18 tiie 3roitrG oregoxian. Tuesday, mar en 28. ion. wa xtt-i h; sfttXA XEOU. WE PI T l"LOTH!NQ. BVERTTHINO. V:iht pii- paid for men caat-f Kothinc. lho; tlM b-v ladle doth lr. T up the Globa. Mala 2o$0l 2v0 F i 't. nir BAROKR'S ACTION HOt?K wants household goods, f-jr ilture for en or ronmljston. East 102 3tf-370 E. VTivin it. TTrat aa.ll. MONET T-OST gn: vota rail th For-1 Auction C. ana V t their prices on what j oa bav to aeli. sI. A , 01T OF COMBINE "wife ftie; rurt end ptiff 75C Baal fury parlors. 4 Lk wm K'.dr WANTED 4-b. P. plr. state how rai engine, good r long run. A I twi. tVE paT th hiahest caah prlco for eeond hn furniture S-ater Martin, ft boa a.t 31'4. M Hawthorn ave. ir YOU ha-o household furultw-e to MIL rail up o-nr Htkr Co.. 14 Park at. i-Ie at fl!nri a sie-!alty. W vtkd Old ostrich plum. 13 B. I4th HT.IT WATKI MALE. FF.AL ESTATE PALESMAX. Tf yoa empio-ed as a real etat tinun iind Mt made good In thi line. ut..ioubiedlv ro Increase yonr present ri'n,i)fi by joining our Miliiif force. Wo ant two n'h-gr"le men who know tha viu of t.me. Addr-aa V Sui, Oro gonutt. SALESMEN. VEX who have old thine or tho who rm sell & c.an proposition will And a brvd field ard big mon- for their aer--H--S bv join in our rnts-lton. Ont or 11 men wr h p.4hin prt)Oa'!'f ; no "hr need rrp.y. Audrea AG Oro fonUB. . KLAMATH FALL. FEFARE HI-KCUL DAILY SHIPMENT of railroad foaitrutWn nin for new work, ton Job. no Lr ddueld frorn your pa-. It to FREE. Any able-hou led maa wh f this work rnav . C P.. HAN.V.N CO.. 2 2d M. WE tao Tifanr!f fr two r ihro c!an--ui. a-tlo mo a who ar willina bu aal lv a'l lhlr llmo anil ury t oP intr-t lo j.-Pi mo offr ira-iy . r at hur py than rn b ma-i aniwh.r- III ti -lty. ivH 1 A. r.r akr.andarrMt-,l.rtUI' ACTIVE Ttt XO MAS anM t tako ln trt ta MtiMW&rd fr tiwuranra a -nr ; mul b fmi;Ur lfh rlro lnurB.o but-o- and iftornh:y reliable : --n efTr at-irtrtti- prp-aiii i to rtrt mn. ono 'U a-r;-iaintt In dry prtfTT1 ; ta: aa. s, rt nco. f f r f . c K 1 n 1 ib t ft s v n r forem a v w a ntep rioro iihia J3 mil- of Portland o r-ilrd: mu bo c-"npi'nl. mtim to tako rharco of rflin( frull and ornamental otork . huM f -irniJih-! : ta? y pwn mn to r it man. Kp.y statin ict, prlr. and oaiary v pct A rra It.x O Or-opiaa- V ANTED Ambttiooo workman: yor wor 03 art oa! joto pay for toai-hlnv trmdao oC ltrVltr aytoTnobU. plumb. . brick loyinr: only fw aaoatna ruirod; TOO a:vdnt Laat f"r yaara. Wrvio for in formation. lB'd Trado Sehool CODimu tn Ca. Loo APgaUo. W aVTFD ftVokk-ror wlrh oyoral yaro iprwnr. fm!!tar In detail wit lam br bua:noo. rpaMo of taktnc rr,r of Tirw and diair. ". midti-fO prfrrTd. or n1 r-.:ab:r. boat of rf-r- nrvo r-u:r4. Addr-a T Orrionun. IALESVAS W want a man wh Is rallin on tho r"ail nr-ry or drug ! to i:iiro.in. our rprntat!To: literal arranoronts wt.l bo mato Hh Ht rit part Adtiroao. in eonftUoac. tf Or mg -nin. M N or womvn to tnka rotaorant. fur uih4. In hotrt . board ono for rnt ; :p!n room nludt; snap. Apply 3M Nnn n-h. tf. ear north to block: Sou l FX - CLIIT"R. nrto. I havo tb ratrt tiur out. Nw -pntntrd artielo. carrto1 In po-kt. Jrot - n stamps for aamplo or rail at l' M"baa bik.. btwoon id 1 o' (ock H'"TSK nrpafr "tty, A as '. r tan cot c rue t ion $X hours, foreman. $00; othsrs. t R. HA Vs K N J ,N Slt fB'rt a!cma wantrd !o a-'U town lts and m. rAi ir prt;nd: ln-rma in buatnraa mk-s It nrvMj rv to s uro additional ma. Phono A FIKST'I-A??' talkrs: Vranmt poaittoa to thnoo who rn make -l Appy b IVMi 0 30 and 12 :-'. Mr. Akr. Mohawk bd'.i., 3.1 and 3t-rrton. ' M N' famtUar with tiariwaro bua!no to oart ator In .m.I N-ratlon. This to a rood op--air for imt "Ji man. Add-'a aL f.irnn iv. Nrto. Wou!lawn W NTnootl bowkktwr and ono thai cn u. tprltr. ifod Tallinn for tho ;.Tt p-t: marriwU man proforrwL A Qrytntan. V NTED Motor r' nnd htcylo rrpatr nun mut bur a motor cyel- to "t an .iMon. m4.in; nppfniP-o prrfrrird. A. Ifc VTFl f .t bwnrimaa. ono that ran l.r "St TaTrthiil MI.IMAN-rf yoo nro orllins; city r irittrr wht Ln. call upa . A. Ho d. H- nry I ;! Y mi can doubio your In- r.re. R Orrtfi!iii. ri f irrni'-! .r"r riot bra. H profits, Tt O lnrtmnt. Writ T"m Thompson I-' .-I ao.. n FrttutKo tffri Krp. lamni A -v. M ' ni.T.-t - rr n to lako claxco nf nT :m-nt of un-fortato rr- rk tut A-1 man nd arply. P .l N: rr n. ihit y rs of 1 .Httnl h or--- and M'l rtrrh f r a- mut bo quick nnd ac- t.-. a iVrr-'O a a. TOT srw vP(l CmnrBt ponton. 10 m.imn W ru far Iiot p.a.:ins opoo. r-Pklia inatituto. DpL :-E. Rocheo fr N. T. Wa. V T F D !y ab"Tl 1 yoars of ao to work in rruo; mnot P7fo- At- wit la owo hani writ mf. l Oro- ciian. t N rrt HtraHr mi to work In manu fa' t'trl i tiMlM p-n l!'t:o r.rr- kl nooUrd- laritctiiars ib at.. trr BU W Tft -Two or ol :vk aaa- m.s F-oo pro N.ithtnr l it .r bw orf-nrd. coftunstow. F Orr fi; n. , (l.-U ptwiiTfN fr w tdawk'. at1yo bu- man with r-..aV- .on;..aT a-iilac ct - d-- r-ol -t-AppIy Jfttarka4 V" TFt) -ottfo. worn ifo1 rwk. mn f.r arl work. Apply F. H"l.'". -oa. it a n wionrr Oo at.. pp. FTrT- SaJ-oaa wanl to s-lT -f-. tontina:oBft T-iopbooo Mala P.'T J w a i Ti part ho.lnak"-t nnft oi-n.ta H-.mro-IX-Jw;i-Mora frt .and. 'r. p-r-r.-d cfrfc tnerti tata a rirwi-'w or no ai-n-:.t R cr;'fin. HlfV iuooM. Jr1!nf actual pr. t.r' -tr'-a. rt:a 1J1 Wanfr.rton and r-parrtnr: day or -n-at.. room 1- 47i:f a man work tn bok-r. Ap r , I'aMfi Haki i"o.. s i-f 'r--i 'ft at YaarouTrr h.ry 1 : joni o oT-r to work for aed nfir rtn an. I b-ara ol. uau. a.r is rrt" -., vr to flf-J on 5 B-.l finanvo t cvjmpi-tlon; n r A N ? T. i"-I Jtian. tA TMv- Fi t-r .htr- man. i-' ri nn1 door ana n PUntnf M.l-s. Vtt and m . Ti T y D A flr-' pfotoKraph-r to a-o on tn roa.!. an at Hotoi A.d-r. room 42. rt o JE an t I. A. M rtiV.io m w.rk App' -mploymmt do- N.t-r.-Ri. E-tp!oy' A--:ii, .No too. 7 rnmff'f! O'-ib b:'r. ..wTukCK w art ' ! . n otauiy pooi'loo all r 10 a m n. I. Mahr rtrrant llt.1T. . ri at. ra'am. ir. n Tl.l-A part- wfh t- tr: n pria n-r nun. tnjt wlals -ar. T lr'. WAsrvrv-i'- t.k .! Ma 1 1 boy. Apply Hotl Lonos, T4 XT K r "omp rtnt arTlnr. ln.1 s-a;l fruit. P looi:Hn. ad nr. v a r t ab lea s saionow call nt Ablcs- t.'