THE MOKXIXO OREGOMAX. MONDAY, XARCn 2T. 1911. nr. i.r.T tf. rr ..1. ran... n ACRE.o. CI-ARK. COCSTT. WASHINGTON. THI1 IS . FIRST -CLASS OIL: A-nM CLEARED AND MAS BEEN IN VtAIXlW. WELL SEEDED: SOME BOT TOM LAND; ALL WK SOIL: SOME LAND H.IOHTLT IIOI.LINU. FENCES AND BCIDtNOS WERE ALL BCRNED TX-vWN LAST SCMMER: : MILES FROM PORTIJLXD. MI1-E FROM RAIL ROAD: THE PRICE IS ONLT 2fn. k CASH. BALANCE I.ON'J TIME. THIS IS, AN EXCELLENT BUT AT THIS PRICE. AS OTHER LAND ADJOINING IS KKLLINO AT MUCH II IO HE It PRICES, INVESTIGATE THM AT ONCE. w. w. Esrr.r. SI COMMERCIAL BLOCK. ID AND WASHINGTON STS. G Hr lVtTMKSTS. On. ef tarc-t Un4 d.ata In J11- t-rr of Il.ntoa tounty ha. J" l..d. h-rb Frank l.oti id ' f.rm of J ..c.t.d 4 mil of f..m.h. r,In. t P M. Rai': r..B..1.ritii. .. In. " inrush A Bowman . of philomath. ur-"- Mr. Konl. u b..uhi ts. tiar. nptf ' 'ul ' up Int.. ainatt era.-(a to au:l purfcMrf. -. ti air. all .old SO r to A. Ii!L "f I)Tton. Oroa- T I" f. n t irartl In tn. rnuolj. arm tnaa. .x 'U'n: fruit farms. A tract t 3-- aa. .illabl. to tlt UK lni .mll tra-t. 'or fruit and poul , t" 1 mU. . from rhll"math. KT'"l arr a orMlar cultirallon; pfifa. .TtT- ....half mil f--r pM!oiuih. Oregon, whl'h rould M rot up ir.t small tra.-ta for fr-lts or i--r.r.-.J loo acre under euiti tmn. pri--e. $ o y-r aere. . good f-m pmt-lE"n large " mull. fr bo?.' or tn-eetmeat. of fol !er or map nf Oregon, call "t rr wre Ka!-ater Row man I,and v o . Fi 3-7-fi. philomath, ltenton County. or MR MOM K HKKKKR. TV'a ilmpiy ant t mntln faar of tN- many -hotc- barain which ar v mnt iru't oo) "ill cm- in our of Oca and 1-. aa bava a caat with you. ii af-r tr-r. flna f'T ruttlna up. I :x-icr tra-:. flna for cut tin up 4 acr-a. lovely boma ran. b. li? a-ra firm, near It. ft. and a-hooL tra a.ra farm a K- lt-i b. fruti or- c' ar-t. a --raa. ran't help but maka you mney. ;i .-r fruit fifrn. I m k to R. R. T a- r- lo-flc c hi- ken ranch. v m rav ama mor an.t would Ilka ta gav yyr hand In o-ir of f.cak URuNd-STKKI. Ground KVoor Lewia IiMa;.. ur. 4'h and lak fta. )iK a I.F Ftna rlern Orrf.n wheat fana of U-d a-ra, 1 1 acre- In cultia t 4.n acrea in wh-at thia vear. a. r-a prfvctiv level, balanc a MtMa rrIN l"C a. I rniH. r-l Uep l. no m-. -:iv 4 m' la t'- raUra.f. S mu I" acho.i: houa-a. laraa barn and windmill; ..nty of fin ait-r. 1 hta land I" '.: of 1M and 3U acrea. Will aell tntihr or a-Tarata. prti f ."5 pr ara n verr eaay t-rma. from tha owner dl-r-'". T H- I -(?'. a l-a. Koret Prove Or. trTMFKKER--. ATTK.NTIOX. tn lookiDf for a h-ima don't for-t Aah-Tan-I. atu-ted at aou'h end of Hofj hiver 'y. pxp'Jla'lon . a'hoo!a iha baat In tit a'ace. th mat healthful locality. f ,r mut!Q wafr. hot and coid mineral r-imt. ho.da w .r.j pr for p-a h-a and TV on a t tun in ail h'D-itJ of f ruit ; cil-m- very deatrabia. Tba Am erica a l:-ty t ma and a-a for youraalf or wrlta to ' Aan -nd t'.ub. Alh.an4.ur. 10 nAl.K : bt ki-d of. garden a il s irri in rap-a. bala.ico f imi'l frut and atfhea. naw i -rt-m plastered u. -nt fc-n-h 'U-. good w-U ; flna view l'or'lanl and rn mouritaina; 2 S mi l-a to rir y limit, eataily ttivliid Into tra ta "ali. ar a oa n-r aflernoocva at mall fc. oamld road. V mil at coufn'j atati.av. oa o W. p.. urtaoa t'l-T route. a. ,VKK.-MlLIHMliO Lo. Tha a a find at th pr1.-a; 4 rr-a n.t-r euitUatlon. a'ma rtr bottom, so.. I rr,k and arrtna. a houa. ft a r of t'mter baUn- tn t-itora eaoily put tan-.1-r plow, m-tri Juat a f'w rotten itumiA 1 won't re-t it If a I-at thia T-r -r. iL I. Noiaa. v ham bar of ..-n -lerca. C-wm:r t IaT.K Two Tery dea'rahla farm a, ane.y I ooa te4. abundana- Wo.x and water. r,:ntnttnl to and railroad, at at tractive pri'-ea. i.'twi. k. llofstt. Or. JiO tR E.. ! cul:.. ful aiij. fine bu:: - lrc, hofwi co a etc.. T ml town. I '... hif cmu V. tladek. owner. Crab tree. or. I t'HK Yam h HI fount y. flna fruit and at.-. land. .. 1 caatk. Phooa Sell- j -. Ow Dr. 0aA'I'.ES oa water, convenient, small rash pwmT.l. hak Urna. O JUMdlvkauOt. Y uu.aav Or. J;T owner. 1 a -r-a, 1 rTna from elctre II -a. railroad 2 tnt'em. area clear-d. h't 7l route 1. Huthmrd. Or. 3 D i-At'RE FARMS Owner. East l , At mill city lum. term. Mtarellai 4 to Multnomah Oration on the Orewon Klevtr.a.- an-1 ae WiM-ood. the naw addl it. n j'ft p.'-d on the market: :t rnin urt from the i-entar of Portland. Tho Wa'arn S- iv. 414 41 paid in a; bid.. '-nT and agents. ay iTrj-Rr L T.T Tf- V XT F l An Inalde lot la I pr Atfir.a. n -t oer $!. or modern 8 rom hou-. h va about ft liKV cash. W rlta X bl. 'recor.ian. "W ANTET- A-rea near Portland; party take part payment; nw-e, home In alifor aia town. a'ue.l 1kv. balance cash. Full V-rttcula first letter. AH S trsonlan. fV7NT A Wt. avTrTe. hane. fr my equity. 91rf.'J. In S-rom bungalow; streets im oroa. Owner. &14 McKay bide. ,1'KKAi.E for platting, la or Dear c!t r w ar id. terms must be easy and price r i c : 1 1. W" t rror i an. XTTIV TIMBER L4XIH, TtWMKH lnds wanted. C. J. McCrackea. 4 M.kay b dg. rOPJ ALK TTHBEB LAXD. t A vp for cash. fet absolutely f ra;. 4 ass e l w fir. on railroad, good, found for Locartng. crutse g jarante.!. T hie la a logg;ng pr-ipoeltlon at leaa than ap-a;ators" pn; can on.y will tve con a.Jered. M Oreg.nia.n: XJ- '"H TIM HER tlth compete ahlngt. p .an;ng sawmill . li mi. re Purr and. e. r:.nt market, b ax gam price. -7Co, 1ao lirar.davj. ' art h, 16 A RE J of tlmVr near the Wilson Rirer: ft I cash. Te W eatera Sec. e'ex, 414 pa d:Og bidg. T1VI Lit LANt'5 no, cur AM) SOLD C. J. M C K A C K E N.--4 M K ay Plrl g. I OP. SAt-E Pme loccing proposition wPb n.iil. erteap aud well iocate-d. AU IU Oiegooaan, VANTEr Tet:owf'r logging proposition: r I'sa than 23 tXi.tKA . refer railroad. aT ax Oreanlan Ja Ai li ES Umbrf land. rs r. t Count t. about . .wOlo) f-et. ftla-w. ftlOVO cash, A L. 179 if(.'ti!iia row. REXT rRMk 4 ACRES of f re U d, cloae In. suitable for an v thine Cail -0 Ruaeetl at. or phono ,mt 3.r. W IVTTD TO RrT-rARal to uru(.c llrEItN ft -room cotrc on Una lot near g car; value ft.-w; wtu trade for afftr Part la ad. tall at 414 lpa.d- in t g. WILL TRAI'C A bwatneaa that ia pas lag ft" monthly: hear Ctwat in.ea:igat ion. worth y umdt . no ac-oia A M '-i. . Te con lan ILL trade ft na U . -a ttr timber foe amai: r. !-nc tn portlaad; cnaisa guaraater. At. T trregoaiaa. 