18 TnE MORNING PRECOMA. .THURSDAY. MARCH 30. 1911. TFk Hi : ' : i y n Portland Drydock Gets Job of Repairing. Big TUG TO BE SENT NORTH No Part of Work Will Bo Handled Indrr Contmrt Much Time to tt Consumed In Making Vnel Seaworthy. To arraeae for towing the damaged rtearoer Yucatan from Esqulmault to Portland. J. K. "mr arrived In Port land yesterday and met with Superinten dent Campion, of the Port of Portland -ommljaion. to neKoiiate for the servlrj of either tha Hi Wetllula or Oneonta la brtnelnc the vessel to tne public drydock at St. Johns for repairs. It la ald that the Yucamn will leave from tfe north between April S and 1". It waa lirsely owlnc to proaperta of securing for Portlaml the work of repar ln the Yucatan, after lie went on the ro. as. that the Port of Portland Com mxlna authorized a reduction In dock ace tariff that placea Portland on a par with the larcvsu Atlantic Cat porta In cheep dockage chara-s. yet It Is asserted l!al the executives of the Fn,uimault plant hare made a bid for lifting tie Taratan that la rot greatly In ex-vs of what tha Portland charge will be. The repalra and renovations! planned to nt the Yucatan for the rortland-"all-fornia service are to be prwecuted by day labor, and It la said that no part of the undertaking will be rsiniild tinder n contract. It la brl'.eved that consider able time will be necessary In which to place the steamer In srasrorthy condi tion. She la to be tow-d from Victoria to Eequlmaut and docked. o that aa examination can be made by the Insur ance InterrMs to coyer her Journey to Portland. It le estimated that from five to alz daya will be required for a tug to mak the trip from the Columbia to Kstiitmault and return wtth the vessel. Tne Port of Portland l witling to undertake the task, thnuch It wlil prore more expensive In operation than when tae tucs are on duty at the mouth of the river, because the reconatructlon work will cause a large sum to be ex pended here, probably rl.isas to JIOW'A and bee'.tVa k-ep the drydock occupied for s lone period. PHEJX.KS TO STAKT WORKING Port of Portland Ope-ratlona Co Ahead Peaplto Dlf frrcoces. Although there are two Port of Port land Commissions and all new trans actions hare been held up until tha lecsllty of the act under which Gover ror West named the new board Is d'ter mlned. t'aotaln Hugh .Jrav.s. superin tendent of dredaes. Is proceeding with plana for getting the Columbia and Portland Into action shortly. The Port land will so Into service April 1. working from a point In the Wlltam atts three-quarters of a mile from tha mouth, south half a mile, clearlnc tha channel above where work waa sus pended late In the Fall. The Columbia la to go Into Com mission April 1 on the west side of fwaa Island, digging a steamboat channel eight feet deep. J0 feet wide and two miles lone. A there are places Inside of the Island where lumps atand two feet above the sur face of the river at low water, the prospecta are that the Columbia will have a busy period until the June freshet Interferes. The , Portland's task will be to deepen the channel at least to Si feet, and probably S feet will be ordered, white the work will be a continuation of the basin dredared at the mouth of the Willamette, m will have a width of between 0 and feet. As the Columbia l:lver Is rising slightly. It I calculated that there will be an abundance of water so the pipe line pontoons can carry the discharge Una to shore. . .r ..l. fnr Keettla. mf way hwhi ... She Is said to be of about the same capa city aa ii c rv ...Km . ....... . . . . terday morning for the Orient via Puget Sound. L'arro offerings for April loading are heavy and business will continue brisk until the last of May. when the low rates on wheat and Hour are to be terminated. Lollipop Heads for Ocean. TC D. Morse, of Newport, who recent ly bought tha launch Lollipop from Ray Kir, left yesterday morning for Ya qulna Bay. bring escorted to tha mouth of the Willamette by Mr. King aboard the launch Martha King. It la planned to leave the Columbia Klver today and If all goes well the Lollipop ahould ba In Yaqulna Bay tonight. Sha Is to ba operated between Newport and Toledo until tha Summer season opens, when she will be used for nshtng and pleas ure expeditions about tha bay. Ship Libeled for Brandy. Fleckensteln. Mayer Co. filed a libel autt against the ship Wllhelmlne In the Federal Court yesterday. The company allegea it had on board a consignment of bottled brandy, which It was Importing from Antwerp. When the consignment