15 rnn jujitaiJiU ukeuujuj, wewebuai, jianun ss, turn. AMcsmrEKTS. I rl necirim on RATFS 1 yew today. , SISTERS WILL AID ng County Attorney Buxton to sua four officials of thle county for excess salaries paid under the classification made by the former Board, whlcii has been declared Illegal, aa determined by thm Mnt Kational census. An Inter SKAT SALE 10 A.M. a. PRICES Sl.OO SI. SO S2.00 s Wt GALLERY 75 The Great Planrst) flaliv aa Bnaaar, HARTMArJ S THOMPSON REAL ESTATE DEPT. Chamber of Commerce Blds ;, i 4th and Stark Streeta. Teleheaea Ft, S0 A 205b Per Line Same ad twe consecutive tlmee ........8e Same ad three consecutive times sue Same sd six er seven consecutive tlmee. .eee esting phase of the litigation la that I Kemittaaoe bin pwaia" "bTx'werde eeonts aa eae line ea eaah ad eertlaemeiita aaul aw ad eounted for leas Attorney uuxton must uwug against himself. There are three offlcera against whom tha county will bring action to recover f each. These are County Attorney Buxton. County Clark lion fort and Sheriff Urquhart. Superin tendent Bay's alleged excess amounts to liloft. Commissioner Gray saya Hassing's Relatives Here to tban twe unea. ... u K- - - aitvartlaement la not run Testify in Murder Case. ,i thm mi m 1 1 ma rata anolles. Oa charge of bosk advertUemente the srrrrAT afttr- NOOX, MARCH 20, eharse wiu oe oaaea m um of lines appearing In the paper, regardless ef the number of words to each line. In New Today all advrrtlaements are charged by measure only. 14 lines to tbe tafh above rales apply to sdvertlaemente S P. M. HE11IG THEATER Dlreetloa LOIS STF.KKS- WVJi.N COMAS. PORTLAND MAPS FREE. $150 Is due him Instead or an excess being recorded. Auditor Swoflord. i JURY DIFFICULT TO FIND Coroner stricaiiB. tngiuaar dkhij i nnder "lint Today" and all other claaalfloa. Treasurer Suramerseu nava paia hc their excesses. The last Lewis County Republican county convention de manded that these county officials re pay the excesses. If the census showed that the county was not entitled to be rated In the hlgfler class. HOME INDUSTRY HURT tlona excepting tne fouowiagt Situatlona Wanted, Male. Fltuatlona Wanted, Female. For Rent, Boonta. Private Families. Reome and Board, Private Families, u 1 i unoma Vrlvmta Families. SEAT SALE FRIDAY. HEILia THEATER Ntshta, beginning Monday Popular Wad. mac; apacial Sat. mat. GERTRUDE ELLIOTT In the Play of Cheerfulness, "THE DAWN OF A TOMORROW 1 a i iLnudii w i a-w VACANT PROPERTIES FOB HOME BUILDERS (QCnn I" Portland Heights: S. BV ?OUJ Chapman and Laurel; 100s 100. with trees In rear of lot. Fine, view. (464) f1 f rfff Beautfful lot. Cedar Hill, 9 1 I (OUU adjoining City Park: curved but about 100x100; unsurpassed view. PrfrnM Will Plead Insanity Attack The rate en the above classification ia 1 cents a line each Insertion. ia .- ha of flea address la nouired. at Time Husband Shot Wife on Street Last Wlntor Prose cution Is Active. count thla aa part of tbe ad. Anawera te sdvertlaementa will be lorwaruea i pair-, provided aeU-addreaaed enveiopes ace io- cioaeu. NEW TODAY. Indicted far murder In the first de-y . ree. WlUiam Jans HmiDf wsa placed a trial yesterday before Judge Kava- neugh. IB tbe Circuit Court. Hln - nut answer for tha kilting of bla wite. Oraea Haistnfr. last November, when aha wu returning to tha Helnta Apartments. Fourteenth and Columbia streets, where she had bean employed. Tha entire day was taken up yester day la selecting a jury. Out of many prospective Jurors who were esamlned. nine were passed for causa. It prob ably will take all of today and a part of tomorrow to complete tea selection of the Jury. When Hassle appeared In the courtroom, ha waa mat by Ma three slaters who had arrived In Portland to testify In his behalf. They are Charlotte Chrlstensen and Ella Wllk- fora. of Penver. Colo., and Margaret Howe, of Manila. P. 1. Attorneys Jeffrey and Cooper, repre sentlng llassln. announced that they would undertake to show that ins prtaoner wsa suffering from an Inr arantty attm k at