15 TIIE MORXTXG OREGON'IAX, THURSDAY, MARCH 23. 1911. V K RtU FATATH. f Anm L.T. tvWN A II'lE. F..ec.nc l:ne by. mil froa atatloa. Tfiia I e:l t! rlcaMt -ardSj UM. every ft In cultlvai:oo. t-pr'ng p.owtnc haa bea doot and bow read for the seed, TV. la dandy 5 sere la whl-h to pnt )-.r ealr.ga Irn proved 5 ar.-i 10---r renege o h burnlnwt eed crops la all tmuiul t.i $ a.- f- Tott can put I" 50 a month Into the $ a-rre and never niifl it. pric) $'000 tor taa wool ac- un;r f? dwi tsl tr Vt-an-. $T iJ a aoatb, per cent Not a atom rwk or piece of HAun A.Kirr uxd cx. 40-) Cor da it g- It Id OR 30 ACRES of c-xt WILLAatTTa; VALLXT UBIOITIO Land Ti afertea) Ooatv. & E. ef ?m at aa.f value t the Drat 79 heroeo,ildera Ftret to ft rat served. Apty at farm n e:r!miDt or HARTjhlAN THOVPfON. Banker. Cnaaaber of Coaunrv BU1, lxrt.ad. r at ur Branca OfLco oa tho Ground at wrrf arr & rTnf r Taka 4 P. M 8. f. tra-a at VVa Iap9t 1 "r 4 p m. from E- "rrwj et-j la Wee ataytoa. vta Weodbura. Vara than 4 a-ra in oar p'at and 'nm ta FArtiAt'l. Uh both eana an -I Ctrl CATi aj t Pi moat I'M! ao: ta ori-rsa. Wa hit some 40 pop; on thi tra.-t that hv bought of ua fro-Ti tw m to fgnr time each. t aa refer yoa t" them far rtcommtalAtlB aa ta t'H land, a.aa our treatment of buyer. W ar th :1at and i-g are firm la F-wT.Iaa.1 and u a ryu:.ioo io mintiB Tr... r is dr:tn aritrt d n4 ar:af'.d er after. Th brat of Uj4 la nr etd tract from acre bp, at fro. a $,J3 to gioy par acr and apoa maa'ri y jj;-mn:a XH k;itA.triR rOMPAXT. Mala lvJ four ta at. A ZOQ a vr.f irtsz rKFR. After ar t:-t i.icc afcaap acr r r r-'T i .rtin.i. YOVV41VB AT A v rRirE. m ra moa and loaAM mur rapiax u a -a. w art!! a Nw 7 ama of or barr'aa pACiric jc.-w. ti.omt.vt cx. 4-5 Co o ti '-K- VO lACRE trarta at a'-atlo on tr-r. a. I p ad. raad fur (ardaa; 14 far. lLMy erma. 3 acra w it a ptpad aratar. So tar: auki your ewa tarnaa. a k.-rom. in orchard, hotiaa, bars asd t-k, farm lmpiamaau; ftc far a; all or part. 2- acraa with rutsft! water. H etarad. 12 mi a frm e'ty; il p ar. Trma. acr with hjuw. laugL M.'t. aat 203:. 414 Cou'h t.i'.K. miCKCV FARM lIAIKJAfV. acr", cr I'ortiaad, 10-roora how, v.ih ruy a at or. bat a. tc ; land aaarlr I eUarad; aljolna tiv town. 2 ehTirrraa. acaao.a. 4 a'oraa. thlrkty Mttld rountrr and cocnrauaiir. tnta property caa ba aub1tvMad Into lota later; t blocht from d'pot. a r 4 la a anap; ijf taaaa at aca. air fiC-W; g'od t'-rr.a- J. U. UCmRUN RKALft OCX. ;vj-i c'nrb-tt pfcona Marshall Uv. A 4A4. ACRE AGS OPrORTt'.HXTT. W aw a 6 a--ra of rich. 11 Ian a waica la anlr four in lie from ctty. It baa a froataa oa botrt Lb a Kctloa l.in and Poviil Vailaj roaJa aaU la a lino pia for diTtdina; tcto (malirr trarta W daaira ta raat:a ea It fr tia purp-. of Jmproricf aom city proparty and will Boaao a wi prca to ar:v cailara TKON J CO Concord lOdf. tKROl'OK th daath of a famllr mmbr na ex ear matoinra la inrcaa ta a-u a ara trmct at a 4rvt ierin to inak a aj'itck aa;: nw two-room boa aad oat buuU:nj. ait th land la under cuKIto ttoa an4 airalr pIod; rloa to tb beat tow a la WaaicKtaa County and only M mmaiff from r rt,nO aa alettrle Ua; will bnd a th:a. r acxvic .-w. 1-kvet.opment co 4a Couth iv. ig. i MOM AND 1VVEST.RS. i'aa o-r la mind that C V. P I.l'OCR A a larara Ut of Iikiiwdiivi, rifaa In. Irnprovad and unlmprir4 arr- a la aff-r t orl.- tllOt Will aPP to tha carvful bayra: tiural tarina aad tatoraat: courtanua tr-atxnmt, r. r. rKM'OEK cn Sofia 4 Mitk'f !:: . d acd M-rrlooa Sta, t T A U I! i i E l I N IS "J. CHICK EM and fruit raachao aaar Portland, walkiaa dtatanco to fxnl town; ruon'.nf wtr. boat oil. fro wood, ap.cndid fru.t a atnet: iw of ( " imbtA Rir an.i wo a a . 3 terra I &uu . ra 4 . 1 0 arrt Kw; lv par caa can. aaay ina rKAVK srrARUND feai.tt ctx Taoa A3. 4- IVrtlan-l CH!tN RANCH, 1 acrea. aaar Porxlaad. cia to a i. trio l.aa fw bicx-k from a bool. ettirtb. atorw- lavl. fln. dp ;L a-J c4aard aad ur.Jer cultivation; food wU. built-up aaigbborhood; prtca. aaay trma. J. W. Li.-. 'fK K tT V RRALTT CO-. phonaa A 4a4. -4 ACUF. WITlfTRSEK. CHEAP. a.-r. 14 mui frota I'jrtian't. naar iotrl4 liH, rtr oteaaiara and good ri; tn&4 an 4 larc cr. ail axcalivnt. U.n I rolur.g: 7 a-ra card. ba!aaca pr t;aiiy rlaarad; land ea a-a aivLa aallinf f-r ovr f-" par acre; par a era fwr caaa .N A . CAN. A VcHRlrR 4 S3 Caslr cf v'orr mr- Ptd7. V K A V K K L A AJ LA.N D. 4 araa r tattr: n ana. S mila from v.Yua.-U Croat, ail la c--.lt! vat 10 a. wit a watr; baa produced I '0 crop cahbaaa In nna ar: prtca of t-iia for abort tuu. $l0a par a-r. trf Board of Trade bl:.. 4tn aad Oak. lia A'Ji. c m::.e FROM CITt tAT TLRila. On M-unt IUo-j aad v. W. P. !ectrio f-a. h . f mil from Re las roa-l. a-1 atit pr:tv i wd tra and undar bruri: td..'at for fru't -r cai. kn ra-a Si S S TA KK A L V M A X. h t. CHOICE rtvar frontaa. arr-a ard lta. r.w loon bucc-w with 1 1-4 a.r. j.od: m am 4-roi ba ijiiow. 1 1-4 a--r. M'Ou. T-room hou. 1 ! :. f"; mi oa aaar tarme. 11. v?. p:rki(hr, K.a.y etauon faona Oa i;rv. I .c i;. Foetal aiMrcia Milwu!a. Ore at. trv.ClA.ls Sacrra-tk a tand. only S b.ocVi f;-.j;tt rl'-v'.ric ur'.nr; baa 4-ro.m bous. Inn, nird. brri-a. tc; a:o hora. cow. rh:ckaa, al too: a, etc; b. br -tin at W ciT K HJfLAN P CO.. 24 Ptarlt S:. 1 4-4 ACKtJ, cCAckn ranch on alrc-trlo 1'na ar FoftUaJ. only t-W cash down. ia ru4ntht: aa- c.arir s . aprtna attar; aa r-he or (rAu IKA.N'K MTA RLAVO RE ALTT COl. 4 ' jrarab Ui 4-. Iirt ia ci 14 AvRc-!t ad o:n:n( Oroo City. 4 atrw trria. banljr cuUivtd; uidltla a:-;y. 4:jOl 74 a--r. twa aata buildlcca. stock. lm- plarr.ar'.a $U.5lX K SI t VAX B A RN E T . Orafon City. wrH T buy a lot wba yu caa st 3 acra of fn rarda lnd. a.1 uUr cuUlvattoo. fr 4 p-r t. on -:nc iir.. e in ; 3d traina .'.ry. Inquire owner. 44 Park. I'tun ft-ii. 14 FROM PORTUND. 14 arrva. a J in cultivation, and eloaa fa :ctr;c JlSi pr acre; t-rma C. Xsl YOfNa J 251i ihIwm f Co.n :n arc, ACRES, platllcc proposition, cloaa to a:iaood carkaa 13 rrtiuuteo out, huti claao proprr with a future. 5e J 01 n a. n. ffo rim:, w aa n 1 r t ai t. 9 AND li-acre tncia conTcnat to t!tctno cari:n . tan 1 la cu.tiva;on. r:oh. deep o..l: rica S'.iO an a-r. e.iy terma V Ea 1SKN U.ND CO.. Sf Miryt. AORd bottom and ta,vrx!m land, oa Wtiamett R.rar. h;f ta rultiativn. b aac raai'y c. eared, ao areata. AC KsOt OrsroQifta. FXl'R a -ra. toui. fru.t. etc: clo to Ore yon KictMe aiation. SO mtnutaa' ride; tcrma, Owaar. ITZJ C'n'on at., aaar ataat 4 lit. phone TatKr 2: SS. S " p FR AC RE 10 acrea, Tlamey Coun:y. W bra caa ya bay a.ool or any o.h-T land ao clP S- TV Vincent Co.. 4iT f hambr of C-mman-e. 4 ACRES, rd"a Homo. $:.1v all ci ti. vatM Hai.e parte bo i;i rnt for 1 1 Zi y-r yrar.Onjr : raah. X .'