Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, March 22, 1911, Page 20, Image 20

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Bennett and Goodall Not Yet
Here to Seek Dockage
for Their Ships.
Ilellcf KII4 Thai Srniln of llar-
Tard and Yalt to Portland May
IVr rnipnrd I'ntll Time
Appear M"re 0)xrtune.
Delay !n the arrival of either Carlta!n
Jsmrs Tf. Innt: or W. It. GjJall.
ha l-sul announced Saturday In San
J"rjicij:o lhat, one of toem anuM leave
t::at nlM fur Portland to arrarie f-r
aWklr.: their rirr i.i!p. the Yale and
Harvard. In tfc'. port, ran rauad aim
pecula-on In Portland. If cither pf the
two mn 1'ad dt-artd f ri irn fin Krart
cjsco Saturday rnirc lie w'.iM hve
arrive. Iiere at t::e I itrsl by Alonday.
tVit r.elthT of thNn fiiw.
Fr'.tt.U of the Harriman !'nr are ln to Ixnlc upon the d'luy of tlie op
erator of tlte new veweUa In comlnjc
ere as a rNlmai off In teir determlna
ttnn to enter this port to compete mtth
t!.e sun Francisco a: PortMjid Steamship
Tiiat the pew vrsssvls would prove a
c-enrf'.t to t::!a p-.rt !l the ceneral
opinion eprca d e rne It na announced
t?a; the line would he extended here,
but the selection of a flovk anient prove
a serious oowcarte In the way of the
project. It la believe-!.
SAN PRAXn'!. Jl.irrh a. (.Special.)
A to the future plan of rlennett
and tieviail wir'i reference to the In
vasion of t!e Northwest and Portland
wttii the steamship l:ne there Is nnthlra
-ertaln and et tt?eir hea.lnuartera It
wan announo-d tcMjsvr ttint It la not
Itnown when they w.Il visit Portland.
Pome time aro there waa a report Is-
aued that they would purchase the M-i
ewchueett and one other boat for serv
ice between here and Portland. The M.w-
aarhusetta hta not left the K.ietern const
as yet. and e pennett and teodaiI could
lo little tn Portland.
A.lo'ph Pry. of the Parlfle Mall Steam
ship company. declares that hta com
parr, as welt as the Sin Francisco
Portland Comnany. Is In no fear of com
petition at tre hands of Itennett and
O'HxIall for soma time at leoet-
JErull '.iMM-lrd Co Follow BCr A
ChrHrbrouh'f- CumLnf: IN'ortli.
In thir butnej-s ar with th Cnll-
f rn!- Atlnt! StramsMp Company,
vhlr.h 1 the l:ty A Chrsrbrouch ltna. ha bn prntltn-r I'ortlari't m
Tr rvl- from th Atlantic by way
f the Iwtlimu!. ttie Fat-trie Malt nJ th
Amrican-Haltn ptcairiahip cmpni
v b"n cjrtin rat fruta the Attan
tic to Han Fran. i5co to jcii an extent
tat butnji ha materially lncreaaJ.
The-r i noire f.-lln that when th
tMnrli of th nrw company b-eln to
make rrutar tr!pa to I'ortiano. the
mrlcan-H.waUan Company will ex
teni Its rate-cutttnjr from Atlantic ports
to this cltr.
ti th follrtwlnc eilt.r!nl comment from
tbo Dally I'arthc KuiMrr. of ao Fran
c'o. reprra-'nt! th ntinint of many
Mpperm of that prt. the nrw company
may expect some support In aplte of
ppojl t Jon :
Ouatonia ripf v-ityr an 4 pop!a In elire
ef tA wharves of Pan Fran.i.-o rprt
that !tri t a xrat vupp'.r of s'-l ro:n
Inj frrm th- Ft. !( hippr takin al
nta f th- rut In rat-w hy tS Fa.-I'lC
Va:l att-1 A mrtan - II altan tamhlp
rwmpanl-. Hw fr thta til cntlnu
t th .trtrlnrnt of tt California Atlantic
ftramhij I'ompanr rmir. t fr r..
