Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, April 05, 1911, Page 18, Image 18

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Members of Old Commission
Secure Trust Company With
$10,000 Bond.
w Hoard Give Kraon for
fuslnc to Countersign Clrwka.
Reatralnlnjc Order Not Asked.
Payroll I TOOO.
Bred .miles and a arineral air of prevailed In all depart
ment, ot th. Port of Portland yester
day bcuM monthly pay checks were
Issued and promptly liquidated. despite
tha .tan.l taken Tuesday by the se
curity Fln. Trust Company not
to r.co6nt negotiable paper of the
present Port of Fortl.nd fomml o
Jecau.e th. personnel of tha board ap
yotnted by tiovernor .. est had re
Jud to sign checks In company with
cffl.-era of the body In power.
And It a.l about tnroutch th
fan that J. C. Aln.worth. V.. D. A hecl
"rtsrht and I". I- ''. member,
ef the old Commission, eseculed
an indemnity bond In tha sum
ef H.- to safeguard tha Security
fcavlng. Trust Company In tha
settlement of lrl "? P"ln
yrores that tha old board la not en
titled to offlca. Tha monthly payroll
of tha Port of Portland l said to ap
proximate 7i0 and tha bond will not
coTtr expenses for April.
Tl-l"p I Avoided.
When It bacama nolsad abroad that
tha bank had refused to recognise more
checks, win to the eland of the new
Commission. It waa feared that steamer
crew and there la tha employ or the
organization would refuse to wait for
vu,i and serious complications might
follow. That would have brought about
a tie-up In some departments. The
UcTtrnmtnt I about to close neotla
tions tor tle charter of the dredge Co
lumbia for a period of from to to
days and It waa anticipated the differ
ences between the two ranlsatlona
might cause a lose of that business. In
addition eteamboatmen are awaltlnc
the completion f work to be under
taken by the Columbia In dredging to
the westward of wan Island to a
depttt of eight feet and the blocking
f digging there now would prevent the
work being started until after the
J una rise.
President C. A. Gray. Secretary JamesJ
lagulre. vece-President M. O. Collins.
Treasurer K- I. Inman and IL M. fcster
y. of the new Commission, who have
qualified, signed statement yester
day In whl.:h they assert that after
refusing to countersign checks of the
Commission In office they sent copies
of the following resolution to the Se
turlty 8artngs Trust Company, treas
urer C. P. Adams, of the Commission,
and the County Treasurer:
-Resolved. That the president and
secretary be and they are hereby au
thorised and directed to notify the
County Treasurer of Multnomah Coun
ty. Oregon, the tVcuraty Savings A
Trust Company and all other deposi
taries of th funds of tha Port of Port
land and all other persona In charge
r possession thereof, that the Port
of Portland Commission will not. nor
will the Commissioners thereof, or any
of them, be liable or responsible In
any manner whatsoever for any moneys
paid upon any checks or other demands
against such funds unless such demands
be In writing and duly signed by the
president, secretary and treasurer of
the said Commission, who are the fol
lowing named persons, to-wlt: C. A.
Cray, president; James Magulre. secre
tary, and Robert I. Inman. treasurer.
Tha statement also says:
Rra.ioBi Olvcn for Kef aval.
We are endeavoring to proceed ac
cording to law to assert our rights and
tiave not Intruded upon the business
of the Port further than to serve the
formal notice required by la .r as a pre
llmlnary to the proper proceeding to
assert our rights In court. Had It not
been for the request on behalf of the
bank, doubtless no notice would ever
have been served upon It or the other
parties. It Is not true that any In
junction, restraining order or any legal
process was Issued by us to prevent tha
payment of checks. This Commission
simply declined to he responsible for
any business over which It cannot ex
ercise, control.
-The Id board at Its last regular
meeting used the following language:
"That meanwhile this Commission
i.fratn from all but acts of regular
routine, unless some pressing emer
gency should arise. Routine business
should Include the payment of th port's
employee. There Is nothing to prevent
the old board from carrying Into effect
its plana regarding routine or any reg
ular easiness, ji controls all the mon
y and physical properties of tha Com
mission, and Is In full control of the
Steamers Carry Capacity loads and
Volume Will Grow.
If harvesting in the "Willamette Val
ley yields a 'reasonable percentage of
the commodities prevailing conditions
forecast, the Yellow Stack line will be
swamped with business In the Fall and
a third steamer to assist the Pomona
and Oregona must be constructed to
transport tha products. Captain A. W.