1 rXa'HANOC ft ac-ea Al fruit land for ana -I rvxi -n . g -boe or aoto la good r- r . P j a. OTcon'aa. A t eschaage your property for what yea etre. port. and Facbaaga. 1T aboard of T-a.'a b'-ig; ae Mr. Wteac . i " K ' p c:ur sboar. clearing $JA to t a w to tr1e for r-a I estate. Mam ' I I' l KT it to rvrhinae foe Kullft. 4- -aatvaia. weea i'-a- Ai 4W ' , TO El H1NI-K. CX'.'Xi ANGR. T aTfi of flhfit land eMatnab' 1" frnj ci:r proper tip to f -O or $7"J 11 ret rnirot. n-ar:y hate In high -tate - f rulitt:i"D. balance has gu-.'ate d .7 wortft of rtrsl-gmwth .. cia to market: lctrlc lin itn. iJtruK. proprtj. cloa to Portland; a money maker. 1IAW LOCKE. 4 n m Kej-men i 1 1 .. a n a r k. FOR HAI.K or . han for city prop-rtr. acre. 2 In cuili tat'lnn. J m'ie from I'ortland. vo-jn orchard. hou. iw4 barn. 1 mi: from smail load. far:mr. lm pimnta. 4 god rwa. 34 cata. 10C0 cal. b-tUnca i yrare. t per cant; act Quta-k: t'n pla'a will make you money, ha K. K. Whit. K'rn I'arfc Station. Ta bor S 7. ornr Vn ail day ekdti. FOK SALE, or a til trW tar city pro party, iry -eV-acra raorb: &3 a -raa l-yar-oltl Comic and d A n J ra p-ara: 5 acraa - Er-3.d bpit and Telloar Naatoama; oca Blver. cloaa to MeUfoM. on county read, ooa mUt from railroad atatioa; riria-. barn. wall, aprinca. lara; craak ruoniBR ibrnuih pla,-a; Inn proved and up to data. 7-1 iiuarU of T.ada oldc- fort land. I'URTI.AXU HEIGHTS. Ct4vl tiw lot on the Iow-r Meirhta, r!nf m; thrwe h lock a from car; m.n uta walk to PoatofTu-a; will rhanc for nvr-fi:il automobilr: m not consider anytninc but a k"4 machine. M a lnJVJ. A 1J J7. KriTT. aluabta . tnnatlr unim proved!. conldarnbia timber. od. cla l. M-fm and mill: Juat beyond preaent terminus new Vancouver alec trie; ax rhan: f r Portland property. Telephona. Tb-.r I IIA K an 8-ronm bun.alow. artth lota. In i-qullia. or., to i.tnita for boma iu Portland, or will consider an cuu1t. K. H. HUVXI'KR. 4-H Mhak b'ttC- WANT r-L A irood suburban acreaca prop er t v m fxchanie for a oo equity In a Hj.4 S-rw)m h iaa and a 40 equity In a lot worth ollvo. Writa to raa. M Orecontan. ie"YIEW LOTS. Columbia, H 'ichii Addi tion. Vancouver. Wash. ; valua '4V; a HI ex.-hant;- f-r Portlnnd lots or arrcaga. Cellar--MurtonCo.. y p aid in g h i-U. 1 ACKKi One timber, one and ona-half m;ia frm sawmill, to fxrhanc for sia-r.w-m buoaraiow; value aJ-UHo. 1'hone K-al i -.. CALIrRNlA ratsln ranch. 4 acres In tw-r-Ina. fr aIe. or would take Iniprov cd purtlaud property. . H. Lewis. 3 Laria br . $1J EtlTT In beautiful 5-acra a.pla trart for Portland property. AN vl. urt aronian. WE can mat. h up your trade. 11. A. "handler. t1 Lumbermens Mdc. tK SALE. Veh tr lea and II a HOUSES KOR HALE. 3 span gray gt-Idinga aNj h.. age S to . 1 span brown JU. and ti.. 5.-H H.a.. ft and 7. 1 span buy geldings. U.V'O ls.. 1U ycara. 1 aran brown geldings. )ba. 4 yearn 1 span bUrk. M. and '.. -'"-' lbs a and II. 1 span son-el .-;dings. Iba.. lo j ears. 1 ap-n roans. 1 '.. T and II. 1 apan sorrels. K0 its.. V and It. And several others, from lout to H'Ki. alo aeveral furniture wasous and delivery wag ons. Ail horses a.d from our stab.ra are subject to our guarantee. If not sat isfactory to h returned Uaa ftl Pr day w h';e gone. Hawthorns Avenue ritaulea It l KS MlSSOl'IM MI'LPji. We are aaain at Iho L'nton ttovk Tarda where we will carry a goad stock of flrat- r :aa bavy draft miiiea during t Knrin and S ummff aeaeon. On M day. March 77. wa will receive our first r..rinnmnl of taro llfl 41 head. Toeae roukt run In ag from 4 to T yea re and weigh from l.uo to 14.0 lbs., and are eat re quality. For reference. Our la.t y-ar' a rutimn. Ml RPIiY HOU.SK Mt'LE CO.. I'h me Woodiawn 2M.C UL lit USES OF ALL KIN OH. Farm munlo. city delivery and drivers, ev-ry horse a.d under our own guarantee, money refund d if not as repraa-nted. We have 4- h. ad and soma spndld bar- g tina for immeatiat sale. Cad and are for yours-:f. Trial given. TUOD S (AU: BARN, v 334 Kr..nt. Pbon Main --T. A 13-. Prices from 4d up FOR HALF. A hotel omnibus In fair con d'taoa. H ft 71. Oregonlan. WAVTFtv Matched bay team about I4ft0 lbs.. mut be oung. sound ana in ihi condition. Roberta liroa. Id and iloniwo. FOR the best qualities) of work of driving horses at the moas reaaonaOla prices, go to to Roeo Cltv Park atabics. at K st. and bandy ro.vd. Tke Roae City park car. Adams A fampt-H. proprietors. 41 S r off graUn. work. 2i IfaJ horaea and marea iao-1 -a ts. lnqu:re of Iravie pra. W m1 ard. E- ath and Haw thorne aie. PORTLAND Stab'-a. 2 N. Lilt St. H or sea. harneaa. al; ktrola of wagona; guaranteed. Iiar.k and bus.nesa referencea R. L. Ev ana ioi"SALE at a barga'n. one bay mare. 7 eara old. weaht l-'uU tba; gentle and well broke anywhere. W. C- ttreen, a th st. North, phoi.e M-;n "2. FCR - LE 1 team, hamrii. wagon. Call for W. Cruel. iv. Vamhiil St.. or Seli wood fiRTl.ANO Ptablea. 2 N l'-th st. Phono Marshall lixik It or a. wagiig and bual neea rigs for hire bv day or month. SIX head of oung. aound horse, one -700 p.iun'.s mattii'tl bay team, and 7; trial VM K Y a m li 1 1 L 11 ARB and colt, also one mare with foal. .! at oNls. Wortman A Rtnf stable, b4 East 7:h st. North. WANTEl Good ruher-tlro top buggy. Ad- d.-s ll.ia : 7 7. Silierton. Or. Fi.R HALE Young horse and good buggy; n-Ji r.ab:e. 6vl Inaley av. FlR SALE 1300-pound horse. IT ice $a. Phone Woodiawn "2 4. Aatomohllem, FOR SALE Stan lev St-amer that will rUmb the mount ama The cnly car for th.a country. :w H. P. steam, equal lo ii If t w aaolen. I'lf eaulnoed With ton. FOR SALE Or will trade for rood prop erty. -cylinder, S-pasaenger 191o car. only run : mUes and in perfect condition. 4e:i on vry earn terma See KEASEY. HI MASON JEFFERT. 2ZZ Chamber of Commerce. Main 111). A Jilt. STEARNS 3i-r,0 H. P. 7-pawnter. lop. front, speedometer. ovrhaul and re painted., perfect condition; 3.M)0; own-r win accept Portland lota cloae-ln acre age, or a od not. COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY. -Second-hand I'-psr'pcnt. C. H. HARltlN ltr. I'Ai'KA P.D CAPS. We offer two eaplallv good buys; ono a f i e-paasenger. the other a acien-pas-aenger Packard; both are fully equipped. fittd with demountable rlma. have b-en overhaul leI bv us and are guaranteed. Packard C.aragr. tW N. -.d SL FOR SALE 4-c Under Reo.' run only 2.."0 miles; in fine condition, fully equipped, top spee-d'imetrr. solar lamps, prestollto tank, chair., clock, etc. This Is a rare bargain at 9vU cash. M. Maiden, oud Swetland b!dg. FviR SALE 2 new 34x4 Diamond Urea, I new 4v4 HepuMlc. 