Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, April 01, 1911, Page 16, Image 16

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APRIL 1. 1911. ' . -
jo :
Brl, w AU. f WiOTtP-lIX HKLP WAroiAl WTUATIOX WANTED-MALK. 1 " Room, With BoaTd in Private Family. Apartments.
M i i I aiiarciianeoaa. , 1
The Leading Employ ment Agent.
Kate ofnM an
mptoniat ant Lbr Office
411, North Second t.. rnrt'-id.
"none Main Horn A 3".'L
call and ue-F-r:.loer
o.i r.mrl,
lour patronage t..lclted.
1 bed nrlin auto. $3.73.
I ihMlvr.irit, I 1. T
t nurwery ir.mi. . hom frea.
1 urrr foreman. $73, hnu free.
I vegetable gardener. r month and
J" an'!
ft rrnBtrm. rltr Job. ( hour. 11.50 dev.
4 zntu ud yard man, AmcrtaJt $2.25:
I bakee- helper. $1. to ti week.
New order eml" 1" H tha Hm.
R,d riir HuKf'a Board.
41 i North second at.
fwfim -rtary .Tp:ormnt Depart-
jrenl. T. W. C. A.
Tonic man. ltrntr, oat ef wort .
Ma total run ete If I r " -J
fo- -,clal employment mmbrh!p I wil
or'ly ut f IS Uft MKMa m and tar-
tle. .
. Se retarv tf rot Pay fl fr pee''
nplorntni membership jon will he tn
T. M. A.. with ail lu raewurce. between
cri and a-aatlon.
What happened f
Younc ma.-, look Tr.mrh!. Invae or
tw boar ha found aatutactory employ-
"."urlri February 1911. ITT other found
mpii.) mnt In a Ilk manner.
Ex piovgnari or refund of eaemberenip
f, guarantee.!.
s- secretary Employment Departant.
T. at. C A.
Iir.l.l.'" CENTRAL.
Marshal! .11. Home A 1333.
2 Dallane. company aork. $- day:
board ee f. ...
40. Aus'rlans. cotrrany work. $2 day.
! xustriaaa. eultirn pacific Co.
work. 2 day.
5 rnuni men for factory; work l day.
3 mn '"r fa-w. ai. J !av
VlXl.- ttVHH Wl'TII.
r.iyyir.y ru-Vra. -
i nwra. I - T ".
Tlif-ara. - " -V
SniT-ra. f ; ...
M(rrl wo,la. 15 W
Mill ni-n. ;
.o,rt baa-r. nrar rtty. 12 to US par
Anythln pnalnin to labor. Frn
r.rt; h will aaa yio tmr and money;
d"0 I f-rt tha Mirwr. .11 .rt.nd at.
Jiorrrthlnc il 'inc avrry mlnill.
r N"TrTr Man and arlfa cook and walt
ra. l'.x
Maa and wlfa on farm.
Ittcbrt attr. amail mill.
Two ca-Ti.iaa rt.lrra, $l ;w.
Itartd rraa rr. b fa't'ry. rlly. IX
Mill out. $I.:3: no loaJrt. ii.
NtM f.rman.
.lrutlr. (I l. l.3 cord.
Mllkrra. farmhaml. T to 13.
Othara too nnmroua to mrntlon bcra.
pftFto r.Mn.oTrNT co.
Xa!n orriva 12 N. "d Ft.
THr xr.xr.H a FRANK CoVTANT rrqulra
a oacard writer.
alaarnaa for tha llnrna d"mllrt.
Call at ruprlntrnUn a offico. a to 10
A. M.
aPLK-POMPr mrn wanrd for tha I. S.
.Marina l orpa. blwrn ta ara ..f 19 ai.d
S... mual ba litla-brn or hava firt
papra. monthly par Hi . :: ad.lltlonal
ro:nprnan.n p-atblr. f.xwt. rhlhmc.
ouartrra and IttrUlral atimtlon fr: aflT
SO yrara' ar Ira can rnlra wl'h TS prr
ent if par and aliwan.-e: a-r.-a on
aoard ahlp and ar"r In all parta of tha
world. Applr at Marino O-rpa r-rr-jumc
offlra. Hrdrn M'la., 4 ana
Waahmaton aa. Portland. r.
rwnt npoormnlilaa for lira mm to rap
rnt Tha Pa.-iflc Mutual Ufa Ina la of
ailf. 3 yta-a o:d. Jl million aaaaia. t a
on ro'or .n roal l'l
H. M. Ward. Mr. i'ac N. .. IlS-li
panc tM.
AI.KSMAN Exp"rlnrrd ip-rlalty aalman
fnr iV)))!; muat haro bad ti.rtrnr.
vhrtkMl. and retail rr-v-rry tr.lo. irlva
f-iM parnru.ara jl la paat rx prl-rfr. aa
and rmoa of trail pr.youly rmpioj'J
br. with l-rr-h of aril'''. a:a. aalarr re
quired, an y th.- am. Una full particular
.ll ba eonal.lTd. Trwruaa J. Luploa. ml
flir atrert. Chicago, III.
Too ran earn na pr month arlllna?
S and H'-arro walnut roa 3 or 1 yeara
:d oo eaey trmie. W- ar tha moat rt
rluala wtlnut p:-ntera In tha North
west. Call at Sl' Spalding n:0.. uK for
Mr 'arorkJ
?Y tN'J marMna icnil and othera wanted
aril atira. tl.a aid line. drkr flta any
a-wm machine; wa on hutlona and
hooka and e; rlm"nt rated aha.lute.y
aa repreaented. M I'li'r: no r.Tnpell
Mon. tipen arnltia. 311 MrKar bl.l.
JirK KPtTtKH and oun mm with ofTU a
experience, railroad nien prrferr!; mwt
bav Brat-rlaa reterenree Applr In per--n
Mr A!o. Oregon, liotei. from lo A.
Mt H : 1 V. M.
W V N'TKl ;ool. ateny bo oyer Id. with
wheels for meaener wirh: boa who
roalta tHvl will be a-iveo poeltlona In p
eretlr.c room. II. Otleen. Weatera
t mon Trt ' Q.. "d d tt.
WAXTCD Immediately, two wlt-dr'ae.l.
capahia aa-tnen to rcpreaent t'ol.ier'a
We-fcU to Wabinaton antl Orer-m. aai
arr and commia"ton. ta'l S.xtur.lar fore
noon, lan-econian ljf K. he;Le.
I: A II. WAT mall rlerka. poatofflre rlrrka.
Irrtrr rirrtrx. ruatom-ho-ie and Interral
reventia errphea. to prepare f.r eiant
IriM'iri; f -ce tooK. J'aclflc tftalea flcbool,
VI K a v 'b'd c . r. nr.
xsxTi:r Mxn th work on private plare;
muit understand row, hiraea and aar
lenlnr: r-rer-nren reciulred. Ajply Port
land Artificial lea Co.. lath and t'pahur
WANTKO At one, threa experienced rip
ltw men. three ru',"f aaw men: (ohS
wurra pa'd. Iniulr pollatcb Lumber Cix,
I'ottatcb, Idaho.
Hi-T wanted for office work. IS or 14 yeara
..f aae. Addreaa In own hand wrltlna.
ratlra ae an.l aalary ea peeled. X ta.u.
X, 1 MVI' n Inte'll.-er.t younc man. Id to
year of ace. w -- ! inil'ltl''iil aplen-
did cnmxr for hi:;ier. Aply In
bnmla-irltx. V VI" Hftocin.
ow n
WANTKr traellr. man to band! cir
I ne of l.ivn a a al-le line on tr-
bound and Norrhweete-n Wahlnron. Ap
ply l'rt .und H ire Work. 4i Front at.