Urabam. of tha line, said yesterday
that he would welcome competition on
the Upper Willamette rather than build
a third vesvl. because at the rata col
onlsta are settling In the territory, the
some conditions must be met every
year and greater results would be at
talned with the Introduction of com
peting carriers on the route.
The busy period extends from Sep
tember at leaet to March, though this
year It will be carried on longer, as
tha steamers are discharging capacity
loads here dally and considerable
freight Is left at way landings. "The
Increase Is most noticeable In tha dis
trict south of Salem and as far aa Cor
vallla and Peurla." said Captain Gra
ham. -There are Immense quantities
of oats. hay. potatoes and other prod
ucta that have been moving for some
time and with the Increased acreage
planted aa a consequence of tha Influx
of settlers. It means that tha coming
harvest will be heavy In the way of
diversified crops. We face a situation
that can only be relieved through the
building of another boat, for there are
none available for charter of sufficient
ly light draft."
New-Crop Fleet Grows.
Including two carriers taken to load
from Portland during the 111-13 rrsJo
. season there have been IS Teasels fixed
on the Pacific Coast for that period,
.t .w.n -t union rates, but the
sharp advance In grain prices Is said
to have held bac an spot (""'
As Portland has been a heavy shipper
to California ports and barley from
that territory has moved In quantity to
New York via the Panama Canal route,
the loss of European business toward
the last of the season Is not felt se
verely. .
Marine Notes.
i it t rkaA Kaa succeeded
Captain E. It- Berry aa master of the
steamer Shaver, me laner n
off for a few days.
Bringing general cargo in tienry
v .. ,,..,.' line the British
steamer Inverklp has sailed from ban
t ranclsco tor r-oniano.
not having been finished In time she
did not sail tor Coos nay issi e.r........
but Is due to depart at 7 o"clock this
. ,- ... Vrmni-tmra. the
uuniurr nu-i ivi .- - . .
schooner King Cyrus was yesterday
- . . . . . - I 1 Ww I )l.
towed to Astoria itora -inm
steamer Ocklahama. She loaded a part
cargo at Rainier.
First ,of the cargo to be taken ty
the British bark Wlndrush. which W.
Doe te Arrive.
Kama From.
North. and Pan Kranrlaco
Taroatplaa Pen Ftni-nn
FfcU-oD . an Franclaco
Breakwater. ...l ooe Bar
Koanoka San pxlro. ...
RoeeCltr fan Pedro....
In port
In port
In port
In per
In porl
In port
Apr. 7
Apr. 7
A i-r
Apr. t
Apr. 11
Apr. 1J
Apr. :
Golden Gate... Tillamook.
Aliiante Eureka
Anvil Hand on
ltavr n Pedro...
tue H. Fl nrra Tillamook . .
Or. W. Elder. .Sao Pedro...
Pear Han Pedro...
Hlerlde ralboa
Menrlk Ibsen. . Jiooskons. ..
Scheduled te Deport.
rakwaterl...Coe Pay Apr. ,
Hoanoke. ..... .San Pedro. .. -Apr.
Tamalplas fan rrmncleeo Apr.
North;ajid fan Franrlaoo Apr.
Golden Gate... Tillamook. ...Apr.
Roe City fan Pedro. .. .April
Aliian.-e Xureks Apr.
Anll Handoe Apr.
Hue M. Elmorellllamook... Apr.
Go. W. Elder, .t-mn Pedro.. ..Apr.
Tivaver. ....... Pan Pedro. ...Apr.
Bear. ......... f-an Pedre. ...Apr.
p.lver14e Halboa Apr.
Henrik Iheen. . "t
Washington... an iTanclaco Ind'f te
R. Grace Company have chartered
for the West Coast, will be assembled
at Tongue Point.
Cnable to ascend the Cowlitl River
to Toledo, the steamer Chester is reach
ing a point four miles below that point
and freight la being transferred by
Carpenters are constructing a square
pilot-house at the foot of Alder street
that Is to replace the structure now
used- on the steamer America, which
has rounded front. "
Cnder orders to proceed to Everett.
Wash, and work lumber for San Fran
cisco, the steamer Olson Mahony
left yesterday afternoon from Supples
dock, where she discharged cement.
