K V I ' I TIVAirlll. f BUSINESS DIRECTORY. I I .-.- urniAL NOTICES. I Li?'i?1ef 1 . Ha tHi GREATKR MKIEIt ( HANK STuKR r.TL l.D INK 'RMATI'.'S Pl'i.Al. Ham.-hunt.re. aiail our up-to-date ren tal and tnformaiwa department. 4th flor. main bn!.dir.g. ant e. e th.- Tscanilce w. AA. liet.4 of deelrao.. " " "': Yoq'U ht tlm. la g-tuc properly enrt nmlnruu; located. We ep In w Wit ail vacant konMl fate and apart m.nie in the city. V alao he"? a list ot li-w bandings In eours. of conetrueiloa. Th. cornbiaod of a. I real eet.t. deal- r.. Thu information u " T ':--WHL.N YOU WANT TO Kt.NT A HOtst 8&E t'S" THZ MEIER FRANK COJ.PANT. WHrV yrj mora yoall ne-d NEW fl R MTlUt Hut If Ju.iiclou.lr (on tha f.ast Ridel and th. savltge will exceed jour "oS'lSwTRirFU .Mrt n T-r. mad. u. ona of Portland a larsestfurnl tur. huuaae. were mad. powbie ...-au.e w built oa tha Kaal btda. in.r.br ev.r. fj3 wi a yrmT r . ' ynH'-AUHLil nKNtTTTtB CO Grar.dAe..Cor.t.ast eiark t. a OK RTlf modern hoiii. 3 and Mt F- 15-n ... faralilirt or unfum:ehJ. - and li . E- A. Mcorata. Vil Chamber of C'mnrce block. t m0l n EI.I. rt f.MMIED S-ro.m cottaKe $ month . low.r rurnler,e4 4-rooni l.al, snrnih: weil-f irn.ari'.l houek-piDi su'J. 3 r-.u. a. : an.l $1- n;-nin. 3 for f l. Appiy ."M Norb -Jtri. W car from depot, oti or MorrtsoQ l -:n,blovK north. t iul i-t mr newly fumi.h,.!. modT. home to nus of a or a g.nti.m.n. will " . hiak..p-r : ; from rar. 3' min w'.. out- I' or particu.ars paone UoodLaau :-a. . , - I . vruM4K)!li Mrvt.r httif, of rooraa ran aut-k.t I or 2. rJOa aad Jjard.r. . min at.a' walk. !: .aal ll:h cor. aa! idi.x. oo ch.ldr.a NKW-TxTna-houaeTon WIDam-tl. H-I::a. f arntahr-l oa t ftroaa riom . hanlo l r ..r. firapiara and :-putaT lorcnj; flna vl.a. l-hoaa Ma 4 R X iM Bixla furaiah.d houaa on W. R .arl.i:. pr month. Hubb.ll A KKharda. -4 Hawtborua. Tar l'fKr. N -r"Om hou,.. aralklna d:,lanra. rant lo. IA4 Tllotmook au, aaar Rodnoy JSIOliKllX i room furnl.hcd r'-t:a: alo a a-ro"m flat, with bath. ill fcaal int. W K. car. FVftN'ISHEf a-roora oppr flat: pollah.d fioora iaraa btb, attic. ba.nrnt, waan traya E:ia.irahall IJol. Vr tTRTLANrwFurniahad S-roora f at. larca front balcony. H carllnra. r.fr ncti eirnanf-d. I'bena rlallwoHi:u- Vl KNTflL'ItE Buod.rn ft -room flat, oak and Die"n. bra,a bada. ch"p r.nt. 7i' iia.l. n.ar ;lt. iit i:a, il.rr.o. cor. taat S-M. fur. a ,n.a bauaakaapinc ruoma, aalkim aia tanv.. R'OM wiodrn partly furniahad cottaaa. nl -a yard. I llj. Morrli at. L or C cara. Uommm foa kra; tarallara taa aa. 1 ItOOMS. Rlcht on Imainaaa atra.r: mod.ra: rnt tZu- prlca tikra It" to handla. a-KOOll FLAT. On WaaMr.a.on atrt. c:oa In: flna fur niture. laa . rnt lo. Isclu.llnc h'-at, wrt.r and Janitor avrvlca. rTi-a oa.y S. (r. J oat In. Falllna Hui.Uln Phon.a Main lO. A oTS. (CMC cautlfufinahoany library furnltura for aa.a at araat baixln. A.o aoma flna carpeta, baby carnaae. hint.-halr. w cliair. dlah.a. roiklni ut.naila. ate: arn 1-artna toan: call lo-j Eaat 1 'th at. . Tana Albrta car to Ea: lata at. aad walk ana b.otk aoulb. I'hona c NEW FfRMTfRE FOIl 8AI.E. . worth of furnitur for -' BT: Ina iuat compi.ta.l a 5-roora fat and cmpeilad within Jt) Jaja to more out. Mlaalon atyle. bat oak fllilah. Thono Majn 4"4. 4Q1 Hallwaya:ichaniabld. BARRAUV. fl-roara hooa. cloaa In. mod.rn. w.ll furniah.d. rent i2..V. leae: If aod la two dra only owner lcavlna city. Mo aa.nta CaU .".S K.a at. OR SALE at half price, th. complete fur nlhtnca of a 4-room apartment, all new aad la eaclienl condition; mult ba aa to ba appreciated, fhone A HH. Main Mra sjwope- , OOOD furniture of parlnc private rooming houaa of 11 room a for a.le or excltanga f.c acreage cl.a In. Tualatin Valley. l-lnliy of ilard.n Home preferred. Value '.i;iiUl X 9vi. Oregonun. a-KOOM prtrate dwalltnr. central; 4 aepa rate aiartmpta aiwaya rented. lnco.ne I..J: rent 3i: muat aell. leaving city; Mo AO KJJ. Oregoman. eVROOU cottar", nice yard, near Union ave aue. to partlca buying furniture; $J75; rent IIS. al Chamber of Commerce. t'RNITUlJ modern 1-room f.at. oak and miaaioa: brasa beda. ihcap rant. gTaet Oltaan. near Slat. MUST SELL New furaltuie of 1-room Sat. bargain; flat modern, low rent. 41I:dat: . ll-ROOV HOl'SE. rooma rented pay rent and running eapaaaaa; 4 living -rooma. 1.1 North 17tn at- 3 UTH KT. Furniture of -roora houaa for aale; houaa for rent; bargain. baa thte at onca. ;IiE furniture fue-roal flat, carpeta, ranee, oak dining table; everything com plete. HS Columbia at. Fl'RN'ITCRaT of a-room flat for aale: S rooma rented. bnnctl0 over rent- Main AlJW'r new furniture for aale cheap: Douae for rent. i itlamark and L- --Id. il RxFrCRE of ItCroom roomliis-houae; rent t'- 30 E-lavla at. rrRMTl'RE s-room cottivre for aale; three rooma rented.AJO ra.V J.11 Thlrd at. JTRMTLRI o! 5 -room flat for aale. 427 Weldl.r. 1J4. n'KMTl'RK of ft. room modom cottage. roniplete. ftloi. terma. S4i E- 31 at- N. JU ST aU fumltura of 5-room flat. Come and gta na a price Call H a'Kij. St- HAI at new t-atory brtrk. ftnxloO; plate glaaa front; lgth and MarvHait; aultabie for light Jobbing, caanutacturlng or retail; will leaaa osa-balf: divide apace to euit tenant or tanauta. long leaaa. A. Q. Long. J-I.n e brick corner"! aieo Inal.le atore. E. 11th and Hawthorne ae.; aJrtnueli:jr attuatl for a hiab-grad grocer, botcher. frulet to build up a large buatneea In llawrbon. and Laod'a adiitlona. Appiy 1 lc.FAlrea.ld. sherio.k ItMg. Ti'KS SovlOO feet. 1JO Terh at.. nar Alder. Ui.i put In frmt lo a'Ht tenant. For rartlculara aaa Farrtai. Matkina t o.. ait at- aVETV at or. building and mo-lem flat on carftne. I'ortland'a larct auburb. ft per month. oeward. 49 Lalt lth St. labor j ; lid. O.N K ot thm rwatl"n for a (nctnr i!o or i;lktUtnf tor. errs on 'o. moTlnf- jriR hC.NT-fl'.orvroora. 1 hr 4W. liak at. App.y n th prvmlsra. jfOR HKM tor oa Marrin -r 3d.; r j rto loca. l . o rv I r. vj r orr ion iU (ART of old jw-tofT - od F.tkt itvlmont at. for rPt. r-T"i Tirur IXOHK tr rnt si th and tftvrk t In cu:r Ti lt at. gTOHK for rt. T oo JE -t 13 OtTWvm. )OH RFMT Ivf. phor nJ trprfr-r. I,4t or in:lnu. Cll -K A5!a:oo -,U. M ; :. . tr!lABl.E ??: 4 ajmp: room for rnt rr..ot rt-. Mn-hi"r bid.. Ja.1'71 ft'.h tt-rl jifarlk o4 iAfc. j-or -rt u. iiwt.a4 b.lA. of J a H-r. it?, in l 1 u:iimiin, jwaVK rrt-i-'. or" drfcroom Tory rv- onA.. C.4H.nrii. Lh ad 0k. I-r-iK KH.. brh. chrfu! 2T!C. front of v av'.or. M!. ryb.lg- vrrTi'E. r.rl kvstion . ! - pr month. AUH Wawninttm roi.f I.V H-rtrn4. 4ii Ct:ntr w( Commrro. 5:swc Rch p-r trvntb. pbooo fur- Befr K4--rt-. It'K KF.M 1 and rini cottc-. ?-aM. p- .m bow vnl :l OfrwT 1. A' rs Tfto F" R. F. I. .No- 2. 