waa checked up 2 bottles were found to be missing. Tba company allegea the ship's agents re fused to pay lor tha missing brandy. Tender Equip for Service. ASTORIA. Or.. March S. (Special.? The lighthouse tender Manxanlta Is being equipped with submarine mine planting machinery. It Is understood that the object Is to have the vessel ready for aervlce In the Navy Depart ment In case of emergency. Marine Notes. To tow a derrick scow from Three Mile Rapids to the Big Eddy the steamer Shaver was sent to tha Mid die Columbia yesterday. To Inspect work completed on light vessel No. J. and arrange for her re suming service April 1 on Swfftsure Bank. Commander Klllcott. lighthouse rose cmrs damage slight Steamship Reported as Having Sailed for San Pedro. Two dents on plates on the port bow and the scraping of paint from plates near the keel are reported to be tho sum total of damage sustained by the steamship Kose City In plowing through a dock and landing on the rocks In the rear at San Francisco Bunday morning, nnd officers of the steamer Bear, arriving yesterday, say that the Hose City sailed from tin Francisco for San Pedro Tuesday. No report of her departure was received through the customary channels. General Agent Kansom was apprised yesterday that the Hose City1 would sail from San Franrls-o on schedule April 1. northbound, and that would conform to the schedule and bring her Into Portland April 1. When an examination waa made of the Rose City's hull on the Hunter's Point dry dock. It Is said the small amount of Injury sustained was regarded remark able by shipping men. who expected to find her p airs harmed to an extent that would necessitate a long delay. It la also made known that a second survey of damage to the dock has placed the estimated cost of repairs st less than II (WO. The Bear present ed a busy appearance at & o'clock yes terday, when she -erthed at Alnsworth flock, as about 4J0 passengers disembarked. ll jrBER CARGOES ASSEMBLING Tramp Hampton Chartered and Two Schooners Are Taken. Two lun.ber cargoes destined to off shore points are being assembled at the plant of the Portland Lumber Com pany, one of about tO.t0O feet that sues to Kobe on the British schooner lartd Kvane. sailing in May. and the other of about l.i).t0t feet which Is to be transported to Melbourne on the German bark II. Hackfrld. that haa been taken by the American' Trading Company. B. four. Guthrie Co. wlil dlstatch the Kvans. but the cargo waa sold to her owners. There are negotiations under way for additional carcoes. but little business has been closed for this month. At the Kaatern Western mill only one ship ment Is ready and that consists of about lo.eoe feet. It was reported yes terday that Kind. Roiph Co. had tak en the British Steamer Hampton, which Is on the way from Baltimore for San Francisco, and she may be available for May loxdlng. She has a Puget bound option and other recent charters fixed with the same options are the schooner KMorado and the schooner Kxpanston. both to load for Hind. Roiph sV Co. aad sail lor Valparaiso. Lncerlc Due In April. Next "of the Bank Line vessels to r:i at Portland will be the new British steamer Lueerlc. which Is oa her mil ilen vovsae from Kngiand and Is to start loading, bare Aprli being on STEAMER INTELLIGENCE. Doe te Arrive. Name. From. Date Wasbinston Sen Francisco In port A.,, urn. Knn-ka I" I"'". Anvil lundos In Pr' Bear n Kedro In port Colu.n Cste. . . Tillsmook. ... Apr. 1 Geo. W. Elder. San Kelro. ... Apr. I ue H. Elmore Tillsmook. .. .April 1 Breakwater. ...Coos Hay April J Koanok. San I'erfro. .. -Apr. a u.ntv s.b I'Mlro .April 3 fi G.n C.ilrn Akrll kl..nl.1a helboa Apr. 1 c sedated te Depart. Kama Fr. r,,,i. AaMI Bsndoa Msr. w A'il.n-e .Eur'ka Wr. Washington. .. .yan Francisco Apr. 1 Oeo. W. Cider, .ean H'-Iro Apr. I Uoiden Gate. . .Tiramook. ... Apr. 3 Ier Pan Prdro. .. . Apr. S ftareakwrater. . . ."ooe Bay Apr. 4 Hue II. tlmoreTlllamonk. ... Apr. 4 Koaaoke. ..... .San Pedro. .. .Apr ft Boee City. .....Han Pedro. ...April 5 Barer. ....... Han Pedro. ...Apr. 13 Riverside Balboa .Apr. 0 s e Inspector, will leave for Puget Sound today. Carrying 110.:S bushels of wheat, valued at t3.1?7, the French bark Bougainville will leave down today, bound for Limerick. She cleared yes terday and went to the stream from Irving dock. Captain Gustafsen. master of tha Russian bark Ocean, arriving yester day at Llnnton from Salaverry. reports having encountered nead wlnda on tha way. and 4 days were required In which to complete the