16 rw TonT. $25 LOTS $25 ROCHESTER THK BKST JEW TOWJUITB OX TBt MARKET TOD.IT LEVEL CLEARED LOTS $25$ 'Jcncfioa of Three Railroads Now in Operation Th.r. w.e a m. when T th-r rltv n tn '""- .'l w. are s.UInc for : now wlll In a. srort tlm. be worth t ,1m., what wa are a.klu:. I J thee lots ara worth from I.. to 0 nxht now. but wa .r. "Vi owe? aid .n merely to advertise tha town ana k-rt ppl lalkln about It. ROCHESTER AS A IXVKSTWEXT. f aw peopl ran iret rich today -e.pt through tha Ha In valu of real ,,tat.. It la no longer PlD :,T ' .rninarr man to lnt In i city .rty. a It takes too much "" y. rorhaatar la every men's PPn"Ti Prices ara low. terma ara aaay. and tha future la assured. HT ROCHESTER TAT. Rochester la tha Heart of a rl.h vailey wb.ra prrvlou-ly ,u sanrfa of acre wer owned by el InUvMuals. Thaaa bl- ranches ara row being cnt up Into small 'aet for f-ult and rhl'keo ralslner. and hun rfrels of .fam.lilea will ba lllnr whr. bf.r thara waa only oa. Tn laci that Rochester close to tha r . markata of Portland, heatll and Oraya Harbor Insures a rood market J0'".11 jr.Mluca: and tha thraa llnea of '' road mean low fretcht rales and monopoly by any ona Una. FACTORIES. IVhll resources and railroads ara $rral fciora In tha bulld-na- up of a rity. still thara must ba employment for the acttiera and a pay roll to put tha town on a IH footlne:. THE MlM-HKwTKR wOOOWOHKIVi CO. IS row bullritnr a ah, door and box fac Inrr comma- $:s.oo. and will amploy about loo men. Other factories ara fia-urlnc on aitee and free locations ara heir. offered to manufacturer all over tha country. Tiiera ara sawmills, coal mine and losrwtnej campa rlos at hand. Lumbar and fuel ara cheap and eay to ret. All thaaa thine combined ara bound to roaka Rochester a good town. ROCHESTER AS A HOME. Hotel, itorrs a fin httTb and grad ed athoo). and churches have been built and new homee are srolns; up every day. The location la simply Mul. hlsrh and level, no dancer of fioo.1. and. beat of all. there are no stumps to dip; out. There Is a fine 'lew of tha mountains, and two beautiful rivers are within a mil or two of tha town. REMEMBER THIS. The railroads ara not propo road, they are In actual operation. T f aj-e not s-lilnstlies lot on the atrenicth of thlnwa that are (coins; to hitppen In tha dim and distant future. i:verthln I exactly aa we repre sent It. The truth la tha bst that can be said about this property. Roches ter I bound to ba a rood town, and wa want you to share In tha money that la coin a; to ba made there. Don't wait until the beet ara cone. Com In today, see photos of the new townsite, urii make your selection while you liave a rhanc to set In at the (round flnr price of Zh. Remember wa ara offering- thea price for a few days only. K.asy term. Warranty deed and free abstract showing food title with cacti purchase. Office open evening; Vntll i. American Homelnyestment Co. lets rkieWr at Ceiierr-e. IRVINGTON RrT FROM OWJTER -roora hou. shout finished, on 60x104 lot. on fins elevation, facing- east. SO feet south of Hraxee. on E. 27th. Has fine llrlaa FMm. fireplace, beamed celltnff fine bullet, veneered panellnsj In dlnlng rfom. alo In den; hardwood floore throuRlioul; full cement basement: Urn attic, partly finished: large, airy Itatrfc klirbea. with pantry; all mod ern conveiiienrea In. Until fairly fin lee. this S home la offered at ;vt. wltn terms. C. A. HOY 114 E. SMk St. Pkarna K. 3S33. B SSM. 1ST ACRE. 1 mtlea from Portland on In Had i-lectrc Hallway, station on property, county road through prop erty. TS ACRES cleared, t arras In orchard. . Kalanca In timber, rood for telephone polos, tlea and cord wood. Two-atory sis-room bou.ae, grood barn and aheda. running; spring- tha year round. Price . 11X par acre. Terma: Half raah. bian' ona and two years at was AI RKS i miles west of Portland. . t of a mile from the Aatorla Colum i bia Htv.r Railroad. All lorx-ed-off land. Two cburcnea ana a scnooi witn In V o I g-OO.1 tl of a mile Over g.040.000 feet of timber atlll on the property. Soil Flrat-olaaa. around fairly level; will I make rood agricultural land: S15 ! per an, Terma: V down, balanoe oua and two years at iV. tniRTR i. mtnT, wT SralsUmsi BwUdlac 200 Acres On Oregon Electric, one mil from ' GerTgU, ail clear, good laad and read ; for rnbdiriaion. Ltm prica to early . purchaser. Wa bold in trust and mast tell. MERCHANTS SAVINGS & TRUST C OMPANY ATl t t I IOW I ATTE.WT103I 1 COLONISTS For sal two of tha bast farms In -vTtHamatte Valley. Well Improved. 15 . acre In famous Yamhill. 