22. . 1911. TIIE 12 MORNING OREGONIAN. AVEPNESPAY. MARCH GMDE SHORTHORN CHAMPION OF ALL Steer From Haines, Or., Voted Best All Around Beef Ani mal in Big Show. JUDGES COMPLETE TASK Morris Hooh Outpoint Competitors la Students t'onlet PrcTK-e of Many M'omrn Is Note worthy Feature. rerfect In form and rich, dark rrd In color, a S-year-old grade Shorthorn steer, bred In Haines. Or., by E. W. fnie. won trie championship for the ln-te mn! at the I'arlflc Northwest livestock Show yesterday afternoon. It was pitted aa-alriat every steer and lirllrr In the yarda. and there were sl of them. The Juder. W. U Rush, of Wntrr. declared that the steer w nearly as perfect i(wlmo of beef cat tle found upon the farm. The Coles' steer bad a clo competi tor In the irrade Aberdeen Anaus Mar tin better owned b A. Eagleston. of Ka!. Idaho. and rsfclblted bv Iobbs Evan, of Kagle. The heifer Is I years old. The ude ruled that she ws outpointed In furro. !n the (rand champion carlot class. M. Klnnon Chandler, of l.a Orande. or., won wlto a fine lot of irrade Here ford. Many Women Attend. Yesterday's attendance was the larg est since the openins; of the show, and ll was noticeable that wmea were etual In number to the men. They be rn romlns; from the oiwnlns; hoar un til late In the afternoon and were deeply Interested. In the lanes where the fat snora: were on exhibition the bright dresses of the women could be seen on ail sides. Anions; the more prominent visitor were Dr. Jame Vltbycombe. director of the Oregon :perlment Station at I'orvalils; Pro fessor W. T. MclKrald. of the anfmal liusbandry department of the Wash ington Aarlcultural College at Pull man: Professor W. l Carlyle. director rf the Idaho Agricultural folltge at Moscow. Idaho: Ir. S. R. Nelson, of tipokane. and S. R. Daugherty. special agent of the Bureau of Animal Indus try of the United States lepartment of Agriculture. The entire day was devoted to tha awarding of the prize by the Judges J. L. Bush, of Denver, for rattle; Pro fessor Carlyle. of Moscow. Idaho, sheep and horses, and Professor McDonald, of Pullman, for bogs. They completed their work by night and announced the results to the officers la charge. The total of cash awards Is close to of which the railways give one half and the rortland Colon Stock yards the other half. Finished Stock Needed. Pr. vruhycombe. who vra escorted through the pens by President Splaan and YUnairer IJvely. su!d that he was surprtst-d by the else of the show and the magnificent specimens of cattle. iieep and bogs. "The present want of Oregon." said Mr. WlthTcombe. "Is a better llnlHtied product snd the primary motive of this show Is to give object lessons and practical d-jn-rnexratlons of the Intrinsic value of welU Bnasjied livotovk of the right type. In tMs respect there has been a marked Improvement since the establishment of s keen, active and competitive rreirket at North Portland. La nee ma the livestock Industry of the Northwest Is now. it Is yet In Its Infanry. Kange conditions will give aay wholly to farm conditions, which will mean a much larger produc tion of a better quality. Livestock must be the bas.s of succeavful agriculture. The soli must be fed. and there Is ro better way of doing tr.la than by raisins; llv-regock. Instesd of the old familiar method of producing rattle upon a thou sand hills, they will b produced upon lAms farms. I'nder farm conditions, bel ter methods will be employed and. of course, better stock will be produced. The In'luence of trls show should be far-reuchlng. It should nove a leading tactcr in bringing about a better under standing among the growers as to nurk't demama. It wl'.l afford tangible means for the growers! to make correct com parison. Ti-us ll"e sl-.ow will be edu cational in the most prucilcal way po- ble. Ti e many g od Influences result ing should prove a strong Impetus for a much larger and better livestock pro duction throughout the Pacific North west. It will aid materially the develop ment of a great Industry, the profits of whi.h w.ll strengthen and vitalise every avenue of commerce n. thus help to make Torttand I .e Chtcngo of the ea trvme eu Limit t:lly Kraclird. "The limit of the possible- livestock fr -Muctlon of the Northwest is practical cal