v PORTLAND, OREGOX, SATURDAY, APRIL 1, 1911. PRICE FIVE CENTS. VOL. LI NO. 15,709. TINIY'S MAN ELECTED SENATOR New York Insurgents inLineforO'Gorman. THEY SURRENDER TO MURPHY He Takes Selection of Candi date From Their Hands. ROOSEVELT LAST TO YIELD Triumphant Yell of Tammany Fill Hall and Hrpubllcan Lradrrs Taunt Insurgents on Hating Taken Tammany Man. f 1I.BJXT. V. Y- Virrh 31 Sunrvma Curt Juatlca Jtmri Alnyalua O'Gor man. Democrat, of New Tork City, via elected United States Senator tonight by the Lea;!a!ature. after the most pro tracted trojrr!e over t Ma position ever held In the Empire state. On the final ballot, the sixty-fourth, he received IIS votea to to cast for fhauncey M. Ie pe w. whose term expired March 4 last. At the close of a day of almost con tinuous negotiations, the Insurgents capitulated and Justice O'Gorman was lcte.L A few minutes before the bal lot was cast Justice" CUorman's resig nation from the bench was filed at the office of the Secretary of State, aa a constitutional provision would have prohibited his election while holding the office of Justice of the Supreme Court. Wild applause marked the end of the Ions; contest, and the Legislature, driven from the capltol by Wednesday's fire, quickly adopted a resolution ad journing until April 17. Insurgent Yield at Last. Governor Dlx expressed gratification tonight at the result. Charles F. Mur phy, leader of Tammany Hall, who for weeks has been striving to bring about the election of Mr. S'heehan. expressed himself as highly pleased at the out come. Last night It was understood a Sen ator would be selected today from a list of eleven submitted by tne Insur gents. Early this morning Murphy cam to Albany and colnrldentally re ports were spread that O'Gorman had been selected as the choice of the I dem ocratic organisation. The Insurgents, who had about made up their minds to enter the caucua upon the assurance that no names would be submitted out side of their list of eleven, balked at this changed programme. They failed to appear at the morning caucua and a postponement was had until 2 o'clock. Meantime a committee representing the regulars was arguing with the In surgents, who were In conference at the home of their leader. Senator Roosevelt, and finally 14 of them voted to put an end to the atruggle by ac cepting Justice O'Gorman. One did not vote, and the other eight were record ed against this proposition. Tammany Yell Wltl; Joy. It waa about I o'clock when the caucua reconvened. As a contingent of Insurgents filed Into the chamber, a burst of applause greeted them. "It s O'Gorman. someone yelled, and then the din became d.ufrnlni(. And O'Gorman It was when the first ballot was concluded. The result showed a totAl of 100 present and voting, appor tioned In thla way: Jamea A. O'Gorman. 1: William P. Sheehan. 23: Isadnr Straus, t: tK Cady Herrlck. 4: John I. Kernan. 1; Alton B. Parker. 1; William Sulxer. 1. The vote for O'Gorman was then made unanimous. (senators Roosevelt and Bird. fol lowed by other Insurgents who had not participated In the caucus, filed Into the chamber to mingled cheers and Jeers. Tarn-ma-nee" sang out someone. and half the members Joined In the chorus, drowning the tlce of the Speaker. In vain he pounded the desk with the gavel. Members were hug glng one another In their Joy at thl: ending of the weary strugvle and they continued to howl and sing and scream. Bracket! Tannl.s Insurgents. "The House will please be In order.' persisted the Speaker. "Tow. yow T" screeched the assem blare. "Tam-ma-nee! It was some minutes before quiet could be restored and the formal rail fVatlon of the caucus decree began. When the name of Fenator Bracket, minority leader, was called, he arose and taunted the Insurgents, saying that after they had refused to support one man. the choice of a majority of the party, because of hl relations with Tammany Hall, they "had Anally Joined In the election of one who has been In finitely closer .to, and more potential In. that organization than has Mr. Sheehan. Assembly Leader Merrttt. Repub lican, had something to say In the same tjtn. To them Senator Wagner and Assemblyman Smith, majority leaders of the two houses, retorted In ltke si IrlL. A hush of expectancy fell over the chamber when Senator Roosevelt's name was called. "Two months ago, said the Insur ant leader, "several Democratic mem- aCimw lyld ea J age 4. TRAVELER PAYS FOR STOLEN RIDE BLIND BAGGAGE" FIG CUED AT FIRST-CLASS KATES. Railroad's Conscience. Fund Rtcner by fS.40 rr Trip Taken Three Years Ago. Conscience-stricken travelers ap peared at Portland railroad offlcea yea terday to pay for rldea taken without the knowledge of the officials. A young ninn appeared at the city ticket offlce of the O.