II K yoo lw to neet with your aervloea
In a bualTie-m which will easily clenr fte
ter month; duc-ca aoaily learned. -12
Vilh at
fAV to rrprrvnl on coram Les Ion well-ea-tetltehe.l
trade minimi: ad vrrt laementa
and nw aire r-f-'r-ace and fill partlcu
are Addrcaa AK 1 I. tTenian.
lTh'AU t'F"l' E Interratlon il CorreaponJ
ene Cl.-hool. Zl Al'lce open till 9
V V. !rd for free ca'alociea
fi7-VV IS to t xeara old to work In ofttce;
ritir telephone, etc. Apply to 9.
lit I Ackeny at.
AT K I XI rarpcntT to work be day.
butKlms amall bunaa'ow; atate "HI ra
nn ' 1 A I nio. i ire nlan.
Y-'ANT"r F.aperleneed carpet and drapery
ailearnan: atata ae. experience, refrr
ence a p.I a-xiair- ' i- nrnn.n
X-taRV automobila drlelrc and rapatrlnf:
acual prxctlcal experience; day or evea
Xngm. 3'll- Win n:'nn et.. riKW 41S.
irNTHP Flret-c!aa W eale a-n an f -l
iia'nr.laa. Appln . It- Haker. ::) Waah
rfton. ,-,,-vrr opportunity to make bia? returno
f.r a amall Inveetment. allent or actlx
pxrtnrr r 1 I.J'rrcnrtin.
ift ANTKD H aaeh and door macblna men; rmplovmeo' : ? -' to $- per day.
Adreaa AK Pl. Oreinlan.
SiliiKKCFrCR. wboleaaje bouaa: moet ba; atata age. axoerlence. refer
eace. phone number. O Ir-S Oragonian.
t0 you want-work"Appty employment da-P-rtTenl.
Tmpioyera' Aeaoclatloa. 0 fea.
Commercial Club bldg.
Bal i't'MKS for tirrtnn and W aahlnffton.
rail l-a.le: also aol.-ltore; beat proiioe
ti.i on the fit. 4;t;rant ave.
JHrvlHAPH coupon and portrnlt naenta,
n . eflr. t'ulbertn atud.o. Ifc autti bid.
i't.VTflO Kxp-ricnc.'d d.or alock cutter.
T .i. f rre a"H in.
u atki it.hIman preeeer. mn rle.
r r r -n e n t.K.M . 1 ra r rT t S :orrUon.
ioi7LlrK wxnted. Call 523 Cwmmerclai
c'lub b:dc. Sth and Oak.
ta-YVT E Lr F.lectrlr aicn hfera or city
a-n-aJJZlrn ! tal.a Flrat at.
i'frtHEI-M AN Baa'l Keaaablatt Cav. M
and ilorr Jwo.
SALESMAN Induatrloua. amtltloua and
can atand proaparlty. at hay a plc
for you.
The opportunity la at tar.d for yoo to
xnake a ruccaaa. W don't want any
dronea. bat a Hr. wlda-awak man. CALX,
for Mr. Rhoadea. Sale M.r. Beaumont
lauid Company. M alh, St.
A thomushlv compatant
One yrbo ts iot.'r mduatrlon and uner-a-.anda
tba buineae; can he perma
nent At'ply to upe-1nfendcr.t, S
ITia on y tl.orouahiy equipped tchool
Thoruuxh luatruction. con-ictcr.: man
agement and practical work.
K. 2-;l ANl MoKKISuN.
Taka S-ri or Mt. Tabor car: Imk ul np
baor dvcldiox to enroll elaewhera.
of rallioad coi.;ructlon nieu for
work. lon Job. no (ara deducl.d front
your pay; It la FKEK. Any able-bodied
man wno folloaa una work may ft.
C R. " A X S f. NACO.. -M N. -d bt.
WANTED Ambltiooa workman; your work
on actual Job pay for teachlna tradea ol
lectrlclty automobllea brlca
larlnc: only few montha required; 70
atudenta laat four yeara. Writa for la
formation. Colled TraUa School Conlraot
lcc ca, Loa Ancelea.
to learn to operate mov in r -plrturea. op
eratora aarn l .15 WKEKLT; Icaro
biialneea In IAYH.
S"J1S Wan.. nnr 17th.
FELL ma.le-to-order clothe. M proflta no
Inrti'mrlil. Write Tom Thompon. I'-'t
;d nve.. KrancHco Wea- Kcp. Lamm
A t c. I'Hinni.
ft'ANTHi i 1o.m1. aolier man. a ho can taka
car of horece; .xd n'l and etea.Iy
work- younc man preferred. Kramer
l'.1din bclio-d. I'lth and Jcfieraon at.
WAXTEP Motor cycle and blryl repair
man. muai bur a motor cycla to net alt
union: marhlntat apprentice prrfariad. Ale
b'O. clrcgor.lan
FI It -T. CLASS benchman wanted. Apply at
Ntcolal i.-rMf .Co . Kcntontati')li.
WANTE!' Fraternal men. beat contract In
the city. 411' Chamber of Commerce
pUr oxer l yara aid Apply 10 A. M.
Cl.irke llroe . -i l irru..oi
.iv wheel, chanca
to learn
ZZ Front l.
inn VIM! in r..k and do hounework: rood
wasra for ood boy. phone Tabor S.
JdN for jnnltor and kitchen wrk. Lam-
hereon, .'..x I Couoh.
iTi FtllErt'wantext at Mudiiw-n Saturday.
tills 4S.
II F LP W A NTT". TV FT. M .".
TOC NO lady of ood appearanc to do ape
cial Una of outaid. work; auaranteed
liin and advancement If applicant I
atlract..ry. Apply alter 8 A. M.. 7-
Yeon bl'l-
Apple Standard Factory No. S. Orana
ave. and llaat Talor iL
EXPERIENCED alteration hand on coati
and iklrta. Apply accond floor Portland
Emporium, l'-d nth at.
ZaTT aollcltora who can t reaulte A
aplendld opportunity to- wilime workera.
App y after I) "o. Mr. Akc. 41a Mohaak
tius.. &4 and alorrlaon.
WANTED An eaperlenced rlrl for reneral
houaework and cooking. Phone Main M.
r.-,s tlixabeth at- Taka Portland lUlglua
a"7! Th L or woman for ceneral houaework In
family of three adulia. permanent place.
S.'- ElUabeth at- J'honea A -il. Main
4.'- mornlr.Ka
WANT4.1- Woman for aeneral houa-w.rk;
. miu: te neat aud reliable; am. II family
and rood ae phona taat Hi it ta.l
o. Cm l'-th at.. N-
ladr of about .x. with aome ed
ucation, aa houaraeeper i"r a emcie
Ileman on amall fruit and poulliy rancn.
AK all. i ireronian. .
W.VNTEl Oirl for renernl hotiwork;
.hmI wacea. err little weenies- van
r-"n. -Hi Hancock. Phoua r-aal o'.'l. .
WANTKI" llerined. carabla woman for ro-
porlnle poal'.lon. Viavl Co.. " Koth
cMid bldr.b and Vl'aahjnfctotu .
vsTl'.l Experienced alrl fr iteneral
bouaraork. In farull). Z 5 llth at., lop
f Icor
H N -1. N'H lAlIES" AHEXi'T.
SaSS Waah'nctou el., cor Tth. upatalra.