- rnoaoy. rr , 1 t pvH wanted. C'l St- Oaaa-aTclaJ Ouu bid-- Jtd J-v - v t F. l An "VrT-hito-t or i1rtmvimt lrmmuo-i-r i'tl Pojni ofTrnd fti; U. WtNTD .'rabinotmakr-s. Call 444 East -r. i.NTCU Warn aato drtvtrs;. day or .i.ht. Addraon O Oro.onuvn. w AXTrrv Flrst-rra-a ladi ta!kr at one. w a i ina t kn . T.T aitM. Kic-t A C"-, prtat-ra, W M l i"r"rt.t iaJ pollit--. !- lUb ajui io:nauia SALESMAN ESTABLISHED FIRM OF HIGH STANDING ARE INCREASING THEIR CAPITAL STOCK. A LUCRA TIVE POSITION IS OPEN IN PORT LAND AND OCTSIDIC TERRITORY FOR SALESMAN AND 8ALE3 MANAGER TO ft ELL NEW ISSUE OF STOCK- A COM BINATION OF FEATURES WILL IN TEREST HIGH GRADE MEN. O tvO. OREGON I AN. MtRRAT a P.EAPT. Tho Lrsdinr Empiorm-nt AfTfntn. have opmr.t an Emplovmrnt and Labor Offlco at 41 H N Second at.. Portland. Phono Vain Horn A rn and or ui. Fmployrf and Empior-, Vour Fatmaara So I W !-. M K. s Other Officio l-ocntod at Fa. Fran. Uco 3 wif" 7 ? Facrmmonto 1 Oakland 1 FREE FARE. C A E R. R. NATRON and LOWEM. via Kurcn. 10 laoor-ra. R. R- work. 2 da. 15 laoorrra. bo-rd a if. all freo laro. OTHERS. -1 circular aawyrr. t?o bosn hero. 3 d1 ' csrrtac woodworkar on auto, city; $7 n a clrarlns Uad T. PaVrT b-lpr: irood pl-ro; 19 to 20 Wk" Rra1 our boIUtln board. More or-Vrs rominc In a!! tho timo. M1KRAT A KEADT. 41 North Id Hi. SALESMEN IF TOU HAVE GOOD BACK bono, ayo ruaropUbla to laatruetl. will-In- to aboorb. and bam a disposition to otry ordrrs. I will asouino tbo rraponsl Mllty of your brcomlna; a auccoaaful r-al tato salesman. This la not a corr pondonco or h 00 1, but n proirrroatT firm oporntlnc lh now IdoaJ. ith a r--ord for notttna and hold in tho best men ta this line of work. J. FftKD LARSON. OAK STREET. INCIDENT. Offira 9orretnry Employment Deparl-B-rnt. T. M. C. A. Toon maa. at ran r or. out of worn -0 hut total cash aaartsi If I pay yon 13 f-r apia! -rap:oyrr.ent mrmberchip ft will only havo Ha eft bat ween wo and star-a-tion. . . rirotary If you pay $J fr aperini employment tnemb-rshtp you wl!l have mo Y. M. C. A., with nil Ita reooureea. botwoea you and wtanration. What happened ? Toon man took member-hip- Inside or two hours fco found satisfactory employ- ""ifurlnf Fobruary. IH. 1-7 othora found tmplo) mrnc la a like manner tlTTtplovmont or refuud of mexoboronip fe uarajit.. tf-e Secretary Em ploy maa t Dapartmont. T. U. C A. HELLO. CENTRAL tilVE ME . BENNETT'S EMPLOYMENT AOKNCT AT 34 NORTH SK.'OND ST Mar-hail ZK4. Horn-. A l'1 H. J. HEN.NETT. J- H. TAPI.ET. We want fdar lorr-ra for the t'urtlaa Lumber Cx at Mill cHy. Or. 4 head fall-re, ft.! 4 ao'-ond fane's. t.T5. 2 donkry rnirlneers, l.X. 3 bu krrs. F-.T.V 4 rig rustlers. 2,73k. 2 ciiaorra. 1 - TCk 1 sniper, fti ." 1 dorff-w. 4 TMa camp ta Just pnln up no walk to r-t to Ihia Jor: go id board ft pr wr'k; no today: call early. -ome and a-e ua. work for everybody. Anthtn pertainirt to labor, aeo Ben nett, hr will save yoa time and money; tiwo't forvrt tho number. 34 North b'ecood si s.mf.hir.c doing every minute. A:i f:-HOIIK) mn wanted for the I, n. MAjine t'ori'e. between the aeea of l and i muat be nativo born or have ff-t ia ix r mon:al pay $12 to 4V.u: adiittional rvir.pnaiioa pmbl; f od. clothinr. quar ters ard medtral attention free; after 3rt years' aereice can retire with 71 per cent of pay and allowances, service 00 board ship and aehore In all parts of the world. Apply at I". S. Marine C.rp Recruittnr ofice. Hreedea M-i.. 3d and Wasbiugton a.. Forrland. Or. XKEP more a recta. ftwychololcai tlmo f.r T-dy aolea In Henumont I at naod. t'omplete aud rien( improvemeitt a. on tne !y. Advertising to start ct once, lii-.'titn boom vru A thirty-oiy campAn zt-r-x all price will be raided. Is- e Ferris or Mr Sauml-r. w ;th prtuninnt laod "o.. (round Uoor. Hoard of Trade hl.lc-. 4 Fjurttt at. MT.X WANTED Ago Cromen. floO monthly, and btAkemea. oa nearby re- roads: eiporwc-o onaecoaaary: ao strike; poottiona guaranteed comp-teat anen. procDoUoc; rai road empioying haad-wrt-rs. or 4'0 m n a a'- to paitlons ma:hy. ate'o if: send si axon. Railway Assoc I r !on. -a-e Oregon . an SA l.F.-'V A S We want one man a4 one woman t naatet ua la introducing real ett propa eltion of ui.ua jal merit ; no r,rr,.-. but a wiO- acquaintance neces mv. rht n.n cr woman tan make big Bi.mey. Address R 7. Oregntan. KA li.VV AY n-a-l clerks. poatoff.ee clerk S. locter rtrriT, fom-hm and tnjemaj rev en do enspl. to prrpare for rttm Irattoco: fr book. paeifU tttntao School. M lit rMr-. c:ty W a NT El Hoa oer 1 with wheels for meaaenror work; ft -O a month guaran tee and wheel repairs paid, boys Who iraae good will Vo taught telegrapbe. C II. CM ft. Weatem l nlon Tel. Co.. ? d. " rip Fit L 1-DAT OFFER. We need good rritablo men for poaltlona a a auto drivers, demand escoede etipnly. Thla a your chance. Auco Cohere of Port land, eecond floor Merchants Trust bldg Z2 y waahington su WANTED Man and wife. Hood Rtyr anple rn. h. muit know how U cultivate prun-o and r!tr land. Inquire J-wiaB. Lenox Hotc 3d and Main ate., between 11th and 1 h.M vrrh J". . BKKl:Y grower wiBtH n my H od Rtrer P i . two-(hlrds crop an I x-to'l leaav ; ft:to tteceaaary f-'r eqo!p-n.it and -pnee. tart rrfundrd. C -'. Of Jgontan, LO"L FF1E Intemstlorel t"orreorond m.e S- n. ' 2 Alder si., open Uil 9 F. M Serd for fra ri ' o cor. HTLf WtTTTh ITMAIX GIRT, for general houaework. Small family. to Ttl'snsook at. Y01 N'J ri to aeeti with booeewotit; email family, mil mornings, ft.t rtthat. WANTKD v'ir-e ouraglri. (German pre ferre.1. Man .4J. W NT l r ft for general hoework; 2 la ftreil y. 1Mb at. top f ia t . OI51L for general housework; two in fam ily. 7. Lovely. W VNTT.D Competent seo-d rtrl. Small f am I :ybetw a g eo, 1 4 0 N - det. KX FERI KN,ED rrl for pantry and dining room work. V-4 'ourh at. pniYATf? school, sho-thsnd snd typewrit ing, ft A mo. rP 14th at. Main3M. v'NTaP An experienced waitrrao nt Tbo L'u -1 and Washingtoa. GIRL wanted for general booaework. Apply mornlnc. 10 Colombtn rJi.tfor general houaework; gd wagta. 3r Foliar t. i m-f- GI lil f" general houaework. 34 Grand at. North; no chlidren. HA IRl'KFsrn. belr.rk-r and rraniCUrlsL AiosKJ tut-1 oatia lad bevinta au WANTED TOCNO LAD I ES FO R TELE PHONE OPERATING. WITH OR WITH OUT EXPERIENCE. APrLT PACIFIC TELEPHONE A TELEGRAPH CO EAST 6TH AND ANKENT ST3. WANTED TODAT. Cooka. 