Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, March 28, 1911, Page 21, Image 21

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    . 21
I. -
Another Large Block of Hops
Taken Off Market.'
Market I Strengthened by Keren
Ilea? Porche Only About
5000 Bale of AH Growths
left In the State.
Th h'-p market I dx-M -! ;ine
rult f -to rltmrmn of th 13r crop- An
Mhr larc block ranc4 hwuU yesterday,
taklnc b;- 1X in th r tr.
Th llttft Ml wu th D. tt. Taylor lot
f S .. at Corwllt. which wm bouh
y Hal fioiam at IS ent. l.!k tha Mc
Loocnllo lot. that bought Saturday by
VUenta Lrhraund. this block will ba "hipped
jm Kn gland.
Thrt ara bow oolr abat 2ooo bate or
to bopa left In (vpa and about tha aama
luaaiily of aid Ida. Orowffi r taotdlns
got to ac94 oo ba!a of th- llO crop.
Dealer" fto Hn of llu ara not ararata
y known, but ara MtlmiJ at atout or
I0O bara. ao thra ara Id tha vtat of all
I row tha la ail hand probably not over 3
a.ea Such a mmm'.l vupply ba not b
Uiowa m tha Sprtac of !!.
Thara la a good dtmaid for nw crop can
kracta. bat buyer ara nut abla to make any
knpraavion on tTOwwt with 14 cant offer,
ind It la doubtful If a fractional advanca
vould bring aut a;ira.
In California thougX aoma progfa la be
big mad tn tarn contract mar-. Accord.
Ot g to yesterday adirlcea. Henry Grubr baa
rutitrartad for lOO balaa uf Amvricaa
at 14 eaata. Thara ara onler for gouoina
t 1 cent, but grower ara balding back
aaltlog for highar price.
Aa tataraattag lattar from Adoiphua Buach,
tha bra war. ta Kid ward A. r'auat. aacoad vlca
a aaldan t of tha A nhua-r- Huac h Br w ing
Company, la printed la tha latest kavua af
tha Now York Hop Ka porting .:m tny. It
la of aparlal Interest ta barley and bop
arnwara la ihta action. Tha letter follows:
Tha ta.l ta railing. Tha barter cultura
mt our country ta talked atwwt irr-
w nr. All to tuhtnin n Uktn 11 up.
Ktaffan t?a a it inter rat in it. i
pranttv. The farrnara h-e baaa noil lie,
thai a d brlnga good crop, and poor
aaal t. inrs por c r pa.
It la )4 and I (.. bas don tha big
wwk in tt.t direction, but w ha not
atua It all yt. We muat at It Brmly,
arxtuwtftr and pMjn.oui all Ih time,
an.t yj ma t-.i ur .tra brawar.
navr J 4 rmrta tn rwnt4 t with thrin.
ar any brr wiwrawr yon find him. that
thay all muat do ttinr har to ba p tha
firmri f thl rointry giva tha barter
cuitura th rT bat car and attention.
a i h -t ac amy gnol brig barir y ta
prtt uc !. but Ala) a uf!l.-tnt quantity of It.
N. wbta I am at th'. I miM Jut aa
w 'I tH ).u wa hojld d th aama thing
ta r a rd to fcooa a ahouid aaaura l 'a
h prf"o ra of N ar York and tha t'jrtnc irtat wa. ill brwra of tha t nitd
'(a. nrmiv raIra to pay 3 trnti p-r
ngni m ' i for ra'U(r ran-plckad bnpa.
I ntaan by t bat. tv- tr n Fma lavra,
n. a I kind tf Irah v iufT that tnt-l
tha hva turuuih rf.raj puktr.
tf tna brr would w nta to I thlr hr
tlUra that th -y wMi:d rt ttMa aad atan-1
ay It. wa iirv would ltD prwr a f-ar
trior arti-r ( bopa, aad not uaa aa many
rmta hHa aa ara uing now.
It ! Ju aal I and all lntdligant braw
rm !) will haa to ail our con-
iiinni to bring forth tna ary flnat ma
t rvi oar antl ran prdura.- and to haa
hinrM:4 with tha gratat trt and at
tat L voo.
r I'nlt-d Staf-a flrawtng Aawirlt'M
hau d do ail kini of work to forward tha
r t.ti-.n of hopa and barley That ou d
bring all tha m-rnp'r hlon(n ta tt to
t-.oavr attrbrnnt. Ta mrt t-rm Wnuld
IIVB h oi.r utiXla n-l hppT lor What
tha llrwtng Aaawritioa d-a for tfiwn; in
athar aorda. would apurarita a graal dai
mva th tlooa of t ha arvat ft lat Un.
and ba airing to par up all dua to dafrav
paaaaa. Ubaraly and bapptiy. Uon't oa
thing o
wUm Ara taar ta mm bar anal Trmda U
awnaraitiy Itaaall.
Tha grain mark! opanad Juat aa If cloa-d
Vataxday. atrang la all It dapartmania. anta
a gaad demand, a I muat aa allar aad anal
aa practU-ally b look ad.
Tha cioatng quota tiona af laat a rak vara
kgmla giran by local dralors.
Local rwratpt. la ram wr r parted by
tha afrcbaats" Cicbang aa follow:
b- a liar ley Flour Oat Bay
Mortdar r I 21 ...
e,r aga -1 --
mod to , iZ2 1Tv T44
fear ifft 11 12 PIT 2X2
Tha wawaJy vhaat atattatlva of tha Mer
chant Eirbangn follow:
Am. 'l.a tus'ply Jtuehel.
1 !J.wh
! '.O-
J o ;t.tM
4'1 1"N)
Sfarrh r. nil...
Marx-h 3 1'i.
ar ri n. 1 .
. .. .TT a'M""!