-W. R. X. Co. to fulfill his promise of three months k.rnr. that h would Day for a aeries of rides taken on the "blind baggage between various points on tli line. He had explained to C, W. Stinger, city ticket agent, that three years before he had traveled from Troutdale to Hood River, from The Dallea to Deschutes, and from John Pay to Portland without paying his fare. He wanted to know the cost of first-class transportation for these trips. It was 13.40. Ho left. savin that he mould come In and pay as soon aa he earned that much money He paid the money yesterday. "I'll sleep better tonight." he con flded to Mr. Stinger, and left the otTlce whistling. A stranger visited the general pas senger offices of the 0.-W. R. & N. Co. to present his esse. When he explained that his "free rides' had been obtained In Colorado, he waa sent to the Denver Rio Grande agency, on Third street He told how. several years ago. he rode on the "bumpera" from Grand Junc tion to Sallda. Colo. "I want to pay," ha said. "What do you want to cay forT asked Ed Duffy. "I've eeen the light. I've got ealva tlon." was the reply. Receipt of money from conscience stricken Individuala Is not uncommon. The Itema for which repentant onea re mit vary from etolen transportation to atolen property. A former employe re cently aent In cash to pay for brasa mountings taken Trom an engine on the "juthern Pacific A settler who had burned some railroad ties without the knowledge of the railroads likewise sent In his remittance a short time ago. EMBRYO CITIZEN LOSES Il.gntrd Man Cancels Naturalisa tion Papers Following Suit. OLYMPIA. Wash.. March SI. (Spe cial.) Distrusted because he lost a Justice-court suit In Seattle against the Northern Pactflc Railroad. K. Cotterlll. who waa born In England, had his nat uralization papers cancelled and today he left Olympla with more disgust than ever against American 'n.itltuUons. He says that In his t untry a poor man can get Justice but in Wash ington, he says. lie cannot get his case to the Supreme Court because there Is not money enough Involved and, even If there was. he had no funds. He called on the Attorney-General and the Labor Commissioner today but waa told they could do nothing for him. Cotterlll went to work for the rail road and protested because the com pany deducted for hla board. He sued for the difference between the wages and the amount paid him. his board and hospital dues being deducted. TROUT HALTED; MEN HURRY Salmon, Mocked From Spawning Grounds, Aid Anglers Today. THE DALLES. Or.. March a. (Spe cial.) Because a achool of salmon trout, at the mouth of Mill Creek, near the O.-W. R. A N". tunnel, could not run up the creek to spawn, the County Clerk did a "landofflce business" today. SI licenses being Issued to anglers. The tunnel bed Is higher than the orig inal bed of Mill Creek, where It runs Into the Columbia, and at the present low stage of the big river, the salmon can-. not Jump It. The fishermen sit on th rocks at the mouth of the tunnel on the north side of the fill and pu'.l the fish out. Most of them bring aaay a good string of the trout. 10 to IS inches In length. OTTO RINGLING IS DEAD Financial Manager of Great Circus Organization Stricken. XEW YORK. Marca IL (3poclaL Otto Ring'.tng. second of the famous family of brothers who now control a greater part of the circus bueincrw of this coun try. dd today after an attack of heart disease. Otto Rlnctlng was financial manager of the Klnfllng Br-.. and had directed some of the great changes snd combinations which have occurred In circus affairs In the last ten years. lie lived In apartment No. 6V Fifth avenue with the family nf hla brother, Jolin. The native town of the Rlngllngs ie Ilaraboo, Wis mt.ere also la the head quarters of their shows. It la likely that the body villi be taken there for burial. RIDE TO TEST COW PONIES Cowboys Expect to Go Front Denver to New York- In Eight Weeks. DENVER; March 31. To prove the supremacy of the Western cow pony, three Colorado cowboys. G. A. Morse, George Harris and John Gnbln. will ride from Denver to New Tork city, starting April 8. They will have only six horses In their string, each day riding three and using the others as pack animals. They hope to reach New York In eight weeks, thereby establishing a record for long-distance riding, HITCHCOCK RIPS UP Ml SERVICE High Officials Reduced to Lower Positions. THEODORE INGALLS NEW CHIEF Service Declared to Suffer From Poor Supervision. ROUTES NOT INSPECTED Postmaster-General Takes Stern Measures to Bring Service lp to Date Business Methods Being Antiquated. WASHINGTON. March Sl.