40 to t'nrnp cook. SIO. Walirftw-'t, Pr week and per "rlik and gecond gir! (out of city). $25 to fi". t 'hmhermald. $."ifl. Jlouskcper, ---. Pantry woman. ft3-5. S coud girl. ft-.V Ocnt-ral housework, -0 to 90. PAClFlb EMPLOYMENT CO.. Ladles' De pu -OS a Morrison. WE NEED more agenta psychological tirao for ready sales In Beaumont is at hand. Complete and extensive .mprovements are on the way. Advortlalng to start at once Uuilding boom on. A thirty-day campaign ik .it nrioi will h. raieed. bee ir. Fern or Mr. Saunders, with Beaumont I-and 'o.. ground floor. Board of Trad tidg.. t4 Foonn THE MEIPH A FRANK CO. require for ttieir picture and frm dept. a woman who m competent to take order for framing. CAPHIRL over !, boy over 16, for de liveries. ROBERTS BROS. WANTED An experienced m-iid fr Pn ervl housework; moat be good cook; three in famiW: no children; good wage. Phone Main 4..2T or call 113tt Franklin, "w car to Ka g yst. TOPNO lady of good appearance to do spe cial line of outride work; gua inteed aaiary and advancement If a pp. leant la satisfactory. Apply after 9 A. M-. T.o j eon Jb.dg. Goor neat girl for general housework, small family, one who can cook, fall mornings at 4Aft E. 10th N. Broadway car WANTED An experienced girl for general housework and cooking. Phono Main MS4 f:H Elisabeth at. Take Portland Heights car. YOUNG lady of good appearance, not afraid ' to talk, to solicit for good business propo sition; good salary to right party. Apply 7-1 Yeou lIdg. --. COMPETENT "girl wantd for general house, eorit and rooking, family of adults; no washing. Telephone Main 61M or A LADY solicitor who can bring results: a gwd thinr to those who can do ao. Apply W.nun :30 and l'J:H0. Mr. Ake, Mo- hag I d jr.. .Id end M orrlsoa. WANTED Toung woman for general house work: family of two adults; referenr-es re quired. Apply l-v 14th. near Washington WANTED Olrl for general housework and cooking, tiood wagea. Must have refer ence. Small family and no children. Apply at once. 3t0 lmh si., morning or evening. WANTED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position. VlnTl Co.. iv9 Koth rlilld bldg.. 4th and Wash I ngton, WANTED Experienced operators to work on sliirts. Apply Standard Factory. 1 Orand ave. and East Taylor. HANSEN'S LADIES AGENCY. Washington at., cor 7th, upstairs. Phone Main 22. WANTED Woman to care for baby during day. Room lo. tiargent Hotel. Grand and Hawthorne. WANTED Competent nursery maid, vicinity of 24th and Johnson. Phone for appoint ment. Main rtlHd, Ex PERIENCEfy""g!rl for cooking and gen eral houaework. small family, good wagea. 41.' East Davis. WANTED By motherly lady, children to car tor; gooa re ter cocoa, j-nooa ofuwovu WANTED Wnirtm akers, tklrtmaker. ap prentice and t4lor help. 2ua Columbia, bldg. WANTED Olrl for general housework, wares ir.o: no washing. Apply 442 E. 17th N. Phono East .4;;. WANTED Girl for goner! housework. 1157 Tnurman at. Phoue Marshall or A 3044. WANTED I'.rlnht girl 1 to IS yrs old to I-'arn marking. Apply Pacific Laundry. JJ1 Arthur. IHS. HOWE'S LADIES' AGENCY. 3?i Washington St.. Room 314. A OlItL to do general houaework In n email famtlr on Willamette Heig-hts. lioa Thur. man at. COMPETENT girl, genernl houaework. 4 In famitv. good wsre. fine room, -til 16th 1 . 1 inn GIRL fr houwwor. --re, amnll family. Mirhsll at. . good home, good Call morning. iSi TT ANTED Girl for -general housework, small fam.lv of adults. Apply forenoon. 7ta Kearney St.. near 54th. DEPENDABLE maid for children; must have good city references. Ob Davis. near 51t. - CTRL or woman wanted for general houae work: good heme, good wages. Call tUS 4th at. WANTED Maid nurae for lnf-nt: refer rrr required. Phone Main 7PM5. N..r:i::at. WANTED Experienced Jneket hands for al teration room. Becker's Hjit lloue. 140 NEXT, rapoible girl, famiiy second w-k : rml!y coJk. $ Ft. !uis Arency. Sm'B Waahmgton, Main WANT EI Good cook ard for general hmis.-work. family of four. CalT mornings. 3 - i 7 .12 d North. T ! phone MmnJ-J. W NT ED GlrlB be f e" n "" to IW for fh'xit. leg ga;ier ; go-J area. Apply 3'n lt tt.. :-in 1 andJ- WANTED AM around hairdresser: all arvuml hslrworker: go -d wages Sanitary Iieaut v l arlors. 4QDekumRl5lg; BI'.MNE.-'S Brm d-airea a woman over 25 who la trust wort hy and capable; experi ence not r-quird. P srt. Oregonlan. W A NT ED Erpwrleneed skirt hands for al teraUon room. Becker's emit Hooso. 140 5th at. COOK to run smsll restaoraat. 2.12 Wot ceater Bldg. COMPETENT and thoroughly e-nerlenced second - girl, good w area. rail Main 1244. NEAT APPEAR I NO girl for office work. Apply arty. Chapmnn Advsrtiatng Co. CTRL for general housework In small fm- 1 1 y- all mornings. A'M Hoyt. GIRL fr general housework, small family. fir.lH1ytt-, near2'Mh. WANTED Girl for general housework. S81 Thorn peon st. Tlephone East 4741. THOROUGHLY eTprl-nced cook; wagcs g to. A p P I y -15 Ford st. Tel. Main 7-4. W NTED Competent girl for general h o a e w orK . 714 Eve ret; T. WANTED Br a Japanese A 1 ladles' tailor. F. O-. Jf- Couch st.. city. CIRirtn car for ehlld. good home assured; small wages. Malu tiort MONTHLY distributing books by malL Phone Marshall P o'fTock mornings. GIRL for genera! housework, adults. 2 S. 17th. between Burnslde and Touch. gTkl" for iienerml housework, good wages. Phon Main 4.".t.77rt Flanders t. eTxpERIENCED girl for housework, wages '$.!. M'j I4vojoy st. Gini. to assist with housework. Phone " A 3tV OtRL wanted for general housework. Apply mornings. 310 CHumMa. H V. I .r W T11 MALE OR FEMALE. ToOo pSITlONS for araduates last year; men and a .-rn'n learn barh"r trade in, a weeks, help f secure poeition; gradu ate earn from 15 to 12.. weekly; expert lnarnctnr; toola free; writ for cata logue. Mohler System of Colleges, ; n : : h4 1 h .. FortlAnl, Or. BO BRIGHT men (and women wanted t once to clrcu.ate an Initiative petition; ran no Tabor before 0 A- M . or on Hall A I-eppcr. Logus Bldg.. Grand avenue. s f t e r J MAKE 'iioie w Htlng srorle- for newspa-p-r' 1.1 P-v;' Rrt fo- frt- .ook!et: tells ton," L sited Poa bgad,, ban raaclco. HELP WANTED MALE OK FEMALE. FIK TEACHERS ASSOCIATION. 