'i.r th hl,.e--r ri taka aii antic '
IMa cut tn rat-a t but rut: ins own
throat a n J h pint th rf turn nf ih o'd
rdrr of then. It t m pnnr w ! and
j.-ur1 fao(in prnpitiun wt.rrin th nn-r-cvant.
tr a 1'mp- rry adantac of a frmr
d"ilr atrr ht romptittr. Incurs tha
xntMittpoiy that baa eppr-raaed him for a
R4t fut'lnr l rt"viP tnf ltutt3 tn tha
tntrrt i(f th putUr. moat pay
tn l-aaa In th nt Fut thr hrj part
of such a war thtt tha patrtoru ir.T
r'tint who pttat!j-t: aupprta th in
thai ha s'.n him fr-f c-mpt!t.n haa
to pr tha pnr f.r tha con, p-a: Ion where
in lv .r-rupuUii rompe:tT. rtJpa
bfn-f;t. Th more oca tullva the !tua
lion It lortka like th inra are drift tr to.
ward a art of i.K-u!i.Ti whlon will ultl
mmx'.y Rivan O-vam mnt con trot or own
rh!p of a creat mar t thine dov ovnad
and pratei by private capital.
farhftrld Srlioonrr,
!0 hcrt
I on;, ltrntly In Six Montli?-.
M V115HKIFI.D. Or. March 21. (Spe
cial The ,lmp'n Lumber Company
of Nort tx -nd In to build a steam
schooner to be one of the fastest lum
ber carriers Koine out of this port. It
be about 2rt, feet Ion?, carry 800.
COe feet of lumber and alo have pas.
eencer accomodations. The boat win
be built at the Kruae A Hanks ship
yard In North Bend and will be com
leted In six months. The new vesael
Hl be used to transport lumber from
the Simpson mlil.
Krue (V K.mks have also closed a
contract fr the construction of a t
foot freticht boat for Captain Gibson to
be used between San Kranclsco and Ho
lloas Pay. The company Is at work on
la sister ship i'f the paso'.lne achooner
tshkos!i. which was wrecked recently.
Ired;e I I jiunclifd.
Tie !relce lrhlrh a hi:l!t In Sup
Tie s: IpyarJ. the North Bank
Il.t:ro.t.t. .as la'jn.hel r'terday. and
TtiiTe.i to t:ie V:il.imette Iron ac Steel
Vorks where two i-ton boll-rs will
be InstaKr.l. She will be tow.- ! back
to t!ie st ipard sh'r the remnln;!fr of
the ffiai-:.lcrsr wt;i he InMsllrd. Tha
ouss wl.i a:o be al.lrj to tlie
Marine Notea,
The French bark Bougainville was
ahlfteti yesteriiar Jrom the Unnton bal
last do-k to tiie Ocean'c dock.
For Sn Tedro the schooner
ira Tak cleared yesterday with
h 0 feet of lumber and left down for
The al'am s-hooner W. F. Jewett
was towed yesterday from Ralnirr to
The Amerl. an-Hawa'in steamer
Falcon sailed yesterday for fan Fran.
Cisco wltb a ajerfrai cargo.
Wtth passengers and freight the
teanier Pmksalrr sallrd yesterday
lor itioa lay.
The steam srhooner Saginaw .will
leave for Raymond today to load lum
ber for San Fedro.
It was announced yesterday that the
F.rltlsh steamship Inrerktp had been by J. J. Moor c Co. to load
lnmher at Tonarue Point for Australia.
She l expeetrd to sail for the Colum
bia River from San Francisco late next
w eek.
From San Francisco, with a'neneral
car", the steam schooner Caa.o ar
rived yesterday.
The steam s-'hooner Johan Poulsen
arrived from s?an Francisco yesterday
with frelicht.
At a result of an Investigation held
yesterday morning- by Government In
spector. It was announced that no
blame could be attached to the officers
of the steamer Mascot for her burning;
last Sunday momma at Pekln landlna.
Although the Norwegian' steamer
Ryrla has to wait for TOO tons of
freia-ht to be brouarht here by rail, she
will get away on schedule time for the
Orient, next Saturday.
The oil tank -mer Chtnslor. which
brought 40.000 barrels of oil from San sailed for that port yester
day In water ballast. Just previous to
the trip Into this port the Chanslor
ma le a trip to DouKlas Island. Alaska.
Italf.-ur. ' Guthrie Co. announced
yesterday that the French bark Jules
;ornm. which the company had char
tered Saturday to load a general cargo
at New. astle-on-Tyne for Portland, had
been enrage,- to take a cargo from this
port to Kurope.
When the steamer Alliance sailed
last night for Kureka by way of Coos
Hay. she took a number of colonists to
the latter place. The Alliance was one
day fate In sailing, owing; to her having;
In ! AnrtY.
Nftm p.
B'MaOrt'Ka. ...
