Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, March 22, 1911, Page 4, Image 4

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Salem Business Men's League
Takes Up Cudgel for Higher
Rrsolotioa rolnl Oat low State
T Levy J Show Need or
Male lnlTrrlly. ArrrltrI
Coilrje and 'urnial School.
9ALF.M. Or. M-i.-'h II. (.! I al.)
Launching a :t-w!J movement
aa-tnt !.: rrfrnitura directed at
I ntvri!y of urnun. Orn Agricul
tural Coile and Monmouth Normal
Suotl. t:e SA.rm lijalnes Men's
l.a( j a.'..p"l r "Iuiior. tnlcht ami
at same) tinfo ona atts lo Interest
every cnniiiri-L club, business men's
boly mil similar orltit!nn In ths
state tj enJ copies of ths resolutions
lo organization, arcompanled or
a letter.
Tht resolutions a.Ir'l avr ,o1
-Whereas. II irpnra t!iat an at
tempt l teirc mail l Invoke ttie ref-rrwnU-oin
on arrropriatlna fnr the tnl
Tfnsiy cf Orn. tha Agricultural
rnli anl ths Monmonth Normal
S-hol amounting In total t IJ.75.J
for tha bieanl! period of 1J11-1MJ;
Vpr3. W" bellevs that trrs vr!
iu e't departments and Institutions
of lren ara being conducted In an
trnnoxkal and ror.servatlvs manner,
and that tha appropriations aummar
l4 ibott wen properly made and
represent tfca Impera'tvs demand of tha
tnat-tutlnna named, and
"n tirMJ, It haa been reliably ertl-rrate-1
that the total amount of tha ap
propriation fought to be referred mar
be raised by an average tax of 84-10O
of a mlil on the taxable property of
ths efate for each year of aald biennial
pertod. and that the total of theae ap
propriation la less than S per cent
of the esrlmated amount that will be
la direct taxation for state, county and
m-al purposes during aald pertod (I. -If
non o! three are rjferred lea than
1 recta out of each dol'ar paid In taxea
win be reequlred In these appropria
Uoct. and
-Whereaa. tha total amount levied
as tat tax for the current year rep
resents an average levy of. 11 mlUa.
walrh la the lowest In the history of
the state (the average levy for the 51
years from to lll being .5t
mills, and
"Whereaa. the total tax collected for
rate purpoaea ta Tery small, repre
lenttna only about one-eighth of the
total taxes, therefore be It
"Keeolved. that the attempt to In
voke the referendum against the ap
propriations la not In tl.e Interest of
the development of the slate at larae.
ad that every citizen should be dis
couraged In the roaltar at sixains; the
petition and promulgating the same."
Varsity President Hone Ilrfcrrn
dam Against food Will lle.
SALEM. Or. Starch II. Soeclal.
"We are hoping that the referendum
movemrnt asalnst the Vnlrerslty of
Oregon will die of It own Inertia."
sat.) Prescient Campbell, of the unl
vraltv. here todav. "We are atlll
doubtful as to what the ranee of the
movement might be. and whether It
will gam sufficient ground ta delay
our reclvln trie appropriation.
"In event the referendum plan ta
seen t be of momentous proportions,
I h-oe t-;at a united effort will be
ma-lv to nip It In the bud. aa It I ap-pa-T.t
to aU progrreslve rltlxen of tha
late that the nionev la essential 13
t'rrxuR a be-t welfare.
Moltpln Tells Cxar Marine Minister
Injure Nary.
tlypln this afternoon handed over the
pre.!eny of tne Council of Ministers
to M. Kokovsof.'. and notices for the
nest meeting of the -council, to be held
Mr-a -J. Here aent out In the name
,.f L Kokovsoff. who la now actinic
Count llendrtkff tortar visited M.
Stolypta In bhaif of the Fmperor. At
Ms final an.llem-e with his majesty.
ti:e former premier lioued affaire of
state, and. among other thing, told the
Kmperor that Kunla would never have
a good f:eet long a Admiral Voe
vodskr was Minister of Marine. The
Kmv.ror showed -treat concern over
this declaration.
The four. -II rf the Empire today re
jected tiie proposal to confer the fran-ch!.-
on w'men.