611 Swet- land bldg. - SITUATION WANTED MAIX Bookkeeper nnd Clerks. ACCOUNTANT Auditor, office manager, seeks opportunity for the plscement of his services at advantage to proapectlvo emptovera. and to hlmaelf in aeeking a change from present poaitlon. Commun lcate with O tSO-. Qregonjan. YOUNG Eustern university graduate wants Oregon opportunity as teacher or secre tary for commercial organisation; trained In publicity and correspondence, A. J. W box 1U17. Mlnot. N. D. SIIOEMAX 14 years experience. 12 years with one firm. S years manager and buyer, desires to make change, and locate in West. Toung man. married. eBst of ref erences. F 691. Oregonian. THOROUGHLY reliable man wants position as bookkeeper oras1stant ; would willingly assist In other ways If not enough orllca work; excellent references. Salary moder. aie. A bV. Oregonian. I WILL audit, open, close or write up books, prepare balances and. statements. Install systems. Consult me. Gillingham. au dltor. 4 11 Lewis bltig.M arshall 717. BOOKKEEPING Buslneaa tnen requiring the services of a bookkeeper for a few hours a week only, please communicate with phone Main 15 84. VERY competent bookkeeper-stenographer deslrea position In or out of city; HO year old- 0 vt-ars experience; references. Phono Vain fUKU. R ML Oregonian. WILL audit, open, close or write up books, prepare balances and statements, reason able rates: books taken by month If de aired. O Oregonian. ; GERMAN - AMERICAN. 3S. experienced bookkeeper, has $1hm to Invest with serv Kea. P 903. Oregonian WA NfTED Position aa book keeper and store keeper In lugging camp. M 89. Orego nian. - BOOKKEEPER. experienced. satisfactory references, desires engssemenL Phone Main 35S4. H lMrellaneons. WANTED By a thoroughly experienced man. work as milker or to attend to a dairy; must bo a nice place: giro salary and particulars with first letter. T, 807, Oregonian. TOUNG man attending school desires to work for board and room before and after school hours. Call or address H. D. B.. 14H 5th SL MEAT cutter and all around market man wants position, city or country. Eastern references, sober, married. V 892, Ore gonuin. . WANTED Position as motion picture op erator; wtll furnish own machine (have Monograph machine, the beat made). 48 V. N. 3d at. WANTED A position by an all-round good coremaker. Capable of caring for coreroom. Good steady man and hustler. Address A 8S1. Orcgonfaiv SITUATION by reltsble, strictly temperate marl, age XS. willing and not afraid to work, would leave city. References. Ad dress D 893. Oregonisn. n BY SODA dispenser, who understands si new drinks and svrupa, capable of taking charge. Best references. Ralph HflUgass, 717 lth st.. Oakland. Cal z WANTED Situation by man and wife, cooks. 1o sawmill boarding-house, woods or railroad tamp; best reference. W 901. Oregonisn. CHAUFFEUR wants auto to use on rent; hss good reiil entute trade and does own repairing, and Is carefuL Address 8 8i4, Oregon. PICTURE-SHOW operator, experienced, al ways doing his best; no smoker, wants po sition. E. Royn, 2S2. Second st. AD WRITING for newspaper. circular, booklets, by experienced writer. J 876, Ore gonlan. CARPENTER First-class, finisher and ex perienced foreman, wants situation. Sell wood 1712. POS 1 T ION wanted, T thoroughly " experienced grocer at present employed; best city ref erences. AB 902. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED groceryman wants position as clerk or head salesman: eJcht years" experience; Al reference. X 900, Oregonian. WANTED Contracts for excavating and grading, phone East 5205; B 1612. Call 433 E. Morrison. - SALESMAN for wholesale house wants posi tion as traveling salesman; Al reference. X 901. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED bouse cleaner. window washer, by day or contract. Main bboo, Martin. BARBER Situation In or out of city, work ing under apprentice card. AH 001, Orego nian. JAPANESE to lake care of automobile and garden; has good references. AG 905, Ore gonlan. , , . DRIVER or repairman ; have worked on most all cars; 7 years experience, O 877 Oregonian. JAPANESE cook wants position in town or country. M 9o9. Oregonian. JAPANESE experienced cook, wants place. 22 N. Sth St. A 400S. A JAPANESE wants position, any kind of work. M 9'8. oregonian. GKOi'ERVMAX wants position; experience In Portland. J 907 have had Oregonian. GENERAL mdse. clerk wants Job; experi enced In city. J Oregonian. JAPANESE boy chamber work. wn n ts place, porter 270 Davis sL POSITION wanted by experienced hotel man, back or fronL 2U.1 10thst. MAN and wife would like to work on farm or dairy ranch. A 896, Oregonian. SIT!' ATIOX W A NT ED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographer. YOUNG lsdy, experienced stenographer, want ermanent position; law office pre ferred, phone Mr Kepper, M- 1228. A 1228- COMPETENT lady stenographer desires po sition In city or out. Phone Main 106Q. STENOGRAPHER Experienced young man desires position, r'hone seiiwooa 100. WANTED Position as cashier; can give ref erences. AB WOO. Oregonian Dream a era. DRESSMAKING, gowns, skirts, waists, de signing and altering; reasonable; work guaranteed. 1 Lovejoy. Ma:n 5'6': RTnTlbNflowtrsI fancy "underwear and chil dren's dresses. Phone E. 02VO. Apart, 44. Nurses. PRACTICAL NURFE; invalids, elderly poo pie: maternity, phone Marshall2C0. EXPERIENCED practical nurse, best ol references. Tall Esst 41I MI DDI. E AGED, experienced, practical nurse; doctor's references. Main bi37. NURSING by middle-aged lady: special rate for per ma nent case. Sell wood .l. Housekeepers. WIDOW, middle-aged, wishes a position as houseke-pT in widower's or bachelor s home. Ro.tm 3, Grand Union Hotel. 3H7Va E. Burnslde. A LADY of 55 year wishes a situation as housekeeper for bachelor or widower with out children. Address 789 Multnomah St., phone Esst 1043, CAPABLE woman, boy 3. desires house keeping, widower, city, suburbs. Main jiKi'j. RELIABLE sad capable woman wants work as housekeeper, rooming-house or aparj.