'krtUinL .to phoc ONK r t- r.oom m brl- lc bul -1'ni; 51M or rT r" with !v.i..r t -trt 'ioerr. ff-r tort r i nu4.-turift rurp"-. p inura' -v. Ki ct at- W-?"-- WWT AND 1H1X GENTLEMAN who took parcel containing l.anlc papera from train en 11th of March. Aatoria t'olumbi R. R return aad gat reward. : Fland.ra a:. LOT Oold cr".a oo TSuradav. liir1) valued aa a a.lfce be oan.r. Finder at.! obtain raaard by telrvrionmg Main rrovj. osT Lad'a g-"'d watch and fob. Wed ..eday art.m a. In rrheurn Theater: flrJ.r po:ifv , 'r a-.-. ai: r-aard. Li JT email Ma -k r-ur. rontamlng g-v.sl In mor.ey. Reaarc. I'hona Main 64o0 or A till. L'ST 1 l Branded. aa h-Ta. 1; y.are. 1 a Houaa Top J. Mike Heoer. lv.J Xeu LOST AI rOCXD. FOUND Where yoa can bay genuine hair nailrtnri retail at .holeaale prices; r-novato mattn-aara and ralurn aama day; w ti ronovata feathara. i-orUand Curl.d Hair Kartory. H. Jlmaer. 30 rront. 1-nor.a Main 474: A CcTsTioTj mrt.illlor. pin. March I. oa ll'.h atrrat. artavn Yarohlil and tark. If found, piaaa rrtura to J. M. Ualtrr. &I5 Lumbrrmma bide, aad tTt reward. MjAn est A 6.-4- L tT In VanfouT.r. Wa-h-. or Portland), or.. ,.'11. monocram W on eornrr: p p.ra arh addrras. Valll-Ita. Cal.' Liberal raaard If rturnd to 31 Fargo at.. Porl- . . 1 f a S7Hlt.. 1ast Lady'a old watch and foo batwean oo and lat av.nln. Flr-dar plawa r.uri to v. A. Mackv. cara Fred A. J aoora Co. Haa ard. . Los-j prrall rold pndant for Bcklara: blua tiutlnr on ade. amall p.art In cntr. fl-a. r.lum to a -'4 Cbambar of cora jnrca. Cost Thuralar ava. Mac walrua grip and coat, aultaoia rawaru. Orroaian. LAnm a-old nacxet brarl-t loat Im rfay. R-aard .ven If r.tunil. 1 Loua d a i U ra. E. T. Ih ffnn. 3J a 1 n Hi LOST !art roaary. "n Wat Slda. Marck 11. Lava at orrionlan office. EI6.ST HtTrf bracil-t-1 W Inch arUlT- tte i.irn !.. u.intrjmrrr at. A 3ol. I.award. I' LOST ma:l whit, and black jjog; bloa rioboa oa n.ck. 3T1 " t Hr m ard. LOST Am.thyat roaary. bat. E. Plna and Kv.rrtt. at arc n laT. mi y, l,-. Br.IXFWi OPPORTryTTIES. I' ' K BALK or Trial A rnrnt, A contract lor tr.a l ana or Jfw anca.n iinn,. , I nclualva riaht In tha s:ta ..f orr.on and 3 yaara to a.11 tbin In. inia i. n.ncy-makT. all 11 na.da la tha rta-ht n-.a lo har.di. It. and It will b.ar tha cloe rr: inrratlatlon. Thla cabinet la aoma thmc .ntir. y now tad a ood aall.r. Any b.viy Int.nat'd wrtta or call oa A. Haaaa. 427 :h at.. 1'ortlantL TH fcTbaarTua. n7a opantn In F0"uJ"i".., d.alra to enl.re our profnabla ''''; bjt nd mora capital Ifrom flitK-o to do ao; will fttaxanlea aooa re turr.a on capital tnrtad: can la ana -.all riuira bt baak rafarancaa. A t.l. Or.oi:lan. GRcX-EIlT rlTOr.E. A Tne gro-'ry ar.d tlell.-ate.aen for eal. located oo Weahliiatoo at-.Weat "a. ' y.ara- leaae: rent only per mon'.nao Ina fine Lu.1r.eee: Invoice about alou. GKlSI ft ZAIH5W. IT Board o Trade Hldg.. 4tjh and Oak. t . . t t tiiv nt-TrlT Vi ) It SAl.E- 15 a. rea. with bulldlnaa. 4X ehlckena. cibatora. broo.la and all neccry 'eouipm.nt for f.rrt-ciaaa planu Price i. U'. Would eonM.r trade. R. M. GAl fc uuu ISiia 4th L A CO, -A SNAP." raying bakery and Ice cream butlnaaa at Ch.halla. Waah, lirU; pari caah. bal ance l.rma. Vain 43-L liHlf. M. LEAN PERCT. Ill-US Fourth t- -North. FOR SALTfTo rToia a partnerahlp. a money-making grocery and market at In voice ealee average 171 pr day; beat trade tn cltv; :.oo will handle. Don! anawer unleaa you have the money. T biL Oregon I a a. PROFIT 33 1-3 PKR CENT I.V a MONTHS. . TTIth 1000: would you like to know? now and give youreelf employment at ama time? You hanl! your own money. Bee Jaa C. Logan. Mo Spaluing niug. WANTED Party to take lntereat 1th from ::.00 to a.iooy gOOd palCg DMlH'i". will atand Inveattgatlon we nave iw. opening In 4 ailtomia. Tb. Amea Mercantile Agency. Main S-"t 41 Abington blag- FOR SALE or eachange for good real properta. a grocery and bakery la good Five country town, eatnbllehed atx yeara. doing good caah bualneaa; muat aell or emciiante at once. X IriH. Oregonian. PIOSFER-drug atore.-In one of the moat rapidly growing dletrlcte In Portland: long leaaa and poetal aub-ata:kn: nat dlvldenle lart year. Ilioo. Price 3100 cash. En- c ulre of J. J. M cCarthyAblrg : tonMtI. FOR SALE Nice clean etock groc.rlea tn good country town; owner retiring from bualneaa. will rent good brick building cheap; would exchange for Portland real estate. V IA. oregonian. RFSTAVRANT In Weat Slda banking dla trlct; &3 aeata. counter and tablea. wood and gaa rangea: a money-maker, for Cjulck aale o.V; another, amaller one, for alow. r-a Mornaon at-, near Front. ' WATER power alte. Central Oregon, aale or trade; 1WO horaepowar right can be de veloped cheaplv. For further particular. The Hank of Lndlcott. Waan. CARPET cleaning outfit: complete, new. poaerful vacuum machine; economical: gaaollne power: at bargain to man who menne bualneaa -11 Clay t.. near let. AM leaving city: will eell my bualneaa for leaa than half, eultabla for lady or gentle man: 7S0 lakes 1U lorma. AC WOO. Ore- onlan. FOR AI E lienta furnishing bualneas; beet corner in city of 14.0OO population; doing good bualneaa ; will Invoice g-lOOO. i or rartlrulara address E Wl, Oregonian. FOR SALE; General merchandlae stock In Willamette Valley town, about SO0 In habltanta: good parroll all the year: stock Invokes about 7uw. E mi, OTegonlaa. FOR "SALE Barber shop, wall equipped; tiro chairs, good locaflon. good lc Owner l-aving city. Inquire Portland Cut. err Co, eta at. WANTEO iJtdy to buy half Interest and take management of retail bakery and confectionery and Ice cream store; small c a pital re quired. S W. Oregonian. ilooiLunchroom with cigar business, oa burr cor.; I living rooms; long 'ease; brick biiig.: come early .t you want this. 3o Mercliants inai oios EXCEPTIONAL oprmrtunlty feo- a wide awake man to aaeoclate himself with a reeponelble real eatate arm. Inquire 417 ltoaril ot iniiBiiiu . i r urRIt Good paying country atores which will stand your Woaeat inveatigatlon. t. rtcrtw. - - v FOK SALE By owner, a bargain: corner lot tolw. VO Milwaokee at. Building, fixtures, grocery stock; doing good bual neaa. $3oo. Irrfepe-rt'Tit lb-enaa. ' beap rent Good loaae lot" stock. Price J1O0O. 304 Merer! ant s Truat p;ag. I4w Fl"Yf a neat cigar, fruit. 1-4 cream and ronrc:lonery atand on busy slreet. Ciears $10 per monlh. Higley A Bishop. 1 JI Thlrd St. SPECIAL opening for ateady man In atore; will pay ii week salary and share of profits. Particulars. Hi's Stark St. p.PTVER wanted for strictly cash bual , can depend on l-'S week; requires very" little CallI4i Stark at r'oR ftLE Racket atore In coming city of Central Oregon. New railroad. Excel lent opening Add rvsa V IrOS. Oregonian. Rnotelarromlng-houa candy kltchena. .. .:orea Bool and Mlllarel rooms, sa- l.ior.s. etc.. call at ."V"2 Couch bldg. CEMENT bualneaa opening for active man; ran clear Ili4 montli: duties easily learned. Particulars tS Clark at. WA'NTEt'Pak.