voyage. As a means of permitting represent atives of Puget Sound firms to Inspect work outlined on her machinery and at the same time deliver supplies In the north, the lighthouse tender Colum bine will sail from Astoria today. Collector of Customs Malcolm haa been advised that "by virtue of a law passed by tha Council of the Empire, the Slate lHum and hla Majesty, the Km per or of Russia. custom-houses have been established at Petropavlovsk. In the Province of Kamtahatka. and at Alexandrovsk. In the Province of Sakhalin Island. Yesterday's entries at the Customs- House were the Russian bark Ocean. from Salaverry. with ait tons of sand ballast, and the steamer J. A. Chans lor. from San Francisco, bringing 40,- 000 barrels of fuel oil. The Chanslor cleared for the Golden Gate, the steam er Westerner for tha same port, with 630.000 feet of lumber, and the rrench bark Bougainville for Limerick. Collector of Customs Malcolm haa approved an application of the Mon- rvh Transportation Company to change the name of the steamer Chss. It. Spencer. recently purchased, to Monarch. A few changes are being1 made aboard the vessel, the most Im portant of which was cutting away the roof of the upper deck, so as to give a view of the forward deck from the pilot house. Malone Joyce, who has acted as Los Angeles scent of the San Francisco Portland Steamship Company for near ly a year, and Is known In railroad circles from one end of the Coast to the other, has left the service to re sume his former duties with the Col orado Midland System, which had tem porarily closed Its Los Anireles office last season, owing to an Interruption In rail connections. Captain Pearson yesterday relin quished command of the Port of Port land ateamer Ocklahama. to devote his time to moving vessels to and from Astoria as a member of the Independ ent Pilots' Association. It is asserted by them that there will be no reduc tion In the ruling rates on their part, and that they are prepared to work for small gains If the Columbia River Pilots' Association slashes tariffs, aa they are fresh from nominally paid po sitions as steamboat masters. Movements of Vessels. PORTLAND. March 20 Arrived Gaso line schooner Anvtl. from Bandon and way P'Vta - steamer Hear, from !tao Pedro and Han Franclseo: steamer Coaster, from San Francisco: Kusstan bark Ocean, from Sala verry. SalleU flrlt:sb steamer Kumerlc. for Hontkoac and way ports, via Seattle; steamer J. A. 'h.inslor. for San Francisco: steamer t.eo. W. Elclr. for San rtra;o and way ports; steamer Oo:dra Oata. for Tillamook. Astoria. Marxn zv. (-onditton at the mouth of the river at ft 1. M.. rourrh: wind. nortnrrst. J9 miles: weather, clear. Arrived down at 4 A. 34.. steamer Klraore. Arrived dvo at and sailed at lo:S0 A. M.. steam er Breakwater, for Coos Bay. Sailed at ft A. M.. stramer Beaver. lor Haa Fedro and San Francisco. Arrived at fi iO and left up at 10:30 A. M.. ateamer Bear, from San Pedro and San Francisco. Arrived 4tt 'J and left up at 2 P. al.. steamer Coaster, from Saa Fran.-tsco. Arrived aown at a :o f. M.. Bnrteh steamer Kumerlc Ufi Francisco. Marcn - ArtiTM at mid- nljrht. stramer Caaco. from Portland. Ar rived at 12 noon, steamer Shoshone, from San Pedro. Salied at 4 P. M.. steamer F. b. Loop, for Portland. folnt Keyra. jaarcn ' u ar - r. M.. steamer Sana Yak. from Columbia River. for San fjieg-o. Seat Tie. ilareh 20. Arrived Pteamer Northwesters, from Valdes: ship A. J. Full- r. from Fort H aaetay. eai.ed steamer Oovernor. for Tacoma: steamer Arsyll. for. fi-n Franclaco: etramer Columbian, for Ta- coma: steamer Taxnpico. for Uupont. saw Francisco. Marcn arrived Fteamer barkrnttne Arcber. from Hoche Harbor. salted steamers Amenra saa.ix. f.r tlonekoris: Wateon. for Seattle: Ln- tralla. for Oram Harbor: F. S. Loop, for Astoria; schooner oea.ana. lor eiusiaw Rtvar. Tide at Aratersa Tkrn-adsiy. Hlsh. Low. S-4S A. M 1 feet:M A. M 0T foot L.U3 P. M.....S.J Ieetil:le a M.....U.S lout HOW HE CUSE his SKIN About twenty years ago, I began to break out with Eczema on my bead, leg and arms, and commenced treatment with the local doctors, but did not get much relief. I continued 'to treat the disease under the direction of different physicians for two years, and at the end of that time they Said the disease waa chronic. I then quit them and tried various ointments, salves, lotions, etc., for another two years, . bat soon I was a bad off as before, so I finally decided to let medicine alone, and for twelve or thirteen years I suffered intensely from the Eczema. During the time I lost about half of my hair. At last I be gan & S. S., doubtful of a cure, because the disease had run on so long, but I soon discovered that your medicine was doing me good, and . continued to take it After taking S. S. & for awhile I was completely cured of the Eczema, not having a single spot left on my body, which before was almost completely covered with the eruption. I waited until the Spring to see if it would return, but have seen no signs of it, and am satisfied the cure is permanent. It has been several years now and I do not believe I will ever have any return of the trouble. 