-ment-houae preferred. East 6840. WANTED By a woman of refinement, a position aa companion or housekeeper, ref erencea. Y t. Oregonian. CAP4P-LE woman would take charge of rooming-house or hotel or barhelor apart ments Tp city or country. Phone E. 4577. TWO girls want place cooking and reneral housework: city or country; good wages. VU M issitslppl ave. Miacvllan- EXPERIENCED waitress wants position lo r-siaurant or boarding-house on the West SHe. Phone East .V.40, B 1175. ask for young lady in room DAT work wanted. Tuesday, Wednesday, or lake washing home; good laundress. Main 2'.2. M 1 - K. , COMPETENT woman wants day work by th dav. washing. Ironing, cleaning. Phone mornings or evenings. Mars-hail 1319. LaDY would i?k? position as companion. Oraduate of Weatlake. Los Angeles. S 663. Qregeqlan. MAN and wife wants housecteanlng by day or hour. G. P. Phone Y. M. C. A., Y. W. r. a. KITVHEN helper. waJtress. plain, hotel; ex perienced chambermaid. Main 2o39. A 4775. MIDDLE-AGED woman from East, experi enced, would tike house work or cooking. X Oregonian. WORK br the day or half day. Call aiter ;i M . Phone Main 2T.29. EXPERIENCED lsdy cashier would like po sition in cafe or hotel. AN 910. Oregonian. LJO'E curtains to carry borne; work guar antord. A 4SC1. WOMAN wants work by hour, at cleaning. Phone MarsPUT 02. WOMAN wishes day work. Phone Main 7S0. DAY WORK.Maln I1to. Call Mr?. Brown. imv wuhus any nof k. Main 4400. W. rtUi3 3. I r Z 7 . RELIABLE salesmen can make big money selling our well-known line of hardy non Irrigated trees, shrubs, roses, etc; out fit furnished, cash weekly. Address Ore gon Nursery Company. Ore nco. Ore gon. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED To rent nicely furnished house boat in good condition. Y 102. Oregonian. WANTED To rent 4 or R-room modern fur nished flat, close in. West Side; adults. Phone A 1?"'6. WANTED or 6-room furnished house, modern. V 900, Oregonian. Room. "WANTED Modern room for lipht house keeping with private family who can look after 5-year-old girl during day; state terms. J '.w4. Oregonian WANTED By vounr couple. 3 or 4 nicely furniuhed room, walking distance from 1 Outt. -nil Conv D A AH.lt-ca V I . ' Dickman, 934 East Gltsan st. MOTHER and daughter want two unfur .r.ished rooms by April 1. phono East 315 or B 2201 before 6 P. M. TWO young men wish room close In In Christian family; slate price, fi bi7, Ore gunian. Booms With Board. WANTED By young man, board and large, airy room or sleeping porch In private family; would prefer place far out on East Side. Phone Marsh all 236. WANTED Boarding place for Be mi -in valid lady; must be on East Side. Phone East 1322. FOR BENT. Rooms. PORTLAND ROOMING BUREAU. Rooms, flats, apartments, furnished, un furnished, board, all parts of the city; save you money, time, trouble. Let us lo cate vou. 26 Washington sL, R. 362. Marshall 2189. A .TJ4S. DON'T OVERLOOK THIS TODAY. "MiLNER BLDG." S50 MORRISON ST. MODERN. CENTRAL. REASONABLE. Furnished Boom NOW OPEN!. NOW OPEN"! XOW OVEN! Those three beautifully furnished hotels. HOTEL HOTEL HOTEL MINOOK PARSONS ROWLAND 213b 4th at. 21 1H 4th st. 20"H 4th St. On Fourth st. running from Taylor to Salmon st. Brand new brick, elegantly furnished; steam heat, private baths, hot and cold water In all" rooms; strictly up-to-date in all respects, snd at popular prices. If you want sometnlug out of the ordinary In the heart of the city at reasonable prices, give us a call as we know you will like It. Rooms by the day, week or month. Tourist trade solicited. HOTEL CAPLES, Residential. 300 Taylor. Transient. BeL 7th and park sts. Opposite new Heilig Theater, one block from Portland Hotel; brick building, just completed ; handsomely furnished ; every modern convenience, elevator service, team heat, telephone and hot and cold water In every room; single rooms and suites wiin or wunum piii- centrally located, near postoffice; just off .1 i . ..., lnnr alas hv ilnV. week or month. Phong Marshall 2200. ANGELA HOTEL. Permanent and transient, Just opened; brick building, beautifully furnished; every thing new; steam heat, hot and cold run ning water and telephone in all rooms; fine lobbv ana laoies- panor; iuu n single rooms with and without private k.rhi- v.rv winnahU rate bv day. Wek or month. phone Marshall 1950. . 623 WASHINGTON ST. THE WEAVER, 710 Washington st , near King; a perrect moatsrn no me. pi 1011 .,U -taam hear hilt A nH COld Water. SJld telephone In every room; finest part of me ciy , me mtuimum 01 .un . the mti Imum of- expense; we make you feel at home: dining-room In connection; best in the city for the money. HOTEL SAVON, 129 Eleventh St. Kir modern, brick building, steam heated', private baths, hot and cold water in rooms, oaumuuy lumiaiiwi, -'j comfortable. Rents very reasonable. Call and see us. Regular and transient trade solicited. SARGENT HOTEL. Grand ave. and Haw thorne; beautifully furnished rooms, sin gle or en suite, with private bath, hot and cold running water, private phone and team beat in every room; special Summer rate to permanent people: tirst-class grill and bar in connection; transient solicited. EVERY MODERN CONVENIENCE. FURNISHED ROOMS Six-story modern tire-proof building, hot and cold water and phones tn all rooms; all-night elevator service and only $4 per week; transient rooms $1 to $2 per day. Drexel Hotel, 246 Yamhill St. GRAND UNION HOTEL. 087 H East Burnslde St. Modern throughout, hot and cold run ning water, steam heat, rooms single or ensuite. rooms with private bath; transient rate 75c to 2 per day; weekly, 50 to 7 East 5940, B 1275. CALUMET HOTEL. Park st., between Morrison snd Alder. Heart of the city; quiet and modern; free bus or W car at depot; rates $1 single, $1.50 double: also family rooms with pri vate baths, etc HOTEL FOSTER Rates $3.50 a week up; hot and cold water in every. room, steam heat, telephone connections with rooms, tree baths, large lobby; a thoroughly mod ern respectable family hotel; 200 rooms. Corner Third aud Davis its. BUSH MARK HOTEL, 17th and Washington Newly furnished rooms, single or en suite; private baths, steam heat, hot and cold water and phone In all rooms; rates reasonable; transients solicited. AUDITORIUM HOTEL, 208 Third street, between Taylor and Salmon sts. Hot and cold water, steam heat, elevator ; rates $3 ,'i0 and up, 50c day and up. Main 2374. A 3267 MODERN outside rooms, $3 to $5 per week. Including baths; also housekeeping rooms. 