r lncompreha.ble. Oregon is pre eminently a livestock state and stands second to notse In this repot- This In dustry under more Inlrli.g-'nt methoe'e cf production will develop rapidly and bri a prv.pertty Into many a home." e feei ng manifest on the part of the stockmen In general Is a remarkably bopeful one. Tsey believe that the In t!ury is la Its youthful stage and will become the chief Industry of the North west. Tne Interest taken In the display was etrorglr shown by the fact that tera were stockmen present from Mon tana. Idaho. tl.!om!a. Washington and Oregon. In the darlaye the Herefords were In t:ie major. ty. although Short liorrs wen. close In numhersw In the aoarils M. Kenuon. !" n at Chandler woo rot only tne grand championship for carlots. bot also the ;. year-old car.ot. ait important ctas:ru-atton. They were secoe-i in the rat S-year-old steer, .paved or Mir'Jn beiier rlaras. In J-ar-.U rarlct 1L lirooke. of Tl-e Dalle, won first prlie. la 1-year-old steer, cm rl !. Carter A Jailer, of aker. won C.-et. W. O. Martin had the (rue winner In the yearling class. It ws a grade Shorthorn, an especially -well formed antm-vl. . . In) m XT . , I V nmsr-t', nW n't bull Una. wrilch handsom.-ly dec oiated for tiie s-w. uniformed employea escorted trie visitors and pointed out the ctf points of tae ds-play they rvd on tlJlMLon. The visitors also saw Just how cattle, sheep and togs are slaughtered. Awards Are Annoaneed. The following awards were an nounce.! by J. I- Bush, of Denver, who bad charge of tbe cattle department: Ursnd caamplew. var.ot McKennon. Soa A 4'aaad.ar. La Craaae, Or., grade Here fords. " K..t three-year-eld steers, spared or r. t'a betfera, ear.ots nrst. . K. Brook.. The Is la. srwda Herefoeil.. secad. Hrowa amaoan. Kaker. graJe Korthoms. tl-h-4. y T sia'tea. maevllle. grade Herefords: fourth, troknii'". eo Chandler. t- tirand. Or., srade llereforda rl.st te-er-old -rs. .pa-d or Vse-t-a heif.rm. carlots nrst. st.-Kennoe. Chaadler. lav lirande. graoe H-r:oeO. Meitd. ooeda'.e a aWr. viaseKa. t'al-. s-oe Mrth'rns; third. Carter Vne, Staur, Orv, grade Sberusoras; fouxta. Ba.es Jones. Wisdom. Mont., grsde Hereforda Best one-year-old steers, spayed or Mar tin heifers, carlots First. Carter Jlliler. Barer, or., arade Shorthorns Champion steer, spayed or Martin belfee E. W. Coles, ilalnes. Or., grade Shorthorn steer. Best tbrse-raar-eld steer, spayed or MV tln heifer First, A. Escleslon. Eagle. Aberdeen Angus. Msrtin heifer: second. E H. Coles, lialnss. Or., t-horthnrn heifer, third. Brown Camahan, Baker. vr, fnnrthorn steer; fourth. J C. LooergaB. fortia&d. grade Shorthorn steer. Best two-rear-old steer, spsjed or Msr tln hetfer Klrst. E. H. Coles. Haines. Or.. t . . u, w,nnon. Pnn at I Chandler. I .a ..rands, or.. gr1. Hereford: third. Masterson tvnejr. niip-i grade Hereford: fourth. A. D. Dunn, w a pato.. grade shorthorn. Best yearling steer, spayed or Martin heifer First. W. O. Vlnler. Heppner. Or. grade shorthorn: second. Brown A CV"' hsn. Baker. Or. grsde Hereford: thiro. f'r.i.k Brown. Carlton. Or, grade Here ford: fourth. Carter Miller. Baker, grade Shorthorn. In the sheep clsss Professor Carlyle made the following awards: Best csrlot of 5 head of fst sheep, ewes or wethers or mixed, over one year old First and third. I H. Ketchum. The Dallre: second and fourth. Run Brothers. Pen. dleton. Or Hast carlot of SO head of fat Ian. a. under one year tint. ty. F. Ketcham: second. A-lsms Brothers. Portland; third. K. A. I'.urs. Pendleton; fourth. G. a, Dickson. The es. - Hest pen of fire muttons, one yesr eld and over First. Frank Brown. Carlton; seeood. p. P. Ketrhum. The Italics. Beat wether, one year old and under 5 First and second. Frank Brown. Carlton: third. l. P. Ket. hunv. The Imllee. Best wether lamb First and second. . P. Ketchum, Tbs Dalles. Morris Koon Is W inning Student. The results for the students judging MYERS' RECORD AS BANKER UNSAVORY Officials Forced to Close Doors in Several Former Enterprizes. 