1 6-volt storage lat ter). 2 s:de and 1 rear electric lights, AN .7. Or-gon:.n. AlTOMtliILES boueht and sold. Call or write for t-rgatn HL r'.lom-Hou Auto t'o.. X:i Everett at. Mftm 14. MIST sell.' real bar a: .: n for c-sh. I'arry roadster, only run iw miles, owner. 211 0mmnvriith b'. ig RKO runabout, tp. 1 1 v t!eorse R. Flora. w'nd shield, new 47 E. Iturnsid. ft4 ACRES tr ide for ft-passeager. Iftll. Sir to mob tie. AK 491. Oregon ian. WE aro In the rrarket tor a good, used auto- t all .1 ront St.. at oa. a. WHITE STKVMER At'TO for ale. Inquire l-l t'orbett Mdg. inaaea. tHgaaa and a MnaU-at laeirnnaewta SW ARE piano for sale or will rent tr-t rneap to rrsponsiblo party; bargain. 671 ;:iin at. Kt'MLER A H ASK ptano eseellent condi tion, aacr:fice pri.-o Lobllner. Itfft 7th st. STEIN WAT sifi-re p':in-. ch-sn. good con dition. B 1 7 L or M rgonian. Birde. lr aad Pet (it oca. THOROCGRKED White leghorn errs for aertirg. 11 fir ftl Telephone H 2ol or rati .ti Eaet ft' h St.. blocks South -f H .w rhorne aie. KIH K A T IiA X v: pu.a. p'l!gr-d. cheai. B Ot ft oata a. c'o-k. speedometer. bumper. whistla searchlights, oil lights Car looks like new. run.iery little. Guaranteed In every respect. Car catat lei'"; rather than to ship bark to Minneapolis will take fttO'10 rah; no trade Wi;i leave Monday even in:. Let me demonstrate the car. W. F. Pasel. phone Mam 71.. Car at Stude- oaaer iia FOR BALE. Birda. ltoara and Pet Hftock. . C. RHODK ISLAND RED. Dark. $1.60 aet- tins;. tM'Uwood 1 0 s J . Mlarrllaneou. FOR SALE. Taro 100 H. p horizontal return tubular pollers, complete with inclosed typo frrd aatcr h-ater. &-i3 Smith valva f-d pump. Dodge safety valves, crown valves. header and all ang a vt!.M and Williams feed-watar regulator, with safety water columns, la good con dition. , Also one 12-H. P. t art leal gnbmerFed bead tubular boiler, tornDlete with safety vali a and nt tinge. Including HulTalo rn-Je-ior; almost new; only used a short time. For further particulars inquire at room ;tu Oregon. an biog. FOR SALE, al iras than half price, one of the handsomest 4-fiot runabout pleasure boats on the river, speed 18-2 miles, new hlfrh-grarie engine, full equipment, new automobile lop. all appointment, naw ana perfect, absolutely seaworthy and a bar galn at price offered. AO SM. Oregonlan. RECEIVERS .KALE. We are ael'lnr the stock nd flTturea of the Northrop-hturgls Co.. 41 Front st. t ome and se the bargaina. Phone Main ior inrormation. FOHTT vannr lavlnw hens: fine S-gailon jTney-Durham cow. gentle and rich, easv mi.ker; aiso elegant superior ranve few piecea cheap furniture. 444 E- 27th si. . SAFES New and 2d-hand; low prices; easy terms: aafea oDrncd. re Dal red and painted. PL KCELL SAFE CO. and PORTLAND A F E CO.. 5th St. Main CGUls. A 411a, Hl.irk'CUITH Innli ami alrM'k In rood lo cation, established business; cheap If taken by April 1. Call In person. Oeo. Schlatter. Troutdale. Or. Harnrs loathes Cheap Slightly Used. 1 Li-in.. a-ft. bed lathe. 1 No. 3 wood turning lathe. DAYTON HARDWARE CO.. 1JM 1st at. FOR SALE One 30-ton Climax locomotive. 4 sets trucks. luxiu donkey. 10O tons .w pound steel ralla. Address Oaorga Hockey! Sin Colters st. ul.I lewelrv ex hanaed for watcht-s and diamonds; unredeemed pledges for half original prices. L nclo Myers, 71 nth at. betwetn Oak and Pine. FACTOR V rebuilt typewriters. 10 to o0. NORTH WEST TTPE WRITER CO., ?0 Fifth st. M 5.-23. A 1470. FOR SALE Show canes, wallcases, rountera. 4;neral fixtures in stock and made to order at loweet prlrea 12. lirnnd ave. S. NO LLd r sweeping compound aosoros dusc. Write for prices. Crescent C bain lea 1 Co, &2tt w isn. st.. yor isna.ur. SHOWCASES In stock or made to order. at lowei prices. 423 Hawthorne ave. J'hone East 3117. JEWEL gs rt.nge and gna water heater also combination book cm se and typewrit ing desk. Call 314 EagtClay. FINK soda fountain, giaaa holders, etc. 35 North 3d st.. cor. toucn. Fl'LL set of second-hand tmnera tools. In- q u 1 re T sv . orrgoniitn. TWO young fresh cows for sale cheap. GS3 Ins 1 e y ave. Ta ke Scllwooncar. HKAl TIKI'L ftlSO set mink furs to be aac rificedati;i.MarahallftL PHONE East 3o3 for manure. WANTKI MIM KLLAXKOrS. WK HIV ri.l)TIM'n KVKRYTHIXfl, II iahest price paid for men's cast-off Clothing, shoes; we also tuv luaier dom ing, t all up iha (llobe. Main -M). 2"0 r-irst. near 4 niumnia. HARnERS AfCTION HOfSE wants household goods, furniture for cash or commission. Kat iu: oxv-a 1 u - Morrison st. That's all. MONET LOST unless you rail the Ford Auction Co. and get their prices on what ou have to aell. Main h.;. 1. A .443. OCT OF COMIUNOS. Pwltr-h ic; curls and puffs 7"c. Sani tary I'arlora. 4m Dekum Hldg. WE Daw the hit heat cash price fnr second hand furniture. Sater it Martin. Phona East 31.1. 341 Hawthorne ave. IF YOL" have household furniture to aelL call up tieorre Haker A t'o.. 10. Park sL bles at residences a specialty. HELP WANTED MALE. REAL ESTATE SALESMAN. If you are employed aa a real estatn salesman and have made good In thla line, you undoubtedly can Increase your present earnings by Joining our selling force. We want two htgh-grad men who know tho value of lime. Address V 1ML Ore gontan. SALESMEN. MEN who have sold things or those who can sell a clean proposition will find a broad Held and big money for their serv ices by joining our organisation. One or two men with pleaalng personality; no other need reply. Address AO otfT, Ore gonlan. t ACTIVE TOCNa MAN wanted to tak In terest In established nre insurance agency; must be familiar with fire insurance busl hes and thoroughly reliable; ran offer at tractive proposition to right man; one well acquainted m city preferred ; state are. experience, rercrencea R St. I. Oretfonlan. ,T RSERT FOREMAN WANTED Placa within 13 miles of Portland on railroad : must be competent, able to take charge of growmg fruit and ornamental stork; house Turn tailed ; steady position to rig lit man. Rr-ply stating age. experlenre and aalury e