs ll"1 104 a 7iii." -'7', -S Pli ka 277 a 81 145 "si 1094 102. 111 1044 'T7H 229 Ka 277. bite 'HM Hi" 11 -4 1,700 " l'.i66 luo HI Hi 2O0 i!66 1.70 0iO lliO KMJ eoO '"466 's L400 14 121 !O0 3'fO 41 M liKi 4ilO XI N 1.7O0 -166 Kioo 7ihj low 14SS 14Sa 107 Z1H 70 85', AO'S 143 u, 14 17 81 70 8.1 0 'T 1274 1 e 138. 121. 02 138 UK) 100 118 1714 17!4 200 BOO " 'iin 'iO 1IHJ 2.HHJ 100 T.4'6 P.200 lfl ' 34 ini't 14.1", 147 141 1 84 ins" 143 23 144 81 "no 130. IB S3 H 103 143 23 147 SS AO B0 14 62 Sl 10 41 18 71 125 24 125 107 PS 21 S3 13! S3 15 33 07 2M BM 41 SI 0.1 02 110 2 04 37 28 20 48 177 on 72 42 78 118 44 4 1 38 r.i ad 73 4 174 Nat Lead Mea- N Ky S pf N T Central . . . N T. Ont A Wea Norfolk A Weeu North Am .... Northern Pao .. Parinc Mall . . .. Pennarlvanla ... People's Oas . . TOO 10d 1044 l.Bno llH l.(NM l.lnO 8.1"0 2O0 los Tl 12d 2 12"1 107 10S Tl 124 24 12S 107 P. C C A rlt L. . I'lttabura Coal M Pressed 3 far.. Pull Pal Car .. Rr ft-al Eprtr.s. H.adlnr Kepubllo Hteel do preferred.. Rock Island Co. do preferred. . Ft 1. A V t pf &t L riouthweau do preferred.. Sloes Sheffield (tout hern l'ac Spoilt hern Ky . .. do preferred.. Tenn Copper . .. Tias A Pac ... Tol. St L A Wea do preferred.. Unton Paclllo .. do pref'Tred.. V S Keatty ... V S Ituubur ... U e Steel do preferred., t'tah Copper ... Va-Caro Cbam Wabash ... do preferred.. Western lid ... Weatlnc Elec .. Weatern Union . Wheel A L K.. ""ioo '21 '21" SS'.TOO 160 135 "466 "' "sik" seaaaa a e e e a a e e e e "jn6 '6: "si 800 116 11BA '"BOO "87" 37 IOO 28 2H inK 2" 20 :iiM 4'.l 4 20.4IM) 177 170 40O W3. 03 "306 . "42 '42 24.2O0 T8a 77 '"'SOO '44" "it" 2oo as 6S 1" 14. 1B LB00 88 37 ..... ..... "s66 ts "ts" "l.SOO i74 174 Lehlsh Valley Total aalea tor the day. 182.T0O sharea. BONDS. NEW TORK.Aprll 4. Closing quotations: U. 8. ref. 2s reg.loilN'. T. C g 8 88B d7 coupon ...101 No. Paclfro 3s... 70 TT K. ss res l"l,No. pacific 4s... I0 do coupon ...l2;t nlon Paclflo 4s.K- TJ. H. new 4s reg.HS, Wla Central 4a. 92 do coupon ...11J Uapaneas 4a .... 88 B D.sH.U.41. 2 Bl Money, Exchange, Etc. NEW TORK. April A Money on call, steady. 2 2 per cent; ruling rate. 2 per cent: closing bid, 2 per cent; offered at imV loans, easy: 40 days. 2t2 per cent; U0 days. 13 per cent: six memos. 8. 3 per cent. - ITime mercantile paper. 44 per cent. Sterling exchange, easy, wlih actual busi ness In bankers bll'a at 14 84 for 60-day bills, snd at 84.88104.H61S for demand. Commercial bill". 84.83H. Bar allver. B3c Mexican dollars. 45c. ... Bonda Government, firm; railroads, steady. LONDON! April 4- Bar silver Steady. 24c7 per ounce. Money. 23 per cent. The rate of discount In tba open market for short M" 1 2S-ltf2 par cent; three months' bills. 2 B-18Q2 per cent. AV FRANCISCO, April 4. Sterllnr on London. e days. 84.84; sterling on London, eight. 4.S. ' Drafts, sight. 4o; telegraph. Tc MrtaJ Markets. NEW TORK. April 4. Standard coppsr, dull- spot. April. Msr. June and July. 11.70 OH lie Londor".stesdy; spot. 454 la Sd. Arrivals reported In New York today, 41B tona Custom house returns show exports of 1 TIP tons so far thla month. Lake cop. per 12.87 12Wc: electrolytic. 12.239 iis7c and casting 12.O0t 12-12c TIB QUlel: spot. April and May, 43 180 41BOC- June. 42 00J 42 4c; July, 41.Bw "c London, stsady; 4VP0I. .1193 10s; tu- '-K.d'-uV'a'ltABO., New Tart: A-Sia Fast ft. Louis London. 