V t7 tiie morning oregoxian. Wednesday, ArniL 5, 1011. , , r iol etS ud Bats for r - Mm - 8 AVI A TRUST . '. for. t& jndeshingtonl'ia. gOH v.... - - 4 i,.ifhiMtfh4o4l at ro- ttl. price. TU K. 17th at. South. Teh freUwaod ear te Rnoe.. t, LnriRX hoiM rooms, dewlrabto lea tio. .1 3-4 :r-t. Houtn Portland: rent J.UJ. Inoulre t SOS K..y U It car k t. D. W. Moeiblng. ' T7i t m - a r, . .ud ttata. - 1 lvclvr. nr. J:J- I so a I r 1 J J Mala 4B7. tCROOM hoTtM ta Irvlngton; will l W. C (Mi 346 Morrison at. .tnoi hxu. oa 13th . North. 1 Ing- toft. Main si a. au ft ROOMS 4 Everett, bat. 2let and 22d. Sheeny Pro M.ia 3t72. A 3410. VTr.vV. modern. T room. tt!r, tirer'ac. 'ur ease, doe to; adu.t. T-.S K. Main. IIv'(.rMa hooM for rent: I'-O soa.j t Irvlnitoo. Call East S?I. Room aad bath. Hi. fl.nim st aler talon t?. Inquire U frtark ft- fcl"trRV T-r ra tioiu. walking dletance; r-nl lii. 1 Lrra at- l. c"r- XKVINOTON Elegant bom.. J'i't finished: not :6; will !. raono - ? a Mw nT-7' f .rf'uM.iitn s-room Cdttjct. 120 Ko'ntri: Lwr f-irnlehed 4-room flat. IK. SO math: w:i-f-irnihed housekeeping suit". S ro.ro. I. It. Ii motttb; I for lli. AP- p r 1 S. 5th. w car rrom o-poi. or w.tt oa il jrrlaon to 341.1. bl;. jnonb- Inu tt k- vYftMvo.rfwira niovra rottaca with Brapiae. eompmiix furauf;"!. t"' b'o k north 8oifM tarnn. v aji A14T t cor, q-th. r- - WIEHS l-mm fomioo4 rott: alo a rm fiat, wtm bain. 1 a-aat llat. W.-H. car. f-KilOll tniM la lflnt.. will ' rooalbta partr- W. '. Rod. i naon at. . jilr-r.LT funi!hl 5 -room f at. w:fcta dl-ti--. M' a. rat II Iukh furoth4 honao. Balmont. Imaiwii or Mount Tabor rar. fno3 rottaca rv'AJoratta. for rot- Hood at JVOK RK..VT My a -room hoo. i"rWl furti1-i-t. fin l"-ailon. I'h"i' TaOT ;.". H for Rraf rrartar fa aHk. VK RF.XT cVroom flat, furnltura for aala at a bar4ln; ownr ltnf for Kuropo: furnltoro coot -. "I'l fo' r" n:r. naw a; wiil a:i or pail; ran rat f nrr?ot. 4 T a '- t r AC'TlFrt. mod'M room flat Boar Waah. mi : a rooma ro-t't for It: mo.: a ro..ma epoa !a hil. Ilnly furnntinl. pru ;. t - rnta . Bavo otbwr goo4 buj . 1L ;rtaa4. 1KI 4'b '. ' l.VAFs Oompiat furoltur et fl an J ana a m-roo-r Bat cI'o in. Wpt hfl; tarma If ..lr l- (loom If. IfiS a i ourta at. C. lod lEVVINO Iowa, wlU aarrlfl.-a" furnltur of room houa. aico ruca. f jrnuor-. awall location : or wiil tra.ia fur aqtiity ta hotao. A II JUT. Oraon ! a a. BirtE K EETINtl furnttura for four rooma. J. rat 111. InciiwilBC wator aad pooaa. N MT. r-onlan. S K'x'MH. corner booK brick. rloa la: r-nt '$.,. clar i:i month. Call onr. A 2""A pOFl RKNT j!ta-r..m f;a:. ni-firra furol tra for aala. cBaap. Jo Tailor at. A tlOJL St r.NITt RaW ran . dlahaa. china. avrrthtna comrlat. tarom Bat: trrma. MUL noar rh. ta.l fxlar IITII x rurnltaro of l-rnom hooaa f.r a.4.: batua for rnl. barcala.. thia at aara. 4 KOtMi. bouaokaopitic f'irnltur; near bouao; moUara; Itrm So ll. ptt'T aa!l furnttara of flat rhrap: ifnila. a hoLia-korpmc rooma. I'hona H IvA fcKALTIr't'ULT furniahcr) J-room lower fiat, ch.ap. 715 iiijn. Call aftr a .m. aI.t. or part fomltur of -ro-m bonaa. fvrat Tra. Call aftarnoona. TT fl'RMTl'RE of rooma for aala chaap. II llroadwar. cor, of I r. 1 " n . ;r brlik corner; alao InaMa atr.ro. R. 11th nil Ilawtnorn aa.: atantaooaa: aituaft for a hlcb-crad croccr. butcbar. drtiasiat to buua ap a larsa boatneaa !a Ilaocbomo an-1 I.aad'a auaitlona. Apply L. R. Fairehlld. :JJ tihartock b.di. FOR LtAik; la -oocl location on Waah Inatoa for term of yvara. atora 20KS. rncXcidlnv wall-riniahad lirht baaamont about lUxtl: aullabla for ratalllnc; brick bu:lltn: mart b roaponatbl part. X 11. O.-oaonian. HALT at t atory bri-k. SOxlOO: plat ylaaa front: ltib aad Maraha.il; sultabia for Uant Jobbing, maaafactarlnn or ratatl; II loaaa aao-baiX: dlvlda apaoa la ault taaaat ar tananta. QB Uaaa. A. Q. Loaj. ftTORR apaz-oa In now brick buiMiac at cor ner ILawthorno av. and I'nton. Appty to If. P. r'aimr-Joaa Co.. Z'.l ComnicrcJaJ Club Birfr. fhonc iliia rj. A SH-M. OR RENT oral atorra at aaa aad Madiaoa at. brldr. tJO to lu. accordiac to atso. Apply ari Mawthoma ara. p'O iC R ENTcb'apr"flaa larca comer atora; fin bualnaaa diatrlct. Thuna Mala ITOI1E for rent, at Cta and Mtark ata. In qulr 1i tat at. STORE far rant. 1:1 W'aablacun. bacwaen lat and Id. ITORE for ran. paona Baet 123. orrirr. POK Ril.NT. It to jr. Uu KC1I A.NT.-i A VIVOS a TKl.-tT COKPAXT. C.iel awaj ofaca for doctor or lawyar; larva froet room, bot aad ooid water, phone e-mea free; rest only 111 par month. Draxel IIoteL 7l!RABLfi oCflcaa and Mmpl rooma for rent at reaaonabie rate. Manrheatr bid.. 85 1 ftth rt. . between ttar and Qak- fOR RENT D-ak. phono an J typewriter, lady or e-eattvmaa. Cail 211 Abtnstoa b i jjr. M aia . FINX altira aad dcak room: both phonca. electric iicht. Janitor arvica free: ctound goor. Q fifth at. M. 6o;t. A 1T1 MOST centrally hv-ated ofTlcoa. all-nicht al. Ta:or rlre. s3 Pwetiand bids., or Jaa Itor. bth and W aahlncton. aHRONT affl.-o aulta; ataxia and pabllo bailjL A! t iky bM. Id aad Morrioon. iyrH; room for rent; IT JO per zaonth; ph oe Tree. II 2 Rqcha na ra b idy. . I "K priTr o?Tic r drk room w r uubit, U4 Hory. 4ih tvPU Oak. ft,-TtNr?HCr off'. for rot ta Lrsnrta bids-, Appty room 9Q. X p-- K. room, wttft or witbrot vtadow frooi. 1 -Z Ki. wy gjcZmng tldf. )i-:-sc room for fnt. T9 l 01.1 Trart bi U- btvB and 13. ttTrsK H oosil- 1 -a 1 iTi'iani; Ho month; '. f- phor; on ! y 2 d it ft XE er two (loom In brick baUdm ftOxIOO or ur part tal-.A Wtnior t trr-t dor. f r t)tormr or trnurc taring purpo-. Chap tx.aurmi.cL sutt Froat c Mala Ji. rnVANTKD Party with from l'OO to fUOl to taka tntart ta roo4 paylsf btialaa: taal lnvetlf acloa: haw good Donlna ia California. f Tft Ajbo AIrcnt11 ARvaey. I'AhTNBR WANTED FromlMnt contractor aad tut;dr that ha pivnty of work on nwoda sar vorkin; capital and rood ma tivat ta wiil'Bff to taka hold of ithr tha rnoitrucUoa 04- oSlca and. J J. Urt- H aVIV. Mr OH 5 A UC ar axrhanv for soo1 raal propartv. a frocary and bakvry la good ;tva country town, aatabMvhad mis. yaarm doin good cash buiinpta, moat aalj or tic.". an 4a at Once X VX Ora Cnl-ui. ANrEt farmar for H tntaraat In claan Inc and praaaina;. partna; from 0 to 112 d r :c r.ty yi; K Ortonla ru JV ANT Ft I La4 T to taka chare of beauty pArlors; siuat bo ajiprtacicad. biva llttl rapttat. Cail Mala ft.;? Ak for Oorar. S'TR 1 11 i N O-Tood a bus i n aa. "cn t ra 1 1 y 1 rarrd: rat ir lag from bualnaaa. ft vis. Ora gpfttin. FaIRtFlINCH. clnaa in. buay d!trrt; thiP rant, aood Uaaa; will band. a. Call ) (tark at- FOR SALE 1- lntraat In planlna; mill and lumbar yard ch Addraaa H. R. rvlr h 1 i U rorat