TOE MORXIXG OREGOXIAX. THURSDAY, MARCH 30, 1911. 14 MrXTI-XO OTIC IS. srr washincton" chapter, no. i. Irj. A. M.-T spwrlal eoBToratlona Yl.r,f Tmrs-lT T.nlB. at Vsono UJ Ha;I. Kaji fcishta an4 PuraiW" I .'cor and 1-3" 'cWH R. A. COL.CMHI A LOOOS a " m Mr. i.sif A- it ceeia- ewa A mmlctlloa this iThardJ WW aios at acloe. M.nlc ACV ork la td E. A. .r- A- a.ui-Bnt of th. arrancm.rita f-r in funeral f oar tat brota.r Jtti Tvll.b. :i fco "- A U ra-.l ""'' ubia: si t-. Ten-pi. Bt Fri ts, st 1 ocl.ll IV M. VWitf trttr. cordioUr . ti t 1 p, order W. w. J. K. T Drtil corp. m' tnts sir V. . .... nrtMUfl.V lflTl T. TOWA-'IM. B.-r.tar. CEOl r. ROBERTS. ..V. cmmaadaol. - -, . . f Dir.n. Cfit.tJirR In thi. eltr Vmrh . v.. i Hospital. Rs " Ft. Hospital. WR,"''". ' " ...a 4 I m-nb I- lsjs, "n of CttortM Co.iT Oixt too ' ls-r. Mary OHVxV At &TS rt09 MfJ Rot-rt J 1 - J"0 Is... blt " of Mr. n! jn. raerl "' l'r. art. K. O. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY OFTirV CTTT HUl Stala . A TJsa. RtV tll omi tll. vrwwi '1 Residence k. :tb. n. 'i'- iz-.-i'W 71 E. lth. t:i AmDotsBe.. A inl: PT. 4 .,. 6nrt. and HoUdass. A 10: P. Ex. - inmi jtr.w Torr. Business Property Pav about 6 pr cnt nft flow in in Kast siile. consistinsr o; 4 mnd 5 story reinforrd concrete con- Urnction, mith lot 100il'). Price $120,000 V,;r. lo than artnul rost. Oint mipht fnsidT 'lose in rrea?e up lo J30.000 nd hont in "n. Balance at 6 per cent. G0DDARD WTEDRICK 243 Stark St Pays 21 Only $4000 Cash Enquired Brand new modern four flat building with full lot in hiph-class residence district, Tery close in. Price $12,500 f 1000 to $5000 cash, balance on mort- pac. llicht consider lot in (food res idence district s part payment. Goddard 8 Wiedricfc 243 Stark St. Pays 13 Fast Side business property, consist ing of 3 rtores and 2 flats on promi nent corner. Only $6000 cash re quired. Income $14. Price $9500 Goddard $ Wiedrick 243 Stark St. 1240 ACRES nlr IS mtlos from Corrallta. J00 acroa under cultivation. 400 arrea tn pasture and fruit land. 10.000. 000 foot norchntM tlmbor: icood pprlnjcs, ruonlnc otroam throuKU center of plci T barns, aood house: alt fenced nd ofl rood road- A np ior enough for IJj pr acre, fine terms. Rnff,KIeinsorge & Foliiier 4I Beard f Trad Bids. HOMESEEKERS ATTENTION HEADQTARTERS FOR WELI, FKLKCTEP 8MA1.L KAK.M.S. IKRIGAT- D AXU .NON-IKRWATKU OHl HARD i. a xns, krvit ash oar i k n TRCTC ACRKAGE Or" AU1. SIZK: no is ir-t:KV location, pkicej AND TElOdd. COOK & TAYLOR LEWIS HLUU, FOI RTH Ar Qlv T?. $45,000 rinnd Income propertr In the beet Mo- h lo Eaet Portland, on Ormnd e. x0; J-atory brick; tU net percent. A aood proposition for the. man with moner. itovti PEJtvwnTtw, Jtooin 3 Mealy Hid-, braad Ave. and Kaet Jlorrtoaa. I'Nooe rot gC Williams Ave. Snap loosioe. corner, with frond (-room houoe. reaT for store on corner; cheapest quarter on Will lame sve. The Jirosdwsr brlrtsr rolnr up makes this a rrf attractive Investment. Must ba old tMs week. ORVI IADOW SIT Boars at Trade Bids;.. 4ta and Oak 150x100 Apartment site on Hawthorne ave. and Ka.t 10th. ovcr'ookintt LAild addl uon; Ili.ouO. cash 13000. balance '.i . MERCHANTS AV1.XCS st TKIST Orf MORTGAGE LOANS 4 BEAUTIFUL Homes, finely furnished, elersnt lora lion. Some choice lots. Ir-rtaataa. XFW TAP T. GILT-EDGE I Tor Your Immediate Attention New. full ."0x100 biiMiic. block, 1 . t a. a m vcrv ieirahln corner lot. The income nins from $'123 to $J0 ' per month. Lease? calls lor larjre in crease in near future. It will re noire $12,fH0 cash to handle. On this the amount of your investment, pays from lo to 'J I per cent. Trice for short time only. $20,000 V Rtnr and flats on eood 50 x l'JJ DU?viI,Tf "lUti, aiivouiTJ a f month. Requires $"J2jO cash, and on iklc ihn mount of vonr investment. pays 36 per cent. Wire for imme diate acceptance. $4000 Owner reouires some readv cash In hi nlher hnineoi and will sell his improved business 50x100 comer lot in a very live valley town. This naarlv near hnilHinf and is brincr- inf; in a monthly income of over $1'20 ior month or over 50 per cent on the investment. Requires $2500 cash. The price ist $5000 Mr. Investor, the above are three P th best investments ever offer ed in this city, both as income and for future Tallies. Don t phone Dut :all and investigate. Northern Trust Company 270 Stark St. Seventh Corner Less than two blocks from Hotel Portland and one half block from Ilielig theater. Exceptional opportunity to buy this fine cor ner below market value. This cor ner only 300 feet from quarter block. valued at $250,000 in Tuesday's Orejronian, pape 4. Special price $65,000. $27,500 Cash Required Balance Long Time 6 Per Cent. A. J. GANTER 406 Henry Bldg. RENT 6 MONTHS It is to your interest to inves-' titrate this