112 lis fkl. .spelter, dull; 6 43 06.65c. New York: IM A3 30 Esat St. Louis London. 128 Ts d Antlmony. dull; Cooksotis. 0J9 50c Iron leve:and warrants. 47s In London: locally, steady. No. 1 foundry Northern. 11B.7BIM4 IB; No. S Northern. No 1 Bouth era and No. 1 Southern soft. 818.50010. Coffee anal sugar. NEW TORK. April 4. Coffee futures doeed steeily at a net decline of 8atlT points under selUrg by trade Interests snd renewed liquidation In the late trading. Sales. 44 ."'J" baxa. April. May, June and Julv. to 15c: Ausust, 10.07c: Feptemcier. pliOt- 0..S5C; November. 9 75c: De-pe-tnher. 71c: Janoary. .72a; Feb roe ry. a?t- March. B.74C. fjui awUsa q,uiet. tie. T Rio. ISc;J Ssntos No. 4. 13c Mild coffee, qultt; Cordova. !3ei&c. . . S.SBo; centrllussL H6 tet. 8.8c; molasses SUear. B teat. s. llv: rwiuei, . CondlUon of the Treasnry. WASHINGTON, April 4. At tha befln nlnc of huaineas today the condition of tha United States Treasury was: Workma balance In treasury offices 833,854.402 In banks and Philippine Treas- . ury 31.i4o. .l..t Total balance In reneral fund S1.944.0!il Ordinary receipts yesterday...... LJ10.8-0 Ordinary disbursements yesterday lu.Jo The surplus to dnts this flscsl year Is . 841 029 as SKSlnst a deficit of 113.421. 8S at time time last year. These flu ares excluds Panama Canal and public debt transactions. Grata at San Franceses. SAM rRANCISCO, April 4. Wheat Eaay. barley Firm. Wheat ehlpplnr. IL509LSO per eentsL Bsrley Feed. per ccu , brewlns, $1.421.50 per cental. Oats Red. tl.35wl.45 per cental; white, nominal: black. 11.2591.36. Call board sales Whest No trsdlnc. Barley December. tl.20 per cental; May, 81.42 per ccntnl. Grain Markets of the Norlhsrrat. TACOMA. April 4. Whest Bluestem. 0486c: forty-fold, 85c; club. 83c; red Kuaalan. 82c. Kecelpts Wheat, 4J cars; oats, 2 cars; hay. 11 cars. SEATTLE. April 4. MUllns quotations: Bluestem. 85c: forty-fold. 83c; club. 82c; fife. 82c; red Ruaatan. 61c Export wheat: Bluestem, 82c; forty-fold, 80c; club. 78c; fife, 7c; red Russian, 78c yesterday's car receipts: Wheat. 21 ears; osts, 44 cars; corn. 1 car; barley. S cars; oats. 4 cars; hay. 24 cara. If iBBeapoUa Wheat Market. MINNEAPOLIS, April 4. Wheat f ay, 99c; July, 92e: September, SSH98lc Cesh: No. 1 hard. 93c; No. 1 Northern. 23c: No. 2 Northern. 89j,lc; No. 8 wheat, 8e0c Eoropeaa Grain Markets. LIVERPOOI.. April 4. Wheat May and July, 6 6d; October, s 6d. Knxllsh country markets firm. French country snarkete quiet. SHARP CUT IN BUTTER SE.LTTLK MARKET DROPS TO 29 CENTS OX IXJCALS. Trocllne Brooglit About by Increase In Supply of Eastern and ' California., SEATTLE. Wash., April 4. (Special.) As a result of the Increase In the" supply of butter prices were cut sharply here todtiy. A cut of 4 centa per pound waa made on tha price of Esstsrn and California, which will now be quoted at 23 cents, and a oat of 2 cents was made on local creameries, which will be hold at 20 cents. Fresh local butter was quoted a year, ago at 35 cents. The price ts now lower than It has been In this market In four years. Eggs were unchanged at 22 and 23 cents. Local Jobbers are placing good-elxed ordora In the East for storage account. Poultry receipts wars heavier, but the de mand wss In excess of the supply. Several consignments of Western Wash ington aaparsgua