High wind yesterday morning pre-
vented,towboats from moving the Rus
sian para ucean. wnicn was io
shifted from Unnton to the elevator
dock, but a second attempt In the aft
ernoon waa successful.
The steamers Roanoke and Rose City,
from California ports, and the Break
water, from Coos Bay. entered at the
Custom-IIouae yesterday. The Roanoke
cleared for San Plego and way ports
and the Breakwater for the return
J. W. Ransom, of the Harriman
steamship lines, on returning form Se
attle yesterday, said that at a meeting
of representatives of Trans-Psclf le
lines the proposal made recently to re
store rates on wheat and flour to their
former base June 1 was adopted.
Coming to load, lumber for Shanghai
nnder engagement to the China Import
tk Export Lumber Company, the British
tramp Beckenham crossed Into tha river
yesterday afternoon from Redondo and
proceeded to Kalama. She will take
on 2.000.00 feet at St. Johns, beginning
next week.
Coming to load for Waldport the gas
oline schooner Condor Is due today.
When the steamer Claremont finished
discharging San Kranclsco cargo yes
terday at Couch-street dock she hauled
down to the Oregon drydock. where a
new wheel will be shipped, as she dam
aged at least one blade while on the
way from Astoria Monday.
Government weighers yesterday com
pleted work on the Iron cargo brought
by the German ship Wllhelmlne from
Antwerp, and though she arrived on
February It required nearly two
months to learn that the shipment
weighed more than 1. 000.000 pounds.
The Vincent will have her coke dis
charged In a day or two and by Mon
day her Iron cargo will be out.
On the boards of the Merchants Ex
change yesterday were posted the
names of :o coasting vessels that were
either loading or dlscnarrlng In tue
river. The steamer t A. lxop left
last night for St. Helens to load lum
ber, the steamer Northland for Rainier
on the same mission and others of the
fleet will move today. The outlook
for heavy business during April Is
In about two weeks the dredge Cow.
Ilts. of the fleet operated by the Corps
of Engineers. V. 8. A., will be ready
to leave tha Government moorings as
a combined digger, as she 4 Is being
fitted with an eight-Inch suction pipe.
She Is to be operated on the Cowllts
River and In places where considerable
sand haa been deposited It Is expected
the suction will prove beneficial. On
gravel bars tha former gear will be
Movements of Vessels.
' PORTIAND. April . Arrived 8 team or
Yellowstone, from 8an rrksclsro; steamer
Johaa Ponleen. from Can Fraaclaco, Balled
Steamer Roma, for port San Lots: steamer
flue H. Elmore, tor Tillamook; steamer Ol-
Maboney. for Everett; steamer
ehaata. for Mi Francisco; steamer Tarn
alp la. for Kan rranraaco.
Artorta. April . Condition at the mouth
of the river at p. JJ . smooth; wind,
southeast. It miles: weather, clear. Sailed
a A. M eteamer Roeecrana. for can
rranelsro. Arrived at sod left up at
A. U. steamer Yellowstone, from Kan Pe
dro. 8al!l at :0 A. M Steamer Asun
cion, for 6aa Franclero. KaJld at U se A.
J eteamer Nome City, for Tacoma. Sailed
at A. M 8! earner Golden Gate, for Tilla
mook. Arrived at and left np et S
P. M Steamer Johaa Ponlsen. from San
Francisco. Sailed at Ml p. M. steamer
Roma, for Port San Lola Arrived at 110
P. at. and left np British steamer Becken
ham. from Redondo.
sea rraaeiaro. April 4. Sailed last night
British eteamer inverklp. for Portland.
San Franelsco. April 4 Arrived steamer
Kann Smith, from Coos Bay; Sierra, from
Honolulu: U F. Plant, from Seattle; Wll
helmlna. from Honolulu: schooner Ida Mc
Kay, from Bandon. Sailed Steamers Kl
Seid for Bandon: City of Puebla. for Vic
toria : Chehalla, for Grays Harbor.
Seattle. Waah.. April 4. Arrived Steam
ers Yoseralie and burkman. from San Fran
cisco: steamer Kumerlc. from Tacoma;
stramer Klamath, from Kverett: steamer
Charles Niaon. erora Tacoma: steamer Hl
lonlan. from Tacoma: United States cable
ship Burostria. from Tacoma. Sailed Steam
er QiK-n. for San Prencleco: steamer Kla
math, for San Francisco: steamer Awa Xlaru.
for Tacoma; steamer Toaemlte. for Bremer
ton. Tacoma. WasK, April 4. Arrived Steam
er Preeldent, from San Francisco: steamer
Klaraatb, from Sea Francisco: Japaneerse
steamer Awa Maru. from Seattle; steamer
Buckman. from San Franclaco, Sailed
Steamer Hllonlaa. for Seattle.