t pected. A d d reus Box G h;i, Oregonlan. WANTED Ambitious workmsn; your work oa actual Jobs pays for teaching trades of electricity, automobiles, plumbing, brick laying; only few months required; 70ft students last four eara. Write for In formation. United Trade School Contract ing Co.. Los Angelea. WANTED- Tlook keeper with several years' experience familiar In detail with lum ber business; c.ipablo of taking charge of ofT;c and devising system; mlddle-aga preferred, sober and reliable: best of refer ences required. Address T ftSl. Oregonlan. FIRST-CLASS man. who has had experience In aoliclting. to represent a large corpor ation; fool salarv to right man; must have good appearance. Apply 719-724 Y eon bldg. , WANTED 1MMEDIATELT For country shop. nrst-cia.a harnessmaker. capable of running Land is machine; permanent po sition, good wagca John Clark Saddlery rom r; a TOCNG man. living at home, who wants to ern drug business. Brinks Pharmacy. and Washington. WANTED Hoy. about 16 years of n-e. deliver parcels. Appiy . acunuo 4."o.. 14N oth st. WANTED Experienced body makers and wheelwrights. Relraoro-McDougail -Mooreg t'o. . Por Hand. Or. LEARN automobile driving and repairing; actual practical experience; day or evn inrs. aOS Washington St.. room 416. WANTED A man to work In bakery. Ap ply Log Cabin Baking Co.. Vancouver ave. nnll Fremont st. WANTED A boy 15 years or over to work for room and board beforo and after school, coi tlth st. BoTK KEEPER, wholesale house; must ba first-class, state age. experience, refer ences, phone number. K Mtt, Oregonlan. WANTED A neat young man for a mom mate; ft2.23 a week. Call for Mr. Harding it Grav s. 7th and Oa k . WANTED First-claaa sash and door ma chine man. Oregon rianuig aims, iwtn ana Vaughn. JAPANESE to cook and do general house work; good wages for good boy. Tele phone Tabor CLOTHING salesman Toun man for boys Clothing aepariaieitw liuu v-iwininf 164-170 3d st. DO you want work? Apply employment de partment. riiiiMuj-i "-w .Miaou. . u iee, 2-2 Oomm-TCial Club bldg. COATMAKER wanted, a steady position all the year 10 a i-i- ti.-... u. n. Aioaner. n.erchant tallor.4.''0Court at.. talem.or. OFFICE boy wanted at the RefTllng. 231 ftdininrion. WANTED Good coatmaker for out of city. Apply- D. H. McHrlde Co.. 14S oth IL WANTED A boy 16 years old to distribute c 1 r c u 1 . -f ' 7 I. - WANTED Men to shovel dirt at ftth and Carruthera mi. EXl'EHI EN"ED delivery man wanted la grocery store. Sam Marguiies. 2:3 FlrsL WAITER wanted. 125 N. 6th sL Phono Main 2 , DISHWASHER wanted. aiMnmon. f 9 week. 606 BAKER wants!, tnira nana on nreaa. Apply (. W Hjlir.IU" Pi-. i.-w"M.M. i iimi ivj. WANTED First -c is as ladles tailor. F. W. Patt. 7 " - -"--. Fl KST-CLASS horseshoer wanted. W. p. M jrri. a. -i. . - PHOTOGRAPH coupon and portrait aaaauk, ir oOr. Cutbarth studio. Dekum b4. FlIST-CIA- s.e-io-B -1 9 ADIO ton Mdg.; Ms money. liVifi DEliS wsnted. Call 222 Commercial WANTED All-round machinist. The Dalles iri.n workaTheDa:iea. or W A N T K D T o bo y s $40. .TKl-J'P lewrn ! urtMng. day or OlUU Au lM W eva voavium, HELP TTAVTFD MALE. SALESMAN ESTABLISHED FIR T OV HIGH STANDING ARE INCREASINO THEIR CAPITAL STOCK. A -LI7CRA-TTVB POSITION IS OPEN IN PORT LAND AND OTJTSIDB TERR I TORT FOR SALESMAN AND SALES MANAGER TO SELL NEW ISSTE OF STOCK. A COM BINATION OF FEATURES WILL IN TEREST HIGH GRADE MEN. O 800. OREGONIAN. V INCIDENT. Offlra Secretary -Employment Depart- irenl, Y. M. C. A. . Young man. stranger, out of worK his total cash assetat If I pay you S for special employment membership I win only hava $15 left between mo and starva tion. . Secretary If you pay $S ffr n1 employment membership you will have trie. T. M. C. A., with all iu resources, between you and starvation. What happened? Young man took membership. Irsida or two hours ha found satisfactory employ- m During February. 1911, 127 otbera found employment In a like manner. Employment or refund of member-nip fee guaranteed. Sea Secretary Employment Department, T. M. C A. ARE YOU SATISFIED? with your present Income? Tf not, learn to operate MOVING PICTURES. 01 Start a MOVlNG-PIt'Tl'RE THEATER ol your own. OPERATORS WANTED in all the ciU-a throughout tho world. Opera tura earn S 23 to $40 weekly. Theaters make $10 to $100 dally. Wo are tho PIONEER FILM EXCHANGE Of Port land. You will nave time and money by calling on us. Location furnished free of charge. We give full particulars how to start In the movlng-picturo business gratia Operators' handbook free. NEW YORK FILM CO.. 3204 Washington st.. near 17th. ABLE-BODIED men wanted for the U. . Marine i'orps. between the ages of 1 and 37: must be native horn or have first pa pers; monthly pay $13 to $mt; additional compensation pnsrlble; food, clothing, quar ters and medical attention free; after "0 years service can retire with 75 per cent of pay and allowances; sen ice on board ship and s thorn in all parts of the world. Apply at 1". S. Marine Corps Recruiting office. Hreeden bldg.. 3d and Washington sts.. Portland. Or. WB NEED more agents. Psychologlcalitlme for ready sales In .Beaumont Is at :;and. Complete and extensive improvements are on the y.ay. Advertising to start at once Building boom on. A thirty-day campaign then all prices will be ralaed. See Mi. Ferna or Mr. Saundera, with Beaumont Land Co., ground floor. Board of Trade bldg.. b4 Fourth st. THE MEIER ft FRANK CO. require ev ' eral competent floormen. Apply to su perintendent, 6th floor annex. 8 to It A. M. MEN to sen Norfh western Hospital Associa tion contracts. 75 weeks hospital servlf-e, unlimited medical and surgical servlr-e. am bulance, nurses, physicians, dentists, at torneys services and all medicines free; big commissions paid solicitors. 718 to 724 Yeon bldg. MEN WANTED Age 18-35, firemen. $100 monthly, and bra kern en, $80 on nearby rallroada: experlenre unneceaaary; no strike; positions guaranteed competent men; promotion; railroad employing head quarters; over 4H men sent to positions monthly state ag; send stamp. Railway Association.