Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, March 29, 1911, Page 18, Image 18

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Incoming Ships to Undergo
Rigid Inspection at Hands
of Officers.
Rata on Vessels to Be Killed and
Burned Before Boat Coming
from Orient Are Allowed
to Leave, quarantine.
Acting upon Instruction received by
Oiy Health Officer Wheeler from
Washington. I. C to cause every Ori
ental ship entering this port to be In
spect! thoroughly, to first definite
step luwiMi guarding the city against
tne possibility of pneumonic piu. bu
bonic plague or other malignant Infec
tious diseases was taken yesterday when
members of the State Board of Health
held a coherence with city officials
and the County Commissioners and
agreed upon a tentative plan to meet
the situation.
While there has been no evidence of
the Infection here of diseases through
the visit of Oriental ships, both I ne
Federal ana civil officers believe that
It Is necessary to Inaugurate precau
tionary measures and subject every
vessel touciilnr Oriental ports to the
strictest Inspection.
According to plana that were dia
cud yestefdsy, special offlrers are
to be detailed to work In conjunction
with Harbormaster speler In Inspecting
the vessels. If any snip Is found with
my kind of a contagious disease, it
Is to be fumigated Immediately and to
be held In quarantine until every
vestige of the disease Is eradicated.
While a ship Is unloading, a special
officer Is to be on hand and make a
careful Investigation of the cariro. Spe
cial precaution is to be taken In regard
to ballast.
Strict Watch Ordered.
In future, a ship that comes Into
this port having rats 'on board will be
under strict surveillance. Id referring
to this feature. lr. Caiviu tv White,
secretary of the State Board of Health,
said that ship rats were most danger
ous factors In spreading disease, and
that the most effectual manner of pre
venting the Introduction of contagious
diseases is to hold a ship la quarantine
until every rat Is killed and burned.
Those attending the conference were
Ir. Andrew C. Smith. Dr. E. A. Pierce.
Dr. Calvin S. White, oT the State Board
of Health; Dr. E. I", tie a nr. County
Physician; Harbormaster Speler. Cap
tain J. K. Blaine, of the Oregon Dry
dock: Dr. c. H. Wheeler. County
Judge T. J. Cleeton and County Com
missioners Ughtner and Hart.
Dr. Wheeler -said that he had re
ceived advices from Washington. D. C
to enlist the assistance of county and
state officials to take up the matter
of Inspection of Oriental ships, or of
any ship about which there might be
a suspicion. He said that the cam
paign against the spread of diseases
was to be waged In all ports and that
It was necessary for Portland to Join
at once In the work.
Drs. White. Pierce and Smith, rep
resenting the State Board of Health,
said that It was Important to formu
late plans Immediately to carry out the
work. They said that they would be
willing to direct the work but would
expect to have assistance from the
county and the city.
Deputies to Be Named.
Harbormaster Sprier offered to give
his sen Ices free and believed he would
be able to devote a part of each day
to the work. It was suggested that
with the help of two special officers
the work of Inspection could be con
ducted satisfactorily. The plan aa out
lined la to have tue County Court ap
point the two officers as deputy sher
iffs, so that arreeta ean be made la
the event that the State Board of
Health finds that ship captains or
owners refuse to comply with Its or
ders. County Judge Cleeton said that he
was hearltly In svmpatny with the
movement and would be willing to give
assistance. He suggested that the
health officers submit their plan In
writing so that the County Commis
sioners could take the matter up and
act upon It In the regular manner.
Judge Cleeton and Commissioners Hart
and Ughtner were of the opinion that
nothing would be In the way of the
appointment of special officers to look
after the work.
It was said yesterday that during
the last visit of the Norwegian steamer
Kygja. aa Oriental liner. Zi rats were
found on board but were killed, and
burned before she was cleared of her
Commissioners Want Portland En
, (Ineecr to Snperrie Work.