The rumors of an attempt against
the life of M Korostoveta. the Russian
Mmiater to IVkin. have proved untrue.
riana Iwvlared to Imperil Home
Ownrr-lilp hy Workers.
V in.IiS-TiK'K, NUr.-h IV To the
Editor ! Tl.rourh the Initiation and
Influence of the Woodstock rush Club
tne citv engineers oflloe has survcied
and e-Umntrd the tost of grailnit t"
the permanent grade tha -streets and
making ilrw:k pavtnlent within
this suburban district, now within the
city limits. Thee eKtlmaies do not In-t-lude
the roet of hard surfaoe for the
streets, nor of any general aystem of
surtai-e drainage or sewerage, which
must follow sooner or later.
T?ie proposed Improvoment achem
emhrares an aiea of about I acre,
containing !! bloik or 440 lots of
!) by 10'. Within tills area there are
12 streets running north and south, and
1 running east and west, making
total of 22 streets, which have a sur
face area to be graded of about 14.
voO.Ouu s'i'iare feet. These 11 blocks
have S-ii) lineal feet of sidewa'.k.
wiiich. if paved aix feet In width, will
.over aa area of S:.00 s-iuare feet.
The City ilntflneer'e eatlmate of auch
Imnrevement ta aald to be ahout
ll-.ij.Kvil. Tn plan and estimate have
been approved by the City Council and
published. The district haa been di
vided Into five aeparat portion for
carrying- out the planned Improve
ments. Tha lowest estimate per lot Is
about $. and the maximum liSO.
Many pKr people of the working
rlaa. whose employment Is In the citv,
have built their homti within this dis.
trl.-t; these will be. unahle to meet
the cost of high - claaa lmprove
rr.enr v la many case the coat ta more
than the aessd value of the lot. A
the estimated cost of each lot la to be
paid under the city improvement bond
In; system, such bonds could only
have a market value according; to the
assessed value of the lota. The differ
ence between this value and tha actual
cost will have to be paid In cash by (be
lot owner.
For many poor people thi will cause
the break up of their homea and the
confleratlon of their real property. If
any Iota be burdened with mortgage,
and the owner become Insolvent, the
mortgagees, to protect theraaelvea.
would have to pay this excesa cost;
sln'e It la understood that tha city
hold tha first lien on the real estate.
I venture to augreat. In the Interest
of the pour lot owner, that tha grad
ing of the streets In thla district be
made to conform as closely aa possible
to the unduiatlcna of the natural sur
face, and teal the width of the lde be reduced from alx to four
feet oursl-Je of the principal avenues.
The undulation In the aurface of thi
great plateau are so gentle a a rule
that they give a real charm to thi
residential area, which form altes for
the homes cf the working and profes
sional c:ases nearest to their employ
ment In th city. As hard surface for
the graded atreeta la not Included In
the en I ma lee. the fllled-ln portions will
become Impassable for vehicular traf
fic tn the Winter, and a serious In
convenience to the lot owner and
There la a general wish for suitable
and reasonable ItnpVoveroente: but tha
majorltv of the resident owaera feel
that they must "cut their cloth to
suit thrlr pi:re."
The ftih Club Is not composed whol
ly of resident lot owner. Renter,
real estal speculators real eatate
affenta and "boosters" hare both voice
and vote at the meeting. These par
ties are the onea seeking theoe high
class and coBtly Improvements at the
resident and non-resident lot owners'
It, M. tlRKRETOX, M. Mst, G E.
TO IXVORK ItlXALL. . to Light City Granted to
Mount Hood Company, Which
Pays 3 Per Cent T.
ST. JOHNS. Or.. Marrh II. (Spe
cial.) Charges and counter charges,
threatening of tha recall and many
hot words n-irked the aesalon of the
6t. Johna City Council her tonight In
reference to the pevln- of Jersey
street, long In dispute. Nearly all the
ownera of property on Jersey street
were present and demanded of tha
Mayor that the City Engineer be or
dered to Issue apeciflcatlone and pro
ceed with the laying of Weatrumlta
paving, asked by the property ownera
and ordered by the City Council re
cently. City Engineer Andrews haa refused
to begin toe work, aaylng that the
ordinance parsed by tha City Council
I Illegal. In thla contention ha la
upported by tha City Attorney.
