19 THE MORNING OREGONIAN, THURSDAY MARCH 30, 1911. i BARLEY SELLS HIGH Market Advances to $26 With Strong Demand. EAST IS AGAIN BUYING One Lot of Brewing Grade I Taken on the Bast of fit Xot Enoaich Feed I Left for Home Requirements. Tis karlrv sssrkst U farcins ansd. esr n ths IS market with It. Local barl-r .notations sera edvasesd o ysstsrdsy vita a stroas; demand and Usbt oSerlaaa la the Et- prtcsa havs asln startsd up ward, and a. a conssincs tuy.rs tor the luun markat are plrkmc op ahstsvsr lota of fss4 oarlay tbe cu Bod on are aot ao sarucnlar aa to tbo quality or It as war, As tor sirlctlr brswln srades. thoro to kardl aa of It to bo found anvwhsra. OM lot of browtag brr woo sold la tbo tstsrlor vsetardar ot 3. whlck U soal to ta fear. Uafortunataly for tbo bar I ay farm ers of tbo Northwest tnv aro nearly all old oat ond oro onoblo to proet br tnls ,p.n t. tbo snars.t. It Is stotod oa tbo bast of aatboritr that thera la not onoaab varlor sfl la tbo country to satisfy tho sdlaary tA roa.ulrronia during- tho re mainder of tho sassoo. la California, tho apply of barl.r that M left la coocsniretsd la a fow kand. Tbo oala aarkrt la hlabor la sympsthy with tho advance la barley, aad No. I otock ta bow aootod at 13S.SO. Tboro woro a.w dsvslopmsata la wkoat yssterdsy. Tho aiark.t arm with a modars's d.raoad and fow sellers. A bettor sndertone U apparent la all lines e? nay. Um-oJ rsestpts la corn woro reported by tho (torefcaata ICaehanao ao rollowa: w brat Barley nor oata Hoy Monday I" J ' ,J TsasJsr - t 'i i vtednss'lsy f f f Fct To d.t.i; - ;v; VI Si. Tsar aao ... Kl !' r :'-5 mohair Rrx Wf-rs ark ixt reamno TwW ao Mach ftsertsesl aa at TW Tinas Laot leevr. Mohair la borlnntaa to coma la Tory froo ty. tho rvcvlpts to onto betna mora than tolco oa heavy aa at this tuoo loat yoar. Tbo market holds Ira at 33 centa. Only one dealer la known to bo offering thla price, out that la sufficient to put tbo market at tho S3 rent leL The lateet Boston Commercial Bolletla eays of the eastern mohair market: "Kualn.aa In mohair la the poeton market kss bea secassarlly on a retail baste, alocka bom very mark depleted, treslrable lota ot combine heir would readily find a purchaser at "ic and estra iualltlrs command oven Meier prices. orei hair la In extremely limited supply aad steady. Carding la steady and unchanged. "Domeetlc quotations: Best combing. 13 f : good combing. 3033: ordinary comb ing at carding. sntfZo: Forrlsn: po 1st. l ". Turkey, fair average. i 1 34." STRONG DIIMAXD mil HOP CONTRACTS Oaw C rot AdTOoee hi Orrgwa Market Brtags Out row Sellera. The demand for Oregon 1011 hop trarta Is aeeumtng large proportions Buy ero freely offered 1 conta yesterday for seen small crops and It reported eome bsslneae was dona at thla figure. For largo crop mere were bide of le centa and It was reported hal IT centa was offered for a vooo ouad lot. There were no new dee!opment la tbo spot market, bat all growths woro firmly he'd. Mctim or r.t.; are larger Market Dee Not nhmw I bo (Traaaeew of taut Week. neeelpta of esse yesterday woro la Ol eosa of tho demand aad the result was aa eaaier tooo to tho market. I'w salea wera reported aboto X em I a Tho surplus stock wsa aot Into etorago. Poultry arrliata of all kinda woro very light and the market was firm. Ureseed meets wera steady. Tbo rheeeo market waa firm with aa up ward teadeacy. Fresh butter was la light supply and firm. abator. at a lwrr Trwo. Tho first straight rar of Callf.rnla rhu bara IMS season waa received vesterday. It waa quoted lower at g 1 73 a 2 and m:l with really sa:e. Asporsgus mored freely st 70S cenre. Tho local supply of bothvuse lstiaco has Increased and the price Is weaker at 11.3. Other arrivals yeaterdsy Included a car each of cabbage and celery. Tho steamer will bring a full assortment of California vegetables lodsy. Hook CVnartaga. Pink clearings of the Northweetera cities yesterday w.re aa follow. . t'l'SrleiSa. FVenees. rorttsnd ri lie .. Ta oma apokane , II :"..! "- : 1 i ti.:eie. J4.ueu a3u..-7s ix;m rilTU l M ARS.KTW. t.emlo. rtowr. reed. Etc. t UK T Tro'k pclcee: Hioeotem. 9 ST.-. c.uv. bati'-C. rvl Rueslan. I0-; a: ev -: " f Ui'le H !:!.! .'hoti e feed. i-M Per too. VIMriT' - Itras. l:uv.'l per ton: mi-u.l;.. frr. shorts. tJl0. rolled bo-lev. I.1JA rt-'TIt I .rents ItTS rer barrel: straights, ti- . esports. TO; alley. ts.U; gra.'-.e-n. l."-. wh"ia wheat. I. IO itrnv Whole, lis; cracked. M pee ton uir-No. I wht"e. ga.M per ten. (r-( n. N v I. -l SO. miml. l l: al fa.la. IUale. grala hay. I.HUJu. Ikstry sod Coventry IVowwrev rorLIIIT Kens, I"t'Se; broilers. IS 9 V; turaeys. Sir. duck.. it'wS--: geeee. 12 at Is.