-care Ore go man RAILWAY mail clerks, postofflce clerks. l-tter carriers, custom-house and Internal revenue employes, to prepare for exam inations; free book, pacific States SchooL McKay bldg., city. WANTED Boys over 16 with wheels for ' messenger work; $."0 a month guaran teed and wheel repairs paid; boys who make good will be taught telegraphy. C. H. Odeen. Western Union Tel. Co.. 76 3d. WANTED Real estate salesman capable of mara icing ueparimtm ana n&nanng jit en. References required. Addreaa A-B a-7. Oregonlan. BERRY grower wanted on my H10J River place, two-tntros crops an-i wa teaae; $liH0 necessary for equipment and ex penses; part refunded. C S.V. O'agontan. FIRST-CLASS man to take charge of fish. and poultry depart mem 01 up-m-uam market; none but A-l man need apply. P 8i a. Ore g onlan. WANTED Vinegar man for plant of 3 gen erators Wltn eu.'r.-o gaiiuua mwk i" wu vert. Write box 212. Wa.'a Walla. Wash ington. Blalock Fruit Co. WANTED A flrt-class man who has had experience ben inn tne counter or nairy lunch or cafeteria. Apply White Dairy Lunch. 143 aid street. YOUNG man. about 20 years of age. for as sistant to order ana did cier in wnoie sale packing-house; must be quick and a ti e. A bWtf. Oregonlan. TOU are wanted. Government position. $80 montn. v nm wr ."-i. ut)r Franklin Institute, Dept. 2V6-E, Roches ter. N. T. ' WANTED Boy about IS years of age to work In oil ice; must nave experience, An swer in own handwriting. G 875, Ore gonlan. WANTED Steady maif to work in manu facturing Business. ig proms. iuiiecapi ta) needed. Particular a 64 6th at., room 613. WANTED Two or three good stock sales men. Fine proposition, coining hko it ever been offered. Liberal commission. F K93. Oregonlan. LOCAL OFFICE International Correspond ence D II I B. .00 A.uia .a.. wava. ...a u F. M, ena it r tree r HEIJF WANTED tX'VIAL. THE MEIER - FRANK CO. want a pianist who can play classical music at bikul. Applv to superintendent, 6th floor annex, a to 10 A. M. YOUNG lady of good appearance to do spe cial line or ouisiae worn; Buoiiiw saiarv and advancement If applicant is satisfactory. Apply after 9 A. M., i20 Yeon Mdifr . WANTED tJlrl for general housework and cooking. Good wages. Must nave refer ence. Small family and no children. Apply at once. 3IO10th at., morning or evening. COMPETENT girl, general housework. 4 in family, good wages, una room. .ua. 10m st. Home phone B 10"i3 GIRL for general housework In small fam- 1 1 y. Call mornin ys. rioyi. GIRL for general housework. Small family. 4!o TU.ainoo st. WANTED Competent second girl. small family, bent wagea i4- --a sr. EXPERIENCED uirl for pantry and dining- room work. &o4 t-pucn at. FINISHERS on pants and vests, steady work, good pay. 33 Russel bldg. WANTED Good girl for second work. Ap- pl 274 N. 2-"'th, comer Overton. WANTED Colored girl for hair dressing. 411 Flledner bldg. PRIVATE school, shorthand and typewrit ing; $5 mo. 269 14th St- Main 3S3. GIRL wanted for general housework. Apply mornings. 310 Colombia. GIRL fr general housework: good wagts. ::no poplar at. Phone B 1S93. GIRL for general housework, small family, good wages. 586 Tillamook st. V ANTED irl for general housework; ref erences. 77a FUntlera st. GI RL fr general housework, ate. North; 00 children. 26ft Grand I HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED YOUNG LADIES FOR TELE PHONE OPERATING. WITH OR WITH OUT EXPERIENCE. APPLY PACDTIC TELEPHONE ft TELEGRAPH CO., EAST 6TH AND ANKENY STS. WENEED fliore agents. Psychological time for readv aales in Beaumont is at nana. Complete and extensive improvements are on the way. Advertising to atan at once Bulldinc boom on. A thirty-day camnaign then all prices will be raised. See Mr. Ferria or Mr Saunders, with Beaumont Land Co.. ground floor. Board of Trade bldg.. S4 Fourth at. THE MEIER ft FRANK CO. require for their picture and frame dept. a woman who is competent to take orders for framing. WANT En An experienced maid for gen ertl housework; must be good cook; three In famllv; no children; good wagea Phone Main 4.-.2T or call 1131 Franklin. "W" car to Rnghy st. YOUNG LADY as cashier and bookkeeper, with some knowledge of stenography ; one living on the East Skle preferred. Give references and experience.. AG SS5, Ore gonlan. WANTED Competent woman or girl for frenerai housework, smail tamiiy. wan 24; no laundry; or $30 with laundry; per manent position. Call 1327 Cleveland ave-, at Piedmont, . YOUNG lady of good appearance, not afraid to talk, to solicit for good thasiness propo sition) good salary to right party. Apply 721 Yeon bldg. COMPETENT girl, general housework where second girl is kept; German or Scandi navian. 767 Madison. Marshall 1G01; A 072S. EXPERIENCED second maid wanted for private family; good wagea Main 7243, A 6193. SCHOOL girl. 14-ld years, for household; good references; University Park. T 895, Oregonlan. .t WAN'TEn Girl for reneraJ hourework. small family of adults. Apply forenoon, 786 Kearne y st.. n ear 54th. DEPENDABLE- maid for children; must have good city references, 695 Davis, near -1st, CAPABLE and experienced girl for cook ing and general housework. 704 Irving S t. M aln 8 2S5; A 1182. WANTED Good cook and for general housework, family of four. Call mornings, 305 32d North. Telephone Main 225. BUSINESS firm dc-slres a woman over 25 who is trustworthy and capable; experi ence not required. P 8H2, Oregonian. WANTED Girl for general housework, four adults In family; good wages. Phone Ta bor 1627. WANTED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position. Vl.-tvl Co., 609 Roth child bldg.. 4th and Washington. EXPERIENCED help on ladies' work; steady Job, good pay. 646 Washington. Weaterman. WANTED Experienced operators to work on shirts. Apply Standard Factory, 1 Grand ave. and East Taylor. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. $43 H Washington st.. cor 7th, upstairs. Phone Main 2692. MRP. HOWE'S LADIES AGENCY. 3264 Washington St., Room 314. Main H&36 or A 3206. EXPERIENCED dining-room Eleventh st- girL EXPERIENCED waitress. Apjfty 3S6 Mor rison street. WANTED at the Woman's Exchange, short-hour waitress. WANTED An experienced waitress at The 11 ill. 2:;d and W ashlncton. WANTED Girl to help in tailor shop. 10 rorth 4th st. Gl RL for general housework, small family. rioi iioyt st., near -om. LADY compositor, city: state experience and wages expected. V 805.Oregoninm THOROUGHLY experienced cook : wages $40. Apply 215 Ford st. Tel.