THE MOI.NTNC OKEGONIAX, TTTTTRSDAY, MAIJCIT 30 1911. in hkit n A VTT. r male. lAUMAN- ESTABLISHED FIRM OF HIGH STANDING AP-C INCREASING THEIR CAPITAL. STOCK- A LUCRA TIVE POSITIOX IS OPEN IN PORT- LAND AND OCTSIDB TERRITORY FOR FALE5MAN AM) SALES MANAGER TO ELL NEW IrS Or STOCK. A COM BINATION OF FE A TV RES WILL. IN TEREST HIGH GRADE MEN. O SO. OREOONIAN. At.rjirv ir rot have good bacic- bon. afe itnrtptiMt te Inst mc Hon. wtll tes to absorb, and bavs disposition to bey orders. I U1 assums tha r-poori-bttlty f your becoming a successful real - estate talesman. This U not a com -pond-oca school, but a pi-gT-Ke ftrm operating with new Idem, with a record for getting and holding the ban men la this line of work. X FRED LARSON. SM OAK STREET. INCIDENT. O'flr rrtry Employment Depart nent. T. M- C A. Teoiir maa. strans-er. oat of work cfTi r tAiAt ch a-t if i rr r pctal rmp'AmMt member.blp I will e-ly bav $14 left tciHB ffl and starva tion. . , Secretary rf yoa pay $5 fr special mriovinviit mmiMhip yoa will have tha T. M. C- A., with all its rtWureM. bet wee a tt and s:ar-atl"iu What happened 7 Tount man tok membership. Inside of two hours ha found satisfactory employ- BnenL. I'urinr February. 1?T others rooaa 'fnfil .- n. t In a Ilka mmn.r. Err piovment or refund of membership fe L,rned. hecretary Employment Department, T. M. C A. WANTED Maa cook with two flunkeys. $io t ook and waitreas for lunrh counter. S30. Took, lCCln ramp, T Maa and wlX oa Urm. SVt. Miilwriaht. 9-4: p;nerm4n. ft. Sis ni.l hanl. $2 ZZ and $2.0. Ta yaxdmn. I- -i. Mttker. 4o. farm hands. $J0 up. Large lot of other work. PAftrtr EMPLOYMENT COMPAVT. Mala Office. 12 N. d L AJ'l.K IiIK! mn antd fr tha V. Varlne i'rp4. b-taeen lb ass of 19 and Z:, . must b aattve tr or have first pa pers, monrhly r ai" '' additional rnmpRUtkn peieT; fd. cl-thlna. qur. tr and inwtlical attention fr. after 30 y-srv' nnr ran rtlr with 75 per cent of par and allowances, evrvlca oa board eMp and aahor In all pari of te world Aiply I". Marine I'orpe Rruttina n':u-e. irva Mug.. 31 aad Waahingioa :a. p-rtlafd. fr. WE WANT rtPW-HT TOfNO FEL I rrw 8 WITH AM;UT!-N AND ENFJl-.Y Wrf ARK WIf.LINa T DEV 1 K thkifi i:nrK time to mn iNTr.R- E.-rs. EPE!;I N- E NT EK--HKT. liA;t i'iN!.CIENTIfS WOK n NTH. I.NTDIAE STkiVOf AND l : ;t; ?r toi" fti.i. the pi i.l irrr;R to ivct.rH'K thw mokn- IMk T'lF tR. -JSI.ET i OMPANY. 41--4.4 f'or.HtTT PLJMi TOMB TO THE PACIFIC WITH WARD." od prtnm,, f-r live men to rep-r--it Te I-i'if Mutual Ufe Ina Co. of i tiif 3 y t ol'l. 21 mtiUoa aseaEa. Wa k'i bibt on r-al estate. H. K Ward. Mgr. lac N. Wv Tll-U Apa.Lng hig. ' Ta p ha a pottin to offr a youaa maa ho ! dt'r'is f rr a futur in a ule th . rr. - rr. t O' hlfh offer onltmtted pwtiH' ie, 'f yo are a.ltw. h-nat anl teilov- la y ui -if. e would ti-a to ha-e row rati tfr 1U A. M- an.l w will nim. vito r o r.h to yours-If the r foniMlitv of ur surcraa. Rn-m 1 'ib 51. t . Titfd ami Madtsoa at a. V a"n rT: tf oe U. A. " ArmyTabieadte4Taa tuai-r 4 men ttwa axes af aad SI: eitisena af t'niJ tate. of eood charac ter a4 tetn;rat baUlta c-a apeaS. rad and wrtta tha kg'h lanuaga Far tofo-r natl m apply to Kecrultiag ofear. A'rorf hloca. 34 aad Oaa ata. Part !asd C. MEX-WANTED Ae flrotnea. $11 sb -tat a :y. and araawmea, $o a aaarbe r 1 1 riLe . esa-rtearo nnceaary ; no etrtse. poalt.ona iaraie4 competeat sr.a. promot.oa. rt'ro.d emplaying be4 tM.1ri. avr mea sent ta poelfleaa asoth'y. acate tr: e-od itaaa Haiiway Aasciitloa. ra Orga aa. M IN and wife to take b-arri!nff con tract. Wci'na csmp: recnrs required. Maa as d w if e fruit ran. a. aad f ou nd. Ka 1 1- e - r f t sr el.-a r ft day. PIC'NEEK FVPlAYMENT CO. 14 North rvcond St. K fl.W AT mail cl-ke. po-.tofft- rlrks. l-T tr rrrire. 'uMoro-hoq and ln( rr ml rwvriw enrrpi. to rrrt for siara-t- irtfit; f- b-a. pacific Statea School. M Kji M!c. c"r W t vf e otrr !H with wheels far m-r;fcr .rk; 9 'O a month ruaran t. r1 h.l rt'air pau!. N a who n-ak o.,i wm he ta-,Kt tesraphv. C. M-o. W ""'P.,t'l'll" Tr- i -- "'T SAt.EM N wan-ei a man who is thorough ly ariiuaneii wtth the local reta.l sro- -y t- a-le . a!dreae. giving experience, N tvL Ovg-nian. WANTED A travetina man to handle our l!?e f a a aid l'n on the .vun I al Nnrhweetrn Vah!nnofi. A -p'y portlard iVve Works. Front at. f.t:.V wntd a man torourhlv tr Aiij.n''d wit?i thr l"-J retail dmc trade; s .lr!g rfervneca, O 9s, Ore WHITE (4!m r-hr1 at wants sing man f rot t- h!p cu.f'jrte. p-rma-n.nt j-b. pr iron'h, with room and brd. r-f' r-nca K P". Orgonuin. liRIi'-rfT. neat b-T fr Whol. bin -"e. iuiverstein A ion, 3-0 Fall- in C l'jf Ir h'AI, OFFICE Intematlnnsl roi-reeJpond-ttr '; a " t AM'f at., opan till 9 p . M . Pe c d f or frea a t a logoea. LFARV uiombi:a drretng aad rapatrtag: at-tnal p-articn! etp-rtoce; day or eva tra 3;l s ri'-e'"n t.. room 415. IX you wa p i'tTT-.nt. it work Apo'T emptormort de. Fni-oera AxiUOtt. a fea. t"ub b.ilg. W ANTE r rood. Mv aa:eam-a : Salary r.tmmifa. refer ncs desired. i4 ,rrcs:-r bi-'.g. I HOr'-RAril coupon ard rlt srnta, n -w efTr. "3tbe-ra s?udii. I vkum Jb .Ig. WANTED oir.pte a-deer. Ve(ables snd s-na 1 fruit- v X Oregnt-n W k TFD- Experienced door stock cattsK T Of onia MOVLPERJJ wanted. Ca:l Z22 Club $:h aad Oak. FH T4."IAN wanted, rood opportunity. c.iy T Oregn-i,a. pAWTNEIi wanted In real estate busln . t'nmm-reial b?o. W t f ED Eorte s' rr- h' " r or c.n'. J P. 7. rngeit A imt st. ciy iiMTV KER wanted, ladies tail-rtrr. C W. wng. 11 lTth. cor. It, mo at. JiARBKR wan'edT steady J.b. - Wath IngTn Must Ne first cIsssl Ht'!H ELM wvaied. eaa w bo ran make paia Herman ichu; a. Itf4 loth St. VST'.--Make-a and arnrent ieea. apply Lovenxart a v. 7th and Burade t HELP WANTED MAL. SALESMEN IF TOU CONSIDER TOUR- SELF A FIRST-CLASS. HIGH -GRADE SALESMAN Industrious, am bit loos and can stand prosperity, we hava a place for you. Tha opportunity is at hand far yoa to mailt a success, W don't want drone, but a lira, wlda-awake man. CALL for Mr. Rboedes. Falsa Mgr. Beaumont Land. Company, 6 4 to St. MURRAY A RE A rT. Tha Leading Emploment Agents, Have opened an Employment and Labor Office at 41 S North Second Ht.. Portland. Phone Main &. Home A 201. t ail abd sea us. Employ- and Employes. Tour Patrons e ikllrltfd Man and wife, man do gardening, $40 round. 