Uom Ot jr. . . .
l.o.-lfl. Gat.
.Fn J'1ro. .
n Texiro. ..
li-ir.jta.onc- .
Tilln mook. . .
lii port
In treitrt
In pjrt
Mar. CI
a Mall. . .
... .Handon . . . . .
. Mi
. . Fan ivdr Na'. -4
. H. Klmor TiiimHk....M.r.
HrfiK.:r Coni Psjr. ... iar,
.-v W. KIder. .tn plro. ... M-r.
Hr J-n rdro....Mr. ' -J
l::nti! Iialhna Apr. 1
N"m I'lty San Franf!roIn'le"rt
lomlt San Francisco taut-fl
abedalJ Ueprt.
Nam. Krr. rat
(inukr Pan lVdrt
! t njr sn rdro.
Ar. :I Panrton. . . ,
. .Ml'
;Hn Cats TlLamook Mar.
Hfja If ontjkrnat. . . Mar.
lira, a-r hun I'-tlro. . . . M.r. "t
Strvak i(r... .C-x9 Hay. ... Mar.
fu M. Klmora 1 . . Mar. -
KiJr. S-n ) Iro Mir. IT
Tar jcn Tetiro. .. . Apr. M
'.:rtrl Ifaltoa Apr. A
N"mUjr ?an anelcoTi,..rt
oniil Sa.i FranciacoInUrrt
to be Inspected by the Government of
ficial. She took 75 passengers an
3-0 tons of freight.
To tha North Bank dock will b
taken the British steamer Kumerle
when she arrives at about 4 o'clock this
afternoon. She la one of the Water-
house vessels and will load SOOo tons
of wheat and flour and some lumber
before returning: to complete her cargo
at Seattle.
MoTfmrnts of Ve vein.
PORTLAND. Mareh 21. Arrived Ftmr
' o. from San I rniaco. steamer Johan
Itu.-n. frum Han Francifo. jsaild trm
r Su U. KJmorc. for Tillamook; uamr
Atltanr. for Korka: steamer Kalro n. for
Franrtaco: teamr Hraakwater. for
Cos Bay; steamer Chanslor, for baa Fraa-
A;or!a. March 21. Condition at th
nmu'h of th rlrr at & 1'. M.. smooth: wind,
nop h w-at. r i it h t mllM, wt-at har. clar. Ar-
riva at mianiaht and left up at 4 A. M
te-amT Catx-o. from Hun Frant-lsro. Arrived
at -O A. ii. and left up at P. M.. (nm
er Johan Fou;n, from San Franclo.
fltrj at A. al., steamer Golden Gate, for
teattle. March 21. Sailed at 4 A. M., Ttrlt
lah pir4tii"r Kumrlr. for Port'and.
San FrnrUm. Marrh 21. ArrlTd at 1
P. M . t .titter H"4T. from tan Piro.
fiatl-d c trainer Noma Ctty. for Han Pedro.
Folnt lxloa. Maxrti 21. Paaard at Z P.
M. steamar Ho ma. from Portland, for Port
San Lata.
fydn-y. N. W . March IS. Sailed B-
Tric. for baa Franciaco; sisi. arrived, hisa.
from Port lilak; Zealaadla, from Van
couver. ean ""ranclaeo. March 21. ArriT"l
F:ramn Klamata and Jim Kutlr. frrm
plltnhAm. Nann Fmlrh, from toot Hay;
O. C. l.lndauer. from l ; rays Harbor; North
land. Irm-tbu. from lattl: Mavfalr.
fnm Wfliapa; schoonrr Snow and Tturccaa.
from I,ud'ow. failed Stemr lieila of
Hrotland. for Nanaimo; Mongolia, for Hone
konv. I tori, for Craii liar bor . Crook, for
linnolulu; Clfr of Pu-ota. for Victoria: ship
Jc a Fno. for Itonoiul u.
Ta -oma. Marrh mi. Arrivn: ctnmtr
1' :- n. from Han rVanriaro; steamer Mia
eourUn. from Seattle ; steamer Frs)dnt.
fron tSan Frmrivo, Sailed llrltlsh staamer
Nlnchow, for Seattla.
Tides at Astoria TVednewday.
ITtsh. LOW.
P CO A. M 7 4 f-et 0 t A. M 14 fet
T I". M S3 f-t 1 p. M 4.4 feel
;rars) ITarbor Mrn Not to Attend
Northwest Uevelopmcnt Congre.
Uoquiam Iax Art.
