kROM. top to bottom The Big Store teems with unmatchable economies on bright, new just-bought Spring merchandise! naraiy a aeparimeni inai doesn't boast of some timely, helpful March event on which buyers have planned months ahead, with special trips to the market and searching everywhere to secure for vou the best March bargains in our history. Read every word of the stirring price-news told below and remember that back of each and every purchase stands the 54-years-old Meier & Frank guarantee of perfect, satisfaction or money back. Removal Sale of Men's Underwear FIBST FLOOR. BfAIX BllLDIXO. , ORDER BI BAlh IN POINT of assortment, reliability of make and all-around sat isfaction, our. great stock of Men's TJnderwear has no equal in the Northwest! The daily increasing business has demanded, an enlargement or the de partment. And to reduce stocks before changes occnr, we're planned this great Removal Sale, with splendid cut prices on practically every line of Men's new Summer Underwear. Sale begins promptly at 8 o'clock this morning. See-big Morrison-6treet window display. 75c Gotham Underwear, 59c Men's famous Gotham brand athletic style Shirts and Drawers. Fine, cool nainsook sleeveless Shirts and knee- length Drawers. Best 0CCQ $1.50 Underwear $1.39 grades in the Removal sale, ea. $1.25 Underwear 98c Men's famous Norfolk & Brunswick light weight Cashmere Shirts and Draw ers, florin z weaves in nat ural eray color. $1.23 grade now for $1 Underwear at 89c The well-known Cooper Spring Needle form-fitting Shirts and Drawers for men, in blue, salmon or QQ white. $1 garments OcC The f O $1.50 Underwear $1.19 Men's famous Illma silk-finished Lisle Shirts and Drawers in blue, white or sal mon. Summer weight with long or short sleeve and ankle length. $1.50 C 1 1 Q garments; all sies. Now at 75c Underwear 38c Five thousand Men's new Spring and Summer weicht Balbrijnran and Lisle Shirts and Drawers in white with hairline stripe of salmon, pick or bine. The 90. re (Hilar 75e grades, priced at each'-' Other Gotham Underwear $1.60 Gotham Union Suits for SI. 29 $2.00 Gotham Union Suite for S1.89 $3.00 Gotham Union Suits for $2.69 $4.00 Gotham Union Suits for S3. 59 $5.00 Gotham Union Suits for $4.49 $ 1 .25 Underwear 98c Root's Wool Tivoli Spring Shirts and Drawers for men. Fine full-fashion, perfect fit ting garments. Reg- Q Q at $ I. CO Underwear 69c One hundred dozen Men's fine quality While Lisle Underwear in new Spring and Summer weights. Shirts and Drawers in all sizes. They 're $1 garments in ?Q WW every way. Kemoval bale price ea $2.00 Union Suits $1.39 The famous Lewis Union Suits for men, in medium weights of ecru Balbriggan. One of the best makes in the country. A prnde that sells everywhere at fljl v $2 suit. Removal Sale price P Munsing and Vassar Underwear $1.50 Munsing & Vassar, union, $1.39 $2.00 Munsing & Vassar, union, $1.89 $3.00 Munsing & Vassar, union, $2.69 $3.50 Munsing & Vassar, union, $2.98 Cooper's famous mercer ized lisle Form-fitting Shirts and Drawers for men, in flesh and blue. Finely fin ished in best Spring weights DXaO7 $1.50 Underwear $1.29 Fine Koenig Imported German "Wool light weight Shirts and Drawers for men, in lontr or snort sieeves, in ankle lengths, low price ,each $1.29 ular $1.25 grade Boys Underwear Boys' and Youths' famous Munsing brand Union Suits in all the new Spring weights. All sizes. Special at the suit only 89.JQ 69 and as low asJiC Boys' Underwear $1.39 Famous Globe brand of Union Suits and separate Shirts and Drawers for boys and youths. "Wool worsteds. All sizes. Spe- d 1 QQ cial at 89 and nff 1 Men's 50c Underwear at 39c Men's Derby ribbed and flat Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers in light and medium weights, ecru or UQQl Best 50c garments JjC :M fi ' III 1 50 Models in Spring Suits Between $15 and $25 MADAM, save delay and useless trouble by first inspecting the Big Store's splendid assortments of stylish, moderate-priced Tailored Suits! . . In easy price-steps be tween $15 and $25 are fully 50 chic new models of serges, worsteds, tweeds and man v nish mixtures in a charming array of Spring -colors. Many are shown with distinctive style-features. -$15. $18. $20. $22.50. $25 The New Spring Skirts Are ready in splendidly complete assort ments. Serges, Panamas, Toiles, "Worst