-; dreeee.l turkea. t a.i. e. i;3 u- J-'-c r".;.;-i reC'n ranch, ifjle ar dovea. I'NIII'iiK "ull creem. lain.. ItirltHO per P. i- !. l.ur.g America. i:lJv HI TTIIK I'ltt creamery extra. 1 sad 3 ponn 1 prin".. In b-txea. ile per pound, less lii.n loto cartons and delivery extra. l'ORli-rn.-r. IfliftlU- per pound- VllAl. Kan.v. S3 to li pouaUa. 1-t l:c per pouud. egrtahiea aad FraJt. JA-K VKOKTAHI.KS CarTOta 3ettl pec hunjrvd. parvnto. g3ca;$. turnips. S3 a 11 . o-:e. eve t II TK.'I'H At. i.L'ITt Oranges, navels. II . '-'V Ti per b-. Klr..la grapefruit. .; alll'Vt nia grape'rult. -' i; .1 j. bananas, ill Site p-r lb., i a.eapples. : pr Is.: lemons. SO..e t 4. tancrrineo. tl T3 per box. Airi t i4i,i. i:: ;;. cimk. Cot: -non. V u 1 per box. VKtlKTAMLlld A.paragna T por lb.; cabuase. I l.3t POT bunlrd. caullfiowee. local. "flil-3o per dil.li. California. 93 per crate, celery. California. li-Ttll per crate, cucumbers. 17 -3 par doses, eggplant. l-x lb., gr.lc. lots tic per lb., green ontane. inc per Coxen: bead lettuce. 3K per doses; hothouee lettuce. $1 23 per box. pep pers. -"' per lb . fadl.hcs. SOwA3c per doxen; rnuharo, tlT3ul per bog. sprouts, wc; to matoes, ii n: IvtATolls oregoa, buying price. 11.33 w 1 per hundred. O-Mt-'Nit tiwjmg prlco. IS per hundred. teiwierfas. Ortew rralla. Kte. I.RltD FRUITS Apples. llllSe aer lb; curraata. Use: apricots. llillc. dates, pa.kasa. lxC lr lo.; fcs. bulk. VJits or b.aca. by net. !: iV-tW. ILC-il) I T. ij-IJs sic. 34. lis. li.ii. lu-la. b3c. amvraae. lac e ALVviN CommMa River. 1-pound tai.a 12.10 pr doaen. :-pound talis 11.13. I pound fats. 12.40; Alaska Pink. 1-pound tsi.s. 1 :3. .ri kli; Roasted, la drums. S30t per NITS ojslnurs ITHm per pound: Heanl iutx lolc. nioerta. lav. s'mooUS. l.alK, piiiiri, lac. cocooauta octll per doiea: chestnuts. i:4e par pound; hickory nuts. Stfloc per pound. HALT Granulated. 1S per ton: hslf ground. ltais. s.3u per too: 3s. Is per ton. HKANS omu.'l white, t'-xc: Isrge whits. 4Sc; Llmin. 3.iec; pink. 6c; re Merles na. tar: bayou. ISr. KICB .No. 1 Japan, 4ie; cheaper grades. S3-3"v4 33: Southern hesd. 3WfrTe; Im ported iniperlsl. Via Imported estra No. 1. HuNEV Choice. 3.T3 per case; strained. Ixr Per pound. Kt-GAR Dry granulated, fruit snd berry. I3.4U. best. I.VI'i. extrs C, 4.:x: golden C. It.M: yellow t. I4.J0: poydered. I4.T3. Terms oa remittances within 13 deye, de duct ac per pound; If later then 13 dsya snd within 30 dsya deduct He per pouud. Maple auger. 13 wine per pound. - rrwrtsioaa. HAM.3 10 to IO pounda. ldtxtflTSc: II to 14 pounds, Ksrl7c: 14 to 1 pounrta. lcslTxc; skinned. Id V 1" si picnics, lec; cottage roll. J?c. KUuKED iltAT? Beef tongues. 3c; dried beef sets, none: outsldcs. nons; in sldes lie; knuckles. iOe. BACON Fancy. UTc; Staadaxd. S4c; cbice. iic: Cncii.h. ISc. 1RT SALT CL llKD Rerular short clesrs. dry salt. 14c: smoked. 13SC: bscks. light. Salt. llec; smoked, 13Vc; backs, heavy, salt. He. smoked, 13Sc; exports, salt. 1 j- : smoked, loc. LJt KD Kettle rendered. tierces. 13c; tubs. HSc; standard, pure. Ilercee. lie; tube. li4c; choice, tierces. loc; tubs, lie; shortening, tierces. BSc: tuba. V ff Hops. xVaala. Hides. Etc. HOP luio crop. lTHOlse: 10 crop. 12u lsr; contracts. 16ft 17c- M. HA1K Choice. 3ic per pound deltvered Portlsnd. . . w o ' 1. Eastern Orsgoa. nominal. lffiSa per pound, sccordlng to shrmksgs; Vallsy. IS li 1 To per pound. I'KI.TS Dry. le: salted. bateAsrg take off. 3otfttOc: lamb pe.ta -3c. H111 Salted hules. "So per pound; salted calf. 13c: salted kip. Tc: salted stags. tc. gra hides. 1c less: dry hides. Uc; dry relf. K.ISi dry stags. 11 Olio. O It A IN SACKS Csr Iota tit CACCAUA 11 A UK. 1'ec pound. (Vs. OUa. I.INSECO OIL. Pure raw. In barrels. 11. Oi. kettle boiled. In barrels II. 04; raw. la cases. 11.07. kettle boiled. In cases. 1 Ou. Lots of 3w gallons. 1 per cent less per gal loo. i-OAi, Oil, Water White. Iron bhls.. 4c: wood bbls. lic; Tesrl oil. cases. lc; Head light. Iron bb.r.. uc: cases. 17xc: wood bbls. list: Eocene, cases. lc: Cpeclsl Water Uhlte. Iron bbla. lie: wood bbls. lc. Elslns. esses. Mvt. Extrs Star, cases, lev: V. M. A P. naphtha. Iroa bbls.. 14c; cesea rl C- i.ASl'I.IVE Red Crown gasoline. In Iron bbls. I3sr: cssea. iic: Motor gasoline. Iron bMa. I3txc. cases. ::tc gasoline. Iron bbls, tc: tiML 33'ic. Englns dulll late. Iron bbla. 7c: cases. 