- Main T.r9. CLOAK and suit alteration hands wanted. Ga le Outfitting Co.. 430 Washington. WANTED Teachers for mission schooL 206 Second st. Call 7 o'clock P. M. WANTED Competent girl' for general h o u sew or K. 714 Everett st. WANTED By a Japanese A 1 ladles' tailor. F. O., 302 Couch st., city. GIRLfor general housework, adults. 26 E. 17th. between Burnsldo and Couch, GIRL to assist at housework In family of t w o. Apply 6o4 Broadway. GIRL wanted for general housework. Apply mornings, 310 Columbia. 1IKLP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. IO.O00 POSITIONS for graduates last year; men and women learn barber trade In 8 weeks, help to secure position; gradu ates earn from $15 to $2.7 weekly; expert Instructors; tools free; write for cata logues. Mohler System of Colleges, Nort h 4th at,. Portland. Or. MAKE money writing stories for newspa pers; big pay; aend for free booklet; tells how. United Press Synd., San Francisco. FISK TEACHERS' ASSOCIATION, 611 Swet lund bldg. SITUATION WANTED MALE, Bookkeepers and Clerks. BEAUTIFUL PLATTING PROPERTY. A nice large tract al! in cultivation, joining city limits, facing on macadam ixed road, fine soil, no waste; can be di vided into lots or half-acre tracts and net 100 per cent profit; can sell every aero this year; act quick. For particulars call 27d Stark at. . MAN, of good address, large acquaintance, good standing and experienced, bond and realty salesman, desires to handle A-l proposition ; results guaranteed : nothing hut exclusive contract; references, C fc0.. Oregonlan. 8HOEMAN 14 years experience, 12 years with one firm. 8 years manager and buyer, desires to make change and locate in West. Young; man. married. eBst of ref erences. F 691. Oregonlan. THOROUGHLY reliable man wants position as bookkeeper or assistant; would willingly assist in other ways if not enough office work; excellent references. Salary moder. te. A g:'. oregoniaii. WILL audit, open, clcse or write up books, prepare balances and statements. Install gystema Consult me, Gillingham. au- ditor. 411 Lewis bldg. Marshall 717. BOOKKEEPING Business men requiring the services of a bookkeeper for a few hours a week only, please communicate with phone Main 35S4. WILL audit, open, close or write up book, prepare balances and statements, reason able rates: books taken by month If de- sired, o BtM. ureKoniaiiv EXPERIENCED groeeryman, wholesale or retail, desires position as clerk; leferencea. v aa? Oreirontan. WANTED Position as bookkeeper and store keeper in logging camp. M 812, Orego nian. BOOK KEEPER, experienced. satisfactory references, desires engagement. Phone Main 3a 84. EXPERT bookkeeper and office manager desires position. X 82. Oregonlan. Mlscellapcoqa. PICTURE-SHOW operator, experienced, al ways doing his best: no smoker, wants po sition .Koyn22-ico n d st. AD WRITING for newspapers, circulars, booklets, by experienced writer. J 676, Ore- gonlan MAN wife, with 2 boys 10 and 13, want place on ranch or logging camp. Mra Payne. Oregon City. WANTED Contracts for excavating and grading, phone East 6205; B 10U2. Call E. Slorrison. CARPENTER, good worker, wants Job by hour. AG SQ4. Oregonian. apaNE.SE. experienced cook, wants po sition. 22S N. Eighth st. A 4008. PAINTER wants work by the day or hour. G SH2. Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED gardener wants work. Pri- "vate family- F SS4. Oregonlan. jTpXvESE boy wants place. porter or chamber work. 270 Davia st. GOOD all around shoemaker wantj position. tt6 Johnson st. MAN and wife would like to work on -farm or datryranrh. A S'6. Oregonlan. WANTED Posit ien as night w.-ifhrnan by middlc-agtd sober man. Woodiawn 2371. ! SITU ATI ON WAXTF.n MA LB. Miscellaneous SITUATION in private family or bachelors' club by young colored man. an excellent dainty cook and experienced houseman; will do some general workincluding some laundry: very neat and clean, using my own electric vacuum cleaner for carpets . without extra charge: no dust, no dirt; wages $30 to $o0; referencea K 8Sd. Oregonian. WANTED By a thoroughly e-perienced man. work as milker or to attend to a dairy: must be a nice place; give salary and particulars with first letter. Y Stt7, Oregonian. YOUNG man attending school desires to work for board and room before and after school hours. Call or address H. D. B-, 148 5th st. . MEAT cutter and all around market man wants position, city or country. Eastern references; sober,- married. V 892, Ore gonlan. " WANTED A position by an all-round good coremaker. Capable of caring for coreroom. Good steady man and hustler. Address A 891. Oregonlan. p SITUATION by reliable, strictly temperate man, age 35. willing and not afraid to work, would leave city. Referencea Ad dress t 893. Oregonian. , BY SODA dispenser, who understands all new drinks and syrups, capable of taking charge. Best referencea Ralph HUligass, 717 16th st., Oakland. CaL EXPERIENCED general house cleaner, win dow washer, by day or contract. Main 8S55. Martin. WANTED Position, an experienced family good cook. 2474 Stark. M. EL Chinese Mission.. A BOY of 15 wants place to work for board and room while attending school on East -f?ide. Phone East 3..:;.. BARBER Situation in. or out of city, work ing under apprentice card. AH 001, Orego- uan. JAPANESE to take care of automobile and garden; has good references. AG 905, Ore gonlan. YOUNG man, student, wishes work any hours after 2 P. M-; hard work preferred Main 9130. DRIVER or repairman; have worked on most all cars; 7 years' experience. G 877 Oregonian. fSTTTTATTOX WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. EXPERIENCED stenographer desires po sition. J 890. Oregonlan. Dmnmaxrrs. DRESSMAKING, gowns, skirts, waists, de signing and altering; reasonable; work guaranteed. 