Crove. Or. A GOOD buatnaa opnln; fnr a ltv ona; ran mak $t. pr month: very lit Li a m o n y rnirtd. C: I T! oS t a rk a t. PARTNER an;d with I0- rxpartan u nnrc . rr. I; 00m ! .S N. 3d JOOt, KOOM. Wtrat flda; good trad, chaap rant; a mocr y-makr. Call 2Tfl 8:ark ai- rJ.V Cljtar stand. s& location, cheap rest; dtn goad bualnraa. Call 2T1 Stark at. roR 8 l.E 3chalr barter abop; chaap rent. I TZ. 131 i Jd?r at;; FOR A1.E Hootblack etand. Inqalra cl cr a;aml. th and Srark "ta. VAMI Vtnr ' r-e-l aatat of fl. A ti w. rtod a y. t: aatl i. 1 HO) repair ahop: all -: toola: fiaa f location, (oad loaaa. Can ZT birk at. nriyrs otto rti' s i 11 f-V. HEFtVAPn A CP.KVPr.U-E. Tl Toon HM. f,ttl .n1 A,aI- GL-AltANTKKO TITLK I X VEa r M E.NTi I-are Kafm connection brine quick raeulte to partlre llailnk with thia ofnoa. SALMON IV THE HKART OF CITT. Irgo aiock. Independent lifcnae. alda entrance, arlmdld futurra. rood location lon leaaa; tz:-o rent: lo.,k thia tip: It will pay you. R. A. Crandllc. Tol Tern Old. IUSIVKS3 PATINil 141 TO t A day. clear atand. lunch counter. ! cream parlor. n a"ticy. aoda roon ICa: .-d leae. ) rent, at a fl" that will aurpriaa you. B. A. Crantloiia. T01OROCt:Ri,"FTRF: WITH MEAT at A IC E T In connection, dolne, to IT a clean etock and o4 fixture; evatrthtnc you need; pric la riaht. 40 rant. B. A. Crandelle. Tol Taon bMr. I?no A MOM If. I-OO la what thia drur bualncaa la paylnr ar all atnenae: centrally located: 8-year leai. IliO month rnt; prte will ult ou; will take part In city property. B. A. Crandelle. Tol Ym bide. JCST WHAT TOO WANT Ta o Into tha reetaurajit bualncaa. qnlp ment to taka era of M poopla; every thinc tha bet from tha kitchen to tha front door: li"0: aounde-food : look It ap. It. A. Cran.l-IIai Tol Yeort b!d II1AR fTJ.VIV CCXTRAL IiCATIOV. Nice atock and filurea. rant I4u: pne la aaay. It. A. Crnn1-1le. T"l Yeoa bld(. CORNER C1UAR STANK, rjood ato.li and nice flMur. aln llj- a ur.ntb; rent Hiii look Iota Uiia at oaoa. B. A. crandell. REST A I' RANT. ' Very a nod location, aeata about 50 peo r'o. opto-dat In every reapect; rent on:y ItJ a month. Thia will tak nulrk action. IV A. Crandelle. Tol Teonbll. liMJl. 11AIJ. ANP CI'IAR STAND. tolnc ood bualneaa. S table, very food efork. oo.l location, nle fixturea: fruit and oonfecllonery: ITS rent, leaaa: prl' I. O. K. II. A. Crandelle. T01 Yon bll. T1AVK A PEW .loon BUYS la clear etorea. confectionary, bootblaca: atande. winl-urtn parlora. etc H. A. I ran i. !. ol Teon bld . ir 10CR BrsisF.su is FOR falb Met It with r.HNAHD A. CBANDSI.I.V. ynl Teio HM. r &th and Alder. Bff INE-SKS. clean, (tapl Una. aolldly eatab llehed. paying W p-r cent on Ita capital, and can aatiy b larfeiy axtendad: par ticular, clooeat tnatlatlon. Addreaa l.uBlnee. car Imperial Hotel. rwtr. Or. MONET VUR KVF.KTPODT. v...h.t.a tr vou want to aell yoor bueineao oul'-k; want a reliable partner oa) want to tra.le your bualneaa for real a t.te. t all or writ eatern lotntnunt Co.. 417 """I Trado blda-. WANTPt A man with ood reference and a t.m thouaand dol ar to tak chttjit of a manufacturlnk bualneaa fr XZH -. r- J. luffr. Hotel Clark. l"'th aad Hark, between and 9 A. at. and and V. M. A REPONyUlLIC party who ha knowledc of ao:ilna threahlrc ma--hlna and nln and ran taka a f.nan.lal Intere.t: d roeltlon ! open with a rellabl tlrrn . lanka and mrcanttl reference. T P'.l. i ircaonlan. BESPONKtnUK real ewtate dealer with more work than ha can attend to alona will peti one-half intereat reaaonable. to a aober nan who la willing- to work. Particular 4 IT Hoard ofTmd bid?. 1 rtiOCH P1CAI.TT COM PANT. Sod Al.Ier t.. Ileal Fatal and Iritlmata Tiulnea Chance. A r.ROCERT tor. dotnf linn" month bual. ne In ood locality: will veil, part caah and balance ta real retale: atock and fix turea oomplete. tncludmc hora and wagon; 2 o. AN 4o. Oregr.nl a n. . BAI.F Intareet In offlea handling oera uh i!lr:aloa; on partner retiring account 111 hralth: rifcrenc-e grrvn and required: no agents. .Addraaa f or lntrrlw AX I4. Oregonlan. WANTED Party who la willing to Inveat In a r-ropoettlon, trlclly legltlmat. who will be -.( led with l.'S to (W a day Income; moat hara reference. AJ 0-0. Orogonian. lT 1 "goodl Inveatlgate; partner wanted for automobile llr repair bnina which will eaelly pay you l-'Xl Pr month profit II.moa renulred. Inqulr 41T Board of Trad blJg. OROCERT tSTORE. doing about I1IM month bualnee-: good location; horea, wagon. atora Bxtur a ana eiocn. Tolre. T J. 'Oreronlan. WANTED Lady or gentleman to ct raehler In reetanrant a rnrtner: ownr doea th cooklna: alary lao weakly and board. Room 63 Lqmher Eatchanga. riRHT-CL-ASS llttl dellctean. confectioner- and lc cream bualneaa; good loca tion, chaap rant: llrlng-rooma. I-hon Marhall I'JoI. Id HHAIiKS of tock In Haxelwood Co.. with offic In Portland and Spokana. Far furthar Infonrtatlon addreaa it. .alortan een. Amea. Iowa. CIOAR STAND. On Waahlnatoa at leaee traa It a jVAi'aiCSTTNll I.umba nen Rldg. 4Aa PARTNER wanted for a Ua manu facturing bualneaa; InTeetlgat totlar. aa we caju ahow reaulta. 41T Board of Trade blrlf BRICK Hotel. T3 room, clearing 3t0 monthly o-er all axpan: on account or airknaa ran be bought for IS.ouO; good tcrcia. Room 6 unibr Exchange. REST AtT RANT. ... nowntown. a year- leaaa. good trad; a lira, paying (Hag); low prlca takes It. IS ItTlilt" 1JOHT m anufarturlnf bulne wants part ner to tak order, pay you $1S0 month ly; email inveatment required. Roomoa Lumber Eachacge. WOOD BI'PINESj Flare fine chance for money aacurt-d; profit man with 4ov lar.-e. parttcuiara. Stark t. BPl.ENDID opportunity for a litre, rellabl party: on that la a good salesman. AF P.7 oregonlan. CONFECTIONERY: baked goods, etc.; pendld tor for tZSO- ny eeared ; will arrange term. Call 24 S H Stark t- BOND laaue. l.ooo upwards negotiated. I- N. Koaonoaum. lawyer ana nunriii agent. S14-J1S Halght bldg.. Seattle. Wash. FOR HALE Hoarding-house, between 20 and 40 eteany ooaracre: cn-ap ren i. sou voaru aocured. Inquire ST4 Macadam at. OTENINO for eteady man In store; will pay alpu monin; exnati inFniinfBi if quired. rarticulara,S4S Strk st. NI'E Uttle bakery doing a splendid bttal- pr., JoO: juat tne ming lor roan ana w I f-. E. M. Dunton. Kelso, Wash. xylLl. build bulldlrt for a moTttig-plctnre ho In a gooo. tire ' ' T - our-as .ve Wllllama ave. Phone Woodlawn ft. FOR HAI.E Rakery. of good location, with well -equipped ouetneas. .j won, ur. geniaa. DO TOU want a candy kitchen, confection ery or cigar atora 11 eo. cau e etu t-uuua b . dg. CJOAR euro; en of the beet looatlon In th city; will pay you VZ'V monthly: $&2Q require.!. Room PJ utror t-xenange. COFFEE Hot KB FOR BALE, ftee "oJ. at Rice and Cocoa Jvltobea. WT Couch tt. . FOR BALE Fine retail grocery at tneoloe: well-eelaMlaned Dueineee; a money -cnaaer. Telephone East ftTvv 601-ID bualneaa for eaJ; clearing $300 buying. Par- monthly; can try it ovwn atlcaiara. 