Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, March 30, 1911, Page 6, Image 6

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Sudden Deaths of Laborer and
Hotelman Cause Suspi
: cion at Springfield.
One Falls to Floor Dead and Other
Drops on Sidewalk Third
Man la Stupor Doctor
trrj-ea Investigation.
rtai.) Sadden death of John Mr-Donald,
a laborer of Natron, and th death
of William Look, a hotelkeeper and
staged river at Natron, between :
and ) U o'clock lul evenlns. hav
caused the suspicion of foul plar and
a post mortem examination may be
held. The Coroner's Inquest gives the
cause of each death as heart failure,
but It Is felt here that bootlererers'
whisky mar be the cause of death.
Look fell to the floor In the hotel
offlre and McDonald etasRered back
ward on the sl.lewalk In fprlnRrteld
while waittnar for a car to so to Ku-
cene. Mclnuia was a memner o
1-Kice In Aberdeen. Wash. The con
ductor of the train on wbi'-h jicionaji
came from Natron to Sprlnsneld says
h e waa 111 on the train. He waa em
r.lored aa rook in a railroad camp.
rr. Itandolf Barr. of Sprtnitneld. de-
rlarea that a post mortem should be
held. Look was well apparently ana
had not been addicted with heart
trouble before.
-I do not like to say anything in re-
rH to tela case. aalil Dr. Ilarr. "It
would be beaedcial. I think, to hold a
poet mortem examination In auch caaea
aa these. it la so easy for a crime to
fee committed, especially in raiiroao
n! dtatrtcta. I have nothing upon
which to baa any suspicion In thia
r... hnt It la not nsual for dratn to
ercur so suddenly, especially in the
rase of men aa young- aa these were."
Natron la the base of supply ror a
number of railroad campa and Is the
renter of a rourh element. v uiiam
lik waa a stacedrirer and left bla ho
tel dally in chare of his wife and a
tnan employe.
A third man. John Thurnton. was
picked up on th Sprlngnetd streets
early this morn In in a stupor. He
has not yet recovered sufficiently to sit
v or gtv any explanation ef his ail
ment. Many belley that blind-pl
whisky, said to b easily obtained at
Natron, may b responsible for the two
sudden deaths and th coma of Thurn
40,r00,00 Feet of Yellow Fir Is
Boncbt by Ira Dots Company.
Vancouver. wash- March irL
... -. ,11.... Hmh.r An the North
1 W 1 1 1 Siauui, . . u. . . 1
Fork of th Lewis Klver near Ariel
l aa been bought PV las iratvim iiu
. e -. n n..r for
oar .uwiHuij! . -
rcr thousand stumpsg from C A.
A lomrinc railroad IH miles long, al
ready nearly completed. Is Included in
the deal. It is expected that togging
.i - 1 1 1 anil the
Vy.l BLUI. , wa.M .r . - - -
first logs from the new tract will b
la the Lewis ruver severs
Already li men are at work. A log
ging railroad IS miles from the tim
ber to Lewta lUrer will be built, and
the logs taken to the river on it. down
lwls River to the Columbia Hirer, and
fnen rafted and towed to th mill at
Thia tract of timber la S miles from
Vancouver. It miles from Woodland, on
the north sid of Lewis River, In Cow
Jits County.
Prisoner Caught a Be Works Way
Through Jail Window.
TILLAMOOK. Or- M.rrh 39. A Jall
fereak wan frustrated early Sunday mom.
rr.g by tjr.erlff Crvcehaw. Luis ffcnlth.
jr years of ace. was th only occupant
f th County JaU. being held on the
euro of rubbles the Miami store at
liotitonrill. A man paeeinc the Jail at
snMnlarht heard sawing. He Informed
t -.e Sheriff, who kept watch outside for
several hours. vVa Pmith. who had cut
a bar out of t"-e alndow, threw out a
coat, then a roll of blankets, which th
FhertfT in tr-e darkness thought waa the
prisoner. Trie Sheriff pounced upon the
roll of blankets, but soon found his
Smith was then making has way
tlroueS the window sni was partially
u:. w.ien tr ilr.enft leveled his revolver
and tld the prjoner to get bark, which
he did. Hu.ta had made a saw out of
t".s lie !-.a.l filled th locks
ef the jail with glass snd other material.