MARSHFIELD. Or, March ;,fiJpe
claLr Members of the Port of Coos
Bay Commission have decided to en
gage Captain Polhemus. of the United
States Engineer Department at Port
land, to prepare a general plun for
harbor Improvement, made possible by
a tloo.ooe bond Issue voted recently.
The Oovcmment dredger Oregon,
now at work In the lower bay. will be
brought to Isthmus Inlet, where the C
A. Smith mill Is located, to deepen the
channel. The work will be paid for by
the mlllmen. and the purpose Is to allow
larger vessels to load at the mill. The
liaxel IVUar, a yessel carrying 4. 000.000
feet of lumber, will be at the mill boom
t. take on a cargo, and It Is expected
that other large vessels will load at
tfte mill next Summer.
As the work km regarded as beneficial
to the bay In general, the Covernment
engineers have allowed the use of the
Government dredger for the private
work. The Mmpson Lumber Company
at North Bend has also agreed to pay
for some of the harbor work.
Portland for the Panama Canal In the
new Bates aV Chesehrough service, tne
steamer Stanley Dollar arrived at Bal
boa Monday.
No effort will be made to complete
another round voyage with the steamet
Golden Oate. as planned early In the
week, and she will not sail for Tilla
mook until this evening.
Captain Moran. of the Independent
Pilot" Association, yesterday brought
the steamer Westerner from Astoria,
and Captain Smith will pilot the steam
er Coaster here, they being the first
res re Is secured by the opposition
tn the future the steamer Maria will
fly the flag of the Columbia Contract
Company, having been purchased a
few days ago from the Willamette
Columbia Llrer Towing Company. She
now undergoing repairs st the dock
of the latter.
There were Included In yesterday's
entries at the Custom-house the steam
ers Oeo. W. Elder. Westerner. W. S.
Porter snd Washington from California
Marine Underwriters Surveyor
Here Explains.
J Dm tm ArHv.
1 Nam. From.
I AUnc Kur-na In port i
J .. W. ElWr..Hn port I
A tioldo (ti... TtiUmooh. .In Pr
J An.. 1-Uniion Var. a
14r eo rIro.... Vr T
iu It. rim.- Tillmoo. .. .April I J
Hraiaitr....Coo Hjr. ... April
hoanok n yir-o. .Apr.
Rom city im fexlro. ...April
H-tT mn I'tdro. .. - April
Rlrtd lialbo Apr. -1
BrMulcfJ to Vrpmru J
J Nam. For.
W. F:dr. .Smn rx1ro. .. .V r. 2
T Ooidra Cal. . .Tillamook. ... Mair. L'
? Aoi; Han Jon Mir.
Fr 5m Mro Apr. T
tirtakTr roosi Hay Apr. 4 J
Jw U. KlmoraTillamoB'k Apr. J
Koannka Fan PMro. . . . A pr S City Fan Pelr... April
4 Farr Pan Padro. ...Apr. 15
4 Klvarsida Balboa .Apr. !
porta. The WaahtnaTton cleared for San
l-ranrit-o wtth frt of lumber,
the Klder and Torter for th south with
reneral cargo, and th Bank liner
Kumeric for the orient.
In tow of the steamer (Vklnhama the
bark Levi o. Huriress left the harbor
yeeterday morning for Nuahagak.
Alank.1. rarrylng- cannery supplies. On
the return from the lower harbor the
Ocklahama will take the Russian bark
Ocean In tow. as she la to discharge
ballant'at Ltnnton and prepare to load
Aa but one bid was received for re
pairs to the machinery of the light
house tender Columbine, It was reject
ed yesterday by Commander Elllcott.
I.trhthouse Inspector, and proposals re
advertlsed for to be opened April 4. The
Columbine Is to leave for Alaska about
May- l snd It Is denlred to hare the
work completed In advance.
Mocnient of Vc-r Is.