1 nnr f y foreman. $TS. 1 auraary foreman. $. 4 men, clear land. I3 acre. 1 body worker, for auto. IJ.7$ day. 1 whelwriht. for auto. day. 1 carpenters, city. SLiO: I hours. New orders com in r In all tha time. Read Our Bulletin RardL J1IRHAT A READY. 41'-! North Second St. DO TOC KNOW THE LAEMMLE FILM tKRVIE ALLIANCE n now I.4KTATKD In their NEW Qf'AR- TKRs. 3-13 OAK T.. NEAR SIXTH 7 CALL or WRITE us about MOVING-PI T I" H K B L' S I N KS S. W a re l he AP POINTED JOPHKRS MWKItS CAMERA C.RAI'H. MOTIOGRAPH. Kliwn. Pa:he In Sto- LATEST INDEPENDENT FILM FOR RENT. LEARN MOVING-PICTURS WHT? So we caa recommend you and assist In niacin you to the satisfaction of ymr emD.over and yourself. Lt us tHOW YiL the WAY to be a SUO'ES. Our courts is systematic al. exact, practical. romplrtu In ev.-ry d.-iall. I F. KATUiiir HA.NDHOOK FREE TO STUDENTS. LAEVMLK. 333 OAK ST.. OPI. WELL-FAROO. BELMONT AITO SCHOOI The on:y thorouchly equipped school O.N THE PACIFIC COAST. ThoTOUKh Instruct ion. competent man amnt and practlral work. K in AND MOKKJSON. Tska S-S or Mt. Tahr car; look us op befora deciding to enroll elsewhere. KLAMATH FALLS FREE FARE FPEC.IAL IAIUT hnirjiL.i of railroad construction men for new work, long Job; no Lira d-duct-d from your pay; It Is FREE. Any able-bodied man who follows this work may fo. R. HANSEN a CO.. 0 N-.-VgL- TOU are wanted. Government position. 0 montn. w rue xor po'" Franklin InsUtuta, Dept. 2-E. Koch ea ter. N. T. KELT WATrmn FTCMALK. WANTED A flrst-claaa. aprtenceJ body ironer. good wa. Apply ai one t irnationai Laundry. Laat ath and Last Oak sts- WANTED A first-class body troner: good aajc i: st-ady poaltlon. Apply at onra. InternaUonal Laundry. East dth and East Oak U fimiir of two: must be cmpotent. -4 1 N. 24lh St. Taiaphona A1K-- WANTED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible poeition. lavi to., tw ruiiu cnild bMg.. 4th and Washington. HANSEN'S LADIES AGENCY. S43b Waahtngtoa st.. cor 7th. upstair. Phone Main WANTED-Comnetent nursery maid, vicinity of Ztitb and Johnson, Pbona for appoint ment. Matn fi;d. EXPERIENCED girl for cooking and gen eral housework, small family, good waea. 4i Kat Pa via PASTRY cook fll; waitresses, chamber maids, famitv help, city or country, room 111. 33S Waahtngton at. W A NT ED Hy motherly la dr. children to re for; good references. Phoaa SeUwood C-"i. vl' a VTP.r-Walstmskers. aklrtmakers. ap. prentuea and Ui or he-p. 'MC Columbia bLUg. WANTED Ao espertenred girl for cooking and general housework. 1 Overton iu ner wow kv for band washtng on silks and aoula. V. S Laundry Co.. Grand av. and EL Yamhia . WANTED A youn girl for houeswork; wac-e i0l Apply b30 pat ton aa C WANTED Ctrl to as:t in grneral house work: small family of adults. 5d Kear. n y sv r a r:j h t - EXPERIENCED family cook. 1JS; second a ri. 'o. oat town M. Louis Agency. 31 Wajh. Main :3. A 4 T. W a x TEtv flirts for rosd show. Apply ba tween T and S P M. office Auditorium lftI. 3d. bet. Taylor and Salmon. SALESMAN. If yoo are selling city trade. no matter wast income, caul a. a. noju. IInry b.dg. MTtS IIOWFS LADIES AGBNOY. a Washins-Ton St.. Pwm 314. Mata as-id or A lti. A i I R L to d" general hrueework .n a small famiir on nu.unfiii nc tfn. iwa 4mui man it. ,, ,. Ml'sIC lessons given In exchange for as nunrt in housework daily. U 90S. Ora- S-tnian. DEPENDABLE maid for children; must b a va g iod city ref ereooea. i Da via. near Jiat. WANTKLCJooJ cook and for general hmiawork. family of four. Call mornings. 3 ji 'or: h. Tphrn M i n GIRL fo' general boowsork; mut be good rm.fc: 2 In family. Apply after 10 A. M. ! MaO 'ail st. WANT good girl to asalel In housework. Call armt T In evenings at I1 N- 2-'th at. WANTFD Olrl far general housework. d Hancock St.. Inrtngton. COMPETENT and thoroughly exierienred grfonJ-cirL tood wars, Call Main 1-44. GIRL for shooting ralle no to 3i yeara; s ' dw aga. STj purnsile st. WANTED Competent girl for second work and ewtn . yvnl wass. t'.0 Flanders st. WANTED Apprent!ra Panilnrv Beauty I'ar.ots. 4M to 412 Dekum b;J. YVOM N aant-'d car for : girls. 2 and E X PER 1 KN'KD girl for general housew ork; mail Thone E S' vTNTEl C!rt fr general tiiicvtk; good h-n)and good wag.s. C 2 1 o4. TWO girl, one for gnral work, ona for chlMrn. Everett au V iTIitf-'S wan t ed Ex perlen red. on ly. Tho-ipP'llt-taurani. 144 4th st. GIRL for gn"l housework; threa la fam god home. Jj th st. ' WANTED Otrl f or general housework; no waahtng. 714 Ever-tt St. LK;. H T house k e" ' pin r . good cook: must s.eep iome. A T. Main M24. PRIVATF school SHORTHAND and TYPE M Rl riNG,J5jB:6 14th etMainJSM3. YOl'N) glri to aseiat with honaework. Cail mornintfw 3-1 b'h st- corner t'Uy. COAT finishers at once: must be x pa ne need. H3 U Tarn hill St.. room . THREE sollt-itors for home trade. ftren'ona at ftl Front et. Call WANTED A waitress at $12 Burn side st. B.ue Bell Restaurant. OIRL f'r cooking aad general housework; second girl kepL Johnson. YOVNO girl for general housework; a good hnTfln. Call MTIrving st. GI Kl. for general housework, rood wea. rrione Main 4iik77U Flanders st. GIRL for general housework; two la fam 7T Lovejoy. EXPERIENCED gtrl for pantry and dining room work- 5-4 Couh st. WANTED An experienced waitress at The HilL --Id and Washington. GIHL wanted tor packin chocolates; good wages. 41 Burns ids sl. GIRL wsnted to tie and curl pIumesMrs Hartn a, 1T1S Tayior st- WANTED A girl ! tars f.-r 3 chlMrcnu I bone Main K4M or call 1U7 Cor be tt at. WAN TED Experienced pants finishers; good pay. pie-c. 1 -d st Tooin 9. WANTED A rtrl to do general housework. A pp y .'7 E ' . ss WANTED Girl for general housework; 3 In f anil i y . 3 V h St.. t Pa t wanted wai ,. 