I'll one Main UK.
C lit I. ! help with child and aal: with
li.MiMoik fUl Clacaamaa at. phona v.
GIKL wanted for work In an ofTlce: no e
p.rience required: amall aalary to atarU
AN Pjo, irrkonlxn.
xx-ANTEt Ore warn, woman and ona Ironer
f..V plain c. ihee In JrH'tam Hand Laun.
dry. . Jin.w. Monday moriilnr.
STENrMlRTvPHKI.S. de.lrlnr po.ltlon.
e ioul.l take our epeed-drlll. .TO W orcca
ter block.
Al TEUATION he'o wanted on ladiea' tallor
ma'l amta. Tie Allen Co.. 41a Waah
Irirton at .
E.XPEKIEN'CKD w-man for rcneral houe
work. rood aace and food borne. 4aS
F.aat :vth at.North.
WANTED illrl. with reference, for ren
eral boueework: ip"d wae. 13-4 111
thome ne.-honeIt50ll.Main
WANTED A ft'Hd laundrea for weekly
work In private family. Apply J.S Irving
at., near - - 1. .
COMPETENT r'rl f"' r-neral houa-aork.
mall apartment. Apply Kim KTicod
A;.artmcnt. Apt r.5.
WANTED Olrl for general houaework.
waaea f.n. 4t3 E. llth North. Phona
Em :-. z
tilltt. wanted, lea cream and confectionery.
A ahinpt'n t.. pear 1'liy Park.
rlrl wante.1 to help IP
I E. Farrejl Co.. Ith a
WANT rood rlrl to aaalat In houaework. Call
a'oout 7 In evening at 2 T I N. g.'.th at.
UItL for ahootlrg rallery: .-HI to SJ years;
rod wac. -75 llurnlde t.
WANTED Apprentlcea Sanitary Oeauty
Pariora. 4"U to 412 IK-lium biu:
WANTED GlrlV.r general houauwork. good
home and good wag.-. C 21"4.
WAITKES.t wante.1 Experienced only.
Thompeon'a Reataurar.t. 144 4ih at.
W RlTlN'C,;eJm.1llt.:,14th at. Main 3-lX
COAT ttnlahir at once: must bo expe
rienced, -nil S Yamhill at., room .
Tp Hr. E olItlToT-for horn trad. Call
lorcr.oona ay i r . up. -
EAPEKIENx'ED folder on tha mangle, rood
wage. C. S laumlr- ro.
EXPEP.IENCED alteration hand.
Varrell trf. 7th and Alder
WVNTEl An experlencei short hour
w altreea. W oman' F. xchnnge lofltht.
37 Ft L for cooking and general houaework;
econd girl kept. -; J..hnon
WANTED AiT txperlcnced wait.-caa at " j
Hill, leid and Waahlngton.
GIRL for general houaework. small family,
phona Eaat Si-xS.
OIRL for geneml houaework. mnll family
ad iita. .-.! Hoyt at., near -Ol h.
Ulft'li Experienced In Cafeteria work. Ap
ply Piiritan I'afcteria. Hy. Exchange bldg.
WANTED Alteration bands. Orand Lead
er, nth and Alder.
WANTED NareglrL good boena.
wagea. i: 11.
YoCNO ladr stenographer and bookkeeper.
Dalroag w tjmlth. 7thand Ankeny.
WANTEI A girl for .general housework;
email family.
evna Earn Morrlron at.
iTlRL for r.Hii an J general houaework; clty
refe-encee- Eixet 47- i E- Ith North.
EXPEK1ENCED lrt and waiat draper.
--ee..i.a'e. :'; Mar;iuxm Mill.
M ' I iI.E-AiED woman for general houae
work In country. Phono East 313.
Tf ANTED An experienced waitress. Alex
andra Court.41El.ast.
GIRL for general houaework. amall family.
4 lei Tillamook St.
WAiTRaeW.waid, Htm Alofrlsoo street.
Cocks, tin to :.o.
cook for men. ::n. .
co..k and Ironer for intltntlon. ISO ana
Waltrreeea fj". and II per day.
& ciair.bermaid. I-S tol.lo. '
llouackecper. -' to Ill.V
Cook. .Hi. and second girl. !3, In prl-x-ate
Factory girl. 1 per dav.
Car cleaner. I'm per hour,
tleneral houaework. $-0 to I4n.
other good poalilons.
l.adl.a- Dept. J..:.-, Morrl.on.
rompetent waltreraea to work In tneir
rretaiirunt between the houra of 1 1 A. i.
and 4 p. M. C.ood pay and permanent
poaltlons. Apply at b.iierlntendent s ol
luf, ;a floor. 8 to 10 A. U.
BOAKtINi5-HOt .E rook 145.
French govern, a IHJ.
Two waitrrroe. out of city. 155.
Family cook 4.V
Second girl f-."..
3 I :. i , W sal :n gton ft.. Room 7.
flood wasea. hours 9 to Sanitary
Beauty pa-lora, 4l to 41J Dekum bldg.
31;';i Wnahlnplon at.. Room 314.
aluin r.t'i or w -"o.
ISIC lesson given in cxenonae "
...ixnco in housework dally, o !oa. Orc-
WINTEP A girl to care for children.
I I. one M.ilnbt:o rcall J7 ortJt.
GERM AN girl for general housework, small
family. "honMaln 34H.
WANTED Pantry girl. Apply at once. L'nlon
tcp-'t Iteitaiirant.
GIRL wanted at once for general, houae
work. si Johnson st. '
10 1M-I POSITIONS for graduates last year;
men nnd women learn barber trad In
ft wek. help to se.uire position; gradu
ate aarn from 15 to tii weekly: expert
Inatruclora; fmla free; writ lor cata
logues. Mohlcr System of
,.i-rli 4th t.. Portlncljclr.
WANTED Single mon on my home fruit
ranch: lli and board In family; ai"0 mail
and wile; alio man and good team: per
manent employment for right parti-. TVro.
A. Suaamll. h. Garden Valley llclshl.
W llbur. Oregon.
WILL give breakfast and dinner In exchange
for cashier s nervlces for two hours eacn
evening. 73 liovt at. Slain 7M4.
MAKE money writing atorles for newipa-pers-
big pay; end for free booklet, tells
how." i nltej pros Synd.. Enn yrancin-q
l md lldg.
TEACHER. K . 1 grades. ISO, hire now.
till Swetland bldg.
Hooavkeepera and 'lerka.
EXPERT In Import, export and banking
business desires to better Ins condition;
ain young. Induetrlou and married; at
present with a firt-class house In Port
land: best education, apcaka and write
eevrral language, first-ciuaa reference.
V tHJ, Oregonuin.
tOI'Nl) man. strictly temperate and reli
able, wishes p.lllon of any kind: ex-
fierlenced In gents' furnleblng and col
ectlng; A-l reference. l'iiono iishorn.
Main Addrcat :i5 loth St.. city.
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper, famill.xr with
corporation accounting, would like per
Piaiietit position In or out of city: beat of
city reler.nre. AN PI 7. Oregonlun.
WILL audit, ooen. cloa or write up books,
prepare Balances and statement. Install
ststvma Consult me. lillllngham. u
dltor. 411 I-ewla bldg. Marhall 717.
WILL andlt. open. cloe or write up book,
prepare balances n.i.1 statement, rcaaon
abla ratca; book taken by month If ue-
ired. o sl. Oregonlar..