Afternoon Consumed In Ara-nlnr, on
Motion for Acqalual.
SEATTLE, March S. A Jury to try
Charles F. Maaday. Archie Vr. Shleis
and Karl E. Siegiey. promoters of th
Kng'.lsa group of c.H.-r.s la th Alaska
coal fields, and indicted on a charge of
conspiracy to defraud the Government
out ef mor than too acres of valu
able Alaaka coal claims, was obtained
Counsel for th defecs Immediately
laterpoeed aa objection to th taking
f teetlaor.y. and asked th court to
tas tract th Jury to return a verdict
of not runty. The entlr afternoon
waa consumed la arguing th notion,
and whan court adjourned th attor
neys for th defense had not finished.
It la doubtful If th axitumenta of both
sides can be completed befor tomor
row nje-ht.
Th defense contends that th pro
vision In th act of 1171 prohibiting
plural filing- on Alaska," coal lands
waa repealed by th act of ItM. and
that nnder th act of 14 plural tu
In its ara lawful, and further that It la
not forbidden claimants to dispose of
their locations after th filings hav
been mad.
Th Government Insists that th pro
hibition contained In th act of llfl
are still la fore, and most b eon
strned aa a part of th act ef !.
Th defense finally assert that even
If the acta charged la th Indictment
1 v-.
. .. 'i . - -
'. ' . '
- ' - -
Be. A Y- Te-W. ef resdletea.
Spec tel. ev. J. C TotaeU the
first pastor evangelist Eastern Ore
gon bae ever had. has raalrned that
eoejitlon after two years, to accept
a call te the pastorate of the Pree
brterlaa Church la Wallowa. The
inaovatloa proved successful here,
but Mr. Tooel desired a position
where he weald have mere rime with
hie family. Hie successor has sot
rt unlawful prosecution la barred by
th statute of limitations.
Six Crnisrrs to Be Put at Disposal of
Men for Maneuvers Portland
U DivWoo Berth.
SEATTLE! Wash, March 3. (Spe
cial. ) ilx tensive maneuvers of th
Pacific armored cruiser fleet to train
th naval militia men of Washington.
Oregon and California In naval war
fare are planned, says aa announce
ment made at Bremerton today. Th
plan la carried out every year on th
AtianUo Coast.
Th six cruisers of th fleet will be
placed at th disposal of th mtlltla
battalions of th three states, two be
ing assigned to each.
Th naval militia cruise will be held
from July t to July 13. Instead of July
IS to July li. as previously planned.
Th chasg was mad because It Is more
convenient for th mllltla men to ob
tain a vacation during; th Fourth ef
July week.
On July I th aia cruisers, divided
Into three divisions, will drop anchor
at Seattle. Portland and San Francisco.
The naval militia men will be assigned
to duty with th regular crews and
will learn th regular routine of lit
aboard a warship. Th ships will also
proceed to sea la th cruise, to give
th naval mllltla men an opportunity
to become accustomed to deep-sea
cruising and to overcome th physical
discomforts of novices.
Conscientious drills on the part of
the newly-formed divisions of Wash
ington and Oregon will be required for
th next three months, to fit th men
for the cruise. The divisions will be
recruited to their full quota and equip
ment In the shape of uniforms, bags
and hammocks will b Issued by th
Navy Iepartment.
Th cruiser Boston and th gunboat
Concord, which are to be used by the
naval mllltla of Oregon and Washing
ton as armories and drill ships, will be
p'aced In drydock at Bremerton next
Thursday to be scraped and painted.
They will b turned over to these
states as soon as the naval mllltla
laws recently enacted by them become
Commercial Club, Revived, Seeks
Illirh-Claaa Publicity Agent.
LA GRAND FX Or. March . (Special.)
Wanted a Commercial Moses:" Thus
reeuts a srn hung out by th newly-organized
Commercial Club of this city.
After a slat of coma lasting several
months, th club Is to. be put on Its
feet asiln. sufficient funds having been
subscribed by local business men snd
niembrrw of the club.
Ti first step In th reorganisation
polii-y is the employment of a skilled
booster at a salary that will entlr a
gifted man. Just who this man will b
ha n.n been derided, as president Dennis
and i-ecretary Church have not reoom
snemlrd anyone for th post.
