Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, April 04, 1911, Image 1

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    I- I III.. " ' '" ' "' I - ll
' ' ... I m I I ill a a a I i a t m. m
in Making Choice.
Caucus Debates Long on
Committee on Committees.
Xion Shows Ills Quality In Filibus
ter on Claims Dill and right to
Reduce Paper Dutica Cannon
Ilia Devoted Frl. nd.
WASHINGTON. April . Representa
tive James R. Mann, of Illinois, wu
unanimously chosen candidal for
Speaker and floor trader by the He
publican of the House at a caucus held
II wu proposed to the caucus by
ex-Speaker Cannon and received th
support of th regulars and thos In
surgents who war present.
ICIs Indorsement means that he will
recelr th Republican Tot In th
House tomorrow and that h will be
come th actlT head of th minority
party In th House.
More than a doexn Insurgents wer
not present. In the afternoon th In
aurgents held a meetlns;. at which
wer either present or accounted for.
For mora than four hours they dis
cussed th party leadership and th
method of filling committee assign
ments. Many of thos who are opposed
to Mann did not attend. There was no
concerted action, however, toward dis
agreeing from th general party pro
gramme. Among the Insurgents who were ab
sent were: Norrls of Nebraska. Mur
doch of Kansas. I -enroot and Cooper of
Wisconsin. Ilaugen and Hubbard of
Iowa. Paris. Lindbergh and Anderson
of Missouri and Kent of California.
Several other Insurgents had not
reached th city.
Cannon and -Mann Disagree.
The proceedings were unanimous ex
cept as to th method of selecting th
minority members of the standing
committee of the House, t'pon thla
there was a difference of oplnlpn be
tween Cannon and Mann.
Cannon strongly advocated the aejec
tlon by the minority floor leader. He
' reviewed his eight years as Speaker
and pointed oat the satisfactory results
which he believed had been obtained
by placing upon one man the respon
sibility of selecting the members of
Madison of Kansas, who had been a
leading figure at th afternoon meet
ing of th Insurgents, advocated th
plan of having a committee on com
mittees. He said it was the only prop
osition that he could support, as th
legislative body of his state had de
' c la red In favor of It.
The proposal to put the appointive
- power In th hand of Mann waa op
posed by Olmsted of Pennsylvania, one
of th regular leaders.
Committee on Committees Froposel.
The substitute calling for a commit
tee of seven Republicans, to act as a
commltte on committees, was offered
by Good of Iowa. The debate over
th committee proposition continued
for two and a half hours. There wer
many advocates of th committee on
committee in addition to the lnsur-gectr-
The caucus was marked by the first
protest of the Republican minority
against the action of the Democrats in
dividing up the committee places.
Mann presented a lengthy, protest
against Increasing the members on the
IS leading committees without propor
tionately Increasing the numbers of
places given to th minority. He said
thts would be an unfair apportionment
and contrary to the rules of past Con
gresses. He declared that whenever
the membership of committees had
been Increased In th past It had been
customary to give the minority a fair
The caucus selected Currier as per
manent chairman and. Kendall as sec
retary. Dwlght was not again nomi
nated for Republican whip. The cau
cua Indorsed all the 11 officers who
have served in the Republican House
None of these will be re-elected, how
ever, except the chaplain. Rev. Henry
After the nomination of Mann as the
new candidate for Speaker, he was es
corted Into the caucus room by Cannon.
Madison and Catiin. Mann, who has
been Cannon's friend and warm ad
mirer, was received with rousing
Mann to Xante Committeemen.
After a lengthy debate th caucus
voted down a plan similar to the re ni
ce ratio method of making appointments
through a special committee. It
placed in the hands of Mann the au
thority to name the Republican mem
bers of th standing committees. A
substitute plan calling for a special
' committee was voted down, but the
Republicans present were left free to
tak whatever action they desire In the
House In supporting or opposing a rule
providing for a committee on commit
tees. Chairman Underwood, of the Demo
.(Cooeladed ea Fsse . 1
Coffeevllle, Kan., Ticket Agent
Thinks XortlweMerner's $100
BUI Is Highwayman's Itooty.
WALLA WALLA. Wash- April 5.
(Special.) Dragged from his berth in
sleeping car while on his honeymoon.