. WNT evm! partlra t bay fruit land. ML. IIo--d R a-i 1 arr at 9U per acra. Caa h.45JsOr cori '.an. J ACR- ready for r ow: on 9a'm yeotxic. e-w Lai aara-aia Pliaaw aat aU.Ii4 IXAL tSTATE. Hoaarat aa aa. ADVANTAGES OP ORLOON lOe-pa aaoK Jlvea amoaat of Oovirnarat land opaa to eaeetead. la oaca county ta tha atatao of Orecoa and uiusiua. aad daacrip tlea of ammo; frmm bomaataad. daaart. timbor. at 00. coal aad misaral la we; two noape af Orecoa la oolora. Halt, ahowtog K. R. la o par a l Ion. one abowmg ait pro pooad R. R. aad electrto Uaaa. laclodiag Aaaiera aad Cectral Oroa too oaca. or tbo tare a4o, aiap of YYaaMaftoa ia ool ora. limit, ta aUaaa atuaay as Co liamllt" blda. . ADVANTAGES CP OREGON lOO-pase book irleea amount of CWvernment land open to h meo:ad. in earn county In th State of Ore coo aaJ Waahlnrton. and deacriptloa of ujd; alrea aora-aiead. d-oart. timber, tonf. coa, and mineral lawa: two :napo of Oron ia colore. 22, ahowlnr It. R. In P'rtton. on anowm al propo-d H. R. ar. f a. e, trie line. Inrludm tAatrn and t"n:ral frrn. '-ie aac h, or tare &u Mp of Wnlnrton in coiora 20c N.nmo. liunay A Co.. Hamilton bMc. HyUKSTaAl'."! aad deaart ciaim locatlona In t fcerii ir a on. Wo have aom of the cholcet locatK'pa of borntead and dea art claim in central OragJtt. Many With runnira atroama. making trrlgatioa aaar. Boil of rich volcanic aao. Eapecially aiAptd fr grair.a and crupe generally ra.aed by th M:d'1I Wt farmer. Rom of th.ee ohotc claima on th R. R. aur vay. Sea hi early, aa they will go faet. P. O. tot M Prtncv-me. Qr. BOMF-TEAl rallnqulehment. ta Clackamas County. claa to J'oraad. If you want to ba Independent and get a piece of laad of your own. and do sot want to work for tho other fellow alt your life, it w'll pay yea to Inreatlcate thla; tho price I $: m f?r thta map. 417 Board of Trad a HOvr.iTEAD or timber claim af 4 acrea. c oa to Portland; adont oM to coroa of wood: locattoa fo $40: anawrmg givo phone nnmber. C boJ. Uregonian. rOR the bat homeated propoaltlon In Or. m a. location fe AOw Address Box 12. Ar::ngtoa. or. "per ala Frvlt Land. ntPROVED QUARTER ACRS ORCHARD ORHT ARD TRACT! F FT TO OREGON'S Ti l i.ru ArpUaVi. thg orchard T!: CT.-i ARE JLT CuAllNa INTO ! biocka from a "d car lino. Bd fara. ro nuautaa r.ua zrom cenier ox rar Good water, soil deap. no m-?k. no Irrl gai'n reouired. traris lie w-il. flno view rf MC Hod and Alt. Rt- H'ai, kx-ated within S Mocke 4f eplendld s -l and in a ep:ear1:i ae.chbornood. lnc 4T5o; trma. t luo: sio ar month, in threat 4 per cent. Hut now of CH AJTN As HER LOW. (R Chamber of Com mere a. FOR KALE BT OWNER. 4? acTa. oeor:y all In cultivation. In on or the best fruit KcUom la Oregon, a emin-.y road. 3 rotlea from Eatacada. S mil from ator. church and graded a hooi ; 1 mi from electric car. vraeic. aprtng and a tittle ttntber. on on and of place. aed d to aa an1 clover; floe view of moun tina 1'rica 410" par acr. will gl terme. No a veal. Writ or talepbon to H. Aw Wooeter. Eatacada. Or.. K. IX 1. THE P&eT IKVFJTULSr IS Perron a park Orchards. In bou'hem Wil li met t Valley. whr tha ciunat Is nchl. aell ri.h and deeo. and alvtude Jut what fruit raoira. Wa sell a acre tr:s or mora. p. anted to suit TOb, at SlCr par a re leas then others are aak Ing. We give you liberal terma and pay your far. Sea as for particulars, it To Ft ark atreet- FOR AI.E by owner S3 acres, cholea trolt land. 3 mile fr-m electric cariin. in bert of on of b-et fruit sactlona In Ore gnn; 2X bearing trees. comfortable bouaa, barn, Ursa ep tiara, water power for eiectrio lights and powa; 23 acr- eedd to oata. 4 mile to school and church: fine view mountains; tnuet sell, as ne-d mony. Phone Main tf-'Tg or East .V. BT OWNER. TS acres, to planted to apple 1 year old. acrea wainuta 4 and A years old. reat ail clear and la crop; electric survey through place: per acre, or will sell part good terms. Inquire 649 Ualaey sU, city. RCOLE RIVER LANDS W can sell yoo lo. JO or w acres or ino dmi Brrnim laa!a In the Ru4 River Vnlley. ail set to Harriett and U'AnJou pears and New-toa-n apiss; price low. t rms rrMmiib. Write us. The Roguo River Investment Co.. Aaulaad. Or. J?4 ACTlEjl FINE FRHT LAND. cioao to Sheridan. Or.. I'i acrea in culti vation. 44 scras all planted to oats, plenty of good water, old bouae and bam for lid per acre on term. C. DE TO UNO. 413 Chamber of Co mm ere a Flit" IT land, choice 10-a ore tract, all In cul tivation, convenient 10 ooa ion, pric l"vo. can pay fluO down aad $10 month until PnUL W KSTfc. K .V LAND CO.. 34" H Ptark Pt. A.ACRR appte orchard a planted with New- tow na. bi:xenorga ana jouiimui, ne acr. on very eaay taxma Cochran 412 Chamber of Co mm ere bMg. OWNER of orchard In cholcewt Hood River fruit district, will aaU owing to bualr.esa In t Ma city requiring nis wmr tinouun, N 5J, OrrgonLn. 2 ACR Kit In Eatacada fruit distinct. 12 in cu tl va " mn. at vmu. Hog vi. Eatacada. Or. CHOICB fruit land. Cheap. If taken at one. twner. l, u. iiuuiiw, a&wr. Oregon. m Far Sale Farm. ACHfelH. rash. bsL per cent 18 milea from Portland's bualneea center, few t:ock a from achooi. church and at or, near electric line; all cleared, in high .stats f cultivation, level, deep rich soli. 00 rwrk or gravl. good road. R- F. D. route, telephone, spring water, price tl2a; good terms. 10 seres. adolnlnr. all cleared, earn a soil. :; terms cash. bat. 4 per cent. 40 acre, earns vicinity. 4 blocks distant. 44 seres clerd. balance timber, eloeo to school, church and stors; plica $1-4 per acr; terma Tb'it sre all eplendtd In veatments and will grow In va.ue rapidly. J. W. HEKFERI.IX REAWI CO JCS Corbett li.iig. Poea Marahail 3S. A tt. 6ATI TAf.K AROfT TOCR SNAPS! LoOrC AT THIS ONE. 40 sere. 40 acr ail newly grubbed anal tn cultivation: good 4-room nous, barn, chicken and atorehouaes: all fnced. creek n P ca . land lies periert; at ferry lend ing on VtUsmetl. 2 mile to Newberg, K r. R. R-. lino road a loctrlo lino soon to Newbarg; a.ao w caa prove- to yoa that thla la th chpeat buy in entire country: after our option expiree. AOO per a.-r can't buy it; our pric. ft-i If yoa aro in th market for land, heed our appeal and :o-k thi up. R. A. KIRK A Ck SI 4 Lewis bldg. 5. ACRES. rCJVIVX ft arrrs. In your. orchard. 