WANTED A position In general store by
young man with 4 years' experience; can
furnish (.I'd rt ferenre. country store pre
ferred. AMilsorcironlam
POSITION In Eaatern Oregon by dry roods
man- experienced in buying and manag
Ins countrystore. AClMr.OrcgonUu.
pisT-CLASS bokkee;er and general of
fice mun desires cn.igemcnl; references.
II 013. oregonian.
STFN(R A.P1IE11 "with good education,
ability and some experience desires pj.i
tlon. Marshall 2TM.
COLLECTOR with 10 year' experience
wan'.a position with firm: references and
bond. o uoS. Oregonian.
8TENOC.RAPHER desire position in or out
of lown:AM 010. Oregonian.
MAN and wife want position at once; man
competent, reliable gardener. vegetable
gnwrr. fruit and greenhouse man. cap
able of taking full charge. Wife first
class cook, do laundry work also Ad
drc 5ii Columbia st..coincr3d..room4.
vTltT-CLASS collector and salesman, with
lo years bueir.eee expi-rlenie. wants po
sil'on In cltv; now enipl ived ns traveling
salesman but want Ii be more witn fam
ily will call Monday. April 2 Kaker
please don't anwer. AJ UIO. Oreroiilali.
E PF.KT-Kastern wood turner nnd A-l all
around machine hand, want leady po
sition: thorouKhlv retlahle. If jou mean
business, phone Slain I'-Hfl.
WANTEP--Poililiin.- An experienced family,
gi.vd cook. 1.13 1st at., room 14. Chinese
M tslon. '
PIV-ilTION as buyer for general housefur
ntshlng goods: 14 years- experience: can
g:.e l est of reference. K !'H. oregonian.
MaTiRIED man wants farm work- sober
anil reliable; no children. O 1"-'J. Orego-
riCTVRE-SHOW operator, experienced. e
waya doing his best: no smoker, wants po
s.tlon. y Ron. J'-J'x Second St.
JAPVNESE. experienced porter, wants a po
sition In saloon, hotel or restaurant. X
011. On gonian.
WANTED Position with any good, rai'able
firm by young attorney with experience:
bet of reference. J OO'J. Oregonian.
TOL'N'd man wlahee to learn auto bnsinera
in good auto hop: sober, honest, suady.
AC til L Oregonian.
GARDENER. flrl-els. want position:
nnddle ago. single man. All 013. Orego-
A JAPANESE stodent attendlrr night
school wants a situation. Y 914. "rt
gonlan. YOI'NO man and'wlfe Scandinavians. nnl
positions as cook and all around man. 1 3
Kussell Phona East 443.
EXPERIENCED chauffeur wlshe position
"with private family; will drive truck. C
5otia. 2 Revere at.
JAPANESE to take cara of automobile and
garden; has good references. AG 003. Ore
gonian. MoviNO-PlOTl'RE operator desires posi
tion: no objection to leaving city. A 901,
MAN and wire want farm work: no chll-
d-en. Tel. East 41?1.
Tocv-J man want steady work of any
kind, riioric Main SH'W
EX I'KKI KNi'KP gardener In private family.
' MarhU Su.'il.
MAN of 3-'. with some mechanical experi
ence, desires position. N OIL oregonian.
JAPANESE eTperlenceei cook wibea posi
tion. AK Oregonian
PLt'MPER wanta work at a reasonable price.
O ell. Oronla.
COLLEGE graduate In civil englneeHng.
w-ith three years' experience In the North
wot, desires position with general con
tractors: prefer opening that will lead
to outside work: willing to start at bottom.
M 0H3. Oregonian,
EXPERIENCED man. Danish. I rhoreman
and gardener, private place, have Os
xers references In one place, wishes po
sition of that kind. Apply 4-'.". Everoll
at,, city. Chaa. Johansen. Main 3"i3i.
YOCNf; man speaks Italian. German.
French. Austrian, soma Spanish and Eng
lish, wants position aa interpreter or com
panion to partv traveling over Europe.
Address A. Zorldi. S4W Ankeny at., city.
EXi'KRnLvCED Western farmer and stock
raiser would like a situation as foreman
on large grain farm or nock ranch. Y 003,
Ores i r. 1 a IK
CHAUFFEIR delrc a position to driv
private family or delivery, in or out or
town; can furnish A-l references. O 0O,
Oregonian. -
YOI'NO-married man. salesman, farmer.
bookkeeper, ran handle stork, other ex-
perience; sobr. If you want a man,
write me. A H MO. Oregonian.
SINCI.E middlc.aated man. sober. Indii
triuus w orker, a ants work as houseman
or watchman, city or country. P- J- "lng'
L'imJ Couch St.
SEH'VICES of a competent, energetic, roll-in!
man for sale to a reputable tlrm at
f ilial per year; good executive. K- -.i.
Hit 7th et
YOI'NO German man. thoroughly exper.
Irnced In greenhouse snd landscape gar
dening, wishes permanent position. Heln-
rirhl'fclper71- ,
CARPENTER foreman thoroughly expe
rienced, residence building a plally;
can give results. V 008. Oregonian.
CA RPENTER Flrt-clas finisher and ex-perl-
need foreman, wants situation, bell
wood 1712.
JAPANESE-firet-claae cook, wanta a poal
tlun at hotel or resiaurant, in city or
country. Y IK7, Oregonian.
WANTED By a young man, position a
milkwngon driver. Call at 287 East lltn
s i . . c U y .
CAKPENTER. flrst-clas man. wanta Job.
I' Ql'7. Oregonian.
JAPANESE want teady Job of any kind;
speak good English. Y 010. Oregc.nian.
EXPERIENCED farmer and wife want work
on farm. AH 1113. Oregonian.
MARRIED mnn. Danish, wanfs work as Jan-
to rora n y 1 1 1 In B. A UJ' ;1 0.O! g o nian
JAPAtx'ESE bov wnnls any kind work In
store or fartory. T Ooil. Oregonian.
li.wikkrriM-rs and Htenographrra.
NEAT-AITKAHING girl would like work In
office answering telephone or such other
work as would not require much experi
ence "ill- Wasnlnglon st. Room 15.
I'hone siamp-i
BEOINNEU, bookkeeper and stenographer.
inntlcrato salary, would like a position
hero other stenographers are employed.
All 011. Oregonian.
EX p ufENCEP stenographer with some
knowledge of bookkeeping desires position.
No obloctlon to leaving city. D 010. Ore
EXPERIENCED. competent stenographer
wants position; reference. AK 010. Ore-
POSITION cashier In restaurant: good
references furnished. Addreas AK 014, Ore-
KoniHn. '
EXPERIENCED stenographer wants posi
tion: city references. Iarhall 27D1, A
oughly experienced and possessing exeeu
t ive ability. Call Ma i n 237-'.
DRESSMAKING, gowns, skirts, waists, de
signing and altering; reasonnble; work
g u a ra n t eed tii'1 Lovejoy. M aln B4'i i.
FlRST-CLASS dressmaking. Miss Callar.
4'jl Yamhill. A 74. . ,
SEAMSTRESS, hand work and children'
clothe --erlalty. day or hour. A S214.
EXPERIENCED, practical nurse; best of
references. CallEast 41 12.
VERY cannhlo rlrl. infants. Invalid or
child's nurse. Main 2030. A 4773.
LADT wishes position as housekeeper for
widow or bachelor; good cook. 201 Union
ave. North.
WA.NTED Position as housekeeper by
Swedish widow 24 xears with one 4-year-old
child. Inquire Main S-'.VI.
llOL'SKKEEPEHS. family cooks, chamber
maid, washing. cleaning. St. Louis
Arrncv, 303 1 Wash. St.. Slain 203U, A
EXPERIENCED chambermn Id. mnrried wo
man, withes work in exchange for house
keeping rooms and small wages. O 013,
Oregon I a n. .