BnkV Dennis, editor of the veTilng
paper. Is th new president; A. S. Geddea.
grocer, is vice-president: W. J. Church,
a banker, is secretary, and C 8. Dunn,
a laundry man. m treasurer.
Grants Pass Ceta New Motor Car.
GRANTS PAS 3. Or. March . (Spe
cial- ) A new motor car baa been re
ived la th yards and will be put
oa th run between bar and Ashlaad
t take th place of th car wrec k ed
this side ef Med ford. Th new car la
much larger than th eld en and was
formerly oa th run whea motor were
first run la Rogue River Valley. Th
id car will be transported northward
tor repairs, after which It will be re
turned. Writer Scans Kof-ue Valley.
GRANTS PASS. Or, March St. (Spe
cial, r Waiter V. Woehlke. a special
writer employed by th Southern Pa
cific Company, la looking r.vwr Roeru
Klver Valley for Information on th
resources and progress of th different
communities to be embodied la a write
up of th Valley la th Sunset Macs
xiae. llach of. th Information win be
furnished by th secretary of th Com
meroal Cine. Mr. Woehlke will be
taken ever th Valley in aa automobile.
Losses Following Inves'tmen
in Woolen Mills Lead to
93,0 00 Deposit- and Liabilities
Assets S'oS.OOu'ln Loans, $600
Cash, $SS,000 In Realty.
Creditors May Be Paid.
SALEM. Or, March 2. (Special.)
After losing heavily by Investments In
th Stayton Woolen Mills, th Stat
Bank of Stayton closed Its doors today
and was taken In eharg by Bank Ex
amlner Wright, who Is ther ende
vorlntc to straighten out the affairs of
tha institution. H xpressed th
opinion tonight that th bank will
probably be able to satisfy Its creditors
In full.
There are 195.000 deposits and f 11,000
borrowed money among the liabilities,
while the assets Include $33,000 in real
estate, 165.000 in loans. 16000 cash and
15000 bonds, in addition to tha banking
house and fixtures, the value of which
It he Bank Examiner has not yet MU
Realty Good Asset.
"From a cursory examination tonight
I am of the opinion that th real es
tat is good and will be a material as
set to the affairs of th bank. Aa far
as I know the loans are probably good
aa welL but It la difficult to determine
Just at this time th exact status ef
th bank's affairs, said in Baix -x
amlner tonight.
"I think at th present time the In
stltutlon will be able to pay its cred
Itors without loss to them, although It
la hard to aay exactly. I understand
that negotiations are now under way
with other parties with an end to their
taking over the Institution and
straightenlnB out Its affairs.
Mills' Investment I Cause.
Peter C Freres is president of th
bank and W. L. Freres is cashier. Th
Bank Examiner was unable to tell th
extent that th Institution was In
volved In connection with th 8tayton
Woolen Mills, but says heavy losses
were Incurred through that concern.
which resulted In th bank closing Its
According to reports from Stayton
there Is no undue excitement ther over
th bank failure and the general opln
Ion seems to be that th depositors will
las nothing. Another institution, th
Farmers ft Merchants Bank, opened in
Stayton Monday.
Peach and Apricot Crops Escape
Damage by Frot.
prvriT.VTnV. rr- March J. (Sne-
. U...'VH.V... -
.1.1 v Tha nai.h mnA anrfcot erODS Of
th east end of Umatilla County are as
yet uninjured oy irost. accoroing io
D a nenmlnant raaldant of
that section who was In Pendleton to
day. He says that many growers
thought, a few days ago, that the crop
would be a failure, but since then they
Ind they wer mor acarea man nun.
He admits th danger waa serious
and says tbat every orehaxdlst put
smudge pots to use. Th pesch trees
t now In full bloom out tne irosi
waa not heavy enough to kill tne
J w u s .. .....
In the Immediate vicinity of Pendle
ton th fruit Is not yet far enough ad
vanced lO DO BUSCCpUDl to iroou
McDowell Convicted of First Degree
Crime at Coeur d'Alene.
SPOKANE. March John McDow
11 Is guilty of murder In the first de
gree for killing bis wife In their lonely
cabin near Harrison, Idaho, last Novem
ber. That Is th verdict returned by
tha Jury at Coeur d Alen this morning.