. .. . W.4 H'"!
. . . .3.0VI
... .47. t;."H
. . . . 4J..
Afcrtl I.
April 3.
Maivh .
March J.
Marco Jl.
tuaiit.ttea on !
Wek Wea aa.
er.dtr g ending an I .ng
Mc j. M h. I ileh. r..lO
f ay Mtthr!l tUShl Hihe!
- -..oi 5 !.. T--' ''
Continent ..C."0.Cnn n.Wtf.a 1 ,m ihw
Total- .. ..V1.5o.ojn ia.:aa 4tf.40.iWV
Varid'B shtpnient i fluux ir. .u.leU
en Jtn c
Ft QH? (lMh''i
V fi . .. 2 - "
Arxenttr-a . 4 '
AMtraiia .. l.T-
In q porta. W '.'"
JU: ..... 3 -
India. V--0
ending ending
M h. I Vch. l
lluahe ft.uee!
1 v. '"
- l.T
te-0 il.
3 IT J.'- g.lT.k.iH
l.u..tX'O 41V0
Total ... I I -,0" .PCtH
W arid shipment. eaaon to date:
Total :nc i-ma period
rroro J ' -.'i,- L-t a-- en.
V s. and Canada vvii 11
ArrMi:n l.M.'- 5A.Ttia 37.o.l e-;''
Wanabian port T 4. 1 " p...
K.aV ...vr. ..-K.Mi ;''::
l.ita 31 r.M.a 1.4a
A.lillHh 17P.OI4.000
.aaarawa la lrge apoly.
Aspragu aa tha moat pientfut article
la the vegetable Ht yeterdy and did not
a'l abota cant. A car mt ralerr ar
rted nd a quoted firm at tJ.75 il a
crate. A r.r of rahhaga wa ala rae!ed.
In ather tinea latere a a a flr aupplT and
peicee era ateadv.
light Beretpta af roawtry Fi adaa
Hetr: country prodaca wera light
aad Ut neeh prlre were repeated. Efigs
ha brB kept rene,t nn with aellera
aaking nd -t centa There wa. prae
livallv no poultry on the trct yeaterdy.
leaped mratl were te l.
Aaatber Adraara I) Tarpeatlaax.
Th turpantlao market r-munu to aoar.
tng tha d ancea of I at wek cam
aaother rtae of 4 cent a !!- yeater
qay which put tha caaa price at II
ttaak CbmHaca.
T4ok e!earlng ft the Northweateru cltle
yetrday aer a follow a .
O 'l't P ').
r.d 17 - -
.t 1 4-14
.a T7. .vw
a- -ihW 1.4.o4
Pp .k
roiTtAn m itkm
4. rata, floar. lead. Mr.
TVH P T Tra. k p1ce: H:etm. -;
e h red Koaatan. 1 9 4J ; alter. Sc;
4e f d. 7 1 V.. .
tRI.KT - ho!e feed, t ' ?".3A per ton.
bf LL'Tt" Unit. I 'u n I per tMi :
midd.ioc f -T u :v abort. $Jl rolled
gtar'ev i:u
not H - I4tni. 4-TS rer barrel;
a-aht. f.'. rort. Valley. IfW. 141 wh 'ie ha. t4 7'
-iH Whole. cracked. i 2VoO
,H-tv I white. ja tow,
U AT Track pncea . Timothy. Ka:em
Oragoa. No. 1. IH1j2!; mUed. t918; al
falfa. Ilial. grain hay.
alrv aad Coaatry
rOlXTRt-Hen. -c: brollera. -'30e.
tnrkera. 21c: duck. 0 tf 2Sr ; geeaa. llc;
dreaad turkea. chK. -3 -j Jic
f iirrrn ranch. 20 -lc per dogen.
OlitlKSK Full cream, twin Hfll4v0
par pound; Young Amartca. lSlVt m
BTTTKH 4"lty craaoiery extra. 1 and -
pound print, in bo-. 31c per pound; lea
than box aa. cartons and dellv-ry extra.
I-ORK-Fancy. Pr Duwd,-
VtAL Fancy. Si to 1-5 pound. 1- 9
13 S Pr pound.
Vagrtabiaa aad I ralt.
MTK Carrota aoctffl
par hundred; paranlpa, oictl; turnip, rwc
wl. beet. PXtfli.
tumpii-aI. MU.-ITS Orangea. naval.
hothou lettuce. .1.4t. per hx: pep
per, per lb.; radina. 3vi.i: Prn
rhubarb. i:::.3 3 ;o per box; prouie. c; tomtit'-.
$1 Tiuii. i IK
... . . l Knvina nrlca. 11.30
I ' 1 l A I V '-" w
fi l.rtl per hundred. . .
O.N I ON iluying price. 12 par hundred.
Orareriea. lried rntlta. Etc
DRIED FRL'ITS Apple.. "0He Pr
lb.; currant. ISe; apricot, j4 S
datea. paak.k. 1S? Pr !! i Ji
whlta or black, by ack. TffHc. -. $ l.o
1.7o. 12-la. b0; 3a-lia. I-L-4; l-la wc.
Smyrna. lc. , .
al-aiox t'olurabla River. 1-pound talla
2.IO per doa-n; a-pound tall, l0,:
pound flata. 140. Alaaka pink. 1-pound
"IxL'Triivk-aJnut. ITS IHo P pound;
Praill nut. Mtflrtr; Olbert. 1 6c -zt ml
lattice; peacan. J-: cocoanuta. cl.
doi-o; ch-tnuta. lSc par pound; hickory
aua. pr pound. a- r
FKhi Roaatad. la drum. 23 3c par
SuT-Ornnalkted. $15 P-r tn: hlf
fround. lw. iw.JO por ton: ao. $ P!-10";
HUN." Sn!l whlta. 4Sc; laxr
4k'c. Hm.n, a hoc; pink, ec; red Mexican.