-rV-!" a good town In Ore gon, state full particulars. M SOa, Oregohl- ,y Confectionery and cigars, corner '"ca. Hon: with living rooms. Call IS Board of TraJa . . BOND taauea. SoO.OrtA upwsrda Bagotlated. 1. N. R ...'i.tvaum. lawyer aad f1nau lal agent. M Hairlit b.i'.g. Seattle. Wa SCMiXI. HTORE -lo li ins -rooms; aa' le to high school: S Hall A. Hualln. U Lumbermens D.tig MOVlNli-PirTl'RE thcat'-r that Is clearing monthlv. price lw. terms. 4t4 llothchild b;dg. INVFSTI'lvTE tlrard Tallea; na town on North Hankoad-3:7 Il'nry bldg. t7r VliF tM and confectlonerv. a bargain if taken at once. O M7. orecinian- CoKNER grea-erv. stock and flxturea rent S-0. il ing -rc-tma ..3 K loth N. riH uaI.E Repair and shoemaker ehop en Nlcolal at, bit). Inquire E p7. oregonian. cT1 i'vI'-STAND" ham" location; sell cheap, l a. I at N 31. poit SALE Complete candy-makers outfit. toofe. etc. ::" V- Aah a jfjl buain.aa: atea.lv partner wanted; protlts large. "lark SL s-on s LE Clsar an're. loer rent; living ruomalnqulr . oM ackaybjdg. Jootv paying saloon for sale. 7i4 Tbur- FOR S l E Hotel and e'eam laundry. Jn- oulre' el Creat Hotel. Montesano. Waah. CI iR and confectionery cr.eap. otner oust-n-a. must selL Inquire -VI Tlilrd. Mr'RC1! VNDIST atore. good cotrnrry town, invoices" tlS.iMW. Call 1 S Stark St. GI;MERIr:s. butter, ecra etc.; strictly caah ltad. Call :tSiStajk su WVN'TEti A small csrpenter shop eir will K-y In rartc.rahlp. T Oregonian. K IVF. S'""0; want worklnc partnerahip In cor.lao-'d tuair.-aa S ""2. Oregonian. l.HR stand: one of the best tn city. c.S. IM'a, h Realty Co.. 'J-'l Lumbermen bKlg. Ft'R SAt-E Oood gro.-ery. west Side. In voice about AB uciV Oregonian. HA IRnr.KiSIN't parlors, a bargain If sold at satca. FUednar bldg- TIIE MORNING ntkn-rv-v-mva 1 KTO.HlSU-MUl J'ta. V , " : ... . . i - i C.1...IM- I rMr.inm.tie 'h VSlCUin 1 A GENUINE SNAP HOTEL, rooma modern, alwsys full of good psving roomers. good furniture. good leaae. and will guarantee It to be clearing from $) to m4 par month; for quick aale will sell for 111.000. part caah and terms to suit, or would conalder good acreage part pay; deal with owner direct, atata what you have to exchange, or what terms you would wsnt to buy on. first letter; If yoa mean business, ad dress O IIS. Oregonian. , CONFECTIONERY. . One of the best confectionery etorcs ana locations In Portland, on West Slue, on T r.n GR115SI A ZADOW 1T Board of Trs de;il g. thand0. k. MOVING-PICTLRE THEATERS- re - I I l..a. af Ar.el frtf MU INU' PICT l RE THKATEKS; aliv l1.11 houa.. Theaters KriPFKD COM PLRTE ON EASY TERMS. aE W YORK FILM EXCHANGIS. tv WCCKPSFI L CO R PO RATIOS EN UR JNO BLSINKS HAS PK-NlNO OR lOfNti MAN WITH ABII.ITTT Afl Ob rUF.H VHO CAN INVKT TO $tftiMj; SfHcTASTIAL PKOFIT. PI N CIPAU SK'TKKIi; STATE EXFttlIrt..NCE. O eal. J R KioN IAN. DOVT TAKE A CHANCE f baylnr drbta. I invratmato and wort. Ollllnrham. auditor, 411 .Uewia bld. Mar abail 717. FOR SALTS A flrt,clajt general mrchan dts tu.-inea In a amll rountry town wim cood aurroun.lin farmlnic nd f inc country: would require 10.0o to 13.0-'0 to handl tho bualneaa. ftr partlculara aa- dreaa C Oragonian. HL'YS an A-l ronfectlonery. dolnf whnicaa!o and roiail bualneaa; goa l'" tion: Jon leaae. reaonblo rent; on-b.t down, balauca to auttw Box V. Eu !.. Oregon. : FOR BALE Hirnen aod Implement bual neaa; ond town, new fruit Uiatrlrl. proa proua farmlnK country ; no ?omptltlon; ". to $ iiK wlU handl thla; aU or lwkaa bulldtnga. M S7i. Orenontan. TOt'N-. MAN. STRANGER. TUaka careful Inveatiitation at rpn of aeller bafora you inveat money in any propoalUon. AdrUory aDapartment, Y. M. C. A. HOMEFEEKERB.- Chebai:. Lw1a County. Waahlnjrton ; arxaace lnducemanis for tn tenalvo farir.lnir; Uvelieat city ot &HX In Northweat. Writ C1tl-i5na Club ot Cna halia for Information and booklet. BENSON "CHAPMAN. HALOO.V. IXDEPE?nKNT LU'ENRR. Jrootl leaa. rheap rent. luH atock; pr.cer3ou0. Sot) Mer.-hanta Trust bMu- . FOR SALE Movinc-ptcturo ahw In Eaat Hida rea id en ce aectlon ; ood location ana doin a irood bualneaa: thla Is an excellent opportunity. Apply to General Film Co., 14,; '-a 4th at. BLACKSMITH tools and stock in ood o catlon. establlahed bualneaa; cheap If taken by April 1. Call tn peraon, Geo. KctilAjtter. Troutdale, Or. CONFECTIONERY for aale, good location. with llvlnc-rooma. Ice-cream parlor, doing ,rHsd bualneaa. fur aaie cueap, by owner. Cavil 8u7 Klrat at. WANTED Honest partner with $5bo for extabllahed traveling MOVI.NG-PIC-TL'KE SHOW. Act as treaaurer: experi ence nnnece?iaar'. AP DO. Uregonlaw. WANTED Oood office man for Rood legit imate bualneas; $."0 to $1U0 WEEKLY; must have $.VK). experience unnectsaaxy. A L 9Q, urcgonian. SPLENDID opportunity for reliable party to aa.o..es. hn)f In'aavsvair In .' 1 1 ah UsheQ caah bnslneaa; no trlflera need appiy. ei00 sarlll a. s n rl ' aa XI UltT Hfll IT ll Tl I At. BEAL'TIFL'L modern' reaidence. cor. lot, ex cellent neighborhood. West Side. Will ad vance ln value. Near buslneae cor. Easy terma. A Ud. HALp"lntoret In an old-eatabMshed bual neaa. aoing a rood business. For full par ticulars call Klnnay e. Stamper, Luxn Tber Exchange bldg.. rooma 53 1 -Mi 6 KH ARES of stock In a prominent whole sale business with offices In Portland and Spokane. For further Information ad dreas M. Mortcnaen.A.mes. low a. CONFECTIONERY for sale, good location, with living-room a. Icecream parlor, doing good business, for sale cheap, by owner. can sw ist il REAL ESTATE man wants etearty partner to ahow property; man willing to work ran make big money. Particulars 618 Board of Trade. FOR SALE or lease, small wood-working plant; good, established business; reason able terms If taken at once. Address AP bud, Oregonian. KURT LEAVE CITY Will sacrifice well-established business; llaKN); good location; lease; low rent; sols agency. 161 Grand tvc. South. 