Th penalty may be either hanging or
life Imprisonment. McDowell s attor
nrys guv notice of a moUoa for a
new trial.
Th love letters of McDowell to Mrs.
Lulu Tray nor. with whom he was in
fatuated, formed one of the strongest
links In th chain of circumstantial evi
dence tbat convicted him.
Pendleton and Fossil to Debate.
PENDLETON. Or, March J9. Sp
clai.) The debate between teams of
th Pendleton High School and th
High School of Fossil will be held at
Fossil the evening or April 14. The
question for discussion Is, "Resolved,
thst further material Increases In the
United States Navy are necessary.
Th winner of this contest will meet
the winner of the Baker-Prlnevills
debate for tha championship of East
ern Oregon. The Pendleton High
School won th championship of th
stat last year.
Falls City to Elect Monday.
FALLS CITT, Or, March !. (Spe
cial.) The regular City Election will
be held here next Monday for the elec
tion of Mayor, Auditor, Folic Judge,
four Councllmen, Treasurer and City
Attorney. Mayor Hubbard Is a candi
date for re-election without opposi
tion. The remaining part of th ticket
has not been announced, but it Is gen
erally believed that th entlr Council
will b returned.
Barracks to Get New Fire Station.
March S9. (Special.) New quarters for
the Ore department of the post will be
built this year. The Government Is
saklng for bids for the construction of s
Mr station, basement and chimney of
reinforced concrete, with a frame super
structure. The building Is to hsv a
slats roof and be equipped with hot and
cold water, plumbing and electric wiling.
Old Fendleton Barbers at Outs.
PENDLETON, Or, March Is. (Spe
cial.) A suit for an accounting Is be
ing fought In th local courts between
Mark Patton and W. D. Humphrey,
two of th oldest barbers In th city,
patton alleges Humphrey shut him out
of th shop and refused to allow Mm
to see th book a They are now con
ducting rival shops.
Pendleton Or jan Dedicated.
PENDLETON. Or, March it. S pe
dal) Th big pip organ la th Meth
odist Church- here is to be known as
th John Stockman Memorial Organ,
a special dedicatory, service bavins ,
Tender Feet
A new, olsntiflo medical toilet tablet
Draws Out All Inflammation
and Soreness
This remarkable foot bath remedy Is
Superior to Peweer, Plaster or Salve
and Is guaranteed to cur Corns. Cal
louses, Bunions, Frostbites, Chilblains,
Inc-rowlng Nails. Tired. Aching, bwol
len. Nervous. Sweaty, Bad SmalUpg
Smaller Rkoee Caa Be Wa by using
T1Z. because It puts and keeps th feet
la perfect condition.
TIZ la for sals at all drug-gists, 25
and 60 cents per box or direct. If you
wish, from Waiter Luther Dodge Co,
Chicago, 111. Recommended and sold by
The Owl Drug Co.
been held at the church last Sunday
morning. In connection with the ser
vice a silver tablet, bearing the In
scrlptlon In Memory of John L,
Stockman," was unveiled, air. stock
man was a prominent resident ef Pen
dleton and died In California two
years ago. He had made most ef the
payments on th organ and sine his
death his widow mad tne remaining
Dllley Declares Information He Gave
Investigators Caused His Re
movalAttendants Mom.
8ALEM. Or- March St. (Special.)
Supervisor Dllley, who was discharged
recently from the cottage farm at th
Oregon Stats Insan Asylum, said to
day that C. H Jordan, or portiana.
was correct In his statement that Dll
ley was discharged because of asser
tions mad by Dllley In the Investi
gation by the legislative comm'ttee.
Dllley refused to divulge what these
statements were.
-Representative A. G. Beals two
yars ago was superintendent of con
struction on on of th asylum barns,"
said Dllley, "and during the time he
worked ther he saw and heard things
that did not appeal to him, and at that
time hs determined that th asylum
question should com up for Investiga
tion at th next session of the Legis
lature, Beals was not vary friendly
to Stelner, but In some manner be
became tied up before the Investigation
was over and did not even turn In a
minority report.
"I do not wish to make any state
ments as to my testimony before the
committee, but If the occasion should
arise for another Investigation I would
be willing to repeat the testimony."