TWee a Astarla We it n tad ay.
High. Low.
4 SJ A. V II feet 13:01 A. If.. .... foot
1:17 P. U. ...4-1 faeli
Harriman Official Arrested for
Alleged Blocking of
City Streets.
Councilman Ellis Makes Complaint
for Building' Tracks In Wocxlla wn
IVItltout First Securing Permit
From City for. Work.
J. P. O'Brien, general manager of the
Harriman lines In Oregon, was served
yesterday evening with complaints.
signed by Councilman Ellis, charging
Mm with obstructing certain streots in
Woodlawn with the tracks of the new
Troutdale cutoff of the O.-YV. R. N.
Co. lie was not required to accompany
Policeman Black, who served the instru
ment, from his office, and promised to
appear In court to answer to the com
plaint whenever the case comes up for
hearing. Arrangements acre made at
police headquarters for waiving the for
mality of ball.
The alleged offense for which Mr.
O'Brien has been arrested Is construc
tion of a railroad across Richmond, Bur
rage, Calver. Dawson. Orieonta and other
atresia In the Woodlawn addition to the
city without a formal permit. The grad
ing on this work ass done last Fail, tha
construction department at that time
being under the Impression that rights
of way across the private property and
permits over the city streets had been
obtained. The fact that no complaint
was made at that time strengthened the
belief that all formalities had been met
Tracklaylng Begins.
Tracklavlng was not attempted thero
during the Winter, but a few weeks ago
a fore of men via put to work to lay
the rails and to ballast the track. Tee
terdav Mr. Kills, bv reason of the fact
that the work is being gone in his ward.
made the complaint.
It seems that the Councilman at first
Insisted upon actually taking, the rail
road man to the police station and hold
ing him until bonds could be secured,
but this procedure was dispensed with
when an attorney from tne rauroaa om
convinced tha city officials that there
would be no danger of Mr. O'Brien's
failure to appvar In answer to tna
Mr. O'Brien admitted yesterday atier
nnnn t hat tha work has been done with
out a city permit, but he declared this
to be- merely an oversignt ana one iiiai
will be remedied in consequence of it
having been brought to his attention.
"It would have been remedied had It
keen nnlnted out to ua In a less dramatic
and lese forcible manner." he added.
There was no use to sena an omcer up
here and going to court about It.
Some Contracts Secured.
Th. ,t la that our rlaht-of-wav de
partment secured contracts for crossing
all that territory In Woodlawn that has
been platted with streets, some or wnicn
hioa hMn onened. and that our
construction department went to work
probably not knowing mat stream ex
isted there at all. If they did know It,
ih n resumed that the necessary per
mits had been secured.
'Instead of arresting me tney snouia
have arrested the chief engineer. He
Is the one who really did the damage."
Georges W. Boschke. chief engineer, de
clared that when the work was started
he was under the Impression that per
mits had been secured. '
"We didn't know there were any
streets throngh some of that territory
they are making trouble about." said
-v- t.b "Thev hav It laid Out
and platted for miles and miles and
many of tne sireeia never navo ucc.
used. We thought It waa all private
right of way."
Officials of the railroad company are
puzaled over the failure of the city to
call attention to their alleged obstruc
tion of the streets at the time the grad
ing was done.
Great Northern OfflcUl Says Many
to Come Here From California.
William Harder, general agent of the
freight department of the Great North
ern Railway, has returned from a three
weeks' vacation spent with his daugh
ters In Los Angeles. It was the first
rest that he had had in many ears and
he Is much Improved In health as a re
sult. Mr. Harder reports that travel to
Portland from California points already
has started and that Its volume prom
ises to Increase as the Summer tourest
season approaches. Many Eastern peo
ple, who bought one way tickets to the
Coast when they went to California in
the early part of the Winter, will re
turn to their homes via Portland. A
large number of Callfornians. too. will
come to Ore Ran for tha Bummer. Port
land people spending the Winter In
California have dona much to adver
tise tha city.
Astoria Electric System Will Have
New Ralls and Cars.