reached Weatern. avenue today. The etock was held at 82.50 a box. Word was received from Los Angeles to day tbst strawberries are en route to fccst tlo. A small lot of sweet potatoes arrived this morning snd were sold at 83 a box. The po tato market was firm at 83d to 840. Bluestem wheat was quoted a cent higher at boc and club a halt rent higher at boc on tha Merchants' Exchsnge. Oats were msrked down 00 cents to 12b. 50. The high price of wheat la driving China flour orders to Australia. Changes In Available Supplies. NEW YORK., April 4. Special cable and telegraphic communications received by Brsilatreets show tho following changes la avallabls supplies, as compared with pre vious account: , . Bushels. Wheat. United States. east of Rockies, decreased l.f30.000 Canada. Increased &43.UOO Total United eitatea and Ctnada, decreased 787.MH) Afloat, for and In Europe, decreased 6S1.000 Total Ami rlcan and European sup plies, decreased 1,471,000 Corn. United States and Canada, - Increased 147,000 Onta. United States and Canada, decreased 6'.1S,000 Dried Fruit at New York. NEW YORK. April 4. Evaporated ap ples firm, but largely nominal. On the spot fancy are quoted at 14c; choice, 13c; prime. 13c Prunea. quiet, firm; quotations range from 8frl8c for Callfor.nlas up to SO-40s and list 13 c for Oaf none from M-30s. Peaches In more request. 1lrm. Choice. Tr7o: extra choice, 7lf8c; fancy. 8 tT 0c. New York Cotton Market. , NEW TORK. April 4. Cotton Spot closed quiet. 10 points higher. Mid-uplands, 14.&0o; do. Gulf, 14.75c No sales. Cotton futures closed steady. April 14.84c: Msy, 14.440: June. 14.24c; July. 14.?2c; Au gust, 13.70c; September, 12.05c; October, 12.71c: November, lt.4Sc; December, lll.ilc; January, 12.60c Chicago Produce Market. CHICAOO. April 4. Cheese Steady; dais, les. 130 13c: twlna 12612c; Toung Americas. I3014c; long horns. 13 J 13o, Election Day at Chicago. CHICAGO. April 4. The Board of Trade wss closed today on account of the elec tion. Duluih Hax Market. rrCLITH. April A Flax Msy cl ed 82.47;. flsx OB track and to arrive, 82 48; May, 82.47. Hons at New York. . NEW TORK. April 4. Hops firm. PROBE CALLED WHITEWASH Poindcxlcr Says Pinchot-Balllnger Probe Wat Prearranged. BPOKAJJH, Wash., , April 4. Declaring- that tha recent Plnchot-Ballinner Investigation was a- prearranged white wash. Senator Polndexter yesterday pre dicted an Investigation of the Interior Department as practically certain to occur at tha special coming session of Con cress. "The men who Introduced the Inves tlgation resolutions at the last session said a vindication of "lialllnifer was what they wanted and they got It," de clared Polndexter. "The people de mand a thorough Investigation and 1 bare no dpubt they will get It, now that tha recent eloctlon has mada It possi ble, v "Tho personnel of the lost commit tee made tha result of the Investigation a certainty. The Interesting spectacle was afforded of a department official under lnTestlejatton using; every effort to suppress evidence. Witnesses were called traitors to the Government be cause they testified, with the truth of their statements being: questioned." Grants Pass-Mcdford Road Planned fr.riwinn rte Anrll 4 fSnecta . Part of the proposed Pacific Automo bile road from uanaaa v me juokjiiu border will soon be a reality between u.fA.n . ,1 r.nnti