4 -room bona and g-vd barn. 1 chlckene, cwb, hora and ttcnn. IO mtlea front Portland on .rvtrtc line; the pickneea of my wifs compeia in" to s-rlfice my farm. Tsrrua AN orcgonisn. FOR PALE Farm rn Chehalem aMoontAlna. rtesr pr.wwww; 1 -w acr. ir rr. 10 acres In hope, flv In prunes, email fru!:a, barn, hophous. horawa. shevp, cow a ehlckena r is it-room boas fur nu:ied; a goirr con. ern. a money-maker, a beautiful pce; two sprlnsa runnlrg water tn bsrn and too-.ie. prlc $ l4.tW; Will take euitle or other pro party, som Ch. E Oreg'nian. GREAT FARM SNAP. ioa fo- 140 acres bear tho Mount Hood electric rad. good building, e. -el-led fruit and etock ranch; alao over 30-t worth of timber; good terma given. Get bur If yoa want a good thing. F. FVCHS, 211 MorrtsonS treat. $375 Bt'YS cholc 10 acre of "red hot Soil. ummprvv. v 1 . . j.im, via tiiKJi stream. nar county road and only two hours from Portland : Just tha plac for pouiiry; caa you beat it 7 Pawner. luO 4taSj $13 PER ACRE. 9d acrea or sry part. ?oo acre ran be cultivated, ba.ance excclient pasture, p'erty rf wster and outrange, near rau rond 14 per acre. cash. Cheater H. Starr. 1 ,v 2 Hoard of Trade bMg. XxVPaCRES st Broadmead atatlon. half price; lr..1 aajiiiJa . r, i.r a few uays we can sell this at $75 pr acre, easy terms. Cellars-Murtoa Caw, avd tip:dingbidg: 6aP A fin farm 1 mla from depot. tois, improTsuwu, wwy, Coido ci.K'k. KINNEY A STAMPHFR, 531- Lrcbr. Ex. PUf ALL KlNi? OP C.OOO FARM? AT GOOD TRICilS IN IMS W 1 LKT A DDR t S FA RVK KS CNIO.V. AM ITT. Y A V HILL COUNTY. ORISON. Kvi'TE 1. roX 10rt: MVfrT sell best farm In Oregon. 40 acres; crop, atock. etc.. ociy 'w per acre; time; w!ii divide: a's 1-0 acr.'. No. I farm, :s0. big- bargains. V. Cladek. Grab tree, or. TWO warehoueea. two Tarn hill County farms, river bottom, til arauiec. wen im proved; an Al buy. Owner. J. W. Alston, Amity. Or. OWNER'S SAl.E Two very deelrahls farms. fne.y ioca:ea; annnaanc w o-mj ana water, ror veniant to a-onj ard railroad, at at tractive pricea Poetwick. Plodgett. Or. BT owner. acrea 1 mi: from elect r.e I n. rvuroaa 2 mres, w acr ciaareo. Box T4, routs 1. Hubbard. Or. 40 ACRFS wttn building. 18 ml. from Port land, s-uv Tr acr. jioerat a itcoual sag aU 4 ft, pWSX 22 AiOTTASaa 1 REAX WTATE "lor Sal e- amis. LOANT FARM BOMS. fOfWV U II.I. HiVDLK. Thl ;u.cre home la decidedly tho bt nrnnnsltinn mm H.v BMn In tha Willamette b ailey. There are 2"J0 acrea. 200 acrea In Mffh a tat a of cultivation aad ta crop; the entire tract Ilea perfectly, not a f""t ' waato land, th ooli being tho beat bottom land wc have ever examined. It la a oo mellow loam, aad the kind or nosiom that never verflowa, la perfectly drained and the water never atancs on ino tnu - nv MWin nf th r Thr Im a hand aom 4. woo real dene on th property and it la located right In the edge of one of the beat tomna In th valley, price HOO per acre. ih) down, ba: ace 6 year a with 4 per cent Interest. We would conatrler thla p'ara an aapeclally good buy at tM),-O-O. The crop is all In and conalata of h arrea or waaat. lv acrea cau, iv -1 oata and vetch. Crop goe If bought with. In the next two weeka. Would like to sub mit thla place to aom a one wanting tho beat sx.il a suable n th atate. Wa know thero Is nothing batter and that will b our vera let wnen you see it. Ana iwc lion is a.i mat rouia te aaireo. HARORUVE A SO.N'H. 121 th su North, cor. th and Ollsaa. Vain 45&A. A T-31. OOOD IWEfiTMEXTS. Ons of tho largest land deals in th his tory of Kenton Count r has lust been closed, whereby Frank Lata sold his fins farm of 831 acres, located 4 milea south of phllomeLh. Oregon, to D. M. Rugglea; conalderation, .2.jfQ. Tho deal was mads tnrousn tns risinwster unwmin Ltna Co.. of Philomath, Oregon. Mr. Kuan lea. who bought tho place, expects to cut it up into small tract a to auit purcnaacra, and has already kiM ftA acre to A. G. llil. of Dayton. Oregon. This la ons of tn nnt tract in tn county, ana win nak excellent fruit farm a A tract of 4"0 acrea, suitable to cut np into small tract fr rruit and poui trr. 3 miles from Philomath. Wlon; 2"0 acre under caltlvatlun; price. $JJ par acra. Also a tract of 84 sere. one-haJf mite from Philomath. Oro. which could b "cut up into atnall trnct for fruits or dl ve reined farming; 1H) sere under culti vation; price, $0 per acra Alao good farm propositions, largo and small, for homes or lnvai tment. For folder or map of Oregon, call on or write nam water at jto'rman iana voM Hot 837-H. philomath, Beaton County, Or. CENTRAL OREGON. Wheat and hog ranchva within few miles Of Maupln. Or.. "On the Deerhutea" River, served by both Hill snd iiurriman lines of railway, and a DOWN GHADU HAl'L TO HOT 11. Improved ranches; fenced: good houaes and barna etc.. at from $15 to 3b per acra 1 nese are an locatea In a rch wheat belt known as ths Juni per Flat and none are farther than 4 miles from ths growing town of Maupln. lKn't pay epecu.atlv prices. Tak tha Oregon Trunk fly. to Maupin. the flrat town up th Deschutes from ths Colum bia Rlvr. Remember, you can gat IM PROVED RANCHES at from $15 to $J5 per acre near alauptn. Stop off at Mau pin. or write to me and I will show yoa tho biggest bargains la ranches la Central Oregon. J. W. CROSSLET. Maupin. "On th lohutes. Oregon. FARM AND COUNTRY 6TORB. 1A scras of best black sandy river hot torn land, rood lor dalrvlna. hay. wheat. oais, potatoes, vegetable. In faet. ths teat producing land In two atate for gen eral farmlna: rood fences, rood buildings. piped water all over ths ranch from a mountain stream; goon general mere Han dle ator in connection; well atocked: only tor around. Good rurroundtnga. all stock, machinery, tools go with ths place; has 20 acre In hop. 1 acres of best apple orchard; ail for caa a. be owner at THE COLONIST LAND COt. JS Chaiubar of Commarca. "BUT MY $0 ACRES." Aro 70a looking for a fsrmf Hro la one. Su acres clear; all bottom land. This is only 3 miles from a good town along the Columbia River. Thi has river trans portation 4 times dally. The lay of this inn a is pr;iy. 1 nvrw avr am a hvu mnv other advantages. 4-room house. bam. 3 apringa Haa a nice little home orchard. Now you really could not ak for anything better than this for only itt.bo per acre, it you want a snap, ao not fail t call at once. Fee my agents. HALL ATCHISON. 313 Qerllngcr bldg.. 2d and Alder st. WHITH SALMON LAND. 160 acre of fruit and timber laid. Id- rated 11 milea from Write balmon. 3-4 mile from a small town oa tho Whit lm on River; has a bouae and barn; about 0 acrea cleared; 76 peach trees, appl and prune trees for home ua; atout So seres of fruit land, b a lane val uable for-timber and pasture. Price $4!)'m: $2000 cash, balance jJn 3 to S years with 7 per cent Interest. Will dlvld into entailer tracts. If desired. Will accept eecoad-uaad auto or tst as part payment Must be sold by March 27. loTES REALTY A INVESTMENT CO., Whits Salmon. Waahlngtoa. GUARANTEED AS ADVERTISED. 