ASTORIA. Or, April 4. (Special.)
Announcement was made yesterday by J.
B. KJlmore, local manager for the Pacific
Power aV Light Company, that the As
toria 8treet Railway is to be practically
rebuilt, by laying 0-pound rails and
stringing a new trolley over a large part
of the cTlstance. Ftur new cars are also
t: be put Into service. Work on the
proposed Improvements Is to be com
menced as soon ss the material can be
Head of Steamship Freight Depart
ment Talks or Growing; Trade.
Increased business of a permanent
character, matters connected wyh the
routing of certain commodities and
details as to how cargo should be
handled, all of which he deems can
be best disposed of through personal
Inspection rather than depending on
mall and telegraphic correspondence,
are reasons given by G. L. Blair, gen
eral freight agent of the San Fran
cisco 4fc Portland Steamship Company,
for hla presence In the city. He ar
rived Monday evening on tha steamer
Rose City.
"There Is no question but that there
has been a material addition to the
TOlume of trade between Portland and
points In California." said Mr. Blair.
"Particularly since the service of the
San Francisco Portland Steamship
rnmrt n v vii extended to Los Angeles
has the growth been felt and getting
Alveolar Dentistry
In a majority of our advertisements
we lay great stress on our specialty.
Alveolar dentistry, replacing missing
teeth without a plate or bridge work,
and the curing of Pyorrhea (loose
teeth). The work Is so remarkable in
Its character that It Is apt to over
ehadow those other- cases which come
to us the simple cases.' We don't want
the Idea to obtain that we are Alveolar
specialists alone. We are that, but
something more general practitioners
of the first class. We do dentistry in
all its branches from the simple piece
of filling up. It's a boastful statement
to make, but we can do anything that
Is possible in dentistry and what w do
la always of the very highest class.
Our booklets. Alveolar Lentistry and
examinations are free. There are 11
Alveolar Dental Co. offices In the West.
About 69,000 people are wearing our
Alveolar teeth. About 2000 people in
this city and state have been supplied
by this office. 99 per cent If not
every single one will tell you If asked
that It's the best investment they ever
made in dentistry. In many cases
where brldgework Is Impossible and all
cases where It is possible, we can re
place your teeth with beautiful, artis
tic, comfortable, cleanly and everlast
ing teeth that we will defy any one.
dentist or layman, to tell from natural
teeth. For full Information see our
Sunday ads.
The Alveolar Deatal Co., Dentists,
til to S14 Ablngton Bldg.. 1064 3d st
Terms to reliable people.
matters Into shape at that end of the
line has been one reason why I did not
visit Portland during the past year. As
to reports that the steamer Kansas
City will be put on again I don't know
that there Is anything definite under
consideration. She is, of course, an
auxiliary vessel In the fleet. She is
reserved for use In case there Is a rush
of cargo that would Justify her being
commissioned or If one of the regular
vessels Is laid off. The proposition of
equipping her with oil has been taken
up and If that is authorized she will
be In shape to take the run at any
Lighthouse Vessels Will Assist Forts
In Time of War. 1
Limited tonnage available for the
United States Army In time of r with
which to lay mines has resulted in an
.. i hv th Riireau at
U1UDI t'Clll K " . "J -" ' "
Lighthouses that the tenders in service
In the Seventeenth Ligntnouse
In charge of Commander J. M. tlllcott,
. . I n-mn that In time of War thev
can assist fort commands on the North
Pacific Coast In planting ntineex me
Manatuilta is having the gear placed
at LMrfo the HeAthpr'B WOrk
has been finished on Puget Sound and
the Columbine win be ouimieu uun.i
her present stay at Seattle.
. i . t. .1,4. a nt 1 1' it . ' 1 . are helna
muiit . ' ' ' " v. - - - -
placed Iron brackets, on which the mine
cables are run fo as to noia intra
from the vessel. The braikets are so
fitted that they can be- undamped when
not In use. On each side of the forecastle
will be tlt,ted sockets for davite, to be
utilized In hoisting and lowering mines,
but except In emergencies the davits
m.iii at tii fort to which the ten
der k assigned to assist. Rich Summer
mine-planting drills are conducted and
on such occasion- the tenders will Join
with smaller vessels mai are a utmuic.
Usually the mines ara planted in the
unit mixer! In the afternoon
during maneuvers, and the .work will not
require the tenders w lose mucn lime.