6 VlV '.C w:p.n. IV: cheaper aradea
HuNEV -ho,. W.TS pr cmc; trmlnl.
'"rOAB ' C?y' r.nQlld. fruit an Wry.
)4i. bt. li.I". rra C. 4-: '.
Hi. yellow I., tt.'.v. jMiy.l-iwjl. -'
Term oo rnltlnc llhm 11 dM
duct .c rr poun.l. If l-r th.n 1j lr
M.(l iiSiT. 1 i Itc p.r pound.
HAMS 1 'n - ' P""". 1 . -
t. lV.adfc IflWUl-'.c. I to t"?
muKtU NUT.4-M
dna ktk bo: outaidrt. now. -
Birtn. . knuckle. 2v
chirr. --: Knl.Jlt Ir- w i..r
PUT SAI-T Cl-KKD-Bf lir lIlMt c Inn.
drr Mil. 14c: .m..K.d i:.S . ""'
u't 1C. .m..kc.l. i:.c.' brk. ny.
1 Jc : imollwl, lH'sc. ... .
I-AKU Klll. r.ndrc-d. llr.e i-u-.
tu'-w I3SC .t.nUr.l. pur. tl.rrr-a. J-..
tut 1-- .C. choirs tl-rc l..c: tub.. c;
toct.BluC. tierce. 'c; tuba, NC
Haola. Illtlc itr.
HiiPS crwp. ITS lx; l"-00 cro-
I. 'nllr; cnatiarta. t'll''--
1 M Altl v'hoica. 3-c pr pound dIlTra
Portland. , , -.
hihiL EtTT orr-con, nominal. 1
pr pound, arcordms t hnnke; !..
l?il:rlUl. -rtl. butchcrt" Ukf
off. i"ilWV-: l.mb prlta. 2-".
HI !- iaU.d ail- IS .P" pound
ITi.a r. r-a h lc I :
IJc- dry cf. IT J I"-: dry .t. l-".
4 (HA IN AK---.r lota. '.
CAov-AKA liABK r-c pound, -c,
I ivrrn OIU lur ra. In barta.
la raM I.I. k-ltl. aoll.d. in caea. Il.iw.
laiVolKc lloaa. 1 Pr I-.. pr .l-
'"'.Al. t.ItWat-r Whlta. Iron bbla.. Sj:
wood bb.a IJSc: I'-arl o.l. .
II. hu iron ba... H'Sc: " r
l.r.,a.. list. Kacn.. a.
WaVir Whlta. lr..a "la. I.V: wood "'a.
V. M. 4k . naphtha. Iron ob.a.. 14c.
tmZ?iV?iK-H'4 fro- In Iron
iron Kb a. 15V. i4cr ,
U-irNV;rlV.-la iron
U:a. ca- - mwod bt1"
Mark, at
BOSTON March -
Ania.g. L'onf.. -
-4lo;ng quotation!
1 1
A. at mi--.
,Nlt.u.lnr ytmca.
f..rih liutta
lv irt h l.akr....
Arlxona v m- .. i
I C C M.
Hutta Coalition. ItS
ii. 4 tMm.BIOB. .
I'arrott (. 4k C 1 1 S
CaL a Anion.
Kjulnr-y fi. S
nannoa 1
Sup-rlor S
a rtoa Uln.. 4
Cop Kan. r. Co. K..K,
K Putt. Op. M. 1J
rrmnklia ....... a
sup 4k pitta Cop. 14
T.mara.k J
mroua ('in. .... t"aDanaa. S
I. Royala ICop.1 US
K-rr lka -
lik. .ipp. . . . 33 S
La lialla Coppar S
4o pr! rtiTM .. .
ftah t'on. 1-il4
ffah foppar Co. "
Winona S
Mrtal Iarkta-
X-EW YORK. Mrrh iT Standard COPP'
wck .l.t. ilar.l.. April. Xlay and Jen.
7l TO.III -. l-onnon. dulL Kpot. IM J
t utor.. ii4 m P-l. Arrlva.. r.port-d at
ratuma ahow aaporta ot lT.'UT ton. ao tar
JT.a'Ton.h t.o..1 daal-r. o.uo Uk. cop
par at isTHW.c: -i-rue at 12..
April' ,TJII.OOc; May. tSlki
Jin 10.0 410TJc. London, firm. fpot.
il.- l.)a; futurea. i1S3 '. w,-w.
l ead, .irady: 4 4i. 4.SCV. N T"-4.-IS
41 is:v. Eaat f t. Loum. L..nlon 113.
5.4. ui .-i. Baal St. Ia.ui. l."nJon. ( -3.
Ir"n. t ;avland warranta 4. a ISd In Ion
do" Wally Iron waa q-ilat. .No. 1 foon
"r" NorThrrS. $ll.T.. ltvii: So I Noclh-rn.
So I souih.rn and No. 1 Southern aoft.
r.ffew and riaar.
SFW TOUK. March JT. 1,-offr. futurea
rloeed at'ady. net n11.har.4red to two rK.lnta
hiVhir Saiea TiiO ha. M..rrh. April and
II, o": June. IO.4T.-l jul I0.41r: Au
.uau lu T.;; hepternher. 1" -I : October.
It Sovemncr. .9Tc: Ueccmber. January
"&rVZtZt- so. T Rio. UH.: f
t..a No 4. 13 Sc. Mii't cuffea qulcu tor-
rIw e..y. teat
S I -.- rentrifuaal. W teat. moliurl
iua'ar. W teat. S.lTc. Retlncd quiet.
trie. rrU t New York.