ABERDEEN, Wash.. March 3. (Spe
cial.) As an Indication of the attitude of
Aberdeen toward Seattle and Tacoma. th
Aberdeen Chamber of Commerce at Its
weekly luncheon today ordered filed tlis
Invitation from the Seattle Commercial
tTub asking tne Aberoeen namocr is
purtlcipate In the Northwest Development
Congress next September at Seattle. This
practically shelves the invitation, and
while no dlscourtrwy was Intended, yet
the action Is notice to Seattle that
Aberdeen has no desire to aaslst In any
way In the proposed development con
Sress. frl c. Finch, on whose motion the In
vitation was filed, said in support of hie
motion that all energies must be con
fined to the Southwestern Washington
IWelopment Association, which means
more to Aberdeen than the Seattle plan.
Tue step is taken as an Index of what
Is to be done throughout the Southwest
witrre Aberdeen Is leader.
The local Chamber of Commerce will
attend a luncheon at Hoquiam tomorrow
a guest of the Hoquiam Commercial
Club and It Is expected that the HoquWun
organisation wiil also take action shelv
ing the Seattle Invitation. Grays Harbor
Interests here seem earnest In their In
tention to get along without assistance
from the Sound cities and to proclaim Its
IndiKnatlon over failure of the legisla
ture to pass a comprehensive road bllL
Interest now centers In a Joint com
mittee meeting a: Centralia Thursday
and a larger delegation will go from
;rnvs Harbor than at any previous
Centralia, Washington, the Hub City.
For those seeking a place for the
profitable Investment of capital, or for
a desirable home, perhaps there Is no
other place In the great Northwest that
can offer such inducements as the City
of Centralia. Wash. Such an abundance
of cheap lumber, cheap coal, pure run
ning water, excellent transportation fa
cilities, fertile lands, best rhurchns and
schools everything up-to-date wtth more
than hospitable, enterprising people
who extend the "glad hand' to every
respectable person, and who stand reauy
to aid In a material way every legitimate
enterprise that gives promise of benefit
ing the city. Before returning East,
roionlsts should not fall to see Centralia.
Call on or address Commercial Club,
Centralia. Wash.
Wheelwright and Ainsworth
Still Refuse to Recognize
Practice of Selectlns; Names Iom
Hat Will Be Dlsc-rdrd in Mak
ing Kature Selections, Is
KsrcaUre8 Dcrtflon.
Governor West yesterday named M.
O. Collins, one of six men recommended
by the Committee of Fifty, as a mem
ber of the Fort of Portland Commis
sion. In place of Captain Albert Crowe,
who resigned. In doing so, the Gov
ernor said that he hoped the "other
liiree members." ' meaning William I.
Wheelwright. J. C. Ainsworth and C. K.
Adams, would qualify. If they did not
do so by Monday, he said, he would
appoint three recommended in their
places. But Mr. Wheelwrigni ano air.
Ainsworth said last' night that they
would not accept the Governors ap
pointment. Mr. Adams la in California.
Mr. Wheelwright said:
"It seems strange to me that some
persons do not appreciate that certain
members of the old Port of Portland
Commission are advised by their coun
sel that they still constitute the com
mission, that the law under which the
Governor appoints them is unconsti
tutional. The three members of the
old board say they are still in office
without accepting the Governor's ap
pointment, not because they want It,
but In order that the question may go
to the Supreme Court that the law may
be construed. If I should- attend a
meeting I would never attend one ex
cept to resign. The business of the
port rnuat go on, you know, and we
are taking this position to give the
people opposed to us a chance to come
up and oust us from office. Not one
01 the seven member! or me oia -om
mission wants to stay there a minute.'
"I wrote Governor West I did not
think it best to act on tne old Doaru
and on the new board also before the
legality of the old board's position Is
determined." said Mr. Ainsworth. "and
that we would have to consider our
selves members of the old board until
the legality of the new and old are
determined. I think we can nave a
decision within SO days. Before any of
our proceedings will be legal the court
must pass upon tne legality ot tne
act of the Legislature providing for
the new board."
Mr. Collins said last night he had
not yet received Governor West's ap
pointment, but that when he did he
was perfectly willing to qualify and
serve upon the new commission. "I
will try to work harmoniously with
the other members of the commission,"
he said.
Choice, IlowcTcr, Not to to Bo Left
to Chance, Is Concluflon.
SALBM. Or, March 21. (Special.) In
miming M. O. Collins for the Port of
Portland Commission today. Governor
West said:
"I am in hope that the other three
members will see lit to qualify at once.
