TITE MORNIXO OREGOXIAN. WEDNESDAY. MARCTT 22, 1911. BERRYSEASONSOOK Southern California Fruit Market This Week. in QUALITY WILL BE FINE Florin and Pmrhn S-rctlona Will Tarn Out Large Crops According to T. Pearson Prospects for DcHduon trail. Th tra hrry waxn will opn th lt tr part at ihts wk. rhn th tirat shl, Btnti will rrtT from Los Anflw. The crop la a fiaa r. aceordlag to T. PtrB, ht rturB4 ,rMtrdar from a trip through Soathra California. II said: Th first brrt In chsst sh.pm.uits srlU rvach Fortlaad ths sod or th wk and wtihla l mJu lbs (rait will b mow tag thta iy la car.ot. Th atbr la that wMloa ta ldaj now for th maturing of ths fruit and th quality promla ta ry rrc. Tb florin and PsnryhB Hons also promt to turn out aa exrl ltit crop of bvrrlcs. Th acrrajr at Pva rybi la much lncraart and tb ablpmanta ar ctaa to bo hjr. Th froat not th bo:k of th almond crop aad caught am apricots, bat pcacb. , plums, apple. pra aad frap-es will Jield aallr. It will bo a lu box market for Caiiforata fruits thla yar. 1th th Improvement la h w-vathor, th vfvtb: crop ar rrc over Inc. bat cl ry scare and ) ama.lL "Th ortnet auction at Loa Anret la do Ira wall, from to 40 car bolna; dts pod of vory wa, AU tb frail that la aootlonad m la transit Cut. so th deal w tl I bo ff ct oa th North watra mo ii or iCM.xt ix cai ironxi t. Hf-a.? OrtWrs Wrti for rowtnsrl. WHs- Heller as la Trata. H-ary orders fr hop contracts has ba ! sJ la California, accord. nc to wtrra rrciTd yatvrday. Th-rs orders war 3d coma but th growers declln to sll at th fl'r. Stoma of th dealer hare taken refusa's at ls rants. California spot bop ar also wanted, bat trovers ar hold In back and aothtnc under 19 rents for 1il)o is vonatdrred by s ilara. la this stat tbrr Is a moderate demand fnr spot an4 futures, aa baa been Ih Cass for am tim past, with no boaincas reaait- IRC. Tb brewery trad la In a moat prosper- eua rondTtlon. arerr2:ng to th Rev an a Ba fau s ncare. iwr saies la February wr atmiii JhWwis barrels larger than la the aam month Inat year. Tb orTU-lal output fie r-e fr January wrr 3. barrels, oi ?.TI4 barrels more than wer sold In Jan- aary. IPlrt. Th net Inereaso in beer pro- dm-tn for the 13 roontfts ending January 31. 1UI1. was 4.eS.:4 barrla r H.13 pr cnl. Kor th yer ending January SU 1Bt the Increase over the preceding yrar wa I.121.T03 barr;s. In view of three circumstances and tfa smallneas of arall aM hp aoppl!-. tt la surprtslng that hop rt'" do not adrae more rapidly. Th suspicion ta growing in th minds of hopmea that th brewer do not as th qoanttty of bop to Ih barret that they hare been cred ited with. The phenomenal rta la th prtc of boriry may also be a factor In checking th advance In hop. At th beatnntng of the year malting barley was selling at 90 cents a bushel at 'hlraffx Tvsterday It as quoted at SL0a a bohL ALL GRAIN. ARE VERT FIRM. Oat Offered prmcty mn4 Barley Affeeied by t.aalrra Halga. Th grain market was firm yesterday, but ther waa Bat mnch doing In any Una. dab wheat waa quoted at S rents and b:oetm at, It rem a What business was passing ta the country seemed to be for Fuget Jtonnd dlt err. Oats wer off red sparingly and th mar ket waa quoted firm. There ta a dlffer ttc of opinion aa to th quantity left la h ralley. but at any rat th farmers do ant seem Inclined to sell bow. Th br!y market la decidedly strong In ge pone to th anartr.g prlcee In the East. Local receipts. In car, wer reported by th Merchants' Exchange aa follow: Wheat. Bartey.Flour.Oats.Uay fonlae t j i & 14 Tui Tr a- ..... II a aeon to date. I.: 17 lar ago :Zi .... ... 3 j irrrim or ark ot i.r.e Jaarket I rtt-aa VTTtk Deailera Akloa ? aad XI 4 rata. Ths est market continued la a firm poal Ltoa with Front street dealer asking 29 and ?1 reo:a. Receipta wer aot heary. Poultry arrivals wer small and th mar At was f'rm. Heeg wr la demand t cents. at The butter market shows much strength, bui Sh talk ta beaxd of aa early advance. Cheeo l going out wU at prevailing quo tation a Ceod PshisiiiI ffar nere waa a good demand for fruit and TtaMea yeeten ay and pr'ces la th main wyare aieady. Aaaraua and rhubarb sold at tn old qcii'.Mni. hut th tendency is C'annirJ Asiorg tae receipts were a car oracgea. a car of mixed egrtab;ee and a car f Northera Cai.fornta grape-fruit. Tl.e latter aokl at $i JS per Vox. riewrtaa;. Pank cleaxings of the Nrthwriitra cities yesterday werw as follows: Clears rice. palne Fort aad r-eat tie Ta- -roa e-p-'kar-e S.,.it . 