offer. Call at our Gregory lleights office today. Short car ride on most direct line in the city. Take Rose City Park car to end of line, GREGORY INVESTMENT CO. Make$750 Union Ave. One of the finest business lots on Cnion Ave, 50x105, surrounded by pressed brick stores, for $3250, pos .tively worth over $4000. Cash re quired $1S75. Call at once. J. D. KENNEDY 836 Union Aw. NEW BUNGALOW ROSE CITY PARK JirvT BK SOI.O AT OfB 7 rooms, full cement basement, double construc tion: fine view of Mount Hood: .1Ti on terms If taken at once. Phona Mar. or Call M Oerllnuer Bids. MORTGAGE LOANS 1 HIVES I Street 57c J W4 SaaJalas; Bl XrTST TTHAT. r 'Portlaad's Meat Seeala Acrraae Assliloas. Marine View- Why be roopd vp In a 50x100 foot lot. An arr In these brau tiful additions tolls for $400 and Up Per Acre 1ft per cent down. 1 per cent a month. A lot as far out on the Kast tilde costs more. Besides hora you have scenery, healthr elevation. :S0O bulldlna; restrictions, pleassnt surround Inas. future borne of St. Helen's Hall. WILLALATIN "Jar.rv.-'rr- PARK Shepard, MUIs & Rogers JI4-IS Board af Trade Bolldlsa. Mala .'- A 4TIO, The Little Farm You Have Been Looking for Near rortlsnd. H mile from electric station, on fine county road, ftevea aerea. very best soil, no -rave; elegant orchard 10 years old. Applea from this or chard took first prize last year. One of the best springs In the state. Fair buildings. Beautiful shade trees and ornamental shrub bery. In fact nature has dona everything; to make this an Ideal home, and It Is to be sold for much less than- adjoining- property. If you don't find this property ex actly as represented. I will pay you well for your time. Prlca 13000, and on your own terms. A. F- TA1GHAV, Marshall 343S. S-04 Tens Bids;. A GOOD INVESTMENT "PTa have a new modem flat bulldlna; In Holladaya Add., on the East side, near the Intersection of two carlines. Hard-surface pavement In and paid for. This Is a fine building, divided Into four 4-foom apartments, having large private porches both front ana rear, hardwood floors, tile baths and all modern conveniences strictly up to date: all rented at a rental that pays a clear net profit of 10 per cent on the total purchase price, or 16 per cent net on the amount of money It takes to handle this. This will pay Iteelf out. and Is a safe Investment for any one wanting Income-bearing property con stantly increasing tn value in this growing city. F. F BOWM V at CO- Tweatr-Seeoad aad Brasee; R 013 IRVINGTON Very desirable 8 -room house on East 19th. North, between Thompson and Braxee. Reduced from $7500 to 16600 for quick sale; 13000 cash, balance terms. MCRCHAHT9 SAVINGS at TKIST COM PA XT. RIVERDALE 4r DISTRICT S Six-room modern house, new very pretty view, 22 minutes out. one acre of land. $5500 . CHAPIN & HERLOW S33 Cttabff ( CtMIDFrCti Beautiful Platting Acreage Positively the finest tract on the market, and going at 40 per cent be low market price. $20,000 will han dle this. Please don't bother unless yon mean business. DON'T DELAY AL 904, Oregonian, Irvington Home Brand new, swell and atrictly mod ern 8-room house. 4 bedrooms, and sleeping-porch, den. furnace, fireplace, panel dining-room, beam celling and all other latest improvements: $1000 below value. Price $6750 $1500 cash and monthly payxnenta if desired. ' Grussi & Zadow SIT Board af Trade Bldg, 4ta aad Oak. on the West Side FARM $15 per acre for li acres eight miles northwest from Portland. 60 acres cul tivate.!, no waate land: fir, oak and ash timber; living water; good house and barn: county road through place. Suit able for cutting Into small tracts. Kasy terms. WHALLEY 15 McKar Bids. jierw Ton at. Olmsted Park LAST CHANCE Some of the best sites, formerly re served, now on the market. We have arrived at the end of Olmsted Park sales when these few lots are sold. They are absolutely the best in this addition and the price is very low. improvements paii. Olmsted Park is, as you know, sec ond to no addition in Portland. Close in. on Broadway car. Very hi?h in elevation. Every lot a building site. Your ust chance. THE WEST SIDE COMPANY SOLE AGENTS Third and Madison Sts., Madison Big. Marshall PS0. A 44.. HOMESEEKERS ??0 arrii. Southern Oregon. 3 75 ready for plow. Bnlanre ran be tl!ld. Spring water available. ;nod buildings. Finest soil In county, tttver bottom noil, liood fruit land. I F. THAX 100 TT. ACRE. Suitable for subdivision. Easy terms. HILL IT l.nmbermeas Building. $2500 Balance $4500 on terms buys a mod ern up-to-date 8-room house. Nob Hill. near 23rd. Tenant will pay $60 month rent. Fine home or good Investment. 