Yol'NO woman want position as manicur
ist In barber shop; can give good refer
ences. Address AE 013. Oi "gonian.
OFFICE position by young ludy of ability;
con keen small et of book. C 014. Ore
p n .11 n.
EX PEL j ENCKD girl want second work;
give panlculara and phone number. E
012. Orinonlan.
JAPANESE married woman to learn Eng
lish and cook In family. AH 014. Ore
gonian. YOI'NC, lady would like position aa cashier
In cafe, hotel or show: experienced; ref
erences. AJ0i;.oreB0tiian.
COMPETENT woman wants steady day
work. T.Ui.r "nL
AN experienced waitress wlahe employ,
mon: In a restaurant, Woodiawn 31J4.
Lce curtain laundered, 30c pair. Mar
shall 13ik.
WANTEI Day work, laundry work, (weep
ing and cleaning. Call up A 44i2.
RELIABLE aiernen can make big money
selling our well-known line of hardy non
lrrlgated treea. mrul.a roe. etc.; out
fit lumlhed. cash weekly. Addreaa Ore
gon Nuraory Company. Orenco. Ore
gon. WANTED, agent Everything for the only
anllary-wnhlng and cleaning compound
on the market; aaniplo free. Liawson Mfg.
Co.. 20 Vine St.. Reno. Ntv.
"WANTED By responsible party, 8-room
furnished house In desirable part of city.
West Side preferred. Phone Marshall lola.
27 Washington. P. H, Lyon.
A HOI SE and garden wanted within 10
miles of Portland, near electric line, for
rent, give full particulars. AL 017. Ore
gonlan. 1
MODERN 4 or 7-room house in the vicinity
of steel bridge, by adults. AL 916, Ore
gonian. WANTED Cottage. 4 or 6 rooms, furnished
complete, modern, convenient to car. AN
11 i. oregonian.
WANTED o or 0-room furnished bouse,
mo.l rn. V froO. Oregonian.
Rooms With Board.
WANTED Horn for bright, healthy girl of
7 years, preferably a home wjiere child
Is appreciated for her own sake: parent
would like to room aame place, but won't
Ittsiat: $-'0 per month: mercenarlea and
hvpocrltca refrain. K 000. Oregoalan.
GOOD table board wanted near wholesale
district. AN 010. Oreonlan
Rooms, flats, apartment, furnished, un
furnished, board, all part of the city;
save you money, time, trouble. Let us lo
cate you. '.eSS- Washington L. R. 362.
Slarshall 21SH. A 8213.
Apai uncut.
YOL'NO couple with small baby wish 2 or
:;-rooin furnished cottage or apartment;
rent must l reasonable: steady tenants;
mate rent, A SI oregonian.
Furnished Room.
ACDIToRIt'M HOTEL. 20Sin Tblrd (treat,
between Taylor and Salmon (te. Hot and
cold water, ateam heat, elevator; rate
3. 6-1 and up. aoc day and up. Main 237
A 1.2 '.7. .
WE HAVE a few flrst-clas furnished rooms
left- phone and running water In each
room. S3 SO per week; 1 block from Post
office. 140 Seventh St.. between Alder and
Morrison sts.
NICELY furnlshe-a rooms, with or without
private bath; hot and cold running water;
most centrally located: rates reasonable
Over StNlc-'iolas Cafeteria. 123 th.
NICELY furnished rooms, with gas. bath
snd phone in house. 475 Clay street.
314 13TH ST. Large front room, suitable
for two; bath, telephone; reasonable.
THE GAY'OSA Modern rooms. Grand are.
and East Stark.
THE HAZEL Nicely furnished, steam heat,
running water, id and Montgomery.
"MORRIS HOTEL Rooma modern. newly
.urnlahed. 3.0 and up. 133 n 17 th (t.
Those three beautifully furnlahed hotel.
213 V, 4th t. 21 1 4lh t, 20, W 4th St.
On Fourth at., running from laylor to
Salmon L Biand new brick, elegantly
furnlahed; .team beat, private baths, hot
and cold water In all rooms; strictly
up-to-date In all respects, and at popular
prices. If you want something out of the
ordinary In the heart of the city at
reasonable prices, give us a call a we
know you will like lu Room by the day.
week or month. Tourist trad solicited.
Residential. 350 Taylor. Translent.
Bet. Tth and park at.
Opposite new Helllg Theater, ona block
from Portland Hotel; brick building. Jut
completed; handsomely furnished; every
modern convenience, elevator service,
steam heat, telephone and hot and cold
water In every room; single room and
suite with or without private baths, etc.;
centrally located, near postoffice: Just off
all rarlines; very quiet; low rates by day.
week or month. I'hone Marsh
Permanent and transient, Just opened;
brick building, beautifully furnished; every
thing new; steam heat, hot and cold run
ning water and telephone in all rooms:
fine lobby and ladles' parlor; suite and
Ingle room with and without private
baths; very reasonable rate by day, week
or month. phone Marshall 19j0.
THE WEAVER. 710 Washington St.. near
King; a perfect modern home: private
bath, steam heat, hot and cold water, and
telephone in every room; finest part or
the ciiy the maximum of convenience,
the mtt-lmum of expense; we make you
feel at home: dining-room In connection;
best in the city for the money.
12!t Eleventh St.
New modern, brick building, steam
heated', private baths, hot and cold water
In rooms, beautifully furnished, coxy and
comfortable. Rents very reasonable. Call
and see us. Regular and transient trade
solicited. .
SARGENT HOTEL, Grand ave. and Haw
thorne; beautifully furnished rooms, sin
gle or en sulto, with private bath, hot and
cold running water, private phone and
steam heat in every room; special Summer
rate to permanent people; first-class grill
and bar in connection :transient solicited.
Six-story modern lire-proof building, not
and cold water and phones in all rooms;
all-night elevator service and only 4 per
week- transient rooma 1 to 2 per day.
Drexel Hotel. 246 Vi Yamhill (t,
8 Is Kast iurniue bu
Modern throughout, hot and cold run
ning water, steam heat, room single or
ensuite. room with private bath; transient
rate 75c to 2 per day; weekly, Stt to
17. EaSt emu. 13 1.IU.
. i euPT IIOTFI.
Tark t.. between Morrison and Alder.
Heart of the city; quiet and modern; free
bus or W car at depot; rates U single. Jl.oO
double: also family fooms with private bath.
etc. nates per weee..
BL'SHMARK HOTEL. 17th and Washington
.eflTiy IUII1IS1ICU ---
suite; private baths, steam heat, hot and
cold water and phone In all room; rate
rCnSOr.aDie; irillia.riiia PVJ....
MODERN outside rooms. S3 to S3 per week.
Including baths; also housekeeping-rooms.
64SV4 Washington L ,
LARRABEE 227(4 t.arrabee st,. modern,
nicely furnished rooms, transient: 30c and
up; low ram c cv v.
Furnished Rooms In Private f amilies.
TENTHOUSE for rent, furnished, fine Sum
mer home for 2 to 4 young men or couple;
close in. fine view. 474 College St.. cor
ner 14th. See it. See owner after 7 P. M.
or at 203 Henry bloc, afternoons.
BEAUTIFUL sunny bedroom with home
privileges, use of piano and parlor, strict
ly modern rial. "i " "' - -
Side: business woman preferred. Phona
A 7232 or Main 512.