Attendants at the asylum have be
come suddenly dumb on all occur
rencea of the past and present at the
Institution, but they do not say whether
they have received Instructions to
maintain silence. The testimony before
the legislative Investigating commit
tee was not divulged, and th only
proceedings of that committee, aside
from scraps published, were Incorpor
ated In th report, which was rather
Dllley repeated th assertion today
that Superintendent Stelner had passed
on th report of tha legislative In
vestigating committee before It was
finally submitted to the Legislature.
and Intimated that Dr. Stelner bad
something to do with dictating th
contents of the report.
Two Bold Daylight Burglaries in
Short Space of Time.
PENDLETON. Or.. March 29. (Spe
cial.) Two bold daylight robberies in
two different residence districts, coming
one right after the other, and the con
tinued eluslveness of Jack the Grabber,
are serving to keep Pendleton's police
fore on th qui vlv.
Yesterday afternoon a burglar boldly
entered the residence of A. W. Nye, of
Water street, and ransacked a room oc
cupied by Miss Frankle Stevens and one
occupied by Douglass LeffingwelL
Leaving he walked out the front door
with Feffingwell s overcoat thrown care
lessly over his arm.
Saturday ha ransacked the Tom Means
residence. In the other end of th city
Considerable Jewelry was taken from
both places.
Grants Pass Boy Vandals Fined.
GRANTS PASS. Or, March 29. (Spe
cial.) Don Belding, Dan McFarland,
Verne Thompson and Edward Thomp-
on, 16-year-old schoolboys, before the
County Judge yesterday pleaded guilty
to smesring the High School with red
paint and scattering books in the bulld-
ng. Each waa fine $20. which will be
paid by the parents. The High School
windows are smeared with red paint.
and cross-bones and skulls Ire marked
on many of the wndows. Following this
operation other youngsters robbed a
contractor's lumber pile to make a
Rosebnrg Sawmill Leased.
ROSEBURO. Or., March 29. (Spe
cial.) The Skelley Lumber Company,
operating in Northern Douglas County,
today leased It. sawmill and 60.000.000
feet of standing timber, to J. R. El-
ott, of Portland. Mr. Elliott will as-
ume control of the enterprise April 1
and expects to have the mill In opera-
on not later than May 1. He con
templates employing a large fore of
Seattle Man I White Slaver.
SAM FRAX CISCO, March 2. Philip
La Vole, of Seattle. Wash., was con
victed her today by a Jury la the
nlted States District Court on a
harge of violating the Federal aatl-
whlt slav law. La Vol was charged
with bringing a whit slav from Van
couver, B. C U this city.
"Ire Destroys Shingle Tard.
VANCOUVER. Bv C. March 29. The
sawmill, shingle mill and lumber yard
f the Pitt River Sawmill Company, at
Pitt River, 25 miles aat of Vancou
ver, were entirely destroyed by nre
early today. Loss. $200,000.
Ball Rnn Couple Wed.
VAKnOTJVER. Wash.. March JB- (Rpe-
c!ai George Trlackea and Miss Atajr
The Tailor
Caven, of Bull Run, Or, were married
here today by G. I Davis, Justice of the
Medford Sewer Bonds to Be Sold.
MTSDFORD, Or, March 29. (Special.)
The 138.000 bond Issue which the tax
payers of this city at a recent election
voted to float, will be sold April is.
Citv Recorder Telfer has already re
ceived over 60 bids from companies In
the different large cities In the United
States- Of the amount 130,000 will be
used for sewer construction and J8000
for fire apparatus. While the fire com
pany will buy a large supply of new hose
the raost Important addition will be an
automobile hook and ladder truck.
Veteran Drops Dead at Eugene.
EUGENE. Or- March . 29. Samuel
Jackson, on of the few survivors of
the war with Mexico, died suddenly at
bis home in Eugene yesterday at the
age of 90 years. lie leaves an aged
wife and several children, J. H. Jack
son, one of the mo tor men on the local
street railway line being one of his
sons. At the time of his death he was
lighting a fire In the stove at his home,
when he suddenly fell to the floor and
expired In a few minutes.
Seattle Ward Bosses Indicted.