1017 Hack berry St, Ottumwa, Iowa. P. C NORFOLK. Vhat S. S. S. did for Mr. Norfolk it can do for every one who is afflicted with a Skin Disease. He is just one of the many thousands who have cured themselves by the simple process of purifying the blood and removing the cause from the circulation. We want you to be cured if you have any skin trouble, and shall endeavor in this short talk to tell you just why S. S. S. will accomplish the desired result. The skin is composed of two distinct layers. One is known as the epidermis or outer skin, which has no fibres, and serves principally as a covering to the body. The other is known as the derma or true skin, and is composed of elastic fibres, fat tissue, glands, lymphatics, nerves, etc. The thousands of tiny veins and arteries with which this lower section is interlaced, supplies the cuticle with healthful properties from the circulation to keep the skin smooth and healthy. We can therefore readily see how necessary it is for the blood to be pure if the skin remain free from disease, and also why humors and acids in the circu lation always find their way to the surface and cause skin affections. All skin troubles are due to a humor or acid in the blood. Instead of supplying rich, nutritive properties to the cuticle, the circulation constantly deposits an acrid impurity into the sensitive fibres and tis sues. This causes inflammation of the under layer of the skin which splits or breaks the thin outer tissue and causes an ulceration of the glands, producing a discharge upon the surface, in the form of Eczema, tetter. Salt Rheum, etc. There is likewise a dry form of skin disease such as Acne, Psoriasis, etc. In these varieties the humor in the blood diseases the pores, hair follicles, etc., causing them to swell and protrude to the outer surface. Pimples, rashes, eruptions and like troubles are all due to impure blood, and only a blood purifier can cure them. Salves, washes, lotions, etc., wiil perhaps afford some tempo rary relief from the itching, and assist in keeping the skin clean, but such treatment can have no effect on the humors in the blood, and therefore never do any permanent good. S. S. S. cures Skin diseases of every kind by neutralizing the acids 9nd removing the humors from the blo6d. S. S. S. cools the acid heated circulation, builds it up to its normal strength and thickness, multiplies its rich, nutritious corpuscles, and adds to its purity and nourishing qualities in every way. Then the skin, instead of being irritated and inflamed by fiery humors and acids, is nourished, soothed ,ind softened by a plentiful supply of rich, pure blood. S. S. S. is the greatest of all blood purifiers and therein lies its ability to cure skin diseases. It cures Eczema, Acne, Tetter, Salt Rheum, pimples, boils, rashes and all eruptions of. the cuticle. These troubles cannot remain when the cause has been removed, and S. S. S. will certainly remove the cause by purifying the blood. Book on Skin Diseases free to all vho write. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.a ATLANTA, GA. PLUM WITH SEVEN Board Called to Name State Forester for Oregon. FIRST MEETING TODAY Many- After Office Created by Kc ccnt Legislature Paying $3000 a Year Deputy to Bo Ap pointed at S1800. Reannnrtlnrr to the Call Of Governor West, members of the State Board of Forestry will hold their llrst meeting at Salem today. inis ooaru created by enactment 01 tne lasi leg islature and will direct a general poucy of aupervlslon and protection' of tne forests of the state. An appropriation of IjO.000 waa provided by the Legis lature to defray expenses of the board for the ensulnar two years. Tho membership of the board was completed this week by Governor West. Ita members are: L S. Hill, of Junc tion City, representing the Oregon & Washington Lumber Manufacturers' As sociation; A. P. Sprsgue, of Portland, of the Oregon Forest