tha time he shot hts wife. Haul lis a sisters will bs tha witnesses to show that Insanity Has been hereditary In the family for tnany years. The rasa Is bains; presented for the atata by Deputy District Attorneys Fltxa-erald and Pace. The prosecution will undertake to ahow that Hamlnir s art was premeditated and that the murder waa cold-blooded and caused by Intense Jealouay. Peputy District Attorney Fitzgerald said laat night that In all probability Wise RacTiel Hutchinson, of Spokane, who Is laid to have been the only eye witness to the tragedy, will come to I'ortlartd and describe details of , tha lhootlng. IrRAilATIO STORY TO BE TOLD Twelve-Year-Old Fyr-Wltneaa to Come Here to Testify. SPOKANE. Wash.. March tl. Itarhael Hutrhlnson. daughter of State Bvnator R. A. Hutchinson, who wit nessed the killing of Mr a. William J. Massing In Portland last Thankaglv- Ing day and who has been summoned as a witness In tha case, telle a dramatic story of Ihs killing which may eonvlct the husband of the dead woman. I had been sick and had strolled out for a walk from the apartments where 1 was ataylng at the home of nr sister. Mrs. J. B- Hayes, when Mrs Massing, with whom I had become acquainted la the apartment-house, pasaed with her husband." says the girl, who Is only 12 veara old. "They were quarreling. While I stood on the enrblng I saw the man st'P out la front of her and draw hie revolver. The first ahot mlaeed. and the man shot again, when the woman dropped to the ground. He pressed the revolver to her head and ahot again. Then he placed tha re volver Into Ms own mouth and fired. "He dragged himself on his hands and knees to his wile's side and halt moaned. 'My God. aha la dead! I don't know how I kept from fainting, but X rushed back to the hotel acreamtng, and many people were attracted to the arena. The memory of that terrible sight has eauaed ma many alaeplesa nights." BUSONI SALE TOMORROW Tha Great I. last Interpreter Will Give Xnmbrra From That Great Composer, Chopin and Other. Tomorrow morning at JO o'clock the seat sale of Farruclo Bus on I. the splen did pianist, will open at tha Hetllg bog office. The recital will take place at that theater on Sunday afternoon at J. being tha third Sunday after aeon concert arranged for tha music lovers tiila sesson by Lois Bleers Wyna Comin. Rusonl plays only twice In the Northwest, here and in Seattle, and leavea for the Lest Immediately, where ha will fill a few dates with orchestras before sailing. Busonl will present a very strong and unusual programme -for tha recital on Sunday and one that will make the greatest appeal to teachers and students. The seat sale opens tomorrow. KENTON OPPOSES DELAY Delegation Will Insist on Speedy Paving With Weetrumlte. The Kentrm Push Club will oppose any effort to delay the paving of the li streets asked for In that dlatrlct and will Insist that Weatrumlt paving ma terial be uaed. . The subject was cn aldered Monday Bight and It waa de rided to send a Urge delegation of property omnera to the meeting of the Council today to urge that proceedings be haatened. The club alao appointed a committee to urge the Board of Education to build a erhAol house la Kenton. It was re ported that there are more than See school children In Kenton. Strong in dorsement was given the movement to have the lvnlnaula make a display during tiie coming Ko.e Festival. MEDFORD HOSPITAL ON WAY Work on f 1 00,0t Structure Now Awaits Only Site. M EPFIIRP, Or, March II- (Special.) The Ulsters of Provide ace today no tified the hospital committee ef tha Commercial Club that work will be started en the ll5.0o hospital aa soon as the site !a turned over to them. All but ties ef the 1 10. oca bonus subscribed for the purcr.aee of this aita has been psid Is and the rest will be collected tomorrow. The new hospital la te be af meet sunders construction and (quipped In up-to-date manner. OFFICIAL MUST SUE SELF IitfnHs County Order IrlUcatlni for Ritvri of F.ice, f 'KEHAL1& TVa-lu 5Jar-h ?1 t- r-rtl-l