Pur. Pronertv- owners are subscribing- liberally to funds for its construction ana tae County Courts of Jackson and Jose- .1.1.. inniUa will sM flnanrlsllv. Tha road will be about 30 miles long- and will follow the soutn Darnc or nigue t? ..... . eii.eeiv mm nosslblo throusrh the dense foliage. The roads' Interme diate points will touch Gold Hill. Wood- vllle ana central i WOOL SELLING FAST Cut in Prices Brings Buyers Into Market. - HEAVY TRADING AT BOSTON Volume of Business Greater Than for Months Past Montana Staple Brings 20 fents In the Grease. BOSTON. April 4. The drop in wool val ues hs. at lust found ready takers, and local transfers are running heavier than for many months. Buylnc extends throughout the lists and fleece wools -are movlnr. as freely as other llnea Montana staple brings 20 cents, and Is figured at (14 to C5 cents scoured. Medium fleeces are fairly firm, with half-blood Ohio bringing 20 centa, while some Michigan quarter-blood has changed hands at 24 "'There is no Interest as yet In the new .Hp. although a little Arizona finds some demand. m Texas Fine 12 months. 4850c: una 6 to 9 months, 43? 46c; line Fall, 43c California Northern. 4850c; middle coun ty. 456 47c; Southern, 43c; Fall free, 40c Oregon Eastern No. X staple, 66 57c; Eastern clothing. 48 to 50c; Valley No. 1, 48 & 4Uc. Territory Fine etaple, S3 8 BBc ; fine me dium staple. 68c; fine clothing, 60c; fine me dium clothing. 404) 50c; half-blood combing. 605Jc; three eighths-blood combing, 489 60c- quarter-blood combing. 46tft3 Pulled Extra, S052c; fine A. 4860c; A supers, 40 6 47c Wool at St. Louis. 8T. IXUIS. April 4. Wool Unchanged. Territory and Western mediums, 1922c; fine mediums. 16618c; fine, 12 1 13c PRODUCE AT SAN FRANCISCO. Quotations Current in the Bay City Mar ket a. SA!C FRANCISCO. April 4. The follow ing produce prices were currant today; Vegetables Cucumbers, 76c6$1.50; gar. lie. 436c; green peas, 608c; string beans, nominal; aaparagus, 40cO$l.'J5; tomatoes, nominal; egg plant, S&lOc Butter Fancy creamery, 22c Hggs Store, 17c; fancy ranch, 18c. Cheese Young America. ll14Hc Villstuffs Bran, fZoifZM; middlings, $33 6 30. , Fruit Apples,- choice, tl.2.1; common, ft; Mexican limes. $6S 8.50; California lemons, choice. S3: common. $1.25: oranges, navel. 75C3J2; pineapples, 1343.50. Potatoes Salinas Bur banks,. $2.4002.50; Oregon Burbanka. $l.5i20; Early Rose, $1.651.8S. Onions Nominal. Hay-Wheat. $11914.60 per ton; wheat and oats, 4rll: alfalfa, $8 013c Receipts Flour, 4US2 quarter sacks; wheat. 1860 centals; bsrli.y. 74.260 centals; oats, 8640 centals; potatoes, 1660 sacks; bran. 90S sacks; middlings. 20 sacks; hayi 70 tons. OYSTER BEDS GUARDED Washington Adds Patrolmen. Tonging Allowed for Month. OLTMPIA, Wash., April 4. (Special.) At a meeting of the State Oyster Com mission yesterday It was decided to allow tonging on the state oyster beds only from April 17 to May 17. Additional patrolfiTen are also to be placed on the state'a property to prevent theft of oyster seed. The Commission is disap pointed at the failure of the last Ijsg lalature to enact certain needed laws, but decided to do everything; possible to propagate the oyster. A delegation from the Sound and Wil llpa Harbor oystermen asked the state to assist in experimenting" wlUj the transplanting of the Eastern oyster. The oystermen