8ee owner 313 Couch building. MORTGAGE LOANS Eiaweat rates aad terasa ta ealti aa. eial rates aad tavarable terssa sarci laaaa aa boslaeaa aroDertlea. fr'aaaa Loaaed lar Private tavestars. A. H. BIRRELL CO, sax Moftvar Bide aa at atara. REAL ESTATE DEALERS. necs. 1111.11. .1. , 01 " Blrrell. A. H. Co.. 202-S McKay bids. Rial Brubsksr A Benedict, 602 McKay bldg.. Chspln A Herlow. 3.12 Chamber Commerce. Cook. B. a. to., .tws iwiwu Oiu. Jenntnss A Co., Main 1SS. 206 Oregonian. PALMER-JONES to. M. r., bid (.wiuuii clsl Club bids. Th Oreiron Real Estate Vo.. Grand ave. mni ...... .. . . u..n..ia. AH.1ilonl. tn lllll''llnll " L. 1 1 - " M. E. THOMPSON CO.. cor. th and Oak sts. REAL ESTATE., For Sale Lots. t atc TraniniBii'i Addition. 50x100 feet, price a4ft, wmi Cn, Dain-o per monih. 6 per cent intret; abstract furnished with eacn lot. jam y. b'v t48 Mislaippl ave. Phone Wood lawn -v-t. C 20Ott. $2250 $500 CASH, all Improvements Includ ed; In a high-claae restricted residential; on the West Side, close In; one block to rarltne: lot full-slxed; corner; has good view; swell bungalow to be erected on the lots on opposite corner, yu, un;Bw- gRxlOO CORNER. Fine corner for flats or apartments. Stanton and Gsntenbein ave., price sayuo; $1000 casn. nr GRUPSI A ZADOW. 117 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. Til IT VifaXT lAiT. It you want a home, or want to Im-.-va. int n it will sell more readiiy. and haven't any money, we can outline a plan which will Interest you. No charge to r inter view. yrv li QUART KR BLOCK. 100x100. Tfrtdnsw nnd OolnK. hard-sur- fared streets, sewer, water and gas : be tween two good carllne.: cheap at $3000. GODDARD WiEDKlVK. 243 Stark Street. ITT.-i ROSfiM ERE $77.V Lot 50x1 itO. near Thompson il, Improve- znents paia. eivtHi TRV1NQTON. 11200. lot Suxioo. 22d St.. right on the carllne. Karnopp & Kopr. ;ts tty. exen. iting ioovii2 Willamette HetKhts. Two fine view lots. chaj-t 'lots on - the Heights, price 4,-tw: -uw casn. G RUSH I -t ZADOW. 1T Board of Trade bldg.. 4th and Oak. " bralestate for kaif:. f400 equity In a. fine lot for S;:oO. This IOt COBt i-WW ant IS eJSrrriJliiwuaii iue, balance Is payable on very easy terms, n 1 1 MS Corbett bldg.. or phone Mnlnl'J51. DOUBLE corner In paved, district of Lau relhurst for .W0. This price Includes a nart af the street assessments: $1500 cash, onlanre on easy trims. Call 513 Corbett bids;, or phone Alain moi. RASMKHE t00. SOxJOO, less than one block from Sandy ooulevara. Sil imp. pain. BIGOKST SNAP IN THE DISTRICT. VUn 1102. A 723 5. WESTMORELAND Equity In corner lot. soxioo, one block from Milwaukle ave., at 1100 prices and 6 per cent Interest: eas ily fl'M) below present value. Address AC 607. Oregonian. ALBERTA-STREET -ACREAGE. .sacre tract on El 37th St.; to be ixn roved to the tract. Will cut up Into 14 I . u..m.. n.le. Iim ttee 'L. W. MATTHEWS. 722 Cham, of Com. VERNON LOT Beautiful lot on Vernon ave.. blk. from Alberta car. Snap If taken soon. Terms. Inquire 621 Going st. PORTLAND HEIGHTS PROPERTY. Homes, lots, quarter Mocks, tracts and acreage, all parts of Heights, alt views and prices; some bargains. Main g.Vil; A 3b39. FI N E residence lot. Overton St., west of Soth; best residence part of city; no Hats or apartments allowed. Vanduyn Wal ton. 613 Chamber Com. 2 LOTS on corner 16 minutes out. West Fide Prfee $ir75, $100 down, baL like rent. Main 6061 room 6. X K3. Ore. gonlan. $750 AND 2 monthly back payments which I am unable to make buys 50x100 lot on East 40th . and Broadway, 73 feet from Sandy boulevard. AO 003. Oregonian. 50 CASH and $10 per month. painted house., lot 4Ox100, bearing fruit trees, near Kern Park; $r"0. Hlgley st Bishop. 132 Third Ft. HOMESEEKERS and speculators. $500 cash buys my West Side lot, walking dis tance; balance easy terms. Price $1800. F 001. Oregonian. - SACRIFICE a $70 0 view lot In restricted district. East Side. $350 If sold this week. Phone Marshall 71$. SATURDAY Is yonr last chance for that choice lot In Ladd's Add. at $2180; term a B 230 L - ADJOINING Mt. Tabor Park, 15Sxll5; view property; on car line; half cash; by owner. AL SIS. Oregonian. . IRVINGTON lot $18tMi. worth $2250; bar gain, see owner, v.t unamoer oi com merce. LEVEL 50x100 lot on West Portland side; S1&0 takes it toaay. c &naw, 4-u Lum berman! Bldg. BUY direct from owner equity on West moreland lot. KMi- ironiaice. mono morn in c or evenings. Sell wood 215. WA-NTED Someone who can sell my Wa- verlelgh Heignts lot; i wiu give com mission. W 909, Oregonian. CHOICE lots on Portland and Willamette Heights, sNoo iniJi aaa casi oiue. rnona A SISO HERMOSA PARK Seaside. Or.; three of the choicest lots in in is tract ior saie. z.n quire of owner. 443 6th st. FIRLAND $10 DOWN. $5 MONTHLY, pin., rnrnar .VxlOO. S40O. Fred W. (Jr- man, 320 Burnside. Alain or A anO. 100x100, comer 61st St., near W on ta villa car; ia.V. " is J.mposs um. 60x111 CORNER lot. Terrace Park; $000; terms, owner, aiv iv. uretnia.