1.4 n. th st. call at 1 Q A- M. I LAT.X presafeeder: 4L3 jjurhanaa bldg a -s Waaningtoa St. Wa NT prv--T etchers for m Isslon schooX geeood St. Call f O'clock P. M. GlUts tm vac. tn oafeter-a. M 4nJ su ME LP W AXT E D PEMALK. WANTED TOL'NO LADIES FOR TELE PHONE OPERATING, WITH OR WITH OUT EXPERIENCE. AfPLT PACIFIC TELEPHONE A TELEGRAPH CO., EAST TH AND AN KENT 8TS. WANTED TODAY. Camp cook (small crew). f40. by 10 A. il . Hotel cooks, 4ft to 9-V. W . rnnnirV hot r I. 1'lTi. Waitresses. s per .week and $2S per month. Factory rlrls. t pr day. I arior maid. . room and board Housekeepers. $-S to $33. House keeper cook for 4 to 10 people?. $14 1; aiso woman to do cleaning. $1 pr day. t'ook and second firl, -S and $30. Kltchrn helpers. $J3 to $3A. General housework. $u to $40. Other good positions. PA-TIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO.. Id irr D-pt. 2or1 Mornson. THE VFIER FRANK STORES raqutr competent waitresses to won , r-ntsuntnt between tha hours of 11 A. M. and 4 P. M. Good pay and permanent Positions. Apply at Superintendent's of fice, ath floor. 8 to 10 A. M. 3 HOTEL cooks. $40. Cook (Institution i. $3A and 2 camp waitresses. :. Waitress tout of city) f J5. fara ad Tanced. Chambermsid. $1 day and board Child's nurse. $.3X Family cook. $lu. Second girl. I2Y HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT AGENCT.. 343. Washington st-. R.T. WANTED Refined lady as representative !n a great selling campaign now Doing cir culated: one that can give full time for good salary (no room for the has-beens or - he thlnk-li-over cla). o tkl. Ora gontan. WANTED. MILLINERY SALES WOMEN. Ml ST BE THOROl'GHLY COMPETENT IN EVERY PARTICULAR. NONE OTHER NEED APPLY. THE M Ei KK ft FRANK C. ACTRESS wsnted. middle-aged preferred. who can look and piny both ingenue ana character for vaudeville sketch coming to Portland. Address D. Marnell. Salem. Or. TOI'NO lady of good appearance to do spe cial una or outside wortc; auar-jt---aaiary and advancement If applicant l satlafartory. Apply after 9 A- M-, 7-0 Yeon bldg. GIRLS WANTED. Apply Standard Factory No. S. Grand a vs. and East Taylor sU GOOD neat girl for general housework. small family, ona who can cook. . an mornings at 431 E. 10th N. Broadway car. LADY solicitors who can get results A splendid opportunity to willing woraers. Apply after :3, Mr. Aka. 41a Mohawk bldg.. ad and Morrison. A RESPONSIBLE woman to help take car or children, do a little sewing; good noma and good wages. 1016 Raleigh su, take W" car to th. EXPERIENCED stenographer and office as sistant: light worK. salary 4; e-p-rivnca in own handwriting. K 902, Ore g jnlan. WANTED An axperienred girl for general housework and cooking. inona Mam i-t. V-'.h Elisabeth su Take Portland Heights car. HELP WANTED MALE OR FKMALE SHflHTHAXD at da vs. Bovd Syllable Pys- t-m. written with U cnarartera. AO "posi tion"' "ruled lines." "shaulns. "word i-n nor "hand notes.' L-arn In spsre tune your own home. Writs todsy for tetlmonia!s and frea booklet. ( hlcago rorr-spondence Schools, lT 7, 112 Clark su, Chicago. . IO.inm) POSITIONS for graduates last year; men and women learn earner traue in & weeks, help to secure position; grsdu ate, rn from $15 to J weekly: expert lnatructors: tools free: write for cata logues. Mohtrr Ryatern of Colleges. North 4th et.. Portland, or. WANTED Five young ladles and two young gentlemen to do soliciting. Appiy at once to R. L. Manning. New Scott Hotel. MAKE money writing stories for newspa pers; big psy; seno xor xre Doosiei; tens how. I nltrd Press Syn-L. San Francisco. WANTED Illustrated singer. Acme The- : e r. 23 R us. II st. 1 n q u 1 re f o r e n oo n. FIK TE CHEK6 ASSOCIATION. 011 6wet- land bldg. SITUATION WATfTKD MALE. Bookkeepers mn& Clerks. ACCOUNTANT Auultor. office msnager. soeka opportunity lor ine placement or his services at advantage to proapectlvs employers, and to himself In seeking a change from present position. Coannua Irate with O W-J. Oregonlan, COM PETENT accountant, capable of tak ing charge or oniri) as auditor or assist ant treasurer, would like position; no ob jection to Kaving city; best of city refvr e n c ea. A lo7. Ore go nUn. HOKM AN 14 years' e-perlence, II years witn one nrm, a years manager anu ouyer. dea.res to make change and locate In West. Young man. married. eBst of ref er nee a F 1. oregonlan. WILL audit, open, close or write up books. prepare baiancea and Statements, insist systems. Consult me. dltor. 411 Lewis bldg. Marsnall 717. WEI-L EDUCATED yoking man desires posi tion ss kfcft-per: lour years experience, g xd rcfrences. Apply to Mr. Baker, Y. M. C A. Y PO-. uregonian. UOOKK EEPINiJ -Business men requiring the eervic-s or a nookgeeper tor a ivw hours a week only, please communicate with phone Main 15S4. WILL audit, open, close or write up books. prrpare balances and statements, reason able rates: books tnken by month If de sirctl. O i. OregonisH; STENOGRAPHER with good education. ability end some experience oesires posi tion. Marshall 2701 BOOKKEEPER. experienced. satisfactory references, desires engagement rnone Main 3J4. COLJ-ECTOR with 10 years experience wants position wun nrm; reierencea ana bond. O Oregonlan Mtscellancona. FIRST-LASS colored chef and pastry; sober snd rei l Die, notei or resiaursni, in or out of city. M Pt0. Oregonlan. CARPENTER foreman thoroughly expe rienced, residence running a specialty; can give results V V. oregonlan. POSITION as buyer for general housefur- nishtng goods; 14 years experience; can give best of reference. F POti. Oregonlan. PICTURE-SHOW operator, experienced, al ways doing his best: no smoker, wants po ll tlon. E. Royn. 3S- Soc on d st, CARPENTER First-claaa finisher and ex perienced foreman, wants situation. Sell wood 1712. JAPANESE to take care of automobile and garden; has god re fere nee a AG 900. Ore- gonian. GOOD Japanese cook wants situation with boardtng-house or family; English. 