14c. Tl'RI'ENTISE lO-csse lota. fl.ST; Iroa bbla. Il.ul; cssea. II. is. wood bbla. 1.2a. ALL CLASSES STEADY F.It GEXrTR.1 DEMAND PORTED AT YAKDS. I!E- Ijitlle Stock of Good Quality Is Arallable for tlie Day's Business. There was a moderate showing of stock at ths yards yesterday and a fair general demand. Nothing of top quality figured In the ssles snd consequently ths prices paid were not up ta ths full limit. Ths tons of the market oa ths whole waa ateady. The best ssle of ths day wsa a large, bunch of .h.ared lambs at SS.25. Sheared wethers brought 14. Pteers rsnged from I.V73 to $4 i3 snd a load of feeder half era sold st 33.30. Receipts for ths day wars 111 cattle, 33 calve, and -iM aheep. Khlppere of ths sto. k were Kldwelt A Css well. who drove In 113 cattle; s. A. Knox, Condon. I car of cattle; J. K. Reynolds. Con don. S cars of cattle and calves, and Tom Svlgel. luker. 1 car of aheep. The day's sales wsro aa follows: WelBht. rrlre. IS heifers " oa.SO l heifers I'" " sl steers " r? 24 steers I row ............ 34 calves 4 bulla M2 wethers, sheared . 1VM laniba sh.srcd .. .Kivs 3.73 ....... reel 4 VO i.'.4 4 "l 1.I'k 2.75 77 4 i 77 o.liS 1 tesm mules . . . S23. ml lrl.es current on ths vsrloua cUsaes of stock at ths Portlsnd Vnloa Stockyards were ss follows: Prime steers 1 S $.3H Choice steers '" i;f (lood lo choice sti-era r..30T 3., Fair to good steers 3.311 3..l Common steers 4 "o 5.t I'rtme cowe 3.30 Cht.lro cows 4.7 t 3.00 tlood to choirs rows 4.."ety 4.73 Fair to good auws -"'t " Poor cows 4.w 4 . Common cow. 2-iHHy 4."0 ChiMCO heifers ................. 3-23l S SO Cood lo choice heifers 3 ixe 8 .IS Choice bulls 4Ui 4 .3 flood to cholre bulls 4 -." 4 30 Fair to good bullo K7:. 4 H) Common bulls 3" ..- holes light calves . r J C..d lo choice llg.'it calvee 7..et T Fair to me.ilum light calves.... T l i . Choice heavy calve. J i. 1 3 ll.Hl to choice heav y calvea 3.0" t .. i.t Fa;r lo medium heavy calves.... 4 -.-,. f..iH Choice stag. ... 3.0 tlood to choice Slag. 4 3.1X1 Fair to medium ataara ."v 4-3" .-h'oTeVt.ng. 7 M O0 (;mvI to ,-holco hogs.... T ..f 7. SO Chol.-o o.svy I &' i-73 c.ood to choice heavy ' ' lommoa . Poor bo.-k hogs Tif T.30 3 i tt A30 liheep Choice yearling wethers, grain lea e-.-vur. e.-.. I'M wethera w v.... Choice ewes gralo fed 4"'r 4I Fitr to medium ewes 3.tHy B .et Spring lambe. extra quality 1 Choice Iambs, grsln fed . . . . J ... t 3 , 3 ;-m1 to choice Umbo, grsln fed. Je'l e .. F it to good lambs, grsln fed. . . . 4 7". 3 S3 Cu' i . 2 3u r 3 31 The following quotations represent prices on this market for the d'fT-rent claw, of here-a: lrafters. exers heavy. s.1iitr 33r; drafte-e 1400 to I7" lbs . :.Vi 33U. draft ers. li"0 to 1 4i HI Ir-s. lie':M. chunks. tuiglM plugs int"4": driving horses, 1.3 snd up, ssdd.e horaea. tt and up. Raetera IJveetaek Market. CHICio. M.rcb i-i. Cattle Receipts. e.tlmate.1. lt: market, weak to lrc off. It-eves. j H WO T.xa !!, 4urJo..J, Western st-er 4.T3a3s3: stockers snd fee.iers. I4tr3; cow o sad hellers. Iiit; CHog"s-i"ite..ipta eetlmsted. 0.o.": market, aloe barely .t-ady. Lisht. 3 7 ii: mixed. 347 s. heavy, a-j.. 0 n so. rous h. IA.toirSO. go.'d to choice heavy. lV.ei 9 3. pigs. (u.ovr; bu.k of sales. HW .saeep Reeetpta estimated. 22.000: mar ket, moat y lunlSe off. Native W 83 : We.tern. .! I3u .". 13: ye.rllnga. 4 V; u 3 U ; lambs, native. 3w a 33. Western. j 1j.43. nrlew Irslt at Near York. NSW YORK. Kerch J. Kvsporstsd go, pies quiet, ntm with few offerings, prices nominal. On ths .pot fsncy ars quoted at 14c. choice, ime; prime. IJe. . Prunes quiet for .pot delivery, but there hss been inereeeed .peculstlve buying for delivery up to iHu.her snd prices sra flrrn. 0 jot. Hon. rsngs from U f" Csll tornlss up to 14-40. snd UulllaO for Ors gona from Os to Sea Peaches .tesdy. anh a better demsnd. Choice. 7Stei extra choice. 7Vtec: fancy. V K- roffre aad Sugsr. NEW YORK. March r iVffeo future closed stes.lv at a net sdvsnce of I to I Points Ssle.. 41..SS ba.-s March. April Enditsy. 1. ilc: J ace. l i.V; July. l.4Cc; Ausu.triu.41c: September. I.S7e: October. lI:e- November. loe:c; Decemher. Jan nary aad February. .4c c pot coffee .te.dy No. T Rio. l: Vie: No. 4 saatos ll,c. Mild coffee quleu Cor dova. llVvl'xC nominal. ugar Usw tlralr Muscovsdo. It test. 1 ic: rentnfugsl. te.t. 3 c: molaassa sugar. I lst. l.llc. Be fined quiet. ado Wool fcejre. LOXPOX. March 2. The offerings at the wool auction sales todsy coc.i.ted prln clpslly of crov.-breds and amounted to lt.- 4 bejea Balding n very srtlvs and ike h.,,T,e rra.ie and continental buyers wers eager competitors at hardening prices. The beet grades of merln.ui and eosrso eroes breds occa.lonally sold at II psr cent ad vance. ( hvragw Pi educe Market. CHICACO March 2 Butter Blesdyi creameries. 13 22c: dfroe. I4 0 1SC. Kgjs rltea.ly. recelpta M iti cassa: at mark, cases Included. 42 1, rl3c; firsts. 14c: prime firsts 14 Sc. Ch.eee Firm; dalslea 13 '"S3 e: twins. 