1. . : : 1 .."l.i.e rORTLAu SgV&KXrs. trala, Wi- AT Tra cTu1. rad H lo. i. FVsar, Feed. Etc prt.-eet B U'Strti. IMc: i.n. c; Vat.ey. sic; 40- 1 Kl EY-OoU- feei. 4 t 2 Mi pr ton. MlLi..riFKs-Hro. S-t-ari pr ton. miui.iui. - 7 a - . shorts. 4Jliu roid i-r i. i tf ;.o. I'UU R Pate.it. t Ta per barr!; tniix-ita, rprjk 1 1 Co i Valley, S4 $v rhm. fa . ajft.-; wli.at. $4 7. fO?V-hok c a. -kel. S-J per toa. CATS Na. 1 white. J 7 .0;$ pT ton. Ha l Track prices. 1 .:r.inr Faetera Orrfan. Nv L f.'l . Si. ncixl. 5lC-V al falfa. eU.0wlZ.. grain ky. lU14.i0 Hairy aad Coaatry Frodaa. fvn.THT- Lire- H-ns. rV: brofUra. JS Iv . trkea. 2V; ducka riffllc: rMftv 12 y I J . reeerd lurkeve. tftc!-, 11 0 ic. r"n ranc.l. Stiiric Ctr daen. CHelr'SK Fu; vrram. talna. 14 0l40 per pur.d. j".ung America, 1 if li c. PLTTkR City craamery extra. aad aU pouad prisia. ta boxea. Sic per pound; las thet txea. carton and delivery extra. PORK Fancy. lOgille per pound. VEArOij. S5 to 15 aounda 12J13H per tund. Tegetables and Frulta. VCX VE;ETABtW Carrots. &-?Sl hundred: para:p. 5ecstl; turuipa. i 1. bee-S. j $1. ORKtN I'Kl lid Peara. $130LT3 par Vex. k!a:aaa. u & T.4 par barrel, craaber ria. :a.M per barrel. TROPICAL FHfiT Orange. nave la. 2viT Ps boa: Florida grapefrulL ; ua g.-ajaXrait vaie.sa; anaaaa say le pr Tb.; pm-rappl. c pr lb.; lemons. 6 ; to serines, s i.75 par box. APPLES fancy. Z2-73; choic. $1 Common. t 1 1 Dr box. VKOETBLFf Asparsiras. l!Hc jw-r 13. : ritibji 11. ha t-r luu. rauTUlnwer. inca Il li Mr doitn : California- crate: cucumMri. .itj.o per boi . fimiiin l.c lb.: rr'.ic. lOvUc pr lb.: imnoniooi tnc t-r dot : aau imtuc. 9r. por o hothous Utluc-r. p-er box; ppkrs. 20c ir lb .: rail he, soawc pr aoi; rna barb. ll:..8:.;j r box; sprout a. ic; to- mitnM. 11 7i ii .F pi-TAKiES urron, buy In a- pries. lit aft 1 Kl ha ft --i-aw-l O.NIONS Uoyin pries, $2 par huadrod. " Grocerle. Dried Frails. Kte. tRIEl FRC ITS Apples. 110 im par IK; currants. 12rtc: aprtcola, 14W1t tfatea. Dock are. lac per lb.: f'gs. bulk. whits or biaefc. by sack. TstSc; ft-ba. $l.u 1 Ti: lj-lla. eio; Z-12. 4i-i; Iw-ls. hie fcrmrnaa. lc bALUON Columbia River. 1-pot-ad tall: 92. lO ner dozen : 2-rouDl talia. S-Wo: pound fata. -L4u; Alaska pink. 1-poucd talla. 11.'.'. KCTS Walnuts. lTWPlk per pound Fraill aula ldie: filberts. lc; almuada ltflSc; pecans, lc; cocoa nuta. 0rl V aoxrn; cneatnuts. l.o per pvunu; oiraorj aura. Rfflc Dr iHt.nd. COFfLE P.oasted. In drams, 13 84o par Dound 6 ALT Granulated. $15 per ton; half- ground, looa. 00 per ton: 60s, $J per tm. l'KANS ciraall lnte, e'c: large vnitf, 4ac: Lima. A .Wc; ptnk. ic; red Max leans, ; bayou, gc HirK No. I Japan. 4c; cheaper grade. I1V4: Pout hern head. 3Hl 7 C Ku.NET Choice, 13-73 per cas; strained. MC per pound. M OAR Iry granuleted. fralt and berrT. 5 4; best. I4.2; extra C. ; goldrn I.S; yellow I. ai.TO: powdered, ft. Terms on remittance wlthltt 15 dsea. de duct fee per pound; If later than 15 day ard within SO day, deduct Ho per pound. ptm sugar, ifttfieo per pouao. Provlatona. HAM It to 11 pounds. 17eiWe; IS to j pounns, li VWitc; it to It punna. KSvl'Sc: skinned. liHtjflc; picnics. 19c co:tace roll. lc. fWOKKl) UK T5 Peer tongues. "3c; dried beef a-1 a, T-"c; outside, nom.. tnsldea. S7c; knuckles, BACON' t'tincy, ?7e; atandard. Itc Choice. 2 :c: Knclih. Itc. 1KT SALT CihKU Uegular short cTeara. dry as it. Uc; smo.ed. lic; backa Hgnt. salt, lic; imoliil. I5ac; bacaa. atarr, a.t4t. 13 c; irrokil, lSc; exports, salt. lc; arnaket. 1 C LAhl) Kettle rendered, tierces. 1SC, iuf. i-c; s:xndard. pure. tercaa. 1 J tuaa 13 S; choice. !. a. lie: tubs. 11 Wo uoi iinicr. xiercea. c; tuba, ItM. Mop. Wool. Hide. Ettt. HOPJU. lto rron ITUQISUc- 1Q0 eron. contracts, lie. .M . !i A IH t'holi a i'.- nae nAunrf ' .ana. WOOL Eastern Orrn. 120 1- per lb according to shrinksc; Valley, liffluc per ppuna i'K l.TH rre lOc- il'l bufchere- lak. orr. j :; l.tmb r.nia i'.c. Faltd hid. 7Sc rr I ted ca:f. Uc; salted kip. 7c; aallcd a 5 u r : gn. n h:d-a. 1c K-ss: drr hid l.c; dry ca f. 17 til He; dry stags. 11 I -C uiui.x backs Car lota o. Otla. LlXSrm rTT Pnr MW ftaeila $107; kctt: boiled, la barrels. SI raw. In caara. $1.12; kettle polled, in rases. Si. 14. iota or j gallons. 1 per cant less per gal lon. OAL Oil- Water Whit. Iron bbta.. wood bhts.. 12 Sc. parl oil. case. 16c. H-a-l- nxtit, iron bbla.. ltvC: rases, 17c; tMHl btils.. HSfc Eoconc. cases. lc. Spe"! ater hit. Iron bb!s. 12c: wood bhls.. lMc. Elaine. ras-a. ;wc. Estra Stsr. casea. ivc. . M. A i. naptha. Iron bbla.. lac caaea. ?1 OASll,IXE Red Crown vnaollna In Iron bbla. lic; caaea. :'Jr. Motor gas"ltn Imn bhls. l."VVc; cases. 