8 907 Oregonlan. MoVIXG-PI "CRB operator desires po--tlon: no objection to leaving city. A 903. Oregon ;an GARDENER wants wnf ; experienced with flowers and tress. Hotel Hoyt, August J u 1 ison. FIRST-CUASS janitor, good worker, wants poet Ion. A Oregonlan. MAN and wife want work 00 ranch. M 904 Oregonlan, EXPERIENCED grocery man desires posi tion In city. R 63. Oregonlan. CARPENTS R, flrat -class man. wants Job. p 9"7. oregonlan. MAKKIKD man wsnts any kind of work In city. H Oregonlan. JAPANESE wants steady Jb of any kind; :eaks good Engllwh. Y 0. Oregoaian. M KANE. landscape gardener. Phone Woodiawn l--COOK wsdta place In restaurant. Good per cook. N 914. Oregonlan. MILLWRIGHT od carpenter wants work AN 90O, Oregoaian. in or out of city. JAPANESE boy wants position to leara auto drivlfis. J 90S Oreconls-a. SITUATION W AN TET MAXJL Mlrellaneooa. MAN and wife wsnt position at once: man competent, reliable gardener. vegetable grower, fruit and greenhouse man, cap able of taking full rhaxge. Wife flist class rock : do laundry work alco. Ad- d rss2.' Colum b 1 a St.. corner 3d., room 4. COLLEGE graduate In civil engineering, with thre years' exp(;rlence In the North west. dslres position with general con tractors: prrft r opening that wtil lead to outside work ; willing to start at bottom. M u3, Oregon inn. TOI'NO man. strictly temperate and re liable, wishes position of any kind; ex perienced in gents' furnishings and col lecting ; A-l references. Phone Osborn. r Main 697. Add ress Z12 1 0th St.. Ci t y. YOlTNO man attending school desires to work for board and room before and after school hours. Call or address H. D. B.. 143 Cth st. WANTED Position as motion picture op erator; will furnish own machine have Motlograpb machine, tha best made). 4V N3d sr. fOUNO mai desires employment in grage; had some experience; good reierences. steady, reliable, don't drink. AE 907. -regonlan. EXPERIENCED Weatern farmer and stock raiser would like a situation as foreman on large grain farm or stock ranch. 1 903. uregonlan. SITUATION by reliable, strictly temperate man. age 35, willing and not afraid to work, would leave city. References. Ad- nress u 893. oregoniaou CHATJKFEI'R desires a noaltlon to drive private family or delivery, in or out or town; can furnish A-L references. u two, Oregonlan. FIRST-ri.ASU chef rnnk dcslrea Dlace in hotel or restaurant: city preferred. D 9t.. Oregonlan. CARPENTER. first-class finisher. want work by day or contract, inquire at bo-: 31 ississtppi are. Eri K kivl BAKER wants situation: good all-around man ; able to run small snop; city rei ert-n c es. AC OOd. Oregonlan. WANTED Ponltion. An experienced family good cook. 133 lit it, room 14. cntnese Mission. GOOD Japanese cook wants to work for cook and housework in smau lamny. V iKi8w Oregonlan. PAINTER wants work by the day or hour or will take small contract; low price. At 1HJS. Oregonlan. JAPANESE first-class cook, wants a posi tion at hotel or restaurant, in city or country. Y 00, Oregonlan. POSITION in brick plant by young man 11 years experience. Art wu'J. uregoniftn. JAPANESE boy wants any kind work In tore or factory. T Wo. uregonian. M TV ATT OX WANTED PEMaLE. Dress makers. DRESSMAKING, aowfes. skirts, waists. d signing and altering: reaaonanie; worn guaranteed. Love joy. Main o4. STENOGRAPH LTV wants position as good beginner; willing worker. Phone Ma rati a a 27. 1. Norses. TRAINED nurse, stranger in city, would like to work for one doctor; win assist in office between cases. AB 907, Ore gonlan. NURSE wishes more engagements: will do a little housework; references. Main M I DDLEAGED. experienced, practical nurse doctors reterences. Jiam d:i j t . Housekeepers. REFINED, capable woman wants position as housekseper ror wiaower or Darneior best references riven ; no faker need an swer. Mrs. I. Evans, AbO East Ash st. Phone Eit 204S. WANTED Position as housekeeper, good cook: state number in laraiiy and wages. M 901. Oregonlan. JAPANESE girl wants cooking and house work. R uregonian. M lsceilaaeous. HOTTSE KEEPERS, family cooks, chamber- maida women w asm nr. cleaning. sc. Louis Agency, 303 Va Washington su Main 039. A 4775. EXPERIENCED chambermaid, married wo man, wishes work in exenange xor nouse-kt-eping rooms and small wage a O 913, Oregonlan. r-OM PETENT lady cook, in or out of city hotel or resort; can manage same; refer ences, s won, uregonian. EXPEH IENCED woman wants position in bakery or aeucatessen. v vuv, -r gonlan. YOUNG lady would like position as cashier In cafe, hotel or show; experienced; ref erences. A J 006, Oregonlan. TWO ladles want day work; will go tog-ether or ona. pnune a sma. TOL'NO woman wants Ironing Phone Sellwood 17b7. by hour. WANT day work, house cleaning, by colored woman; no half day. Marshall 2-47. WOMAN wishes day work. 70o. Phone Main COMPETENT woman wants work hy day. wasblng.lron1ng.cleanlng. Marshall 1319. TWO girls want general housework. 271 15th st. North. WANTED Laundry work by the day In pri vate families. Marshall 30-&. SWEDISH - woman wants housecleanlng by the day. Phone Marshall 17-7. WASHING and ironing by the day. evenings, S o'clock. East 8.;V4. W ANTE D AC ENTS. RELIABLE salesmen can make big money selling our well-known line of hardy non Irrigated trees. shruls. roses, etc; out fit furnished, cash weekly. Address Ore gon . -nursery Company. Orenco, Ore gon. ' WANTEDTO RENT. Uona WA.NTKD By May 1st. six or seven room furnished houne, family of adults. State terms. A dtlress 8 900. Oregonlan. t WANTED Furnished house at once, select neighborhood; best references in city; no cniidrcn. O HQ. Oregonlan. WANTED 5 or ft-room furnished bouse, modern. V 00, Ore g on 1 an. WANTED Medium stz house. West Side and centrally located. X 902; Oregonlan. Apartment-. COUPLE with references delre to rent two or three housekeeping rooms partly xur nlshed. West Side, not too fur out. ,at about -u per month. Address p 91 1, Orcponlan. m Rooin, YOUNG man wishes room In private family; would like homelike place with congenial people on East Side. Reference. AH 90S, Oregonlan. GENTLEMAN wants a furnished room on the west siie. phone M 43S$. . Rooms With Board. GENTLEMAN employed wishes room with sleeping porch and board : r'ortiana. w 11 lanif tie Heights or Nob Hill; reasonable. C 906, Oregonlan. FOB KENT. Rooms. PORTLAND ROOMING BUREAU. Rooms, flats, apartments, furnished, un- f u rnlshed, board, all parts of tha city ; save you money, time, trouble. Let us lo cate you. S Washington St., R. 362 Marshall 21h9. A 524-. DOX'T OVERLOOK TH13 TODAY. M 1 LN E R BLDG." 30 ht MORRISON1 ST. MODERN. CENTRAL, REASONABLE. Varnished Rooms. CALUMET HOTEL. Psrk st.. between Morrison and Alder. Heart of the city; quiet and modem; free 'bus or W car st depot; rates $1 single, $1.50 double: also family fooms with private b&Lh, etc Rates per week. HOTEL FOSTER Rates 33.60 s week up: hot snd cold waier in every room, steam heat, telephone connections with rooms, free hatha large lobby; a thoroughly mod ern, respectable family hotel; 2iHi roomi. Corner Third and Davis sts. HANDSOME front room on the first and second floor; some with hot and cold wa ter and suitable for 2 or 3 people; steam heat. bath, telephone: $3.50, $0 and 7; alio some small rooms from $2.50 to 44. 