2S Stark St. Is your bualneaa la for aala. list wt O. D. BCiJH. Ill Bnchanan block, nnd It win gpoq mo a. WANTKD Partner with capital for new salmon cannery. Aiwn t oast r a 1.0 111 Rurhsnaja bldg.. Portland. Or. l-KOOll roomtng-bouse for aate at a bar- gala, leaving town, nee owner, in ast 6th street. - MOVINO PICTURE BfSINEPS. .Wanted, partner to buy out present partner; good ouportuRUry. growing businaa. go Oak at- PAIITNER waated by flrst-clasa motlooTpic lure man. barmr machine, aigns and other equipment. AH Oregonlan. WANTED Partner with e7.--0. motlon-ple-ture buslneee. Call T. FUm Co- t-Q Waaa., near ITth. ARU you looking tor pool and billiard room or aa!on? If 10. call at froi Couch bldg. BFTAV11ANT for aaie. good bualiwsa. 4A N orth Ot h t. KFTAl'RANT and lonch countr for sal. 3TJ N. ltth t. See owner. BOO BCSINES8 carda. ll.Otr; you muat bring thlad: lto City l'rlntcry. lp. t. Third. BARBER shop, beet-paying B-chatr ahop In Portland: bath. 25 N. gth au PARTNER wanted for a good grocery 1 ro q u l re 'jtX.. Call 141 Stark t- DANDT llttl printing plant for sal or rent cheap. J. E. Hoemer. Pllverton. Or. COFFEE and lnnrh. bualneaa for sal chaap. Ca:l:.sS Stark t. rOH SALE Th old rellabl 8tel Bridge jlakery and Cafe. 1S1 Holladay ave. PHOTO gallery on Washington, cheap If taken at once. AH J3. Oregonlan. BAY. Mr. Restaurant man, w bar a good one- call IS. Madlron. CAFETERIA for :. Cheap rent, long leaee; central. AO P-T. Oregonlan. FOR SALE il-chalr barber ahop. good lo catlon. 118 y. Jerey t.. St. Johna. Or. PARTNER wanted to work In ahop; profit good. Call 244 . Stark t- FOR SALE TTntet and steam laundry. In Ur at Croat -Hotel. Monteaana, Wash. nrsiNT'ta opporttnities- n ra i A i rov. . and lunch room, each well located on Weat Slda and doing a profitable bnsl Ba: a plodld opportunity to get Into a profitable bmlneea on smsll aapltai, prto 11400 and IlliAU rPoillT- OKL'8I ZADOW. tlT Board of Trade bldg- 4th ana Oak, I1AHK CUAJI.6. M . Wall-known Pcaalde resort for ai. whole block, with building; 3 bedroorna. dining-room, barroom and barber nop. completely turnlahad. all In running "" price. II l.OOO. For partlculara and terms addreaa P. O. Box W, Long Beach. V. ari. $7600 NET within three month n,r..clc"" cut jounr bualneea man with l.-o cap ital: thorough Ineeatlgatlon Invited; 1 otai banking refrrencea given; a chance to aaaoclats with recignlxed bu'nesa J"'" future connection aaaured. 4ilv pnon number. AO us3. oregonlan. PARTNER WANTED. Man with cash bualneaa wants Pr";"' will guarantee ISO pr moi.ih: ".'t"2 tlon guaranteed before you buy: o0 " quired. Cail Room 313 LOmbcr Exchaogs PiOX. STORE HAItUAiA. , tTSOO stock general merchandise: J Uat year war 48."J caah; rut only I.J per month, long lae. GRU.-t at ZADOW, KIT Rnsrd of Trade bldg.. 4th and Oak. BOARDINO-HOfrtK for aula: paying propo sition; nil advene rTlng: age and death of husband mak this deal neceary. worth investigating: very reonabl; m iat be sold at once; lerme If desired. Phon m . "A SNAP." . Paying bakery and lc cream ""'rj at Cbahalla. v aart.. a.iww, CRAY. Mcl.EAN PERCY. 111-111 Fourth au North. fWter. reliable man. can buy half tereat In a caeh buelneaa that will l:oo per month: l' rooulrcd. Room ll Lumber Exchange bldg. In. DON'T TAKE A CHANCE of buying debts I Investigate and report. Ollllngham. auditor. 411 Lewis bldg. Mar abaU til. ONE of the beat planing mills In city for sals; doing a fin bualnese, now hav plenty of work for S9 days: a small cash payment and balance on terms. AX. i. Oregonlan. WATER power site. Central Oregon. -! trad: 1000 horsepower right can b ar veloped cheaply. For further particulars. Th Hank of Kndlcott,AV sah. AJ, old-eetabllahed mercantile bualnea J prosperou locality, clean, up-to-date atock. will invoice alout tt.io-,ll10 sales ovf t"" a nm oreaoiilsn. YOt'NO MAN. STRANGER. Mske careful Inveeitgailon at expenae of seller before you Inveat money In any proposition. Advlaory Department. Y. M C. A. . WT7 WILL loan you I200O and enow you hnw to Inteet some In en enterprise wlier tn dividend ar guaranteed to pay the prin cipal: wrtt for Information. AF "SI. Ore gonlan. HOMESEEKERH. Chehalla. Iwl County. Washington; acreage Inducements for In tenalv farming; liveliest city of OOOO In Northwest. Writ Cltlsens Clnb of Cho balle for Information and booklet-- WANTED Reaponalble electrician, with .tm mony to Invest, for partnsr to x- floll new electrical Idea of veet poasl- 1 1 It lee. Lock Box 3. RochesterV. ah. OROCERT AND CONFECTIONERY. W have several to choose from. Trices lo to l.moo. HALL OU&TtX. Ill Lumberman Bldg. jlAI-F IntcTeet In an old.eatabllhed bual neaa, doing a good business. For full par tlrulars call Kinney A Stamper. Lunv ber Exchang blcig.. room r,31-o3 WANTED Oood general mdea. bualnea In good Willamette Valley town: have caah buer. Crusal A Zdow, 117 Board of Trad bldg.. 4th and oak. FOR SA1.B or trad. confectionery, pool and lunch room; doing good business; jirlc reasonable. Address box 41. bteven aon. Wsslu HESTAURAN1 and lunchroom, bnslne center; good lease: will clear S2O0 per month; chano to Increase. Call 210 Stark ttreet. FOR tSALSV Confectionery and cigar tand: good location; doing a good bualneaa, Call and ace owner. 1 M'llon at. MIN1NO AND INDUSTRIAL STOCKS. Tlphone and other bond bought ana so d. Fletcher lnv. Co.. 22i Ablngton. 8TRICTLY rash grocery. West Side, corner location, with living room: fin place for man arrd wife. Call 21 Plark St. ARE YOU READINO THE STORY OF WASHINOTOS COUNTY. TOLD DAILY IN THE EVENING TELEGRAM T WILL pay 5 per month (country store), to man loaning me HOOj ample security. Address for Interview. K 137. Oregonlan. ZCE CREAM and confectionary, lease, living rooma; le . - ve- gonlan. - fOflSALE Lunch counter and reataurant. good location and doing good bualnaaa, 164 Morrison t- FOR SAL Half Interest or whole In -tabllnhed ,. business paying well; slock 1 1 S.OOO dry goods. Box 31)3. Chlco. Ca) . THT3 best confectionery for the money on West Sid; fin location, cheap rent, good money-maker. Call 27o Btark at. BOOMXXO-HOCSEa. A! APARTMENT-HOrSE SNAP. ONLY lal CA.H AS FIRST PAXMENT . A strictly modern, up-to-dat brick anartment-bous. Irtcated near 20th and Washington t-. oontaln 10 rooms. 