Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, April 03, 1911, Page 9, Image 9

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    Amwvsf nrTVT a "x. rnifT i V 1 T T TT o 1 0l 1
Gresham Giants Defeated
Handily by McCredie's
Northwestern Players.
Wlllitmi Introduces Thr Pitchers,
Two Catcher ad Two Sets of
Outfielders During Contest.
Sensations Are Few.
Introducing- three pitchers, two catch
ers sad two sets of outfielders In ad
dition to his regular Infield. Nick Wil
liam seat his Portland Northwestern
League club against the Gresham Giants
yesterday afternoon at Recreation Park
before about 1000 fans, and Nick's tour
ists won br the modest score of 11
to S. it was the first game of the sea
son and the first one Williams men
bars played. The showing- of the men
wsa pleasing enoug! to the fans.
There were no fielding sensations: la
fact It was rather the reverse, the soft
ground making It bard to Judge a
ground balL There were a good many
boots, which swelled the run column.
Bat at bat the Tourists shone. Wil
liams recruits hammered the balls
duhed np by Pitchers Coleman and
' Donaldson for a total of IS safe wal
lops. Nick led the batting procession
by getting five safe hits out of as many
times at bat. One of these was a two
base smash. Mensor made three bits.
Thompson, a new outfielder, and Bill
Waters each poled two safe ones.
hollls First Pitcher.
Babe" Hollls started to pitch and
fceld Gresham scoreless and hltiess un
til the last Inning of bis workout, when
Anson got a single ever second base.
He was supported behind the bat by
Harris, who made an Impression by
hie catching, but wee not very strong
with the willow. Jesse Oarrett suc
ceeded Hollls and worked for three
Innings. Jesse lobbed the baU over the
plate and trusted to his fielders. Three
base hits were made oft him. but there
wse do danger of sny runs.
With Snooks to catrh for hlra. Alle
gart went In to do his turn st twirl
ing In the eighth. He met with mis
fortune snd three bases on ball and
a man bit by a pitched ball, coupled
with en error, gave Ores bam three
runs, their only scores of the game. It
was the poor pegging of Snooks, too,
that sided In scoring the Gresham men.
On attempted double steals with men
on first and third bases. Snooks threw
the ball away, allowing two men to
Coleman'g Support Poor.
Working against Williams' men was
a pitcher In the pink of condition. This
was Coleman, who Just returned from
California last week, where he had
been trying out with the Seals. He had
poor support In the field, several costly
errors being made behind hlra and sev
eral hits could bare been cut off with
faster fielding. Alex Donaldson es
sayed to pitch the last Inning, and the
way the Tourists batted him was ter
rlMe. The Portland boys scored In the first,
second, twice In the fifth, sgsln In the
seventh and added the necessary num
ber to make 11 In the elchth Inning.
In the last Inning for the Portland bat
ters, Meneor was safe on parrotfs muff
ef Robinson's throw. Morgan walked
and Thompson. Williams. Casey and
Miller bit In succession snd Griffith
messed up Snooks' grounder, count
ing slg runs.
The Tourists proved that they can
play balk and their appearance, to the
eves of the fans present, was good. The
old men Williams. Casey. Speaa, Ort.
Garrett and stensor were applauded as
they took their turn at bat In the early
part of the game. Judge MoCredle was
an Interested spectator. Following Is
the score in detail:
V nor, as....
FT. If 4
Mirtsa. If..... 1 I
-.vs:L rt J 0
Tttmpera. cf........ a t
Wlilisms. lb 3
ni. h 1 1
ort. rf t 1
Mi:i. rf 1
wnrt b. .......... a o
Karri, C ..- . . .- O
Pnooka. e 3 o
Koi.K. p.... 1 S
i;rrtt. p 3 O
All.seart. p 1
, St It
Krt. e
4MDen. as. ........ 3
ABift. lb..... S
rsrrotf, lb........... 4
llarrvce 4
onn-iia, :t
) ...r. If 3
M.rrII. rf
Coi'fnan. p. S
1XM.4MO, p e
Iraia 1
ro a
e e
of 11 to 11. The game was loosely
plaved by both sides, which, together
with the heavy bitting, made the large
In the first Inning, with three men
on bases. George Austin, ehottsrop, who
was at bat, was hit on the head with
a pitched ball and rendered uncon
scious. Archie Blair, a local amateur,
filled his place at bat and pecked the
next ball pitched on the nose for a
safe hit. scoring two runs. Later In
the game. Blair was also Injured, get
ting a sprained ankle while sliding Into
third base.