63 acrea new house, not finished. 13 acres aiaahed and burned. 4 miles from Carrollton, 7 mile from Kalama. good soil, fin aprtng. on R. F. D., Joining good school, only $1000. half cash; if you want a snap, come at one. 360 acres. 7 miles from town, all fenced and cxo-fenced. 15 acres under culti vation, ao acrea easy cleared, 4-room houae, fa:r barn, good water, new breaking plow, new disc 3 cows; pries $32&0, $lUuO cash, rest to suit TAYLOR at nrU3. Kalama. Wash. FINE farm In Clackamas Co., 0 miles from Oregon city; at aero, all good, 6 acres clear: fine apple and pear orchard, fair - house, good barn, good fence; running water in house, garaun. oarnyaras and in nearly every field on place: good road a; schoolyard adjoins placo; churchea. etc.; trope, a lock. team, all but household fur niture go with place. Price $10.u0, tout term If desired. Addree 42 aw 61st au North or phone C Suva. HOMESEEKERS. ATTENTION. In looking for a home don't forget Ash land, situated at south end of Rogue River Vailey; population 6K0; schools the beat In the atate. the an oat healthful locality, pur mountain water, hot and cold mineral eprlnire; holds world prtxe for peaches snd second to none In all k'nrls of fruit; cli mate vary deairabis. Ths America a ll.'oin and for yourself or writ to Ashland Commercial Club, Ashland. Or. " FARMS FOR SALE. Port y-five acres S3 acres In cultiva tion; 3 houaes; 2 eprtngj; large orchard; Ct0 yarde to county r.id ; soil No. 1. not a rock on It. Prlc 2bt time oa $120. 1 acre) 1! in cultivation; poor build legs; No. 1 soil, no rock: ff ml lea f rum town. 1H to atore and Patofilce, mils to school; no town land shark. C O. BURGESS. Phertdan, Routs 1. Oregon. A 15-ACRE IMPROVED FARM READY FOR OCCUPATION. SI minutes from Portland, on Oregon Electric, on main road to Portland ( 13 miles); level land; black loam soil; all highly cultivated; rood market town closo by; house, barn, outbuildings, family or chard, near school; an exceptional chance. PACIFIC N.-W. DEVELOPMENT CO- L-oocn xiiog. OWNER SATS GET ME OFFER. Fin farm of 54 acrea 10 min. from Orcharde and car. cult., 15 acres stump paatura 15O0 cords wood, good buildings. Kvery foot fine soil and level: wood can be marketed, at 43 profit; owner must sen snd will consider any fslr offer. CLO I 'KELT ERJ 1 i OS . .4 1 4 Couch Hid g. 43 ACRES rich bottom land. 30 acres under plow; haa house, barn, orchard, etc., alao 3 horses, 6 cattle, hogs, chlckene, all farm Implements, etc; 1 Si miles to station, con venient' to Portland; prlc $XK, easy WESTERN LAND CO.. 348 H Stark St. TOO homes eeker! Don't fall to se what I hava to offer you !n Morrow County , fore buying :ivbra Improved wheat land for $15 to .i per acre; Ideal ollmato, fortune mad In raising wheat- Writ rro for list of whst I nave for sal. A- S. Aafc.rta. iieppner. or. 14 MILES FROM PORTLAND. 20 acre, ail In cultivation, with 4-room bungalow, close to Willamette River and aiactrle line. $400; on terma. BETTER SEE THIS TODAY. C. DE YOUNG. 43i Chamber of Commerce, QUICK SALE 40 acres, foothill Land, atumpage. 5 miles from Wood villa. Or.: timber atandltg pays for clearing; fin land for peaches, cherry or apples; prlc now S4v0. D. Marshall, car box 377. Medford. Or. CLARK COUNTY farms and acreage. TUOS. H- PLACKSTONE, Kldgefleid. Was iu $0 ACRES on water, convenient, small cash payment. fcaL terma O. WldUlokauif, i SQUina. ur. SEE our list of dairy, fruit and poultry f.irma, stock ranchea and timber lands be Cor toujUig isewhara, buu- aua( REALESTATE. For Sale Farms. MR. NEWCOMER. DO TOTT WANT LAND that you can IRRIGATE during th dry Summer, so yoa can doo ble or treble your yields? If ao. get In on th ground floor of our Willamette valley irrigated land la Marion Co., s. a ox oa 1 em. Apply at farm land department of 1IARTMAN A THOMPSON, Bankers, Chamber of Commerce Bldgv Portland, or at our Branch Office on the sTounda at WEST BTAYTON. OR. Taks 4:15 P. M.. S. p. train at TTnlon Depot (or st 4:25 P. M. from E. Morrlaoa suj to west fitaytoa via wooabura. TO HOME?EEKERS In veat In th famous White Salmon country. An 'deal fruit belt, mild climate and wonderful scen ery, pure water and fuel in abundance, a product lv and Inexhauatible soil, assur ing large and unfailing crops, a ready marast wita tn oeat transportation ia cl.lt tea. You will have to act quickly if you want any of them, because land in thla famous White Salmoi country Is rapidly increasing In value, w have sold many tracts of land In th past four years, snd those who bought of us are well pleased. We can refer you to them. We also have bargains in city property, ooin reeiuent ana Busi ness property, and are daily listing other outside property, as well as city property, wnlch w will be slad to ahow you. We guarantee every tract as good as represented. For reference sddresa any business nous m vs hit balmon. R. FIELD A CO.. Whit Salmon. Wash. SPLENDID FARU. $25 acrea $0 miles west of Portland, eloa to Southern Pacific R. R. station; good schools; on rural delivery route; 100 acres In cultivation, running spring water to bouse and barn; ail nca do Horn sou. tin onion lands. 10 acrt-e In alfalfa. Su acies In timothy. 15 acres la clover. T-ilnr, In mm. This farm la modern In every war. Will rent for a term of 5 wears at $1500 per year. F R LEVEE. $17 Spalding Bldg. Fnon Main 73S7. DAIRY RANCH CHEAP. ONLY $06 PER ACRE. 3?B acrea. 20 ncrea clear, ideal location only 16 milea from Portland. Could be easily cut up into two nne rancnea. iwu'i r. ujv There ra fine atrlnffs and creek on place, 3 houaes and 2 barns. bi0 prune treea and drier. 14 head of cows and heifers and bulL S horses, alao lixa. sheep and chlckena. All other tool. Glv us a visit n in is. HALL A ATCHISON. 218 GerUnger Bluff. LINCOLN COUNTY FARMS. SOO-acr dairy farm, thre miles from Toledo ; 8-room house, good barn ; placo cuts Co tons of hay; team, tools, cows, sheep and avary thing go with placo; $50 per acre. 300-acrs stock and dairy farm on Little Elk. six miles from Eiayvnie; neariy an good, level lsnd; about 100 acre fenced and parti cleared, balanc easily cleared; good family orchard and old hour; th best outsia range in iincoin -ouuiy Joung cattle and goats need no feed here 22y per acre; terms If desired. A, W. MORGAN. OWNER, Toledo, Oregon. FARM SNAP. -80 acrea one houri ride from Portland, half mile from town and station; 04 acres under plow. Id acre slashed and sowed; 7-room houae. 