22 S f. bd gasoline. Ircn bbla.. :v; casa. ac.Knglne distillate. Iron hl.ta.. "c; caxes. He. Tt'KPlINTIN K. 1 Int. tt II- Irnfft vote.. 1. 1 ; ; caaea. gl 1; wood bbla.. SLlf BREAKING if CORNER HEAVY SHIPMENTS FKOM IDAHO IlMPED O.V SIIVTTLE MAR&ET. Wheat la Higher In Iicc of Ught Demand Potatoes tio to California. SEATTLE. Wash.. March 21 fFpeHal.) another half- Rluuauern wheat advanced cent today and ail other varieties war ifted a full cent. Th demand waa llitht. but practically no grain at all waa offered. Ulueetem Is now quoted at 85. club and red at H3 and forty-fold at M cents. A feature of the market today waa th arrival of 53 carloads of hay and alfalfa. making U3 car el nee Monday. Th bulk'of n hay Is coming from Idaho and la belnar bmuaht In for Hie purpose of breaking th corner, established by a burch of ilastexa Washington farmers, who held th bulk of the available alfalfa. ts wer weak and barley steady. W' est era avenue) commission men have been notified of another 10 cent ad vane n bananas at New Orleans, maklnr a ra;a of 40 centa sine th middle of February. Cranberries wer advanced to $11. a freh arloed of Florida tomatoe arrived. and were quoted lower at 1.54 a crate. Th potato market was si sou v. About 15 t load a of Yakima potatoes have tx-ii gold r shipment to California. Buying for uthern account, however, has now ceased. Kte hundred packaera of California but ter arrived this morning and aided mater ially In rel.e)n the ahortage that haa xlafed her fur th past 10 dava Th err market waa moderately firm at '21 and rem a. Tb cbeee market was weak at 24 ccaia Metal Markets. NEW TORK. March 21. tamlrd cop per, dull. Spot. March. April. May and ana. lLHyli c lndon quirt. Srwt. V: I urea. 1 -a nd. Arrivala r-nortrd at S'.-w York today. i.M tons: us:m-Houee retuma show tnc exports of 13.501 tons so far fais month. Lake copier. 12 S l.':w-: electrolytic. 12.37 4 b 12.Wc; cast ttir. 1-' if 12.c. Tin ilrm. "pot. 40.75 9 41. 1.V: March. 44 T S u 4..vac: April. 4i.r.ti T io.&: May. 4i V4050c: June. 4.1S tf 4v.55c Jala. 25 tfna. April p-rt of Nrw York), at 4 :t7Hc Lon-ion strong. Spo:, 1S4 to; futures, Ii-v3 1 .. Lsd dull at 4.4494 arte Tork. 4 ro 0 4 H c Kaat St. I:la. Ionlon. fIS 2s 61. Spoiti-r dull st iinolMt N"W York and l."f.V Kist St. .uts. London. 3. Irvn leveiand warrants, 4a In I .on don. I.octiy Iron wa st-.idv. No. t foundry Northern. $15.Ti d Id. SA. No. 2. tl5.50l; No. i Southern aaJ No. 1 bout hrrn soft. Meek. at Itoatoau nnsTON. Vlarch 51. Closing quotations: Ai:cueM 3 1'. Vohi. k 4 Aro.Ug. Copper.. Nev. t'on. a-dls JkI, .. I " zn.. Mp.winc 3'ines.. II Ar.xrna C'tn. .. 14 ..r!h i;t:tte..... At.n:ic 4 '.North l.ake d K r C O S M. IIV, I'l.i IV.ro. a-dlv. r.t -lulie Oal!tlon. 1 7 'l u.-eoia 3l"4 l. A triina. Pnrroit tS. a C.) Il", l ii. Necia. . . i A ViiPcy ...... f-T C-ntennl.l ll-.'.-'isnnon IAT. Cop. Kail C. , -'iiri.ir 35 1, K. Ilu'Te i'p. M. US Sup A Toa l!n.. a Fra-.k;in S s C o -il.-. It'i Omnis n as Tamarack .1 Cranfy aa. ... 3. ,1'. S. M. It a M. ."'4 Ilried Fruits at New Tark. KEW TORK. Marci n rvsporated ap ple. Inactive. f.rm. w::h prlc. larr.Iy Donil- nal. owing to the sms:1 sto'ka on the spot fancy art quoted st ul,c eatra choic. at lie aad prime at lSc. Prunes less active, ow'.ng to recent ad vance, bat price, are firm. Quotations from ei'l-e f"r California up to 3'.--4is and 11 a l."ic for Oresons from w t. SOe. I'eaches more active, firm. Choice. TU 0 re: extra choice. "Ve1.': fancy. 8c- New Tork CttM Market. NKW YORK. March 21. Cotton future. closed bars:y steady. 1 to 10 points lew.r. starch. 14 42c: April. 1437c: May. 14.17c: Jun 14.30c: July. 14S3c: August. 13.8.1c: September. 13.04c, Octotx-r. 12.04c; DKcm bar. l.e-lc: January. 12.51c. Spot closed ouiet. Middling trplanda. 14 wc; do. Oulf, ll.se. t-Uca. u7 baiaa. Ctilcmg. FraMlocw Markets. CHICAGO. March n. Better Steady: Creameries. 1:.V: dllrles. 150 21c. k.gs steady: reclp'a. 14.043 cases: at arket. case. Included. 13H014c; firata, 13c; prim. Brans. 15S& Cheese oteajy: dalelea. ISVlSSc: twins. 