-Drastic ac tion was taken tonight by Postmaster- General Hitchcock to effect a reorganl tatlon of the Railway Mall Service. A dozen changes of the most Important of ficers were made by Mr. Hitchcock aa a result of a careful Investigation and con sideration. Theodore Ingalls, of Kentucky, super intendent of the division of rural malls. was appointed general superintendent of the Railway Malls Service at $4000 a year, in succession to Alexander Grant, who waa transferred to St. Paul. Minn., aa a division superintendent, a reduction to $30W. Several Officials Reduced. Norman Perkins, division superintend ent at St. Paul, becomes superintendent of the Washington division, succeeding Charles W. Vlckery. who Is appointed chief clerk of the Cincinnati division. vice A. J. Ball, reduced to railway postal clerk. . Clyde M. Reed, district superintendent at Cleveland, was appointed superintend ent of the Cincinnati division to succeed Charles Rager, - who was reduced snd appointed chief clerk of the Atlantic di vision In place of John F. Blodgett, re moved. John C. Koons, postofflce Inspector In the Washington division, was appointed railway mall superintendent In charge of the Cleveland division. George C. Thompson, formerly superln- rndent of division of supplies, Postofflce Department, and now In charge at Aus tin. Tex., was appointed superintendent of the division of rural malls in suc cession to Mr. Ingalls. Charles B. Anderson. Inspector In charge at St. Louis, will succeed Mr. Thompson ss Inspector in charge at Aus tin, and Director George Daniel, of the New Tork division, was appointed In spector In charge at St, Louis. Supervision Has Been Poor. The affairs of the Railway Mall Service were overhauled thoroughly by Mr. Iltchcock personally and the outcome Is the most sweeping change ever made In Its history. While signing the necessary orders for the changes. Mr. Hitchcock said: "The Investigation which we conducted so long and carefully indicated clearly (Concluded oo Pass &.) jr INDEX TO TODAY'S NEWS The Weather. TESTER DAY'S Maximum temperature, 75 dgreea: minimum. 47 decrees. TODAY'S Increanlnff cloudiness, followed by showers; cooler; southerly winds. Forefffn. Errtcore, hend of Cumorra, makes dramatic scene at trwl. Page 1. Mexican rebels abandon field at Urea after two days' battle. 2ae J. Mexican rebel forces take Santa Barbara. Face 'J. National. Postmaster-General makes radical changes am on c railway mutl officials, condemn In old methods. Page 1. Interstate Board hears W. w Wheeler, of an Francisco, contend for Coast termi nal rates. Page 3. Knox and Bry?e begin negotiation of per manent arbitration treaty. Page 2. Lafferty prepares bills to open lands to set' tiers. Pa K 4. Domestic. Hint of scandal seen behind transfer of $l.5H),O4r0 property by multimillionaire to tils wife. Page 3. Rich man murdered, declares Coroner's Jury, and woman Is held. Page 4. 1 Richard B. Stack, acquitted of kidnaping boy. disappears before new writ can be served. Page 1. Cowboys want to kill kidnapers who get $12,- OUO. Page Z. Judce Jamea -A. O'Gorman elected Senator from New York, page 1. Hport. Results In Pacific Coast T.eague: Ios An geles 5, Portland 1 ; San Francisco 1 1 Vernon 2 ; Oakland 7, Sacramento 5. Page 7. W. W. McCredle, back, says Portland will win two lull pennants, page 7. Wolgast gives LaGrave terrible beating In live rounds, page 7. DIsbrow wins 300-mile auto race, breaking two world s records. Page 7. 