SEW YORK. March IT. Evaporated ap
plea turn, with .".all offertna. fn U. IP
ianry ari quoted at 14c; choice 13 SC
PTr!niflrm: Quotatlona frmn ! It. lc f-J
ralifomlia up to 3-4.i and 11 41 JSC for
Oircona from 3ta to
i-e.. hea. una:tled. carina to mora llheral
offrnntta on hlch rame In by water
at low fretchl rairv hut the market la
" IW T'. ITSe: 'ra. chorea.
;!V, tan y. S u c.
tmiratT I"r doca Market.
1-HICA'lO. March -' Putter Weak.
Creamer I r 15. d.irlea. 14alPc
Reeeliita l.4 cae; ateadr at
mm'rx. ra included. 13.13HC; flrata.
14 prima flcta. I.V-
.'hVcae Kteady. tvyea 11I.I1V:
tw;ia IIS"'': Touna AmerUaa. lis 1
14c; on noma. iaswl4c.
ew Yark f'otto. Market,
SEW YtKK. March t'otton futurea
cKed barely eteady al a nat decline of 1
to 4 polnta
rot cioeed qul't. 15 polnta lower. J4ld
nplanda. 14.4VC: do ulf. 14.44c ealea, M
MI.-eo4MlU Wheat Market.
VINN-KAPt'Ll!. illnn.. Mirch Zl. Wheat.
M. ' oSc: July. Wit: scpte-n:er.
v,V.. 1 ';,.. S I bard, a ; So. 1 North,
ern? 4tpiSc: No 3 Sorthern. :yJSci
No. 3 wiieat. ev w '-- .
aaa at H. faerie.
Tj irv is Mar h ST. Wool, unchanred.
Territory and Weatern medltitna lUuJc;
an. mcdluma ll: Bee. l-'fllJc
Ilnlalh "btx M-rke.
PfT.I TH. March ST. F1a on track and
to arrive. Ii.4; May. 1141 a.ked.
Jcl. Matter Market.
KU5IV. III-. M.rch T Butter, ateady,
34c: .utpul. 3al.904 pounda.
II Mia at U
UVUrWI. March rT - Hop.
Pacific Coaet. firm, it l."e il 4-
it London,
Ewes Bring a Quarter Advance
at Yards.
First Sheared Slock of th Season
Makes lis Appearance Cattle
Market Also Shows an
Vpward Tendency.
The week opened with a atronn aheep
market at tha atock yarda. Several loada
of ewea wera dlspoaed of at -M and a
email bunch of yaarllnse broutrbt S4.TS. Tha
first-ahora aheep of the aeaaon made their
appearance. 300 head of them, and they
found a buyer at S4.30.
The cattle market waa quite steady
throughout. Steers had a ranre of 4.J
to l.00. while coaa eold at fXSO to .
Calvoa war. firm at the old prlcea.
In the hoc dlriilon $S appear, to be top
of the market.
Th. receipt, over Sunday war. 4 ST cattle,
t calrea. S hove and 20SS aheep.
Shippers ot tha atock were: Kidwell
Caawell. Troutdale, 3 cars cattle; S. Bonn.
LAWdcnl Waih., 3 cars of cattle; A. M.
Alden. Milton, a cars at cattle: M. Mc
Oreaor. North Powder. 1 car of cattle;
Kiddle Broe., Union. 1 car of hosa; Tom
Hewlett, Baker, 1 car of cattle; John Hill,
Payette. X cars of cattle and calves; Caul
Broa Monlda. Mont., 4 cars of cattle;
It- M. Stanfleld. Echo, 1 car of sheep; pen
welt Livestock Co.. Harlowtown, Mont.. G
earn of sheep; Walsh J: PennwelL, Deer
park. Mont., 1 car of sheep; William Chal
mers. Hlllsboro, 1 car of cattle; William
Fhepherd. who drove In 502 sheep, and
Thomas Plyna. iltllon, Mont., cars ot
cattle. -
The day's sales were aa follows:
Welavht. Price.
"S steers llf.H 14.S0
1 bull 1 4.40
I bull IJ' 4. )
31 alt ers I ITS .V0
3N steers llilo 3.U0
7.o steera PTU .YtVi
40 steera .':! 6.1HI
3 cowa . . . I "-.
9 ateera 1 l'lO 41.3
1 bull K: 4.40
J3 atecra 10TS "0
t coaa W 4.T4
3 coap 9t 4.T4
It a4eera 13:!
1 calf .110 41.T4
1 cow IIIO , 4 40
1 row U'iO -mi
5 Ctia-t KI0 4O0
3 calves ld 8 0
1 calf 1 C-44)
Is eaea ! 4 VJ
Ii ateers ....11-1 4135
2 bulla I.T-'O 3.-.MI
1 bull l'.-'O 3 'JO
fat hose 111 9.O0
ateers ....ll.'O CO.