12'w12c; Vounc A rnssrst 1 13l4c. long boraa 11IUC EARLY GMHS LOST Stock Prices Crumble Under a Series of Bear Drives. CANADIANS ARE EXCEPTION Market of a Professional Character. Americans Decline at Looxlon. ActWlty on Berlin Bourse. Bonds Irregular. NEW YORK. March S. Ths hollow snd professional character of ths stock market wss sgsln l.lu.trsted today when prices msde snother upwsrd movsmsnt In the sarly trading, only to loss sll snd more In ths Isiler part of the day. Noteworthy excep tions to this outcome were ths Csnsdlsn group, whlrh wers active snd strong under the lesderxhlp of Canadian Pacific, that stock; going to a new high record. In such stocks ss I'nltsd htstes Steel t'nlon peelnc snd Kesdlng. ths dsy wss chsrscterlxed by buying snd selling, ths besrs msklng a series ot drives In the final hour which resulted In msterlsl losses la these snd other prominent stocks News of ths dsy wss without direct bear ing on the market situation. Amerlcsn se curities opened olesdy In London, but closed much lower on proxtt-tsklng. Continents! msrkets were steady, with a eonsklershls degree of sctlvlty in Berlin. Business In the steel and Iron Industry during the week was dlssppolntlng. especlslly for rails. Among the railway reports received today for Fcbruery. Csnsdlsn Psclflc showed an Increase of 39I.Oov in gross snd a decrease of !J43.rno in net. but the total net from May 1. 110. lo February it. still shows an Increase of more then ll .OO.OuO. The lines of tho Ro.-k l.lsnd system reported- a de crease of IS7.00S on operstlng expenses aad a ret Increass of 177.04 In revenue. The bond market wss Irregular. Total sales, par value. :.1;D0. United States bonds wera unchanged. CLOSIXQ STOCK QUOTATION.9. Closing Ssles High. Low. Bid. Allls Chsl pt .. I'll 31 31 3 Amsl Copper .. 4.WO 4 3 f.i Am Agrlcult .. 2"0 ITU 37 "x 67 Aro tseut Sugar, 3UU 43 44 S 4 'a American Can uw Am Car A Fdy. ."."O file, 34 5:;i Am Cotton OH. ooO 611 tS 3"S Am lid A Lt pf 23 Am Ice Securl .. 1.000 24 23 H 23 Am Linseed oil 11 Am Locomotive. 2"0 3S 3i 37' Am Bmel it lief. 2.4UO 7.1 S 73 75s do preferred.. loO 103 V, lli.-.V, 14 ' Am Pteel Fdy .. .' 47 Vs 7S 47 V Am Sugar Rrf .Mnl 11 118 llVs Am Tel A Tel.. Xl" 1474 147 14T Am Tobacco pf. J 7 is 07 7 Am Woolen 3a 34 3S V SI1, Anaconda M Co. loo :is4 3NI. HO1 Atchison 12.W0 1I'S 1 1""' do preferred.. ." 12S l".'1 mi's Atl Cosat Uns 30 liO-x 1201, 120 Halt A Ohio ... o-hj 1H4W. lot'. H ilethlehera Steel 200 H2UJ 2' 32 Hrook Kap Tran l.UOO 7Si 7S 77 H Canadian Psc .. lu.Hoo 22Hi 2J4 223 tg Centrsl leather S.)0 2S 21 -"S do preferred .. 2V VVS Central of N J 2"t Ches A Ohio ... 2.800 82 81, x'k Chlcsgo Alton i Chi Ot West .. 100 21V4 21 "a -'114 do preferred.. 3"0 41 44, 44 Chlcsgo A N W 7iH) 1431, 143 14.. C. M A St Psul. 2.000 122. 121 121 Ji C. C. C A St L f- , Col Fuel A Iron. 400 11 81 51 Col A Southern. "21x Con.ol Uaa .i0 14 144 143 Corn Products 100 14 14 14 rcl A Hudson li DAKOrande.. S'MJ 32 32 32 do prcferr-id.. 1"0 71 v. 71 '0 i" rl.tlllers- Secur 3i( 3 3S 33 Erie .3'l 2 2" 2 do l.t pf l'l 4m 4S 47 Oen Klectrln ... 4l lln 14S 141 lit North pf ... I.3" 127 127 12. C.t North Ore .. 2. loo Willi 1 Illinois CentrsU 1.3i 1.1H 1311 1.11 Inierlxr Met .. loo. 1 1 11 do preferred.. " 33 33 63 Inter Hurve.ter. 100 117 117 11 Inter Murlns pf - 17 Int Paper '" Int Pump lows Centrsl .. 1 1 1 l"l K C Southern.. 4oo S4t. 84 34 do preferred.. l-0 i 7 larl'd. llm ... "" l"t lo3 J"" 1.0UIS A Ns.h.. 3o0 145 115 143 Minn A St I - M. S P A S S M 6.300 130 148 J4U Mo. Ksn A Teg l.:tuo 34 33 SS'i do preferred.. 1"0 ' S. Ma Pacinc .... 6.1O0 32 31 Mt NWt Bl.cult .... l.h'NI 132 12! 131 Nntlonsl Lead .. 1h 33 63 3 Mil N Ky 3 pf. loo .13 33 34 N T CeturaJ ... l.J' 107 lofl lorl v V a Waa 4IM1 42 41 41V Norfolk A Wes.. S.OO0 lo 101 101 North Am !" !' North Pacific .. 1.B0O 123 124 Pactfln Mall Penn.rlvanla ... 2-3"0 12 12J 1211 Peoples Caa ... o"0 107 107 l''7 P. O C A St I Plttaburg Coal . 60 22 22 21 1-rea.ed 8 Car.. I"0 .13 33 Pull Pal Car .. 3O0 10 13 1..K Ity Ste.l Spring. 34 iUadlng ....... 30.300 1RJ K. 13f It. public Sleel 4"d .13 .13 3.1 do preferred.. 7 7 . Ro.k I. land Co. 2.3"0 2-1 2t do preferred.. l'X . " 6" St I. A d F 2 pf 3O0 4.1, 42 41 St I. Southwe.t. ,1 do preferred " sorhe?'",':.'Lrt.rv.ioo ii." am 1.7 Southern Hv .. ;rt do preferred.. 40 03 fC. 114 Tenn Copper 37 T.". A P.c .. 20 2 ! H? Tol. St L A We, 2.1, 21 21 -1 do preferred.. X" 31. . Cntoa Psc 33.:n 17S t 17 17 do preferred.. 7O0 H4 S3 Oi J- i Rullb'er. ".'.." '4O0 '42 '41 41 It K steel 43.200 711 7 711 do preferred.. H" '"' J'",. I'tah Copper ... 7i 43 44 44 vir.ro ci, . .' Wsbs.li '-""d 1 ' do preferred.. .irrt 3U 3S 31 Western Md .. 1'- 3o We.tlng Eire .. -" . ; t Western Inlon.. 