PORTlAN"D. Marrh 7s. Arrlv-d Steamer
Alliance. fr"rn Eureka and Coot Bay; i'm
er J. .. rhaniiur, from 2aa Franclaro,
hatled Amaricaji bark Ievt ii. Bunte. fr
Nu!iaak; steamer Hvr, for San Tadro
via Franciaco; it-amer Sua H. E I mora.
fr TtliamHk; :amer Breakwater, for Coos
It ay; atvamer W. 8. I'ortar. for ban Francisco-
Atori. March St. Palled at A. U.
Steamer Ro-t-rana. for Iran Francisco. Ar
rived at II A. M. and left up st 1 P. M.
Steamer Alliance, from Fureka and Coca
Bay. Arrived at It A. M. and Irft op at
1 :4 1. 3kl Steamer J. A. Chanalor, from
Fan Franrleco. hailed at 12 JO F. M.
Steam-r Nehalem. for tan FYanclsco.
San Pedro. March t. Arrived yeeterday
Steamers General Hubbard and Yoaemlta.
from Columbia Hirer.
Balboa, March I. Arrived yeeterrlay
Steamer Stanley Pillar, from Portland.
San FranclsH-o. March 2. Arrivad at 3
p Steamer Mavvrlrk. from Portland.
Manila. March 2. Arrivad Hallamahlra,
from Seattle.
Karatiu. March 2 Arrived Bam 1 no 1 a,
from San Franolaco
San Franripco. March St. Arrived
Steamers Iaiy Mlichetl. Helena. from
Ura a Harbor: Maverick. from Astoria.
Sailed Steamers Senator. fur Honolulu;
Vue-en. fur y let oris; schooner Ulcaaocaa. Cor
port Oambl.
Seattle. March SS. Sailed Steamer
Washtenaw, for San Francisco; steamer
Tampion, for lupont.
T aroma. March 2K Arrived Steam tr
Governor, from San Francisco.
Tides at Aatorla Wedseaday.
HIah Water. Low Water.
4:14 A. M S.4 feet 4 1 A. M I I feet
4.17 i M l feet IS P. M 4.4 feet
Chester Resumes Today.
Xm the rlrer rauire at Kelso n-K!st.T
five feet and the depth In the CDwlitx
as far as Toledo tn a iih ...
the steamer Chester, drawing 13 Inches, !
ne wi.i 09 oroerea senrtre today
after belns; Idle since February IS. Clear
and warmer weather of the past three
weeks his caused a materia Increase In
the stream throush meltms: snow and
the Kellocf Transportation CtJmpany
doea not anticipate another brak In
the eerrlce until after the Suranvr
freshet Iow water Is looked for In the
Cowlitz about July la
Marine Notes.
To bee-in loading- lumber for Sun
Francisco, the steamer Washington left
down for Rainier yesterday.
Carry tec the first full carfo from
Alienation of Streets Near River or
Depots Made ITnlavrfnl if
Charter Is Changed.
The East Side Business Men's Club
has begun the circulation of petitions
for a charter amendment declaring
waterfront property owned by the city,
and streets within S"jO feet of the Wil
lamette River or lt feet of a railroad
depot or terminal yard, to be Inalienable.
The measure also makes It more difficult
to vacate streets, requiring a three
fourths vote of the Council. Instead of
a majority, as at present. The petitions
were prepared by A. L. McNary and
C C. Hall. The amendment provision is:
The title, rights and Interest or the City
of Portland la and to wat.rfront. wharf
property, land undrr water and made land
built op on same or any land on the water
side of the bish water or meander lines of
navigable watrr as established by the orlffl
nl I'nlted States surveys and conformed to
by the original plane of the City of Port
land, snd all landings, wharves, docks, high
ways, brtdgts. avanu-a. streets, allcya. lands,
parks and other public places and like
property that It may own. or hereafter ac
quire. Is breby declared Inalienable. The
rights of the city therein shall not be di
vested or vacated for a distance of 2000 feet
from any meander line of any navigable
water or looo feet from any railroad depot
or terminal yard. Provided, that at a
greater distance than speclded above from
any such meander lines and railroad termi
nals, streets may be vacated on proceedings
prescribed elsewhere In this charter, except
that the ordinance of vacation shall re
quire for Its passage a vote of at least
three-fourths of all members of the Coun
cil and the approval of the Mayor. The
city may sell any buildings owned by It
which may not be needed for public use.