- GOOD apartment site near 23d and Thur man; barsain. I'none uwner, a wa. $15.000 50xloo apartment site. West Park. Uwner, i w. uR-imniaii. COLUMBIA BEACH, ocean front lot. part ash. Oaiance terms. r vrcgumau. HAWTHORNE district, 50x100. East 46th. $900 for quick sale, l-none aiarsnaii i ii. MUST !! Iromedlatclv. choice lots, 50x100, on Holgate su n tvi. BIO snap from owner; 100x1"", blt bear- lag trees; s ivw; texma. bcuwikki xoiat. RE AX ESTATE. For Sale Lots. GEE. it's great to live on the West Side where you can walk to town. Carfare alone Is an item. And especially 'l great to live where you can sit on yOUT Tront porch ana see me wnoio cnj. mountains and rivers, and in the evenings the brilliantly illuminated surroundings. Close-In property of this kind is limited, r.Miilielv nrnnartv with th foreVOT Un- obstructed view; therefore It Is bound to have a wonderrui xuture. j-uii-siswu two blocks to carllne, A lot with beauti ful trees and foliage, A lot unlike most other view lots with practically no climb. Price $1750. terms saw casn. a tv.( Oregonian. ' " a ct ixuxr avrr HETCHTS LOT. viM W fTiiH at front, between 2 nice houses. l.'-O feet from car. on E- 3d and Clinton, fine to build or good specu lation, price oniy $000. i:PTWI .c- z a now. 317 Board of Trade ia,dg.. 4th and Oak. BUNGALOW site, situated In cosiest little spot on the West Side; in a locality of fine homes; 4 or 5 beautiful fir trees on It; two blocks to carline. The minute you step on the car you can ten tne ens.-' stA, t iha npnnls irrn live In this dlS' trict. Moreover, it is within the mile cir cle. Price $14m. F cregonian. 1RV IMilTflV T (IT X.VJTrlt. Brtx 1 00 ft., on E- 22d si . near Ti 11 A tnonk; paved street; adjoining hands-'nie residences; on carllne; iaces east. Prce $3250; terms. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO. 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg.. phones: Main 6600; A 2S3S. ixstiti:te place. The choicest lots at the price In the Fotith East district; streets now D-mg graded: don't fail to see this; take "WW" car. get off at Kenllworth ave, and walk south. The Western Sec. Co.. 414 Spald Ing bldg.. agents and owners. . IDEAL HOME LOCATION. 75x100 with alley on corner East 20th. ino feet from Alberta street carllne; fine laying land; streets graded and cement walks In: price $.M). terms. GODDARD & WIEDK1CK, 243 Stark Street. EAST YAMHILL ST. LOT. Fine lot 30x100, north front, fine resU dence district, on E. Yamhill near 2th. improved ?treet. cement sidewalk, price $2400; $1000 cash, balance yearly. MiRUKSI A ZADOW, 817 Board of Trade bldg., 4th- and Oak. $11.000 GOOD business location-East 12th and Division; 10-room house; corner por tion vacant. Terms. $nooo Quarter block, close to business section. East Side. I. G. DAVIDSON-. 8J0 Chamber of Commerce; r. rt i .nc-Ar lui. Corner 31st and Brooklyn streets, 50x joo. beautiful, high and sightly land, sewer, water and gas, streets improved; price $!50. GODDARD ft W1EPRICK, 213 Stark Street. PORTLAND HEIGHTS A splendid ite, comprising 13.700 square feet, about 2 3-5 lots; next to one of the handsomest homes on the Heights. It will landscape beauti fully; has some fine trees; good view; one Mock to car; $3300; terms. F. 690, Ore gonian PORTLAND HEIGHTS. PORTLAND 4 acre on Upper Drive, at least four building sites. This Is a pickup for the man that knows value; $3000. $500 cash. Fred W. German, 329 Burnside. M. or A 2776. BUY QUICK. Lots $.r0; on 51M and W. Stark, on car llne; easy terms; greatest buy ever of fered. EMPIRE REALTY & TRUST CO., 4i2 Yeon Bldg. Marshall S4. PORTLAND HEIGHTS SACRIFICE. Owner must have money and will sell quarter-block near school for SriOOO. This price includes $730 for improvements, and is about half market value. Main 3531" Brooke. A 3530 1 OWN a lot In Fort George. B. C. In the . -a .U. .t,lV. T 1Q months apo for $150. for sale for what I Faid for it plus register fee $155 cash, want to buy a good Savage or Remlng ton automatic rifle. W 90i, Oregonian. MT TAROR. Very fine large corner lot; lot is nearly level and is In every way a most desira ble building site; is on west slope. NORTHERN TRUST COMPANY, t V Olcll t Ok. CHEAP APARTMENT SITE. East 11th and Ash streets, 50x.0. with old 6-room house, rental value about $18 per month; price $3850. GODDARD & WIEDRICK. 243 Stark Street. SACRIFICE. 100x100 Trvinston. Opposite corners held at $3400. This one $2300. 306 Mer chanta Trust bldg. LOT In the center of best restricted dis trict on East tilde; ail improvements iu, $750. Owner. Main 4126. NICE lots In Rossmere on 37th St., $800 cash. by ow ner. o vii. ore go man. ( For Sale Houses. AN Irvington bargain; beautiful six-room house on l-:ast zutn, near inompsou, some livlnK-room and dining-room with fireplace, beamed ceilings and hardwood floors; Dutch kitchen. three sleeping rooms, cement basument and furnace; verv attractive and a bargain at $6350; $1500 cash, balance easy. McAllister A Lueddemann. 