Fire Association; A. T. Buxton, of Hillsboro, of the Ore gon State Grange: George H. Cecil, of Portland, of the United States Forestry Service, and Dan P. Smyths, of Pendle ton, of tha Oregon Woolgrowers" As sociation. Governor West and George W. Peavy. bead of the forestry depart ment at the Corvallls Agricultural Col lege, are ex-offlclo members of tha board. Forester to Be Named. Among the first duties of the board Is the election of a State Forester. There Is considerable strife for this office, which carries a salary of $3000 and the appointment of a deputy at S1S00 a year. The Forester Is also charged wlrh the appointment of fire wardens to patrol the forests of the state. Among the aspirants for State For ester Is F. A. KUiott, employed by the Spaulding Logging Company at Salem. Mr. Elliott Is recommended strongly for the place aa a man of practical ex perience, having been engaged In the timber business In various capacities In Oregon for 30 years. For many years he was In charge of the protec tion from Are of the timber holdlnga of the Oregon California Railroad Company. In that capacity be organ ised and directed a large force of fire lighters and kept the company's prop erty loss from nre at a minimum. By this experience he gained a thorough knowledge of the timber of the entire state. Roscburg Man In Race. S. C. Bart rum. of Roseburg, la an other applicant. Mr. Bart rum Is for est supervisor In charge of the Ump qua National forest and probably the oldest supervisor in the service in this state. He entered the Forest Service In 1S99. while this department was un der the Jurisdiction of the General Land Office, and haa served continuously since. Mr. Bartrum la Indorsed for the place , by nearly 100 prominent bualness moa and citntena of hla home town. Other candidates for the appointment are: Kdwln P. Sheldon, ex-aecretary of the Northweet Lurahermen'a Associa tion: Pavlri K. Stewart, of John Stew art at Son. of Portland, dealers In tim ber lands, and Assistant Forester Knoll, of California. NEW COMMISSION TO MEET Port or Portland Officials Will Hat; Firol Session Today. Notices were yesterday Issued for the first session of the newly appointed Port of Portland Commission to be held at the offices of Judge Munley. Wells-Fargo building, tomorrow morn ing at 10:30 o'clock. Commissioners Mears, Ksterly and Goodman, appoint ed this week by Governor West, have not qualified but are expected to take the oath of office and be present at the session. In addition there will be Com missioners Inman, Gray, Collins and Macgulre. Aa the Commissioners are not In pos session of the Port of Portland's busi ness, nothing will be transacted bear ing on its affairs other than to prepare for litigation to determine the consti tutionality of the act under which they were named. In the evening there will be a meeting of the committee of 50. at which accounts will be audited and general financial reports made so that a fund can be set aside to assist In carrying on the litigation to be di rected against the Commission in power. Edlefscn Fuel Company has the best country slab and block wood. Both phones. HOW TO SUCCEED During the last few years, conditions In all lines of business, even profes sional life, have changed so completely that every man is waking up to the fact that in order to win success he must specialize and learn to do some one thing and do It well. So It Is with any article that Is sold to the people. It must have genuine merit or no amount of advertising will maintain the demand for the article. For. many years we have watched with much interest the remarkable record maintained by Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great Kidney, Liver and Bladder Remedy. From the verjr beginning the proprietors had so much confidence In It that they Invited every one to test It, free of cost, before pur chasing. It is a physician's prescription. They have on file thousands of let ters received from former sufferers who are now enjoying good health as a result of its use. However. If you wish first to try a sample bottle, address Dr. Kilmer & Co., Blnghamton, N. Y.. and mention this paper. They will gladly forward you a sample bottle by mall, absolutely free. Regular sizes for sale at all drug gists fifty-cents and one-dollar. WAI JING'S COUGH REMEDY The most wonderful cough medicine In the world. Also have eome good remedies for Internal, Ex ternal, or ErupUve Dis eases of both sexes. Call or write to S. H. WAI 'IVO I HIKR HERB A OOT MEDICINE CO, SOIH