1.4 acre In ' LJnn Cotinty. rtna location. Close to new Orri electric Una. Toe farms 1 will bear Ibvm titration. Also II SO acres cheap lajids la Klamath County, chiefly stock and timber landa. Will aell any : or all at right rrlcae and terms- Ad - dreae Otrxt:U Sttas aaaa-st St. rant A 21X1. M XU1. $2500 eaa corner. 70x145, en carllne. c'osa In; cosomanriina corner wnre nor than ona million dollars In lite rravetnanta are announced for tha Sum inar. 1100 below price of adjolnln property, tna-eatla-ata. HEDRICK & WINTERS 4SS fRtMHII OF COMlH-JtCB BLDfi. MORTGAGE LOANS ! 5 a- icrt JOHT T- CTIO-V . I f aaldlaa Bidak VEVT TOtAY. Bargains Choicest dairy, garderi, hop and fruit raneli in 'Washington Conn tT. Fine large home, barn, hop hunse, etc. 420 Acres Ideal for rIatti,1S racU of from 5 acres op. For sale at a low figure and on easy terms. 20 acre, all in cultivation; or chard and garden. Good house, bam, ete; 6 miles from city, West Side. City business com pels owner to sell at a low figure and on e-y terms. ' Beautiful residence site on Wil lamette River; on So. Pac. (Os wego branch); 20 minutes; sta tion on property. Good R. R. serv ice. Automobile rood, electric lighting, phone, etc $7000 Here is an opportunity to secure the most desirable warehouse site in the city. 100x150 feet, close in. (150 feet trackage on 15th st.) $50,000 Good Terms Several bargains in East and West Side. Call and see us. homes on Macleod & Neill 429 Henry Building. Both Phones. Inington Lot $1500 All afreet Improvements, including; hard-eurface atreets are in. In choic est section, near car. taxes and part of street Improvements are paid. This lot l a (treat oargain. handle It. Balance on terms to suit buver. If you csn ray all cash, will discount this pries. A Great Buy at $8500 A l-room house and three lots on East Main St. Plenty of fruit trees and berries. Between Punnvalde and Hawthorn carllne. and right In the path of the greatest growth In value. House has large roome and full ce ment basement, high ceilings, furnace, all Improvements, Price Is $8500. psy foOOO cash and balance on time. Or will take g-ood farm property up to to acres In part- payment. , J. P. Ford & Co. BIS Baard mt Trade Bids;. Pkaaea A ar Mala 3467. 21 Irvington Lots $12,000 On Esst Thompson st, within flvw blocks of Broadway car; no improve ments In. but all within one block of property. Half cash will handle this property. An Investor can double bis money. J. P. FORT CC Sia Beard at Trade Bldg. Big Success in Almonds and Chickens Almond trees are producing- heavy crop yearly at Bundale. on tna north demand for almonds that la.000.ooo pounua are oeins; impui icu muui. against a rente a pound duty. This makee a a-ood market for Sundale al monds. Peste don't bother and nutw are easily harvested. Chicken and chicken xeeo. iwiwiiuitiij - - chard The same climate suits both. Excursion rate Saturday. March IS. HrSTKH LAXD CO. doT Well Fwrgw Balldlag-. Irvington Specicils tCCnn Beautiful corner, larr lot. wOOUU good S-room house. This win sot appear f UfinA beven room, lovely new dOUUU homf. bookcases, buffet. sleepina-porca. tu mouam convenience. A Snap. S. 8. PREMT1SS, SOS Spaldlas; Bids. P 8 I have soma bargains at 13500 to I4S00. UNION AVENUE Choice business lot. iOxlOS. tOOCrt Oraat anap W"" Vnlon vt, good houaa and CATfl rull lot " Great bnslnass corner. lOOx 1350 isfeet'f roil lag, "new butVdins. rents for t S& month, should be tf VAH tlla per month IUUU 0 acres fine timber land, near Reed vu and railroad. Timber tf O fffl aloe worth price. ii7UUV J. IV. KEIYCDI. KM Valow Ave-. X. lOOxlOO Prominent corner near 20th and Pet tygrove. PEICE $15,000. OODDAEJ) & WTEDSICX 243 Stark St Williams-Ave.Snap 100x100. corner, with good six-room house, resdy for store on corner; eheapaet quarter on Williams avenue. The Broadwsy brldgs going up makes this a very attractive InveeimenU ls.60. i;rI A JDOH, HI Beurd e( Trad Bids. 4th as Oak. THE MORXTNG QUEGONIAy. WEDNESDAY, tooat. i a . L!- ;;: JkWK HEIGHTS 20 CHANCES We have 20 beautiful build ing sites that we are of fering direct from the owners on Tabor Ileights. They lay di rectlr between Morningside and the new City Park. This is an already built-up neigh borhood. These lots are equally as food as Mornincside and range in price from $650 up, on easy terms. HARTMAN X THOMPSON Realty Dep't, Chamber of Commerce. Some ExcelM Land Buys 3000 acres in fruit belt of Yam hill County. IftOO acres in Benton County; snap. 480, acres, Yamhill County; best 1 R2 arres in Linn County. 480 acres in Baker County; part under ditch. 352 acres at a special bargain in Yamhill County. 