SEATTLE, March 29. John and
Frank Clancy, frequently referred to
as the political dictators of the First
Ward, were arrested tonight on Indict
menta returned by the special grand
Jury charging them with conducting
gambling. They were released on
bonds on $10,000 each.
Centralis Eagles to Build.
CENTRALIA. Wash.. March 29.
(Special.) Centralla Aerie, 2o. 512,
Fraternal Order of Eagles, has closed
arrangements for the construction of
a new hall to cost from 130,000 to
$35,000. The building will be on Tower
avenue, the main thoroughfare, on a
site valued at $10,000, now owned by
the lodge.
Maiden Tsm f London! lewelrv stores are
quotlns platinum at $43 aa ounce, a record
Of Seven
Men is
given up
to the filling of prescriptions
in this store.
These men work in the best
lighted, best ventilated part of
our store, separated from the
noise and confusion so often
noticed in drugstores.
They axe never called away
from the filling of a prescrip
tion to wait on a customer for
Toilet Articles, Patent Medi
cines or even Package Drugs,
We have other clerks for those
The service of these Exnerts
is yours at no extra cost. In
fact, our prices are a nine
lower that usual
Purity Accuracy
Strength Price
Guaranteed Always.
Fourth and Washington Sts.
Phone for our Messenger.
obert Douglass
Will tell you in to
day's issue of the Tele
gram why it will pay
you to visit his store
Friday or Saturday.
Two for one will
be given
Robert Douglass
125 Fifth near Washington
rrt Sri .1 iM n
i iriiiiiriii " wsj i w ,u , r - 1.
OUNNY MONDAY does away with
V J "blue Monday. It is without the shadow
of a doubt the best laundry soap on the market
It will Wash woolens and flannels without
J shrinking them, leaving them as soft as finely
A spun wooL It will wash colored goods without
' fading in fact, will heighten and brighten the
y. Besides giving best results, Sunny Mon-
f. day is. a great time- and clothes-saver. It con
tains a wonderful dirt-starter which goes right
after dirt, saves half the rubbing and doubles
the life of your clothes.
Sunny Monday contains no rosin it is
white and good, pure soap.
"Sunny Monday Bubbles
Will wash away your troubles"
The N. K. Fairbank Company, Makers, Chicago
'it a s a b n nan UM1
ackache Cure
After all other medicines failed, Mrs. Durch was cured of
kidney trouble and enabled to doher work again by taking
Mrs. Maggie Burch. of Basil and Cuba
writes: "I sent for a sample of Warner's Safe Cure, and I
must eay that this remedy did for me what other medicines
failed to do. Besides the sample, I have taken two large
size bottles, and I am almost well, and think one more
bottle will cure me. I suffered wltb my kidneys and back,
and I must say It has relieved me of aU pain. I am able
to do my own work now. which I could not do until I took
your wonderful remedy. I suffered for three years, but I
feel like a well woman now. I have advised my friends
to use it because It did me so much good. I can recom
mend It to any sufferer."
There are thousands of other men and
written us letters similar to the above, telling of the won
derful cures this great remedy has effected.
The kidneys are the blood purifiers of
the kidneys are diseased the blood carries the impurities to
every part of the body, and any one of a score of dread
diseases may result. No matter bow slightly your kidneys
are affected, buy a bottle of Warner's Safe Cure at once.
It la the best known medicine for kidney,
Warner's Saf Car Is an absolutely
remedy. It Is made from the fresh juices of plants and
medicinal roots gathered at the proper season In various
quarters of the globe. Men skilled In pharmacy and chem
istry compound it. Put up In 60c and $1.00 sizes and sold!
by druggists everywhere.
Constipation and Biliousness
Warner's Safe Pills are purely vegetable, absolutely free from Injurious
substances, a perfect laxative. They do not gripe or leave any bad after
effects. 25 cents a package.
Camnlo Rnttlo anrl K roa have never tried Warner's Safe Cure, send
sample DOlUe ana ng your address. We will send you a
pnT f rail- r... sample bottle, together with a sample of Warner's
ooi u " rrcc 8afe plu. fre8 ot charge. All we ask is that
you mention Th Oregonian when writing Warner's Safe Cur Co., Roches
ter. N, T,
. a t
Sts., Mobile, Ala.,
women who have
the body. When
liver and bladder
safe and reliable