8. Masteraon. one of the best-known men
fit thim roufitv. was arrested as a tral
robber on circumstantial evidence that
oame nearly causing him trouble to dis
prove. Mr. Masterson went back to
Coffeyvllle. Kan, for his bride, and when
tji.vinv that niut-a for Walla Walla, by
way of Kansas City, tendered a $100
bill for hie ticket.
Two days before that, there had been
a train robbary near Coffeyvllle and a
nnmVr nf I'm bills, of the same series
as the one Masterson had obtained at
Kabul City on his way to Concyvme
k. hn ffik.n. The ticket agent Im
mediately reported the fact and Master
eon wa. sueDected.
rnnfrnnil bv the authorities, ne naa
nr. fH.nit. hr whom to Drove hla lden
utr n hd not the conductor been a
brother Oddfellow. Mr. Masterson would
k.- f.r.H hut ill- As It was. be con
vinced them of his Innocence, but the de
tective on the case had taken mo iw
kin an.t fa.tmnn had to nut UD his
check to cover thks. or bo held to answer
the charge. This he did. arriving home
only In time to atop payment on me
check today. -
4000 Bales of 111 Crop Already
Sold Market Bullish.
SALEM. Or.. April 3. (Special.) Ac
cording to a careful estimate of on of
the most conservative hop dealers In
th Willamette Valley ao far this year,
contracts have been entered Into here
for 4000 bales of the 111 crop at a
price which ranges between 15 and If
cents, with the majority of contracts
signed at the lt-cent mark.
This Indicates a better figure for the
crop this year than that paid for the
110 product, which struck a little less
than the same average and declined
somewhat before the season was closed.
Bullish tendencies are Indicated, and
there la an optimistic view among the
growers regardless of the fact that the
actual selling season la several months
Over-Anilcty to Reach Angling
Grounds Gets Portland Men Fined.
OREGON CITT. Or, April S. (Spe
cial.) Benjamin ' J. Trenkman. pro
prietor of the Iron works at 104 North
Fourth street. Portland, and C. J. Cook,
contractor, whose residence Is 6a North
Seventh street, each having charge of
automobiles and passing through here
on Friday afternoon on their way to
Molalla. where they Intended Ashing at
an early hour on the following day,
wero summoned to this city today from
Portland to answer the charge of
speeding their machines.
Many complaints were road by resi
dents along Seventh street, where th
two machines abreast were going at a
rate of speed of about 30 miles an hour
to the end of the city limits. The au
tolsts were fined $10 each and allowed
to return to Portland.
When Lumber Plant Closes Down,
Five Ships Must Tie Vp. -
IX)S ANGELES. Cal- April . (Spe
cial.) A message was received from
Gardiner City, Or, Just as the schooner
Caroline was ready to put to sea say
ing that the mill of the Kerckhoff-Kus-ner
Lumber Company, on the Umpqua
River, had been closed Indefinitely be
cause of condemned boilers.
This means that the entire fleet of
four schooners and a steamer will have
to be tied up pr arrangements made to
load cargo at other ports until the mill
starts again. The firm operates the
schooners Caroline. Lucy, Louise and
Sadie and the steamer San Gabriel.
Consul K lis worth lxses Spouse tj
Working for Uncle Sam.
CLEVELAND, April X Lather T.
Ellsworth. United States Consul at
Cludad Porflrlo Diaz. Mexico, was
granted a divorce from Mrs. Isabella
Gnavll Ellsworth here today on grounds
of wilful absence. Ellsworth will return
to Mexico.
Ellsworth has been In the consular
service In Venezuela and Mexico for 15
years. He told the court that his wife
refused to live among foreigners and re
turned to her parent In Elkhart. Ind.
They have been married Z years, but
have no children.
Chinese Prince Regent to Act Till
Kniporor Is of Age, However.
FEKIN. April J. An Imperial ' edict
Issued today In the name of the Infant
Empefor assumes for him supreme
command of the army and appoints the
Prince Regent generalissimo until the
Emperor attains his majority.
The proclamation Is the most Impor
tant of a series by, which the throne has
gradually raised the military standard,
until the array, which waa once the
most despised profession. Is now con
sidered of the highest type.
paign Ends Today.
Dwindling of Harrison's Vote
Gives Merriam Hope.