25-acre fruit farm in Linn County at a Bargain. We have many fine bargains which wnTl mnk vnn monpv. as we handle lands all over the state. Call and see us if you want a good buy, or care to sell. BRONG-STEELE 00. Ground Floor Lewis Building, Corner Fourth and Oat Streets. PORTLAND HEIGHTS 100x100 with 6-room house; fine view. $8500 Southeast corner Chapman and Clifton. CHAPIN & HERLOW 332 Chamber of Commerce PARK STREET LOT 66x100 5 Minutes' Walk From Washington Large building- on It could easily be converted Into a garage. Fashionable surroundings would make that dsss of business profitable. lor price and .terms see J. 0. ROUNTREE Railway Exchange BIdg. WEST SIDE SNAP Not more than two blocks from Fifth and Taylor. Prominent corner, 70x60, with fraction over. Price $9 per square foot. Goddard 8 Wiedrick 243 Stark St. A Good Corner E. 7th and Belmont Price $11,500 Lot 50x100, situated on the northwest corner of E. 7th and Belmont streets. Mall & Von Borstel 104 Second St- Lumber Exchange bid. S7xlOO Corner near 22d and Wilson. PKICB $10,000. GODDAM) & WIEDRICK: 213 Stark St LI APARTMENT SITES COxSS corner, lJth and Harri son. Modern residence thereoa yielding 75 per month. 60x66 corner. Grand avenna and Weldler. racaut. FINE HOMES Modern 7-room residence. Just built, commanding view Willam ette Heights. Two modern residences on J4th, near Marshall. New 7-room residence on East ltth, near Brazee street, Irvington. WAREHOUSE Rft50 corner, 17tn and Petty grove, on R. K. Several quarter blocks vscant on York street. North Portland, on B. It. FOR LEASE SOxlOO on Staxk, near 13th. DONALD MACLEOD die Eleetrle Bids;. SHERIDAN TAMHIIL COVVTY, OREfiOJf, ftl Miles From Portias. The greatest and best agricul tural section In Oregon: 201,000 acres awaiting development; So. 000 acres of plowed land. Fastest growing community In Oregon ; population 1500. Terminal of Sheridan branch of Southern Pa cific Several billion feet of stand ing timber. Eir.HT THOtSANO ACRES SOW IN FRV1T. 20,000 acres have changed hands within 20 months. All Sheridan nfnh Is development. COME TO SHERI DAN, where the only absolutely ground'floor propositions In land exist, where you can buy land at from one-half to one-third what you will pay In other section. Opportunity awaits YOU In Sheri dan. Look Oregon over, but IN VESTIGATE SHERIDAN. Write for further Information or see TEHEK BROS CO, ahrrldaa Real tae Co or STEM AHO A KNICKERBOCKER, t her Ida a, Oregon. GILT-EDGE INVESTMENTS 50x100 Pays over 18 per cent. Improved business corner. $11,000 cash required. Price ?19,C00 50x50 Pays over 16 per cent. Improved business corner. $2500 cash required. Price $4250 NORTHERN TRUST COMPANY J TO Stark St. City Realty Dept. 15 Acres 10 miles from Portland, on fine mac adamized road. 1 mile from O. W. P. Electric; excellent soil, no rock or gravel; all under cultivation and fenced; 3H acres In good orchard. Just beginning to bear; 6H acres In berries, assorted; good 4-room plastered and papered house; large bam and other outbuildings; good neighborhood; small prosperous farm all around It. A good team, new wagons, harness, plow and all other Implements go with the place A bargain at $6500; $4000 cash. Owner must leave city. Kauffman & Moore 325 Lnniber Exchange. BEAL ZSTATK DKALKKS. Bark. William O.. SIS Palllns bids. BlrrvIL A. H. Co.. 1UI-3 MfKj Mas. Real estate. tnsureDCa. mortgag. loeaa, ato. Bruhskar Benedict. 032 McKay bids. X. tta. Cbapla Bartow. chamber Cotasaraa Cook. B. a. Co.. aos corbatt bid, jcaotnss at C&. Mala l&s 2us Orsonlaa. PALMtR-JONSS CO. H. 1'.. Hi Caauaa alal Club bias. Tba Prtioi Raal Cjtata Co. Oraad aa4 fultnomah mx. (Holladay addltloa.1 IL K. THOMPSON CO, cor. 4th and QS eta RKAT, ESTATE. For Hmlr Lota. FOR SALE Quarter block. Hancork-St-Addltloo. aoutheast corner 35th and Schuy ler. Plica $1750, cub $350. balance $-10 mo. and Interest per cent. D 864. Ore- sonlao. TITUS INVESTMENT COMPAXI, INC OREGON CITf. OR. Clackamas County landa and lots sb stracted from the records; prlcaa right. John W. Loder, president, EAST 28TH. QUARTER. AH Improvements In; a decided bar Sain for sooo cash. VANDUTN A WALTON. 615 Chamber of Commerce. WILLIAMS AVENUE LOT. BoxlOO near Alberta street; pries $2000, terma GODDARD WIEDRICK. 243 Stark Street. I MUST SELL III 100x100 In Kenton, bee M at once at 270 Stark St. INVESTMENT Owner must raise a few dol lars quick; will aell 2 lots, alleys. on vllamile boulevard, river view; terms. $.0 cash. AL B?J. urggumm Uomea lota, quartet bloc Its. traeta aa acreage; all parts ot hclchts. all vlesrs aa4 prices; some bargalnsAlita 55L A lut CHOICE residence lot. Olmstead Park. 60 X17. hlh and sightly, with bsautlful view. For price and particulars, see Mc Alllster at Lueddemann. 