First St, Portland, Oregon. L. T. YEE & SONS Tb Old. Bc4lb1 CtalBCM Doctor pnt lif.Um atody 4 hcrbaj and MMftrca la China; wu vraatad diploma by tta Emperor: mmnttct car all ilmcnt of mca and womii ba otfcors tail If you suf fer, rail or writ to 11 M MKft MKOICINaC CO.. lASVs ftinC Cor. Aldor. rorUaad, j PECIAI Here Is an Opportunity for Any Man to Be Cured Easily, Quickly and Permanently NO MAN should suffer tha low of that ritality which rendem life worth Uying, or allow himself to b eoine less than Natnra intended, when there, is at hand a certain cure for hia debility. Most o the FAlJSb, most of The DEBn!rriES of te STOMACH, HEART, BRAIN, NERVES and AILMENTS of MEN from which men suffer are due to an early loss of Nature's reserve power. You need not suffer from this. Ton be restored. The very element which you have lost you can pet oaca, ana you may oe or. ayyj- You can ba eared by the right sand ot treatment. ur w can man. FIRST WARNINGS OF DANGER When you are first aware of any disease or debility upon your vitality, then you should prooure the proper medioal ad vice and treatment without delay. You will secure to yourself that health, success and enjoyment of life which is every man s lot, whose bright and steady eyes, clear and healthy skin, ae tire brain, congenial make-up and physical development show that no contaminating influences of disease are devastating his system, that no. mental, moral or physical debility is making his liff a miserable failure. MY TREATMENT AND DIAGNOSIS I do not treat symptoms. I treat and cure the ailment be hind the symptoms. If the case presents even the slightest feature upon which t have a doubt, or if I recognize incurable Complications, I positively refuse treatment. I would rather give up my practice than indulge in either guesswork or make believe cures. I have devoted years of earnest and conscien tious endeavor to the unravelment of some of the most perplex ing problems that ever confronted the profession, and believe that I have attained the limit of medical possibilities in my par ticular branch of practice. I have brought to light the true nature of men's ailments and the causes of the symptoms they present In addition I have by the scientific blending of drugs produced remedies that meet every condition that it seems pos sible to cure. There is no cause to hesitate. Consultation costs nothing, and I will not offer my services unless I can eure you. s My Original and Exclusive Treatment for Men's Ailments Has Been Proven In Numbers of Instanoea Where Success Has Seemed Impossible Before. Information That Is of Vital Interest to ' Every Sufferer Free. How They Can Be Cured Without Experimenting. ITflna Van xriatA thai Tjmb- nt Health? I XLSTV A V l. . .Vm-ut u u rw w Corrrect Medical Methods for the Permanent Cure of Blood Ailments, Piles and All Bladder and Kidney Ailments. inOt a dollar need be paid until cured Medicine furnished from my own laboratory for the convenience and privacy of my patients, from i an .a ka m tfirsf4 ll.i. a a." 1M. tm 8 P. M. Sundays from IS te IX. FREE Conoultatlos and examination. It you cannot call, writ for fra flelf-xaxnlnatlon blank and book. Many caes our ad at homo. ii ST. LOUIS MEDICAL CO. 230V2 Yamhill St. PORTLAND, OR. I CURE Blood Diseases, Nervous Decline, Varicose Veins, Obstructions, Piles, Rupture; Kidney, Bladder, Prostatic and All Ailments Peculiar to Men. The Results of My Treat . ment Are Felt Instantly No time la wasted. Tou are not per mitted to drag along for d a y and weeks on promlees until hope at last dies. Bv my treatment you feel the returning flush of health at the very starts The bounding energy of youth revived, vigor of health restored what would you give to have them back again? And you can have them back a little ertori win onus them Just the effort of calling at my office and. without spending one cent, have a confidential chat with me. DR. LINDSAY The Old Reliable Specialist. Corner Alder and Socond streets. En trance 128V4 Second street, Portland. Or. Office hours 9 A. M. to 1 P. E Sunday. 