Hearst Leaves Nothing Undone to
Elect HarrisonElection Board
Sends Army to Gnard Polls,
But Favors Harrison.
TION. Candidates for Mayor Carter H.
Harrison. Democrat; Charles R. Mer
riam. Republican.
Democratic Issue Cheaper gas
Republican IsaiM War on grate
Betting Even money.
Total registration 123.000.
Estimated . vote. If fair day, 873..
000; If stormy. 30O.OOO.
Polls open at A. M.. close 4 P. M.
City Treasurer, Clerk and Alder
men In all wards also to belected.
Proposed park and bridge bond
Issues alao up.
CHICAGO, April . (Special.) Two
great rival armies, contending for con
trol of Chicago, are tonight sleeping on
their arms, ready for the final battle to
morrow. Weeks and months have been
spent In maneuvering, skirmishing,
trickery, tremendous verbal volleys,
thunderous charges of words and ac
cumulations, personal pleas, house-to-house
'canvasses. Tomorrow the silent
voter will walk between th lines and
settle the matter.
Camped on the side lines are the So
cialists and Prohibitionists, each cap
turing stragglers and the crippled de
serters from the big camps. Both ex
pect to poll an unusually large vote
and perhaps hold the balance of power.
Stentorian predictions of overwhelm
ing victory are sent out by the cap
tains of each big camp, but the close
ness of the race Is best told by the
cold-blooded betting proposition, which
has narrowed to even money. Three
weeks ago odds of I to 1 might have
been obtained on Harrison.
Harrison's Plurality Dwindles.
Harrison has been four times Mayor
of Chicago. Since his last term, Dunne
(Dem.) and Busse (Rep.) have held
the office. The following table shows
how Harrison's plurality dwindled each
Anrll lf7
Carter H. Harrlion, Democrat 14S.S
John M. Harlan. Independent Rep... 60.7110
Nathaniel C Shears, Republican...... OH.a-fx
Harrison's plurallt- 70.150
Anrll. 1SH0
Carter H. Harrison, Democrat .-.148.400
7.1na R. Carter. Republican IlM.4.17
John P. Altseln. Municipal Owners'p. 47.1 '.
Harrison's plurality 41,009
April. 1801
Carter H. Harrison, Democrat IM.Tiie'
Kldrlde Hanecy. Republican l'f.4l.
Harrison's plurality 28.843
Anrll. 19o!
Carter H. Harrlion, Democrat 14.20S
(Concluded on Page
The Weather.
YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature. 48
degrees; minimum, 39 dusTeea.
TODAY'S Showers; south to west winds.
Foreign. "
Vice-President Corral, of Mexico, will take
long leave of absence. ' Page 3.
Lafferty and other Northwestern Insurgents
In House stay out of Republican caucus.
Page 2.
House Republican caucus nominates Mann
for leader. Page 1. -
Supreme Court reverses Itself and revives
commodity clause of rate law. page d.
Mayoralty campaign in Chicago closes with
betting even and charges of fraud abun
dant, page 1.
Butte elects socialist Mayor and majority
of council. Page 13.
France has lost 20.000,000 citizens by war,
says Baron de Constant. Page 2.
Roosevelt at Reno denounces divorce colony.
criticises Y. M. C. A. and court. Page 2.
Society much interested In report Colonel
John Jacob Astor is paying- attention to
atlas Force ot New Torn, page 4.
Pacific ortbwest.
Hlllman. convicted Seattle millionaire, does
111.000 worth of business in day. Page 1.
E. H. Leonard. Prescott mlllowner. and man
and wife seriously Injured In uto acci
dent on Skyrocket Hill, page o.
Three thousand coal miners In Roslyn dis
trict strike for open shop. Page 5.
Walla Walla man arrested as train robber
while on honeymoon. Page 1.
War Department orders Ringgold to Fort
Htevcns to plant mines on wiue scaie.
Page 1.
Victory of reform element at Eugene polls
seems evident. Page 0.
Tillman Reuter shows how Eastern Oregon
farm can be developed. Page a.
Beaver pitchers show lack of ante-season
games In Los Angeles series. Page 7.
Dan J. Kelly, one of Multnomah team, en
tered In Columbia indoor meet. Page 7.
Rain compels Williams' Northwestern
' League team to quit practice, page 7.