2.300 74 ,3 i3 h'glhvL'lloly.: lV.000 i7A' 175 ' 74 Total sales for ths dsy. 273.200 shares. BONDS. NEW YORK. March Closing quota tion. j ltsii janaa r A R O !! Storks BOSTON. March Alloueg .... J- -V closing quotations: Mohawk Amslgsmatea .. Am n 7- L. A S 24 Arls Com Allsnttc Bo. A C C A S M l: llutte Coalition. 1 Calumet A Ark. 3 Calumet A Iiec.4j Centennial 17 Cop R. Con Co. . 43 v.- U,.r.a Coo M. 11 Neva.la con . . . . Nlpla.lng Mines. North Hutto .... North Lake l" 10 'I S7 H old imlnlon lo.ceols lot l-arrott (8 A C). 11 'Vlulncy ......... 47 shannon ........ 14 Superior 33 V. Sun. A Bos Mln. IV Vranklln t IRurv. a IMtts Con 14 W C.lroux Con .... C.ranby Con . llreerte Cananea. I.ie Itoyaii Cop 11 Kerr Lake Lake Copper.... 31 'Tsmarsck 40 1 S. S. Coal A Oil on U.S. Sm Ret A M 14 , I do pfd 47 'ttah Con 11 .T'tah Copper Co. 44 I .a Salle copper -Miami Copper... 1 Winona ......... 7 Wolverine 112 roadltloa of tho Treasury. WASHINOTON. March I. At ths be ginning of bu.lnes. todsy ths condition ot tie Cnlted Ststes Tressury wss: Working balance la ths Treasury offices 2..4..S11 In banks and Philippine Treaaury 31.713. 6il Total balance In general fund 80.2Ij.415 Ordinary receipts yesterday wero 1. to 3.0. 11 Ordlnerr disbursements f... l."04.i; Deficit to dots thl. fiscal year is $1.0:5. 7U, .a against tlt.l3.12 at this time last ""These figures exclude-Panama Canal and public debt transactions. Money, Exchange, Etc. LONDON. March 29, Bar silver Steady. 24 S.Kd per ounce. Money !: percent. The rata ot discount In the open market for short bills la 3t-l.2 per ceat; throe months' bills. 5 t) 1 par cent. IaV FRANCISCO. Msrch J Sterling on London. daya 14.14; sight, 14.14. CHICAGO. March t. Exchange oa Ne York, led premium, NEW YORK. March SO. Money on call, toady 2t2 per cent; ruling rale. 2 per cent: clo.lng bid. 2 per cent: offered at 2 1' ee cent Tims loans, sssy and dull; 90 days. 2f U. S. ref. reg.111 N. t. s-,a. j. do coupon ...llNorth Psc Js.. 71 it k is reg loliNonh Pso 4a... ! do coupon . ..lot ,l"nlon Psclflo 4s. loii US new 4s reg.lll 'Wisconsin Cen 4S i j - . . . listi Janaa 4s II 2 par cent; SO days, three and alx months. 3tl3 per cent. Prime mercsntlla psper, 404 per cent. Starling exchange easy, with actual busi ness in bankers' hills at 14.8420 for 60-day bills and at 14.8393 for demand. Commercial bills. 4.S3. Bar allver. 32c- Mexlcan dollars. 43c. Government bonds, steady: railroad bonds. Irregular. Metal Markets. NEW YORK. March 2S. Standsrd cop per, dull. Spot. Msrch. April. May snd June, 11.70 1185c London steady. Spot, IS4 11a Id; futures, foi 2a 6d. Custom house returns show exports of copper so far thla month of 18.6KL Lake copper. 12.37 t 12.30c; electrolytic, II. ii 13.3. c, and casting, 12S12.12C Tin a,y. Spot snd March, 41.234L50c; April. 4l.iuj ti.avc; . jauT, June. 40.0 41.15c London Heady. Spot, 187 Ss: futures. 1S 10a . ,.. - . , , 1 ca. v.e Work: 4.27 44.32 c Bast St, Loula. London. 13 . .ree.- WV ln CPBllPr Tcl't's 4.raarU wi- w S.42c K-vat HI, LouLs. trondon. 23. Iron Cleveland warrants, 47 7"d In Lon don. Locally iron waa ateady. No. 1 foun dry Northern, S15.7tl.2a: No. 2, No. 1 New York Cotton Market. vtrmf r -r tr Ums-fh Tnllnn RiK)t closed quiet. 10 points hi her. Mld-uplauda, 14. .ic; do. Gulf. 14. Toe baloa. 2U0 bales. cotton futures ciwu iifnuy, b" ler t u ay "vims "r""' " - arles belnr relatively steady. March, 14.2; April, l-,.w, Ames. a.v, July. 14-l0c: August. 13 61c; September, 12.6c: October. 12.59c; .November, 12. 61c; POTATO BROKERS SHORT SEATTLE SELLERS QUIETLY TRYING TO COVER. California Demand Is Still Act ire and Northern Prices Are Finn. Ejrs- Receipts Large. ee-.v-r-TW vx..h xrareh 71 fSoeclaD The early strawberry crop In Southern Cali fornia haa been ruined by rain and wind, according to Information received from trie South rturlnr the past few daya beattlo commission men do not expect to ret many berrlea for some time to come, pernsps not until the Northern California crop com mencea to ripen. a The potato msrket waa very Brm. sev eral lea.llnx merchsnts snd brokers wno hsve been expecting lower prices have about come to the conclusion that tho market IB bound to touch a mitner price. . AmmnA la .till active. It la said that brokera have sold short and are quIetiy trying to pick op potatoea with which to meet actual requirements. Thars were no new developments la the grain msrket today. . e . . ... , V. , haavlMt nf t.gw receipts looaj. " r . . , ,tfnm .hlnnera never sent so many ea lo Seattle In one day as arrived this morning. The price remained at .1 rents Surplus stock wss plsced In storsge. fctorare stock, today are abreaat of atocka at thil time last year. Tho butter msrnet wssweaa. PRODUCE AT SAN FRANCISCO. Quotations Current In tho Bar CltT Mar- aera. 8A?f FRANCISCO, March M. The follow ing pro.iuce prices wore current toilay: Vegetables Cucumbers. $11. 