4 steers HI'S U.4MI
I cow ........................ li:.o
1 cow lOMI 4.40
3 coaa .lo.ui .T.-0
34 steers V-T 4.C4
3 Steers V-'i.'t 4.T4
1 Steer " 4. 0
TT ateers lll tv0
I ate.r 131 4.40
50 ateers est 4.A4
1 cow 1IC.O 4 )
1 cow IWi-o 4 TJ
I cow UIO 4 T4
4HI sheared sheep To 4 2-i
g.'H ewea 94 4-40
:r4 ftca ....................... Vii 4. .VI
IV. e.ea ' 4 40
41 yearllnaa bT 4-T4
3 draft horaea, each 3410.00
1 draft horae SSS.4M
1 draft hnrae Il.iaj
1 draft horae 312.O0
1 draft horae 3VI.4HI
5 chunks, each 34.411
Prlcea current en the various claasee of
stock at the Portland Luton Stockyards
wer. aa follows:
Choice steera i.t 0 $ W
;ood to common steers a....... 4..otj 6.00
Common atecra ................ 4.00 1 S.00
l'fim. cowa S.onfr 4.40
Choir, coaa 4.T4 4 4.1X1
Common rows 2.4Mlts 4.M
Choice heifers t S.40
Cholc. bulla 4-40e 4 T4
Fair to (ooj fat bulla 3-T49 4.00
Kalr to medium heavy calvea... 4. T.Mr S."0
Choice atatc. 4.34 1 4 40
-alr to good state 4009 4 40
Choice llyht THOtJ S.OO
Choir, heavy 7.409 T.T4
ITIiolc. hosa T.notJ S..w
41ood to citolc hosa. .......... . T.T4 9 T.90
Choloe heavy 7.4049 7.T4
4lood to choice heavy 7. 4419 7.74
Common Toot? 7.40
poor . 7.00 9 7.40
Choice yearllnc wethers, rraln fed 4.0049 4.4tf
Old wethera 4.00 4 .a
Choice ewea. jraln fad 4.n0 4.40
Pair to medulm ewes, (rain fed 3.T4 9 3.24
Choice lam ha. (jraln fed 4.2.". t 4 40
ilood to choice, sraln fed 4. 410 4.24
Pair to cood 4 74 S.OO
Culls S.40O 3.40
Cood to choice 7.74 0 7. SO
Kaatera Uveal ock Market.
VJ1ICAOO. March 37. Cattle Receipts
estimated at IT.tatO; market. 10c lower.
Iteeves. S4.2.'jo.Ml; Texaa steers, $4.40ir
5.74; Weatern steera. 4V4.T4 S 4.WI ; stookers
and feeders. elu4.40: cows and heifers, eslvee, $4.34 li T.2S.
Hosa Receipts estimated at 4 000; mar
ket, loe lower. Llttht. fI.T0T.10: mixed.
$ heavy. a.20fH.T0; rouirh. $c.20
t1to: rood to choice heavy, fri.4414yo.To;
plra. 9..V1W T.04; bulk of sales, $iV40. tl.74.
riheep Receipts estimated at 3AOUl: mar
ket, weak to l"c oCC Native, I.-..J4:
Western. 3.rwie4.44: yearllnes. i.T:.r sen;
laniba. nallva, jo-4U; Weatern. .4.341
Railroad Earning Statements Are
In the Main I'nfaTorable Kbr
eisn Markets Irreitnlar.
SEW YORK. March 27. Tnrreaalns; slow
neaa In moat Hnca of trade ta Andlnc Ita
accurate reflection In the ataimatlon which
has overtaken the eecurttlea market.
The tone of the market was firm throush
oat the day. with Increasing strenrtth In
the afternoon. There waa no apparent rea
son for tha markot's strength. Speculative
activity In aome of the Important atocka
Increased In the last hour and t'nlon Pa
cific. Norfolk 4ft Western. Atchison. Balti
more 4t Ohio and the eaa atocks closed with
a net sain of a point or more.
News bearing on the railroads la recelv
tns especial attention, aa the roada are be
ll. red to hold the key to the present sit
uation, aa the period of adjuatrnenl of new
conditions, nrteine; laraely from their Ina
bility to increaa. freight ratea. haa now
fairly berrun. In this connection the Feb
ruary report of the Baltimore A Ohio Is of
unusual significance. Although Its gross
earnlnae fell off by 3TS.OH0. expenses were
reduced so heavily that there waa a small
Increase In net earnings. Uroes earnings,
aa a whole, are running up to or a little
a.'irad ot last year.
ICuropean markets were somewhat Irregu
lar althourh alarm as to the situation la
the' Far Kaai waa allayed by China's report
ed decision to yield 10 th. demands of Kus-
"ionds wera stesdy. Total sales, par
traiue. 2 2S.VO0O. United States bonds were
unchanged oa call.
fi-ivf CTo'W OT-nTATIOV.
Sales. High. Low. Bid.
2041 32 S 32 S 31
l.txm 41 Kt. 4434
2e 47 S 47 S 47 S
4VM 44S t 44 S
100 S3Va Uk
All!. Chal pf
American Can
Am Locomotive. lOO-SSS 3m4 Tj
Am Smel 4 Rcf 0"O. 73 a .!3 .!J
do preferred.. two 104 Jwt
Am Steel Fdr .;
Am Sugar Ilef 2'8.
Am Tel ft Tel.. l.oofl 14T HiIH
Am Tobacco pf. l'" ""'a -a 7 S
Am Woolen 6"0 X-s 34
Anaconda M Co. H0 3SS SjJS
Atchlaon 4..HH1 Urns l"t loos
do preferred.. 2"0 l2- l"2- 1"2
Atl Coaat Line.. Cio 12t'S H 3-'
Bait Ohio... 60O 104' 103a. 11'4
Bethlehem Steel 32
Brook - R Tran.. 1.20 78 S T8S .-S
Canadian Pac .. 4.3O0 22Ha 21U . 221
Central Leather -J
do preferred.. ...... '0
Central of N J 2h
Chea t. Ohio ... 1.800 82 Sl hi
Chicago Alton 3,,
Chi Ot West 214
do preferred
Chicago & S W 300 144. 144 144
C. M 4t St Paul l.tloO 121)4j 121 121s
C. C. C St L 3
Col Fuel A Iron 31
Col ar Southern ,Vr
Consol Gas l.SOO 143 Ts 144 J4.i
Corn Producta . 300 14 14 14
Del 4 Hudson ' 1"T s
D A R Grande ..... 31
do preferred 0
Distillers' Secur .K-0 3 .HtH
Erie fa) 2! 29
do 1st pf .... lOO 48 4S 4T4
do 2d pf
Ocneral Elec
Ot North pf ... SOO 12TS 12S 12TH
fit North Ore.. . 4.:t' .T 02i
Illinois Central. 5"rt l.Wi 13.-, 1.1J
Interbor Slet .. IOO IH 1S1. JSJi
do preferred.. 30 43 S 43 S RSI,
Inter Harvester. 1U0 11S 110S H
Inter Marine pf 17
Int Paper I'JH
Inl Pump ..... ..... 4iis
lnwa Central .. ...... ..... ..... i'
K C Southern Jtia
do preferred..