Commercial trad Marine.
Montana oats and Montana cattle factors
In local markets. Page 19,
Rain and snow cause break In wheat at
Chicago. Page 19.
Wall Street nervous, expecting anti-trust case
decisions. Page 19.
Heavy reductions made in wool tariffs by
Open River Company. Page IS.
Portland and Vicinity.
City starts to secure Marquam Gulch for
use as children's playground, page ii.
President Foster of Reed Institute sets high
standard for professors. Page 12.
State Health Board to appoint special dep
uties to prevent plague infection from
ships. Page 12.
Three alliW'd fraudulent coal-land claim
ants sustained in District Court deci
sions. Psge 4.
Equipment filling 1.10 cars begins to leave
Portland for Spokane-Cheney cutoff ot
O.-W. K. 4 N. Page IS.
Captains Speier and Blaln alone qualified
to hold position at head of Oregon Naval
Reserve, page 13.
Patrolman Nelson set upon by restaurant
patrons when be tries to make arrest.
Page 4.
Latest report Is that Taft will name Mal-col-n
and Co! well for Federal posts
again. Page 13.
Arrangements complete for Roosevelt recep
tion tomorrow. Page, l.
General Manager O'Brien, of Harrlman lines.
says East Side freight depot win ne bunt
as soon as streets needed are vacated.
Page 10.
County Judge and Commissioners to face
trial on cnarge oi DiocKing nmm
A prll 19. Page 18.
lie Is Leading Candidate for Mis
souri Pacific Presidency.
NEW YORK, April 3. (Special.)
Until the announcement that John F.
Stevens, formerly chief engineer on
the Panama Canal and more recently
right-hand man of James J. Hill, bad
resigned from the presidency "of the
Spokane, Portland & Seattle road,
popular opinion held to It that B. F.
Bush, president of the Western Mary
land road, was the latest choice of
the Missouri Pacific directors' presi
dential committee. Today, howevec,
Mr. Stevens led the field.
However, bankers, who virtually
have the choice of a man for presi
dent of the Missouri Pacific In their
hands, said neither Mr, Bush nor Mr.
Stevens had been chosen. In fact,
there has been no decision.
Ringgold Will PlantNet-
work of Mines.
Silent Guardians to Be Set
Every 100 Feet.
On Huge Scale Coast Defence Forces
at Fort Stevens Will Iay System
of Submarine Explosives to
Make Harbor Safe.
FORT STEVEN'S. Or., April 1 (Spe
cial.) Submarine mines, charged with
powerful explosives, are to be placed
at the mouth of the Columbia River be
ginning on the last day of April on a
scale never before attempted on Pacific
Coast waters.
A veritable network of the grim pro
tectors will be placed and orders have
been received from the War Department
that Immediately the mines are placed,
practice la to be held by the Coast
Defense forces stationed at Fort Stevens
and at least three exploded for the pur
pose of testing; the completed work.
Active operations will be started when
the mlne-planter Ringgold arrives at
the mouth of the Columbia River on
April 3a When the wrk Is completed
the approaches to the Portland harbor
win be guarded not by a few scattered
mines as heretofore but by a comprehen
elve system which will cover the entire
channel, arranged in several groups of
19 mines each.
Mines to Be 100 Feet Apart.
Some idea of the danger which would
be encountered by any hostile warship
attempting to enter the river will be
gleaned from the fact that these mines
will be laid, according to the War De
partment maps, in such a manner that
each mine shall be located so as to be
within a distance of not exceeding 100
feet from its nearest deadly neighbor.
Officials point out the effectiveness of
this system by calling attention to the
fact that the length of battleships and
cruisers averages from 500 to 700 feet
and they declare that destruction is an
absolute certainty If any such vessels
should pass over any portion of this
carefully arranged network of destruc
tion. Ti add to the strength of the defense
and to prevent the possibility of war
vessels passing around the groups of
mines, they are to be located In narrow
portions of the channel, completely oh
structing the river.
Manzanlta Is Replaced.
Up to this time practice in mine-laying
operations has been undertaken by the
men through the medium of the lightship
Manzanlta which was recently fitted with
mine-laying machinery. During the last
few days the vessel has been laying
mines in the lower harbor to test .her
equipment but all the mines she planted
were immediately taken up. The Manza
nlta will now be used as an auxllllary to
the Ringgold in case of need. The work
Concluded on Page 6.)