1000 SHARES Arleta consolldators stock. What ts your best cash offer? S 0l, Oregonian. FOR SALE Small grocery and meat mar ket; price $30O. Call 224 Lumber &x change bldg. FOR SALE Harness and shoe store making wages and 05 per cent on investment; about ;wo. &0 a. uregonun BEST downtown restaurant in the city for the money; 2-year leaae; J120O. Owner. AC K4. Oregonian. ONE of the best location for a movlng ptcture ahow or clothing atore. AC 90S, Oregonian. .MINING AND INDl'.STRIAL STOCKS. Telephone and other bon1s bought and so d. Fletcher Inv. Co., l'-5 Abington. ARE YOU READING THE STORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. TOLD DAILY IN THE EVENING TELEGRAM ? FIREPROOF picture show for sale: clear ing $30 to $50 a week; cash or trade, in uulre 44 7th. WELL-ESTABLISHED ladles tailoring ahop for aale at a sacrifice. A 3-3t3 or Main a;s2. CONFECTIONERY Good Weat Side loca tion, low rent: $tX). Hall A Gustln, 611 Lurnbermena bldg. WANTED Partner with $.VM) in a good paying position. For particulars Inquire 7J2 belling bldg. FOR SALE Moving picture house; can comply with city ordinance: cash or trade, K &oS. Oregonian. SNAP if taken this week; fto-sest restau rant on Washington st. Enquire Wul,i K'.-vhlttgton. GROCERY STORI5 Trade $30 a dsy; owner. Weal Side; 3 living-rooms. Hall gb Gustln, 611 Lumbermens bldg. REST AV RAN T. clean and attractive, fine location: H0. Tt-rroa on part. JBloeh Kealt y Co.. 2-1 Lumbermen b I Jr HALF Interest In ground-floor real eatate of fice; will bear inveattgatlon; no fake. Call 27 Stark St, FOR is ALE General m e rc h --n d ! n i bualneas tn Prlnevllle. Or.: sa!ea lino $70.om and K ro wing. Address box 77. Prlnevllle, Or. A FINE little grocery and confectionery for sale cheap, everything new. P 912, orrguntan. BAKERY for stale doing good business In one of the beat towns In Oregon; will go cheap. Inquire go. Xason st. GROCERY atore, good corner, good trade Invoice about $lo. Bloch Realty Co., 221 Lumbermen bldg. FOR BALE Half Interest or whole In es tablished business pay'ng well; stock $13.fH dry goods. Box 333.Cl.lco. Cal. RESTAURANT and lunch oounter for sale. 372 N. 17ih et. See owner. ftort Bl'PINESS cards. il.OO: you must bring tMi d. Itoee City printrry. lnjt, Third. ROOMING HOrSES. 13 ROOMS, beautiful modern house, all n m I y renovated and furnlahed with fine furniahtnrM: will ciear &W mo. and make a One home: wtlj aai-rtilr for $:5o. terma. Call loth St.. near Stark. ROOMING HOUSE. t0. room houa furnished; rice location, alt filled; rents $43 per month. Price r.ght. with easy terma. 4m I Railway tH-ina. XI I n ?404 lft ROOMS, very close In; good furniture: owner forced to leave city; clears $100 mo.; prtrts $0O, caah. Call 8 loth, near Stark. WI LL leaae for a tenia of years a new three-story brick apartment house, now under construction .nd resdy for occu pancy June 15th. Telephone . Main 3102. 6ROOMS, swell little brvm-j; all new fur niture, thre- rooms rented py all ex rnes; l minute alk from P. O. ; price $ Call s lo th . n car Star k. S0-ROOM molern hotel on WaabinKton; can dellrar 2 per c-nt und r r-l value. WALTER M GOVEKN. lr: Chamber of Commerce. A SNAP Brand new. modern. elegantly furnished roomlnn.hou; 3J rooms, i;iu-.h-en: close to dpot; best business. Price gy'roo. p. Q. Hm1 42Nam pa. Idaho. 10 ROOMS, good fTirntlure. modern building; clna tn. West Side; bet buy in Portland at AV.. S-o this at oni-; won't feast long. Call !H l"th. nt-ar Stark. S3 ROOMS: running water and heat; U20 net. half caah; cheap rent. WALTER M GOVERN. 1031 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE or trade Br owner, a 14. room rooming-house, all housekeeping rooms, tn fine tocAttoa and in gtjod condition Faaas OREGONTAN. THURSDAY, THE KING-McKINNON, 311 Henry Bldg. We have the most complete list of ho tels and rooming-houses in the city ana mill gladly submit, either by mall or per sonal cslt. places that may interest you. Her arc tiiree money makers. 4000 CASH. 33 rooms, dandv location on 5tn st.. 31 years lease at t'J.0 per month rent; all outside rooms with hot and cold water and steam beat; rooms all occupied. 330O CASH. . BO-room hotel on Washington St.. well furnlahvd. alt outside rooms with modern conveniences, long lease, rent S3oO per month. Will clear 94ot a montli easy. $lt.Wt CASH, 130 rooms, all outside, swell furniture, hot and cold water, steam heat and tele phene In every room. Long leas. Guar anteed to clear SSuo per month. We have a good Hat of smaller places which require but very kittle -asn to handle. . . THE KING-McKINNON. ' Marshall 3tV3. 312 Hpnry Bldg. A SWELL) APARTMENT-HOUSE, Contains over b rooms, in a brick building on permanent corner, & years' leaae at 91-5 per month; now If you have In "real money" and some good property, let us show you this; or, if you havs about (4300 in "real money" you can buy this outright. You will look a long time before you can beat this. Now show some speed. Remember, we handle nothing but the BEST. Ask to see our COMPLETE LIST If you are looking for a HOTEL, or APARTMENT-HOUSE. SO Years In this Business. ASSOCIATED INVESTMENT CO.. Suite 61S Yeon Bldg. Fifth and Alder fets. A GENUINE SNAP HOTEL. 1 ?i rooms, modern, always full of good paying roomers, good furniture, good lease and will guarantee It to be clear ing from $00 to $ S00 per month ; for quick sale will sell for $14,000, part cash and terms to suit, or would Consider good acreage part pay; deal with owner direct; atate what you have to exchange, or what terms you would want to buy on, the first letter; If you mean business, address O 12. Oregonian. SPECIAL FOR TODAY. "UNUSUAL; OPPORTUNITY. Absolutely the finest deal on the mar ket; 74 rooms, corner brick. 20 private baths; cheap rent, free heat and hot water; finest location In Portland, clears from ioo to J van) a month. A big snap for the right man. It takea .".t.K)0 to handle. GET BUSY IT MUST BE SOLD AT ONCE. See M. E. LENT. 322 Falling Bldg. Phones Main 85o0, A JM75. WILL BEAR STRICT INVESTIGATION. 102-room apartment-house, close in. West Side; rent only 450: automatic ele vator; clears $4M and Is not all furnished: swell throughout: 4-year 'lease; always full; best business proposition In city; takes .VM0 to handle. Nothing else com pares with this. Call and let us show It to you. M. E. LENT. S22 Failing Building. Phones Main S5ti0. A 3475. TRANSIENT house, 23 rooms. In good night district; 4-year lesse; rent $12."i month; well furnished: house clears H75 month above all expenses; Information gladly given over phone. Marshall MO. WALTER M GOVERN, ' 103H Chamber of Commerce. WANTED At once. 2 rooming houses, 18 to 30; good location; price reasonabie for spot cash. Also 1, 8 to 11 rooms, close In. terms $400 cash, bal. to suit. It yon want to sell phone A 1321 or Main 87.4. or see H. W. Garland. VJl 4th st. GOOD TRANSIENT HOUSE. 