Lwts Cwiritjr Co imlinri opt4 a rooluiloa j-trd-y direct STREET laAILWAV MEN'S UXI- FORMS TO BE MADE IN" EAST. Manufacturers AMocUtlon Ex presses Regret That Portland Finn Is Not Given Contract. RegTet that tha employ f tha Port land Railway. LJsht Power Company awarded the contract tor their new uni forms to an Eaetern eonoern and not to a Portland firm, thereby retarding the prospect- for building up an extensive ma ufActurtng Industry In Oregon, le ex pressed by members of the Manufac turers' Association of tha Northwest. In a. at-tement Issued yesterday. W. H. McMonles, president of tha organisation. says: It hs come to the notlc.of the Mnu facturvre Association that the Brotherhood f KtsplO'cs oC the Portland Railway. Lishi Fowtr Co. ytday awarded the contract for tha uniform for the local iraairkr amnlovM ta th rmrnitiv of an Eastern clothtng factory. In spite the fact that bis bid was to nisneax -fltvlita-rl Ia that om ml 1 1 aa. The uniform If they are made by the Eastern firm, will fee of the ready-made typo Our internee la thtfl contract Is this: A local firm of manufacturer of uniform and special cloth ins. Charlea Coopey Bon. Incorporated, member of this organ I mat ton. submitted a bid to the Portland R.iiwmv. I Jar tit A Power Company at a lower fifure than that submitted by the ueneeaful bidder. The uniform, as guar anteed by Charles Coopoy A Boo, were not to b of the raaay-maae type, nut eacn ladividul uniform made to measure, as par the specifications. Quality of the roods sad trimmtnr called for by tha UnjUier- bood rommitieo. In view or the I act mai the roods to be supplied are to be up to the fixed standard of the Brotherhood com mittee's specifications and In view of the fact that the figure quoted by the success ful bidder for ready-made goods wss higher than the bid of the local manufacturer for made-ta-order goods, we are nnabla to understand the logic of the com mil tee In semilog those goods away from home to be made- If Portland ts to be a manufacturing cen ter, averv . Individual muat do hi share to bring about such a condition, and If local manufacturer submitting bias on sny prop, osltion. whether It Is for clothlrg. Iron work, or for ship or for er-ythlng ciso. is to be discriminated aalnst, especially whew tha local manufacturers bio la low set, then It la time for protest, and la writ ing this lttr. the Manufacturer Asso ciation la making Its protest ssalnst the unfair award In the matter ef the street car men s uniforms. All the workmanship aa the proposed uniform, had tha contract bea a w arded to i he local man a f act urar. would bavo been dona by local people in th moat sanitary fashion and under th moat cleaa and healthful working conditions, bad the contract beea given to Charl-e Cooper A Son. The money would have bean kept at hams and spnt at horns, "whereaa if now oe Kast to help bulid up th manufac turing tnter-rei af another eoramunlty. Th financial success of the Portland Rail war. L-isht A power Company and all other local enterprises depends upon the upbuilding and succeaarui eperatioa or our manufacturing Industrie, and the award ing af the uniform contract te th repre sentative ef an Eastern fsrtnry only puts ton In tha road t retard Portland's commercial progr. The clothing Industry on this Oast ha been neglected f r many years. There is so reason why factories should not b lo cated la Portland to manufacture all kinds of clothing and such factories la a short time wousd rwault tn th establishment of many mora mtlla tn Oresoa for the manu facturer of cloth from Oregon wool. The Par i fie Coast la sen ding Kast every year many mlt:ions of dollars for clothing whloh might just as well be mad tn Portland and other Pacific Coast cities. For unl. forms alone, hundreda of thousands of dol lars go East erery year and It la only throoati euch ehort-atghtedaoas as that dis played by tha commute of the Brother hood carmen la awarding the contract for the local streetcar man's uniform to an Eastern factory