22 . CHARTERS OBTAINED 8tate Bank Examiner Wright Sas Institutions Were Incorporated Principally for Purpose ot Later Selling Out Names'. Two city detectives have been as signed to the single task of accom plishing the capture of F. N. Myers, the banker who Is wanted for accepting; deposits In the name of the Itallan- l CHAMPION STEEB OF PACIFIC! NORTHWEST LIVESTOCK $ SHOW i C v r-"" "miiiscCii Ik's ' 'Wei ' : h r 1 IX i GRIDE HHOKTllOBX RAISED IX BtlMES, OB, W. COLE9 A.D OW.ED BY E. contest were as follows, first column representing, tne stanain ior Ing" and tbe aecond for the "reasons : Names. Csttls Horses Sheep Hogs Total LTrv s. . m ssSo ?; lia-i.r M " :S2 Morris Koon was declared the win ner of the contest by all three Judges. N. C. Marls. C. B. Mlnton and W. T. UrIonald. The programme for today Is: 1 A. M . fat rattle display: 10 A. M- awards of killing contest announced;. 11 A. M., judging draft horses in harness; 1 P. M.. registered cattle display. $600,000 TO BElSKEO COrXCII.MKX FAVOR BOXD IS SrB tXR AVDITOR1CM. Special Commitlee Believes Knough Money Should Be Secured at Out set . for Project. At a meeting of tha special anfll torlum committee of the Commercial Club with membera of the City Coun cil yesterday It waa decided to ask tha Council to place upon the ballot next June a proposition to bond the city for tsOO.OO. instead of 1500.000. to build an auditorium. The auditorium project was discussed In all lta phases and some changes, suggested by tha Councllmen. were Incorporated In the measure. Those members of the City Council present at the luncheon, which was held In the dlntng-room rtf the Com mercial Club, expressed themselves as being heartily In favor of tha plan and said they would vote today at tha meeting that the amendment to the charter be submitted to a vote. It was derided to have tha bonds cover a period of 10 years, draw 4 per cent In terest and to create a sinking; fund of jjooo a year for the redemption of the bonds. In addition to tha 11000 It was de rided to have all the profits of tha auditorium paid over to the sinking fund so that In 30 years the bonds may tve redeemed by the rentals re ceived from the auditorium. PLEA FOR DIVORCE DENIED Hu;nand Complains of Conduct of Wife's 18-Year-Old Son. Taul Emit Schmidt and Polly Schmidt were belore Judge Ualcns' department of the Orcult Court jresterdsy. each seeking a decree of divorce. The rVbmldts were married at Toledo. C In May. I Srhmldt left home in Octo ber the same year, declaring that his wife's Is-year-old son abused him. After receiving evidence from both the hus band aud wUe. Judge via tens denied their plea'. Alleging .that his wife abandoned him snd their three small children and ab sconded with C W. Fall. Frank K. Wheeler has brought m suit for divorce sgalnst Mallle Wheeler. They were married at Baker June a. lK-i. ..ii i n .lurM that her bus- band. J. C. Harlan, has deserted her and left her on her own resources. They were married in Portland August J7. 1 !. She alleges that her husband left two years afterward. Declaring that his wife has aban doned his borne without cause. Charles U miBols Is -seeking a divorce from Ida IL DuBois. They werw married In .- ... v -In 1 V 90. 1 Kill UU -! , . - .... tiarah Pearl Porter Is plaintiff In a divorce suit starlet in tne urcmi v" wt. -1 1 r . that her hus band. William H. Porter. Is an Inebriate and has subjectea tier to cruet wnu in human treatment at various times since they were married In 1391. American Bank, despite the fact that no charter has been secured for that Institution and It haa not been licensed to do business. So far the quest has been unsuccessful. f Myers came to Oregon In 10 with a record of having enKaged in unsuc cessful banking; operations In Califor nia. Two of his institutions, located In that state, were closed by the Bank- w . i.tnn THav wars the Com ma; VU01IIIIHIUU. . J merclal Bank, organised In 1904, and the cnitea states inv o& Dany. of which Myers waa president. which waa closed In 1907 by Z. F. tld rldge. at that time a member of the State Banking; Commission, afterwards president of the national nana ot mo Pacific, San Francisco, but now re mission for ordering the United Bank & Trust Company to cease Dusinesa waa . i . . r n I -.. rl n .hirrart cum. i ii at l aicia w, ba,. " pany as a side Issue and loaned the ab stract company the money necessary for capital stock, taking as security the note of the company for BO years. A secona cause was um mo m . i - v. not kent In its iiuu a uta " " - arrived It waa necessary for the money . . . - . 