722 Llectrlc bids. BEAUTIFUL building site on Council Crest. th iainlBcent Mew: nearly SUOO s,. ft.: price SJOOO. easy terms. McAllister & Lueddemann. T21 Electric bldg. FlNE residence lot 60x100 in Menefe Addi tion, facing east: price SS0. $:00 cash, balance 4 per cent. McAllister ac Lued.de- $3000. choice quarter, on Alnsworth. near Union ave, terma Owner. 202 Ger- llnger blflg. 11450 FULL lot. East 12th st. North, near Braaee- splendid view, cbotce location. TnTTpVlce is MO under value. Collars- " anal CnalHInir hlk. WALISUT i- Arvrv i w aa, ITor rale by owner. S. W. corner of Rod mt Md Emirion, 100x100. part cuh; tltjy ana f"'- xr nrernntan. DarCaUDi IW s.a - - - -- WlOO CORNER on East ,.t street .IOOj '""l 11 mom 17. Russell bldl. pan K s L . : - - -- tTpER MONTH btys pretty lot near Mount fiiott Lc car; no cash payment required. HlGLET & BISHOP. 1 Third St. I-VIOS-AV6 bargain, corner lot. 30x100. test investment In town; deal with owner. P 853. urfl'i silUA CLINTON ST. block. Oxt00 cor- S: termV GoodseU Bros, 433 Wor- cester bulldinir ADJOINING MU Tabor Park. 158x115: view ?rpert?; on car line; half cash; by owner. AL ai vt-- Mt-ST sell "immediately, choice lots, 50x100, oSe Holgate.st. B 2?.pL Rosa City Park lot. O til. Oresoalan. sTSloLOT on Broadway. hard-surface .,7t t200 cash. 41 Chamber Com. a ilTS In Brentwood Addition; price $350; w wrini: a sacrifice. , MarshaU 363. COMPELLED to sHI choice lot In Ladd's Addition before April 1. B 20 v. MARCH 22, 1911. T I . . . I KE AT. ESTATE. OLMSTED PARK, MOST BEAUTIFUL OF ALL CLOSE-IN EAST SIDE ADDITIONS. IF YOU DE SIRE A PROPERTY OF CHARACTER IN THE BEST DEVELOPED PORTION OF PORTLAND. WHERE BUILDINU 13 MOST ACTIVE, TAKE A BROADWAY CAR AND TEI.L THE CONDUCTOR TO LET YOU OFF AT OLMSTED PARK. YOU WILL FIND THERE ALL THAT CAN BE DESIRED IN A HOME SITE. AND THE PRICES ARE MORE THAN REASONABLE. SPRING BUYING IS NOW WELL UNDER WAT. DON'T LET THIS OPPORTUNITY SLIP BY. THE WEST SIDE COMPANY, MADISON BUILDING. THIRD AND MADISON STREETS. SOLE AGENTS. MARSHALL USO, A 4747. TWO BEAUTIFUL SITES FOR YOUR NEW HOMB. SOxlOO. Corner on Mount Tnbor: worth a great deal mora than our price; $1200 cash. Price $2000. Nearly 4 Block On Portland Heights, as good as the beat: $0000 cash required. Prloe $7300. NOTHERN" TRUST "COMPAXT, 270 Stark St. City Realty Dept. looxioo. $30OO. Thla beautiful sightly piece of P'opefJ Is located between East 84th and SJtn streets, on East Madison. This la abso lutely the best buy In this section. ThliiK of It. Improvements all paid to date; hall cash will handle It. Don't delay. It will sell. fiee HAWTHORNE REALTY CO.. Or the owner. 267 E. 35th at. Beautiful Building Corner. 60x100. for $2500. This Is on northwest corner 53d and Hawthorne ave.; has from Its elevation a magnificent view r.own Hawthorne ave: one of the best building sltos; about c00 down, balance monthly. Portland-Pacific lnv. Co.. corner 43d and Hawthorne or 418 Railway Exchange. (M) $57S - . ' Lot In Belle Crest, near Rose City Pars; ear Una Lower than any other adjoining Iota HARTMAN ft THOMPSON, REAL ESTATE DEPT. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BLDG. UNION AVENUE SPECIAL. ' For a short time only we offer 80x105 an Union avenue, facing east, near Skid more street, at the price of S3250; this is positively tha cheapest thing on Union """"GODDARD ft WIEDRICK. 243 Stark Street. WHAT DO TOU CALL THIS? A tract 80x100. flv. blocks from car. fine building spot, no rock, lays well, in good neighborhood; $300 buys these lota; $275 handles this excellent buy. Buy now of CHAPIN ft HERLOW (R) 832-338 Chamber of Commerce. LOTS. 8-xl40, near Flrland station, on Mt Scott carllne: streets graded and water piped to each lot; $400 to 600. very easy terma. KNAPP ft MACKEY. 312 and 213 Board of Trade Bids. ARE YOU GOING TO BUILD? Then Investigate the following: On Bkld more, near E. 29th St.; Improvements paid; only $1300; on E. 18th, near Bybee, 50x 100: make me an offer; also several lots IB the most desirable pait of Irvington. A. M. Berry, 433 Chamber of Com. EAST PORTLAND HEIGHTS LOT. Nice lot 50x100. east front, between two nice houses. 150 feet from car. on . E. 33d and Clinton, fine place to build or good speculation; price only $900. GRUSSI & ZADOW. S17 Board of Trade Bldg- 4th and Oak. BUY QUICK Lots $30, . on 52d and W. Stark, on car line; easy terms; greatest buy ever ol- erEMPIRE REALTY ft TRUST CO.. 4C2 Yeon Bids., Marshall 349. LOTS IN TRAUTMANS ADDITION. 50 by 100 feet, price $430, terms Z5 cash, balance $10 per month, 6 per cent Interest. Abstract with each lot. James D. Ogden, 48 Mississippi avenue. Wood lawn 2U2; C 2008. . SNAP $375 Hign and sightly 00 ft. lot close to Rose City Park car. all ready to build on: another only $3S5. $10 down, bal. easy monthly payments. Buy one, save money and make profit. See Jas. C. Logan. 