13 rooms, Washington street, rent f n0, long lease, big trade. Price 1100, only I down. ,s' PORTLAND ROOMING-HOUSE CO., 313 Henry Bldg. MUST PELL AT ONCE. 12 rooms. elegantly furnished. less than 6 months ego, all new and good furniture, best location in town, money maker, other business, sacrifice, buy of owner on easv terms. AS ttoO. Oregonian. NONE TO EQUAL IT. IS rooms, rent $40: close in; clears $00 above all expenses; fresh, clean and ele gant. Do you want the best? PORTLAND ROOMING-HOUSE CO., 313 Henry Bldg. PERSONAL. WE HAVE the most complete, modern, op-to-date offices In the West, furnished TJita every known therapeutic appliance ud In America or Europe; we use o drugs, neither do we operate; we use massage, baths, electricity in every form. X-ray, static, high frequency, oxone, sinusoidal, faradic, galvanic, etc. We use the only radium employed by physicians on the Pacific Coast. We treat all chronic di seases In men and women. Our offices axe open to the public to inspect every Sat urday from 7:&0 to 9 P. M. We give a free exhibition of all the wonderful ap paratua. It is a sight you will never have he opportunity to see any other place free. Dr. W. E. Mallory, neuro path. . We occupy the entire north hall of the Third floor of the Rothchiid bldg.. Fourth and Washington streets. DR. ALICE A, GRir F. Diseases of women and children, -mr-gery; chronic and nerroua diseases treated according to the latest methods; confine ment cared for; consultation free. Roora lO. Grand Theater bldg. Main 3928. Aj6Q7. W ANTED P upTl s to learn halrdressing. manicuring, facial masrage, scalp treat ment, weaving; great demand for fr;u atea. Sanitary Beauty College. 400-1-1 De. kum bldg.. over Lipman. Wolfe s- Co. DR. T. J. PIERCE, 245-, Morrlaon at.; rheumatism, nervous debility, paralysis, in digestion, constipation and diseases o I the kidneys and bladder quickly cured. Ad vice Ires. a? aVO VM St BA.l E-XJU . Leading wig and toupee makers; finest stock of human hair goods; hairdreaslng, manicuring, face and Stalp treatment ,147 7th st.. near Morrison. lehone Main &4 A. aft. oruwnw. v Diseases of women atd surgery: consul, tstion free. Phones A 211. M. 4i4.. Mer chants Trust bldg., 6th and Washington streets. ROSE CITY Alteration and Millinery Par lors, 31&-I14 Swetland bldg. Old hats made to look llko new ; work guaran teed. Phone Main iU-U SlM Louden fc sUcNerney. MME. FLORENCE CRT, late of Near York. Xsce and scalp treatment. Suite 27 Selling liirsch bidg., U.- Wash, il Phone Mar shall 1!2. GO to tli e Elite Massage and Beauty Par lors, scalp treatment, also vlbrait and ra dium ItKht treatments; graduate nurses . a i i i: ll: hiae inn rrtrtm i in a en u an etc - - DR. WALKER, specialist tor men. quickly cures blood and skin ailments, kidney and bladder troubles and pllta. Consultatio-. iree. ipi ia. run i DRESS suits for rent. $L&0 month; keep your clothes cleaned, pressed. buttons sewed on, rtps repaired. Prompt cal la and deliveries. Unique Tailoring Co.. tKn Star. HA IK The largest stock of pure hair, all shades, to be closed out at les than a bo re sale prices; fre halrdres given. Aaa H. KiODeae, urana u- MISS B. DAVIS, formerly of Los Angeles. s:aip snd facial mass;e, man. curing and shampooing. Hotel Kowtand, Fourth, beu JJIV. aft. aft. AOflaala Has removed to Merchants Trust bldg., eUi and Washington streets. Phones A 411. M, V4T WANTED 5000 ladles to bring their old hau to the "Make-Over Shop;' re bloc king and rv trimming. Scott fc Krogh Co., 41 Aiuvr mi. O. ONNE JURVAJS Natural sanatorium. 176 E. 00 th. Competent masseurs for both sexes, steam and watsr baths. Both phones. MRS. Stevens, Id years Portland's leading palmist snd clairvoyant, has her late book. "Palmistry Made Easy." on sale at 34a Yam l.rnerjejrenhsu LOKENZ NERVE TONIC TABLETS restore lot vitality. 20c box; 6 boxes. SUpe 1 ay lor u. us -o. jj -- GRACE culture, classic and society danc ing and ellquett taught at home. Prof, Wheeian. 1M Prk st. Main 242ft. MAGNETIC, electric treatments, body sham poo for rheumatism, lost vitality, mental, spiritual scientist. ISO 11th st. Ml 1SS E. DAVIS, roanlcurtng. formerly or l.o Angeles, room 4, Golden Gate, 7th and siomson bls. PERSONAL Your ideal made real, confi dential. Auurr-. t-"-"-' v ' a---. -building, Stockton, California. FlNO instructions at studio 75c; at pupil's home $1.2.1. H. C. Schappert, 74 V -ier street. Mershall 3n?l. PRIVATE lessons, halrdressing. manicur ing, scalp treatments, L0. 575 Everett u AJlVoZ. . ' - PARTY sitting extreme left 4th row Or pheum matinee Sunday last please write. A K W", Oregonian. THE BATTLE CREEK baths. 2464, Yamhill t-. t. 2d and 3d. Main liUS. DR. KETCHUM treats wimen'i maladies. 1 79 :d st.. corner Yamhill. ilME. Courtwright, skin and scalp treat menu. 12::' 14th. cor. Washington. MANICURING, cblnpody, M orrison. suite 14-15. massage. 350 BALM OF FIGS Remedies for diseases of women. 532 Davis at. Main 8215. VOLES, wrinkles, superfluous hair removed. Mru. M- D. HI II, 429 Fliedner bldg. M 3473. MARCH 30, 1911. " 1 proposals Invited. BONDS FOR SALE. TOWN OF GRESHAM. $15,000 WATER BONDS AND $6uoo SEWER BONDS. Sealed proposals will be received by the undersigned until 5 o'clock P. M.. on the 4th day of April. lftlL for the whole or any part of $-IlM00 of the bonds ot the Town of Gresham. in denominations of $1000 each, payable 20 years after date, and bearing interest at the rate of 6 per cent per annum, payable half yearly, prin cipal and interest payable in United States gold coin, at the oft ice of the treasurer of the Town of Gresham. j The ebove described boDds are Issued J for the following purposes; sio.wu oi saiu i bonds being Issued for the installation and I construction of general water works and J a water system iui uiv aowu ui uiuau, and $000 of said bonds being issued for the construction of a sewer and drain age system lor the Town of Gresham. The authority for the issue of siid bonds la granted by an amendment to the char ter of the Town of Gresham. adopted De cember 7r lyow, by the voters of the Town of Gresham, and entitled "An act to amend paragraph 22 of section ll; of chap ter 5 of the charter o the Town of Gresham. entitled an act to incorporate the Town of Gresham, in Wte County ox - Multnomah. Oregon, and to provide a charter therefor, and to repeal all acts or parts of acts tn conflict therewith; hied in the cffic of the Secretary of State. Feb ruary 11. 