1 arlflc North, vent. Umatflla Indians sever last cord which make them wards of Uncle Sam. Page 6. Western Oregon fruitgrowers would form central selling agency. Page 6. Pacific University may soon secure Came gte library. Page A. Ex-Representative McCredlo scores Bourne's trickery in political game at Washington. Page 0. Vancouver High School defeats Wenatchee In debate. Page 6. University of Oregon debaters defeat Uni versity of M'aahlngton and Stanford Uni versity on ship subsidy question. Page 5. Olympta anxiously watching trade war on between bound cities and Portland. Page 3 4. Commercial and y.arln. Buyers contract for hops before they are planted. Page 19. Late apple sales at best prices of season. Pane 1. Wool active at Boston at expense of values. Page 19. Only bearish news In the wheat pit. Page 19. New Port Commi-sion makes formal de mand for property and records. Page 18. portutJDd and Vicinity. Mayor vetos fender ordinance; seee hidden purpose to legalize freight traffic Page 10. Divorce denied because couple agree on sep aration. Page 13. Ordinance for municipal paving plant pre pared for submission to voters, l'age 0. F. A. Vanderllp indorses passage of Aldrlch banking bill, l'age 10. Lombard declnr.- "Inner Circle" of Coun cil and Kufhlight have secret pa:t Pag 12. Portland Rre Society demands $1000 from Rose Festival Association. Page 13- Rallway to emphasise Importance of hog In. dustry. Psge 12. Toung man who steals rides on "blind bag gage" pays fare at nrst-ciass rates. Page 1. March statistics show growth of Portland. Page 1. Lincoln High School rooters appear In socks of flaming hues. Page ii Employing Job printers refuse employes de mand for wage increase, fuge u. LAYER HURT IN SMASH re Jeuejie Seriously Injured When Auto Hits Fence. KNOXVILLE. Tenn.. March 31. Sheldon Le Jeuene, of the Brooklyn baseball team, was seriously Injured In an automobile crash late this after noon. He waa one of a party of four taking a ride over the city. The car smashed Into a fence and was demolished. Others In the party received slight bruises. BRINGING PRESSURE TO BEAR. STATISTICS SHOW CITY'S PROGRESS March Bank Clearings Break All Records. $50,000,000 MARK PASSED Building Permits and Stamp Sales Reveal Big Gains. a-MONTHS' FIGURES GOOD I'ortland Maintains Onward March of Progress, Increases Being Made in AH Lines Except Real Estate Sales. There Is no abatement in Portland s re markable progress. March statistics of every kind that have any bearing on business conditions show a pronounced advance over the figures for the corre sponding month last year. The same gratifying showing Is made by statistics for the first quarter of the year. Men In touch with trade and financial matters say this city Is moving ahead more stead ily and rapidly than any other In the United States. Every prospect Is en couraging and from all Indications ex pansion of business In Portland will con tinue Indefinitely. Evidences of progress are not confined to any one thing. Bank clearings and balances, building permits, postal re ceipts from sale of stamps all tell tha same story. Perhaps the most striking feature Is tha Increase In banking busi ness, as shown by totals of clearings and balances. The clearings for the month ended yesterday, for the first time In history passed the JoO.000,000 mark. with a total of S1,492,539.66. The total for March last year was $45.43,952.95, so the Increase was $6,148,566.61, a percentage of 13.56. The balances last month were $6,194,813.04, as against $5,477,987.49 for the corresponding month In 1910. an Increase of $716.S?5.55, or 13.08 per cent. Condition Xot Abnormal. The highest previous month for bank clearings was, October, last year, when the total was $48,344,009.35. The remark able feature of the March showing this year Is the fact that it was not due to any large transactions of an exceptional nature, but was all the result of an In creased volume of regular business. No single day stood out above the rest for a large total, an average being maintained throughout the month that was remark ably large. In this connection It should be recalled that Portland Is leading the cities of the United States in the net In crease In bank clearings by weeks over the corresponding periods of 1910. The months of January, February and March, the first quarter of the year, showed bank clearings of $130, 620,186, compared with $120,095,258 for the first quarter of 1910, a gain of 7.95 per cent. Building permits for March showed even a more striking advance over the corresponding month last year. At the (Concluded on Pase ,..) STACK, ACQUITTED, EVADES NEW. WRIT MILLIOXAIRE SUDDENLY