815 Spaldlngbldg. CHEAP FOR CASH. 5 lota suitable for small bungalows, close to Rose City Park car, $375 each: water In; no restrictions: owner Just .fin ished two. both sold before completed. Bee Jas. C. Logan. 815 Spalding bldg. CHEAP QUARTER BLOCK. CORNER RODNEY AND GOING. Price $30t0, terms; hard-surfaced streets, sewtr a-nd water. GODDARD ft WIEDRICK, 243 Stark Street. NICE BUILDING LOT. Close to Union avenue and Alberta street: on new street; all new houses, high and sightly land; price $700. terma GODDARD ft WIEDRICK, 243 starKfetreei. WAVERLEIGH HEIGHTS LOTS. t lota 40x100 each, on Tibbetts, near 31st St.. street Improvements paid; price $950 each. . ORUSSI & ZADOW. 17 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. EAST SIM A.l I iwryri i. i Corner 60x100; both streets Improved and bonded: land lies high and very sightly; reasonable terms: price $1100. GODDARD ft .WIEDRICK, BEACH PROPERTY. Nye Creek Beach, at Newport, Oregon. Sightly lots In our tract from $123 to $200; terms If desired. Select one now. Whit ten A Bryant, 335 Chamber of Com- morca l'none Alain ''" 50X-100, one of the finest lots In the addition: price $li00. Nothing left like it for less than $2000. ORUSSI ft ZADOW. S17 Board of Trade Bldg.. th and Oak. l" 1 IT 17 East 2th street, 100 feet from carllne. with alley in rear: beautiful residence site; price only 50. terms. GODDARD & WIEDRICK. 1.1 piara oltctu I WILL GIVE YOU - The best buy In the city for $1000 cash. A 0' X1VU LVJi 1. v i Bee Mr. Beck at 270 tttark St. xirr;T aell at once, two beautiful Laurel hurst "ots; If could hold would get $1800 each: will sell both for $2800. ona for 1300, or make an offer; k caah. M SJ7. Oregonlan. East 37th St.. threo blocks to carllne; 50x100: terms 10 per cent down. GODDARD ft WIEDRICK. 43 Stark Street. $20,000 BUYS IT. 50x100. on Grand ave.. near Burnslde. between two bridges; property will double In -5 years. David Lewis, room 2 Lum bermens bldgJitland stark. Lot 50x115. on Eaat Flanders, west of East 24th street; price $1SG0. GODDARD & WIEDRICK. 243 Stark Street. ; HYDE PARK. . My equity in lot 50xl0O. I Mocks from FoVa City car. balance $12 per month; will sell at contract price. $MK. value $ao0. ynone nw "gl FOR SALE 50x100, on 23d st., Vernon, close to Alameda Park. Owner. P 882. Oregon CORNER lot 60x111. Terrace Park; $600. terma Room 17. ' Rnssel bldg. For Sale Hoosea. 2oo B-ROOM cottage on E. 6th near Mason, close to school and car: bath, gas. small payment and $ per month. Cel-lars-Murton Co.. 308 Spalding bldg. 1.100 CASH, balance easy, new modern bun galow, cheap; nice district, near car. owner, zu j - . - rn poR a new. modern 5-room bungalow, luat completed; will take small payment down. Call 414 Spalding bldg. 2800 FINE modern Bungalow, from ovr.cr, and 6 large lota: 25 minutes' ride Ore gon City car. T 875. Oregonlan. BY OWNER Furnished cottage. 4 rooms, $1000. Home Phone B 1432. SIX-ROOM house, cheao for cash. Inquire JOneS liOOA Ft'-irc. o- JIOO CASH, balance like rent. Main 944L Two 5-room bungalows. Price $250. NEW modern bungalow, easy terms. 52d st., S2d ave.. S. E. darks station. BUNGALOW AND LOT ONLY , . $200 cash puts you In possession of new 4-room modern bungalow : procelain bath, toilet, sink, hot and cold water. Dutch kitchen, etc 50 ft. lot In one of Port land's most beautiful suburbs, close to car; baL like rent. W1U gladly show game. JAS. C. LOGAN. "815 Spaldlns Bids- NO PLACE- LIKE THIS HOME. Think of It. a 7-room 2-story bouse, rooms large and airy, well finished, ce ment foundation, basement, bath ana toi let, hot and cold, water. This house Is built In a beautiful fir grove, corner lot 12.H120, three blocks from car on eraaea street. One of the bet buys we have, cash or terms. Buy now of CHAPIN HERLOW R 832-338 Chamber of Commerce. GOING TO BUILD T WB DESIGN ARTISTIC HOUSES AND MAKE NO CHARGES FOR PLANS IP WE BUILD. IT WILL PAY TO SEE US. THERE IS A REASON. IF YOU OWJ A LOT. WE WILL FINANCE THE RESI DENCE OR APARTMENT FOR YOU. OUR REPUTATION 13 TOUR PRO TECTION. L. R. BAILEY ft CO- 324 ABIajGTON BLBO. $100 DOWN $20 A MONTH. INCLUDING INTEREST. RESTRICTED DISTRICT. . K Til, rniAin. '2 hmlninma nnd bath OO the 2d floofT piped for furnace, big closef ooxioo lot. 2 blocKS from wooasioca km. 20 minutes out. This Is a beautiful house and will bring $3300.00. In the Kw- thorne district. Price $2730.00. DETSOH ft W1TWER. 518 Board of Trade. Main 2181; A 1559. BEST BUY IN THE CITY 6-room bunga low, hardwood floors, fireplace, best of plumbing, corner lot; only one block from car. Price $?00. $3r,0 cash; this is a snap. S. D. VINCENT & CO.. - 417 Chamber of Commerce THE BEST BUT IN THE. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. $2"-00. 5-room bungalow, paneled dining-room, enameled bathroom and Dutch kitchen, good-sized rooms, built-in buffet, cement basement; pay $200 down and $20 a montn. See It today. J. P. Ford ft Co., 513 Board of Trade bldg. Phones Main or A 26S7. T-ROOM , NEW MODERN BUNGALOW CHEAP. Lot 50x100. beautiful sightly location. E st Sidef close in. Vt block to car. fSU c mcnt basement,- beam ceiling, fireplace, Dutch kitchen, etc; a bargain for $3000; $750 cash, balance 15 mo. See H. "SV. Garrand. 194 4th st. 2 BARGAINS for sale; new house, lot 50x 105. price $675, $100 cash, balance $6 per month. New 4-room bungalow, lot 4bx 100. chicken-house, nice fence around vard. price $750. $200 cash, balance $8 per month. Take Mount Scott car, get off at Gray's crossing, meet owner with blue ribbon badge. on coat, from 1 to 6 ; . .11. p-cmh. emime ATTRACTIVE seven-room house on Clack amas street: In one of the best Holladay districts; new and modern; beautiful living-room with fireplace: lower floors hardwood: very attractive arrangement; one block from Irvington car; price $82o0. very easv terms. McAllister ft Luedde mann. .ji Eiiectno piug. NEW. modern two-story six-room house, besides large reception hall and bath; all freshly decorated; concrete basement, full attic, furnace, fireplace, fine lawn, roses, etc.; walking distance and near East Side High School; vary reasonable price and terms. Owner, 87 Eaat lth St.. near Washington. JUST completed; 5 rooms and bath, large attic, suitable for three rooms; full base ment. 20x42; double walls and floors; Dutch kitchen, bookcases, fireplace, linen closet, etc.. located 30th and Sandy road: ROSE CITY PARK CAR; 100 ft. south of carllne Terms can be arranged,- Owner, P74 Belmont st. Telephone B 1340. -nn ROSE CITY PARK BUY NOW. Hard surface street to business center. 7-room house, built-in buffet, inlaid pol ished floors, furnace, fireplace, bullt-ln bookcases. Take lot as part payment. ..r,Tr,c t c . T TV A. TRTTST CO.. I . .1 1 L II 11 1.11 H H 1 1 1 ' ' ' -, 402 Yeon Bldg. Phone Marshall 349. FOR SALE Casn or easy payments. Four attractive modern houses in Irvington district. Six rooms, large porch, bleep ing porch, built-in bookcases, fireplace, furnace, ldundry, cement basement, gas and electricity. Inquire of owner. 01 Board of Trade Building, or telephone 3narsnau no 11 -1 - 1. ULA 1 - 6-room 2-story house, gas, electric fire place, den, fine fixtures, on corner lot 50x100; E. 47th anil Hancock. Price $3500. $500 cash and $20 per month. A bargain. GRUSSI ft ZADOW. 317 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. . t .-i.iii 1- "1" i . I 1 1 X" T. I .' iKVLMion n i.i.ii r. uv. 8 rooms, new and modern, hardwood floors. 8 fireplaces, faces east, lot 50x100 feet, on car line, -hard-surface pavement. Price $6750. terms. H, P. PALMER-JONES CO., 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. Phones: Main 8aJ. A 2653. 2 lots, corner 29th and Hancock, Broad way car; 4 bedrooms, sleeping porch, fire place, furnace, Dutch kitchen: fine view of Mount Hood; restricted district: $3000 cash, $3500 mortgage, wor-.h $7000. See owner, 508 Weils-Fargo h'dg. s-rnom cottasre. Failing St., best of plumbing; house surrounded by roses; a good home for anybody at a low price. Terms, $.M0 cash. bal. easy. CHAS. RINGLER ft CO.. . 211 Lewis bldg. FOR SALE BY OWNER. Modern home in Nob Hill district, on Kearney street, near 25th. This Is a rare opportunity to secure one of the most at tractive and finest homes in this choice district. Price $12,aou. I em, oreguiuan. HANDSOME Willamette Heights home, with magnificent view; eight rooms, modern in every particular: large living-room with fireplace: all rooms large and attractlve- ... j. . nnnllnA. n-IA Cfl.nO Up. Alliater ft Lueddemann, 722 Electric bldg. HOLLADAY bargain; eight-room house on Wasco street, near E. 22d; modern, well arranged lower floor, four sleeping-rooms and sleeping porch upstairs: price $6000 on very easv terma McAllister ft Lued- oemann. in r.iectrio ums MY PRICES ARE RIGHT. I WILL LOAN MONEY WHEN I BUILD AT A LOW RATE OF INTEREST; NO CHARGE FOR PLANS. Z. K. LOCKE. 529 HENRY BLDG. NEW BUNGALOW on corner lot; 5 plas tered rooms and full basement; concrete foundation; modern plumbing; electric wired, hot and cold water; will paint to suit buyer: only $1600, $500 down. PORT LAND HOMES CO., 204 Morrison St. GRAND AVI.. -.-lIli civ I-. 1 ' i With 8-room house, only $7500. Good terms. ,VANDUTN ft WALTON. 513 Chamber commerce. SAVE agents' commission by buying my modern noma anions me mb, j rooms, broad veranda. 2 blocks from car, i 1 n himhM. UmL . tt- . r-T-ii.