2 barn a and culcken houses, 2 acres bearing orchard, water piped to house and barn, running water in pasture, 1 team, 2 wagons, piw, uur and drag harrow, cow and calf, 60 chick ens, furniture. Including new rang. 15 par acr. easy terms. C ANN A M' BRIDE. 432 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. FOR BALE 145 acres, 10 miles from Van couver, Wash., at R. R. station; w acres under plow, balance In pasture; all leveL Twp orchards, variety of fruit; 40 acrea alder bottom, balance red ahot soil; No scol. Building Improvements woiih $600O. Good spring, two wells; $125.00 per acre; part cash, part Portland prop erty. E. Swan, 11&7 Union ave. Phone A 7679. FOR 6 ALE 5 acrea best kind of garden soil; 1 Va acres in grspes, balanc In small fruit and vetches; new 5 -room plastered house, chicken-bouse, good well; fin view of Portland ana snow mountains; 2V4 miles to city limits; easily divided Into tracts. Call, or see owner afternoon at mail box 09. Oatfleld road, mile east of Courtney station, on O. W. P., Oregon city route. ON ELECTRIC LINE. 10 dcrea In cultivation. 14 miles from Portland by wajcon road, close to rood town; will sell thla week for $175 per acre, on terms. uocnraa, 432 Chamber of commerce blag. M I see Han eon. FOR farm lands, orchard tracts, ctty lots. choice lot on rortianu Heights, cuy prop erty on west bide, tc call at ooz couch bldg. TO EXCHANGE. I HAVE $2000 worth of the best beach prop erty on tne facmc coast rree xrom an in cumbrances; will trade for equities In Laurelhurat or any other good sub-divlslon in Portland. AX) 673, Oregonlan. DO YOU KNOW A GOOD THING? Ons of the best-paying hotels In th ctty. 130 rooma, modern; building and furniture only I year old; heart of city; clearing over $700 per month; will aell on easy terma; trfads for good farm, or sell it interest to reliable party capable of managing th business, af I hav to go to Alaska to look after my mining Inter est a I'nr particulars sea Coraar, Drexel Hotel. 246V Yamhill it. FOR SALE, or will trad for city property. my 240-acr ranch; 33 acres z-year-oia Comic and d'Anjou pears; $3 seres 2-year-oid fplts and Yellow Newtowna; Itogu River, close to Medford. on county read, one mile from railroad station ; houae. bara. wall, springs, larg creek running through place; improved and up to data. 4-1 Board of Trad bldg., Port land. EXCHANGE or sale. 80 acres good land; few acres cleared; gooa limoer; j.u-room house, ao miles from Portland. What have you not over 10 miles from Port land, close to depntT Apply Gordon. 23 North Front st Telephones: Main 1600; A "4-,0. TRADE for city property. 60 acres in Polk County, Wis., l-room onca no use. s-year-old orchard, fenced and cross-fenced ; prlc $6000; $2600 mortgsg on place. Woliett, Dell A Wachs. 441 Va Mississippi avenu. Wood lawn 147. WILL trad 5 million fir timber for small reeldenco In Portland; crtus guaranteed. AL 870, Oregonlan. CHEAP for caah or exchange for Portland property, e.u-scrs rancn in aviicaiiat County. M. Madsen. Knight Shoe Co. WILL sell or trad my beautiful residence. conaisung ok i acrea, 11 rorwi urova. Address S. A. Mouiton, Forest Grove, Or. WILL exchange $ or 10 acre In Marlon County lor noraes or cuy una ov a.ai Stn at. Phone Sellwood 1028. 10 ACRES. 6-room house. Villa ave., 20 rods Hooa canine, r. u. xuwmaa wnwi don. A 7090. Mam WANTED To trade good lot in growing tOWn lOr lnu wbbu muu u ucc. Vtl o Jionigomery. jvba, iut wr. ninwi. 1LL SELL Rob City Park lot, $675 cash, or exchange for Mount Tabor property. v rue unw, i o---. vtftvmptM. evehanre your property for what yoa desire. porUsnd Exchsnge, dlT Board of Trere bldg. See Mr. Wlest. .'EST PIDE suburban lots, $200 each, on car line, will take cheap logged.off land. Civ location and price. P. Q. Box 43G. EXCHANGE Lot for good houseboat. Phone Mars nan w. FOR SALE or exchange, two business lots WANTED REAL F.STATE. WANTED An Inside lot In Upper Alblna, not Ol over 1-' "i iousc about $1000 cash. Write X obi. Ore- ha so ronian. W ov ANT a 5-rKm houss and full lot. not er lno in price; will pay $.i00 cash; "O HI il psriiniiars . uo m&rru lb uctu a H Si, cr-gonian. I HAVE a client willing to Invest up to 4 j') XK in income-oearmg ou' y 1 "v- erty. H. R, Hill, o2 CLarnbex of Coax-znexc. WANTED REAL ESTATE. HAVE an impatient client waiting; for a 5 room bungalow in Hawthorne or Sunny aid district; must be this aide of S9ta su. and not more than $3&00. R 874, Oregonlan. X WANT a 7-room house between E. Conch and E Stark, and not farther out than E. ISth su Price about $4000. Y SSO", Oregon! an. WE WANT ACREAGE Tn or out of the city. List yours with us. We will rh' it Immediate attention and find you a buyer if price Is right. NORTHERN TRUST CO.. M 270 Stark St WANTED North western real estate In ex change for California property. For sale, on terms, city, town or country property. Get our list. Cline-Hull Company, H. W. Hellman bldg., Los Angeles. Cal. IP vou have nropcrty for sale or trade, list It with us. W can sell or trade it for you. L. AMADON. 216-217 Lewis Bldg. 6 OR 6-ROOM bungalow, furnished, direct from owner, win pay ca.i; rau. ow w gain. Ross City, Irvlngton, Piedmont preferred. V 80O. oregonian. I WANT to buy 250-acr dairy farm; must bo near transportation and cheap. Full details first letter. N 860. SOUTH MOUNT TABOR acres, on 71st SU, by owner. Phone East 3SC0. WANTED TO RENT FARMS- WOULD like to rent a farm with atock. Address &3 5th st. North. FOR RENT FARMS. WANTED Responsible partVlo crop land on shares; close to Portland, near electric transportation; first-class cleared land; from 10 to 50 acres for lease. PACIFIC N-W DEVELOPMENT CO- 4 05 Couch Bldg. 60 ACRES, cultivated; atock. tools, feed, $9X. for aale. 04 Railway Exchange, forenoons. FOR SALE TIMBER IAXD. I HAVE some good small buys In th fol lowing townships: 17 W., 12, H)0,000 feet. 15 6.. 9 W 1. 000.000 feeL 18 8., 1 E. 9.0-O.OUO feet. S.. 6 E-. 10.OUO.000 feet. 4 N-, 8 W., 4 N., 10 W. 5 N.. 9 "vF. C. J. M'CRACKEN. 304 McKay bldg. SNAP for caah. 26.360.000 feet absolutely first.clasa yellow nr. on railroad, good ground for logging. cruise guaranteed. Thla is a logging proposition at less than speculators price; cash only will b con- aiaerea. ai 001. urenunnui BOUGHT AND SOLD. C. J. M'CRACKEN. a 04 McKay Bldg. 160 ACRES timber land. Grsnt County, about 2.500.0V0 feet; 4ie&u; 91000 caso. FOR SALE Pin logging proposition with mill, cheap and wU located. AL 871, Oiegonlan. WANTED Tellow fir logging proposition; n ot l ess t n an Zd, uvu, uuu ; p reter rai trou. M 866, Oregonlan. WANTED TIMBER LANDS. TIMBER land wanted. C J. McCracken. SQ4 McKay bldg. FOR SALE. Horse. Vehicle sod Harnea. HORSES FOR 8 A I.E. 2 span gray geldings, 3000 lb., age S to 8. 