10 apartments, partly furnished, every apart ment rented, now clearing 1300 a month above all expenses; the price Is only 14600. terms 22eu cash, no security to be put up on lease; now. you bargain-hunters, act quick If you want A Oral-class tiouae with only 12160 down. BIO BAROAIX TRANSIENT HOUSE. It-room, steam heat, located on a prom inent downtown corner, all light out-lde rooms and the RENT ONLY lo MONTH: OVER 2-YEAR LEASE; this house la wall furnished and clearing t.'.tu a month; prlca 34600; Irrml 25vO caah. A LITTLE BEAUTY." It rooms, no housekeeping, very beat of furniture, rent only !4e. tine Weat tilde location, as nice a place as anyone would want to own; price 11100; 1700 cash. R. 1L OOODKl.VD. I02-IO4 Board of Trade Bldg. DONT BVY VntH we tell vou about this I.".-ROOM APARTMENT HOl'PK, In new BRICK BCILDINO. in a-ROOM ei'ITES, Juat the kind to keep eonatantly rented. All fur nished, new and fine; clearing 3100 a month over ALL EVXPENSKS. Rent ISO, lease over 4 rear. Plica. flHOO; terms. ELLIS. SMITH At CO.. (Soli Washington su. Rooma 201-203. DO YOU WANT IT? I claim to hav th finest arranged aad most coatly furnished snd best-paying apartment-bouse la Portland; cloae In. swell location; 41) years' lease; I will accept a good house In a good location up to IoOXma and give time on balance If wanted. Price 312.000. beat reason for selling. AC 824. Oregonlan. y la rck5m9. rent 110. lease, housekeeping rooms, alwaya full, clears IV per month; worth 11304; for three days will aell for 100; term. PORTLAND ROOMINO-HOU8E CC 111 Henry Bldg It ROOMS, rent 11. close in; house newly renovated and furnished: tne neatest, cleanest and beat in the city; clears 90 above all expenses; price 11700. PORTLAND ROOMING-HOUSE CO., 111 Henry Bldg. ROOMIXO-HOI'SE. IS rooms, well fur nlehed. etesm heat, new; place always fall: rent 140 per month: price 31400; M cash. At 4:1. Chamber Commerce. 11 ROOMS, rent 1-10, close In, housekeeping. everything; free and clean; oheap at 3S0; terms. PORTLAND ROOMINOHOUSB CO, 111 Henry Bldg. JOM) tnr.O CASH, balance easy, will buy the best J I -room rooining-nouee in tne city: gttod furniture snd a money-maker. Call 41T Hoard of Trad bl'ln. ld-ROOM housekeeping bouse; leaee; rea sonable rent; muat be sold this week: rash or terms, iiy oa-ner. stu riall st- Call and see a bargain. II ROOMS, modern, t-yrsr lease, 1110 rent. elegantly furnished, always rented: this Is ono of th nicest places In city; IC600, In- Ciudlng piano; terms. Ill Board of Trad. FOR SALE by owner, I rooms, rent only 3:5. cholc location, furnishings new snd elerant: a nlc ti ime and a. pood Income. Call 2 14thafter 4 PC " FOR LEASE NEW HOTEL. 70 rooms, cew. modern brick, centrally located; will give long lease; easy term. Ill Board of Trade. 10 ROOMS, very close to: clear 3100 month; llji, terms. Goddard. 003 Yeon bldg. This Is a snap. WANTED Rooming: house from 9 to 2S rooms: no agenta. H. W. Gregg. 194T - East Yamhill at. 2rt ROOMS, brick buildlne housekeeping. 4'4 veers' leaee, rent onlvl'I.M price m:,0: b rg a 1 n. It 00m 712, Rotlichlid bid g. 300 CASH handles 10-room money-maker. Coddaxd. 303 Yeoa bldg. HUUHLtu nui rr.t,. . i . twe ninpin Ii' il.TV CO. HOTELS. EWIMIXO-HOUSES, REAL- ES TATE, Bl'SLNESS PROPERTY. EXCHANGES. 1 M. E. LENT. "Portland's leading Hotel Broker." Phone Mn-ln 806O. A 8475. S22-24 Falling bldg.. 8d and Washington streets. . IF TOU ARE LOOKIN1 FOR A rin.T-CLAlS HOTEL OR A PART MhNT JIOUSB In PORTLAND. WE CAN SAVB YOo TIME AND MONEY. FREE AUTO SERVICE TO ALL CUSTOMERS- A SQl'ARE DEAL OIVEJi BOTH PtJ IK AND KELLER. WE ARE EXCLU SIVE AOENTS FOR THE FOLLOWING OOOD BUYS: ELEGANT NEW ONE JUST OPENED. loO rooma. located on prominent corner Cro In. 23 private baths, averase month ly profits about 31mm. LONG LEAfaE, reasonable rent. Takes V,U0 cash to handle. Come In and aee us for- special price. Nothing like It In city. 11 EST MONET-MAKER IN PORTLAND. 24 PRIVATE BATHS. tt rooms corner brick, close In: free heat and hot water, no Janitor to bother with; easleat propoaltlon in tne city i run; clear from 3750 to 1900 monthly. If YOU hav ISOOO to lnvet we can ino jou an exceptional opportunity. Owner muat leave and wllr- make aom on a mighty fin deal. UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY FOR MAX OF FAMILY. New corner brtck. dandy location, 38 rooms; clears ISO0 a month; cheap rent, good lease, fine furnishings A bargain for some one. THE ONLY ONE OF ITS KIND IN THE CITY. 2 ROOMS TRANSIENT. Corner brick, fine location, make fine money, 4 years' lease, nice furnishings, room all on on floor; prlca 32100. IT CAJiXOI LAST LONG. APARTMENT-HOUSE. . 125 room, modern brick. 41 apartment. CHEAP RENT, near 12th and Jefferaon, has cleared over 3130 a month for th , rest year; 8 years lease, almost complete. ly furnished: 310.000 cash required. 103 ROOMS RENT 360. Fine new concrete building, close In. cheepest rent In city, sutomatic elevator, everything new and modern : clenrs 14.10 a month. ALWATS HAS A WAITING LIST. Absolutely the best money-maker In the city for the price. Takes 3500O cash. See this before buying. 4 ROOM 3 RENT 3400. New comer brick, modern, 4 year' lease, fine furnishings, clear 34BO a month, will take good clear land up to I4'X0 and I20OO rash for a quick deal. Thia will bear strictest Investigation. FINE NEW ONE. 0 rooms, corner brick. In heart of Nob Hltl district; a good money-maker and only requires 82.oo. 2 ROOMS. Right on business street, rent only 373. 2 yesra lease; housekeeping and singl rooms; always full: 31000 required. 16 ROOMS. Absolutely modern In every respect. Fine location. Rent 376; 31200 cash will handle this one. 10 ROOM9. New house, close In. rent 3.V: no better place In the city for the money. Price grtofl. Only 3300 rash required. NOTICE. We have a numher of IlvO buyer that want a small rooming-house. If you have a house that Is modern In every ' respect In a good location, our sir. Justin will give you a 13 depoalt to guarantee a sale with in 80 ds. WHY DO WT1 DO MORE PITHINESS THAN ANY TWO HOUSES IN PORT J.ANDT THERE'S A REASON. ASK ANY OF OCR CCSTOMKRS. "THAT SO.UARE DEAL HOUSE," PACIFIC REALTY COMPANY," M. E. LENT. 3?2-24 Falling Bulldlnr; ASSOCIATED INVESTMENT CO, Bulte 618 Yeon Bldg.. '3th and Alder St. Phones Main 4S1 and A 7112. Remember we are headquarters for hotel and apartment-houses and can give you the benefit of 20 TEARS' SUCCESS FUL BUSINESS EXPERIENCE In thia Ilne. Can highly recommend the follow- log 1O0 ROOM APARTMENT PARTLY FURNISHED. Fire-year leas at low rental. This house Is strictly modern, sutomatle ele vator, phone exch., etc See ua foe. fur ther particulars. HERE'S K DANDT. Contain over 60 room, sumptuously furnished, rent lesa than I5.SO per room; 8 years leaee: guaranteed clearing over 1330 per month. Come In and let ua tell what will buy this. It will aurprise you. 64-ROOM APARTMENT PRICE 15000. . This Is certainly a BARGAIN: It Is located near the Bungalow Theat-; rent only 1210; enough eaid. If you want a SNAP, act quick. TO TRADE- FOR PORTLAND REAL ESTATE. W have throe WASHINGTON STREET HOTEL8 which we can trade Tor im proved and unimproved Portland real es tate and a small amount ot money. They ra all "CLASS A" places. HOTEL IN" TACOMA. We have one of the best hotels In this city, locsted on best part of main busi ness street. PACIFIC AVE., very low rent with long lease; 1.1000 will handle this, balanoe to suit. This is a "Class A" prop osition and worth cloae inves titration. Wa have other, all parts of the city. Owners desiring to maker QUICK SALES will do well to phone us. We loan money on anything we sell. Remember the address. Suite 618 Yeon bldg, Bth and Alder. ROOMING-HOUSE, 14 rooms; nice modern house; rent only 3"0; fine location, Weat tilde; clears 100 mo. ; have 8 rooms for self; 'SM cash, bal. like rent; well fur nished and clean: I have other bargains. H. W. Garland, 191 4th sL A BARGAIN. 10 rooms, very close In. rent 330; house keeping; all rented; price 3ii0; only 3350 cash required. PORTLAND ROOMINO-HOCSB CO., 313 Henry Bldg. 14 ROOMS, center of city; newly furnished with brasa beds, floss mattresses, oak fur niture; clears 3100 mo.; owner wants to sell and you get a bargain; price 31000, V, cash. Call S8 10th. near Stark. WANTED Modern rooming-house; give lo cation, lease and tortus. M Boo. Ore gonlan. IF YOt; re looking for hotels, rooming or apartment-houses, call at 602 Couch bldg LOST AXD FOUND. FOUND Where yon can buy genuine hair mattresses retail at 'wholesale prices; we renovate ma ureases and return same day: we also renovate feathers. Portland Curled Hair Factory. H. Metxger. 430 Front. Phon Main 474: A 1374. LOST Yellow Jersey cow; strap around horns Owner., 110 Emerson St- West. Rewsrd. , LOST White bull terrier, brown spot on eyes; rib broken ou light side; reward. East Sooa. FOUND Blank and white pointer dog; owner may have same by calling at Pa el Ho Tran afar Stable. 7th and Irving. LOST Brown mare with harness. Leave at 2 Cottage Place. 2d su Reward. LOST Baby elk tooth with head attachedi reward. Phone Slain ua. LOST Collie dog; finder- pi call Sell- wood 1101; reward. LOST Topaa watch fob charm. Finder re turn 44 E. 29 th N. Reward. fcFaXTAX. NOTICES. proposals Invited. IN THE DISTRICT COURT of tha United Btates for the District of Oregon: In the muter ot Lord A Co.. bankrupU; the undersigned will receive eealed bids at his ofnee, T First at., room I. Portland. Or for a stock of merchandise and fix tures located at Arlington, or., up to 11 o'clock noon of Tuesday. April 11. 1I1L Terms cash. Deposit ot 10 per cent of amount offered required with each bid and the right is reserved to reject any and all blda. ' Stock Inventoried: Groceries, 8:1405.26; cigars and tobacco, 1&58.15; hardware. IJstil.14: Implements, 33767.36; paints and oils, 366LS0; crockery and glassware. 1303.17; stationery - and toys, I40V.I7; dry goods. I62H6.I7; shoes, 13610.61; gents' furnishings. 14523.71: to tal 324.6t.13: store fixtures, 1711.75; office fixtures, 8617.20; total. 11481 15. In ventory may be seen at my ottloe and stock mar be Inspected at Arlington, Or. Dated Portland, Or.. March 30. 191L R. L. SABLV, Trustee. NOTICE Is hereby given that the County Court of Multnomah County will aell to the highest bidder for cash all of the land belonging to Multnomah County lying south of tha O. W. P. right of way at Sycamore gravel pit, between Lents and Gresham. containing 13 acres. The sale will be made at the Courthouse, west door, at 10 A. M.. April 12. lull. No bid will be considered in an amount less than 3200. T. J. Cleeton. County Judge; T. V. Hart. County Commissioner; W. L. Lightner, County ComtnUsloner. U. 8. ENGINEER OFFICE, Portland. Or.. April 4, lull. Sealed proposals for fur nishing snd Installing aboard the U. 8. dredge-Clatsop a complete fuel oil burning system, and for the necessary alterations In the dredge to accommodate the new work will be received at this office until 11 A. M.j Msy 4, lull, and then publicly opened. Information on application. J. F. Mclniioe, Major. Engineers. . TJ 8 ENGINEER OFFICE. Seattle, Wash.. 'March 7. 1911 Sealed proposals for fur nishing 375.O0O tons of stone, brush fas- cine piling and poles delivered at Grays Harbor, Wash., will be received here until 12 M.. April T, 1911. and then publicly opened. Information on application. C. W. Kutx, Ma Engineers. 1 Kpvnii. fn 11 a 1 : Pronooals Invited- SEALED bids Will be received at the of fice of R. H. Thomas, School Clerk. 402 Tilford building, Portland, Oregon, until 6 P M-, April 20. 1911, for coal and oil to be used In the various school buildings of School District No. 1, Multnomah Cour-ty, Oregon, for the year ending June 80. 1U12. Copies of specifications and lists of schools may be obtained at the office of the clerk. Certified check for 10 per cent of the amount of the bid, payable to R. H. Thomas, School Clerk, must accompany each proposal. Board of directors reserves the right to reject any and ail bids. Dated March 31. 1911. - . , . R. H. THOMAS. School Clerk. Miscellaneous. ' WANTED to buy or charter. 600-ton steam- tr for Alaska waters, with 100-ton cold torage capacity; must be nearly new and price right. Give full particulars. The Alaska Coast Fish Co. 61X Buchanan blue;., Portland, Or. t nNANCLU MORTGAGE LOANS On Improved city property or for building purposes. COLUMBIA LIFE TRUST COMPANY. 916 Spalding Bldg. 3S90 contract for sale; payable 315 and J per cent Interest monthly; will lake esOO good properly and good people and good title; private parties only. AL V26 Ore gonlon. . Money to Loan Real Estate. WE HAVE 350.000.00 OF CLIENTS (MONEY WHICH WE MUST PLACE BY APRIL 15TH UPON IMPROVED REAL TY IN BUM '3 OF 33000. 34000. 85000, 810. 0O0. J. H. TIPTON CO., 11US SPALD ING BLDG. ON IMPROVED city property or for build ing purposes; 3 to 3 years' time; liberal repayment privileges, money advanced as building progreeses. The Equitable Sav- Ings A Loan Association. 