54SS Washington st. LARRABEE 227 I,orrabee St., modern, nicely furnished rooms, transient; Sue and up: low rates by week or month. ELEGANTLY furnished front rooms, suit able for two; also other rooms reasonable; close In. SoO Madison. FRONT ROOM, nicely furnished, suitable for 2 gentlemen or man and wife, very reasonable, private family. 292 Lincoln. NICELY furnished rooms. with gas, bath ana pnon- -1 -"j 833 18TH ST. Large front room, suitable for two; bath, telephone; reasonable. THE GAYOSA Modern rooms. Grand ave. and East Stark. STEAM heat, light, bath, phone; $10. One onta, 187 17th St., near Yamhill. ( HEATED rooms, for 2 or 8, $3 up; transient aOc. 3i lammii. THE HAZEL Nicely furnished, steam heat, . nrf Mnnl omrv. Furnished Booms In Private Families. 2 AIRY well-furnished rooms, new and clean. In nice quiet modern home, use of? parlor and piano; price $15 and $12.50. 40 yara NICELY furnished bedroom: neat, clean and cosv; suited either for gentleman or two working girls; very reasonable. 38 N. 21st ar., near v anninnmi. FURNISHED room for rent for 2 or 3 In a modern flat, gents preferred. B min utes' walk. 228 hi 10th L Phone Main ROT. FOR RENT Two front rooms, single or en suite; modern conveniences; suitable for four gentlemen or four ladles. 32 North 16th at. NICELY furnished rooms, with or without private bath: hot and cold running water; most centrally located; rates reasonable. Over St. Nicholas Cafeteria, 12'. 6th. ONE nlr-elv furnished room, modern home, very reasonable. 40. cor. 6th and Harri son sts. phone A :i85. NP 'ELY furnished rooms, modern, suitable for two; will serve breakf-st. 741 Gliaan a t reet. FRONT room, clean and pleasant, all con veniencea, walking distance. 360H Park street. ONE nice furnished room. 474 Clay, Wet Hide; walking distance; gentlemen preferred- EXTRA FINE and large furnished room In fine home, walking distance. 254 East 8d North, corner Multnomah. Nir ELY furnished sttting - room , m od ern convenience ; walking distance. Phone East 6000. 548 East Taylor st. M"DERN front room, 2S N. 16th St. walking distance. LA RE room for one or two, 10 minutes from Washington. 347 13th st. NEATLY furnished rooms. 414 Salmon; gen tlemen oniy NEATLY furnished front room for one or two gentlemen, eiu laytor mi., pear j 3 1 n. FINE clean single room, close In. bath, phone, gas. $3 weekly. 432 Bumaide. WANTED A lady roommate. Call at 145 llth. ' . NICELY furnished room. West Side; walking distance; gentlemen prefer ed. :t:t llthst. $lo month Newt furnished outsiue room; walking, distance. 4.02 01a. i l- uralaned Kuons in m-ate rrauues. i NEWLY furnished large front room in quiet home with all modern conveniences; three adults In family: convenient to good boardlng-hoose. 123 N. 23d sL NEATLY furnished room. $4, per week: suit able for two or more gentlemen if desired. Inquire 6:30 to 7::t0 P. M. Bath, phone, heat. 226 12th. near Salmon. , Unfurnished Rooms. DESIRABLE UNFURNISHED ROOMS. MILNEK BLJJU.. MUHni."u. MODERN. CENTRAL, REASONABLE. 3 CONNECTING rooms; light, phone, bath, choice locality. 724 E. Burnslde. Call mornings. Rooms With Board. PORTLAND Women'a Union. 2zS year; rooms with board, use of sewing-room, li brary. Elj-ianders. F. N. Heath, supt. THT2 CALVARD, 452 Morrison, corner 13th; modern convenle nee s ;wal kin g distance LAMBERSON. 554 Couch, desirable outside rooms, home cooking, convenient location. BOARD and room for young men. Casa NICELY FURNISHED room, good board. Booms With Board in private Family. SUITE of rooms, newly furnished; 2 beds. $18 per month: excellent board jaear. 4 Hoyt. Marshall 220. ; SPLENDID parlor suite, large light rooms, fireplace; other rooms, choice board, piano, fine neighborhood. 761 Marshall. ATTRACTIVE room I n refined modern home for two people only; the best to offer, close in. Phone East 143. ROOM and board In home of young people. B 30&S. 4U i..ua via. ROOM and board for one gentleman. 5-9 East Davis street. m LARGE pleasant room, suitable for two, breakfast and dinner. Main 2071. upn'T hnv window room. Itable for 2, with board. 254 12th, near Main, LARGE room, close in. family privileges, bath, home cooking, $5 week. East 4246. YOUNG business woman wants roommate; VlMimthniiifljrhQlcflboard. 712 H03 St. BOARD and room, private family, 2 gentle men; $25 per month. Main 3649. ROOM and board for two gentlemen of good habits. 712 Hoyt st, Apartments. HADDON HALL APARTMENTS. 414 11th- St.. Cor. of Hall. New. 4-story, modem brick building, with 3 and 4-room furnished and unfur nished apartments with private batn, phone and balcony porches, every room Is an outside room; very desirable location for the Summer as well as Winter; we have the best of janitor service and all other modern conveniences. Call and. see these apartments. phone Marshall llio. Mgr., Apt. 205. THE CAMAR. 704 LOVEJOY ST. New, modern brick apartments, fur nished and unfurnished, in 2, 3 and 4 room suites with private baths and recep tion halls; nothing in the city like it; sur rounded by beautiful homes, nice lawn, one block from M car and 2 blocks from 23d st. car. If you want all the comforts or home, come to the Camar. for you will be met with a WELCOME HAND and EX1 RAORDINAR1LY CHEAP RATES. DON'T FAIL TO COME. ARCADIA APARTMENTS. 