In the event they fall to do so by Mon
day I shall appoint three new members
to take their places."
The Governor take the attitude that
the Port of Portland Commission bill
as passed by the loot Legislature Is
strictly constitutional until It Is proved
to be otherwise and he Intends to ap
point a commission that will serve If the
men already selected by him do not take
advantage of their appointments!
The original six men selected by the
Governor were named by the use of a
hat, the executKe throwing cards bear
ing the names of the six men recom
mended by the Chamber of commerce
Into a hat and drawing out three and
going through the same process with the
names recommended by the Committee
of Fifty. But results Indicated that his
appointees have not altogether been
nutstled with the conditions and here
after, if It si necessary to make further
appointments, the Governor will select
them by making the appointments nim
self without the aid of his hat.
Commissioners - elect w heelwrlght.
Adams and Ainsworth were the three
recommended by the Chamber of Com
$5000 Sought From Teacher Who Is
Alleged to Have Whipped lllni.
VANCOUVER, Wash.. March !1.
(Special.) Although only 11 years old.
Walter Roche, son of John Roche, la
plaintiff in a suit In the Superior Court
to collect 15000 damages, ana :uu
nhvslclan's fees from Humphrey H.
Smith, the lad's school teacher in a
country school in Clark County. The
suit is brought by the father of the
Roche alleges that on December 17,
1910, his son. Walter, was attending
school, being a pupil of Mr. Smith.
Young Roche desired to pick up a
match on the floor, to which Smith ob
jected. It is alleged, and Smith struck
and bruised him with a rod. So vio
lently did Smith attack the child, it
is alleged, that he fell down between
the seats. As a result It Is held that
he may lose the sight of his left eye,
for which Injury the father of the boy
asks 15000 damages. '
Walla Walla Woman, Believed In
sane, Then Slays Self.
WALLA WALLA. Wash- March 21.
With a bullet hole In his head. William
N. Wllcoxson was found dead in bed
this morning, while his mother lay
dead across the foot of the bed with a
bullet In her brain and a revolver
clenched In her hand. The mother was
dressed and evidently murdered the son
while he was still sleeping, afterward
turning the gun on herself. Neighbors
heard three shots in that vicinity yes
terday morning about 9, but thought
the reports were caused by boys shoot
ing firecrackers. Seeing no evidence
of the family yesterday, one of the
neighbors broke into the house this
morning and made the grewsome dis
covery. Mrs. Wllcoxson. who was 49 years old,
wa alwaya regarded aa a peculiar
woman by the neighbors, who think
that Insanity was the cause of the
deed. According to their statements,
she seldom visited tbem. and oft times
would refuse to speak to them. The
son was It years old and a member
There's na use
trying to enre
r h em mat Ism with
drugs and dope.
Tou can't remove
the cause of the
trouble that way.
Electricity la the
only thing that
eoake right in
and forces the
poisonous uric
acid out of your
a y s t em. Electra.
Vita, the dry-cell
body battery, ap
plied while you
sleep, will satu
rate your body
with a glowing
Stream nt a 1 antrl n
fire and quickly banish the pain. It
has cured some ot the worst cases
after all other methods of treat
ment had failed.
Don't waste yonr money on
worthless drugs. Get Electra-Vlta
and get well.
Our blar. free book tells all about
F.lectra-1 Ita. how It cures and what
It costs. Send us this coupon with
your name and address ana receive
a copy by return malL
Pleaee send me. prepaid, your
free 90-page. Illustrated book.
Name.. .........................
Address. . .......................
Causes Sickness
Good Health Impossible With a
Disordered Stomach.
There 1r nothing that will create
sickness or cause more trouble than a
disordered stomach, and many people
dally contract serious maladies eimply
through disregard or abuse of the
stomach. "
We urge everyone suffering from any
stomach derangement, indigestion or
dyspepsia, whether acute or chronic, to
try Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets, with the
distinct understanding that we will re
fund their money without question or
formality. If after reasonable use of
this medicine they are not satisfied
with the results. We recommend them
to our customers every day, and have
yet to hear of any one who has not
been benefited by them. Three sizes.
23c. 60c and $1.00 a box. Sold in Port
land only at The Owl Drug Co., Cor.
7th and Washington Sts.
Their Chinese medicines of
hrbs and roots cure won
derfully. It has cured
many male and female suf
ferers of all kinds of slck
netw. Including chronic and
private ailments, when
other remedies fail. Their
medicines are harmless.