The batteries: Camas. Wlnterbothara
and Gleason: alontavllla Cubs, Myers
and Heyworth.
Colombia University Defeated .by
Score of t to S.
The "Eschele" baseball team defeated
the fast Columbia University team
In a practice game yesterday at Co
lumbia Park by a score of to 3. Ru
pert, manager of the "Eschles." tried
out bis two young and promising
pltohers again and both did good work,
allowing the Columbia boys to get a
few scattered bits throughout the
game. Although beaten by a big score
the University nine is Improving daily,
due to the coaching of George Ort.
Brlggs. Ilenckle and Shea, who la a
brother of the speedy Seattle back
stop, carried off the batting honors of
the day.
Governor Consents to Open Season
for Portland Clab.
Governor Oswald West last night In
formed George S. Shepherd, of the Port
land baseball club, that be would be
In Portland to pitch the first ball on
opening day. April IS. Mr. West was
extended sn Informal Invitation to pitch
the first ball by Judge W. W. Mc
Credle, owner of the Portland club. One
of the local official dignitaries will
probably cafh. or attempt to catch, the
first ball pitched. Councilman George
B. Cellars pitched the first ball of the
baeebsil season last year, and Mayor
Simon attempted to catch It.
Vancouver Soldier to Train for Com
ln Battles.
Private Andrew Courtney, of the
First Infantry. U. 8. A who has aston
ished Portland followers of the flstio
game by his cleverness In Vancouver
bouts, has placed himself under the
management of Zlg Schye, sn experi
enced trainer and manager.
After working under the direction
of Schye. Courtney will be ready for
all comers at the light-heavyweight
limit. Courtney weight about 179
pounds In ring attire.
T.-S'e 14 T
Baited tor OrilTlth tue ninth to aiag.
Portias 1 1 1 1 It
Hits I I 1 I 1 t IS
Or-sosm .............. 0 a
tin o e l e a i e i i
taalnga pitched By Colsmss T. by Doo-al-Uos
I. br Hoi. la 4. by Gsirsll . br Aiis
art ft. Huns vff CuUtnaa ft. off Uen:d
on t. sff AlKseert ft. Kam hit Off Cole
man 10. off Lxiaeldvoa g, off Hollle 1. ot
Csrrstt ft, off AUtltMrl 1. Two-bi hlt-
Winama. Wa!rs. bsssa an ball k9 Cole,
tnsa 1. off Ioaa'dea 3, off Ajiert 3.
ftrurk eui fcr V otma 3. br Ikds,41 1.
Tnr Mollis 4. br Oarrett 3. ty Alt(art U
Itit by pitched ba.l st"r. by Coleman.
Itnoble pTe re Cole man to Parrot to Wen la
Cua eto:sa fcss KslL Robinson. Wil
lisana. Waters. Harrle (J. Hons. I
Ed KaaJua. Time of cam 3 heura,
Spokane Team Bats, Rons Bases
and Scores at Will In Game.
SPOKANE. Wash, April X. Special.)
The Phoenix Lumber Company team
put up a sorry exhibition to a small
crowd this afternoon In a workout
game with he Indians. They got one
man as far as second, none farther,
while the Indiana batted and ran bases
st will. The ftnal score wss 1( to .
The performance was short tor the
amount of Incidents, being completed
In 1 hour. 40 minutes. The batting of
Bauer and Zimmerman. Tauschera
baser-unnlng and the alee work of the
three Spokane pitchers was a feature.
Washington Town Nino Gets IS
Rons to Portland Cobs' 13.
CAMAS. Wash, April t. (Special)
In a game full of excitement here thla
afternoon the local nine, with Wluter
...... .ti.hi.v defeated the Monta-
eotttsw - -
Tllla Cuba, of Portland, by the score J
Dallas Defeats Falls City.
DALLAS. Or- April 1. .fecial.)