2S; gar. He. 4&c; green peas. 5 trie; string beans, n..n.ln.l! DlrUUl 7C & I l."S 1 tumStOeS, nominal; esg plant. IliflOc Butter rsncy cresmery. lit. Eggs Store. 1Tic; funcy ranch. 19c Cheese Young America. 14 14 He. Mlllstuffs Bran. ;.'tfJ6; middlings, S3 Krult Apples, choice, 1.25: common. 1: Mexican limes. $7W7.R(i; California lemona. choice. Ill: common. 11.25; oranges, navel. 75c fj $2; pineapples, 415. pnl.lO'9-Kollnai Biirbanks, $2.25r2.45: Oregon Burbanka. 1.M2.20; Early Kose, 16f.IHi. Onions Nomlnsl. . Wheat. s IS.Wi per ton; wheat sna oat.. IHrll: alfalfa. 13. RocelptH Flour. 13. u quarter wheat, S55 centals; barley, 345o centals; oata centals: potatoes. 368S sacks; bran. It sacks; middling.. 60 sacks; hay, StS tons. Wool at St I-ouia. ST. LOCIt. March 2. Wool Unchanged. Territory and Western mediums, lufc; Una mediums, ll.Hc; fine, malic rruluth Flax Market. IirU'TIl, Minn., March 2!. Flax, on track and lo arrive, $2.47 4 ; May, t2.4oVs, Hops at Near York. NEW TORK. March ".. Hops Steady. WHITE SALMON SEES LINE Power Company Seems to Plan Road to. Trout Lake. WHITE SALMON'. Wash., Starch 29. (Special.) S. M. Hair has sold his six acre traft on the White Salmon Klver to the Pacific Power & Light Company for $6000. Dr. Golden, of The Dalles, who purchased 10 acres six months ago fur ei00. has sold the property to the same company for $3000. The company Is negotiating for other lands for right-of-way. evidently with the Intention of building an electric line from the mouth of the river to Trout Lake, 30 miles up stream. One rancher refused to sell his dam site without promise that an electric railway was to be built within a specified time, and the com pany accepted his terms. By the time the road Is built a large acreage of trees will be In bearing, more of the lands of the upper valley will be In hay and grain, and millions of feet of logs will be ready for ship ment to the mills. Several small mills throughout this territory are ready to ship quantities or Ilnlsnerl lumDer. Travel to Trout Lake at the foot of Mount Adams, where scenery, trout ponds, streams and Ice caves attract, ought to be Increased materially by the line. Umatilla Pupils to Speak. PBXDLETOX. Or., March . (Special.) Several of the public schools In the east end of t'matllla County will hold a declamatory contest tomorrow evenlpg, according to an announcement Just re ceived by County Superintendent Frank K. Wellea. The Vincent, Pleasant View, Moore. Ferndale, Fruitdale, East Side and Milton schools will be the contest ants. One gold medal and two silver medals will be awarded In Class A and Class B. Class A comprises the ninth grade and Class B the seventh and eighth grades. A silver cup Is also to be swarded to the school making the most points In Class B. Every school la al lowed two contestants In each class. Pendleton Captain Resigns. PENDLETON. Or.. March 29. (Special.) Captain Charles J. Ferguson last even ing relinquished the command of Com pany L to Captain M. S. Kern. Captain Ferguson, who was in charge of the com pany for a year, recently made arrange ments to move to Klamath Falls to en gage In the practice of law. His resig nation has not yet been accepted. Cap tain Kern, a member of the Adjutant General's staff, will be In command until a successor to Captain Ferguson Is elect ed. First Lieutenant Charles Vinler will probably be chosen to command the com pany. Indiana Man Buys Orchard. HOOD RIVER.' Or., March J. (Spe cial.) Clyde C. Smith, of Indianapolis, after spending about two weeks looking over the Hood River. White Salmon and Mosler districts, closed a deal thla week by which he la the purchaser of 20 acres of Mosler View Orchards from the Hood River Orchard Land Company. Tha ale was made through the agency of Devlin & Flrebaugh at a consideration of $12,000. Tha Orchard Land Company will take care of Mr. Smith's property until lt comes Into bearing- CROP OUTLOOK FINE Result Is Another Break in Prices at Chicago. LOW RECORD FOR SEASON Liquidating Salea of the May Option the Feature of the Market, Xew Crop Deliveries Not So Weak. CHICAGO, March 29. Snow or rarn. as If made to order for the new crop, broke the price of wheat todsy to a new low record for tha season the third smssh ot the kind this week. Liquidating aalea of the May option took the lion a share of attention In wheat. Many of the discour aged longs transferred their intereat to the September delivery and thua caused the new-crop months to show less depres sion than May. Froflt-takinr by snorts snd Just a sprinkle of new Investment led to a feeble recovery at the wlndup. For eign weakness had considerable effect here. French market, were demoralised, as