that the clothlrg manu facturing industry on tha Pacific Coast ts st fax mors advanced than It la We should have far tori in Portland to make not only clothing for the civilian, but for tha manufacture of all kinds of college, nary and army, pollca, railroad and street car men's, automobile clothing and many ther kinds ef special clothing The Manufacturer Asaoclation respect fully ask that tha newspaper of this city take up this matter, and If they wltL It wii not be long before Portland will be th clothing manufacturing center of the Pacific Coast. SHAMROCK SALE IS $6600 Oswfjo Orphanage Benefits From Gene rosily of Portland Profile. Rer. T. V. Cllara reported last nlajht that the sale of Shamrocks for the bene fit of the Otwero Orphanage netted, a nearly as can ba estimated. 16600. II, said an accurate count had not yet been made. ' The Orphanage Is conducted by the Elsters of the Holy Names nnder the su ervlalon of Archbishop Christie and Father O'lUra- Kather O Hara also ex pressed the gratitude ha and his asso ciates feel for the ready response of tha puhlio to meet the needs of the Institu tion. BLAST HITS PORTLAND MAN A. F. M in son Hart When S0A Feet From 8ara StnBip-Blowins;. VAXOOWKR. Wah.. March XL (Special.) Htandlns; !00 feet from a slump blown out by sMant powder. A. V. Stlnaolt. of Ionian J. waa struck by a flytna root and sustained a broken wrtet and a severed artery. He was rushed te EL. Joseph's Hospital In thla aity. Mr. Stlnson has a crew ef men clear Ins; his :-acr, tract near Sara. Hunday he visited the place and waa watching the man blow stumps when he waa In jured. He was taken to Portland. Kapavlne Ctrl Tires of Life. CE.VTRALIA. Waah.. March (Special.) Ida I -emeu, a young air I ef Napaelne, tried to end her life a couple of days a go. The discovery was made la time to save her. but aha declared she would try srlo- Fhe tiaa been committed to tha Bate Reform School at ChehaJla. California niea l Xlanhfleld. MARSH nET J), Or., March 11. (Spe cial Jesse Rust, of Sacramento. dld at the home of hla son, W. J. Rust. In this city. Ha was born In Ohio la 1K and la d crossed tha plains la Cali fornia with an ox-team. rlr-i tele rfin, Montreal aad Auatraliaa citlea as la. saalbla. Use Judgment In Buying Your Piano Don't buy your piano hurriedly.' Take time enough to inves tigate the reputation of the manufacturer, the materials and workmanship used in its construction, and make that investi gation thorough, including in it the house which you expect to favor with your patronage. Satisfy yourself as to its busi ness methods, its reliability and its reputation in business circles. Know before the purchase is made that you may de pend fully upon the representations of its salesmen as to the quality and price of the instrument offered, and, above all, know that the price you are asked to pay is reasonable and fair. V Our pianos are marked at fair and reasonable prices in plain figures, and these prices, save for the addition of Eastern freight, are identically the same as asked by the manufacturers of our various lines at their retail stores in Boston, New York or Chicago, while our terms of payment can readily be made to suit each individual buyer. ft Misrepresentation finds no place in any department of our business. Every piano is shown by our salesmen with a frank statement as to its worth and durability, and the price quoted is the lowest at which a piano of that particular make and quality can possibly be sold, and that price is to you and your neighborjdentically the same. J If you would safeguard your own interests, use care in the selection of your piano. If you would economize in the pur chase, look carefully into the reputation of both the piano and the house which offers it. If you want assurance of satisfaction, patronize only a house of known responsibility and integrity ; a house that stands behind every piano sold, that offers only pianos of known reputation and quality, and which sells its merchandise at one price