NICELY furnished basement room. $1.23
weekly aiJ nloelv furnished room, suit
able for two. ,1.00 or ,2; bath, electric
light, phone. e8.N21stnearashlngt.on.
2 AIRY well-furnished rooms, new and
clean. In nice quiet modern home, use of
parlor and piano; price Sta and lou.
4110 i-ara.
NICELY furnished rooms. 18 and Ilo; also
larue room suitable fur two. $li; bath,
phone ai.d heaL 632 Flander t. Phone
Main 81.
TWO well furnished room single or ' en
suite, running water, bath and pnone. also
two attic rooms, walking distance. 43
M o rr I sceibe l.J. .' I na o 1 1 s i
ONE nice furnished room. 474 Clay. West
Side: walking distance: gentlemen pre-
keeping-room, clean
one large house
attic room. 62S
NICELY furnished room, bath, steam heat:
walking dlatan'ce; reasonable. phone A
LARGE, pleasant room, suitable for two.
in private family, modern, home prlvl-
leges. aai imi. oi-t c- .eo -v.
TWO comfortably furnished large front
rooms, ground floor, suitable two; rea
sonable, 1IO ll.'H'l.
WELL-KURNISIIED front room, (ultabie for
two gentlemen; all modern conveniences.
in comioriauie noioe. jit. ..w... -,...
TWO nicely furnished rooms; one is com
bination iltling and alcove bedroom. 56
Lucrctla t.
NICE frcnt room and sleeping porch for four
young men. 3.i Columbia, near West
NICELY furnished rooms: light, clean anil
comfortable; bath, phone, reasonable. 329
7tb. .
A LARGE front room suitable for 2 gen
tlemen or ladies; walking distance. 193
West Park.
NICELY furnished room In private family,
fine location, bath, phone, walking dis
tance. 1S1 East llth.
NICATLY furnished room, suitable for 1 or
more gentlemen. S4 a week: bath, phone,
heat- 2 ti 12th. near SahTion;
TWO well-furnished rooms, close In, on East
Side, front room, suitable for two. 80 East
blh St.. cor. Stark. Phone B 1420.
LARGE clean room on ground floor. ult
able for 2 or 3 gentlemen; free phone and
bath. ISO Wet Park.
NICELY furnished parlor, first floor, suit
able, a or mote; 5 min. Postoffice. 192
13th. near Slorrlson. ,
NICE outside rcom, reasonable, bath, walk
Ing distance. 412 5th.
NICELY furnished front room, modern;
very reasonable. 473 Alder.
NEATLY furnished rooms. 414 Salmon; gen-tlem-.-n
NE TLY furnished room. $' per month;
two unfurnished, cheap. 479 E. 10th.
FURNISHED room, reasonable. 43 E. Sth
St. N.
SUNNY, well-furnished "double front rooms;
bath, phone, ilj jonnsonsu
ROOM for gentleman; bath, phone, excel
lent location; Sl-30 week. 2H2 14th St.
FOR RENT Well-furnished steam-heated
room in private Cat. Phone Main 41H8.
MOPERN front room; walking distance.
2x North 16th at,
PLEASANT front room for gentleman: mod
ern conveniences. 135 nth, cor. Taylor.
FURNISHED 2-room suite, modern conven
iences. Flatl.4w iAi'rB',"B
NICE front rooms, S10 and 12 month. 827
West Park, near Clay. Hurry.
NEWLY furnished rooms, price reasonable.
4u4 Taylor
CLEAN room; very reasonable. 268 12th st.
FURNISHED room for $1.60. 2. 14 th St.
rnfomlshed Rooms.
Rooms With Board.
pjY neslraule rooms and sleeping-porch
for business men who like quiet, fresh
air. home rooking, running hot and cold
water In every room, bath and showers,
with or without meals. 72S prospect
Drive, Portland Heights. 6 minutes' walk
to Washington St. Phone Main 1057.
ROOM and-board S5.50 week up; table
board S4.50; bom cooking, bath, phone.
284 Main t-
PORTLAND Women' Union. 23d year:
room with board, us of sewing-room, li
brary. SIO Flandera. F. N. Heath. upt
THE CALVARD. 432 MorrUon, comer 13th:
modern convenience; walking dUtance.
LAMBERSO.V. 654 Couch, desirable outside
room, home cooking, convenient location.
SINGLE room IS per month, excellent board
near. 754 Hoyt. Marshall 2820.
633 WASHINGTON ST. Room and board.
rates reasonable.
BOARD and room for young ,men. 200
Jefferson. The Casa Rosa.
ROO MSwlt boardCa"ll3S0 Taylor at.
Rooms' With Board In Private Family.
ROOMS and board, S20 and ,25 per month.
V. th St.
NICELY fumlihad room with board. 18T
lUh U
ONE large sanitary room with bath adjoin
ing; suitable for man and wife with small
child; home cooking. Phone 6ellwood 1
( Not In Sellwood.)
ONE large sanitary room with bath adjoin
ing: suitable for man and wife with small
child; home cooking. Phone Sellwood 1.
(Not in Sellwood).
PARLOR suite; large, light rooms; fire
place; other room; choice board; piano;
tine neighborhood. 761 Marshall. A 4i-0.
ROOMS" andboard for young ladles: terms
reasonable. 181 S. 17lh St.. or call Main
ATTRACTIVE, well ' furnished rooms, rea
sonable; employed people; breakfast it
aesireu. l-u .Minn in-
NICE large room lor two gentlemen: good
homo cooking, modern conveniences.
Phone Main 771)3. 134 North liith.
FIRST-CLASS room and board for two. In
private family; all conveniences. 93 liin.
si. North., Main 42:o.
SUITE of rooms, newly furnfshed. 2 beds:
$18per month; excellent board near. i
Hoyt. Marshall
i-C-UNG man catTfind room and board, sleep
ing porch and sleeping tent, ciose in. Main
62 9. .
FIRST-CLASS room and board. 10 minutes
walk to P. O. ; comfortable home, man
ar.q wire or two iiu -n--. -
NICELY furnished room, modern conven
iences, walking distance; rates for two.
2nu lialsey st- East fib'js.
892 SAXSION ST.. cor. 10th; furnished rooms
. .. . 1 ..nline fl'CA bath
lor gentlemen, houio wun...n, .
ar.q pnone.
CLEAN, well-furnished room; good home
LAP.GE pleasant room, suitable for two,
breakfast and dinner. Main 201.
pToOSIwitiirdinner for Jewish young man;
references. Main 3821.
ROOM and board, modern home, 292 E. 2d
St.. near Hawthorne.
GOOD board aTidroom at 618 Qulmby st..
near iitth. Phone Main 7u3'..
NICELY furnished front room with board.
2i4 12th. near Main.
eo- oeeonnney unfurnished.
four and five-room suites, reception half,
automat. o elevator, telephone and all
modern conveniences. Call at the Carme
lite apartments, southeast corner ol lJtn
and Jefferson sts.. und have Miss Alien,
the manauer. Biio you something cx.ra
fine, or phone Main3S.
THE BARKER orner 21st and Irving st.
This new 4-story brick, opened January 1,
l'.ill; furnished and unfurnished In two,
three and lour-room suites with reception
hall; Pacific phone in each apartment;
electric elevator. Tolmes disappearing
bods, built-in buffet and writing disk, gas
ranges. Icebox, plenty of closet room, ii
jou want something extra -une. come to
tlw Bal ker. Phone Marshall 2961.
on Lucretia street, near Washington street.