The Heather will probably be assigned to
t.-v.- Wont an.l thn fnlnmhlne at the
entrance to Puget Sound, but the Armeria
may not be nttea as sne is in mo
Alaska district, where there are no
mine stations.
Road 16 Miles Long Will Also Do
Freight and Passenger Business.
Cost $20,000 Mile.
What the owners and contractors be
lieve to be the best-built logging road
In the state has Just been completed be
tween Carlton, on the west side line of
the Southern Pacific, to Fairdale. 16
miles northwest.
The road is the property of the Carlton
Lumber Company, and was built primar
ily aa a logging road, although th own
ers "propose Lo accept both freight and
passenger business. Most of the rights
of way were secured with the proviso
that the line be made a common carrier.
Watson, Klagg & Standlfer, local con
tractors, finished their work yesterday.
The road will be open to traffic about
May L The line is standard gauge,
equipped with 60-pound rails and thor
oughly ballasted.
For nearly the entire distance between
the two terminals It follows the course
of the North Yamhill River. Consider
able grading was necessary, however,
and the average cost of construction per
mile approximated 3,000. Equipment
has been ordered and will be delivered
In a few days. Several small locomotives
will be placed In service, and in addition
to the logging cars a number of freight
cars snd a passenger coach will be used.
While the freight and passenger busi
ness necessarily must be handled merely
as an accommodation to patrons of the
line. It ia expected that tills department
will grow until It becomes an important
part of the business. Already there Is
promise of a number of new stations
springing up. and the company is con
sidering the advisability of constructing
freight and passenger depots.
At present the road is owned by pri
vate capital, but it will be a feeder to
the Southern Pacific It is predicted that
eventually It will be acquired by the
Harriman Interests and used as a part
- ,..Hin. tr Tillamook Bay.
Ot a lino -
This route would bo shorter than any
between Portland ana iuiub .
. . . . v., 11 It la aaaarted.
WThe territory through which such a
road would pass s ricn in
the movement of this alone would soon
nay for construction. The ahore line to
a depth of many miles Is a fertile coun
try well adapted to agriculture and dairy
ing. .
V .
Dr. D. J. Morphy Is Made President
of Commercial Club.
NORTH PLAINS. April 4.-(Speclal.)
The North Plains Commercial Club
held Its first meeting last night since
the official christening of the organiza
tion two weeks ago when an excursion
of Portland business men visited north
Plains and assisted In the work of or
ganization. Th 1 Unmhif who ACted SS CnSir-
rnah 'of the first meeting, was elected
president. aianon
vice-president and D. W. Bath, secre
tary. The executive committee consists
of J. H. Lang. J: R. "Wilson. Thomas
Connell and A. McCoy. ' .
More than-JO business men of North
Plains and vicinity attended the meet
ing. Secretary Bath announced that
he would give the club office-room In
hla building until permanent quarters
are obtained. It- is proposed to collect
an exhibit from Tualatin Valley farm
ers for display In the club quarters.
The newly-organised club has decided
to Issue literature descriptive of North
Plains. This will be written by North
My Terms Treatment
within the reach of all. I will not accept your case Jf I cannot cure
yoa. I will give yon an absolute guarantee to cure you or not charge
yoa sue cent for my services.
The reason hundreds of man today
are discouraged Is because they have
given no care to whom they entrust
ed their case, their precious health.
They do not consider the ability,
professional standing and reputa
tion of the physician or specialist
of whom they took treatment, but
have considered far more the fact
that by not going to a specialist of
ability they could get cheaper treat
ment. Such is not the case, because
it requires ability and skill to cuve
any one of the ailments to which I
devote my full -time and attention,
and the specialist who possesses the
ability to cure, gets all the business
be can attend to. If you are today
discouraged because you have not
been oured it Is your own fault.
You nave no one else to blame but
yourself. If you have songht treat
ment and are not cured. It Is simply
because of the fact that you have
not thought enough of your health,
your life, to pay the pr'ce of a com
petent, reliable specialist, who pos
sesses tha ability necessary to cure
The one thing for any man to
consider is simply this: 'T want to
get cured. I must get the ailment
conquered before It conquers me."
If you look at this matter from this
standpoint, valuing aa you must do
your future tjealth and happiness,
you will consult at once the BEST
UrtCT anr.1ltat one
raanently and long-established reputation to do mo o-si, mi n jv
Is placed with him the, cure will surely follow In short order.