Such sale shall be made by the Executive
Board In Its discretion when thereunts au
thorised by ordinance passed by vote of at
least two-thirds of the Council and approved
by the Mayor, the aale to be made only by
publlo auction.
C. C. Hall, assistant secretary of the
club, will attend meetings of the push
clubs and explain the measure.
Ilomesrekers! Chehalis, Washington.
Surrounded by largest dairy, fruit and
farming country in Pacific Northwest
Acreage inducements for Intensive farm
ing. County seat Iewls County, where
land Is cheaper and the best. Chehalis
Is the liveliest Inland Washington town
of 5000 people. Paved streets, electric
lights, sewerage, water, gas and all mod
ern comforts. Has tii0 In public im
provements under way now. Visit Che
halls and see Southwest Washington's
Wrgest farming section before locating
elsewhere. Chehalis hss a variety of
manufacturing with large monthly pay
roll. For details, visit Chehalis. or ad
dress CI Usees' Club. Chehalis, Wash.
Captain Crone In Writing of Plight
of North ombr la Says filling of
Spare Tank Righted Vessel.
Big Cargo Goes.
Probably because the British steamer
Queen Alexandra met trouble in leaving
the Columbia River owing to an assump
tion on the part of her master that he
wss more familiar with conditions than
the pilots, the Ban Francisco Board of
Marine Underwriters lias been on the
anxious sest regarding reports that the
British steamer Northumbrla. which got
away last week for Chins with a lumber
cargo, was listed badly. A letter of In
quiry was received yesterday by Captain
Albert Crowe, surveyor here for the
bosrd, and his reply wss couched In
terms to dispel sny uneasiness.
"In supervising the loading of the
Northumbrla I reserved one ballast tank,
as I do with nearly all tramp steamers,
and the list she displayed when loaded
was overcome by tilling the tank with
water." said Captain Crowe. "The tank
scheme acts largely as m safety valve
In loading vessels, and In that ease Its
value was proved, for-she sailed from
Portland on an even keel. There 1 no
reason why apprehension' should be felt
for the vessel. Of course. It Is natural
that efforts are made to stow aboard
all the lumber that ran be carried, and
If the tank feature was not taken advan
tage of it is probable that some of them
would wobble and be cranky or tender,
which might necessitate a part of the
aargo being discharged to right them."
Another big carrier to leave today is
the British steamer Kumeric, of the
Bsnk Line, which cleared yesterday for
Hongkong and way ports and will call
at Seattle. Her cargo Is valued at I1SS,
73J.30. The principal items are 99.99S
bushels of wheat valued at S79.S!8. and
23. 675 barrels of flour, worth 182.: lum
ber carried amounting to but 86.SS7 feet,
appraised at $88-90. The movement of
wheat to the Orient proved a boon to
March exports, and they- will be aug
mented further through the clearance
today of the French bark Bougainville,
which will shift to the stream from
Irving dock this afternoon and leave
for sea tomorrow.
Vosburg Has Hanled Equipment for
4 3 Miles of Line.
Delivery of 4S miles of track snd other
equipment for the Psclnc Railway A
Nsvigation Company's line from Hllls
boro to Tillamook Bay points Im been
completed by the tug Oeo. R. Vosburg in
towing the barge Nehalem and the eock
awaiting shipment here hss been prac
tically cleared. President E. E. Lytle
yesterday said that he was positive the
rail line would be operating August 1
suid that every effort wss being made to
open the line July L
Weather conditions that held back the
delivery of equipment by water during
the Winter also worked a hardship on
the construction force and snow la yet ex
abundant on the summit that during
the past week the grading crew was
forced to whovel the right of way clear
for a distance of one mile. The fact that
the gasoline yacht Bayocean Is to be
operated between Portland and Tillamook
after June 1 Is not feared as a com
petitor' for passenger buinesB aa the
train service will be eo much more rapid
and afford a dally schedule" against two
or three sailings a week of the Bay-ocean.