1. .....M. to Oe Drougni in irwni . uu""uv' Myers declared that he waa storing; it In safety deposit vaults as a precau tionary measure, out m j nun failed to satisfy the Banking Commis sion. Earlier Connections Good. It is said that Myers was at one time connected with one of the largest banks In San Francisco and that he was with that Institution 11 years. After severing his connection he started In the banking business independently, or ganising among; others the Japanese American Bank of Los Angeles, which came to an untimely end. When Myers came to Oregon in 190 and organised the Oerman-American Bank vigorous efforts were made by bankers of this city and a local periodi cal devoted to banking Interests to force him from the state because of his California record. Myers nnajly re signed the presidency of the German American Bank, since absorbed by Ash ley A Kumelln. but for a time Insisted on remaining as one of the directors of the institution as a vindication of his character. , Before the state banking law went Into effect in 190, Myers secured char ters for banks, only a few of which, among them bain the Ocr man -American BanK of Portland; the Mount Scott Bank, of Lents; the Bank of Beaverton: tha Scandinavian-American Bank, of Astoria, and the Washington County Bank, of Banks. Or, were actually or ganised and opened for business. The charters of the remainder were de clared canceled this Winter by Acting Governor Bowerman for failure to pay the state corporation tax. Myers" scheme, declares State Bank Examiner Wrteht. was to secure bank charters and sell them. Banks Organized for Sale. "Myers Incorporated these numerous banks, not so much for the purpose of eventually organising them, but rather to sell the nam's to other banks." said Mr. Wright to the Salem correspondent of The orcgonlan yesterday. "For in stance, he Incorporated the Italian-American Bank of Portland, and when .lie learned that the Italian-American BanK of San Francisco wished to establish a branch there he Immediately started to organise for the purpose of selling to the San Francisco bank. Evidently his price was too high. Then he determined to establish tbe bank anyway. The first papers In connection with an effort to have this bank recognised by the banking department of the state were filed in this office June 17 of last year. He stated that he had S&.000 capi tal paid up I investigated and was sat teded that he had not complied with the law and I not 1 fled him on July 25 that I refused to grant hta request- On Aug ust li he called at the office In person snd submitted a new list but I again re fused. . "He a-ked for a meeting with the Board of Bank Commissioners, and on August It he discussed tbe questions with Acting tiovernor Bowerman, State Treas- ursr Steel and myself at the Imperial Visit Our Plant Today This the last day of the-First Annual Pacific Live Stock .Show which is being held at the Portland Union Stock Yards, North Portland. After visiting the show come over to our big plant and see how the raw material cattle, hogs, etc. is prepared, for market. Uniformed guides will show you through and the trip will prove both educational and interesting. You have no idea of the numerous articles that are manufac tured at our big plant. Come and see them on display. Every body is welcome. Be sure to come. Don't miss it. You will learn all about how hams, bacon, lard, sausage and dozens of other products are made from the live stock you see at the show. Take L or St. Johns car. UNION MEAT COMPANY Hotel In Portland. They approved my action all the wav through and Acting Governor Bowerman informed Myers that under no conditions would he allow a bank to be started In this state 'on wind' as long as he was Acting Governor. Since then Myers has been getting sub scriptions to pull off some kind of a deal to show that he had cash." Deals Are V'nsavory. TMa-. a, x.',vmHa, 91 19ft. a com munication was forwarded to then State Bank Examiner Steel by the California Board of Bank Examiners relative to Myers" record. The following is an ex tract: .... l 1 M V.nlrlnV 1. 