240 Stark St. PLENTY of money to loan at 3 and 3 per cent on real estate security. EDW. P. MALL. 104 Second St. MORTGAGE LOANS EXCLUSIVE. EDWARD E. GOUDET, Lewis Bldg. I604.OO0 ON improved city or farm property: building or small loans at lowest prices; large loan a specialty. J. H. McKnxi Co.. 114-615-616 Ungerbldg. WE HAVE plenty of money to loan on -Ic-rrhvid property in sums from 3100O to 150,000 at lowest current rates. Morgan, Hiedner tz Eoyce, 503-506 Ablngton bid, PLENTY OF MONEY TO LOAN ON FARM LANDS. NORTHERN TRUST CO, 270 Stark SU WE HAVE several private sums on hand for Immediate loans; amounts 11000 to I15.0OI1; reasonable trems. Henry C. Prudhommo Co, 906 Spalding bldg. FIRST snd second mortgages snd contracts purchased on farm and city property any where la Oregon or Washington. E. Devcreaux. t enton bldg, 14 4th su IMPROVED or unimproved property; small building loans; contracts and mortgages bought. W. H. Munn, 448 Sherlock bldg. 100000 TO LOAN, large loans a specialty, building loans, lowest rata. W. Beck. 812 Failing bldg. LOWEST BATES 1200 to 110.000 to loan on real estate. Union Loan Co, 35 Lafay ette bldg, 6th and W aalu Maln S52. SMALL and LA?RGE amount to LOA, on RE ALT V. ASK MR. K ASTON, b2t oarq ot trim pius MONEY to loan on improved real estate or fr building purposes. Columbia Life ot Trust Company. 916 Spalding bldg. MORTGAGE loans on city property; lowest ratesT A. H. BlrreU Co, 202 cy bldg. Id and Stark. MONEY to loan at reasonable rates in sums from 3500 up. Th Lawrence Co., 218 Al . - - MORTGAGE LOANS AT REASONABLE RATES. F. ti. LEWIS. 3 LEWIS BLDG. Slate funds loaned, 3 per cent. W. E. Thom- g state agent, auuimiimu vo. vq t . - Will loan 810,1)00 or less, real estate security, 1 arrmgiou. v-m.m.-. -. . v. -- - MONEY, any amount, 4 to 8 per cent. Good noush Seltx. 310 Spaldlng bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS. S AND 7 PER CENT. LEWIS SALOMON. 233 STARK ST. PRIVATE money loaned on real estate mort gages. A. H. Mliey, R. 204, Gorllngerbldg. RESIDENCES financed and built. A. C. Fur lung. U33C. of C. bldg, A 2609. MONEY for good inside loans, 6, 7, 8. Car lock & Muellhaupt. 1032 Cham. Com. LOANS on real, personal, chattel- or collat- . .... c Uull.tr illti-U B-anlnn erat iccunu. - - 8 WOO TO loan -on income property. 8 per cent, eoo. - - 830O0 TO 120,000 to loan 6 and 7 per cent. E. C. Eaaton. 827 Board ot Trade bldg. Ihave 34U00 to loan at S per cent on im proved realty. c go., v-m 31000 32000 or 34000 at 7 per cent. Strong - . . K ."'.....--Kill I wiLL loan 35Ot0 to 110.000 on close-In realty Call Uo Yeon, bldg. $2010 AT 7 per cent on Improved realty. VV . juniuciuu, I t ... v-. v-v ' " .,," 10 loan Chattels and Salaries. v ' - 1 I 8 3 3 3 3 1 1 3 ARE YOU LOOKING FOR MONEY I If you knew how easy our terms are you would not be short of money. Don't be bothered with a lot of small debts; let us furnish money to settle them, , WE LOAN ON Furniture and pianos, storage receipts, livestock, rooming-houses and all kinds of securities; terms to suit; also, easy weekly or monthly Installments. Wo buy and loan on first and second mortgages and -equity In contracts. tidokcricp! r-n 812 Hamilton oiug, 00- a u. f 8 WB HAVE MONEY TO LOAN On salaries only. In amounts of from 35 to 1100, at the lowest possible rates. Business strictly conndentlaL All we require Is that you be employed on salary and you get the money quickly, without mortgage, Indoisar or otner se curity, v STATE SECURITY CO, 808 Falling Bldg, Third and Washington Sto. vqvBI advanced salaried people, nouse keepers and others upon their own names without security; cheapest rates, easiest payment: offices in 06 principal cities; save yourself by getting my terms Urst. TOLMAN. 817 Lumber Exchange. MONEY loaned In amounts from 310 up on ail kinds of cuntie. lurnltur. piano or any personal prporty. Easy weekly or monthly payments; low rates, conndentlaL, oray A Cunningham. 201 Hothchlld bldg.. TVorthwest corner 4th and Washington. MONEY ADVANCED. On furniture, pianos, atorag receipts, ate. Lowest rates. 1 HUTTON CREDIT CO, 4 807 Spalding Bldg. 32500; 350O; 310.000 TO PLACE AT ONCE ON IMPROVED PORTLAND REAL ESTATE. J. H. TIPTON CO, 1108 Spalding Bldg LOANS on diamonds. Jewelry, furs, sult- pases trunks, overcoats and musical In struments. Uncle Myers. 71 6th. between Oak and Pine. Main 910. MONEY 'loaned on dlamonda and Jewelry; strictly conndentlal. 141 i Sd st, near Alder. LOWEST RATES-s-Loana on all kinds of se curty chattels or real estate. Union Loan Co, 85 Lafayette bldg- 6th and Wash, ats. LOW rates; we loan money on diamonds and jewelry Marx B loch, 74 8d st. oXnS on diamonds and other securities. William Holl. room 9. Washington bldg. A LOAN for the ask trig salary or chattel. The Loan Co, 414 Dekum bldg. MONEY to loan on Improve! Irvlngton and Holladay property. aam -v-te. Loan Wanted. tianT 32250 on homo worth 35O0O, for 8 years; will pay t, per cent and costs but no commission. AK 3S3, Oregonlan. WANT 31250 on home worth 13000, at 8 . . thru v.-n-a u. ! 1 nav i-inl. but no brokerage. Y bS2,' Oregonlan. WIS can Invest your mot.ey at good rates ot interest. ut,u.. ...... .i,. - .- - - gages. Long-term investment. PROVIDENCE INV. A TRUSTEE CO, C24-526 Board of Trad bldg. jjAVE a I'-OO gilt-edge note, tnatures Oc tober 1. to sew at iiin.uuiik. jr. j. ou 4140. city WANTED 1:1000 loan at 9 per cent for 3 years on iu i- . u e-vw. ooi, w gonlan. , - WANTED Loan of I20O0 on Rose City Park home worth I400O. X 935, Ore gonlan. , 15000 WANTED ON FINE HOME. E. C. EASTON. 827 BOARD OF TRADE 3irf'fAND 32O00 wanted. 8 per cent. Easton, B.'l noaru ot 1 LET us place your money, good mortgages; references, F. H. Lewis. 3 Lewis bldg. 315.000 Want a loan of 115,000 for 1 year mm stood xasj aatat. AR 935. Oragonuuu Inam llBntMl. I wb"i, WANTED A loan of 31800 or 32000 for 3 years at 8 per cent on a 6-room bunga low, now under construction on lot 11. block S. Mornlngstde Add, Mt- Tabor. Will pay regular brokerage fee. Tony G. An-. del-son, builder. 401 Lewis bldg. WANTED32500" for five years on first realty mortgage; seml-buslness property; pay i per cent; no commission. Y no6, Oregonlan, - PERSONAL. WE HAVE the most complete, modern, up-to-date offices In tha West, furnished wRh every known therapeutic appliance used in America or Europe; we use no drugs, neither do we operate; we use massage, baths, electricity in every form. X-ray. static, hlsh frequency, ozone, sinusoidal, faradlc, galvanic etc. We use the only radium employed by physicians on the PaciOc Coast. We treat all chronic di seases In men and women. Our offices are open to tire public to inspect every Sat urday from 7:30 to 9 P. M. We give a free exhibition of all the wonderful ap paratus. It Is a sight you will never have the opportunity to see any other place free. Dr. W. E. Mallory. naturo path.. We occupy the entire north halt of the Third floor of the Rothcuild bldg. Fourth snd Washington streets. ELEGANTLY FURNISHED MANICURING .PARLORS And facial massage, established connec tion, fitted lie- a most reiinea taste, epicii did opportunity for the right party, will sell at a low figure. B A. Crandelle, 701 Yeon bldg. DR. ALICE A. Grt-IFF. TJlseases of women and children, ur gery; chronic and nervous diseases treated eccordlng to the latest methods; confine ment cared for; consultation free. 313 y Washington St. Main 3028, A 5007. nosivo ont atocir of halr-and shell goods; pure human hair In all shades: also store fixtures, large mirrors, tools for making hair goods, and laboratory; all at cost and less; special jods to aeaiera. uiuu nair aept, btn ana Aiuer. rpnuPT A 11 A V KRITT. Leading wig and toupee makers? finest stock of human hair goods; hulrdresslng. manicuring, face snd scalp treatments. 