only to any and all buyers. ft For nearly thirty-five years our house has been selling pianos, always on the same plan, under the same policy. We have prospered and grown simply because our methods and our pol icy have been proven. Always they will remain the same. 304 Oak Street, between Fifth and Sixth. Other stores San Francisco, Oakland, Sacramento, Stock ton, San Jose, Los Angeles, San Diego, CaL; Phoenix, Aria.; Reno, Nevada. MILL WILL BE REBUILT GOLDEN' BOD COMTANT TO AC QUIRE ACME PROPERTY. Chance, Uoweeer, WU Not Affect Holdlnc Concern In Other Cttlea In Northwest. The Golden Rod" Milling; Company v.. K..n formed In Portland for the purpose of auocaedlnir the Acme Mills Company In tha operation oi iis ru- v. nil fur tha rebuilding; of the old plant and making; extensive Improvements, wnicu win rapacity oi me u" day. - i . . flu.! whA Iahv has been . . . .a 4 V. ka Arms fllla aa th. laeaiiueu " --- president and manaer. will retire from tha business and will be succeed ed by hla brother, Albert 8. Gobs, who has keen associated with him here 10 years. Tha other principal owners of the new eoneern are R. 8. Thomas and Andrew Johnson, both of whom have been with the company as salesmen for many yeara. The new company has been Incorporated at $150,000. which Is tha amount of capital stock paid In, the revenue from this source being used to pay for the Portland business and for the reconstruction of the plant, which waa destroyed by fire several months ao. The chance of ownership In tha Port land plant will not affect any of the other mills which the Acme people have operated In the Northwest. Walter A. lioss will continue to direct the affairs of the other northwestern plants but sxpects to retire gradually from all ac tive work In connection with them. The new company already haa taken charge and plana to Improve tha prop erty la Portland bo that tha business will exceed even the ISO-barrel a day capacity whloh will ba the output aa soon aa tha Improvements now under way ar, completed. Vewherg Condenser BnrneI. SEWBERQ. Or, March 11. (Spe cial.) Fire, of unknown origin wrought damage to the extent of 16. 000 te tha plant of tha Northwest Con deneed Milk Company of this city to day. Firemen and others succeeded In saving milk valued at 18000 ready for shipment. Tha fire originated In the rear of tha building; among- the vats and machinery. Occurring about tha same tlms and under almllar condi tions aa tha fire whloh destroyed a lsrge warehouse bare March , it Is be lieved today's fire was Incendiary. Lit tle Insqrsnca waa carried on the prop erty destroyed. Folk U Visit Corral Us. OREGON AGRICULTURAL COL IiKaE. Corvallls. Or., March 3. (Spe cial.) Joseph W. Folk. ex-Governor of Missouri, will visit the Aerricultural CuUece and address tha students at I Convocation April 11. This announce ment waa made today by the commit tee In charge of the convocations. Mr. Folk will be received with military honors. It ia planned to have the student regiment meet him at the de pot and escort him to the campus, where ha will review tha cadets before coins; to the gymnasium to deliver his address. Faulty Title May Kill Measure. SALEM. Or.. March a. (Special.) Failure of tha title in Senator Hawley's bill regulating; the practice of veteri nary medicine and surgpery to carry a reference that it amend section six of a similar act passed during; the ses sion of 190S, threatens to Invalidate tha most Important part of the entire measure and the question probably will be placed before tha Attorney-General. The discovery was made today by D. H. Allen, who Is In charge of compila tion of the session laws. One of the principal objects of the Hawley bill was to require greater knowledge of the veterinary science on the part of the applicant and to throw greater re strictions around tha practice of th, profession. Siberian horses sra aturdy. Journera of thnoHndu of mltea have been made at tha rt rf 40 irt!li a dnv by thplr rMra. ACCTION BA1J TODAT. At 1 P. VI. the