1 tvl In aiyers is auou u ' San Francisco-as a professional promo ter ana nis mpuisuuu i wcu The Bank Commissioners some time ago refused to grant a license to any bank with which Mr. Myers was connected. Mr. Myers was formerly connected witn . v. - Ti-a ui.tai Ranv A- Trust Com pany of this city, which Institution the Bank Commissioners were csuoru i close owing to the fact that the Institu tion was not formed properly, having sold stock and taken otes In return for the same and also having Invested snuch , an .Anuinttlnni in rjur- chasing of bonds, etc. than the rules of the Commission wouia permit. . i n..li,Vil .lalae fnil thlS tlBHK ,iwiuiwi nils" " communication is to him sufficient proof . .. i 1 . 1 ann rnnnltrfl that Myers capuauaeu um oo bank in the same manner he was at- . . ...oitaltia the Italian-Ameri can Bank of Portland. Myers Put Out of Firm. v,fhe character of Mr. Myers does not warrant any confidence being placed in . i i ( v.. ,B" MtfLtea any nana vnicn no iobv . . . .-- another communication received at the State Bank examiner s oinco n"1" -leading banker of San Francisco under date of February 20, 1907. "He organized the Commercial Bank in this city some three years ago and was put out lor His nrevious connections I think were creditable." Myers secured incorporation pimi the Japanese-American Bank in 1908 and rented quarters at the corner of Fifth and Burnside streets. The sign disap peared and the offices were vacated In v . -i a- tha knowledge a snort vimo. - ---- of the authorities goes Myers did not ac- cetp deposits in tne nsauo . as be la alleged to have done In the rase of the embryo Italian-American BMrt Myers yesterday visited District Attorney Cameron and tearfully declared that her husband Is not seek'ng to skip from the city. She Intimated th at he would eventually come in and gite him self up. It is surmised that Myers is keeping out of sight in hope of arrang ing for a bond which will keep him from fnr imnrtsoned In the City Jail. Myers Is 3 yesrs ot age. WAR IS NOT WIDESPREAD D. M. Dunn) Saya Insurrection Is Not Felt In Mexico's Capital. Describing the Insurrection In Mex ico aa being a thing almost unheard of In Mexico City and saying that a traveler going through there would not know such a thing as war was taking place. David M. Dunne at the Rotary Club dinner westerday In Rich ard's Cafe gave an Interesting descrip tion of the work of the lnsurreetos along the border and declared that their destructive work was confined to burning railway bridges and making assaults upon small villages. He said that the rebels were unorganized and mostly were bands of guerillas who were out for the pillage rather than to reform the government, although there were a few good men in. the ranks who believed that they had a mission. The mobilization of the troops of the United States along the border was having a good effect, he thought, for It stopped the bsnds from going from one side to the other. The chief grievance of the lnsurreetos. Mr. Dunne said, was that they hsd no voice In the republic or In the election of its officials. It one wished to have a pri vate dance, he waa compelled to ask the government for permission. This was cited as one of the many obstruc tions to the liberties of the people. Will A. Knight acted as chairman of the day. . OPENING TO BE GALA DAY North Taklma. to Celebrate Arrival of North Coast Trains. Opening of the new'North Coast exten sion of the O.-W. R. & N. line from Attalia. Wash., to North Yakima will be made a gala occasion today. A special train from Walla Walla will carry a party of Harriroan -officials and business men of Walla Walla and Spo kane to North Taklma. A special Pull man car from W'etaer, Idaho, will take a delegation of citizens from that place, ail of whom will Join In the festivities. An elaborate programme has been pre pared, providing for entertainments at various towns along the way. The spe cial train will leave Walla Walla at 7:30 and will make brief stops at Attalia and Kennewick. arriving at North Ya kima at 12:30 P. M. A banquet will be given by the North Taklma Commercial Club to the visiting railroad men and merchants from nearby towns. A base ball game and a band concert also will be features. The Portland party will consist of R. B. Miller, traffic manager: William