HIS APPEARS WITH HIS BOY. Cleared of Kidnaping Charge, He Is Ordered to Surrender Son to ex Wire, but Outruns Law. ST. LOUIS, March 31. Deputy Sher iffs are hunting- tonight for Richard B. Stack, multi-millionaire lumberman of Escanaba. Mich., who, though ac quitted toda by the Jury which tried him on a charge of having kidnaped his 7-year-old son, Richard III, is not yet through with the courts here. At 4 o'clock the verdict was given and 60 minutes later Circuit Judge Grimm Issued a forthwith attachment for Stack, the elder, demanding his ap perance to show cause why ho should not surrender the son to Mrs. Roy E. Burbank. the boy's mother. Deputy Sheriffs lost no time In be ginning a search for him, but when they arrived at the hotel where he stayed while his trial was on. they found he had settled his accounts there and removed his baggage. During the trial the boy's where abouts was not disclosed. Richard B. Stack and Miss Orrlon Allen, who is now Mrs. Roy E. Bur bank, were married in 1901, separated in 1907 and divorced in 1908, when Mrs. Stack, at Spokane, AVash., was awarded a decree, alimony in $10,000, custody of the child and $200 monthly for his edu cation and $1000 for attorney's fees. MAN HELD "WHITE SLAVER" Woman's Brother Causes Arrest of Ross Morrison, of Portland. WALLA WALLA. Wash., March 31. Tracked by the brother of the girl whom he is alleged to have lured from her home, Ross Morrison, who gave his residence as Portland, Or., but whose home is said to be in Seattle, was ar rested here Thursday at the request of the Salt Lake Federal authorities, who have Issued a warrant for his arrest on the charge of being a "white slaver.' Jack O'Keefe, who was with Morrison, was also arrested and will probably face a charge similar to that against Morrison. Following the arrest of Morrison and O'Keefe, Mrs. Irene Hobbs Henderson, Morrison's alleged victim, and Flo Chandler, another girl, were arrested by Sheriff Rand In Baker. Or. O'Keefe gives San Francisco as his home. Cards found on him give Ms occupation as a "docker" or racehorse follower at Emeryville. CHURCH SHOWS PICTURES Moving Variety With Sermon In Will Draw Crowd. LOS AXGELEa Cal., March 31. (Spe ciaL) Salem Congregational Church this city .is the first In the Southwest to adopt moving pictures as a means of arousing interest in the regular services. The pictures will be used with the Sun day evening, sermons, beginning next Sunday, and Rev. B. H. Reutpohler, the pastor, expects to attract eo many per sons that he may have to hold extra services two or three nights each week. Such subjects aa "Ben Hur," "Pilgrim's Progress," "Uncle Tom's Cabin" and The House of the Seven Gables" are to be shown on the screen. One of th objects Id to aid in the movement to eliminate indecent pictures from the theaters and give the people good clean entertainment free, with a sermon thrown in. CANNON NOT CANDIDATE Ex-Speaker Not Seeking Minority Leadership In House. WASHINGTON, March 31. Speaker Cannon today announced his intention not to seek the Republican leader ship In the next House of Representa tives, saying that he would not be candidate for the minority nomination for the Speakership. Remarking on the fact that he had held the office of Speaker for a longer consecutive term than it ever had been held by any other person, the Speaker said: "Of this singular favor of my as sociates in the Republican party, I am deeDly appreciative. But as I said at the adjournment of the recent Con rress. I don't intend to seek the Speakership again: and, not so intend ing, It seems most proper that I should avoid even a remote appearance of such intention." LILIES TO COME ON DECK California Will Seud Flowers Observance of Easter. for If negotiations now pending with the San Francisco & Portland Steam- KhlD Comoany are closed, California will furnish a much larger proportion than formerly of the Easter lilies that will be used In Portland this year. The pending deal is for the shipment of 10,- noo lilies bv the steamship Bear, due April 13. . , TWO-DAY LAYOFF IS OVER La Grande Railroad Shop and Yard Crews Go Back to Work. LA GRAXDE, Or., March 31. (Spec ial). La Grande railroad shops and yard crews will be put back to work to morrow after a two-day lay-off brought about by orders from Portland that ex pense appropriations lor March had ex- ed. HEAD F DEFIES ACCUSERS