want the state to help in vestigate to determine the best method along scientific lines of raising oysters. The state agreed to put up $1500 for this work if the oystermen would do like wise. The oystermen who made the proposal will meet goon to plan to raise the $1500 necessary ' to meet .the amount advanced by the state. GRAIN OUTLOOK EXCELLENT Walla Walla Farmers- Expect Best Wheat Crop In Years. WALLA WALLA. Wash., April' 4. (Special.) April finds grain in the Walla Walla Valley in better shape then for years, and this season, declare farmers, will see one of the best wheat crops that has ever been harvested in the Walla Walla Valley. While March was unusually dry and warm, thy have no fears on account of this, as the moisture in the ground is greater than for years on April L This is due to the fact that all the nain and snow of the Winter fell on un frozen ground, and because there was not one heavy thaw during the Winter. Consequently, the moisture all went Into the ground, as is evidenced by the fact there have been no floods during the Winter or the Spring. Spring seeding is done, and the farm ers say all that is needed now is warm weather to bring the crops 'along In good shape. LOSTINE WINS DEBATE Wallqwa Pupils Defeated in Argu ment Over Equal Suffrage. WALLOWA, Or., April 4. (Special.) rin. triirh Rrhnnl wnn s. maloritv de cision of the Judges In the debate with the InneJ hi eh achool here Monday night. The question debated was: "Resolved, That men and women should enjoy equal suffrage. In Oretron." Lostlne argued tor tne negative ana Wallowa the affirmative. The debaters Wallowa. Mlsaea Mona Dausrh- erty and Anna Sell, and Stewart Tulley; lostme. Aliases aiina Aimn aim duuib McCubbln, and Francis Weir. The Judges Bonds Investments TimberLands McGEAIH & NEUHAUSEN CO. 701-2-3-4-5 Lewis Bid. Portland i Oregon lumbermens National Bank CORNER FIFTH and STARK STREETS PORTLAND, OREGON Capital THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK PORTLAND. OREGON UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY Capital - - - 1,000,000.00 Surplus d Profits $800,000,00 . ; OFFICERS: ' I. C. AW5WORIH, President. H. W. SCHMEEB, Caafcleis R. LEA BAKIfES. VIceB-Presideat. A. M. WRIGHT, Assistant Cashier. w. A. HOLT, Assistant Cashier. LETTERS OF CREDIT AND TRAVELERS CHECKS ISSUED NEGOTIABLE EVERYWHERE DRAFTS DRAWN on all FOREIGN COUNTRIES First National Bank Capital $1,500,000 Surplus 750,000 ' Oldest National Bank West of the Rocky Mountafus Bank Notice Security Savings and Trust Company Corbett Building, Fifth and Morrison Streets Capital and Surplus $950,000 Invites Accounts of Merchants, Individuals and Savings were: Attorney Daniel Boyd, Rev. B. F. Meredith and Professor H. K. Shirk, all of enterprise. TRAIN THIEF IS TAKEN Montcsano Youth Caught on Engine Goes to Keform Scliool.r MONTESANO. Wash., April. 