-T"T unura Elegantly finished In oak and mahog any, choice locations, Irvington. Several great bargains in lots. No agenta C laJ6 East 273. W. H. Herdman. NEAT cottage, 5 rooms and bath, basement, close in; E. 10th and Grant; $21u0, $000 cash 0 per cent on oaiance. SENGSTAKE ft LYMAN. 90 Fifth St. $6300 EIGHT rooms, modern home, faces down Yamhill St.. at E. 14th; fine location. under value, good lerms. oee xaia soap. Cellara-Murton Co., 306 Spalding bldg. k-room olastered house, J1600; small monthly payments, near W-W car; a snap; make your own terma Cellars-Murton Co., aua Spalding bldg. A NEW modern, well-built Vroom house, with open-air bedroom; a block from car line 30 minutes' walk from postofflca FOr Sale y OW Mr. ,oo Ca-n uiumi. -ny0 Seven -room modern house, full ce ment basement, one block to car. Can be had on easy terma E. T. Taggart, 416 r-hamher of Commerce. 7-ROOM new house. 909 E. 14th North, near Skidmore; Alberta car; a isood cheap home. bath. gas. electricity. Cellars-Murton Co.. 306 Spalding bldg. BY OWNER $900 cash. new. modern, six room home. 50x100. full basement, fruit, shade and ornamental roses; 2 blocks car; terma 350 Montgomery. Tabor 25j. 100x100 with modern 4-room house: fruit trees roses, nice lawn: 3 blocks from car; tl00. half cash. J. D. Hayes, room 1.. nuanei "'is- . TaVvtjrcFEKERS' chance; new Broadway i?ri furnace, fireplace, fur - nished. If desired; cheap: possession April Russel Pldg. will fcuv my beautiful 7-room modern bun galow In Irvington Park; we can arrange ferms. Ask for Mr. Beck at 270 Stark at. t-hat NEW HOUSE ON WILLIAMS AVE. 6 rooms; must be sold at once. See it and make me an offer: easy terms. A. M. Berry, x-i....- . vnn 4LE by owner. 8-room furnished bun aalow all complete $3500; part cash, bal. 5 per cent. Home Phone B 1432. NEW modern. 6-room bungalow. E. 11th and Hancock sts. Owner, East 4,49. ATRRACTIVB 2-STORY HOUSE LOCATED AT 10SS BROADWAY. NEAR E. J5TH ST. 7 BEAUTIFULLY APPOINT ED ROOMS, BATH, BASEMENT, FUR NACE AND FIREPLACE. THIS HOCSB IS A HOME IN EVERY RESPECT AND IN THIS DISTRICT IS AN IMMENSE BARGAIN FOR THE PRICE, $400. TERMS CAN BE ARRANGED. HARTMAN ft THOMPSON, REAL ESTATE DEPT. ' CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. $9000. . $9000. ARE TOU THE LUCKT ONE? Absolute sacrifice of my beautiful tea room home in most restricted district or city, to meet other obligations April 1; hardwood floors, beamed ceilings, panel wainscoting, built-in buffet, sunken den. French doors, 53-ft. cement porch, on loo ft. corner; best car service in city; this nome must Da sola arm im "-' -$3000 under cost: easy terms. See owner. 420 Lumbermens bldg.. or phene M. 6O0U. AN ELEGANT HOMB. IN WAVERLY HEIGHTS. $4500. One of the finest flnlshed houses m Portland: rich electric light fixtures, finely finished floors and paneling full cement basement, lot 1-H feet deep, large Prcn on two sides; price la $4500. $1000 cash or will take good lot as first payment, balance on terma to suit. J. P. o Co.. 618 Board of Trade bldg. Phonee Main or. A 2657. LOT. OR LOT EQUITY As First Payment on New Bungalow. Balance payable monthly, nice modern bungalow, on Marguerite St.. 100 feet from streetcar line, 5 rooms and bath, large attic full basement, sewer, electrlo light, piped for gas. 50x100 lot. Price 3-.0; will accept good lot as first payment. Portland-Pacific Investment Co., 418 Railway-Exchange, or corner 43d -and Haw thorne ave. (M) -. IDEAL HOME f-room. furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors, corner- lot, close to the car. Just being finished; price $4600. terma This is close to the new Brothers school. . S. D. VINCENTs CO.. 417 Chamber of Commerce. $250 CASH. ROSE CITY PARK. ' $25 PER MONTH. T rooms, view lot, 50x100, Improvements In snd paid; built-in buffet and book cases. Dutch kitchen, fireplace, furnace, laundry tray, solid oak floors, mirror' doors, etc, $25 per month. National Realty ft Trust Co., 326-4 Washington at., room 516. Phone Main 5129. . NEW BUNGALOW. 5-room modern bungalow dwelling. 