Laclede Gus ... 2.300 103 102H 102,
Louis 4 Sash 144 i,
Minn St L .. l1 24 24H 24
41. S PASS M fl'0 14T 147 S 147t4
Mo. Kan ft Tex. 3O0 33 33 33 H
do preferred
Mo Pacific 2.TOO S24 B2 5-S
Sat Biscuit " 131 S 1-IOli 130
Notional Lead .. 4i0 43 Vi 43 ..3S
Vex N Ry 2 Pf. 2tl0 34 34 V, 3.i
NY Central... 4.100 10S loTt, 108
N Y. Ont ft Wes 300 41S 41. 41H
Norfolk ft Wea. 13.4O0 lOSi, 10TS 1S
Sorth Am j-i;.- .V,?
Northern Pac .. S.2HO 12414 -123i 124
Pacific Mall .",.
Pennarlvanla ... 8.0O0 12Ba 12" 12'j't
PeopK's Oas ... 3.4'Hl. liiTv, VU 1.S
p. c c ft st L.. :' i "T .V4
Pittsburg Coal .. 100 22 2. --
Pressed S Car lix;- ,
Pullman Pnl Car 43O0 14IH 14S 14"
Ry SIeI Spring -V3
Reading 17.400 147 14 1RJV4 J-T
Republic Steel .. . S.'l 3S4(, 3.j
do pref.-rred.. ! I7 S ';'S
Rock Island Co
2O0 2lt 21a 2"i
do orefcrred. . .
St L ft 8 F 2 Pf J
St L SoUthweaU -
do preferrel J?
Sloas Sheffield
Southern Pac .. 3.SO0 11TS 11" l.1'
Southern Ry ... :t"0 2(1 2.l- -'S
do oreferred.. 1"0 " 'J 4
T.nn Copper ... 7t-0 H - SH
TM ft Piic Hi
Tol. St L ft Wes 4. 21 21 21
do preferred.. 4 4fl tl4
t'nlon Pacific .. B.000 1.01, 17oa l.'.T"
do preferred.. -i
U 8 Realty .;' Vol'
f 8 Rubber ... "0 2'4 42 4-S
f S Steel .... 20.T'"1 T9 "' 1 s 4
Ldo preferred.. 1.3-1 ll'i 11"
1'tah Copper ... l.t'X 45 t -1414
i-C.ra Chem . 4t H . " 'j '
Wahaah l' ! 17
do preferred j'
K0r5B,.t-::"Ke -i -jos. .?
Western fnlon . tlH 4.1 '- s
Wheel ft L E ?2
lhlgh Valley.. .lHl 1T4 13 !
Total sales for the diy. 148.900 sharca.
BONDS. ' .
NEW YORK. March 2T. Closing quota-
Ls!:ref 2s reg.10Hii.N-. T. C. gn 3A. SSH
do up."n . .MIS So. pacific :ts. 70S B
U S Ta reg.....l'l No- Pacific 4a... W
do c".po ...Ml. I nlon Pacific "-IWJ
f.S. new 4. reg.114 Wis. Central 4s. B2S
do coupon ... 1 13 4 Japanese 4a MB
D. ft R. O. 4S. . . MI Bj
Money. Exchange. Etc.
NFW YORK. Msrch 2T. Money on call,
steedy. 2"tt)24 pr cent: ruling rate. -U;
''Tl'e'i'.'.anea.'vr SUV's.., per
cent- 00 dava :(iJ: six months. 3.
Prime mercantile paper. 4 7r4!u per cent.
Sterling exchange steady with yil bus
In.r. in b.nkers' Mils at I1.M2.. for CO-day
bills, and at t02O for demand.
Vommerrlal hills 83.
Bar silver 42 c
Mexican dollars l.t
Uovcrnmeui bonds. slesdy; railroad,
I.ONIIO.V. March 27. Bar silver steady at
24 4-1 'i p r ounce.
Monty. 2St2 P-r cent.
The rate of discount In the open market
for short hills Is 2S P--r cent; for three
months' bills. 2 3-10 6 2 ' per cent.
SAV FRANCISCO, March 27. Sterling on
London. 0 days. M.4e,: sight. 34.S6S.
Drafts Sight. 4ic; telegraphic. 7c.
CHICAGO. Mrach 27. Exchange on New
York. 30 premium.
Condition of Ihe Treasury.
WASHINGTON. March 27. At the begin
ning of business today the condition of the
Inlted States Treasurv wss: ,....,
Working balance In Treasury . .. -'" ?!
In banks and Philippine Treasury. 31.144 1 ....
Total balance In general fund M .VI"
Ordinary receipts Saturday 7,7' o- i
Ordinary dtabureemente .......... ",'"i
The deficit to date this fiscal year J
1 4d.l. s against 1li.oo4.T2 at this
time last year. These figures exclude Pan.
ama Canal and public debt transactions.
Grain Markets of the Northwest,
T VCOli A. March 27. Wheat Bluestem.
MiiV.c; fortfold. S2i!3c; club, 83c; red
K,Rec"'lptsWheat. 11 cars; corn. 1 car;
hay. cars. ,
SEATTLE. March 27. Milling quotations:
Bluestem, 84c: fortyfold. 83c; club. 82:; life,
tcjc: red Ruaslsn. 81c ,
Export wheat BUiestem 82c: fortyfold,
Soc; club. 7c; fife. Tc; red Ruaslan, 78c
Karepean Grain Markets.