147 7lh St., near Morrison. Phone Main 546. tuTvTrn pi.nlls to learn hairdrcssing. manicuring, facial massage, scalp treat ment, weaving; great demand for fradu ates. Sanitary Beauty College. 400-12 oe- kum bldg, overLlpman,v one oe vq. DR. A. A. ASPLUND. Diseases of women and nursery: consul, tatlon free. Phones A 2111. M. 404 1. Mer chants Trust bldg, jjth and Washington streets. DR. T. J. PIERCE. 245 tt Morrison St.; rheumatism, nervous debility, paralysis. In digestion, constipation and diseases of the kidneys and bladdor quickly cured. Ad vice free. MRS. Stevens, 16 years Portland's leading palmist and clairvoyant, nas nor . book. "Palmistry Made Easy," on sale at 343a Yamhill, corner seventn st. WOULD like to know the address of Mrs. Lydla Malmbarg, who has two Uttle girls, age and 4b years, both white hair. AD 936, Oregonlan. DR. WALKER, specialist for men. quickly cures blood and skin ailments, kidney and bladder troubles and piles. Consultation free, 181 1st st, Portland. , DRESS suits for rent, 31-30 month; keep your clothes cleaned, pressed, buttons sewed on. rips repaired. Prompt calls and deliveries, unique Tailoring vo, ova MioS Si. UAV1.1, xornierijr vt o ...-. -. scalp and facial massage, manicuring and shampooing. Hotel Rowland. Fourth, be Tavlor and Salmon, suite 810. DR. A.A. ASPLUND Has removed to Merchants Trust bldg, 6th and Washington streets. Phones A 2411, M, 4047 WANTED 5000 ladles to bring their old hats to the "Make-Over Shop;" reblocklng and retrlmming. Scott A Krogh Co., 416 Aluer st GO to the Elite Massage and Beauty Par lors., scalp treatment; also vibrait and ra dium light treatments; graduate nurses in attendance, bi-'i waiiiiia.ou. toum . O. ONNE JUKVAS Natural sanatorium. 178 E. 60th. Competent maasoair for both sexes, steam and water baths. Both phones HR. BOWERS, that was In auto on Linn- ton road wnen t-ue auto uo -.-..-. ...... surrey, please communicate with phone Alain izio OUT Or, CU JliJi-t 'is. ' Switch 95oj curls and puffs. 73c Sanl- tary fanora. aoo ucaum.uh. . MRS. SOPHIA B. SKIP, mental scientist 22 Selling-Hlrsch. Meeting Sunday and Wed- nesday at mam oa.:. i LORENZ NERVE TONIC TABLETS restore lost vitality. 250 box; 6 boxes. 3L23. Stipe . . ,-. ,wo vrnrrknn. iayior xji ui to., ALTS A. BIXBY. physician and surgeon, has removed to 313i Washington at. Phone Main Bas a pom. MISS E DAVIS, manicuring, formerly ot Los Angeles, room 4. Golden Gate. 7th and Morrison ta THE BATTLE CREEK Baths. 246 tt Yamhill st, net. anu- to- -""" DR. KETCHUM treats women's maladies. 179V3d st, corner lautom. MISS MORRIS. 422V4 Washington St.; room 14 ; manicuring. MANICURING, chiropody massage. 850 tt Morrison, suito .i-.to. balm OF FIGS Remedies for diseases ot women. 532 Davis St. Main 6215. MOLES, wrinkles, superfluous hair removed. Mrs. M. D. Hill. 42 Flledner bldg. M 3473. SUB. Courtwrlght, feature specialist treat ments. 123 tt 14th, cor. Washington. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Accountants. ... r...rw i t to n a ro J PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS. AUDITORS. 224 Worcester Block. Main 7369. A 1449. Counsel and expert In all matter per taining to munioipal, commercial, factory cost and Industrial aocountlng. H COLLIS CO, ACCOUNTANTS. Commercial. County and Municipal Auditing. Investigating and Systematizing. 824 Worcester block. Phone Main 6567. Assayer and Analyst. Wells A ProebsteU mining engineers, chem. Ists ana aaaarere. w7l ........ MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE Laboratory and ore-testlng work. 186 Morrison St. Attorneys. T COOPER, ' attorney-at-law General nractlce, abstracts examined. Removed to 1424 to 1428 Yeon bldg. M. 873. A 2071. Hatha and Swimming. SWEDISH SANITARIUM Hydropathlo bnke oven and massage treatments.- Dr. j A. Nlsbeth. 433 Market M. 7033,-A itlU 1. Portland Swimming Baths. 167 4th Elegant plunge; steam, tub and shower baths, 2ec HILLS SANITARIUM Rheumatic treat- ment. elegant plunge. 696 Front. M. 451. " Bras and Machine Work. harper's" BRASS WORKS Brass casting and machine work. 106 N. 6th. Main 8702. Chiropody. WILLIAM Estelle and Flossie Deveny. the only scientific chiropodists In hm city. c.rMn ao2 Gerllnger bldg, S. W. cor. 2d and Alder. Phone Main 130L CHIROPODY and pedicuring; Mrs. M. D. Bill, room iu FUedn er bldg. Phone Main 8473. "Collections. TT71 COLLECTION CO. Law and col lections. 1024 Cha. ot Com. Main 7310. PORTLAND Collsction Agency 317 Alisky bldg. All debts collected. A 7317; M 4222. Contractor. LYNOTT A WILLIAMSON, grading con tractors. 606 Swetland bldg. Main 8916, . an-T w L. BUCKNER. 'contractor. Jobbing, of- "i... i -,o. ettlnc. H N. Kth st- Main nee - .. SSI; A too woo.- ROBERT WAKEFIELD, general contractor, 414 Wells -Fargo bldg. Maln580. Coal and Wood. for BLOCK WOOD, mixed with smaller lltx ctv l-no1 delivered an, 13. in the city. Portland Wrecking Co.. Iu5 107 llth at. North. Main 87. A 3736. rTTpnsiDE FUEL CO. Wholesale and re tail 4-ft. sawed fir and hardwood. Office and' yards at 123 E. 7th su Phone East . n u Vi V777. tTr.HERS WOOD CO. Sawed 4-ft. -cord-""r-.rj alibwood- 9th and nlin. M tuu. M. 835L A 2413. WOOD Dry 4-ft sawed to order. M 459C COAL A 4547. Prompt deUv. Neer A Farr. NATIONAL FUEL CO, Coal and woo . , . nn.i Q1 1 water sr Aiarsxtatt-i'ov. - . COAL -ALB IN A FUEL CO. BLOCK ' WOOP--BBANCH E. 33D ST. WOOD. CENTRAL WOOD YARD Wood and coal. Main 1606: A 1106. " Civil Engineer. G a. RAVEN. Surveyor and Civil Engi neer. Room 16. Lafayette bldg. Main 9262. Consulting Engineer. UNITED Engineering A Construction Co, Eng. and contractors. 711 Lewis bldg. Chiropractic Physician. "CHI-RO-PRAC-TIC TICK-NER'; Say It fast - and remember Columbia bldg. 12 to 5:30. DR. EVA MARSH, first lady chiro. Dr. la Ore n- 323 Flledner bide Hours m ta A LESSONS 25c; 4 lessons for 31: waits, two step; three-step; stage dancing, etc.1 every morning, afternoon and eve. Pro Wal Wilson's School: oldest and only rec ognised academy for correct dancing. 