- LASTLY. REMEMBER, there is no man who really dealrea ta be
cured who cannot place his case with me. BECAUSE I always arrange
my terms so that any man can receive expert attention and care at my
Brae Allaaeats, Kervons Decline, Kidney mm Bladder Allmewra, Tasfeoao
Vetaw sal AU Ailments Peculiar to Men.
Men make no mistake when they come to me. 1 give you the results of
long experience, honest, conscientious work, and the best service that
money can buy. If you are ailing consult me. Medicines furnished In aur
prlvaU laboratory from 11.50 to t.E a course.
If you cannot call, write for self-examination blank. Hours I A. M. te
I P. U. dally. Sundays. to II only.
St Louis Medical Co. wort.
Plalns business men and published by
the press of the Sentinel, the new
weekly paper.
At the next meeting representatives
of the Hlllsboro Commercial Club will
visit North Plains and several addresses
will be made.
Governor to Supply State Instltu
tlou Acres With Game Birds.
SALEM. Or., April 4. (Special.)
All of the state farms In connection
with the state institutions will be set
aside as state game reserves, accord
ing to a decision reached yesterday by
Governor West. This move is taken
under the provisions of an art passed
by the last Legislature and the State
Game Board will take steps to supply
these reserves with pheasants and
other game birds for the purpose of
protection and propagation
Patients and Inmates at the various
Institutions will be placed In charge
of the care of this class of birds and
rigid rules will be laid down to pre
vent any shooting or killing of the
game fowl on the state lands.
Sheridan Refuses to Vote Bonds.
SHERIDAN. Or.. April 4. (Special.)
The' vote to bond this city for 10,
000 for the erection of a new high
school building, was lost at the recent
school election. The vote stood 101 to
8 against the expenditure of such a
sum and much adverse criticism Is at
tending the defeat of the petitioners
for the proposed new schoolhouse.
Those voting against the bonding argue
that Sheridan has as fine educational
facilities as any town in the Valley,
and they point out the fact that the
present high school building Is prac-
There Is a cure for that merciless
pain, rheumatism. The remedy is
electricity properly applied. Rheu
matism ia caused by uric acid In the
blood. Drive out this poisonous
acid and you will be free from pains
and aches. Yon can't do that by
dosing yourself with drugs. Elec
tricity as supplied by Electra-Vita
soaks right In the veins and arteries
and forces the poisonous matter
back to the kldneyo, which filter
the blood and cleanse It of all Im
purities. Electra-Vlta has cured many cases
of rheumatism after everything else
failed. Some of the most stubborn
cases yield in a few weeks.
Our 90-page book, beautifully il
lustrated, tells all about Electra
Vlta, how it cures and cost of treatment-
This book-ls free- If you'll
mall us this coupon. Cut out the
coupon now.
Please send me, prepaid, your
free, SO-p&ge, Illustrated book.
Address. .
BsrafeW GoUraseaf
M W Caavooad X
I tstfeindsunpleremedyfor
a Breacaitis, Csfarra, Ha Feser W
I inflamntatlooa, Irritations aleer-
I mmJ I etlona ot ALL mnoovs membranes
v - I or lining ef tha noes, taraat,
I I 1 1 stoneon or other organs.
IfDfcW Wkf tut curt yrmruZf aaassamaaaas
r mailed oaraquaak
lit Iran Osattal 6.7
x l5ht!s!'afA I
whom yon know from his per-
tlcally new. It Is very probable that
another election on the same question
will be ordered soon.
We want all ail
ing men to feel
that they can come
to our office free
ly for examination
and explanation of
their condition
without -being
bound by any ob
ligation to take
treatment unless
they so desire. We
will make a thor
ough and scientif
ic examination ol
your ailments fret
of charge, an ex
amination that
will d'sclose your true physical con
dition, without a knowledge of
which you are groping In the dark.
If you have taken treatment else
where without success, we will show
you why it failed. Every man
should take advantage of this op
portunity to learn his true condi
tion, as we will advise him how to
best regain his health and strength
and preserve them unto ripe old age.
If your case is curable, the
system of MAN-BUILDING treat
ment will give you immediate bene
fit and a quick and lasting cure.
There is no uncertainty about it.
No risk to run. Our guarantee NO
FIED is your absolute protection.