Fere Anrtlen Co.. at 211 First at will auction all ktnde ,f furniture, carpeta. bedding, laoe eurialna, ate At Wllaon'a. earner Saeond and Yamhill. gala at 10 A. M. J. T. Wllaon. auctioneer. M EETINO NOTICES. NOTICB. Portland Ledge. No. ittl. Lrfyal Order of Mooae. meeta OB tha fourth floor of tha old Olrie. Wormian A King bids.. 5th and Wash Inston ata every Wedneeday eventng 'at a o'olock. "W. I mMKR, secretary. W. N. QATENS, Dictator. WA6HINOTON COUNCIL. NO. 8. R. AND a. M- Stated aaembly thla !J (Wedneaday) evening, 7:30, E. eth alKAand Burnaida. Tha Ancient Degree af fcuuer-Excallent Master will be presented. All K. aad a M. Invited. By order T. I. M. J. H. BICliilO.SD. Rao j HAWTHORNE 111. A. F. AND LODOE. NO. M Special cemmunloatloa thla (Wadnaaday) ra evening, m-iwi.ov, wor m a coma. C lu. MILLER, Sec ALASKA OIL A OI ANO CO.-s-Tha annual meellna ef tha stockholder of above com pany will ba held In the office of the com pany, . ' Concord bids.- Portland, Ore- fnn. en Wedneaday, the llth day of April, P1L at 11 noon. BRYDON H. N1COLU Secretary. DIED. " MOORE In thla city. March L at tha family raaldenca, 1S31 Ftanrla ave.. Bthel.. little dauyhter of Mr. and Mra. Harray L. Meora. ascd 6 months. - JAfKMN At Salem, Or., Mareh tl. lall. Karl jacaaon. agea ia 3 ' - nm, " funeral later. DEW ITT In thla city, March SI. Mrs. Utaila neant. aaea a mi, "iimn - oaya. Anaouneauaat af funeral later. THEATER Morflaos All Thla Week TVM. H. TURNER Supported by a Clever company m WATWTTlt Avn THK BOT9 vt r.Mrii Ada. Author of "Tha Oetmty 'Chairman.' ate. Great Empire Theater, New York Sucoeaa. -New xora, rroaucuon am ple te. Evening Prlcee SSo. BOc. T5c, 11.00. Thurs. .Bargain atai.. sac; oar- je.-. m w maty a. A leea UAXBiim nXBT DAT 15-25-50 NIGHTS THEATER 1 5-25-5 0-75e WEEK MARCH 20 Burr Mclntoeh and bia Company, Preaentmg me Hancnmai Coakley. Haover A Dunleavy, Kone Brotbere. John Birch, Three Mtasee Vt eat Kuaaell A DeVlme, Mile. Bland FroeUch. BANFaSES YTnenaaJled Vaude-Hlle. An thla week The Four Nonins tn the a-reateat Dirlngtct In the World Bob Al bright, OllroyIlayee and Montgomery, Foa ter and Dog. Williams and Right, Vantages- GRAND Week of Mar. 20 Jack Rogas Preeenta De Haven & Sidney and the Matinee uirle In a alualcal produc tion. "After the Matinee." Matinee every day, Manning 4s Ford Kennedy Rooney a Long Acre 4 Mine Italia O. Herbert Mitchell Ormadaacope 1:80; any seat. He Evening performances at i:sv ana sua; balcony. 15c: lower floor. 2soi box aaata. aOa, Xl aO rXtRTXaHD'9 TAM JLal X jTV M. e ILY rLAlUOlSK. All This Week - EXTRA MR. AND mtfi. H. A. MBTMOTT Direct From the Rickard Ctrtult and THE LYKIO MTHICAL OOMKDT CO. In "The Twins." Three Performances :4S. 7:45, :15. Friday Night Chorus Olrla ConteaU Peoples Amusement Co. TODAY AT THE STAR THEATER A ROMANTIC COMEDT, A DOMESTIC PROBLEM, AND A BIOGRAPH COMEDY AND 300O FEET, OR THREE COMPLETE REELS, Besides the Best Singers and Classleat Muolo Obtainable at tne ARCADE, OH JOY, ODEO.V AND TIVOI.I THEATERS. FTNERAL NOTICEa. SCHWARTZ At reildenee, B20S East 66th at.. Arleta. Peter achwartx. ased 68 years. father ef Andrew, John and Mra. Frank Bloslck and Brother of John Schwartx and Mra. Susan Mericae. oi tnia ouy. r u nral vlll taua nlaca from late raaldenca Thursday. March 8. at 0 A. M.. thence to St. Ignatius' Church on 41at and Pow ell Valley road, at 0:30 A. M- Interment Mount calvary cemetery. rrienua m- apectfully lavltad. WTT.T.UM8 At eaaldanoa S7a 44th ava. Kern Park. Ernest G. Wllllame, aged 2 years, beloved husband of Madge and father of Marcella, aon of Mra. Beltle Wllllama and brother of Frank and Leo Williams, Mra. l.llltan UDarer ana jura. Will Davis, all of thla elty. Funeral will i be held from above raaldenca Thursday, March 23, at e A. M. Services at tha cathedral A. V. Interment Mount Cal vary Cemetery. HARRINGTON At the residence of his niece. Mra. Mary Kaenan, til. Commer cial St., Michael Harrington. aged 74 yeara. Funeral will ba held from above reaidence today (Wedneaday), at 8:30 A. M.. thence to St. Maxy'a Church, Wllllama Ave. and Stanton at, where aolemn requiem maca will be offered at B. A. M. Vrlanria reanactfullv invited to attend. In terment Mt Calvary Cemetery. Please omit Xlowera. PflRBRTKOW Maxell la. at FoaslL Or. Margaret B. Kobertaon. sited 32 years months, beloved wife of Orla B. Robert son. The funeral aervlcea will be held from Finley'a undertaking parlora at 11:80 A. M. (Thursdar. March 23. Interment at Rlverview Cemetery. Friends of the family Invited to attena. jjaser uiy auu Heppnar papers please copy. OOX March 21st at S86 Beech at., Patricia Cox. aged 2 years, Deiovea aaugnier ot Harry and Qertrude Cox. FTlenda invited to attend the funeral aervlcea. which will be held from tbe above reaidence tomor row (Thursday). March 23, at 9:30 A. M. Interment at Mount Calvary Cemetery. CAMERON In thla city, March 20, at S0J North 34th at.. Melissa Cameron agea 4 yeara 1 month and 10 days. The fu neral aervlcea will be held at Flnleya par lors at 11 A. M.- today (Wedneaday). Frlenda Invited. Interment Ktvervlaw Cemetery. BICKFORD In this elty, March 21, at 358 North 32d at., Callata II. Blckford, aged 76 yeara 1 month and 2T days. The fu neral aervloea will be held at the above residence at t P. M. today (Wednesday). Interment in the family plot, Seattle, Waab. 6WTNNBY Tha funeral services at Delia Taylor Bwlnney will be held March 23. (Thursday), at 10 A. M-, from Hematock a parlora. East 13th and Umatilla ava. Tha funeral car will leave for the Portland Crematorium at 1045. Services at Cre, matorlum. Frlenda invited. HALL In thla city Mareh 20. Elmon O. Hall, aged 74 years. The funeral aervloea will ba held at Finley's parlora at 10 A. M Thuraday. March 28. Friends invited. Interment Rlverview Cemetery. beaver papers please copy. ZIMMERMAN The funeral services ef the late Elizabeth Zimmerman will ba held at the Flrat Evangelical Church, corner 10th and Clay ate-, at 2:30 P. M. today (Wedneaday). Interment at Canby, Ore-gas- Friends Invited. CHju)B In this elty. March 2. Daniel W. Chaae, aged 61 yeara. Frlenda Invited to attend funeral servicea, which will oe held at Holman'a Chapel at 9 P. M. (tomorrow) Thursday, March 23. IONSETH FLORAL CO MAKVlCAM BLDO., FLORAL IJKfloNS. Phones: Main 8102; A tlOt. Punning A MeEntee, Funeral Directora, 7th and Phie. phone Main 430. Lady as elatant. Office ef County Coroner. EDWARD HOLMAN CO., Funeral Plreet arm. Zi 3d at- Lady assistant. Phone M. Ml. at. P. FTNLEY- SON, Id and Madiaea. Lady attendant. Phone Mala . A lotfS. EAST SIDE Funeral Directora. aurceaaors te F. 8. Lunulas, Inc. E. 2, B MM. KBJCSON CO roiirrtakera. Lady aaalsU sat. 4US Alder. M. 6133. A KiS. KELLER-BYRNES CO., Funeral Director. 4 Wllllama ave.i bath phones; lady asst. LERC'H, Csdartaker. eoa. Eaat Alder and tixth. Eaat ?L at UW. Lady asalstaat. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY OFFICE CITY HALL Mam .9. A fAsS- HLMANE OFFICER. EAST 4 77 J Horse Ambulansa. A 6101: FT. Ba- -4. Nlrhta. Sundaya and Holidays, A 6103; Fr. Ex. 4: Trin f. BUNGALOWS" COOK TAYLOR'S SPECIALS $25,000 Warehouse Site inOxlBo F1AST STDPJ WITH TRACK AGE IMPROVED WITH CHEAP WAREHOUSE A BARGAIN. $15,000 Lower Alb ina Business Properly 100x185 ONE BLOCK EAST OF MISSISSIPPI AVE. UOOD UtJtJJMiu ai PRESENT. CAN EASILY BE MADE TO PAY 18 PER CENT IsiST UK Jin VESTMENT. $3750 WILL. HANDLE. $11,500 Machine Shop or Factory Site 60x100 ONE BLOCK FROM EAST MORRISON STREET. HAH UUUD JUX COME. COOK & TAYLOR 402-3-4-5 LEWIS BLDG, FOURTH AND OAK STS. ANYBODY with $50,000 See us for an A 1 INVESTMENT CHAPIN & HEEL0W 332 Chamber of Commerce. We have several Large Tracts Of land in the "Willamette Valley es neciallv well located to colonize at right prices. It might pay yon to look into thia. Brong-Steele Co. Ground Floor Lewis Building, ' Cor. 4th and Oak Sts. Warehouse Site $9000 a- . .m t Jf A faai fMintttlSr ATI railroad track, close in on East Side. house or manufacturing- plant. Tnlf aiSU 1 1 UIl VO Vll h U