Unfurnished apartment in mis most
modern, up-to-date building. All largo
outside rooms, with large closet rooms,
private telephone and all modern con
veniences. Apply to superintendent on
premises. Relerences required.
165 King St.. Cor. Washington.
New. modern brick apartments, fur
nished or unfurnished, private bain, ano
porches, furniture new and the very best,
plenty of heat and hot water all the time,
walking distance. Summer rales. Come to
the Hanover if you want It forjes.
414 llth su. corner of Hall 3 and 4 room
furnished and unfurnished apartments,
ready for occupancy the 1st of April, with
all modern conveniences; fin- for Summer;
each apartment has a private porch.
Phone Marshall 1170. Manager, apartment
2xi5. .
PENINSULA Apartments One of Portland
finest apartinent-houses, 4-minute car
service, beautiful part city to live, 113d H
Alblna ave.. cor. Killlngsw orth. 'lake SH3
sissippl, L or Kenton car at Third and
Wasn. sts., 15 min. ride; 2 3 and 5 rooms,
completely furnished, $17.30 to 10 mo.;
HE1XZ APARTMENTS, 14th and Columbia.
4 blocks south from Morrison St.; near
brick building, completely lirst-class; fur
nished In 2, 3 and 4-room family apart
ments; private bath, reception hall, steam
heat, hot water, elevator, free phone, jani
tor service; rent per month for S2S up. f
West Side. 489 Clay St., near, 14th; all
modern, completely furnished 2-roo:n
apartments; new house, new furniture;
rates 20 per month and up. Including
steam beat, electric light, hot water, free
phone, janitor service. Marshall 2074.
Cor. Grand ave. and E. Stark St.
New lireproof brick building beautifully
furnished. Two and three-room apart
ments; private bath, hot and cold water,
steam heat. I'hone East 800.
KEEl.EIt Apartments. 14th and Clay sts.;
new brick building with modern improve
ments, electric elevator, etc.; each apart
ment 1 vestlbuled and with private ptiouea
and bath. Apply at once for April vacan
New brick, modern every way. 2 and
S-room apts., completely furnished. Rates
for Summer months. 3S3 William aie.,
n e nrB roadway. Ca 1 IE as t4 103 .
THE CECELIA. 2M and Glisan ts. Phone,
Marshall 1M4. One .urnlahed. one unfur
nished apartment, private porches, with
awnings; private phones. Sunniest apart
ments In llienij.
THE MORDAUNT Apartments, IStri and
Everett,. opposite christian Scientist
Church Unfurnished; 4 rooms and recep
livin nail; everything up to date; look at
these before locating
LOIS APARTMENTS. 704 Hoyt. one 4-room.
- apartment beautifully furnished, very
large rooms, steam heat, built-in Icebox,
private bath and phone, electricity and
hrelesa cookers, references required.
RE-UKAN APTS., Marshall, between 19th
and 2olh, cosy, airy and most homelike
In city; 3 rooms furnished, private bath;
private phone; everything up to date;
rent reasonably Slain 0Q32. A 3191.
20th and Northrup. Phone Main 1178.
A few choice 3-room elegantly furnished
apartments left: electric elevator. Jan
itor service, steam heat. Apply to janitor.
ST CROIX Apartments, for rent, 1 fur
nished and 1 unfurnished 3-room apart
ment, modern. 170 St.. Clair and Wash
In etoSan25
MEREDITH APTS., 712 Washington St.. 8
room apt., newly furnished, strictly mod
ern, all convenience. Jf'ree phones.
sts Front corner 4-room apartment, 3d
floor- electric elevator, private bath and
phone, vestibule, 3 closets. Apply atonce.
THE BEKYLi One small apartment for
rent, very reasonable, quiet neighbor
hood:' cool for bummer. 693 Lovejoy St..
nea." 2lst-
Newly furnished three and four-room
Bpnrimenta. 5 blocks south Hotel Portland.
VERY" desirable apartment, reasonable rent.
See Janitor. The Kearney, 21st and Kear
ney, or Morgan, Fliedner Boyce, Main
2U15. A 2U13.
STS MARCO Apartments. E. Sth and Couth
"ts. New brick, steam heat, private bath
e.iione Phone K. 2751.
FUPN1SHED. 3 rooms, outside apartment,
modern; comfortable Summer home. 44S
e iao. .
WELL-FURNISHED, modern apartment. 3
rooms, bath; reasonable: leaving city. T
011, uresuiiimi
DELIGHTFUL 4-room apartment, complete
ly furnished. Rose Friend Apartments.
Cull 43.
MORTON, 697 Washington. 3-room fur-"
nished modern apartment, private phone,
bath janitor service Reasonable.
IRIS APARTMENTS, 3d and Mill ts. 5
room. unfurnished apartment. 145; mod
ern Improvements; adults only.
-,,.- ATAS10NT, Sth and College. Nicely
furnished modern apartments; rent very
FIVE-ROOM furnished apartment. Includ
ing piano. The Itosefriend. 7th and Jef
fPaon.Call Mr. Powers. A 5157!Slain 233.
THE CHETOPA. 18 Flander st.. 3 rooms,
furnished or unfurnUhed. Apply to Jani-
J g.ROOM furnished steam-heated apart
ment. Oneonta, 187 17th St., near Yam-
htlL .
newly furnished; strictly modern; rea
sonable rent. 189V4 23d st- Marshall 28.L
THE ELMS Furnished housekeeping apart,
menu. 2 rooms. 101 14th at.
menu: two rooms. 325 llth at.
beautiful large room, suitable for two.
COZY 3-room apartment, with porch. 575
Slain St., near Chapman.
THE DAYTON Nice 4-room lower apt.,
heat, water, etc, $20. C58 Flander.
FCRNISHED apartment, including piano.
The Slorton. Washington & King.
THE LAURETTE One furnished 8 -room
apartment, modern. 229 llth t-
BROADWAY Apartments. 4 rooms, modern,
um.isb.ed. -wall bed. Phone East S65,
251 1!TH ST., NEAR MAIN.
Five minutes' walk from Postoffice.
3-room apartments, furnished or unfur
nished, all outside rooms, the best apart
ments In citv for Summer months, private
porches, disappearing and wall beds, built
in buffets. automatic electric elevator,
steam heat, hot ar.d cold water, private
baths and party line telephone in every
apartment, electric chutes for groceries,
garbage, etc.. Janitor services. In lacr,
everj thing furnished except your own pri
vate light and gas phono janitor. Mar -shall
2540 or A 4588.
New, modern brick apartment, txst
nished and unfurnished, in 2. 3 and 4
room suites with private baths and recep
tion halls: nothing In the city like it; sur
rounded bv beautiful homes, nice lawn, one
block from M car and 2 blocks from 23d
St. car. If you want all the comforts or
home, come to the Camar. for yqu will
be met with a WELCOME HAND and
414 llth St.. cor. of Hall.
Xcw 4-storv, modern brick building; wiin
3 and 4-room furnished and unfurnished
apartments with private bath, phone and
balcony porches, every- room is an outside
room; very desirable location for the Sum
mer, as well as Winter; we have the best
of janitor service and all other modern
conveniences. Call and see these apart
ments. Phone Slarshall 1170. mgr. apt. 205.
70r Everett St.. bet. 21st and 22d sts.
Opened Feb. I: new a.nd nicely fur
nished 3 and 4-ruom suites, private phone,
bath in each; Holmes disappearing bed;
steam heat, hot water, janitor service,
mail and all packages delivered at door;
all ortside roins; brightest apartment
house in the city: no dark rooms here;
cleanliness and good service our motto.