No operation. Consultation
fi.r luriUe Kv f r Phan foe
MTS.S.L CllSn men by Mr. Chan. Call or
Th S. K. hmn C hlnee Medicine Co,
2-0 H MurrUon 81, Bet. 1st and Sdv
lortland Or
of the local mllltla company. The fact
that he had been tn ill health for some
time and out of work Is also thought
to have been partially responsible for
the woman's despondency.
John W. Wllcoxson, the husband and
father of the dead pair. Is traveling
salesman for the Best Manufacturing
Company, and has been absent from
home for a month. At present he l in
the vicinity of Coulee City, where he
haa been notified.
business Men Give 14 Acres, Larger
Tract Donated Recently.
ALBANY. Or.. March 21. (Special.)
Another park site has been offered
Albany and If both are accepted the
ctty will have parks on the eastern
and western side of the city. Robert
U Burkhart and William II Burkhart,
prominent Albany men, have offered
the city a tract of 14 acres lying Just
east of Geary street and close to the
Willamette River.
The only condition of the gift is
that the city will spend .1000 a year
for five years in Improvements. This
site adjoins the city limits on the east
while the 44-acre tract recently offered
My Terms k Treatment
within the reach of all. I will not accept your ease If I cannot cure
yon. I will give you an absolute guarantee to cure you er not charge
you one cent for my services.
The reason hundreds of men today
are discouraged la because they have
given no care to whom they entrust
ed their ease, their precious health.
They do not consider the ability,
professional standing and reputa
tion of the physician - or specialist
of whom they took treatment, but
have considered far more the fact
that by not going to a specialist of
ability they could get cheaper treat
ment. Such Is not the case, because
It requires ability and skill to cure
any one of the ailments to which I
devote my full time and attention,
and the specialist who possesses the
ability to cure, gets all the business
he can attend to. If you are today
discouraged because you have not
been cured It Is your own fault,
lou have no one else to blame but
yourself. It you have sought treat
ment and are not cured. It Is simply
because of the fact that yon have
not thought enough of your health,
your life, to pay the pr'ce of a com
petent, reliable specialist, who pos
sesses the ability necessary to cure
The one thing for any man ' to
consider is simply this: "I want to
get cured. I must get the aliment
conquered before It conquers me."
If you look at this matter from this
standpoint, valuing aa yon must do
your future health and happiness,
vou will consult at once the BEST
and MOST RELIABLE) specialist, one whom you know from his per
manently and long-established reputation to be the best, and If your case
Is placed with him the cure will surely follow In short order.
LASTLY, REMEMBER, there is no man who really desires to be
ured who cannot place his case with ma. BECAUSE I always arrange
Eiy terms so that any man can receive expert attention and care at my
Bloedl AH safe. Wertem Decline, Kidney and Bladder Allamts, Tarleeso
Telaa and All Allmeata P.enllar te Hen.
Men make no mistake when they come to me. I give yon the results of
long experience, honest, conscientious1 work.- aand the best service that
money can buy. If you are ailing consult me. Medicines furnished in eur
private laboratory from 11.60 to t.v a oourae.
If you cannot call, write for self-examination blank. Boors I a. M. to
P. M. dally. Sundays, to II only. ,
nlf . M i. 1 p 23m Yamhill St
3t LOUIS IfleaiCal lO. Portland, Oregoa
at atsVw. - .
It matters not what your ailment
Is, or who has treated it. if it is
curable we will give you Immediate
benefit and a quick and lasting cure.
lo not allow money matters to
keep you from getting well. We
charge nothing to prove our meth
ods will cure you. Our guarantee
SATISFIED Is your absolute pro
tection. Consultation, examination
and dlagnoKis free.
. We claim for our treatment
nothinsr "wonderful" or "secret"
It is simply our successful way of
doing things.
Weak. Swollen, Sagging. Knotted,
W ormy-llke V e I a a. Clotted Stag
nant Pool of Impure Blood, Weak,
JVervoua, Low Itallty, Mental Be.
We daily demonstrate that VARI
COSE VEINS can be cured wlth
out severe surgical operation.
Beneficial effects are immediate.
Pain quickly ceases, enlarged
veins rapidly reduce, healthy cir
culation speedily returns, and
strength, soundness and robust
health are soon restored.
The complicated ailments of theee
organs are'rapldly overcome. There
Is no Kuesswork about It. We re
move every obstruction, stop every
waste, allay nil Irritation and in
flammation, revitalise the weak,
ened organs and soon accomplish
a safe, thorough and permanent
Knah, Copper-eolored Spota, abrup
tions, Lleera, sore Montla or throat,
Mucous Patches, Swollen G lands,
Falun Hnlr .