691 Lovejoy. Main 6467. GOOD sewer on plain work wishes engage ments by the day. Phone A 3728. DRESSMAKING Children's clothes a spe cialty. East 6370. Nurses. PRACTICAL NURSE, invalids, elderly peo ple; maternity. Phone Marshall 260. EXPERIENCED practical nurse, best of references. Call East 4112. . Ilousek eepers. WANTED A situation as housekeeper in first-class apartment or rooming-house; best city references. Address 471 E. Clay st. or phone East 2121. m A LADY of 55 years wishes a situation as housekeeper for bachelor or widower with out children. Address 789 Multnomah at., phone East 1093. RELIABLE and capable woman wants work as housekeeper, rooming-house or apart-ment-house preferred. East 5840. JAPANESE LADY wants position as house work, or any kind helper. AD 890, Ore gonian. AN experienced Swedish girl wishes position as cook in American family where second 1 girl is kept. Call at 587 Hoyt st. Miscellaneous. MISS ELSIE ROLAND, formerly at the Waldorf-Astoria. New "York, specialist in manicuring, facial and scalp treatment, hairdressing and shampooing, will do work for ladies mornings and evenings at their homes; latest electrical appliances. Office room 42, Y. W. C. A, Main 1205, A 6144. YOUNG lady wishes position as office girl in doctor's or dentist's office, understands typewriting. AD 895. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED colored woman wants days work, house cleaning, laundry work. Main 3858. LADY would like position as companion. Graduate of Westlake, Los Angelea S 8 S3, Oregonian. AN unexperienced Swedish girl wants house work. Call 340 N. 16th st. or 3550 Main. WOMAN wants work by hour at cleaning. Phono Marshall lfr-2. LACE curtains laundered, 30c; hand work. Main 8.lt8. LAUNDRY work and lace curtains to carry home. Call for Frankie. A 486L WANTED Position by young lady as cash- ler; experienced. AM boS. Oregonian. LADY wishes day work. Main 4400. WANTED AGENTS. WE are manufacturers of the as ost powerful suction vacuum cleaners on tne market. Gets quart of dirt In 20 minutes; guaran teed to user; price within reach of every body r operates easily; canvassers selling 2 to 7 daily; big profit; if you are making under $15 dailv write for particulars im mediately. O'Neill-James Co., 256 Madi son St., Chicago. RELIABLE salesmen can make big monej selling our well-known line of hardy non Irrigated trees, fchrubs, rosea, etc ; out fit furnished, cash weekly. Address Ore gon Nursery Company. Orenco, Ore gon. WANTED TO RENT. Houses. WANTED Furnished house, about 6-room, with yard. In good location. Phone Mar shall 2946 before 12 or after 6 or address T 894. Oregonian. WANTED Furnished house for 3 months; give phone and state rent. o st'2, ore gonlan. ; . Apurrmetita WANTED To rent 4 or 5-room modern fur- .l.h- Mr ! In W.ot Sirlo- adult- Phone A 1856. Room s. "WANTED By 3'oujig couple, 3 or 4 nicely furnished room, walking distance irom 2Sth and Sandy Road. Address F. L. Dlckman. 9.""4 Ea3t Glisan st. MOTHER arid daughter want two unfur nished rooms by April 1. 1 'none iast .1. or B 2251 before 6 P. M. Rooms With Board. WANTED Boarding place for semi-Invalid lady; must be on ast bme. .'none .ast 1322. FOB. KENT. Rooms. PORTLAND ROOMING BUREAU. Rooms, fiats, apartments, furnished, un furnished, board, all parts of the city; save you money, time, trouble. Let us lo cate you. 286 V. Washington St.. R. 362. Marshall 2189, A 5243. DON'T OVERLOOK THIS TODAY. "M1LNER BLDG." 350 MORRISON ST. MODERN. CENTRAL. REASONABLE. Furnished Rooms. GRAND UNION HOTEL. ai7 East Burnside st. Modern throughout, hot and cold run ning water, steam heat, rooms single or ensuite grooms wuu yuio -v , a...i.ii --.f-i ?r,e to 12 Der day; weekly. $3.50 to " ra East 5940. B 1275. CALUMET HOTEL. Park st., between Morrison and Alder. Heart of the city; quiet and modern; free 'bus or W car at depot; rates $1 single, $1.50 double; also family rooms with pri vate baths, etc HOTEL FOSTER Rates $3-50 a week up: hot and cold water in every room, steam heat, telephone connections with rooms, free baths, large lobby; a thoroughly mod ern, respectable family hotel; 2u0 room. Corner Third and Davis sts. BL'SHMARK HOTEL, 17th and Washington Newly furnished rooms, single or en suite; private baths, steam heat, hot and cold water and phone in all rooms; rates reasonable; transients solicited. AUDITORIUM HOTEL, 20SH 1 bird street, between Taylor and Salmon sts. Hot and cold water, -team heat, elevator; rates $3.50 and up, doc day and up. Main 2374. A 2 i7. - MODERN outside rooms. $3 to $5 per week, including baths; also housekeeping rooms. 54 W ashington st- LARRABEE 227 Larrabee st.. modern. nicely furnished rooms, transient; 5oc and up; low rates by week or month- ELEGANTLY furnished front rooms, suit- able for two; also other rooms reasonable; close In. 350 Madison. 333 13TH ST. Large front room, suitable for two; bath, telephone; reasonable. THE GAYOSA Modern rooms. Grand ave. and East -tar-. STEAM heat, light, bath, phones; $10. One ftnia. 187 17th st near Yamhill. HEATED rooms, for 2 or 3. $3 up; transient .Vc. 381 Yamhill. THE HAZEL. Nic-Iy furnished, steam heat. un.nas water. 3d and Montgomery, FOR KENT. Funds ed liooiauK NOW OPEN " NOW OPEN! NOW OPEN! Those three beautifullv furnished hotels. t HOTEL HOTEL HOTEL M1NOOK PARSONS ROWLAND 213" 4th St. 211 - 4th St. 207 H 4th st. On Fourth St., running from Taylor to Salmon st. Brand new brick, elegantly furnished; steam heat, private baths, hot and cold water In all rooms; strictly up-to-date In all respects, and at popular prices. If you want something out of the ordinary in the heart of the city at .reasonable prices, give us a call as we know you will like it. Rooms by the day., week or month. Tourist trade solicited HOTEL CAPLES, Residential. 350 Taylor. Transient Bet. 7th and Park sts. Opposite new Heilig Theater, one block from Portland Hotel; brick building, just completed; handsomely furnished; every modern convenience, elevator service, steam heat, telephone and hot and cold water In every room; single rooms and suites with or without private baths, etc.; centrally located, near postofflce; Just off all carllnes; very quiet; low rates hy day, week or month. phone Marshall 2200. ANGELA HOTEL. Permanent and transient, Just opened; brick building, beautifully furnished; every thing new; steam heat, hot and cold run ning water and telephone in all rooms; fine lobby and ladies" parlor; suites and single rooms with and without private baths; very reasonable rates by day, week or month. Phone Marshall 1950. - 625 WASHINGTON ST. HOTEL SAVON, 129 Eleventh St. New, modern, brick building, steam heated, private baths, hot and cold water in rooms, beautifully furnished, cory and comfortable. Rents very reasonable. Call and see us. Regular and transient trado solicited. SARGENT HOTEL, Grand ave. and Haw thorne; beautifully furnished rooms, sin gle or en suite, with private bath, hot and cold running water, private phone and team in every room; special Summer rate to permanent people; tirst-class grill and bar in connection; transient solicited. EVERY MODERN CONVENIENCE. FURNISHED ROOMS. Six-storv modern fire-proof building, hoe and cold water and phones in all rooms; all-night elevator service and only 44 per week; transient rooms $1 to $2 per day. Drexel Hotel. 