722 Electric bldg. J4S0O TERMS. Modern and attractive tf-room dwelling on Clackamas St., near E. 20th. lot .10x123; fine location, home practically new and very attractively arranged: price, with street improvements all paid, $4800; good term a M'CARGAR. BATES LIVELY. - No. 301 Yeon bldg. $0200 HOME, MT. TABOR DISTRICT. 7 rooms, modern home, near E. 64th and Burnside, with hot water heat, with more than three full lots. If taken this week we can deliver for $0200; $1000 below market value: terms. M'CARGAR, BATES A LIVELY. No. 301 Yeon bldg. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS HOMES We have five beautirul homes xor safe in tnis choice district, at prices ranging from $5500 to $i300. All new and modern and magnificent view property. For particu lars see McAllister & Lueddemann, 722 Electric blg. BY owner, new, modern 5-room bungalow; Are pi ace. DooKcases, linen ciosei, wooa elevator, etc., largo attic. full cement basement, stationary tubs; good location, near Laurelhurst, two blocks Rose City car; bargain. Phone Tabor 210L MODERN B-rSjom bungalow In fine resi dence district ; just corapietea wun au modern appliances; this is a bargain at $2330 on terms to suit. Call 414 Spald Ing bldg. 6-ROOM. .modern house, 841 E. 25th S., $2300; SlftW casn. Daiunci sio .per raonm and Interest; also 5-room bungalow on same terms. E. A. McGrath, 331 Chamber of Commerce bUit. $2500 FURNISHED six-room house In Uni versity rftrK, lU ui'" nuiii , new and modern and a bargain; small cash payment, balance easy. McAllister Lu e d demann, 722 Electrio bldg. A BARGAIN. Modem 7-room house, nicely furnished, on fractional lot. East 6th near Burn side; only $4800; terms, McQulnn. phone East 1115- ; A SNAP $2250 for a new. modem bun galow lot IVUXluv, irun aiita ruse a. urtween 2 car lines. Phone Wood lawn 82x9 or C 2429. BY owner, 6-room house and lot 50x127 feet. 4 blocks eai u -"-"o wvi tock carllne. Call Main 10"9. ask for Hicks Bros.; price $1200, terms. $2nOO 6-room house and lot 50xlOO; nice 45th and Eat Stark sts. phone Marshall 30ns. For sale by owner; bargain. A HOME THAT ALWAYS PLEASES. I build and finance residences, a. C. Furlong. 636 Chamber of Commerce, A 2009. PORTLAND H EIGHTS. 5-roomed cottage, on full corner lot, beautiful view; $2730 cash vacant lot across street priced at $2100. Main 355L A 3S39. Brooke. GOOD 7-room cottage. 9 lots, good 6-room hOUSe. IU19. T l w 1 O uuiiuise si-iw&u UUM7 at $23 per month. C H. Els ton, Oswego, Or. BY owner. 5SO0 cash, new modem 6-room home, JUHW, tUll ai uil, HiidU- and ornamental trees, 2 blocks car. terms. 350 Montgomery. Tabor -.735- BEAUTIFUL modem residence, cor. lot. ex cellent neigiiDomw"". ' " vance In value; near business cor. Easy temls. A 10Sti! FOR SALE New, modem 6-room bunga low On caoi. iiui .vw vwMca. Phone East 4ti, MO ibERN 6-room house, Holladay Add., PROPERTY. 30x130 ft., $1400, with small UUUSC, Ul i " " fca, terms. Inquire 1117 E. Sherman st. ONB nice 6-room house and four b earing trees ior oniy xowv. & . wi. aua ana Pine. BRAND-NEW 4-room house, pantry, closet. city ";J' .vrrv; r-y line rent, xiiyunw aimviA MODERN, 6-room house, all improvements, i-ooo will handle. Inquire 771 E. Salmon. 5-ROOM cottage, full lot. S10 E. 34th., one 2 HOUSES, Portland Heights. $4000 and $2S30; terms- Phone -Marshall 1866. $5S50 IRVTNC5TON; new. mcdem 8-room UOUSe. St7 C ar LU .s. cosv A x ua vuca- REAL ESTATE. For SaleHouses. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. 7-rooin modern house, corner East 34tn and Lincoln street. Splendid neighbor hood. This Is a bargain at $3500. Terms. ROSE CITY PARK. Modern house. 6 rooms and sleeping porch. Choice location close to carline. Would be cheap at $4000; for quick $3700. Can arrange satisfactory terms. SELLWOOD. This one Is a snap. 6-room modem house. located on Tenino avenue one block from carllne: is well built and a rare bar gain; only $3000. Terms, 5oO cash, bal ance like rent. C. B. LUCAS. 511 Corbett Bldg. MODERN AND HIGH CLASS IN EVERY RESPECT. AT A TREMENDOUS SACRIFICE. We are offering a modern 5-room bun galow on E. 34th St.. near Hawthorne carllne at less than cost; new, street Im proved, cement sidewalk, full basement, laundry trays, built-in buffet. window B.