UOlllcna .iwe win easily aouDie in vaiue. inw pnuw Is good for days only; 300Q cash. Daiaoee terms. CHARLES HIGGLER A COMFAJTT, 21 1 Lewis BIdg. Hay Ranch .S0-acra hav ranch, cays net 30 per cent. vieiaB ai xona iimomy per or N. E. Pendleton, shipping station near. barn Holds oVU tone nay Email nouse; plenty spring water; great stock or wneal rancn ; ineany an can oe cum vnted: smooth north sloDe. deep rich soil. Price 114.400, one-third cash; easy terms; sure snap. GRUSSI A ZADOW, 817 Board of Trade Bide-, 4th and Oak. 14 NET will sell half Interest In apartment- house leased for 5 years; Nob Hill dis trict. $18,000 F. L. LEVEE. 81T Spalding; Bldg. Phone Main 7387. H0ME5EEKERS ATTENTION TTRAnOIIARTERS FOR WELL- SELECTED SMALL FARMS, IRRIGAT ED AND NON-IRRIGATED ORCHARD LANDS, FRUIT AND GARDEN TRACTS. ACREAGE OP ALL SIZES AND IN EVERY LOCATION. PRICES AND TERHS. COOK & TAYLOR 4112-3-4-5 LEWIS BLDG, FOURTH AND OAK STS. APARTMENT SITE We can quote a lew eaah price en that sightly quarter on the 8. W. cor ner ef 16th and MontKomery. It has a scenlo value which makes It very de eirable for apartments; only IS mln utes waitc to r. u. STROsre 4t co, eos Concord Bldg. East 20th, Near YamhiD Fine, modern 7-room house. 8 years old: furnace, fireolace and all other latest improvements; wanting- distance. Price $4750, part cash and 20 per month. GIU7SSI IPOW, 81 T Beard f Trade Bldg, 4th aad Oafc. West Side Investment $28,000 Pine anartment-house on 60x100 lot. annual rent about (3560. Will net 12 per rent on the Investment. Location will Increase steadily in value. Terras. POBTT.ANO-PACIPie IJfV. CO, 418 Hallway Exchange Bids;. (Ufirt In Portland Heights; 85x dOOUU 100: on carllne; suitable for fine noma or apartment nouse. iteej CIOCn Fine corner, near K. 28th OfraSOU and Brazee; 100x108: fine location for several houses. (1364) J"OAArt 2 tracts of vacant land In tjaaUUtl Crestvlew Villas. About i acres In alL A good buy. Terms. i Qff A fine corner on Broad-way: 0)1 OUU 100x100. This side of Rose City Park. $-; The choicest lot In Rose City (OU Park; 60x100: only 76 cash, lit per month. Investigate. e'A The cheapest buy In Gregory tPaSOU Heights: 0x100. fenced; (250 cash. Other cheap lota. A irn A dosen cheap lots on easiest ij'tOU terms; near Sandy rod. Spe cial Inducements. m l THOM Real Estate Department. Chamber ' ef Ooroeree Building. Fourth and Stark. WEST SO SIDE x LOTS lOO $200 TO $400 EASY TERMS. 5 CARFARE. Riirht near carline. Short ride frnm hnsinesa center. Established neighborhood. Good water. As an investment mese 101s wm prove a most profitable one. If vo are seekmsr a aniet and healthy place for a home these lota will appeal to you. Take United Railways car, get off at Whitwood Court. Agent mere. Or call on Shepard, Mills & Rogers 214-215 Board of Trade Bldg. Main 6659 - A710 APARTMENT HOUSE SITE 100x100 Feet Cor. 21st and Kearney Sts. On Carline. Present income $150 per month. u p. paimeI-jones CO. 212-213 Com'l Club Bldg. Corner Fifth and Oak Sts. DAIRY RANCH of J58 acres, 1 mile from railway and eleotric line and large eondeneer at Forest Grove, on good county road with R. F. D.. milk route and telephone. Excellent soil, 15 acres genuine beaver dam land. Land lies well and is fenced: ir0 acreB In high state of culti vation. Good spring water, piped to i 1 AAU- V.KAllanl fellllrifno-a UUU.VI nw, - ' ... " - - n ', good orchard and berries. An ideal place lor oairy. i-ncw fd,uuu, ui ijv 000 with stock, Implements and crop. tinAAA will hanflla it. A b&ro-ain. Come and eeo plclure. Kauffman & Moore 825 Lamber Exchange. Pays 13 East Side business property, consist ing ef 3 stores and 2 flats, on promi nent eorner. Only $5500 eash re quired, Income $1254. Price $9500 Goddard 8 VViedrict 243 Stark St. . To Lease, 100x100 nna ar tha best Quarters left on good business street, nine blocks from p O Old improvements bring fair in come. The lease Is for long tin and surprisingly cheap. YVAL.UV J . B l fca a,ivi'f , liu Spaldlaa- Bids. JJu. $25,000