The Falls City Baseball Team, which
Is out for the Willamette Valley cham
pionship, want down to defeat today
at Falls City at the hands of the Dallas
Baseball Team. The score was If to
a. Tyron and 8haw were the battery for
Dallas, and Ellis and Johnson, the bat
tery for Falls City. More than 100 peo
ple turned out to see the game.
Vandcrbllt'e Brum Win.
PArjS. April W. K. Vanderbllt'a
Brume finished aecond In the Prix de
Fountalnbleau. a 3-year-old event at
11 furlongs for a stake of $3000. at the
Loogcbamps course today.
Surer so r to 1L A. Jackson Arrives to
Take tp New Duties Central
Oregon to Bo Visited.
Archibald Gray, newly appointed as
sistant general passenger and freight
agent of the Great Northern Railway
for Fortland to succeed 1L A. Jack
son, promoted to a higher position, ar
rived la the city yesterday to take up
his new duties. Mr. Gray spent a por
tion of the day In seeking for a house
to rent. He hopes to be located within
a day or two ao that Mrs. Gray and
daughter, Florence, a young lady of
It. may proceed to housekeeping.
Mr. Gray, when seen last night,
said he was delighted to come to Port
land. "I bars heard so much regarding the
hospitality of this city." said he. '"Port
land has certainly grown and Its rapid
development la a surprise to me. Of
course my work here will be largely
of the same character as I have been
performing, and while I am not ac
quainted with this field. I hope to be
come so. I shall make a trip into Cen
tral Oregon Just as soon as I can.
I have great faith In that country
and feel tha It la going to be a greater
feeder for our line. It can not fall to
be otherwise than a good wheat pro
ducing country. Take the Wenatchee
country for Instance. Only a short
time ego they were shipping three hun
dred cars of fruit, but last year they
shipped 1.000. It Is a but a sample of
what a new country does when It la
Celebration Fre1drn Declares Col
lection Is Difficult and That
"Best Show" la Aim-
Denying that there Is any serious con
troversy between the Portland Rose So
ciety and the Rose Festival Association.
Ralph W. Uort. president of the Festival
organisation, said yesterday that the only
question to be taken Into consideration
was that of raising sufficient funds to
conduct the Festival. He said the asso
ciation was making every effort to raise
more money than last year that more
elaborate features could be arranged.
-On account of the unusual drain made
on Portland cltlsena this year for money
for charitable work, guarantee funds for
conventions and other purposes, it must
be remembered that It Is not easy to
raise as lsrge smounts as we could use."
said Mr. Hort. "In the circumstances.
I think we are doing well, and we hope
to hare more funds this year that we
can Increase the appropriation as desired
by the Portland Roae . Society. If we
could see our way clear, we would be
glad to raise the appropriation to S0iO
tor the society.
"If we want to have the best show this
year, we will have to receive the co
operation and support of the people of
Portland. We want to work with the
Portland Rose Society, and hope that It
will realise what the present situation Is
and will co-operate with us In making
the coming show the finest la tt history,
of the city."
Past Settlements Give Reason
to Expect Adjustment,
Says Organizer.
Request of Compositors In Job Of
fices for Support In Movement
for Increase of $3 a
Week Is Refused.
Members of the Portland Typograph
ical Union yesterday authorised the ap
pointment by Percy R. Co burn, presi
dent of the organisation, of a confer
ence committee, to meet with a like
committee, representing the employing
printers, to consider further the In
creased wage scale that has been de
manded for linotype operators. The re
quested advance averages about T8
cents a day. .Employing printers have
refused to grant It.
- pending the result of the proposed
conference, the course to be pursued
by the printers through their organisa
tion will not be determined.
At yesterday's meeting of the Typo
graphical Union, representatives of the
printers employed In Job printing Of
fice asked the union lo Indorse a
movement by this class of workmen to
have their scale Increased from IIS. 60
to US. 89 a week. After a thorough dis
cussion, the union refused to get be
hind the Job printers In their proposed
"Thire Is no'.hlng to be said concern
ing the situation, so far as the working
printers are concerned." said Will F.
Daly, state organiser for the Typo
graphical Union, following yesterday's
meeting. "We have authorised the ap
pointment of a committee to meet with
the employing printers. A conference
mill be arrganged and the situation
thoroughly considered.