IS $12,000 RICHER
Jail Term Bothers as It Interferes
With Business, Says Man Who'
Worries Because He's Rich.
SEATTLE, Wash., April 3. (Spe
cial.) Through the bars of the receiv
ing cell In United States Marshal J. R.
H. Jacobey's offices, C D. Hillman, mil
lionaire realty promoter, although still
denied his liberty pending appeal
through the failure of his counsel to
procure bondsmen, today continued to
transact business as if he cared not a
"continental" about the term of two
years and six months in the Federal
penitentiary, and 20 days In the county
Jail with the fine of $5200 Imposed
upon him by Judge George Donworth
Men came and went, but always Hill
man, though facing incarceration for
convictioneon the charge of using the
United States mails with Intent to de
fraud, maintained the same urbanity
that marked his demeanor behind his
office desk In the days when he threw
upon the market the "Garden of Eden,"
Hillman, Boston Harbor and Birming
ham additions,
"I did $12,000 worth of business this
morning," said the millionaire real es
tate dealer. "That's going some for a
man who, some people have the mis
taken idea, is going to do a Jail term.
In the tank In which I was lodged
Saturday night I was surprised to find
that there were eight prisoners who
had bought land from me. They were
nearly all in there because of trouble
with their wives.
"The trouble with me Is that I have
become known as a millionaire," said
he. "Had I been a poor man I am posi
tive that Jury never would have found
me gujlty. The millionaire is not
popular these days, and stands less
show of getting a square deal than a
pauper. This Jail term bothers me.
It Interferes with my business: All
my salesmen have to come here for
"That aggregate bond of $217,500
(the bond covering his appeal from the
20-day sentence had been fixed at $2500)
is enormous. It's no easy matter to
raise it. Here I am, owning millions
of dollars' worth of land and unable
to raise money on It for the reason
that much of It Is under contract for
sale and If I used it and something
went - wrong, poor people would be
stuck. Still I'm sure I'll be out of here
Appendicitis Prevents Jurist's At
tendance at Roosevelt Function.
William B. Gilbert, Judge of the
United States Circuit Court, is at St.
Vincent's Hospital. Dr. R. J. Marsh
performed an operation for appendi
citis upon him Thursday. The physi
cian says his patient is doing well, and
he expects he will be able to resume
his duties in two weeks.
Judge Gilbert was to have been one
of the guests of honor at the Armory
Wednesday night,- when ex-President
Roosevelt will speak, but owing to
his condition will not be able to do
so. He was Indisposed early last week,
but as he heard arguments in a case
Just before the operation, his friends
at the Federal building flld not realize
how ill he was. The case was that
of Charles E. Bockus against the City
of Helena, Mont., which is an effort
to have the city restrained from con
structing its own water works. The
Judge now has the case under advise
Three Pilot Rock- Places Invaded,
One Suspect Caught.
PILOT ROCK, Or., April 3. (Special.)
For the first time in the town's history
and three times in a singla night, Pilot
Rock was last night visited by burglars.
The places visited were Jacques & Lin
ser's hardware store, Newcomb's butcher
shop and Butler's saloon.
Seventy-five knives, several razors and
quantity of ammunition were taken
from the hardware store; the meat mar
ket contributed $1, and several bottles of
liquor were taken from the saloon.
Tracks from the saloon, evidently vis
ited last, led toward Pendleton, and the
police of that city were notified. Chief
of Police Gurdane and Deputy Sheriff
Blakely' left for Pendleton, and when
about half way found a drunken man
who carried some of the stolen whisky
and one box of cartridges. The captive
Is believed to be one of the thieves and
an accomplice Is sought.
Veiled, With Revolver She Slakes
Woman Clerk Depart.
WASHINGTON', April S.-Hiding a re
volver beneath a long, black veil, a wo
man today entered and robbed a grocery
etore here. Aiming the weapon at the
young woman clerk and at another wo
man who was in the store, the robber or
dered them out and then proceeded to
open the cash register.
An sarrest has been. made.
Dublin Corporation Turns Aside
Proposal for Loyal Address.