At the meeting tonlxht Dr. Joseph
McChesney openly accused the City En
gineer and City Attorney of working
In the Interests of the Bltullthlc Pav
ing Company. Mr. Andrews retorted
that Westrumlte paving wa not good.
There wa hissing by soma of the tax
payers. The taxpayers demand Engineer An
drew resignation If hj continue to
refuse to begin operations. They also
threaten Mayor Hendrlck with recall
If ha refuse to order Engineer An
drew to begin. The paving fight ha
been waged about two months.
A franchise waa granted tha Mount
Hood Ught Power Company for
lighting tba city, for which It muat
pay S per cent of Ita earning. One
thousand horsepower are required at
present, to be Increased to S000 later.
T..e Portland Railway. Light Power
Company haa been furnishing St- Johna
with light.
ronriGX coi.oxv is excited
ratrolmen Shaffer and Johnson
Gather Three Patrol-Wagonloada
of Cianiblera In Hani.
The foreign colony or the North End
waa thrown Into a high state uf nerv
oua excitement a llttie a.'ter o'clock
lust ntitut when Tatrolmrn Shaffer and
Johnson raided a gambling den at 11
North Elfth street and three patrol
wagon loada of gamblers and visitor
were hurried to the Police Station. One
of tha proprletora of tha place waa cap
tured In tha big haul and waa placed
under 1-04 ball. tIx men gambling
mere held In S10 ball each and 21 vis
itors were held In f6 ball each. Tha
total amount of cash demanded to re
lease the o prisoner until hearing In
Municipal Court thla morning was
News of the raid flashed like mental
telepathy through the colony and be
fore tiie patrol wapon reached tha ta
tlon with the last load of prisoners and
gambling paraphernalia, delegattona of
fellow countrymen were hurrying to
the station, some to Inquire for friends
and some to offar ball. Not until tha
patrol wacon made two trip did the
Keneral alarm spread along Burnslde
street. Then there wa Increased ex
citement until It waa learned that the
"big ptrrh" was a gambling game.
Shaffer and Johnson. In plain clothes,
climbed over a. fence and. after groping
(mgn the ramshackle buildings for a
time, succeeded In taking P a position
near one of the doors. The door waa
found bolted and the officers waited
until a visitor came out. Then they
rushed In. There was loud palaver and
wild grabbing for the money on the
tables. The officers collected what
money they could for evidence. The
patrol wagon nas then called and made
three trip before all were conveyed to
the Police Station.
John I'lmos was held aa one of the
proprietor of the gambling den. Two
of the men arrested had aufflclent
moner on their peron to give ball
but they preferred staving In JkIL
The officers collected $345 on the gam
bling tables. It Is believed consider
able of the money the prisoners had In
their pockets was grabbed from the
tables when the officers entered.
Italy May Have ew Cabinet Com
prising Exlremlta nnd Socialist.
ROME. March 21. From ail quarter
Giovanni Ulollttl. who waa premier in
lo. Is being urged to form a new
Aithouch he ha not yet undertaken
this t.iak. he has begun to sound the
dlfrerent groups of politician with a
view pow.hly to organising a ministry
which wouid Include extremist and
even Socialists.
Camorrist Accuses Carbineers
of Seeking Downfall for
One of Six Men Charged With Kill
Ins Cuoccolo Says Carbineer Try
to Dl.scredlt Police Priestly
Prisoner Desires Death.
VITERBO. Italy, March 11. The Ca
morTlsts on trial for tha murder of two
of their number are attempting tha
defense that they ar the victim of
fslsa evidence, manufactured by the
legion of carbineer of Naples, who,
wnlle accomplishing tha apprehension
of the defendants, sought to discredit
the police of Naples and make the lat
ter appear to be nand In glove with
the criminal organization.
Thi was tba defenae act op by
Gulseppe Salvi. when he waa Interro
gated at tha resumption of the case
today- tialvl Is one of tha six alleged
assassins of Gennaro Cuoccolo and the
Utters wife. It Is charged that he Is
one of those who r tabbed the bnaband
to death and later.. In company with
Corrado Sortlno. executed the Camor
rist aentence of death against Maria
Cutlnelll Cuoccolo at her home In t-e
Via Nardonea.