-ats. etc.; electric and gas fixtures, beau. tifu.1 bathroom: an Ideal home, ready to occupy; absolutely new and first-class; must be seen to be appreciated ; small down payment and balance like rent; price $3o00. terms to suit. PACIFIC N. W. DEVELOPMENT CO., 405 C ouch Bid g.. 100 4th St. 2-STORY 8-ROOM HOUSE, $4OO0. CLOSE IN TERMS CAN BE ARRANGED Large reception hail, living room, sit ting room with fireplace, dining room and kitchen downstairs, 4 bedrooms with closets and bath upstairs, also large .at tic, full cement basement with furnace and laundry tray. CORNER LOT. 50x 100. fine lawn and a big variety of rose bushes. Alley In rear, fine ior a garag Call Mr. Guthrie. A 1163 or Main SaoO. AN ELEGANT HOME. IN WAVERLY HEIGHTS. $4500. One of the finest finished houses In Portland; rich electric light fixtures, finely finished floors and paneling, full cement basement, lot 120 feet deep, large porcn on two sides; price is $4500. $1000 cash or will take good lot as first payment; balance on terms to suit. J. P. Ford & Co.. 513 Board of Trade Bldg. Phones Main or A 2657. BUNGALOW AND LOT ONLY $1300. Close to car adjoining one of Portland s best restricted residence districts, 4 rooms with porcelAln bath, toilet, sink, hot and cold water, large kitchen cabinet, 50-ft, lot: J2O0 will start you In this cozy homr, bal. like tent; don't delay, because it will be sold at once. Call prepared to go see It. JAS. C. LOGAN, 815 Spalding Bldg. Marshall 4P, A SWELL HOME. E- MADISON ST. Strictly modem 7-room house, with au latest improvements, furnace and fire place, double construction. 4 bedrooms and sleeping porch, on a lot 60x100, on E. Madison near 17th. walking distance. Price, Including carpets. $600; $3000 cash and $25 per month. GRUSSI & ZADOW. 817 Board of Trade bldg.. 4th and Oak. RFE M V. RRTff R R YOU BUILD. WHERE I BUILD I WILL LOAN MONEY AT A LOW RATE OF INTER EST WITH NO BROKERAGE FEES AND NO CHARGE FOR PLANS. I HAVE CLIENTS WHO WILL LEASE APART MENTS AND WAREHOUSES. IF YOU, HAVE A LOT SUITABLE I CAN MAKE YOU A GOOD PROPOSITION. Z. K. LOCKE, 529 HENRY BLDG. ROSE CITY PARK. $200 CASH AND $20 AND INTEREST A MONTH Will bay a 6-room new modern bunga low, 1 block from car line. Dutch kitchen, built-in buffet, bookcases, beamed celling, paneled dining-room, fireplace, cement basement; a great bargain at $3300. See this at once. Call Mr. Ward. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, Main 8900 or A 1163. 15 MINUTES OVER MADISON BRIDGE $300 DOWN. BALANCE MONTHLY. We ofler a nice modern 5-room bunga low, bath, Dutch kitchen, fireplace, wired for electric lifiht, piped for gas, full base ment, large attic, 30x100 lot. Few step from car on Clinton ava. 418 Railway Exchange bldg. PIEDMONT HOME. Nearly new, strictly modem 6-room bouse, 2 stories, double constructed and finely finished, on a lot 50x100, east front, street work paid; on Commercial st.. near Killlngsworth; price $4000, part cash, balance to suit. GRUSSI & ZADOW. 317 Board of Trade bldg., 4th and Oak. THE BEST BUY IN THE HAWTHORNE DISTRICT, $2500. 6-room bungalow, paneled dining-room, enameled bathroom and Dutch kitchen, good-sized rooms, built-in buffet, cement basement; pay $200 down and $20 a month. See it today. J. P. Ford & Co., 513 Board of Trade Bldg. Phones Main or A 2657. $500 CASH. PRICE $3450. 5 rooms and bath, full basement ce mented, large attic, double walls, fire place, Dutch kitchen, bookcases, linen closet, etc. Located 100 ft. south of Sandy Road on 40th sL, block from Laurelhurst. Call Owner, East 44S3 or B 1340. $7750 IRVINGTON HOME. 7 rooms strictly modem on East 19th North, near Thompson street, has hard wood -44oors, large living-room with fire place and all the comforts of a choice home. $2500 cash will handle. M'CARGAR, BATES & LIVELY. No. 301 Yeon bldg. ALB IN A SNAP. 8-room house and stable, on lot 50x100 ft;, 1 block from Russell st. and within 3 blocks of Williams ave. Price $4500; terms. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO. 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg., r nones: aiain awa; a ztidn. IRVINGTON SACRIFICE. Having to raise money to make pay ment on other property, will sell mv mod ern 7-room house in Irvington with some or the furnishings, all for $;500; terms; 2 blocks from Irvington school. Phone Main 879. A 1879. $0000 IRVINGTON HOME. 6-room bungalow, strictly modern, new, with hardwood floors, Dutch kitchen, etc very attractive, .bast ran near Thomp son. M'CARGAR, BATES & LIVELY. No. 301 Yeon bldg. A GENUINE BARGAIN. 8-room modern house on corner lot 574 xlOO, situate East 11th, near Alberta street; price J2S00; terms very easy. GODDARD & WIEDRICK, 243 Stark Street. 6 ROOMS, PORTLAND HEIGHTS. $4S00. A beautiful bungalow, fireplace, furnace, etc.; 100 ft, frontage, covered with roses and fancy shrubbery; mostly cash, Fred W. German. 829 Burnside. M. or A 2776. $2200 HOME! INVESTMENT! TERMS Two lota at practically price of one; 100x100; level, fertile; berries, fruit, flowers, barn, henhouse. 