DUBLIX, April 3. The corporation
of Dublin voted 42 to 9 to proceed "with
the next business," when a resolution
proposing a loyal address on the occa
sion of King George's approaching visit
was Introduced at a meeting today.
No Little Part.
Entertainment Programme Is
Now Fully Worked Out. M
Armor;- Doors to Be Opened at 1
P. M., Banquet to Begin at 8
o'clock SharpSenator Poin
dexter to Join Party.
AT 1:30 P. M.
Line of march of the P.oosevelt
parade will be from the Union Depot
to Yamhill, on Sixth street, from
Yamhill to Multnomah Field, from
the field back to Fourteenth, on Yam
bill, from Fourteenth to Jefferson, on
Jefferson to Fifth, on Fifth to Mad
ison, on Madison across Hawthorne
bridge to Grand, on Grand to Burn
side, countermarch back to Morrison,
on Morrison across Morrison-street
bridee to Portland Hotel. From Port
land Hotel to Commercial Club on
Sixth, from Commercial Club to
Armory on Oak, Park and Couch,
streets. Returning- from Armory be
will pass from Eleventh street to
Stark and on Stark to Seventh street
to the Press Club. From the Press
Club he will pass over to Sixth street
and on to the depot.
With careful attention having been
given the smallest details, arrangements
have now been completed by the various
committees for Portland's reception to
morrow to ex-President Roosevelt. From
the moment of his arrival at 2:30 P. M.
until his departure at 11:15 P. M, Colo
nel Roosevelt will be kept busy. That
there may be no slip at the banquet to
morrow evening a considerable part of
yesterday was given over to rehearsing
the various "stunts" which will be fea
tures of the occasion.
Several eleventh-hour changes have!
been made In the general plan by the
committee in charge of the reception.
The hour for the banquet has been
changed from 6:30 P. M. to 6 P. M. and
every person holding a ticket is ex
pected to be at his place at that time.
Colonel Roosevelt will appear at 6:15 In
company with Governor West, Mayor
Simon and President Beckwith of the
Commercial Club. It was also decided
by the general committee to have the)
public use the Eleventh-street entrance
to the Armory for the address by the
Colonel instead of the- Tenth-street en
trance as usual. The doors on the,
Eleventh-street side are much larger.
Armory Opeued at 7 P. M.
The Armory doors will be opened at
7 P. M. and the speaking will begin at
8:30 P. M.
It was decided that the public shall
not be admitted on the building site of
the Multnomah Amateur Athletic Club
field, but shall be permitted to witness
the cornerstone laying (rom the field
directly beneath the building.
When Colonel Roosevelt leaves Port
land at 11:15 P. M. he will go in th
private car of H. C. Nutt, fourth vice
president of the Northern Pacific Rail
way. Mr. Nutt, who has tendered tha
use of his car to the distinguished trav
eler throughout Washington, will arrive
today to be here to greet Mr. Roosevelt.
He will accompany the ex-President over
Washington, visiting Seattle, Tacoma,
and Spokane. United States Senator
Potndexter, who will also arrive today,
will also accompany Mr. Roosevelt on
his trip through Washington. Both Mr.
Nutt and Senator Poindexter will attend
the banquet in the evening.
Schoolchildren Have Surprise.
If intimations are to be relied upon
there will be something of a surprise
in the parade for the ex-President .
when h'e reaches Grand avenue, whera
the school children of the Fast Sida
are to be massed. It is the under
standing that the guest of the day
will not have time to stop and talks
to the children, and, while considera
tion is being given to the traveler's
wishes, it has been suggested that tha
children may Induce a change in tha
programme by executing some sort of
a flank movement which will stop the
running of the automobile and thus get
a few words from the Colonel.
The school children of the West Sida
will assemble on Yamhill street, between
Fourteenth and Seventeenth streets.
This point was decided upon by the com
mittee last night.
President Holt, of the Multnomah
Club, completed all the details pertain
ing to the laying of the cornerstone last
night. The locating of the children upon
Yamhill was for the purpose of giving
them the best view possible of the ex
President. He will ride by slowly in an
automobile on his way to the building
There was held yesterday afternoon
a meeting of the executive committee,
which has in charge the arrangements
of the Roosevelt entertainment at
which Adjutant-General Flnzer made a
report covering the details of the meet
ing at the Armory. The platform
(Concluded on Pace S.)
J 108.2