Stolen Kin In Evidence.
Salvl waa confronted today with a
ring which had belonged to Cuoccolo
and which the authorities found hid
den in the mattresa of a bed at the
borne of a woman known a a friend
of the accused.
The theory of the police was that
this ring waa to be sent to Luigt Arena
aa proof of Cuoccolo'a death. Arena
asked hla brother Camorrlsts to mur
der Cuoccolo In revenge for his be
trayal. He aet forth that Cuoccolo
wlsned a of the apoila from a
robbery committed by Arena and a
lew companions and. being refused, de
nounced the robber to the police, re
sulting In their Imprisonment. Cuoc
colo waa already under suspicion, and
thla final accusation against him re
sulted In tha determination to put him
out of tha way.
Salvl is a small man. and ha called
the attention of tha court to this fact,
"The strong and dreaded Camorrlsts
wouid never think of employing a man
of my slxe to murder an able-bodied
woman " j
Plot of Carbineers Is Defense.
As to the finding of the ring, he de
clared that It had been placed In the
bed by the carbineer tn a deliberate
effort to make evidence against the
Camorrist. Thi assertion, though not
unexpected, produced something of a
sensation In court, as it made plain
that the carbineers are to b attacked
on the ground of having antagonized
the police. They are prepared to go to
any extreme to show connivance be
tween the Camorrlata and the police
officials of Naple.
The priest. Clro Vltozzl, la suffering
from angina pectoris, and It was
againat the advice of the prison phy
sicians that he went to court today.
While he waa being taken thither the
springs of the wagon broke and he was
told that. In view of the weakness ot
hla heart, the accident might have re
sulted In hla death. To thla the priest
"That would have been a short cut
to the end of all ray miseries."
The proceedings were not resumed In
the afternoon, owing to tha illness of
a Juror.
president Blanchl announced that tha
trial would be reeumed tomorrow
morning. In the course of the day
Professor Otto Lenghl of the faculty
of medicine at tha University bf Rome,
arrived to examine the Informer. Gena
ro Abbatemagglo. He haa been retained
by the defense, which will attempt to
prove that Abbattemaggio t mentally
Irresponsible. When the president waa
told that the witness waa to be exam
ined, he remarked calmly:
"Professor, you're losing your time."
Abbattemaggio thinks that hla In
terrogation by the court will occupy
about one week during which he ex
pects to repeat hla revelation regard
ing the Clime of the Camorra.
Cheniawa Banners 5 fore Experi
enced. All Having Taken Part tn
Annual SO-MUo Events
Booth. Bandolier and Kelson were
selected to represent tha Young Men's
Christian Association In the alx-mila
relay race with the Chemawa Indian
Training School to be held Friday night
at the association gymnasium. Tryouts
were held Monday night and Nelson, the
third man choaen. won his berth on the
team by besting Smith hy less than a
yard In a two-mile run.
Nelson was one cf Washington High
School's point-getters In the snnual ln
terscholaetlc track and field meet last
year. He ran the mile and half-mile
rare, getting points In each event. With
Wlndnagle. and Barber. Nelson com
pleted a trio of winning distance runners
for the East Side High School.
Booth and Borndollar are the men who
ran such a great race In the elx-tley
Marathon held by he Y. M. C. A. a
month ago. In competition with the
Jefferson High School team recently
Booth lowered the mile record of the
Institution by several seconds.
. Barndollar la the only member of the
T. M. C A. trio who haa competed In
the annual Salem-Portland races. He
was the one man who cut down the In
dians' lead materially last year, picking
op t minutes 35 seconds on the eighth
relay, from Oswego to Oregon City.
The Chemawa Indiana have been
training for the raat two weeks. The
Indian school will be represented by
William Mose. Klutus Jim and Louie
Dan. Mosa is a Digger Indian, aged 22.
from California and ran the fifth relay
In the last two Salem-Portland races.