11W5. M . All bidders will be required to submit unconditional bids except as to the le gality of the bonds, aad each bid must be accompanied by a certified check on either of the banks of the Town of Gresham, or on any responsible bank in the City of Portland, Or.. lor an amount equal to 5 per cent of the face value of the amount of bonds bid for. payable to the order of the Mayor of the town of Gresham. to be forfeited as liquidated damages in case the bidder shall withdraw his bid or shall fail or neglect to take and pay for said bonds, should said bonds be awarded to him. The right to reject aiy and at. bids is hereby reserved. All proposals should be marked, "Proposal for Sewer and Drainage Bonds." "Proposal for Water Bonds," and addressed to D. M. Roberts. Recorder of tua Town of Greahaia. By order of the Common Council ox the Town of Gresham. Or. - D. M- ROBERTS, Recorder of the Town of Gresham. Date of Urst publication March 3. OFFICE of C- Q- M.. Vancouver Barracks, Wash.. March 1st. 1911. Sealed propora.s In triplicate, will be received here until 11 o'clock A. M. April 1st. lull, fc.r fur nishing a supply ot coal for the posts in Department Columbia, deliveries of sup plies to commence July 1st, 1011. In formation furnished here or by Quarter masters at posts. United States reserves the right to reject or accept any or all proposals, or any part thereof. Envelopes containing proposals should be marlied. "Proposais for coal at Vancouver." ad dressed G. S. Bingham. C. W- M. SEALED bids will be received at the office of the County Clerk of Multnomah County. Portland, until Friday. April 14, 1W11, at 2 o'clock P. M., for the construction of the West Portland bridge. Each bid to conform to the plans and speculations on file in the office of County Clerk of Multnomah County, Port land, and bids must be accompanied by a certified check payable to the County Judge of Multnomah County for 6 per cent of the amount of the bid, to be forfeited as fixed and liquidated damages in case the bidder neglects or refuses to enter into a contract for the faithful performance of said work in the event the contract is awarded to him. . ... . The right to reject any and all bids Is hereby reserved. F. S. FIELDS, County Clerk. CFFICE CONSTRUCTING QUARTERMAS TER 2 Arcade Annex, Seattle. Wash., March 2U, lull. Sealed proposals, in trip licate, for the construction, at Ford Ward, Wash of an administration building, a Q M. work shop, a guardhouse, a Q. M. stable, a coal shed, a wagon sued, a fire station, an oil house and a Q. M. and commissary storehouse; also plumbing, heating and electric wiring, where re quired, will be received In this office un til 11 A. M. April 28. lilL and then pub licly opened. A deposit -will be required for return of plans. Information, plans, specifications and proposal blanks will be furnished upon application to Captain E O. Long, Constructing Quartermaster. CALL oT oonas before maturity -sealed proposals will be received at the of lice of the Le wist on Land & Water Co., Lim ited, in the City of Lewiston. Idaho, on or before the 1st day of April. 1911. for the sale of bonds of the Lewiston Land & Water Co., Limited, dated April 1, 190$. These bonds offered at the lowest price, not exceeding, however, par with interest accrued to the 1st of AprlL 1911. will be accepted and paid for to the extent of ten thousand dollars CJIO.OOQ), or any sura In excess thereof on hand on said 1st day of April. 1911, In the sinking fund created under article III of the trust deed securing said bonds. LEWISTON LAND A WATER CO.. LTD. Miscellaneous. TO whom it may concern: I hereby give notice that I will not be responsible for debts contracted by my wife, Laura Bauer. MICHAEL BAUER. FIlNAaXCIAL. MORTGAGE LOAN8 On Improved city property or for building COLUMBIA LIFE ft TRUST COMPANY. 916 Spalding Bldg. . MORTGAGE loans on improved city prop erty. John Bain, 505 Spalding bldg. Money to Loan Real Estate. ON IMPROVED city property or for build ing purposes; 3 to 5 years' time; liberal repayment privileges, money advanced as building progresses. The Equitable Sav Ir.afs & Loan Association. 240 Stark SL WE HAVE CLIENT3 WHO HAVE FROM $25o0 TO $10.U00 TO LOAN ON IM PROVED CITY PROPERTY. WE MUST PLACE THIS AT ONCE. J. H. TIPTON CO.. 1103 SPALDING BLDG. PLENTY of money to loan at $ and 7 per cent oo real estate security. EDW. P. MALL, 104 Second St. 1500 000 ON improved city or farm property; building or small loans at lowest prices; large loans a specialty. J. H. McXenzie Co., $14-al5-S16 Gerlingcrbldg. WE HAVE plenty of money to loan on Fcrtland property in sums from $1000 to J50 000 at lowest current rates. Morgan. 1-lifcdner ft Boyce, 503-OUGA.bington bldg. WEhave money to loan at 6 per cent on Inside property. In suras of $20,000 up. The L. Y. Ready Investment Co., -d Chamber ot commerce. FIRST and second mortgages and contracts purchased on farm and city property any where in Ores on or Wahiniaton. E. L. Devereaux. Feu ton bldg.. Si titli iL " Kl ALL and LARGE amounts to LOAN on RE ALT V. AaaK Ju-li. E AS TON, S27 Board of Trade Bldg. WE have clients who ha.ve )800, $1000, $1500 to place on improved Portland real estat. J. ii. Tipton Co., 110 apalda" --". IMPf-OVED or unimproved property; small building loans; contracts ana mortgages bougntT W. H. hinnn. 44$ Sherlock, bidg. 1X00000 TO LU.Cs. large loans a specialty, building loans, lowest rates. W. U. Beck, $12 Falling bldg. LOWEST RATES -00 to $10,000 to loan on real estate. Union Loan Co. Z Lafay ette bldg., 6th end Wash. Main $629. MORTGAGE loans on city property; lowest TIM A. H. BirreU Co.. $02 McJiay bidg., 2d and Stark. MONEY to loan, in sums of $300 to $2000; term of years; city property. j. L. WELLgCO..Co6 C,ofC, BldS- TO LOAN $1000 and $2000 at 7 per cent on good real estate security. j,;L-,aAorri-K11 Strevt- MORTGAGE LOANS AT REASONABLE RATES. F. U. LEWIS. 1 LEWIS BLDG. LOANS ON INSIDE PROPERTY AT $ TO 7 State funds loaned, 6 per cent. W. E. Thom as, state age.., 4.'"-" v-- - Will loan $10,000 or leas, real estate security. Farnngton, 410 Commercial Club bldg. MONEY, any amount, t to X per cent. Good no u h.zenz, 21 oS pa lain g b i u g. MORTGAGE LOANS. $ AND 7 PER CENT. L EW1S . AlJlVJaN. aJa.-OJ.Jl. A . PRIVATE money loaned on real estate mort gages. A. H. Ml ley. R- 204. Gerjinger bidg. MONEY for good Inside loans. 6, 7, S. Car lock ft Muellhaupt, lQ-i2 Cham. Com. LOAN'S on real, personal, chattel or collat- 21aecur.ty. C. W. Pailett, SuH-s Fen ton. HONEY for inside and building loans; Hoi laday and lrvington preferred. Main20l8. jiioEy to loan on city suburban property; equity bought. Room 5. if.il Morrison. WILL 4oan $15,000 or leas on real estate. Hitchcock. tiiO Rothchiid bldg. :-,iH0 and TlO.'rO to loan. 0 per ceut. 1 ASTON.fc-7Boa.rdoJT rade. 44Mo TO LOAN in Irvtngton or Holladay. n pw. w - Money to Loan Chattels and Salaries. On furniture, pianos, storage receipts, etc. Lowest rates. HPTTON CREDIT CO, 807 Spaldlog Bldg. LOANS on diamonds, jewelry, furs, sult cae8 trunks, overcoats and musical instruments- Uncle Myers. 11 flth, between Oak and pine. Main 910. a LOAN for the asking, salary or chattel. 1 he LoanC14Dekum bidg. t"7w rates we loan money on diamonds and rLVrv Marx ft Bloch. 