McMur ray, general passenger agent; H. F. . i. .. ..Distant srenera.1 freight agent, and A. C. Martin, chief clerk. John M. Scott, assistant general passens" agent, will Join them at Walla Walla. EAST SIDE PROPERTY SOLD Quarter Block at Union Avenue anfl Kast Alder Brings $35,000. The quarter block at the northwest comer of Union avenue, and East Alder street was sold yesterday for J3S.O0O by C. E. Fields to an Eastern capitalist whose name Is withheld. The sale was made by Dabney & Dabney, who have been operating extensively In Union avenue property. The piece is directly across the street from the three lots bought last month by M. W. Hunt and associates from Mrs. P. J. Mann for G6,000. It is improved with a two-atory brick building with stores below and rooms above, which yield a fair return on the investment. There have been half a dozen or more Important sales oil Union avenue since the beginning of the year. Real estate and business men who axe familiar with the situation predict that Union avenue will become an Important retail thor oughfare with Increased growth on tne East Side. . Have an Abstract That's Dependable Aii All Around Household Remedy Dwffy'a Pure Malt whiskey la used la Mr. Agor"s home as tbe family medl . cine. ' It should be In, every medicine chest. It la good for everybody. In his letter he says: "I have used Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey In my fam ily for the last Ave years. It Is cer tainly a wonderful remedy for colds, bowel trouble and nervousness. We take it as an all-around household remedy and feel sure it can't be beat." John Agor, R. F. D. No. 3. Hammonds port. N. Y. Dof fys Pure Malt Whiskey has to Its credit over fifty years' o publlo service. It is the result of years of careful work and is an absolutely pure distillation of carefully malted grain. Overworked men. delicate women and sickly ch ldren will find in It the health and strength-giving parts that are so necessary to them. It is a wonderful remedy in the treat ment and cure of consumption, pneu monia, grip, bronchitis, coughs, colds, asthma, malaria, low fevers, stomach troubles and all wasting, weakening conditions, if taken as directed. Duffy's Pure Malt "Whiskey Is sold IN SEALED BOTTLES ONLY by druggists, grocers and dealers every where, or rhipped direct for Il.OJ) per large bottle. The tmffr Malt Whiskey Co., Rochester..'. Y Vim, Energy And A Keen Exhilaration RESULT FROM A BATH WITH HAND SAPOLIO la hot weather It revives your en erg-tea. and stimulates the skin to healthy action. "The Bath Refreshing All Grocer and Drugtlatm WHEN A LAWYER EXAMINES AN AB STRACT, HE ISSUES AN OPINION ONLY ON WHAT THE ABSTRACT SHOWS. IF AN ABSTRACT ISSUED BY ONE OF OUR MEMBERS OF RECORD DOES NOT CON TAIN ALL THE DATA THEY ARE RE SPONSIBLE TO YOUR ATTORNEY TO YOU Who would be responsible if there were an omission in an . . "11 twn. abstract made Dy an irresponsive person ui ium. The Oregon Association of Title Men is made up of the responsible abstract com panies of Oregon. Write for our list. It shows who is the dependable firm i -n: t i f -in your county, write us ior our booklet, "How Brown Nearly (jOUpOH .Lost xiis nome. t contains valuable information for property holders. Use the coupon. of vt a Oregon Ass'n II tin Men. 612 Board of Trade Building. Gentlemen. I am IntaraatflH In STOOd abstracting and will be pleased to have you send me your booklet "How Brown Nearly Lost His Home." Kama .. Address . OitgoivAssicf Title S13 BOARD OF TRADE BUILDING l ..:..k" n. -i.K', ;:.! 'ivtf; j ,iyl.,.p.ila r..i: mr a 'rwvD Build a Are You Planning to Rome This Spring? If so, Don't Delay Buying Your Lot Any Longer Go out to Laurelhttrst and you will see the finest resi ' denee property in all Portland. Not only is it the hand somest of the exclusive districts in the city, but it is the "lowest in price. Our prices are $900 and up-10 per cent cash and 2 per cent a month. In no other district so close Ho the center 15 minutes from Second and Morrison streets , can a lot be had for so little money. Come in and talk the matter over vrith Mead and Murphy, sales agents, 522 Corbett bldg. Phones: Main 1503, A 1515. To reach Laurelhurst take Rose City Park, East Ankeny or Montavilla cars. '