eds and smart mannish mixtures in black, white, navy, pray, etc., also the modish line-striped materials. J q fljl C The prices range front J5 O 1 Dlu The New Spring Dresses For outing and afternoon wear, parties and other amusements, a lovely selection of one-piece Dresses is ready. Percales, Chambrays, Ginghams, Voiles, Marqui settes in most wanted co 7 C?f colorings. Priced at P- J-PU Semi-Annual Bed and Bedding Sale $20 Brass Beds as ' Illustrated $13.50 Famous "American Beauty" Brass Beds, with 2-inch posts and five filling rods, as shown in drawing above." Satin finish, with guaranteed lacquer. Worth $20, special for the d O Cft Semi-Annual Sale u) A OaOV $3.75 Metal Beds $2.29 "Well-built, durable I ron Beds, with angle iron head and foot, in three feet six inches and four feet six-inch size. Best regular $3.75 Beds, special for the Great Semi Annual Sale at the rt ty OA low price of only DMMt $5.75 Beds Exactly as Pictured $4.19 Splendid Iron Beds, finished in high - grade white and green enamel.- "Well made, exactly like picture above. Excellently fin ished, sturdy and durable. "Worth $5.75. For the great df 1 Q Semi-Annual Sale at X $6.50 Sanitary Couches$4.98 Strong Sanitary Steel Couches the kind which most stores sell for $6.50. Made of strong chill less steel, with two rows of sup ported steel springs. For the great Semi - Annual dy QQ sale at only, each OntavO ft II 8 yft . $17.50 Steel Beds as Pictured $1 1.98 Made with a 2-inch continuous post and -inch fillers, exactly as shown in picture above. Made of chill-less steel, in Vernis Martin finish. Heavy malleable . jaws; $17.50 Beds, spe- Ail AO cially priced, only D J. A IO $3 Yum Yum Springs, $ 1.79 Just think of it the price in this great Semi-Annual Sale on $3.00 famous Yum Turn Springs is $1.79! Strong, elastic springs, made of sturdy wire fabrics, with 3 rows of coil sup-, porters. Priced at $1.79 The Famous Ostermoor Mattresses Greatly Reduced Sole Ostermoor Mattr Oregon Agts Thrnup-Ti smecial arrangements with the Oster moor Company, the following compelling reduc tions will be in force all week on-these world famous Mattresses: . $30.00 Ostermoor Mattresses, extra thick $18.50 $18.00 Ostermoor Mattresses, two pieces $13.25 $17.00 Ostermoor Mattresses, two pieces $12.TM $16.50 Ostermoor Mattresses, one piece, at $12.50 $11.70 Ostermoor Mattresses, 3 ft. 6 in., at $10.00 Removal Sale of Books Continued! FIRST FLOOR, MAIJf BUILDING. . ORDER BT MAIL. NEXT Monday morning we shall move our Book Section to larger quarters " on the 5th floor. To facilitate the change a great cut-price sale on Novels, Children's Books, Encyclopedias, etc., has been arranged. Take advantage of savings today. Sale Edition de Luxe $22.50 Set of Robert Burns for only $6.38 $9.00 Set of Dante, 4 volumes, for $2.44 $18.00 Set De Maupassat, 5 volumes, $5.07 $67.50 Set Dickens, 20 volumes for $18.00, $30.00 set of George Eliot at only $8.07 $20.00 Set of Emerson, 6 volumes, $5.63 Bibles at One-Fourth Less 85c Crystal Text Bibles now selling at 65 $2.00 Text Brevier Bibles for only. $1.50 $2.25 Standard Bibles, now selling at $1.69 $2.50 Teacher's Bibles for this sale at $1.85 15o Cloth Testaments now selling at only 9 35c Leather Testaments, 2x3 inches, for 25 Great Opening Sale of Gloves . wwv t'ti nivr- ORDER BY MAIL. CLOSE to a hundred thousand pairs of new Spring Gloves for men, women and children at compell ing reductions for this great Opening Sale! Note a few of the economies: 3.50 "Madame Sherry" Puffs $1.98 MKZIAMMC FLOOR, EW BLD&. ESSENTIAL to the present mode of Uair dreswine are the very pretty "Madame Sherry" Puffs, with their countless rinfrlet and toft curls. Made of nanitarv, human hair in alt hade. Sell rrcularly at $3.50. CI QQ On Meeial sate for today at only - r - - $15 Transformations of first quality, hu man hair, in all the wanted shade. Speeial for tnday CQ ylQ only, each vO'J $6.50 Switches, of exceptional quality hu man hair, in all wanted shades. Full 20 inch lenirth. To- flJO QQ day special $2.00 PUFFS AND SWITCHES, SPECIAL 98c A splendid social purchase of Puffs and Switches which enables you to save more than half price! Made of sanitary, human hair, in all shades. Recnlar $2 Puffs QQ. and Switches, marked at the special low price for today only Women's $1.25 