Bear Due Today and Will Sail on
Morning or April 3.
With the sailing of the steamer Beaver
for San Francisco and Los Angeles at 4
o'clock yesterday afternoon the Winter
schedule of the San Francisco & Port
land Steamship Company came to an end
for the season 1910-11. and beginning with
the sailing of the steamer Bear April S
the vessels will depart at 9 .o'clock in
the morning until October. The Beaver
carried 210 passengers, of which 150 were
flret class, snd s large cargo.
The Bear, due to arrive this afternoon,
has slmost as large a northbound pas
eienger personnel as wae brought by the
Beaver, there being 467 aboard and, be
sides, she brings 2200 tons of cargo,
which Is the record load from the south
liandled on the fleet now operating. On
the way from San Pedro to San Fran
cisco the Bear spoke the steamer J.
B. Stetson and It was reported to her
that Captain Bonnifield, of the Stetson,
died aboard the vessel late Saturday
night. It has not been officially made
known how long the eneamer Rose City
will be detained at 8an Francisco for
repairs, but It Is assumed that she will
be back on the route early next month.
Steamer looses but Two Minutes on
Round Trip to Astoria.
That the steamer Harvest Queen is
in her oldtlme form was asserted yes
terday by official of the O.-W. R. A N.
water lines after receiving reports of
her trip to Astoria Monday night, in
which she was delayed 30 minutes
through breaking parts of her wheel, yet
arrived In Portland at the end of the
round trip but two minutes behind
While the Queen was leaving the har
bor she picked up a floating object in her
wheel Just ewuth of the steel bridge, snd
four buckets and as many arms were
torn out. The broken arms were sawed
snd she proceeded, repairs being made
on her return to the city. It was not
ascertained whether a tie or small log
caused the trouble, but ss she was
Just getting under way It ie regarded
fortunate that she did not sustain in
Jury that would have made the wheel
Who Will Pay Demurrage Problem.
Who shall pay the demurrage of $1152
on the German ship Wilhelmlne, Is the'
question Involved in a suit filed in the
Federal Court by Hans Hlnrlch Schmidt
against 60 tons of coke, 22 tons of pig
iron, SO tons of ferro-manganeee and 220
tons of steel rods lying on Albers dock.
This cargo was brought by the Wilhel
mlne from Antwerp. Belgtum, to Port
land. Henry Laind & Co., of San Fran
cisco, the charter party, agreed to dis
charge the cargo tn 174 days, it is al
leged, snd Instead of doing so,- took IS
days additional, thereby compelling
Schmidt to pay W5S demurrage on the
Mate Held for Examination.
C. V. Anderson, mate of the schooner
Westerner, anchored at the Couch-street
dock, was arrested on an insanity charge
yesterday, and Is being held In the Insane
ward of the County Jail pending exami
nation. Anderson is said to be suffering
from the excessive use of intoxicating
Steamer Falcon Has Big Load.
Cargo aggregating 1000 tons Is due to
arrive Friday on the American-Hawaiian
Our free, il
lustrated book
tells how you
can do :t. This
book is written
in .plain lan
luage and con
tain!! much In
formation r e
gardlng t h 0
rauee and cur.
of dlseaaa.
TJon't spend snother cent on doo
tors and tbelr worthless medicines.
Learn now to help nature cure and
get well.
No matter what your ailment la.
don't fall to aecure this book. It's
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The Electra-Vita Co.
20 Majestic Bldg., Seattle, Wash.
Please send me, postpaid, your
free, ao-page. Illustrated book.
Name ('
steamer Falcon and It is one of the
largest cargoes handled northbound In ;
months, though ehe has carried 1200 tons -a
few times since the service was in- j
augurated. The amount does not include i
bonded consignments from New York I
and other Atlantic points, which were
transhipped at San Francisco from the
liners plying around the Horn.