11 V l-c: Touot Amerluaav Ui.aiSc: lama awraa UiaV- L First of the Season Sell at $10 a Hundred. MUTTON MARKET STRONG Sheep and IJmbsvorked Off at Good Prices Best Steer on Sale Go at .25 laj' Receipts Light. The rint Spring lambs of th. season war. sold at tha stockyards yostardar and th.y brooiht 110 a hundred. Th.r. wer. IS haad In tb. lot and tliej areraced M pounds In weight. Th. matron markst waa firm throughout. A bunch of T3 extra good lambs, areraslnc 102 pounds, was sold at $3.83.' Another big lot of &: lambs brought JS.S. Sheep rang ed tram 13.30 to 13.00. Tb. top price paid for steers during tha day was 16.23. A tew bogs war. sold at 1 130. Iteceipts yesterday were: 10 cattle. 64 sheep, tt hogs and It horaea. Shippers of th. stock wer. R. N. Howard. of Westport. 1 car of eattl. and horse.; R. F. Howard, who dror. In o hones, and J. S. Flint. Junction City. 1 car of ahe and hogs. Th. day's sales wer. as follows: Weight Price 14 steers steers st.TS ............. Ii"" .............. aheep Coring iambi ..... 1 1 M 123i llH'i 11 6.2S rt 2.. g..-.o sou 10 no si 3.50 3.50 IT'J Inmbs , 1U2 01 ...... 10."2 1 1..3 m.M 114S b sheep tT. .... steers tiM-r. treats ........... lambs 3 bo S 73 3.23 IT 17 5-4 Trices current on tha various classes of Union Stockyards stock at the Portland wer. as fullowa: f'huic. aters . $ IKltJIrt 30 . 3.7."n BOO . 4.IMIV 6. 00 . G.oiity 5 "' . 4 7.1W 3 IW . 2-Oiitr 4.00 . 3.25 ft. -V d to choice steers ....... mrnnn streets I'rlme cow. ............... "holce cows ..... 'mmnn r.ws .............. 'hoice heifers 'hoice bulls . 4 5ir 4.7.1 . .1.70V 4 110 . S.IHI 3..VI . 7 7; .rt . 7 xir 7..VI Fair 10 ehI fat bulls ommon bulls hole llehl calves Kuir to good light calve. ... hofce t heevy calves . s.rr.d 6 mi Kalr to meOlum heavy calves . 4 7.-. i 6 il . S23f 3.3U h tce stags Kalr to g.od stags . S.UO4S b.oo 'holce light .25S 8 50 mx I to choice . hoilf a.'.Q ;od to ctiolce ................ ..iioij 8.23 Choice heavy ...... 7.73i 6 00 ?neep 'hoice yearling wethers, grain fed 4.509 4.85 ua .ethers 4.OO04.23 'hole. ewes, grain fed 3.5ni 4.15 Fair to meiltum ewes, grain fed. 2.?3t S.25 hoice lambs, grain fed &.25 5.73 Good to choice, grain fed 6 on 5.23 rair 10 gooa .7bir b.otl Culls 2. .Ml j 2 ,Q Current price. In th. horse market fol low: Kxtra heavy drafters, f 8001500: 14O0 1 Goo pound. 9iatir?.V): 1200 to 140O poun.ln. tlxw2.vl: chunks. M0W1.V1; drtr 173 up; saddlers. 0 op, plugs, tioa 40. , Kaa4vs) Urestork rrtrea. CHICAGO. March 21. Cattle Receipts. estimated 2VW, market slow and steady. Pcavsa. 95.100a TA; Texas Biera, $4,409 .V; Weslrm stecra. $4.7.1 Qo.75: stockers nd fr1rt, S4w5.7fl: corns and heifers. calvea,xr.25&T.nO. IIoa;a Keceipts. estimated. 12.VH; tnar ei, alow to 5C to lH: up. Light. $K5 0 o5: mivd. t..v.tl 6.16; heavy, I8 45U0.S3- rough. 9'V4f600: good to choice heavy. frt H 5; pigs, S.00w 7.0ft; bulk of sales, J.ft5 i a. HA. Hheep Receipts estimated. 14.000: mar ket, steady to 1ic lower. Native. M-9S.10; Western. sa.25f.Y25; yearllnga, 14.75 ft Ml; ambi native, 960 4.23: western. 96. 250 6.40. STOCK ADVANCE HALTED KISE E FFIXTI VELT INTERRUPT ED, BUT LOSSES ARE SMALL. Missouri Pacific Drops Two Points as Result of Change- In Directorate. XEW TORK. March 21. The stock mar 't waa hesitating and at ttmea doprased todsv. This condition waa accentuated by xt'esslve short s-.llnc on the part of sDecu- la tors. The recent advance was Interrupt ed mt fectlvy. although losses were small. Tha re-orranlzation of tbe M Isaourl Ha lf to board uf directors proceeded accord ing to programme and went far .beyond t point Inaamuch as the Rockf feller- huhn-LofO intereais were given a command Ing position In the directorate and execu- committee or the road and were also invited by Mr. Gould to positions of power nd influence In the Ooum properties. This di rates that such financing as may be d-d for purposes of rehabilitation and neral Improvement will not he lacking. M issouti r'aeifx- became weak on tbe an nouccsmsnt of tbe outcome of today's meat- and rll nearly two points to sumoev a ulnt below yesterday's close. A.tnougn. o xar aa is anown, no plans eve been mads for the Issuance by the Government of tbe X per cent Manama bonds. lu,(i or these nonds. "when Issued. aoid tne ouro today at inj, wnich is a rrac- on abo the ruling bid price of tha out- aiandtnc Oovernment 9a. Kslinaa bn:s were Irregular. Total sales. par value. JJ.:sc.00. L'nlted States bonds sre untnantfd on call. CLOSi.NU STOCK QUOTATIONS. Closing Kid. 31 4 B7H 4 611 S 23 22 S Sales. High. Iiw. 32 4 67 S v U0 Ills Chal pf .. !) X2 mal Copp.r .. D.&Hl !. Am Agrlcul ... l.HO Ss Am nu t'jgar. l.-'"0 t American Can .. Siia 9 Am Car a i'dy.. ' i'"0 M Am Cotton Uil. 000 00 Am Hd J.t pf Am lo. SeVurL. S4r Am Linseed ... Si-O 11 a. Am Ijtimotlve. -.mi n Am bm.l a ilrf l.i-J 7t.S do preferred.. 