In 1909 he won over McDanlels by 12
seconds and In 1910 won from Laasch
by 1 minutes (5 seconds. Klutus Jim
Is a Yakima Indian from. Washington,
aged 19. and ran Vanderllp about even
in the 1910 contest. Louis Pan is of
the Muckleshoot tribe, from Washing
ton, aged 1. He ran In the Salem
Portland relay In 1910 and 1909. both
tiroes against Perkins. Two years ago
he defeated Perkins by 30 seconds; last
year he'added S minutes i seconds to
the Indians' lead.
The Indian runner will arrive In
Portland today in order to accustom
themselves lo the track. They have
been training by running outdoor and
feel that the abort turns will add ma
terially to the T. M. C A. chancea for
Four suocesiilva years the Indian team
hu won tha Sblera-Portlend relay race,
being victorious by a good margin.
Simultaneously with the relay race the
T. M. C A- will conduct Its) annual
Pentathlon gymnasium meet. Thare
are mahy entries already made for this
event. Winners of more than 400 points
will get gold medals. Winners of more
than 300 will receive silver medals and
for JOO point scored bronze medals are
offered aa prizes. Friday's entertainment
will begin at S o'clock.
San Franciscans Score Only Three
Atralnat 7 of Tiger.
ciaL If San Franciscan had any hopea
of aeelng the Seale twist the Tlger'a tall
at Recreation Park they were grlevoua
ly dlaappolnted. It la not a pleasant
story to tell how the clas B recruits
from the Northwest pounced on the
class A Seals snd It might be best to
whisper It. You can't get away from
"facta and flggera" however, and you
have to admit when It Is all over, that
Tacoma was on the sunny side ot a
7-to-I acore.
The one bright ray of eunahlna a
far aa the Coaater are concerned, 1
that two of their kid twlrlera, Ehrenp
fort and Meikle. did the pitching. Their
support at critical momenta was of
th- i-sritv to maka vou ahudder. for
I the errors were costly.
John Basaey, not so many yeara ago
an outfielder with the Beavers, was
easily the day's hero. Bassey got a
couple of stolen bases, three runa and
three hlta. one of which was a homer
over right.
Kid Mohler Is confined to his room
with stomach trouble. Weaver played
second base for the Seala and Schmidt
caught the entire game, Walter Ryan
having been struck full In the face by
a thrown bail during the practice work.
Mike Lynch worked hla regular squad
save that Goldenaon held down short
for a time in order that the Tacoma
manager might have a chance to look
over hla California recruits.
Dr. Roller Lose to Hackenschmidt.
KNOXVILLE. Tenn.. March tl.
George Hackenschmidt defeated B. F.
Roller In straight falls of a finish
wrestling match here tonight.
Supreme Court Upholds Injunction.
Freight Rate Undercharge Docs
Not Release Shippers.
SALEM. Or.. March XL (Special.)
Portland's Bull Run water supply can
not be Interfered with by those who
have bought town lots In Gresham,
through which the pipeline operates, la
the opinion of the Supreme Court, writ
ten by Chief Justice Eakln and handed
down today, affirming Judge Catena, of
Multnomah County. The affirmation
Is In an action started by the city to
enjoin V. W. ana Emma Metzger. ap
pellants. These defendants purchased
property whlcn is crossed by the city's
right of way for the pipeline and ob
structed the right of way by starting
to erect a building.
Mary Folkenberg wins ber decree of
divorce from James B. Folkenberg, ap
pealing from Multnomah County.
Judge Gantenbeln sat In the lower
court. Several separate and distinct
acta of cruelty were ot out In the com
plaint and the Supreme Court finds
them of such nature and so well proved
that the lower court Is reversed and a
decree entered.
Judgment is reversed In an opinion
by Justice McBrlde In the action of the
Baldwin Sheep Land Company vs.
the Columbia Southern, appealed from
Judge Cleland In Multnomah County,
plaintiffs started the action to recover
$440.74 as an overcharge caused by an
alleged misquotation of a freight rate.
The court holds that If the rate quoted
la less than the achedule rate approved
by the Interstate Commerce Commia
slon and published, the ahipper la liable
for the full rate, whether he actually
knows that the rate quoted Is less than
the achedule rate or not.
Other cases were decided today as
Tale Market Grocery, appetlsnt. v.