706 Everett sL. beL 21st and 22d sta. Opened Feb. 1 ; new and nicely fur nished 3 and 4-room suites, private phone, bath in each; Holme disappearing bed; steam heat, hot water, janitor service, mall nnn nil Tnefe-ss. delivered at door; all outside roms ; brightest apartment- no use m the city; no aara rooms cleanliness and good service our motto. CARMELITA APARTMENTS Are now ready for occupancy, unfurnished, four and five-room suites, reception balL automatic elevator, telephone and all modern conveniences. Call at tho Carme llta apartments, southeast corner of 13tn and Jefferson sts., and have Miss Allen, the manager, show you something extra jflne,or phone Main 3968. ' THE BARKER Corner 21st and Irving sts. This new 4-story brick, opened January 1, J011; furnished and unfurnished in two, three and four-room suites with reception hall; Pacific phone in each apartment; electric elevator, Tolmes disappearing beds, built-in buffet and writing desk, gas ranges, icebox, plenty of closet room, II you want something extra tine; come to the Baiker. phone Marshall 296L LUCRETIA COURT APARTMENTS on Lucretla street, near Washington street. Unfurnished apartments in this most modern, up-to-date building. All large outside rooms, with large closet rooms, private telephone and all modern con veniences. Apply to superintendent on premises. References required. HEINZ APARTMENTS, 14th and Columbia, 4 blocks south from Morrison st,; new brick building, completely first-class; fur nished In 2. 3 and 4-room family apartment-; private bath, reception hall, steam heat, hot water, elevator, free phone, jani tor service; rent per month $2S. $32, $40, $45. Also one unfurnished 3-room, $26. PENINSULA Apartments One of Portland s finest apartment-houses. 4-minute car service, beautiful part city to live, 11354 Aiblna ave,, cor. Killingsworth. Take Mis sissippi, L or Kenton car at Third and Wash, sts., 15 mln. ride; 2 3 and 5 rooms, completely furnished. $17.50 to $;i0 mo.; also unfurnished apt. Woodlawn 2259. THE BANNER APARTMENTS. West Side. 4t Clay st.. near 14th; all modern, completely furnished 2-room apartments: new house, new furniture; rates $20 per month and up, Including steam heat, electric light, hot watr, free phone. Janitor service. Marshall 2074. ORpERLEIGH APARTMENTS.' Cor. Grand ave. and E. Stark st. New fireproof brick building beautifully furnished. Two and three-room apart ments; private bath, hot and cold water, steam heat. Phone East 800. KEELKK Apartments, 14th and Clay sts.; new brick building with modern Improve ments, electric eievator, etc; each apart ment is vestlbuled and with private phones and bath. Apply at once for April vacan cies. THE LILLIAN. Cor. 6th and Montgomery sts. New, modern. elegantly furnished. 3 room apartments: all outside rooms; pri vate batns and telephones. Phone Marshall 1378. "THE CEDAR HILL." 187 Green ave., Portland Heights, near 23d t. and City Park; nicely furnished three room and bath; light, airy, sunny outside apartment, mountain view. Phone A 7534. RE-UK AN APTS-, Marshall, Between 19th and 20th, cozy, airy and most homelike In city; 8 rooms furnished, private bath; privaLe phone; everything up to date; rent reasonable. Main 6032, A 319L THE CECELIA, 22d and GUsan sts. Phone, Marshall lbU4. One furnished, one unfur nished apartment, private porches, with awnings; private phones. Sunniest apart ment in the city. THE MORDAUNT Apartments. 18th and Everett, opposite Christian Scientist Church Unfurnished; 4 rooms and recep tion hall; everything up to date; look At these before locating. THE PARKHURST. 10th and Northrup. Phone Main 1178. A few choice 3-room elegantly furnished apartments left; electric elevator, Jan itor service, steam heat. Apply to Janitor. MEREDITH APTS.. 712 Washington St., 3 room apts., newly furnished, strictly mod ern, all conveniences. Free phones, ST. CROIX Apartments, for rent, 1 fur nished and 1 unfurnished 3-room apart ment, modern. 170 St, Clair and Wash 1 n gton. Main 5247 and A75 1 1. MAHR APARTMENTS. Elegantly furnished apartments, private phone and bath, electric elevator, 223 North 20th. Phone Marshall 202a. MADISON PARK APARTMENTS. FAKK AND MADISON STREETS. Nwly furnished three and four-room apartments, 5 blocks south Hotel Portland. THE STANLEY, 701 Washington One four room unlurnished and one three-room fur nished or unfurnished, all outside rooms, free phone service, elevator. THE ALTAMONT. 6th and College. Nicely furnished mouern apartments; rent very reasonable. MODERN 5-room apartment, furnished or unfurnished. Braintree Apartments, 205 12th s t. rno ntg -u m -n. ,-o. MORTON, 607 Washington, 3-room fur nished modern apartment, private phone, bath, lanitorserice. Reasonable. IRIS APARTMENTS, 3d and Mill sts., 5 room. unfurnisned apartment, $45; mod i ..vi.irn.ntn adults onlv. eril miyt""-""- - FIRST-CLASS room and board, 10 minutes walk to P. O.; comfortable home. 563 5th, corner Lincoln. kt" -thr r-HETOPA. 1 S Flanders St., 3 rooms. 1 - iinrurnisneo. add y to lani- IuniiB"tu w- - - - tor. , -tn- A NT V APABTa-iB ana single BOA-N - a strictlv modern: rooms ne.- 23d st, Marshall 2821. rea- sonaotp " . . ggjLmodern. 229 11th t. a. ROOM sieam--s - u. Dw Washington st-, "C." Phone Marshall 452. Flat. FOR RENT CHEAP, choice fiat. 6th and Wasco. v. xvcauu IRVINGTON FLATS Corner 8th and Han cock, will be ready April 1; 4 rooms, private frout porch. screened sleeping porch, fireplace, furnace, hardwood floors, built-in buffet, tile baths, gas range fur nished. These flats are the newest ana best on the East Side. Rent $30.00. F. C. BOWMAN CO., 22d and Brazep. F.WX. STRICTLY modern 5-room flat for rent: all or any part of furniture for sale cheap; beat West Side residence district; morn- ings. 72SH-iJohnson st. 8-ROOM flat, furnished; phone, bath, elec tric light ; everything convenient. 433 Montgomery st. , 7-ROOM modern flat. 446 Park St.; furnace and fireplace. $37.50f no children, phono East 1431 or Tabor 763. , CHOICE 5-room upper or lower flats, 12 minutes to Postoffice, cheap. 450 4th sL Phone A 3390. FOR RENT Five -room upper flat. afi sunny looms; excellent location. 770 East Salmon St., near 23d. FOR RENT 3-room furnished flat. West Side. $25 per month. For particulars, ap ply 3:3 Oak st., near 6th. NICELY furnished 6-room upper flat. Nob li; adults; references; price $55. Pbona A 2U62, mornings.- $30. NEW 6-room flat, fireplace, furnace, strictly modern. East Side, close In; adult only. Marshall 1445. FOR RENT 5-room upper flat, heat, hot, cold water, furnished, cor. 16th East Mailt Key 626 East Main. - 2 MODERN flats, walking distance. 301 S01 Vj E. 12th, near Hawthorne. East 4133; $30. , 4-ROOMS flat. 12th and Belmont. B. H. Bowman Wheeldon. A 7695. Main 1061. $40 Modern, unfurnished upper 6-room flat. phone Ma in bSOS. $25 LARGE, modern, nicely furnished 3 room flat, near sul bridge. East 1403. DESIRABLE 4-room flat, porch, close in. West fcide. Inquire 233 H Hall. FOR RENT Modern, upper, 5-room flat, 763 Marshall st. Phone owner. East 4767. NEW 5-room upper flat, Belmont, near 25th. Tabor 414. FIVE-ROOM lower flat. 468 East Burnside. Russell & Blythe. Communwealth Bldg. CLOSE-IN 5-room flat; can't beat It for $20. 