1G5 10th St., corner Morrison. BUSH MARK HOTEL, 17th and Washington Newly furnished rooms, single or en suite; private baths, steam heat, hot and cold water and phone in all rooms; rates reaaonab le; transients solicited. AUDITORIUM HOTEL. 284 Third street, between Tsylor snd Salmon sts. Hot and cold water, steam heat, elevator; rates and up, 3w day and up. Main 2J74. A :2 17. LARBABF.B 2274 Larrabe st., modern, nicely furnished rooms, transient; ivc and up; low ratt-s by week or month. NICELY iurnlshed rooms. with gas. bath 333 1STH ST. Large front room, suitable for two; bath, telephone; reasonablo. THE GAYOSA Modern rooms, and East Stark. Grand ave. THE HAZEL Nicely furnished, steam hast, running water, fcd and Montgomery. FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms, Xor man, reasonable 108 12th at. FOB KENT. Fwrnlshcd Boon NOW OPEN! NOW OPEN! NOW OPEN Thnt three beautifullr furnished hotels. HOTEI. HOTEL, HOTEL MINOUK PARSONS ROWLAND ZI3W 4th st. -Ill 4th st. 4th St On Fourth st.. running from Taylor to Salmon st. Brand new brick, elegantly furaithwl; steam heat, private baths, hot and cold water in all rooms: strict! up-to-dato In all respects, and at popular prices, ii you want sometmug out oi in ordinary In the heart of the city a reasonable prices, give hs a call as we Know you win tike it. Koomi by me aay, week or month. Tourist trade solicited. HOTEL CAPL.E3. Residential. Taylor. Transient. Het. Tth and Park sts. Opposite new Heilfg Theater, one block from Portland Hotel; brick building, just completed: handsomely furnished; every modern convenience. elevator service, steam heat, telephone and hot and cold water In every room; single rooms and suites wi.h or without private baths, etc.; centrally located, near Postoffice; Just off an canines; very quiet; low rates oy aay. weeic or month. -Phone Marshall uu. ANGELA HOTEL. Permanent and transient, just opened brick building, beautifully furnished; every, thing new; steam heat, hot and cold run ning water and teleohone In all rooms fine lobby and ladles' parlor: suites and single rooms with and without private baths; very reasonable rates by aay. wee or month. phone Marshall I9v. 3 WASHINGTON ST. THE WEAVER. 710 Washington st., near King; a perfect modern home; private -team heat, not and cold water, and telephone in every room; finest part of the city: the maximum of convenience, the minimum of expense; we make you feel at home: dining-room in connection, best in the city for the money. HOTEL, SAVON, 129 Eleventh St. New, modern, brick building, steam heated, private baths, hot and cold water In rooms, beautifully furnished, cozy and comfortable. Rents very reasonable. Call and see us. Regular and transient -trade solicited. SARGENT HOTEL, Grand ave. and Haw thorne; beautifully xurnlshed rooms, sin gle or en suite, with private bath, hot and cold running water, private phone and team heat in every room; special Summer rate to permanent people; hrst-class grill and bar In connection; transient solicited. EVERY MODERN CONVENIENCE FURNISHED ROOMS. Six -story modern fire-proof building, hot snd cold water and phones In all rooms; all-night elevator service and only (4 per week; transient rooms to per Drcxel Hotel, Z4o k iamnui st. GRAND UNION HOTEL. a7V. East Burns ids st. Modern throughout, hot and cold run ning water, steam heat, rooms single or nsuite, rooms with private bath; transient rate 75c to I- per day; weekly, -w0 to $7. East S040. S lZio. Furnished Rooms In Private Families. 2 atry well-furnished rooms. - new and clean. In nice quiet modern home, use of parlor and piano; price ia ana .v. 4U rarn. FURNISHED room for rent for 2 or S In a modern riat. gents preierrea, o min utes' walk. --St 30th st. Phone Main 8-07. FOR RENT Two front rooms, single or en suite; modern conveniences; suitable for four gentlemen or four ladles. 3- h North 10th st. NICELY furnlshea rooms, with or without private bath; hot and cold running water; most centrally located ; rates reasonable. Over St. Nicholas Cafeteria. 125 6th. NICELY furnished large front room In quiet Dome, with su moaern convenient, w other roomers; near gooa ooaraiag nouse. 1 N. 3d st, SPLENDID sleeping rooms, suitable for working people; 40 to AU per monxn. otit touca, a, cor. stn. PiT-RViSHEn ROOMS, bath, nhone, gas. electric lights; close in. b .aat ivia. PhoeEjist108. ONE nice furnished room. 474 Clay, West Side; walking distance; gentlemen pre ferred. Nli'ELY furnished sttting-room. modern conveniences; walking a 1 stance. mono East 6000. 548 East Taylor st. ATTRACTIVE bearoom, on large house keeping-room, clean attic room. oa Flanders. NICELY furnished room. bath, steam heat walking distance; reasonable. Pnona - TAA ' TWO nicely furnished rooms: one la com bination sitting and alcove oearoom. oo Lucreui sc. ROOM suitable for gentleman; excellent lo cation; batn. phone, i..o. u 90s, u re- go n lan. LA RGE. pleasant front room, suitable for two; also one nousekeeping suite. j fen on. NICELY furnished room In private family, fine location, bath, phone, walking dis tance. 1S1 East NICELY furnlnhed room, modern conveni ences, suitable for two gentlemen, cen tral, reasonable. 213 13th st. NEATLY furnished room, suitable for 1 or more gentlemen. $4 a week; batn, pnone, heat. 22 13th. near Salmon. TWO well-furnlshed rooms, close in, on East Side, front room, suitable for two. &u ast 8th St.. cor. Stark. Phone B 1420. E LEGANTLT furnished room, suitable for a gentleman; references required. JO 7 west Park st. FRONT parlor with alcove and Bleeping porcn; learner lurnuure; veivei carpet. I hone, bath. 230 N. 18th St. PARLOR suite; large, light rooms; fire place; other room; cnoice ooara; piano; fine neighborhood. 