SON leaves no Injurious after ef
fect. It does not "lock in" the poi
son, but delves It out of the sys
tem, so there can be no comeback.
Being a Blood - Purifying, Blood
Making Blood Cell Remedy, It
gives the patient a pure, fresh
Blood Stream, and restores him to
normal health.
The eanse of Nervo-Vltal Debil
ity, aa well aa Its evil effects opon
the physical, mental and other
powers la familiar to all afflicted
anen. The ayanplotna need not be
We want all ailing men to know
treatment is the Ideal remedy for
not stimulate temporarily, but re
stores permanently. All disagree
able symptoms disappear,
nerve energy Is regained, self-respect,
self-confidence and self-control
return, and the patient Is pre
pared for a new period of life.
Rupture or Hernia, Piles, blind,
feeding. Itching or protruding;
Fistula, I leers, and etc.
Our proven methods make hoa-
pltal operations unnecessary. In
most cases no pain or detention
from business. We guarantee quick
relief and positive, permanent cures.
What you want Is a cure. Come
to us and get It. Once under our
treatment, you will quickly realize
how simple a thing it Is to get well
in the hands of a specialist who
knows his business. Our cures add
not only years to life, but life to
years. Office hours, dally 9 to 5.
Evenings, 7 to 8. Sundays, 10 to 1
3(12 Washington St., Portland, Or.
the city by Mr. and Mrs. H. Bryant
lies Just west of the city.
A Thorough and Per
manent Cure For Every
Ailing Man
Whose Case I Undertake
for Treatment, and Not a
Dollar Need Be Paid Until
You Are Well.
Could Any Offer Be Fairer?
No man could make a fairer or more "
itralghtforward proposition than that. I
make this offer because I KNOW that my
methods will cure any case that I accept for
treatment. Under no circumstances do I
ever attempt to treat Incurable cases. If I
attempt to treat your case, therefore, depend
upon it that I will cure you.
If ailing you can depend upon it that the
lervice I offer you Is the service you need and
is service such as can be rendered by no
ther physician.
Maybe you are one of the large number of men who think their cases
are Incurable. Perhaps your own doctor has told you you could not be
cured: but, remember, that Is only because he did not understand your
ailment and could not cure you. It did not mean that you could not get
help from an expert or experienced specialist'.
I Cure to Stay Cured
by a method that Involves no painful processes. No other physician em
ploys a like method, and so thorough Is my work that there need not be
the slightest fear of a relapse into the old condition. It Is not a question
of whether you can be cured, but whether you will be cured. Don't wait
until It Is too late. My method 1 perfect and quick. The cure is abso
lutely certain. I especially solicit those cases where many so-called
treatments have failed or where money has been wasted on electric
belts and other appliances.
Men's Ailments My Specialty
I have limited my speclaltv In practice to only a few of the more Im
portant ailments so that I could KNOW these thoroughly. JSIy experience
along this one path for 25 years qualifies me to say positively that
such troubles as Varicose Veins. Specific Blood Poison, Contracted
Ailments. Obstructions can be cured perfectly so as to stay cured. Of
course. I use different methods than the ordinarv physician. Most of
them are original with me and were devised for Just such cases as the
ordinary courses of treatment fall to reach.
I cu
Every contracted ailment I treat
Is thoroughly cured; my patients
have no relapses. When I pro
nounce a case cured there is not a
f article of Inflammation remaln
ng and there Is not the slightest
' danger that the disorder will re
turn In Its original form or work
its way Into the general system.
No ailment Is so trivial aa to war
rant uncertain methods of treat
ment, and I especially solicit those
cases that other doctors have been
unable to cure.
My treatment Is absolutely pain
less, and perfect results can be de
pended upon In every Instance. I
do no cutting or dilating what
ever. My colored rhart, shewing the
male anatomy and affording an in
teresting study In men's ailments,
free at office.
Callat the office, if possible, for free advice, examination and diag
nosis. If you cannot call, write for Symptom Blank.
I offer not only FREE consultation and advice, but of every case that
comes to me I will make a careful examination and diagnosis without
charge. No ailing man should neglect this opportunity to get expert
opinion about his troubles.
A Satisfactory Record
Numbers of Patients Who Call on This
Famous Man, Toole Ills Treatments
and Became Entirely Well.