74 3d it. ItOAN S oc diamonds and other securities. William Holl. room V, Washington, bldg. l $ $ $ $ $ $ ARE YOU LOOKING FOR MONEY? If you knew how easy our terms are you would not be short of money. Don't be bothered with a lot of small debts, let us furnish money to settle them. J WE LOAN ON Furniture and pianos, storage receipts, livestock, rooming-houses and ait kinds of securities; terms to suit; a.so easy weekly or monthly Installments. We buy and loan on first and second mortgages and equity in coaU-aoi. ggTATE BROKERAGE CO.. S 12 Hamilton, bldg-. 131 3d. Main 20S4. lg$$ $ STATE SECURITY CO. $ $ $ SALARY LOgfL00X NOTES lowest Urates in Portland. $10 repaid In installments of. . $ .4a 10 repaid in installments of $ .00 $50 repaid In installments of $2.00 Larger amounts in proportion. We do not advertise misleading terms or rates, but give you our charges In plain figures. ' Business strict!y confidential. STATE SECURITY CO.. S $ $ 303 Falling- Bldg. $ $ $ $ MCNEY advancea salaried people, house keepers and others upon their own names without security; cheapest rates, easiest pavment; offices in tW principal cities; save yourseit by getting my terms first. 'A'OLMAN, S17 Lumber Exchange. MONEY loaned In amounts from $10 up on all kinds of securities, furniture, piano or any personal prperty. Easy weekly or monthly payments; low rates, confidential. Gray & Cunningham, 2-01 Rothchiid bldg., northwest corner 4th and Waah it. g ton. LOWEST RATES Loans on all kinds of se cvrty chattels or real estate. Union Loan Co.. 35 Lafayette bldg.. 6th and Washsts. LOAN wanted. ' $1250 1 year at W per cent interest; chattel security. W 807, Ore goniatu MONEY loaned on diamonds and Jewelry; strictly confidential. 141 3d St., near Alder. Loans Wanted. WE have clients who want first-mortgage loans on Improved city realty; will pay and 7 per cent; we make no charge for niacin? loans. HARTMAN ft THOMPSON. Realty Dept. Chambor of Commerce. WE have clients who want loans on im proved real estate; will pay fi. 7 and 1 per cent; no charge for placing money. HARTMAjf ft THOMPSON, Realty Dept. Chamber of Commerce WE can invest your money st good rates of interest. Glltredge securities. First mort gages. Long-term investment PROVIDENCE INV. ft TRUSTEE CK C24-526 Board of Trade bldg. MONEY on what you nave, small amounts or more. W. Lawrence. 815 Lumber .ex change Bldg. Both phones. CLIENT wants $2000. Will pay 8 per Jnt and give gilt-edge real estate security up to $12,000. W. E- Thresher, attorney ai law. 25C 3d at. WANTED $1600 for years at T per cent on West Side house and. lot. Appiy 31T Board of Trade bldg. Main ,4j-., A 4401. WANTED $4500 at 8 per cent on Improved Irvlngton property, valued at $12.UOO; pri vate parties omy. AM tW5. Oregonian. WANTED $3200 at 8 per cent on Improved Irvlngton property valued at $SoOO, no brokers. K 909, Oregonian. WANTED $4000 for 3 years at 8 P cent on Williams ave.; quarter block and house. Lall xuam m nm. J' RESPONSIBLE bnslness man wishes to bor row $500 for one year. 8 per cent, no amenta reply. AL 003. Oregonian. 1150-MONTH income on $11,500 inTesterl. Where and when can I see you? P 813, Oregonian. WANT a loan of $1500 on Improved proertj- at 8 per cent; no brokera T 0o. Oregonian WNT $1000 on Improved East Side prop erty. 8 per cent; private party only. O U04. Oregonian. WANT loan of $3000 at 7 per cent Iirvlne ton lot and house; total value $8600. X bo. uresoniau. WE want J1500 for 8 years at 8 per cant. on home worth $3500. No commission. out will pay costs. AL 890. Oregonian. LET ua place your money, good mortgages; reference.- P. H. Lewis. Lewis bldg. $1000 WANTED for 8 years 7 per cent; from private party. East 206a. $3000 ON Irvlngton home built 2 years. Main ivia. WANT $15O0 on my home, 8 per cent, to private party. W 902 Oregonian. $500 FROM private party for two years. gooq aecurny- -r v. p $1000 ON $6000 property; pay 9 per cent. j Rt STIPE, 7a0 Chamber Commerce. BUSINESS DIRECnilil Accountants. Z . . . . . . T. n i .on a r"rt PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS. AUDITORS. 224 Worcester Block. Main 7369, A 1449. Counsel and expert In all matters per taining to municipal, commercial, factory cost and Industrial accounting. 3S H COLLIS A CO.. ACCOUNTANTS. Commercial, County and Municipal. Auditing. Investigating and 6 sterna tUlns. 82 Worcester block. Phone Main 65U7. Architects. A. A. THOQERSEN. 501 Railway Exchange. Asaayer and Analyst. Wells & Proebstel. mining engineers, chem ist, and assayers. WHy, Washington. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICI3 Laboratory and ore-testing work. 186 Morrison St. " ' ' Attorneys. . ja, COOPER. attorney-at-law General practice, abstracts examined. Removed to li2J lo 142S Yeon bldg. M. 873. A 207L itbeti w. HRO.NN. LAWYER. 101 Ch. of Com. Phone Main 8199. Baths and Swimming. SWEDISH SAJs'ITARIUM Hydropathic h.ke oven and massage treatments. Dr. A. N.abeth. 33 Market. M. J033. A 8107 Portland Swimming Baths. 187 4th Elegant plunge; steam,tub and shower baths. Jac HILLS "SANITARIUM Rheumatic treat n.ent. elegant plunge. 695 Front. M. 46L laTusa aad Machine Work. HARPERS BRASS WORKS Brass caatlng a.Vd machine work. 108 N.Bth. Main 7ux Chiropody. WILLIAM Estelle and Flossie Deveny, the only scientihc chiropodists in the city. Palors 302 aerlinger bldg.. S. W. cor. id snd Alder. Phone Main 13QL CHIROPODY and pedicuring; Mrs. M. D. Hill, room 420 Fliedner bldg. Phone Mau S473-. Collections. ADJ & COLLECTION CO. Law and- col lections. 1024 Cha. of Com. Main 7310. PORTLAND Collection Agency 817 Allsky bldgTAU debts collected. A 7317; M 4i2i " ' " Contraetors. LYNOTT or WILLIAMSON, grading con tractors. 8U& Swetland bldg. Main 8U1U, W L. BUCKNER. contractor, Jobbing, . of fice and store setting. 8 N. (ith St. Main r.sxi: A 7o2. WooJlawn .82. EOBliRT WAKEFIELD, general contracts 414 Wells-Fargo bldg. Main 580. . ' Coal and Wood. DRY BLOCK WOOD, mixed with smaller wood. $..90 per load delivered any place in the city. Portland Wrecking Co.. lua 107 11th st. North. Main 17, A 3734. BURNSIDE FUEL CO. Wholesale and re tail. 4-tt- sawed fir and hardwood. Office and yards at 123 E. 7th St. Phone .bast 72. B 2777. EEGHERS WOOD CO. Sawed 4-ft- cord wood and slabwood. "9th and Gllaan. M 6359. M. Srffl. A 2418. WOOD6 Dry 4-fl sawed to order. M 4598. qujlL. A 454i. Prompt dellv. Near a. Farr. jTlONlFUEL-c6Coai and "wood. M.arahaIl-980. 313 Water St. COAL ALBINA FUEL CO. BLOCK W"00D BRANCHi 33DST. -WOQXX CENTRAL WOOD YARD Wood and coal. Main "l60: A 1108; C'onnnltlng Engineers. T-TXRn IRnfflneerlns: A Construction Co-. Eng. and contraclors. 