Ethel Business Man Dead.
CENTRALIA. Wash., March 28. (Spe
cial.) Albert H. Tucker, a well-known
business man of Lewis County, died at
his home In Ethel yesterday. He was
born in Lewis County 36 years ago, and
lived there all his life.
Pay When . Cured
We nave every kuown remedy ap
pliance lor TKKATINO lOU. Our ex
perience la so great and varied mat n
one of the ailments of Men is new to us.
General inability. Weak Carves, In
somnia Keaulta ox exposure, overwork
and other Violations of Matures last.
Diseases o adder and Kidneys. Vari
cose Veins, quickly and permanently
cured at small expense and no de(aa
Uon from boslnesa.
fct'feClAl, a i ! " s Me w ly con
tracted and ciirouio caes cured. Ail
burning. Itching and inxiamiuatioa
slopped In H hours. Cures effected la
seven days. Consultation free. If ua
able to call, write for list of questlooa
Office Hours A. M. to P. 3d. Sun
ciik, 10 A M. to 1 P M. only.
Pacific Coast Medical Co
1244 Wash. nt.. Portland. Oregon.
Tne old. Reliable Chinese
Doctor spent lifetime study ot
barbs and research in China;
was granted diploma by the
Emperor; guarantees cure all
ailments of men and woman
when others fall If you suf
fer, call or write to YK M
tlrot Cor. Alder Portland. Or.
"Cut out the dope! l"se Nature's
cure! It la "Oregon Herbs' for kidney
and bladder trouble. Guaranteed at
Plummer a, Third and Madison.
W: '
Men Cured
. Examine Yourself
Thoussnds of young and middle-aged men
are annually swept to premature frave
through nervous complatnts and blood ail
ments. If you have any of the following
symptoms, consult me before It is too late.
Are you nervous, weak, specks before your
eyes, with dark circles under them, weak
back, kidneys Irritable, palpitation of the
heart, bashful, sediments In urine, pimples
on the face, eyes sunken, hollow cheeks,
careworn expression, poor memory, lifeless,
distrustful, lack of energy and strength,
tired mornings, restless nights, changeable
moods, premature decay, bone pains, hair
loose, sore throat, etc? If so, I can promise
you a permanent eure or no pay.
Call and let us give you a careful, pains
taking examination absolutely free. Our
opinion and advice will cost you nothing.
Perhaps a little advioe la all you need.
X-ray examinations, when necessary, free.
No money required to commence treatment,
and yon can arrange to pay fee when cured.
$5 to $10 FEE
Remember, There Is No Man
Too Poor to Get Cured by Us
We Treat Ailments of Men Only and Guarantee Cures
Varicose Veins
Nerve Weakness
cured In a few weeks. Improvement from the start.
If you suffer from loss of energy and ambition, feel
tired when you arles In the morning, lame back, dlx
siness, spots before the eyes, and feel you are not the
man you once were. I will cure ycu for life.
Call and I will explain why it cures when all else
falls. A friendly -chat will cost you nothing. Call at
once, don't delay.
- Contracted Ailments
We cure these ailments by a method peculiarly our
own. Our cure removea every obstruction from the
urinary passage, allays Inflammation, cleanses and
heals the bladder, kidneys; Invigorates and restores
health and soundness to every part of the body at-;
filcted with ailments.
I dally demonstrate that .-varicose "veins can be
cured. In nearly all casea, by one treatment. In such
a satisfactory way that a healthy circulation is rap
Idly re-established, and Instead of the depressing con
ditions I guarantee you a cure or refund the money.