5-room cottage, bath: Stewarts station, Mt. Scott line; no agent's. Telephone Tabor 2934. 2 ACRES ON COLUMBIA BOULEVARD. In high state. of cultivation, fine well, house and other buildings, located at head of East 11th street; price $7500. GODDARD & WIEDRICK, 243 Stark Street. FOR SALE A modern 7-room house, a lot 60x100. nice view, garden plot, fruit trees, situated near carline, on East Side, close in ; price reasonable. Inquire of owner, 464 3d st. BY OWNER Fine modern 5-room bungalow on Market st,, close to 37th and- only two short blocks south of Hawthorne ave. ; will sell cheap and on easy terms. Call 1106 E. Market. Phone Tabor 1110. 5-ROOM house and 4 lots on Gladstone ave., set out in fruit- good chance for garden and chickens. Price $3000. Terms. W. Ormsby. 41st and Holgate. Phone Sell wood 822. $250 DOWN. $15 a month buys 7-room bonse, near Stewart's station, on Mount Scott line; fruit, berries, garden; price $25O0. Phone Sellwood 822. LARGE HOUSE, full block, all kinds bear ing fruit; between 88th and 39th sts., 6 blocks from the Reed Institute. Will ac cept small place or acreage in trade. See owner, 404 A b in g ton bldg. PORTLAND Heights, near Ford-st. bridge. Easy walking distance. Beautiful mod ern 7-roomed house; built for home; lot 60x147; lovely view. $7500. Terms. Main 3351. A 3S39. Brooke. ACCOUNT of sickness, owner must sell 6 room modem new house, 37th East Caruthers st. This Is a bargain. $35ou; terms. Tel. Tabor 1932. 6-ROOM modern cottage at Arbor Lodge, will take small cash payment or vacant lots as first payment. Owner Box 457, N e wberg. Or. $300 rX) WN. balance like rent, takes a new 6-room bungalow, corner lot, $3100; save commission. Sellwood 1872. BY OWNER Modem 5-room furnished bun galow, sunnysiae, sdoou, easy terms: ex change eq u ity for lot. Phone Tabor 3154. SNAP $3000, $1800 cash, 5-room bungalow. plenty roses ana iruit. 1 14 Aioerta. near Jefferson High School, L car. WILL build any kind of "houseboat to or- der. t3W up. x woe, uregonian. IRVINGTON house $2500 under value; price $5900. Call vz unamoer ox commerce. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. GOING TO BUILD? WS DESIGN ARTISTIC - HOUSES ANT MAKE NO CHARGES FOR PLANS IP WE BUILD. IT WILL PAY TO SEE US. THERE IS A REASON. IF YOU OWN A LOT. WB WILL FINANCE THE RESl DF.NCfi OR APARTMENT FOR YOU. OUR REPUTATION IS YOUR PRO TECTION. L. R. BAILEY A CO.. S24 ABINGTON BLDG. ACCOUNT of sickness, necessitating change of climate, must sell my beautiful ho ma in Irvington, furnished or unfurnished ; occupied 5 months; generally conceded to be the best apranged and most complete house In this district; th finest part of Irvington . 7 rooms ; radically superior in every detail from 99 per cent of house "for sale." Would consider vacant lots or acreage to $2000. balance to suit, but must sell immediately. AG 886, Oregonian, $250 CASH. ROSE CITY PARK. $23 PER MONTH. T rooms, view lot, 50x100, Improvements In and paid; built-in buffet and book cases, Ditch kitchen, fireplace, furnace, laundry tray, solid oak floors, mirror doors, etc. $25 per month. National Realty & Trust Co., 326 Washington St.. room 51r. Phone Main 3129. . SWISS BUNGALOW. Fine 7-room bungalow. 4 bedrooms, hot water heat, fireplace, doubly constructed, finely finished, auto garage, lot 47x-S, east front, street Improvements paid; price $4700; $150O cash, $20 per month, on E. - 9th st. in Brooklyn Heights. GKL'SSI & ZADOW. 317 Board of Trade bldg.. 4th and Oa. $3oo. ROSE CITY PARK. BUY NOW. Hard-surface street to business rentr 7-room house, built-in buffet. Inlaid pol ished floors, furnace, fireplace, built-in bookcases. Take lot as part payment. EMPIRE REALTY & TRUST CO.. 402 Yeon, Bldg. Phone Marshall 349. IRVINGTON HOME, $6750. 8 rooms, new and modern, hardwood floors. 2 fireplaces, shades and lighting fixtures, all ready for occupancy, face East lot 50x100 ft. on carline; hard-surface pavement. Price $6730, terms. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. Phones Main 8C99. A 2653. $7500 IRVINGTON HOME. A swell, thoroughly modern, 7-room home with panel dining-room; large living-room and den. breakfast-porch, hard wood floors, etcu, in the very choicest dis trict. M'CARGAR, BATES & LIVELY. No. 301 Yeon bldg. SEE THIS 9-ROOM MODERN HOUSH, on carllne, before you buy. This fine home must be sacrificed at once: business out of state requires my immediate at tention; lot 75x100. This must go at a bargain. See owner, 967 Lombard st or phone Woodlawn 2462. $1875 BUYS 7-room plastered bouse and 2 nice lots, worth $2000; only 1 h blocks from car; nice lawns and fruit trees: only $600 and $15 per month. E. K. White, Kern Park station. Tabor 2-'47. MUST sell my new 8 room house In Irving ton, before 2nd of April; reasons for sell ing. Will trade for rooming house or take part cash. R 900. Oregonian. Business Property. FLAT BUILDGING. 