240' Yamhill st. t NICELY furnished rooms, with gas, batli - nhone in house. 475 Clay street. NICELY furnished single room. walking distance. 300 12th st. Marshall 1207. Furnished Rooms in Private Families. NEWLY furnished front room with break fast for two young men. $10 per month each. Electric lights, gas, bath, phone. Na other roomers. Nice residence dis trict, Sunnyside. 944 East Main St., cor. 32d. Sunnyside or Mt. Tabor car, or Hawthorne ave. Phone B 2205. NEWLY furnished large front room In quiet home with all modern conveniences; three adults In family; convenient to good boarding-house. 123 N. 23d at. NEATLY furnished room. $4 per week: suit able for two or more gentlemen if desired. Inquire 6:30 to 7:30 P. M. Bath, phone. neat. o j-tn. near .aimiiu. NICELY furnished rooms with or without board. 1S1 E. 12th st,. 1 blocks South, "S3" car. " NICE, light attic room, furnished or un furnished; reasonable; gas, bath, phone. Main 5467. NICELY furnished rooms, modern, suitable for two; will serve breakfast. 741 Glisan street. EXTRA FINE and large furnished room in fine home, walking distance. 254 East 3d North, corner Multnomah. NICELY furnished sttting-room. modern conveniences; walking distance. Phone East 60U0. 548 East Taylor st. ONE large room, private house, big yard. For one or two partiea $2.50 per week. 332 1st., near Market. MODERN front room, walking distance, 2S N. 16th st. NICELY furnished small front room, $2 per week. ISO 17th St., cor Yamhill. PLEASANT room, suitable for lady or gen- tleman; references. 208 14th st. CLEAN room $2.50 per week. 268 12th sL I n f urn ished Rooms. DESIRABLE UNFURNISHED ROOMS. MILNER BLDG., 350Vi MORRISON ST. MODERN. CENTRAL. REASONABLE. UNFURNISHED large front room, 333 East 1st st. North, cor. Weldler. Rooms With Board. PORTLAND Women's Union. 23d year; rooms with board, use of sewing-room, li brary. 610 Flandera F. N. Heath, aupt. LAM B ERSON-, " 554 Couch, desirable outslda rooms, home cooking, convenient location. BOARD and room for young men. Casa Rosa. 300 Jefferson. NICELY FURNISHED room, good board. 167 11th st. THE CALVARD. 425 Morrison, corner 13th; modern conveniences, walking dista nee. tKooma With Board in Private Family. BOOM and board for elderly people, who. . from senility or old age. are unable to care for themselves and whom it is dif ficult for their families to care for. Best of references furnished and reasonable terms. Phone East 5642. CLEAN, well-furnished room; good home cooking. 432 da st. ROOM and board for one gentleman. 629 East Davis streeL i LARGE pleasant room, suitable for two, breakfast and dinner. Main 2071. Apartments. ORPERLEIGH APARTMENTS. Cor. Grand ave. and E. Stark st. New fireproof brick building beautifully furnished. Two and three-room apart ments; private bath, hot and cold water, steam heat, phone East sou. KEELLR Apartments, 14th and Clay ata; new brick building with modern improve ments, electric elevator, etc.; each apart ment is vestlbuled and with private phones and bath. Apply at once for April vacan cies. THE LILLIAN. Cor. 6th and Montgomery sts. New, modern, elegantly furnished. 3- room apartments: all outside rooms; pri vate bat as and telephone. Phone Marshall IS 78. , . "THE CEDAR HILL." 187 Green ave., Portland Heights, near 23d st. and City park; nicely furnished three room, and bath; light, airy, sunny outsida apartment, mountain view. Phone A 7534. RE-L' KAN APTS., Marshall, Between 19th and 20th. cozy, airy ana most nomeiiKo in cltv; 3 rooms lurnisnea, private Datn; private phone; everything up to date; T It 1 llnln fiOM- A IllOI bath ; date; rem. leasuiioui- , w-v-.. thk VORDAUNT Apartments, 18th and Ev eiett. onposite Christian Scientist Church Unfurnished; 4 rooms and reception hall, everything up to date; look at these be- fore lucaliqg. THE PARKHURST. . 20th and Xorthrup. Phone Main 117S. A few choice 3-room elegantly furnished apartments left; electric elevator. Jan itor service, steam heat. Apply to Janitor. MEREDITH APTS., 712 Washington St., 3 room apta., newly furnished, strictly mod ern, all conveniences. Free phones. FOR RENT A three-room apartment, very neatlv furnished, reasonable in price, at the "Juliana" (brand new. Trinity Place, between Washington and Everett sts. g CROIX Apartments, for rent, 1 fur nished and 1 unfurnished 3-room apart ment, modern, 170 St, Clair and V sh lngton. Main 5247 nd A 75 1 1. MAHR APARTMENTS. Elegantly furnished apartments, private phone and bath, electric elevator. 228 o rth 2oth. Phone Marshall 2028. MADISON PARK APARTMENTS. PARK AND MADISON STREETS. Newly furnished three and four-room apartments, 5 blocks south Hotel Portland. THE STANLEY, 701 Washington One four room unfurnished and one three-room fur nished or unfurnished, all outside rooms, free phone service, elevator. MODERN 5-rooro apartment, furnished or unfurnished. Braintree Apartment. 295 lth su Phones Main 7741. A 7431. MORTON, 697 Washington, 8-room " fur nished modern apartment, private phone, bath, ianitorservice. Reasonable. THIS APARTMENTS. 3d and Mill sts,, 5 room. unfurnished apartment, $45; mod ern improvements; adults only. THE CHETOPA, 18 Flanders St., 8 rooms, furnished or unfurnished. Apply to Jani tor. CROIX APARTMENTS Artistic fur nished flat, 3 rooms, bath. Owner leaving city. Rent reasonable. Ring bell 37. WELLINGTON COURT. 15th and Everett . nd 4-room housekeeping suites: all ,--- PhnnP Main 1 r n. ofiern i - Tn7AVTA APABTENTS and single room. iilv furnished; 'atrictly modern; . rea Vhl. rent. IS9V4 2d at. Marshall 2821. vnnnirA Apartments. Grand a"ve. and Bel nt!2modern.reasonabie. EastS418. Je-LVURETTE One furnished 3-room a pa nimail. modem- 228 11th st. B FOOW steam-heated apartment. No. 549 ahinstoB at.. "C" Phono arliaU