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. MEN CURED $10 IS OUR FEE Pay When Cured W. aave every known reiveuy ap pliance lor THUATLKti YOU. Our ex pexlence la to great and varied that nj ana ot the ailments of Men le new to us. COMB IN ANO TALK IT UVKK. General Debility, Weak Mervea, Ia omnla Results of exposure, overwork ad other Violations of iSature's lawc. Diseases o. .wilder and Kidneys. Varl eose Veins, quickly and permanently cured at amall expenae aad no dsl.a tlon from baelnesa. efaclAJ. a Newly cos. tr acted aad curomc caaea cured. Ail burning. Itching and InliaimnaUoa Stopped In 14 hours. Cures effected la aeven days. Consultation free. If ua. able to call, write for list of question, Office Hours A, M. to P. XL bua cy. 10 A. M. to 1 P M. only. Pacific Coast Medical Co Z24Vi Wash. &t-. Portland. Oreoa. TO-NIGHT mss. 3 an A Thorough and Per manent Cure For Every Ailing Man Whose Case I Undertake for Treatment, and Not a Dollar Need Be Paid Until You Are Well. Could Any Offer Be Fairer? No man eould make a fairer or more straightforward proposition than that. I make this offer because I KNOW that my methods will cure any case that I accept for treatment. Under no circumstances do I ever attempt to treat Incurable cases. If I attempt to treat your case, therefore, depend upon It that I will cure you. If ailing vou can depend upon It that the ervice I offer you Is the service you need and Is service such as can De renaerea Dy no Jtfcer physician. . . . Maybe you are one of the large number of men who think their cases are incurable. Perhaps your own doctor has told you you could not be cured; but, remember, that Is only because he did not understand, your ailment and could not cure you. It did not mean that you could not get help from an expert or experienced specialist. I Cure to Stay Cured by a method that involves no painful processes. No other physician em ploys a like method, and so thorough Is my work that there need not De the slightest fear of a relapse Into the old condition. It Is not a question of whether you can be cured, but whether you will be cured. Don t wait until It Is too late. My method i perfect and quick. The cure is abso lutely certain. I especially solicit those cases where many so-called treatments have failed or where money has been wasted on electric belts and other appliances. Men's Ailments My Specialty I have limited my -specialty In practice to only a few of the more im portant ailments so that I could KNOW these thoroughly. My experience along this one path for 26 years qualifies me to say positively that such troubles ae Varicose Veins. Specific Blood Poison, Contracted Ailments, Obstructions can be cured perfectly so as to stay cured, or course. I use different methods than the ordinary physician. Most or them are original with me and were devised for lust such cases as the ordinary courses of treatment fail to reach. Tne Lea dins; SpedaHat, I CURE CONTRACTED AILMENTS. Every contracted ailment I treat Is thoroughly cured; my patients have no relapses. When I pro nounce a case cured there is not a fartlcie of Inflammation remain -ng and there is not the slirhtest danger that the disorder will re turn In Its original form or work Its way Into the general system. No aliment Is so trivial aa to war rant uncertain methods of treat ment, and I especially solicit those cases that other doctors have been unable to cure. OBSTRTJOTIOWS. My treatment la absolutely pain less, and perfect results can be de pended upon In every Instance. I do no cutting or dilating what ever. My eolereel ekart, ahevrlag the male anatomy- ana fforoiag aa la tereatlaa; ataar la ss.nHi all meats, free at crfflee. VARICOSE VEINS. I cure varicose veins in one week and the patient need not be detained from his business a sin gle day. If you have sought a cure elsewhere and been disap pointed, or If you fear the harsh methods that most physicians em ploy In treating this ailment oome to me and I will cure you soundly and permanently by a gentle and painless method. Don't delay. Varicose veins have dangers and bring disastrous results. If you call I will be pleased to explain my method of curing. SPECIFIC BLOOD POISON. No dangerous minerals to drive the virus to the interior, but harm less, blood-cleansing remedies that remove the last poisonous taint. MEN ONLY. 10,000 MUSEUM OP ANATOMY. LARGEST IN THE WEST. FREE TO MEN. FREE CONSULTATION Call at the office, if possible, for free advice, examination and diag nosis. If you cannot call, write for Symptom Blank. I offer not only FREE consultation and advice, but of every casp that comes to me I will make a careful examination and diagnosis without charge. No ailing man should neglect this opportunity to get expert opinion about his troubles. , , DT, MY OFFICE IS OPEN ALL DAY FROM A. M. TO I P. M., AND SUN DAYS FROM 10 TO 1 ONLY. The DR. TAYLOR CO. CORNER MORRISON AND SECOND STREETS, - PRIVATE ENTRANCE, SS4H MORRISON STREET, PORTLAND, OR.