M E. Brrtt snd wit-, respondsnu. ap
pealed from Multnomah County: W. N
r;.,,.. Indue: reversed and remanded In
opinio written by Justice McBrlde
A. W. Anthony, appellant, va Hlllsboro
Gold Mining Company, respondent : Bp
Sealed from Washington County. Thomas
MrKrlde Judge: petition for rehearing
denied 1 In oplmo"by "chief Justice Eakln.
rieorxe H. Colgsn. respondent, va- Farm
er? Mechanic. Hank, appellant: appealed
from Marion County. George H. Uurnett.
judTelfflrmed In opinion by Jusltc Moore.
8 J. Burrouxhs. appellant, va Corliss
Lombir Company. re.pord.nt: PP.11
from Marlon County, Ceonre H. 1"";
Judee: affirmed la opinion by Justice
Performance at Baker Adds $600. to
'Convention Fund.
The Baker Theater was filled last
night by the members of the Portland
Ad Club and their frlenda at a spe
cial entertainment provided in con
nection with the regular performance
of "A Texas Steer." It was a benefit,
and was given for the purpose of rais
ing a fund to send a delegation to Spo
kane to secure the next meeting of the
Pacific Coast Advertising Men' Asso
ciation, which will meet In Spokane
several day next month.
Miss Mabel Ferrla gave a monologue
In a moat pleasing-and artistic man
ner. Bob Albright, of the Pantages,
known aa the ".Man Melba." gave imi
tations of prominent singer, and G.
Herfbert Mitchell, of the Grand, told
several stories. Henry Stockbridge and
Fay Balnter. of the Baker Stock Com
pany, each gave one of thelrpeclaltles.
The atock company. In presenting
"A Texas Steer." played with unusual
ly good effect, and the members were
chereed by the ad men. Mies Ida Adair
as Bossv was especially .captivating.
The ad club cleared about 3600.
Superintendent Alderman Praise
School Surroundings.
SALEM. Or, March XL (Special.)
Declaring the school grounds at Leba
non to be the finest In the state. Super
intendent of Public Instruction Alder
man, who haa Just returned from that
city urges emulation of Lebanon's ac
tivities in this direction among the
other cities and towns of Oregon. The
new school at that place lias recently
been completed at a cost of 310,000 and
be aaya that It la a beautiful atructure,
conveniently and modernly arranged.
The Superintendent will attend edu-
To Be Given to the Person Submitting
the Most Appropriate and Suitable
Name for Our New Bottled Beer
The contest will be under the supervision of two impartial judges, which as
sures absolutely fair" play and correct decision. All names must be submitted
not later than WEDNESDAY, MARCH 29, and the name of the person awarded
the $50 in gold will be announced in The Sunday Oregonian, Sunday, April 2.
Do Not Fail to Send in a Name;
Yours May Be the One Selected
The Mt Hood Brewing Co. has enlarged its plant and will put a new bottled beer on the mar
ket about May 1. It has engaged an Eastern brewmaster of 25 years' experience and a specialist
ThiTnwbotff very light, being made from the choicest malt and imported Bohemian
Hops-a beer especially brewed for select family trade and which will please the palate of
the most fastidious. This beer is absolutely pure, free from any chemicals and complies with
the Pure Food Law.
IVit. Mood id
Bottling Department, East Water and
Telephones, B 1319 and East
catlonal rallies in Columbia County
this week and In Polk County next
week. During: the lollowlne; week he
will attend the Inland Empire educa
tional meeting; to be held at Spokane.
Thla will embrace the states of Oregon,
Washington. Idaho, Montana, Utah and
Nevada. Kooeevelt will be present on
April 7. One of the features of the Spo
kane meetins will be a general con
ference on rural life.
Resolutions Adopted Against Reci
procity Agreement With Canada.
vrni vnRif. March 11. Executive of
ficers, members of the legislative com
mittee and memoers 01 mo. uumu
managers of the American Protective
MANY a man would be unable to enjoy the
healthful exercise of golf if the telephone
did not keep him in touch with his business.
A word over 'the wire saves him an hour's delay in
leaving the office. There is another reason.
The busy man's day is made shorter by the Bell Serv
ice, which brings him in instant communication, not only
with his fellow townsmen, but with correspondents in dis
tant cities.
The Bell System provides universal service to meet
the needs of all "users. . .