104 Am Pt-l K.ly .. ZD 4S 3PO SiK .It l.soo oO IKI "INI l.lo-i "soo Viw'o .mm) SoO ' i'.soo 2.1i SoO ' V.OoO "inb s.u-oo US , 7i. 104S 47 H 12U 14 "ii" iosii 12S 103 S 2H 11 r.t 70 l4Vs 4S 1211 14(1. P2 , 3S lost, ll-" lo:Vi it 29 II0V, 34 S2S 2S 21 H 43 4 144 4, 122 A3 2 .'..1 14.14 14W Am UEr llt.. ?ii 11 Am T.I a Tel.. l.lu 14H Am Tobacco pf. Am WcoUn .... An.iconiia M Co Atchison 8a iiw lo.'S lo3 'ii" 210 2Vi do preferred.. At Cout Line., licthlrhcm Pteel . Itrorik K Tran. . CaimJ'-in 1'ac .. Control leather do preferred.. . Centra; of N J. . 1 h-s a Ohio . .. Chicaco a Alton . Chi vil Wcat . . do prefertd. . Chicago a N W O. 11 A 8i Haul. C c. c a st u. . Col Fuel a Iron Col Southern. . S3 62, 21i 14.1 121 122 3O0 3S Consol tins ll.SOO Cum Products .. &U0 Del a B udsn . . ...... DaR Urandc. .too do preferred.. 3K Distillersf eecor ' trie do let pf .... 3'K do "d Pf 1"0 14.'.H Hw 'ji"4 34. 2ii s 14, 127. 1 "iiS MS 1181, n ii 144 V. 14 "S'ji in 41 33 171 31 7ni 31 W 20 T 37 Cen Electric ... S00 14V i Ct North pf ... l.Orttf 127 127 C.t North Or... 400 til Bl Illinois Central lnterbor Met .. "O 3.1 H 1 f.S 117 IT 10 41 111 84 67 111 144 2.1 147 19 M lis 17 10 41 do preferred.. l.io Inter Harvester. 5oo Inter Marin, pf Int Paper Fump ww Iowa Central .. ...... K C !ou:ftern .. 100 30 33 do preferred.. Laclede tins ... 7.P i; Louis a Nash.. IOO 14.1t, 111 145 2 147 24 Minn a St L. .. l.POO , Ptifll 14S Mo. Kaa a Taa. sXa) As G 33 i. i do preferred.. Mo Pacific .... Nat Biscuit .... Nat -Lead Mei N Ry 2 pf. N Y Central . . . N T. Ont Wes 100 la.iuo luO "ioi 2.300 67 130 "si i 10s ii 7 - 53 ios 31w 02-, 34"., 41H ll'7Va Norfolk a West 1.SO0 107 17!4 North Am 5o0 . 72 1, 72 Northern Pac .. B.80O 123 4, 124 4 Pacific Mall Pennsylvania ... 0 127 limi People's Oaa ... 600 207 lot, P. C C t K L.. MlO V$ D85, Pittsburg Coal.. 2u0 21!. 2114 Priased 8 Car Pull Pal Car .. 300 161 1'60 . Ry steel Spring Reading 40.8O0 15 157 H Republic Steel li0 SIS do preferred.. IOO 7 4 li7"i Bock Island Co l.OvO 30 S 2". do preferred. ..... 81 L U F ! P(. 400 42 '4 42 8t L Southwest do preferred.. 2O0 671i 674 Rloss Sheffield Southern Pac .. 4.3oO 117S 117 H Southern Ry ... loo 20. 281 do preferred.. 2vO o3 CO Tenn Copper Texas a Pac .. 3.100 24 . 28 Tol. St L A W ' do preferred.. I"0 51 5114 Colon Pacific .. 2T.9O0 177 W 176 H da preferred... V 8 Reilty ... SOO 72 72 V 8 Rubber ... 4l"0 44H 4.1 S V 8 Bteel 2.1n0 - 7K do preferred.. 4"0 111H, 11KI, flah Copper ... 1.3'MI 45 44V Va-Caro Chem .. 2.4'NI 00H Wabash .VMI 171-i 17 V. do preferred.. 700 38 5. 38 Western 3ld ... Westing Klec .. 400 67 87 Western Vnlon . VoO 72 72 Wheel a L. E Lehigh Valley .. 1.000 174 173, 71 1 '- lie", 21 S3 ir,o 157 V, 33 i SO Si 41V. SI 87 i4 117 28x C4t, 37 I, 51 H 1741, VI 71 H 43 Vj 78 V 11S: 44i 614 J 44 173 Total sales for the day. 200,400 shares. BONDS. NEW TORK, March 21. Closing quota tions: V. 8. ref. Ss reg.lOlVN. T. C. gn SHs. 84 do coupon ...lAlUJKo. Pacific 8s... 7li II. s. 3s rea. lulV'No. Pacific 4s... V do coupon .. .101 Vlt'nlon Psclflc 4H.10U-. 17. S. new 4s reg.113 wis. central 4s..- do coupon .. .ll.'im 'Japanese 4s .... ft. 9a d. a a. a. ts. 2 ai -3f Money, ExcJunge. Ft. NEW YORK. March 21. Money on call steady. 2V.tf2Va per cent; ruling rate, 244; cloning bio. 214 : oncrea at Z-. Time loans dull but slightly firmer; 60 days. 2HJ2; uo days, 213. six mouths. ait sa. Prime mercsntll. psp.-.r, 4&4H per cent. Sterling- exchange steady. with actual business In bankers' bills at f 4.H410'94.8425 for tin-day bills, and at $4.Mtfo for demand. Commercial till.. 4.83 fa . liar sliver, 52. Mexican dollars. 45c. Bonds Government steady; railroad ir regular. I.ONDOK, March 21. Bar silver Quiet; ZIHo or ounce. Mrnev 2 31 ner cent. The rata of discount In the open market for abort bills Is 2fe aer cent. The rate of discount In the open market for thre. months bills Is 827-l) per cent. BAN FP. ANvnsoO. March SI. Sterling on London, an days. tl.Ki. do sight, It.s.',. Drafts Sight. 