4 FLATS. Pays 12 per cent on the Investment; located In Sunnyside, 2 blocks from car; price $9000, about $5000 cash. Owner Wants to Sell 85-ROOM APARTMENT BUILDING. West Side corner; will sell with or without furniture; if you have $10,000 to Invest you can clear $300 a month and no work; here is a chance for you. IT'S UP TO YOU TO MAKE SOME MONEY. Call for particulars if you are Interested. 822 Failing bldg., 3d and Washington, Ask for M. E. Lent. 66x100 Lovejoy. bet. 23d and 24th; fine lo cation for flats, apartments or business; $9000. Vanduyn & Walton. 615 Chamber Commerce. A SOUND INVESTMENT. I have a 11 1-3 per cent investment to offer, which $4000 will handle. Are you Interested ? East 2259. $13 GOO 50x100 corner 10th and Jackson; an ideal apartment-house site; east front; fine view; easy terms. Vanduyn & Wal ton, 615 Chamber Commerce, FOR SALE Four flat building, corner. Nob Hill" pays 15 per cent on amount re quired ; nearly new, very modern. Tele phone mornings M ain 5340. Acreage. 6 ACRES CLOSE TO NE WBERG. $1900 ON TERMS. THI8 IS THE FINEST LITTLE PLACH IN THIS VICINITY AND IS AN EXCEP TIONAL BARGAIN AT THE PRICE ASKED. IS LOCATED ON A GOOD ROAD; FINE NEW HOUSE AND OTHER OUTBUILDINGS; RUNNING WATER; .13 WELL FENCED AND HAS GOOD CHICKEN YARDS. COME IN AND LET US TELL YOU MORE ABOUT THI3 PLACE. W. W. ESPEY, 819 COMMERCIAL BLOCK. HOMESEEKERS AND INVESTORS. Please bear in mind that C. F. PFLUGER ft CO. have a large list of inexpensive. close-In. Improved and unimproved acre age to 'offer at prices that will appeal to the careful buyers; liberal terms and Interest; courteous treatment- C. F. PFLUGER & CO., Bulte 6 Mulkey Bldg.. 2d and Morrison St. BIG SNAP IN ACREAGE. Joining Portland; black loam soil, vir gin or cultivated, 34 miles from Court house, Hi miles beyond Council Crest, y mile from S. P. R. R-; macadam road to place; will be sold in tracts of 6 acres and up; price $350 to $500 per acre; 20 per cent down, bal. 1. 2 and 3 years. This will go quick; no agents need answer. Call at 406Varkst:orphone A 6253. , J. JOE. OKjyju By April 1st, 16 acres adjoining station. Is miles from Portland, 42 minutes' ride, on county road, lies beautifully; 4 acres un der cultivation, 5 acres timber, balance easily cleared; price $160 per acre, worth. $223. GRUSSI ft ZADOW, 817 Board of Trade bldg.. 4th and Oak. 15-AC RE piece of cultivated land right on newly macadamized Powell Valley Road (now the finest auto road in the county), about 15 minutes walk from 10c car service and not far from city limits; $6o per acre, terms to suit buyer; mlsht jscU 6 acres of this or half of It. 41a Rail way Exchange bldg. . 5-ACRE BARGAIN. Nice running stream on place; 1 acre under cultivation; 3 blocks from station, 42 minutes' ride from Portland. Price $200 per acre, easy terms. GRUSSI & ZADOW. 817 Board of Trade bldg., 4th and Oak. 5 ACRES, cultivated, $2S50; $1000 down. 2 acres, 6-room house, $4500. ; acre, $2100. These are 6 and 6 miles from center of city. BENZ ft DAWES. East Gllsan and 80th Sts. Tabor 8087. Zhi ACRES Will cut up Into 1i lots, ex clusive of streets, on South .ave., adjoin ing Westmoreland, and close to the Reed Institute site; 2 blocks east from carline, ' well located and have a future; terms. See P. Johnson, owner. 306 Washington st; SV ACRES ADJOINING STATION. 1 acre under cultivation, balance brush, lies level and on county road. 13 miles .from Portland; price $185 per acre. GRUSSI & ZADOW. 317 Board of Trade bldg., 4th and Oak. SMALL farm about 50 acres. Well im proved; living stream of water; on electrio line to Forest Grove ; probably the best bargain near Portland- I. G. DAVIDSON, 819 Chamber of Commerce. 2 ACRES of sightly ground near Multno mah station; $2300, easy terms; this Is the best snap in acreage now offered In this locality; full Information at 414 Spald ing bldg . 7 ACRES 4 In Orchard, 5 minute walk to car; 3 miles on hard surface road to Portland limits. Clark R. Belk nap. 621 Yeon bldg. 5-ACRE tracts on the Oregon Electric By.; fine cleared and cultivated ground; $300 per acre. The Western Sec. Co., 414 Spalding bldg. SO ACRES of land, timber and water on place, 10 acres cleared, quarter mile from depot; $3600; Hood River Co. Address R. McLeaney, Cascade Locks. 6 OR 10 acres, closes to city; rich soil, run ning water; close to carllne; easy terms. .Vanduyn ft Walton, 613 Chamber Com. ACREAGE on all lines from 1 acre up; all sizes, large colony tract a Marshall & Rupert, room 7. Z-rOfe Aider. tS ACRES, $2500; 17 cultivated. 15 miles irom rorilttliu. c,uiicih, bvh. Mati, ji v-u- ard. stream; $1500 cash. 1030 Grand N. SOUTH Mt, Tabor acres, on 71st st.. $1250 I've..,, Coat as All