1 span brown M. and G.. 32oO lbs.. 5 and 7. 1 span bay geldings, 2500 ls., 10 years. 1 span brown geldings, 27ou lbs,; 4 years. 1 span black. M. and G., 2800 lbs., 0 and 11. 1 span sorrel geldings, 2600 lbs., 10 years. 1 span roans, 2000 lbs., 7 and 11. 1 span sorrels, 1900 lbs., 9 and 11. And several others, from 1000 to 1400; also aeveral furniture wagons and delivery wag ons. All horses sold from our stables are subject to our guarantee. If not aat isfactory to he returned less $1 per day wh'l gone. Hawthorne Avenue Stables. MULES, MISSOURI MULES. Wa are again at th Union Stock Yards where wo will carry a good stock of first class hamvy draft mules during tho Spring Jnid Summer seasons. On Mon day, March 27, wo will receive our first consignment of two cars. 44 head. These mules run in age from 4 to 7 years and weigh from 1200 to 1450 lbs., and are extra quality. For reference, our last year's customers. MURPHY HORSE & MULE CO., Phone Woodlawn 2-Wo; C 01U. GRAY mar and horse, weight 2400, age 9 and 10. gooa worKers, siugio or uouoia Pric $120.00 Gray horse and hay mare, weight 1400 lbs. each, ago 9 and 9. This team haa been working on dump wagon, owner in hospital and must sell at sacrifice, SEETO.V BARN. 646 Front St. FOR SALE A hotel omnibus in fair con dition. H 879, Oregonlan. WANTED Matched bay team about 2400 lbs., must be young, souna ana in goou condition. Roberts Bros., 3d and Morrison. BAY gelding, standard-bred, aga 6. weight 1100 IDS. inis norae cau runu j.v w miles an hour and is perfectly safe for lady to handle. Hides or drives, slngi or double. Owner has purchased automo bile and has no use for him. Will be sold at a sacrifice, can at &p front at. JUST arrived, 4 carloads of drafthorsea all good amootn ones, ranging in weigui irum 1200 to 2000. Call on us before buying. THOMPSON A MALCHORN, Commission Deaiers, Union Stock Yard a SICKNESS causes me to dispose of fine. sound 2000-lu., weii-maicneu, o-year-oiu team, maro and gelding; good heavy set of harness; no raaaonaDie oner reiuseo. 312 Rusaell St. FOR th best qualities of work or driving horses at tne most reasouauie prnj, to tha Rose City Park stables, at K. 62d su acd Sandy road. Take Rose City Park car. Adams A Campbell, proprietors. JUST arrived. a carload of first-class horses and mares, weigm iruw 3000 lbs., from 4 to 6 years old; every thing sold with a guarantee as repre sented. U. B. Stables. 248 Front. LIVERY SALE and boarding stable, for sale; leaving city and win sell cheap; com and make an offer. 294 Montgom ery, Portlsnd. FOR SALE One mare, weiffht 1400. f-t ana goou 1 aum - , - Smith. Webb farm, on Base Line Road, near Twelve-Mile House. WANTED A sound working horse, harness and light spring wagon ana eaau't; state price; must be reasonable. A. lv. Benson. li3 Holladay ave.. room 2. m PORTLAND Stabtee. i6 N. 15th st. Horse. harness, su ainu 01 a.m vm. Kumo.i.;cu. Lank and business references. R, L. Evans, WANTED A young team. 3000 or over; state age. best casn price, eigni where f-am may be seen. N obi, Orego nlan. FOR SALE at a bargain, one bay mare, 7 years old, weigni id,; genue auu well broke anywhere. W. C. Green, BS 6th at. North, phone Main 7022. MUST ell at once; leaving city; one 2500- lb. team, one iu'wtu. iwm. wn 2 farm wagons. Call today. 830 East 26th it. WW car to Gladstone ave. 6 HEAD horses. 6 head mares, ranging in welgnt irom iv . "v. muniug " 5 to S; ill be sold cheap at the Star Stables. SOS Front st. 6 TEAMS, either by day or month, all Summer's wora. iaae Aiooria car. get of: at. Killingsworth ave., walk east to 42d su 6- YEAR-OLD bay horse, sound, lady broke, 1175 lbs.; 15-3 high; new Moyer mggy and harness; cheap. Inquire 141 Vi 8d st. OR S ALE One f I n e h orse. y ears ol d, weighing 1600 pounds; one nearly new Z 1 v. - - vrm 9Klt T?iihb!I mt FO GOOD opening for a few steady boarders for hoises; gooa care juarauiwu; a. iu horses rented. Columbia Stables. 303 Front, WANTED To buy light horse and delivery wagon, mono larsnaii 11 or can oi Koytft. PORTLAND Stablca. 26 N. 15th at. Phono Marsnail noraco, wHw"i uw ouai- niM rts-M for hire bv dav or month. WANTED Good second-hand wagon and . ...ill nav ou.K , H m vnnil lnr Mara hall 60. SIX bead of young, sound horses; on 2700 pounds, matcnea Day team, o anu ; u-ia-u 90S E. Yamhill. HORSES, thoroughly gentle. Call at Olds, Wortinan A king staoies. 09 asi t iu au North. LA lirt K horse, weiwht li&K at 1 armors Home Maoie. -.j . r irsi su a udf5m. AntomobUea. WHITE STEAMER AUTO for gal, inquire 67 CorbU hid FOR SALE. Automobiles, 1910 REO touring car, fully equipped; mo tor 4 -cylinder, 30 h. p. This car cannot be told from new and is guaranteed for 1 year; run about 1MX miles, used as demonstrator; cost $15i; price, $9S5 cash. 1910 Buick 4-paasenger roadster, fully equipped, run 8000 miles, like new; cost $1300; price $750. CUSTOM-HOUSE AUTO CO.. 831 Everett St Phone Main 1649. STEARNS 80-60 H. P. 7-passenger. top, front, speedometer, overhauled and re painted, perfect condition; $3500; own-ff w 111 accept Portland lots, close-in acre age, or good note. COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY, SiCond-hand Department. C B. HARRIS, Mgr. SIX-CYLINDER FRANKLIN FOR SALE. Nearlv like new, cost $4500. will sell for $25 on terms; trade for smaller car or for city property; too large for my use, fine for rent service. See owner, prop. Drexel Hotel, 246 V& Yamhill st. FINE auto for sale or trade on good prop erty; six-cylinder, high horsepower, five passenger car; in perfect condition. Call Keasey. Hum as on A Jeffery for details. M. 1189. 232 Cham, of Com. A 3814. WILL trade my 7-passenger Packard, value $3500. for Rose City, Hawthorne or Ir vlngton bungalow; may assume some on Irvlngton, property. H. Twltchell. 342 Burns! de. Marshall 1704. , AUTOMOBILE wanted; wanted to trad first-class orchard land in Washington for 4 or 5-passenger automobile. AG S63, Ore gonlan. v I HAVE good instalment not of $900; would like to put up as first payment on good used auto, 5 or 7-passenger; an swer H 882, Ore gonian. . MUST soil, real bargain for cash. Parry road ster, only run 500 milea Owner, 213 Com monwealth bldg. A REO runabout, brand new, never been used, nricn 44u0. Geo. G. Vance Co., 320 Lumbermens bldg. Marshall 297. m m AUTOMOBILES bought and sold. Call or write for bargain list. Custom-Hous Auto Co.. 831 Everett at. Main 1649. WHITE, GAS. 30-H. P., torpedo body, used vary little and like new; cheap for cash. R 655. Oregonlan. WE are In the market for a good, used NEW Overland automobile, fully equipped, S-pasaenger. BV3 Washington st. Birds, Dogs and Pet Stock. ACCOUNT enforced aDeence selling year-old apits dog, $10; pure white Persian cat, $15; Imported Chinese bird cage, $5. Phone Tabor 2004. THOROUGHBRED Whit Leghorn egg". $1 setting. 