Blood and Skin Ailments
If you have sore throat, sores and ulcers, bone
pains, falling hair or any other symptoms of thle
ailment, you should consult us and be forever rid of
It. Our treatment cleanses and eradicates every taint
and every Impurity of the blood and system. All dan
ger of transmission or recurrence Is removed. Why
take poisonous drugs fbr years when a thorough cure
can be obtained without? Consult us at once.
at tie "Lowest Cost, VARICOSE VTSIJfS, WEAKNESS,
sunn.9, r I ' ...J...-.-.-',
E 1 1 rsr .-y V, . nVo Tsnt RI.BS. I LCERS,
B L OO D A u -i .ail.-" r-- " " ' -' " , .X c- a i.nas fiTREMCrTH and Ailments of Men.
BURKMO. ITl'Hi. .M--..-"..-r'" ,,.. o, surgeons. Medicines fur-
nisnM our'owborathl Kferomo amours.
vou cannot c&JL write ror our rnr-c "c-,'r .
brealnss 7 to 1 Sunday. 19 Am M. to 12 M. only.
291 1-2 Morrison Street
Bet. 4th and 5th, Portland, Or.
A Thorough and Per
manent Cure For Every
A 1 Tw It
Ailing man
Whose Case I Undertake
for Treatment, and Not a
Dollar Need Be Paid UntU
You Are Well.
Could Any Offer. Be Fairer?
No man could make a fairer or more
straightforward proposition than that. I
make this offer because I KNOW that my
methods will cure any case that I accept for
treatment. Under no circumstances do I
ever attempt to treat incurable cases. If I
attempt to treat your case, therefore, depend
upon It that I will cure you.
If ailing you can depend upon it that the
lervice I offer you Is the service you need and
Is service such as can be rendered by no
Maybe you are one of the large number of men who think their eases
are Incurable. Perhaps your own doctor has told you you could jot be
cured: but. remember; that Is only because he did not understand your
ailment and could not cure you. It did not mean that you could not get
help from an expert or experienced specialist.
I Cure to Stay Cured
by a method that Involves no painful processes. No other phs lclan em
ploys a like method, and so thorough Is my work that there need not be
the slightest fear of a relapse into the old condition It Is not a question
of whether vou can be cured, but whether you will be cured. Don t wait
until It la too late. My method le perfect and quick. The cure is abso
lutely certain. I especially solicit those cases where many so-called
treatments have failed or where money has been wasted on electric
belts and other appliances..
Men's Ailments My Specialty
I have limited my specialty In practice to only a few of the more im
portant aliments so that I could KNOW these thoroughly. My experience
along this one path for 2S years qualifies me to say positively th at
such troubles ae Varicose Veins, Specific Blood Poison. Contracted
Ailments, Obstructions can be cured perfectly so as to stay cured. Of
course. I use dlffer?nt methods than the ordinary physician. Most ot
them are original with me and were devised for Just such cases as the
ordinary courses of treatment fail to reach.
The Leading Specialist.
I cu
Every contracted ailment I treat
Is thoroughlv cured; my patients
have no relapses. When I pro
nounce a case cured there Is not a
f article of Inflammation remain
ng and there is not the slirhtest
danger that the disorder will re
turn In Its original form or work
its way into the general system.
No ailment Is so trivial as to war
rant uncertain methods of treat
ment, and I especially solicit those
cases that other doctors have been
unable to cure.
My treatment Is absolutely pain
less, and perfect results can be de
pended upon In every Instance. I
do no cutting or dilating what-
My colored chart, shevrlag the
male anatomy and affording an latex-eating
study tn men's ail meats,
free at office.
I cure varicose veins in one
week and the patient need not be
detained from his business a sin
gle day. If you have sought a
cure elsewhere and been disap
pointed, or if you fear the harsh
methods that most physicians em
ploy in treating this ailment come
to me and I will cure you soundly
and permanently by a gentle and
painless method. Don't delay.
Varicose veins have dangers and
bring disastrous results. If you
call I will be pleased to explain
my method of curing.
No dangerous minerals to drive
the virus to the Interior, but harm
less, blood-cleansing remedies that
remove the last poisonous taint.
Call at the office, if possible, for free advice, examination and diag
nosis. If you cannot call, write for Symptom Blank.