MODERN 3-room apartment, furnished or
unfurnished. Braintree Apartments. 295
1-Jth a;, l'hones Slain 7711. A 7431.
UP PER flat. 5 rooms and attic, bedroom,
porch, large light rooms. adulta.' 604
E s tSIa in. near 1 S t h. , .
7-ROOSI mortem flat. 446 Park St.; furnace
and fireplace. $:i7..0; no children. Phone
East 14111 or Tabor 763.
FOR KENT 3-room furnished flat. West
Side. $25 per month. For particulars, ap
ply 3H3 Oak St.. near 6th.
,J1I. -NV U-rOOm Iia., lliejiiav,
strictly modern. East Side, close In; adults
only. SI a rs Ii all 1445.
ST EA SI-HEAT ED live-room flat. 525 Everett
St. Slogan, Fliedner & Uojce, 6l3 Abing
tnn b Id ii Siaiu 2U13. A 2U15.
FOR RENT 5-room and bath, up-to-date,
lower flat. East Sldej walking distance. 28
Benton st. n
FIVE-ROOS1 flat, upper or lower, heat and
water; liith and East Slain. Key 6-0
East SIaln: .
2 SIODERN flats, walking distance. 301
301 Vi E. 12th, near Hawthorne. East
41 33; Slip.
4-ROOM3 flat- 12th and Belmont B. H.
Bowmitn wheeldon.A79JJlajn19bj
LOVELY modern 4-room flat, rent J18. B
1414. c.
FOR RENT Modern n-room flat; East 27th
and Division; $18. East 31116.
4WROOM upper fiat, sleeping porch and bath,
reasonable. 494 Columbia st.
ODEKN"3-rooiii lower flat. East loth near
Itelmoni. fliuna omj.
FIVE-ROOM lower flat. 468 East Burnsida.
Russell & BlythCommunwealth Bldg.
rwand modern 5-room flat. Phone Ta-
bo ltiou.
6-ROOS1 modern upper fiat to adult only,
a t 306 G ra n tst .nejir6th;
FOR RENT CHEAP, choice flat . 6th and.
Wasco. W. Keidt. East HSi; Main 15U5.
MODERN lower flat of 6 rooms, adult.
330 SUM, bet. 6 and 7th. Phone EaBt2"-.
Housekeeping Rooms.
THE BEAVER 12th and Slarshall, fur
nished for housekeeping, gas range, eiec.
trie lights, hot water, bath, laundry, free;
$15 per month up: a clean place, best In
the city for money; short distance from
Union Depot. Take "S" or 16th-st. cara
north, ;etffat Marshall st. No dogs.
WELL furnished houses, flats, room 5
room cottage, $2i month; 4-room flat.
S17 50; suites, 2 furnished housekeeping
rooms. !S. $10. $12 month; 3. $15. Apply
364 26th st. North. W car from depot. 5th.
west on .Morrison to 26th. block north.
WELL-FURNISHED 5-room cottage. $20
month; lower furnished 4-room Hat. $li.a
month; well-furniahed housekeeping suites.
2 rooms. $8. $10 and ,12 month; 3 for 'la.
Apply 364 North 26th. W car from depot.
5ti or Morrison to 20th. block north.
$Tl'i0 TO $2.50 WEEK; clean, furnished
housekeeping rooms, free laundry, bath,
phone, clean linen, heat. 4u6 Vancouver
ave. and 2u3 Stanton: take U car.
SUITE 3 furnished rooms and pantry, light
and water, gas range and heater, $o per
week. 3U8 4;h st.
NEWLY furnished 3-room flat, light house
keeping room and sleeping rooms; atrtct-
ly moiiern. co
F1N uuivaii.'
THE New York, 2 and 3 rooms, furnished
and unfurnished, new and modern; free
Dhones. East Tth and Belmont. E. 52O0.
8 UNFURNISHED housekeeping rooms, light
and clean. Stephenson Court, 515 MIU st.
Main Slide
4S7 TAYLOR, near 14th; modern
front suite, no children.
NICE furnished front rooms
at 11 East
Tth St.
Hl5usEBPING rooms In new concrete
blog. Phone Woodiawn 2997 or -o7.
HOUSEKEEPING rooms, $1.00 to $2 per
wjdnleMe nsulte 2ulSei cond t.
FRONT and back parlor, nicely furnished
for housekeeping: delsrable location, bath,
electricity, heat and phone; nice porch and
lawn. Slain 5467.
FIRST-CLASS large rooms, single or en
suite- lawn, splendid viewpoint; heal,
lights, baths, phone. 573 Couch, N. E.
cor. 18th. A 520. .
PARLOR organ Included, front suite, fur
nished complete for housekeeping, gas.
bath, running water. $15 month. 61-V
Williams avenue, neai
NICELY furnished housekeeping room, bath,
phone, electricity. 66 North 21st at..
near Washington.
TWO nicely furnished suites, regular kitchen,
sleeping porch, separate entrance; no chil
dren. 367 loth, near Sllll.
TWO housekeeping suites. 2 rooms each, fur
nished unfurnished. 10 minutes' walk from
Postofiice. West Side. 512 larsliall st.
2"FURNISHED front rooms for housekeep
ing; strictly modern; adults. 315 Cherry
st.rhoneEast 5270.
ONE two or three rooms; clean, everything
"strictly modern; walking distance; excel
lent location. Phone 88j'jMIU St.
TOUR furnished and four unfurnished
housekeeping rooms, clean and comfort
able. 308 College.
fVO""or three unfurnished housekeeping
rooms $3 and $4 per week; gas, bath,
etc 148 Lane St.; take "a car.
"S't H A.LSEY, near Williams ave., well-furnished
housekeeping basement, cheap. L.
NEATLY furnished housekeeping rooms in
private family; reasonable; walking di.
tance. SS2Je ft erson .cor. 1 0 1 .h.
"7a - NICE clean furnished housekeeping
rooms bath and phone. 353 Lincoln iu
Main 6843.
Mil!-. 5TH, suite of furnished housekeeplng-
" rooms; also sleeping-, in private.
FURNISHED front rooms: gas, bath and
phone: no children. 340 College.
ONE room, clean, vtell furnished for house
'keeplng. 3"5 6'h st.
FURNISHED front housekeeping room. $23
oermonth. 49U Taylorst
346 HALL .-sice 2-room housekeeping suite.
HOI'SEKEEPING-ROOMS. all light rooms
,ia.n bomellke. phone ri67 3d S.
A SUITE of housekeeping rooms, nicely fur
nished, close in. U'll West Parle.
THREE furnished rooms, modern, also large
at iroom. 7S7 GHsan. Slain 3814.
HOUSEKEEPING rooms. 149 13th St.. be-
tween SJorrlson ana Aider.
TWO neatly furnished frcnt rooms; light
housekeeping. 275 N. 21st t. i
THREE furnished housekeeping rooms. 429
E. Ash. Phone East 107.
vTcELY furnished housekeeping rooms, all
conveniences 384 College St. -
5-ROOM house, modern in every respect.
E. 19th st.. bet. Alberta and Wygant; $20.
Phone SVooiiia wn 197.
$o"o Modern 7-room house, porcelain plumb-
. Alaelrlritr trflVS. SellWOOd 89 l .
S-ROOM cottage, furnished; $25 per month.
8Q4 Hood st.
S ROOMS in good condition. 69$ Everett.
bet. 21st and 22d: yard; house open.
MODERN 9-room house for rent. 655 North-
rua t.