"We do not expect any difficulty In
reaching a satisfactory agreement. All
differences between employing printers
and their employes In the past have
been settled amicably through the med
ium of Just such a conference as is pro
posed at this tima We expeot a settle
ment agreeable to both sides. This will
Insure a continuation of the amicable
relations now existing between em
ployers and employes."
Superintendent of Portland Pabllo
Schools Is Feted.
More than 160 guests assembled In the
Portland Hotel Saturday night ul at
tended a banquet given by the principals
of Portland publio schools In honor of
Frank Rlgler, superintendent. The oc
casion was an enjoyable. Informal one.
Those present Included the wlvea of the
aohool principals, members of the Board
of Education, and personal friends of the
guest of honor. Music was rendered by
the girls' chorus of Washington High
School, the male chorus of Jefferson
High School, and the Portland Hotel
orchestra. President Kerr, of Oregon
Agricultural College, and President
Ackerman. of Monmouth Normal School,
were to have attended but were unavoid
ably detained elsewhere.
Ls R. Aldermsui. State Superintendent
of Schools. Spoke on "The Sweepings
From a New Proom"; President Camp
bell, of the University of Oregon, on
Salary or Wagi-sT': R. 1 Sabln. of the
Board of Education, on "Agriculturists
or Farmers?": W. D. Fenton, on "FranR
Rlgler, Superintendent of SV-hools," and
L N. Flelschner. of the Board of Edu
cation, on "Portland's Prospects."
Superintendent Rlgler. who has been
superintendent of schools here for the
last 16 years, spoke on The Portland
of Twenty Tears Ago." The toasunaater
was 8. F. Ball, principal of Arleta
Today Lost Day for Payment to
Avoid Added 1 0 Per Cent. ,
Today la tha laat day this year to
pay taxea In Oregon without being
obliged to cay the penalty of 10 per
cent and an additional 1 per cent a
month. Approximately $5,000,000 In taxes
has so far been collected In Multnomah
County this year by Sheriff Stevens.
With the rebate added, this clears the
booke of $5 2SO.O0O. The total tax roll
for Multnomah County Is IS.400.000.
One of the largest sums paid this
year was the tax of the Portland Rail
way. Light A Power Company, amount
ing to 1217.000. Chief Deputy Boyer.
of the tax department of Sheriff Stev
ens office, said yesterday that some of
thejarge real estate firms were making
halt payments of their taxes this year
mora than last year. "The most of
the taxpayers have taken the benefit
of the rehatev however," he said. "We
have served the publio as well as we
could In our cramped quarters. We
expect to be In the new Courthouse be
fore the Panama Canal opens, and as
soon as we have moved will be better
able to accommodate the taxpayers."
J. C Clark and C. A. Steele to Take
Posts In Orient.
J. C Clark, secretary of the boys de
partment of the Portland Toung Men's
Christian Association, and Clarence A.
Steele, assistant business secretary or tne
T. M. C A. In Oregon and Idaho, will
go to the Orleqt thla FalL Mr. Steele
will engage In association work In Pekln.
and Mr. Clark will cet up a model boys'
department In a large city In Japan. Mr.
Steele'a position will probably be In the
International business office of the asso
ciation In Pekln.
J. W. Palmer, also a local association
secretary, was asked recently to take a
position In Hongkong, to work there
among the English. He declined to ac
cept. '
M. A. Keee. now at Canton. China, and
J. Merle Davis, of Nagasaki. Japan, went
there from the Pacific Northwest.
Students of Gillespie) School to Act
' for Charity.
Under the direction of the Gillespie
School of Expression a benefit enter
tainment will be given in the Wood
men of Woodcraft Hall, st Tenth and
Taylor streets, next Friday night. The
proceeds will be given to a deserving
poor family. The progratnma Is: Read-
Prinrinnl Portland Agents for "Vtidor" PorcH Shades and Hammocks
Manicuring and Hair Pressing2d FlporrOptical Pegjgp Main Floor
Olds; Wortman&HinR' Store
2d WeeK cf Annual Toilet Goods Fair
25c Packer's Tar Soap, the cake 14c
10c Palm Olive Soap at, the cake 6c
10c Honey Soap for only, cake 7p
Assorted $1.00 Perfumes, ounce 39
50c Pompeiian Massage Cream 29
75c Pompeiian Massage Cream 53
$1.00 Pompeiian Massage Cream 65c
35c Peroxide Cream, special at 19
25c Zodenta Tooth Paste at only 1 7$
25c Assorted Tooth Powders at 12c?