380 tt-Wash. su. bet- W. Park and 10th at. HEATH'S DANCING SCHOOo. 10a Sei.OP-1 st, between Wash, and Sturk els. t-tg dancing taught; tva1: and rvo-s:ep guar anteed In four lessons; clis and soc.sl dance Monday. 8 to 12. l-eis.t.ts dailv. PROFESSOR RINOLER. physical culturist, dancing master. 231 tt Morrison, corner 2d. Instruction daily. Dentist. ALVEOLAR TEETH where bridge work 1 Impossible; does away entirely with plates, bridgework; we cure pyorrhea (loose teeth) absolutely: term to reliable people. Alveolar Dental Co.. Ablngton bldg. 108 3d. THE old reliable Union Painless Dentists. 1st and Morrison ats Drafting. DRAFTING, tracing and general designing in architectural or mechanical lines done quick at reasonable prices. Call Man 2372 or 603 Blake-McFall building. Dog and Horse Hospital. Dr. Brown. D. V. S, office 12 N. llth St. Main 40S6: res. E. 5440. Hospital 13th. Engines Gas and Steam. ROBER Machinery Co, Coast agts. Seabury steam engines and boilers, gasoline en gine. 381-2S3 E Morrison st. Phone E. 61 Educational. OXFORD Unlversltv graduate with 9 ?"" experience in teaching, would like to coach during Summer months in mathematics, languages, literature or history; terms on application. 'J. G. Rose Aurora. Oregon. Electric Motors. PACIFIC ELECTRIC ENGLN'ERING CO.- Motors for rent of sale. 213 2d St. - Fans and Blowers. NORTHWEST BLOWPIPE CO, 50O Lorlng st Dust collecting and ventilating ys- tem. Phones C 1115. E. 3289. Feed Store. . ZIGLER At MINSER. hay. grain, feed, ce ment. shingles. 294 Grand ave. E. 481. Glazing. PLATE glass, window glass, doora. windows, new, second-hand. Portland Wrecking Co, 105-7 llth st, N. Main 37. A 3736. ilurse Clipping. ELECTRO horse clipping; prices reason able. H. B. Lewis. 366 E. Washington. East 6035. Ladies' Tailoring. A PERFECTLY fitting stylish garment 1 much admired by everybody. Sulls,T your measure from $30 up. X L EHK LICH CO, LADIES' TAILORS. FIFTH and OAK. Phoenix bldg. . Locksmiths. EXPERT locksmith and general repairing. 105 Park, near Wash. M. 0167. Leather and Finding. CHAS S. MASTIC & CO, 74 Front. J'JVtn.r ot every description, tapsjrnfrs. flnaings. J. A. STROWBRIDGE LEATHER CO. Es tablished 1858. 1S9 Front St. Mineral Water- SHASTA WATER AGENCY Sole bottler ... - - . . , ,terh-ClASS inr itires. juanuiacturei "--fc ...... carbonated beverapes. Notify us ot an empty siphons, bottles and cases. PMjm,, Main 6091. A 1R6. Carter-Cratton-Nelson Bottling Co, 328 jonnson St. OAteonnthlo Physicians. DR. LEROY SMITH, graduate Klrksvllle. Mo, class of 18S; post-graduate. 10. under Dr. A. T. Still, founder of tj" "cl g.iHopr hlntr l. 1087. A 1985. DR. R. B. NORTHUP. 415-416-417 Dekum Bldg. Phone. Offlco M. 340. Res. East or B 10-. PalDling. PAINTING, tinting, paperhanging reona'1 prices; immediate attention given. Phon Marshall 50. t Paints. OH and Gjaas. COAST-MADE paint is best adapted to th Coast climate. BASS-HUE TER PAINT CO.. 191 Second St. . RASMUSSEN & CO, Jobbers. P1'"'!;. Ji1'! glass, sash and poors Cor. 2d and Taylor. Patent i Attorneys. PATENTS procured "by J. K. Mock BWorney at law. late of U. S. Patent Office. Book let free. 719 Board of Trade bldg. U. S. AND-foreign patents that pro'ecl : ar .ecured throuith Paclflo Ccast Mt.t Agency. Inc, Dept. A. Stockton. CaL R. C. WRIGHT, oomestlo and foreign pat ents, infringement cases. 604 Dekum bldg. Pnlicring nnd Tinting. TINTING, painting, paper hanging; clean work. Phone East 3oS. near. PavinaT. ipuci Tinrber Asphalt Paving Company; , 60V WARREN Construction Co.-trS'pjc; sidewalks and crosswalks. 117 Beck otaa, Pavrnbrokers. UNCLE MYERS-Cojlateral .Bank : 40 year, in Portland, tl 6th st- Maini.. Pips. Portland wood'pipe cp.-Factory and ofnc near 24th and Xorkts84s9; PIumDers. FOX CO. PLUMBERS. 209 2dst. Main 20QI. A zuva. COFFEY-PLUMBING CO, trx Plumb- . J93 Olisan. Main 8487. Printing. clll t ! C. Chapman Co. Main 6o5a. A 2 82 tt 3d St. xrorR'OBlSON-212 2d st. Comm.roH- r-.rl ritYtl K TJI lllLlllcl- "'" " . HARNDEN ft CO, Main 8180. A JMl mercial printing. L13ttIl Cont- Kubbcr Stamp. Bug Weavers. C inoTiiwvsT RUG WORKS Rugs from N om clrPt' colonial rag rugs. East 1580. 120 153 Union ave, nr. E. Morrison, Safes. iliE MOSLER SAFE CO, HI .? factory prices; second-hand safes. Second-tiand Goods. -gncascs. BanJtandhovrJrTxn ?u i- i i-TKEMFG. CO, branch Grand Rap Tit& Showcase Co, 6th and Hoyu R. Lutka, uiii.iia-.er. , . -niRDSALU 208 HAMILTON BLDG, fc.SwSS??n .tock; prompt deUvexy. Sales agent. MJW"i55-li ZTl uiTXlL MFG. CO, 4th and Couch; new nd "econ-hanoMaln 2703. Cabinet woric Bteamships. "PUturequt,8t. Lawrer.ce Rout Weekly samuKs wui unvTREAL to LIVERPOOL. GLASGOW. MON,T?Snv and HAVRE. FRANCE. spiendVd n-tginsrp-low rat8- ALLEN CO, 174 Jackson Blvd.. Chicago. Storage "Q A.w.n... CORTLAND VA.nITsTORAGB CO, corner JPQ?-!1? wverett sts. Just opened newest .d roost modern storage warehouse la ' i w every convenience for safe and proper idling of goods: lowest insurance rate m Northwest; free trackage; vans for n::inMain or A 1520. . MOVING STORAGE MOVING. rnerts reliable men, no booze-flghters. in move you quicker, cheaper and bet 7ec 'than anyone else. Phone us for an estimate; storage rate the very lowest. Van Horn Transfer Co. Both phones. C o. t"n.fnla 4-tsorv brick warehouse. u?, iron rooms and fireproof vault for valuables! N. W. cor. 2d and Pine sts. v.anoB and furniture moved and packed y'fiolna-. Main 590, A-19U6. OLSO-ivt-ti- j.i.. neneral transferring and storage, safea -iTna and furniture moved and packed ?or shipment. 87-61 Front st Telephone . . - t r.il or A 247. . . .-- . T7 fT-D A X-CtT"lT.O CO cThvgon' TRANSFER CO, established 187. VJX anti forwarding agents Storaxe ofnee 310 Hoyt st, between 6th and 6th, pfnee aln 69, A U6J. oti"I,AND Transfer & Delivery, 2oa Wash ...o pianos and furniture moved and ...ued for shipping. Storage a specialty, paciie" Home phone A 1604. 1'nrr" -.. Taxidermists. MOOSE, elk heads, full work. F. B. Flnley, "49 f'olu.Tlbla. A 1843. Typewriter. WEare the exchange for tha largest type- ril mskes .all prices. The Typewriter Exi il . 587ii Washington st. TYPEWRITERS, all makes. ao to 360. fully '..,n.fi easy payments, rentals. 13. 00 per month. Pacific Stationery A Printing 4011 2d St. o- tjfkt a typewriter from the Oliver Type writer Agency, 333 Ankeny sf. Phone Main 6273. A 2435, . kkw rebuilt. econd-hand, rentals at cut 4 ,V , , ..... ctarlr i , .... Well Drilling. DRILLING wella a specialty; priced reason-, abla Call Main 1343 or writ Miller WeaL. 362 Morrison st, Portland, r El 1 05.2