Erricone Rings Change on All Emotions. HE SHOWS RAGF, THEN PATHOS Pitiful Story Told of Innocent -Brother's Death. ABBATEMAGGI0 MERE SPY Erricone Says Informer Blackmailed and Robbed Him, He Fled to America, Whence Petrosino Sent Him Back to Italy. VITERBO, Italy, March 31. With all the vehemence of an emotional actor Enrico Alfans, commonly called Erri cone, the reputed head of the Camorra, today testified in his own defense against the charge of instigating tho murder of the Cuoccolos. Beginning calmly and modestly, he gradually raised his voice and gave his passions play until he ceased to ap pear the accused murderer and deliver a series of bitter, scornful assaults on his accusers. He expressed contempt for Abbatemaggio, the informer, on whose testimony the prosecution chief ly relies. Xot Head of Camorra, He Says. One could have heard a pin drop when President Blanehi commanded Erricone to come from the prisoner's steel cage and take a place before the bar. Quietly Erricone stepped forth and assumed a natural attitude without any attempt at the theatrical. Just in front of the Justice's bench. He replied to the preliminary questions in a volca that was penetrating but not loud. Ha denied categorically the accusations of the informer, Gennaro Abbatemaggio. He said he was not In a position to condemn the Cuoccolos to death. "The story that I have ever been tha head of the Camorra Is a Ipcend " hn sa,d- "r was never lts head nor Us tan." He admitted that in youth he was arrogant and quarrelsome and guilty of boyish excesses. As the questioning proceeded Erri. cone showed signs of irritation, finally trembling with excitement. As the thrusts of the President and Crown Prosecutor went home. Erricone's faca hardened in anger, until he looked Ilka a savage animal about to spring upon its prey. Suddenly he abandoned all attempts at composure and gave free reisn iu nia leeungs in a perorailoa that was truly eloquent. Ruined by Newspaper. Erricone declared that his character was ruined by the sensationalism of that newspaper, the Mattlno." Then the Carabineers damned me by making me appear as an assassin," ho continued. "For four years I have suf fered persecution and martyrdom. Constantly before my eyes is a picture of my innocent brother dying in a prison sell adjoining my own. In my ears ring his laments as he passed through the agony of death. He died innocent." For a moment, Erricone paused, tha only sound came from the prisoner's cage, where Gennaro Ibelli, alleged head of the Camorra In the Vesuvian villages, leaning his head afjrainst tha steel bars, cried like a child. It was a dramatic moment and there was a sign of relief among the specta tors when Erricone brought his feel ings under control and launched into a denunciation of Abbatemaggio. He de scribed the informer as a poor youngr man whom he had helped by giving him employment as a stable boy. Er ricone said that Abbatemaggio had re turned his generosity by stealing from him, blackmailing him and finally try ing to ruin him. Abbatemaggio Always Spy. Erricone said that Abbatemagglo's tale of secrets confided to him by other Camorrists was absurd. "Abbatemaggio," he said, "was con sidered a spy of the police. He went into the game having nothing to fear. When I was arrested, he took possession and sold the harnesses in my stable." In emphasizing what he called the ab surdities of Abbatemagglo's accusations. Erricone instanced the return from Torre del Greco of the alleged assassins after the murder of Cuoccolo. He told of tha gathering of friends at the railway sta tion to say farewell to Ibello and of their drinking together. 'Even," said he, "If we were wild ani mals, was It possible for us to act Jlka this after murdering a man and prepar ing to murder his wife? This is savagery which only a criminal mind like that of Abbatemaggio could conceive." Erricone then described how Abbate maggio tried to blackmail him by threat ening to make revelations against him. Erricone consulted a lawyer, who said that, if he were accused, his acquittal would be certain, but that, if he were arrested, he would have to remain In prison several years before his case came to trial. Driven Out of America. Therefore, the prisoner said, he desired to escape and went to New York. He described his arrest there by Lieutenant - Concluded on Page 3.JL I (ICE 108.2 II