344 Benton. FURNISHED upper floor at 449 6th st. Housekeeping Booms. THE BEAVER. 2th and Marshall, fur nished for housekeeping, gas range, elec tric lights, hot water, bath, laundry, free; $15 per month up; a clean place, best in the city for money ; short distance from Union Depot. Take "S"' or 16th-st, cars north, get off at Marshall st. No dogs. WELL furnished houses, flats, room- 5 room cottage, $20 month ; 4-room flat, $17.50; suites, 2 furnished housekeeping rooms. $8. $10, $12 month; S, $15. Appiy t 364 26th st. North. W car from depot, oth. west on Morrison to 26th, block north. WELL-FURNISHED 5-room cottage, $20 month; lower furnished 4-room flat, $17.50 month; well-furnished housekeeping suites, 2 rooms. $8, $10 and $12 month; 3 for $15. Apply 364 North 26th. W car from depot. Sth or Morrison to 26th, block north. $1.50 TO $2.50 WEEK; clean, furnished housekeeping rooms, free laundry, bath, phone, clean linen, heat. 406 Vancouver ave. and 203 Stanton; take U car. NEWLY furnished 3-room flat, light house keeping room, and sleeping rooms; strict ly modern. 1M East 7th. FINE DOWNTOWN HOME. MILNER BLDG., 350 MORRISON ST. MODERN CENTRAL. REASONABLE, THE New York, 2 and 3 rooms, furnished and unfurnished, new and modern; free phones. East 7th and Belmont. E. 5200. ONE large and very desirable furnished housekeeping room; own outside entrance. 251 7th st. . 461 EAST MORRISON, corner East Sth, fur nished housekeeping suites; walking dis- lance. 2 AND 3-room suites, just furnished, ground floor, walking distance, free phone, rent reasonable. 465 East Ash. 4S7 TAYLOR, near 14th. 2-room front suite, furnace heat, no children. HOUSEKEEPING rooms in new concrete blag. Phone Woodlawn 2997 or 2379. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, S1.50 to $2 per week, single or en sulte.201 Second at. NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms, Tho Idaho. West Side. . 389 6th st. Housekeeping Rooms In Private Family. - ONLY $X2 Large, beautiful, clean, thor oughly furnished. housekeeping front room: lovely location; near park and riv er; walking distance. 064 East Oth St.. Brooklyn car. Lights, phone, bath. Phono Sellwood 1109. NICELY furnished housekeeping suite In. private family, modern, gas. light and bath, select neighborhood. West Side, walking distance; rent $20; references. 390 Jackson st. Phone Main 2078. TWO large nicely furnished housekeeping rooms; large closet and pantry; piano, range, easy walking distance, rent reason able, including light, water, bath and phone. 38 N. 21st, near Washington. FIRST-CLASS large rooms, single or en suite; lawn; splendid viewpoint; heat, lights, baths, phone. 575 Couch N. E., corner 18th. A 5280. $11 Two large rooms, kitchen, bath and use of range and free water; 1 block from L car. Call 667 Alblna ave. TWO nice housekeeping rooms and alcove, fnrnished, bath, telephone, etc., $15; East Side In good neighborhood. Phono Tabor 286. FRONT and back parlor, nicely furnished i for housekeeping; deisrable location, bath, electricity, heat and phone; nice porch and lawn. Main 5467. NEWLY furnished housekeeping rooms. $12 per month. 329 Montgomery St., between 6th and 7th. NICELY furnished 2-room suite, walking distance. Phone Main 5968. Call 6U9 Everett. CENTRALLY located, furnished, bath. gas. phone; children taken; $12.50 and up. 429 Main st. TWO or three newly furnished front house keeping rooms. 182 E. 23d. Phono East 4S31. ' . $16 3 "FURNISHED housekeeping rooms in cottage, gas range, sink, bath, yard, sep arate entrance. 610 1st st. NICE front housekeeping suite, clean and respectable, bath, phone, $22. 432 Burn- line. FOUR nice housekeeping rooms, first floor aIca O-i-on Biiite -21 7th st. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, close In. clean, nicely furnished; furnace heat. 867 3d st. THREE nicely furnished housekeeping rooms reasonable. 781 Kearney. ota BRIGHT, clean furnished housekeep- T - m T.inrnln. Main (OV4n. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms; pri vat e family. Phone East 5250. 311 Cherry st. FURNISHED front rooms; gas, bath and phone ; no children. 340 College. NICELY furnished room, private family, 15 1 , ii, . nvn -Phono Anno. 2 CLEAN, light, furnished housekeeplng- h.th. 1K month. !ra PYonL 3 FURNISHED housekeeping-rooms: gas, bath, laundry. Inquire 629 Thurman at. ONE large furnished housekeeping-roonu frivate emreuw. "-" FOUR nicely furnished housekeeping rooms; IWO Dl. J.O " PLEASANT housekeeping rooms, nice loca- tlpn. -liV AX Oil. jom 8 NICELY furnished nouseKeeping rooms, heat, light, bath, phone, 495 Montgomery. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, no chil dren. 429 East Ash. Phone East 107. THREE modern nicely furnished house keeping rooms. rea&ona.mc -v" i.-. j-ji-u q. 2 AND 3 housekeeping rooms; $10 a month. 1717 Portsmouth ave. ONE large front room, furnished for house keeping ; gas, bath, pjione. 255 11th rt. HOUSEKEEPING rooms. 149 13th sL, be- t ween jiurriauu am- m . THREE furnished housekeeping rooms to. a,UUHP, 11 'Jill. o-'i " NICELY furnished housekeeping-rooms, $13'' per month. 490 Taylor st. . Houses. HOUSES and flats for rent, some furnished. MERCHANTS SAVINGS & TRUST COMPANY. S. W. Cor. 6th and Washington Sts. 9-ROOM RESIDENCE, corner East Wash ington ana AOtn; en;i) , wood floors, etc Inquire 90 East 16th. T hone B 1941. 20 MODERN 7-room house. porcelain T i i lr,rf.tv t t-q vm fial I uronrl pjuniuuitft a", j 897. - FOR RENT 2 houses, cne 5-room, $18; one 6-room" $20, between 20th and 21st on VauL'hD st. Phone Main29S0. HOUSE of 8 rooms and batn. 714 Lovejoy. ; COrT 22d. lDQUirB IWDixioiumBingiio. oTroOM modern house on 24th. near Over- , ton. Phone Main 2474 or A 2474. , FOR RENT 7-room house. 854 E. 35th C, 822.50. FOR RENT New 5-room cottage, 869 Hood ; st. Inquire 426 6th st. MODERN 7 rooms, attic, fireplace, furnace, ciuse in; adults only. 722 . Main. A