We cannot tell you in this an
nouncement all we would like to,
but w'll fully and freely explain our
proven methods to all ailing men
who come to us for the help they
4PK1.ICTED MEN, before treating
elsewhere, honestly investigate our
proven methods. You will them under
stand how easily we core all enrable
ailments, RUPTLRE, PILES and aU
hkctal. ailments.
What you- want is a cure, come
to us and get it. Once under our
treatment, you will quickly realize
how simple a thing It Is to get well
in the hands of a specialist who
knows his business. Our cures add
not only years to life, but life to
years. Orrtce hours, dally 9 to 5;
evening, 1 to 8; Bunday, 10 to 1
363 Washington St Portland, Or.
Is Our Fee
tracted and chronic cases cured. AU
burning, itching and Inflammation
stopped in 24 hours. Cures effected In
seven days. Consultation free. If un
able to call, wr'te for list of questions.
Office Hours 9 A. M. to 8 P. M.
Sundays, 10 A. M.'.to 1 P. M. only.
Pacific Coast Medical Co.
Corner First, Portland, Or.
Men and Women Cured
The famous 9.
C f'hun Phl-
nese Medicine
Company, -witti
their remedies,
of herbs
derfully. It
i.nrpd many
sufferers when
other remedies
h a v a failed.
cure for . ehronlc. private ailments.
nervousness. blood Pln- rneumausm.
asthma, pneumonia, kidney, throat and lung
troubles, consumption, "tomach disorder,
and other of all kinds. Remedies
haFmleas. NO OPERATION. Consultation
free. Examination for ladles by Mrs. 8. It.
Chan. Call or write to
The 8. K. Chan. Chinese Medtctae Co
22614 Morrison St., Portland, Oregon.
has - 9
$10,000 MUSEUM
Free to Men
The Leading Specialist.
All men visiting Portland should
see Ir. Taylor's Free Museum of
Science. As far ahead of all other
advertised museums as the Dr.
Taylor methods of treating men's
ailments are superior to the old.
haphazard and guesswork treat
ment. An exhibition prepared at a
great cost of time and labor. No
charge to see museum, which is en
tirely apart from medical offices.
Office Hours 9 A. M. to 8 P. M.
dally. Sundays. 10 to 1. If you
cannot call, write for symptom
The Dr. TAYLOR Co.
234H Morrison, Corner Second St.
Prostatic and
Peculiar to
The Results of My Treat
ment Are Felt Instantly
No time Is wasted. Tou are not per
mitted to drag along- for days and
weeks on promises until hope at last
dies. Bv my treatment you feel the
returning" flush of health at the very
start. The bounding- energy of
youth revived, vigor of health
restored what would you give to have
them back again? And you can have
them back a little effort will bring
them just the effort of calling at my
office and, without spending one cent,
have a confidential chat with me.
The Old Reliable Specialist.
Corner Alder and Second streets. En-'
trance 128 Second street, Portland.
Or. Office hours 9 A. M. to I P. II.
Sunday. 10 A M. to 1 P. M.
I Only Want to See
The Sick People
To Them I Can Prove The
Worth of My Medicines
If you have been ailing fcr some time
or If some 111 ha. fastened Itself upon you.
don't delay In consulting me. Perhaps by
coming to my waiting-room ahere many
others dally are awaiting me by appoint
ment and talking to them, would convince
you of the benefit to be had from my med
icines. I have patients from all walks of
life and with all sorts of sickness. Many
former patients whom I have cured have
sent me letters. If I could cure them why
not you?
Patients out of town write for consulta
tion blank and circular. Inclose four cents
In stamps.
TIi3 C. Gee Wo CFiinese IVIedlcine Go.
16i4 First St., Corner Morrison,
Portland, Oregon.
'Strowbrldge bldg.,
133 H First street,
room 11. and 2254 t
Alder t. Chinese
Root and Herb
Medicines. Cures
Cancer. Rheuma
tism. Consumption.
Dropsy, Catarrh.
Stomach, Lung.
Liver and Kidney
Troubles. All
Chronic ailments
of men and wo-
men. Examination
free. Drugitore.
285 FlanderaSt.
The ' Old. Rellnple Chinees
Doctor spent lifetime study 4t
herbs and research In Chtpai
was granted diploma by the
Emperor: guarantees euro all
ailments ot men and woinaa
when others fall.. If yon suf
fer, call or write to YEE
First, Gar, Alder, rertiaad. OS.
4 " 1
Gee fiT'7, Gee
f i