764 E. Salmon. Phone East 5464. ' CHEAP Pit bull watchdog. 209. Phone Tabor pianos. Organ and Moaical Instrument a. WANTED to rent, a piano, by coupl who will give It splendid car (no children), price must be reasonable. Apply at The Leland Drug Co., 394 Morrison st., corner of 10th, Phone A 6505. SACRIFICE Pianola player, $100; rolls ($40). $10; Aeolian double player organ with 80 roll (about BOO selections) worth $3u0, for $100. Phone Tabor 2004. FOR SALE Steinway upright mahogany piano for sale; must sell this week; make offer. T 8t8. Oregonian. m FOR SALE Must have money; my new $600 piano, not yet out of the box, almost your price. Aggress ju on. oregmaji. STANDARD upright piano, sale, cheap, or rent, 226 Aiisky blag. Main BiOd. ICOHLER Ar f.TTASR niano. excellent eondl tlon. sacrifice price. Lubliner, 109 7th st. CHECK for $106 on Ellers piano House for sale cheap. Phone B lSb. Miscellaneous. fob bat. re. Two 100-H. P. horizontal return tubular VaII.., nn nUi. with t-n r? rmfrl tvrt feed- ' water beater, 6x3 4 Smith vaive feed pump. Dodge injectors, safety valves, crown valves. 6-inch header and all angle valves and Williams feed-water regulator, with aafety water columns, in good con dition. Also one P. vertical submerged head tubular boiler, complete with safety valve and fittings, including surraio in jector; almost new; only used a short time. For further particulars lnquir at room zui oregonian Diag. SEWING MACHINES 50 slightly used ma chines, at very t low prices; Singers, Wheel er A Wilson. New Home. White. Domes tic and others ; making room for new Singer 66 and Singer Rotary. New ma chines sold on easy payments and old machines taken in exchange. Machines rented by week, or month. Expert repair work. SINGER SEWING MACHINE STORE, R 55. KlMh Pronrifitor. 833 Morrison St. Phone Main 2183, A 4599 ATTENTION, GENTLEMEN. nuy your tspring suit 01 me mm oa" mo extra profit tacked on ror nign rent. When I aay I can sell you a $30 suit for $18.75 or a $20 to $22.50 auit for $14.75, $30 a month, which would be raised to $400 if I were on the ground floor in the mam-. Klir-l Tlmmio nnnn room R15. OrO- FOR SALE, at less than half price, one of the handsomest 40-foot runabout pleasure boats on the river, speed 18-20 miles, new high-grade engine, full equipment, new automobile toptTill appointments, new and nerfect. absolutely seaworthy ana a bar gain at prfce offered. AG 881. Oregonlan, AUCTION SALE of unclaimed freight and baggage at Holman's Transier (jo. s ware house. North Bank freight shed, cor. Htn and Moyt, on Thursday, next, at v a. m. J. T. Wilson, auctioneer OLD Jewelry exchanged lor watches and diamonds; unredeemed pledges for half original prices. Uncle Myers, ti qui iu. ret ween Oak and Pine. FOR SALE $30.00 Edison phonograph. usea oniy naun. umw, witu i.uv r specially selected records, for $20.00, if taken at once, w rua m oom, ji cgmuo.. FURS Latest-style, practically new baby mink stole and muff, cost $350.00. Own er leaving city. Will sell for $150.00. if taaen at qucp. write axj qq-ji cb""j 6A-FES New and 2d-hand; low prices; easy terms; safes opened, repaired and painted. PURCELL SAFE CO. and PORTLAND SAFE CO.. 85 5th at. Main 6309. A 4118. PLUMBING GOODS, new and second-hand, at remarkably low prices. Portland Wrecking Co., 105-7 11th st. N. Main 37, .A 3736. FOR SALE One fiO-ton Climax locomotive, 4 sets trucks, 19x10 donkey. 100 tons 30 pound steel rails. Addrebs George Hockey, 340 College st GENUINE bargains, flat-top office desks. S drawers. $10; rotary Neoetyle, $10; Mir rorscope postal and side projector, $10. Tabor 2064. DOORS AND WINDOWS, new and second hand, 40c and up. Portland Wrecking Co., 105-7 11th St.. N. Main 37. A 3736. NEW IQ-ounce Army duck tent, 1Sx30. with fly. A. B. Harvey, 639 Alberta, or phone wooaiawn -jz-. VACUUM carpet cleaner; suitable hotel or custom work; new durable machine; gaSOllne power. lay ai., uem --i NO DUST sweeping compound absoros dust. Write for prices. Crescent Chemical Co., 5 26 Wash, st,, Portia nd, Or. FOR BALE Showcases, wallcasea, counters. General fixtures in stock and mad to order at lowest prices. 222 Grand ave. S 4-H. P- GASOLINE engine and pump for 250-foot well, with wood saw and arbor. C 86L Oregonian; FACTORY rebuilt typewriters. $10 to $45. NORTHWEST TYPEWRITER CO.. 90 Fifth st. M. 5528. A 1476. ROOM3 papered or tinted, including ma terial. $2.50 up. AJ 851, Oregonlan. GOOD cow for eale. Flrland station, corner f 77th st. and 5Qth ave. FINE soda fountain, glass holders, etc 85 WOOD or coal range, 4 holes, water back and pipe. $10. 234 Broadway. SODA FOUNTAIN, complete, $65; cost $150w 593 Washington st. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. BARGER'S AUCTION HOUSE wants household goods, furniture for cash or commission. East 1022. $69-470 & Morrison st That's aSL MONEY LOST Unless yon call th Ford Auction Co. and get their price on what you hav to aell. Main 8951. A 2448. WANT 2 roll top desks; must be in good condition. , Bloch Realty Co.. 221 Lumbermens Bldg. , WANTED A good roll-top desk, larg size. In exchange for $100 suburban lot, P. O. J3UX Switch 95c, curls and puffs 75a. Sanl- tary Parlors, 400 Dekum bldg. WE pay the highest caah price for second hand furniture. Seater A Martin. Phon Et R134 348 Hawthorne ave. WANTED Underwood typewriter Must be in iirsi -ciasa wuu"wu- w - - nian. WANTED Second-hand soda fountain, in good condition. Address W 6S3. Ore- Ionian. IF YOU have household furniture to sell, call up George Baker A Co.. 152 Park st. WANTED Job press, cheap, without type; state pclcon Printer, Hid Mich ave. WANT ED -MISCELLANEOFS. WE BUY CLOTHING, EVERYTHING. Highest price paid for men s cast-oft clothing, shoes; we also buy ladles cloth ing. Call up the Globe. Main 30SO. S9 First, near Columbia. LOTS plowed, harrowed, manure hauled, lawns reseeded. excavating and grading done. 621 Savler. Marshall 2117. Ed Hart. , ' HELP WANTED MALE. INCIDENT. Office Secretary Employment Depart ment. Y. M. C. A. A Young man. stranger, out of work ($- his total cash assets) If I pay you $5 for special emplovment membership I will only have $15 left between me and starva tion. . . Secretary If you pay $5 for special employment membership you will have the T. il. C. A., with all Its resources, between you snd starvation. What happened? Young man took membership. nsid of two hours he found satisfactory employ ment. M During February, 1911, 127 others found employment in a like manner. Employment or refund of membership fee guaranteed. Sea Secretary Employment Department, Y. M. C A. THE MUNICIPAL FREE EMPLOYMENT BUREAU WANTS. 