car goes afloat were being pressed for resale. Of more Immediate Importance, however, was the fact that cash business locally was trifling. !igh and low llmlta for May proved to be Ttc and o. with the dose weak at 8S14eiHo. a drop of lVic, com pered with last night. ' During moil of the. day corn held steady despite wheat weakness, but nnally went on ths downward track. May varied from 47c to 48e4le. closing eaay io net lower at 47Vic- Cash gradea were weak. o. J yellow finished at 447He. Oats followed corn rather closely. May ranged between J0c and JOVio with tha clo.e . frU e off st JO c Extreme snxlety wss displayed by holders to set rid of provisions After the pit s" cleared, pork bad ahrunk In value 5..c to ' ic. taru iin u - -15c to 20c. . . . Tha leading rutnres ranges, ss i". WHEAT. n vj.w rTtnae- May ." MH .J Julr 7i, .SHi . Sept.:...: .87S "'i CORN. Msy 4l -4S .47 .47J4 July 4- .49) ,49V. .4'a sept ::: .m .i - OATS. .... .an inu juiv:::::: '.son '.ivi- :iH Sept 30;, .31 -30 -u MESS PORK. May io. iu ia.iv j - - r "Z.t July 15.41) 11.42 V, 16-07 1 le.0J LARD. m.v ins 8.55 8-STt4 .ST?4 July 3.50 S.S0 J; l li Sept 3.50 S.50 3.30 8.39 SHORT RIB3. - .c o - a t 7 n 3iay...... o.o .... I 11 SI quUlKllUUB " . . - - Flour Barely steady. Ily No. 2. 86lc- . . , Hurley Feed or mixing. 8509Oo: fair to choice malting, 5cfc$1.13. . Flaxseed .No. 1 Southwestern, $2.38. J.O. 1 Northwestern. $2.50. Timothy seed 111.75. Pork Mess! per barrel. !.55al-6-l.ard Per 100 pounds. $8.30. Short ribs Sides (loose). $S 8. 75. Sides Short clear (boxed), $9.12 V, 9.25. drain statistics: ... . were . . . . : .. f. lnwi. 'joiai ciearaiiuca mi "" " . equal to 267.000 bushels Primary receipts - - .An 1. - 1 - na r.H with hO5.00ll were luv.vini uububi '""'f - bushels the corresponding day a year ago. Kstlmated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, id oom. 142 cars: oats, 105 cars; hogs. 27.000 head. ...,, neuciiiia ou.ihiou... rn?lbu...' .::::::..... itv Oats, nusnei. "i'SiX "son Kye. bushels '.. A'laa Barley, bushels 87.000 43.800 Kuropeam Grain Markets. LONDON. March 2. Cargoes dull and Inactive, no buying. Walla Walla for ship ment at 33s Sd. nominal. . English country markets firm; French, country markets quiet. LIVERPOOL March Js. Wheat March. Cs 7l.id; May, 6a 71d; July, a .14a. YY eat her, fine. Minneapolis Wbeat Market. MINNEAPOLIS, March-2I. Close: Wheat May. Om'.HV.c; July. 393c; Sep tember. &0V trwoeic. Cash: No. 1 hard. 94t4c- No. 1 Northern, 92 9.1SC; No. 2 Northern, 0iitHISo; No. 3 wheat. 8!H4 0 80.c I Grain at San Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO, March 23. Wheat Steady. Harley Strong. Spot quotation. Wheat Shipping. $1.501.505 per cen ta) Barley Feed. $t.874 per cental; brew ing. 3L.40 tf 1.42 Vi per centa. . jata jted $1.251.35 per cental: white, nominal: black. $1. 20gl.2S per cental. fall board sales Wheat No trading. Barley December. $1.27: May, $1.46 per centaL Grain Markets of the Northwest. TACOMA. March 29. Wheat Bluestem. SKerMSVic: fortyfold. RltrSSc; club. 83c; red Kusslan. 80c Receipts, wheat 6 cara hay a cars SEA TTLE. March 28. Wheat, mitllng quo tations: Bluestem. Sic: fortyfold. 83c: club, S"c- Fife 8Jc; re.l Kusslnn. 80c. Export wheat: Blu.stem. S2c; fortyfold. 80e: club. 7c- Fife. 7c; red Kus.iun. 7c. Testerdajr s csr' receipts: Whoat 11 curs, oats 2 cars, bsrley 1 car. hay 20 cars, corn 2 csra PLANS FOR DORMITORY OUT State School Buildings tn. Vancouver Cp to Board of Control. VANCOUVER. Wash.. March 29. (Special.) Plans tor the construction of two dormitories, to cost J20.000 each, for blind girls and boys at the State School for the Blind In Van couver have been forwarded to the State Board of Control by George Mullln, principal, and Olof Hanson, architect, who was sent here by the Board. If the plans are approved work on the new building; will start about May 1. The old building, now the only one at the School for the Blind, will be repaired at a cost not to exceed $S000. and fitted for an administration building, schoolrooms, music rooms. In dustrial training department, kitchen, dining room and sleeping rooms for the employes and teachers. Each dormitory will be two stories high, and both will accommodate 100 pupils. It Is expected that there will be at least 50 pupils at the school be- Wherevjr actual merit i the de ciding factor in pavements you will always find bitulithic lumbermens National Bank CORNER FIFTH and STARK STREETS PORTLAND, OREGON Capital UNITED STATES Merchants National Bank PORTLA?Sx, OBEGOJT. Capital and Surplus $350,000.00 TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. a. TVTTTBFOT PAID ON 12-MONTH CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT. ZSLFFhSSSSS: ConlVaeaFS;anrfd WlVill Consistent With Conservative Banking;. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS. Joseph M.Healy. A. F. Smith Wm.THulr. A p Mowrer. John S. Beall, J- " " ais on, R. ll Durrani Pres't. M. L. Holbrook, Vlee-Pres t. Geo. W. Hoyt. Cashier. . j. uui uttiu. ir & Catoninsfj Assistant Cashier. sT11 Capital ...... $1,000,000 Surplus and Undivided Profits 650,000 W. M. ladd. President. Edw. Cooklncham, Vlre-Pres. W. H. Dunebley, Cashier. Comer Washington First National Bank Capital $1,500,000 Surplus 750,000 Oldest National Bank West of the Rocky Mountaius ginning in September. The buildings will be fireproof. For the heating plant and furnishing of the dormitories $10,000 will be spent, $5000 for the plant alone. Gutter Sailors Made Citizens. ' ASTORIA. Or., March 29. (Special.) Slgvard Bartln Johnson and Chris tian Olausen Hekleberg, natives of Norway were admitted to citizenship at this morning's session of the Cir cuit Court. These applications were originally set for hearing on June 20, but as the applicants are members of the crew of the cutter Manning and that vessel will be In Alaskan waters on the date set, permission was grant ed by the Department of Commerce and Labor for a special hearing today. TRAVELERS' GUIDE. GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC Winter Schedule Effective October 30, 1910. STEAMSHIPS! "Prince Rupert" and "Prince George" FOR Victoria. Vancouver and Prince Rupert. Connecting at Prince Rupert with "S. S. Prince Albert" for Stewart and Queen Charlotte Islands. 0 Daylight Ride to Victoria LEAVE SEATTLE, WASH, every Sunday at 2:00 P. M., northbound. LEAVE VANCOUVER, B. C everv Monday at 11:00 P. M.. north bound: every Saturday at 2:00 P. M. southbound. MEALS AND BERTH IXCLTJDED IvOKTH OF VANCOUVER. For Tickets and Reservations Apply to Local Railway Ticket Agents, or J. H. Barsrl, Cro'l A seat. First Ave. aad Yealer Way, Seattle. Waah. SAW FRANCISCO PORTLAND SS. CO. 'New service to Los Angeles via San Fran cisco every five days. From Atnsworth Dock, Portland, 9 A. M. 88. Bear, Apr. 3, Rosa City 8, Beaver 13. From San Francisco, Northbound. 12 M. SS. Kose City Apr. 1, Beaver S, Brar 1L From San Pedro. Northbound. 12 M. S8. Beaver Apr. 4. Bear . Rose City 14. H. O. Smith. C. T. A., 14Z Third St. ' J. VV. Ransom. As;ent. Alnsworth Pock. Phones: Mala 402, 6i A 1408. San Francisco, Los Angeles and San Pedro Direct. North Paclne 8. S. Cos S. 8. Rosnoks and S. a Eld-sr sail every Wednssdsy alter nately at 6 P. M. Ticket ottlcs 132 Third sU, near Alder. MARTIN i- mGLET, Passenger A rent, W. H. SLrSSER, Freix-bt Agent. 1' bones M. 1314. A 1314. Twin-Screw Ship Anvil Sails from Albers Dock No. 3. Thurs dav, March 30th, at 7 P. M for Gari baldi, Bay City, Tillamook, Newport, Florence and Bandon. CITT TICKET OFFICE, 128 Srsl St. Phone Mala 62S nock Phones Main 151 a 1802 $500,000 DEPOSIT ART. B, S. Howard, Jr Ass't Cashier. J. W. Ladd, A sal stent Cashier. Walter at. Cook, Ass't Cashier. and Third Streets TRAVELERS' GUIDE. Across the Ocean Palatial, modern steamers .nr. vimfnrt and London Paris ' Bremen Heals a la carta without extra chare; e. Glbraltar Algiers Naples Genoa Connections for Eeypt and Far Esst by Com pany's steam convenience. Virelessan4 submarine signals. Travelers' checks. NORTH GERMAN LLOYD Express tailings to London Pfuifl and Bremen mrecp t ut mail ttam to Dot. don, Paris aotl Bremen ersry TbursdnT. , . Mftlitermneaa Porta erery Saturday. liltlmore-Brmen,onecla Cabin teanierV5dnd j Around-the-Wo rid I rips. t ers. 0ELEICHS ft CO., Gen. Aft 5 Broadway. New Tact Han Francltco, or Local Agenta. AMERICAN WHITE STAB BED STAB ATLANTIC TBANSPOBT WHITE STAB DOMINION Cansdlaa Service t'o.'s Office, 619 2d Ave., Seattlei or C. W. Stinger. 254 Wa(.h.; A. D. Charl ton. 255 Mor.: K. K. Johnson, 113 $d; B. F. Baird, 100 3d; Vald. Udell, 28 ?. th; H. Dickson. 1 3d. EUROPE 1911 Vacation Tours $150 to $800 Variety of Routes. Programme free for the asking. THOS. COOK & SON, 689 Market St., San Francisco. Cook's Travelers' Cheques good all over the world. COOS BAY LINE g TEAM KB BREAKWATER sails from Alaska dock, Portland. IP.! avery Tues day. Frelht received at Alaska Dock until I p. m. dally. Fassencer far first-class $10: second-class. T. Including; meals and berth. Tickets oa sals at Alnsworta dock. Phones Main 268. A 123. ; , NEW ZEALAND AND AUSTRALIA (Union Line of Jt. Z.) VIA TAHITI AND WELLINGTON Direct through steamers, sailing from Ban Francisco. April 6, and every 28 days. Well ington and hack, 1st class, 204. Other rata also low. The line to lales of the Sooth Sea. For reservations see Coupon Railroad Ag-enta, or address Oceanic B. 8. Co., San Francisco e a a