and $1.50 Per rin's Gloves, French kid, 1 and 2-clasp style. Pr. 9SS Women's $1 Gloves of Ger man lambskin, 2-clasp style. Tair 67c. Women's $3.50 and $4 Kid Gloves, 8, 12 and 16-button lengths. Pair $1.03. Women's $1.50 Perrin's Pique and Overseam Gloves, spe cial, pair, $1.33. Women's 50c and 75c' Silk Gloves, with double finger tips. Pair, 33 Men's $2 Perrin's French Kid Gloves, in all weights. The pair. $1:35. . i'S Men's $2 Gloves, in the new lierht and medium tan shades. The pair, $1.29. Men's Kayser Chamoisskin Gloves, in smoke, gray, etc. Special, pair, 45S (Shi Our Great Semi-Annual Sale of Bedding, Etc. THIRD FLOOR, MA IX BUILDING. SHEETS, Pillow Cases, Blan kets, Comforts, every want ed article of dependable Bedding now wears a reduced-price tag for the great Semi-Annual Sale ! COMFORT SPECIALS $1.35 Silkoline Comforts, sp'l $1.15 $1.50 Silkoline Comforts, spl $1.35 $2.00 Silkoline Comforts, sp'l $1.59 $3.00 Silkoline Comfort3, sp'l $2.65 $2.25 Silkoline Comforts, sp'l $1.81 ORDER BY MAIL. THE BLANKET SPECIALS $3.50 Wool Blankets at $2.65 $8.00 Wool Blankets at $6.50 $4.50 Wool Blankets at $3.65 $5.50 Wool Blankets at $4.45 $7.00 Wool Blankets at $5.15 $8.00 Wool Blankets at $6.95 $9.00 Wool Blankets at $7.15 specials in sheets,etc. 75c Sheets, bleached, seamless, torn and hemmed. Spl 65 $1.50 Spreads, honeycomb or crocheted patterns. Special $1.29. Pillow Cases, 45x36 inches.. Ex cellent quality. Special 13. Sheeting, heavy bleached qual ity. Special, yard 25. Sheeting splendid quality, eight quarter size. Yard 23. Cretonnes Keynote Summer Draperies EACH year the demand for Cretonnes to be used as cheery, bright Summer hangings and upholsterings has increased. Each year more attention has been given to designs but never before has there been such beauty and va rietv of pattern and colorings as in the 1911 assortments! . Both imported and domestic Creto nnes are ready in hundreds of beautiful floral, bird and conventional patterns. Prices, yard, 20, 25, 35 and 50 New Drapery Fabrics New Satines, Silkolincs, Denims, Zephyrs, Tissues, Romanian Cloth, Taffetas, and other Drapery Fabrics now ready. Trices range from VSyzt to 50 New Sundour" Curtain Fabrics Both plain and figured poplin weaves in absolutely fast colorings. Rich lustrous qualities with black or white warp. Yd, 75 to $1.50 Vudor Porch Shades Yudor Porch Shades now ready in all sizes and styles ; 4-foot size $2.75; 6-foot size, $3.75; 8-foot size, $4.50; 10-ft. djP -A size for only d)UuU Curtain Samples 29c AIJj THE Curtain Corners two big mills had on hand something like 2CXX) of them for today's celling on the Basement Bargain Square at 29c ! Madras, Nottingham and other weaves in scores of pretty pat-, tern. Come li to lVs yards long and from 2 to 4 Curtains of a pattern. White, ecru and Arabjn curtains made to sell in pairs at $2 to $4. Special today-ou the Basement Bar- nn gain Square your choice of these Curtain samples atC Japan Style Rice 5 Pounds for 21c BASEMENT, MAIN BUILDING. ORDER BY MArL. ONE OF the best suggestions for the housewife with a typical lenten meal to prepare is Rice, and the hundreds of tempting dishes in which it may be uti lized. Here's a rousing special today on Japan style Eice large head, selected grade! Fine C-IIc O 1 r mialitv. Sr)ecial todav at onlv iUo 1C j - x w v . Beans, small, white kind. Special today, o pounds jZ&c Bntter, famous Butternut brand, from pure pasteurized cream. Special, 2 pounds 67 Batter, local product, made ex pressly for us. Guaranteed pure. 2 pounds 57 Lard, "ye olde fashioned," kettle rendered. Special 5 pounds 73 60c Frou Frou Wafers, special to day, pound 47 Grape Fruit, California Seedless grade, 15e quality -10; 10c quality 7t Hams, little California Picnic grades, pound 13 Granulated Sugar, fine grained. ' Pure white. Special, 100 pounds $5.40 Dry Granulated Sugar, specisi 100 pounds Jo.Zo; 1 pounds $1 Victor - Flour, special, barrel $5.25; bag, 51.37 Oregon Italian Prunes, - large size box, special 93? Evaporated Apples, regularly 15c; today, pound 11 Evaporated Peaches, special, the pound S -Evaporated Apricots, special, the pound 17 Oranges, "El Cajon" brand. Reg ular 50c grade, dozen 37h 35e grade 25J Dr. Johnson's Educator Crackers, special package 23 Anker's Bouillon Capsules, special, box 28 fa X