761 Marshall. A 4920. FOR KENT Well furnished steam heated room ln private riat. re i. aiain sums. NICELY furnished room, walking distance West Side. h 11 tn. a 1 a. TWO nice front rooms, 327 West Park. $10 and 512 montn. ue quictc MODERN front room; walking distance. 28- loin St. NEATLY furnished rooms. 414 Salmon; gen- tiom-.-n only. NEATLY furnished front room for one or two gentlemen. iv layior su. near mn. PLEASANT front room for gentleman; mod ern con ve ru e nces. 1 ao 1 -m, cor. uay lor- NICELY furnished front and back parlor; 7 minute rw a 1 k f ro ra osto r nee. Jtt? i.utn st. NICE room suitable for lady or gentleman- S3 7th. NEWLY furnished outside room, good loca tion, easy walking distance. 45- Dtn. Unf urn IshcdRooms. DESIRABLE UNFURNISHED ROOMS. MILNEK BLDG.. 350 MORRISON ST. MODERN', CENTRAL, REASONABLE. 3 CONNECTING rooms; light, phone, bath. choice locality. i w. curuBiue. .u mornings. Rooms With Board. PORTLAND Women's Union. 23d year; rooms with Doaro. use ox sewing-room. Li brary. 610 Flanders. F. N. Heath, supt THE CAIVARD, 452 Morrison, corner 13th; modern conveniences; waiKing uHtauce. LAMBERSON, 554 Couch, desirable outside rooms, home cooking, convenient location. BOARD and room for young men. Cass Rosa, 300 Jefferson. NICELY FURNISHED room, good board, 167 11th st SINGLE room 8 per month, excellent board near. 754 Hoyt. Marshall 2820. Rooms With Board in Private Family. ATTRACTIVE room In refined modern home for two people only; the best to offer, close In. Phone East 143. CLEAN furnished rooms In modern house: will also take boarders If desired. 549 Johnson. FIRST-CLASS room and board, 10 minutes' walk to P. O. ; comfortable home. 563 5th, corner Lincoln. Main 2380. ONE or two furnished rooms, with board If df sired, fine location; 15 minutes from P. O . close to carline. 352 College st. 258 llTH Comfortably furnlshsed room, all conveniences, suitable for one or two gen tlemen with board. SICE front room suitable for 1 or 3 In pri vate home on park blocks. S minutes' walk from center of city. Phone Main 4504. CLEAN, well-furnlshed room; cooking. 432 3d st. good home PLFASANT room for ladies; good board Main 1969. 348 Lincoln. LARGE pleasant roon, suitable for two. breakfast and dinner. Main 2071. FRONT bay window room, suitable for 2, with board. 254 12th. near Main. YOUNG business woman wants roommate: pleasant home; choice board. 712 Hoyt St. ROOM and board, modern home, 292 E. 22d St., near Hawthorne. GOOD board and room at 618 Qujmby St., near 19th. Phone Main 7539. NEWLY furnished rooms, with board; price reasonable. 59Q East Oak. B 26 19. BOARD and room, private family. 2 gentle men; - per muuiiL Jtaiu oo-aw. ROOM and board for two gentlemen of good habits. 112 Hoyt sL. FOR RENT. Rooms With Board In Private FamllY. FURNISHED room with board, with sleep ing porch. 35-5 11th st. Phone A ltk6. Apartments. HANTHORN APARTMENTS. 251 1-TH ST.. NEAR MAIN. Five minutes walk from Postoffice. J -room apartments, furnished or unfur nished, all outxlde rooms, the best apart ments In city for Summer months, private porches, disappearing and wall beds, built in buffets. automatic electric elevator, steam heat, hot and cold water, private baths and party line telephones in every apartment, electric chutes for groceries, garbage, etc.- janitor services, in fact everything furnished except your own pri vate llprht and gu.. Phone janitor. Mar shall 2540 or A 4dSS. THE CAMAR. T04 LOVEJOY ST. New, modern brick apartments, fur nished snd unfurnished. In 2. 3 and 4 roora suites with private baths and recep tion halls; nothing In the city like it; sur rounded by beautiful homes, nice lawn, one block from M car and 2 blacks from 23d st. car. If you want all the comforts of home, come to the Camar. for you will be met with a WELCOME HAND and EX1 RAORDLNARILY CHEAP RATES. DON'T FAIL. TO COME. THE EVERETT. 44 EVERETT ST. BETWEEN 30TH AND ELLA STS. New. modern, brick S-room apartments, with large reception hall, private baths, sleeping porches, free Independent phones with each apartment; electric elevator; tha best furnished and equipped house In the city. First-class Janitor service; plenty of heat and hot water all the time. Come to the Everett if you want the very best. One choice apartment now fur rent. MADISON PARK' APARTMENTS, Park and Madison. Newly furnished top-floor apartment, ready April 1; also two newly furnished corner apartments, ready April L ARCADIA APARTMENTS. 706 Everett st.. bet. 21st and 22d sts. Opened Feb. 1 ; new and nicely fur nished 3 and 4-room suites, private phone, bath In each; Holmes disappearing bed; steam heat, hot water, Janitor service, mall and all packages delivered at door; all outside roms; brightest apartment house In the city; no dark rooms here; cleanliness and good service our motto. CARMELITA APARTMENTS Are now ready fox occupancy, unfurnished, four and five-room suites, reception hall, automatic elevator, telephone and all modem conveniences. Call at tha Carme llta apartments, southeast corner of 13th and Jefferson sts., and have Miss Allen, the manager, show you something extra flne, or phone Main 396-, THE BARKER Corner 21st and Irving ats. This new 4-story brick, opened January L lull; furnished and unfurnished in two, three and four-room suites with reception ; hall ; Pacific phone in each apartment; electric elevator. Tolmea disappearing beds, built-in buffet and writing desk, gas ranges, icebox, plenty of closet room. If you want something' extra line, come to the Barker. Phone Marshal) 206L LUC RET IA COURT APARTMENTS on Lucretia street, near Washington street. Unfurnished apartments in this most modern, up-to-date building. All large outside rooms, with large closet rooms, private telephone and all modern con veniences. Apply to superintendent on premises. Reterences required. HADDON HALL APARTMENTS. 414 11th su, corner of Hall 3 and 4 room furnished and unfurnished apartments, ready for occupancy the 1st of April, with all modern conveniences; fin for Summer; each apartment has a private porch. Phone Mar-hall 1170. Manager, apartment 205. HEINZ APARTMENTS, 14th and Columbia, 4 blocks south from Morrison st.; new brick building, completely first-class; fur nished In 2. 