Every Bell Telephone Is the Center of the System
The Inland Empire Express
Leaves Portland 9 A. M. daily for points on the
Lower Deschutes River, Madras and Metolius.
Returning arrives Portland 8:15 P. M. Stage
connections to additional interior points.
This line opens for settlement a great grain,, stock
and timber territory.
crrr ticket office
Third and Morrison Sts.
Tariff Lague in a special meeting today
adopted resolutions reciting that "the
manufacturer cannot hope to retain pro
tection for his Industry when protection
shall have been denied to the farmer,'
and urging that aU friends of protection
bring to bear "every proper influence
upon Congress" against the adoption of
the reciprocity agreement with Canada.
Eastern Brook Trout Keady.
VANCOUVER, Wash., March 21.
(Special.) At the State Trout Hatch
ery on Basket Creek, near Yacolt, are
200,000 Eastern brook trout ready for
distribution. A portion of these will
be distributed near Kelso, Castle Rock
and Sliver Lake by I C. Thomlinson,
superintendent of the hatchery, Sat
urday. Unusually good results have
been attained at this hatchery with
hatching Eastern trout eggs.
122 Third St.
. j
Hawthorne Ave.
For Rheumatism and Nervousness.
Better Than
Rheumatism, Nervousness, Neu
ralgia. Backache, Liver and Kid
ney complaints are caused by ex
cess uric acid. Medicine can only
temporarily counteract the effect,
while Electropodes remove the
excess urlo acid, and all other
poisons and impurities, from the
system. The result is prompt re
lief and a permanent cure.
One man from Pasadena, Cal.,
writes: ' "Electropodes cured me,
in two weeks" time, after all other
remedies had failed." Another
from Madison, Neb., says:' "Elec
tropodes have done me more good;
-than all the medicine I hav
No Cure, No Pay
DruggistSigns This Contract
The imrcnsser of Electropodes Is sstss
ed the privilego of returning them within
30 dsys, and the purchase price ($1.00) is
to be refunded upon tha following condi
tions Thy are to be worn according ta
d tractions for at least 25 consecntire days,
and then if not satisfactory, to be rctoraed
in arigijaal box.
Druggist's Signature. .. - - .... ,m
At druggists; or by mail,
postpaid. If your druggist can
not furnish Electropodes, send
us $1-00, and we will see that
you are supplied Immediately.
State whether for man or woman.
Western Electropode Co.
247 Los Angeles St., Lou Angeles,
See This- Special Rates
More and more people are find
ing their way to our luxurious and
commodious offices at the corner of
Second and Morrison streets, up
stairs. We have the entire corner.
Lady assistants are always ready
to look after the comfort of women
and children patients.
Nervous people are assured ot
gentle treatment. Our methods ars
We hold ourselves responsible for
the work we put in your mouth. For
IS years we guarantee it. We will
show bank references.
6eeond and Morrison) Entire Corner.
Alveolar Dentistry
In a majority of our advertisements
we lay great stress on our specialty.
Alveolar dentistry, replacing missing
teeth without a plate or bridge work,
and the curing of Pyorrhea (loose .
teeth). The work Is so remarkable in
its character that it is apt to over
shadow those other cases which come
to us the simple cases. We don't want
the Idea to obtain that we are Alveolar
specialists alone. We are that, but
something more general practitioners
of the first class. We do dentistry In
all Its branches from the simple piece
of filling up. It's a boastful statement
to make, but we can do anything that
is possible In dentistry and what we do
is always of the very highest class.
Our booklets. Alveolar Dentistry and
examinations are free. There are 12
Alveolar Dental Co. offices in the West.
About 50,000 people are wearing our
Alveolar teeth. About 2000 people in
this city and state have been supplied
by this office. 99 per cent if not
every single one will tell you if asked
that it's the best investment they ever
made in dentistry. In many cases
where bridgework is Impossible and all
cases where It is possible.we can re
place your teeth with beautiful, artis
tic comfortable, cleanly and everlasting-
teeth that we will defy any one,
dentist or lavman, to tell from natural
teeth. For full information see our
Sunday ads.
The Alveolar Dental Co., Dentists,
211 to 314 Ablngton Bldg.. 10H 3d st.
Terms to reliable people.
g Co