LONDON March 27. Cargoca. dull and
Inactive, walla Walla for shipment at
gd to 3.',s lid. .
English country markets, firm; French
cou.itry mi - " 1 J -
IJVERPOOU March 2T. Wheats
March. 6a TSd: May, 6s 4d; July. Us d.
Weather, rain.
Grain at San Francisco.
i! VH4SC1SCO. March 27. Wheat
asr." barley steady. ckl,. ,, ..m
Spot quotations, eww '""
147S Per cental.
Barley Fee.1. 1.30r 1.3214 Per cental;
brewing. 1.341.37S per cental
O.ts Red $1.2441 1.34 per cental: white.
nominal; black, 1.2u1.23 per cental
4 a 11 board aalcs: Barley December.
II 20S per cental bid. l.22S asgeu; aiay,
tl.US per cental bid, jl.3"
Vlsibl. Supply of Grain.
NEW YORK. March 27. The visible sup
nlr ot grain In the I nlted States Saturday.
March 24. as compiled by th New York
Produce Exchange, waa as follows:
1 w" Buahe'.s. Decrease.
ll.744.iaMI 781.000
i-rTr ia.7i.oo4i
".".. i:trl.lrfMI 2I.I.0O
Biey: .:...::.::. 1.345.000 16.000
Ixmdoa Wool Sales.
I-ONTON. March 27. There were 12.75S
bales offered at the wool s-jollon sales today.
All sections bid briskly and the offerings
were quickly absorbed, especially merinos.
Victorian acoured realized 2s 60. and
America bought cross preow.
701-2-3-4-5 Larwia Bid..
Portland Ore-oa
Am Cotton Oll 200 60
Am Hd Lt pf.
Am Ice Securi . . ...... ...
Am 1 - J - - ...
Wheat Sells at Bottom Figures
for This Year.
General Rains, targe Receipts,
Slow Cash Demand and Large
World's Shipments Are tire
Depressing Factors.
CHICAGO. March 27. Wheat t00"
dropped beneath any previous low level
touched this year. Sufficient reason was
found in the general rains, liberal receipts,
large world shipments and alow cash de
mand. With ratn or snow everywhere in
both the Spring and Winter wheat country,
the market for this cereal at no time suc
ceeded In rallying to tha point where the
previous week had ended. As a matter of
I act. ine mini imjiui - -
In the main from shorts taking profits, al-
tnouan late in wi" un7 ..--" --
commission-house buying. Some talk ot
. . . . . ..,inn hut failed
niga w in u a siuuiin,
of serious effect. One bad report came
from v estexu jemima. ... - - T
so lar, nowever, ii. " , - - . -
confined to that particular aectlon. .Mucn
less even In the way of comfort was gath
ered by the bears from the world ahipment
figures. The amount was more than 4 000,-
...... i , i n , a than the eorresnonding
UVV U'JDll M .icbk. .
12 months before. During the session May
ranged from b74s to S8V8SC na
wound up at sgc, a oei. 7m
Cash demand waa a little better for corn
and countrv offerlnga light- May fluctuated
. - - - - I . .tnalnff firm iL 6
oecween li .uu , ' - r -
c up at 48 Sc. No. 2. yellow finished at
In oats the principal feature was free sell
ing of May against buying o'f the deferred
months. May fluctuated from SOic to
30 Sc and closed at 30 c a net loss of a
, . I. 1 V. n ... n- wee. ereO1
facaers ana nwi.iiiiu uuu.s - 7
Red with being buyers of provisions.. The
i. in i: . 14u a
outcome on jpwr " ivvi.n. ' ,
14c advance, a gain of a ahade to Sc for
lard and with riDa strung oui iruru
The leadtns futurea ranged as follows.
Open. High. Low. Close.
May SS .8S I . -88
s.nt:::::: :oo5 :ss :s m
M,ir 4TT4 .484 -474 .484
July 41S -tn .411 .4"
Sept 50l .41 .50 -51
M.v 30 14 - .3014 .30 14 -3054
Julv....:. .30 '4 -3Ta -oO4 -3"
Sent 3d .30 54 -30 V, -354
May 14.00 1.00 13.83 10.00
July 13.00 14.70 14.50 15.70
M, v S.OO 8.70 8.00 9.07t4
July h.57- 8.113 8.J.. 8.l-'14
Sout 8.52 S 8.60 8.50 S.57 54
May . SKI 00 8.84 8.R0
July. 8:75-4 h.5 8.574 8S
Sept S.42S 8.55 8.50 8.-0
Cash quotatlona were as follows:
Flour Steady.
rtye o. . . 1 1 vj it .
Barley Feed or mlxing. 73ftSSc: fair to
cnoice maiiioa. ire' ,oo. xi
. -, . v: - 1 Motirhweatern. S2.3S: NO.
1 Northwestorn. $2.50.
Grain statistics:
Total clearances of wheat snd flour were
cqunl to 47S.4MM! hushela Primary receipts
were 012.000 bushela compared with 724,
Oimi bushels the corresponding day a year
ago. The visible supply of wheat In the
United States decreased 1.303.O00 bushels
foi the week. The amount of breadstuff on
ocean passage increased 2.4HO.OOO bushels.
Estimated receipts for tomorrow: neat.
:io cars; corn, 312 cars; oats, 127 cars; hogs,
20,000 head. Receipts, Shipments
Flour, barrel 12.4.14. 9.3.0
Wheat, bushels 1...11IMI ,T3.4)oO
t'orn? bushel. 370...00 103.7410
Oata. bushel 225. -t- 333. .400
Uvs bushels -tJ
Urfcv h.iVh'j. " M OO" o4 .t0
from the
"I have never had
a horse fall or even
slip on bitulithic
pavement." Fire
Chief F. H. Grabner,
Baker, Or.