4; telegraph. CHICAGO, March 21. Tork. 10c premium. -Exchange on New CASH DEMAND IS SMALL SliOW MOVEMENT I.V WHEAT BEARS DOWX PRICES. - Prospocls In Kansas Will Not Definitely Known for Sev eral Days. Be CHICAGO. Mareh 21. Wheat speculators her. gave conslderabl. attention to the lart that the total stock on liand In ChicaKO. pnbllc and private, had been reduced only 400.000 bushels In the last two months. At the beginning of the year, the trade ex pected the disappearance of nearly such amount to be a weekly occurrence. Crop experts went Into the background for the tim. being, opinion growing that the suit In Kansas would depend on tb. de velopment of th. backward acreage in the west end of the state, nheie eotne dayi must claps, before definite signs would ap pear. The close was almost at the bot tom figures reached. High and low points for May were 91c and Ss3c, with last sales lOlSo down. Oood weather for the movement of corn depressed th. market for that cereal. &lay ranged between 48Nic and 49Hc. cloning easy Hfl down, at 4SS48c. Cash grades were weak. AO. z yellow finished atH Buying demand for oats was limited dur ing the last part of the session. May varied from 30fea30?lic to 31 and closed tokc. a loss of hC from the figures cur rent th. corresponding time the previous aay. With hog receipts small, demand for pro visions became active and prlcea higher. The net gain was :5c for pork: 7fec to 13c for lard, and 5c to 20fi22rtC Tor ribs. The leading futures ranged as follows: t, WHEAT. Open. High. Low. Close May .... .91 $ .1 .n-j f .90 July 89a, ..mi', .89 Sept. .aV. .83, CORN". May it ' .tt'i .48 .4SV July tov, .60 .si) .to1. SepL 611. .61 Sa .ilVa OATS. May lVt .11 .0?, .I0H July SH. .31 .304 .30", Sept. 31 .tl .30 .2U MESS PORK. Mat H.!S 1C.92 1C.7C ic.9: July ....!. 25 K.23 14.12 V, 1C.26 L.VRD. " May .... .. 1.90 .77H 1.10 July .S3 .S 8.72 8. 321, Sept. .... H.sO 8.80 3.70 8.77 SHORT RIBS. May .... 3.45 f.43 t.!S 3.3S July .... .bi 8.87 8.78 8.32 Sept 80 8. 80 8.7 3.72 Cash quotations were as follows: Flour Easy. Hye No. 2. 9!c Barley Feed or mixing. (Sffloc; fair to choice malting. 95c sysl.Oi . Flax Seed No. 1 Southwestern, $:.S2 No. 1 Northwestern, 32.64 . Timothy Seed 31L60 11.70. Clover 8 13.. II. Mess Pork Par barrel. (17.25017.TS. l.ard Per 100 lbs.. IS.S:. Short ribs Sides (loose. (9.K0S9.12U. Sides Short clear (boxed). .12 V S.Ji. drain statistics: Total clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 155.000 bushels. Primary receipts wer. 3S8.0O0 bushels, compsred with 4t3.0uo bushsls the corresponding day a year ago. Th. world's visible supply, as shown by Bradstreet's. decreased 1.503.000 bushels. Estimated recelpta for tomorrow: wheat, 14 cars: corn. 313 cars; oats. 101 cars; bogs. 23.000 bead. Receipts. .. 12.900 .. 22.900 ..293.700 ..203.40 .. S.0O0 .. 87.000 Shipments 6.800 Flour, barrels .. Wheat, bushels Corn, bushels . . Oats, bushels .. Rye. busWels ... Barley, bushels 16.9fi0 150.000 299.600 2.000 36,000 Grain at Saa Francisco. FAN FRANCISCO, March 21. Wheat- Steady. I . i l.v Rtrona. StK)t quotations: Wheat Shipping. 11.43 61.47 per cental. Hariey 1-ced. 31.22 per cental- brewing. 1 1.2o (rf 1.27 . Oats Red. 31.20 Q 1..10 per cental; white, nominal black. 31.17 tl 1.2U. Call board sales: Wheat No trading. Barley Lecember fl.is per cental; May 1.20. Grain Markets of th. Northwest. TACOMA. Msrch 21. Wheat: Bloestara. 83'uH4c: fortyfold, SlirP'c: club, t.2c; red Atusslan. SVC Keceipts, woeat. oo cars. Bar ley, 3 cars: oats, 4 cars; hay. 27 cars. SEATTLE. March 21. Milling quotations: Blucst'-m. h.1c: fortyfold. S3c; club, 62c; Fife. 2c: red Russian. 61c Export wheat: Bluetm. 82c: fortyfold, 80c: club. 7uc; Fife. 70c: red Russian, 78c Yesterday's car receipts: Wheat 2 era, corn 2 cars, oat. b cars, barley 3 cars, hay 80 cars. Earopesus Otmln Markets. LONDON". March 21. Cargoes quiet. Walla Walla fnr shipment at 34a. English country market., steady; French country markets, quiet. LIVERPOOL. 6s 84: Msy. Weather cloudy. March 2L Wheat March, 6a Sd; July. 6s d. Minneapolla whet Markets. MINNEAPOLIS, March 21. Wheat Mav V0ti9Uc; July, bSc; September,. S2SC. Cash. No. 1 hard. c: Ko. 1 Northern. aT98e: No. 2 Northern, 4$96c; No. 1 wheat, 92 tj9Sc. Dolnth Flak Market. DUI.I TH. March 21. Flax on track and to ars.se. stay, ixtil asked. IN SELLERS' FAVOR Prices Are Firm at London . Wool Sales. LARGE OFFERINGS TAKEN American Markets Do Xot Respond to the Advance AbroadEastern Dealers Not Interested In the w Clip. I OX DON". March 21. The wool auction sales continued today at offer lnfs of la,&09 baics. tDlte tha I are offer .it as. the d email a cirtnued and pic-S areis firm and against euvers. . Jmeiicana houtrit a lew iota ox area cross-b reds. BOSTON WOOI MARKET IS DULL. Dealers 'ot Interested ta ttas w Western Clip. BOSTON, March 21. Tha Boston wool market continues dull, with aaay prices. A little territory has chanced hands and there is a light demand for medium unio netces, but sales are in small lots and acaroely enough to fix values. OfTertntrs of New Arisona wools on scouted basis of bOc find few taers and holders show no disposition to shade prices. Tbe strength abroad does not jxct prices here. Buyrs show a disposition to wait the opening of the extra sjsion of Con cress. and with fairly full bins local dealers are pay in if very little attention to the new clip and few oners nave oeen maaa zor woo. on the sheop's back. Fulled wool l also dull ana mere is very little Interest In the forelsrn product. Texas Fine, 12 months, 48 Zc ; one 5 months. 