3 and 4-room family apart ments; private bath, reception hall, steam heat, hot water, elevator, free phone, jani tor service; rent per month $2S, $, $40, $43. Also one unfurnished 3-room, $26. PENINSULA Apartments One of Portland s nnest apartment-nouses, 4-mmuie cm service, beautiful part city to live, 1135 Albinn ave., cor. Killings worth, lake Mis sissippi, L. or Kenton car at Third and Wash, sts., 15 mln. ride; 2 3 and 5 rooms, completely furnished, $17.50 to $30 mo.; also unfurnished apt. Wood lawn 2259. THE BANNER APARTMENTS. West Side. 489 Clay st., near 14th; all modern, completely furnished 2-room apartments; new house, new furniture; rates $20 per month and up, including steam beat, electric light, hot water, free phone. Janitor service. Marshall 2074. ORDER LEIGH APARTMENTS. Cor. Grand ave. and E. Stark st. New fireproof brick building beautifully iurmsnea. wo ana tnree-room apart ments; private bath, hot and cold water, steam heat. Phone East 800. KEELER Apartments, 14th and Clay sts. new brick building witn modern improve ments, electric elevator, etc; each apart ment Is vestibuled and with private phones and bath. Apply at once for April vacan cies. RE-UK AN APTS-, Marshall, between 19th and 20tn, cozy, airy ana most Homelike In city; 3 rooms furnished, private bath; private phone; everything up to date; rent reasonable. Main 6032; A S19L THE ALBEMARLE APTS. New brick, modern every way. 2 and 3-room apts., completely furnished. Rates for Summer m on ins. xx& w imams ave. near Broadway. Call East 411)3. THE CECELIA, 22d and Glisan sts. Phone, Marshall 1MM- cine iurmsnea, one unfur nished apartment, private porches, with awnings; private phones. Sunniest apart ments in the city. THE MORDAUNT Apartments, 18th and Everett, opposite ennsuan scientist Church Unfurnished; 4 rooms and recep tion ball; everything up to date; look at th ese before locating. THE PARKHURST. 20th snd Northrup. Phone Main 1178. A few choice 3-room elegantly furnished apartments left; electric elevator, jan itor service, steam heat. Apply to Janitor. MEREDITH APTS., 712 Washington t.. 8- room apts., newiy iurmsnea, strictly mod ern, all conveniences. Free phones. THE BERYL One small apartment for rent, very reason-Die, quiet neighbor hood; cool for Summer, oas Lovejoy , near 21st. ST. CROIX Apartments, for rent. 1 fur nished ana um ui uibucu o-room apart ment, modern. 170 St. Clair and Wash in gton:MainW7D MADISON PARK APARTMENTS. PARK AND MADISON STREETS. Newly furnished three and four-room apartments, 5 blocks south Hotel Portland. ELEGANTLY furnished four-room apart ment, janitor service, not ana com water, private entrance, reasonable. Phone Mar shall 20. MORDAUNT, 18th and Everett sts. Com pletely iurmsnea apartment, nrst-ciass In every respect. Apply to Janitor. THE ALTAMONT, 6th and College. Nicely furnished moaern apn.rn.enLs; rent very reasonable. DELIGHTFUL 4-room apartment, complete ly iurmsnea. -tose jrTiena Apartments. Call 43. SUITE of rooms, newly furnished; 2 beds; $18 per montn; excellent noara near. 754 Hoyt. Marshall -820. MODERN 3-room apartment, furnished or unfurnished. Braintree Apartments, 2&5 1 2 th st. Phones Main 7741. A 7431. MORTON, 697 Washington. 3-room fur nlshed modern apartment, private phone, bath, janitor service. Reasonable. IRIS APARTMENTS, 3d and Mill sts.. 5 room, unfurnished apartment, $5; mod ern improvements; adults only. FIVE-ROOM furnished apartment, includ ing piano. The Rosefriend, 7th and Jef ferson. CallMr. Powers, A 5157. Main 233. THE CHETOPA. 18 Flanders St.. 3 rooms, furnished or unfurnished. Apply to jani tor a 3-ROOM furnished steam-heated apart ments: Oneonta, 187 17th st., near Yam- hiu. ; BOZANTA APARTMENTS and single rooms newly furnished; strictly modern; rea sonable rent. 194 -3d St. Marshall 28.L PAGE APARTMENTS. East 8th and Burn- side; moaern anu a-ruom p rtments. THE JUANITA Nicely furnished m en tsjtworooms. 325 11th at. THE LATJRETTE: One furnished 3-room apartment, modern. 229 11th st. MODERN 5-room lower flat. East 15th near Belmont. Adults only. - FIVE-ROOM lower flat. 468 East Burn side. Russell A Blythe. Commonwealth Bldg. XESvand modern 5-room flat. Phone Ta- bo 1656. CLOSE-IN 6-room flat; can't beat It for 'M. 344 4 Benton. FOR RENT CHEAP, choice flat. 6th and Wasco. W. Reldt.East US7;Maln1505. A NEW 3-room flat, modern, near Steel bridge, Fhon C Zl&Z. 202 Mc-dlUe.sC. FOR RENT. Flats. LOIS APARTMENTS. 704 Hoyt. one 4-room apartment beautifully furnished, very large rooms, steam heat, built-in Icebox, private bath and phone, electricity and tireless cookers, references required. SROOMflatTfurnishedT pbonebath. elec tric light; everything1 convenient. 4U2 Montgomery st. UPPER flat. 5 rooms and attic, bedroom, porch, large light rooms, adults. o'i East Main, near 18th. 7-ROOM modern fiat, 446 Park St.; furnace and fireplace. $37.50: no children. Phone East 14J1 or Tabor 763. FOR RENT 3-rooni furnished flat. West Side. $25 per month. For particulars, ap ply rt33 Oak st., near 6th. $3t NEW 6-room flat, fireplace, furnace," strictly modern. East Side, close in; adults only. M arsh all 1445. , FOR RENT Furnished 4-room flat, fine lo cation. West Side, close in. Phone Mar- Pha!l 1257. p FOR RENT 5-room upper flat, heat, hot, cold water, furnished, cor. 16th East Ma in Key 626 East Main. FOR RENT 5-room and bath, up-to-date, lower flat. East Side, walking distance. 285 Benton st. 2 MODERN flats, walking distance. 301 301 V E. 12th, near Hawthorne. East 4133; $30. m 4-ROOMS flat. 12th and Belmont, B. H Bowman Wheeldon. A 7695, Main 196L DESIRABLE 4-room flat, porch, close In, West Side. Inquire -33 H Hall. LOVELY modern 4-room flat, rent $18. 1404. E. 5. FOR RENT Modern 5-room flat; East 27th and Division; $18. East 5136. Housekeeping Rooms. THE BEAVER, 12th and Marshall, fur nished for housekeeping, gas ranse, elec tric lights, hot water, bath, laundry, free; $15 per month up; a clean place, best in the city for money; short distance from Union Depot. Take "S" or 16th-et. cars north, get off at Marshall st. No dogs. WELL furnished houses, flats, rooms 5 room cottage, $20 month; 4-room flat, $17.50; suites. 