25c Mennen's Talcum Powder at 15
Piver's $1.25 Face Powder for 98
10c California Medicated Soap at 8c
Woodbury's 25c Facial Soap at 14ft
35c Ribbons 22c
45c Ribbons 29c
Dainty Ribbons for Easter, and the best values we
could possibly get together; 500 pieces in one lot; extra
quality, satin striped, Marie Antoinette Ribbons, in
black and white and all wanted shades; Cve22c
inches wide; regular 35o values, at, the yard-''-'
Novelty Ribbons Thousands of yards of the newest
effects in Dresdens, plaids and fancy checked ribbons,
in widths from 4 to 5y2 inches; every desirable 29c
color and combination; values to 45c yard, at eSeev,
7500 yards of all pure Silk Ribbons; 4-inch taffetas, in
every wanted shade; good, heavy quality, suit- 1 A
kio fn fiw r.iirrw-is : trnnA 20e values, special
f -1 I B '
Toilet Paper
By the Roll or Doz.
New Century brand S-oz.OC-rolls;
teg. 5c, for 3c; dozen
Egyptian Tissue, 750 sheets to the
roll; regular 7d grade, 4o aj-r
roll, or the dozen 6n sale at"
Silver Leaf, 1000 sheets to the
roll ; regular ; 10c, special C
6c the roll, or the dozen for
Pontiac brand, 1000 sheets to the
roll, 12y2o quality, 7c or-yCJ,.
the dozen rolls for only '
Ozaco brand, 2000 sheets to the
roll; regular 15c grade f(
at 9o, or dozen rolls ipiaW
Garden Tools Are Reduced
Reg. $3.5Q Lawn Mowers at $2.95
5Pc Lawn Rakes for 35c
It's Gardentime and all proud Portlanders are lend
ing a hand for a "City Beautiful." Well do our
part toward the good work by offering unusual low
prices on high-grade Garden Tools of all kinds.
Easy running', 3-blade, 14-inch Lawn
Mower. Our regular $3.oo J Q Q C
seller, special for this sale D.s70
50c Lawn Bakes, special at 3o
25c Garden Hoes, special at lv-p
75c Long -Handled Shovel, o
$6.50 Garden Hose, spec! $5.85
30c Grass Hooks for only 25
50c 3-piece Floral Sets only 35d
$7.50 Garden Hose, 50-f t. $6.5Q
65c Lawn Sprays for only 55
5c Garden Trowels for only 3
7c Weeding Hooks for only 5
5QO Pairs Imported
$5 to $9
Values for
A discontinuance sale of fine imported Lace Curtains
in 25 different designs. Some represent our best pur
chases of last season, but as we have extensive ship
ments soon to arrive from a new mill, we will make a
grand effort to close out these lines before the new ones
arrive. The Sale comprises $5 striped scrims, $6 Irish
points, $6.50 fancy taped, $7.00 filet Renaissance, $7.50
Cluny lace, $8.50 Italian filets and $9.00 appliqued
scrims, Battenbergs and Brussels lace curtains. All
these remarkable values are shown in pleas- CO AQ
ing patterns and offered special at, pair H-''
12QO Pairs Curtains
$2.5Q to $3.5Q Curtains $1.19
S3.QO to $5.QO Curtains $1.59
12 pairs of Nottingham', and Cable Net Curtains are
priced at about one-third of the regular prices. "We
purchased 10 cases of these from one of America's
largest curtain mills. These curtains would not pass in
spection as first grades, but it would take an expert to
discover it. We bought them at our own price and
place them on sale, $2.50 to $3.50 values C 1 CO
for $1.19; $3.00 to $5.00 values for only p
S2.5Q Tea Kettles $1.65
$1.10 Crumb Sets for 75c
In the Kitchen Goods Store, third floor, a sale of
extra heavy Copper, Nickel-plated Tea Ket- C fC
ties, with secure handles; reg. $2.50 values
Crumb Sets Tray and Scraper, heavy brass nickel
plated, with ebonized handle scraper; K?11- 75c
far $1.10 set, priced during this sale for only
Gloves $1.59
Women always manifest delight in our glove sales. For this week
we have carefuDy prepared a sale which will be of unusual interest,
coming as it does just before Easter. Our famous Alexandre
Gloves, made of the real French kid, three-clasp, overseam Styles, in
a great variety of colors. These will be fitted with our ? CO
usual guarantee of satisfaction; $2.00 values, special Se-eV
Reg. S3.5Q S11K Gloves $1.29 a Pair $1.25 Chamois Gloves 48c Pair
Misses S1.5X Gloves at 49c a Pair
2000 pairs of 16-button Silk
Gloves go in this disposal ; hand
somely embroidered in neat pat
terns; colora are black, white,
navy, brown, sky, pink and many
other shades; regu- J OQ
lar $3.50 vals., pair ?.e6.