45 & 47c: fine I 'all. 4.1c. California Northern. Boa 36c: middle county, 47c; southern, 45t24tic; Fall free. 42 j 4c. Orejcon Eastern No. 1 staple, 5758c; Fustern cloth fntf. 63 55c; Valley No. 1, 64 G ,r5c. Trritorv Fine atanie. &tc: nne meaiUTn staple. &5$56c: fine cloth in. M53c; fine medium clothing, 58900c; half-blood, comb ing, r5c; tbree-eightha-blond combing. 53c; auartfr-blood comhin:. 4itfouc. yuuea tixrra, oosvc; una jl, o."Hvi A supers. 47Q4SC. Wool at St. LooJs. ST. LOUIS. March 21, Wool unchanged. Medium grades, combing and clothlng.20 23c; light nne. 17Mllc; heavy tine, 15917c; tub-washed, 20 33c PROOCCE AT SAN FRANCISCO. Quolntlons Current In tha Bay City Mar kets. RAV unANCISCO. March 21. The follow ing produce prices were current waa. V.l.hl Cucumbers. Sl..".0fi 2.23: gsr-. lie. 4ij6c: green peas. 612c; string beans. lo&2ic; asparagus. 41'C; to toes, nominal; egg plant, 81lc Butter Fancy creamery, 27 c Kltks Store. 19c; fancy ranch, 219. '.-.r. Vn.in, Amnric. lGlflttC Mlllatuffs Bran, I24Q26; middlings, 183 tj'lj- Krult ADnlcs. choice. 31.10: common. 75c; Mexican limes. I77.50: California lemons. choice. 3:t: common. 11. 2; oranges, navei. s 1 AOfr 1 f0 . nlueannles. S2v73.t0. Potatoes Salinas Burbank3, t2.1032.25; Oregon Burbanks. 1.W2.1. Onions Nominal. Hav Wheat. 38ffil3.50 per ton: wheat and omi S'JU: alfalfa. 38318. Receipts r lour. . quarter Backs, Slt; wheat. 465 centals; barley. 9235 centals; pats. 2H7 centals; potatoes, 1885 sacks; bran. 170 sacks; middlings, 15 sacks; bay, 181 tens. Changes In Available Supplies. NEW YORK. March 21. Special cable and rleirrnphic communications received by Bradstreet's show following changes In avail- I able supplies as compared with laat account: Bushels. Wheat. United States, east of Rock ies, decreased i.hki.mio Canada, decreased 122,000 Totals. United states and Canada. decreased 2,103,000 Afloat for and In Europe, Increased. 600,000 Total American and European sup- nlv decreased l.OOS.OOO Corn, united states ana uanaaa, de creased 873.000 Oats. United States and Canada, de creased 1,480,000 Condition of tb. Treasury. WASHINGTON. March 21. At the begin ning of business today the condition of the United States Treasury was: Working balance In Treasury of fice .ZS.61S.UUT In banks and Philippine treasury. 81.611.941 Total balance In general fund.... 83.952.094 Ordinary receipts yesterday 1,026.618 Ordinary disbursements 511.171 The deficit to date this fiscal year Is 33.827.215, as against 2i,o. at tnis tim. last year. These .figures exclude Panama canal ana public debt transactions. Coffee and Sugar. Ktw YORK. March 21. Coffee futures closed steady, net 2 points lower to 6 points higher. Sales, 550O bags. March. April ana May, 10.f0c; June, 10.47c; July, 10.42c; Aug ust, 10.83c; septemocr, .lu.zic, uciouer, lo.olc: November, 9.9ic; January and eb- riiarv. fi 87c. SDOt coffee dull. Rio. No. 7. 12ic: No. 4 Santos. 13 c. Mild coffee dull. Cordova, 12. a 1.1; c. kilw aucr very arm. stuscovaao. ,o test. 8 42c; centrifugal. .96 test. 8.92c: -molasses sinta-. .89 test. 8.17c. Reflned. steady. Bonds Investments TimberLands McGBATH & NEUHAUSEN CO. 701-2-3-4-5 Lewis Bids. Portland , Oregon - MORE from the FIRE Chiefs: "Our horses run with mo r e confi---dence on 'streets paved with bitu lithic." Fire Chief Jas. Smart, Calgary, Alberta. III a a THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK PORTLAND. OREGON UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY Capital - - - $1,000,000.00 Surplus Profits $800,000,00 ' I. C. AIMS-WORTH. President. R. W. SCBMEER, Cashier. R. MCA BARNES. Vice-President. A. M. WRIGHT, Assist. at Cashier. w. A. HOLT, Assistant Cashier. LETTERS OF CREDIT AND TRAVELERS' CHECKS ISSUED NEGOTIABLE EVERYWHERE DRAFTS DRAWN on all FOREIGN COUNTRIES Lumber mens National Bank CORNER FIFTH and STARK STREETS PORTLAND, OREGON Capital First National Bant Capital $1,1500,000 