711 Lewis bldg. Consulting Engineers. C S. GOLDBERG CO.. 312 Couch bldg. Machine desigr.3. patent devices, engine sr.d boiler installations, concrete ware houses, freirht elevators and conveyors. Marshall 3o.'8. - Contractors. WANT contract to clear land with donkey engine. Geo. Raekey. 340 College. Educational. STl'DY pharmacy under competent private tutor; ten weeks' course. Address K 908. Oregonian. "CHI-RO-PRAC-TIC TICK.-NER"; Say it f't and remember Columbia blog. 12 to o..io. DK. EVA maRSIL first lady cniro. Dr. in Orecoa. 2a Fliedner bidg Hours 8 to e. Electric Motors. PACIFIC ELECTRIC ENGINERINO CO. Motors for rent ot sale. 313 id St. " Den tUts, ' ALVEOLAR TEETH where bridge work ll Impossible; does away entirely with plates, bridgework; we cure pyorrhea (loose . s.f.-. 1,,. I arm mi tn rl illhlea 1.601,10. Alveolar Dental Co.. Abington lrldg. 106 3d. THE old reliable Union Painless Dentists. 1st and Morrison sts. CHICAGO Painless Dentists, established 15 years. 14$ 6th st. Dancing. LESSONS 23c; 4 lessons for $1 ; waits, two step; three-step; stage dancing, etc; everv morning, afternoon and eve.. Prof. Wal Wllaon's school; oldest and only rec ognized academy for correct dancing. 3S6i Wash. st.. bet. W. Park and 10th sts. HE ATH S DANCl N GSC H ' JO T2 09 Soc 5' 1 St.. between Wash, and Stark e;s. 5-t go dancing taught; va'.. and t'0-s.t.p guar anteed In four lessons; cUs and soc.al dance M o n dayS to 12. id d atlv. , PROFESSOR RINGLER, physical culturlst, dancing master. 231 Morrison, corner 2d. Instruction daily. . Dog and Horse HospitaL Dr. Brown. D. V. S.. office 129 N. lltn st Main 40SO; rea E. 5440. Hospital 12th, oglners Gas and Slt-am ROBER Machinery Co.. Coast agts. Seabury steam engines and boilers, gasoline en gine. 331-2S3 E. Morr:son st- P.iono E. ols Faua and Blowers. NORTHWEST BLOWPIPE CO.. 500 Lorlng st. Dust collecting and ventilating sys tems. Phones C 111".. E. 32 SO. Feed Store. ZIGLER ft MINSER. hay. grain, feed, ce ment, shingles. 22 Grand ave. K. sz. Glazing. PLATE glass, window glass, doors win dows. new. second-hand. Portland Wreck ing Co., 105-7 11th st. N. Main 3. A 41i Horse Clipping. ELECTRO horse clipping: Pri" Jlaf,J'Z -..I- tt ii r i. utttl V. Washington. Eaat 6035. Ladies Tailoring. A PERFECTLY fitting stylish garment Is much admired by everybody. uita ' your measure from $30 up. J. u-iirT LICH CO., LADIES' TAILORS, FUTU ana -f a rv. riiwJin ums. iMUmlthfl. EXPERT locksmith and general repairing. 105 Park, near Wash. M. 9107. , Leather and Findings. CHAS 8. MASTIC ft CO 74 Front. Lehr or every aeaenptmn. - J. A. STROWBRIDGE LEATHER CO. Es- Uluiiaiieu xooo. jo. - Machinery. B. TRENKMA-N ft CO.. hydraulic and spe c!al pipes, screens, bagging, timing ma chlnery. All kinds ot repairs. 104 N. 4th. MusicaL EMIL THIELHORN. violin teacher pupil Sevcik. 800 Marquam. A 4160, Main 16,13. ! Osteopathic Physicians.. DR.LEROY SMITH, graduate Klrksvtne, MO., class of 1S9S; t"s'?ua '.ho -cil under Dr. A. T. Still. '?uu?7oxth2sr ence. 1122 Selling bids., M. 19i7. A 1980. ,. ti vnDTHTTP 415-416-417 Dekum Blag. Phone. Of flco M. 340. Rea East or B 102$. Paints.Oilftand (laa. COAST-MADE paint ii .best adapted I to the Coast climate. BASS-HULTER PAINT Co.. 191 Second st. RASMUSSEN si CO.. Jobbers, painty os. glass, saah and doors. Cor, id and Taylor. Patent Attorneys. let free. 719 Board of Trade bldg. rr K AND foreign patents that protect ar. 0-.eRcurdD throVgh aclflo Coast Paten. Agency. Inc.. Dept. A. Stockton, t-al. ssVaISn" procured M 839 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Tt C W'RIGHT. aomestlo and foreign pa.t s. InVrlngement casea 604 Dekuglbldg. FavinaT. pawnbrokers. Pipe. PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO.acry and office near li4th, and lorasLa. . 1'lumDers. FOX & CO, PLUMBERS. wm. a 7l Main wi, Aivvi. m . - : r COFFEY-PLUMBINQ CO.. p- 493 GUsan. Main 8487. printing. ,214 3d at. ' . J -i Rubber Stamps. Hue Weavers. vnRTHWEST RUG WORKS Rugs irpm ' Safes. . .mgi er SFE CO.. 108 2d st. Sates Tf Agrf'nrices; second-hand .afes. - - nAVIS Sates, safe counsel, bar-IOHfl.E- (SVeVnt HoteL Phone East 23L u H-UnnH Gooda. WE payTSTEIihest Prices for s-cond-hana w-Pt..!Ur nd shoes. Phone A3190. tTJc- k. and sell, best prices for lecoiid Wnand r'furieOSisttArrtalloOX Ti.Vea. Bank and Shovr Flxtiirea T riTk-F MFG CO.. branch Grand Rap Ttds JhUowce Co.. SUt and Hoyt. K. Lutka. manag er. . UTRDSALL. 208 HAMILTON BLDG.. B-.h?wcases fntock; prompt delivery. Sale. fr?. m Winter Lumber Ce. Marshall MFG. CO.. 4th and Couch; new "arfd second-handMaln 2703. Cabinet work Steamships. Picturesque St. Lawrence Rout. Weekly Sailings from unVTRESl, to LIVEKl-OOL. GLASGOW. LONDON and HAVER FRANCE. Hnlendid scenery, shortest passage, low rates. Bpieuum . Railway Agent, or flTi.AN A CO.. 174 Jackson Blvd.. Chicago. Storage and Transfer x.ViRTLANlTvAN & STORAGE CO.. comer rih iDd Everett sts. Just opened newest ind most modern storage warehouse In ,,.v every convenience for safe and proper handling of goods; lowest Insurance rate fi, Sor&west; free trackage; vans for mVingMajnorAJ2 MOVING STORAGE MOVING. T-erts reliable men. no booze-fighters, ill move you quicker, cheaper and bet-71- ihan anyone else. Phone us for an ..J,.t- storage rate the very lowest. " ! Horn Transfer Co. Both phones. 0 iicK Transfer ft Storage Co., offices .nd commodious 4-tsory brick warehouse. IVT.ra.t6 Iron rooms and fireproof vault for valuables. N. W. cor. 2d and Pine sta ilaios and furniture moved and packed r0'.PP!naMam 598, A 1908. run- ONLY warehouse in the business dis trict for storage of merchandise excluslve i3 insurance rate 50 cents: transfer and rewarding agents. Occidental Warehouae Co. b"1 Hh at. North. OLSON-ROE TRANSFER CO. General transferring and storage, safes, ,-i.nM and furniture moved and packed f. r shipment. 87-SK Front st. Telephone Main S47 or A 247' . ;r(MN TRANSFER CO established 1870. Transfer and forwarding agents Storage ifrtc. 310 Hoyt at-, between 5th and 6th. ofnee 3t Main 69. A 118. Taxidermists, OSB. elk heads, full work. F. B. Finley. 49 Columbia. A ISU Typewriters. we are the exchange for the largest type rlter concerna on thia Coast; Investigate; Tl makes .all pricca The Typewriter Ex change. 2S7 Washington st, fvpfWRITEitS. all makea 20 to $60. fully enaxanteed. easy payments, rentals. 3.60 fermontnT Pacific Stationery & Printing Co.. 203 2d st. fj'ircT a typewriter from the Oliver Type wTiter Agency. 333 Ankeny sL Phones Main 8273. A 2433. .-pmr rebuilt, second-hand, rentals at cut YsrnDm Cleaners. TTfiR vacuum house rleanlng call B 10.",0 or Fast 44'.'7; $1 per hour; sper-laj rate to houses of more than rive rooms. VeUI)riIling. riRTLLIVG wells a specialty; priced reason able. "Call Main 1346 or write Miller a West. lb. Morrison su Portland, TiT irn io7