I offer not only FREE consultation and advice, but of every case that
comes to me I will make a careful examination and diagnosis without
charge. No ailing man should neglect this opportunity to gst expert
opinion about his troubles. , ottxt
Letters Like This One
Keep Pouring In
I had blood poison In my left hand arid
It was very bad. being so swollen and pain
ful I could not use my hand or work at all.
1 went to Dr. Gee Wo and took treatment,
he also used his wonderful magic liniment,
and today I am a well man. I was under his
care from May 8 to 31, Inclusive, and thank
him for his careful attention and quick
work. What others could not do he did ana
saved my arm for me.
(Signed) MILTON H. GOFF.
Mllwaukle, Or.
Gee I t: bee
wo wo
i A I , . J-.o...
This (treat Chinese doctor is well known
and famous throughout the United States
because of his wonderful and marvelous
cures, and has been heralded broadcast
throughout the length and breadth of this
country by former grateful patients. He
treats and cures any and all diseases with
powerful roots, herbs, barks, vegetables and
buds, many of them unknown to the med
ical science of this country, and imported
to his laboratories at 162 Vi First street from
the Orient. , ,
Patients out of town write for consulta
tion blank and circular. Enclcse 4 cents In
Th3 C. Gee Wo Chinese Medicine Co.
162 A First St., Corner Morrison,
Portland, Oregon.
Our g- arantee No
Honey Kequirea until
Satlslied Is your ab
solute protection. Con
l sultatlon. examlnatiou
I and diagnosis free.
Our speciality is All
Aliments of Men.
I what you want la a
, cure. come to us
I and ret lt Hours
daily, v io o. a.ven
Ings. T to 8. Sun
days. 10 to 1.
! Washing-ton St., Portland, Or.
Strowbrldge bide
1S3 1 First street,
room 11. and 225 v
Alder St. Chinees
Root and Herb
Medicines. Cures
Cancer. Rheuma
tism. Consumption.
Dropay, Catarrh,
stomach. Lung.
Liver and Kidney
Troubles. Ail
Cbronlc ' ailments
of men and wo
men. Examination
free. Drugstore,
285 F tuders St.
, .i-&.J
Bladder, .
Prostatic and
Peculiar to
The Results of My Treat
ment Are Felt Instantly '
No time Is wasted. You are not per- .
mitted to drag along for days and
weeks on promises until hope at last
dies. By my treatment you feel the
returning flush of health at the very
start. The bounding energy of
youth revived, vigor of health
restored what would you give to have
them back again? And you can have
them back a little effort will bring
them Juet the effort of calling at my
office and, without spending one cent,
have a confidential chat with ma.
Tbe Old Reliable Specialist.
Corner Alder and Second streets. En
trance 128V4 Second street, Portland.
Or. Office hours 9 A. M. to 8 P. M.
Sunday. 10 A M. to 1 P. M.
Their Chinese medicines of
herbs and roots cure won
derfully. It has cured
many male and female suf
ferers of all kinds of slck-
r? J ness, including chronic and
l" "r private ailments, when
.,tf other remedies fall. Their
3f;S?r9 m e d I c 1 nes are harmless.
No operation. Consultation
for indies hv Mrs. Chan, for
Mrs. it Clian men by Mr. Chan. Call or
The S. K. Chan Chinese Medicine Co.,
226ri Morrison St., Bet. 1st and 2d,
Portland, Or.
jffffTr ' jSasS
f Borates' GoWessesI k
M W Compound X
I ft safe and simple remedy for
r BrondiitiJ, Catarrh, Hay fnl
ITF Clfinflanunatlons, Irritation., oloer.
V Jf I mtiODM ot ALL tnucoQ, mombraoea
IV- I " i n(ff of tne no, throat,
I P"J I stomaoa or other organs.
llQU Wky net curt fimtlf -mmmmmmm
l,v--lreatlawlUieachbottle I
' or mailed on request.
V Tat Enas Ct axial Ca. J I