1 electrical draughtsman. 1 carriage painter. 1 painter. $3.50 per day. 2 plasterers, $5.60 per day. 2 lathers, $2 per M. 1 paperhanger. Carpenters for out of town, $3.50 S bra. Man and wife for camp, woman to cook for men and man to work in camp. Man and wife for farm. 1 plumber. Sen to cut ties. 1 nursery foreman. 1 waiter, out of town. 1 carpenter foreman. 1 gardener for out of town. The bureau is in receipt of a communi cation from a city in Eastern Oregon that has a location for a lawyer of good stand ing. No fees charged. 270 Madison St. WANTED MOVING-PICTURE OPERATORS In every city throughout the world; now IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY to learn a GOOD PAYING TRADE; OUR SCHOOL RECOGNIZED in the East as the STAND ARD. We are the factory jobbers for all STANDARD MOVING - PICTURE MA CHINES, SUPPLIES. FOLDING CHAIRS AND ELECTRIC PIANOS. Many thou sand beautiful picture films for rent; THEATERS EQUIPPED COMPLETE ON EASY TERMS. New York Film Co. for square deaL 526V Washinpton, near 17th. Operators' Hand-book Given Away Free. MEN to sell Northwestern Hospital Associa tion contracts, 75 weeks' hospital service, unlimited medical and surgical service, am bulance, nurses, physicians, dentists, at torneys services and all medicines free: big commissions paid solicitors. 719 to 724 Yeon bldg. ABLE-BODIED men wanted for the TJ. 8. Marine Corps, between the ages of 19 ana 85; must be native born or have first pa pers; monthly pay $15 to $60; additional compensation posio;e; ioou, tiumms, ters and medical attention free; after 30 years' service can retire with 75 per cent of pay and allowances; aerice on board ahlp and ashore in all parts of the world. Apply at U. S. Marine Corps Recruiting office, Breeden bld, 8d and Washington at.. Portland. Or. MEN WANTED Age 18-S5, firemen, $100 monthly, and brakemen, $80 on nearby railroads; experience unnecessary; no atrike; positions guaranteed competent men; promotion; railroad employing head Quarters; over 400 men sent to position monthly; atate ag; send atamp. Railway. Association, gare Oregonian. ; "Man and wfte on farm. $40.00. found. Man and wife on farm, $35.00, found. Man and wife on farm, $6ti.0O. founa. Man and wife, on dairy, $50 and found, (no other woman on place.) PIONEER EMPLOYMENT CO., 16 North Second. WANTED Ambitious workman; your work on actual Jobs pays for teaching trades of. electricity, automobiles, plumbing, brick laying; only few months required; 0w students last four years. Write for in formation. United Trade School Contract lng Co.. Los Angeles. WANTED Bookkeeper with several years' experience, familiar in detail with lum ber business; capable of taking charge of office and devising system; middle-age . preferred, sober and reliable; best of refer ences required. Address T 881, Oregonlan. WE HAVE 6000 acres apple and garden land on Columbia River; want able-bodied men at good wages, who will invest $-o or more; ferry to city of 7000 population; two transcontinental railroads. Haynes. Rairfter Hotel. 128 North 6th street. DON'T WORK HARD All your life, but learn to operate. Moy-ing-plcture operators earn $2j to $4 weekly; short hours, easy work. N. Y. School M. P- Operating, 526 Wash, su Operators' Handbook free. WANTED Competent bookkeeper for out-of-town position: salary $75 per month; single man preferred Address In own handwriting, box 97, Astoria, Or., giving RAILWAY mall clerke, postofnc clerks, letter carriers, custom-house and Interna revenue employes, to prepare for exam inations; free book. Paclao States ScnooL McKay bldg., city. WANTED I need an honest, intelligent young man under 26, willing to learn tho optical business; must be sober and dili gent. Apply9 to 10, 80S Merchants Trust bldg. , - WANTED Boys over 16 with wheels for messenger work; $30 a month guaran teed and wheel repairs paid; boys who make good will bo taught telegraphy. C. H. Odeen. Western Union Tel. Co.. 76 3d. BOOKKEEPER Must be rapid, accurals and willing to work; no snap. Reply, with, references, aga and salary expected. AK 883. Oregonian. . FINE chance to enter auto erprees business; quired. Call 826 ft Washington st.f room 415. WANTED 2 or 3 good all-around machin ists 1 or uui-ui-m u up" --- " and qualifications and give phone nuru- CARPENTER wanted, one who has had ex perience in running first-class residence work, and must be a hustler. Call Tabor 194Q per, o anu o r. GOOD active Bolicttors wanted to demon strate the success vacuum vmi'oi miur Investment Co.. Henry building. ENGLISH classes, men. Thursday evening. rr At TAlan1 fninmnn. - "VnrT h CrOIlt r no fee. NEAT-APPEARING salesman, good oppor- Garrieiaave. WANTED Vinegar man for plant of 13 gen 1 . An ncu kalian stock to con vert. Write box' 292. "Walla Walla, Wash- ln,tnn RlRlnck Fruit -Co. WANTED Good producers for fraternal ln- ness paid for as produced.. B. v. Scott. SALESMAN wanted to sell stock, well es tablished DUSinesa; nuerei wuum'', only those with experience need apply. L 84L oregonian. YOU are wanted. Government position, $80 month. write ir us- iiwu" Franklin Institute, Dept. 2y6-E. Roches- tAF M V WANTED Boy about 18 years of age to 1. 1 -fft-' n-t i-avm AinnrlAnre. An swer in own 'handwriting. G 875, Ore- W ' ANTED Steady man to work; experience not needed; $25 required; big profits. Par ticulars 4 otn st.. ruuin ujo. WANTED Experienced man and wife to iatt ciiibc " - AddIv at 833 Glian st, . WANTED Experienced bodymakers and Wheel wrignta. DeimwTrJi'-i'u6"' ro.. Portland. Or. HELP WANTED Man to oversee cutting of timber into cumwwu auu sale Of same. W sq-i, ureguuiau. WANTED Man to work on farm c'ose to Portiana; steaay wock. at t yci Wltn r -vj "v $25 WEEKLY steady income mailing bsoks dook anu uinuutuwiio C44 East Ash St., Portland. Or. BAKER wanted who understands cake bak ing. Beaiy-lxiweii 0., aa-vj at., n. sta. WANTED Experienced foundryman : state age, reierenues, pnone numoer. . y EXPERIENCED flour salesman for city STRONG boy to work in candy factory. Call t. Ath and Couch. WANTED Boy to work allday; must hava wneei. is. n 1 s n 1 nm ' . BUSHE1M4N wanted. Pantages TailOrlnrf TH REE neat-appearing men wanted for f. w nays, nmunc ."- - prtvtf.r wanted at once- Phone tha Mist. St. Helens, today. flAPENTER wanted Must be flrst-cla iath and Mftraliail ata. uuieuw , - '