2 furnished housekeeplnjr rooms. $8, $10. $12 month: 3. $15. Apply 364 26th st. North. W car from depot, 5th, west on Morrison to 26th. block north. WELL-FURNISHED 5-room cottage. $20 month; lower furnished 4-room flat, $17.i0 month; well-furnished housekeeping suites, 2 rooms. $8, $10 and $12 month; 3 for $15. Apply 364 North 26th. W car from depot, ta or Morrison to 26th. block north. 2 UNFURNISHED housekeeping rooms, also nice. 4-room flat; very reasonable, light and clean. Stephenson Court. 515 Mill st. Main 5110. $1.50 TO $2.50 WEEK; clean, furnished housekeeping rooms, free laundry, bith, phone, clean linen, heat. 406 Vancouver ave. and 2034 Stanton; take U car. NEWLY furnished 3 -room flat, light house keeping room and sleeping rooms; strict ly modern. 189 East 7th. FINE DOWNTOWN HOME. MILNER BLDG., 3504 MORRISON ST. MODERN, CENTRAL. REASONABLE. THE New York. 2 and 3 rooms, furnished and unfurnished, new and modern; free phones. East 7th and Belmont. E. 52O0: 2 AND 3-room suites, just furnished, ground floor, walking distance, free phone, rent reasonable. 465 East Ash. HOUSEKEEPING rooms In new concrete blag. Phone Woodlawn 2997 or 2879. HOUSEKEEPING rooms. S1.50 to $2 per w eek, single or en suite. 291 Second st. TWO and three very nice large, modern housekeeping rooms. 580 -Second st, FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping rooms, $2 per week and up. 108 12th su Honftekceplng Rooms In private Family. FRONT and back parlor, nicely furnished for housekeeping; deisrable location, bath, electricity, heat and phone; nice porch and lawn. Main 5467. FIRST-CLASS large rooms, single or en suite; lawn; splendid viewpoint; heat, lights, baths, phone. 576 Couch, N. E. oor. 18th. A 52S0. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, with use of phone, bath and gas, walking dis tance ; will rent reasonable. 695 Water, cor. Meade, or Phone Main 2012. TWO or three newly furnished front house keeping rooms. 182 E. 23d. Phone East 4S3L . TWO neatly furnished front rooms, light housekeeping. 275 N. 21st sL, cor. Over ton. NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms; close in location; everything brand new. 550 Couch, near 16th. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, one, two or three, on first floor; beautifully furnished, fine location overlooking park. A 3598. . TWO rooms, completely furnished for house keeping. 47a . Journal ae. xixv. airs. i. Wood. ' - TWO or three unfurnished housekeeping rooms $3 and $4 per week; gas, Datn, etc 148 Lane St.; take "S" car. NICE front housekeeping suite, clean and respectable. Bath, phone, $22. 432 Burn side. FIRST-CLASS rooms, all modem conveni ences, $10 and $16 per month or by week. 575 Couch st., N. E. cor. 18th. $20 3 NICE clean furnished housekeeping rooms, bath and phone. 353 Lincoln st. Main 6 84 5. 63 N. 20TH 1, 2 and 3-room suites, newly and completely furnished for housekeep Ing; strictly first-class. TWO completely furnished rooms, regular kitchen, sleeping porch, separate entrance. 367 10th st. THREE nicely furnished housekeeping rooms reasonable. Kearney. 8 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms; no children. 429 East Ash. Phone East 107. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms; private family. Phone East 5250. 311 Cherry st. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, just like home, close In. clean, phone. 367 3d st. FURNISHED front rooms; gas, bath and phone; no children. 340 College. FOR RENT 2 nice furnished housekeeping rooms. 728 E. 8th South. 2 AND 3 nicely furnished housekeeplng rooma; gas, heat; reasonable. 692 Front. HOUSEKEEPING rooms. 149 13th St., tween Morrison and Alder. TWO HOUSEKEEPING rooms; also 1 sleep ing THREE furnished housekeeping rooms to adults, front. 655 Yamhill st. $15 Desirable 5-room cottage, electric light shades, bath, garden. Sellwood 1335. FURNISHED housekeeping and sleeping rooms, reasonable; gas. 914 1st, room A. TWO housekeeping rooms, furnished, pri vate entrance, basement, S10 14th st, 346 HALL Nice 2 -room housekeeping suite, reasonable. 3 NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms, heat, light, bath, phone. 495 Montgomery. A SUITE of housekeeping rooms, nicely fur nished, close In. 193 West Park; CENTRALLY located, furnished, children taken.$12.50 and up. 42U Main 6t. 3 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms gas. bath, launary. inquire t-tf rnurman su LIGHT housekeeping room, furnished; gas. bath and phone. 4oo iamnui. THREE furnished rooms for housekeeping, close In. 575 Main. FOUR nicely furnished housekeeping rooms; two beds. 215 lotn, corner &aimon. NEWLY furnished light housekeeping room. central. 4ou ain st. 354 SALMON One very desirable room, fur nish e a iigntnousj?K eijma Houses. ONE acre, four room house, barn, large chicken house, city water, .asi ootn street. 6c carline, $12 month. Snap. Good place for garden, cow, chickens. Apply 364 North .6th., 6 car north to 26th, block south. FOR RENT Modern live-room residence, full lot, near Hawthorne and 43d, $18. Portland-Pacific Inv. Co., cor. 43d and Hawthorne ave. or 41S Railway Exchange. Marshall 2753. HOUSES and flats for rent, some furnished, MERCHANTS SAVINGS & TRUST COMPANY, S. w. Cor. 6th and Washington Sts. $20 MODERN 7-room house, porcelain plumbing, gas. electricity, trays, sellwood 897. . i g UNFURNISHED rooms, first floor; modern conveniences. References. 849 East Stark at. FOR RENT 2 houses, cne 5-room, $18; one 6-room, Ji.0, Dec ween m.ii ana -a Vaughn at. Phone Main 2980. 5- ROOM modern cottage, 235 Adams street; inquire Realty Associates, Main 5774; A 2497. HOUSE of 8 rooms and batn. 714 Lovejoy, cor. 22d. Inquire 132 Sixth st. Main 6278. GOOD 5-room cottage, west aide, $16.00. 232 Worcester Bldg. . FIVE-ROOM cottage, modern conveniences. 2S4 College. Phone A 4444. 8-ROOM house for rent in Irvlngton; rent $ 65. Call East 2687. MODERN 7 rooms, attic, fireplace, furnace, close in; adults only. 722 E. Main. FOR RENT 5-room cottage, 355 San Ra fael st. 6- ROOM modern flat on Williams ava. Call 963 William ave.