His reDutatton for successful cures has
been due to a thorough knowledge of each
particular complaint coming under his care
and his ability to relieve suffering quickly.
He does this bv uslne simple remedies, fur
nished by Nature, compounded from Roots,
Barks, Herbs and Buds which are gathered
in every !oca.lity of the earth- Their medic
inal . properties are unknown to the scien
tists of this country and are guarded very
closely by the Chinese. In his treatments
no mercury or poisons are used. His pre
scriptions are absolutely safe, sure and
AH the diseases known to the medical
profession have come under his care. Like
his forefathers, he has made it a life tudy.
Tnese ana many oiner diseases are treated
successfully by him: Catarrh, Asthma, La
(Irinac. Hhenmatism. Htomach. I Jin tr and
liver avrouoies ana an private oiseaws.
If you live out or town and cannot call,
write for symptom blank and circular. In
closing four cents in stan ps.
Open Evenings and Sundays.
Tii3 C. Gee Wo Chinese Medicine Co.
1624 First St., Cor. Morrison.
Portland, Oregon.
Strowbridge bldg.,
13? H First street,
room 13. and
Alder st. Chinese
Root and Herb
Medicines. Cures
Cancer, Rheuma
tism, Consumption,
Dropsy, Catarrh,
Ftomach, Lung.
Liver and Kidney
Troubles. All
Cbrouic ailments
of men and wo
men. Examination
free,' Drugstore,
265 Flanders St.
The Old. Relleble ChlneM
Doctor spent llXetlm. study of
herbs and research la Chins.;
area srantcd diploma by tha
Emperor: ruaraataaa cure all
ailments of men and woman
whn others fail If you suf
fer, call or writ to VBK
First. Car. Alder, rertlaaa, in.
Gee ti f Gee
Wo Wo
f f Berated Golden teal
i AAsafe and simple remedy for
a. f Brwmtkitit, Catarrh. Hay Feoer
rSt I JriflmmmavtloriB, Irritations, nlesr
I p I fttlons of ALL mucous membrmnes
I -a I or linings of the nose, taUTOftt
I I i I Btomavata or other organs
iS&Al Why net ert ytmrtclf mmm
V---' Tremttss wtth ch bottle
V or mailed oa request. I J
Ersu Oesial Co. J
Esw mfe
The Leadlnc Specialist.
I cure varicose veins in one
week and the patient need not be
detained from his business a sin
gle day. If you have sought a
cure elsewhere and been disap
pointed, or if you fear the harsh
methods that most physicians em
ploy in treating this ailment come
to me and I will cure you soundly
and permanently by a gentle and
painless method. Pon't delay.
Varicose veins have dangers and
bring disastrous results. If you
call I will be pleased to explain
my method of curing.
No dangerous minerals to drive
the virus to the Interior, but harm
less, blood-cleansing remedies that
remove the last poisonous taint.
Prostatic and
Peculiar to
The Results of My Treat
ment Are Felt Instantly
No time Is wasted. Tou are not per
mitted to drag along- for days and
weeks on promises until hope at last
dies. By my treatment you feel the
returning: flush of health at the very
start. The bounding; energy of
youth revived, vigor of health,
restored what would you give to have
them back again? And you can have
them back a little effort will bring
them just the effort of calling at my
office and, without 'spending one cent,
have a confidential chat with me,
The Old Reliable Specialist.
Corner Alder and Second streets. En
trance 12814 Second street, Portland,
Or. Office hours 9 A. M. to 8 P. 11.
Sunday. 10 A. M. to 1 P. M.
Pay When Cured
We nave every Known remedy ap
pliance lor TKEAT1M, VOU. Our ex
perience Is so great and varied tliat na
one of the ailments of ilen Is new to ua.
COalU l. A Ail) TALK IT UVlvU.
Ceneral Uebiiuy, VV east Mervea. In
somnia KeaulL ut eiyusura, uv.rwari
and other Violations of .Nature's lawr.
Diseases u -.idder and K.ldneya. Vari
cose Veins, quickly and permanently
cured at small expense and na lietea
Hon from business.
afUClAi. AalaiauATs Newly COB'
tracted and enrome caaes cured. Ail
burning, itching and iniiainuiatiua
stopped In 24 hours. Cures effected la
seven days. Consultation free. If un
able to call, write for list of questions.
Office Hours A. M. to 8 P. M. Sua
Cays. 10 A. M. to 1 P M. only.
Pacific Coast Medical Co
Wash. St, Portland, Orrs;on.