4. (Spe rlai.l Traveling Guard Roeera left yes terday with Luther Stubbs, who was sen tenced to serve an indeterminate sentence at the State Reformatory at Monroe for stealing a Northern Pacific passenger train. Stubbs, while drunk. Jumped on the lo comotive while the engineer was work- mja Ura-or nnin tha throttle. Had it not been for the fireman, who threw Stubbs off the train and Drougni it 10 a standstill, a collision between the passen ger and a freight train would have re sulted. Lents Bank Incorporates. SALEM. Or., April 4. (Special.) Ar ticles of incorporation have been filed by the Multnomah State Bank, to be located at Lents. Capitalization la placed at $16,000 and the Incorporators are C. P. Hendrlcksen, Sylvester Peter son, Arthur Eckern, T. P. Drinker and H. Rostad. If you would get out of your street-tax money all the value there is in it, boost for bitulithic pave- ment the kind that lasts. , TRAVEIJCRS" GUIDE. San Francisco, Los Angeles and San Pedro Direct. North PaclGo S. B. Cos S. 8. Rosnoke and 8. 8. Elilsr sail every Wednesday alter nately at 8 P. 11. Ticket office las Third St.. nesr Alder. MARTIN J- HIGI.KY, Pssa wiser A sent. W. B. BLTJS8ER. Fralsbt Asent, 1'HOOCS Al. IS la, A 131.. $500,000 TRAVELERS' GUIDE. All Modem Safety Devices (Wireless, etC-M LONDON- PARS-HAMBURG Bluechar Apr.l2.lOA.M.1ItPretorls... April 19 j tKaia.AuK.Vlc. April 20, ! Cleveland. .April tKltz-Carlton a la carta Restaurant. i Calls at Plymouth and Cherbourg. INewi) f Hamburg; direct. JSecond cabin only. . GIBRALTAR. AIXUEUej, NAPLES, GENOA. . .......... . it , . .a x nr. I 8. 8. MOLTKE .April 234 TWO CRUISES By the Steamship "CLEVELANL" (17.000 Tons) The first to leave New York Nov. 1, 1911. The second to leave San JbVsn. Cisco Feb. IT, 1012. LINE Duration j 110 DAY COST ! $B50. . Including All ) JTeceaaaryij Expensesl Aboard And Ashore ( CRUISING AROUND THE WORLD 160 Powell St., San Francisco. Cal., r. r. aeenta In Portland Iocs TAHITI The Golden, the Garden of South Sea IslesJ 8 Days' Stay There. 1 Celebration (July 14) Fall of the BsatUs.) Native Xetes. mystic rites ot walking; over red hot stones and all the rest of it. bplendid j driveway of ninety miles around the lalanav unfolding tropical scenes of surpasalnj beauty. A delightful trip for recreation and, pleasure. Steamer fare 1S5 round trip, first class, from San Francisco. S. ti. MarlpSsa. sailing June 29. BOOK NOW. Oceanic S. 8. Co.. 673 Market, baa Francisco, LINK TO HONOLULU. S. 8. SIERRA, sailings April 8. April 29. May 20 and avsrjf twsnty-one days. 1 NEW YORK PORTLAND REGULAR FREIGHT SERVICE. Low Rates. Schedule Time. AMERICAN-HAWAIIAN S. S. CO. 215 Railway Exchange Bids. Portland, Or. Main 8378. A 3922. COOS BAY LINE STEAMER BREAKWATER sails front Alaska dock. Portland, 8 P. M." every Tuss asy. Freight received at Alasksj Dock until S P. M. dallya Passenger fart flrat-claas. (10: second-class. 7. Including meals and bertha Tickets oa sale at Alnsworta dock. Pbones Main 263, A 1234. O.-W. R. & N. Astoria Route. STEAMEB HARVEST QCEEJT Leaves Portland dally except Saturday at 8 00 P. M. Makes all way landings. Ar. rives at Astoria at 6:00 A. M. Leaves Astoria dally, except Sunday, at 7:00 A. M. Arrives Portland at 6.0O P. M. Makes di rect connection with steamer Nahcotta fo? Megler. llwaco. Long Beach and all points on ths llwaco Division BAN FRANCISCO at PORTLAND 68. CO. New service to Los Angeles via San Fran cisco every five days. From Alnsworth Dock. Portland, 0 A. M, SS Rose City April 8, Beaver 13, Bear in, TTrrtm Ran Pranrtaro. northbound. 12 3L 69 Beaver April 6, Bear 11, Rse City 18 SS Bear April 8, Rose City 11, Beaver 19. , M. O. Smith. C. T. A.. 14 Third St. 1. W. Ransom. Agent. Alnsworth IWk, ! : Phones: Mala 4U2. 268; A XMZ. 3 ill llsaiJilssMJ. jmii-UH-JISL,i"''1 ill