German LI
Eniov that
tong-thought-of trip to
upon modern steamers en nipped with
every comfort and convenience.
London Paris Bremen
Express Sailings Tuesdays.
Fast Mail Sailings every Thursday.
Gibraltar Algiers Naples
ana txeuu4
Sailings Saturdays
with Company's connections for Egypt
aim uw r 4.
Wireless and Submarine Service.
Travelers' Checks.
Arrmnrl-the-World Trips. S618.
.Send for our bookit five aUdetaUt.
JELRICHS -t CO., Oss. Afts,
D Broadway v isa
I UIertCsaIs.G.A.r.G.
Baa PraactacsH or Local Agents.
New service to Los Angeles via San Fran
cisco every five days.
From Alnsworth dock, rortiano.
I 8.8. Beaver, P. M., Mar. S, Bear, A.
From San Francisco. Northbound, 13 M.
6.S. Bear. Mar. Z7. Bosa City. April 1,
Beaver, April .
From Ban Pedro. Northbotmd. 12 M
gJJ. Rose City. Mar. 30, Beaver, April 4,
HG. ftmtVb! c. T. A., 14 Third St
J. W. Ransom. Agent. Alnsworth IVrca.
Phopea: Main 402. 240: A 14QT.
Twin-Screw SKp Anvil
Sails from Albers Dock No. 3, Thurs
dav. March 30th. it I P. li, for Gari
baldi. Bay City, Tillamook, Newport,
Florence and Bandon.
crrr ticket office, 128 3rd st.
Phase Mala S2S
TXH-Ie Pssses Mala 451 A 1903
U nion Lin. of N. Z.
Direct through steamers, sailing front Saa
Francisco. April 5. and every 23 days. W;11
Ington and back. 1st clara. 24 Other rates
also low. The line to Isles of the routh Sea.
For reservations ae Coupon Railroad Agents,
tu address Oceanic S. 8. Co, San Francisco.
-.sssssasasssssaa .4Vsvf
" ortii.'rfV."
a - rm , i. i
Capital Paid in. . . .. .c.-.t.r.r.i..,.,.-., $8,500,000
Surplus and Undivided Profits .-.r ...$7,828,023
Portland; Seattle, Tacoma and Virginia City
We buy and sell Toregn Exchange: issos
Drafts and Cable Transfers, Commercial Cred
its and Travelers' Letters of Credit, available
In all parts ot the world; make collections on
all points and conduct a general foreign and
domestic banking; business.
Northwest Corner Third and Stark Streets.
WM. A. MAC RAE, Manager. J. T. BtKTCHAELL, Asst. Manager.
National Bank
Merchants National Bank
Capital and Surplus $350,000.00
" Consistent WiUi Conservative Banking.
, , , TT ... A Smith Wm. T. Muir,
Joseph M. Heal y, A . . m atn, - p Waton
feS Pres't HoSk.-Vice-Pres't. eol W.i. Cashier.
Uur"am' s. C. Catching, Assistant Cashier.
Capital ...... $1,000,000
Surplus and Undivided Profits 650,000
W. M. Ladd, President.
Eder. Cookingham. VIee-Pres.
yy. H. Donckler, Cashier.
Corner Washington
First National Bank
Capital $1,500,000
Surplus 750,000
Oldest National Bank West of the
Rocky Mountains
Canadian Service
Co.'s Office, 19 id Ave,, Seal tie; or V.
YT. Btineer. 234 Wash.; A. D. Charl
ton 255 Mat.; F. K. Johnson, 142 3d;
E. F. Balrd, 100 3d; Vald. Udell, 26
X. 6th: li. Dickson. 123 3d.
San Francisco, Los Angeles
and San Pedro Direct.
North Paclflo S. S. Co.'s S. 8. Roanoke
and B. B. Elder sail every Wednesday alter
nately at 6 P. It. ticket office 132 Third
St., near Alder.
MAKT1N J. HTGI.EY, Passenser Aceat.
W. H. SLtSSER, Freisht Agent.
Phones M. 1S14. A 1314.
Alaska dock. Portland, P. M. every Tnas
day. Freight received at Alaska Dock tin til
I p. If. dally. PassengCT tar Orst-clasa,
$10: second -class, T. including meals and
berth- Tickets oa aal. at Alnsworth dock.
Phones Main 268. A 12- .
(Lnloa Line of M. Z.)
Direct through steamers, sailing from 8aa
Francisco. Mar. 8 and every 2i daya. Wel
lington and back. 1st class. it. Other rates
also low The Una to Isles af the South Seas.
For reservations see Coupon Railroad Agents,
or address Oceanic 8. S, Co., San Francisco,
K. S, Howard, Jr., Ass't Cswbler.
J. W. Ladd, Assistant Cashier.
Walter M. Cook, Aas't Caahles.
and Third Streets
Winter Schednle Effective OctoD
30, 1910.
"Princes Rupert"
"Prince George"
Victoria, Vancouver and Prince
kupert. Connecting t Prince
Rupert with "S. S. Prince Albert
for Stewart and Queen Charlotte
Daylight Ride to Victoria
Sunday at 2:00 P.'M., northbound.
every Monday at 11:00 P. north
bound; every Saturday at 2:00 P.
M. southbound.
For Tickets and Reservations Apply
to Local Railway Ticket Agents, or
J. H. Bura-ls, Gen'l A (tent. First Ave.
and Yenler Way, Seattle, Wash.
Tours de huxe
(Limited to ten members. V
Including Coronation, festivities in
London, June, 1911.
Other Tours Hawaii, Japan, Around
the World.