Women's natural color chamois
Gloves, pearl buttons, spear
backs; $1.00 and $1.23 IP
values, special, the pair
Girls' and Misses' Real Kid
Gloves, in all colors;
and $1.50 values, at, pair"'
$20.00 Waists $8.95
These may be called "Waists extraordinary" for
nothing we can say adequately conveys any concep
tion of their marvelous value. A seasonable offer
ing for today only. Beaatiful dress waists, suit
able for social functions. The materials employed
are French crepes, Marquisettes, and sheer lingerie
fabrics, trimmed in Irish, Valenciennes and cluny
laceu, or hand-crochet motifs inset in bacK and
front. Long or short sleeves. A complete line of
sizes from 34 to 44 and unusual values
to $20.00 each. Special for today at
a. ii i- l
II - : ; . ii
lng-a "The Little Stowaways." V. II.
tent; "Church Muelo." "A Good Horse
but Thin." "It's Nobody'a Business." A.
W Watklne; The Chariot Race." from
Ben Hur. J. E. Hitchcock: "Danny." A.
R. Lettow; "The Piper's Pay." com
edy, by the following cast Mra. John
Barton. "Peg-fry." Miss Signe Lack; Mrs.
Charles Dover, "Mabel," Miss May
Pendergrase; Mra. Hereford-Carr. Miss
Christine Anderson: Miss Freda Dick
son. Miss Charlotte Banfleld: Mary
Clark, a detective. Miss Bertha Serr;
ErPlyn Evans, e reporter. Miss Helen
! Dewey; Katie, ev maid. Miss Josephine
Hotel Chimney Afire.
The Fire Department was called ont
Saturday night to quell a fire In the
chlmn.y of the Alexander Hotel at
131H Tenth street- The burning aoot
was drowned out quickly.
Edlefsen Fuel Company has the best
country slab and block wood. Both
PflAnU whrt mv home sites in
Portland are becoming more exact
ing every day they demand more
for their money than they did a few
years atro and they are entitled to
more. They demand that the district
in' which they buy shall have all the
improvements necessary to health
and comfort.
In Laurelhurst btiyers of home
sites not only have the improvements
that make for health and comfort,
but the addition is so highly im
proved that it is a positive luxury to
live there. .
If you have not seen Laurelnurst
you should it will be a revelation
to you. Take Rose City Park, East
Glisan-street or Montavilla cars.
It does not require much money to
buy a Laurelhurst lot $900 and up,
10 per cent cash, 2 per cent a month.
If you build a home we will discount
the lot price 15 per cent.
Laurelhurst is Portland's premier
residence property.
Sales Agents,
522 Corbett Bldg.
Phones Main 1503, A 1515.
--TV-:A8s Twenty
it. "3?SLf" minutes
V ' -V Hfvr I M orthea8ter- 1
: U wiSw! ! I v''"S CItynpr'k
m no. e f
You'll want to live in
' Ornate cluster gas lights
will be used for street illu
mination ; eight-inch water
mains and bitulithic street
pavement are assured.
Beaumont Land Company
Gronad Floor, Board of Trade Bldgr- 84 Fourth street!
Phones. M. 8900 and A 1163. Tract Office. E. 45th and
Sandy Road, with snaa there dally after 10 A. M.