Surplus 750,000 Oldest National Bank West of the Rocky Mountains Bank Notice Security Savings and Trust Company Corbett Building, Fifth and Morrison Streets Capital and Surplus $950,000 Invites Accounts of Merchants, Individuals and Savings The Madras Gateway Hotel Co. Capital Stock $50,000.00 Offers at par $5.00 per share, 2000 shares of its Capital Stock. Lease now being negotiated assures 12 per cent per annum on in vestment. Great influx of settlers to Central Oregon guarantees the rapid growth of Madras. Stock convertible into Madras City property any time within one year at option of holder. Apply to The L. Y. Keady Investment Co. 926 Chamber of Commerce. - TRAVELERS' GUIDE. All Modern rjafety Devices (Wireless. itc. LONDON FAR15 HAMBURG Pre.Lincoln Mar.31,10AMBluecher April 12 tAmerlka April 8iSJPretoria. Apr. 10 Trttts-uariton a la ;arte itekiauruni. Calls at Plymouth and Cherbourg. IHambure direct. tSecond Caftia only. GIBRALTAR, ALGIERS. NAPLES, GKNOA. ?New 17,000 tons, equipped with all modern safety appliances. jMeccric xsatns. Gvmnasium. Elevator, etc S. S. CINCINNATI aiarch ZS, 10 A. M. g. s. Humours- spm a TWO CRUISES Duration By the steamship e a n n - CLEVELAND " 11Q IJ3YS (17,000 tons) ,,u UJ The first to leave COST New Tork Nor. 1. 1011. Th. second to leave San Francis- D O O V co Feb. 17 1812. HAMBURG- Inclndlor AMERICAN All LINE 3f eoessarj- 160 Powell St., Expenses San Francisco, CaL Aboard or local R. R. asts. and in Portland, Or. Ashore. AROL'ND THE - WORLD OX AN OCEAN LINER to r.ANn of THE TUB uiiiuiuusi ww. N'orwav. PoitiberRen. Iceland and North- em capitals by nuperb twin-screw steamships Bluechpr. Kronprinzessln Cecille. Meteor from Uamburs; darlns; June, jajy ana August. Write for Illustrated booklet. Ha in barr-America n Laine. 160 Powell St., San Francisco, Cal., or local K. R- ag-ents in Fort land. TAHITI The Golden, tbe Garden of South Sea Islea. Days' buay xnere. relehrstlnn fJniv 141 Fall of the Bastlle. Native fetes, mystic rites of walking over I red hot stones and all the rest of it. Splendid driveway of ninety mllea around the island unfolding tropical scenes of surpassing beauty. A delightful trip for recreation and pleasure. Steamer fere 185 round trip. first class, from San Francisco. s. B. Mariposa, sailing June a. buuh Oceanic S. 8. Co.. 673 Market. San Francises. LINE TO I1U.ULI.J.U, B. o. Dir,nnj. ailinga April 8. April 29. May 20 and every twenty-one daya COOS BAY LINE iririurR RRFAKWATER sails from Alaska dock. Portland, IP. E every Tues day. Freight received at Alaska dock untu t p. M. dally. Passenger far. flrst-class, flO; second-class, T. Including meals and berth. Tickets on sal. at Alneworth dock. Phones Hala 24S, A 123. . OFFICERS: $500,000 TRAVELERS' GUIDE. GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC Winter Schedule Effective October 30, 1810. STEAMSHIPS I "Prince Rupert" and "Prince George FOR Victoria, Vancouver and Prince Rupert. Connecting at Prlnoa Rupert with "S. S. Prince Albert" for Stewart and Queen Charlotte Islands. . , Daylight Ride to Victoria LEAVE SEATTLE, WASH, every Sunday at 2:00 P. M., northbound. LEAVE VANCOUVER. B. C. everv Monday at 11:00 P. iL, north bound; every Saturday at 2:00 P. M. southbound. MEALS AND BERTH INCLUDED NORTH OF VANCOUVER.. For Tickets and Reservations Apply to Local Railway Ticket Agents, or J. H. Bnrgia, Gent Agent, First Ave. and Yealer Way, Seattle, Wash. San Francisco, Los Angeles , and San Pedro Direct. North Pacific 8. S. Co.'s B. S. Roanoke and S. 8. Eldar sail every Wednesday alter nately at 8 P. M. Ticket office 182 Third St.. near Alder. MARTIN T. HIGLET, Passenger Agent. W. H. SLUSSEK. Freight Agent. Phones M. IS 14. A 1814. ' O.-W. R. & N. Astoria Route. STEAMER HARVEST QCEEX Leaves Portland dally except Saturday at 8 00 P M. MaJces all way landlnga. Arrives at Astoria at 6:00 A. St. Astoria daily, except Sunday, at 7:00 A. M. Arrive Portland at :00 P. M. Makes direct con nection with steamer Nahcotta for Megler, Ilwaco, Long Beach and all points on the llwsco pivieaon. . SAN FRANCISCO PORTLAND 68. CO. New aervlce to Los Angelas via Saa Fran cisco every five days. , , From amsworth Dock. Portland. 4 P. M. S.S.Rose City, Mar. 23, Beaver T8, Beau April s. A. M. From San Francisco, Northbound. 12 2s. S.S.Beaver Mar. 22, Bear XI, Base City April 1. From San Pedro. Northbound. 12 H. sABear Mar, 25. Bos. City SO, Beavei April 4. n R. Smith. C. T. A 142 Third St. 1. w. Ransom. Agent. Ainsworth TVock. 0X, 2 a