36X 46, rooms good slie, elegantly finished, bath and toilet, large basement, concrete foundation, lot SOxlOO. plenty of shade, fine lawn, on a -macadamized street. . blocks from good carllne. Win be sold, ' at a bargain. Cash or terma 03uy now ot CHAPIN ft HERLOW IR) 332-3.1$ Chamber of Commerce. $3250 ONE of the best buys in Montavllla: a modern 6-room well-arranged house, full basement and attic, with shades and elec tric fixtures included in sale prloe. with two lota. 50x100 each, fruit trees, fiowera and the garden all In; has two chicken houses with wire netting all around; $300) down, balance on easy terma CO-OPERATIVE REALTY COMPANY, 519-20-21 Railway Exchange. HOME Is the word. I offer for sale my modern 7-room house Just recently com . pleted. Has an extra large sleeping pore", large pantry, tire-place, water In both range and furnace, full basement, waett tubs and cherry trees. Admirable arrange ment. One block off Belmont. Phone own er, Tabor-2845. or my agents CARLOCK ft MUELLHAUFT, 1032 CHAM. COM. $150 CASH. . . ' MODERN FIVE-ROOM BUNGALOW, CLOSE TO CARLINE: NEW; ALL NIC HI I ARGE ROOMS; DUTCH KITCHEN, SLEEPING PORCH. FINE CEMENT BASEMENT. LAUNDRY TRAYS. WOOD-LIFT- EAST FRONT; $2900, $150 CASH. BALANCE8 LIKE I 'bW IXQUIRB WESTERN INVESTMENT CO., 41T BOARD OF TRADE BLDG. A REAL PICK-UP 5-room cottages corner lot on East 30th. between Belmont an Hawthorne ave., only $2600,. $1000 cash, balance $10 per month. S. D. VINCENT ft CO.. 417 Chamber of Commerce. WEST SIDE HOMES. - J7500 50x100, 7-room house. $7000 55x100, 7-room house. $12.000 Corner 80x100. 9-rcom house. $10.000 7-room house. : $9000 75x100, Irvington. fine home. $5500 Corner, new 9-room uouBe. Many homes all over city; some for slow down and $20 per month. ZIMMERMAN, oil Board of Trade B.dg. S4J50 THE best buy In Rose City Park: a strictly modern 6-room bungalow panel dining-room, Dutch kitchen, built-in but fet. good-sized rooms and cement ment. electrip fixtures and shades Included, In sale price; $300 down, balance on easy terms. See this today. ' '. ,. CO-OPERATIVE REALTY COMPANt. 519-20-21 Railway Exchange. BLUAJ.U .3-, iii . Vice 5-room bungalow, modern except furnace, on E. 37th, near Lincoln at ; improvements paid. Price $2.00, , $850. balance $-0 per month. GRUSSI ft ZADOW. 317 Board of Trade BldgtbnaOaIt. CORNER lot. new 5-room bungalow, ce ment basement, laundry trays. Dutch kitchen, paneled dining-room, fireplace, electric lights, gas In basement. 15 min utes from 3d St.. bet. Belmont and Haw thorne ave.; $2850. $600 down; answering. give phone. P 861. Oregonian. $500 DOWN PRICE $3300. New, six rooms, .bath and sleeping porch on southwest cor. 33d and Clinton its. On WR carllne, 20 min. out. Key next door. Price includes cement side walk on each Btreet and steps, also sewer ana street imuiuwiim.,. t- f. i n 1 1 1 ;-j lui i iivii-.i. We have a few cottages, furnished, within two blocks from the ocean, which we can sell at prices ranging from $500 to 1500 each. Income pays over 25 per cent, GODDARD & WIEDRICK. 243 Stark Street. MUST close out 4 lots. 200x100. with mod ern house, at 1391 Division st.; residence or business property; good location for wood yard, stables, etc; R. R. Idetraclc privilege; easy terms; make offer. Tabor 1451. B 2507 or D 8 1 8. Oregonlan. A HOME! AN INVESTMENT! Buy from owner, save commission: neat little modern 5-room cottage, furniture, rent for $20; room on corner f; bunga low walkina distance In a pinch, only 2200. terms. Telephone Tabor 2934. $10 1 r.n .yni.x 1 1. . . And Interest, 6 rooms, newly painted and tinted house electric lights, bath toilet; price $2000; terms $200 cash; this Is a SU2jjraln. Phone Main 5738. A 6737. QUARTER block, seven-room house. East 30th and Schuyler: price S0000; will take x-rmo cash, balance on easy -terms or part trade small rooming-house. By owner; no agents. 952 Schuyler. FOR SALE BT OWNER. In Walnut Park, on Rodney ave.: 6 room tiouse. all modern Improvements: fine lawn and garden; part cash: this la a harga'n. no agents. O 864, Oregonlan. MUST sacrifice strictly modern 6-room bun galow, furnished or unfurnished, lot 6oX 90 u.. fine location and view. $420; S cash: worth $5000. 1821 E. YamhilL Owner. East 62. DANDY HOME 6-room modern Dunsa. low. close to 37th St.. and near a good carllne. This can be bought at a low figure. Call 414 Spalding Bldg. A 12, or Main 4128. . $"50 CASH and 10 per month, neat painted house near Kern Park, lot 40x100. bear ing fruit trees: price $50. niuucn oc m.1,1 - . ..... . : - , .j . .rnAm htinra UX 0ss-r" ' -rrn ave- low. Close aim i. . "---v Will sell cheap and on easy terms. . can 1106 a. Jftaraet. x aum IRVINGTON Three elegant homes. Meal location, finished Is i did ivory, oat, ma hogany and fir; prices moderate., terms iiv- no agents. Phone East 394. Kcke yard" ClEK stationTMt. B lu "1500: asy terms. G 858. Oregonlan. nn ForiTT In modern bungalow for sale: Soeawd 2 blocks this side Laurelhurst. D 853, Oregonlan., . ' SIOO DOWN. $10 month, buys lively 4-room- home; price $or,0. Goddard, 503 Yeon bids. . This is a bargain, . - " .$100 CASH. BALANCE EASY. ' New modern bungalow, cheap; nice dls. trlcl -near car. Owner. 209 McKay bldg. GOOD 7-room cottage. 9 lots, good 6-room' houV 4 lots, store property, lease at $23 per month. C. H. Elston. Oswego, Or..